Re: [CTRL] Occult (Secret) Technology of Commercial Imperialism or Business Collectivism?

1998-12-13 Thread Lloyd Miller

-Original Message-From: 
Martin H. Katchen [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
Lloyd Miller, A-albionic Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: 
Sunday, December 13, 1998 3:00 AMSubject: Re: Occult (Secret) 
Technology of Commercial Imperialism or Business 
Dear Lloyd:
Several more thoughts come to mind. First, one can see 
parallel developments of socialized corporations in Japan, in which 
commercial groups which later became zaibatsu such as Mitsui and Mitsubishi 
were already active during Tokugawa times.
Secondly, I'm surprised that you didn't mention the Knights Templar as a 
possible antecedent of the East India Company. They were bankers and 
financiers and settled in the British Isles following their persecution by 
Phillip Augustus in France. 

Lloyd Responds: I think the connection 
is thisthe Knights Templar was basically a continental secret society 
with ties to the Middle East dating from the Crusades. No doubt 
well connected to the commerical imperialism of Venice. After Philip 
looted the Knights (killing the goose the lays the golden eggs?) the 
remnants of the Knight fled to Scotland where it transformed itself into 
Masonry and was taken-over by the British Crown at the time of the Glorious 
Revolution. Can't prove it yet, but I'll bet that the power in the 
East India Company were 100% Masons within a few decades of the Glorious 

An often researchers are thrown off by the 
difference between English and Continental Masonry. Nonsense! In 
England, the King's secret society supports his 
government. On the continent it seeks to destroy his enemies!ie, 
the Pope and the Most Catholic Monarchs of Spain, France, and 

 And thirdly, the 
socializing tendencies of capitalism were quite obvious to Karl Marx, who 
saw capitalism as a neccesary step from feudalism to socialism and 
ultimately communism. According to Marx, capitalists would be constrained to 
merge their enterprises into monopolies which would be under pressure to 
squeeze workers still further. Capitalists read Marx and took it to 
heart.( They still do; perhaps it takes a capitalist to slog through 
all three volumes of Das Kapital). They related to his diagnosis and his 
prognosis and took steps to adapt to it.
all the 
Martin H. Katchen
Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,Ferndale, 
MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for theentire 
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[CTRL] Occult (Secret) Technology of Commercial Imperialism or Business Collectivism?

1998-12-12 Thread Lloyd Miller

A-albionic Research Weekly Up-date of December 12, 1998

The Occult (Secret) Technology 
or Business Collectivism?
 By Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic 
Perhaps the most persistent and perplexing stimulus to the curiosity of 
American right-wingconspiracy researchers has been the seeming contradiction 
of collectivist sympathies among bigbusiness and banking magnates who one 
would expect to be individualists. On the left, thefascist, 
corporate state predilections of big businessmen have been long known and 
researched.The right, on the other hand, tends to deny the fascist 
tendencies of big business and instead,stress the role of big business in 
fostering communist/socialist societies such as Soviet Russia andRed China. 
The left, of course, is as blind to the big business connection to 
communism as it isalert to the big business connection to fascism.

The Project theory postulates that an objective point-of-view exists from 
which the high echelonmanipulations of big money can be seen as a consistent 
whole, ie. seen as an artificial technologyof commercial 
organism building and natural social organism manipulation 
that encompassesthe facts and observations of both left and right, but the 
interpretations of neither. Perhaps, thekey to the puzzle consists in 
ignoring the classical individual rights defense of business 
andcommercial/capitalism, as invented and propagated by agents of the 
British East India Companysuch as Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, and, 
instead, viewing business as the art ofconsciously building artificial 
social organisms by harnessing individual self interest through theartifice 
of money to the thereby emergent social organism or collective 
designed ultimately toserve an elite.

Grasping this postulated technology outside the inner sanctum of the 
conspiracy is at arudimentary level. The Occult Technology of Power, 
reviewed elsewhere in this issue, wasperhaps the first attempt, albeit an 
a-historical attempt, at adumbrating this technology. TheOccult Technology 
of Power should be read as a primer.

Most important in researching the concept of artificial 
organism creation, hereafter commercialimperialism, is the 
study of the British East India Company, by far the most titanic single organ 
ofcommercial imperialism ever launched by the City or any other 
earthly imperialist entity.

Unfortunately, research on the British East India Company is no easy task. 
Though a few booksexist on this topic, nearly all seem to recount the same 
dry historical narrative, mostly the militarybattles and suppression of 
various revolts. Somehow, the juicy details about the Company'sfounders, the 
Board of Director's secret committees, major stockholders, Royal sponsors, 
detailsof exploitive practices such as tax farming and narcotics 
traffic, etc, seem to be purposely downplayed. Also down played is the 
extraordinary public antipathy to the Company that ebbed andflowed in waves 
over the extraordinary life of the Company. One suspects there is a 
vast,forgotten trove of conspiracy literature, contemporary to 
the Company that has been lost tohistory. Project readers are encouraged to 
report whatever evidence they nay have of this 

However, even such pro-Establishment accounts as Brian Gardners' The East 
India Companywho writes-off admitted popular opposition to ignorance and 
envy, admits that there wassomething unfathomable and mysterious in a 
private Company that once governed a majorfraction (1/5) of the 
world's population! Perhaps his introduction which quotes several 
otherauthors will give Project readers a taste of that mystery:

A government which through might of arms, was the most powerful in 
Asia: a government, the revenue of hich was greater than that of Britain; a 
government which ruled over more people than the present government of the 
United States; a government owned by businessmen, the shares of which were 
daily bought and sold- As Macaulay said, 
'It is strange very strange.' The days of the East India 
Company seem remote, prodigiously remote, and so they are in every way 
except in the real passage of time. Even in my own lifetime there 
were servants of the Company still alive. Although it receives 
little attention now, this remarkable institution was a matter for 
constant comment and controversy not so long ago. It is nearly seventy 
years fifth of the world's population- 
Dr, C. Northcote Parkinson made it seem straightforward enough, in his 
admirable definition:

'How was the East India Company controlled? By the 
Government. What was its object? To collect taxes. How was this 
object attained? By means of a large standing army. What were its 
employees? Soldiers, mostly, the rest,