[CTRL] Tony Blair backs away from the Kyoto protocol on alleged "global Warming"

2005-09-25 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

HENRY LAMB Henry Lamb WND Exclusive Commentary Tony Blair backs
from Kyoto
Posted: September 24, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern

 2005 WorldNetDaily.com

The most important news to emerge from Bill Clinton's "Global Initiative,"
was a statement from Tony Blair that the mainstream media completely
ignored. Blair, a long time advocate of the Kyoto Protocol, told the
star-studded gathering that "My thinking has changed in the past three or
four years. No country is going to cut its growth" to accommodate Kyoto,
or any other climate change treaty.

After years of staunch support for the Kyoto Protocol, Blair has realized
that England cannot meet the treaty's requirements, and if it could, the
result would be economic disaster. The emissions targets imposed by Kyoto
upon the developed nations that have ratified it, are supposed to be
achieved by 2012. The Protocol's governing body will meet in Montreal in
December to continue negotiations for the second phase, the period after

Blair says that fast-growing nations such as China and India, which were
excluded from the treaty, are not going to shut down their economies or
constrain future growth, which is the inevitable consequence of the Kyoto
Protocol. Instead, Blair says that nations must work together to advance
science and technology, rather than try to reverse the expansion of
development and the improved living conditions development brings.

Despite this blockbuster announcement by Tony Blair, the major media
concentrated on the stars who attended the event and the donations they
made to Clinton's initiative.

Clinton himself ignored the statement. Appearing on "Meet the Press,"
Clinton failed to mention Blair's remarks. Instead, Clinton continued to
blame human activity for all manner of climate variations. He talked about
the Greenland ice cover thinning, but he failed to mention that a thousand
years ago, there was no ice cover at all in Greenland. Human use of fossil
fuels could not have caused Greenland to be green then. He talked about
the huge chunks of ice that are breaking off sections of the polar caps,
but he failed to mention the expansion of the glaciers in other areas of
the polar regions.

Clinton did say that no one "with a straight face" could blame hurricane
Katrina on global warming. This statement is a slap in the face to Ross
Gelbspan of the Boston Globe, and Robert Kennedy Jr. of the Natural
Resources Defense Council. These are just two of the many environmental
extremists who wasted no time declaring that global warming caused the
disaster on the Gulf Coast.

Clinton, and the mainstream media, can pretend that global warming is
justification for the Kyoto Protocol, but with Tony Blair, and other
developed nations realizing the actual economic cost of compliance, and
the utter impossibility of meeting its requirements, the Protocol appears
to be in deep trouble.

The only fact in the entire global-warming debate that is indisputable, is
the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide over the last century. The only
proven consequence of this increase is the enhanced growth of nearly all
vegetation. Carbon dioxide acts as a fertilizer to almost all known
species of vegetation. Virtually all of the negative consequences
attributed to increased carbon dioxide are the result of computer models,
and speculation.

There is no room for speculation about the continued need for energy
around the world. There is a direct and measurable correlation between
energy use and health, longevity and prosperity. The world should be
working on ways to improve access to, and distribution of, affordable
energy. Every energy source should be utilized, without artificial
governmental restrictions on either access or use.

Click to learn more...

Rather than mobilizing the world to reduce the use of energy, the United
Nations and other international institutions should be promoting the
development of more energy sources. Rather than blocking the construction
of nuclear power plants, refineries and pipelines, environmental
organizations should be promoting their growth and development, so the
people in developing nations who live in squalid, unsanitary conditions,
can have the energy desperately needed to treat water supplies and
refrigerate food and medicines. Rather than impose regulatory constraints
on vehicle mileage and fuel blends, government should get out of the way
and let the marketplace sort out what the people want.

Tony Blair, and other early advocates of global command and control of
energy use are beginning to realize that the cost of serious reductions in
energy consumption must result in a serious reduction in living standards,
economic growth and, ultimately, in health and longevity. This is the real
story from Clinton's "Global Initiative," and it won't go away, even if
Clinton and the major media try to ignore it.

Henry Lamb is the executive vice president of the Environmental
Conservation Organization and chairm

[CTRL] Arctic National Wildlife Refuge OIL:Now more than ever after 4 hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico in 2 years

2005-09-25 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

ANWR Oil  A New Egg in a Strong Basket

Economic and Political Insights on American Energy after the Katrina

In the wake of the hurricane disaster in New Orleans, the frailty of
Americas energy supply has become all too apparent. For the next number of
years, the Gulf of Mexico will remain in the line of fire for more
predicted hurricanes. Yet it supplies 28% of Americas oil production. Any
damage to the flow of crude oil there has a dramatic effect on the nations
fuel supply. It is a valuable egg in a fragile basket.

If there is one message that the government and American people need to
heed from this situation, it is that diversifying ones supply of oil is
the best way to prevent price spikes and fuel shortages and other national
energy worries. We need a new egg in a stronger basket. The Gulf of Mexico
cant do it alone.

That diversification is at hand and is now before Congress: open the
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas exploration. ANWR has the
potential to be Americas largest oil field and is in an area not
susceptible to natural disasters. In nearly 30 years of production in
Prudhoe Bay, just 50 miles west of the Coastal Plain of ANWR, there have
been no natural disasters or delays in supply caused by nature.

Alaskan oil is also produced under the strictest environmental regulations
on the planet, and oil from ANWR will be produced on solid ground, not in
an ocean on vulnerable drilling platforms. Oil from ANWRs coastal plain
would take approximately 8 years to bring on line and by that time could
tally Alaskan oil to equal one third of US domestic production, surpassing
output in the Gulf.

Simply put, ANWR oil will help diversify America away from reliance on
drilling in the hurricane hazardous Gulf of Mexico. It is the
responsibility of Congress to lead America to a more stable energy
production platform. This platform must be one that encompasses maximizing
domestic production from as many sources as possible. Recent events
demonstrate the risk of not doing so. That risk is particularly
unacceptable, because in ANWR we have a sensible and realistic solution.

America is in dire need of greater domestic oil and gas production as year
by year we increase our reliance on foreign oil. We currently import
between 58-64% of our oil, depending on the time of year. As our economy
grows this figure increases and will continue to do so for the foreseeable
future. No new energy source that we know of today will lessen this
statistic for the next 20 years. Ironically, alternative green
technologies such as solar, wind, biofuels and hydrogen fuel cells not
only have a bigger production footprint on the environment than oil, they
also rely on oil for their construction, component parts, and maintenance.
Alternative energies are simply not an immediate realistic solution to our
huge demand for energy.

Todays oil importation policy was born in an earlier energy crisis, the
1973 OPEC oil embargo. At the time, America was plunged into long lines at
the pump, price spikes and tremendous energy worry. OPEC had virtual

Indeed, similar to now, too many eggs were in too few baskets.

We continue to rely on oil from abroad for a majority of our energy
supply. Particularly from areas of the world that are unstable and
hostile. If we have learned anything from current events we must lessen
our dependence on foreign oil and diversify our domestic supply. American
crude oil production has been reduced by 25% due to Katrina and our
refining capacity reduced by 10%. This leaves America begging for oil.

The issue is best described by Ben Lieberman of the Heritage Foundation;
Hurricane Katrina struck us at the worst place and time and revealed the
vulnerability of the nations energy infrastructure. It should underscore
the need to strengthen the resiliency of a system that is barely adequate
even under the best of circumstances.

This national vulnerability is not just a vulnerability to disasters
either. The world appetite for oil is also growing. As noted in the
Financial Times September 6, 2005, on present trends, global oil supply
needs to rise each year by at least two million barrels a day(to meet
demand). ANWR alone could contribute 1 million of those barrels. Those
barrels are safe, secure and hurricane proof.

We must remember in 1995 Congress approved exploration of the Coastal
Plain of ANWR. Had it not been vetoed by then President Clinton, we would
currently be producing a million or more additional barrels a day (20% of
Americas domestic production). This would have certainly reduced the
impact of Katrina, lessened gas price spikes, and decreased our drastic
sudden demand for oil imports.

If we tend to forget the effects and solutions (supply diversification) to
the 1973 oil embargo, Hurricane Katrina has certainly pushed them back on
the table. ANWR oil means diversity of supply. ANWR oil means a safer more
secure supply of oil. ANWR oil is indeed a new egg

[CTRL] ritual abuse conference tapes

2005-09-25 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
Hi !

Info is below.  Thanks.  

Ritual Abuse Conference Tapes - 2005 

Tape Order Form for The Eighth Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference - 2005 

Some of the topics discussed on these tapes may be very triggering. These tapes are educational and not intended as therapy or treatment.  Statements made on these tapes are the speaker's own statements only and don't necessarily  represent the policies or views of conference sponsors, cosponsor, speakers, exhibitors or organizers.  Speaker descriptions will follow ordering information.

1. Neil Brick -  "How healing from ritual abuse and mind control works."  

2. Wanda Karriker, Ph.D. -"The World Will Know!  Words from a Hopeless Optimist." 

3.  Mary Keats RN BA"Breaking the Silence"

4.  Carol Rutz "Healing from Ritual Abuse Torture and Mind Control: Why Finding Your Voice Can Make a Difference to You and Others."

5.  Hal Pepinsky - "Inferring Offender Motivation."

6.  Kathleen Sullivan - "Riding the Rocket : from Rage and Depression to Healthy Activism." 

7.  Jeanette Westbrook MSSW, CSW, "Law Enforcement and Survivors- Are they on our side"

Tapes are approximately 60 minutes long.  Tapes are $10 each. Shipping and Handling charges on tapes are $1.50 (US) for the first tape, .50 for each additional. Canada $2.00 first tape, .75 each additional, rest of world, $3.00 first tape, $1.00 each additional. 
With shipping and handling:  US Price -all tapes - $55, Canada price - all tapes - $60

Please mail form below and checks (US Banks only, please), money orders (US) to P. O Box 1295, Easthampton, MA 01027-1295 USA E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please list all tapes wanted by number. Thank you.

Street: __

City: State:

Zip:__E-mail:  (in case we have questions)_

Speakers and Biographies

Please note: Listing of these speakers does not necessarily constitute our endorsement of them. They are  speaking at our conference for educational  value  only and some may be triggering. Listening to the speakers at the conference may or may not help your recovery process, so use caution when listening to any speaker or contacting any resource mentioned herein.  These descriptions may be triggering. Please use caution while reading. 

Neil Brick  is a survivor of alleged Masonic Ritual Abuse and MK-ULTRA. He is the editor of S.M.A.R.T. - A Ritual Abuse Newsletter..  His topic is: "How healing from ritual abuse and mind control works."

Wanda Karriker, Ph.D., a retired psychologist, wrote the novel Morning, Come Quickly to share what she has learned both personally and professionally about ritual abuse, secretive organizations, and mind control torture.  To try to assure that her message reaches the widest audience possible, she has adapted the story for film. Her topic is: "The World Will Know!  Words from a Hopeless Optimist."

Mary Keats RN BA wife, mother, grandmother, working in social services, is a survivor of Ritual Abuse Torture.. She is a spiritual person who enjoys life to the fullest. Her energy and enthusiasm are infectious .She refuses to be muzzled, decided early on in her recovery to break the silence, so others could be helped. Her topic is: "Breaking the Silence."

Carol Rutz is a survivor of SRA and Government Mind Control Experiments. Her book "A Nation Betrayed" http://my.dmci.net/~casey/ tells the chilling true story of secret Cold War experiments performed on innocent children and unsuspecting adults. She continues to work at endeavors which help to provide validation and healing for the survivor community. Her topic is : "Healing from Ritual Abuse Torture and Mind Control: Why Finding Your Voice Can Make a Difference to You and Others."

Hal Pepinsky - Since the fall of 1993, Hal Pepinsky has as far as he knows been the only university professor to bring more than one ra/mc survivor to his classes. Hal has taught criminal justice for 32 years. Surviving ritual abuse and mind control has become a foundation for his larger thinking on what he calls "peacemaking," establishing safe relations in the face of violence.  His topic is ""Inferring Offender Motivation."    

Kathleen Sullivan lives in Tennessee with her husband, Bill. She began her recovery in 1989. In 1996, she founded the North American Freedom Foundation (formerly PARC-VRAMC). Her autobiography, Unshackled: A Survivor's Story of Mind Control, was published in 2004. She is now working towards a master's degree in Social Work.  Her topic is: "Riding the Rocket : from Rage and Depression to Healthy Activism."

Jeanette Westbrook, MSSW, CSW is a nationally known speaker and lecturer at Univer

[CTRL] Canadian priest, long-term memory, torture

2005-09-25 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-


Canadian priest gets 12 years in jail for child abuse 9/21/05 "Evreux, France (AFP) - Denis Vadeboncoeur, a Canadian priest with a prior conviction for paedophilia, was sentenced to 12 years in prison by a French court for sex abuse of a 14 year-old boy." "The prosecutor at the trial was strongly critical of the former bishop of Evreux, Jacques Gaillot, who gave Vadeboncoeur a parish in 1988 despite having been told that the priest had just served a 20-month prison term in Quebec for sex acts on adolescents including sodomy." http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20050921/wl_canada_afp/francecanadachildsex_050921151945

Providing misleading and reinstatement information a year after it happened: Effects on long-term memory. Peterson, C, Parsons, T and Dean, M Memory 12(1): 1-13, 2004. "The question addressed here is whether misleading suggestions made to children a year after target events had occurred will alter long-term recall. One group (3-13 years old when injured and treated in a hospital Emergency Room) were given both misleading and accurate reinstating information a year later, and recall of target events assessed both 1 week and another year later (i.e., 2 years post-injury). A control group had recall assessed both 1 and 2 years post-injury. Misleading had little effect on children1s recall 1 week later, although a few misled details were reported. However, a year later virtually none of the misleading information was incorporated into long-term recall. Rather, children were more, not less, accurate when recalling details about which they had been misled. Results were attributed to target events having been highly memorable and well rehearsed via previous recalls, and detection of discrepancies between memory and misleading information focusing attention on targeted details." Psychology Department, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Canada. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New Reports of Abuse of Detainees Surface 
Mistreatment Was Routine, Group Is Told 
By Josh White 
The Washington Post 
Saturday 24 September 2005 
"Some days we would just get bored so we would have everyone sit in a corner and then make them get in a pyramid," ... "This was before Abu Ghraib but just like it. We did that for amusement."
Two soldiers and an officer with the Army's 82nd Airborne Division have told a human rights organization of systemic detainee abuse and human rights violations at U.S. bases in Afghanistan and Iraq, recounting beatings, forced physical exertion and psychological torture of prisoners, the group said.

The military trains people to withstand interrogation. Are those methods being misused at Guantánamo?
Issue of 2005-07-11 and 18
Posted 2005-07-04
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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