[CTRL] Coup de Satire, then Coup de Pat

1999-01-09 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From http://www.thepornographyofpower.com/tom30.html

The Pornography
of Power

"I'm Wide Awake.
 I'm Wide Awake.
  I'm Not Sleeping."
-"BAD", U2

Tom J. Wright

A Semi-Weekly Column of Political Commentary
December 15-December 31, 1998

Clinton Impeached:  Republican Coup D'Etat Nearly Complete
Where Did These Lunatics Come From?

"Make no mistake, my colleagues, not all coups are accompanied by the sound
of marching boots and rolling tanks.  Some, like today, are wrapped in a
constitutional veneer, softened by pious assertions of solemn obligation
and duty, but the result is the same:  defiance of the public will and
rejection of the regular political process."

---Representative Nita Lowey, Democrat from New York, 1998

Not since the CIA's coup d'etat of November 22, 1963, when the men in
that organization murdered United States President John F. Kennedy, have we
seen anything like what just happened in Washington.  The only difference
is that the coup of 1963 was bloody.  This one, in December of 1998, is not
(so far).

Now granted, we do not yet know if this Republican-led coup will
ultimately remove the President from office entirely as the coup of 1963
did, or merely leave him seriously wounded politically.  And this coup is
designed to kill the President's political life not his actual life
(although there are of course plenty of anti-Clinton zealots and fanatical
Republicans out there who would gladly kill the man himself if they could).

Nonetheless, we are dealing with an equally dangerous band of zealots
whose sole thought when they awake in the morning is "I hate Clinton.  I
hate Clinton.  I hate Clinton.  I hate..." and whose last words at night
before bed continue the mantra:  "I hate Clinton.  I hate Clinton.  I

And, as you can imagine, it is awfully hard to get anything done when
your mind does nothing but repeat those three words all day.  That explains
of course, why the Republican Congress has no major accomplishments in the
last six years, except for attacks on Bill Clinton.

It is an obsession on the part of the Republican party bordering on
dementia.  And it is what makes the Trent Lotts and Dick Armeys and Henry
Hydes and Tom DeLays and Ken Starrs of Washington politics so dangerous.
Dangerous to democracy and dangerous to America.

These self-righteous fanatics would be labeled as the political
terrorists that they are and put behind bars for life as menaces to a free
society if they hadn't managed to first get elected to Congress.  In
Congress, these nuts have been able to cloak themselves in an aura of
respectability that they do not deserve.

How did this horde of locusts ever get to Washington in the first
place?  Most are Frankensteinian products of the Christian Coalition, an
organization with a frightening amount of money at its disposal and a very
successful grassroots program in place to get their pet monsters elected to
Congress.  This is especially true of those in The House of
Representatives, who are elected from small Congressional districts, not
statewide, as Senators are.  Therefore, it is easier to get a fanatic into
the House than the Senate.

This is why most of the coup planners are in the House, not the Senate,
and why the strongest invective, most personal attacks, and insidious
partisanship also are occurring mainly in the House.  Once in the House,
these Freaks of Nature slithered into leadership positions, number one,
because the Republicans controlled the House and number two, because Gnewt
GetRich, their political idol, helped put them there.  Gnewt GetRich named
the most rabid of these fanatical Clinton-haters lieutenants in his Army of
the Apocalypse.

This freaky band of Wingnuts has even cowed moderate Republicans into
voting their way on impeachment.  This has been done by threatening the
moderate Republicans with the prospect of facing a Christian
Coalition-backed Republican opponent in the primaries of their next
Congressional election.

Of course, as one concerned citizen wrote in a letter to the editor of
The San Francisco Chronicle, the coup planners were also aided by other
Republicans, some moderate, who just wanted plain old revenge against
Clinton.  Revenge because of his two electoral victories in two
Presidential elections, revenge because of the ousters of Nixon, Dole,
Gingrich, and company, ad nauseum infinitum.

But, it is GetRich's Band of Zealots who are running the show.  They
are why Congress is so full of partisanship and hatred and personal
attacks.  Gnewt GetRich, with his Politics of Hate (patent still pending),
and the Christian Coalition, with its Holy War, are the source of the
cancer eating away the American body politic.

CNN, a multi-billion dollar operation with hundreds of so-called
"experts" at its disposal, tried to figure this out on the day of the
impeachment vote, but failed.  And millionaire celebrity pundits everywhere

Re: [CTRL] Coup de Satire, then Coup de Pat

1999-01-09 Thread RGates8254

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/8/99 11:59:00 PM Mountain Standard Time,

 Tom J. Wright

  A Semi-Weekly Column of Political Commentary
  December 15-December 31, 1998

  Clinton Impeached:  Republican Coup D'Etat Nearly Complete
  Where Did These Lunatics Come From?
  What Tom, author of this commentary, fails to describe is that in order for
his perceived "Republican Coup D'Etat" to work, 15 Senators of the party he
likely supports and pays homage to have to vote to remove from office.
If that happens, no matter what anybody says, claims or does, it is
no longer a Republican effort, but both a Republican and Democratic
that this President is no longer fit to serve in office.
  The truth is there was no Republican plot to get the President.  If
anything, the
so called plot originated inside the Oval Office when the President dropped
his pants
to a 21 year old intern many times then lied about it.  Had the President
told the truth in January of 1998, we would  never have been at this point.
  According to Washington Insiders, the plan amongst Democats
is to make sure Clinton is still in office
until either Jan 20th, or 21st, when Clintons 2 year mark is up
BECAUSE Gore can run for office TWICE after serving out Clintons term.
If Clinton resigns or is removed from office before that Gore can only run
for 1 term AFTER serving out the balance of Clintons term.  See the
political difference a day makes

brevity snip

  Get loud.  Get rowdy.  Get serious.  The VAST MAJORITY of Americans
  want censure, not impeachment or removal from office.  This huge majority
  of voting Americans cannot and will not be ignored by Senators anxious to
  retain their seats in Congress.
  This country is governed by the rule of law,
not the rule by lynch mob, i.e. rule by whatever the majority decides.
Imagine what Tom would do if an opinion poll was done, or the "vast majority
decided"in his home town which advocated tearing down his house to make
room for some new  community something.  Tom would instantly go and want
to talk about the rule of law and the Constitution as opposed to what the so
vast majority want.

  In the long term, Democrats and the American People must do more,
  though.  They must get out and vote, as so many did in November, in each
  and every election.  However, this is especially true of the year 2000
  elections.  If the People really get out and vote, Democrats will control
  both Houses of Congress and the White House.
  Inspite of the "pending" impeachment threat against a President that
supposedly has over a 65 percent approval rating from the people of America,
 these same people  still permitted the Republicans to retain a majority.
Before the election many of  the  Democrat blow hards were all proclaiming
how the American public was sick of a ll this, how they were going to vote the
Republicans out etc etc.

  That still leaves Republicans in control of The Supreme Court, the
  majority of Governorships, and most of the Establishment Media, often
  called the fourth branch of government.  However, it will put a serious
  dent in Republican plans to practice more of their slash and burn system of
  anti-democracy which they've become so good at these past six years.
  If you believe in the Constitution then you are anti-democracy...because
you realize just as the founders did that a democracy is dangerous and ends
in a very violent death.  America is a Constitutional Republic where the rule
of law is greater then any ONE person, any GROUP of persons, any IDEA's
whether they be conservative or liberal and any POLITCAL party.

  All of this is very doable, my friends.  A little-remembered, but much
  worried-over fact (by the Repubs), is that in terms of the raw number of
  voters out there, the Democrats are the majority party in the United States
  (with Independents running a strong second).  And since we have a
  winner-take-all system of elections, instead of the much more civilized
  proportional representation, Dems have an advantage.
  Democrats lost in 1980, 1984, 1988, lost Congress in 1994, 96 and 98.  So
what is the point about having an advantage.

  The Republicans though are able to compete by utilizing their most
  cherished, most highly-valued and sacred commodity:  $$money$$.  Lots of
  it.  Preferably corporate.  And in large, unmarked bills, thank you very
  Tom fails to comprehend that both partys milk the money cow.  It was
Democrats who were in power and who gave us the current system of soft money
in 1974/75 during the post watergate campaign money reforms.
Of course back then Democrats were milking the money cow major big time and
people like Tom didn't care as long as his party was at the money trough.

  But mainly, the Republicans think American voters will forget all about
  the Republican coup of 1998, come 2000, because of voter ignorance and
  memory deficiency.  

Re: [CTRL] Coup de Satire, then Coup de Pat

1999-01-09 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

Where in the world did the idea come from that the left had anything to do
with the downfall of Richard Nixon?  Bob Woodward was the point man in this
operation, and he is as conservative as they come, both in heritage and in
personal belief.  He was not a cub reporter.  He was an ex-Navy commander who
had been a briefing officer at the White House.  I don't know when he decided
to leave the White House and take a job with the Washington Post.  How did he
get the plum?  Your guess is as good as mine.  He was not a good writer, but
he did have the background of Yale where he was involved in journalism to some
extent.  He didn't make Skull  Bones, but he was Snake  Book or Book 
Snake, whatever.  After him we have Alexander Haig and a host of others who
could never be considered to be "left or liberal" however you want to slice
it.  It was the "right" that booted Nixon.  It was his own that decided he had
to go.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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