Re: [CTRL] A Modest Proposal

1999-05-05 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

At the risk of being massively flamed, I am compelled by a sense of
intellectual honesty to propose that the time has come to repeal the Second
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

risk of being massively flamed? don't you mean an ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY?

i'm sure there's a lot of people on this list that equate the idea of
giving up their guns with asking the government to shoot them in the head
or something.

this is almost like saying to america and russia in the cold war "hey guys,
relax, throw away your nukes, and everything will be ok, dude"

firearms are a problem, yes, but taking them away will achieve Sweet Fanny
Adams, maybe you should attempt to tackle the PROBLEM, and not the symptom,
when you cure a disease the symptoms will go away.

i'm sure you can understand why people want to keep guns, it makes them
feel secure, people are scared, of criminals, the government, loonies,
whatever. hardly surprising considering the massive panic over drug crime
and gangs and the like and the general image of the US (well, the one i've
always had) as an incredibly bad place to live unless you're ridiculously
rich or something

that and incidents like Waco and general US government shittyness
throughout it's entire history to anyone it doesn't agree with (ie. most
people who stop to think)

What is at issue is not some supposed innate right to keep and bear arms. What
is at issue is the culture of violence that puts firearms on a pedestal and
worships them. What is at issue is the culture of violence that insists on
"getting even" instead of resolving conflicts. Two hundred years ago, it might
have been possible to defend yourself against an oppressive government by
shooting the excise agent. But that just isn't possible today--nor is it
desirable. The world is too complex a place today, and the weapons at the
government's disposal too powerful, for so simplistic a solution to work.

You have no more right to keep and bear arms than you have to own and operate
an automobile. All property "rights" are contingent on the permission of the
state; the state grants such rights, and the state can take away those rights
if circumstances warrant. I submit that the time has come when we, as a
society, can no longer afford to permit individuals to own and use firearms.
Further, I submit that firearms manufacturers are primarily responsible for
the *illegal* sale of firearms, and should therefore be subjected to stringent
governmental regulation and limited to production of firearms for the armed
services of the United States.

aye aye, so the chemist sells me some sleeping tablets and i overdose and
kill myself, is this the chemists fault? those who use the guns to hurt
people are responsible, not the manufacturers.

btw, i'm not defending the manufacturers, i personally hate anyone who will
happily make money out of manufacturing murder, that includes the WTO and
most major corporate-capitalist institutions

If the gun lobby insists on labeling this proposal as a conspiracy to
undermine citizens' "rights," I will respond by suggesting that the gun lobby
itself is part of an elaborate conspiracy to undermine the lawful authority of
the United States government, substituting the rule of force for the rule of
law. Surely, if a secret supranational organization such as the Illuminati

the rule of law IS the rule of force. he who has the force, makes the laws.

really exists, whose objective is to submerge all national identities in a
global culture, eliminating national governments in favor of a strengthened
United Nations, then they would choose to work *not* through the Federal
government...but through organizations and individuals who want to weaken the
U.S. government to the point where it effectively no longer exists. Such a
conspiracy would be much more likely to use a group like the NRA or the
Libertarian Party than the FBI or the BATF as its instrument.

the libertarian party being used by evil-conspiracy-people?
surely not, aren't liberals, like, nice and stuff?
i suppose the politicians have managed to mutilate the meaning of that word
as well then.

Let me repeat my proposal: the time has come to repeal the Second Amendment to
the United States Constitution. Doing so would demonstrate more clearly than
any other possible action that the people of the United States have genuinely
grown up, that we are now mature enough that we do not need the crutch of
firearms to maintain our self-esteem.

and we'll do it with cars and mobile phones instead like everyone else. and
people get killed on the road, but that's ok, because that's only idiots

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout 

Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] A Modest Proposal]

1999-05-05 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

Other arguments involve the use of personal firearms to ward off
domestic tyranny.  But if a tyrant controls the most powerful
military force on Earth, will personal firearms matter? Really?
Again, the 2nd Amendment makes no provision for fighting tyranny,
so such arguments are also extra-constitutional.

peaceful protest is often more successful than armed resistance.

think about it, soldiers aren't robots (although they're pretty damn
close), and it's gonna take a lot of persuasion to persuade a soldier that
shooting a large group of civilians is a good idea. sure, that nazis
managed it, but then the nazis had a ridiculous ideaology to follow and
brainwash people with. people are less likely to kill for the benefit of
some fat asshole in a suit.

the key to resisting tyranny is organisation and POPULAR revolt, not small
pockets of armed resistance, because let's face it, if they really want you
dead, all the machine guns and the pill-boxes in the world won't stop them,
they'll just drop a bomb on your stupid ass.

you should remember that the armed services is made up of people as well,
like you, and they aren't evil, if you can persuade the army not to shoot
you, then all is well, if you can't, then you've probably got the wrong
approach to resisting tyranny

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Food Supply Update: April 24, 1999

1999-04-25 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

How many farmers kept their land during the depression?
Which meat packer will by your animals?

why would i want to sell them to meat-packers?

Which grain towers will be open to buy your grain?

i'd prefer to use my grain myself, and sell the surplus

Which bank will be ready to foreclose - because they
already know what is (was) planed?

what's with the bank thing? do you think i care about the artificial economy?

We were on the "land" standard at one time
We were on the gold standard
we go back to the land standard, and guess who
planned (plans) to own all the land?
could we be ''quietly'' switching to the bio standard?
this would mean that all the plans since starting the KKK
are out the window.
If the Intergalactic standard were based on how much
bio - diversity your world has

what the figgins are you talking about???
please anybody, tell me if that makes any sense at all

Who would be the laughing stock of the intergalactic
community IF we go to space.


so they have control, they have the monopolies and can
prove it
will it do them a-n-y good?


The Pied Piper

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Food Supply Update: April 24, 1999

1999-04-24 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

like my mother said once when we were talking about the possibilities of
food shortage:

"the most basic means of survival you can have is owning your own land"

which is true, after all, a stockpile of food will only last so long, and
when it runs out, what do you do? resort to banditry? of course, you'd only
have to do that in the worst case scenario, ie. total collapse of the means
of distributing food.

of course, maybe anarchy would be a good thing for the world, because we
might remember where our food, our water and our electricity comes from.
maybe we'll learn that corporations and big business don't care about us.
maybe we'll learn to take control of the land and use it to rebuild
civilization and make it better.

but then, that probably won't happen.

At 17:46 24/04/99 -0400, you wrote:
As always, . . .

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Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 02:16:55 -0400
From: Geri Guidetti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Food Supply Update: April 24, 1999
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="iso-8859-1"

This and all Updates may be reprinted and distributed in any media if done
so in their entirety, including byline, Web address and signature file
information.  Permission to print edited versions may be obtained by
emailing Geri Guidetti at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  All Food Supply Updates
must be distributed free of charge unless included as part of a magazine,
newsletter, newspaper or journal.

Food Supply Update: April 1999

Fairy Tales and Magical Thinking Mask Truth About Food in Y2K

Copyright, 1999, by Geri Guidetti

The Ark Institute, PO Box 142, Oxford, OH
45056   http://www.arkinstitute.com

"You have always had the power to go back to Kansas, Dorothy" said Glinda,
the Good Witch, to the melancholy young girl stuck in the Land of
Oz.  "All you have to do is look inside yourself and believe you
can.  Just click your heels three times and repeat, 'There's no place like
home, there's no place like home.' "

Dorothy wanted to believe Glinda--she wanted so much to believe--because
she wanted so much to go home.   "There's no place like home…There's no
place like home…There's no place like home," Dorothy faithfully repeated.
With eyes tightly closed, she clicked the heels of the ruby slippers until
--whoosh!--she was magically transported back to Kansas, Auntie Em and
apple pie.  Life was, once again, normal.  Life was good, and all she had
to do to make it so was to believe it would be.*

After reading and listening to the scant, yet almost universally positive,
media coverage of Y2K since bombs were first dropped on Yugoslavia and,
after receiving calls from customers and friends telling me that their
friends and co-workers told them they had heard and believed there is no
need to worry about the food supply in Y2K, I  can't help but think that
we Americans may have seen just one too many reruns of The Wizard of Oz
for our own good.  We believe in magic!  Close your eyes, click your heels
together and repeat after Dan Glickman, Secretary ,U.S. Department of
Agriculture,  "Food will be there. Food will be there.  Food will be
there."   If we believe it, it will happen because Glinda--uh--Dan said
so.  Woosh!  Life is still good.  Would you pass the apple pie, please?

Do you believe in fairy tales?  In magic?  Do you still accept and believe
things that adults in authority tell you--without question? Here's a quiz
you can take to discover a predisposition to "magical thinking" with
respect to Y2K information and the need for personal preparedness.  Share
it with friends and coworkers; compare your analysis with theirs, with
mine, with those quoted in the quiz.  Then make personal decisions based
on your findings.

The Quiz
Introduction: The Food Supply of any modern, industrialized culture is now
completely dependent upon the daily, successful integration of complex
technologies and resources.  In our current system, we could not eat
without:  technology 

Re: [CTRL] The Interview

1999-04-17 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

a weapon is what you make it. i do think it's very irresponsible to teach
children to kill though.

violent society we live in.

At 13:26 17/04/99 -0400, you wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

This is an extract of an National Public Radio (NPR) interview
between a female broadcaster and US Army Lieutenant General
Reinwald about sponsoring a Boy Scout Troop on his military

Interviewer: "So, LTG Reinwald, what are you going to do with these
young boys on their adventure holiday?"

LTG Reinwald: "We're going to teach them climbing, canoeing,
archery, and shooting."

Interviewer: "Shooting! That's a bit irresponsible, isn't it?"

LTG Reinwald: "I don't see why, they'll be properly supervised on
the range."

Interviewer: "Don't you admit that this is a terribly dangerous
activity to be teaching children?"

LTG Reinwald: "I don't see how, we will be teaching them proper
range discipline before they even touch a firearm."

Interviewer: "But you're equipping them to become violent killers."

LTG Reinwald: "Well, you're equipped to be a prostitute, but you're
not one, are you?"

End of the interview

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Draft dodging, War monger Liberals

1999-04-14 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

can you please stop defining a political belief by it's poltician's? i
really hate it when people do this. because Clinton (who i have absolutely
no respect for, incidentally) calls himself a liberal does not necessarily
mean he is one, it is merely another lie. i would've thought you'd have
figured out that the idea of him being a libertarian was just another one
of his endless stream of lies.

btw, about the british labour party, i'd hardly call the leadership and all
the faithful little Blairites the 'leading lights', Tony Benn has come out
very strongly against the war.

When people condemn one pointless war, and encourage a different, even more
pointless war which has all the makings of a large regional conflict or
even a world war, this means that they are merely liars. liars should not
be defined as 'libertarian' or 'conservative' or 'socialist', they should
be defined as only one thing, 'liar'.

although the label of politician would do equally well

 Where have all the Western liberals gone?  Nearly two weeks into
 NATO's war against Serbia, there is barely a whimper of protest in
 either Europe or North America.  But then you can't expect Western
 peaceniks to protest against a war they themselves are waging.

 Nearly eight years ago, the U.S. Democrats came very close to
 denying the President, Mr. George Bush, the authority to wage a war
 against Iraq's Mr. Saddam Hussein.  But now it is a Democrat in the
 White House who is pursuing an open-ended war in the Balkans.  In
 Britain, many leading lights of the Labour Party and the Left had
 strongly protested against the Gulf War.  Now a Labour Prime
 Minister, Mr. Tony Blair, is among the NATO hawks on Kosovo.

 The reversal of attitudes towards war and peace among liberals is
 most visible in Germany, where the ruling alliance of Social
 Democrats and pacifist Greens has ordered the German bombers into
 combat for the first time since the end of Second World War.

 Until recently, German public opinion refused to endorse the
 participation of German armed forces even in international peace-
 keeping missions, given the sensitivities arising from the Nazi
 past.  But now there is strong support in Germany for the war
 against Serbia.

 In France, where the intelligentsia traditionally revelled in
 opposing American "Cowboy imperialism", is backing the war against
 Serbia.  The French Government, which had been promoting the idea
 of a "multipolar world" is now firmly with the United States in the
 Balkan war.

 The conservative French President, Mr. Jacques Chirac, and
 Socialist Prime Minister, Mr. Lionel Jospin, have set aside
 political differences and the traditional suspicion of the NATO
 to line up behind the bombing of Belgrade.

 Although there is some unease in Europe -- particularly among the
 former Communists and in Greece -- at the unfolding war in the
 Balkans, the measure of political unity that has emerged in the
 Continent against Serbia is unprecedented.  A war started by the
 Western liberals in the Balkans has now gained strong support from
 the conservatives -- of course, for entirely different reasons.

 The liberals have always recoiled at the idea of going to war in
 pursuit of such crass objectives as balance of power, geopolitics,
 or securing valuable natural resources such as oil.  The European
 liberals were particularly irked by what they saw as attempts by
 the U.S. to drag their nations, through the NATO, into such wars.

 They see the war in the Balkans, however, as being driven not by
 narrow national interests but by the moral imperative of preventing
 "genocide", "ethnic cleansing" and the return of "barbarism" to
 Europe.  Although many in the world may not share this view,
 there is no denying the strength of this belief in Europe, and
 the absence of any sympathy for the Serb point of view.

 When the Balkan crisis began to unfold at the turn of the 1990s,
 the then U.S. President, Mr. Bush, was extremely reluctant to get
 involved.  Despite the fact that he had successfully waged the Gulf
 War in the name of a "New world Order", Mr. Bush was determined not
 to repeat the adventure in the Balkans.

 Mr. Bush and other American conservative internationalists seemed
 to say "we don't have dog in that fight".  With no conceivable
 geopolitical interest in the Balkans, the Bush Administration was
 quite happy to leave it to the European powers to manage the
 crisis.  It was the American liberals who challenged the Republican
 policy of benign neglect and kept up the demand for a U.S. military

 In his election campaign against Mr. Bush, Mr. Clinton attacked
 the American inaction in the Balkans.  But when he took over as
 President, Mr. Clinton was equally wary of being drawn into the
 Balkan quagmire.  But as the European efforts failed and the
 political pressure from the liberals mounted, Mr. Clinton got the
 U.S. inextricably entangled into the conflict by the mid- 1990s.

Re: [CTRL] Can Media Make a Killer?

1999-04-14 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

Can Media Make a Killer?
by Declan McCullagh

3:00 a.m.  13.Apr.99.PDT

Everyone in the fly-spit town of Paducah, Kentucky, knows of Michael
Carneal, a computer geek convicted of gunning down eight of his
high-school classmates. Everyone knows the gory details of the crime:
How the 14-year-old opened fire on a prayer circle in the lobby of Heath
High School on 1 December 1997.

What's still unclear is the nature of the demons that drove Carneal to
bring six guns to school that day. The uncertainty isn't due to lack of
details. Those became plentiful during the trial.

Might the hours Carneal spent playing Doom have blurred the line between
fantasy and reality? How about a Leonardo DiCaprio movie with a similar
scene? Or and other erotic Web sites that police say
Carneal frequented?

well, i've played doom, i've played wolfenstein 3D, i've played quake,
quake II, blood, blood 2, redneck rampage and most of the rest. call me a
wierdo but i haven't felt the consumption to run out onto the street and
gun down a prayer group, in fact the only noticeable side effect of playing
quake for hours on end was that i stopped having a social life for a while.
man, there must be something wrong with me

The parents of the three students who died have a ready, and angry,
answer: All of the above.

well, that's simplistic.
simplistic solutions to desperately complex problems are what cause death
and war, simletons are responsible for the first world war, the current
Kosovo crisis has been caused by excessiveness stupidity on both sides,
NATO in particular. simpletons were responsible for the long suffering of
russia under authritarian communism, simpletons were responsible for
vietnam, and simpletons were responsible for the rise of the likes of Hitler.

On Monday, the families filed a lawsuit in Kentucky federal court
against a broad swath of computer companies and media firms, claiming
that the executives traded conscience for cash.

The suit, which seeks more than US$100 million in damages, says that the
25 companies engaged in a pattern of corrupt business practices that
glorify violence and promote "disregard of authority." According to the
plaintiffs, the firms "should have known that copycat violence would be
caused by their products."

it'd be nice if they did teach disregard of authority, but let's be
realistic here.

Of particular concern to the families is The Basketball Diaries, a
Time-Warner movie in which the main character, played by DiCaprio, slays
his teacher and some classmates. They say the flick "is a nihilistic
glamorization of irresponsible sex, senseless and gratuitous violence,
hatred of religion" and other mendacities. They blame Time-Warner and
its partners. Carneal has told police that he remembered watching that

and i remember listening to Cradle of Filth once, big deal

Videogames are another concern. Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein, Redneck
Rampage, and other programs allegedly "trained Carneal how to point and
shoot a gun in a fashion making him an extraordinarily effective
killer." And porn sites "provoked violence in Carneal" by showing him
illicit material not suitable for teens. Just to be safe, the plaintiffs
have also charged the operators of,, and with racketeering.

you can't learn to shoot from a computer game, i know people who can beat
quake II without blinking, yet they can't shoot an air rifle for shit.

The companies being sued did not immediately respond to requests for
comment, saying that they need more time to review the allegations. "We
haven't really had a chance to look through the material well enough,"
said a spokesman for Activision, which sells Wolfenstein and Mech

Experts say that the suit will be thrown out of court. "This is a very
tough case to fight," said Eugene Volokh, a law professor at the
University of California at Los Angeles. "It has virtually no chance."

glad to hear it.

Similar lawsuits in the past have had little success. In 1981, Hustler
 published an article -- part of a series about taboo sexual practices
-- called "Orgasm of Death." It described in graphic detail the practice
of autoerotic asphyxia, in which a person masturbates while hanging
himself to cut off the blood supply to the brain. A 14-year-old boy
found a copy, tested the theory, and was found hanging by his neck in
his closet the next morning. An appeals court said Hustler couldn't be
held responsible for the youth's death.

well, i wouldn't like to be responsible for someone else's stupidity. i've
never heard of gun companies being sued when people get shot, quite right too.
society lacks a sense of personal responsibility, they expect someone else
to be responsible for everything.
i heard about a mentally unstable man who killed someone and then sued his
therapist, that's the height of insanity, dependency taken to it's ultimate

CTRL is a 

[CTRL] Situation Vacant

1999-04-10 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

taken from the Electronic Telegraph Feedback section. (

Andrew I Busigin
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: Help Wanted: Military Governor (temporary) Date:
9 April 1999
A Balkan state on the Adriatic is about to be occupied, and will
temporarily require the services of a military governor. dd
A temporary military governor will be required for the next 50 months. You
will be replacing an elected official leading a coalition government who is
being forced out by the Western Hegemony of International Military (WHIM)
armed forces. Rather than answer to the local electorate, you will be
required to modify their behavior, so that they elect officials more
acceptable to the American state department.
During your tenure, you will oversee the dismemberment of the country's
political structure, military, security forces, banking system, and
judiciary. This in turn will facilitate the annexing of significant
portions of southern, western, and northern provinces. Special sensitivity
will be required during the removal of lands containing monasteries, and
other cultural landmarks.
To assist you, the WHIM ground forces will suppress and replace internal
security forces, while WHIM air power will monitor and and track any
guerrilla movements. Current Covert Ops will also route pertinent
intelligence to you, and assist in the establishment of a local cell-based
intelligence network.
Some personal danger will exist, but a US-trained personal security
contingent will provide 24 hour coverage, with blanket authority to use
deadly force against local "freedom fighters". (S***ian Freedom Fighters
are to be referred to in future as "terrorists" and "Enemies of a peaceful
Knowledge of Serbo-Croatian and Albanian languages is preferred, but not
essential. Fluency in English NWO-NewSpeak is a must.
News management experience is vital to a successful occupation. Historical
facts will need to be properly adjusted and prepared to justify the
downsizing and establishment of new international boundaries. Accurate
historical references to previous invasions, and Muslim expansionism, may
need to be deflected. Re-education of both adults, and especially children
will be a high priority so as not to interfere with a politically correct,
newly sanitized history of current and past events. A leading public
relations agency will be put at your disposal with experience in
manufacturing news. (We will attempt to engage the same firm that was so
successful making up such winning stories as "The Kuwaiti incubator theft
Reporting Relationships:
Your appointment will be on the authority of the Secretary General of NATO,
pursuant to permissions of the US state department. Relations with the UN
will be strictly controlled through Washington, and you will disregard any
UN initiatives until the UN complies with US foreign policy.
Salary and Benefits
Remuneration and benefits will be generously provided in the NWOA9 (New
World Order Acolyte - Senior Management level 9) pay range, with danger pay
bonuses available. Generous travel, security, and ammunition allowances are
assured. Follow-on employment opportunities will continue to exist
afterwards, in a behind-the-scenes leadership role.
If you're feeling constrained by classic western political ethics, and feel
you can better define the boundaries of a foreign nation state than the
native antagonists, forward your resumé to:
(No agencies please)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] The bombing of Yugoslavia

1999-04-10 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

how could anyone be stupid enough not to figure out that this would kill
people? what the hell do they think these bombs are for? you're right about
the media sanitising war though, or at least the institution. i saw a
documentary on modern weaponry, stuff that was used in the gulf war and the
like, and this US army PR asshole was talking about this new missile they
had that could puncture a tanks army, destroying the tank and the
'equipment' inside. luckily the reporter was quick enough to notice the
newspeak and said "don't you mean it'll puncture the tank's hull and _kill_
the _people_ inside?"
and the PR asshole got rather uncomfortable and muttered an affirmative

another thing, it only seems to be in the western media that events are
sanatised as such, when some tourists were killed by rwandan rebels
recently, in Uganda (i think), the reporters were asking the Ugandan
authorities if they'd had any luck catching the rebels and the man said to
them: "We have, i think, managed to kill 8 of them, we have soldiers trying
to find the rest"

there's nothing like a bit of brutal honesty, shame you have to go to
Africa to get it.

Hello CTRL,
I have question for any of you observing the bombing of Yugoslavia. Has
anyone seen on any major media news service the full consequences of the
bombing of Yugoslavia? I have only to date seen the structural damage to
buildings and other types of structures being done. I have yet to see any
dead bodies as in dead people in any of the stuff broadcast on T.V.. I
have heard the newscatsters repeatally report that some numbers of people
have been rumored to have been killed by Serbian officeals. I would bet
even money they are not showing any of the dead bodies or dead people in
the views of bombed out buildings and structures in order to propagandally
sanitize the bombing going on over there. If the general public were
allowed to view the entire consequences of the bombing over there I think
they would view this very differently. There is a mass campaign to try and
enlist new young recruits to all branches of the military. In my oppinion
if they saw on T.V. the actual bodies of dead people as a direct result of
war I seriously doubt they would enlist. I would like to hear anyones
oppinion concern the topic of the medias lack of total reporting of the
Bombing of Yugoslavia. They to date are only broadcasting half truths if
that much. Have a great day :-)

Best regards,
Mark Allen Pitt :-) A.A.S. ;-) aka Scroll lock *.* BBS
ICQ number; 4861371
Home Page;
Zero Mass Energy; The Study of Free Systems.

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Re: [CTRL] The U.S. -- Violator of Human Rights

1999-04-08 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

I don't believe that Amnesty International is a part of the UN. Am I
incorrect? It may perhaps be considered by the UN to be an NGO which may
have more power within the UN than other groups, but I don't know about
that. Anyone know?

i'm pretty sure that Amnesty International is an independent organisation,
i'd be surprised it was organised by the UN.

I can't see how this could be the case, because i haven't noticed any bias
in their reporting, they seem to be entirely independent, i remember
reading an annual report on human rights abuse in different countries that
reported on police brutality in western countries, as well as all the other
saddam, kosova stuff we all hear about already from the entirely biased
NATO reports which only a fool would trust.

Mind, you can't trust anyone in a war, maybe not even Amnesty International.

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Re: [CTRL] Kosovo, evolution in action.

1999-04-03 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

what can i say? i'm sure you'll shout at me for calling you a fascist, so i

ever heard of darwin's theory? ie. that strength comes from diversity,
those that lock themselves in and try to kill off all who are different are
the weakest of all.

would you be saying this if your family and friends were being hunted down
and killed, being forced to run from the paramilitary police, leaving all
would you?

methinx not


I do not know what is the problem with serbia wipingout albanians.
It just part of evolution.

Germany is stronger today because of evolution per Hitler.

Group of human wiping out other groups of Humans is natural.
After all Didn't Man wipe out all the Neanderthals? (excluding the basque)

Now we got to get a few scientist to tag a few abanians to see how far the
albanian Gene pool will spread or disipate in macedonia.
a very interesting study indeed.

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Re: [CTRL] Is Melissa a government contrivance?

1999-03-31 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

as far as i'm aware, you only need to fear it if you use MS outlook. i
don't use MS Outlook, i use eudora, no need for me to worry. the most
rebellious anti-authoritarian part of internet users (hackers and other
techies) then to use linux, so they don't need to fear either.

so lets see, you only have to fear it if you are unlucky to be using MS
products. and you're saying the government did this? there isn't a sinister
government motive in everything you know, this was probably done by an
immature little kid who thought overloading a cast amount of servers would
be more useful than reporting the bug through the proper channels so it
could be fixed before it did any damage.

you just need to chill out man.

 -Caveat Lector-

Hmmm, lets see. We have an Internet which is now beyond the control of
government. The Internet has become one of the few remaining outlets for
uncensored news concerning the more "embarrassing" aspects/operations of

Add to this the current debate among government officials over how to
"protect" the public from "hostile" content found on said Internet. Now,
all that is needed to legitimize imposing new restrictions on this medium
is the invention of electronic "terrorists." Voila! Along comes "Vicoden."
Whatcha wanna bet that whoever this turd is, s/he has a more-than-casual
relationship with big brother?

I do not normally lend (much :-)) credence to conspiracy theories, but if I
were to write a novel on the covert governmental control of dissemination
of information, this would be a classic formula.


"From the rage of today's downtrodden comes the revenge of tomorrow's
   revolutionary force." Edward Britton
Talk to the planet:

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Re: [CTRL] the meaning of the word socialist

1999-03-30 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

socialism (so´she-lîz´em) noun
  1. a. A social system in which the means of producing and
distributing goods are owned collectively and
political power is exercised by the whole community.
 b. The theory or practice of those who support such a
social system.
  2. The building of the material base for communism under
 the dictatorship of the proletariat in Marxist-Leninist

personally, i'd go for 1
someone once said during the first world war that if it was up to the
people, the war would be over in a week. kinda unrelated, but there you go.
i believe that the system should be run by the people, when you fail to
trust the people, then you start the gradual decline form democracy into

failing to trust the people is that mistake people like Castro and the
Soviets made. look what happened there.

capitalism (kàp´î-tl-îz´em) noun
   An economic system in which the means of production and
   distribution are privately or corporately owned and
   development is proportionate to the accumulation and
   reinvestment of profits gained in a free market.

it's rather difficult to define something like capitalism, it's been with
us for thousands of years in so many different forms. socialism is kinda new.

As such Capitalism requires a separation of the State and
business in much the SAME capacity as Church-State separation.

but i think that government should get involved, because factory owners are
accountable to no-one but the shareholders. they have power over people's
lives without ever having been democratically elected. true (very important
word if you want to understand my argument) socialism and democracy are
inseperable. if control of the industry is centralised under an
undemocratic regime, then things get much, much worse. as it was in the USSR.

*My* definition of Statist (socialist, nazi-ist, fascist,
communist) would be anything other than providing ALL
individuals with a RIGHT to their own life.

as i say, socialism and capitalism are outside of these particular systems,
the nazis called themselves the national socialists, yet naziism (or
state-led racism of any kind) can exist in any monetary system. the
government always controls the police and army after all.

socialism as i believe in it (very loosely mind, my opinions are constantly
changing) is for the destruction of _social_ power, not personal power.
social power is defined as the power to control society, or a number of
members of society, which is in capitalist society, owned by corporations,
government, and the like. social power is most often used to take away
personal power.
personal power is defined as the right for the individual to control his or
her own life, and no-one elses. personal power is in control of no-one
elses personal power and therefore is a threat only to those who would seek
to control society, or certain members of society (did anyone mention the

socialism is not a perfect system, for it to truly work requires an immense
amount of hard-work and cleverness by a large number of extremely unselfish
people, and it often fails to live up to expectations. but capitalism is
riddled with problems as well, such as the abuse of the poor by the rich
(something which i believe the founders of america wanted to end.). Think
on this fact: america was populated mainly by the oppressed, the poor,
those escaping religious bigotry and the like (this is something i know
about, a massive number of the population of scotland and ireland left for
america after the irish famine and the highland clearances), america was
'concieved in liberty' (and it was). i don't know my american history too
well, but it seems to me that you originally tried to mix the best bits of
capitalism (economic freedom) with the best parts of socialism (protection
of personal rights, i'm sure you'll disagree with me on that.).

it seems to me not that socialism is taking over america, but that rather
something else, which is neither socialism or capitalism, but a mix of the
worst of both systems, the government AND industry seem to tread on and
abuse the poor,

from all reliable info, i personally would not like to live in america (no
offence to americans, i just don't like the american system of government).
you seem to live in an increasingly violent society (i've heard many tales
of kids shooting kids in high school in america, the sort of thing that
when it happened here prompted a widely supported drive to ban handguns).
violence seems to be an integral part of your society, people do not feel
safe in america, they feel as if they are under constant attack, why else
do people carry guns? someone who is assured of his safety doesn't go and
buy a gun. i'm not advocating gun-control here, because that doesn't solve
anything, it just pisses off the people who want to keep guns. if the
policy makers were to attack the disease rather than the sympoms of the
disease, then it'd 

[CTRL] the meaning of the word socialist

1999-03-28 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

i have a question for the list, especially those who have been calling
clinton a socialist.

how the hell do you define a socialist??!!

definitely not the same way i do. i think of myself as a socialist, but
i've always considered the american government to be a prevailingly very
capitalist one.

another thing, real socialists (by the definition of modern socialist
organisations), do not consider stalin to have been a socialist. socialism
in my mind is a government by the people, for the people and with the
people. very idealistic i know, so don't any of you cynics on this list
start patronising me please.

i just feel that your definition of a socialist needs to be defined,
because then maybe i'd be able to figure out what the hell you're talking
about when you call clinton a socialist.

if you want to read the reality of the socialist movement, you can do so here:

this is the webpage of an international socialist organization. they have
many articles on world affairs and probably a link to the communist
manifesto in there somewhere.

you might find that your definition of a socialist clashes with their
definition of a socialist.


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Re: [CTRL] Take the World's Smallest Political Quiz

1999-03-28 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

At 22:21 27/03/99 -0800, you wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

Find out where you stand politically at:

all i can say is that the only thing that surprised me about this quiz was
it's accuracy. considering the fact that it's only got four categories, it
was pretty spot on in calling me a left-liberal. i think of myself, but
then it said that left-authoritarians were socialists. well, seems you
learn something every day. maybe this is just the american spin on that
word, based on the USSR, which called itself a communist country. it seems
many words which once meant something good and honourable are often twisted
when despots use them to promote themselves. but i digress.

seems that even in this so-called 'global village' we all live in (HA!,
more like a global factory, with the third world as the underpaid workers
and us as the whip-crackers. sorry about that, i can't seem to help myself
sometimes, i'll get off my soapbox now.), terms can come to mean very
different things on different sides of the ocean, despite the lack of a
language barrier.

i know i shouldn't, but i can't help but take it as a personal insult when
i read Clinton being described as a socialist or a communist or whatever. i
know that your definition is entirely different from mine, but for some
reason it still seems to hurt.

This will surprise a lot of you!
The Word Of The Lord:
Proverbs 29:1
He who is often reproved, yet stiffens his neck will suddenly be broken
beyond healing.

very true, i really should read that book sometime, seems that there's a
lot to learn from it, even for an atheist.

"My first pledge will be to restore integrity to the White House. And I'll
fire anyone who
 has lied to the American people
or the United States Congress." - Al Gore, in a February 2, 1988
presidential debate

So does this mean he's going to fire Clinton?

we can but hope.

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Re: [CTRL] Kosovo Drugs Target Christian Infidels (fwd)

1999-03-26 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

At 11:11 26/03/99 +, you wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

On 25 Mar 99, , Brian wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-


   "U.S. soldiers called upon to enforce a 'peace' accord that
   turns Kosovo over to  the  KLA  might be interested to know
   that they are risking their lives on behalf of  a  criminal
   syndicate  that  for  years has pumped heroin into the U.S.
   and  threatened  the  lives  of  American  law  enforcement
   officials." [1]

 (CNNS, 03/25/99) -- New York City is the final destination of the
 Istanbul-Yugoslavia-New York heroin pipeline.  Between 25 and  40
 percent of the U.S. heroin supply travels this route. [2]

How does this explain 10,000 refugees--women, children, the elderly--
fleeing their
burning villages?

The Sherman Skolnick post came closest to clarity. The Croats are the
Nazis and
Ustashe. Okay, got that.

Now the Kosovans are heroin traffickers. And The Serbs are the Boy Scouts?

Are we supposed to believe that The Slob is just trying to cleanse the
world of heroin
traffickers? And we are bombing the "good guys"?

maybe not, but from what i've heard here, there obviously are no good guys
in this war. as there are very few good guys in any conflict who will not
go to some length to get their goal, even if people do get hurt. having a
free mind is the art of listening to everyone's propoganda and trying to
find the truth. blody difficult as well.

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Re: [CTRL] UK-TV Watch tonight

1999-03-11 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

 UK-TV Watch tonight.
 Thursday March 11th 1999
 UK - TV tonight on Channel 5 at 20:30hrs. GMT

 "Stranger than Fiction"
 Allegated CIA involvement with mind-control drugs.

well, i'd watch it, except i don't have channel 5. they haven't built
transmitters up here yet. oh woe is me ;)
it's not as if they could tell anyone on this list anything they don't
know already. no doubt it'll consist of lots of strange camera angles,
'experts' speaking in darkened rooms to make it look sinister and a
lot of x-file style floaty music in the background.
like the UFO documentarys tv often does.
oh, the merriment of it all

 Expose of the possible dangers of eating so-called "Frankenstein

amusing fact about channel 4, being probably the most fringe-worthy tv
station i know of, they once censored a derogatory comment Mark Thomas
made about a certain politician (can't remember what exactly it was he
said), whilst ignoring the fact that he'd said the word f*ck about 22
times during the show. quite amusing really, i would've thought
insulting politicians would increase the ratings no end, therefore
making advertising space on channel 4 that little bit more expensive.
makes sense to me.

there are sinister forces involved.. ;)
"changing values is probably more important than moving low-income families into the 
middle class"
Dr Thomas Sticht from the US Department of Labor

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Re: [CTRL] Russia and China Prepare for War by Chris Ruddy

1999-03-10 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

there are many things i have a problem with in this article.

for starters, you have implied (maybe accidentally) that russia was a
communist country. this isn't true, as you might have noticed. Also,
you have called china and russia the worst mass murderers of all time.
Anybody can admit that China is easily a brutal regime, but how can
you say that they are the worst mass-murderer of all time? Did the
nazi holocaust fail to engage your attention at all? i believe the
nazis are the ones worthy of that particular tag. secondly, russia was
a brutal regime unde the previous communist administration, and russia
itself has now been attempting to cutback on military spending (a
rather wise idea, considering the terrible state of russia's
military). i remember because there were massive protests by
communists in moscow demanding that russia be able to protect itself
(does this sound familiar? ironic, isn't it?)
and the underground cities? from where do you get your information?
this sounds like _extremely_ dodgy info. If you're going to accuse a
government of something of that incredible magnitude, you ought to be
able to support your claim. if there are any, it's probable they were
built in the soviet era anyway. To suggest that the government would
build this kind of thing, even if it could, is ridiculous, to suggest
that a government would spend what is obviously amounting to billions
on protecting the people is just ridiculous. The only entity in russia
that has that kind of money to waste is the mafia i'd expect.
i agree that america must defend itself from threats. but only if
there ARE threats. desperately attempting to justify an incredibly
bloated military budget by trying to find new enemies is something
that america's been doing too much of lately. and saying that russia
is the country it was is absolutely ridiculous.
and i must say that expending 28% of the budget is rather ridiculous
for a large country such as america, which is attempting to fund this
ridiculous war on drugs.
why is it so difficult to accept that tax money should be spent on
improving the country you live in, rather than attempting to make
america look big (as if it needed to).

ps. it might do you some good to compare your views on defence with
that of the hardline communists in russia. you might learn something

The main characteristic of a totalitarian regime is a police force whose agenda is to 
protect the government instead of the people.
what do you think riot police are for?
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Re: [CTRL] China, the USSR, and Germany

1999-03-10 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

 As a footnote, I would like to add that I am in no way denying the
 horror of The Holocaust or inferring that it should not be widely
 talked about and remembered. My point is merely that it is more
 well known by the general public than the abuses of Mao, but
 Stalin's career is probably next in order of most to least well known.

although i don't know my facts properly (they didn't teach us about
anything that happened after the second world war in school), you make
a good point (i think :P)

i must've got a few delusions of intellectual grandeur there, it's not
difficult when you're surrounded by people who think history is
something that happens to other people.
The main characteristic of a totalitarian regime is a police force whose agenda is to 
protect the government instead of the people.
what do you think riot police are for?
Get your free address at

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Re: [CTRL] Big Bad Socialism

1999-03-10 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

 The title of this post says it all. Yes Socialism/
 Fascism and all forms of Statism
 are not only "bad" but murderous. Socialist
 Statism is a pact with the devil. The sheep
 are led by duplicitous sociopaths who are obsessed
 with power. The countless millions who were
 murdered in this century by Socialism/ Statism
 never got to enjoy their "social security."

i can't help but object to your infuriatingly narrow-minded view of
socialism as a political movement. you are basing your arguments
against socialism on the worst possible examples, which aren't
actually examples of socialism in practice.
just after the war the labour government came into power in britain
and erected the welfare state (the dole and the NHS, not very
dictatorial policies in my opinion). if you are having a stab at the
welfare state, then don't, as you don't have any ground to stand on,
if you are attacking statism, then be reminded that statism only falls
into stalinist style dictatorship when democracy is abolished. but bad
things happen when democracy is abolished regardless of whether the
government is communist, capitalist or fascist.

 Prisoners all have "social security". Free room
 and board for

again, please don't attack the welfare system, as the only problems i
have with it is that sometimes people fall through the net and end up
on the streets through extreme bad luck or drug addiction (and
countless other causes)

 Unfortunately as long as we have "true believers"
 who insist on forcing their

personally, i wouldn't say the welfare state is irrational, but i
won't attempt to persuade you to come round to my point of view, i
don't think i stand a chance.
i know people, friends, who have to rely on government benefits due to
no-one in the household having a job. if you were in this situation, i
doubt you would be ranting on about the evils of 'statism'

 irrational political statist philosophy founded on
 religiosity rather then rationality,
 we will be plagued by socialist murderers and

do you want me to give you my standard speech on the abuse the poor
often suffer at the hands of large corporations, as well as te
corruption private funding brings into the political system?
naah, besides, i'm getting off topic, i apologise in advance if i am
The main characteristic of a totalitarian regime is a police force whose agenda is to 
protect the government instead of the people.
what do you think riot police are for?
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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