[CTRL] Indians vs. the cavalry once more

2002-04-08 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

So, ladies and gentlemen, this is an example of *why* the Israeli-Palestinian
issue is so popular with the Eastern elites (Ee_s).  In a very similar fashion, the 
those who pontificate on the fates of the lesser advantaged, especially those who
have been indigenous to their regions (more or less, taking into account the rape,
pillage and plunder of the Cherokees' and others' lands, the reservations'
establishment, and so on)(Trail of Tears, Jackson vs Marshall, et cetera), the Ee_s
obviously view the Middle Eastern situation in the same light.  It's early American
history redux.  Bad early American history redux.

Now, I've seen *Urban Cowboy* and watched all the city slickers (and the movies of
the same name) turn in their wingtips and tweeds for ostrich-skin pointy-toed foot
cripplers, snap pocket shirts, and half-pint hats.  And we can't forget them crotch
crampin' Wranglers, and we?  One time bein'  Disco Dux, they sashay'd on to
Mickey Gilley.  They wanted to be.  So, we see some other imperialising colonials
attempting to be by emulating Old Hickory 's ways and means to carve out their
place in history.  Only they're a hunnert and some years too late.

Although it may work in the short run, unfortunately, it's to few's advantage in the
long run.  And to a few, a much lesser advantage.  And, still we see casualties of the
Ee_s' benevolence toward those in whom they've placed their trust and on whose
side the law has been and still is.  I would have hoped that, as Americans, we would
have outgrown this mentality of disregard, disrespect, and disgusting treatment of
proud peoples, one of whom gave their name to a helicopter.  But there are those
who are still In Search of Justice.  Here and there, here and there.

From http://www.boulderweekly.com/coverstory.html

In search of justice
Indians vs. the cavalry once more
- - - - - - - - - - - -
by Pamela White ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Christmas didn't come to Louise James' home this year. Earning less than $2,500 a
year, James needs every dime she receives from the Department of the Interior for
the oil lease on her land in order to live.

But she, like tens of thousands other American Indians who receive royalties for
mineral extraction and timber leases on their property, hasn't gotten a check since
November. The utility company has turned off her electricity, and, unless a check
arrives soon, she and her six children and two grandchildren will lose their home.

Indians are losing their homes all over the country, says Keith Harper, an attorney
with Native American Rights Fund (NARF), a Boulder-based non- profit.

The interior department cut off checks to royalty recipients on Dec. 5 after receiving 
court order to upgrade security on their computer system. Rather than disconnecting
from the Internet, as the judge reportedly intended, interior officials shut the entire
system down without having any backup plan for cutting checks. Now, four months
later, many families still have not received their checks, and some are facing hunger.

The royalty-check scandal is only the latest controversy to surface in NARF's lawsuit
against the federal government. NARF, which provides legal help to American Indian
individuals and nations, is in the sixth contentious year of its epic court battle 
the Department of the Interior. The class- action suit alleges that government has
mismanaged the trust accounts of about 500,000 American Indians for more than a
century and seeks to force the government to account for an estimated $10 billion in
missing royalties for grazing, mineral extraction, and timber operations.

At stake, however, is far more than money or land-use issues. Observers say the
trust-fund lawsuit gets to the heart of centuries of mistreatment of Indian people by
the U.S. government.

It's an equal-protection issue, says Harper, who works full-time on the case in
Washington, D.C.

While many believe it's a case NARF can win-the government has admitted to
mismanaging the money-the small non-profit lacks anything close to the volume of
money and staff enjoyed by federal authorities who are fighting it. As the interior
department continues to draw out litigation, some fear NARF might win a Pyrrhic
victory, winning in court, but losing its shirt in the process.

Government behaving badly

Since it was filed in 1996, the lawsuit has cost NARF millions.

It has been the most expensive case we have done in our 31 years, but it's one we
knew that we had to try because what was going on in Washington was ridiculous,
says NARF founder and executive director John Echohawk.

With a $7-million annual budget, NARF has had to step up fund-raising efforts to
keep pace with expenses. While NARF's budget is limited to its fund-raising abilities,
the interior department has access to countless millions in taxpayer money. By July
2001, the federal government had already spent in excess of $50 million fighting the


[CTRL] Indians Teach Blair Cricket

2002-01-05 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Angry India rebukes peacemaker Blair

Handshake of 'peace' fails

Nicholas Watt, Bangalore
Sunday January 6, 2002
The Observer

Tony Blair suffered a rare public rebuke yesterday when a leading
member of the Indian Cabinet made clear that New Delhi is deeply
irritated by his pledge to act as a 'calming influence' over Kashmir.

On the eve of the Prime Minister's talks with his Indian counterpart,
Blair was told in unequivocal terms that India needs no lectures from
its former colonial rulers on the need for restraint.

Standing within feet of the Prime Minister on a platform at an
industrial conference in Bangalore, the Indian Minister for
Parliamentary Affairs threw Blair's language back at him. 'People say
you have come to cool us dow
n,' Pramod Mahajan said. 'We have been cool enough for the last 50 years.'

The Minister also accused the West of operating double standards by attacking the 
Taliban, while taking a more lenient stance with Kashmiri militants based in Pakistan. 
'There cannot be one rule for Mullah Omar and anothe
r for Maulana Azhar, [a Pakistani militant],' he said.

Mahajan was careful to qualify his remarks, declaring that Blair was a world leader 
who was welcome in India. He also peppered his speech with witty references to the 
historic links between India and Britain, remarking th
at while Britain may have invented cricket, India has provided Britain with its 
cricket captain.

But the politically charged comments from one of the most vocal members of the Indian 
Cabinet appeared to be designed to warn Blair to tread carefully when he meets his 
Indian counterpart, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, in New Del
hi tonight. That meeting will be followed by talks in Pakistan with its President, 
Pervez Musharraf.

As he embarks on another round of shuttle diplomacy, Blair has tried to cast himself 
as an impartial figure whose presence could help improve relations between India and 
Pakistan. But Blair was given a taste of the sensit
ivity over the issue when he appeared to side with Islamabad.

In an interview with Sky television, which was broadcast on the Indian Star Television 
satellite station on Friday, Blair described Pakistan's position on Kashmir as 'very 
strong'. Opposition politicians lambasted him, fo
rcing the Indian Foreign Ministry to issue a statement saying that it had no 
difficulty with his remarks.

At a briefing yesterday, Blair's spokesman said that the Indian media had 
misunderstood the Prime Minister who had merely suggested that Pakistan's views on 
Kashmir were strongly held.

Because the state of Jammu and Kashmir was formally incorporated into India by an act 
of the British Parliament when the subcontinent was partitioned into India and 
Pakistan in 1947, New Delhi believes Kashmir is a domest
ic issue.

Pakistan believes that it should be declared the rightful ruler of Kashmir because of 
the territory's predominantly Muslim population. Islamabad also points out that India 
has failed to live up to its commitment to hold a
 referendum in Kashmir.

As he prepared to fly to Delhi for today's talks with Vajpayee, Blair attempted to 
reach out to India by denouncing Kashmiri terrorists who launched a suicide attack on 
the Indian Parliament last month and urging Pakistan
 to crack down on militants.

This is likely to irritate Musharraf who can point out that Pakistan has carried out 
an unprecedented wave of arrests of alleged militants.

The Prime Minister reinforced his message about Islamist militants by
declaring that the time had come for the Islamic world to deal with
its fundamentalists. In a marked change of emphasis, Blair said that
only the 'true voice of Islam itself' could tackle the fanatics who
warped 'caring and decent' Muslim principles.

His remarks will be seen as significant because until now he said
that the onus was on the West to make it clear that its war against
terrorism was not an assault on Islam.

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[CTRL] Indians, Slaves, Paupers etc.

2000-12-29 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

Looking at the Articles of Confederation, the 'first' US Constitution, we find a 
telling sentence.


...the free inhabitants of each of these States, paupers, vagabonds, and fugitives 
from justice excepted, shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of free 
citizens in the several States..

paupers and vagabonds? People of no fixed address or without means? IE The homeless, 
itinerant workers, prisoners, Indians, Blacks and etc. There is nothing new under the 

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[CTRL] Indians

1999-01-07 Thread Hawk

 -Caveat Lector-


  -Caveat Lector-


  They were also stupid enough not to realize the value of personal
 of wealth,  and the productive power of capitalism... After all,
that's why they
 living in  tents and barely subsisting... "Hunters and gatherers"
don't have any
 capital to carry  them over in hard times (such as a bad hunting
 "Tribal mentality" is the  same as "slave mentality," which isn't
known to
 result in creation of wealth and  prosperity. 

 The Native Americans should have been ashamed of themselves not to
realize the
 commercial value of property.

Not necessarily... If they chose to live a bare subsistence lifestyle,
why should
I care, or why they care what I care?

 Of coure they were doing beautifully before the colonists started
killing them,

True... unless you consider them killing each other off, capturing each
other for
slaves, and looting each other's meager belongings as something less

 but they just should have understood that grabbing the most of
everything is the
 mark of true civilization.

Maybe they were smarter than that, but dumb enough not to understand
producing wealth is preferable to plundering and scavaging.

 Maybe they already understood the words I saw on an announcement board
outside a
 local church.  "When we die, we leave what we have and take what we

Yep... They were a bunch of sweethearts all right.  Kind and gentle...
savages all.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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[CTRL] Indians

1999-01-07 Thread Hawk

 -Caveat Lector-

YnrChyldzWyld wrote:

 Now you're changing your tune...your initial objection was that all
 Indians just got by with foraging and gathering,

I made the mistake of generalizing.. Hell, I'm sure SOME Indian,
somewhere, was
probably a real estate agent.

 and didn't farm...when that fallacy was pointed out, you now decide
 'manufacturing' is to be the new standard...

Look.. My point was not to criticize the Indians... The point was that
they were at
best poor entrepreneurs nor producers of excess "whatever they produced"
in order to
amass any capital.  I should have prefaced my remarks with "In general,"
or "To a large
extent," etc etc... It was my mistake.

 The Inca, Mayans, and Toltecs seem to have been able to 'manufacture'
 some pretty sophisticated objects...

I don't think the "founding fathers" of the USA had much contact with
them, and did not
intend that they be included in the discussion.

 Oh, so our concept of govm't was derived from the Iroquois

 Again, it's a MATTER OF RECORD.

Whatever  If you want to believe that our system of government was
derived from the
Iroquois, go ahead... It probably is a harmless enough thing to
believe... about the
same as the "fact" that Africans invented the airplane and telegraph.

 I never said any such thing...I said the INDIANS were farmers and

No... You were speaking of the Europeans...

 the Europeans who first came here in the 1600s were for the most part
 middleclass, more merchants than farmers...

Middleclass has nothing to do with farming ability..


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Re: [CTRL] Indians

1999-01-07 Thread Agent Smiley

 -Caveat Lector-

   but they just should have understood that grabbing the most of
  everything is the
   mark of true civilization.

  Maybe they were smarter than that, but dumb enough not to understand
  producing wealth is preferable to plundering and scavaging.

Wealth is not produced but is harnessed from what belongs to everyone.  Of
course, if you have the appropriate firepower, you can claim it is yours and
even force people to agree.

   Maybe they already understood the words I saw on an announcement board
  outside a
   local church.  "When we die, we leave what we have and take what we

  Yep... They were a bunch of sweethearts all right.  Kind and gentle...
  savages all.


I see this is just about keeping the fire going.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Indians

1999-01-07 Thread Hawk

 -Caveat Lector-

Agent Smiley wrote:

 So what of the fact that they avoided excess?  Are you championing waste?

If what I am "wasting" belongs to me, I champion my right to do so.  What you do
with your stuff, or what the Indians did with theirs is none of my concern.

 Excess is useful if you wish to have leverage AGAINST someone, else it is
 given away.

Again, you do whatever you wish with your stuff... Give it away, let it
deteriorate, sell it, or shove it... I couldn't care less.

 What has this to do with whether or not they were capable of such?

Nothing... I responded to it in reference to "What the Europeans found in terms of
Indians and their life-style in North America..."  I might have been as sarcastic
as you (which is an indication of poor character) by asking what the Incas had to
do with the original discussion.

 You sound like Clinton's press secretary - changing subjects in hopes of
 preying on the slow minded.  There are few of those here.

Apparently you are too slow-minded to make a connection with an obvious
illustration... I'll try to make things easier for you to understand in the


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Re: [CTRL] Indians

1999-01-07 Thread Hawk

 -Caveat Lector-

Agent Smiley wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Wealth is not produced but is harnessed from what belongs to everyone.

Not so... Wealth is produced by the manipulation of things that are (usually)
unsuable in their raw condition, and making something that is beneficial or
desirable of it.  Of course wealth can be earned by providing services in which
nothing is "manufactured" -- such as entertainment, poetry, etc. as long as
someone is willing to purchase it from you.  "Harnessing" is a strange concept...
I suppose (for instance) automobiles are running around loose in nature, belonging
to everyone in general and no one in particular, so someone has to corral them up
and "harness" them?  Strange concepts you have...

 Of course, if you have the appropriate firepower, you can claim it is yours and
 even force people to agree.

That's the nature of communism, socialism, facsism and other forms of coerced
altruism... I believe it is your preferrence.  There are generally only three
methods of obtaining wealth:  (1)Produce it -- choice, (2)Plunder it -- your
choice, or (3) Patronage -- somebody gives it to you...


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Indians

1999-01-07 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 7 Jan 1999, Hawk wrote:
Nothing... I responded to it in reference to "What the Europeans found in terms of
Indians and their life-style in North America..."  I might have been as sarcastic
as you (which is an indication of poor character) by asking what the Incas had to
do with the original discussion.

Since Mexico and Central America are part of the North American
continent, Incas, Mayas, and Toltecs are relevant in any discussion
regarding "What the Europeans found in terms of Indians and their
life-style in North America"...


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