[CTRL] Fwd: Rove ET AL Could Get 10+ Years in Prison

2005-08-10 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: August 10, 2005 3:24:28 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Rove ET AL Could Get 10+ Years in Prison Why AIPAC Indictment Is Bad News for RoveDavid Corn Mon Aug 8, 1:20 PM EThttp://news.yahoo.com/s/thenation/20050808/cm_thenation/311020  Last week, the Justice Department issued a new indictment of Lawrence Franklin, the Pentagon official accused of passing secrets to officials of AIPAC, the pro-Israel lobbying outfit. The indictment is bad news for the Bush White House and Karl Rove.That's not only because the Franklin case is embarrassing for the administration, the Pentagon, and their neocon allies. (Franklin worked with Douglas Feith, who until recently was a senior Pentagon official close to the neocons.) The Franklin indictment is a sign that Rove and any other White House aide involved in the Plame/CIA leak might be vulnerable to prosecution under the Espionage Act.Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald--who is not involved in the Franklin prosecution--has not had to state publicly what sort of case he is trying to build in the Plame/CIA leak matter. The most obvious one would be based on the charge that the leaker violated the Intelligence Identities Protection Act. But that law was narrowly drawn, and to win a conviction Fitzgerald would have to prove that Rove or any other leaker knew that Valerie Wilson was working under cover at the CIA. There are, however, other laws under which Fitzgerald might charge the CIA/Plame leakers. The Franklin indictment points the way. (And criminal law aside, by sharing classified information with at least two reporters--Valerie Wilson's employment at the CIA was classified--Rove committed an offense that violated various rules and would get most government workers seriously punished or dismissed.)The Franklin indictments notes:On or about December 8, 1999, FRANKLIN signed a Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement, a Standard Form 312 (SF-312). In that document FRANKLIN acknowledged that he was aware that the unauthorized disclosure of classified information by him could cause irreparable injury to the United States or could be used to advantage by a foreign nation and that he would never divulge classified information to an unauthorized person. He further acknowledged that he would never divulge classified information unless he had officially verified that the recipient was authorized by the United States to receive it. Additionally, he agreed that if he was uncertain about the classification status of information, he was required to confirm from an authorized official that the information is unclassified before he could disclose it.Yet, the indictment alleges, Franklin passed classified information to Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman, two senior AIPAC officials. And the indictment claims Rosen and Weissman shared this information with Israel. Consequently, the indictment charges Franklin, Rosen and Weissman with "conspiracy to communicate National Defense Information under sections 793(d) and 793(e) of Title 18, United States Code. And Franklin was charged with three counts of "communication of National Defense Information"--not conspiracy--under section 793(d). He was also charged with one count of "conspiracy to communicate classified information" to a foreign government.Let's look at sections 793(d) and (e). The first generally applies to government officials, the second to nongovernment officials. Both sections make it a crime to transmit national defense information--and the identity of an undercover CIA officer would probably count as national defense information--to a person unauthorized to receive it (such as a reporter). These sections define violators as(d) Whoever, lawfully having possession of, access to, control over, or being entrusted with any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, or note relating to the national defense, or information relating to the national defense which information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation, willfully communicates, delivers, transmits or causes to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted or attempts to communicate, deliver, transmit or cause to be communicated, delivered or transmitted the same to any person not entitled to receive it, or willfully retains the same and fails to deliver it on demand to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it. (e) Whoever having unauthorized possession of, access to, or control over any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, or note relating to the national defense, or information relating to the national defense which information the po

[CTRL] Fwd: (2) Israeli Lobby Spy Scandal

2005-08-10 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: August 10, 2005 3:15:53 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: (2) Israeli Lobby Spy Scandal  The Israeli Lobby Spy Scandal  http://www.mpacuk.org/content/view/480/101/   ["Patriot Act" CAVEAT: pro-Arab website] ''I know you're taking one for the team here, Steve, but trust me, we'll take care of you. I already got a call from one of our board members, Bob Donorwitz, out in LA. He's in the publishing business -- will put you on as a VP at more than double your current salary, and not much work. As far as sentencing goes, it's just illegal receipt of classified information, not espionage -- you'll be out in a year or two, maybe not even get any jail time at all. I know you'd like the try an entrapment defense, Steve, but our lawyers tell us that the FBI has all their i's dotted and t's crossed -- they know how to do a sting without running afoul of the case law on entrapment. If you take this to trial, not only are you going to get your ass handed to you, but you're going to expose the organization to a lot of public scrutiny. They'll introduce the wiretap transcripts as evidence -- a lot of peripheral stuff. It'll get quoted on the evening news. Talking to folks on the Hill about Iraq, Iran. Steve, you understand this, we're not going to be nearly as effective if we get this sort of bright light shined on us, if we're put under a microscope. Trust me, Steve, we'll take care of you. Just don't screw us.''   The above conversation is fictitous, of course, a literary device -- but I think it accurately illustrates the concerns AIPAC has, and the strategies they'll employ, to try to limit the damage from the FBI investigation. Their main focus will be political, rather than legal -- to minimize the amount of internal information about their activities which is disclosed to the public, because if everything the FBI knows about them gets out, they won't be very politically effective afterwards.   Let me recap briefly what is known publicly of the history of this:   On June 26, 2003, Larry Franklin (a career Pentagon official on Doug Feith's staff) was observed by FBI surveillance disclosing classified information on a proposed policy initiative to destabilize Iran at the Tivoli Restaurant in Arlington, Virginia. The AIPAC investigation apparently had been ongoing for some time, which is why there were FBI agents tailing the AIPAC staffers. Afterwards, as one would expect, the FBI obtained a wiretap warrant to monitor Larry Franklin, and picked him up in May 2004 disclosing classified information to Adam Ciralsky, a CBS News producer who had previously been an attorney with the CIA.   In June 2004, the FBI confronted Franklin about the evidence they had on him, and eventually obtained his agreement to cooperate in the investigation. Franklin then passed information, on July 21, 2004, to an AIPAC staffer at a Virginia mall, purporting to be on Iranian threats to Israeli agents operating in Iraq, which was then passed to Israeli intelligence -- a classic "sting" operation.    Franklin also apparently called several other prominent neocons, including Richard Perle, Ahmed Chalabi's American advisor Francis Brooke, and Adam Ciralsky of CBS, who [luckily] appear not to have taken the bait.    The evidence of passing classified information to the Israelis gave the FBI the probable cause they needed to search AIPAC's offices and copy their computer files, which was accomplished in two raids in September and December 2004. Two AIPAC staffers, Director of Research Steve Rosen, and Iran expert Keith Weissman, were put on paid leave.    Franklin himself apparently was eventually allowed to return to work at the Defense Department, but in another job and stripped of his security clearance (such "makework jobs" are a frequent result of government security clearance actions against career officials, since it's so hard to actually fire someone).    It's also known that Franklin stopped cooperating with the FBI in late summer 2004, and retained Washington superlawyer Plato Cacheris as his defense counsel. (Franklin isn't rich - who is funding this?)     Custody of the investigation was transferred last fall from the FBI's director of counterintelligence, David Szady, to Paul McNulty, a federal prosecutor in Alexandria, Virginia, and they took it to a grand jury in January 2005. The FBI doesn't usually go to a grand jury unless they're pretty sure they can obtain an indictment -- over 95% of federal grand jury hearings result in criminal charges.   AIPAC's Likely StrategyThe main thing to understand about this case is that it has both legal and political levels. AIPAC's legal problems are only half the story -- they're also going to be extremely worried about having a spotlight shined on their activities, now that the FBI has been "inside their heads" for a couple of years. And, as Ed Black points out, i

[CTRL] Fwd: (More) Where Are [Multiple] Investigations into White House "Leaks" Leading?

2005-08-10 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: August 10, 2005 3:41:50 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: (More) Where Are [Multiple] Investigations into White House "Leaks" Leading? Bigger Than AIPAC Robert Dreyfuss August 09, 2005 http://www.tompaine.com/articles/20050809/bigger_than_aipac.php Robert Dreyfuss is a freelance writer based in Alexandria, Va., who specializes in politics and national security issues. He is a contributing editor at The Nation, a contributing writer at Mother Jones, a senior correspondent for The American Prospect, and a frequent contributor to Rolling Stone. His book, Devil's Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam, will be published by Henry Holt/Metropolitan Books in the fall.Important new details of the U.S.-Israeli espionage case involving Larry Franklin, the alleged Pentagon spy, two officials of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, and an intelligence official at the Embassy of Israel emerged last week. Two AIPAC officials —who have left the organization— were indicted along with Franklin on charges of "communicat[ing] national defense information to persons not entitled to receive it." In plain English, if not legal-speak, that means spying.But as the full text of the indictment makes clear, the conspiracy involved not just Franklin and the AIPAC officials, Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman, but at least several other Pentagon officials who played intermediary roles, at least two other Israeli officials, and one official at a "Washington, D.C. think tank." It's an old-fashioned spy story involving the passing of secret documents, hush-hush meetings and outright espionage, along with good-old-boy networking.But the network tied to the "Franklin case" —which ought to be called the "AIPAC case," since it was AIPAC that was really under investigation by the FBI— provides an important window into a shadowy world. It is clear that by probing the details of the case, the FBI has got hold of a dangerous loose end of much larger story. By pulling on that string hard enough, the FBI and the Justice Department might just unravel that larger story, which is beginning to look more and more like it involves the same nexus of Pentagon civilians, White House functionaries, and American Enterprise Institute officials who thumped the drums for war in Iraq in 2001-2003, who are now trying to whip up an anti-Iranian frenzy as well.Needless to say, all of this got short shrift from the mainstream media when it was revealed last week.The basic facts of the case have been known for a while. Lawrence Anthony Franklin, a Department of Defense official, was caught red-handed giving highly classified papers to two officials, Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman, of AIPAC — in part, concerning U.S. policy toward the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq and the war on terrorism. But from the carefully worded indictment, it is clear that a lot more may have been going on. All in all, along with revealing tantalizing new information, the indictment raises more questions than it answers. To wit:First, the indictment says that from "about April 1999 and continuing until on or about August 27, 2004" Franklin, Rosen and Weissman "did unlawfully, knowingly and willfully conspire" in criminal activity against the United States. So far, no one has explained what triggered an investigation that began more than six years ago. But it reveals how long the three indicted conspirators and "others, known and unknown to the Grand Jury," engaged in such criminal activity. In any case, what appeared at first to be a brief dalliance between Franklin and the two AIPAC officials now —according to the latest indictment, at least— spans more than five years and involves at least several other individuals, at least some of whom are known to the investigation. What triggered the investigation in 1999, and how much information has FBI surveillance, wiretaps and other investigative efforts collected?Second, the indictment makes it absolutely clear that the investigation was aimed at AIPAC, not at Franklin. The document charges that Rosen and Weissman met repeatedly with officials from a foreign government (Israel, though not named in the indictment) beginning in 1999, to provide them with classified information. In other words, the FBI was looking into the Israel lobby, not Franklin and the Defense Department, at the start, and Franklin was simply caught up in the net when he made contact with the AIPACers. Rosen and Weissman were observed making illicit contact with several other U.S. officials between 1999 and 2004, although those officials are left unnamed (and unindicted). Might there be more to come? Who are these officials, cited merely as United States Government Official 1, USGO 2, etc.?Third, Franklin was introduced to Rosen-Weissman when the two AIPACers "called a Department of Defense employee (DOD employee A) a

[CTRL] Fwd: (3) Where Are [Multiple] Investigations into White House "Leaks" Leading?

2005-08-10 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: August 10, 2005 3:53:58 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: (3) Where Are [Multiple] Investigations into White House "Leaks" Leading?  http://www.etherzone.com/2005/raim080505.shtml This news just in: the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports that--    "A source close to the defense said that one of the U.S. officials involved, who has not been indicted, was recently appointed to a senior Bush administration post. The source, who asked not to be identified, would not name the official."     Could it be ... JOHN BOLTON?  Or PETER FLORY?   Bush appoints defense official, bypasses Senate By Charles Aldinger 2 August 2005   WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush on Tuesday again bypassed the Senate and appointed Peter Cyril Wyche Flory to be assistant secretary of defense for international security policy.   Bush's nomination of Flory had languished in the Senate since June 2004, held up by Democratic Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan in his fight with the Pentagon over the release of documents mainly related to the Iraq war.   The "recess appointment" by Bush came as Congress was on its August vacation and puts Flory, a Virginian, in the key Defense Department post until January 2007, when the next Congress takes office.   The move came one day after Bush bypassed the Senate, which normally must confirm senior presidential appointments, to install John Bolton as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Democrats had protested that Bolton, a critic of the world body, would hurt U.S. credibility.   The White House announced Flory's appointment without comment along with several other Bush appointments. But Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman praised the move, charging that the delay in Flory's nomination had nothing to do with his qualifications for the job.   "Since 2001, the Defense Department has operated with an average vacancy of Senate-confirmable political appointments of between 15 and 25 percent," Whitman added.   The spokesman did not name Levin, but noted that "the senator has held his nomination for reasons that were completely unrelated to him, and sought and received thousands of documents that concerned a variety of different policy matters."   Levin, ranking Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, has also blocked approval of Bush's nomination of Eric Edelman to succeed Douglas Feith as undersecretary of defense for policy.   Levin has demanded documents from the Defense Department on intelligence involving Iraq. He and other Democrats have accused Feith's office of manipulating information to support the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.   Flory was principal deputy assistant defense secretary for international security affairs, a job he held last year when nominated by Bush to step up to the policy secretary's job.   He also has served as chief investigative counsel and special counsel for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.   Flory earlier worked in counter-terrorism at the State Department after earning his bachelor's degree from McGill University and a law degree from Georgetown University.   
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Be Afraid -- Be VERY Afraid ...

2005-08-10 Thread RoadsEnd
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Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: August 10, 2005 1:50:01 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Be Afraid -- Be VERY Afraid ...                                          Dick Cheney and other members of the Administration keep saying they "KNOW" there will be another terrorist attack.   Maybe they have inside information.   The top level of the US administration (Feith, Wolfowitz, Libby, Luti, Perle, Zakheim) has very close ties to Israel, some of them even being dual nationals. Perle, Wolfowitz and Feith have all either been caught or investigated spying for Israel.  Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski's pieces on the Israeli generals in Doug Feith's office reveal the extent of Israeli penetration at the Pentagon.  Here's a picture of one of the meetings between Paul Wolfowitz and Israeli Defense Chief Shaul Mofaz.                            Then there's the AIPAC spy probe. Two officials of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) were recently arrested distributing classified information from Larry Franklin, the Defense Intelligence Agency specialist on Iran.                                          Altogether, the massive quantity of Israeli or dual nationals both in and out of government arrested spying and or possibly moving explosives (of the 120 Israeli nationals deported just prior to and after 9/11 ,  many were  expert in explosives or signals intelligence (also check DEA report for confirmation)  warrants a thorough investigation and interdiction.  Especially given the high-level Israeli infiltration of the US civilian and military command                        Perhaps the two largest factions of the New World Order, Skull and Bones and the Zionists are now going into open warfare, as [forces within] the Bush Administration attempt to clean out the neo-conservatives, discipline the Israeli military, and enforce the two state solution.                 Predictably, the word in pro-Zionist circles is that the FBI investigation by Counter Intelligence Chief David Szady into the Larry Franklin affair is "anti-semitic" and driven by a CIA "old guard."   Some "Russian" security sources which cannot be confirmed provide tantalizing intelligence suggesting the same thing -- and repeat the meme of a [phony] nuclear terrorist attack in the USA  staged by the Zionist faction in the Skull and Bones hierarchy, including their neoconservative covert agents.                 Victor Ostrovsky, Mossad defector, has indicated that George Bush Senior may have been targeted by Mossad for assassination ...__     An IRAN war would never fly with the American public, already tired of Iraq and the "War on Terror." Or would it?                      Maybe, just maybe, with the right sort of provocation...             And that's where the latest news from Northcom (the US Northern Command) gets nervewracking ... They are planning a nuclear terrorism drill for August of this year, two weeks away.             As I noted before, we have already now seen TWO devastating instances of drills used as covers for terrorism.  Is this going to be the third strike, and we're out?               Read carefully:Exercise to focus on nuclear terror scenarioPosted Jun 29, 2005 at 1:00:PM MDTFORT MONROE, Va. -- Here’s the scenario…A seafaring vessel transporting a 10-kiloton nuclear warhead makes its way into a port off the coast of Charleston, S.C. Terrorists aboard the ship attempt to smuggle the warhead off the ship to detonate it. Is this really a possibility?Joint Task Force Civil Support (JTF-CS) here is planning its next exercise on the premise that this crisis is indeed plausible.Sudden Response 05 will take place this August on Fort Monroe and will be carried out as an internal command post exercise. The exercise is intended to train the JTF-CS staff to plan and execute Consequence Management operations in support of Federal Emergency Management Agency Region IV’s response to a nuclear detonation.Some of this year’s objectives for SR05 are to refine nuclear incident Concept of Operations, produce a CM Operation Order, refine command post set-up procedures and maintain situational awareness of multiple CM incidents.The Sudden Response exercise has been held at Quantico, Va., in the past, but has been moved to Fort Monroe to maximize command post training time. The senior leadership felt that it was more important to accomplish training instead of losing up to a day and a half in travel time, said Paul Deflueri, J7 Lead Exercise Planner. “This will allow us to still meet our training objectives,” he said.Some external participants may work with JTF-CS during the exercise.“We’re trying to get representatives from FEMA Region IV as well as representatives from South Carolina Emergency Management Division and active duty soldiers from the (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and

[CTRL] Sad Reality of Latest Job Numbers

2005-08-10 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-



The US continues its descent into the Third World, but you would never k
now it from news reports of the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ July payroll 
jobs release.

The media gives a bare bones jobs report that is misleading. The public
heard that 207,000 jobs were created in July. If not a reassuring figure, at
least it is not a disturbing one. On the surface things look to be pretty 
much OK.
It is when you look into the composition of these jobs that the concern

Of the new jobs, 26,000 (about 13%) are tax-supported government jobs.
That leaves 181,000 private sector jobs. Of these private sector jobs,
177,000, or 98%, are in the domestic service sector.

Here is the breakdown of the major categories:

- 30,000 food servers and bar tenders
- 28,000 health care and social assistance
- 12,000 real estate
- 6,000 credit intermediation
- 8,000 transit and ground passenger transportation
- 50,000 retail trade
- 8,000 wholesale trade
- 7,000 construction jobs, most of which were filled by Mexicans

Not a single one of these jobs produces a tradable good or service that
can be exported or serve as an import substitute to help reduce the
massive and growing US trade deficit. The US economy is employing people
to sell things, to move people around, and to serve them fast food and
alcoholic beverages. The items may have an American brand name, but they
are mainly made off shore. For example, 70% of Wal-Mart’s goods are made
in China.

Where are the jobs for the 65,000 engineers the US graduates each year?
Where are the jobs for the physics, chemistry, and math majors? Who
needs a university degree to wait tables and serve drinks, to build
houses, to work as hospital orderlies, bus drivers, and sales clerks? 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] transcripts from the 2005 Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Conference

2005-08-10 Thread Smart News
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Several transcripts from the presentations at the 2005 Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Conference are now available on the web :

Carol Rutz is a survivor of SRA and Government Mind Control Experiments. Her book "A Nation Betrayed" http://my.dmci.net/~casey/ tells the chilling true story of secret Cold War experiments performed on innocent children and unsuspecting adults. She continues to work at endeavors which help to provide validation and healing for the survivor community. Her topic is : "Healing from Ritual Abuse Torture and Mind Control: Why Finding Your Voice Can Make a Difference to You and Others."

Wanda Karriker, Ph.D., a retired psychologist, wrote the novel Morning, Come Quickly to share what she has learned both personally and professionally about ritual abuse, secretive organizations, and mind control torture. To try to assure that her message reaches the widest audience possible, she has adapted the story for film. Her topic is: "The World Will Know! Words from a Hopeless Optimist."

Neil Brick is a survivor of alleged Masonic Ritual Abuse and MK-ULTRA. He is the editor of S.M.A.R.T. - A Ritual Abuse Newsletter. He has published numerous articles on ritual abuse. His topic is: "How healing from ritual abuse and mind control works."
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Al Qaeda is the direct lineal descendant of the Arab Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood

2005-08-10 Thread Ole Gerstrøm
-Caveat Lector-



  War Crimes 
  Investigator Says Al Qaeda Spawned From Nazi Third 
  Reich“Al Qaeda is 
  the direct lineal descendant of the Arab Nazis of the Muslim 
  A former war crimes 
  investigator explained how the terrorist network al Qaeda spawned from 
  Nazi and Islamic extremist movements following WWII.John Loftus, 
  who regularly appears on Fox News and ABC Radio addressed the theme of 
  “the roots of prejudice and hatred in the world.” He began by explaining 
  that he didn’t set out to become a Nazi hunter. Early in his law career he 
  took a volunteer attorney job created by the Carter administration to hunt 
  Nazis “because I thought it would look good on my resume.”To his 
  surprise, rather than traveling to Germany to investigate he was sent to 
  the U.S. 
  Government’s massive underground 
  vaults protecting classified information. Loftus claims he was given complete access to the 20 
  acre-sized vaults, where he says he found some disturbing 
  information.“I stumbled across some Nazi files I wasn’t supposed 
  to see. No one was supposed to see them until the year 2015. The British 
  Secret Service convinced American intelligence that the Nazis would be 
  indispensable as “freedom fighters” in preparing for the next major war, 
  which was anticipated against the Soviet Union.THE ROOTS 
  OF MODERN TERRORISMDuring his time in the government’s 
  underground vaults, Loftus said he read a file on an organization known as 
  the Muslim Brotherhood. In the file was information about a man named 
  Hasam al-Banna who founded the organization in 1920.“Mr. al-Banna 
  was a devout admirer of a young Austrian writer named Adolph Hitler. His 
  letters to Hitler were so supportive that when Hitler came to power in the 
  1930s he had Nazi intelligence make contact with al-Banna to see if they 
  could work together,” Loftus said.Hitler had al-banna establish a 
  spy network for Nazi Germany throughout Arabia.Al-Banna promised 
  Hitler that when Gen. Rommel’s Nazi tank division arrived in Cairo and 
  Alexandria, the Muslim Brotherhood would ensure all of the British troops 
  would be killed.“These men were Nazi agents, they were spies, who 
  adopted the Third Reich’s policy towards the Jews,” Loftus said.He 
  spoke about another prominent member of the Muslim Brotherhood, a man 
  known as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who was the organization’s 
  representative in Palestine. The Grand Mufti brought with him a hatred of 
  the Jews. He was a principal organizer of the 1920 “Bloody Passover” 
  massacre of Jews who were praying at Jerusalem’s Wailing 
  Wall.Following a failed attempt to create a Nazi uprising in Iraq, 
  the Grand Mufti fled to Europe to organize international Arab forces for 
  the Third Reich disguised as SS divisions.“In truth these forces 
  were Arab fanatics, Arab Nazis from all across the Middle East,” Loftus 
  said.Though a certain war criminal, the Grand Mufti and his troops 
  were spirited away from prosecution to Egypt by the British Secret 
  Service. “Kim Philby, the Soviet agent who infiltrated the British 
  Secret Service, was also recruiting Arab Nazis to poison the West’s 
  efforts in the Middle East forever,” Loftus said. “By using Arab Nazis, 
  democracy would be discredited, America would be discredited, Britain 
  would be discredited.”Philby “helped” the United States acquire 
  the Arab Nazis who were expelled from Egypt in the 1950s after the 
  Egyptians recognized them as a threatAccording to Loftus, the Arab 
  Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood were sent to the kingdom of Saudi 
  Arabia.“To keep them employed they were given jobs as religious 
  education instructors,” Loftus said.While Islam is a very 
  peaceful religion, Saudi Arabia practiced an extreme form of Islam called 
  Wahhabi.“Saudi Wahhabism is to Islam as the KKK 
  is to Christianity,” Loftus said. “It’s an extreme and perverted 
  form of religion that was condemned as a heresy by Islam more than 60 
  times before the 1900s.”“Here is this corrupt cult and all of a 
  sudden the school teachers are Nazis. Here a fusion is born between the 
  two. Schools of hatred were built all over Saudi Arabia,” Loftus 
  said.A well known pupil of these schools is Osama bin 
  Laden, Loftus said. Bin Laden and other graduates of the schools 
  were inducted into an underground neo-Nazi Wahhabi army for Saudi 
  Arabia.Just as Russia was using Communist Arabs during the cold 
  war, we would use Arab Nazis as a counterweight to oppose them,” Loftus 
  said. “When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979 the Arab (neo) Nazis 
  were let out of the closet.“Becau

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Novak?s Sect Appeal

2005-08-10 Thread RoadsEnd
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Begin forwarded message:From: "Alamaine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: August 10, 2005 4:06:39 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ctrl] Novak?s Sect AppealReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.radaronline.com/fresh-intelligence/2005/08/09/index.phpNovak’s Sect AppealDoes Bob Novak owe his uncanny capacity for secrecy to the right-wing Catholic sect Opus Dei? While his Network-like turn on CNN last Thursday seemed to suggest a man on the verge of a nervous breakdown, the columnist has so far managed to ignore persistent demands that he reveal his involvement in the Valerie Plame leak—a feat of rare internal fortitude that some say is a hallmark of the shadowy Christian group.Members of the 76-year-old sect are known for self-flagellation and wearing spiked metal garters underneath their clothes as forms of penance—the kind of extreme self-discipline that’s said to have also appealed to one of Opus Dei’s most infamous initiates, ex-FBI agent and convicted Russian spy Robert Hanssen.Despite the controversy that’s dogged it from its inception, the sect has emerged as one of the most conservative and influence-seeking wings of the Catholic Church and is said to enjoy a uniquely close relationship with the Vatican. Though Novak’s adherence to Opus Dei has never been confirmed—as a policy, the organization doesn’t reveal its rolls—D.C. insiders have for years noted the pundit’s close relationship with Father C. John McCloskey III, an eminent member of the group who helped baptize the Jewish-born Novak into Catholicism in 1998. McCloskey is also believed to have brought other high-profile Washington conservatives into the group, including book publisher Alfred Regnery, Republican Kansas Senator Sam Brownback, and Novak’s former CNN colleague, Larry Kudlow. No prominent Democrats are known to be members of Opus Dei, a fact that makes the organization’s donkey mascot more than a tad ironic.But while Novak appears to have adopted the sect’s cloak-and-dagger affectations, some accuse him of discarding the underlying themes of fellowship, humility, and charity that were stressed by Opus Dei founder Saint Josemaria Escriva, who preached that people should do “small things with great love.” (An axiom quoted by George W. Bush in his first inaugural address.) Following Novak’s conversion, the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan reportedly cracked, “Now that Novak’s become a Catholic, I wonder when he will become a Christian.”~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AlamaineGrand Forks, ND, US of A Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> http://us.ard.yahoo.com/SIG=12hjt0qcl/M=362329.6886306.7839369.3040540/D=groups/S=1705060403:TM/Y=YAHOO/EXP=1123679210/A=2894321/R=0/SIG=11dvsfulr/*http://youthnoise.com/page.php?page_id=1992">Click Here!">Fair play? Video games influencing politics. Click and talk back!.~-> www.ctrl.orgDECLARATION & DISCLAIMER==ctrl is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, ctrl gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. ctrl gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.There are two list running, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and CTRL@listserv.aol.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] has unlimited posting and is more for discussion. CTRL@listserv.aol.com is more for informational exchange and has limited posting abilities. Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.Omimited posting abilities. Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.Om Yahoo! Groups Links<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ctrl/<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:    http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ 
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[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Irrefutable evidence links Bush to terrorist Money Transfers

2005-08-10 Thread RoadsEnd
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Begin forwarded message:From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: August 10, 2005 2:51:17 AM PDTTo: "!SPY NEWS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [Spy News] Irrefutable evidence links Bush to terrorist Money TransfersReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://bellaciao.org/en/article.php3?id_article=7191Tuesday 26th July 2005 (19h32) :Irrefutable evidence links Bush to terrorist Money TransfersMon Jul 25, 2005 23:07 -- WASHINGTON, DC, HOUSTON, AND ZURICH -- July 24-25, 2005 -- OnJuly 15, Intelligence Whispers reported on a July 31, 1995, $10 milliontransfer of funds (US Treasury Bills) from Banca Svizzera Italiana (BSI) inZurich, via Swiss Bank Corp., New York, to Nations Bank in Texas thatoriginated from Saudi Arabia.On Sept. 28, 1995, a $50,000 check drawn on those funds was cashed by FayyazAhmed, identified as one of the 911 hijackers aboard United Flight 175 thatcrashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center. WMR has now obtainedthe SWIFT documents from that funds transfer, which identifies TreatmentServices of the Southwest Corporation of Houston, the account name for theaccount (account number 2664055561) on which the $50,000 check to Ahmed wasdrawn. Topaz Liberty, Inc. of Zurich and a firm called AndromedaInternational Ltd. of Edmonton, Alberta are mentioned in the SWIFT cashbackwire transfer notice. The payee of the funds was Bluelake World, SA, aSwiss-registered firm.The wire transfer, itself, was a violation of SWIFT rules, which specifiedthat a company had to be in existence for at least 6 months prior to a wiretransfer via SWIFT. Bluelake World, which had working capital of $40million, had only been in existence for 5 months when the $10 million SWIFTtransfer to Texas was made. The FBI in Phoenix was investigating thetransfer of some of the $10 million to Egyptian nationals it had undersurveillance in Arizona and Dallas, some of whom were involved in flighttraining. The Dallas-based Egyptians were concentrating on training onBoeing 727s.The FBI investigated a Dallas-based distribution channel for the moneycalled RDC Holdings, Inc., according to a well-placed source. It has alsobeen revealed that the Russian Foreign Intelligence agency, the SVR, had awell-placed mole inside Barclay’s Bank who was monitoring the transfer ofSaudi money to Texas, including 1996 $10 billion Saudi transfer to the Enronaccount. It was the financial intelligence about large scale Saudi moneymovements to the United States that contributed to Russian intelligencewarnings to the CIA prior to the 911 attacks.The mysterious Geneva-based money mover described in the article below isalso reported to be a longtime supporter of both Islamist radical movementsand neo-Nazi organizations. He is linked to providing financial support forOsama bin Laden, the late President of Azerbaijan Gaidar Aliev, ManuelNoriega (who he later testified against at the Panamanian dictator’s Miamitrial), the Muslim Brotherhood, and neo-Nazi and other right-wing groups inEurope and America. The SWIFT documents:http://www.waynemadsenreport.com =SWIFT - Home Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunicationsupplies secure messaging services and interface software to wholesalefinancial entities. http://www.swift.com/July 25, 2005 -- ROVEGATE ENTERING CRIMINAL OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE PHASE.Appearing on Face the Nation on July 24, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalessaid he told White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card, Jr. about the criminalinvestigation of the Valerie Plame/CIA leak 12 hours prior before henotified the rest of the White House staff to preserve all documents,including email, relating to the leak. Card was the chair of the White HouseIraq Group (WHIG), tasked with developing propaganda to support the Iraq Warand engage in political smear tactics against war opponents, includingAmbassador Joseph Wilson.Two targets of the special prosecutor’s leak investigation -- Karl Rove andScooter Libby -- were members of the WHIG. Gonzales was White House Counselwhen he tipped off Card on the night of September 29, 2003, about theinvestigation. Gonzales was also called before the Grand Jury to testifyabout the case. That gave White House staff, including Rove and Libby, afull 12 hours during the evening of September 29 and the early morning ofSeptember 30 to destroy any incriminating documents before the officialJustice Department order arrived. Now the investigation will focus on Card,his testimony before the Grand Jury, and whether he engaged in possibleobstruction of justice by informing other White House staff of theinvestigation.In another sign that Capitol Hill Republicans want to change the subject andobfuscate on the national security leak, Kansas Republican Senator PatRoberts announced his Senate Select Committee on Intelligence willinvestigate the CIA’s use of non-official cover (NOC) ag

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Phonies on the Family

2005-08-10 Thread RoadsEnd
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Begin forwarded message:From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: August 10, 2005 2:26:21 AM PDTTo: "!SPY NEWS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [Spy News] Phonies on the FamilyReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.techcentralstation.com/080805G.htmlPhonies on the FamilyBy S. T. Karnick  Published   08/08/2005Recent press reports have noted that Philadelphia Eagles wide receiverTerrell Owens is dissatisfied with the way the team's management has treatedhim. Owens stated that he would not play for the Eagles this year, anddemanded a trade. The team is refusing to move him, which meant that ifOwens stuck to his guns (which he didn't), he would not have gotten paid theseveral million dollars he was contracted to receive for the season.The specifics of the argument are the least interesting thing about it-we'reall too used to seeing bloated team owners and greedy players argue overmoney and alleged failures to show sufficient respect for each other.What is interesting is that Owens claims he is doing this for his family."The most important thing is my family," he said.This assertion has become so common and familiar among public figures as tobecome something like punctuation, a mere indicator of seriousness withoutany real content.I won't back down on this matter, it suggests, and not because I'm apompous, selfish donkey, but on the contrary, because I am so selfless thatI will forego my own interests in order to avoid letting down my family. Theinvocation of family says: Even though my actions indicate otherwise, I'mnot a fool, nor a scoundrel; I'm selfless and devoted to others.Patriotism used to be the last refuge of a scoundrel, as Samuel Johnsonsaid-until phony patriots destroyed the positive connotations of the term.Today, family is the scoundrel's first, last, and paramount refuge.One hears this refrain continually in the media. A politician who has fallenfar behind in the opinion polls decides not to run for reelection andannounces he's doing so "to spend more time with my family," with wife andchildren standing at his side and looking simultaneously dutiful, honored,puzzled, and bored.When Congressman Gary Condit was under fire for having an affair with anintern, Chandra Levy, who had mysteriously disappeared, it was allegedlyjust one affair among many on his part. He resigned to spend more time withhis family, he said.Enron CEO Jeff Skilling quit his position because-you guessed it-he wantedto spend more time with his family. Apparently those 100-hour work weeksbecame less intoxicating when his firm was under fire for accountingscandals and careening toward bankruptcy.When George Tenet resigned from the CIA, the reason he gave was not that theagency was in the soup for poor monitoring of terrorist activity beforeSept. 11, 2001, and intelligence failures regarding alleged Iraqi progresstoward developing weapons of mass destruction. No, it was-all together,now-so that he could spend more time with his family.Seven-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong recently retired frombicycle racing in order to, yup, spend more time with his family. Reportersdid not bother to press him to explain how divorcing the mother of hischildren to marry a rock star reflects his commitment to family.Of course, no one ever asks these persons to explain precisely what causedthem to change their mind about the benefits of ignoring one's family.Similarly, reporters failed to ask Owens how his family would benefit fromthe loss of several million dollars of income. We don't ask, because we havecome to see these statements as purely phony.If no one takes these protestations seriously, however, why make them?The reason, of course, is to save face and avoid having to takeresponsibility for one's decisions. In the case of the failed CEO, it'seasier to pretend there is a positive reason for quitting, instead ofadmitting that he was a horrendous manager. The politician can pretend he'sa nice guy instead of a sleazeball. The athlete can present himself as adevoted protector instead of a conceited hothead.The strategy succeeds because we are cowed into submission in the charade,lest we appear insufficiently devoted to family ourselves.But there are social consequences to the pretenses we undertake. Those whotake refuge in false claims to family loyalty do far more than just servetheir own interests --  they undermine ours, by demonstrating that successcomes from ignoring one's family, and that the really big wheels run homeonly after disaster strikes.The message is clear: If you want to make it big, ignore your family, and ifyou make a mess of your life, they'll be there when you need them.Of course, some readers may think this article rather sloppily argued andawkwardly expressed. To them I can only say, don't criticize me: I wrote itvery quickly -- so  I could spend more time with my family.S. T. Karnick is an Associate Fellow of the Sagamore Institute for PolicyResearch, based in Indianapolis, Indiana, and Edito

[CTRL] Patrick Fitzgerald Requests Patricia Cornwell Scandal Material for Grand Jury - Report of Indictments of Pres. Bush and V.P. Chene

2005-08-10 Thread RoadsEnd
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http://bannedinamerica.blogspot.com/TUESDAY, AUGUST 09, 2005Patrick Fitzgerald Requests Patricia Cornwell Scandal Material for Grand Jury - Report of Indictments of Pres. Bush and V.P. CheneyIt's good that U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, and his staffer Randall (Randy) Samborn (sometimes spelled 'Sanborn' in press reports), have requested from me in the Netherlands, the material involved in the ongoing legal issues with Bush celebrity friend and contributor Patricia Cornwell, and Cornwell's crimes of court fraud, bribery and extortion with U.S. federal judge Robert Payne, who was appointed to office by the Bushes.Internet reports are that Fitzgerald's office, via Randy Samborn, are NOT denying that his grand jury has already secretly "returned" (i.e., charged or issued) indictments against President Bush and Vice President Cheney themselves, as well as others (click here for report).(Note the difference between Fitzgerald's previous public denial that he HIMSELF has issued indictments, and how his office would NOT deny that the "GRAND JURY had returned" indictments against Bush and Cheney - said to be the legally more relevant phrase.)Patrick Fitzgerald is of course Special Prosecutor in the CIA leak case involving Karl Rove and the Bush White House. The CIA requested the criminal investigation, after the leak of the identity of the CIA operative Valerie Plame, in apparent revenge for her husband's criticism of the Bush government.But how far is Fitzgerald really willing to go in exposing corruption in the United States government, in particular its judiciary - does Fitzgerald actually have the courage to go after crimes which are not only tied to President George Bush and his family, but which also involve bribery and fraud among America's federal judges?If Fitzgerald does have more courage than most, the indictment and impeachment of federal judge Robert Payne could be a watershed for the beginning of major American legal reform. The culture of American judicial bribery would be fully exposed to the country and the world, in the trials of the extremely weird celebrity Patricia Cornwell along with Judge Payne.The famous Patricia Cornwell is a longtime friend and financial backer of the Bushes. Cornwell's background with the Bushes, and this scandal with Patricia Cornwell, Judge Payne, and Judge Payne's friends with a phony "First Amendment civil rights charity foundation", is amply described on the web. See scandal summary at the end of the "Patricia Cornwell Biography: Crime, Bribery, Scandal and Mental Illness" online, or in internet newsgroup archives such as Google Groups. The multi-millionaire Patricia Cornwell and her fancy lawyers are tight-lipped and do not deny there are felony crimes with Judge Payne, long described on the internet.Near the time of Cornwell's activities with Judge Payne, Cornwell gave a $1 million gift to the President's mother, Barbara Bush, upon which Cornwell, and Cornwell's female lover of that time, were invited to enjoy themselves at the President Bush estate in Kennebunkport, Maine. Patricia Cornwell is the other half of President Bush's notable gay and lesbian connections, along with gay prostitute James D. "JD" Guckert (a.k.a. "Jeff Gannon") who has visited the White House at odd hours, so many dozens of times.With Cornwell's connections to Bush and also to some FBI agents, Patricia Cornwell has openly boasted she can get away with murdering people (quoted in Vanity Fair). Karl Rove has been involved in this scandal since the spring of 2004, during the last election campaign, as he received files on the Cornwell scandal. John Ashcroft, the former attorney general, may have been involved much earlier than that. Rove's and Ashcroft's e-mails and notes could possibly involve conspiracy to obstruct justice on felony crimes involving Bush's friend Cornwell, as prosecution of these crimes during 2004 would have harmed Bush's campaign.There may be legal action in Europe this autumn against the U.S. government arising out of the Cornwell - Judge Payne activities, which involve illegally banning this writer's freedom of speech, threatening to illegally jail and murder me, and forcing my escape to Europe.(I had criticized Cornwell's fascist activities, and Cornwell funded a fake legal proceeding with Judge Payne, where Judge Payne's friends posed as my lawyers. After a few weeks, with no physical trial, they announced a fake "settlement" where they claimed I agreed to the banning of my own freedom of speech, plus to pay $100,000 plus 18 per cent interest to Judge Payne's friends with the phony "Foundation".Judge Payne's thugs have warned me that I face USA jailing under the illegal orders, and would be murdered in jail, if I don't keep quiet about Cornwell and about the fake trial. The Bush government has continued to support the Judge Payne fraud and extortion for Bush's friend and donor Cornwell.Much to dismay of both Cornwell and the Bush government, I contin