Re: [CTRL] He's Baaack! The Return of Gerald Posner

2000-03-27 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-


Methinks you are unreasonable to assert that one would only support the
lone-gunman theory if one were paid out to do so by the government, or part
thereof. There is such a thing as an independent opinion or don't you believe
that is possible? That the "facts" are in and only agent of the powers that
be would pursue such a line of inquiry?

Sure, there is a lot of literature out there which rejects the notion that
Oswald did it and asserts JFK was the victim of a criminal conspiracy, but
that's only thing those books seem to share.  Afterall, to Posner and others,
it might be quite logical to conclude that Oswald was the killer, especially
when faced with the parade of theories positing a variety of combinations of
conspiratorial cliques, groups of assassins, and other instances of
imaginative speculation, especially when they can find so many instances of
the consensu view is supported by fudged facts, inconsistent witnesses,
selective evidence and intepretation, and other shoddy work.

So, even if you still think Posner's work is wrong, there's no need to make
the insulting and intellectually lazy claim that he is a government agent -
unless you can prove that he is. Otherwise I guess you just have to let your
"facts" and his errors speak for themselves...


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] He's Baaack! The Return of Gerald Posner

2000-03-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 03/25/2000 1:42:11 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Your book did nothing in the way of swaying the public's opinion regarding
 JFK's murder. It just made you look like a fool who sold-out to the powers
 that be in an effort to sway the American public's opinion-but to no

 Just my opinion,
 PS I realize this is a
 late reply; been busy lately! 

Maybe it's a late reply, but it's absolutely right.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] He's Baaack! The Return of Gerald Posner

2000-03-25 Thread John Szocik

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

I 've said it before, and I'll say it again. I sincerely believe that Posner
is a government plant used to write this "unbelievable" crap extolling the
"guilt" of those formally charged with the assassinations of JFK and MLK.
Up until Posner's book "Case Closed"?; there were numerous accounts with
credible facts and testimonies put forth in book after book making the
"Warren Commision" look like a bunch of fools.(Personally, I don't believe
the members of the W.C. really believed their own accounts of the murder of
JFK) They are just too intelligent to swallow the info. claiming those
"alleged" facts concerning Oswald's guilt as the "lone nut" who was able to
kill JFK all by himself. I also find it hard to believe that Posner really
believes that info.
Whatever you were paid Posner, I hope it was truly worth it to you, because
you really sold-out your credibility as a reasonable intelligent person.
I mean, after digesting all the info. put forth regarding the murder, how is
it that you can think your "spin" on all of it can hold water? Where is your
deductive reasoning?
Your book did nothing in the way of swaying the public's opinion regarding
JFK's murder. It just made you look like a fool who sold-out to the powers
that be in an effort to sway the American public's opinion-but to no

Just my opinion,
PS I realize this is a
late reply; been busy lately!

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] He's Baaack! The Return of Gerald Posner

2000-02-29 Thread JP Viken

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Kris, thanks for the reply and welcome.  If the govt covert media operators
must keep producing misinformation for and to be disseminated to the masses,
they should at least try and do a better job.  They could at least perform
work that even minimally justifies their fat stipends and access to the
lucrative side deals.  For example, if I had a black heart, no soul, and
hated the constitution, bill of rights and our republic, and worked in one
of these mjtf perpetual ops whose existence is based on producing jfk
assassination misinformation, I would at least attempt to author some decent
bullsh*t that can fly on it's own.  Any seasoned intelligence officer well
trained in "INFOWAR" and propoganda knows the following basic tenets of what
constitutes the best possible misinformation:

1-Reveal as much actual truth as possible which leads away from the actual
perps to the target perps; enough truth must be revealed to establish deep
credibility to the story.  2-establish credibility to your story by spending
time creating a legend for yourself and take your hits.  (dmoldea
(allegedly) is a god example of going part way with this in his 180 degree
switch to his new position characterizewd by his new belief that bobby
kennedy was actually killed by sirhan.
DM's switch was not credible because it was out of sync and character and
too radical. Thematic switches must be suttle.  The very best misinformation
is to disinform only slightly after projecting much truth--thereby leaving
the important but small "infotwist" you want.

#1 can best be done by implicating cutouts and lower level operations folk
and doing so in a way which leads away or disguises the actual perps.

If I had no soul and agreed to author the best possible misinformation about
the jfk hit I would do it completely different than the "demonic dwarf" or
the little "angel of darkness" gp has done (his work sucks and is so poor he
should be jailed under breech of fisa/cipa for jeapardizing our national
security because he p*ssed of so many and created such a backlash against
the govt coverup ops, putting many of them in extreme jeapardy).

Here's what I would concoct to sell my soul:

I would tell the truth about the actual shooters, planners and cutouts.
This could be verified and would be believable because it would be true.
I'd implicate sturgiss, hunt, opfourzero, ghwb, nixon, lyndon, and
especially j.edgar.mary.   Almost all covert researchers hate j.edgar.mary
for being a tv and boyf**ker, and also an abuser of the public and their
basic freedoms.   I would reveal the actual operational plans, and suggest
the involvement of rhelms.keeperofthesecrets hisself, and all the cia rogues
and cutouts, secretservice rogues at the top, org crime cutouts,ect. ect.,
since most are dead and can't fight back using their previously active
powerbases. I would then use this massive revelation of  truth to steer away
from the actual folks who gave the orders, those who were really responsible
at the top (the jcs operating as puppets for their associated intl bankster,
old black nobility linked families through the dc in crowd such as mcbundy,
dulleses (of  octopus fame), etc. etc).

-Original Message-
From: "Kris Millegan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, February 28, 2000 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] He's Baaack! The Return of Gerald Posner

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Howdy Jim,
Yes, Posner seems to "carry water for the man." Mengle wasn't in South
America, the Chinese secret societies are THE drug smugglers, Ozzie did it.
Yes the whole series of articles by Jim Di Euginio{sp?] from the CTKA are
really quite awesome.mho The second assassination is as telling as the
Good to see ya onboard this "weighty" craft.
In a message dated 02/27/2000 9:36:30 PM Pacific Standard Time,

 Nice article Kris.  Wouldn't it be interesting for some courageous
 individual to research g. posner's background and family ties?
 I think he had mucho help composing the nefarious and infinitely large
 of b.s. contained in his "case closed".I  have one well versed
 acquaintance that feels gp is associated with a certain agency and was
 of" convinced to do these "dirty deeds" since he got caught doin' his own.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no e

[CTRL] He's Baaack! The Return of Gerald Posner

2000-02-27 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF=""CTKA/Probe Home
Frames Page/A
He's Baaack!
The Return of Gerald Posner

By Jim DiEugenio

This past March, April and May, Gerald Posner did a mini-version rerun of
what he had done in 1993. Five years ago, Posner wrote one of the most
one-sided, monomaniacal books ever on the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Ca
se Closed was given a huge publicity build-up and, when released, Posner was
allotted more public appearances on major media outlets than any author in
recent memory, save Seymour Hersh in 1997. In the meantime, Posner has become
a regular name at publications like the New York Times and Time magazine. In
the latter publication, early last year, the first announcements came that
Posner was at work on a book on the King assassination. No surprise, it was
timed to appear at the time of the thirtieth anniversary of King’s murder.
Although Posner did not get quite as big a launch this time as before, he
still appeared with Dan Rather on 48 Hours (3/24/98), and had a large spread
in Newsweek (4/6/98). The latter was interesting in that it coupled an
excerpt from Posner’s book with rather unenthusiastic articles about King’s
legacy and the lives and characters of his children. The phenomenon that Probe
 detailed about the JFK assassination—a posthumous character attack to go
with a cover-up about the original murder—was now transmuted and crystallized
in the MLK case.
Killing the Dream is pretty much drawn from the same mold as Case Closed

Posner shows the same type of "convict at any cost" attitude, the same
quoting of clearly biased resources, the same use of character assassination
on the supposed perpetrator, the same heavy-handed maneuvering of the
evidence to rig the deck. For instance, in his public appearances, Posner’s
version of candor is admitting that certain government agencies had
surveillance on King. Sending King a note with a thinly veiled threat to
commit suicide or be sexually blackmailed—which is what the FBI did to
King—qualifies as a bit more than intelligence surveillance. Yet, no
commentator I listened to challenged Posner on this point. This included the
supposedly liberal Marc Cooper of the Los Angeles Pacifica outlet, KPFK.
Shockingly, or not, two of the featured voices on National Public Radio on
the thirtieth anniversary of King’s death were Posner and Robert Blakey.

How single-minded is single-minded? In an interview in the San Jose Mercury Ne
ws (4/26/98), reporter Jeff Guinn asked Posner if Ray had actually killed
King. Posner’s answer was, to put it lightly, untouched with ambiguity:
"There is no question. Ray was the shooter. That’s how I see the evidence,
how anybody objective has to see the evidence." Posner went on to use Robert
Blakey’s HSCA version of a motive, the Ray brothers were after a $50,000
bounty put up by a St. Louis racist. As Bill Pepper and others have noted it
is odd that, if this was the motive, there exists no evidence to indicate
that Ray or his brothers tried to collect the money. Another oddity here is
that one of the people who Posner thanks in his book is none other than David
Lifton. Back in 1977, Lifton, with Jeff Cohen, wrote an article for New
Times. It (rather weakly) postulated Ray as a racist and his brother Jerry
Ray as a co-conspirator in a rightwing plot. This article caught the eye of
Blakey and the HSCA and Lifton’s ideas ended up influencing the final product
of their Final Report. Posner acknowledges that his debt to Lifton is a bit
odd, but makes no more of it than that. We wonder what Lifton would think of
another comment from that interview which is a pure Posnerism:

The murders of Martin Luther King and John Kennedy did not do justice to the
status of the victims. Many people want something meatier to lend extra
weight to how they died. In each case, a conspiracy does that nicely. Look,
the facts are that King and Kennedy were killed by sociopathic
losersThere were no intricate assassination plots. None.

Such metaphysical certainty from a man who writes about scouring the Toronto
Sun newspaper for mentions of Ray in 1967 when that newspaper did not exist
until 1971. Ditto for research Posner did at the so-called Canadian Bureau of
Vital Statistics, which also is non-existent.
No surprise, the symphony of praise also included the New York Times and the M
emphis Commercial Appeal. The former review was written by Anthony Lewis,
their liberal commentator who also praised the Warren Commission Report when
it was first issued. The latter’s review was penned by Marc Perrusquia who
was that newspaper’s point man on the effort by Bill Pepper to revive the
King case. The praise for Posner extends through the major media to major
political figures. In June of last year, Governor Frank Keating of Oklahoma
praised Posner’s earlier work on the JFK case as 

Re: [CTRL] He's Baaack! The Return of Gerald Posner

2000-02-27 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 02/27/2000 1:07:56 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 He's Baaack!
 The Return of Gerald Posner

 By Jim DiEugenio

 This past March, April and May, Gerald Posner did a mini-version rerun of
 what he had done in 1993. Five years ago, Posner wrote one of the most
 one-sided, monomaniacal books ever on the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
 se Closed was given a huge publicity build-up and, when released, Posner was
 allotted more public appearances on major media outlets than any author in
 recent memory, save Seymour Hersh in 1997. In the meantime, Posner has become
 a regular name at publications like the New York Times and Time magazine. In
 the latter publication, early last year, the first announcements came that
 Posner was at work on a book on the King assassination. 

So I guess we know who wants us to believe this weasely little charlatan.
Can we really be as stupid as the media moguls think we are?  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] He's Baaack! The Return of Gerald Posner

2000-02-27 Thread JP Viken

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Nice article Kris.  Wouldn't it be interesting for some courageous
individual to research g. posner's background and family ties?
I think he had mucho help composing the nefarious and infinitely large pile
of b.s. contained in his "case closed".I  have one well versed
acquaintance that feels gp is associated with a certain agency and was "sort
of" convinced to do these "dirty deeds" since he got caught doin' his own.

-Original Message-
From: "Kris Millegan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, February 27, 2000 12:07 PM
Subject: [CTRL] He's Baaack! The Return of Gerald Posner

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF=""CTKA/Probe Home
Frames Page/A
He's Baaack!
The Return of Gerald Posner

By Jim DiEugenio

This past March, April and May, Gerald Posner did a mini-version rerun of
what he had done in 1993. Five years ago, Posner wrote one of the most
one-sided, monomaniacal books ever on the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
se Closed was given a huge publicity build-up and, when released, Posner
allotted more public appearances on major media outlets than any author in
recent memory, save Seymour Hersh in 1997. In the meantime, Posner has
a regular name at publications like the New York Times and Time magazine.
the latter publication, early last year, the first announcements came that
Posner was at work on a book on the King assassination. No surprise, it was
timed to appear at the time of the thirtieth anniversary of King’s murder.
Although Posner did not get quite as big a launch this time as before, he
still appeared with Dan Rather on 48 Hours (3/24/98), and had a large
in Newsweek (4/6/98). The latter was interesting in that it coupled an
excerpt from Posner’s book with rather unenthusiastic articles about King’s
legacy and the lives and characters of his children. The phenomenon that
 detailed about the JFK assassination—a posthumous character attack to go
with a cover-up about the original murder—was now transmuted and
in the MLK case.
Killing the Dream is pretty much drawn from the same mold as Case Closed

Posner shows the same type of "convict at any cost" attitude, the same
quoting of clearly biased resources, the same use of character
on the supposed perpetrator, the same heavy-handed maneuvering of the
evidence to rig the deck. For instance, in his public appearances, Posner’s
version of candor is admitting that certain government agencies had
surveillance on King. Sending King a note with a thinly veiled threat to
commit suicide or be sexually blackmailed—which is what the FBI did to
King—qualifies as a bit more than intelligence surveillance. Yet, no
commentator I listened to challenged Posner on this point. This included
supposedly liberal Marc Cooper of the Los Angeles Pacifica outlet, KPFK.
Shockingly, or not, two of the featured voices on National Public Radio on
the thirtieth anniversary of King’s death were Posner and Robert Blakey.

How single-minded is single-minded? In an interview in the San Jose Mercury
ws (4/26/98), reporter Jeff Guinn asked Posner if Ray had actually killed
King. Posner’s answer was, to put it lightly, untouched with ambiguity:
"There is no question. Ray was the shooter. That’s how I see the evidence,
how anybody objective has to see the evidence." Posner went on to use
Blakey’s HSCA version of a motive, the Ray brothers were after a $50,000
bounty put up by a St. Louis racist. As Bill Pepper and others have noted
is odd that, if this was the motive, there exists no evidence to indicate
that Ray or his brothers tried to collect the money. Another oddity here is
that one of the people who Posner thanks in his book is none other than
Lifton. Back in 1977, Lifton, with Jeff Cohen, wrote an article for New
Times. It (rather weakly) postulated Ray as a racist and his brother Jerry
Ray as a co-conspirator in a rightwing plot. This article caught the eye of
Blakey and the HSCA and Lifton’s ideas ended up influencing the final
of their Final Report. Posner acknowledges that his debt to Lifton is a bit
odd, but makes no more of it than that. We wonder what Lifton would think
another comment from that interview which is a pure Posnerism:

The murders of Martin Luther King and John Kennedy did not do justice to
status of the victims. Many people want something meatier to lend extra
weight to how they died. In each case, a conspiracy does that nicely. Look,
the facts are that King and Kennedy were killed by sociopathic
losersThere were no intricate assassination plots. None.

Such metaphysical certainty from a man who writes about scouring the