[CTRL] What Can Happen to Abused Children When They Grow Up

2007-09-27 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

What Can Happen to Abused Children When They Grow Up – If No One Notices,  
Listens or Helps? Some Statistics from the Research - For purposes of this  
document, abuse, and ,trauma, are defined as: interpersonal violence in the 
of sexual abuse, physical abuse, severe neglect, loss, and /or the witnessing 
of  violenceThe mental health system is filled with survivors of 
prolonged,  repeated childhood trauma.  50 to 70% of all women and a 
number of men treated in psychiatric settings have histories of sexual or  
physical abuse, or both. (Carmen et al, 1984; Bryer et al., 1987; Craine et 
1988) As high as 81% of men and women in psychiatric hospitals with a variety  
of major mental illness diagnoses, have experienced physical and/or sexual  
abuse. 67% of these men and women were abused as children. (Jacobson   
Richardson, 1987) 74% of Maine?s Augusta Mental Health Institute patients,  
interviewed as class members, report histories of sexual and physical abuse.  
BDS, 1998) The majority of adults diagnosed with Borderline Personality  
Disorder (81%) or Dissociative Identity Disorder (90%) were sexually and/or  
physically abused as children. (Herman et al, 1989; Ross et al, 1990) 

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] What has happened to my country? Democracy Australian Style - Part II

2006-08-28 Thread David Minehan
-Caveat Lector-


This link from the ninemsn.com.auhomepage shows a poll showing that most Australians 
support this order. What scares me is that they do not realise what it 

In OUR country - OUR Australia -- we are not being 
protected from Terrorists - we are becoming the terrorists in the eyes of the 
Australian Government and it won't be 'Jihad Jack' that will on TV it will be 
the average Australian be rounded up and thrown into detention centres all over 
the country but it will start with things like this - a man proven to be 
innocent in a court of law (appeals court) having a curfew placed on him and 
imprison in his own home after government agents track him down and issue a 
court order against him... this is just the start believe me...

Australia, you are NOT being protected from 
'Terrorists'... you ARE being fooled.

I weep for my son and my nephew - the future of 
this country has been taken away from those who fought for it.


  - Original Message - 
  David Minehan 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 8:09 
  Subject: [CTRL] What has happened to my 
  country? Democracy Australian Style
  -Caveat Lector- 

  The AFP (Australian Federal Police) just rocked 
  up to this guys house on holiday AFTER he was 
  foundnot-guiltyby an Appeals Court anddelivera 
  'Control Order' to him. Innocent or guilty - it won't stop the AFP from 
  pursuing anybody... are you next?
  Thomas curfew needed to 'protect community', Ruddock says
  The Federal Government has placed a control order on 
  Melbourne man Jack Thomas.
  Mr Thomas will be required to stay in his house between 
  midnight and 5am and will report to police three times a week.
  Federal Attorney-General Philip Ruddock says the control 
  orders are necessary to protect the Australian public.
  He says the matter must be treated seriously.
  "The issue is about protecting the Australian community, 
  not punishing a person for an offence proven beyond reasonable doubt," he 
  "And if you work on the assumption that only 
  those people who could be convicted of an offence could be the subject of a 
  control order, you wouldn't have control orders."
  Also known as "Jihad Jack", Mr Thomas was 
  convicted earlier this year of receiving money from Al Qaeda.
  But the conviction was this month overturned by 
  the Victorian Court of Appeal.
  Jack Thomas's brother, Les, says the lawyers never 
  expected this sort of control order to be handed down.
  "They basically laughed at the idea, saying it was 
  basically beyond belief that that would even be attempted, so it's a great 
  shock to us that they've taken this move," he said.
  Federal Parliament passed controversial legislation to 
  allow for control orders late last year.
  Thomas control order based on 'far-fetched' idea
  The brother of Victorian man Jack Thomas has criticised 
  the reasons the Australian Federal Police (AFP) have given for placing an 
  interim control order on the former terrorism accused.
  Jack Thomas has spent his first night at home under the 
  interim control order, just days after his terrorism conviction was 
  Les Thomas has told the ABC's Lateline program 
  that his brother does not have links to the Indonesian extremist leader Abu 
  Bakar Bashir.
  "I think it's an extraordinarily far-fetched idea," he 
  "I think the only tenuous connection that I know of 
  relating to Abu Bakar Bashir is the fact that Maryati, Jack's wife, went to 
  school with a woman who later went on to marry him," he said.
  "We cannot believe that this is the kind of thing that is 
  being dragged out and used to justify this action."
  Les Thomas says the control order is a political 
  "Throughout my brother's entire case you've seen a 
  mythology built around the 'Jihad Jack' idea," he said.
  "I think that this has aided the Government's agenda in 
  creating a kind of example - a sacrificial lamb, if you will - of my 
  "It's just an enormous setback for him personally."
  Control order
  Jack Thomas was convicted earlier this year of receiving 
  money from Al Qaeda, but the conviction was overturned by the Victorian Court 
  of Appeal.
  The AFP sought permission to have the order imposed 
  against Mr Thomas, but that will be challenged in the Federal Court later this 
  Mr Thomas has to adhere to strict conditions, 
  including a curfew between the hours of midnight and 5:00am and having to 
  report to police three times 

[CTRL] What is it? Global warming??? Global Cooling??? Can you trust these self appointed environmentalists????????

2006-04-17 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

1.) Cna you really trust the scaremongers? check out this link to a
quote  uote
from leading environmentalist Stephen Schneider:
http://www.john-daly.com/schneidr.htm can we trust any of these self
appointed scaremongering environmentalists
2.) What is it Global Warming? Global Cooling? check out this story from
NEwsweek 30 years ago
WHEN GLOBAL COOLING WAS the latest scaremongering call
when of course it was pollution gas guzzling all of the familar Bulls***
we get today and of course the only solution is to voluntarily give your
freedoms up to these self appointed saviors of hummanity
3.) The price of oil is pushing toward $70/bbl tioday and the temperature
in ANWR The artic national wasteland reserve is still below freezing IT's
ANY comments???

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
 visit my web site at
Visit my energy page at  http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html
Check out the latest on the anwr drilling project http://www.anwr.org
visit my blog at
 My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What Victory Lost - Where would America be if we hadn’t i nvaded Iraq?

2006-04-04 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


April 10, 2006 IssueCopyright © 2006 The American Conservative
What Victory Lost
Where would America be if we hadn’t invaded Iraq?
By Wayne Merry
President Bush has enunciated an ambitious standard for success in Iraq, albeit a much more modest one than his original vision of a democratic transformation of the entire Middle East. However, even if the current U.S. program is achieved, the question remains: is this war in the national interest of the U.S.? 
Success in Iraq is certainly preferable to outright failure but still may be inferior to abandonment of a policy that was erroneous from inception. Thus, even if Bush can genuinely proclaim “Mission Accomplished” in Iraq when he leaves office, will the war not leave America worse off both at home and in the world? By continuing to pursue our current policy at exorbitant cost and risk, may the United States achieve nothing more than a successful mistake? 
While speculative about the past three years and many future developments, here are ten reasonable assertions about a no-war alternative. 
First, although Saddam Hussein might still be in power, he would lack WMD or the conventional military capacity to endanger the region. Iraq would be significantly weaker than three of its neighbors (Iran, Turkey, Syria), while the others (Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait) would enjoy a robust and credible American security guarantee. Thus, Saddam would be effectively contained, while his economic base would continue to deteriorate even with the porous corruption of international sanctions. 
Second, the United States would have much greater military and intelligence assets to devote to the vital campaign against al-Qaeda and to follow up in Afghanistan. There would be none of the critical shortages that have hampered pursuit of the Taliban and no diversion of policy-level attention from making Afghanistan a genuine success. One might hope that bin Laden would no longer be in a position to make public statements challenging the United States, or to do anything else. 
Third, even with no change in U.S. policy toward Israel and the Palestinians, the standing and influence of the United States in Arab countries and throughout the broader Islamic world would be much greater. To the Muslim television viewer, America is the crusading occupier of a weak Arab state with oil and certainly not a liberator. Washington can proclaim our benign motives till doomsday, but people in the region are not buying it. They believe what they see: Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, the civilian casualties from U.S. bombing aimed at insurgents, the turmoil and desperation of daily life for average Iraqis, and the failure of the U.S. after three years to deliver what it promised at the outset of the war. While an American can assess these realities in a broader context, people in the Arab and Islamic worlds see them as proof of malign American intent and of the clash of civilizations we claim to eschew. They know that neoconservative ambitions lie well beyond Iraq: they want to establish American hegemony across the region. 
Fourth, America’s global alliance system would be in better shape, with much of the post-9/11 solidarity still intact and many governments more amenable to co-operating with us on a range of issues, especially in counter-terrorism. The UN would also be a more viable instrument of U.S. policy. While most European governments have reached an overt accommodation with Washington on many aspects of our Iraq policy, this diplomatic rapprochement is a façade. Every “coalition” government with a substantial contingent in Iraq is getting out or preparing to do so. There is scarcely an allied state where the political elite is not jaded and distrustful of the U.S. after exposure of the WMD that weren’t, of prisoner scandals, and from the experience of systematic deception by Washington. Beyond the elites, public opinion among America’s allies remains overwhelmingly negative about our recourse to war, our conduct of the occupation, our motives in the Middle East, and our overall ability to use our vast power responsibly. As most of America’s allies are democratic states, elite and public attitudes limit governments in their ties with Washington. Instead of post-9/11 willing allies, we now have reluctant ones. 
Fifth, America’s military—especially the critical Army and Marine ground forces—would be in far better shape, spared the hemorrhaging of personnel and with more progress toward post-Cold War force transformation. The administration chose to fight the Iraq War on the cheap, despite abundant historical evidence that counterinsurgency campaigns are protracted, manpower-intensive, and draining on all military units engaged. The price for not devoting adequate resources to the follow-through is paid in dead and injured troops and in the decay of combat forces. Ultimately, the condition of Iraq is of less importance to 

[CTRL] What Is Orgonite?

2005-12-31 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

What is Orgonite?
How to Make Orgonite:
TowerBusters (TB's)
Holy Handgrenades (HHg's)
EarthPipes (EP's)
ChemBusters (CB's)
Orgonite Vendors
Glossary of Terms
Printable Handouts
Further Reading

What Is Orgonite?
Table of Contents:
 • A Brief History of Orgone Research
 • The Advancements of Orgonite
 • Cloudbusting: Then and Now
 • The Orgonite Gifting Movement
 • Bibliography
A Brief History of Orgone Research
In the 1930's and 1940's, Dr. Wilhelm Reich was able to detect and measure the existence of etheric energy (life energy, chi, etc.), which he called orgone, using a modified geiger counter.

Dr. Reich determined that stacking alternating layers of fiberglass (an organic substance) and steel wool (an inorganic substance) would actually attract and collect orgone/etheric energy of both the life-beneficial positive form (which Reich called "OR" or "POR") and harmful negative etheric energy ("deadly orgone" or "DOR").

He constructed large boxes called orgone accumulators or "oracs" using this simple layering principle and was able to successfully heal his patients of various ailments, including various forms of cancer, by having them sit inside the box for periods of time.

In 1986, scientists at the University of Marburg, Germany published the results of a blind study1 which showed that 30-minute orgone accumulator treatments caused consistent, positive psycho-physiological effects not seen with the all-fiberglass box used for a control, stating "the results received in our investigation furnish evidence for the assumption that the physical properties of the orgone accumulator and its psychophysiological efficacy on human organisms, postulated by Reich and his associates, factually exist."

Reich's work was continued in earnest in the 1960's by more open-minded Russian scientists such as Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev (1908-1983), who also scientifically proved that such unseen energies indeed exist all around us, and who's Reich-inspired work led to the unfortunate development of practical Soviet military defense applications which utilized principles of so-called "torsion fields" (e.g., etheric energy). Kozyrev's work, which indeed confirms both Reich's research and our empirical experiences with orgonite, was classified until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Following in their footsteps, thousands of Ph.D.-level researchers from both sides of the Iron Curtain spanning multiple generations have continued Kozyrev and Reich's pioneering work, slowly forcing mainstream Western science to finally, "officially recognize" the concept of a universal, unseen energy medium they call "dark matter," "vacuum flux" or "zero-point energy," depending on who you ask. It is commonly understood among orgonite enthusiasts that these are all essentially describing the same thing, which Reich called "orgone".

The Advancements of Orgonite
Reich built his research lab, dubbed Orgonon, in rural Maine, USA, as this location was at the time very isolated from sources of "deadly orgone," which his accumulators would collect indiscriminantly. Operating an orgone accumulator near sources of DOR (such as nuclear power plants, radio towers, etc.) has the potential of harming anyone receiving treatment inside it, so geographical location was and is an important factor for orgone accumulator operation.

In 2000, a couple named Don and Carol Croft discovered through some Internet research and empirical observation that mixing catalyzed organic fiberglass resin with inorganic metal shavings, poured into small molds such as paper cups and muffin pans, would produce a substance which would attract etheric energy similarly to Reich's accumulators.

Carol Croft, gifted with a keen sense of discrete energies, realized the significance of this finding and took it a step further by adding small quartz crystals to the mixture for their ability to efficiently collect, transmute and emit etheric energy. This addition to the resin/metal matrix creates a substance which functions as a self-driven, continuously-operating, highly efficient DOR?POR (negative to positive) energy transmutation factory.

When orgonite is within range of a source of DOR/negative energy, it will efficiently and continuously transform it into POR/positive energy as it is being transmitted, which essentially creates positive energy transmitters out of any and all emitters of harmful negative energy, which are totally defenseless against the effect.

The resin in orgonite shrinks during the curing process, permanently squeezing the quartz crystal inside which creates a well-known piezoelectric effect inside the crystal, meaning its end-points become polarized electrically. It is believed this is also what causes the orgonite to function so effectively as a positive energy generator.

Thus orgonite represents a very significant improvement over Reich's early work with orgone accumulators, since 

[CTRL] What was up with WTC helicopter rescues?

2005-12-10 Thread Total Information
-Caveat Lector-
>From Awoken Research Group :  
WTC rooftop helicopter rescue further shows media  fell asleep on 9/11 and never woke upClearly visible in the film 
9/11  Eyewitness is the success of the fourth rooftop helicopter rescue  attempt. However...  
USA TODAY: A helicopter rescue was not possible: The  rooftop doors were locked, and the roof was smothered in smoke.   
plan was developed after the 1993 WTC bombing and it envisioned
possible roof-top rescues that would involve two police helicopters
carrying rescue companies from the FDNY. A battalion chief would ride
in one of the helicopters, equipped with a police radio that would tie
him into an Emergency Services Division police officer that would
respond immediately to fire commanders in the lobby of the building. That never happened on 9/11 because the fire commanders were unable to reach the Fire Dispatcher on the department radio to trigger  the rescue  plan. 
This furthers the eyewitness descriptions  of some of the fourteen+ helicopters as having military origins.
  Related Video:  
Inside the NYPD helicopter |  
What are these two doing?   Now back to your regular  scheduled programming. - -- 
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2005-10-29 Thread Michael B.Clark
-Caveat Lector-

From all the telephone calls that I've had from my

shortwave program I'd say this is about the list so far.

1.  Have the IRS audit you

2.  Have you fired from your job ( which happened to me )

3.  Have all of your assets confiscated ( almost happened to me )

4.  Have your family destroyed

5.  Have your relatives threatened ( they threatened my 80 year

old mother )

6.  Lock you up in a mental institution

7.  Have you chemically lobotomized while in mental insitutions

8.  Have you surgically lobotomized at the same place

9.  Have you framed by bogus evidence and put in state


10. Have you locked up in federal penitentiaries

11. Have you shot with microscopic darts to give you HIV

12. Make you have life threatening automobile accidents

13. Deny your access to exculpatory evidence

14. Penalize you again disregarding complementary estoppel

15. Cause you to have heart attacks

16. Cause you to have brain aneurisms

17. Cause you to be infected with cancer viruses

18. Murder you with any and all means available

19. Their favorite place to murder you is in hospitals

( while you're being treated for something else )

I personally have been threatened over 200 times. Some of

the threats came in the mail.  Some came over the internet.

Some came over telephones.

They even sent me very special packages in the mail.

The packages were my favorite.

From the information that I received over shortwave I'd

say that about one million US citizens are either locked

up in mental institutions or federal penitentiaries. I'm

talking about innocent citizens who love their country.

William Cooper was shot dead on November 6 2001.

Fritz Springmeier was given 10 years for writing a book.

Tom Donahue was given 35 years for having a radio talk show

Lou Staples was murdered in 1977 for having a talk show

Brian Downing Quig was run down by a car for internet posts

All things considered.  I'd say that the above list is

about all you have to worry about.

Ah yes.  The land of the free and the home of the brave.

Aint it wonderful.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What will the commission find?

2005-09-10 Thread Ed Raymond
-Caveat Lector-

LA and N.O.
have been Democratic Party strongholds for decades, yet poverty, corruption,
political patronage and perpetual welfare are all they have to show for it.
 So before we blame Bush for yet another disaster not of his making, read
the following.
br A 

Subject: Politics over duty
All of Nagin's pomp and posturing is going to bite him hard in the near future 
as the lies and distortions of his interviews are coming to light.

 On Friday night before the storm hit Max Mayfield of the National Hurrican 
Center took the unprecedented action of calling Nagin and Blanco personally to 
plead with them to begin MANDATORY evacuation of NO and they said they'd take 
it under consideration. This was after the NOAA buoy 240 miles south had 
recorded 68' waves before it was destroyed.

 President Bush spent Friday afternoon and evening in meetings with his  
advisors and administrators drafting all of the paperwork required for a state 
to request federal assistance (and not be in violation of the Posse Comitatus 
Act or having to enact the Insurgency Act).
 Just before midnight Friday evening the President called Governor Blanco and 
pleaded with her to sign the request papers so the federal government and the 
military could legally begin mobilization and call up. He was told that they 
didn't think it necessary for the federal government to be involved yet. 

After the President's final call to the governor she held meetings with her 
staff to discuss the political ramifications of bringing federal forces. It was 
decided that if they allowed federal assistance it would make it look as ifthey 
had faile! d so it was agreed upon that the feds would not be invited in.

 Saturday before the storm hit the President again called Blanco and Nagin 
requesting they please sign the papers requesting federal assistance,that they 
declare the state an emergency area, and begin mandatory evacuation.

After a personal plea from the President Nagin agreed to order an evacuation, 
but it would not be a full mandatory evacuation, and the governor still refused 
to sign the papers requesting and 
authorizing federal action. In frustration the President declared the area a 
national disaster area before the state of Louisiana did so he could legally 
begin some advanced preparations. Rumor has it that the President's legal 
advisers were looking into the ramifications of using the insurgency act to 
bypass the Constitutional requirement that a state request federal aid before
the federal government can move into state with troops - but that had not been 
done since 1906 and the Constitutionality of it was called into question to use 
before the disaster.

Throw in that over half the federal aid of the past decade to NO for levee 
construction, maintenance, and repair was diverted to fund a marina and support 
the gambling ships. Toss in the investigation that will lookinto why the 
emergency preparedness plan submitted to the federal government for funding and 
published on the city's website was never implemented and in fact may have been 
bogus for the purpose of gaining additional
federal funding as we now learn that the organizations identified in the plan 
were never contacted or coordinating into any planning - though the document 
implies that they were.

The suffering people of NO need to be asking some hard questions as do we all, 
but they better start with why Blanco refused to even sign the multi-state 
mutual aid pack activation documents until Wednesday which further delayed the 
legal deployment of National Guard from adjoining

Or maybe ask why Nagin keeps harping that the President should have 
commandeered 500 Greyhound buses to help him when according to his own 
emergency plan and documents he claimed to have over 500 buses at his disposal 
to use between the local school buses and the city transportation buses - but 
he never raised a finger to prepare them or activate this.

This is a sad time for all of us to see that a major city has all but been 
destroyed and thousands of people have died with hundreds of thousands more 
suffering, but it's certainly not a time for people to be pointing fingers and 
trying to find a bigger dog to blame for local corruption and
incompetence. Pray to God for the survivors that they can start their lives 
anew as fast as possible and we learn from all the mistakes to avoid them.

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Re: [CTRL] What will the commission find?

2005-09-10 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

Ah yes, American cities (and rural areas) are becoming engulfed with poor, 
uneducated, obese, unskilled millions. Is it a coincidence that the 
underclass swells along with the millions of illegal immigrants?

The Dems and especially Bush have made a conscious decision for corporate 
welfare permitting corporations to get the benefit of cheap, cheap labor 
while the taxpayer foots the bills for schools, healthcare, welfare needed 
by the new underclass of recycled Blacks, Whites and countless millions of 

As Pat Buchanan recently demanded- IMPEACH BUSH NOW!


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What is anwr?

2005-07-08 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

The Issue:
Which One is the Real ANWR?
Less than 100 miles west of ANWR lies Prudhoe Bay, North America's largest
oil field, located along similar geologic trends. Prudhoe, together with
Kuparuk, Lisburne and Endicott, accounts for about 25 percent of U.S.
domestic oil production. Millions of dollars of research on wildlife
resources and their habitat on Alaska's North Slope have not only
immeasurably increased the scientific understanding of arctic ecosystems
but have also shown that wildlife and petroleum development and production
can coexist.

Each-year thousands of waterfowl and other birds nest and reproduce the
Prudhoe Bay and Kuparuk fields and a healthy and increasing caribou herd
migrates through these areas to calve and seek respite from annoying
pests. Oil field facilities have been located and designed to accommodate
wildlife and utilize the least amount of tundra surface.

Experience gained at Prudhoe Bay and Kuparuk along with rapidly evolving
drilling and production techniques will further minimize environmental
impacts and surface use in future frontier arctic petroleum provinces such
as ANWR. Further, there have evolved since the late 1960's, a
sophisticated regulatory framework and permitting process at the federal,
state, and local (North Slope Borough) level. These require measured,
thoroughly researched and planned development activities focused on
environmental protection.

The consensus of the geologic community is that the Coastal Plain of ANWR
represents the highest petroleum potential onshore area yet to be explored
in North America. This potential is believed to be on the order of
billions of barrels of recoverable oil and may rival that of the Prudhoe
Bayfield. Should leasing be permitted and subsequent commercial
discoveries be made, it will be an estimated 15 years or more before oil
and gas production from ANWR reaches market. That production will then be
urgently required by the United States. Despite the current oil glut and
decline in oil prices, the U.S. oil supply picture by the late 1990s could
be bleak. Domestic crude oil production, which has already declined from
nearly 9 million barrels per day in 1985 to about 6.6 million barrels per
day in early 1995, is projected to decline to less than 5 million barrels
per day in 2010. Even with only a modest growth in U.S. crude oil demand,
the deficit in U.S. supplies will be on the order of 10 million barrels
per day, which will have to be made up by new discoveries or imports.
ANWR's contribution will therefore be critical to national energy needs

The issue of oil and gas leasing in the 8 percent of ANWR represented by
the Coastal Plain should not be considered, therefore, as an either/or
decision with respect to preservation of important fish and wildlife
resources. The record of other petroleum development on the North Slope
supports application of multiple use management concepts in ANWR.
Nevertheless, in issuing its decision with regard to future management of
the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Congress will be
faced with the challenge of reconciling diverse goals, national needs for
additional domestic energy supplies, the national need and interest in
preservation of wilderness or nearly wild lands, and the promise (in ANCSA
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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] What is America's top-secret spy program?

2004-12-10 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

What is America's top-secret spy program?


Experts think Democrats objected to satellite weapon

By Robert Windrem
Investigative Producer
NBC News
Dec. 9, 2004

NEW YORK - What is the hush-hush intelligence project that apparently costs
a fortune and has angered key Democratic senators?

Intelligence experts speculate that the highly classified endeavor is a
top-secret satellite that would, or perhaps already can, intercept and shut
down other countries' spy satellites.

The debate over the project leaked into the open on the floor of the U.S.
Senate on Wednesday, when Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia, the senior
Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, publicly complained that an unnamed
spy project was totally unjustified and very, very wasteful and dangerous
to the national security. He called the program stunningly expensive.

Rockefeller and three other Democratic senators — Richard Durbin of
Illinois, Carl Levin of Michigan and Ron Wyden of Oregon — refused to sign
a congressional compromise negotiated by others in the House and Senate
that provides for future U.S. intelligence activities. But Rockefeller
declined to discuss the precise nature of the project, saying that would
have to wait until the Senate could go into closed session.

After a frenzied round of press inquiries on Thursday, Rockefeller's office
released a statement saying, Any assertion about classified intelligence
programs based on Senator Rockefeller's statement is wholly speculative.

The statement, which was characterized as a clarification of Rockefeller's
remarks on the Senate floor, implied that he considered the project
dangerous only because it was so costly.

Senator Rockefeller's reference to this program, which was fully vetted
and approved by security officials, makes the point that continuing to fund
an enormously expensive, unjustified, and wasteful program is dangerous to
our national security, the statement read. He believes these funds should
be spent on other far more critical intelligence programs.

Mum's the word
Other members of the committee and spokesmen at the nation's intelligence
agencies declined to comment on the controversy.

We have no comment on classified intelligence matters, Paul Gimigliano,
the CIA's acting director of public affairs, told NBC News.

Since Senator Rockefeller did not specify which program was involved or
even identify which agency, we are not commenting, said Rick Oborn,
director of public affairs at the National Reconnaissance Office, which
manages America's spy satellites.

But that didn't stop the speculation.  Even though much of the technology
is highly classified, enough of it is out in the open that intelligence
experts can comment on it, usually on condition of anonymity.

It almost has to be a spy satellite, said Jeffrey T. Richelson, an
intelligence historian who has written nearly a dozen books on spy
technology. The cost element Rockefeller talks about would indicate that.

Subtler technologies
Back in the 1990s, President Clinton helped kill earlier anti-satellite
programs, also known as asats. In those programs, U.S. satellites would
take out foreign satellites using space mines or lasers.

But the current technology, according to intelligence experts, may be much
more subtle.  There have been various programs based on the technology,
some unclassified and dressed up as U.S. defensive measures, others highly
classified.   One unclassified program, called the Counter Surveillance and
Reconnaissance System (CSRS, pronounced Scissors) was recently held up by
Congress, according to Defense Daily.

The program was aimed at blocking an adversary's access to commercial or
government space resources.  It was one of a few concepts on the table for
offensive counterspace 

[CTRL] What Are We Up to – in Ukraine?

2004-12-06 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

December 6, 2004 

What Are We Up to – in Ukraine? 

by Patrick J. Buchanan

In the 1940s, as Stalinists were seizing Czechoslovakia, ex-OSS agents were running bags of money to Italy and France to ensure the Communists were defeated in national elections. 
In the 1950s, using a rent-a-mob, the CIA effected the ouster of an anti-American regime in Iran and the overthrow of Arbenz in Guatemala. In the 1980s, after Solidarity was crushed by Gen. Jaruzelski, Ronald Reagan secretly aided the Polish resistance. 
Many of us applauded these Cold War means, as we believed that the ends – security of the West and survival of freedom – justified them. 
But when news broke that South Africa was maneuvering to buy the Washington Star in the 1980s, this city was ablaze with indignation. How dare they seek to corrupt American media! In the 1990s, when China was caught using cutouts to funnel cash to the Clinton campaign, we were full of righteous rage. 
Given this history, several question arise. Are we today using Cold War tactics in a post-Cold War era? Are we guilty of the same gross interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine, trying to fix their election, we would consider outrageous and criminal if done to us? 
Are we Americans hypocrites of global democracy? 
Consider what we have apparently been up to in Ukraine. 
According to the Guardian and other sources, NED – the National Endowment for Democracy – and USAid, Freedom House, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and George Soros' Open Society Institute all pumped money or sent agents into Kiev to defeat the government-backed Viktor Yanukovich and elect Viktor Yushchenko as president. Allegedly in on the scheme is the supposedly objective and neutral Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. 
The Guardian's Jonathan Steele describes how we put the fix in: 
"Yushchenko got the Western nod, and floods of money poured in to groups which support him, ranging from the youth organization, Pora, to various opposition websites. More provocatively, the U.S. and other Western embassies paid for exit polls ..." 
Those polls showed Yushchenko winning by 11, demoralizing the opposition and convincing most Ukrainians he was the next president. 
But, on Election Day, Yushchenko, like Kerry, lost by three, as the populous eastern Ukraine delivered the same huge margins for favorite son Yanukovich as did western Ukraine for Yushchenko. 
Into the streets came scores of thousands of demonstrators, howling fraud and demanding that Yushchenko be inaugurated. Engaging in civil disobedience, and backed by the West, the crowds intimidated parliament, President Kuchma and the judiciary into declaring the election invalid. 
John Laughland writes in the Guardian of the double standard our media employ: "Enormous rallies have been held in Kiev in support of the prime minister, Viktor Yanukovich, but they are not shown on our TV screen. ... Yanukovich supporters are denigrated as having been 'bussed in.' The demonstrators in favor of Yushchenko have laser lights, plasma screens, sophisticated sound systems, rock concerts, tents to camp in and huge quantities of orange clothing; yet we happily dupe ourselves that they are spontaneous." 
Laughland is saying the Yushchenko demonstrations may be as phony as that U.S-Albanian war in the Dustin Hoffman-Robert DeNiro film Wag the Dog. He calls Pora "an organization created and financed by Washington," like Otpor and Kmara, which were used in Serbia and Georgia to oust leaders Washington wished to be rid of. Pora's symbol, writes Laughland, depicts "a jackboot crushing a beetle." 
If the United States has indeed been interfering in Ukraine to swing the election of a president who will tilt to NATO, against Moscow, we are, as Steele writes, "playing with fire." 
"Not only is [Ukraine] geographically and culturally divided – a recipe for partition or even civil war – it is also an important neighbor of Russia. ... Ukraine has been turned into a geostrategic matter not by Moscow, but by the U.S., which refuses to abandon the Cold War policy of encircling Moscow and seeking to pull every former Soviet republic to its side." 
Our most critical relationship on earth is with the world's other great nuclear power, Russia, a nation suffering depopulation, loss of empire, breakup of its country, and a terror war. That relationship is far more important to us than who rules in Kiev. 
For us to imperil it by using our perfected technique of the "post-modern coup" – as we did in Serbia and Georgia and failed to do in Belarus – to elect American vassals in Russia's backyard, even in former Soviet republics, seems an act of imperial arrogance and blind stupidity. 
Congress should investigate NED and any organization that used clandestine cash or agents to fix the Ukrainian election, as the U.S. media appear to have gone into the tank for global democracy, as they did for war in Iraq. 

[CTRL] What Became Of Conservatives?

2004-12-01 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


November 30, 2004


I remember when friends would excitedly telephone to report that Rush Limbaugh or G. Gordon Liddy had just read one of my syndicated columns over the air. That was before I became a critic of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the Bush administration and the neoconservative ideologues who have seized control of the U.S. government.America has blundered into a needless and dangerous war, and fully half of the country's population is enthusiastic. Many Christians think that war in the Middle East signals "end times" and that they are about to be wafted up to heaven. Many patriots think that, finally, America is standing up for itself and demonstrating its righteous might. Conservatives are taking out their Vietnam frustrations on Iraqis. Karl Rove is wrapping Bush in the protective cloak of war leader. The military-industrial complex is drooling over the profits of war. And neoconservatives are laying the groundwork for Israeli territorial expansion.The evening before Thanksgiving, Rush Limbaugh was on C-SPAN TV explaining that these glorious developments would have been impossible if talk radio and the conservative movement had not combined to break the power of the liberal media.In the Thanksgiving issue of National Review, editor Richard Lowry and former editor John O'Sullivan celebrate Bush's re-election triumph over "a hostile press corps." "Try as they might," crowed O'Sullivan, "they couldn't put Kerry over the top."There was a time when I could rant about the "liberal media" with the best of them. But in recent years, I have puzzled over the precise location of the "liberal media."Not so long ago I would have identified the liberal media as The New York Times and The Washington Post, CNN and the three TV networks, and National Public Radio. But both the Times and the Post fell for the Bush administration's lies about WMD and supported the U.S. invasion of Iraq. On balance, CNN, the networks and NPR have not made an issue of the Bush administration's changing explanations for the invasion.Apparently, Rush Limbaugh and National Review think there is a liberal media because the prison torture scandal could not be suppressed and a cameraman filmed the execution of a wounded Iraqi prisoner by a U.S. Marine.Do the Village Voice and The Nation comprise the "liberal media"? The Village Voice is known for Nat Henthof and his columns on civil liberties. Every good conservative believes that civil liberties are liberal because they interfere with the police and let criminals go free. The Nation favors spending on the poor and disfavors gun rights, but I don't see the "liberal hate" in The Nation's feeble pages that Rush Limbaugh was denouncing on C-SPAN.In the ranks of the new conservatives, however, I see and experience much hate. It comes to me in violently worded, ignorant and irrational emails from self-professed conservatives who literally worship George Bush. Even Christians have fallen into idolatry. There appears to be a large number of Americans who are prepared to kill anyone for George Bush.The Iraqi War is serving as a great catharsis for multiple conservative frustrations: job loss, drugs, crime, homosexuals, pornography, female promiscuity, abortion, restrictions on prayer in public places, Darwinism and attacks on religion. Liberals are the cause. Liberals are against America. Anyone against the war is against America and is a liberal. "You are with us or against us."This is the mindset of delusion, and delusion permits no facts or analysis. Blind emotion rules. Americans are right, and everyone else is wrong. End of the debate.That, gentle reader, is the full extent of talk radio, Fox News, The Wall Street Journal editorial page, National Review, The Weekly Standard and, indeed, of the entire concentrated corporate media where non-controversy in the interest of advertising revenue rules.Once upon a time, there was a liberal media. It developed out of the Great Depression and the New Deal. Liberals believed that the private sector is the source of greed that must be restrained by government acting in the public interest. The liberals' mistake was to identify morality with government. Liberals had great suspicion of private power and insufficient suspicion of the power and inclination of government to do good.Liberals became Benthamites (after Jeremy Bentham). They believed that as the people controlled government through democracy, there was no reason to fear government power, which should be increased in order to accomplish more good.The conservative movement that I grew up in did not share the liberals' abiding faith in government. "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."Today it is liberals, not conservatives, who endeavor to defend civil liberties from the state. Conservatives have been won around to the old liberal view 

[CTRL] What Became of Conservatives?

2004-11-26 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


November 26, 2004 

What Became of Conservatives? 

by Paul Craig Roberts

I remember when friends would excitedly telephone to report that Rush Limbaugh or G. Gordon Liddy had just read one of my syndicated columns over the air. That was before I became a critic of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the Bush administration, and the neoconservative ideologues who have seized control of the U.S. government. 
America has blundered into a needless and dangerous war, and fully half of the country's population is enthusiastic. Many Christians think that war in the Middle East signals "end times" and that they are about to be wafted up to heaven. Many patriots think that, finally, America is standing up for itself and demonstrating its righteous might. Conservatives are taking out their Vietnam frustrations on Iraqis. Karl Rove is wrapping Bush in the protective cloak of war leader. The military-industrial complex is drooling over the profits of war. And neoconservatives are laying the groundwork for Israeli territorial expansion. 
The evening before Thanksgiving, Rush Limbaugh was on C-Span TV explaining that these glorious developments would have been impossible if talk radio and the conservative movement had not combined to break the power of the liberal media. 
In the Thanksgiving issue of National Review, editor Richard Lowry and former editor John O'Sullivan celebrate Bush's reelection triumph over "a hostile press corps." "Try as they might," crowed O'Sullivan, "they couldn't put Kerry over the top." 
There was a time when I could rant about the "liberal media" with the best of them. But in recent years I have puzzled over the precise location of the "liberal media." 
Not so long ago, I would have identified the liberal media as the New York Times and Washington Post, CNN and the three TV networks, and National Public Radio. But both the Times and the Post fell for the Bush administration's lies about WMD and supported the U.S. invasion of Iraq. On balance, CNN, the networks, and NPR have not made an issue of the Bush administration's changing explanations for the invasion. 
Apparently, Rush Limbaugh and National Review think there is a liberal media because the prison torture scandal could not be suppressed and a cameraman filmed the execution of a wounded Iraqi prisoner by a U.S. Marine. 
Do the Village Voice and The Nation comprise the "liberal media"? The Village Voice is known for Nat Hentoff and his columns on civil liberties. Every good conservative believes that civil liberties are liberal because they interfere with the police and let criminals go free. The Nation favors spending on the poor and disfavors gun rights, but I don't see the "liberal hate" in The Nation's feeble pages that Rush Limbaugh was denouncing on C-Span. 
In the ranks of the new conservatives, however, I see and experience much hate. It comes to me in violently worded, ignorant, and irrational e-mails from self-professed conservatives who literally worship George Bush. Even Christians have fallen into idolatry. There appears to be a large number of Americans who are prepared to kill anyone for George Bush. 
The Iraqi War is serving as a great catharsis for multiple conservative frustrations: job loss, drugs, crime, homosexuals, pornography, female promiscuity, abortion, restrictions on prayer in public places, Darwinism, and attacks on religion. Liberals are the cause. Liberals are against America. Anyone against the war is against America and is a liberal. "You are with us or against us." 
This is the mindset of delusion, and delusion permits of no facts or analysis. Blind emotion rules. Americans are right and everyone else is wrong. End of the debate. 
That, gentle reader, is the full extent of talk radio, Fox News, the Wall Street Journal editorial page, National Review, the Weekly Standard, and, indeed, of the entire concentrated corporate media, where non-controversy in the interest of advertising revenue rules. 
Once upon a time there was a liberal media. It developed out of the Great Depression and the New Deal. Liberals believed that the private sector was the source of greed that must be restrained by government acting in the public interest. The liberals' mistake was to identify morality with government. Liberals had great suspicion of private power and insufficient suspicion of the power and inclination of government to do good. 
Liberals became Benthamites (after Jeremy Bentham). They believed that as the people controlled government through democracy, there was no reason to fear government power, which should be increased in order to accomplish more good. 
The conservative movement that I grew up in did not share the liberals' abiding faith in government. "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." 
Today it is liberals, not conservatives, who endeavor to defend civil liberties from the state. Conservatives have been won around 


2004-11-20 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What happens to our culture when household machines...

2004-11-09 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

speak in natural language?

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 11:36:24 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What happens when Bill gives us NUI-GUI? It is a sub-set of natural
language, ie it is Standard Everyday English applied to the things a pc
does for a user.

What is to prevent upgrades from elaborating it into a more extensive
expression of NL? And what happens to AI when you can talk to your pc in


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 11:15:54 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [VS-DOT-NET] Urgent requirement for .Net professionals - in

Someone with this experience should be able to write our requested NUI-GUI
Program though the contract you would get from Bill Gates may not be the
contract you like. We have .NET here along with other Microsoft
applications like Windows Explorer, Internet Explorer and Express.

I just did a comparison test of Windows Explorer vs. the Desktop Google
program as an internal search engine. I had accidentally deleted an
important email but I remembered 2 key words. Google found it in 1
second. After 20 minutes the MS doggie in Search was still wagging his
tail and had found ZERO.

So I think that sums up MS SW. It wags its tail in a friendly manner and
fails to produce what we want from it. As a user, I know what I want SW to
achieve for me. I don't think I should have to take a college course like
COMP 1002 to find out how to use it (See
http://www.geocities.com/ai_teaching_machine). NUI-GUI would mouse me
through to the goal and the cheese every time, in plain language or SEE
(Standard Everyday English).

In the case of .NET we are talking about compiler SW which translates a
so-called medium or high level language like C or C++ into machine
language so that it is executable by the machine. Why not COMPLETE THE
COMPILER? Write a compiler program for .NET so that menus in SEE will set
out everything for which a .NET program can be written. Those menus will
translate from SEE to C for example, and the existing .NET compiler SW
will further translate from C source code to object code. In other words,
.NET IS NOT COMPLETE AS IT STANDS, just as Search is not complete.

The SEE Compiler Program as an upgrade to .NET would also be more of the
NUI-GUI Maze. NUI-GUI takes you through that maze in Standard Everyday
English, through OS and application programs; and .NET would be one more
application program to tell you how to mouse your way through with clear,
plain language road signs all the way.

Now if Bill will just give us a grant for that MSN Group we set up,
called Machine Psychology, we can roll up our sleeves and write NUI-GUI.



On Tue, 9 Nov 2004, ganeshnarainrc wrote:


 We have immediate requirements for .Net professionals
 for our client in Chennai, India.

 Experience   : 3 to 5 years (atleast 1 year in .NET )

 Job Location : Chennai.

 Important :: Only candidates from Chennai preferred.

 If your are interested in this opportunity kindly
 mail your updated CV to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 thank you,
 Ganesh Chandrasekaran

 * What if VS .NET software were SELF-EXPLANATORY? What would it be like?

 Yahoo! Groups Links

* What if VS .NET software were SELF-EXPLANATORY? What would it be like?

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] What You Can Do About Election Fraud

2004-11-09 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-


By Susan Truitt, Co-founder, CASE Ohio, Citizens' Alliance for Secure
Saturday, November 6, 2004


Thank you all for your supportive responses to the allegations of election
fraud in the 2004 presidential election. Here are some concrete actions that
you can take that will make a difference.

Please keep your indignation alive and use that energy to raise the issue
publicly until the mass media can use the F word -- fraud.

Please keep the energy going to help educate the public regarding the
devastating truth that our electoral process is broken and is being taken
over by right wing zealots and privatization.

Contact TrueMajority http://www.TrueMajority.org and MoveOn
http://www.moveon.org and CommonCause http://www.commoncause.org and
tell them to help pursue a post-election challenge to the vote tallies.
Donate money to these organizations.

Send financial donations to: Black Box Voting, Bev Harris' site. She is
doing a world of good with her tenacious and brave work. She sent out
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to every county in the country,
and that type of effort requires funds. Read Black Box Voting, by Bev
Harris, available on the web, to arm yourself with the sad facts of a broken
electoral process:


Also, send donations to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The Electronic
Frontier Foundation has been instrumental in all litigation across the
country relating to e-voting (electronic voting):


Send donations to VerifiedVoting http://www.verifiedvoting.org and
VotersUnite http://www.votersunite.org and BallotIntegrity
http://www.ballotintegrity.org. These organizations have done a lion's
share of getting the word out about what is wrong in this country's
electoral process.

Write to your local newspapers to inform the public at large what is going
on. Tell them to cover the election debacle and tell them to use the F
word liberally...

Write to John Conyers (D - Mich), Ranking Member of the House Judiciary
Committee on the Constitution, who has requested a Congressional Hearing on
the 2004 election. Tell him you support the request and that you want him to
push for the hearing to be held as soon as possible.

Contact Information for John Conyers:

   * Washington DC E-Mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   * Washington DC Web Address: http://www.house.gov/conyers
   * Washington DC Web Mail Address:
   * Washington DC Web Mail Address: http://www.house.gov/writerep

Washington DC Address
2426 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-2214
Phone: 202-225-5126
Fax: 202-225-0072

District Address - Detroit
Federal Building, Room 669
231 West Lafayette Boulevard
Detroit, MI 48226-2766
Phone: 313-961-5670
Fax: 313-226-2085

District Address - Southgate
DCC Building
15100 Northline Road, Suite 257
Southgate, MI 48195
Phone: 734-285-5624
Fax: 734-285-5943

Campaign Address
19512 Livernoise
Detroit, MI 48221
Phone: 313-864-3671

Write to George Soros and ask him to help fund litigation in Ohio and
Florida to challenge the vote tallies.

c/o Open Society Institute--New York
888 7th Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10106
United States of America
Telephone: +1-212-757-2323
Fax: +1-212-974-0367
Web: http://www.soros.org/gsbio.html

Write to the DNC and ask why Senator Kerry capitulated so quickly -- before
the information on the vote tallies was even beginning to come in. Tell them
that Senator Kerry needs to take back his concession. Democratic National
Committee, 430 South Capitol St SE, Washington, DC 20003. Their phone number
is 202-863-8000. Their web-site is:


Contact the Kerry campaign and tell them that he has done a 

[CTRL] What the Pentagon-US military knows of PX

2004-10-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

Project Wormwood Learmonth Solar Observatory
Planet X, its entourage being inbound, and its potential effects during passage are blatantly being revealed by our own US military/Pentagon studies and actions.
If you were one of the heads of the US military, had knowledge of Nibiru (Planet X's name from ancient Sumerians) and what direction it was coming in from, and wanted to study the incoming Planet X you'd go down to the southern hemisphere, say in Australia, and start a observatory project there with their government.
 Now being US military you'd want to know everything you could about what you have to defend against. Defending the US is your goal. But, you are working with another government, so you might say that the project has to do with planetary defense of these incoming objects instead. In addition, if you were being rather honest about what was being studied you might name the project Project Wormwood (Planet X's name from the bible).
This may be one of the most obviously revealing government urls that I've ever seen bar none, especially when combined with what The Observer put out about the Pentagon a few days back.
Now click on the "Description" button and look next to a picture of the observatory equipment that has the caption below, which reads:
Telescope, mount, cameras and associated equipment arrived at Learmonth Solar Observatory and were initially set up in 2003.
"The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water - the name of the star is Wormwood." Revelation8:10-11
How about that? They are being as clear as a bell as to what they are studying down there! Project Wormwood.
Now read this again, which I put out to this group a couple days a ago. Now the Pentagon tells Bush: Climate change will destroy us. A secret report suppressed for 4 months by US defense chiefs slips out and suddenly harsh abrupt climate change that will sink continents, throw the world into chaos  anarchy with famine and widespread rioting, will erupt across the world. As early as next year widespread flooding by a rise in sea levels will create major upheaval for millions.
This from the USA's Pentagon now in the mainstream news. I guess if you sit in the middle of a suppressed correct subject matter long enough, even with the efforts of the disinfo crew, there's a chance it will hit the major media. I told you so's are not needed here and we all know there can be only one extra-solar-object reason (basic physics to generate enough energy) for this to happen, which of course is not in the reports.
The article in The Observer also accuses the Bush administration of "cherry-picking science to suit its policy agenda and suppressed studies that it did not like." (They must have been quoting James McCanney here. lol)
And the in-the-know-very-connected (we know who they are) have a quotes here too: Bob Watson, chief scientist for the World Bank and former chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, added that the Pentagon's dire warnings could no longer be ignored. Sir John Houghton, former chief executive of the Meteorological Office- said: 'If the Pentagon is sending out that sort of message, then this is an important document indeed.'
Lastly keep in mind Mars is going through so called global warming now too, which makes it clear that our dirty little civilization is not the cause.
* * *
It is becoming increasingly clear that the power players within the Pentagon and in DC, have known about Wormwood and massive global climate changes headed our way, for possibly as long as at least the last two decades.
Large underground facilities being built in this country and elsewhere...
Stockpiles of food being placed in strategic locations...
The new Office of Homeland Security, complete with it's own military force...
Congressional approved government slush funds that no one knows where the money is really going...
Project Wormwood...
Questionable space weapons in regards to real purpose...
And the list goes on..., or should I say, and the beat goes on...
The first note here is from Sherwood Ensey:
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 10:21:01 -0700
For sometime many have considered global climate change something to laugh and poke fun at, or an issue that is incorrect. Since the start of 2004 global climate change issues are starting to take center stage, and some mainstream media sources are finally starting to recognize that there is a serious problem brewing.
The February 2004, Fortune Magazine printed the following article by David Stripp: CLIMATE COLLAPSE, The Pentagon's Weather Nightmare, "The climate could change radically, and fast. That would be the mother of all national security issues."
On Sunday, February 22, 2004 the seriousness of global climate change has made the 

[CTRL] What exactly DID John Kerry say in 1971 that has so many feathers ruffled?

2004-09-14 Thread Daniel Mio
-Caveat Lector-

Kerry: I would like to talk, representing all those
veterans, and say that several months ago, in Detroit,
we had an investigation at which over 150 honorably
discharged, and many very highly decorated, veterans
testified to war crimes committed in Southeast Asia.
These were not isolated incidents, but crimes
committed on a day-to-day basis, with the full
awareness of officers at all levels of command. It is
impossible to describe to you exactly what did happen
in Detroit--the emotions in the room, and the feelings
of the men who were reliving their experiences in
Vietnam. They relived the absolute horror of what this
country, in a sense, made them do.

For the rest see:

What exactly DID John Kerry say in 1971 that has so
many feathers ruffled?

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] what needs to be done now....

2004-08-05 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

 to Members of Congress
To Have the United States Withdraw From the United Nations
House member:  Consponsor H.R. 1146
Senators:  Introduce a comparable measure in the Senate
To:  1. Congressman _
2. Senator__
3. Senator__
As constituents, we the undersigned request our Congressman to
consponsor The American Sovereignty Restoration Act, (H.R. 1146 ), and
our Senators to introduce a comparable measure in the Senate to terminate
U.S. membership in the United Nations and sever all ties to this would-be
world government, Reasons for this request ( only a partial listing )

* The UN is proceeding with plans to disarm our nation's military and to
disarm law-abiding citizens.

* The UN has supplied funding for China's population control program that
enforces abortion, infanticide, and sterilization. The UN Human Rights
Commission refuses to sanction China for this crime against humanity.

The following a pattern set by his predecessors, UN secretary  General
Kofi Annan has condemned traditional notions of sovereignty, and
claimed that the independence of nations is an obstacle to the UN's
The UN has created an International Criminal Court that will have powers
to arrest and place on trial anyone it deems to be in violation of
numerous loosely defined crimes. Individuals brought before this court
will be denied trial by a jury of peers, the right to confront accusers,
the presumption of innocence, and other basic rights enshrined in the
American Bill of Rights.
The UN was created and is controlled by a group of communists,
socialists, internationalists, and starry-eyed dreamers who intend to
have it supplant the Declaration of Independence and the U.S.
Therefore, we urge you to adhere to your oath to support
the U.S. Constitution and work to Get US out of the United Nations.
( Name,sign  print )( Mailing address )
1.  ___ __
 ___ __
2.  ___ __
 ___ __
3.  ___ __
 ___  __
4.   ___ __
  ___  __
   Copy and send a completed petition to:
   ( Your Congressman ), House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
   ( Each of your Senators ), Senate Office Building, Washington, DC
   For additional copies of this petition, or for documentation for
the reasons given above, contact:
  The John Birch Society at P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54912
9800-342-6491), or visit A HREF=http://www. getusout.org Get us out
of the United Nations/A

2001 the
John Birch Society


Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] What `October Surprise' might be in store for Americans this fall?

2004-07-05 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

What `October Surprise' might be in store for Americans this fall? 
By Bruce Mulkey
June 25, 2004 7:31 p.m.

"Then I'll get on my knees and pray, we don't get fooled again."
- The Who

Fast forward to mid-October. President Bush continues to trail Democratic nominee Sen. John Kerry in the presidential election polls, not so much because Kerry has electrified the American electorate, but because he's not Bush. Then it happens - the "October Surprise."

The original "October Surprise" was allegedly carried out in 1980 by officials of Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign. Iranian militants had stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran in 1979, taking approximately 66 American hostages. President Jimmy Carter's administration pursued the return of the hostages but had little success. Years later, former Carter administration staffer Gary Sick attributed Carter's setback in this matter to overtures made to the Iranian government by officials of the Reagan campaign. By encouraging the Iranians to continue holding the hostages beyond the November 1980 presidential election, the Reagan supporters believed that their candidate would have a much better opportunity to unseat Carter. Whether or not Reagan's entourage actually convinced the Iranians to withhold the release of the hostages is still rigorously disputed. What is beyond dispute, however, is that Iran released the remaining hostages on Jan. 20, 1981, immediately after Reagan took office.

So if you were Karl Rove, Bush's top political strategist, and your candidate was slipping in the polls, what re- election strategy would you be cooking up right now?

And, of course, some unexpected events could occur over which the Bush campaign has no control. A Web site called October Surprise! (www.octobersur prise.net), is hosting an online poll in which visitors can vote for the incident they regard most likely to occur before the November election. The events below (in ascending order) received the most votes from the 6,000-plus respondents. The comments are my own.

Weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq.

Weapons of mass destruction may yet be found. After all, rumors of weapons of mass destruction being smuggled into Iraq by U.S. and British forces have been circulating on the Internet for a few months now.

U.S. pulls out of Iraq in October, leaving the U.N. in charge.

This scenario is simple; Bush declares victory and our soldiers come home. Highly unlikely, given the intransigent nature of the president.

Escalation in Israel, Iran or North Korea. U.S. opens a new war front.

Take your pick. Intense fighting breaks out between Palestinians and Israelis. Iran is accused of building nuclear weapons. North Korea tests a missile with a range capable of delivering nuclear warheads to our west coast. After much bluster and saber-rattling, the mother of all pre- emptive strikes is initiated. And, we won't need more ground troops from our thinly stretched armed forces; a few mini- nukes will do the trick.

Diebold Election Systems fixes the vote in battleground states.

Johns Hopkins' Information Security Institute issued a July 23, 2003, report asserting that Diebold's voting machine software contained "stunning flaws" and that vote totals could be modified by remote access. California recently decertified all electronic touch-screen voting machines in the state and may bring criminal and civil charges against Diebold for using uncertified software. But here's where the story really gets interesting. In a 2003 invitation to a Bush fundraiser, Diebold CEO Wally O'Dell stated, "I am committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year." O'Dell was named a pioneer by the 2004 Bush campaign, having raised at least $100,000 in campaign contributions so far.

Vote is threatened by terrorist attacks, vote suspended due to red alert.

Can't you just imagine Attorney General John Ashcroft and Homeland Security Chief Tom Ridge announcing that the alert level is being raised to orange in September? Then a red alert in October? In a 2003 interview, Gen. Tommy Franks ran the martial law flag up the pole, stating that a major terrorist attack might mean discarding the Constitution in favor of a military government. You can check out this option in an article called "When the War Hits Home: U.S. Plans for Martial Law, Tele-Governance and the Suspension of Elections" by Wayne Madsen and John Stanton at www.counterpunch.org/ madsen0514.html.

Major terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

It's likely Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida could assure the reelection of Bush by carrying out another horrific attack on American soil prior to the election. Given such an incendiary action, citizens would rally round the president once again. Don't discount this possibility too quickly, because, let's face it; bin Laden needs a fanatical foe against whom he can unite his true 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] What Did Bush Know? America, when is enough, ENOUGH?-APFN

2004-06-30 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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-Caveat Lector-

APFN [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: MonJun28,2004 3:40 pm Subject: What Did Bush Know? "America, when is enough, ENOUGH?"

Click to subscribe to openmindandcodenews 


BIGGEST SCAM IN HISTORY: The UN Oil-for-Food Scam: — Nile Gardiner, Ph.D, Mon Jun 28 16:18

The biggest kickback scheme in world history ($10.1 billion_ — Debra J. Saunders, Mon Jun 28 ===Liberty Beatby Nat HentoffWhat Did Bush Know?The inside story of the official manual on how to torture without being prosecutedJune 28th, 2004 2:30 PMhttp://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0426/hentoff.php

The buck stops here.(photo: www.whitehouse.gov) 
In Focus: Torture Scandal 

Liberty Beat: Torture Trail Bush's lawyers conclude the torture of prisoners is justified in war on terrorism
Mondo Washington: New Tales of Prisoner Abuse
Mondo Washington: Rape at Abu Ghraib 'We have daughters, husbands. For god's sake don't tell anyone.'
Mondo Washington: Say What?
Behind Abu Ghraib, an Even Darker Question Offshore morals: If you're going to do bad things, do them far away from home See More ...
[The] argument . . . is that the president, as commander in chief, is the law when it comes to the enemy. . . . [He is] unchecked by the courts or any other authority. . . . That's a very dangerous notion for a free country. —Newsday editorial, "Tormented Truths," June 10 

In 2002, Donald Rumsfeld was asked by the CIA for legal advice about how to extract information from captured alleged terrorists. Rumsfeld turned to the Justice Department, and a memorandum was prepared by John Ashcroft's Office of Legal Counsel—and shown as well to White House counsel Alberto Gonzales. 
The essence of this memo's language—as reported in a front-page June 8 Washington Post story—was very similar to the March 2003 extensive Pentagon justification of torture that broke in the June 7 Wall Street Journal. Ashcroft's office had said: "[It] may be justified" to torture captured Al Qaeda terrorists abroad "in order to prevent future attacks on the United States by the Al Qaeda terrorist network . . . " "Necessity and self-defense," said the Justice Department, "could provide justification that would eliminate any criminal liability." 
It was this hitherto secret August 2002 memo from John Ashcroft's department that helped lay the groundwork for the much longer and more inflammatory March 2003 classified Pentagon report from a constellation of administration civilian and military lawyers. These attorneys, presumably graduates of top law schools, included participants from intelligence agencies and the Justice Department that have exploded the government's cover-up of its selective approval of torture. 
That March 2003 report includes stunning analysis of the overwhelming extent of George W. Bush's power. As summarized by The Wall Street Journal, " 'constitutional principles' make it impossible to 'punish officials for aiding the president in exercising his exclusive constitutional authorities' and neither Congress nor the courts could 'require or implement the prosecution of such an individual.' " 
If the persnickety courts insisted on getting involved in accusations of torture, there is, says the memo, the defense of necessity and self-defense: "If a government defendant were to harm an enemy combatant during an interrogation in a manner that might arguably violate criminal prohibition, he would be doing so in order to prevent future attacks on the United States by the Al Qaeda terrorist network. . . . In that case, DOJ [Department of Justice] believes that he could argue that the executive branch's constitutional authority to protect the nation from attack justified his actions." 
But these crafty lawyers on the Bush team provided another possible 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] WHAT HAPPENED TO NICK BERG? -Father of Nick Berg Blasts Bush-Cheney Administration

2004-06-09 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Father of Nick Berg Blasts Bush-Cheney Administration 
by William Hughes 

Could Nick Berg's beheading have been a Psy-Op to divert the world's attention from the Abu Ghraib prison scandal? The Arab world is not alone in wondering.JUNE 7, 2004--On Saturday, June 5, 2004, standing only a block away from the White House on a rainy, cool afternoon, in Washington, DC, Michael Berg accused the Bush-Cheney administration of being substantially responsible for the death of his son, Nick Berg, age 26.
Nick Berg's body was found on May 8, just outside of the war-ravaged city of Baghdad. A native of West Chester, Pennsylvania, he was in Iraq as a freelance contractor.
At a vocal anti-Iraq War rally in front of Lafayette Park, just north of the presidential mansion, Michael Berg said, "I have to hold the Bush administration accountable for denying my son his Constitutional rights for 13 days of his illegal detention [by the US while in Iraq]. If they were going to take illegal action, instead of violating the heart of the Constitution of the United States of America--why didn't they just illegally deport him from Iraq to let us prove who he was at home?"

...Michael Berg accused the Bush-Cheney administration of being substantially responsible for the death of his son, Nick Berg
Michael Berg continued, "Their callous behavior, in effect, 'tied him to the track' until it was no longer possible for him to escape that speeding 'hate train.' I don't expect the men who ran the 'hate train' to take responsibility for their actions. And I don't expect the Bush Administration will change its policies to do its part to make the 'hate train' into a 'peace train'."
Here is what we do know about Nick Berg's sensational murder. He was detained by US forces on March 24 in Mosul, Iraq, without charges. It may be significant that he was Jewish and had an Israeli stamp on his passport. He was held for 13 days and repeatedly questioned by the FBI. He was only released from custody on April 6, after his father filed a federal lawsuit in Philadelphia.
Nick Berg was beheaded some time after April 10, ostensibly by hooded Arab "militants" who videotaped his murder.
The US government immediately tried to shift responsibility to the Iraqis for Nick Berg's almost two-week-long detention, but this was proven to be false. After the release of e-mails addressed to the Berg family in Pennsylvania, sent from Beth A. Payne, the US Consular Officer in Iraq, it was clear that Nick Berg had been held by US forces, and not the Iraqis.
Young Berg, in the video exhibit, is dressed in an orange jumpsuit like those regularly worn by prisoners detained in US.run penal facilities, be it the Metropolitan Correction Center in NYC or the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Some of Berg's captors in the video had "pasty-white hands" and contrary to Islamic law, one of them even wore "a gold ring." The "white plastic chair" Berg is seen sitting in is similar to the one shown in images from the Abu Chraib sex torture photos. A voice is clearly heard on the video saying, "How will it be done?" A "military cap" shows up, too, in one of the frames. All of the "militants" have "Western-style body posture and mannerisms." One of the "militants" is even wearing " white tennis shoes," while another, on the extreme left, is seen standing as if he is at "parade rest." (For extensive commentary, photos and audio segments detailing inconsistencies, visit: http://Rense.com, "Nick Berg Beheading.")
Some who decline to accept the Establishment's view of Nick Berg's killing are convinced that his execution was a "psychological operation," managed and/or controlled by US Intelligence operatives, possibly with the assistance of the Mossad or British operatives, to serve "black 

[CTRL] what does the environmental movement really want?

2004-05-15 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

What do environmentaltists really want? Yes I know they will shout at
the top of their lungs that they want a clean environment.But because of
their hysterical opposition to any oil exploration, especially where there
are known reserves to exist like Anwr in Alaska, off shore Alaska off
shore California where there are known large oil fields exist but the
environmental lobby will not allow their development. And they will not
even allow off shore exploration of just about anywhere else in the United
States. In fact there is hardly any exploration for oil in the continental
United States, or very minimal exploration for Natural Gas in the united
States because of these self appointed experts on the environment, along
with with a very willing media who is willing to give millions upon
millions of dollars worth of free publicity at the drop of a hat.And of
course we can't even think of building Nuclear power plants to replace
existing fossil fueled power plants along with expanding the supply of
electricity Heaven Forbid!

  There are even resources like Oil shale (at least 3 Trillion Barrels
in Colorado and Wyoming) and how about the frozen Methyl Hydrates off
shore North Carolina and South Carolina another fantastic resource. So
what's left? Why it's increased dependence on OPEC of course! Why it makes
one think that the environmental movement is a stooge of opec!
Why can't the environmental movement be more reasonable? Why not
relent enough to allow needed energy projects to go forward? So we can
keep much of the money and jobs here in the United States? Lets take for
example, ANWR; why it's a Artic wasteland 9 months out of the year and why
worry about the animal population? Take the experience of the existing
Alaska pipeline where the population of the elk actually increased? Why
can't the environmetaltists  be the watchdogs of these projects and make
sure nothing untold happens? When an accident does occur just make sure
the accident is cleaned up instead of hysterically demanding it be shut
down? Again Why can't the environmental movement end their scorched earth
policy and allow for much more politically reliable domestic energy
supplies?  An inquiring mind wants to know.

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] What Is Iatrogenesis?

2004-05-04 Thread BillK
-Caveat Lector-

What Is Iatrogenesis?http://cmo-usa.com/iatro.html

According to Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary: 

"Iatrogenesis is: 

Any adverse or physical 
condition induced in a patient through the effects of treatment by a physician 
or surgeon." 
According to many 
published sources, including The Journal of the American Medical 
Some 225,000 U S 
Citizens die each year from Iatrogenesis conditions. 

The breakdown is roughly 
as follows: 
12,000 deaths from 
unnecessary surgery 
27,000 deaths due to 
treatment errors in hospitals 
80,000 deaths due to 
infections contracted in hospitals 
106,000 deaths from 
adverse drug side effects from physician prescribed 
After heart disease and 
cancer, prescription drugs are the third largest killer ahead of all other 
diseases, accidents, murder, and illegal drugs. 


Where is the outrage? 

Why is there no 
publicity, or public outcry about Iatrogenesis, the third largest killer in the 

Why do we allow 
Pharmaceutical companies to advertise their drugs like candy on TV? 

Why is the FDA and the 
FTC doing their best to generally discredit, and suppress, natural 
supplements,and other alternative methods, many of us use to maintain and 
support good health? 
Why have supplement and 
vitamin sales skyrocketed in the past 6 years?
Protect yourself by 
becoming educated. Ultimately, your health care is "Your" 
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] What They Don't Want You To See.

2004-04-23 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

What They Don't Want You To See.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What are Israeli Army Reconnaisance Teams doing in Patagonia ?

2004-04-18 Thread William Shannon

The Daily Life of Kawther Salam

 ..: What are Israeli Army Reconnaisance Teams doing in Patagonia ? :..


April 16, 2004

In January I went for vacations to the Chilean Patagonia, expecting some time far away from the bad news in the media. I found a Land of a wild beauty almost impossible to describe, but I also found my old acquaintances from Hebron, the IDF soldiers. It was as if the same people occupying my city had been transplanted to Patagonia after their genocidal rampages. The second rather strange thing which called my attention in Patagonia is that foreigners are buying up large swathts of land in Chile and in Argentina. 

By far the most controversial figure among the foreigners is Douglas Tompkins; a conservationist who bought approx. 330.000 hectares north of Chaiten, and who also owns land at other locations in Chile and Argentina through his Conservation Land Trust. But there are also others, rich persons and corporations, buying land throughout Patagonia. The controversy around the many foreigners who buy land is almost always a conversation topic with the locals: Have you heared about the gringo? (Gringo is a slang word for American widely used in Latin America) was a recurring question from locals between Chaiten and Villa OHiggins.

In a Land where the only growth industry is Tourism, I heard several Chileans commenting that foreigners always seem to receive more leniency from the government than they themselves. Others comment the buyout of Patagonia by foreigners as the prelude to the foundation of a new state. No wonder, they see Israeli military exploring their country since the early 1980s and even before.

I saw the IDFs myself: first on the ship from Puerto Montt to Chaiten, and then everywhere until Candelario Mansilla, 1.200 Km. to the south. They always travel in groups of 5-7 persons, always one or two women among them, every group has an officer, and they reduce contact with locals and others to the necessary minimum. A Chilean with some knowledge in these matters told us that they travel in configurations which would correspond to missions of reconnaisance and insertion in military terminology. This person confirmed to us that the exploration of the Patagonia under guise of tourism has been going on since 1976, intensifying after about 1982.

While the incessant incursion by the IDF has piqued the curiosity of the Chileans, it remembers me of what happened in my Homeland Palestine since the late 1920s and early 1930s, when massive waves of Jews immigrated as farmers. Jews began buying large extensions of land in Palestine through frontmen and front companies. At that time the Palestinians were the majority and owned most land in Palestine. I asked myself if the future of Patagonia will look like the history of Palestine.  

Before these massive Jewish immigration waves, the British Lord Balfour issued the fraudulent Balfour Declaration in which the dying British Empire handed over the Land of Palestine to the Zionists and allowed the Jews to take over the Arab lands, probably in a misguided effort to get rid of the Jews from Europe. Before Balfour, one of the last acts of the Ottoman Empire before its demise was to hand over Palestine, which it had occupied for a long time, to the British. This charade of infamy reminds one more of a couple of beggars sitting at the entrance of a church, one of them selling the church to the other one, than of honest partners doing a deal in good faith.

In 1947, the UN passed a Resolution calling for the division of Palestine into two states, Israel the minority was now to to control 56 percent of the land (at this point in time, Jews owned only about 6% of the land), the Palestinian majority was to control 44 percent of their Homeland. Soon after came the war of 1948, in which the Jews declared their independence and establishment of a Jewish state, Israel, on 78 percent of the Palestinian land. At that time the West Bank and East Jerusalem came under the Jordanian rule, while the Gaza Strip fell under the Egyptian rule. 

In 1948 my family became refugees in our homeland. My mother told me that she was a young girl when she left her village in what is now called Israel. My mother said My family left everything in the village; we were scared of what the Jewish Haganah did to the Palestinians in the other villages nearby. They destroyed those villages and commited collective massacres against the people who had lived there. 
The Arab army (composed of troops from all countries which now have borders with Israel) collected the private weapons from the Palestinians at that time. They convinced us that they were strong enough to protect us and to fight Israel, and that we should trust them and hand them over our weapons. The Arab soldiers told the Palestinians that they should leave their homes for couple of days until the war ended, there is no need to take your personal thingd 

[CTRL] What They Knew and When They Knew It

2004-04-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

What They Knew and When They Knew It

A public service project by Bob Zimmerman April 17, 2004

Bush, Cheney and Rice knew 9/11 was imminent; they had intelligence warnings describing al Qaedas plan to use our commercial jets to attack the World Trade Center and Washington, D.C. The highest levels of the Bush administration repeatedly and intentionally lied about what they knew and when they knew it. The Bush administration failed to take appropriate action on numerous actionable intelligence reports and briefings, including a highly classified presidential daily briefing memo (PDB) dated August 6, 2001 entitled Bin Laden Determined to Strike inside the U.S. That PDB contained much actionable intelligence, including information about active al Qaeda cells in the U.S. and the training of prospective terrorists at military and commercial flight schoolshigh-level U.S. State Department permission is required for civilian pilot training at military flight schools. Why was such permission granted to the terrorists? 

Bush, Cheney, and Rice chose to ignore the al Qaeda threat warnings; they failed to task and follow-up with the FBI and the CIA; and it is uncontested that they intentionally failed to warn and protect the American people. Prior to 9/11, only privileged government personnel like Attorney General Ashcroft were warned to avoid air travel; the AG cancelled his air travel plans; but the American people were not alerted; the American people were left fully exposed to the al Qaeda attack and 3,000 people were murdered. Who warned Ashcroft and failed to warn the American people? Why did AG Ashcroft tell FBI Director Thomas Pickard that he wanted no further briefings on terrorist threats? 

The post-9/11 evidentiary record clearly shows presidential gross negligence, and perhaps even complicity in 9/11. The slowly unfolding tale of what really happened on and before 9/11 is an overwhelming tale of governmental dysfunction or worse. Why did Bush, Cheney, and Rice deliberately and repeatedly lie to us saying they had received no warnings that a 9/11-type attack was imminent? Why have they spent 2  years deliberately covering up what really happened on and before 9/11? Was it because high-level Bush policy formulators had previously prepared the infamous Project for a New American Century (PNAC) policy initiative suggesting that ,America needed another Pearl Harbor before it could launch a War of Terror on the world? 

The Bush-Cheney-Rice cover-up of what really happened on 9/11 is steadily unravelling. The American people are intent on learning precisely what Bush, Cheney, and Rice knew about 9/11, and when they knew it. Yet for over two-years the Bush administration stalled every inquiry. Bush and Cheney opted for strict secrecy. They refused to testify and refused to let Rice testify before the official 9/11 investigating commission. Why were Bush and Cheney afraid to let Rice testify under oath? Why do Bush and Cheney refuse to testify under oath? Why has Bush refused to release nearly 70 documents that promise to shed even more light on what really happened on and before 9/11? Why did it take over two years of begging by the wives of the victims of 9/11 before Bush acceded to an official investigating commission? Why is Bush afraid to testify before the commission without Cheney holding his hand? Why, knowing that 9/11 was imminent, did the highest levels of the Bush administration do nothing to alert and protect us? Was the Bush administration complicit in the attack? If so, many in the Bush administration, including Bush, Cheney, and Rice deserve long prison sentences. 

We now know: 
1. The PNAC makes clear that certain Bush war and foreign policy formulators were eager for another Pearl Harbor-type attack on the U.S. 

2. Spending over $30 billion a year bought us much actionable intelligence regarding the imminent 9/11 terrorist attacks. Unfortunately, the Bush administration chose to ignore that intelligence. On and before 9/11 our government should have been at the highest state of defense readiness. 

3. Shortly after 9/11, and at a time when all U.S. commercial airliners were grounded and with Osama bin Laden under official criminal indictment, the Bush administration secretly spirited members of Osama bin Ladens family and many Saudis who may have helped fund the 9/11 attacks out of the U.S. Thomas Kean former Republican governor of New Jersey, now chair of the official 9/11 investigating commission, confirmed this. On C-SPAN, on April 14, 2004 he added that the request for the evacuation of bin Ladens family came from the Saudi Embassy. He added that the evacuees were officially questioned before boarding the six jetliners. 

4. Rice lied under oath when she said there was no silver bullet that could have prevented 9/11. The relatively simple task of hardening the cockpit doors would have prevented 9/11. A 

[CTRL] What is being done to have a one world government

2004-03-21 Thread Zuukie
Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-


Why French Troops Stood by as Albanians Burned 
a Serbian Village to the Ground
Dispatch from Agence France Presse,21 
EC Comment by Jared Israel[Posted 21 March 

EC Comment
Really, could it be 
As most of our readers are 
probably aware, for the past five days Albanian terrorists have raged through 
Kosovo, beating and killing Serbian residents, destroying their homes and 
Below is a dispatch sent out 
today, 21 March, by Agence France Presse. It describes how French NATO 
"peacekeepers" sat in their military base on top of a hill and watched for hours 
as Albanian thugs burned a Serbian village to the ground. The French troops 
evacuated some Serbs, but otherwise they did nothing. 
Obviously, the French, with all the weapons of a modern army, 
could have stopped the thugs in five minutes: they only needed to use those 
weapons. But although they managed to evacuate Serbian residents before any were 
killed (or so we are told), they allowed the Albanians to burn everything down. 
Of course this means the French troops had orders from NATO not to 
intervene. Indeed it means more: it means the Albanian thugs *knew* that 
the French had orders from NATO not to intervene. For unless the thugs 
were *sure* French troops would refrain from taking appropriate action - 
i.e., doing whatever was necessary to stop the attack - the thugs would never 
have dared launch a several-hours long assault on the Serbian village. In other 
words, the NATO troops and the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) terrorists have a 
division of labor. NATO oversees; the KLA does the dirty work. 
According to Agence France 
Presse, the Serbian residents were confused about the French role. Thus one 
Serb, furious at the French, is quoted as follows:

  "We were friends," he said of 
  the French troops. "We knew they were there to protect us. Unfortunately, when 
  the biggest problem arose, they turned their backs on 
But he is quite mistaken. The French were *not* there to protect 
the Serbs. 
Sure, some French troops were friendly to individual Serbs - if 
you have met any Serbian farmers you know they are as likeable as anyone on 
earth. But NATO has a dark strategy: the fostering of a fascist movement 
among Albanians.To that end, NATO troops were sent into Kosovo. Up 
until now they have had three purposes: 

  a) to make sure the Yugoslav Army does not return; 
  b) to guarantee that the KLA functions - as they do indeed 
  function - as the government of Kosovo; 
  c) to foster a fascist political base for the KLA among 
This last - fostering fascism among Albanians - has been the 
most important. 
In order to strengthen the KLA as a fascist movement, so it can 
be used by NATO for various purposes in the Balkans, and to encourage similar 
forces elsewhere - for example, the Chechen terrorists whom NATO uses against 
Russia - the KLA must be made to feel and appear powerful. Thus KLA 
leaders were told to stage this massive pogrom, and they were allowed to do so 
All over Kosovo, Albanian terrorists, returning home from 
burning down villages such 
as Svinjare, are telling other Albanians, "You should 
have been there. NATO just sat and watched. It was like shooting 
ducks in a barrel. Nothing can stop us."
In 1929 fascist agitators incited Arabs to murder Jews in the 
city of Hebron, in the Palestine Mandate area. To embolden would-be murderers, 
the fascists told them, "The government [meaning the British government] is with 
us!" [1]
The current message is that the Western powers may decry 
terrorism, but in fact "the government is with" the fascist terrorists. 
This message of 'hope' will not be lost on similar forces in Palestine or 
Chechnya or Kashmir or Algeria. Or Western Europe...
Jared IsraelEditorEmperor's Clothes

Smouldering Serb village in Kosovo gutted in 
sight of NATO peacekeepers
Agence France Presse, March 21
Agence France Presse; Section: International News; Headline: Smouldering Serb village in Kosovo gutted in 
sight of NATO peacekeepers; Byline: Jean-Eudes Barbier; 
Dateline: Svinjare, Serbia, March 21

Houses in the Serb village of 
Svinjare in northern Kosovo continue to smoulder days after an attack by ethnic 
Albanians in plain view of a NATO peacekeeping base.Smoke rises from the 
ruins of the village -- situated between two ethnic Albanian towns three 
kilometres (two miles) south of Kosovska Mitrovica -- where not one of the 130 
houses was spared by Albanian extremists in the attack on Thursday 
afternoon.It was destroyed in a matter of hours. The Albanian flag flaps 
above some of the soot-blackened houses in a sign of defiance by 

[CTRL] What we can and must do

2004-03-04 Thread Jude Andreas
-Caveat Lector-

What we can and must do

By Bev Conover
Online Journal Editor  Publisher

January 5, 2004People constantly ask us for solutions to the nightmare we find ourselves in, as if we could wave a magic wand and make it disappear. There is no magic wand. There is only resolve, commitment, risk and hard work.

Collectively, we the people hold the power. But holding the power means nothing if you don't exercise it and it is the exercising of it that the Bush regime and the corporations are bent on preventing you from doing. And by not exercising it, you not only are acquiescing in your own enslavement, but in whatever evil they are bent on perpetrating.

We have a bogus president who used bogus attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon to declare a bogus war on terrorism, and who has rained down death and destruction on two sovereign nationsAfghanistan and Iraqfor bogus reasons. If you let him, his corporate cohorts or even his possible replacement get away with this, they will rain death and destruction down on us and more sovereign nations for more bogus reasons.

We must take Stan Goff?s sage advice and immediately draw a line in the sandand that line is the demand that our troops be brought home now! 

The operative word is demand. To be sure, we'll hear excuseswhether they come from Bush, his successor or the Democrats who support illegal wars in the quest for empireas to why this cannot be done. But we must hold to that demand as the antiwar movement of the Vietnam era did, until we arouse enough Americans to the evil being perpetrated in our name for the benefit of the corporations who want to profit from grabbing other peoples' fossil fuels and rebuilding the infrastructure we destroy, and for the benefit of their political hacks who dream of a global American empire. Profit and empire is what it is all about. This is what the lives of our troops, British troops and the troops of the handful of other nations Bush has bribed and bullied into joining his "coalition of the willing" are being sacrificed for, along with the lives of innocent Iraqis and Afghanis. 

Peak oil and gas are staring us in our faces, folks. And these monsters in Washington and the boardrooms have no intention of sharing what is left of these precious energy resources with the rest of the world. Rather than admit the bleak future we are facing and instituting conservation measures to stave off that fateful day, they will kill and pillage to satisfy their and our gluttonous appetite for fossil fuels. Their only conservation effort is in figuring out how to rid the planet of several billion people in a way that most won't notice, while encouraging women to have babies that will serve as cannon fodder for their endless wars. Meanwhile, they will continue to brainwash people into believing that either God or science will provide alternative forms of energy to keep the engines of commerce turning. Not to worry, just keep shopping. 

Crazy, you say? Our government wouldn't do that to us? That's what a number of so-called progressives said about Sept. 11, 2001. Yet, the neoconservatives had the audacity to publicly post a call for a "new Pearl Harbor" (see Rebuilding America?s Defenses, Sept. 2000). And didn't the Bushies, many Congress critters and the corporate media jump on the "new Pearl Harbor" theme in the wake of 9/11? Didn't the Joint Chiefs of Staff, during John F. Kennedy's tenure, come up with a plan, code named Operation Northwoods, for perpetrating seemingly "terrorist" attacks on US soil and blaming them on the Cubans in order to con Americans into going to war against Cuba? Luckily, the Kennedy administration said no and JFK denied Army Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer another term as chairman of the Joint Chiefs.

Nope, "our" government wouldn't do that to us. But it is "our" government that on the one hand is the world's biggest drug dealer, while on the other hand incarcerates petty drug pushers and users. The CIA uses illicit drug profits to finance all manner of madness, so is it surprising that after being told that the Taliban had curbed opium production in Afghanistan, that opium production is at an all-time high (forgive the pun) now that the US has "liberated" that country? Kind of neat, eh? Neater still are the private fortunes some of America's "best" families made by selling opium to the Chinese (and you thought that was all a British enterprise).

Now do you still think that "our" government wouldn't encourage and even coerce women to produce cannon fodder for the coming wars, and even use religious fundamentalists as cover in attempting to outlaw abortions and even trying to do away with contraceptives?

Are you foolish enough to believe that the trashing of our constitution, all the color-coded "terror" alerts, and all the "security" nonsense are really meant to keep us free and safer? Can you not see that this is nothing more than laying the groundwork for the next 9/11 the Bushies 

Re: [CTRL] What do you do with the defective slaves?

2004-02-29 Thread Joy Williams
-Caveat Lector-

I can't read this, too many diacriticals

is there way to get all of these in plain text?
At 11:06 PM 2/28/2004 -0500, you wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

What do you do with the defective

What do you do with the defective slaves?
Do you set them aside?
Do you boil them in oil?
Do you deceive them,
As, you bleed them,
All the while?
What do you do with the defective slaves?
Do you get them to fight one another?
You know,
To save you the bother?
Now, you lose, 
By the way, 
But the play is the game,
And it ain’t always the same.
And isn’t being a player,
Better than, 
Being the game?
What do you do with the defective slaves?
Effectively, cajoling away, 
Away down the river, 
Away till the time,
A will and a way, 
For the defective slaves.

(C) !997 Kris Millegan
DECLARATION  DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply. 
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.  Archives Available at: 
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Bright Blessings!
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What do you do with the defective slaves?

2004-02-28 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

What do you do with the defective slaves?

What do you do with the defective slaves?
Do you set them aside?
Do you boil them in oil?
Do you deceive them,
As, you bleed them,
All the while?

What do you do with the defective slaves?
Do you get them to fight one another?
You know,
To save you the bother?
Now, you lose, 
By the way, 
But the play is the game,
And it aint always the same.
And isnt being a player,
Better than, 
Being the game?

What do you do with the defective slaves?
Effectively, cajoling away, 
Away down the river, 
Away till the time,
A will and a way, 
For the defective slaves.

(C) !997 Kris Millegan

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What Are We Doing in Russia's Neighborhood?

2004-02-04 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

What Are We Doing in Russia's Neighborhood? 

by Pat Buchanan 
Napoleon III, Emperor of France, saw his opportunity. 

With the United States sundered and convulsed in civil war, he would seize Mexico, impose a Catholic monarchy and block further expansion of the American republic. 

In 1863, a French army marched into Mexico City. In 1864, Maximilian, the brother of Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph, was crowned Emperor of Mexico. The French empire had returned to North America a century after its expulsion in 1763. 

Secretary of State Seward did nothing until the Union armies had defeated the Confederacy. Then, he called in Gen. John Schofield, who had wanted to lead an army of volunteers into Mexico to drive the French out, and instructed him instead to go to Paris. "I want you to get your legs under Napoleon's mahogany and tell him he must get out of Mexico," Seward told Schofield. To impress upon Napoleon that the Union was in earnest, President Johnson, at the urging of Grant and Sherman, sent Gen. Sheridan with 40,000 troops to the Rio Grande. 

Napoleon got the message. The French army headed for the boats, and Maximilian went before a Mexican firing squad. 

Lesson: Nations are unwise to seize upon the temporary weakness of a great power to put military forces inside its sphere of influence. 

Which brings us to this headline in last week's Washington Post: "U.S. May Set Up Bases in Former Soviet Republics." 

The lead graph reads like something out of the London Times in the salad days of Kipling and Queen Victoria: "Secretary of State Colin Powell said Tuesday that the United States might establish military bases in parts of the former Soviet empire, but he sought to reassure Russians that increased U.S. influence in the region does not pose a threat to them." With bases already in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, we apparently intend to build a base in Georgia, birthplace of Stalin. 

Query: What are we doing there? What is the strategic interest in Georgia? Tiblisi is about as far away as one can get. Why are we rubbing Russia's nose in her Cold War defeat by putting U.S. imperial troops into nations that only yesterday were a part of that country? Powell anticipated the question: "Are we pointing a dagger in the soft underbelly of Russia? Of course not. What we're doing is working together against terrorism." 

But after Iraq, where we invaded an oil-rich country on what the world believes were false pretenses and forged evidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, why should Russians not suspect our motives? 

After all, the neoconservatives who beat the drums loudest for war, and cherry-picked the intelligence sent to Bush that got us into war, have been braying for years that we intend to create an American empire and impose our "benevolent global hegemony" on all mankind. 

Why should Russians, Chinese and Iranians not believe America's crusader castles in Central Asia and the Caucasus are not part of a grand scheme for a Pax Americana? 

Have we forgotten our history? When Reagan put Marines into the middle of Lebanon's civil war, 241 perished in the terrorist bombing of their Beirut barracks. Reagan retaliated, but got out. He should never have gone in. Who runs Beirut or rules Lebanon is not our business. 

When we intervened in Somalia's civil war, we got "Blackhawk Down" in Mogadishu and 18 dead Rangers. Again, we pulled out. We should never have gone in. When we planted a U.S. army on Saudi soil after the Gulf War, we got 9-11. Now we have pulled out of there. 

How often must we be taught the lesson? 

Have we considered the consequences of planting military bases in countries afflicted by Islamic fundamentalism and ruled by autocrats who, only 15 years ago, were apparatchiks of Moscow? 

A U.S. imperial presence in Central Asia and the Caucasus resented by Russia, Iran and China and detested by Islamists is less likely to contain terrorism than to invite it. 

Even a cursory reading of U.S. history shows us to be an almost paranoid people about any foreign military presence near our frontiers. The French, British, Spanish and Russians were all bought off or driven out. Moscow's presence in Cuba and meddling in Grenada and Nicaragua in the Cold War were constant causes of American outrage. 

But if we are entitled to our own Monroe Doctrine  i.e., no foreign colonies or bases in our backyard  are not other great nations like China and Russia equally entitled? Why should they not feel as we do, and one day act as we did with Napoleon, and tell us to get out of Central Asia and to get out of the Caucasus? 

But, again, why are we going in? Other than empire, what is the vital interest here? 

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters 

[CTRL] What If America Treated Blacks As Israel Treats Palestinians?

2004-01-19 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

A Modest Proposal for the Suppression of Negro Terrorism in the United States

By Tefel Hall
12 November 2002 


What would happen if America treated Blacks the same way that Israel treats Palestinians? This paper proposes just that. It is modeled after Jonathan Swift's satirical essay, "A Modest Proposal For Preventing the Poor People in Ireland From Being Aburden to Their Parents or Country, and For Making Them Beneficial to The Public." 

What is the proper name for black-on-white violence? Let us call it what it is: Negro terrorism. How else can we label the kind of violence which rocked Cincinnati last year? Syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin gave us this disturbing account of those riots at the time: 

This mid-Western city has been under siege since Monday, its downtown and surrounding suburbs overrun by black demonstrators targeting innocent white bystanders and businesses. Roving thugs have looted dozens of white-owned shops, burned down several buildings, and vandalized police precincts and fire stations. City Hall, which had 28 windows smashed to bits on Monday night, is under lockdown. So is the Cincinnati police headquarters, where an American flag was pulled down from its flagpole and hung upside down. 

It would be nice to imagine that such incidents are rare, but they are not. For example, in 1991, Negro mobs terrorized New York City's Crown Heights neighborhood, screaming "Heil Hitler" as they smashed cars, stoned homes, and looted Jewish-owned stores (qtd. in Malkin). And from Seattle to New Orleans, Negro terrorists have brutalized whites, shouting incitements such as, "Hey, there's another whitey; let's kick his ass"(qtd. in Malkin). 

It is time Americans took a serious look at some very sobering statistics. Negroes are eight times more likely to commit violent crimes than whites (Jackson). And Negroes are seven times more likely than whites to commit the heinous crime of murder (U.S. Department of Justice). Clearly, American Negroes are predisposed to hatred and violence. And equally clearly, appeasing their escalating demands has not worked: since 1868, when Negroes were first granted the right to vote, there have been more than 40 major race riots in the United States (Footnote 1). These kinds of riots continue to the present day, despite the numerous and generous concessions which white America has made. When will we finally learn? You cannot negotiate with terrorists, because it only encourages them to further violence! 

The solution 

The problem of Negro terrorism may seem intractable, but in fact it is easily solved. All that is required is some innovative thinking, and it is in this spirit that I make the following proposal: the US Congress should immediately repeal the 14th and 15th amendments to the US Bill of Rights. By repealing the 14th amendment, we could deny Negroes due process and equal protection under the law; by repealing the 15th amendment, we could also deny them the right to vote. With these simple changes, whites could once again gain supremacy over their own homeland. 

Naturally, a few minor technicalities would have to be overcome. For example, our legislators would have to define exactly who is a "Negro." In the 19th century, Negroes were sometimes defined as anyone with "one drop" of Negro blood, while to be considered white, one had to have "pure" white ancestry (Wikipedia). Such criteria may be too stringent for modern sensibilities, but that should not discourage us from trying to define race. Instead, we might look at the example of another democracy with a terrorism problem: Israel. Israel is probably the only western democracy that still has race laws, and the way that Israel enforces these laws should prove helpful to us in America. 

For example, Israeli law currently defines a "Jew" as anyone with at least one Jewish grandparent (M.F.A.). Following this model, the U.S. might stipulate that anyone who wished to be classified as "white" must prove that their ancestry is at least one-quarter northern European. And, like Israel, we could periodically alter this definition, in order to ensure that the white race always has a substantial political majority. 

Israel also provides us with an excellent example of how we might deflect charges of racism. Artfully, Israel has relatively few laws which are explicitly racist, and since most of these laws deal with immigration, it is hard to unequivocally denounce them. After all, is it not the right of every country to control its immigration policy, even to the extent of admitting or rejecting only certain races? 

This argument, however, is a ruse. The clever deception is neatly explained by Menron Benvenisti, a former deputy mayor of Jerusalem: 

The outrage over the Drukman Law [that would have allowed the establishment of communities for Jews only] was attributed to its being the first 

[CTRL] What Right Do Zionist Jews Have To Palestine?

2003-11-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

What Right Do Zionist Jews Have To Palestine?
by Jason Collett, 2003-11-09

What title-deeds do the Jews of today actually have to the land of 'Israel'? The idea that a people can possess some kind of ethnic ancestral right to a territory supposedly vacated by their forebears some millenia previously, implying a right in perpetuity, can have no legal basis. Or otherwise Americans of European ancestry, to name just one group of people, will have to pack their bags. 

According to Dr Alfred Lilienthal in his book The Zionist Connection, "The Jewish population of Palestine [what is now Israel and the occupied territories, the West Bank and Gaza] at the time of the Balfour Declaration in 1917 was a mere 7 percent of the 700,000 inhabitants. The rest were Muslim and Christian Arabs. At the time of the (US-dominated UN) partition vote in 1947 there were only 650,000 Jews in Palestine while there were 1.3 million indigenous Palestinian Arabs, either Christian or Muslim. Under the partition plan, 56% of Palestine was given for a Zionist state to people who constituted 33% of the population and owned about 6% of the land. These UN figures have never been in dispute." 

But there is a further issue, which also (yet again!) demonstrates the fundamentally questionable foundations of Zionism. 

Jews are actually not even the modern descendents of the Israel of the Biblical Old Testament: 

According to both the early-20th-century popular historian H.G.Wells and the Hungarian-Jewish intellectual and author Arthur Koestler, amongst numerous others, the people known today as Jews are primarily the descendents of a Turkish tribe known as the Khazars. The Khazars have no historical connection to Palestine. They converted to Judaism between 620 and 740AD, and have no genetic connection to biblical Israel, and hence to the narratives of the Bible and the "Holy Land". Koestler actually devoted an entire book called The Thirteenth Tribe (1976) to the fact that the Jews of eastern European origin, who are known as the Ashkenazi Jews and who make up about 95% of the Jewish population of today, are of Khazar origin. In other words  virtually all of the Jews of the modern world have no Hebrew ancestry, and no ancient connection with Palestine. 

Does it matter? Does world peace matter? Do the human rights of a violently oppressed people matter? Does anything but sport and television sitcoms matter? 

Arthur Koestler was by no means the first to draw attention to this particular issue. He quotes from 20th-century works on the subject by, amongst others, Professors A.N.Poliak of Tel Aviv University, D.M. Dunlop of Columbia University in New York, and J.B. Bury of Cambridge University. The courageous Jewish anti-Zionist commentator Dr Alfred Lilienthal raised the issue 50 years ago and has continued to do so for decades. In fact, the famous H.G.Wells in the early 1920s in his popular Outline of History described the Jews as "a Turkish people" and stated that "[to the] Jewish Khazars ... are to be ascribed the great settlements of Jews in Poland and Russia" (Chap.XXXII:8) and "The main part of Jewry never was in Judea, and never came out of Judea" (XXIX:1). 

Lord Moyne, the British secretary of state in Cairo, declared on June 9, 1942, in the House of Lords that the Jews were not the descendants of the ancient Hebrews and that they had no "legitimate claim" on the Holy Land. A proponent of curtailing immigration into Palestine, he was accused of being "an implacable enemy of Hebrew independence." (Isaac Zaar, Rescue and Liberation: America's Part in the Birth of Israel, New York: Bloch, 1954, p.115). 

On November 6, 1944, Lord Moyne was assassinated in Cairo by two members of the Stern Gang led by Yitzak Shamir, latter to become premier of Israel. (This assassination was not unique in the history of Zionism. In September 1948 Count Folke Bernadotte, appointed by the UN as mediator between the Zionist settlers in Palestine and the native Palestinians, was murdered on orders from the same Yitzhak Shamir. Count Bernadotte was the head of the Swedish Red Cross and had risked his life to save thousands of Jews from German concentration camps. This set a precedent and encouragement for the Zionist use of assassination as a convenient political instrument, which the US and European governments have in effect condoned since then.) 

Much old documentary evidence exists on the subject of the Khazars dating from the ninth and tenth centuries and earlier  from Arab, Byzantine, Hebrew, Russian and other sources. The conversion of the Khazars to Judaism is described in the so-called 'Khazar Correspondence' dating from the tenth century between Hasdai Ibn Shaprut, the Jewish chief minister of the Caliph of Cordoba in Spain, and Joseph, the king of the Khazars. In this the king traces the ancestry of his people not to Shem, father of the Semites, but to Japheth, Noah's third son. The 

[CTRL] What Would $87 Billion Buy? (Michael Moore)

2003-11-19 Thread Sean McBride
Title: Berkeley Daily Planet
-Caveat Lector-

Berkeley Daily PlanetEdition Date: Tuesday, November 18, 
ArticleBack to MainpageIndex of Sections
What Would $87 Billion Buy?By MICHAEL MOORE (10-28-03)If 
you can't get through this list without wanting to throw up, I'll understand. 
But pass it around anyway. This is the nail in the Iraq War's coffin for any 
sane, thinking individual, regardless of their political stripe (thanks to 
TomPaine.com and the Center for American Progress). To get some perspective, 
here are some real-life comparisons about what $87 Billion means: 

$87 Billion is more than the combined total of all state budget deficits in 
the United States. 
The Bush administration proposed absolutely zero funds to help states deal 
with these deficits, despite the fact that their tax cuts drove down state 
revenues. [Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities] 

$87 Billion is enough to pay the 3.3 million people who have lost jobs under 
George W. Bush $26,363 each! 
The unemployment benefits extension passed by Congress at the beginning of 
this year provides zero benefits to "workers who exhausted their regular, state 
unemployment benefits and cannot find work." All told, two-thirds of unemployed 
workers have exhausted their benefits. [Source: Center on Budget and Policy 

$87 Billion is more than double the total amount the government spends on 
homeland security. 
The U.S. spends about $36 billion on homeland security. Yet, Sen. Warren 
Rudman (R-N.H.) wrote, "America will fall approximately $98.4 billion short of 
meeting critical emergency responder needs" for homeland security without a 
funding increase. [Source: Council on Foreign Relations] 

$87 Billion is 87 times the amount the federal government spends on after 
school programs. 
George W. Bush proposed a budget that reduces the $1 billion for after-school 
programs to $600 million—cutting off about 475,000 children from the program. 
[Source: The Republican-dominated House Appropriations Committee] 

$87 Billion is more than 10 times what the government spends on all 
environmental protection. 
The Bush administration requested just $7.6 billion for the entire 
Environmental Protection Agency. This included a 32 percent cut to water quality 
grants, a 6 percent reduction in enforcement staff, and a 50 percent cut to land 
acquisition and conservation. [Source: Natural Resources Defense Council] 

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What Right Do Zionist Jews Have To Palestine?

2003-11-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

What Right Do Zionist
Jews Have To Palestine?
>From Jason Collett


What title-deeds do the Jews of today actually have to the land of 'Israel'? The idea that a people can possess some kind of ethnic ancestral right to a territory supposedly vacated by their forebears some millenia previously, implying a right in perpetuity, can have no legal basis. Or otherwise Americans of European ancestry, to name just one group of people, will have to pack their bags.   

According to Dr Alfred Lilienthal in his book The Zionist Connection, "The Jewish population of Palestine [what is now Israel and the occupied territories, the West Bank and Gaza] at the time of the Balfour Declaration in 1917 was a mere 7 percent of the 700 000 inhabitants. The rest were Muslim and Christian Arabs·At the time of the (US-dominated UN) partition vote in 1947 there were only 650 000 Jews in Palestine while there were 1,3 million indigenous Palestinian Arabs, either Christian or Muslim. Under the partition plan, 56 % of Palestine was given for a Zionist state to people who constituted 33 % of the population and owned about 6 % [six percent] of the land· These UN figures have never been in dispute·"   

But there is a further issue, which also (YET AGAIN!) demonstrates the fundamentally questionable foundations of Zionism.   

Jews are actually not even the modern descendents of the Israel of the Biblical ÎOld Testamentâ:   

According to both the early-20th-Century popular historian H.G.Wells and the Hungarian-Jewish intellectual and author Arthur Koestler, amongst numerous others, the people known today as Jews are primarily the descendents of a Turkish tribe known as the Khazars. The Khazars have no historical connection to Palestine. They converted to ÎJudaismâ between 620 and 740AD, and have no genetic connection to biblical Israel, and hence to the narratives of the Bible and the ÎHoly Landâ. Koestler actually devoted an entire book called The Thirteenth Tribe (1976) to the fact that the Jews of eastern European origin, who are known as the Ashkenazi Jews and who make up about 95% of the Jewish population of today, are of Khazar origin. In other words - virtually all of the Jews of the modern world have no Hebrew ancestry, and no ancient connection with Palestine.   

Does it matter? Does world peace matter? Do the human rights of a violently oppressed people matter? Does anything but sport and television sitcoms matter?   

Arthur Koestler was by no means the first to draw attention to this particular issue. He quotes from twentieth-century works on the subject by, amongst others, Professors A.N.Poliak of Tel Aviv University, D.M.Dunlop of Columbia University in New York, and J.B.Bury of Cambridge University. The courageous Jewish anti-Zionist commentator Dr Alfred Lilienthal raised the issue fifty years ago and has continued to do so for decades. In fact, the famous H.G.Wells in the early 1920âs in his popular Outline of History described the Jews as Îa Turkish peopleâ and stated that Î(to the) Jewish Khazars.. are to be ascribed the great settlements of Jews in Poland and Russiaâ (chapt XXXII:8) and ÎThe main part of Jewry never was in Judea, and never came out of Judeaâ (XXIX:1).   

Lord Moyne the British secretary of state in Cairo declared on June 9, 1942, in the House of Lords that the Jews were not the descendants of the ancient Hebrews and that they had no "legitimate claim" on the Holy Land. A proponent of curtailing immigration into Palestine, he was accused of being "an implacable enemy of Hebrew independence."(Isaac Zaar, Rescue and Liberation: America's Part in the Birth of Israel, New York: Bloch, 1954, p. 115). On November 6, 1944, Lord Moyne was assassinated in Cairo by two members of the Stern Gang led by Yitzak Shamir, latter to become premier of ÎIsraelâ. (This assassination was not unique in the history of Zionism. In September 1948 Count Folke Bernadotte, appointed by the UN as mediator between the Zionist settlers in Palestine and the native Palestinians, was murdered on orders from the same Yitzhak Shamir. Count Bernadotte was the head of the Swedish Red Cross and had risked his life to save thousands of Jews from German concentration camps. This set a precedent and encouragement for the Zionist use of assassination as a convenient political instrument, which the US and European governments have in effect condoned since then.)   

Much old documentary evidence exists on the subject of the Khazars dating from the ninth and tenth centuries and earlier - from Arab, Byzantine, Hebrew, Russian and other sources. The conversion of the Khazars to Judaism is described in the so-called 'Khazar Correspondence' dating from the tenth century between Hasdai Ibn Shaprut, the Jewish chief minister of the Caliph of Cordoba in Spain, and Joseph, the king of the Khazars. In this the king traces the ancestry of his people not to Shem, 

[CTRL] What are the Diebold Memos?

2003-10-31 Thread Eric Stewart
-Caveat Lector-

They are evidence. And as evidence, we believe they meet the requirements
for Fair Use. And it is with this in mind that we make them available. It
is in the public interest to do so. People have a right to know exactly how
their votes are counted. This right is fundamental to our democracy.

View Memos
Download the Entire Archive
Smoking Gun: How Diebold* Machines gave Florida to George Bush


What are the Diebold Memos?


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What if ALL of al-Qaeda is a Mossad Op?

2003-08-22 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

PA uncovers Israelis posing as Al-Qaeda agents

Gaza security chief announces arrest of three Palestinians used by Israeli intelligence as al-Qaeda operatives.

By Sophie Claudet - GAZA CITY

A senior Palestinian security official claimed Saturday his services had uncovered an Israeli plot to create a mock Al-Qaeda cell in the Gaza Strip, while an Israeli official dismissed the charge as "absurd".

Gaza head of preventive security Rashid Abu Shbak told journalists at a press conference that Israeli agents, posing as operatives of Osama bin Laden's terrorist group, recruited Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

"Over the past nine months, we've been investigating eight cases in which Israeli intelligence posing as Al-Qaeda operatives recruited Palestinians in the Gaza Strip," said Abu Shbak, referring to a series of e-mails and phone call conversations.

He added that three Palestinians had been detained.

Abu Shbak's revelations came two days after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon charged Al-Qaeda militants were operating in the Gaza Strip and in Lebanon, raising fears of an intensification of Israeli military operations.

A spokesman for Israel's foreign ministry branded the Palestinian claim "ridiculous" and "some kind of propaganda campaign," adding that "the Palestinian territories have become a breeding ground for terrorism.

"There is no need for Israel to make up something like this because (the hardline Islamic movements) Hamas, Islamic Jihad and (Lebanon-based militant group) Hezbollah are all the same as Al-Qaeda," spokesman Gilad Millo said.

"If... Sharon has made these allegations, he must be basing it on some evidence," he also said. 

Abu Shbak said three Palestinians used by Israeli intelligence had been arrested, while another 11 were released "because they came and informed us of this Israeli plot."

He poured cold water on the theory that Al-Qaeda was operating in the occupied territories.

"Al-Qaeda doesn't recruit so easily and openly," Abu Shbak said.

The security chief said his services had traced back to Israel cellphone calls and e-mails in which Palestinians were asked to join Al-Qaeda.

He said the calls to the Gaza Strip purportedly came from Germany and Lebanon. One e-mail was even signed bin Laden.

"We investigated the origin of those calls, which used roaming, and messages and found out they all came from Israel," he told journalists.

"The Shin Beth - Israeli internal intelligence - has the means to do whatever it wants."

He said the Palestinians recruited were then paired unbeknownst to them with Israeli collaborators in Gaza.

He said they received money and weapons "although most of these weapons did not even work".

The money was provided by "Palestinian collaborators with Israel" directly to the new recruits or "was transferred from bank accounts in Jerusalem or Israel," Shbak said.

"We are sure that Israel is behind this and that there are absolutely no groups such as Al-Qaeda operating here," the security chief said, adding however "we can't say there will never be Al-Qaeda here, but at least not for now."

But neither did Shbak contest the fact that as many as 11 Palestinians had welcomed the call from Israel to join Al-Qaeda.

"Those who accepted were mostly members of the military wing of Palestinian organizations," he said.

International cooperation minister Nabil Shaath, who also attended the press conference, accused Sharon of trying to piggyback on the US-led 'war against terrorism' to justify "more attacks on the Palestinian people and violence in the Gaza Strip".

Sharon's announcement marked the first time Israel officially claimed that Al-Qaeda, held responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, was operating in the Palestinian territories. 

It was considered a surprise because the Gaza Strip is virtually sealed off by Israeli troops.

The hardline Israeli leader also charged other members of the terror group were cooperating with Lebanon's Shiite militia Hezbollah.

The Lebanese government and Hezbollah had also dismissed the accusations. 

Three Israelis and 10 Kenyans were killed in a suicide attack on a hotel near the Kenyan port of Mombasa last Thursday, shortly after missiles narrowly missed an Israeli charter flight taking off from there with 261 passengers.

The attacks were purportedly claimed by Al-Qaeda on an Islamic website. 

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and

[CTRL] What Does Bush Have To Hide?

2003-08-01 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

August 1, 2003
Censoring the 9/11 report: neocons project their fantasies onto blank pages

The long-awaited congressional report on 9/11 came with a kicker: 28 redacted pages, deemed too sensitive for the unwashed masses, which have generated more discussion than all the other 800-plus pages put together. The censored section deals with "specific sources of foreign support for some of the September 11 hijackers while they were in the United States," as the non-redacted portion puts it. The blankness of these pages, however, hasn't stopped everyone from talking as if they can read the invisible ink detailing all sorts of accusations aimed squarely at the Saudi government. 

The Saudis responded, in the state-run Arab News, by calling for the release of the 28 pages:

"It would be far better if the section were published. What has been produced is nothing less than a charter for Saudi-bashing, all the more so because of the 28 pages supposedly dealing with Saudi links to the hijackers, blocked on White House orders."

"Anyone who thinks that President Bush is doing us a favor can forget it. Whatever the intention, this is an invitation to the U.S. and other media to speculate. ... This way, it will be open season on Saudi Arabia."

And indeed it is open season on Saudi Arabia, with all the usual conspiracy theorists projecting their lurid fantasies on the emptiness of those 28 pages.

If Saudi sponsorship of the 9/11 hijackers is somehow proved by the redacted portions of the report, then why did the Saudi foreign minister travel all the way to Washington to ask for their release? He was pointedly rejected by the President, and was met, instead, with a request from Condoleeza Rice to turn over Omar al-Bayoumi, an employee of the Saudi Civil Aviation Authority, as a material witness to the ongoing terrorism investigation. The Saudis readily agreed. But this is more of a political ploy, meant to placate congressional critics, than a real attempt to garner information. Shortly after 9/11, Mr. al-Bayoumi was interrogated by British authorities for 7 days, and released to Saudi Arabia, where he was also questioned. In his own defense, al-Bayoumi says:

"I stopped being a suspect for over a year now. Do you imagine that if any of what has been rumored in the media about me is true, would the FBI or Scotland Yard have set me free?"

The idea that the Saudi government, or some vaguely-defined faction, is the real author of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the U.S. is a conspiracy theory shared by the far-left "Bush knew" tinfoil hat brigade and the neoconservative phalanx of American Likudniks, who posit Riyadh as the center of a worldwide Wahabist web of evil.

In addition, the Bush family ties to the Saudi royals are too promising a theme for Democratic presidential hopefuls clamoring for attention. Yet one such hopeful, Florida's Senator Bob Graham, a key member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, has a somewhat different take on the matter: In contrast to those who have not read the 28 pages, and don't know the background deliberations that went into the writing of it, Graham doesn't speak of only one potential accomplice of the hijackers, but says there is "compelling evidence" that "one or more foreign governments" facilitated the terrorists in some way. 

Graham has been talking about the foreign state sponsors of the 9/11 plotters in plural terms since last December, when he told PBS's Gwen Ifill that he was "surprised at the evidence that there were foreign governments involved in facilitating the activities of at least some of the terrorists in the United States." The brief notes appended to the blank 28 pages also speak in the plural, describing "sources of foreign support." 

Both Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have been bruited about as the most likely sources. The accusers have got 28 blank pages of "evidence"  what more do they need?

There is plenty of evidence pointing to some measure of foreign involvement in the events leading up to the 9/11 terror attacks, but none of it points to Saudi Arabia, or Pakistan. In December of 2001, Fox News reporter Carl Cameron, who did a four-part series exposing the enormity of Israel's spy apparatus in the U.S., flatly stated:

"There is no indication that the Israelis were involved in the 9-11 attacks, but investigators suspect that the Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance, and not shared it. A highly placed investigator said there are 'tie-ins.' But when asked for details, he flatly refused to describe them, saying, 'evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information.'"

Der Spiegel and the BBC reported on this, but the American media abruptly dropped the story, echoing the official government line that the whole thing was an "urban myth." 

This story 

[CTRL] What Israel Does to Palestine, We Are Doing to Iraq

2003-07-14 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

What Israel Does to Palestine, We Are Doing to Iraq
Robert Fisk - The Independent, 12 July 2003 

A few days ago, the American forces in Baghdad drove 17 truckloads of rubble and dirt up to the secret military area of Baghdad airport to air-freight to the United States. No journalists reported on this macabre operation, even if they knew about it. For the muck came from the site of an atrocity committed by the US Air Force at the end of its bombardment of Iraq. 

The Americans believed Saddam Hussein was hiding in a suburb called Mansour and so, despite knowing that the area was packed with civilians - the operation would not be "risk-free", as one of the US spokesmen later claimed, the nearest he acknowledged that it was a gross breach of the Geneva conventions - they dropped "bunker-buster" bombs on the densely packed houses of Mansour. They killed 16 civilians, including children. But where was Saddam? It was a sign of their desperation that almost two months after they occupied Baghdad, the Americans suddenly began scrabbling through the Mansour debris. Back in the United States, scientists would be tasked to hunt for evidence of Saddam's DNA in the dirt. 

I'm not sure whether precedents allow others to commit war crimes in the future - or whether a repeat performance allows others to justify past precedents. But does Mansour not remind you of Ariel Sharon's little operation in Gaza a few months ago, when he ordered an Israeli pilot to drop a massive bomb on a crowded Gaza slum, demolishing a building, killing a Hamas official and - by the strange and beautiful symmetry of such atrocities - massacring 16 Palestinian civilians, including many children? We condemned Sharon's slaughter of the innocent, which he called "a great success". But how can we do so now, when we are silent about our own murders in Mansour? 

Want to criticise the Israeli army for brutally shooting down stone-throwers in the West Bank and Gaza? Well, we'd better be careful now that the US army does the same in Falujah. 

Care to demand an end to the torture of Palestinian prisoners at the notorious Russian Compound interrogation centre in Jerusalem? Not much point any more. With three prisoners beaten or tortured to death by American interrogators at the Bagram prison in Afghanistan - the US admitted to two of the three "deaths under interrogation" back on 6 March - and the scandal of Guatanamo with its trussed-up, drugged and hooded prisons, its drumhead courts and its probable death chambers (for Brits, too, it seems), we can forget Israel's beatings. 

Loud were we in our outrage when Israel's indisciplined soldiery looted and vandalised the Palestinian homes of Ramallah last year - but we can complain no more. For now we know that America's indisiplined soldiery (from the 3rd Infantry Division, to be exact) looted their way through Baghdad airport in the days after its capture on 3 April. All praise to Time magazine - of all publications - for breaking this story. But please, no more criticism of Israel's venal soldiers. 

Europeans chorused their indignation at Israel's murder of "wanted" Palestinians - or "targeted killing", as Israel and the BBC like to call this revolting practice. Yet now that America openly boasts just the same vile tactics - attacking cars in Yemen, convoys in Iraq, villages in Afghanistan (and just who did they kill in that latest convoy attack near the Syrian border?) - we must be silent. 

Last year, the Israelis produced a "dossier" culled from captured Palestinian documents, "proving" that Arafat was directing "terrorism" against Israel. The papers, mistranslated and doctored, proved nothing of the kind. But after Tony Blair's mendacious "dodgy dossier" before the Iraq war, who are we to criticise Israel for its lies? 

And how can we ever protest Israel's flagrant violation of UN Resolution 242 and its occupation of Palestinian territory when the United States is occupying the entire ancient land of Iraq after illegally invading the country, killing thousands of its civilians, taking over its oil fields and then failing even to capture the murderous dictator who brutalised his own people (let alone the weapons of mass destruction which don't exist?) 

Yes, precedents are dangerous things. Take the signal prescient event that occurred in the life of many Independent readers. A massive construction, symbol of a nation's power, was destroyed by "terrorists". The nation's president immediately signed into law a decree for the "protection of the people and the state", including mass arrests and the right to impose "restrictions on personal liberty ... violations of the privacy of postal ... and telephonic communications and warrants for house searches ..." 

The government then said it had "proof" that "terrorists" were going to attack the homeland, to destroy "government buildings, museums ... and essential plants". This 

[CTRL] What Happened to Conservatives?

2003-07-14 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

What Happened to Conservatives?
by Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX)
July 16, 2003

The so-called conservative movement of the last 20 years, starting with the Reagan revolution of the 1980s, followed by the 1994 Gingrich takeover of the House, and culminating in the early 2000s with Republican control of both Congress and the White House, seems a terrible failure today. Republicans have failed utterly to shrink the size of government; instead it is bigger and costlier than ever before. Federal spending spirals out of control, new Great Society social welfare programs have been created, and the national debt is rising by more than a half-trillion dollars per year. Whatever happened to the conservative vision supposedly sweeping the nation?...

One thing is certain: those who worked and voted for less government, the very foot soldiers in the conservative revolution, have been deceived. Today, the ideal of limited government has been abandoned by the GOP, and real conservatives find their views no longer matter.

True limited government conservatives have been co-opted by the rise of the neoconservatives in Washington. The neoconservatives- a name they gave themselves- are largely hardworking, talented people who have worked their way into positions of power in Washington. Their views dominate American domestic and foreign policy today, as their ranks include many of the President's closest advisors. They have successfully moved the Republican party away from the Goldwater-era platform of frugal government at home and nonintervention abroad, toward a big-government, world empire mentality more reminiscent of Herbert Hoover or Woodrow Wilson. In doing so, they have proven that their ideas are neither new nor conservative. 

Modern neoconservatives are not necessarily monolithic in their views, but they generally can be described as follows: 

-They agree with Trotsky's idea of a permanent revolution;
-They identify strongly with the writings of Leo Strauss;
-They express no opposition to the welfare state, and will expand it to win votes and power;
-They believe in a powerful federal government; -They believe the ends justify the means in politics- that hardball politics is a moral necessity;
-They believe lying is necessary for the state to survive;
-They believe certain facts should be known only by the political elite, and withheld from the general public;
-They believe in preemptive war and the naked use of military force to achieve any desired ends;
-They openly endorse the idea of an American empire, and hence unapologetically call for imperialism;
-They are very willing to use force to impose American ideals;
-They scoff at the Founding Fathers' belief in neutrality in foreign affairs;
-They believe 9/11 resulted from a lack of foreign entanglements, not from too many;
-They are willing to redraw the map of the Middle East by force, while unconditionally supporting Israel and the Likud Party;
-They view civil liberties with suspicion, as unnecessary restrictions on the federal government;
-They despise libertarians, and dismiss any arguments based on constitutional grounds. 

Those who love liberty, oppose unjustified war, and resent big-brother government must identify the philosophy that is influencing policy today. If the neoconservatives are wrong- and I believe they are- we must demonstrate this to the American people, and offer an alternative philosophy that is both morally superior and produces better results in terms of liberty and prosperity. It is time for true conservatives to retake the conservative movement. 

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What Do STEGO'S WMD Have In Common?

2003-07-07 Thread William Shannon

7-7-2003 - What Do STEGO'S and WMD'S Have In Common?
12:15 pm GMT

I'm being haunted by the word 'steganography' and since it's cropped up in the strangest places daily, even to seeing stego in action in a movie, I have to give this another go. I reported on terrorists and the probable use of steganography by the bin lad and Al Q crew in December. I almost didn't go this route today because I discovered it's been addressed many times since I wrote about it in much the same way. 

Ah, steganography. As old as a runner's tattooed message-bearing scalp. I remember writing messages with milk and lemon juice as a kid and tripping hard as the heat from a match brought out the words. It was like magic. I didn't know it had a name. Good article on it, "Steganography: How to Send a Secret Message" written in October 2001. 

Since it's been yelling in my ear, I tackled it again. I found a few surprises. Things have changed since then, like it being illegal in many states and legislation pending in others. This is no shocker in light of the way The Powers are doing things these days. It's part of the Super-DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) that has gone into effect in many states and is pending in others. 

It passed in Michigan in March and one of the sneaky little provisions has made a guy remove his work on stego from a state-based server to one offshore. 

"A University of Michigan graduate student noted for his research into steganography and honeypots -- techniques for concealing messages and detecting hackers, respectively -- says he's been forced to move his research papers and software offshore and prohibit U.S. residents from accessing it, in response to a controversial new state law that makes it a felony to possess software capable of concealing the existence or source of any electronic communication. 

Provos says the Michigan law also makes most of his academic career a crime. Provos is an expert on steganography, the science of concealing secret messages in seemingly innocuous content. He's developed software to detect some types of stego in image files, but he's also worked the other side, developing improved methods for preventing a message from being detected. He also wrote "HoneyD," a free program that simulates a network of computers, with the aim of luring in and detecting hackers. The deceptive software arguably conceals the source of a communication. 

The Super DMCA began quietly passing state legislatures two years ago, but did not come to public attention until last month, when the broad language in some versions of the bill immediately sparked anger from technologists and public interest groups. 

The law, which took effect on March 31st, typifies the legislation: Among other things, residents of the Great Lakes State can no longer knowingly "assemble, develop, manufacture, possess, deliver, offer to deliver, or advertise" any device or software that conceals "the existence or place of origin or destination of any telecommunications service." It's also a crime to provide written instructions on creating such a device or program. Violators face up to four years in prison." 

The EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) has an immense amount of information about this on their site. I urge you to read it and check your state's status out. My focus is not on the DMCA, but on stego. Why has it suddenly become a subject again?

The feds and military are scared to death of steganography. 

Why are most links dead relating to open source or in many cases the tools. Why do WetStone Technologies seem to be running a legal scam about steganography by offering expensive courses about the practice? They begin this month, to the tune of 1500 US smackeroos. The government has their hand in this as they need to have a surefire way to detect the plethora of stegos on the net, from sites, to popups to email images. Of course they think the only applications for this have to be terror related. Jeezus what isn't these days. Oh yeah, their stego tool, a cool 8 thousand bucks. I find it more than interesting that their homepage opens to stego, stego, stego. 

According to blackhat.com, who's doing a course in conjunction with WetStone: "Pre-requisites.Students will be required to have basic computer skills and knowledge of the Windows environment. They will be subject to a background verification prior to final acceptance into the course. Students are not required to provide any materials.

Who should attend? Law enforcement, Intelligence,Security Consultants, Corporate Investigators, Forensic Accountants ,Other IT Investigators.
Course Length: 2 days

Cost: US $2000 on or before July 3, 2003, or US $2200 after July 3, 2003
NOTE: this is a two day course. A Black Hat Certificate of Completion will be offered."

I was taken aback by the word blackhat and to be sure I checked it out.

From a book called "Know Your Enemy".

"My commander used to tell me 

[CTRL] What Is The US Military Doing On Iraq-Syria Border?

2003-06-30 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

What is the US military doing on the Iraq-Syria border?
By Peter Symonds
28 June 2003

For more than a week, the Bush administration has refused to provide any detailed account of a provocative US military attack on a convoy of vehicles in a remote area near the Iraq-Syrian border.

The operation took place on the night of June 18-19 and involved US special forces backed by helicopter and AC-130 gunships, armed Predator drones and ground attack aircraft. It wreaked havoc on the convoy and the nearby village of Dhib, destroying vehicles and buildings. US soldiers engaged in a firefight with Syrian border guards and detained five, including three who were wounded.

Nothing was said about the incident for days. News of the attack only emerged last Sunday when the British Observer newspaper published an article providing sketchy details of the operation and reporting that DNA tests were being conducted to determine if Saddam Hussein or his sons had been killed in the assault. US newspapers cited government officials as saying that US troops, who were engaged in hot pursuit, had actually crossed into Syria.

It was not until Tuesday that US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Joint Chiefs of Staff General Richard Myers confirmed at a press conference that the attack had taken place. Myers claimed that it had been mounted on very good intelligence but failed to say what. Rumsfeld, however, declared that he had no reason to believe that Hussein, his sons or former senior officials had been killed.

Neither Myers nor Rumsfeld would say how many people had been killed or wounded, who they were or provide any other details, claiming the matter needed to be further investigated. Rumsfeld refused to explain why US forces had engaged Syrian border guards, whether they had crossed into Syria or if they had been authorised to do so. He contemptuously dismissed the issue of Syrias national sovereignty, declaring: Borders are not always distinct in life.

No further information has been provided by Pentagon officials but several journalists who have visited the village and a hospital in the nearby town of Qaim found evidence of indiscriminate killing. According to survivors, the victims were smugglers and local villagers, not high-level officials from the Hussein regime. The area is notorious for smuggling, including by local shepherds who can get a higher price for their sheep across the border in Syria.

Ahmed Hamad, 27, speaking from his hospital bed, described how he watched US aircraft attacking trucks in the distance after being awoken by his mother after midnight. Then the first missiles hit his familys compound, killing his sister-in-law Hakima Khalil, 20, and her one-year-old daughter Maha. Most of his family survived, but only because they were sleeping outside on the hot summer night.

During the war, they [US warplanes] flew over our village and never attacked us. Why now? Ahmed asked angrily. He denied that the village had given sanctuary to Hussein or other former government leaders. We are not guilty. Why are they attacking families? We want to know the reason theyre attacking families.

Dhib is a tiny hamlet of about 20 houses just eight kilometres from the Syrian border. By the time the air assault on the village had ended, four houses had been destroyed, along with two storage shacks and a number of vehicles. Residents told the Washington Post that at least two more people died in the attack on the trucks near the border.

The US military has taken over part of the village, forcing five families to leave their houses, with no explanation. A New York Times reporter who approached the occupied area was bluntly told: Stop right there. If you take a picture, I will break your camera. The approaches are guarded by armoured vehicles and, on Tuesday, a convoy of some 20 transports with earth-moving equipment arrived, fueling speculation that the US was intending to turn the village into a military base.

Near the Syrian border were the charred remains of three vehiclesa pickup truck, a large transport truck and a tankerwhich, as the New York Times noted, were typical of those used for smuggling sheep. About 20 Iraqis were detained in the course of the raid on the convoy and the village. According to the US military, most have since been released, after it was ascertained that they posed no threata tacit admission that those attacked were completely innocent.

Although the Bush administration dispatched an envoy, Elizabeth Dibble, on Monday for talks in Damascus, the five Syrian border guards are still in US custody in Iraq. Again, no reason has been given. As one US official told the Washington Post, the tone of the diplomatic discussions was not apologetic. Rather, Washington has taken the opportunity to lay down the law to the Syrian government, insisting on full collaboration in closing off the border and hunting down former Iraqi 

[CTRL] What Nation Under God?

2003-06-05 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 11:22:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [THE-DIALECTIC-OF-THE-DIALECTIC] Re: moralizing ? / Ragnar

On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Same Old Bob wrote:

 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Party of
 Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I can't argue with you, POC.
   You're right -- if you assume might makes right.

 Or that might IS right.

That is one philosophy-theology which could be chosen.

 Which is an assumption with which one can create a logically self-
 consistent philosophy.

And philosophy or metaphysics or ontology or religion if you prefer.

  Good question here...what DOES make a set of mores and folkways for
  Culture X right?

 Are you a college professor or something?

I am the smartest man in the WWW (Whole Wide World).

 You sound like a college professor now.

See above re WWW.

 Right is whatever you believe is right.
 Just ask the serial killer.
 Or ask the religious mystic.

Just ask Now TV or TWU or CHP or any of the other religion racketeers.
They are NEVER ACCOUNTABLE, otherwise they would eagerly come forward and
tell us what the shining city on a hill at http://www.UniverCity.ca
would be like if designed and built according to their belief system.

That is because THE Judeo-Shitian Belief System is BOGUS. Not that the
Gospel Story is bogus but the sow's ears of Judeo-Shitianity cannot be
made into the silk purses of Christos. When the salt and light are not
fit for the dung hill ie in plain English, not worth shit then one
cannot expect much of of them. Who said that many would come to Him and
say, Lord, Lord! and he would reply, I knew you not?

 No matter what somebody else defines right  wrong to be, the serial
 killer  the religious mystic will disregard  go on doing own thing.

So spell out the complete way of life under a faith-based public works
grant from the Whitehouse and let us decide which we choose. That is what
one would call LIBERTY and JUSTICE, both anathema to U-S-A.

  What are the criteria?

 Most folks don't seem to make it to 'do unto others as you'd
 have 'em do unto you', but do seem to recognize the principle as
 principle to not totally disregard.

 Of course the serial killers seem to see others merely as THINGS.

Elijah the serial killer saw those not fit for the dung hill as what they
were and compared to Jesus Christ, Elijah was a pussy cat.

 OPERATORS AND THINGS is a good book title, at least one a paranoid
 like myself can appreciate.

  most folks including myself are more concerned with avoiding
 pain/punishment than with living by principles.

Right. And what was the message of Christ about transcending pain and
suffering to live by principles. Canada is founded upon principles that
recognize the supremacy of God by Constitution but Judeo-Shitianity
cannot get around to spelling out these principles in the shining city on
a hill. What WOULD Jesus build on that hill?

  Let's ask John KKKnight on Life-Gazette.

 What's Life-Gazette? Another Yahoo group?

 I still get impression that you're talking down to me, like a
 college prof who figures he's intellectually superior or something.

I am the smartest man in the WWW. You are number 2 and trying harder.

 Do you EVER come out of your closet / take off your mask, POC?

Never. Howard Hughes made that mistake.

   Have you read Ragnar Redbeard?


 Are you familiar with MIGHT IS RIGHT, his magnum(?) opus?


 POC is COP backwards.


This COP is

Zandu Goldbar
Financier Extraordinaire

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~--
Get A Free Psychic Reading! Your Online Answer To Life's Important Questions.

* Let us talk about what we are not supposed to talk about until we know 
good-speak from bad-speak; Whitehouse moronspeak from smartspeak. What is the code of 
totem and taboo under Whitehouse-Orwellian newspeak as it was called in 1984? What 
is doubleplus ungood crimethink in Orwell's classic? *

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us 

[CTRL] What would a Code Red Mean?

2003-03-19 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Red alert? Stay home, await word
Sunday, March 16, 2003

Gannett State Bureau 

If the nation escalates to "red alert," which is the highest in the color-coded readiness against terror, you will be assumed by authorities to be the enemy if you so much as venture outside your home, the state's anti-terror czar says.

"This state is on top of it," said Sid Caspersen, New Jersey's director of the office of counter-terrorism.

Caspersen, a former FBI agent, was briefing reporters, alongside Gov. James E. McGreevey, on Thursday, when for the first time he disclosed the realities of how a red alert would shut the state down.

A red alert would also tear away virtually all personal freedoms to move about and associate.

"Red means all noncritical functions cease," Caspersen said. "Noncritical would be almost all businesses, except health-related."

A red alert means there is a severe risk of terrorist attack, according to federal guidelines from the Department of Homeland Security.

"The state will restrict transportation and access to critical locations," says the state's new brochure on dealing with terrorism.

"You must adhere to the restrictions announced by authorities and prepare to evacuate, if instructed. Stay alert for emergency messages." 

Caspersen went further than the brochure. "The government agencies would run at a very low threshold," he said.

"The state police and the emergency management people would take control over the highways.

"You literally are staying home, is what happens, unless you are required to be out. No different than if you had a state of emergency with a snowstorm." 

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What the Arabs See and Why They Aren't Buying It

2003-03-14 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Arab News

Colin Powell and the Marketing of Uncle Sam
Afnan Hussein Fatani, Special to Arab News
Published on 15 March 2003

And they will say (on the Day of Judgment): Our Lord! Indeed we obeyed
our leaders
and our elders and they led us astray. Our Lord! Give them double the
punishment and curse them a great curse.

(The Quran: 33:66-68)

Nelson Mandela was right. The bribing, bullying, horse-trading and
warmongering we are witnessing in the world today are all because theres
a black man sitting at the helm of the United Nations. From Guinea, the
poorest and smallest country in Africa, to Bushs America, the greatest
nation, and the greatest people, on the face of the earth   no one
seems to bother what the black secretary-general of the United Nations
thinks or what he plans to do. Hes simply become inaudible and invisible.
But Mandela forgot to add another pathetic figure to his list of black
leaders who have distorted the shape of our world simply by being black.
That man is Colin Powell, the US secretary of state.

The problem with Powell started when he hired advertising executives to
improve the US image in Arab countries  indeed in the entire world. He
has been quoted as saying that a professional who once sold Uncle Bens
Rice to the nation was the perfect person to sell Uncle Sam to the world.
But this is exactly the type of false analogical thinking and superficial
reasoning that has marred Powells logic ever since he transformed from
dove to wolf-in-sheeps-skin. Just because both phrases share the same
word uncle, that doesnt mean that Ben and Sam are the same. In
fact, both products are radically in opposition. Uncle Bens Rice literally
sold itself because it was good, nutritious and healthy; Uncle Sam isnt
selling because the product is bad, unwholesome and malevolent. Powell
can no more sell his stale product than a grocery store can sell rotten
apples and tomatoes, except to the starved and dying of the world,
except to the famine-struck African peoples of Guinea, Angola and
Cameroon. There are three questions that Powell needs to ask himself: Is
it ethical to wax down his rotten produce and sell it off as nutritious and
healthy food? If health-conscious people arent buying, is it moral to shove
it down their throats? When all attempts at marketing a tainted Uncle Sam
failed, was it ethical to capitalize on his own credibility and his credentials
as a war-hero? Charlotte Beers, the advertising executive hired to improve
the US image resigned last Monday, citing the frightening gap between
who we are and how we wish to be seen  and how we are in fact seen.
That is the kind of professionalism that the world expects from America.
That is American ethics at its best.

Powells subtle method of lying has become a stable strategy used by
almost all US government officials, including of course the US president
himself. The effectiveness of this strategy lies in its sheer simplicity; one
merely falsifies truths by creatively manipulating a constant variable  a
digit, a letter, a color, a shape, a name, a date of birth or place of origin.
Powell first used the method in his PowerPoint presentation to the UN
when he tried to convince us that the rabbit shape we see in the moon
really is a live gigantic rabbit. It has now become something of a global joke
that the only established link between Al-Qaeda and Iraq is the letter q
found in both words. Notice, for example, the digital link used by Bush
when he claimed in his first speech after the tragedy of Sept. 11 that 130
Israelis had died in the twin towers when the correct number was actually
3 (out of the 3,000 Israeli employees that were supposed to have been in
the WTC at the time of the explosions). Powell found an ingenious three-
in-one link between Al-Qaeda, Iraq and Palestinians. Al-Zarqawi, he told us
at the UN, was an Al-Qaeda terrorist operating in Northern Iraq and also a
Jordanian of Palestinian origin. To make this link stick, Powell had to falsify
a few basic facts.

 First, that Al-Zarqawi is operating in the American-controlled No-fly Zone
and hence outside the jurisdiction of the Iraqi government

 Second, that he is of pure Jordanian descent from the Al-Khalaylah
tribe, one of the tribes of the Bani Hasan clan.

The question is, even if Al-Zarqawi was of Palestinian origin, does that
prove that Palestinians are terrorists? What about John Walker, the
American Taleban? Shouldnt his origins be used to link Americans to
terrorism and Al-Qaeda?

There is something nauseating about watching a once dignified and
trustworthy black war- hero having to lie, deceive and cajole just to find
favor with his rich Texan boss. Last week, we watched in utter shock as
Colin Powell promised the Arab world in an interview with the newly
launched Arab TV station, Al-Arabia, that the invasion of Iraq would be
short. Yes, we all know how short and 

[CTRL] What did the Iraqi defector say?

2003-03-13 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


What did the Iraqi defector say?

Chris Krom and Rania Masri, Electronic Iraq

11 March 2003

Last week Newsweek magazine dropped a news bombshell, blowing away
key pieces of President Bush's case for war -- even as we hear that an Iraq
invasion is a foregone conclusion. In the March 3 issue, Newsweek
reporter John Barry exposed testimony from a defecting Iraqi weapons
chief stating that, by the mid-1990s, Iraq's weapons of mass destruction
had been destroyed.

The source of this explosive news -- which disproves Bush's central
assertion that Iraq has a vast stockpile of weapons from the Persian Gulf
war that has not been accounted for -- was Lt. Gen. Hussein Kamel. A
son-in-law of Saddam Hussein, Kamel was killed in Iraq in 1996 after
smuggling crates of secret information to the U.N. about Iraq's weapons

Ironically, Kamel has also been Exhibit A in Bush's case for war, cited by
Bush, Secretary of State Colin Powell, and most recently Stephen Hadley,
deputy national security adviser, who told the Chicago Tribune that it was
because of information provided... by Lt. Gen. Hussein Kamel that we
know Iraq cheated on weapons programs.

But Barry obtained original notes from Kamel's 1995 U.N. testimony. What
Kamel actually said, Barry reports, is that after the Gulf War, Iraq
destroyed all its chemical and biological weapons stocks and the missiles to
deliver them.

Kamel's report was hushed up by the U.N. inspectors, Newsweek says.
For its part, the Bush team has conveniently been citing only the part of
Kamel's testimony in which he stated that Iraq still had blueprints and
equipment for future weapons production.

Last week, CIA officials again tried to quiet the story, calling it incorrect,
bogus, wrong, untrue. But two days later, a transcript posted online
shows Kamel plainly stating that all weapons -- biological, chemical, missile,
nuclear -- were destroyed, belying Bush's grounds for war.

Haven't heard about the Kamel scandal? Not surprising. Despite the near-
fatal blow it deals to Bush's basis for war -- and more disturbingly, how it
implicates government agencies in suppressing inconvenient facts -- to
date, no TV networks and just a few newspapers have picked up the
Newsweek story.

The Kamel episode is just the latest in a two-month barrage of revelations
that have reduced to rubble Bush's claim that the small, impoverished
nation of Iraq, crawling with arms inspectors, poses an imminent threat.

First came news that Powell's show-and-tell before the U.N. earlier this
year was, according to the Financial Times, based on plagiarized and out-
of-date material. Then Hans Blix reported that U.N. inspectors had
followed up on each of Powell's leads, and found them to be garbage.
None turned up weapons; journalists scoured one supposed poisons
factory and found only a bakery.

Astonishingly, Bush also insists on alleging ties between Saddam Hussein
and al-Qaeda terrorists, even though the charge has been flatly denied by
British intelligence, who say there's no link, and CIA officials, who told
The New York Times we just don't think (the link) is there.

What is known is that an Iraq invasion would kill lots of innocent people. A
little-noticed report from U.N. relief workers predicts a humanitarian
emergency of exceptional scale and magnitude, with 30 percent of Iraqi
children under age five at risk of death.

At home, American soldiers will return dead, or will end up disabled, like
149,000 veterans from the Gulf War. An invasion would rob up to $200
billion from jobs, health care and schools.

Is such devastation really worth it, when we have the viable alternative of
U.N. inspections? The France-bashing loonies may be viewing even french
fries with suspicion, but they have yet to refute President Jacques
Chirac's point that post-Gulf War inspections destroyed more Iraq weapons
than all of America's firepower.

No wonder that -- according to the rallying cry of 10 million protesters
around the world on Feb. 15 -- the world says no to war. A few
governments have caved in to Bush's Sopranos- style arm-twisting and
bribes. But the vast majority of the world's people stand resolute against a
war they view as arrogant, dangerous and unnecessary.

Can the war be stopped? Bush's battle obsession does not inspire
confidence. The damage to our country's credibility and world standing
has already been done. But millions will continue to demand that Bush
listen to the evidence, and the will of the people, and say no to war.

Chris Kromm and Dr. Rania Masri are co-directors of the Southern Peace
Research  Education Center, based at the Institute for Southern Studies
in Durham

Related Links:

Factsheet: Still no case for war

 2003 Electronic Iraq/electronicIraq.net, a joint project from Voices in

Wilderness and The Electronic Intifada. Views expressed on this page may
or may not be representative 

[CTRL] What Secretary Powell Did Not Say

2003-03-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

>From Volume 2, Issue Number 10 of Electronic Intelligence Weekly, Published Mar. 10, 2003   
This Week You Need To Know

What Secretary Powell Did Not Say
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.  March 8, 2003

Monday, March 10th begins a week whose importance could possibly, even probably, prove more or less as significant, in its own way, as the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. This memorandum serves to summarize the following crucial issues of the present crisis.

The Root of the Crisis

1. The first factor, the root of this crisis, is a Classical quality of existential crisis within the institutions of the U.S. government.

The pivotal issue of the crisis is, as France's representative said, implicitly: The issue of war or peace as such, is not Saddam Hussein or Iraq, but, primarily, two distinct but converging features of the current U.S. Bush Administration. The first cause of that aspect of the crisis, is the influence of the imperialist followers of the late fascist ideologue, Professor Leo Strauss, in creating the core of those war-mongers known variously as the "Chickenhawks" or "neo-cons." The second, converging cause of that critical factor, is the convergence among the pro-imperialist "neo-cons" inside the Bush Administration, with the thoughtless and stubborn, "barnyard-style unilateralism" expressed by President George W. Bush himself.

The added feature of the crisis, on the U.S. side, is that Cheney's and Wolfowitz's lunatic tribe of neo-con "Chickenhawk" fanatics, is reenforced, on the side of the Democratic Party, by those organized-crime-linked, pro-imperialist hard-core DLC Democrats who are typified by the circle of cronies of right-wing ideologue and war-monger Senator Joseph Lieberman.

What this bipartisan combination of imperialists and Bush's unilateralism has done, is to exploit the frightening effects of Sept. 11, 2001 to unleash a policy which currently sets the United States against, in fact, the most vital interests of every other sovereign nation-state of the planet. Summarily, if the U.S.A. is allowed to use the UNO-outlawed threat of unilateral force, even the use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states, to blackmail the UNO Security Council into tolerating a war upon Iraq, that precedent either soon establishes a U.S. world-empire modelled upon the ancient Roman Empire, or forces the nations of the world to undermine the power of the U.S.A. to conduct such policies, or sends the world to spend a few generations in Hell as punishment for failing to prevent the proposed war.

In effect, as I, my wife, and others associated with me have warned on earlier occasions, the current Iraq policy of the Bush Administration is a caricature of the same hubristic folly which led ancient Athens into the tragic Peloponnesian War. Unfortunately, "Education President" Bush, is not notably strong on the subject of history.

For the U.S. to declare itself on the brink of launching unilateral, imperial warfare, when there is no objective need to go to war, especially when we have all the power and support we would require did a need exist, is not only a great folly, as the case of the Peloponnesian War attests. To launch such a war under such unlawful pretexts, including the pretext of the fraudulent reports transmitted from Israeli and other origins, through British channels, into an address of Secretary of State Colin Powell and the UNO Security Council, is also a crime against humanity, under the implications of those precedents accumulated since the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia. These are precedents freshly acknowledged, in 1945-46, as the lessons adduced from the combined experience of two preceding World Wars.

In fact, the unilateral Anglo-American warfare threatened by the bipolar froth from certain official and mass-media Washington and London sources, is not a war prompted by any action by Iraq itself. It is the use of wildly exaggerated allegations of external threats from Iraq as a pretext for launching what has been called by some relevant circles "A Clash of Civilizations" war, a war against not only the Arab world as a whole, not only the Islamic populations as a whole, but also China, and targets beyond. This threatens the outbreak, even during the month of March, of the third geopolitical world war launched by imperial maritime (and aerial) power against continental Eurasia as a whole.

That, in summary, supports the case which France has presented against the arguments presented by the U.S. and British spokesmen. In effect, the current U.S. Administration has declared an imperial war policy against the world. The events of Sept. 11, 2001, have been mis-used as a cover for reviving this imperial "preventive" nuclear war policy, first pushed during the mid-1940s by the evil Bertrand Russell and his pack of utopians, and which was already pushed during the 1991-1996 interval by then Defense 

[CTRL] What Secretary Powell Did Not Say

2003-03-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

What Secretary Powell Did Not Say
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

On March 8, 2003, the statement was issued by the Presidential candidate's political committee, LaRouche in 2004, for international circulation and distribution as a mass leaflet in the United States.

Monday, March 10 begins a week whose importance could possibly, even probably, prove more or less as significant, in its own way, as the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. This memorandum serves to summarize the following crucial issues of the present crisis.

The Root of the Crisis

1. The first factor, the root of this crisis, is a Classical quality of existential crisis within the institutions of the U.S. government.

The pivotal issue of the crisis is, as France's representative said, implicitly: The issue of war or peace as such, is not Saddam Hussein or Iraq; but, primarily, two distinct but converging features of the current U.S. Bush Administration. The first cause of that aspect of the crisis, is the influence of the imperialist followers of the late fascist ideologue, Professor Leo Strauss, in creating the core of those war-mongers known variously as the "Chicken-hawks" or "neo-cons." The second, converging cause of that critical factor, is the convergence among the pro-imperialist "neo-cons" inside the Bush Administration, with the thoughtless and stubborn, "barnyard-style unilateralism" expressed by President George W. Bush himself.

The added feature of the crisis, on the U.S. side, is that Cheney's and Wolfowitz's lunatic tribe of neo-con "Chicken-hawk" fanatics, is reenforced, on the side of the Democratic Party, by those organized-crime-linked, pro-imperialist hard-core DLC Democrats who are typified by the circle of cronies of right-wing ideologue and war-monger Senator Joseph Lieberman.

What this bipartisan combination of imperialists and Bush's unilateralism has done, is to exploit the frightening effects of Sept. 11, 2001 to unleash a policy which currently sets the United States against, in fact, the most vital interests of every other sovereign nation-state of the planet. Summarily: If the U.S.A. is allowed to use the UNO-outlawed threat of unilateral forceeven the use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear statesto blackmail the UNO Security Council into tolerating a war upon Iraq, that precedent either soon establishes a U.S. world-empire modelled upon the ancient Roman Empire; or forces the nations of the world to undermine the power of the U.S.A. to conduct such policies; or sends the world to spend a few generations in Hell as punishment for failing to prevent the proposed war.

In effect, as I, my wife, and others associated with me have warned on earlier occasions, the current Iraq policy of the Bush Administration is a caricature of the same hubristic folly which led ancient Athens into the tragic Peloponnesian War. Unfortunately, "Education President" Bush is not notably strong on the subject of history.

For the United States to declare itself on the brink of launching unilateral, imperial warfare, when there is no objective need to go to warespecially when we have all the power and support we would require did a need existis not only a great folly, as the case of the Peloponnesian War attests. To launch such a war under such unlawful pretexts, including the pretext of the fraudulent reports transmitted from Israeli and other origins, through British channels, into an address of Secretary of State Colin Powell and the UNO Security Council, is also a crime against humanity, under the implications of those precedents accumulated since the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia. These are precedents freshly acknowledged, in 1945-1946, as the lessons adduced from the combined experience of two preceding World Wars.

In fact, the unilateral Anglo-American warfare threatened by the bipolar froth from certain official and mass-media Washington and London sources, is not a war prompted by any action by Iraq itself. It is the use of wildly exaggerated allegations of external threats from Iraq as a pretext for launching what has been called by some relevant circles a "Clash of Civilizations" war: a war against not only the Arab world as a whole; not only the Islamic populations as a whole; but also China, and targets beyond. This threatens the outbreak, even during the month of March, of the third geopolitical world war launched by imperial maritime (and aerial) power against continental Eurasia as a whole.

That, in summary, supports the case which France has presented against the arguments presented by the U.S. and British spokesmen. In effect, the current U.S. Administration has declared an imperial war policy against the world. The events of Sept. 11, 2001, have been misused as a cover for reviving this imperial "preventive" nuclear war policy, first pushed during the mid-1940s by the evil Bertrand Russell and his pack of utopians, and which was already 

[CTRL] What Snotty Rich Kids Will Do

2003-03-07 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

The Washington Times

Press corps doyenne gets no notice
Published March 7, 2003

 A long-running Washington tradition apparently ended last night when,
for the first time in memory, the doyenne of the White House press corps
was not called on in a presidential press conference.
 Syndicated columnist Helen Thomas, who has covered every president
since John F. Kennedy, was relegated to the third row in last night's East
Room event and  if the memory of press corps veterans is accurate 
received her first presidential snub.
 One reporter who has covered the past six presidents said: I don't
remember a press conference in which [Mrs. Thomas] didn't get a
 For many years, it was a tradition for Mrs. Thomas to ask the first
question at White House news conferences and end them by saying, on
behalf of the press corps, Thank you, Mr. President. However, in recent
years, her influence has waned  although she was still afforded one of
the first questions and continues to enjoy a front-row seat at regular
White House briefings.
 For four decades the White House correspondent for United Press
International, Mrs. Thomas, 82, has in recent months harangued Bush
spokesman Ari Fleischer, asking how President Bush can slaughter innocent
Iraqis in a quest for oil.
 Now syndicated by Hearst Newspapers, Mrs. Thomas has also
denounced Mr. Bush outside the confines of the White House briefing
room. This is the worst president ever, Mrs. Thomas told the Daily Breeze
of Torrance, Calif., in January. He is the worst president in all of American
 Also snubbed by Mr. Bush at last night's news conference was Mike
Allen of The Washington Post, the second consecutive time that the
president has skipped over The Post's correspondent, who was seated last
night in the front row.
  Joseph Curl

Copyright  2003 News World Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

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the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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[CTRL] What You Should Know About War and the Economy

2003-03-07 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

What You Should Know About War and the Economy

by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

There's something about the prospect of an interview that focuses the
mind. I write as I prepare to leave for an extended interview with Bill
Moyers for PBS. He wants to know how it is possible to be against this war,
and the policies of the Bush administration, and also be for a free and
globally engaged commercial republic. To put it more crudely, how can we
make sense of the phenomenon of right-wing anti-war theory and practice?

Behind the query is the longstanding canard that war is good for the
economy. If what you care about is a prosperous economy, why wouldn't it
make sense to spend hundreds of billions on huge industrial products like
military planes and tanks? Why not employ hundreds of thousands in a
great public-works program like war? Why not destroy a country so that
money can funnel to American companies in charge of rebuilding it?
Doesn't all of this help us out of the recession?

All these questions somehow come back to Bastiat's Broken Window
fallacy. In the story, a boy throws a rock through a window. Regrets for
this act of destruction are all around. But then a confused intellectual
pops up to explain that this is a good thing after all. The window will have
to be fixed, which gives business to the glazier, who will use it to buy a
suit, helping the tailor, and so on. Where's the fallacy? It comes down to
focusing on the seen (the new spending) as versus the unseen (what might
have been done with the resources had they not had to be diverted to
window repair).

Let us never forget that the military is the largest single government
bureaucracy. It produces nothing. It only consumes resources which it
takes from taxpayers by force of law. Making matters worse, all these
resources are directed toward the building and maintenance of weapons
of mass destruction and those who will operate them. The military machine
is the boy with the rock writ large. It does not create wealth. It diverts it
from more productive uses.

How big is the US military? It is by far the largest and most potentially
destructive in the history of the world. The US this year will spend in
excess of $400 billion (not including much spy spending). The next largest
spender is Russia, which spends only 14% of the US total. To equal US
spending, the military budgets of the next 27 highest spenders have to be
added together. If you consider this, and also consider the disparity of the
US nuclear stockpile and the 120 countries in which the US keeps its
troops, you begin to see why the US is so widely regarded as an imperialist
power and a threat to world peace.

This is very hard for Americans to understand. We tend to think of the
American nation as a mere extension of our own lives. We all work hard.
We mind our own business. We tend to our families and involve ourselves in
local civic activities. We love our history and are proud of our founding.
We are pleased by our prosperity (even if we don't know why it exists). We
think most other Americans live the way we do. We tend to think our
government (if we think about it at all) is nothing but an extension of this
way of life.

A deadly military empire? Don't be ridiculous. The military is just defending
the country. Bush is a potential tyrant? Get real! He's a good man. Those
crazy foreigners who resent the US are really no better than those people
who attacked us on September 11, 2001: they envy our wealth and hate us
for our goodness. We are a godly people, which makes our enemies
ungodly, even demonic. This is a short summary of a widely held view, one
that those who seek a government-dominated society use to build their
public-sector empire.

What most Americans refuse to face is that what the government does day
to day, and in particular its military arm, is not an extension of the way the
rest of us live. Government knows only one mode of operation: coercion.
It does not cooperate; it coerces. Because it is constantly overriding
human choices, it makes unrelenting error, most often producing
consequences opposite of the stated intention. This is no less true in its
foreign operations than it is in its domestic ones.

Consider the most recent military action in Afghanistan. The Taliban was
nothing but a reincarnation of the opposition tribes the US supported
when the country was being run by the Soviets in the 1980s. Back then we
called them freedom fighters. When the Taliban fled the capital city last
year, the US knew where to look for them because the US assisted in
building their hideouts during the last war.

What did the war do to the country? All hoopla aside, it is no freer, no
more democratic, and no more prosperous. The warlords are running the
country and women are still subject to fundamentalist Islamic dictate. How
many civilians did the US kill? Thousands, perhaps many thousands. During
the war, every 

Re: [CTRL] What Snotty Rich Kids Will Do

2003-03-07 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/7/2003 10:02:19 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Press corps doyenne gets no notice
Published March 7, 2003

 A long-running Washington tradition apparently ended last night when,
for the first time in memory, the doyenne of the White House press corps
was not called on in a presidential press conference.
 Syndicated columnist Helen Thomas, who has covered every president
since John F. Kennedy, was relegated to the third row in last night's East
Room event and  if the memory of press corps veterans is accurate 
received her first presidential snub.

I'm certainly not surprised. No one has ever accused our president of having good manners. In fact if he were not in possession of so much wealth and power, he would probably be noted as a positive boor. There's certainly not anything about him that would make a mother proud. Well, except for Barbara Bush, I guess, who is used to that kind of person. Prudy
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[CTRL] What Sounds Do Pigeons make?

2003-03-07 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

The military is the most respected institution in the country and has led
three coups since 1960.

Military backs US plan for troop deployment


By Louis Meixler, Associated Press, 3/6/2003

ANKARA - Turkey's powerful military said yesterday it supported letting in
US troops for a war in neighboring Iraq, boosting pressure on legislators to
reconsider their rejection of a measure allowing the American

The comments from General Hilmi Ozkok, the nation's top officer, came a
day after Turkey's top political leader, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, indicated
that the government plans to reintroduce a new troop deployment

The two men are widely considered the most influential leaders in Turkey.
The military is the most respected institution in the country and has led
three coups since 1960.

Their statements appeared to have an immediate impact on parliament,
where the resolution failed Saturday by just three votes.

''The conditions are changing fast,'' said Dengir Mir Mehmet Firat, a deputy
chairman of the governing Justice and Development Party. ''Many
legislators are saying that they will cast a positive vote if the motion is
brought to parliament again.''

Washington has offered Turkey a $15 billion aid package if parliament
approves the deployment of 62,000 troops. It wants the deployment so
that the US military can develop a powerful northern front against Saddam

In his remarks, Ozkok said a war would be ''shorter, there would be less
pain'' if the country backed Washington.

Ozkok said the military respected parliament's rejection of the resolution.
But he appeared to urge parliament to reconsider, stating that if Turkey
did not support the United States, Ankara would have no say in Iraq's

Many deputies said they voted against the resolution despite the Cabinet's
endorsement because public support is overwhelmingly against an Iraq war,
with polls showing that up to 94 percent of Turks oppose a war.

Ozkok directly addressed that concern.

''They say 94 percent are against war,'' he said. ''It is wrong. One hundred
percent of the public is against a war.''

But, he said, if Turkey allows in American troops ''the war would be
shorter, there would be less pain... fewer people will die.''

''Turkey is not capable of preventing the war on its own. Our choice isn't
between good and bad. Our choice is between bad and worse,'' Ozkok

Turks fear a war could derail the country's fragile economic recovery, and
the potential loss of the $15 billion aid package is also pushing legislators
to reconsider.

This story ran on page A22 of the Boston Globe on 3/6/2003.
 Copyright 2003 Globe Newspaper Company.
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the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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Re: [CTRL] What Good Is Neo-Conservative Talk Radio?

2003-03-03 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/2/2003 1:17:03 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hopefully talk radio listeners will search for the truth and not just settle for what Rush or Sean gives them.

No problem. You don't have to settle for Rush or Sean. There's some lying spin doctor on just about any station that has any talk at all. Amazingly those who are looking for truth never seem to notice that the only place they'll find truth these days is between trusty and truth serum in my little desk dictionary here. So if you do too much looking for truth, you have learn the truth about the other two words also. Conservatives (neo or otherwise) don't like too much delving for truth. Prudy
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] What Good Is Neo-Conservative Talk Radio?

2003-03-03 Thread Mike Smith
-Caveat Lector-

  - Original Message - 
  Prudy L 
  Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 7:28
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] What Good Is
  Neo-Conservative Talk Radio?
  -Caveat Lector- In a message dated 3/2/2003 1:17:03 AM
  Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Hopefully talk radio listeners will search for the truth and not
just settle for what Rush or Sean gives them.
  No problem. You don't have to settle for Rush or
  Sean. There's some lying spin doctor on just about any station that has
  any talk at all. Amazingly those who are looking for truth never seem to
  notice that the only place they'll find truth these days is between trusty and
  truth serum in my little desk dictionary here. So if you do too much
  looking for truth, you have learn the truth about the other two words
  also. Conservatives (neo or otherwise) don't like too much delving for
  truth. Prudy 
  I go to bed listening to a replay of the Alex Jones show
  (infowars.com)I wake up to Joyce Riley and Dave VonKleiston the
  powerhour. (thepowerhour.com) Both shows available on the the GCN Radio
  Network. (http://sce.m2ktalk.com:8010/listen.pls
  winamp) I trust all three of them as media people and they're about the
  only three I trust. But what they say on air mirrors so much of what gets
  posted in this list and others, that they're definatley not
  "establishment". I'd just hate to see them smeared since talk radio does
  indeed tend to be "neo-con". The truth IS out
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] What Good Is Neo-Conservative Talk Radio?

2003-03-01 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

What Good Is Neo-Conservative Talk Radio?
By Jeff Zastrow

I often cruise the AM talk radio dial to see what the mainstream “conservatives” such 
as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Mike Gallagher are talking about.  I have to admit 
that I still find listening to them to be entertaining.  Listening to them now is a 
completely different experience than it was for me ten years ago.  I began listening 
to Rush during the Monica years and before that I never even had a passing interest in 
politics.  I had a job that allowed me to plan my drive time to coincide with the show 
and listened almost every day.  Over the next couple of years I began expanding and 
found different shows like Michael Medved, and Jay Severon.  My Appetite for talk 
radio kept growing and I would search the AM dial at night to see what shows I could 
catch on distant stations that I could only receive at night. I knew the truth was out 
the somewhere and I was determined to find it.

After listening to every talk show I could bring in for a couple years I noticed that 
all these guys had something in common.  Every one of them would contradict themselves 
depending upon the political tide of the day.  I began to listen for these 
contradictions and when I would hear one I would dial up the number and nail the host 
to the wall.  I remember a time when Rush would shout down anyone that called our form 
of government a Democracy. Some time later I noticed he was calling it a Democracy and 
when I got through to his show and confronted him on the importance of telling people 
we live in a Republic and not a Democracy all he could do was agree.  The next day he 
was right back at saying the D word.

Although I kept listening and sometimes became furious and shouted at the radio, I 
realized that these people were just entertainers looking for more market share.  I 
kept listening to them but now that I had a new found interest in politics I began 
reading everything I could lay my hands on about the history of our Republic and what 
is being done to tear it down by our enemies within.

I should be thankful for these neo-cons because without them sparking my interest in 
what’s going on in the world, I would still be just another sleeping sheeple.  I have 
to believe that many others have taken the same path as myself in the process of 
becoming a free thinker and much more enlightened. Unfortunately that is where my 
thanks to “conservative” talk radio stops.

I think they are doing much harm by getting people interested and then just feeding 
them more and more useless information about the war between the two socialist 
political parties daily quarrelling about whether to raise taxes by one percent or 
five while they both only pay lip service to the Law of the Land.

Think how much of a difference these mainstream talk shows could make if they were 
true patriots.  The real news of what’s going on in our country is a whole lot more 
interesting than whether or not the Senate majority leader should step down because of 
some blown out of proportion remark he made.  These people have a chance to make a 
real difference and they are blowing it.  Maybe they are trying to blow it.  There 
were unsubstantiated rumors going around not long ago that Rush was a member of the 
Council of Foreign Relations.

Hopefully talk radio listeners will search for the truth and not just settle for what 
Rush or Sean gives them.

Jeff Zastrow ran for Congress in Wisconsin’s Third District. Contact him at [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] - Permission to reprint this article is 
granted providing the original author is cited and a link to PRISON PLANET.com is 
included. The views expressed in this article may not necessarily be those of Alex 
Jones or Paul Joseph Watson. - PRISON PLANET.com   

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] What Henry Kissinger Thinks Of Our Military

2003-02-28 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

What  Henry  Kissinger  Thinks  Of Our Military
By Lisa Guliani

“Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.”
~  Henry Kissinger  ~ January-February 2003 edition of Eagle Newsletter

The above statement given by Henry Kissinger should dispel any possible doubt or 
confusion in the skeptics among us as to just how little our servicemen matter to the 
elitist madmen calling the shots.  No longer do they spew empty words to placate the 
masses.  They are admitting outright that our soldiers are expendable and disposable.  
If the above statement by Kissinger doesn’t make your blood run cold, then tell me, 
what will?

While the war-mongers relentlessly push us into a war nobody else wants, our troops 
are scattered far and wide, preparing for the unpredictable and seemingly inevitable 
confrontations which lie ahead.  Some are saying this war will lead to peace.  The 
absurdity of such a statement is apparent.  Why must we engage in war to obtain peace? 
 What will be the ultimate price of such peace?  How many American lives must be 
sacrificed as collateral damage to purchase this “peace”?  How many of our sons and 
daughters will die in order for the Controllers to achieve their insidious ends?
It’s beyond horrible to consider.

My son recently informed me that he intends to enlist in the Army in November when he 
turns 17.  He has already spoken with an Army recruiter.  Like so many other young 
people his age, my son has bought into the “Illusions of the Machine”.  He feels 
strong, invincible, and is all “gung ho” to go into a combat situation to “protect 
America” from terrorists.  The extent of his misperception is incredible.  How many of 
our young men and women are feeding into this crap? Too many, I imagine.  While my son 
is trained in how to use deadly weapons, will he realize that someday he may be 
ordered to use them against his own people? Has he considered this possibility?  No.  
My son is not politically aware of how the Machine operates and who is truly in 
command. . He simply sees the opportunity to jump into the fray, travel to distant 
lands, and dress up like G. I. Joe, probably imagining he is “Rambo”.   He envisions 
excitement and danger and a break from monotony.  He likes the idea o
 f bei
ng a “hero”.

What I would really like to do is take my son to Washington, D.C. and let him check 
out the Korean War Memorial and the Vietnam War Memorial Wall. Perhaps some of his 
perceptions would change if he could look at the faces of war, if he could feel the 
pain and horror of war, if he could taste the blood of war. The Korean War Memorial 
has a wall of its own.  On it is inscribed a simple sentence:  “Freedom Is Not Free.”  
My son has no concept of this sentence at this point.  If he joins the Army in 
November, he is in for one hell of a rude awakening.

Sadly, it is this feeling of invincibility that is all too prevalent in our society 
today.  Americans do not believe anything can touch them or hurt them.  Not really.  
Many of our people are still disconnected from the big picture, simply because nothing 
horrible is happening in their own backyards.  I hearken back to 9/11/2001, and 
remember the disconnection of some of the people in my life to that unforgettable mass 
murder.  I couldn’t believe it then, and I still have a hard time with it.  America, 
when are you going to realize that what happens to SOME of us happens to ALL of us?

Our young men and women are steadily disappearing into Bush’s War Machine, where they 
will be forever changed.  They don’t realize just WHO they’re fighting FOR.  They 
don’t know because our fine military leaders aren’t going to tell them. They don’t 
need to know .because our  war-crazy leadership isn’t going to tell them either.   
They are viewed as “dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy”, 
remember?  And still they enlist, never realizing perhaps, until it’s too late, that 
they’ve put their very lives in jeopardy for the true “evildoers”, the plutocrats 
designing this war to suit their heinous schemes.

These “dumb, stupid animals” are OUR children and they’re being shipped out  and set 
up to die on foreign soil.   How does this sit with you?  It makes my blood BOIL.  And 
while I will do my best to dissolve the smoke  mirrors clouding my son’s thinking, 
the writing is already on the wall.  The Machine wants to chew up another “dumb, 
stupid animal” ­ my child.

I’d like to ask Henry Kissinger to personally explain his statement to me and all the 
other American mothers and fathers out there whose children are gearing up to fight 
this obscene war under false pretenses.

My message to George Bush and the rest of the lunatic Machine is: I’ll see you all in 
HELL.  Don’t be late.
Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore 
order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if 

[CTRL] What Henry Kissinger Thinks Of Our Military

2003-02-28 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

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Subject:SNET: What  Henry  Kissinger  Thinks  Of Our Military
Date sent:  Fri, 28 Feb 2003 17:07:40 -0500
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What  Henry  Kissinger  Thinks  Of Our Military
By Lisa Guliani

“Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.”
~  Henry Kissinger  ~ January-February 2003 edition of Eagle Newsletter

The above statement given by Henry Kissinger should dispel any possible doubt or
confusion in the skeptics among us as to just how little our servicemen matter to the
elitist madmen calling the shots.  No longer do they spew empty words to placate the
masses.  They are admitting outright that our soldiers are expendable and disposable.  
the above statement by Kissinger doesn’t make your blood run cold, then tell me, what

While the war-mongers relentlessly push us into a war nobody else wants, our troops are
scattered far and wide, preparing for the unpredictable and seemingly inevitable
confrontations which lie ahead.  Some are saying this war will lead to peace.  The
absurdity of such a statement is apparent.  Why must we engage in war to obtain peace?
What will be the ultimate price of such peace?  How many American lives must be
sacrificed as collateral damage to purchase this “peace”?  How many of our sons and
daughters will die in order for the Controllers to achieve their insidious ends?
beyond horrible to consider.

My son recently informed me that he intends to enlist in the Army in November when he
turns 17.  He has already spoken with an Army recruiter.  Like so many other young 
his age, my son has bought into the “Illusions of the Machine”.  He feels strong,
invincible, and is all “gung ho” to go into a combat situation to “protect America” 
terrorists.  The extent of his misperception is incredible.  How many of our young men
and women are feeding into this crap? Too many, I imagine.  While my son is trained in
how to use deadly weapons, will he realize that someday he may be ordered to use them
against his own people? Has he considered this possibility?  No.  My son is not
politically aware of how the Machine operates and who is truly in command. . He simply
sees the opportunity to jump into the fray, travel to distant lands, and dress up like 
I. Joe, probably imagining he is “Rambo”.   He envisions excitement and danger and a
break from monotony.  He likes the idea o f bei ng a “hero”.

What I would really like to do is take my son to Washington, D.C. and let him check out
the Korean War Memorial and the Vietnam War Memorial Wall. Perhaps some of his
perceptions would change if he could look at the faces of war, if he could feel the 
and horror of war, if he could taste the blood of war. The Korean War Memorial has a 
of its own.  On it is inscribed a simple sentence:  “Freedom Is Not Free.”  My son has 
concept of this sentence at this point.  If he joins the Army in November, he is in for
one hell of a rude awakening.

Sadly, it is this feeling of invincibility that is all too prevalent in our society
today.  Americans do not believe anything can touch them or hurt them.  Not really.  
of our people are still disconnected from the big picture, simply because nothing
horrible is happening in their own backyards.  I hearken back to 9/11/2001, and 
the disconnection of some of the people in my life to that unforgettable mass murder.  
couldn’t believe it then, and I still have a hard time with it.  America, when are you
going to realize that what happens to SOME of us happens to ALL of us?

Our young men and women are steadily disappearing into Bush’s War Machine, where they
will be forever changed.  They don’t realize just WHO they’re fighting FOR.  They don’t
know because our fine military leaders aren’t going to tell them. They don’t need to 
.because our  war-crazy leadership isn’t going to tell them either.   They are viewed 
“dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy”, remember?  And still 
enlist, never realizing perhaps, until it’s too late, that they’ve put their very lives
in jeopardy for the true “evildoers”, the plutocrats designing this war to suit their
heinous schemes.

These “dumb, stupid animals” are OUR children and they’re being shipped out  and set up
to die on foreign soil.   How does this sit with you?  It makes my blood BOIL.  And 
I will do my best to dissolve the smoke  mirrors clouding my son’s thinking, the 
is already on the wall.  The Machine wants to chew up another “dumb, stupid animal” ­ 

I’d like to ask Henry Kissinger to personally explain his statement to me and all the
other American mothers and fathers out there whose children are gearing up to fight 
obscene war under false pretenses.

Re: [CTRL] What is the equivalent offer from the other side?

2003-02-24 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 2/21/2003 10:26:12 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

How does an international community vilify a nation that offers its own
blood to its enemies, while its own soldiers lie dying, and that, when
faced with race hatred that brands their blood unfit, diverts military
flights to bring blood more suitable to the taste of those who would
destroy them?"

One must have total admiration for such a community (although I would like to know how the Palestinians came to know it was "Jewish" blood). I'm glad to see that the Israeli have come such a long way in their care for their Palestinan brothers. Especially since that bit about it being okay to break the Sabbath to care for Jewish individuals in emergency situations, but that all others would have to wait until after the Sabbath. Prudy

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[CTRL] What is the equivalent offer from the other side?

2003-02-21 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

You probably missed this absolutely UNBELIEVABLE piece--hard to fathom!

A Question of Jewish Blood

The piece is entitled, A Question of Blood, written by Dan Gordon, and
it appeared in The Jewish Journal on May 29, 2002.
Dan Gordon is a former sergeant in the IDF, the author of five books,
and a screen writer.

He was in Jenin on April 16, and was told a story by Dr. David Zangen,
chief medical officer of the Israeli paratroop unit that bore the brunt
of the fighting in Jenin.

Dr. Zangen said that the IDF not only worked to keep the Palestinian
hospital opened, they offered the Palestinians blood for their wounded.

The Palestinians refused because it was Jewish blood!!

TheIsraelis, who could not have been faulted for saying, You don't like
it, do without..., instead flew in 2,000 units of blood from Jordan via

In addition, they saw to it that 40 units of blood from the Mukasad
Hospital in East Jerusalem went to the hospital in Ramallah and that 70
units got to the hospital in Tul Karem. And on top of that they
facilitated the delivery of 1,800 units of anti-coagulants that had come
from Morocco.

This information was later confirmed by Col. Arik Gordin (reserves) of
the IDF Office of Military Spokesman, who supplied the exact number of
units and the names of the hospitals to which they were delivered.

Dan Gordon concludes thus: So the question to ponder... is how do you
negotiate with a hatred so great that it will refuse to accept your
blood, even to save its own people's lives?

How does an international community vilify a nation that offers its own
blood to its enemies, while its own soldiers lie dying, and that, when
faced with race hatred that brands their blood unfit, diverts military
flights to bring blood more suitable to the taste of those who would
destroy them?

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Re: [CTRL] What The Coming War Is Really About

2003-02-07 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What The Coming War Is Really About
 By J.J. Johnson
The arguments being made to go to war with Iraq do not
make sense. If they did, we should be carpet bombing
North Korea right now.

It all depends on what the definition of
weapons of mass destruction is.
   -William Jefferson Bush

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[CTRL] What The Coming War Is Really About

2003-02-06 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

What The Coming War Is Really About
By J.J. Johnson
Published 02. 6. 03 at 15:31 Sierra Time 

xxx This analysis may be troublesome to some, even considered treasonous by others. But before this nation commits thousands of troops and billions of dollars into this middle-eastern conflict, this author would like to go on record about the United States and it’s relationship with the rest of the world. 

Let me say first (for the record) that I am still against the upcoming war with Iraq in its current form. If we do go to war, I will support our troops, and pray they come home safe. My reasons for not supporting this war has virtually NOTHING to do with the common argument made against it by those on the left and in other countries. I would, however like to walk everyone through this – slowly.

I have said (on the record), that if there was a clear link between Saddam Hussein and/or the nation of Iraq to the attacks on this country on September 11, 2001, not only would I support the war, but the annexation of Iraq upon its conclusion – and I wouldn’t even approach the UN for approval. To date, I have not seen this evidence.

In fairness, I think Secretary of State Colin Powell did an excellent job at the United Nations Wednesday explaining the position of the United States. As it stands now, the U.S. is gaining support from other “governments” of the need to take action. They still lack support from the majority of the people – even in the U.S. Why is this?

No doubt we are not being told everything. Perhaps if we don’t take any action against Iraq, we may suffer another attack – possibly worse than 9/11. But we can also conclude that officials from other nations have been briefed of “the threat” (if any) from our officials. Still, there is not 100% backing for this adventure. This means that other nations feel that even IF the U.S. may be attacked again, they simply don’t care, or aren’t willing to put their own necks on the line to save America. This tells me there is something about this country that is pissing a lot of people off. But let’s take Iraq point by point first.

The U.S. demonstrated Iraq is manufacturing of weapons of mass destruction. “They have been doing this in violation of UN mandates for years”, Washington says. So what about the other nations? There is Israel and North Korea, to name a few. Both have nuclear weapons. No one dares tell Israel to disarm, and we merely “ask” North Korea. This is called a double standard.

Next, if Iraq has been getting under our skin all these years, what have these bombing runs been all about? I’ve even heard the pro-war pundits beat their chest about the fact that Iraq has repeatedly fired at U.S. planes in the no-fly zone. Of course, they haven’t hit one yet, but no matter. We keep flying over another country’s airspace, then get mad when something bad comes flying our way. Every time we Americans hear a report about attacks in the no-fly zone, we hear some kind of antimissile system was fired at us, or anti-radar pointed at us first. And we’ve been hearing this for over a decade.

Common Sense Test: Why would you keep firing at airplanes in the air KNOWING you have a low chance for success AND a high chance of ordinance coming right back at you – for over a decade? TEN YEARS, folks. Is there not one person in the Iraqi military that says, “Hey, this ain’t working” or “Ya know, losing all this antiaircraft stuff is getting really costly.”

No, Saddam’s just that stupid/crazy, right? And what the heck are we bombing over there anyway?

Here’s one for you: If the UN isn’t willing to enforce it’s own mandates, they why should the US keep “enforcing” a no-fly zone over Iraq?

Next, as this is what really made me write this article: Saddam has announced that weapons will be handed out to civilians to help defeat any oncoming army. The ‘spin-meisters’ here are already saying that Saddam is doing this so that if the U.S. military attacks and shoots an armed civilian, He can then go onto the world stage and claim “Look! They’re shooting civilians!” – and the world would fall for it.

For those “spin-miesters”, here’s what your propaganda is showing: Any “brutal dictator” would know better than to allow his population to be ARMED. If Hussein were as ruthless as reported, we could all rest assured that once the population is armed, they would simply revolt against him.

Speaking of armed, I recall seeing reports from Baghdad the day after the last so-called election. I recall seeing Western video of women voting (without veils), counting the votes, and both men a women firing guns in the air from their own homes in celebration. Not something one would expect from a devoutly Muslim country (especially a brutal dictator), but it seems to be common in Iraq. I hear there’s even a sizeable Christian 

Re: [CTRL] What The Coming War Is Really About

2003-02-06 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 2/6/2003 9:00:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Next, if Iraq has been getting under our skin all these years, what have these bombing runs been all about? I’ve even heard the pro-war pundits beat their chest about the fact that Iraq has repeatedly fired at U.S. planes in the no-fly zone. Of course, they haven’t hit one yet, but no matter. We keep flying over another country’s airspace, then get mad when something bad comes flying our way. Every time we Americans hear a report about attacks in the no-fly zone, we hear some kind of antimissile system was fired at us, or anti-radar pointed at us first. And we’ve been hearing this for over a decade.

My understanding is that the Iraqui rarely fired on the bombers. They were being counted as threatening if they "locked on." I suppose if we had bombers dropping bombs on Illinois for ten years, we would be well behaved and not complain. The Iraqui have obviously not learned the finer points of etiquette. Prudy
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Re: [CTRL] What Keeps Bush From Planting Evidence of WMD in Iraq?

2003-02-05 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What Keeps Bush From Planting Evidence of WMD in
Nakano replies:
Evidence can be planted at any time
prior, during, or after a war with Iraq.
It may already have been planted.

Evidence was planted in the ashes of the
Branch Davidian church at Wacowhile such real
evidence as the steel front doors mysteriously
disappeared.  That was done with TV cameras watching
only 5 miles from the scene.
Planting evidence inside the borders of Iraq
would be much easier.

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[CTRL] What Keeps Bush From Planting Evidence of WMD in Iraq?

2003-02-04 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Seeds of Destruction: What Keeps Bush From Planting Evidence of WMD in Iraq?

It was revealed today that the Bush Administration lied again about Iraq's nuclear weapons potential.

"When President Bush traveled to the United Nations in September to make his case against Iraq, he brought along a rare piece of evidence for what he called Iraq's 'continued appetite' for nuclear bombs. The finding: Iraq had tried to buy thousands of high-strength aluminum tubes, which Bush said were 'used to enrich uranium for a nuclear weapon.'"


"The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the U.N.-chartered nuclear watchdog, reported in a January 8, 2003 preliminary assessment that the tubes were 'not directly suitable' for uranium enrichment but were 'consistent' with making ordinary artillery rockets -- a finding that meshed with Iraq's official explanation for the tubes. New evidence supporting that conclusion has been gathered in recent weeks[.]"

This further bloats the list of blatant lies that the Bush Administration has concocted about Iraq. To illustrate, let's take a stroll down Memory Lane.

Remember this bald-faced lie that Bush used to terrify the citizenry?

"The International Atomic Energy Agency says that a report cited by Bush as evidence that Iraq in 1998 was 'six months away' from developing a nuclear weapon does not exist. 'There's never been a report like that issued from this agency,' said Mark Gwozdecky, the IAEA's chief spokesman."

And how about this gem.

"Bush cited a satellite photograph and a report by the U.N. atomic energy agency as evidence of Iraq's impending [nuclear] rearmament. But in response to a report by NBC News, a senior administration official acknowledged Saturday night that the U.N. report drew no such conclusion, and a spokesman for the U.N. agency said the photograph had been misinterpreted." 

In addition, Eric Alterman noted...

"[Bush] has consistently lied about Iraq's nuclear capabilities as well as its missile-delivery capabilities...Bush tried to frighten Americans by claiming that Iraq possesses a fleet of unmanned aircraft that could be used 'for missions targeting the US'. [This statement is] false"

Even the CIA admits that Bush is a liar.

"Bush's case against Saddam Hussein, outlined in a televised address to the nation on Monday night, relied on a slanted and sometimes entirely false reading of the available US intelligence, government officials and analysts claimed yesterday. Officials in the CIA, FBI and energy department are being put under intense pressure to produce reports that back the administration's line… "Basically, cooked information is working its way into high-level pronouncements and there's a lot of unhappiness about it in intelligence, especially among analysts at the CIA," said Vincent Cannistraro, the CIA's former head of counter-intelligence." 

Let's not forget about the alleged assassination attempt on Bush Sr.

"A senior White House official recently told me that one of the seemingly most persuasive elements of the report had been overstated and was essentially incorrect," said Seymour Hersh in a 1993 article. "And none of the Clinton Administration officials have claimed that there was any empirical evidence - a 'smoking gun' -directly linking Saddam or any of his senior advisers to the alleged assassination attempt. The case against Iraq was, and remains, circumstantial." 

And finally, Calvin Woodward of the AP documents the following Iraq lies and distortions:

1) "Publicly, President Bush's officials are touting reports that al-Qaida operatives have found refuge in Baghdad and that Iraq once helped them develop chemical weapons. Privately, government intelligence sources are hedging on that subject, suggesting there might be less than meets the eye. "

2) Contrary to the assertion by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld that Iraq kicked out U.N. weapons inspectors in 1998, Charles Duelfer, who was deputy chairman of the U.N. inspection agency at the time asserts, "We made the decision to evacuate." 

3) Vice President Dick Cheney alleged that Iraq will have nuclear weapons "fairly soon." Cheney acknowledges, and no one outside Iraq really knows how close Baghdad is to that point.

4) Bush's national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice alleged that al-Qaida operatives have had a direct relationship with the Iraqi government. "There clearly are contacts between al-Qaida and Iraq that can be documented," she said. She did not document them and a U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, indicated the evidence for linkage is tenuous, based on sources of varying reliability. 

5) Bush warned the United Nations that Saddam could have nuclear weapons within a year of acquiring fissionable material. Cheney said: "On the nuclear question, many of us are convinced that Saddam will acquire such weapons fairly soon." The CIA's own forecasts have 


2003-01-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


The backdrop, hung on shelves, ends where indicated by the red arrows.

Take a close look at the box in this photo. See how the Made in USA is
level even though the box is not?

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[CTRL] What if America was really invaded?

2003-01-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

What if America was really invaded?
By John Kaminski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
22nd January 2003

What if America was really invaded?
If the U.S. government's defensive response was anything like it was on 9/11/2001, and the invasion was anything like we imagined during the Cold War, you could rest assured that all the targets would be destroyed, the perps would get away, and America would never figure out who actually did it.
Oh sure, the posers in Washington would SAY they knew who did it, but wouldn't offer any proof, and would say they couldn't release the proof they had because it would jeopardize national security.
While the bombs were raining down on American cities, our president would remain in an elementary school classroom reading a story about goats to children, even though he had had advance warning that the attack was going to take place. Later he would pick some hapless country far away to obliterate, saying this was where the proof he refused to produce indicated he should bomb, even though the perpetrators he claimed to name all came from another country, a country that was a nominal ally and leading oil supplier. Oddly, it would later be discovered that the country he chose to obliterate had been chosen for obliteration long before the invasion for which it was blamed actually occurred.
The president would also introduce a series of police state legislative measures designed to keep the actions of corporate military suppliers concealed from the public. In the name of national security, these measures would be hastily approved by the Congress, even though most who would vote for them would not even read what these measures actually prescribed. Maybe they already knew and didn't have to.Curiously, these measures would later seem to have been drawn up long before the invasion actually happened.
As enemy bombers streaked toward their targets, American air defenses would not be able to respond to the obvious threat because apparent orders from Washington mandated that they stand down until further notice, and because too few of the jet interceptors were loaded with actually live ammunition. Later, the president would say, "We had no idea this would happen," and promote the officers who carried out the nonaction to positions of much greater authority. The vice president would say, "I didn't know what was happening until I saw it on television."
It would only be much later that some newspaper reports would reluctantly reveal that the president in fact did have plenty of advance notice, and that the efforts of some legitimately diligent FBI agents on the trail of possible invaders were stifled by their politically appointed superiors.
After the disaster and recovery operations began, officials would cover up the cleanup so that bombs planted strategically in targeted buildings that were not actually hit would not be discovered by snooping reporters. Some members of the press (very few, actually) would ask why buildings that were supposedly bombed actually fell as if they were demolished from within, but these questions would quickly fade from the news as the president issued a series of hysterical terror alerts that kept the media focused on possible future attacks rather than thoroughly analyzing the one that just happened.
And as Congressional hearings were proposed to pinpoint the causes and perpetrators of the invasion, the administration in Washington would move to limit the scope of the investigation, explaining that a probe of unlimited scope would impede its efforts to get to the bottom of what really happened. And most amazingly of all, the American people would believe him.
Although U.S. officials would refuse to release the proof it had against the suspicious characters it claimed to be the perpetrators, it would nevertheless jail thousands of innocent people it deemed as "threats" to national security, even though there was no direct connection (other than maybe a little sympathy) between those arrested and the actual invasion.
And a little further down the line, the government would devise a sweeping new reorganization plan to further guarantee that the actual perpetrators and the true motive for the invasion would never be discovered, although the government would continue to ramp up its plans to invade this country or that in retribution for the invasion, even though the countries chosen for these deadly high-tech assaults would seem to be possessors of natural resources coveted by military suppliers rather than nation-states with provable connections to the invasion.
And a little further down the line than that, the government would reluctantly conclude that the real reason for the invasion was that the American people had simply been allowed to have too much freedom, and that to prevent future invasions (which could happen at any moment!), this freedom had to be curtailed 

[CTRL] What industry today uses the most touch screen technology today ?

2003-01-20 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

People should pursue leads which they may. The truth shall rise. A very
telling fact to me is the Air Force standing-down allowing it to happen.
And what was the plane from NetJets doing following the Flight 93? Why was
Warren Buffet at Fort Olcutt, NE? From where the country was place under
FEMA, which has not be recinded. Nothing but unconstitutional bureacratic
flim-flam. Also, ESS, a privately held company from Omaha, NE is one of two
major players in the Election Services industry. The other Sequoia-Pacific,
has mob-ties and is now owned by an old money English company.  In playing
many options of the situation the octopus put bonesmen Bush in the White
House, psy-op castrates many's hope of voting and is reforming the vote to
be a more controllable factor.

Quick little test; what industry today uses the most touch screen technology
today ?

A: The Gaming industry

Something may be going on …


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] What God Thinks of Race Mixing

2003-01-12 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

According to this fool, all races should stay where they belong.
Guess the 'white race' should go back to where they came
from which according to language and DNA analysis is
someplace in India.

This certainly would make the American Indians very happy

BTW, how do you define race'. Recent DNA analysis shows
that skin color is the least important racial characteristic in
terms of racial roots.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] What God Thinks of Race Mixing

2003-01-12 Thread Willie Martin
-Caveat Lector-

   You obviously don't understand what the study was about.
Is the reason that you are married to a nigger or some other
alien race?

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 According to this fool, all races should stay where they belong.
 Guess the 'white race' should go back to where they came
 from which according to language and DNA analysis is
 someplace in India.

 This certainly would make the American Indians very happy

 BTW, how do you define race'. Recent DNA analysis shows
 that skin color is the least important racial characteristic in
 terms of racial roots.

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 According to this fool, all races should stay where they belong.
 Guess the 'white race' should go back to where they came
 from which according to language and DNA analysis is
 someplace in India.

 This certainly would make the American Indians very happy

 BTW, how do you define race'. Recent DNA analysis shows
 that skin color is the least important racial characteristic in
 terms of racial roots.

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] What God Thinks of Race Mixing

2003-01-12 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

You obviously don't understand what the study was about.
 Is the reason that you are married to a nigger or some other
 alien race?

An example of the mindless blatherings of racialist, tribalist idiots
that remind us all of the dangers of incest and interbreeding.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] What God Thinks of Race Mixing

2003-01-12 Thread Willie Martin
-Caveat Lector-

   Like I said

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 You obviously don't understand what the study was about.
  Is the reason that you are married to a nigger or some other
  alien race?

 An example of the mindless blatherings of racialist, tribalist idiots
 that remind us all of the dangers of incest and interbreeding.

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] What God Thinks of Race Mixing

2003-01-12 Thread Nessie SFBG
Title: Re: [CTRL] What God Thinks of Race
-Caveat Lector-

Race Mixing An
Abomination to God

God happens to be a personal friend of mine and I asked God about this
and God told me personally that you're full of crap.

Frankly, I was a bit shocked.

"Such language," I said, "and from Your mouth, too."

And God said, "Look, I'm God. I can say anything I damn please.
Besides, what the hell's wrong with crap? Crap is good. There's
nothing wrong with crap. I know. I created the damn stuff. It's one
of My finest achievements. Crap is useful. Crap is very useful. But
you're supposed to put it on your garden, not between your

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What God Thinks of Race Mixing

2003-01-11 Thread Willie Martin
-Caveat Lector-

Race Mixing An Abomination to God

God Says We Are To Be Separate

When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he 
separated {segregated} the sons of Adam {man}, HE SET THE BOUNDS OF THE PEOPLE 

All the prophets and almost every book of the Old Testament discusses the 
subject of segregation.

They spoke for God Who is a segregationist.

Yet I had planted thee a noble vine, wholly a right seed: how then art thou 
turned into the degenerate plant of a strange vine unto me? For though thou wash thee 
with nitre, and take thee much soap, yet thine iniquity is marked before me, saith the 
Lord GOD. How canst thou say, I am not polluted, I have not gone after Baalim? see thy 
way in the valley, know what thou hast done: thou art a swift dromedary traversing her 
ways; A wild ass used to the wilderness, that snuffeth up the wind at her pleasure; in 
her occasion who can turn her away? all they that seek her will not weary themselves; 
in her month they shall find her. Withhold thy foot from being unshod, and thy throat 
from thirst: but thou saidst, There is no hope: no; for I have loved strangers, and 
after them will I go. (Jeremiah 2:21-25)

The Old Testament is not the only Scripture where segregation is taught. It is 
emphasized in the New Testament, also. In fact, it is one of the major subjects of the 
Bible. Jesus asked, ...Have ye understood all these things? His listeners said 
Yes. Then He said to them, ...every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of 
heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his 
treasure things new and old. (Matthew 13:51-52)

In other words, since the advent of Christ, if one is instructed by God, that 
person MUST use both the New Testament as well as the Old Testament. Which is simply 
another name for the old covenant and the new covenant.

Luke wrote:

God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of 
heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; Neither is worshiped with 
men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, 
and all things; And hath made of one blood (The phrase one blood, does not mean that 
all the races have the same blood characteristics. #129 Strong's Concordance states: 
'alua baims, hah'ee-mah; of uncert. der.; blood, lit. (of men OR ANIMALS), fig. (the 
juice of grapes) or spec. (the atoning blood of Christ); by impl. bloodshed, also 
kindred: - blood. This when studied clearly shows that each RACE has its own blood 
characteristics, as well as the animals) all nations of men for to dwell on all the 
face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, And THE BOUNDS OF 
THEIR HABITATION. (Acts 17:24-26)

Thus it is clear for all to see. God created all mankind, all the different 
races, and SET THE BOUNDARIES OF THEIR HABITATION. History also shows that none of the 
races, EXCEPT THE WHITE MAN, has ever moved out of their assigned place on earth, 
except in times of war or natural disasters - such as flood, famine and etc. And even 
then, they would immediately return, unless hindered or kept from it by some external 
force. There are no scriptures which annul this statement, or that God ever intended 
for those boundaries to be set aside. No! God intended for every race to stay within 
their allotted boundaries, they were never to mix with the other races. GOD INTENDED 

Wherefore COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM, And BE YE SEPARATE, saith the Lord... (2 
Corinthians 6:17)

Paul wrote:

For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, 
that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. (Romans 15:4)

Let us, therefore, reflect upon God's directives for our well being. On one 
occasion, Christ cried out and told His adversaries, the Jews:

I am come in my Father's name, and ye [Jews] receive me not: if another shall 
come in his own name, him ye will receive. How can ye believe, which receive honour 
one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only? Do not think that I 
WILL ACCUSE YOU to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye 
[say you] trust. [But you lie] For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: 
for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my 
words? (John 5:43-47)

Jesus implied that the Jews did not really believe Moses' words. Is this true? 
We will let a Jewish Rabbi speak for the Jewish rabbis say:

TO THE PROPHETS in any other sense than we believe today that God, that is, existence 
reveals himself through the minds of a Spinoza, 

[CTRL] What was unseen the last time around

2003-01-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

A MultimediaProduction By

Photographs  and Text

© Peter Turnley

The Unseen Gulf War

BY Peter Turnley
December 2002


As we approach the likelihood of a new Gulf War, I have an idea and it occurs to me
that the Digital Journalist may be the place for it. As we all know, the military pool
system created then was meant to be, and was, a major impediment for
photojournalists in their quest to communicate the realities of war (This fact does not
diminish the great efforts, courage, and many important images created by many of my
colleagues who participated in these pools.). Aside from that, while you would have a
very difficult time finding an editor of an American publication today that wouldn't
condemn this pool system and its restrictions during the Gulf War, most publications
and television entities more or less bought the program before the war began (this
reality has been far less discussed than the critiques of the pools themselves).

I refused to participate in the pool system. I was in the Gulf for many weeks as the 
up of troops took place, and then sat out the air war, and flew from Paris to Riyadh 
soon as the ground war began. I arrived at the mile of death the morning the day the
war stopped. It was very early in the morning and few other journalists were present.
When I arrived at the scene of this incredible carnage, strewn all over on this mile
stretch were cars and trucks with wheels still turning, radios still playing, and 
there were
bodies scattered along the road. Many people have asked the question how many
people died during the war with Iraq and the question has never been well answered.
That first morning, I saw and photographed a U.S. Military 'graves detail' bury in 
graves many bodies.

I don't recall seeing many television images of the human consequences of this scene,
or for that matter many photographs published. A day later, I came across another
scene on an obscure road further north and to the east where, in the middle of the
desert, I found a convoy of lorries transporting Iraqi soldiers back to Baghdad, where
clearly massive fire power had been dropped and everyone in sight had been
carbonized. Most of the photographs I made of this scene have never been published
anywhere and this has always troubled me.

As we approach the distinct possibility of another war, a thought comes to mind. The
photographs that I made do not, in themselves, represent any personal political
judgment or point of view with respect to the politics and the right or wrong of the 
Gulf War. What they do represent is a part of a more accurate picture of what really
does happen in war. I feel it is important and that citizens have the right to see 
images. This is not to communicate my point of view, but so viewers as citizens can be
offered a better opportunity to consider the whole picture and consequences of that war
and any war. I feel that it is part of my role as a photojournalist to offer the 
viewer the
opportunity to draw from as much information as possible, and develop his or her own

This past war and any one looming, have often been treated as something akin to a
'Nintendo game'. This view conveniently obscures the vivid and often grotesque 
apparent to those directly involved in war. As a witness to the results of this past 
War, this televised, aerial, and technological version of the conflict is not what I 
saw and
I'd like to present some images that I made that represent a more complete picture of
what this conflict looked like.

War is at best a necessary evil, and I am certain that anyone that feels differently 
never experienced or been in it. I have always hoped that true images of conflict give
one the opportunity to witness and reflect more fully on the full realities of war. 
covering many conflicts around the world in past 20 years and witnessing much human
suffering, I feel a responsibility to try to contribute to making sure with my images 
no one that sees the brutal realities of conflict, ever feels that war is comfortable 

I would like to propose that we discuss a portfolio of these difficult images now, as a
future war in Iraq grows more likely every passing day. I look forward to hearing from

My best. Peter Turnley

© Peter Turnley

Enter The Unseen Gulf War - by Peter Turnley

Thumbnail pictures


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Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
has to stand on its own merits.  Therefore, unless I am a first-hand
witness to any event described, I 

[CTRL] What Does Supremacy Really Mean - 3

2003-01-07 Thread Willie Martin
-Caveat Lector-

It concerns us more where our stuff is NOT going, whether than where it is 
going. People need to be informed about the class issue, and if we deter anyone of any 
race from committing a violent crime against another person, we have done our job. 
It's not an open discussion of race issues that cause hate crimes, it is lack of 
honest discussion, and the for-profit hate mill that benefits financially and 
emotionally from it.

White classists and minority haters will surely try to associate me with evil 
because they fear open discussion on these issues. They can try to slander and libel 
us by taking what we say out of context, but we hate the strength to meet these 
attacks with courage and more writing.

We have come to a point where we am feeling more immune to their racist, 
classist attacks. They are just protecting their own dominance, power, and beliefs 
that poor people are like children. They fear rednecks with library cards. They fear 
Blacks discussing the CIA/drug connection. They fear Louis Farrakhan because he pull 
no punches. They fear the Internet because too much truth is being sent out to our 
white people all over the world.

Their hold on power is threatened by the truth. The more they push, the more 
we should talk. They can hound us, but even if we retreat for a week, we will come 
back stronger because hardship and adversity strengthens us.

If they push too hard, they will insure we get funding to do bitch and moan 
full-time! Their stereotypes of the White racist and total non-understanding of the 
roots of hate is an advantage to us. Their classism and belief that poor Whites have 
no intelligence or character is also an advantage.

in financial terms to lose.

Those who are tired of being the scapegoats and are lulled into ignoring the 
problems of their own underclass. Those who don't speak against other races, BUT FOR 
THEIR OWN. People who don't use insulting racial slurs, and shock others when they 
oppose slurs against themselves.


* We want White civil rights. The right to talk race (since it is an everyday 
part of our lives) the same way minorities do without fear of being the subject of 
liberal witch hunts. Without fear of job loss and harassment. Equal standards and 
opportunity for all. An end to scapegoating and defamation of my European ancestors.

* We want an end to spitting on the graves of our dead White people, male and 
female ancestors who built this great country that everyone in the world wants to 
live in. An end to judging only our history by today's PC standards. An end to all 
racist slurs against Whites, an end to racist and sexist appeals to anti-White male 
bigotry. An end to racist and sexist jokes and racist  classist slurs against 
working-class Whites.

* WE want an end to ethnic cleansing of Whites by unprecedented numbers of 
hostile anti-White Browns. An end to racist immigration policies that discriminate 
against White Europeans.

* WE want an end to the racial profiling of Whites (for hate crimes) promoted 
and perpetrated by the Simon Weisenthal Center and their puppet police departments. We 
want the tax-funded hatewatch groups to start listing more than a few token minority 
racist organizations, using the same standards it used to determine if a White group 
is racist.

* We want those minority hate groups listed even if they don't promote 
anti-Semitism. For example, the Brown Aztlan racist groups. The Black power groups. If 
they continue to list pro-White (as opposed to anti-minority) groups as bigoted, they 
must also list pro-Black, Yellow, Brown and Red groups.

* We demand an end to the bigoted F.B.I. calling Brown perpetrators of hate 
crimes White in the statistics, which is then used to reinforce racist stereotypes 
against our people. We demand that police departments ask White victims of 
inter-racial crimes (we are victims a whopping 90% of the time, however un-PC that is 
to say) if racial slurs were used during the attack. Especially rape since it involves 
sexism. We want anti-White graffiti listed as an anti-White hate crime. If the 
perpetrator is Brown, we don't want him listed as being in the White race 
perpetrator category. We want exposure of the fact that even though more Blacks are 
sentenced to the death penalty, more poor Whites are actually executed.

 Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does NOT
mean to stand by the President or any other public official
save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the
country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently
serves the 

[CTRL] What Does Supremacy Really Mean? - 4 (Last One)

2003-01-07 Thread Willie Martin
-Caveat Lector-

* We want the media to stop routinely ignoring racial crimes against Whites 
and obsessing about White on minority hate crimes. We want the false stereotype that 
only White people can be racists eliminated. It creates a witch hunt atmosphere and 
probably promotes race crimes against Whites.  We want total segregation of the races 
in prison, since it forces inmates to join race-based gangs. Liberals hate to admit 
this, but Whites are often the target of hate-motivated gang rapes. We couldn't think 
of a quicker way to produce fodder for the hate mill business. They DAMN WELL KNOW 
THIS, but aren't decent enough to address it, unless in the context of White racists 
recruit in prison!

Never an effort to solve the problem. Never any questions why non-violent 
offenders come out with racist tattoos. The other races aren't scrutinized for 
anti-White body markings. How nice. How nice to put other racists in a category of 
gang member in need of a mentor. How nice of them to avoid dealing with the reality 
of racially motivated hate rapes. Oh God how we pray that Mo Dees could spend a day in 

* We want an end to penalization of economically-disadvantaged White males in 
affirmative action. Studies as to why White boys on anti-depressants are shooting up 
schools. Studies regarding the racial makeup of those put on anti-depressants. Studies 
that ask why White girls have the lowest self-esteem. Studies concerning White 
flight. Studies of how classism and racism affect rural Whites.  In short, we'd like 
a little measure of equality instead of having feet stomped upon our heads and our 
hands tied behind our back solely on the basis of my race. If we don't address these 
issues, there will be more intolerance and hate.

Instead of pushing away the legitimate concerns of Whites, it is time to 
address those concerns, without having to endure these idiotic, clueless White zombie 
elitists. In case you think open discussion will promote hate crimes, do you worry 
about hatred promoted against the White race when they are the target of scapegoating 
day in and day out on TV, on radio and in the papers?

Minority racists get away with saying anything they please and held not held 
to the same standards. They can use any racial slur they wish in any venue they can 
produce music that calls for murdering White people. The offices of their producers 
don't get raided and no White person has the guts to organize protests outside of 
music stores that promote violent anti-White racism.

Consider how Whites may not speak of anything good about their race, but can 
only be racially-minded when they are expressing White guilt. When you put an animal 
in a cage and poke at him, he will bite. That is the first rule of redneck realism. 
Understand and ABSORB these words from someone who has been on the other side of the 
debate, repeating stupid liberal sound bites and creating an atmosphere of White 

The stereotyping of Whites MUST STOP. Those who do it must realize they base 
their ideology on stereotypes. We must speak out or we will be buried. The majority of 
working Whites know this, but are too intimidated to be honest. Instead of worrying 
about being an outcast, it is time European-Americans start worrying about the climate 
of hatred being created in a society where their children and grandchildren will be a 

AND THE DEMONIZATION OF OUR KINFOLK. In your heart, do you believe these people will 
treat your descendants fairly in this society? If the answer is no, then 
self-determination should be the legacy my generation leaves to it's children. 
regardless of the intimidation and persecution we will face for even mentioning the 
White race.

 Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does NOT
mean to stand by the President or any other public official
save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the
country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently
serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the
exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his
duty to stand by the country. (Theodore Roosevelt)

  False propaganda, to be truly effective, Has to exist
in an environment in which there are no alternatives
to contradict it.  Otherwise, it can be seen for the lie
that it is.

 There are three kinds of people in America:

1). Those that know what is going on;

2). Those that think they know what is going on; and

3). Those that don't have a clue as to what is going on.

 5% of the people think. 10% of the people think they think.
The rest would rather die than think.

How long would it take a blind giant, hammering upon an
anvil, to produce a watch? That's how long it would take the
evolutionists to explain their stupid theory.


Re: [CTRL] What Does Supremacy Really Mean? - 4 (Last One)

2003-01-07 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

On 7 Jan 2003 at 3:03, Willie Martin wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

   Studies as to why White boys on anti-depressants are
 shooting up schools. Studies regarding the racial makeup of those put on
 anti-depressants. Studies that ask why White girls have the lowest
 self-esteem. Studies concerning White flight. Studies of how classism and
 racism affect rural Whites.  In short, we'd like a little measure of equality
 instead of having feet stomped upon our heads and our hands tied behind our
 back solely on the basis of my race. If we don't address these issues, there
 will be more intolerance and hate.

This reminded me of a recent post on the Do It Yourself list:

OK, Morgan, i take it you're telling me that in the middle of Rural
South Carolina, when i invite those delicious red-necks with rebel
flag dew-rags holding their mullet hair dos in place, cheeks bulging
with smokeless tobacco, and their 1,000 Pabst Blue Ribbon bottles in
the back of the truck, that even tho their boots are solid concrete,
they might NOT be able to produce a wonderful product on my kitchen
i am truly devastated... i was thinking how entertaining it would be
to empty out all the spittoons they would need... rats. i'll have to
come up with another idea for entertainment...
Feisty by Nature,

I wondered if anyone would bring her to account for her bigoted
remarks.  No one did.


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Any society which suppresses the heritage of its conquered
minorities, prevents their history, and denies them their symbols,
has sewn the seed of its own destruction.
~~Sir William Wallace 1281 A.D.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-01-06 Thread Willie Martin
-Caveat Lector-

The word is used to describe any person with White skin who speaks of his 
people in any terms other than in a derogatory manner or to express White guilt. BUT 
WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? One who thinks his people are better than others and one who 
wants to rule over another people?

Most White people don't fit either definition, though they do prefer the 
company of people like themselves, as any honest person would admit to. But that 
doesn't stop the cognitive dissonancers from speaking untruths about those who can 
see right through them.  Why is it so easy for a person to have net conversations with 
a Black man, but I have to threaten to call the server of a White man offended by an 
assertion that we must fight for our own civil rights in this society?

EVERYTHING EXCEPT HIMSELF FOR HIS LIFE  and we tell him that the poor White man takes 
the brunt of the criticism, though he has no power of supremacy. The Black man 
understands our concerns about the lack of White roots taught to White kids and the 
issue of classism in race relations.

everything and every one that is not Jewish. Oh they will claim different, but then 
whenever you see a jew with his mouth open you automatically know he is lying.

Black man is initially alarmed at a white mans ethnocentrism, but asks genuine 
questions to try to understand. The reasonable Black man is slower to make prejudicial 
assumptions than the White man.  THE ISSUE THE RACE MONOLOGUERS FEAR

Soon after the White man plunges into the depths of despair and 
self-mutilation, the conversation with the Black man turns to classism and supremacy. 
Most can assure him they operate from the standpoint of equal rights, equal 
opportunity and equal standards for all, from a position of honesty and lack of 

classists have low expectations of minorities and believe in their hearts that 
minorities can't function without the guidance of White people. They enact laws that 
don't take into consideration the folkways of minorities, but, instead, focus on 
trying to fit them into a White image.

They are the ones who believe their ways are better and try to mold minorities 
into their image. At the same time, they scapegoat poor Whites for their disastrous 
a clear understanding of differences, race relations will always be hampered by 
liberal taboos and a witch hunt atmosphere.

The White classist has never been a poor White, hence can't understand the 
concerns of the White working class and their experiences with racism. The classist 
lives in gated communities and his only contact with minorities is with those in the 
middle or upper classes who suffer from Black guilt over their success.

The poor White is either toiling away from dawn to dusk in rural areas or he 
is living in an area where he is a minority and crime is rampant. Without experience, 
the liberal White supremacist hasn't a clue. He shields himself in the cloak of 
tolerance and fools even himself with his own liberal taboos.  WHITE CLASSIST ATTACKS 
ON POOR WHITES.  Since the classist deep down believes minorities are inferior to 
him, he seeks to give the appearance that he is not a racist. That means enacting laws 
which penalize the White working man, but which will never touch his life because of 
his wealth and privileges.

He calls a man who lives in rural America a redneck or hillbilly or White 
trash and portrays him as the epitome of the White right-wing racist. Since he has 
demonized the White working man, he feels free to right the wrongs of the past by 
oppressing poor Whites and convincing himself he is atoning for White sins.

He simply transfers his White supremacist tendencies to take on a more 
patting the doggie on the head appearance. He works for environmental justice by 
convincing minorities that any business that emits pollution in their area is 
environmental racism.

He is oblivious to the toxic dumps located a few miles from the redneck's 
home. He is oblivious to the slums of the inner city; the result of the black slavery 
ENEMY IS AND THAT IS THE JEW, NOT THE WHITE MAN. His only concern in that matter would 
be the health of the 

[CTRL] What Does Supremacy Really Mean? - 2

2003-01-06 Thread Willie Martin
-Caveat Lector-

Unlike the White classist, he can't hop into his spare car or rent one while 
his is in the shop. He sweats over paying the bills if he loses one day working, while 
the classist can take the entire year off and still live in the style he is 
accustomed to. He has not the luxury to attend environmental meetings twice a week 
because he is busy figuring out when he has to take the cattle off the land without 
damaging the soil. He has no medical insurance, and can't get state aid because his 
income is right above the poverty level. And half or more of his pay check goes to 
support the blacks who don't work at all; but live off of his labor.

This, while the classist can afford plastic surgery when he needs a tuck. 
Contrast this to the poor White man whom he calls a redneck because he doesn't have 
a clue what it's like to work outdoors in 100+ degree temperatures. The elitist has 
air conditioning and doesn't worry about heat stroke and whether he should accept an 
expensive ambulance ride. His insurance covers that and, if not, it is no sweat.

Speaking of ambulances, the poor White rural guy has to wait for emergency 
vehicles to COMMUTE to an accident scene, while the White elitist wrings his hands 
over an alleged two minute discrepancy between inner city and suburban emergency 

The rural White gets to watch as the National Guard is called out to look for 
rich city hikers when they get themselves lost in the hills or when their canoes 
overturn while rafting on holiday.

The economically disadvantaged White rural schools are in disrepair, and 
there is no busing to better districts. There is little funding for rural schools and 
no race advocacy groups to complain about it. Rural moms (yes, even rednecks have 
children to care for) may be at work two hours in the other direction. So, they can't 
just pop into PTA meetings. They do not the luxury of worrying about feminism. They 
understand and appreciate how hard their husbands works and have no problem cooking 
dinner for them.

Their lives are not like the elitists' who pops into the gym and into happy 
hour after working in an air-conditioned office for a fraction of the time the rural 
woman works. It is a life of hardship, sacrifice, biting their lips when they wants to 
curse their husbands and keeping their sanity.

The elitist doesn't concern himself with the icy roads or the buses carrying 
rural White children to school and doesn't see fit to put up guardrails in windy 
areas. The rural working mom does worry about these things, but doesn't have 
flex-time. The snotty elitist cares nothing that many of the roads are NOT PAVED AT 
ALL, while he whines about potholes in inner cities. He never gets stuck in red mud on 
the way home 20 times a year. If he has ever been stuck in mud while recreating, he 
has a hundred grand Range Rover to get him out! God how many white people hate these 

THE WHITE TRASH  Suicide and emotional despair are common in rural areas. 
The isolation is unbearable if coupled with alcoholism, powerlessness, lack of job 
opportunities and loneliness. If one wants to tackle the problem of substance abuse 
and alcoholism (common in these areas), good luck. Without transportation to work 
programs or AA meetings (if your driver's licence is taken away) which are an hour or 
more away, the only alternative is jail time.

Families are devastated, lives are ruined and there are no programs except 
welfare to help. No midnight basketball to keep the youth out of trouble. No 
well-meaning rich liberals hovering over them asking how they can help.  OUTER CITY 

At least, the Black man is close to public transportation. He has many groups 
of all races trying to aid him. He has access to programs for troubled inner-city 
kids. Outer city kids have no such thing. White teens have the highest suicide rate of 
all ethnic groups, but we have to hear this in the context of What can we do for 
Black boys, because they are edging toward the White suicide rate.

When we hear of shootings in the inner city, they are followed up with public 
meetings about how to solve the drug and violence problem for Blacks and Browns. White 
kids are not considered at risk because of the assumption that they are all wealthy 
and privileged. When a White kid is involved in a shooting, the community looks for 
signs of White racism, and even when it is proven false, they continue to demonize 
these kids instead of asking how they can help.

What is the root of the problem? Why no race-specific programs for them? Only 
repressive means are suggested when a White child goes berserk and they always center 
around curbing our first two constitutional amendments.  WITCH HUNT FOR WHITE 
ELITISTS?  Many correctly blame White liberals for all of this. They taught us how to 
hate.  We are an equal opportunity hater, but are 


2003-01-06 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

It just doesn't fit.

Our skin is probably about the same color, but you are not a person like

I wonder if you actually qualify as a person at all, but that is another

Give him the gom jabbar

Or maybe just shoot his racist ass.

on 01/06/03 4:45 AM, Willie Martin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Most White people don't fit either definition, though they do prefer the
 company of people like themselves, as any honest person would admit to

To Bigotry No Sanction,
to Persecution No Assistance

George Washington

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] What Does Supremacy Really Mean? - 2

2003-01-06 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

on 01/06/03 5:17 AM, Willie Martin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   How long would it take a blind giant, hammering upon an
 anvil, to produce a watch? That's how long it would take the
 evolutionists to explain their stupid theory.

Luckily we have had the billions of years necessary to make it work.

And yet you seem to a powerful argument that the process is not flawless.

-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -
He who does not prefer exile to slavery is not free by any measure of
freedom, truth and duty.

   Kahil Gibran, Spirits Rebellious

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] What Does Supremacy Really Mean? - 2

2003-01-06 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

on 01/06/03 5:17 AM, Willie Martin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 "How long would it take a blind giant, hammering upon an
anvil, to produce a watch?" That's how long it would take the
evolutionists to explain their stupid theory.

Your theory is even dumber...and far less likely.

A HREF=""www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What this war is not about

2003-01-04 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-


What this war is not about


Friday, January 3, 2003 – Print Edition, Page A13

Four things the coming war against Iraq is not about:

It is not about terror. Proof A: No connection has ever been shown between
Iraq and al-Qaeda; in fact, there is long enmity between their leaders. Proof
B: U.S. leaders have clearly used Sept. 11 as a pretext to attack Iraq. Bob
Woodward says in his new book that Donald Rumsfeld was already calling for
Iraq's inclusion in the war on terror on the day after; national security
adviser Condoleezza Rice told The New Yorker she asked her staff to think
seriously about 'how do you capitalize on these opportunities [my emphasis].'
 This is the way that power thinks. Proof C (a deduction, but I find it the
most persuasive argument): Attacking Iraq will increase the danger of terror
attacks in the future. The misery of Iraqi civilians, especially kids, due to
sanctions is already closely watched in the Arab and Muslim world. Casualties
from bombing in the no fly zones are widely reported, though scarcely noted
here. New, far greater death and destruction will raise further anger, and
lead to more recruits for terror; it's elementary. Besides, even the CIA says
Saddam Hussein is most likely to use biological or chemical weapons once he
is attacked and cornered. You don't eradicate terror by creating more of it.
Surely the American leadership knows this.

It is not about weapons of mass destruction. Proof A: North Korea, whose
nuclear program is far more advanced than Iraq's, and which has the crucial
delivery systems. Yet the U.S. has declared it will not attack North Korea.
Evidently, having a real and credible WMD program exempts you from American
attack. Proof B: Israel, which has had a large nuclear arsenal for 40 years
that scares hell out of its neighbours. Security Council Resolution 687,
paragraph 14, calls for removing all WMDs from the Mideast. The U.S. has
never volunteered to enforce that clause.

It is not about democracy. Proof A: Saddam Hussein, whose tyranny the U.S.
supported with military aid, including WMDs, as detailed in Iraq's report to
the UN, up to the time at which he defied not his own people but the U.S.
Former UN relief co-ordinator Dennis Halliday says that, even after the
Persian Gulf war, U.S.-backed sanctions continued to prop up the regime and
weakened the very people who think about democracy there. Proof B, C, D:
Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, where the U.S. has far greater political and
economic clout to press for democratic reform but has never done so. Proof E:
Iran, which has limited but real democratic processes, and which made the
axis of evil list nonetheless. Proof F, G: Turkey and Indonesia, Muslim
countries with some level of democracy that got there on their own or, in
Indonesia's case, despite U.S. support for its dictator. One could go on but
one would run out of letters. The general point? Democracy is not something
likely to be imposed by an invasion. Isn't that kind of obvious?

It is not about preventing damage to the U.S. economy, as George W. Bush
suggested this week. This one defies rebuttal. He posits a nuclear, chemical
or biological attack by unproven weapons through non-existent delivery
systems, then worries about the effects on the economy rather than on human
beings. (People lying in the wreckage screaming, Omigod, I lost my job!) It's
the same sensibility he showed in cheerily approving 152 executions during
six years as Texas governor.

So what is it about? Hard to choose: oil, domination, revenge, punishing an
insubordinate client? Whew. At least we know what it isn't.

Addendum: I'm getting tired of reading in The Globe and Mail that criticizing
Israel has become a cloak for anti-Semitism, as charged by Clay Ruby, Jeff
Rose and Philip Berger, who call anti-Semitism a powerful force in the
debate on the Mideast, or even a nuanced observer such as Shira Herzog, who
claims that some critics of Israel conveniently focus on Israeli wrongdoings
to mask their blatant anti-Semitism. What I'd like is some specific
examples. The former fret over analogies drawn between Israeli policies and
apartheid, but those are made mainly by South African Jews who moved to
Israel and were disillusioned, or blacks such as Desmond Tutu -- not obvious
anti-Semites They refer broadly to chants at rallies or social slights being
on the rise. The genuine anti-Semites, meanwhile, don't seem to require any
masks or cover. David Ahenakew simply launched a classic anti-Semitic tirade.
He included a few swift asides on Israel, but he clearly needed no
camouflage. It's possible the process has worked in reverse: i.e., criticism
of Israel has made anti-Semites feel freer to speak, but so far I see no
problem making distinctions between them and the conscientious opponents of a
particular nation's policies. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Copyright © 

[CTRL] What this war is not about

2003-01-03 Thread William Shannon

What this war is not about
Friday, January 3, 2003 – Page A13 

Four things the coming war against Iraq is not about:

It is not about terror. Proof A: No connection has ever been shown between Iraq and al-Qaeda; in fact, there is long enmity between their leaders. Proof B: U.S. leaders have clearly used Sept. 11 as a pretext to attack Iraq. Bob Woodward says in his new book that Donald Rumsfeld was already calling for Iraq's inclusion in the war on terror on "the day after"; national security adviser Condoleezza Rice told The New Yorker she asked her staff "to think seriously about 'how do you capitalize on these opportunities [my emphasis].' " This is the way that power thinks. Proof C (a deduction, but I find it the most persuasive argument): Attacking Iraq will increase the danger of terror attacks in the future. The misery of Iraqi civilians, especially kids, due to sanctions is already closely watched in the Arab and Muslim world. Casualties from bombing in the "no fly" zones are widely reported, though scarcely noted here. New, far greater death and destruction will raise further anger, and lead to more recruits for terror; it's elementary. Besides, even the CIA says Saddam Hussein is most likely to use biological or chemical weapons once he is attacked and cornered. You don't eradicate terror by creating more of it. Surely the American leadership knows this.

It is not about weapons of mass destruction. Proof A: North Korea, whose nuclear program is far more advanced than Iraq's, and which has the crucial delivery systems. Yet the U.S. has declared it will not attack North Korea. Evidently, having a real and credible WMD program exempts you from American attack. Proof B: Israel, which has had a large nuclear arsenal for 40 years that scares hell out of its neighbours. Security Council Resolution 687, paragraph 14, calls for removing all WMDs from the Mideast. The U.S. has never volunteered to enforce that clause.

It is not about democracy. Proof A: Saddam Hussein, whose tyranny the U.S. supported with military aid, including WMDs, as detailed in Iraq's report to the UN, up to the time at which he defied not his own people but the U.S. Former UN relief co-ordinator Dennis Halliday says that, even after the Persian Gulf war, U.S.-backed sanctions continued to prop up the regime and "weakened the very people who think about democracy" there. Proof B, C, D: Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, where the U.S. has far greater political and economic clout to press for democratic reform but has never done so. Proof E: Iran, which has limited but real democratic processes, and which made the "axis of evil" list nonetheless. Proof F, G: Turkey and Indonesia, Muslim countries with some level of democracy that got there on their own or, in Indonesia's case, despite U.S. support for its dictator. One could go on but one would run out of letters. The general point? Democracy is not something likely to be imposed by an invasion. Isn't that kind of obvious?

It is not about preventing damage to the U.S. economy, as George W. Bush suggested this week. This one defies rebuttal. He posits a nuclear, chemical or biological attack by unproven weapons through non-existent delivery systems, then worries about the effects on the economy rather than on human beings. (People lying in the wreckage screaming, Omigod, I lost my job!) It's the same sensibility he showed in cheerily approving 152 executions during six years as Texas governor.

So what is it about? Hard to choose: oil, domination, revenge, punishing an insubordinate client? Whew. At least we know what it isn't.

Addendum: I'm getting tired of reading in The Globe and Mail that criticizing Israel has become a cloak for anti-Semitism, as charged by Clay Ruby, Jeff Rose and Philip Berger, who call anti-Semitism "a powerful force" in the debate on the Mideast, or even a nuanced observer such as Shira Herzog, who claims that "some critics of Israel conveniently focus on Israeli wrongdoings to mask their blatant anti-Semitism." What I'd like is some specific examples. The former fret over analogies drawn between Israeli policies and apartheid, but those are made mainly by South African Jews who moved to Israel and were disillusioned, or blacks such as Desmond Tutu -- not obvious anti-Semites They refer broadly to chants at rallies or social slights being on the rise. The genuine anti-Semites, meanwhile, don't seem to require any masks or cover. David Ahenakew simply launched a classic anti-Semitic tirade. He included a few swift asides on Israel, but he clearly needed no camouflage. It's possible the process has worked in reverse: i.e., criticism of Israel has made anti-Semites feel freer to speak, but so far I see no problem making distinctions between them and the conscientious opponents of a particular nation's policies. 

[CTRL] What shall be our legacy?

2003-01-01 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

What shall be our legacy?
Printed on Wednesday, January 01, 2003 @ 00:02:31 EST

By Doreen Miller YellowTimes.org Columnist (United States)

(YellowTimes.org) – It seems like only yesterday when the world was
caught up in mass hysteria and dire predictions of doom and gloom about
the impending Y2K crisis that would plunge the world into utter chaos
and darkness. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when, at the stroke of
midnight on January 1, 2000, planes did not plunge from the skies,
computer systems continued to function, and the lights remained on. In
short, life went on as usual. Little did people realize, however, that
the year 2000 was to herald in a unprecedented age of terror and

The road to hell began barely nine months into George Bush's presidency,
when the American public suffered a major terrorist attack made possible
allegedly by a simple failure of U.S. law enforcement and intelligence
agencies to connect the dots. The dust had barely settled when select
congressmen were graced with letters laced with weapon-grade anthrax
whose origins mysteriously point to a U.S. source. Next, U.S. citizens
had their Constitutionally guaranteed civil rights sharply curtailed by
the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act. Their right to privacy was even
further eroded by the just recently passed Homeland Security Act which
sets up a Total Information Awareness operation that would make George
Orwell blush.

Color-coded warnings signifying levels of terrorist threat are announced
in the media on a regular basis -- always jacked up a notch or two in
time for the holidays to further intimidate an already fearful and
paranoid public. The economy is being rocked by one corporate scandal
after another; the numbers of those without jobs, health insurance or a
place to call home continue to climb; and the few remaining safeguards
protecting the environment are quickly being dismantled. Terrorism and
other acts of violence are escalating around the globe. The world's most
powerful leader, drunk with a belief in his own invincibility,
belligerently threatens pre-emptive war and nuclear retaliation on any
country suspected of trying to undermine U.S. interests and superiority.
Indeed, the world has been plunged into an age of darkness far
surpassing its worst Y2K nightmares.

Most Americans see themselves as innocent victims in a world gone mad
and believe, quite naively, that their government holds the moral high
ground in its efforts to establish a Pax Americana worldwide. The facts,
however, reveal the United States to be not only a part of the cycle of
violence, but the largest exporter of death and destruction this world
has ever known.

Richard Grimmet of the Congressional Research Committee reported that in
fiscal year 2001, of the $26.4 billion in registered sales of
international military weapons, the United States exported $12.2
billion, or roughly 46 percent of the total. This represents 2.5 times
more than the amount sold by the second (UK) and third (Russia) largest
exporters, 9.7 times greater than the level exported by France, and 19
times more than that of China.

The Center for International Policy estimates that about 80 percent of
U.S. arms exports go to non-democratic regimes notorious for gross human
rights abuses against not only their own citizenry but people of other
countries as well. In 1999, of the forty-two conflicts in the world,
thirty-nine of them made use of U.S. military equipment or technology, a
whopping 92 percent rate of indirect U.S. participation in, but direct
support of, war and violence. The U.S. also trains foreign military in
the art of murder and torture in more than 70 countries and has troops
currently stationed in nearly three out of every four countries in the

Sadly, the lives of 3,000 civilians from the U. S. and many other
countries were lost in the September 11 attack, but where is the
American outrage at the millions of deaths that the U.S. has caused,
directly or covertly, in the twentieth century alone? Over 3,000
innocent Afghanis were killed in blind retaliation for terrorist attacks
with which these oppressed people had nothing to do. Add hundreds of
thousands of preventable deaths of mostly elderly, infants and young
children in Iraq due to over ten years of extreme economic sanctions,
demanded by the U.S., that prevent Iraq from importing essential
medicines and disinfecting agents because of their potential for dual
usage. Don't forget the 500,000 deaths in wars supported by the U.S. in
Guatemala, El Salvador, Chile, Argentina, Haiti, Panama, and other Latin
American countries over the past half century, or the hundreds of
thousands more in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.

The United States is just as guilty as any other nation in targeting
civilian population centers -- cities such as Dresden, Hamburg, and
Tokyo were mercilessly firebombed during World War II; atomic bombs were
dropped in Hiroshima 


2002-12-30 Thread Nessie SFBG
-Caveat Lector-


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-12-29 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/28/2002 1:30:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Everyone wants the inept president to go, except the desperate poor who
 still cling to the hope that he might eventually change their lot. Barry
 Lynn, a former AFP correspondent in Venezuela, outlines the dynamics of
 Venezuela’s passion play in the upcoming issue of Mother
 Jones. Barry
 Lynn, Mother jones, Jan/Feb 2003

Wouldn't it be nice if we just left it to Venezuela to take care of its own business.  
I'm not too crazy about my own president, but I sure don't want someone from another 
country telling me what to do, how to vote or that they should be allowed to come in 
to change things for what they might consider the better.  Apparently sovereign now 
refers only to antique coins.  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-12-28 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

From the Globalbeat headline page (http://www.nyu.edu/globalbeat/), we
find this strangely slanted intro to an article by Mother Jones:

(title hyperlinked to

Everyone wants the inept president to go, except the desperate poor who
still cling to the hope that he might eventually change their lot. Barry
Lynn, a former AFP correspondent in Venezuela, outlines the dynamics of
Venezuela’s passion play in the upcoming issue of Mother Jones. Barry
Lynn, Mother jones, Jan/Feb 2003

I guess we can determine how Globalbeat feels about the situation from
that remark.  The word inept or any inferences to it were not to be
found in the MJ article that I could find, wonder why they would choose
such a description, hmmm?  ?  I’d also like to know who “everyone” that
“wants him to go” are, as well.  Considering what he's up against, I'd
say Chavez is showing himself to be anything BUT inept!  Despite the
monumental challenges he faces, he is making progress, and I do hope the
people will have the patience to give this thing a chance.  Here's the
MJ article, giving us a rather good peek into the grassroots development
of democracy in action.  I dare say it holds many similarities to the
beginnings of our own history - which didn't always move as smoothly
toward the democratic process as we were taught in school!  Class
struggles will always be used to keep the people divided and controlled,
an important point we should not forget.

From Mother Jones:
Chaos and Constitution
With his country teetering on the brink of disaster, Venezuela's Hugo
Chávez clings to power -- thanks primarily to the passionate support of
the nation's poor.

Barry C. Lynn January/February 2003

You can buy a plastic-bound copy of the Venezuelan Constitution for 60
cents, a leather-clad copy for $3, a coffee-table edition for $5. Not
that you really need a copy of your own, since someone standing near you
on the subway in Caracas will have one in his pocket. Or you can always
listen to one of the ongoing debates at a downtown park. Look at this
article, someone will shout, and a half dozen people will flip through
the constitution's 35,000 words and 350 articles to find the pertinent
passage. Yes, someone else will cry out. But this one here is more to
the point.

Leila Escobar, a lab technician in her early 30s, carries a pocket-size
copy of the new constitution, bound in blue plastic. I meet her late one
morning in Nueva Grenada, a grimy, run-down neighborhood in the
Venezuelan capital, and the mid-October day is unseasonably hot. As a
passing cloud offers relief, Escobar pauses to wipe the sweat from her
face with a red handkerchief. She has walked seven miles already, near
the head of a march by hundreds of thousands who have come out in
support of President Hugo Chávez. It has been six months since Chávez
was ousted briefly in a coup, and now his opponents -- business leaders,
a handful of military officers, almost all of the nation's media -- are
once again trying to orchestrate his removal. So Escobar and other
chavistas have taken to the streets, vowing to protect the president --
with their bodies, if necessary.

The reason for their support has everything to do with the little blue
book Escobar carries. In one of his first acts as president, Chávez held
a nationwide referendum on the constitution that effectively redrew the
political boundaries of Venezuela from the ground up. Over the past four
years, through a series of new laws and programs, he has mobilized the
poor to participate in what had always been a top-down, two-party
political system dominated by the country's upper and middle classes.
The president has brought us hope, and he has brought us democracy,
says Escobar. They will not take him from us.

Like most Venezuelans, Escobar has plenty of reason to be dissatisfied.
Since Chávez won election in 1998, even many of his staunchest
supporters believe he has mismanaged the economy and picked needless
fights with the opposition. Under his leadership, Venezuela has fallen
into severe recession: Factories are shuttered, inflation is soaring,
and credit has disappeared. The government sits atop the largest reserve
of oil in the hemisphere, yet upwards of 40 percent of Venezuelans still
live in poverty. But despite the widespread economic misery, what upsets
Escobar most is that Venezuela's rich want Chávez out of power, now.
Chávez, she says, is the only leader who has ever cared for Venezuela's
poor. The rich have always had so much, and we, nothing, she explains
as thousands of marchers -- mostly of mestizo or African descent --
surge past, blowing whistles, singing, waving flags. Now Chávez wants
the rich still to have, but us too, a little.

Since the demonstration in October, tensions in Venezuela have escalated
to the brink of civil war. A nationwide general strike, called by Chàvez
opponents, has stretched into 

[CTRL] What are the odds?

2002-12-12 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Ronnie's a Democrat.  Lott's a Repbulican.  Lott resigns due to his recent trip on 
tongue.  Ronnie appoints a new Senator -- a Democrat.  The Senate goes back to even ...
or close to it.  Daschle doesn't make too many waves while waiting for all this fall 
place, from Lott falling on his face (after the trip on the tongue).  What are the 

I see from the MS state legislature page that there are more Ds than Rs.  What're 
odds?  http://www.ls.state.ms.us/  (go to the members for each house then to the
members' roster where there's a chart of all the peoples)

Ronnie Musgrove


On  January 4, 2000, Ronnie Musgrove was elected Mississippi's  62nd Governor.

His term as Governor follows a distinguished career of public service. As a two-term 
senator, Musgrove chaired the Education Committee. As Lieutenant Governor, he was
recognized nationally as a leader among his peers, and served as chairman of the 
Conference of Lieutenant Governors in 1998.

Currently he serves on the Southern Regional Education Board (chairman), the Southern
States Energy Board (chairman), the Executive Committee of the Southern Governors
Association, the Southern Growth Policies Board (chairman), and the Executive Committee
of the Democratic Governors' Association and the National Governors' Association.

Relentless. Determined. Persistent. These are the words used to describe Governor
Musgrove's commitment to improving the quality of life for every Mississippian. By 
education, health care, economic growth and public safety, Governor Musgrove is making 
difference for Mississippi.

In July 2001, Governor Musgrove signed legislation he championed clearing the way for a
historic teacher pay raise for Mississippi's teachers. His plan, when fully 
implemented, will
raise the average teacher pay in the state from 49th to 19th in the nation. The New 
Times praised the package, saying Mississippi had put together the kind of package 
continues to elude New York.

Governor Musgrove is also focusing on providing Mississippi's students with the tools
necessary to compete in the economy of the 21st century. He created the Task Force on
Classroom Technology, which will place an Internet-accessible computer in every public
school classroom in the state by the end of 2002.

Also in May 2000, Governor Musgrove unveiled a new plan of action to promote the
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which provides much-needed insurance
coverage to the children of Mississippi's working families. Because of his leadership, 
additional 52,000 Mississippi children have access to healthcare, an increase of 100 
the number covered when the Governor took office.

Governor Musgrove created a new economic development plan, the Advantage Mississippi
Initiative. With the passage of supporting legislation, Mississippi now has the 
over our competing states. The Advantage Mississippi Initiative played a key role in
Mississippi's securing of a $1.4 billion Nissan plant with 5,300 jobs.

A graduate of Northwest Community College, the University of Mississippi and the 
of Mississippi Law School, Governor Musgrove is the proud father of two children, 
(17) and Carmen Rae (14).

Return to About the Governor

All rights are reserved to the Office of the Governor.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What will be the trigger for war?

2002-11-30 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

What will be the trigger for war?

As inspectors begin checking Iraqi sites, peace hinges on the
interpretation of one phrase: 'material breach'

Julian Borger in Washington and Ewen MacAskill
Wednesday November 27, 2002
The Guardian

UN weapons inspectors begin their work in Iraq today, launching a
tense new chapter in the confrontation with Saddam Hussein in which
war and peace are likely to hinge on the legal interpretation of two
words: material breach.

The UN teams refused to disclose the target of their first
inspection, but observers predicted it would be a suspected weapons
site visited by earlier inspections in the 1990s.

The White House put Baghdad on notice that it would be closely
scrutinised for its behaviour towards the inspectors, and that Mr
Bush would have zero tolerance for infractions.

One of the two chief weapons inspectors, Hans Blix, has warned that
the burden of proof will be on Iraq, saying he would demand
convincing evidence in the form of documents or testimony from
officials, that weapons material that has not yet been accounted
for, has been destroyed.

A material breach, or substantial violation, of UN resolution 1441 -
which established the rules for inspections earlier this month -
would, according to the resolution, trigger serious consequences
for Saddam Hussein's regime. At a time when the US is massing its
forces in the Gulf, there is little doubt what those consequences
are likely to be.

Much will depend, then, on what the UN security council deems to be
a sufficiently serious violation to constitute such a breach. For
example, would a simple incident of deception be enough, or would it
require a pattern of behaviour?

US hawks want the concept of material breach to serve as a hair
trigger for action. The French and Russians want it as a safety
catch; but if they refuse to acknowledge any violation, no matter
how egregious, as a material breach, the US and Britain say they
will go to war without UN blessing.

But there are conflicting views not only among Washington, London,
Paris, Moscow and Beijing, but also within the British and US
governments. The threshold for launching a war put forward by Tony
Blair on Monday was radically different from the one proposed by the
foreign secretary, Jack Straw. The differences within the Bush
administration are at least as serious.

There has already been a row over the issue, days before the
inspectors set foot in Iraq. The US claimed that Iraqi anti-aircraft
fire against American and British planes patrolling the no-fly zones
over the country constituted a hostile act against personnel from
a UN member state, under paragraph 8 of the resolution.

However, every other security council member, including Britain,
insisted that this clause was intended to refer only to Iraqi
behaviour towards the inspection teams. Washington opted not to take
its complaint to the council, knowing it would be voted down, but it
may well bring the incident up later if it seeks to prove a pattern
of non-compliance.

The high-stakes debate is likely to get progressively more heated as
the consensus behind Resolution 1441 is tested by events in Iraq,
starting with Baghdad's declaration of its biological, chemical and
nuclear weapons, due on December 8.

Here are six possible scenarios and an analysis of whether they
could lead to war:

· On December 8, Iraq admits it has weapons of mass destruction and
gives full details to the inspectors

This would not constitute a material breach, but rather the
best-case scenario for inspections, paving the way for full
disarmament. It is generally seen as over-optimistic.

· On December 8, Iraq denies that it has weapons of mass destruction

In such a case, Baghdad could simply send in a short note of denial
- or, more likely, a long list of non-military factories and
laboratories, and invite inspections of the sites.

In that case, the US and Britain will denounce the declaration as a
lie, because both countries claim to have intelligence that Iraq has
substantial weapons programmes.

However, it is far from clear that the declaration would represent a
material breach.

Paragraph 4 of resolution 1441 states that false statements or
omissions in the declaration and failure to cooperate with the
inspectors would constitute a material breach.

The use of and rather than or was intensively debated by the
security council, and was a condition for its unanimous support for
the resolution.

Despite hints to the contrary from Tony Blair, British government
officials say the declaration alone will not provide a justification
for military action. The US state department privately agrees.
However, the White House is keeping its options open. A spokesman,
Sean McCormack, said yesterday that any omission or deception in
the declaration would be a material breach.

Hawks in the Pentagon and US vice president's office have warned the
president that the December 8 declaration may be the best
opportunity to 

Re: [CTRL] What will be the trigger for war?

2002-11-30 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: goldi316 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2002 8:17 PM
Subject: [CTRL] What will be the trigger for war?

 -Caveat Lector-

 What will be the trigger for war?

No trigger needed so to speak.

Just don't be in Baghdad on February 1st 2003, although the bad vibrations
may mean another September 11th 2001 on February 1st 2003. But, I prefer to
keep out of Baghdad than Los Angeles so to speak.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What is Antisemitism?

2002-11-25 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

What is Antisemitism?

By Michael Neumann

Every once in a while, some left-wing Jewish writer will take a deep breath, open up his (or her) great big heart, and tell us that criticism of Israel or Zionism is not antisemitism. Silently they congratulate themselves on their courage. With a little sigh, they suppress any twinge of concern that maybe the goyim--let alone the Arabs--can't be trusted with this dangerous knowledge.

Sometimes it is gentile hangers-on, whose ethos if not their identity aspires to Jewishness, who take on this task. Not to be utterly risqué, they then hasten to remind us that antisemitism is nevertheless to be taken very seriously. That Israel, backed by a pronounced majority of Jews, happens to be waging a race war against the Palestinians is all the more reason we should be on our guard. Who knows? it might possibly stir up some resentment!

I take a different view. I think we should almost never take antisemitism seriously, and maybe we should have some fun with it. I think it is particularly unimportant to the Israel-Palestine conflict, except perhaps as a diversion from the real issues. I will argue for the truth of these claims; I also defend their propriety. I don't think making them is on a par with pulling the wings off flies.

"Antisemitism", properly and narrowly speaking, doesn't mean hatred of semites; that is to confuse etymology with definition. It means hatred of Jews. But here, immediately, we come up against the venerable shell-game of Jewish identity: "Look! We're a religion! No! a race! No! a cultural entity! Sorry--a religion!" When we tire of this game, we get suckered into another: "anti-Zionism is antisemitism! " quickly alternates with: "Don't confuse Zionism with Judaism! How dare you, you antisemite!"

Well, let's be good sports. Let's try defining antisemitism as broadly as any supporter of Israel would ever want: antisemitism can be hatred of the Jewish race, or culture, or religion, or hatred of Zionism. Hatred, or dislike, or opposition, or slight unfriendliness.

But supporters of Israel won't find this game as much fun as they expect. Inflating the meaning of 'antisemitism' to include anything politically damaging to Israel is a double-edged sword. It may be handy for smiting your enemies, but the problem is that definitional inflation, like any inflation, cheapens the currency. The more things get to count as antisemitic, the less awful antisemitism is going to sound. This happens because, while no one can stop you from inflating definitions, you still don't control the facts. In particular, no definition of 'antisemitism' is going to eradicate the substantially pro-Palestinian version of the facts which I espouse, as do most people in Europe, a great many Israelis, and a growing number of North Americans.

What difference does that make? Suppose, for example, an Israeli rightist says that the settlements represent the pursuit of aspirations fundamental to the Jewish people, and to oppose the settlements is antisemitism. We might have to accept this claim; certainly it is difficult to refute. But we also cannot abandon the well-founded belief that the settlements strangle the Palestinian people and extinguish any hope of peace. So definitional acrobatics are all for nothing: we can only say, screw the fundamental aspirations of the Jewish people; the settlements are wrong. We must add that, since we are obliged to oppose the settlements, we are obliged to be antisemitic. Through definitional inflation, some form of 'antisemitism' has become morally obligatory.

It gets worse if anti-Zionism is labeled antisemitic, because the settlements, even if they do not represent fundamental aspirations of the Jewish people, are an entirely plausible extension of Zionism. To oppose them is indeed to be anti-Zionist, and therefore, by the stretched definition, antisemitic. The more antisemitism expands to include opposition to Israeli policies, the better it looks. Given the crimes to be laid at the feet of Zionism, there is another simple syllogism: anti-Zionism is a moral obligation, so, if anti-Zionism is antisemitism, antisemitism is a moral obligation.

What crimes? Even most apologists for Israel have given up denying them, and merely hint that noticing them is a bit antisemitic. After all, Israel 'is no worse than anyone else'. First, so what? At age six we knew that "everyone's doing it" is no excuse; have we forgotten? Second, the crimes are no worse only when divorced from their purpose. Yes, other people have killed civilians, watched them die for want of medical care, destroyed their homes, ruined their crops, and used them as human shields. But Israel does these things to correct the inaccuracy of Israel Zangwill's 1901 assertion that "Palestine is a country without a people; the Jews are a people without a country". It hopes to create a land entirely empty of gentiles, an Arabia 

[CTRL] What the secret court decision means for citizens

2002-11-21 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



To print this page, select File then Print from your browser

URL: http://www.knoxnews.com/kns/national/article/0,1406,KNS_350_1556029,00.html

What the secret court decision means for citizens

November 19, 2002

Over the protests of civil libertarians, the courts are clearing the way for a massive
expansion of police powers to wiretap and conduct surveillance on people inside the 
States under the name of the war against terrorism.

Ruling for the first time in its history, the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance 
Court of
Review this week gave the green light to police listening in on phone calls, reading 
and conducting no-knock clandestine searches of Americans' homes and offices to 
criminal intelligence on terrorist activities. The ruling came in response to a 
warrant turned
down by a lower court.

There are only hints of how extensive this sort of snooping might be, and the public
probably will never know how federal agencies are using the expanded powers that
Congress gave the FBI in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks in New York and Washington.
The warrants for the snooping are issued in secret, and agents keep secret what they 
and hear.

Many people who will come under government scrutiny may never know about it. The
scope of government activity could emerge in court suits, but those instances are 
likely to
be rare because government agencies are collecting intelligence - not evidence. Normal
legal challenges to evidence collected by surveillance, which provide a wealth of 
on police activities, aren't likely to crop up.

Here in question and answer form is a discussion of the issues raised by defenders and
opponents of the process.

Q: Is government snooping constitutional?

A: Yes. The Supreme Court has held that police can conduct clandestine surveillance 
warrants issued by courts without violating Fourth Amendment restrictions on search and
seizure. In 1968, Congress set up the procedure police follow in domestic criminal
investigations. A decade later, in response to Cold War spying, lawmakers passed the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which created a special court that sits in 
secret to
hear requests for warrants when the government's primary purpose is tracking foreign
agents. Last year, under the USA Patriot Act, Congress expanded the scope of that 
court, saying the government only had to show a significant purpose of the snooping
involved foreign intelligence matters to obtain the warrants.

Q: How much snooping is going on?

A: The government made 934 requests for warrants from the secret court last year, but
some requests could involve multiple individuals. Until this year, the court had never
rejected a government request for a warrant to snoop.

Q: What sort of surveillance is approved?

A: The secret court can approve clandestine break-ins of people's homes; monitor how
suspects use the Internet and the sites they visit; and use roving warrants to cover
various phones suspects might use. The USA Patriot Act also allows police to collect
financial, medical and library records of those targeted.

Q: Can material gathered under warrants issued by the special court later be used in a
criminal trial?

A: Yes. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said the purpose of the USA Patriot Act was to break
down a division between criminal and foreign intelligence surveillance activities, and 
police to carry out clandestine surveillance even of criminal suspects. This week's 
ruling by
the special Foreign Intelligence Surveillance appeals court upholds using secret
investigations in probes of criminal violations.

Q: How does the secret court differ from a normal court?

A: Under regular procedures, police have to show they have probable cause of a crime
being committed before they can obtain a court warrant to snoop on individuals. Under
these procedures courts also monitor what the police are doing to ensure any evidence
collected is directly connected with what the government said it wanted. But under the
special FISA court, warrants are sought from the secret court only under certification 
Attorney General John Ashcroft that the warrant is needed. Unlike regular courts, the 
court does not supervise what data the government is collecting.

Q: Doesn't this give an awful lot of power to executive agencies?

A: That's a central complaint of civil libertarians, who contend the attorney general 
been given extraordinary powers. Brooklyn Law School professor Susan Herman said
Congress and the judiciary have very little role in the process, and the surveillance 
have transferred extraordinary powers to the executive branch.

Q: Can innocent Americans not a target of a government terrorist investigation be 
under scrutiny of a FISA warrant?

A: Yes. It's already happened. The Justice 

[CTRL] What Bodies?

2002-11-19 Thread Dale Stonehouse
-Caveat Lector-


APF Reporter Vol.20 #3 Index Home

What Bodies?
by Patrick J. Sloyan

Leon Daniel, as did others who reported from Vietnam during the 1960s, knew
about war and death. So he was puzzled by the lack of corpses at the tip of
the Neutral Zone between Saudi Arabia and Iraq on Feb. 25, 1991. Clearly
there had been plenty of killing. The 1st Infantry Division (Mechanized) had
smashed through the defensive front-line of Saddam Hussein's army the day
before, Feb. 24, the opening of the Desert Storm ground war to retake
Kuwait. Daniel, representing United Press International, was part of a press
pool held back from witnessing the assault on 8,000 Iraqi defenders. They
wouldn't let us see anything, said Daniel, who had seen about everything as
a combat correspondent.

 A destroyed Iraqi tank rests near a series of oil well fires during the
Gulf War on March 9, 1991 in northern Kuwait. Hundreds of fires burned out
of control, casting a pall of toxic smoke over the Emirate and raising
health and environmental concerns.
(AP Photo/David Longstreath)

The artillery barrage alone was enough to cause a slaughter. A 30-minute
bombardment by howitzers and multiple-launch rockets scattering thousands of
tiny bomblets preceded the attack by 8,400 American soldiers riding in 3,000
M1A2 Abrams main battle tanks, Bradley fighting vehicles, Humvees, armored
personnel carriers and other vehicles.

It wasn't until late in the afternoon of Feb. 25 that the press pool was
permitted to see where the attack occurred. There were groups of Iraqi
prisoners. About 2,000 had surrendered. But there were no bodies, no stench
of feces that hovers on a battlefield, no blood stains, no bits of human
beings. You get a little firefight in Vietnam and the bodies would be
stacked up like cordwood, Daniel said. Finally, Daniel found the Division
public affairs officer, an Army major.

Where the hell are all the bodies? Daniel said.

What bodies? the officer replied.

Daniel and the rest of the world would not find out until months later why
the dead had vanished. Thousands of Iraqi soldiers, some of them alive and
firing their weapons from World War I-style trenches, were buried by plows
mounted on Abrams main battle tanks. The Abrams flanked the trench lines so
that tons of sand from the plow spoil funneled into the trenches. Just
behind the tanks, actually straddling the trench line, came M2 Bradleys
pumping 7.62mm machine gun bullets into the Iraqi troops.

I came through right after the lead company, said Army Col. Anthony
Moreno, who commanded the lead brigade during the 1st Mech's assault. What
you saw was a bunch of buried trenches with people's arms and land things
sticking out of them. For all I know, we could have killed thousands.

 Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf is shown at ease with his tank troops at
Operation Desert Storm in Saudi Arabia, January 12, 1991.
(AP Photo/Bob Daugherty)

A thinner line of trenches on Moreno's left flank was attacked by the 1st
Brigade commanded by Col. Lon Maggart. He estimated his troops buried about
650 Iraqi soldiers. Darkness halted the attack on the Iraqi trench line. By
the next day, the 3rd Brigade joined in the grisly innovation. A lot of
people were killed,' said Col. David Weisman, the unit commander.

One reason there was no trace of what happened in the Neutral Zone on those
two days were the ACEs. It stands for Armored Combat Earth movers and they
came behind the armored burial brigade leveling the ground and smoothing
away projecting Iraqi arms, legs and equipment.

PFC Joe Queen of the 1st Engineers was impervious to small arms fire inside
the cockpit of the massive earth mover. He remained cool and professional as
he smoothed away all signs of the carnage. Queen won the Bronze Star for his
efforts. A lot of guys were seared, Queen said, but I enjoyed it. Col.
Moreno estimated more than 70 miles of trenches and earthen bunkers were
attacked, filled in and smoothed over on Feb. 24-25.

What happened at the Neutral Zone that day has become a metaphor for the
conduct of modern warfare. While political leaders bask in voter approval
for destroying designated enemies, they are increasingly determined to mask
the reality of warfare that causes voters to recoil. There was no more
sophisticated practitioner of this art of bloodless warfare than President
George H. W. Bush. As a Navy pilot during World War II, Bush knew the ugly
side of war. He once recounted how a sailor wandered into an aircraft
propeller on their carrier in the South Pacific. The chief petty officer in
charge of the flight deck called for brooms to sweep the man's guts
overboard. I can still hear him, Bush said of the chief's orders. I have
seen the hideous face of war.

Bush was badly stung by the reality of warfare while president. After the
1989 American invasion of Panama - where reporters were also blocked from
witnessing a short-lived slaughter in Panama 

[CTRL] What do you call a national emergency that never ends?

2002-11-13 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

What do you call a "national emergency" that never ends?

Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 00:15:26 -0500 
Subject: FC: What do you call a "national emergency" that never ends? 
From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Answer: Permanent?

See also:

"Alert! President Bush declares national 

"Emergency Powers and National Emergencies"



 Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release November 12, 2002


 Section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) 
for the automatic termination of a national emergency unless, prior to the
anniversary date of its declaration, the President publishes in the Federal
Register and transmits to the Congress a notice stating that the emergency 
is to
continue in effect beyond the anniversary date. In accordance with this
provision, I have sent the enclosed notice, stating that the emergency posed by
the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems
declared by Executive Order 12938 on November 14, 1994, as amended, is to
continue in effect beyond November 14, 2002, to the Federal Register for
publication. The most recent notice continuing this emergency was published in
the Federal Register on November 13, 2001 (66 FR 56965).

 The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and the means of
delivering them continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the
national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United 
States. Therefore,
I have determined the national emergency previously declared must continue in
effect beyond November 14, 2002.


 November 6, 2002.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] What Happened

2002-11-06 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-

What happened over there in the states we 
british are bemused?
You all had the chance not to vote Jeb 
Bush back in and what did you do?
You put the idiot back in We are 
stunned here Do you guys realy want this little toe rag running Florida.I am 
amazed at the american public who I had such admiration for and now I just dont 
know what to think!
Th Mermaid 
A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] What Happened

2002-11-06 Thread Rose
-Caveat Lector-

I'm hoping that someone else can answer these questions for me because
I don't know! How my fellow Americans can be so blind, deaf and dumb is
beyond me. I'm discouraged and feel that getting to the polls yesterday
to vote was just a waste of my time. It may be that the lack of integrity
and backbone showed by the Democrat party in the last two years means that
it's no longer two parties, that it's really only one party and what diffence
would it make who wins? Whatever it means, you can be sure now that the
war is on, and the Bush family is jubilent.
Mermaid wrote:
-Caveat Lector-
happened over there in the states we british are bemused?You
all had the chance not to vote Jeb Bush back in and what did you do?You
put the idiot back in We are stunned here Do you guys realy want this
little toe rag running Florida.I am amazed at the american public who I
had such admiration for and now I just dont know what to think!Th
Mermaid EnglandA HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org/A>
DECLARATION  DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion  informational
exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not
soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with
its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically
by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the
spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement
to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what
you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. 
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] What Happened

2002-11-06 Thread alien
-Caveat Lector-

You're not the only one totally baffled at the election results. I had
hoped and expected to see the alleged second party in the US make a
strong showing and it just didn't happen. But I have to agree that Jeb
Bush's being re-elected in Florida is disgusting.

 Mermaid wrote:

 What happened over there in the states we british are bemused? You all had the 
chance not to vote Jeb Bush back in and what did you do?
 You put the idiot back in We are stunned here Do you guys realy  want this 
little toe rag running Florida.I am amazed at the american public who I had such 
admiration for and now I just dont know what to think!
 Th Mermaid England

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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