[CTRL] Fwd: U.S. Mortgage Crisis Forces Ex-Homeowners To Live In Their Cars

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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Date: March 26, 2007 10:01:12 AM PDT
Subject: Fwd: U.S. Mortgage Crisis Forces Ex-Homeowners To Live In  
Their Cars

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Date: March 26, 2007 1:13:18 AM PDT
Subject: U.S. Mortgage Crisis Forces Homeowners To Take Refuge In  
Their Cars

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*U.S. Mortgage Crisis Forces Homeowners To Take Refuge In Their Cars*
The Scotsman
Sat. 24 Mar 2007

THEY are victims of the United States' growing mortgage crisis --  
low-paid workers whose homes have been repossessed amid rising  
interest rates, a stagnant property market and a lax lending regime.

But in Los Angeles, where having a car is as essential as owning a  
home, many are sleeping in their vehicles to ensure a roof over  
their head.

Campaigners for the homeless expect more to hole up in their cars  
as they lose homes due to the problems that have dogged subprime  
mortgages -- those granted to low-earners with little capital of  
their own.

The trend comes despite the fact that sleeping in a car is illegal  
in the Los Angeles area.

The subprime meltdown is the kind of situation that pushes people  
into cars.  It's a very common story, said Ruth Hollman, of Self- 
Help And Recovery Exchange, a group that helps homeless people.

Advocates hope Los Angeles will adopt programmes in place in cities  
such as Eugene, Oregon, and Santa Barbara, California, that enable  
people to live in cars while receiving services they need to get  
back on track.

It's an old saying in social services that most people are one to  
six paychecks away from being homeless.  But if you can't make your  
mortgage, it's more like a month or two, said William Wise, of the  
relief agency St. Vincent de Paul of Eugene, which works to find  
overnight parking spots for homeless people.

Without such spots, people forced to sleep in their cars fear being  
towed and ticketed by police, as well as being attacked by thugs  
and facing public scorn.

Emily Love, 61, was sleeping in her car in Marina Del Rey,  
California, when two youths smashed her windscreen with a shopping  
trolley.  A week later, she was back in the car.

After her car was attacked, the former teacher sat staring at the  
shattered glass. I don't like to talk to the cops.  They don't  
like people sleeping in their cars, she said in her car crammed  
with her possessions, including two cats.

Government figures say there are about 754,000 homeless people in  
the U.S., about 300,000 more than available beds in shelters and  
transitional housing.

Many of the temporarily homeless get into deeper trouble because  
they try to keep it quiet and do not seek help.

Philip Mangano, of the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness,  
said he strongly opposed programmes that sanction living in cars.

It's a national tragedy that we are resorting to these plans.  It  
doesn't measure up to the promise of America, he said.

Mr. Mangano has been working with cities to develop ten-year plans  
to end vagrancy through a new business-oriented approach that has  
cut homelessness in cities such as San Francisco and Philadelphia.

The number of people living in cars is hard to calculate, but Ruth  
Hollman said a recent estimate of 1,000 in Los Angeles was far  
below the actual figure.  She said some people living in their cars  
pay gym memberships so they can shower, and attend training courses  
or have jobs. One man I know goes to college and people there  
don't even know he's homeless, she said.

[Last updated: 24-Mar-07 03:22 BST]

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


[CTRL] Fwd: Iraq Is Vietnam - And You'd Better Believe It!

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 26, 2007 10:22:39 AM PDT
Subject: Fwd: Iraq Is Vietnam - And You'd Better Believe It!

Vietnamization was not a military strategy. It was a public- 
relations campaign.

The White House hoped that Vietnamization would keep the house of  
cards upright [until the next election], providing what C.I.A.  
veteran Frank Snepp famously called a decent interval that could  
mask the American defeat by declaring that the fate of South  
Vietnam now was the responsibility of the South Vietnamese.  If  
they didn't want freedom badly enough to win, well, we had done our  

To make this deceitful drama work, however, the pullout had to be  
gradual.  The plan (Vietnamization) had to be easily explained to  
the American people.  And the U.S. training force left behind had  
to be large enough and exposed enough to provide visual signs of  
our commitment on the 6 o'clock news.  Pictures of Americans  
shaking hands with happy peasants would support the lie that  
Vietnamization was succeeding.

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Date: March 25, 2007 10:00:44 PM PDT
Subject: Iraq Is Vietnam - And You'd Better Believe It!

*Iraq Is Vietnam - And You'd Better Believe It*
By John Graham
t r u t h o u t | Guest Contributor
Tuesday 19 December 2006

I was a civilian advisor/trainer in Vietnam, arriving just as U.S.  
troops were going home.  I wasn't there to fight, but I hadn't been  
in country a week before I learned that the word noncombatant  
didn't mean much where I was posted, fifty miles south of the  
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) that then divided South Vietnam from  
North.  I got the message when a sniper's bullet whistled past my  
ear on the main highway twenty miles south of HuŽ.  Joe Jackson,  
the burly major who was driving, yelled at me to hold on and duck  
as he gunned the jeep out of range, zigzagging to spoil the  
sniper's aim.

Snipers or not, in 1971 it was the U.S. government's policy not to  
issue weapons to civilian advisors in Vietnam, even to those of us  
in distant and dangerous outposts.  The reason was not principle,  
but PR -- and here begin the lessons for Iraq.

Sometime in 1969, the White House, under siege from the public and  
faced with unrelenting facts on the ground, quietly made the  
decision that America couldn't win its war in Vietnam.

Nixon and Kissinger didn't put it that way, of course.  America was  
a superpower, and it was inconceivable that it could lose a war to  
a third-rate nation whose soldiers lived on rice and hid in holes  
in the ground.  So, the White House conceived an elaborate strategy  
that would mask the fact of an American defeat.  The U.S. would  
slowly withdraw its combat troops over a period of several years,  
while the mission of those who remained would change from fighting  
the North Vietnamese and Vietcong to training the South Vietnamese  
to carry on the fight on their own.  At the same time, we would  
give the South Vietnamese a series of performance ultimatums which,  
if unmet, would trigger a total withdrawal and let us blame the  
South Vietnamese for the debacle that would follow.  This strategy  
was called Vietnamization.  Implementing it cost at least 10,000  
additional American and countless more Vietnamese lives, plus  
billions of dollars.

It was a rigged game from the start. All but the wildest zealots in  
Washington knew that the South Vietnamese would not and could not  
meet our ultimatums: an end to corrupt, revolving-door governments;  
an officer corps based on merit, not cronyism; and the creation of  
a national state that enjoyed popular allegiance strong and broad  
enough to control the political and cultural rivalries that had  
ripped the country's fabric for a thousand years.

During the eighteen months I was in Vietnam, I met almost no  
Americans in the field who regarded Vietnamization as a serious  
military strategy with any chance of success.  More years of  
American training could not possibly make a difference in the  
outcome of the war, because what was lacking in the South  
Vietnamese Army was not just combat skills but belief in a cause  
worth fighting for.

But none of that was the point.  Vietnamization was not a military  
strategy. It was a public-relations campaign.

The White House hoped that Vietnamization would keep the house of  
cards upright for at least a couple of years, providing what C.I.A.  
veteran Frank Snepp famously called a decent interval that could  
mask the American defeat by declaring that the fate of South  
Vietnam now was the responsibility of the South Vietnamese.  If  
they didn't want freedom badly enough to win, well, we had done our  

To make this deceitful drama work, however, the pullout had to be  

[CTRL] Fwd: US Will Strike Iran in 10 Days, Russian Military Intelligence Sources Claim

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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Date: March 26, 2007 10:31:00 AM PDT
Subject: US Will Strike Iran in 10 Days, Russian Military  
Intelligence Sources Claim


April 6 Sneak Attack By US Forces On Iran Planned -- Russian  
Military Sources Warn

WASHINGTON DC -- The long awaited US military attack on Iran is now  
on track for the first week of April, specifically for 4 a.m. on  
April 6, the Good Friday opening of Easter weekend, writes the well- 
known Russian journalist Andrei Uglanov in the Moscow weekly  
Argumenty Nedeli. Uglanov cites Russian military experts close to  
the Russian General Staff for his account.


The Secret White House Communication System

GWB43 is the name of an internet server owned by the Republican  
National Committee.

The White House has its own internal email system, ending in  
the .gov suffix, as mandated by the Presidential Records Act. The  
law requires that public business be conducted on a public server.

Yet documents made public in the course of the U.S. Attorney Purge  
scandal reveal that key Administration figures used such email  
addresses ending with gwb43.com.
This story by Joseph Cannon deserves the widest possible  
circulation. Patrick Fitzgerald needs to see it.


The GOPedophiles Are Alive and Well Inside the George Bush Justice  

This is from World Net Daily! The conservative are turning on  

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton,  
both already under siege for other matters, are now being accused  
of failing to prosecute officers of the Texas Youth Commission  
after a Texas Ranger investigation documented that guards and  
administrators were sexually abusing the institution's minor boy  

Among the charges in the Texas Ranger report were that  
administrators would rouse boys from their sleep for the purpose of  
conducting all-night sex parties.

Sex with young boys! I knew the Gonzales case was lacking something.

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's  
free from AOL at AOL.com.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Wall Street Is Paved with the Bones of 9/11 Victims

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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Date: March 26, 2007 11:03:08 AM PDT
Subject: Wall Street Is Paved with the Bones of 9/11 Victims

9/11 remains possibly used on roads: court papers

By Edith HonanFri Mar 23, 7:59 PM ET


Debris that may have contained bits of bone from victims of the  
World Trade Center attacks was used to fill potholes and pave city  
roads, according to court papers filed on Friday.

The charge was made in an affidavit filed in Manhattan federal  
court in an ongoing case filed in 2005 by family members of those  
killed in the attacks against the city. They say the city did not  
do enough to search for remains, denying victims a proper burial.

Eric Beck, a construction worker employed at the Fresh Kills  
landfill in the borough of Staten Island, where the rubble was  
taken after the Twin Towers fell, said in his affidavit that the  
process of sifting through the debris was rushed.

Beck said he saw sanitation workers removing small pieces of debris  
containing possible bone fragments and loading them onto tractors,  
and using it to pave roads and fill in potholes, dips and ruts.

Kimberly Miu, a spokeswoman for the city's legal office, declined  
to comment on the latest filing, saying it would be inappropriate  
to talk about a pending motion.

The WTC Families for Proper Burial, the group that filed the suit,  
has also battled the city over how to honor the 2,749 people who  
died in the attacks on the Twin Towers.

Some relatives of victims have opposed any effort to rebuild on  
Ground Zero, calling it sacred ground and saying it would  
disrespect those who perished there.

Construction of the planned memorial and skyscraper has repeatedly  
been delayed, in part due to concerns expressed by victims' families.

The remains of about 40 percent of the victims were never  
recovered, and hundreds of bone fragments have been discovered in  
and around Ground Zero in the last six months, the lawsuit says.

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's  
free from AOL at AOL.com.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Number One Priority in Bush's Justice Department: OBSTRUCTING Justice

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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Date: March 26, 2007 10:51:19 AM PDT
Subject: Number One Priority in Bush's Justice Department:  

Why did the Tom DeLay investigation stop?

by: Texas Nate

Thu Mar 22, 2007 at 14:07:34 PM CST


In the fall of 2005 dominos were falling fast in the Jack Abramoff  
investigation. And they were falling in one very clear direction,  
closer and closer to Tom DeLay.

First DeLay's former communications director fell:

On November 21st, 2005, Michael Scanlon, Jack Abramoff's partner in  
the Indian fraud and bribery schemes, pled guilty to Conspiracy to  
Defraud the United States.

Then DeLay's former deputy chief of staff fell:

Tony Rudy pled guilty March 31st, 2006 to one count of Conspiracy.  
He was a former aide to Tom DeLay, a colleague of Jack Abramoff's  
and then a lobbyist at Alexander Strategy Group. He was named  
(Staffer A) as a coconspirator in Abramoff's plea
The charge carries a maximum of five years, but because of Rudy's  
cooperation, prosecutors will recommend a sentencing range between  
two years and two years, six months. Rudy will pay at least  
$250,000 in restitution.

And it looked like the former Chief of Staff was next:

Ed Buckham, one-time chief of staff to Tom DeLay and later Chairman  
of the lobbying firm Alexander Strategy Group, appeared in Tony  
Rudy's guilty plea as Lobbyist B.
According to the plea, Buckham helped in routing $50,000 in  
payments to Rudy's wife's consulting firm - the money was to bribe  
Rudy for his help defeating a bill on behalf of Jack Abramoff's  

The plea also states that Rudy worked to bring other congressional  
aides on a trip to the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) in part to  
benefit Buckham. The CNMI was a client of Abramoff's, but he seems  
to have shared the CNMI with Buckham.

In January 2006 Buckham shut down his business. In June 2006 the  
Washington Post revealed this choice nugget:

A registered lobbyist opened a retirement account in the late 1990s  
for the wife of then-House Whip Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) and contributed  
thousands of dollars to it while also paying her a salary to work  
for him from her home in Texas, according to sources, documents and  
DeLay's attorney, Richard Cullen.
The account represents a small portion of the income that DeLay's  
family received from entities at least partly controlled by  
lobbyist Edwin A. Buckham. But the disclosure of its origin adds to  
what was previously known about the benefits DeLay's family  
received from its association with Buckham, and it brings the total  
over the past seven years to about half a million dollars.

Since then.nothing. No Buckham plea. No indictments.  
Nothing.was a U.S. Attorney fired to prevent the investigation  
from continuing to inexorably close in on Tom DeLay?

Nope. But something very fishy did indeed take place. The lead  
investigator was given a Federal Judgeship, a new division chief  
with connections to the GOP machine was appointed (AND REPORTEDLY,  
TO THE DELAY DEFENSE TEAM ITSELF) and presto...no more momentum in  
the investigation.

Only trial attorney Martin Garbus spoke up at the time, in two the  
Huffington Post. First:

President George W. Bush has not made many moves more unethical  
than offering Noel L. Hillman, the Abramoff prosecutor, a federal  
judgeship. Hillman has apparently been talking with Bush's  
representatives since last year, and on last Thursday, he publicly  
announced he was accepting the appointment.

Let me make this perfectly clear.
At the same time that Mr. Hillman was conducting a grand jury and  
submitting evidence aimed at Bush's allies and perhaps Bush  
himself, he was meeting with Bush, who was, in effect, offering him  
a bribe.

Mr. Hillman, Bush is saying, leave the job, let me put someone else  
in your stead, someone I want. Forget, says Mr. Bush, that you have  
been in charge of the investigation for two years, that you have  
been involved on a day-to-day basis, and that your leaving  
seriously impedes the investigation.


I do not personally know Mr. Hillman. Thus far, his public actions  
seem to warrant only applause. But Hillman's boss is Attorney  
General Alberto Gonzales. Neither has said a word about the offer  
and its acceptance. The public is entitled to know more.

But Bush is getting away with it. There's been very little press  
coverage. Alito, Hamas, Iraq, and Oprah Winfrey have buried the story.

The Democrats should insist on the appointment of a special  
prosecutor to fill Mr. Hillman's position. Attorney General  
Gonzales should not be permitted to designate Hillman's successor.

This, unlike the botched up Alito hearings, is a war we can win. We  
should not let Bush appoint his own person, someone like 

[CTRL] Fwd: Prviacy Rights?? HA!! The T.I.A. Continued Secretly Under D.H.S. th...

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 27, 2007 5:52:07 PM PDT
Subject: Fwd: Prviacy Rights??  HA!!  The T.I.A. Continued Secretly  
Under D.H.S.   th...

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's  
free from AOL at AOL.com.

Date: March 26, 2007 9:37:15 PM PDT
Subject: Prviacy Rights??  HA!!  The T.I.A. Continued Secretly  
Under D.H.S.   the N.S.A.!!.



Click here for ordering information on books by Wayne Madsen.

Read and endorse the Nuremberg Declaration calling for the United  
States to
accede to the International Criminal Court and bring U.S. war  
criminals to justice.



March 26, 2007 -- *Coming this week: A remote pod cast on U.S.  
Attorneys firing
scandal.*  Also, U.S. and Israeli intelligence officers present in  
Bali before
the 2002 terrorist bombings, havoc in the privatized Santiago,  
Chile mass transit

system, and Nuclear Pakistan on the brink of a breakup.

March 26, 2007 -- *WMR has been reporting for some time on the  
massive theft of
personal data by a covert U.S. intelligence black bag program to  
populate a
renewed secret Total Information Awareness System series of  
databases.*  Since
being cut off from funding by Congress in 2003, the T.I.A. has  
continued secretly
under the aegis of the Department of Homeland Security and the  
National Security
Agency.  WMR’s sources in the Intelligence Community have told us  
on background
that many of the so-called data thefts are being carried out by  
U.S. intelligence

black bag teams operating outside of legal authority.

T.I.A.'s former program director, Iran-contra felon Admiral John  
resigned in August 2003 from the Defense Advanced Research Projects  
(D.A.R.P.A.) Total Information Awareness Office (I.A.O.) after  
details of the
project emerged.  After Congress cut funding, the I.A.O. was closed  
and its logo,
featuring a Masonic all-seeing eye atop a pyramid scanning the  
earth, was retired.

T.I.A. was an offshoot of Poindexter’s Genoa project, a deep data  
mining system
developed by SYNTEK, Inc., a company for which he served as Senior  
President.  Poindexter has also worked for other companies engaged  
in mass data

surveillance, including Saffron Technology, Inc. and Presearch, Inc.

However, according to Wired magazine, the T.I.A.'s clone has been  
developed, in
conjunctions with Poindexter’s former assistants at I.A.O., by the  
government of
Singapore, one of the most invasive governments in the world when  
it comes to
personal surveillance.  The new T.I.A., called Risk Assessment and  
Scanning (R.A.H.S.), was unveiled.  In January, Poindexter joined  
the board of
BrightPlanet, a Sioux Falls-based company that markets one of the  
data-mining systems in the world and has the U.S. Intelligence  
Community as a

priority target in its marketing plans.

Poindexter's Total Information Awareness System is back, with  

BrightPlanet's partners include:
-- Lockheed Martin, the world's largest war profiteer; 
-- Factiva, a Dow Jones company that gathers open source news  
-- Basis Technology, which extracts meaningful intelligence from  

text in Asian, European, and Middle Eastern languages;
-- Convera, which markets software tools that searches video,  
image, and audio

information, in multiple languages;
-- ASP Solutions Ltd., which provides information services with  

Monitoring  Surveillance at the core;
-- Klinx, which harvests content from sources throughout the  
Internet, including

the Deep Web; and,
-- Phoenix Global Intelligence Systems, which claims it is  
comprised of
talented, visionary and dedicated individuals from around the globe  
who have come
together with common cause.  Embracing the forces of globalisation  
[sic] and
technology, they embody the very spirit that the enemy seeks to  
Unrestrained by nationality and not beholden to political leaders,  
Phoenix Global
Intelligence Systems represents the future of global security  
Phoenix is composed of 40 concerned citizens who monitor the  
Internet to look
for terrorists and pass tips on to the government.  A cyber- 
vigilante group is
more like it -- former C.I.A. Counter-terrorism chief Vince  
Cannistraro called
Phoenix's work a vigilante kind of activity in an interview last  
August with

the Argus (South Dakota) Leader.

Wired reports that two of Poindexter’s chief assistants at I.A.O.,  
John Peterson
of the Arlington Institute, and Dave Snowden. Were top consultants  
on developing
R.A.H.S.  Snowden is 


2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 27, 2007 1:50:37 PM PDT
Subject: IMPEACH


John Nichols
The Nation, March 27, 2007

Former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough had me on his MSNBC  
show Monday night to talk about impeachment.
It was smart, civil discussion that treated the prospect of  
impeaching the president as a serious matter.
Scarborough took the lead in suggesting that Bush's biggest problem  
might be that Republicans in the House and Senate who — fearful of  
the threat Bush poses to their political survival — do not appear  
to be rallying 'round the president. The host's sentiments were  
echoed by two other guests, columnist Mike Barnicle and Salon's  
Joan Walsh.
The impetus for the show was Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel's ongoing  
discussion of the impeachment prospect — Hagel's not quite a  
supporter of sanctioning Bush, more a speculator about the prospect  
— and a new column by Robert Novak that suggests Bush has dwindling  
support within the congressional wing of the GOP.
Speaking about impeachment on ABC's This Week, Hagel said, Any  
president who says 'I don't care' or 'I will not respond to what  
the people of this country are saying about Iraq or anything else'  
or 'I don't care what the Congress does, I am going to proceed' —  
if a president really believes that, then there (are) ways to deal  
with that.
Novak wrote The I-word (incompetence) is used by Republicans in  
describing the Bush administration generally. Several of them I  
talked to described a trifecta of incompetence: the Walter Reed  
hospital scandal, the FBI's misuse of the Patriot Act and the U.S.  
attorneys firing fiasco. 'We always have claimed that we were the  
party of better management,' one House leader told me. 'How can we  
claim that anymore?'
Scarborough drew the two statements together for the purpose of  
asking whether Bush could count on Republicans to block moves by  
Congressional Democrats to hold Bush to account for high crimes and  
When a conservative commentator who was on the frontlines of Newt  
Gingrich's Republican revolution entertains a thoughtful  
conversation about the politics and processes of impeachment on a  
major cable news network, it should be clear that the cloistered  
conversation about sanctioning this president has begun to open up.

No, Scarborough is not jumping on the impeachment bandwagon.
He is simply treating the prospect seriously, as did CNN's Wolf  
Blitzer earlier in the day.
What I told Scarborough is what I have been saying in public forums  
for the past several weeks: We are nearing an impeachment moment.  
The Alberto Gonzales scandal, the under-covered but very real  
controversy involving abuses of the Patriot Act and the president's  
increasingly belligerent refusals to treat Congress as a co-equal  
branch of government are putting the discussion of presidential  
accountability onto the table from which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi  
has tried to remove it.
Does this mean Bush and Cheney will be impeached? That, of course,  
will be decided by the people. Impeachment at its best is always an  
organic process; it needs popular support or it fizzles — as with  
the attempt by House Republican leaders to remove former President  
Clinton in a process that, fairly or not, seemed to be all about  
blue dresses.
While the people saved Clinton — by signaling to their  
representatives that they opposed sanctioning a president's  
personal morals — it does not appear that they are inclined to  
protect Bush.
With each new revelation about what Gonzales did at the behest of  
the Bush White House to politicize prosecutions by U.S. Attorneys,  
the revulsion with the way this president has disregarded the  
Constitution and the rule of law becomes more intense. And citizens  
are not cutting their president much slack.
A new USA Today/Gallup Poll — conducted over the weekend — shows  
that, by close to a 3-to-1 margin, Americans want Congress to issue  
subpoenas to force White House officials to testify in the Gonzales  
case. Sixty-eight percent of those surveyed say the president  
should drop his claim of executive privilege in this matter, while  
only 26 percent agree with the reasoning Bush has used to try and  
block a meaningful inquiry.
If the president wants to get in a fight with Congress over how to  
read the Constitution, it appears that the people will back  
Congress. And that backing is what will begin to restore the  
backbones of House members who, despite Pelosi's attempts to quiet  
talk of impeachment, are getting more and more intrigued by the  
prospect of holding this president to account.
As Hagel says, This is not a monarchy. There are ways to deal with  
(executive excess). And I would 

[CTRL] Fwd: On the Brink of War with Iran, Pole Shift Occurs in the Middle East

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 27, 2007 8:57:04 PM PDT
Subject: On the Brink of War with Iran, Pole Shift Occurs in the  
Middle East

Accept peace plan or face war,

Arab World Tells Israel

By David Blair, in Riyadh
The Telegraph (UK), 28/03/2007

The lords of war will decide Israel's future if it rejects a  
blueprint for peace crafted by the entire Arab world, Saudi  
Arabia's veteran foreign minister warned yesterday.

As leaders began gathering in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, for  
today's summit of the Arab League, Prince Saud al-Faisal told The  
Daily Telegraph that the Middle East risks perpetual conflict if  
the peace plan fails.

Saudi foreign minister Prince Saudi al-Faisal, right, and Amr  
Moussa, Secretary General of the Arab League
Under this Saudi-drafted proposal, every Arab country would  
formally recognise Israel in return for a withdrawal from all the  
land captured in the war of 1967.

This would entail a Palestinian state embracing the entire West  
Bank and Gaza with East Jerusalem as its capital. Every Arab  
country will almost certainly endorse this blueprint when the  
Riyadh summit concludes tomorrow. Prince Saud said Israel should  
accept or reject this final offer.

What we have the power to do in the Arab world, we think we have  
done, he said. So now it is up to the other side because if you  
want peace, it is not enough for one side only to want it. Both  
sides must want it equally.

Speaking inside his whitewashed palace, surrounded by luxuriant  
lawns and manicured flower beds resembling a green oasis in the  
drabness of Riyadh, Prince Saud delivered an unequivocal warning to  

If Israel refuses, that means it doesn't want peace and it places  
everything back into the hands of fate. They will be putting their  
future not in the hands of the peacemakers but in the hands of the  
lords of war, he said.
Prince Saud dismissed any further diplomatic overtures towards  
Israel. It has never been proven that reaching out to Israel  
achieves anything, he said.

Other Arab countries have recognised Israel and what has that  

The largest Arab country, Egypt, recognised Israel and what was  
the result? Not one iota of change happened in the attitude of  
Israel towards peace.

Israel has numerous reservations about the Arab peace plan -- which  
was previously proposed at a summit in 2002.  Israel fears any hint  
that Palestinian refugees would have the right to return to their  
homes in the event of a peace settlement.

Prince Saud is the 66-year-old son of the late King Faisal.   
Relieved of the need to seek re-election, he has held office for 32  

Flush with oil money, Saudi Arabia is playing a more assertive role  
in Middle Eastern diplomacy.  As well as securing the Arab peace  
plan, the Kingdom brokered the agreement between Hamas and Fatah --  
the two Palestinian factions -- to form a unity government.

But western diplomats in Riyadh believe this resurgence in Saudi  
diplomacy stems from more than the kingdom's oil boom.

The menacing spectre of Iran, the rising Shia power with nuclear- 
tipped ambitions for regional dominance, looms large across the  
waters of the Gulf.

Saudi Arabia is quietly moving to contain its bellicose neighbour.  
Prince Saud offered conciliatory words to Iran, laced with coded  
criticism. We have no inhibitions about the role of Iran, he  
said. It is a large country. It wants to play a leading role in  
the region, and it has every right to do so. It is an historic  
country. But if you want to reach for leadership, you have to make  
sure that those you are leading are having their interests taken  
care of and not damaged.

Saudi Arabia has privately urged Iran to stop enriching uranium, in  
compliance with United Nations resolutions and lay to rest any  
suggestion that it is seeking nuclear weapons. Prince Saud called  
for a Middle East free of nuclear weapons with no exceptions for  
anybody, be it Israel or Iran.

Asked whether the kingdom would consider seeking nuclear weapons of  
its own if Iran managed to acquire a bomb, Prince Saud replied: We  
have made it very clear that we are not going down that road under  
any circumstances.

He paused for a moment, before adding, under any foreseeable  


Teheran backs Arab peace plan, say Saudis

By Tim Butcher, Middle East Correspondent

The Telegraph (UK), 07/03/2007


Saudi Arabia claimed an important diplomatic breakthrough yesterday  
when it said Iran had agreed to support an Arab peace plan to end  
the Israeli-Palestinian crisis.


[CTRL] Fwd: Democracy Dreaming

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 27, 2007 1:38:03 PM PDT
Subject: Fwd: Democracy Dreaming

article17414.htm*Democracy Dreaming* By Joel S. Hirschhorn  
03/26/07  ICH  -- What is this thing called democracy?  So easy  
to talk about, so difficult to make real.  Pure democracy is not  
what our Founders gave us.  Who would want a simple majority to  
control the minority?  Instead, America was  given a representative  
democracy within a constitutional republic where laws that protect  
all people trump majority rule.  Standing between majority-won  
elections and government power are elected representatives:  
writing, overseeing and implementing laws.  But when you can no  
longer trust the elected representatives what happens to American  
democracy?  It becomes an oxymoron. We have arrived at a delusional  
democracy.  Delusional because Americans overwhelmingly cannot  
admit the painful truth that their limited democracy no longer  
works for the good of most citizens.  Instead, through corruption  
and dishonesty, our representative democracy has morphed into a  
plutocracy that serves the wealthy, power elites and corporate  
masters that control the  political system and through that the  
economic system. The Framers of the Constitution had deep concerns  
about the long-term viability of the government structure they  
created.  Some think that the checks and balances among the three  
branches of the federal government preserve its integrity.   
Really?  The money that controls the legislative branch also   
controls the executive branch, and both of those control the  
judicial branch.  Even  worse, it has become clearer to increasing  
numbers of Americans that many parts of the Constitution -- the  
supreme law of the land -- have been directly or more deviously  
disobeyed or distorted.  Constitutional rule is a myth. We have a  
Congress that gives its constitutional power to declare war to the  
President and refuses to impeach him for his many violations of  
laws.  We have a President that openly signs laws but says he will  
not honor them.  We have a Supreme Court that decides who becomes  
President rather than the voters and  often amends the Constitution  
unconstitutionally.  We have elections that are not to  be  
trusted.  We have a government using free trade globalization  
hogwash to sell  out the middle class.  We have rising economic  
inequality that is creating a two-class society: the wealthy Upper  
Class and the Lower Class for everyone  else.  Overlaid on this  
delusional system is the myth that having just two major political  
parties somehow is right and necessary for our representative  
democracy.  In reality, partisan differences are just another layer  
of corruption, dishonesty and deceit.  Artificial political  
competition distracts.  Big money from the wealthy and corporate  
and other special interests controls both parties, producing  
mutually assured corruption.  They are two faces of the same coin,  
two heads of the same monster, two puppets controlled by the same  
masters.  Of course the two-party system provides stability.  It  
has stabilized  a criminally corrupt government. Delusional  
political competition supports a delusional democracy based on a  
set of delusional checks and balances.  The whole system that once  
worked has become a sham.Did the Framers anticipate that their  
system could become such a travesty?  They did.  So, in addition to  
the better known parts of the Constitution, they imbedded  what  
might be called a legal loophole -- a kind of escape clause, just  
in case things went terribly wrong.  They have.  The public is  
largely ignorant of Article V’s option for a convention, when   
asked for by two-thirds of states, to propose amendments to the  
Constitution.   Worse, nearly all people with political power have  
opposed using it.  Even worse, despite Article V explicitly saying  
that Congress shall call such a convention when a sufficient  
number of states have asked for one -- and that is the ONLY  
specified constitutional requirement -- for over 200 years Congress  
has  willfully disobeyed the constitution and NOT granted a  
convention.  In fact, Congress  never had the integrity and  
constitutional respect to even set up a system of any kind to  
collect state requests for an Article V convention.  Still, we know  
from the hard work of many that there have been well over 500 such  
state requests. People with power in the present corrupt political  
system fear an Article V convention.  Operating independently of  
Congress and the White House, it might reduce their power and  
ignite widespread public interest in deep reforms.  One trick of  
the power elites has been to fool people that an Article V  
convention would inevitably become runaway 

[CTRL] Fwd: Sociopath's Rulebook

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 27, 2007 1:48:27 PM PDT
Subject: Sociopath's Rulebook

Never allow the public to cool off;
Never admit a fault or wrong;
Never concede that there may be some good in your enemy;
Never leave room for alternatives;
Never accept blame;
Concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything  
that goes wrong;

People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one,
and if you repeat it frequently enough, people will sooner or  
later believe it.

-- Joseph Goebbels, Nazi chief of propaganda

*Propaganda: The similarities between G.W. Bush and Goebbels speeches*

Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for  
which it
stands.  Miracles do not cluster, and what happened once in 6,000  
may not happen again.  Hold on to the Constitution, for if the  
experiment should fail, anarchy will rule the whole world forever  

-- Daniel Webster (1782-1852), US Senator
AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's  
free from AOL at AOL.com.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

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[CTRL] Fwd: Bush's Supreme Court Gives Notice to Whistleblowers

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 27, 2007 10:21:08 PM PDT
Subject: Bush's Supreme Court Gives Notice to Whistleblowers


Court Rules Against Whistle-Blower
The Associated Press
Tuesday, March 27, 2007; 4:15 PM

WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court left an 81-year-old retired  
engineer without a penny to show for his role in exposing fraud at  
a former nuclear weapons plant in a ruling that makes it harder for  
whistle-blowers to claim cash rewards.

James Stone stood to collect up to $1 million from a lawsuit he  
filed in 1989 against Rockwell International, now part of aerospace  
giant Boeing Co., over problems with environmental cleanup at the  
now-closed Rocky Flats nuclear weapons plant northwest of Denver.

A court eventually ordered Rockwell to pay the government nearly  
$4.2 million for false claims the company submitted. Stone could  
have received up to a quarter of Rockwell's payment, under the  
False Claims Act.

But Justice Antonin Scalia, writing in the 6-2 ruling Tuesday, said  
Stone was not entitled to recover any money because he lacked  
direct and independent knowledge of the information upon which his  
allegations were based. Scalia said Stone had little connection to  
the jury's ultimate verdict against Rockwell.

The company must pay the entire penalty anyway. The only question  
before the court was whether Stone would get a cut.

The outcome was cheered by business groups that wanted the court to  
limit whistle-blowers in false claims lawsuits. Since Congress  
reinvigorated the Civil War-era law in 1986, those suits have  
returned $11 billion to the government. Recent high-profile cases  
include settlements with leading pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Robin Conrad, senior vice president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce  
National Chamber Litigation Center, said the decision is a very  
important victory for every government contractor.

The decision will cause whistle-blowers, or relators, to think  
twice before they file false claims lawsuits, said Peter B. Hutt  
II, an expert in false claims lawsuits in Washington.

The principal thing the court did is essentially try to preclude  
relators from engaging in fishing expeditions, said Hutt, a lawyer  
at the Miller and Chevalier firm.

James Moorman, president of the advocacy group Taxpayers Against  
Fraud Education Fund, agreed. Individuals whose information leads  
the government to pursue fraud can be told years later that they  
can't collect anything, Moorman said.

No whistle-blower can afford to pursue a case to resolution under  
these circumstances, he said.

Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, a leading congressional supporter of  
whistle-blower claims, said lawmakers should consider changes to  
the False Claims Act to make sure people are rewarded when they  
uncover wrongdoing.

The Supreme Court has made it even more difficult to get to the  
bottom of waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer money, Grassley said.

The Bush administration sided with Stone, arguing that it was in  
the government's interest to encourage whistle-blowers, even though  
the government keeps more money now that Stone has lost.

Hartley Alley, a Colorado-based lawyer who represented Stone, said  
the decision fails to recognize the importance of Stone's actions  
at Rocky Flats, now a Superfund cleanup site. He is the one  
primarily responsible for exposing the criminal activities of  
Rockwell International at Rocky Flats, Alley said.

In nearly four decades, some 70,000 plutonium triggers for nuclear  
bombs were made at Rocky Flats. Production was halted in 1989  
because of chronic safety problems, prompting a raid by FBI agents.  
The Cold War ended before production could resume.

The company pleaded guilty in 1992 to violating federal  
environmental laws.

Alley said Stone, who lives in Wheat Ridge, Colo., would not agree  
to an interview. Stone is pursuing one remaining unresolved claim  
about operations at Rocky Flats, Alley said.

Once allegations are disclosed publicly, often by the media,  
individuals face a higher hurdle in bringing fraud suits on the  
government's behalf. Otherwise, people could read a newspaper  
account or an indictment and then rush to the courthouse to file suit.

The major exception to this rule is if an individual is an original  
source of the information, which Stone said he was. Stone did not  
file suit until after problems at Rocky Flats became public. He  
did, however, approach federal investigators with information about  
environmental issues before news accounts were published.

The company said his claim was implausible. Stone was laid off the  
year before Rockwell began submitting false claims saying it was  
meeting goals of 

[CTRL] Fwd: Boundary-Line Cited by Blair in Dispute with Iran INVENTED by Britain

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 29, 2007 6:44:01 PM PDT
Subject: Boundary-Line Cited by Blair in Dispute with Iran INVENTED  
by Britain

The British Government has published a map showing the coordinates  

British sailors were captured by Iran, Ambassador Craig Murray writes.
The Iran/Iraq maritime boundary shown on the British government map  
does not exist.

It has been drawn up by the British Government.
Only Iraq and Iran can agree on their bilateral boundary, and they  
have never done this.
The boundary published by Blair's government is a fake with no  
legal force.
Even accepting the British coordinates for the position of both HMS  

and the incident, both were closer to Iranian land than Iraqi land.

Boundary Dispute at Root of
Iranian Seizure of British Sailors
By Jim Teeple
29 March 2007

Britain continues to insist that it was within Iraqi territorial  
waters when Iranian Revolutionary Guards seized two small patrol  
craft and 15 sailors and marines.  Iran maintains the boats were in  
Iranian waters.  As VOA correspondent Gary Thomas reports, the  
waters in question have long been a point of dispute between Iran  
and Iraq.

Vice Admiral Charles Style stands in front of a diagram depicitng  
when British soldiers were captured
With modern navigation devices such as the Global Positioning  
System (GPS) a ship can determine its position down to scant  
meters, a far cry from the days when ships navigated by a sextant  
and the stars.

But as Craig Murray, former chief of the Maritime Section of  
Britain's Foreign and Commonwealth Office, points out, even the  
most sophisticated navigational devices are of no help in the  
current British-Iranian dispute because there is no clearly  
demarcated boundary.

The major problem is, knowing where the ships were exactly doesn't  
help you know precisely where the boundary line is because that's  
what nobody really knows, because it [the boundary] has never been  
agreed, he explained.

The British boats were in the Persian Gulf outside the mouth of the  
Shatt-al-Arab waterway, a winding 193-kilometer tidal river that  
runs between Iran and Iraq.  The waterway and the Gulf waters into  
which it flows have long been a source of conflict between the two  
neighbors.  Control of it was one cause of the bloody Iran-Iraq War  
that ran from 1980 to 1988.

Kaiyan Kaikobad is a professor of international law at Durham  
University in Britain who has advised the United Nations and  
written extensively about Persian Gulf maritime disputes.  He notes  
that Iran and Iraq have still not agreed on a formal maritime  
boundary in that area where the Shatt-al-Arab flows into the Gulf.

Once you're in the Gulf, there is no lateral boundary that the two  
countries have agreed upon by virtue of a treaty, he said.  Now  
it may be that over these 15, 20, 25 years, they have a kind of de  
facto arrangement.

British troops operate out of Basra, the Iraqi port near the Gulf.   
Under U.N. mandate, Royal Navy ships patrol the coastal area of  
Iraq.  Craig Murray, who also served as ambassador to Uzbekistan,  
says the shallow shipping lanes shift with tides and seasons,  
making even a rough demarcation extremely difficult.

British Foreign Office spokesman Barry Marston tells VOA that  
Britain realizes that there are questions about the maritime  
boundary in the area.  But, he adds, the British craft were not in  
any area of dispute.

We are aware there are some issue over in clarity over the Iraq- 
Iranian [demarcation], over the exact borderline along parts of  
that coast, he said.  That is an area, however, where there is no  
doubt whatsoever.  This has never been a stretch where there has  
been any dispute over.  So there's very, very little doubt that  
Britain is absolutely in the right here.

Kaiyan Kaikobad says that even if British craft had strayed into  
what Iran claims as its waters, under international law, Iran had  
no right to seize the sailors.

Even if a naval vessel, a warship, from Iraq or from the United  
Kingdom strays into Iranian territory by mistake, even if that is  
the case, you can't arrest it, he said.  You can't board that  
craft.  All that you do is you can ask that vessel, 'we want you to  
leave.'  You can persevere in that.  But you can't go about  
arresting them.  You can't go about keeping their people in  

U.S. warships are engaged in exercises in the Persian Gulf.   
Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns said Thursday the maneuvers  
are not aimed at threatening Iran, but to make sure the Persian  
Gulf remains open to commerce.

The message is, we have 170,000 American troops in Iraq, we have  
obvious security interests throughout the Gulf region.  The Gulf is  

[CTRL] Fwd: Colombian Army Linked to Terrorists Backed by CIA

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 27, 2007 5:57:36 PM PDT
Subject: Fwd: Colombian Army Linked to Terrorists Backed by CIA

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's  
free from AOL at AOL.com.

Date: March 26, 2007 8:30:57 PM PDT
Subject: C.I.A. Claims Colombian Army, Terrorists Linked


*C.I.A. Claims Colombian Army, Terrorists Linked*
By Paul Richter and Greg Miller
Los Angeles Times
Posted on Sun, Mar. 25, 2007

WASHINGTON -- The C.I.A. has obtained new intelligence that the  
head of
Colombia's American-backed army collaborated extensively with right- 
wing militias
that the U.S. considers terrorist organizations, including a  
militia headed by

one of the country’s leading drug traffickers.

Disclosure of the allegation about army chief Gen. Mario Montoya  
comes at a time
when the high level of U.S. support for Colombia’s government is  
under scrutiny

from Democrats in Congress.

The disclosure could heighten pressure to reduce or redirect that  
aid because
Montoya has been a favorite of the Pentagon and an important U.S.  
partner in the
U.S.-funded counterinsurgency strategy called Plan Colombia.  The  
$700 million a
year Colombia receives makes it the third-largest beneficiary of  
U.S. foreign


Montoya has a long and close association with Colombia's president,  
Alvaro Uribe,
and would be the highest-ranking Colombian officer implicated in a  
political scandal in Colombia over links between the outlawed  
militias and top
officials.  The scandal has implicated the country's former foreign  
minister, at
least one state governor, legislators and the head of the national  
police and has

shaken Uribe's government.

President Bush called Uribe a personal friend during a visit to  
Bogota, the
Colombian capital, two weeks ago, and his government is one of the  

administration’s closest allies in Latin America.

The intelligence about Montoya is contained in a report circulated  
within the
C.I.A.  It says that Montoya and a paramilitary group jointly  
planned and
conducted a military operation in 2002 to eliminate Marxist  
guerrillas from poor
areas around Medellin, a city in northwestern Colombia that has  
been a center of

the drug trade.

At least 14 people were killed during the operation, and opponents  
of Uribe

charge that dozens more disappeared in its aftermath.

The intelligence report, reviewed by the Los Angeles Times,  
includes information
from another Western intelligence service and indicates that U.S.  
officials have

received similar reports from other reliable sources.

In addition to his close cooperation with U.S. officials on Plan  
Montoya has served as an instructor at the U.S.-sponsored military  

center formerly called the School of the Americas.

The Colombian general was praised by Marine Gen. Peter Pace, now  
chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, when Pace directed the regional military  
command for Latin
America, and Montoya has been organizing a new Colombian  
counternarcotics task

force with American funds.

 Msg sent via CWNet  -

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: CORP-WATCH ~ Iraq's Off the Books Oil Profits (Worth BILLIONS)

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 27, 2007 6:02:04 PM PDT
Subject: Fwd: CORP-WATCH ~ Iraq's Off the Books Oil Profits  

How much crude oil is Iraq actually exporting? Nobody really knows  
how much is
being siphoned off by corrupt [US] officials because the US  
contractors in charge
of fixing the meters have yet to calibrate them -- even four years  
after the invasion.


AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's  
free from AOL at AOL.com.

Date: March 26, 2007 3:14:10 PM PDT
Subject: CORP-WATCH~Mystery of the Missing Meters: Accounting for  
Iraq's Oil Revenue


Holding Corporations Accountable

*Mystery of the Missing Meters: Accounting for Iraq's Oil Revenue*
By Pratap Chatterjee
March 22nd, 2007

How much crude oil is Iraq actually exporting? Nobody really knows  
how much is
potentially being stolen by corrupt officials because the  
contractors in charge
of fixing the meters have yet to calibrate them, four years after  
the invasion.




US: Iraq's Mercenary King

US: Senator calls for more aggressive investigation of war  


AFGHANISTAN: BearingPoint Lands Afghanistan Project

UK: Spat erupts between medical journals

US: Halliburton's Dubai Move Sparks US Political Ire


FRANCE: France Begins Formal Inquiry on Oil Executive

US: In Transcripts, Bromwell Boasts of Comcast Ties

US: Judge OKs key witness in Colombian deaths case


US: BP 'is to blame for Texas blast'

US: Coeur d'Alene Mines Loses Clean Water Act Court Case

PHILIPPINES: Court orders removal of oil storage facilities


PERU: Human Rights Commission May Examine Violations at La Oroya, Peru

US: Chevron gets part of suit dismissed

INDIA: Amnesty International Public Statement: Deaths in West  
Bengal due to

police firing during protests against new industrial project

COLOMBIA: Colombia seeks extradition of 8 people in Chiquita  
payments to



US: Global-warming deniers feeling the heat

US: Chevron Faces More Scrutiny in Ecuador over Pollution

US: World Bank raps Exxon over Chad


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 Msg sent via CWNet  -

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Fwd: If Justice Dept Officials Refuse to Testify, TORTURE Them

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 28, 2007 11:26:30 AM PDT
Subject: If Justice Dept Officials Refuse to Testify, TORTURE Them


by David Michael Green
March 27, 2007 at 15:26:58

So Monica Goodling doesn’t want to answer questions on Capitol  
Hill, eh?
This top official in the Justice Department, who serves as its  
liaison to the White House, is now refusing to answer any  
congressional questions about the US attorneys scandal. You know,  
the one in which George and Dick and Karl and Alberto have been  
hiring and firing federal prosecutors based on their willingness to  
politicize the legal system. That scandal (it’s so hard to keep  
track of them these days).

Her lawyer says that Goodling doesn’t actually have anything to  
hide, but rather that – just like the judicial travesty that  
recently took down Scooter Libby – a hostile and questionable  
environment has surrounded the case. As opposed to the good kind  
of investigations, you see, where the White House doesn’t bother to  
answer the friendly questions that Congress and the press don’t  
bother to ask. You know, like the last six years or so.
So Goodling’s lawyer has just announced that his client will be  
invoking her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination –  
even though, mind you, she didn’t do anything wrong! – rather than  
testifying to Congress.

Fifth Amendment? Fifth Amendment? You mean like, the Bill of  
Rights? That Fifth Amendment?

Doesn’t she know that the Fifth Amendment has been suspended?
Doesn’t she know that all those amendments have been suspended?
Doesn’t she know that the president considers that whole document  
that these amendments amend to be just a goddamed piece of paper?
She’s joking here, right? I thought she worked for the Justice  
Department in the Bush administration? Hasn’t she heard?
Or maybe she’s still waiting for her interoffice mail from the last  
five years to clear NSA.

Boy, is she gonna be surprised. We all know how committed the Bush  
people are to protecting the country from evildoers.

Next thing you know, little Miss Monica Goodling is going to find  
herself bound and gagged, and on a short but very uncomfortable  
flight to Guantánamo.
And that’s if she’s lucky. If not, she’ll be getting a wee taste of  
extraordinary rendition to some place like Egypt or Syria. Those  
fellas know how to make a gal sing! Lemme tell ya, brother, there  
aren’t any pesky amendments in Syria, and there never were.
I hope Ms. Goodling doesn’t think that her attorney will get the  
charges dropped for her. In fact, she won’t be having an attorney.
I hope she doesn’t think that the evidence she presents will  
exonerate her. In fact, she won’t be presenting any.
I hope she doesn’t think there will be a fair trial before a jury  
of her peers. In fact, she’s gonna be rotting away in a dank cell  
somewhere, never even charged with any actual offense.
And she can forget about making a habeas corpus appeal, too. Even  
though it was considered for centuries to be one of the great  
traditions of Western jurisprudence, Dear Leader knew better than  
that and had the foresight to eliminate it, so that evildoers  
couldn’t get away on some minor legal technicality like unlawful  
Habeas corpus? Ancient history. Just like all the rest of that  
Latin mumbo-jumbo. Bag ‘em and tag ‘em are the legal lyrics we sing  
these days. This president’s a (nearly real) Texan! Don’t mess with  
Squeamish lily-livered liberals and their bleeding-heart fellow  
travelers might not like it, but I’m sure the president wants to  
get to the bottom of this just as much as he’s wanted to solve the  
puzzle of who outed Valerie Plame (which he will, I assure you, as  
soon as he can locate that scrap of paper with Dick Cheney’s phone  
number on it).
That’s bad news for Ms. Goodling, because that whole annoying  
Geneva Protocol thing has now been determined to be both quaint  
and obsolete (didn’t Alberto tell you?).
Uh-Oh. That means the t-word, I’m afraid. But, look, you gotta do  
what you gotta do to win the war on evildoers.

So I say, torture her! Hell yes.
If I know anything about this president, I know he won’t be afraid  
to attach electrodes to her genitals and make her scream a little.
I know that he’ll waterboard her until she gives up the guilty  
parties (though certain names may have to be redacted, of course,  
but we have people for that).
I know that nothing so quaint and obsolete as mere international  
treaties or constitutional provisions will stop our unfaltering  
crusader for justice from getting to the bottom of this obvious  
threat to our way of life.
And I know that once he has everything he needs from her forced  
confession, he’ll have just the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Facing Arrest, Tony Blair Threatens to Resign

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 26, 2007 11:24:31 AM PDT
Subject: Facing Arrest, Tony Blair Threatens to Resign

Police told Blair would resign if [questioned]
By Andrew Alderson and Patrick Hennessy
Sunday Telegraph, March 25, 2007

Police officers investigating the cash-for-honours scandal wanted  
to interview Tony Blair under caution but backed off after being  
warned that it could lead to his resignation, The Sunday Telegraph  
can reveal.

Tony Blair was interviewed twice in six weeks
Allies of Mr Blair indicated to Scotland Yard that his position as  
Prime Minister would become untenable if he were treated as a  
suspect, rather than simply as a witness.

Detectives had hoped to question the Prime Minister under caution  
during the second of two interviews at No 10. It is understood that  
they wanted Mr Blair to clarify comments he had made during his  
first interview about an alleged cover-up by his senior aides.

Sources close to the inquiry said that there were difficult  
discussions before a political intermediary made senior detectives  
aware of the serious implications of treating the Prime Minister as  
a suspect.

Make no mistake, Scotland Yard was informed that Mr Blair would  
resign as Prime Minister if he was interviewed under caution, said  
a source. They were placed in a very difficult position indeed.

Eventually, Downing Street won the battle of wills: when two  
officers saw the Prime Minister for a second time, on January 26,  
he was again not interviewed under caution. A news black-out was  
placed on the interview for operational reasons at the request of  
the police, but this was lifted after six days.

Scotland Yard has, however, not ruled out interviewing Mr Blair for  
a third time if there is important new evidence to put to him. It  
is even possible that, as the inquiry drags on, Mr Blair could be  
interviewed - possibly as a suspect - after he steps down as Prime  
Minister in some three months.

Assistant Commissioner John Yates, who heads the cash-for-honours  
inquiry, told MPs this month that it would be unrealistic to set  
a deadline for completing the investigation. He said that he could  
not be rushed because some evidence raised complex and challenging  
legal issues.
It can also be revealed that relations between Scotland Yard and  
Downing Street remain deeply strained. There were tensions over the  
first police interview with Mr Blair on December 14, which -  
unusually for a meeting not under caution - was tape recorded. Some  
days later, detectives sent minutes of the interview to Mr Blair's  
office to be signed off - for Downing Street to agree the typed  
notes were an accurate reflection of what had taken place.

Downing Street refused to sign them off even when detectives  
reminded political aides that the interview had been recorded and  
they were merely supplying a transcript of events. More than three  
months after the interview, the issue remains unresolved.

The restricted conditions of Mr Blair's second interview enabled No  
10 to play down the significance of the police seeing him for the  
second time in only six weeks. A spokesman said at the time: The  
Prime Minister has been interviewed briefly to clarify points  
emerging from the ongoing investigation. He was interviewed as a  
witness, not as a suspect and co-operated fully.

The fact that Mr Blair has not been interviewed under caution means  
it is unlikely any of the answers he has given so far could be used  
against him to bring charges. Legal experts say any solicitor is  
likely to argue that evidence from a routine interview - not  
treating someone as a suspect - should be declared inadmissible by  
a judge.

Detectives have spent a year looking into allegations that Labour  
promised peerages in return for £14 million in secret loans to  
fight the 2005 general election. The inquiry has widened to  
investigate claims that senior aides were involved in a cover-up in  
which they sought to pervert the course of justice.

Officers have interviewed more than 100 people and arrested four,  
including two senior party aides: Lord Levy, Labour's chief fund- 
raiser, and Ruth Turner, the head of government relations.

The Sunday Telegraph has also learnt that the police are highly  
surprised that neither Miss Turner, 36, nor Lord Levy, 62, has  
been suspended from their positions given the seriousness of the  
cover-up accusations against them - even though they deny any  
wrongdoing, and no charges have been brought.

Last night a spokesman for Mr Blair denied that he had been going  
around saying he will resign if that happened [being interviewed  
under caution]. It is not true that such a message was conveyed to  
the police. He 

[CTRL] Fwd: Rise of a Very 'Loyal Bushie'

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 28, 2007 11:16:33 AM PDT
Subject: Fwd: Rise of a Very 'Loyal Bushie'

http://www.consortiumnews.com/2007/032707a.html*Rise of a Very  
'Loyal Bushie'* By Richard L. Fricker March 28, 2007 If you want to  
know what the career path of a loyal Bushie looks like, let me  
introduce you to J. Timothy Griffin, a Karl Rove protégé who was  
slipped into  the post of U.S. Attorney in Little Rock, Arkansas,  
and now is at the center of the controversy over whether the Bush  
administration has sought to politicize  federal prosecutions.  
Since college, the 38-year-old Griffin has been following the  
stations of the cross for a Republican legal/political operative  
with ambitions to rise to a position of power and influence in a  
government like the one headed by George W. Bush. Griffin has  
pretty much touched them all -- the Federalist Society, work for a  
Clinton-era special prosecutor, the Florida recount battle in 2000,  
opposition research and voter security duties for the Republican  
National Committee in Campaign 2004, a brief tour as a military  
lawyer in Iraq, a deputy in Karl  Rove's political shop at the  
White House. But now this carefully groomed Republican operative  
stands out as Exhibit A for Democrats as they contend that the Bush  
administration imposed political litmus tests on federal  
prosecutors who wield enormous power over the lives of those they  
investigate.  A U.S. Attorney not only has wide discretion over  
normal prosecutions but can tip a political race by either shutting  
down or starting up a criminal probe. Beyond being the  
personification of proof that Bush put political loyalty over legal  
competence, Griffin has become the test case for the use of new  
emergency powers in the Patriot Act to circumvent Senate  
confirmation for U.S. Attorneys. The administration’s gamble on  
Griffin was underscored by an e-mail in which Attorney General  
Alberto Gonzales's chief of staff Kyle Sampson warned that there  
is some risk that we'll lose the [Patriot Act] authority, but if we  
don’t ever exercise it then what’s the point of having it?  
Sampson's e-mail added, I'm not 100 percent sure that Tim was the  
guy on which to test drive this authority, but know that getting  
him appointed was important to Harriet, Karl, etc. references to  
White House deputy chief of staff Karl  Rove and then-White House  
counsel Harriet Miers. Sampson also mapped out plans for  
frustrating any congressional objections to Griffin's interim  
appointment. We should gum this to death, Sampson wrote in a Dec.  
19, 2006, e-mail to a White House aide. Ask the senators to give  
Tim a chance ... then we can tell them we'll look for other  
candidates, ask them for recommendations, evaluate the  
recommendations, interview their candidates, and otherwise run out  
the clock.  All of this should be done in 'good faith,' of course.  
The Mystery Yet, while it's clear that the White House was prepared  
to play political games and possibly pay a political price to  
install Griffin in Little Rock, the  mystery is why? Why, given the  
political risks, did the administration remove the well-regarded  
U.S. Attorney H.E. Bud Cummins III to make way for Griffin?   
Though a staunch Republican, Cummins may not have been staunch  
enough. When I checked on Cummins's reputation in the legal circles  
of Arkansas, I found that he was praised by both Republicans and  
Democrats as a by-the-book prosecutor.  One Democratic defense  
lawyer told me that Cummins was a prosecutor who dealt from the  
top of the deck. But the White House pushed Cummins out in 2006  
along with seven other U.S. Attorneys who did not measure up as  
loyal Bushies, according to another Kyle Sampson e-mail.  Given  
Griffin's history more as a political operative than an experienced  
prosecutor, he surely got higher grades on the loyal Bushie test.  
Some political analysts see Rove's dream of creating a permanent  
Republican majority as the motive behind the firings and Griffin's  
appointment.  In April 2006, Rove told the Republican National  
Lawyers Association that there were 11 states pivotal to the 2008  
election, Arkansas among them, according to a  report by the  
McClatchy newspapers. With Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor expected to  
face a tough reelection fight, Arkansas could be a possible  
Republican senatorial pickup in 2008.  Arkansas  also has a large  
African-American population, and Griffin has had experience in   
voter fraud investigations that have targeted the registrations  
of black voters. Other observers of the rough-and-tumble world of  
Arkansas politics recall the scorched-earth investigations into the  
personal lives of Bill and Hillary  Clinton during the 1990s and  
wonder if the Republicans might be hoping to unearth some more dirt  

[CTRL] Fwd: US Forces Simulate Air Strike on Iran / (Rumor) Iran's Missiles Hit US Ship

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 27, 2007 9:13:05 PM PDT
Subject: US Forces Simulate Air Strike on Iran / (Rumor) Iran's  
Missiles Hit US Ship

Oil prices surge as tensions in Iran escalate

March 27, 2007 | 8:40 AM ET

CBC News

Crude oil prices rose to a six-month high on Tuesday, triggered by  
false reports of an Iranian missile attack on a U.S. ship as well  
as increasing tensions over Iran's capture of 15 British sailors  
and marines.

The U.S. military was quick to deny rumours of the attack on one of  
its ships in the Persian Gulf. Military officials said they checked  
all their ships and no evidence of any attack was found.

Still, oil prices rose by eight per cent.

Meanwhile, Britain and Iran were battling over the British navy  
crew seized by Iran on Friday.

Britain and the United States say the sailors and marines were  
intercepted after they completed a search of a civilian vessel in  
Iraqi waters near Iran. Iran claims the British crew was in Iranian  

Demand crew's release
British Prime Minister Tony Blair demanded the crew's release on  

I hope we manage to get them to realize they have to release  
them, he said. If not, this will move into a different phase.

But at the moment, what we are trying to do is make sure that  
diplomatic initiative works.

He did not specify what he meant by a different phase, but  
officials in his government were quick to clarify he wasn't talking  
about military action, rather that he is ready to release evidence  
proving that the crew was seized by the Iranians in Iraqi waters.

Such evidence would show the Iranian ships strayed into Iraqi  
waters, which could spark a row between the two Middle Eastern  
countries, a British official said, speaking on condition of  

British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett echoed Blair's demands  
Tuesday, telephoning Iran's foreign minister to demand the crew's  
swift release.

Iran would not address Britain's demands publicly. Instead,  
Mohammed Ali Hosseini, spokesman for Iran's foreign minister, would  
only say that the captured sailors and marines are being treated well.

He said the only woman in the crew — 28-year-old Faye Turney — is  
being held separately to ensure her privacy.

U.S. forces flex muscles in Gulf

Iran has said it's questioning the British sailors and marines to  
determine if their alleged entry into Iranian waters was  
intentional or unintentional. Once Iran gets answers, it will  
decide what to do with the crew.

Meanwhile, the U.S. navy instructed its warplanes to run through  
simulated attacks and manoeuvres off the coast of Iran on Tuesday.   
It was the United States's largest demonstration of force in the  
Persian Gulf since the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

U.S. commanders said the exercises were not a direct response to  
the capture of the British navy crew. They said the demonstration  
was planned weeks ago.  Untrue

With files from the Associated Press

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's  
free from AOL at AOL.com.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Why Bush and Cheney Must Resign

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 27, 2007 5:51:19 PM PDT
Subject: Fwd: Why Bush and Cheney Must Resign

The Bush Administration cannot be allowed to decide how to deal  
with the problems now facing America -- problems which they  
themselves have created.  We can expect only more of the same and  
worse.  Most of the solutions favored by Bush and Cheney, for no  
reason other than to salvage their honor, pose even greater  
threats to the future of our society.  Bush and Cheney cannot be  
trusted to accurately weigh the outcome of their choices.   
Expecting those with bad judgment to deal with the negative effects  
of their own bad judgment is the height of insanity.  It promises,  
predictably, even worse results than pure bad luck.

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's  
free from AOL at AOL.com.

Date: March 21, 2007 2:43:15 PM PDT
Subject: Why Bush and Cheney Must Resign

*Why Bush and Cheney Must Resign*
By Charles J. Reid, Gilroy, CA

George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney must resign their positions in  
the U.S. Government.  The reason why they must resign is because  
their irrational decisions have placed their country in a horrific  
position from which it cannot extricate itself by any decision they  
or anyone else in their administration can make.

Due to their decisions the United States of America is faced with a  
set of terrible circumstances in which all the options on the table  
are bad choices all leading to undesirable outcomes.  Their  
decisions were irrational not necessarily by choice, but they are  
irrational by consequence.  They are responsible for the  
consequences of their decisions.  And one consequence of their  
decisions is that, as decision makers, they themselves only have  
irrational options, all of which will critically damage America and  
hurt Americans continuously over the next two years.

America is faced either with two more years of bad decisions with  
unwelcome outcomes, including more waste of American blood and  
treasure not to mention the intensification of political hate and  
dishonor in our country with increased irrational attempts to save  
the day, or with the quick installation of a new Administration  
that will begin the process of leading America out of the mortal  
quagmire in which it finds itself.

Any modern Western Government would have resigned long ago.  A  
Japanese statesman of any stature would have committed sepuku.  A  
British officer would have been give a pistol and left alone in a  
closed room. Lyndon Johnson declined to run for re-election.

Today we are faced with a graver reality caused by decisions made  
by Bush and Cheney, and we are much more dreadful choices.  As they  
take stock of this fundamental reality, the choice faced by Bush  
and Cheney to remain in office through two more years of  
irrationality or resign is an ultimate test of their true  
patriotism and political courage.

They have failed.  They have created a disaster.  There is nothing  
they themselves can do to remedy the situation.  Americans and  
others will continue to suffer and die, while the taxpayers waste  
more and more money.  George Bush and Richard Cheney face the true  
test of their political honor in the midst of the shame they have  
already caused America.

Let us overlook the appearance of dishonesty, dishonor,  
dissemblance, and un-American destruction of faith in the  
principles of our constitution in favor of fear for our security.   
Let's assume all actions and intentions were well-intentioned and  
squeaky clean.

From a military point of view, the initial Blitskrieg to Bagdad,  
employing speed, mobility, and all components of the American  
military, was as successful as any military operation could be,  
even with the unexpected denial of the 4th Infantry Division's  
transit through Turkey to create a northern front.

Aspects of the political agenda had merit: stop Saddam Hussein from  
paying the families of suicide bombers $25,000, after successful  
missions against Israel; overthrow a dictator responsible for the  
deaths of hundreds of thousands of human beings; lay the groundwork  
for a more humane government in Iraq.

Count these as successes, and prima facie, perhaps goals worth  
striving for one way or another.

Unfortunately, the broader agenda -- all the components of which we  
do not know but can only wildly speculate on with varying proximity  
to the truth because of the secrecy of the Bush Administration --  
failed. Bush and Cheney had no policy for implementing Victory. The  
cake walk turned into a path of quicksand.  The Hail to the  
Saviors turned into Death to the Occupiers.  And as we recall  
that Adolf Hitler rose to office in a democratic 

[CTRL] Fwd: Children of Men

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 28, 2007 11:32:55 AM PDT
Subject: Children of Men

Just watched Children of Men, out on DVD.  A sobering dystopia --  
moving story.  Highly recommended.

Its Bonus documentary relates the story to the demographic impact  
(mass-migrations) of Global Warming.
AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's  
free from AOL at AOL.com.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Tony Blair learns that immigrants are eroding wages, increasing unemployment

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 29, 2007 7:39:34 PM PDT
Subject: Tony Blair learns that immigrants are eroding wages,  
increasing unemployment

New immigrants eroding pay levels

· Senior adviser warns Blair over east European influx
· PM due to give key speech today on future of work

Patrick Wintour, political editor
The Guardian, March 30, 2007


The influx of immigrants into the EU from the 10 eastern European  
accession countries may be starting to push down wages among low- 
paid workers, leading to a rise in unemployment among unskilled  
workers, the prime minister has been told by one of his closest  
Tony Blair was given the politically sensitive information by Lord  
Turner at a seminar in preparation for a major lecture today on the  
future of work. The lecture is one of a series of valedictory  
addresses being given by the prime minister.

Concerns over the impact of immigration are understood to be shared  
by ministers at the Department for Work and Pensions, even though  
the government's official economic analysis has not yet shown a  
clear link between falling pay levels and immigration from eastern  
Lord Turner, a former chairman of the Low Pay Commission and author  
of the government's landmark report on pensions, told Mr Blair that  
the latest evidence suggested that migrants were beginning to push  
down wages at the lower end of the income scale. They were  
displacing some less skilled workers, making it more difficult to  
persuade some of the long-term unemployed to seek work -- partly  
because the immigrant workers were more willing to work unlawfully  
for less than the minimum wage.

The influx may also make it more difficult to increase the level of  
the minimum wage in the future. The introduction of the minimum  
wage in 1999 will be hailed by Mr Blair in today's speech as one of  
the major achievements of the Labour government.

Since the 10 eastern European countries joined the EU, the UK  
economy has absorbed an estimated 500,000 migrant workers, although  
many of these will have returned to their native country.

Mr Blair was urged by other academics at the seminar to do more to  
counter growing wage inequalities in Britain, on the basis that  
widening inequalities between senior executives and other workers  
within a company can reduce productivity.  He has been reluctant to  
take such advice, arguing that any wage inequality has been driven  
by international competition for senior executives.

In his speech, Mr Blair will argue that the Labour government has  
given a new meaning to the term labour flexibility, turning it  
from a euphemism for exploitation into a phrase which helps to  
empower workers with skills and rights.

In the era of open economies, a flexible labour market is a  
desirable, indeed a necessary, thing, the prime minister will say.  
We saw flexibility as a two-way street. We wanted to give  
flexibility to the employee as well as the employer.

This used to be posed as a choice: either a flexible labour market  
or rights for workers  [Instead] we saw that you could have a  
flexible labour market and a flexible labour force -- indeed, that  
it was vital to have both.

See what's free at AOL.com.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Pentagon Able to BLACKOUT European Mass Media Internet

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 27, 2007 6:11:14 PM PDT
Subject: Fwd: Pentagon Able to BLACKOUT European Mass Media  Internet

The U.S. Army 'mistakenly' jammed the satellite signals of many  
European news organisations -- including the French and Swiss  
national news agencies -- on January 23, affecting a large number  
of radio, television and internet services
What can the Pentagon do to worldwide communications when it WANTS  

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's  
free from AOL at AOL.com.

Date: March 26, 2007 8:40:15 PM PDT
Subject: U.S. Army 'Jammed' Swiss and French Satellites

*U.S. Army 'Jammed' Swiss and French Satellites*
Published: 25/03/2007 / 12:00 AM  (U.A.E.)

Bern -- The U.S. Army mistakenly jammed the satellite signal of a  
number of news
organisations earlier this year -- including the French and Swiss  
national news
agencies -- in an attempt to shut down an Iraqi TV station,  
according to a Swiss


Daily Tages-Anzeiger reported in yesterday's edition that the  
incident occurred
on January 23 and lasted about 24 hours, affecting a large number  
of radio,
television and internet services, including those of Agence France  
Presse (AFP)

and its Swiss counterpart Schweizerische Depeschagentur (S.D.A.).

An internal S.D.A. memo states that the loss of all transmission  
signals via the

Eutelsat satellite was caused by a mistaken attack by the US Army.
Tages-Anzeiger says the reason for the mistake may have been a  
report in The
Washington Post two days before the incident, in which the owner of  
satellite channel Al Zawraa is cited saying his station would start  

via Eutelsat in 48 hours.

In fact, Al Zawraa, a Sunni station which broadcasts pictures of  
attacks on U.S. and Iraqi forces, never broadcast on the Hot Bird 8  

although another station with a similar name did.

 Msg sent via CWNet  -

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

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[CTRL] Fwd: Where Were the NEOCONS During INSLAW/PROMIS (under VP George Bush)?

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 28, 2007 11:48:51 AM PDT
Subject: Where Were the NEOCONS During INSLAW/PROMIS (under VP  
George Bush)?

Spy Probe Scans Neocons

by Jim Lobe

09/01/04 IPS -- The burgeoning scandal over claims that a  
Pentagon official passed highly classified secrets to a Zionist  
lobby group appears to be part of a much broader set of FBI and  
Pentagon investigations of close collaboration between prominent  
U.S. neo-conservatives and Israel dating back some 30 years.

According to knowledgeable sources, who asked to not be identified,  
the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) has been intensively  
reviewing a series of past counter-intelligence probes that were  
started against several high-profile neo-cons but never followed up  
with prosecutions, to the great frustration of counter-intelligence  
officers, in some cases.

Some of these past investigations involve top current officials,  
including Deputy Secretary of Defence Paul Wolfowitz;  
Undersecretary of Defence for Policy Douglas Feith, whose office  
appears to be the focus of the most recently disclosed inquiry; and  
Richard Perle, who resigned as Defence Policy Board (DPB) chairman  
last year.

All three were the subject of a lengthy investigative story by  
Stephen Green published by Counterpunch in February. Green is the  
author of two books on U.S.-Israeli relations, including Taking  
Sides: America's Secret Relations with a Militant Israel, which  
relies heavily on interviews with former Pentagon and counter- 
intelligence officials.

At the same time, another Pentagon office concerned with the  
transfer of sensitive military and dual-use technologies has been  
examining the acquisition, modification and sales of key hi-tech  
military equipment by Israel obtained from the United States, in  
some cases with the help of prominent neo-conservatives who were  
then serving in the government.

Some of that equipment has been sold by Israel – which in the last  
20 years has become a top exporter of the world's most  
sophisticated hi-tech information and weapons technology – or by  
Israeli middlemen, to Russia, China and other potential U.S.  
strategic rivals. Some of it has also found its way onto the black  
market, where terrorist groups – possibly including al-Qaeda –  
obtained bootlegged copies, according to these sources.

Of particular interest in that connection are derivatives of a  
powerful case-management software called PROMIS that was produced  
by INSLAW, Inc in the early 1980s and acquired by Israel's Mossad  
intelligence agency, which then sold its own versions to other  
foreign intelligence agencies in the Middle East, Asia and Eastern  

But these versions were modified with a trap door that permitted  
the seller to spy on the buyers' own intelligence files, according  
to a number of published reports.

A modified version of the software, which is used to monitor and  
track files on a multitude of databases, is believed to have been  
acquired by al-Qaeda on the black market in the late 1990s,  
possibly facilitating the group's global banking and money- 
laundering schemes, according to a Washington Times story of June  

According to one source, Pentagon investigators believe it possible  
that al-Qaeda used the software to spy on various U.S. agencies  
that could have detected or foiled the Sep. 11, 2001 attack.

The FBI is reportedly also involved in the Pentagon's  
investigation, which is overseen by Deputy Undersecretary of  
Defence for International Technology Security John A. Jack Shaw  
with the explicit support of Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

The latest incident is based on allegations that a Defence  
Intelligence Agency (DIA) career officer, Larry Franklin – who was  
assigned in 2001 to work in a special office dealing with Iraq and  
Iran under Feith – provided highly classified information,  
including a draft on U.S. policy towards Iran, to two staff members  
of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), one of  
Washington's most powerful lobby groups. One or both of the  
recipients allegedly passed the material to the Israeli embassy.

Franklin has not commented on the allegation, and Israel and AIPAC  
have strongly denied any involvement and say they are co-operating  
fully with FBI investigators.

The office in which Franklin has worked since 2001 is dominated by  
staunch neo-conservatives, including Feith himself. Headed by  
William Luti, a retired Navy officer who worked for DPB member Newt  
Gingrich when he was speaker of the House of Representatives, it  
played a central role in building the case for war in Iraq.

Part of the office's strategy included working closely with the  
Iraqi National Congress (INC) led by 

[CTRL] Fwd: Left at the Altar in Iraq -- Saudi Arabia's Oil-Lords Dump Bush, Embrace Iran

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 28, 2007 12:12:33 PM PDT
Subject: Left at the Altar in Iraq -- Saudi Arabia's Oil-Lords Dump  
Bush, Embrace Iran



One of America's closest Arab allies has attacked the war in Iraq  
as an illegitimate foreign occupation.

Speaking at the start of a summit of the Arab League in Riyadh,  
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia hit out at the Bush administration.  
He accused it of putting Iraq at risk of a civil war and trying to  
unilaterally write the future of the Middle-East.

It is set to be a very politically charged two day meeting. King  
Abdullah also demanded the immediate lifting of the international  
embargo against the Palestinian authority. And Arab leaders have  
voted unanimously to revive their 2002 peace offer to Israel.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon described the situation in the  
Middle East as dangerous. He said he had exhorted Israel to take  
a new look at the Arab peace offer which it rejected five years  
ago. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said this could be a last  
chance for peace with Israel. The Arab peace plan demands, among  
other things, an Israeli withdrawal from all land occupied since  
the 1967 war.

Abdullah has always had a close relationship with president George  
W. Bush. On April 27th, 2005 when Abdullah came to the United  
States for a visit. He and Bush held hands and discussed the flower  
arrangements of the grounds where they met as they strolled together.

Holding hands is considered a sign of close friendship in Saudi  


Iran-Saudi Arabian Embrace: A New Beginning?
History shows that when interests coincide, rivals tend to cooperate

Dilip Hiro
YaleGlobal, 9 March 2007


An unusual guest: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (left) is  
greeted by Saudi King Abdullah in Riyadh. Will the hand holding  
mark a new beginning?
LONDON: The news coming from the Middle East of late spoke of  
growing concern among Iran's Sunni Arab neighbors about the Shia  
state's growing power. That story line took a new twist on March 3  
when Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in Riyadh to the  
warm embrace of King Abdullah, the ruler of Saudi Arabia and a  
longstanding ally of the US.
The image – and the accompanying pledge by the two leaders to  
resist any attempt to spread the sectarian conflict in the Middle  
East for the good of the region in particular and the Muslim world  
at large – was in dramatic contrast to Sunni-Shiite conflict raging  
in Iraq daily. The image also stood in contrast to speculation in  
Washington about the rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran  
intensifying to the point of each funding and training sectarian  
militias in Iraq to engage in full-scale civil war.
So what does one to make of this unexpected scene from Riyadh? To  
assess the significance of the apparent beginning of détente, one  
needs to transcend the exclusively sectarian framework constructed  
recently. Viewed from the perspective of history, the Iran-Saudi  
relationship would confirm Lord Palmerston’s aphorism that enemies  
are not permanent, but interests are.

Yet the ongoing Sunni-Shiite violence in Iraq – against the  
background of Jordanian King Abdullah’s warning about the emergence  
of a “Shiite Crescent” in the Middle East – has colored the view of  
the American policymakers to such an extent that many now can’t  
help but view the Muslim world through the sectarian prism. In the  
eyes of American strategists, Iran’s power amounts to a security  
threat as the Saudi kingdom contains a quarter of the globe’s oil  
reserves. The petroleum reserves of Iran amount to only half of the  
Saudi Kingdom’s.
This concern about Iranian power and a narrow sectarian perspective  
have led US officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney and  
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, to engage in demonizing the  
predominantly Shiite Iran. Sounding more Sunni than real Sunni  
Arabs, they assert that the Sunni Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and  
the small Gulf monarchies are threatened by the emergence of a  
super-confident Iran, intent on acquiring nuclear weapons. However,  
the recent dispatch of carrier battle groups to the Gulf and  
heightened speculation about a US attack on Iran could just be  
saber-rattling meant to create division in the Iranian leadership.  
There are also reports that Saudis are trying to restrain both sides.
An overview of the relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia –  
situated on the opposite sides of the Persian Gulf – since the 1979  
Islamic revolution in Iran, shows periods of both intense rivalry  
and active 

[CTRL] Fwd: Mutants vs Adaptors

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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Date: March 28, 2007 11:56:58 AM PDT
Subject: Mutants vs Adaptors


Associated Press, March 28, 2007 - Updated: 01:51 PM EST

NEW YORK -- The big dinosaur extinction of 65 million years ago  
didn’t produce a flurry of new species in the ancestry of modern  
mammals after all, says a huge study that challenges a long- 
standing theory.

Scientists who constructed a massive evolutionary family tree  
for mammals found no sign of such a burst of new species at that  
time among the ancestors of present-day animals.

Only mammals with no modern-day descendants showed that effect.

”I was flabbergasted,” said study co-author Ross MacPhee,  
curator of vertebrate zoology at the American Museum of Natural  
History in New York.

At the time of the dinosaur demise, mammals were small, ranging  
in size between shrews and cats. The long-held view has been that  
once the dinosaurs were gone, mammals were suddenly free to exploit  
new food sources and habitats, and as a result they produced a  
burst of new species.

The new study says that happened to some extent, but that the  
[mutated] species led to evolutionary dead ends. In contrast, no  
such burst was found for the ancestors of modern-day mammals like  
rodents, cats, horses, elephants and people.

Instead, they showed an initial burst between 100 million about  
85 million years ago, with another between about 55 million and 35  
million year ago, researchers report in Thursday’s issue of the  
journal Nature.

The timing of that first period of evolutionary development  
generally agrees with the conclusions of some previous studies of  
mammal DNA, which argue for a much earlier origin of some mammal  
lineages than the fossil record does.

The second burst had shown up in the fossil record, MacPhee  
said. But he said the new study explains why scientists have been  
unable to find relatively modern-looking ancestors of the creatures  
known from that time: without any evolutionary boost from the  
dinosaur demise, those ancestors were still relatively primitive.

Some experts praised the large scale of the new evolutionary  
tree, which used a controversial ”supertree” method to combine data  
covering the vast majority of mammal species. It challenges  
paleontologists to find new fossils that can shed light on mammal  
history, said Greg Wilson, curator of vertebrate paleontology at  
the Denver Museum of Nature  Science.

William J. Murphy of Texas AM University, who is working on a  
similar project, said no previous analysis had included so many  
mammal species.

But, ”I don’t think this is the final word,” he said.

The study’s approach for assigning dates was relatively crude,  
he said, and some dates it produced for particular lineages  
disagree with those obtained by more updated methods.

So as for its interpretation of what happened when the  
dinosaurs died off, ”I’m not sure that conclusion is well-founded,”  
Murphy said.

John Gittleman, a study co-author and director of the  
University of Georgia Institute of Ecology, said the researchers  
considered a range of previously reported dates for when various  
lineages split. They found the overall conclusions of the study  
were not significantly affected by which dates they chose, he said.

Researchers should now look at such things as the rise of  
flowering plants and a cooling of the worldwide climate to explain  
why ancestors of present-day mammals took off before the dinosaurs  
died out, Gittleman said. The cause of the later boom is also a  
mystery, he said.

The study’s family tree includes 4,510 species, more than 99  
percent of mammal species covered by an authoritative listing  
published in 1993. (Nearly 300 species have since been added to the  
listing, but the researchers said that doesn’t affect their study’s  
conclusions.) To construct it, the researchers combined previously  
published work that relied on analysis of DNA, fossils, anatomy and  
other information.

S. Blair Hedges, an evolutionary biologist at Pennsylvania  
State University, said the new work ”pushes the envelope in the  
methods and data, and that’s really important.”

He said the demise of the dinosaurs may have affected mammal  
evolution by influencing characteristics like body size rather than  
boosting the number of new species created. Such changes wouldn’t  
be picked up by the new study, he noted.

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[CTRL] Fwd: TV Evangelist John Hagee Wants War With Iran, and He Wants It Now!

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 26, 2007 9:57:10 AM PDT
Subject: Fwd: TV Evangelist John Hagee Wants War With Iran, and He  
Wants It Now!

 In order for [evangelical] Christians to escape physical  
death, two-thirds of the Jews in Israel must perish, soon.  This is  
the grim trade-off in prophecy that fundamentalists seldom discuss  
publicly, yet it's the only real motivation for the movement's  
support of Israel.  That is why they believe Israel must be  
defended at all costs by the West.  If Israel were relegated to the  
sidelines, the Rapture would be delayed (again), indefinitely.   
Fundamentalism thrives on belief in an imminent Rapture, not a  
postponed Rapture.
So, every time you hear, 'Jesus is returning soon,' you should  
mentally add, 'as soon as two-thirds of the Jews of Israel are  
[exterminated]'.  Fundamentalists really DO believe they will not  
die physically, but to fulfill the prophecy of their own survival,  
they must help bring about an 'inevitable' holocaust for Jews.

--conservative Gary North (slightly paraphrased for clarity)

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Date: March 26, 2007 1:21:29 AM PDT
Subject: TV Evangelist John Hagee Wants War With Iran, and He Wants  
It Now!

[[I use/check this site *very* infrequently/only when necessary.   
Only reason I'm here is because I cannot Send w/ either my email  
prog. OR my ISP's mail website!  VERY weird!!  (I assume due to T- 
Mars being conj T-Uranus in Aquarius!?)  So, please continue to  
SEND to my USUAL addy, okay!??  If you want to send here, *BCC* one  
to my Usual addy, please!!]]

*TV Evangelist John Hagee Wants War With Iran, and He Wants It Now!*
by Bill Barnwell
March 22, 2007

If anyone still thinks that the radical end-times prophecy  
movement is not a threat to peace and stability, think again.  At  
the popular level, in terms of the TV preachers and the hot-selling  
prophecy books, the dispensational pre-trib stuff still reigns  
supreme.  Most conservative-leaning Evangelical churches in America  
today are heavily influenced by popular dispensational theology to  
some extent.  Even churches and pastors that don't teach  
pretribulationalism still are influenced by dispensationalism to  
varying degrees.

The most dangerous element of this prophetic paradigm, however, is  
its doom-and-gloom view of the world.  And in most cases, those who  
have a fascination with the end of the world have a particular  
fascination with war and militarism, as well.  More problematic, it  
assumes that their wars of choice are not just their own foreign  
policy preferences or personal opinions.  Rather they are ordained  
by God.  In 2003, more than a few pastors and influential Christian  
figures basically said that opposing the Iraq war was opposing  
God's end-time plan.  According to Evangelical end-times  
enthusiasts, if you opposed the Iraq war, you didn't just hate your  
country and the troops, now you were opposing God and the Bible as  

An even bigger obsession for dispensationalists has always been  
Israel.  For the average dispensationalist, modern-day secular  
Israel is going to be the focal point in the end-times.  Therefore,  
if the Bible really does teach in Daniel 9:27 that the Al-Aqsa  
Mosque is going to be torn down for a rebuilt Jewish Temple, why  
should any
of us seek to prevent it?  Sure, it very well might ignite a  
regional war and even ignite tensions around the world, but it's  
all part of God's prophetic plan.  Not to worry though, things  
might not get really ugly until after the rapture, so the  
Christians today who are cheering for events that would bring about  
World War III won't have to worry about it anyway.  Unless of  
course, they are wrong about the whole thing.

Enter the Rev. John Hagee.  March 22, 2007

Hagee is the pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio Texas,  
where he has 18,000 followers right in his own congregation.  He  
also has a global television ministry and has sold scores of  
prophecy books over the years.  John Hagee is perhaps the most  
powerful and influential Christian Zionist figure in America.   
Hagee has a long history making strange predictions about world  
events that are almost always wrong.  His books in the late 90's  
trumped up Y2K hysteria to ridiculous levels.  He inaccurately  
predicted that the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin was the  
Beginning of the End in the book of the same name.  In every  
book, he writes, he is constantly warning of catastrophe in various  
forms right around the corner.  According to 

[CTRL] Fwd: USS Nimitz Deploys to Persian Gulf in APRIL

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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Date: March 27, 2007 10:47:13 PM PDT
Subject: USS Nimitz Deploys to Persian Gulf in APRIL

Carrier Strike Group Wraps Up Joint Exercise
Friday, March 09, 2007

SAN DIEGO (NNS) -- The Nimitz Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 11 and  
Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 11 took their final steps toward deployment  
as they completed the Joint Task Force Exercise (JTFEX) March 2.  
The exercise was designed to test the group’s ability to operate in  
a complex, hostile environment along with other U.S. and coalition  
forces. “This was a perfect opportunity for everyone to come  
together to hone their skills,” said Command Master Chief (AW/SW)  
Billy Ward.

“It’s important the strike group has an opportunity to work  
together as a cohesive unit before we head to the tip of the  
spear.” Ward said JTFEX effectively simulated real-world situations  
Nimitz could encounter during its time in the Persian Gulf.

“I know we have the talent and skill to take on any challenge and  
win,” Ward said. Capt. Ted Branch, Nimitz’ Commanding Officer, held  
captain’s call March 3 for the ship’s crew. This was his last  
underway period as the ship’s captain. “Nobody can remember the  
last time a strike group finished [JTFEX] early,” Branch said.  
“Nimitz did. It was just a stellar job.” Nimitz crew members also  
participated in a general quarters drill, a supply management  
inspection and hosted more than 50 distinguished visitors during  
the ship’s 10-day underway. “We have an incredibly talented and  
multifaceted crew,” Ward said.

As a result of the strike group’s hard work and perseverance in  
successfully completing the JTFEX, U.S. 3rd Fleet Commander, Vice  
Adm. Barry Costello, is expected to certify the USS Nimitz Carrier  
Strike Group ready for deployment.

More than 6,000 Sailors and Marines participated in JTFEX. The  
Nimitz Strike Group includes: Nimitz; Commander, Carrier Strike  
Group (CSG) 11; CVW-11; Commander, Destroyer Squadron 23; USS  
Princeton (CG 59); USS Higgins (DDG 76); USS Chafee (DDG 90); USS  
John Paul Jones (DDG 53); Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit  
11; and Helicopter Anti-submarine Squadrons 37 and 49. Homeported  
in San Diego, Nimitz is the flagship for CSG 11.
By Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Alexander Ameen and Mass  
Communcation Specialist Sarah Bitter, Commander, Carrier Strike  
Group 11/USS Nimitz Strike Group Public Affairs


New Captain takes the Helm of USS Nimitz

Story Number: NNS070317-03
Release Date: 3/17/2007 11:30:00 AM

From USS Nimitz Public Affairs Office

SAN DIEGO (NNS) -- Capt. Michael Manazir, Commanding Officer USS  
Nimitz (CVN 68), relieved Capt. Ted N. Branch at a change of  
command ceremony held March 16 aboard the Nimitz.

Branch has had a 28-year career as a Naval officer. He pioneered  
efforts to attain and maintain a high degree of professionalism in  
all tasks, thereby achieving the ship’s superior combat capability.

“[Branch] has been a great leader and has an absolute passion for  
people who, in turn, want to follow him,” said Vice Adm. James  
Zortman, Commander, Naval Air Forces.

Branch, a native of Long Beach, Mississippi, has been the Nimitz’  
commanding officer since Nov. 23, 2004. He will temporarily be  
assigned to Commander, Naval Air Forces based at Naval Air Station  
North Island.

Capt. Manazir, the son of a career Marine Corps officer, graduated  
from the U.S. Naval Academy in May 1981 and was designated a Naval  
Aviator in April 1983.

Manazir comes to Nimitz from Commander, Naval Air Forces based at  
Naval Air Station North Island where he served as operations and  
training officer. He has completed nine extended deployments to the  
Arabian Gulf and has combined more than 3,000 F-14 A/D flight hours  
and 900 carrier-arrested landings.

“I recognize all the hard work that has been put in leading up to  
deployment,” Manazir said to his new crew. “I will run to catch up  
with the pace you’ve set.”

Capt. Manazir will be commanding the Nimitz as they head out on  
their scheduled six-month deployment in April.

Nimitz, one of 11 capital warships, is the flagship for Commander,  
Carrier Strike Group 11 and is homeported in San Diego. The crew  
consists of 195 officers and 2,915 enlisted. Commands, detachments  
and units deployed on board as tenant activities include: Carrier  
Strike Group (CSG) 11, Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 11, and Destroyer  
Squadron (DESRON) 23.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Why Bush and Cheney Must Resign

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 27, 2007 5:51:19 PM PDT
Subject: Fwd: Why Bush and Cheney Must Resign

The Bush Administration cannot be allowed to decide how to deal  
with the problems now facing America -- problems which they  
themselves have created.  We can expect only more of the same and  
worse.  Most of the solutions favored by Bush and Cheney, for no  
reason other than to salvage their honor, pose even greater  
threats to the future of our society.  Bush and Cheney cannot be  
trusted to accurately weigh the outcome of their choices.   
Expecting those with bad judgment to deal with the negative effects  
of their own bad judgment is the height of insanity.  It promises,  
predictably, even worse results than pure bad luck.

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free from AOL at AOL.com.

Date: March 21, 2007 2:43:15 PM PDT
Subject: Why Bush and Cheney Must Resign

*Why Bush and Cheney Must Resign*
By Charles J. Reid, Gilroy, CA

George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney must resign their positions in  
the U.S. Government.  The reason why they must resign is because  
their irrational decisions have placed their country in a horrific  
position from which it cannot extricate itself by any decision they  
or anyone else in their administration can make.

Due to their decisions the United States of America is faced with a  
set of terrible circumstances in which all the options on the table  
are bad choices all leading to undesirable outcomes.  Their  
decisions were irrational not necessarily by choice, but they are  
irrational by consequence.  They are responsible for the  
consequences of their decisions.  And one consequence of their  
decisions is that, as decision makers, they themselves only have  
irrational options, all of which will critically damage America and  
hurt Americans continuously over the next two years.

America is faced either with two more years of bad decisions with  
unwelcome outcomes, including more waste of American blood and  
treasure not to mention the intensification of political hate and  
dishonor in our country with increased irrational attempts to save  
the day, or with the quick installation of a new Administration  
that will begin the process of leading America out of the mortal  
quagmire in which it finds itself.

Any modern Western Government would have resigned long ago.  A  
Japanese statesman of any stature would have committed sepuku.  A  
British officer would have been give a pistol and left alone in a  
closed room. Lyndon Johnson declined to run for re-election.

Today we are faced with a graver reality caused by decisions made  
by Bush and Cheney, and we are much more dreadful choices.  As they  
take stock of this fundamental reality, the choice faced by Bush  
and Cheney to remain in office through two more years of  
irrationality or resign is an ultimate test of their true  
patriotism and political courage.

They have failed.  They have created a disaster.  There is nothing  
they themselves can do to remedy the situation.  Americans and  
others will continue to suffer and die, while the taxpayers waste  
more and more money.  George Bush and Richard Cheney face the true  
test of their political honor in the midst of the shame they have  
already caused America.

Let us overlook the appearance of dishonesty, dishonor,  
dissemblance, and un-American destruction of faith in the  
principles of our constitution in favor of fear for our security.   
Let's assume all actions and intentions were well-intentioned and  
squeaky clean.

From a military point of view, the initial Blitskrieg to Bagdad,  
employing speed, mobility, and all components of the American  
military, was as successful as any military operation could be,  
even with the unexpected denial of the 4th Infantry Division's  
transit through Turkey to create a northern front.

Aspects of the political agenda had merit: stop Saddam Hussein from  
paying the families of suicide bombers $25,000, after successful  
missions against Israel; overthrow a dictator responsible for the  
deaths of hundreds of thousands of human beings; lay the groundwork  
for a more humane government in Iraq.

Count these as successes, and prima facie, perhaps goals worth  
striving for one way or another.

Unfortunately, the broader agenda -- all the components of which we  
do not know but can only wildly speculate on with varying proximity  
to the truth because of the secrecy of the Bush Administration --  
failed. Bush and Cheney had no policy for implementing Victory. The  
cake walk turned into a path of quicksand.  The Hail to the  
Saviors turned into Death to the Occupiers.  And as we recall  
that Adolf Hitler rose to office in a democratic 

[CTRL] Fwd: A New Planetary Ecology in 90 Years -- Adapt, Mutate, or Join the Dinosaurs!

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 27, 2007 9:56:42 PM PDT
Subject: A New Planetary Ecology in 90 Years -- Adapt, Mutate, or  
Join the Dinosaurs!

Warming May Create Climates, Cut Others

Tuesday, Mar. 27, 2007

Some climates may disappear from Earth entirely, not just from  
their current locations, while new climates could develop if the  
planet continues to warm, a study says. Such changes would endanger  
some plants and animals while providing new opportunities for  
others, said John W. Williams, an assistant professor of geography  
at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Using global change forecasts prepared for the Intergovernmental  
Panel on Climate Change, researchers led by Williams used computer  
models to estimate how climates in various parts of the world would  
be affected. Their findings are being published in this week's  
online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The IPCC, representing the world's leading climate scientists,  
reported in February that warming of the climate system is  
unequivocal, as is now evident from observation of increases in  
global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of  
snow and ice and rising global average sea level.

Tropical regions in particular may face unexpected changes,  
particularly the rain forests in the Amazon and Indonesia,  
Williams' researchers concluded.

This was surprising, Williams said in a telephone interview, since  
the tropics tend to have little variation in weather.

But that also means temperature changes of 3 or 4 degrees in these  
regions might have more impact than a change of 5 to 8 degrees in a  
region that is accustomed to regular changes.

Species living in tropical areas may be less able to adapt, he  
said, adding that that is speculative and needs further study.

Areas like the Southeastern United States and the Arabian Peninsula  
may also be affected, the researchers said, adding that mountain  
areas such as in Peruvian and Colombian Andes and regions such as  
Siberia and southern Australia face a risk of climates disappearing  

That doesn't mean these regions would have no climate at all —  
rather their climate would change and the conditions currently in  
these areas would not occur elsewhere on Earth.

That would pose a risk to species living in those areas, Williams  

If some regions develop new climates that don't now exist, that  
might provide an opportunity for species that live there, Williams  
said. But we can't make a prediction because it's outside our  
current experience and outside the experience of these species.

March 27, 2007

Global Warming Forecasts Creation, Loss Of Climate Zones

Science Daily — A new global warming study predicts that many  
current climate zones will vanish entirely by the year 2100,  
replaced by climates unknown in today's world.

Global climate models for the next century forecast the complete  
disappearance of several existing climates currently found in  
tropical highlands and regions near the poles, while large swaths  
of the tropics and subtropics may develop new climates unlike  
anything seen today. Driven by worldwide greenhouse gas emissions,  
the climate modeling study uses average summer and winter  
temperatures and precipitation levels to map the differences  
between climate zones today and in the year 2100 and anticipates  
large climate changes worldwide.

Climatic disaster looms for the US southwest, Mississippi basin,  
and Southern states to Florida.

Note also the eco-catastrophes expected in the oil-rich Persian  
Gulf states, Indonesia, and India

A new climate modeling study has identified regions of the world  
where greenhouse gas emissions during the next century are likely  
to cause the appearance of novel climates unlike anything that  
exists today, shown in  YELLOW  in this image created March 2007,  
and regions whose current climates will disappear completely by the  
year 2100, shown in BLUE. Novel climates appear throughout the  
tropics and subtropics, while the climates now found in tropical  
mountain ranges and near the poles may vanish. The work, led by  
University of Wisconsin-Madison geographer Jack Williams, suggests  
that climate change is likely to have serious ecological impacts,  
including increased risk of plant and animal extinction. (Credit:  
Courtesy of Jack Williams: University of Wisconsin-Madison)

The work, by researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and  
the University of Wyoming, appears online in the Proceedings of the  
National Academy of Sciences during the week of March 26.

As world leaders and scientists push to 

[CTRL] Fwd: Even 15 Years After Persian Gulf War, Soldiers Test Positive for DU Exposure

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 29, 2007 10:23:05 PM PDT
Subject: Even 15 Years After Persian Gulf War, Soldiers Test  
Positive for DU Exposure

Iraq diggers 'contaminated with radiation'

By Rosemary Desmond

Herald Sun (Australia), March 27, 2007 04:42pm


TWO Australian soldiers who served in the first Iraq war have  
tested positive to depleted uranium (DU) contamination despite  
assurances from the Federal Government they had not been exposed,  
an anti-nuclear group said today.

Any such admission from the Government would leave it open to  
millions of dollars in compensation, said Pauline Rigby, project co- 
ordinator for the group Depleted Uranium Silent Killer (DUSK).

Urine samples from each of the men, who served in different areas  
of Iraq, were sent last year for uranium isotope analysis at the JW  
Goethe University in Germany at a cost of $1200 each under the  
auspices of DUSK and the Uranium Medical Research Centre (UMRC) in  
Canada, Ms Rigby said.

The results, now being evaluated for publication next month in two  
scientific journals, showed both men had tested positive to  
depleted uranium contamination more than 15 years after their  
return from the first Gulf War.

Ms Rigby said depleted uranium was the toxic and radioactive waste  
from the nuclear enrichment process.

Denser and heavier than lead, it is used as a projectile to  
penetrate heavy bunkers and tanks.

This is a huge issue about compensation which the Government would  
be determined they will never pay, Ms Rigby said.

It's going to be Agent Orange all over again, except this time  
it's going to be a little bit worse because the mutations go into  
the general community from blood and organ donations.

A 52-year-old Sunshine Coast man, known only as Frank (not his  
real name), said he was one of those tested.

In 1991, he was an army medic in the mountains of northern Iraq,  
aiding Kurdish refugees fleeing the persecution of Saddam Hussein's  

He cannot work and has suffered skin rashes on his face, arms and  
neck, swollen joints, chronic fatigue and dizzy spells but his  
doctor can only treat his symptoms because he is at a loss to  
explain their cause.

Frank's wife, from whom he is now separated, had cervical cancer  
and burning semen syndrome, a condition reported by American Gulf  
War veterans or their sexual partners since returning from the  
Persian Gulf.

They or their sexual partners have experienced a burning sensation  
after skin and/or vaginal contact with semen.

But Frank says he only wants recognition from the Government.

I'm not looking for millions of dollars in compensation, Frank  
said today.

I just want to be treated fairly and I want our service recognised  
so that I can clearly have what I am entitled to and so my children  
can also seek and receive free of charge any and all testing and be  
honestly told and informed of where they stand.

A Defence spokesperson said the department had no knowledge of the  
two men who had allegedly tested positive for DU.

Australia had not used DU munitions since 1990 and Australian  
personnel were not in immediate proximity to sites in Iraq or  
Afghanistan where DU munitions were used by Australia's coalition  

Accordingly, it is highly unlikely that any ADF personnel received  
significant exposure to DU residues in Iraq or Afghanistan, the  
spokesperson said.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: Justice Dept's Secret Agenda: Fix the Vote Nationwide, Not Just Florida 2000

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 29, 2007 8:13:45 PM PDT
Subject: Justice Dept's Secret Agenda: Fix the Vote Nationwide,  
Not Just Florida 2000


Bush's long history of tilting Justice

The administration began skewing federal law enforcement long  
before the current U.S. attorney scandal, says a former Department  
of Justice lawyer.

By Joseph D. Rich

JOSEPH D. RICH was chief of the voting section in the Justice  
Department's civil right division from 1999 to 2005. He now works  
for the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.

LA Times, March 29, 2007

THE SCANDAL unfolding around the firing of eight U.S. attorneys  
compels the conclusion that the Bush administration has rewarded  
loyalty over all else. A destructive pattern of partisan political  
actions at the Justice Department started long before this  
incident, however, as those of us who worked in its civil rights  
division can attest.

I spent more than 35 years in the department enforcing federal  
civil rights laws — particularly voting rights. Before leaving in  
2005, I worked for attorneys general with dramatically different  
political philosophies — from John Mitchell to Ed Meese to Janet  
Reno. Regardless of the administration, the political appointees  
had respect for the experience and judgment of longtime civil  

Under the Bush administration, however, all that changed. Over the  
last six years, this Justice Department has ignored the advice of  
its staff and skewed aspects of law enforcement in ways that  
clearly were intended to influence the outcome of elections.

It has notably shirked its legal responsibility to protect voting  
rights. From 2001 to 2006, no voting discrimination cases were  
brought on behalf of African American or Native American voters.  
U.S. attorneys were told instead to give priority to voter fraud  
cases, which, when coupled with the strong support for voter ID  
laws, indicated an intent to depress voter turnout in minority and  
poor communities.

At least two of the recently fired U.S. attorneys, John McKay in  
Seattle and David C. Iglesias in New Mexico, were targeted largely  
because they refused to prosecute voting fraud cases that  
implicated Democrats or voters likely to vote for Democrats.

This pattern also extended to hiring. In March 2006, Bradley  
Schlozman was appointed interim U.S. attorney in Kansas City, Mo.  
Two weeks earlier, the administration was granted the authority to  
make such indefinite appointments without Senate confirmation. That  
was too bad: A Senate hearing might have uncovered Schlozman's  
central role in politicizing the civil rights division during his  
three-year tenure.

Schlozman, for instance, was part of the team of political  
appointees that approved then-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's  
plan to redraw congressional districts in Texas, which in 2004  
increased the number of Republicans elected to the House.  
Similarly, Schlozman was acting assistant attorney general in  
charge of the division when the Justice Department OKd a Georgia  
law requiring voters to show photo IDs at the polls. These  
decisions went against the recommendations of career staff, who  
asserted that such rulings discriminated against minority voters.  
The warnings were prescient: Both proposals were struck down by  
federal courts.

Schlozman continued to influence elections as an interim U.S.  
attorney. Missouri had one of the closest Senate races in the  
country last November, and a week before the election, Schlozman  
brought four voter fraud indictments against members of an  
organization representing poor and minority people. This blatantly  
contradicted the department's long-standing policy to wait until  
after an election to bring such indictments because a federal  
criminal investigation might affect the outcome of the vote. The  
timing of the Missouri indictments could not have made the  
administration's aims more transparent.

This administration is also politicizing the career staff of the  
Justice Department. Outright hostility to career employees who  
disagreed with the political appointees was evident early on. Seven  
career managers were removed in the civil rights division. I  
personally was ordered to change performance evaluations of several  
attorneys under my supervision. I was told to include critical  
comments about those whose recommendations ran counter to the  
political will of the administration and to improve evaluations of  
those who were politically favored.

Morale plummeted, resulting in an alarming exodus of career  
attorneys. In the last two years, 55% to 60% of attorneys in the  
voting section have transferred to other departments or left the  

[CTRL] Fwd: The Costs of Global Warming

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 30, 2007 1:42:51 PM PDT
Subject: The Costs of Global Warming

Top economist believes economies can still grow while taking  
responsibility for climate change

By: Terence Creamer
Published: 30 Mar 07 - 0:00

Renowned UK economist Sir Nicholas Stern, author of the now famed  
‘Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change’, believes adaptive  
and mitigation action to stem the flow of carbon-dioxide emissions,  
viewed by most scientists as the cause of global warming, is not  
only urgent, but also not incompatible with a desire by governments  
and business to continue to grow and develop their economies.

As arguably the leading economic scientist advocating intervention  
on an international scale, Stern’s main contribution to the debate  
has been to assign costs to the taking of action as against inaction.

His conclusion is that the “costs of strong and immediate action  
will be far less than the costs of business as usual”.

Stern, who visited South Africa earlier this month in a bid to  
galvanise the South African government’s backing for intervention,  
quanti- fies the cost of that intervention at a one-off 1% of  
global gross domestic product (GDP), as compared to a possible 5%  
knock to global GDP under a scenario of inaction.

Even more bold, though, is his suggestion that there could be some  
real economic opportunities arising from a global campaign to  
reduce yearly CO2 flows and, ultimately, CO2 stocks in the  
atmosphere. Climate-change sceptics will, no doubt, contest this  
assertion, while some environmentalists will argue that fundamental  
human-behaviour change is needed, as opposed to business-friendly  
policy and regulation.

Indeed, some environmentally conscious observers are deeply  
suspicious of what could be described as the ‘corporatised’  
solutions being proffered, arguing that some of these could create  
new environmental problems, by, for instance, crimping biodiversity  
and allowing for the proliferation of nuclear energy plants. The  
other extreme, meanwhile, is that there are still a few scientists  
who believe the climate-change agenda to be nothing more than a  
cynical hoax, likely to divert attention and resources away from  
other pressing social and economic challenges.

However, Stern is sanguine in the face of such criticism, arguing  
that his review is conservative in its adoption of the science, and  
proposes solutions that are imminently implementable, precisely  
because it balances regulation to ensure adaptation with incentives  
that will stimulate new behaviour by the private sector. Although  
he does admit that this market-friendly model could have unintended  
environmental fallout, which will need to be properly monitored and  

One such unintended consequence could arise from the rush into  
lower-carbon biofuels, a strategy also being pursued in South  
Africa. The question is whether countries should pursue large-scale  
biofuels solutions based on crops such as sugar or maize that are,  
firstly, a source of food, and, secondly, require significant  
quantities of water and fertile ground.

Stern acknowledges this could have serious negative implications  
both on food security and biodiversity and is, thus, an advocate of  
the use of crop residues and grasses that could be planted on  
“marginal” agricultural land and can grow without, or with minimal,  
irrigation. “If we can crack the problem of cellulosic ethanol,  
which is ethanol that comes from grasses and crop residues, then we  
will be able to plant the grasses on marginal land. At that point,  
we will be able to perceive biofuels as a big part of the  
mitigation story,” Stern asserts.


But Stern is also adamant that there has to be a sense of urgent  
pragmatism in dealing with the climate-change issue and that, for  
this reason, businesses have to be incentivised and/or  
disincentivised to change their behaviour. Indeed, as an economist  
first and foremost, Stern is a great believer in the use of policy  
‘carrots and sticks’ to achieve the desired outcomes, particularly  
in an instance of market failure – he describes climate change as  
the world economy’s biggest-ever market failure.

But why should the world be taking the climate-change issue  
seriously at all? The answer lies in the risk to current and future  
generations as well as entire ecosystems should the worst  
consequences of global warming actually occur – a risk that Stern  
believes would be “reckless” to ignore.

But how can we respond? Here, it comes down to the issue of  
stemming carbon-dioxide flows, in a bid, ulimately, to deal with  

[CTRL] Fwd: Wars and Rumors of Wars

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 30, 2007 11:29:15 AM PDT
Subject: Wars and Rumors of Wars


by Melly Alazraki
Mar 30th 2007 1:04PM

This was the Dow today:

I'm sure you're all wondering what on earth happened.

So here's some insight.

An Israeli fringe news site that always claims to have inside  
information on matters related to the military, Debka Files,  
published that the USS Nimitz is set to sail to the Gulf on Monday,  
officially to replace the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, but in reality  
to add to the growing U.S. forces in the region.


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has not heard anything about  
U.S. citizens being advised to leave Bahrain, a senior White House  
official said on Friday.
I haven't heard anything, the official said when asked if  
Americans had been advised to leave Bahrain.
Rumors may have stemmed from a U.S. embassy note to U.S. residents  
posted on Thursday advising citizens to avoid being in areas where  
opposition activists plan to hold protests, which often turn violent.


March 30, 2007, 3:56 PM (GMT+02:00)

US financial sources in Bahrain report American investors in  
Bahrain advised to pack up business operations and leave

The advice came from officers with US Central Command 5th Fleet HQ  
at Manama, who spoke of security tension, a hint at an approaching  
war with Iran. Arab sources report the positioning of a Patriot  
anti-missile battery in Bahrain this week; they say occupancy at  
emirate hotels has soared past 90% due mostly to the influx of US  
military personnel. They also report Western media crews normally  
employed in military coverage are arriving in packs.
Thursday, March 29, Gen. Khaled al-‘Absi, Bahrain’s chief of air  
defense operations disclosed that new alarm networks had been  
installed and air defense systems upgraded to handle chemical,  
biological and radioactive attacks.
The USS Nimitz and its support ships will be departing San Diego  
Monday, April 2, to join the John C. Stennis Strike Group in the  
Persian Gulf. The nuclear carrier is due to relieve the USS Dwight  
D. Eisenhower , but military sources in the Gulf believe all three  
US carriers will stay put if tensions continue to climb or if  
fighting breaks out involving American, British and Iranian forces.
The mighty American armada is further supported by the USS Bataan  
and USS Boxer strike groups.
Taking part in the big demonstration of American naval, air and  
marine force launched March 27 are the two nuclear carrier strike  
forces Stennis and Eisenhower , thousands of marines and 100  
warplanes. Maneuvers on this scale in the tight, overcrowded waters  
of the Persian Gulf carry risks of a collision between American and  
Iranian craft.
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that the Nimitz group is  
composed of the Princeton guided-missile cruiser, four guided  
missile destroyers – the Higgins , Chafee , John Paul Jones and  
Pinckney . The strike force is armed with two helicopter squadrons  
and a special unit for dismantling sea mines and other explosive  
Earlier, DEBKAfile quoted intelligence sources in Moscow as  
predicting that a US strike against Iranian nuclear installations  
codenamed Operation Bite has been scheduled for April 6 at 0040  
hours. Missiles and air raids will conduct strikes designed to be  
devastating enough to set Tehran’s nuclear program several years back.

March 27, 2007, 11:40 PM (GMT+02:00)

More than 10,000 US personnel, two aircraft carriers and 100  
warplanes begin biggest simulated demonstration of force in Gulf  
since the 2003 invasion of Iraq

DEBKAfile’s military sources note that the exercise was launched  
March 27 the day before the Arab League summit opens in Riyadh, to  
demonstrate the Bush administration’s determination not to let Iran  
block the Strait of Hormuz to oil exports from the Persian Gulf, or  
continue its nuclear program.

Taking part are the USS Stennis and USS Eisenhower strike forces.
The warplanes are flying simulated attack maneuvers on enemy  
shipping with aircraft and ships, hunting enemy submarines and  
seeking mines, off the coast of Iran.
US Navy Cmdr Kevin Aandahl declined to say when the maneuver was  
planned or how long it would last. He said US warships would stay  
out of Iranian territorial waters up to 12 miles from the Iranian  
coast. Tehran does not recognize this limit and claims a deeper  
stretch of water.
Our military sources explain the presence of the French naval  
strike group led by the nuclear aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle  
which joined the two US 

[CTRL] Fwd: Easter Surprise: New 9/11 and Nuking of Iran

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 29, 2007 9:27:50 PM PDT
Subject: Fwd: Easter Surprise: New 9/11 and Nuking of Iran

Former C.I.A. Officer Philip Giraldi chillingly noted that the  
Pentagon's plans
to attack Iran were drawn up to be employed in response to another  
terrorist attack on the United States.  Writing in The American  
in August 2005, Giraldi added, The plan includes a large-scale air  
assault on
Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons.  ...  
response is not conditional on Iran actually being involved in the  
act of

terrorism directed against the United States.

Chew on that one a minute.  The Pentagon's plan would be in  
response to a
terrorist attack on the U.S., but not contingent upon Iran actually  
having been
responsible.  How outlandish is this scenario: another 9/11 hits  
the U.S., the
administration says it has secret information implicating Iran, the  

population demands retribution and bombs start dropping on Tehran.

While even contemplating another 9/11 brings shudders, it's worth  
noting that
last year, Congress quietly approved provisions making it easier  
for the
President to declare federal martial law after a domestic terrorist  

See what's free at AOL.com.

Date: March 29, 2007 9:24:47 PM PDT
Subject: Easter Surprise: Attack on Iran, New 9/11 or Worse

*Easter Surprise: Attack on Iran, New 9/11 or Worse*
By Heather Wokusch

There’s an old saying in Tennessee -- I know it's in Texas,  
probably in
Tennessee -- that says, fool me once, shame on -- shame on you.   
Fool me -- you

can’t get fooled again.-- George W. Bush, September 2002

This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran  
is simply
ridiculous … Having said that, all options are on the table.--  
George W. Bush,

February 2005

ICH  -- The Bush administration continues moving closer to a  
nuclear attack on

Iran, and we ignore the obvious buildup at our peril.

Russian media is sounding alarms. In February, ultra-nationalist  
leader Vladimir
Shirinovsky warned that the U.S. would launch a strike against  
Tehran at the end
of this month.  Then, last week, the Russian News and Information  
Agency Novosti
(RIA-Novosti) quoted military experts predicting the U.S. will  
attack Iran on
April 6th, Good Friday.  According to R.I.A.-Novosti, the imminent  
assault will
target Iranian air and naval defense capabilities, armed forces  
headquarters as
well as key economic assets and administration headquarters.   
Massive air strikes
will be deployed, possibly tactical nuclear weapons as well, and  
the Bush
administration will attempt to exploit the resulting chaos and  
political unrest

by installing a pro-U.S. government.

Sound familiar? It's Iraq Déjà vu all over again, and we know how  
well that war

has gone.

Seymour Hersh has published numerous articles in The New Yorker  
detailing the
Bush administration's plans to invade Iran.  His latest, The  
discusses U.S. participation in Iran-based clandestine operations,  
the kidnapping
of hundreds of Iranians (including many humanitarian and aid  
workers) by U.S.
forces and the shocking revelation that an Iran-Contra-type scandal  
has been run
out of Vice President Dick Cheney's office with some of the illicit  
funds going

to groups sympathetic to al-Qaeda.

The Redirection also reports that the Pentagon has been planning  
to bomb Iran
for a year and that a recently-established group connected to the  
Joint Chiefs of
Staff is formulating a assault strategy to be implemented upon  
orders from the
President, within twenty-four hours.  Hersh notes that current  
allow for an attack order this spring, possibly when four U.S.  

battle groups are scheduled to be in the Persian Gulf simultaneously.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Congress busies itself with non-binding,  
resolutions on Iraq and recently altered a military-funding bill to  
make it
easier for Bush to invade Iran . As Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-NV)  
language demanding that Bush seek congressional approval before  
attacking Iran
would take away perhaps the most important negotiating tool  that  
the U.S. has

when it comes to Iran.

Such sheer ignorance and blind denial would be laughable if it  
weren't marching

us into Armageddon.

But with this Administration (and this Congress, apparently)  
diplomacy be damned.

It's now widely known that Iran had broached peace talks with the  
U.S. in 2003 --
Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice admitted as much in 2006 when  
she said, what
the Iranians wanted earlier was to be one-on-one with the United  
States.  Yet

[CTRL] Fwd: Casualties of War Just Props in Bush's Political Theatre

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 30, 2007 12:44:06 PM PDT
Subject: Casualties of War Just Props in Bush's Political Theatre


Posted by Frank James at 1:15 pm CDT
March 30, 2007

A trio of retired generals concerned that President Bush might use  
his scheduled appearance this afternoon at the Walter Reed Army  
Medical Center to try and score political points against Democrats,  
urged the president, via a teleconference with reporters, to focus  
strictly on the problems with military medical care.
The generals were spurred into action by news reports that  
suggested the president might use the event to take on Democrats as  
both sides clash over the Iraq and Afghanistan spending bills just  
passed by the Senate and House which include timelines Bush  
fiercely opposes for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq.
Some of the pointiest of comments came from retired Army Major Gen.  
Paul Eaton who seconded the comments made right before him by  
retired Army three-star, Lt. Gen. Robert Garde, who welcomed the  
president's visit to Walter Reed, especially if it meant a faster  
solution would be forthcoming to the problems there and at other  
Eaton, incidentally, was known as the father of the Iraqi Army  
for his work in rebuilding the Iraqi army after the 2003 U.S.  

Eaton said:
I'm equally happy, Gen. Garde is on target, that the president is  
going to visit our wounded soldiers. I'm convinced that he would  
honor them more if he would refrain from using soldiers as props in  
political theater.
We have a commander-in-chief who does very well when he is  
unscripted, unrehearsed and engaging with soldiers. But too often  
those who handle his performances try to turn the American fighting  
man and woman into a political prop for the scenery.
So I would be very happy to see him do the Water Reed visit more  
like the commander and secondarily as an inspector general instead  
of as a politician. The inspector general in the U.S. army is the  
fellow charged with ferreting out problems such as Walter Reed and  
delivering the nature of the problem to the commander. So it is  
best that the commander in chief pursue this visit to Walter Reed  
as commander in fact of the American fighting man and the American  
fighting woman.

Retired Maj. Gen. Mel Montano of the Army National Guard echoed  
those sentiments.

I think to use it as a means to discuss the Iraqi supplemental is  
an insult to the soldiers and what they did. Because it's political  
exploitation as far as I feel. I think he ought to address the  
issues concerning their treatment, Walter Reed, etc, etc, etc.
But to take this captive audience that has no choice and use them  
as I mentioned to exploit and push this, his disdain of the Iraqi  
supplemental vote in the House and the Senate is completely without  
foundation. And I think he should know that and that it really  
doesn't sit well with the rest of us in the military.

Garde wasn't as edgy in his comments as the other two generals. He  
used the opportunity to focus the reporters attention on cuts in  
the money being allocated to military medical care and the  
outsourcing of certain health services, such as mental health  
specialists, who aren't providing the level of care that had been  
given by their military counterparts, he said.

I hope the president will focus on the need of these various  
medical installations to have adequate funding in the various  
operation and maintenance accounts…
Garde mentioned that $650 million in cuts in money to military  
medical facilities have been proposed in the fiscal 2008 federal  
budget. The cuts are supposed to be made up through increased  
efficiencies. Garde was doubtful. He foresaw more service cuts or  
deteriorating buildings. He continued by saying:

The surgeon generals have all testified that this will result in a  
cut in services at the very time we're highlighting that the  
services are inadequate.
As I mentioned in a previous posting, the teleconference was put  
together by the Democratic-leaning National Security Network which  
is headed by Rand Beers. Beers ran the national-security policy  
shop for John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign. Beers isn't a  
general but he served in Vietnam as Marine officer.
A reporter asked a question along the lines of how should  
political be defined. Beers said:

My view on this issue is Walter Reed and the military medical  
situation is a serious enough issue deserving quite highly of a  
presidential visit and speech to reassure the military, their  
families the American people that the social contract between our  
government and our people and the people who serve in the military  
is in fact if 

[CTRL] Fwd: (2) E. Howard Hunt's Legacy (Looking Back at the JFK Assassination)

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Hunt was NOT the tramp with the hat.


Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 29, 2007 8:36:51 PM PDT
Subject: (2) E. Howard Hunt's Legacy (Looking Back at the JFK  


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Most of the names in Howard Hunt's confession to his son  
(yesterdays post) are long time suspects. David Atlee Phillips was  
the subject of the very first post of this blog. Cord Meyer's role  
is news. Meyer was a senior CIA official. His ex-wife Mary was a  
free spirit who knew Timothy Leary and had an affair with John  

The day after Kennedy's assasination, according to Timothy Leary in  
his book Flashbacks, Mary phoned him and said: They couldn't  
control him any more. He was changing too fast. He was learning too  
much... They'll cover everything up. I gotta come see you. I'm  
scared. I'm afraid. Mary Pinchot Meyer was murdered on October 12,  
1964, apparently a professional hit.

Author C. David Heymann in his book The Georgetown Ladies' Social  
Club wrote:

Asked to comment on the case by the current author (C. David  
Heymann), Cord Meyer held court at the beginning of February 2001-  
- six weeks before his death -- in the barren dining room of a  
Washington nursing home. Propped up in a chair, his glass eye  
bulging, he struggled to hold his head aloft. Although he was no  
longer able to read, the nurses supplied him with a daily copy of  
The Washington Post, which he carried with him wherever he went.  
My father died of a heart attack the same year Mary was killed,  
he whispered. It was a bad time.

And what could he say about Mary Meyer? Who had committed such a  
heinous crime? The same sons of bitches, he hissed, that killed  
John F. Kennedy.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Rolling Stone: The Last Confessions of E. Howard Hunt

St. John still has the memo -- It has all this stuff in it, he  
says, the chain of command, names, people, places, dates. He wrote  
it out to me directly, in his own handwriting, starting with the  
initials 'LBJ'  -- and he's decided it's time his father's last  
secrets finally see some light, for better or for worse.
E. Howard scribbled the initials LBJ, standing for Kennedy's  
ambitious vice president, Lyndon Johnson. Under LBJ, connected by  
a line, he wrote the name Cord Meyer. Meyer was a CIA agent whose  
wife had an affair with JFK; later she was murdered, a case that's  
never been solved. Next his father connected to Meyer's name the  
name Bill Harvey, another CIA agent; also connected to Meyer's name  
was the name David Morales, yet another CIA man and a well-known,  
particularly vicious black-op specialist. And then his father  
connected to Morales' name, with a line, the framed words French  
Gunman Grassy Knoll.
Later that week, E. Howard also gave Saint two sheets of paper that  
contained a fuller narrative. It starts out with LBJ again,  
connecting him to Cord Meyer, then goes on: Cord Meyer discusses a  
plot with [David Atlee] Phillips who brings in Wm. Harvey and  
Antonio Veciana. He meets with Oswald in Mexico City. . . . Then  
Veciana meets w/ Frank Sturgis in Miami and enlists David Morales  
in anticipation of killing JFK there. But LBJ changes itinerary to  
Dallas, citing personal reasons.

David Atlee Phillips, the CIA's Cuban operations chief in Miami at  
the time of JFK's death, knew E. Howard from the Guatemala-coup  
days. Veciana is a member of the Cuban exile community. Sturgis,  
like Saint's father, is supposed to have been one of the three  
tramps photographed in Dealey Plaza. Sturgis was also one of the  
Watergate plotters, and he is a man whom E. Howard, under oath, has  
repeatedly sworn to have not met until Watergate, so to Saint the  
mention of his name was big news.

In the next few paragraphs, E. Howard goes on to describe the  
extent of his own involvement. It revolves around a meeting he  
claims he attended, in 1963, with Morales and Sturgis. It takes  
place in a Miami hotel room. Here's what happens:

Morales leaves the room, at which point Sturgis makes reference to  
a Big Event and asks E. Howard, Are you with us?

E. Howard asks Sturgis what he's talking about.

Sturgis says, Killing JFK.

E. Howard, incredulous, says to Sturgis, You seem to have  
everything you need. Why do you need me? In the handwritten  
narrative, Sturgis' response is unclear, though what E. Howard says  
to Sturgis next isn't: He says he won't get involved in anything  
involving Bill Harvey, who is an alcoholic psycho.

After that, the meeting ends. E. Howard goes back to his normal  
life and like the rest of the country is stunned by JFK's death  
and realizes how lucky he is not to have had a direct role.
Even if it is true that Howard Hunt declined to take part in the  
conspiracy, and I am doubtful, he still knew that 

[CTRL] Fwd: The United States of Paranoid-Delusional-Right-Wing-Nuttica

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 29, 2007 8:30:03 PM PDT
Subject: The United States of Paranoid-Delusional-Right-Wing-Nuttica


Republican support is contracting to a base of [less than] 25% of  
the population whose views are getting more extreme, not merely  
because moderate conservatives are peeling off to become  
Independents, but also because of the party’s success in  
constructing a parallel universe of news sources, thinktanks,  
blogs, pseudo-scientists and so on, which has led to the core  
becoming more tightly committed to an extremist ideology.


All it took to transform protestant Germany into a Third Reich that  
believed in Ultima Thule, the Holy Grail, the Spear of Destiny, and  
the power of runes and occult rituals handed down from Aryan  
ancestors in Tibet was a Nazi Party that was small in numbers but  
efficiently organized.

See what's free at AOL.com.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: C.R.E.S.T. On U.S. Soil - Enough Oil for 200 Years

2007-03-30 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Deborah Reid 
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2007 21:14
Subject: C.R.E.S.T. On U.S. Soil - Enough Oil for 200 Years


Crude oil is the real `currency' of the world, said
Lindsey Williams at a gathering of the Midwest Concerned Citizens group
in Kansas City on July 22. But Americans will never hear about huge oil
and gas reserves in the United States, which, if ever tapped, would
bring today's fuel prices at least as low as $1.50 per gallon and
make America more energy independent.
As a Baptist missionary in the 1970s, Williams said he rubbed elbows
with members of the world's power elite who boasted of detailed
30-year and 50-year plans to control the flow of oil and information. 
To read the rest of this interesting article click on link and scroll
down a little:

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Company Charged with Trading with the Enemy -- Directors Linked to DoD

2007-03-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 30, 2007 5:45:45 PM PDT
Subject: Company Charged with Trading with the Enemy -- Directors  
Linked to DoD


Bloomberg News
Boston Globe, March 28, 2007

WASHINGTON -- Defense contractor ITT Corp. agreed to pay $100  
million and plead guilty to two criminal charges for allowing the  
transfer to China of night-vision technology that is critically  
important in battle.

ITT, the Defense Department's leading maker of night vision  
goggles, will be the first major defense contractor convicted of a  
criminal violation of the Arms Export Control Act, the Justice  
Department said. The company will enter the plea today in federal  
court in Roanoke, Va.

There was a lot of illegal activity going on here, said John  
Brownlee, the US attorney in Roanoke.

The government accused White Plains, N.Y.-based ITT of trying to  
cut costs over a 20-year period by shipping technology and  
components without export licenses to an unidentified Singapore- 
based contractor. That company began shipping the technology to a  
China-based optics firm around 2001, court documents said.

China has been trying to get so-called Generation 3 night-vision  
technology to develop ways to counteract it, analysts say.

ITT's Board of Directors



President and Chief Executive Officer, Center for Strategic   
International Studies (CSIS), a public policy research  
institution dedicated to strategic, bipartisan global analysis and  
policy impact

Dr. Hamre, 55, was elected President and Chief Executive Officer of  
CSIS in April of 2000.

Prior to joining CSIS, he served as U.S. Deputy Secretary of  
Defense from 1997 to 2000 and Under Secretary of Defense /  
Comptroller [specializing in procurement issues]) from 1993 to 1997.

Dr. Hamre is a Director of MITRE Corporation, Choicepoint, Inc. and  
SAIC, Inc.

MITRE: http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php? 
title=MITRE_Corporation.  Among its Board of Directors: Richard J.  
Kerr, present in Cuba during Bay of Pigs, made Deputy Director of  
the CIA under Bush41, http://www.mitre.org/about/bot/kerr.html;  
Nixon man James Schlesinger, CIA Director 1973, CFR, Dubya's  
Homeland Security advisor, http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php? 
title=James_Rodney_Schlesinger; Martin Faga, on Dubya's Foreign  
Intelligence Advisory Board, http://www.mitre.org/about/bot/ 
faga.html; David Jeremiah, on Defense Policy Board under Richard  
Perle, director of Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs,  
former chairman of the board at Wackenhut, http:// 
www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=David_E._Jeremiah; James Busey,  
Dubya's Secy of Transportation (for FAA vis-a-vis Terrorism).

CHOICEPOINT: Big Brother Inc -- privatized supplier of domestic  
intel data to government spy agencies, enabled Jeb Bush to weed  
out Democrats in the 2000 election, handled identification of 9/11  
victims by using DNA samples: http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0607/ 


SAIC: http://www.investor.reuters.com/business/ 

He received a B.A. degree, with highest distinction from Augustana  
College in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, was a Rockefeller Fellow at  
Harvard Divinity School and was awarded a Ph.D., with distinction,  
from the School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins  
University, in 1978.

Dr. Hamre has been a Director of ITT Corporation since 2000.

President and Chief Executive Officer, XCEO, Inc., a leadership and  
corporate governance consulting firm

Dr. Crawford, 58, is President and Chief Executive Officer of XCEO,  
Inc. From April 1, 2002 to March 31, 2003 he served as President  
and Chief Executive Officer of Onix Microsystems, a private  
photonics technology company. He was Chairman of the Board of  
Directors of ON Semiconductor Corporation from September 1999 until  
April 1, 2002.

Previously, he was President and Chief Executive Officer of ZiLOG,  
Inc. from 1998 to 2001 and its Chairman from 1999 to 2001.

Zilog was founded in 1974 and became a wholly owned subsidiary of  
Exxon Corp. by 1980. The company's management and employees  
purchased Zilog back from Exxon in 1989.  Zilog became a publicly- 
held company in February, 1991. In March of 1998, Zilog was  
privatised, as a result of the merger and recapitalisation  
transaction by Texas Pacific Group (TPG).

