fyi, Bard
"...stick the tax forms where the moon don't shine."
-- Steve Vaus
Electronic Telegraph - London
Friday 11 February 2000
Gay groups seek to legalise sex in public lavatories
By Philip Johnston, Home Affairs Editor
CAMPAIGNERS pressing for the age of consent for homosexuals to be reduced
to 16 have set out an agenda for future reforms that would legalise gay sex
in saunas, public lavatories and "cruising" areas.
They have made clear that yesterday's Bill to equalise the ages of consent
for homosexual and heterosexual acts is only the start of a concerted
effort to remove all legislative restrictions upon homosexual activity and
relationships. A submission to the Home Office by the organisation OutRage,
led by Peter Tatchell, says: "We do not believe that consensual actions
between adults, no matter how bizarre they might appear to the majority,
are any concern of the law or its agents. Thus we seek to legitimise
consenting actions in bath-houses and saunas, 'backrooms' in pubs, and all
group sex in private, including sado-masochistic games."
The submission, to a Home Office review of sex offences, adds: "We would
also like to extend the concept of private to include public lavatory
cubicles and after-dark 'cruising' areas. Since recreational sex is a
natural activity and popular pursuit, all laws which seek to control it
should be abolished . . . The whole basis of the current homosexual control
laws is moralistic and based on a largely medieval concept of Christianity
which we believe has no place in a pluralistic democratic society."
OutRage accepts that "abuse of trust" between adults and minors should be
punishable, though "sensitive consideration should be given to examples of
experimentation between those just above and just below a fixed age of
Activists are determined to remove all discriminatory legislation that
treats homosexual activity as morally different or inferior to heterosexual
liaisons. They even want common law offences of "outraging public decency"
- which in theory should be non-discriminatory - abolished. As well as
equal workplace and tax rights, campaigners also want same-sex couples to
be regarded as next of kin for purposes of pensions, wills, tax, housing
and adoption.
The Government is already considering the extension of the criminal
injuries compensation scheme to pay a homosexual lover up to £10,000
compensation for bereavement after a crime in the same way that a husband
or wife would be paid to recognise the emotional impact of their loss. The
Law Commission has since recommended that homosexuals should have the right
to claim damages if they were financially dependent on a lover who died
through someone else's negligence.
Financial support need not be direct, but could include providing a home
which is lost as a result of the death. At present, only spouses, other
relatives and co-habitees of the opposite sex are entitled. The law is
increasingly moving towards the recognition of rights for same-sex couples.
Last year the Lords ruled that a homosexual couple in a stable relationship
could be defined as a family. Voluntary agencies and the state are also
signing up to the agenda.
[Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]
A.K. Pritchard
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Alan Keyes
The armed defense of liberty
7/30/1999 - WorldNetDaily