[CTRL] Implants Are REAL!! Charles Schlund Is Right!!!

2002-10-14 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Charles Schlund is right! People are being implanted, tortured, and electronically 
controlled. These news articles are about people who KNOW that they have been 
implanted. Rather than admit that this is happening, the psychiatrists and the media 
simply label these victims as 'mentally ill' [e.g. 'paranoid schizophrenic'].

{For those of you who are unfamiliar with Charles Schlund -- from
Glendale, AZ -- do a Google search of these terms: 'Schlund' +

*This incident happened just last month!


Copyright 2002 San Antonio Express-News
San Antonio Express-News
September 6, 2002, Friday , STATE


Patient arrested after flare gun scare at hospital
By Katherine Leal Unmuth

A man at Audie Murphy VA Hospital shot two staffers with a flare gun, then holed up in 
a second-floor office for more than an hour Thursday before police negotiators talked 
him out.

The man arrived around 11:30 a.m. at the hospital's mental health unit, where he shot 
a social worker and a psychiatrist with an orange plastic flare gun. The two women 
were not seriously injured.   Police arrested a veteran who was being treated at the 
hospital for schizophrenia. His name was not immediately released.

Hospital workers reported that the attacker told them he was upset that they had 
implanted a microchip inside him.

He expressed that he felt that we had implanted something in his body that made him 
hear voices and he wanted it taken out, said Jose Coronado, director of the South 
Texas Veterans Health System. Coronado also said the man had stopped taking his 

The man first entered the office of social worker Yvette Huerta and shot her in her 
left arm and chest, police said.

We saw sparks coming out of the office and thought a computer was malfunctioning, 
said Iva Timmerman, a psychiatrist and 15-year veteran of the hospital who also was 
injured in the incident. Then we saw him following her.

As Timmerman and others tried to get to cover, she said, the man shot her from behind. 
She said it felt like a racquetball bouncing off my shoulder.

He was firing at people, she added. He was picking and firing. He chose people.

Police evacuated about 30 people, including patients and employees, from the west wing 
of the building in the 7400 block of Merton Minter. The rest of the hospital remained 
open, Coronado said.

Timmerman said schizophrenics who stop taking their medication may withdraw from 
society or become paranoid. Some can become violent.

We can't predict violence, she said. A lot of people threaten violence and never 
carry it out.

Police spokesman Sgt. Gabe Trevino applauded the negotiators for defusing a situation 
that could have developed into a much longer standoff.


Staff Writer Emanuel Gonzales contributed to this report.


He also complained of hearing voices. He saw his name written in the snow. He 
believed doctors put an implant behind his ear to monitor his thoughts.

Telegraph Herald (Dubuque, IA)
October 7, 2001 Sunday


LENGTH: 1499 words

HEADLINE: Mental-health crises can get police under the gun; Bullets: Man's death 
raises questions on whether officers are trained to deal with unstable people



Ron Kessler walked along the suburban highway, clutching a bunch of wildflowers in one 
hand and a claw hammer in the other.

As he went down an exit ramp, a car pulled up alongside. The young driver wondered if 
he needed a ride. Get away from me! Kessler barked, waving the hammer. Soon 
afterward, alerted to this encounter, two police officers in patrol cars appeared.

Kessler, 42, who had recently stopped taking drugs to treat paranoid schizophrenia, at 
first ignored their orders and kept walking. Within two minutes, he lay dead on a lawn 
with five bullets in his chest, leg and wrist. It was the first fatal shooting by the 
56-member police force in this town next to Lake Ontario. And it raised questions 
about how well police here - and in departments around the nation - are trained to 
cope when mentally ill people break the law.

I saw the bullet holes, said Kessler's sister, Marlene Zazzara. They didn't have to 
shoot him so many times.

When officers saw her brother was despondent, she said, why not try non-lethal means?

Why didn't they Mace him? Why didn't they net him or call for backup? They didn't 
know he was trying to go get help.

Tears flooded her eyes as she sat in her kitchen recalling that July morning in 1998.

It was like losing a child, she said. I was his lifeline, through good, bad and 
indifferent. I was always there for him.

Large institutions that once housed psychiatric patients began shrinking or shutting 
down in the second half of the 20th century as doctors switched to community care and 
the use of new anti-psychotic drugs.

One result was that police increasingly have found themselves 

[CTRL] Implants, Mind Control and the NWO 1/4

2000-04-20 Thread Nicky Molloy


Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula

Fritz Springmeier  Cisco Wheeler





Developments in fiberoptics, computers, electronic communications,
nano-technology, bio-chips  neuro-electrical research have combined to
bring mankind to the point where mankind can be controlled by one
centralized monolithic Beast computer. The ultimate mind-controlled slavery
is now possible. We are in the first stages of its implementation.

The chapter will be organized in the following sections  subsections:

Section A. An Overview of the subject.

A1. Where this article is headed

A2. Where the NWO is headed

Section B. An intro to implants

B1. Three typical implant victims

B2. Documentation of implants

B3. GWEN Towers

B4. Body suits

Section C. Specific Implants

C1. Audio implants (a. public. b. secret)

C2. Body manipulation implants

C3. Visual holographic implants

C4. Memex/Brain Link implants

C5. Torture/Nerve  Muscle Stimulation Implants

C6. Tracking  LD. Implants.

Section D. Direct monitoring  manipulation of the brain/mind

D1. Direct monitoring

D2. Direct manipulation

Section E. Auxiliary uses of electronics  electromagnetic waves.

E1. hypnotic induction

E2. polygraphs

E3. attacks against people  objects

E4. virtual reality

A1. Where this article is headed

This chapter is designed to cover the complexities of hi-tech mind-control
in simple-to-understand language. To accommodate those who are more
technically literate and who want more, some clues to more technical sources
are given, but time  space limitations mean that much has gone unsaid. My
deep thanks to the many victims, who placed their trust in me to get their
stories out to the world. I hope that I have vindicated their trust. There
are a number of disinformation agents that appear to be putting out good
information on implants, but are actually disinformation agents. We can
error by undershooting or overshooting the truth. The principle topics that
these pretend "whistle blowers" have been discussing are the tracking
implants and remote viewing. (For RV info, see Theta Programming material in
Vol. 2.) Neither topic is any revelation, nor are they the most dangerous
items in the elite’s electronic mind-control arsenal. If the reader has not
skipped chapter 5 on disinformation, then he will be aware how factual
information can be used in disception, such as in chicken feed  building
bona fides. Why is it that the TV program "The Real X-Files" shown on
channel 4 was created by a CIA operative, Jim Schnabel? And why are all the
"private" Remote Viewing organizations run by what appear to be entirely all
intelligence operatives (such as Ed Dames, et. al.)? And why do we see
mind-control specialists, like "ex"-Intelligence officer C.B. Scott Jones
who gets involved with several UFO research organizations  disseminating
disinformation? One "researcher", who is publicly exposing" the NWO, tried
to convince this author, "The government has no secrets." (A word-for-word
quote by the way.) He needs to read a supplement to the National Industry
Security Pro grain manual (Mar. 92 release) where the Air Force teaches
their DoD contractors how to construct cover stories to lie about the nature
of their work for the

Page 138 ...

government. I will not take cheap shots at the World Order,  I will not
intentionally mislead the reader. You will get the whole truth and nothing
but the truth, as well a single chapter can present it. Vol. 2’s chapter 6
which was on this same subject was not the final word and neither is this
chapter. Before I start passing on lots of information, I should clarify one
point. Human brain cells communicate by superconductivity, not electricity.
Electricity travels near the speed of light, while superconductivity is in
the range of the speed of sound. Government researchers have a device called
a SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) which actually
monitors the light flowing from brain cell to brain cell. This is why over
5% of the brain’s dry matter weight is iridium and rhodium. However, this
does not subtract from the fact that electromagnetic waves have the ability
to change what the brain experiences and thinks. I must also provide a small
glossary for electronic mind-control terms that most people are not familiar


Bio-medical telemetry--Transmitter-receivers that are often located at the
base of the skull which record body functions  brain wave activity. Their
data is sent to remote computers for monitoring. A bio-medical telemetry
implant may also function as the primary control implant on body suits of
implants. Early versions were used on astronauts.

EMF weapons--Electromagnetic Frequency weapons. These basically are machines
that can modulate and beam electromagnetic waves in such a fashion 

[CTRL] Implants, Mind Control and the NWO 2/4

2000-04-20 Thread Nicky Molloy



The best way for people to understand electromagnetic waves is to think of
the ocean’s waves. Some waves in the ocean are big, and some are small, size
is amplitude. Some beaches have waves that come quickly and some have waves
that come slowly, this is called the frequency that the waves comes.
Researcher figured out how they could change the amplitude or the frequency
of electromagnetic waves in a controlled way, and this is called amplitude
modulation or frequency modulation. Because all electromagnetic energy beams
travel the same speed 3 x 10¹º cm/sec, an energy beam with a short wave must
have many more of those short waves pass in a given time such as a day than
a long wave. The shorter the wave the greater the frequency that a wave will
arrive. While our image of an ocean is that it moves up and down in relation
to the surface. In other words, the ocean wave moves (vibrates) up and down
in relation to the surface (a mathematical plane). Electromagnetic waves
vibrate in 3 dimensions (relative to 3 planes), generally they are only
drawn as one-dimensional waves. Our brains operate on waves that are very
low frequency (from one cycle per second) to about 50 cycles per second. A
cycle per second is called a Hertz (Hz). Due to the wide range of different
amplitudes and frequencies it has been more practical to induce various
measuring units. It would be nice if all the measuring units could be done
in feet or meters or whatever, but the range in size from the very tiny to
the very large means that they use different measuring units. Just like you
use different measuring units to get a quart of milk and 3 gallons of gas.
The milk could be called a quarter-gallon but it isn’t. In measuring
frequency they use the following measuring terms:

1,000,000 cycles per second = Megahertz (MHz)

1,000 cycles per second = Kilohertz (KHz)

1 cycle per second = Hertz (Hz)

In measuring amplitude they measure the length of the waves with kilometers,
meters, and centimeters. The very small waves are measured in angstroms,
microns, and nanometers. What is an angstrom. A nanometer is one billionth
of a meter. That is a very tiny fraction written as 1/1,000,000,000 of a
meter or for short an nanometer. A micron is one millionth (1/1,000,000) of
a meter. Ten nanometers are said to make up an angstrom. (In other words an
angstrom is 1 ten-billionth of a meter.)

After they measure radio frequencies, the waves of different lengths are
given other names. They could just say ‘waves from 30,000 to 300,000 MHz",
but instead they shorten things by having a special name for these waves EHF
(Extremely High Frequency waves.)

This names are as follows:

Extremely High Frequency EHF

EHF 30,000 to 300,000 MHz

Superhigh Frequency SHF

SHF 3,000 to 30,000 MHz

Ultrahigh Frequency UHF

UHF 300 to 3,000 MHz

High Frequency VHF

VHF 30 to 300 MHz

Medium Frequency MF

MF 300 to 3,000 KI-Iz

Low Frequency LF

LF 30 to 300 KHz

Very Low Frequency VLF

VLF 3 to30KHz

Extremely Low Frequency ELF

ELF Below 3 KHz to 1 Hz or less

Page 157 ...


The lower brain frequencies pertain to sleep and dream states. The middle
brain frequencies pertain to normal wakeful activity. The higher brain
frequencies pertain to aroused, or concerned or states of anxiety. No brain
waves means a person is "brain dead", even though some body functions may
continue. Naturally occurring phenomena, such as lightning in a
thunderstorms, sunny days that soak a person with extra positive ions, can
all affect the thinking of brain.


These frequency no.s are in Hertz which is cycles per sec. (However the
first part of the scale are non-linear, asymmetrical waves, which are
mistakingly called Hertzian by many people.)

1 Approx. beginning of brain waves

6.66 Theta brain waves

7.85 Alpha brain waves

15.7 Beta brain waves

30-30.56 Government VLF stations

32-33 Government VLF stations

34-42 Government VLF stations

50 Approx. Upper limit of brain wave frequencies

60 Produces an audible sound

62-254.1 CTCSS (Continuous Tone Coded Squelch Systems). These tones CTCSS
tones are broadcast continually interspersed on a frequency, which allows
several different users to broadcast separately on the same frequency and
only pick up the message that has their CTCSS tone. Post Office Tones are
82.5, 91.5, 97.4.  100.9. U.S. Customs  border patrol is 100 Hz. U.S.
Secret service is 103.5 Hz. EPA is 114.8. IRS  BATF is 123.0. Veterans
Affairs, GSA,  Dept. of Energy is 127.3. Fed. Aviation Admin.  U.S.
Marshall service is 136.5. Coast Guard Intell. is 141.3 Hz. Dept. of State 
Border Patrol is 151.4 Hz. Drug Enforcement Agency, Fed. Aviation Admin., 
Nat. Marine Fisheries is 156.7. Justice Dept., FBI is 167.9.

10² (10 x 10) Ultrasonic

10³ Lower range of true 

[CTRL] Implants, Mind Control and the NWO 3/4

2000-04-20 Thread Nicky Molloy

(Chapter 6 Page 2)


Page 168 ...

The encoders are called Keeloq hopping-code technology. They are good in
protecting micro-wave, ELF, infrared and radio-wave transmissions. Microchip
Corp. is creating a sub-company group called Secure Data Products to work
with this type of technology. In other words, the ALEX system reported on in
Vol. 2 is being miniaturized. Another Nanotechnology company is Nanosystems,
which is working with the Jansen Pharmaceutica N.y. unit of
Illuminati-controlled Johnson and Johnson. We know numerous companies like
the two mentioned above, who are working on Nanotechnology. We also know
that they are not going to tell us their trade secrets and what they have
really developed. For instance, this author had a hearty laugh when he read
The New York Times (11/19/96 pg. Cl) article "Feat of the minuscule:
scientists make abacus with carbon molecules: invention at Swiss research
laboratory may be a step toward building faster computers", because the
article is patently disinformation! According to the article a Dr. James M.
Gimzewski and colleagues discovered how to make tiny balls of 60
carbon-atoms each. They call these balls "Buckyballs". They can move these
balls via what they call a "scanning tunneling device". A picture of the
teeny-tiny 60-atom balls was shown in the article. So what did they do with
this ability? They built an abacus (yeah sure! Come on guys!). If the reader
understands computers--a computer at the most basic level is simply a base 2
number system. Anything that can consistently move or switch can be the
basis for a computer. A computer is simply an enormous amount of on-off
switches, where 0 can stand for off and 1 for on, etc. The article states,
"Scientists at Switzerland have invented an ultraminiature abacus in which
spherical carbon molecules sliding along the microscopic copper groves act
as the counting beads for performing arithmetic calculations." (So they are
using it for arithmetic, yeah sure!) IBM reported that its scientists used
the STM to move individual atoms so that they spelled "I-B-M" in atoms. If
you believe that the ability to arrange individual atoms and tailor-build
molecules was so that IBM scientists could spell IBM, then this book isn’t
for you. A more recent NY Times article (2/2/97, p. E6) discusses how Xerox
Corporation has created sensors the thickness of peach fuzz. These are
called MEMS (micro-electomechanical systems). The article states, "MEMS are
all about doing more with less, about being lean, mean, and next to
invisible." The article is lean on facts. It does give a hint of the
incredible power these little gadgets have when the writer launches into his
propaganda tirade at the end of the article, "Paradoxically the fear that
accompanies the fantasy of nanotechnology is not that the culture will be as
stratified and fragmented as Victorian England, but that the new culture
will be one that is unrecognizable to everyone alive today." That is true,
this nano technology is taking us to the place that society will not be
recognizable. The age of the future is planned to be the age of
robots--humans if they are to survive are to be robotic slaves for the
illuminated elite. However, this is not paranoid fear as the NY Times writer
implies, but it is the unfortunate reality humanity faces. Some people
apparently are already experiencing it. One victim of mind-control, whose
father is Military Intelligence and whose family is part of the Illuminati,
claims that he has been subjected to tiny robots called nanobots. These
nanobots have been featured on TV, where they have been billed as an asset
for surgeons. Reportedly, these tiny robots can work off of 10-100 kilohertz
of beamed power. They have coil-shaped antennas, 2 little six-pointed
"wings" to attach and move themselves with. These tiny boron-carbon nanobots
have all kinds of purposes. One use is for multitudes of these Nanobots to
be placed into a single victim’s head, where they are programmed to migrate
to certain programmed positions where they can suppress

Page 169 ...

the optical signals to the brain and replace these signals with their own
holographic images that can be externally transmitted to the nanobots or
preprogrammed in. They are trying or have succeeded, depending upon who is
talking about nanobots, in making self-replicating assemblers. In other
words, they have built miniature robots that build other robots. (Sounds
like something the Japanese would do.)

Nanobot researchers talk about how great it will be to have tiny robots that
are smaller than a red blood cell circulating in our blood removing fat,
bacteria, and viruses.

SOME SOURCES. Recent articles on nanotechnolgy include: Electronic Times
(12/7/95), Electronics Weekly (11/29/95), Electronic Engineering Times
(11/27/95), the L.A. Times (11/11/94, 12/21/94, 

[CTRL] Implants, Mind Control and the NWO 4/4

2000-04-20 Thread Nicky Molloy

When a HAARP researcher pestered the Air Force for info, he was referred to
Kirk-land AFB, NM another site deeply involved in mind-control and black
projects. (Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, p.63) Los Alamos Nat. Labs also is
involved with both mind-control  I-IAARP. Their Blackbeard Team is
connected to the Alexis Satellite, which may or may not be connected to the
ALEX system which this author has been warning about. Supposedly this is a
gamma ray re-search satellite, but this author doesn’t know

Page 178 ...

if this is the truth or a cover story. The Air Command  Staff College’s
Airpower Journal lets the "cat out of the bag" so to speak when they reveal
that weapons like HAARP will be used against civilians. The military wants
to use weapons like HAARP to disorient people’s mental facilities. Newt
Gingerich wrote the forward to an official US Air Force book entitled
Low-Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology which described how
electromagnetic weapons could be used to subjugate U.S. citizens who opposed
their government. Cpt. Paul Tyler wrote the chapter on electromagnetic and
psychotronic weapons. A paper trail does exist of the intentions to use
HAARP for mind-control by our government. For the sake of completeness, and
to provide the readers with a paper trail, I’ll quote directly from this
official Air Force book from the part written by Cpt. Tyler, ‘The potential
applications of artificial electromagnetic fields are wide-ranging and can
be used in many military or quasi-military situations... Some of these
potential uses include dealing with terrorist groups...crowd control,...and
anti-personnel techniques in tactical warfare. In all cases, the
electro-magnetic systems would be used to produce mild to severe
physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation. In
addition, the ability of individuals to function could be degraded to such a
point that they would be combat ineffective. Another advantage of
electromagnetic systems is that they provide coverage over large areas with
a single system [this is an obvious reference to HAARP] . . . . Recently,
pulsed electromagnetic fields have been reported to induce cellular
transcription related to reproduction of DNA Knowledge of mechanisms of
actions of Radio-Frequency Radiation (RFR) with living systems and the
assessment of pulsed RFR effects, will demonstrate the vulnerability of
humans to complex pulsed electromagnetic radiation fields... Experiments
with elec-troshock, RFR experiments and the increasing understanding of the
brain as an electrically-mediated-organ, suggest the serious probability
that impressed electromagnetic fields can be disruptive of purposeful
behavior and may be capable of directing and/or interrogating such
MIND-CONTROL capabilities. Dr. Abraham Liboff of Oakland Univ. has
demonstrated how low-energy circularly polarized electromagnetic waves can
change the brain’s ability to keep out certain ions, minerals, and
chemicals. HAARP can also be used with genetic manipulating ionized
radiation and chemicals to specifically control the mind. (See Chapter 8,
section 2 for a complete discussion of this.)


Naval Intelligence and other groups have conducted research into ELF waves
upon the human body and mind. Some of the many things that can be done to
the human body and mind with ELF waves include:

a. put a person to sleep

b. make a person tired or depressed c. create a feeling of fear in a person
d. create a zombie state

e. create a violent state

f. create a state of being sexually aggressive g. change cellular chemistry

h. change hormone levels

i. inhibit or enhance M(RNA) synthe-sis/processes

j. control the DNA transaction process

k. control biological spin and proton coupling constants in DNA, RNA  RNA

But electronic control of the brain comes in many forms. Perhaps the
controllers only want to carry out mood shifts. ELF waves which will
penetrate walls, and even go through the earth will create mood shifts
according to how many cycles per minute they are sent at. Studies have
proven that the time for ELF waves to cause a shift in mood is between 6 to
10 seconds (not a long time).

ELF waves below 6 cycles per second cause subjects to become emotionally
upset and this rate may also disrupt bodily functions. At 8.2 cycles/sec.
the person gets an elevated high such as would be accomplished by a master
of meditation. 11 to 11.3 cycles per second cause the brain to become
agitated and to begin riotous behavior. ELF waves could be

Page 179 ...

directed at a population to help incite riots. Research has been carried out
to determine how the brain’s sensory inputs are coded. It has been
determined that visual input is relayed and built into a series of changing
maps. The olfactory sense has thousands of specific codes to determine
smells, and combinations of these 


1999-11-27 Thread Tenorlove

 -Caveat Lector-

The following article was taken from the
http://saunders4congress.com website. The person who sent it to me
added Bible verses at the end. I snipped the Bible text  left the
verse numbers if you want to look them up. IMHO the privacy issue is
important regardless of your religious beliefs.

Identification Chip Implants

Researchers say the technology is currently available to implant
biometric devices in human beings that can be monitored by hand held
scanners, door monitors, or even government satellites. Though not yet
generally available to the public, trials of sub-skin implants have
been underway for some time. For instance, The London Times reported in
October 1998, "... Film stars and the children of millionaires are
among 45 people, including several Britons, who have been approached
and fitted with the chips (called the Sky Eye) in secret tests."
 In a recent study of microchip implantation technology, written by
Elaine M. Ramish for the Franklin Pierce Law Center, Ramish said she
believes the implementation of such devices will eventually become a
reality despite their controversial identification role. The proponents
of biochip implants often dismiss privacy concerns as paranoia that is
unfounded unless one is a criminal or has something to hide. I don't
know about the proponents of ID implants, but I would prefer not to
have my entire life open to inspection by whoever has the correct code.
If the past track record of the government keeping private records
private is indicative of their ability in this arena, I definitely
would refuse to willingly give them any information whatsoever.
 A national identification system via microchip implants would be
implemented in two stages. Upon introduction as a voluntary system, the
microchip implantation will appear to be palatable. The advantages and
use of implant identification will spread the acceptance and assist
with future implementation. Soon many everyday activities will either
require or be simplified by use of implants. Once biochip implants are
made an almost necessity in everyday life, then the push will be made
to make implants mandatory through public advertising. Then after there
is a familiarity with the procedure and a general acceptance of its
benefits, implantation would be made mandatory. This is the way they
implemented the requirement of a driver's license to operate a vehicle,
the general use of Social Security cards, and the soon to be
implemented use of codes on our driver's license converting them into
federal ID cards. The implants are simply the next step, a dangerous
next step.
 Microchips are about the size of a grain of rice and coated with
biocompatible glass. Upon implantation by syringe, connective tissue
should form to prevent migration. The procedure is very low-cost and
simple. All chips are implanted in the same place to allow for easy
reading and standardization. The back of the left hand is often
suggested as a suitable placement. The only impasses preventing
implementation is acceptance and a chosen standard for chips and
scanners. Government can easily order standardizing chips and scanners.
This is why we must use haste in seeking laws prohibiting the use of
biochip identification implants. Putting this off will result in total
compromise of our privacy and right to protect our own personal
 The arguments in favor of biometric chip implants are numerous.
They fall into three classes; personal convenience, medical, and
criminal. Each advantage will be used to "sell" implants to every
sector of our society. The arguments will be logical, stressing the
benign nature and unintrusiveness of implantation. The issue of
invasion into personal life and recording of individual trends and
behavior will be brushed aside as trivial. We will be told any small
intrusion that may be a side effect of implants is minimal when
compared to the great gains.
 I believe the implementation of implants will take stage in three
steps. First, the use of read only, then the use of read/write, finally
with the addition of tracking properties. Each has a purpose for which
it is best suited, and each has limitations requiring progression to
the next capability. This is why we cannot allow bio-implantation to
begin; once started we will have lost the entire argument. Each stage
will lead
irrevocably to the next.
 The read only implants will be first offered on a voluntary basis.
These implants will replace drivers' license, credit cards, library
card, and other forms of identification. The argument will be presented
that you will no longer need access codes or carry all those "bulky"
credit cards and identification cards. These will be "safe" cards, as
only the information initially supplied will be incorporated onto the
implanted chip. This will have some obvious limitations as some of the
data is subject to change. This would require removal of the old chip

[CTRL] Implants are GOOD for you!

1999-10-15 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

Pilot study uses brain 'pacemaker' to fight depression
Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Associated Press
WASHINGTON (October 13, 1999 6:35 a.m. EDT) - A former shipbuilder suffered
from depression so severe that conventional therapies did not help. He was
so sick he had trouble leaving his house. Then doctors implanted a
pacemaker-like device to stimulate a part of his brain thought important for
mood - and that very day the man laughed.
"It was remarkable," recalled Mark George of the Medical University of South
Carolina, who performed the experimental implant. "I said, 'Are you being
forced to laugh or do you feel good inside?' He said both."
Stimulating a nerve that runs from the neck into one of the brain's most
mysterious regions appears promising enough at relieving once-untreatable
depression that the government just granted permission for a study at 15
hospitals around the country.
The treatment, called vagus nerve stimulation, involves sending tiny
electric shocks into the vagus nerve in the neck, where it then relays
messages deep into the brain.
About half of the 30 depressed patients treated in a pilot study - people
who had failed every other treatment - "got a very good response," George
said in an interview.
The results are not definitive, he cautioned. But he added, "Stimulating
there really is a wonderful portal into the base of the brain."
Indeed, scientists think stimulating this nerve could have even more
far-reaching effects, such as enhancing memory or treating obesity by
curbing appetite.
That's because the vagus nerve is what Mitchell Roslin of Brooklyn's
Maimonedes Medical Center calls "one of the information superhighways"
between the brain and other organs. It relays messages, such as signals to
regulate heartbeat, and sends messages back to the brain, such as when the
stomach is full.
The nerve also reaches deep into brain regions thought to regulate mood and
emotion, said John Rush of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical
Center, who heads the pilot depression study.
If the implant truly signals the depressed brain circuits to act more
normally, it could prove important for some of the estimated 1 million
Americans with depression uneased by conventional therapy.
The stimulator is essentially a brain pacemaker. A generator the size of a
pocket watch is implanted into the chest. Wires snake up the neck to zap the
nerve every few minutes.
Two years ago, the Food and Drug Administration approved the implant to
treat severe epilepsy, a way to signal the brain to reduce seizures.
Depression often accompanies epilepsy. Soon after the implants began
selling, doctors began reporting epilepsy patients who felt happier even if
the implant failed to reduce their seizures.
"There's certainly an overlap between emotions and the site where people
have intractable seizures," said Cynthia Harden of Cornell University,
author of one of those early studies.
So manufacturer Cyberonics Inc. funded a pilot study of patients with
untreatable depression not complicated by epilepsy. Full results won't be
unveiled until December, but George said about half the patients responded
well - prompting the FDA last week to approve a new study, beginning early
next year at 15 hospitals, to prove the effect.
The vagus nerve might also:
Fight obesity.
Because the nerve signals the brain when someone's stomach is full, Roslin
implanted Cyberonics stimulators in dogs to see they suppressed appetite.
For a week, the dogs continued to gulp whatever food was in sight. But
gradually their appetite dropped, until eventually they left half their food
uneaten each day and lost one-third of their weight. Then Roslin switched
off the stimulators, and within five days the dogs' appetite and weight
Roslin hopes to begin an implant study in obese New Yorkers early next year
to see if they get the same effect.
Help stroke or head-injury victims' memory recover.
In a study last year, epilepsy patients scored 36 percent better at
recalling words read just before their vagus nerve was stimulated. The
theory: Emotional hormones seem to stimulate the vagus nerve to store
memories, so maybe the implant could mimic that effect in injured patients.
These potential treatments require much more research to determine how to
best stimulate the vagus nerve, said George. His depressed shipbuilder, for
instance, was initially overstimulated into a hyper state associated with
manic-depression. Later patients were better controlled.
But because the implant is so unique - and can immediately be switched off
if someone suffers a side effect - scientists are encouraged.
Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Robert F. Tatman
Computer Help Desk
Desktop  LAN Services
Systems Department
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.
The contents of 

[CTRL] Implants, Y'all Hear?

1999-09-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Hearing Nerves Adjust to Implants

WASHINGTON (AP) - A study using deaf kittens showed that devices called
cochlear implants can stimulate growth and change in the nerves of the
hearing system among the very young.

Researchers at the Physiologisches Institut of Frankfurt, Germany, tested the
effects of the cochlear implants by putting them into the brains of kittens
that were deaf at birth.

The scientists report Friday in the journal Science that as the cats got
older, they began to respond to sounds in the same way as cats that were born
with normal hearing.

The researchers, led by Rainer Klinke, found in congenitally deaf cats that
the unstimulated auditory nervous system did not develop in the same way as
for normal cats. They found that when the deaf cats were outfitted with the
cochlear implants at three to four months after birth, parts of their brains
changed so that sounds were processed and the animals responded to commands
and signals.

Such changes did not occur in congenitally deaf cats without the devices, the
researchers found.

Dr. Josef P. Rauschecker of the Georgetown University Medical Center said in
Science the study shows that the young brain is adaptable to stimulation from
the implant and offers some explanation for the medical experience with the
device in humans.

Though the use of cochlear implants is controversial among the deaf,
Rauschecker implants early in life of children born deaf ``have proven quite
successful.'' However, among adults who have been deaf since childhood, the
history of cochlear implants ``abounds with examples of failure.''

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Re: [CTRL] Implants

1999-06-06 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Who is Pamela Anderson, Bill..

This guy with the implant at Leavenworth, is that the prison?

Reminds me of what my old bossie used to say.had this good friend
who was always in trouble, and he would call and I would have to call my
bossie and say "Jim wants to know if they can put him in jail for
that"to which my boss would say ' depends on where is is calling

So, is this guy in jail?  Isn't Leavenworth a prison, or do they bake
bread or something.

How are you tonight Mr. Shannon.I spend part of the day at a
poolside but under an umbrella...surrounded by beautiful trees -

Do you have an implant in your brain?
I think in the center of the brain, there is a computer chip...and
when we drop dead, God down loads it.


Be good, and say hello to Barley for me.

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Re: [CTRL] Implants

1999-06-06 Thread Amelia Edgeman

 -Caveat Lector-

No more does Pamela Anderson have implants--the new mother for the second
time had them removed.  A huge collective sigh was heard from her many male
fans but I think she is exhibiting markedly improved judgment.
- Original Message -
From: William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 06, 1999 1:52 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Implants

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 6/6/99 1:40:53 AM Central Daylight Time,


  Try Pamela Anderson, it's well known that she does


 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Implants

1999-06-06 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

On 6 Jun 99, at 2:52, William Shannon wrote:

 Try Pamela Anderson, it's well known that she does

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Implants

1999-06-06 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

Well Amelia, I for one dislike implants preferring the natural. Pam Anderson
looked like she had a floatation device on her chest.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Implants

1999-06-06 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/6/99 3:49:02 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 due to the nature
 of the exploitive adult film industry its quite possible she may of been mind

I'd have to seriously doubt this Steve. Maybe back in the days of film there
was some Linda Lovelace type mind control going on, but nowadays the industry
is so closely monitored, so open, I doubt that these horror stories continue..

NO one tortures a U.S. citizen and
gets away with it.

Will you start your crusade with Ken Starr?? What he did to Susan MacDougal
is tantamount to torture, no??


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Implants

1999-06-06 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

Excuse me guys, aren't we being a bit blase and insulting to a guy that
believes he has had a hard time - then was implanted.
Not with breasts - like pamela anderson but with material science and law
can establish as prejudical to a normal life.
Whatever it may be claimed that implants do or do not do, there are very
substantial problems recorded from being so victimised.
You people seem to continue the pattern of victimisation with your mocking.

Andrew Hennessey

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Implants

1999-06-06 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

Jesus Christ Andy, a little levity never hurt anyone


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Implants

1999-06-06 Thread Amelia Edgeman

 -Caveat Lector-

Thank you, Andrew.  I am sorry Steve.  Saw the Pamela article and was
replying to Bill's comment.  I meant nothing in relation to your hardship.
I find myself attempting to jest at the unfunny often these days.  It helps
keep from crying sometimes.  Things are so unbelievably messed up in so many
areas the burden becomes unbearable.  Some of us cope by using humor.  This
was in poor taste in this instance.  Mia culpa!

- Original Message -
From: Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 06, 1999 8:37 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Implants

 -Caveat Lector-

 Excuse me guys, aren't we being a bit blase and insulting to a guy that
 believes he has had a hard time - then was implanted.
 Not with breasts - like pamela anderson but with material science and law
 can establish as prejudical to a normal life.
 Whatever it may be claimed that implants do or do not do, there are very
 substantial problems recorded from being so victimised.
 You people seem to continue the pattern of victimisation with your

 Andrew Hennessey

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Implants

1999-06-06 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/6/99 10:06:53 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Thank you, Andrew.  I am sorry Steve.  Saw the Pamela article and was
 replying to Bill's comment.  I meant nothing in relation to your hardship.
 I find myself attempting to jest at the unfunny often these days.  It helps
 keep from crying sometimes.  Things are so unbelievably messed up in so many
 areas the burden becomes unbearable.  Some of us cope by using humor.  This
 was in poor taste in this instance.  Mia culpa! 

 Actually Amelia, methinks you were wrong to apologize...nothing at all wrong
in trying to be "light".
 At least I don't think that there is...Plus, and let us be honest, do you
REALLY think people are walking around with "implants" in them??? Bah!


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Implants

1999-06-05 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Fri, 4 Jun 1999 13:07:06 EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;


DATE: AUGUST 3, 1994


P.O. BOX 1000

LOOKING FOR current and past intelligence, special purpose/project team
members or victims of operation BUG, project THIRD CHANCE, DERBY
that have or had implants placed in them or have information on the use of
bio-medical implants.

Many of you had implants inserted into your brain, nose, ear, or almost any
part of the body usually with a long thin needle or probe. In some cases the
implantation process may cause nose bleeds and other types of
unexplained bleeding from various bodily orifices.

As you know, you were led to believe that the implants were to be used only
for tracking and communication when in fact they were used in performing
the following functions and more: (1) forced interrogation; (2) recording and
relaying every thought, emotion, and physical reaction of a person
continuously 24 hours a day; (3) a continuous telepathic link 24 hours a day-
-"tracking and communication"; (4) the implant may act as a surveillance
device and relay every aspect of the individuals exterior environment; (5)
the implants facilitate "non-physical" brainwashing processes by
separating the "astral body" from the physical body with audio and visual
imagery thus experiencing things as if he or she were actually and
physically there--these experiences may later be mistaken for actual
physical experiences on the part of the individual causing confusion and
disbelief with those experiences shared with interested investigators, and
the public. Has the government used this process on you to cover up the
truth? (6) implants may affect a person in subtle "esoteric" and spiritual
ways that can only be described in "new age" or "occult terms"; (7)
implants may trigger unexplained "healing" or spontaneous "cures" or
improvements in adverse physical and mental conditions; (8) implants may
be used for genetic purposes but this may be only one of their lesser-
important functions; (9) implants may be used to speed up the bodies
functions in the aging process so as to destroy a person without their
knowledge; (10) implant electromagnetic radiation affects human motor
functions and thus affects a person's ability to function normally. Midwest
Research Institute in Kansas City is the only laboratory in the U.S. capable
of testing how electromagnetic radiation affects humans.

I was arrested in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in May 1991 by Brazilian  U.S.
Officials after being tracked for months and taken to the torture-
interrogation center in Brasilia, Brazil. CenCom contract agents and
Brazilian Officials tortured me for 10 months with electric shock, beating,
sleep deprivation, and the 24 hour a day link to human and computer
interrogation via telemetry due to the implants that still exist in me. The
duplex link allowed human slavery to exist as they were able to control all
mental and physical functions of me. The U.S. and Brazilian Government
and other mind terrorists must be stopped. Electronic lobotomies are the
government's most powerful weapon of terror, as those who are buried -
whether literally in the ground or figuratively in prison - can eventually be
forgotten. Prisoners as a group are being genocized by the Brazilian

As a victim of psychosurgery and living daily with a mutilated mind I would
appreciate a response from anyone that has information on implants so as
to support my current litigation. My attorney is also looking for consultants
with expertise in the area. My hope being to initiate project "IMPLANT -
CLASS ACTION" suit so we may stop psychosurgery as a weapon of
terrorism by both governments and revolutionaries.

Please write John G. Lambros,
U.S.P. Leavenworth,
B.O.P. No. 00436-124,
P.O. Box 1000,
Leavenworth, Kansas 66048-1000.

The address for the Boycott Brazil homepage is:

For more information write to :[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum 

Re: [CTRL] Implants

1999-06-05 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/6/99 1:40:53 AM Central Daylight Time,


 Try Pamela Anderson, it's well known that she does


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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