CS: Field-threat to shoots

2000-10-24 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


You're right about the getting involved bit.

Our Parish has had a number of vacancies over the last
6 years and I have written in on 3 occasions responding
to Notice Boards requests from the PC for replacement

Well strange thing is they ignored my letter on 2
occasions and appointed others.  On 3rd I rolled up to
the Meeting and they (embarrassed) announced
that again they selected another.  This time I got a
letter saying "sorry".

Seems that they tend to elect their own like minded
souls, don't want someone who will rock the boat, or
know more about what they blather on about for 4 hours
every 4 weeks!!

I even thought of starting my own "Alternative" P/Council
Still, will keep on trying

Tom C


Perhaps you should pull-off a walk-in.
Find out where they are holding their meetings,
and arrive unannounced to attend one, or several of them.
Thing is, if they are holding a 'star chamber' sort
of meeting, and demand that you leave, then you have the
ammunition with which to take them all to task.
Should not all of their meetings be open and
attended by all who wish to know what they are discussing?
And what excuse could they use to exclude their
fellow citizens from meetings that will affect them?
Who - on that board of individuals - could possibly
connive to deprive the citizens of the information that is
conducted in the normal course of business?


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CS: Pol-Police review articles

2000-10-24 Thread David Rovardi

From:   "David Rovardi", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It seems the police like to push the point about LETHAL
firearms, a car becomes lethal if you run some one over
with it. I very much doubt if my guns or for that matter
most on the list will ever be used in a lethal manner.


David Rovardi

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CS: Legal-Ryan

2000-10-24 Thread Nicholas Jones

From:   "Nicholas Jones", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Anyone in the UK would now accept its easier to get an
illegal gun and use that, rather then apply for a FAC.

Only when told what a hassle it is by FAC owners. Don't forget, many members
of the public still think that we can store handguns at our clubs and use
them there - I corrected someone at my factory about that a few weeks ago.

Another advantage to a criminal purchase is that the
police would not have 3 spare photos of you to issue
to the police snipers!!

Again, not known to the public/not considered by most criminals as they
ahven't a clue about the application process.

I'm not criticising Tom, but we need to remember that the public won't know
what we FAC holders take for granted as common knowledge. When writing to
MPs or newspapers, mention ALL these facts to hammer home the message of how
detailed the FAC procedure is.

Nik Jones

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CS: Pol-Police Review

2000-10-24 Thread IG


Web Site of Police Federation of England and Wales:


They are still building this but soon you'll be able to
send them e-mails.

I guess that there are more than one or two people who
can't wait to comment on some of the rubbish they print
in Poice Review.  Truly I don't mean this destructively
but the police are such an exclusive bretheren that some
sensibly written input from outside can only do good.

Police Review is an independant publication with absolutely no connection
with the Police Federation. It will therefore be of no use emailing the
Federation office as they have no influence over this magazine.
The magazine of the Federation is called simply 'Police'. It is published
monthly as opposed to weekly.
Why dont you try sending a letter or article for publication? You may get a
pleasant surprise.
Having said that, given the amount of vitriolic, ignorant and ill informed
comments coupled with open hostility regarding the police that appear on
here, it is more than likely that no response at all would be forthcoming.
PC Plod
(Fed Rep for a large area of a large police force with a good licensing
dept. that NEVER make any mistakes and an even better armed response unit)
(AKA as IG)

Lights the blue touchpaper and stands back again.

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CS: Target-Sportsmens Battalion - info wanted

2000-10-24 Thread Tgarth


Can anyone point me in the direction of any sources of
information (websites, books, periodical articles etc)
about a British army unit of the First World 
War, named the 1st Sportsmens Battalion?

All help gratefully received.

Actually I've always thought a definitive history
of the Artist's Rifles would be quite interesting,
I hear often that they formed a regiment that became
21 SAS but little more than that.


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CS: Misc-Useful Quote

2000-10-24 Thread John Hurst

From:   "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Forty-two years ago, in 1958, a collection of essays by a Brit, Aldous
Huxley, was published under the name 'Brave New World Revisited'.
A short, verbatim excerpt consisting of 6 sentences from his
concluding chapter is below:

"We may expect to see in the democratic countries a reversal of the
process which transformed England into a democracy, while retaining
all of the outward forms of a monarchy.  Under the relentless thrust
of accelerating over-population and increasing over-organization, and
by means of ever more effective methods of mind-manipulation, the
democracies will change their nature; the quaint old forms--elections,
parliaments, Supreme Courts and all the rest will remain.  The
underlying substance will be a new kind of non-violent
totalitarianism.  All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans
will remain exactly what they were in the good old days.  Democracy
and freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial--but
democracy and freedom in a strictly Pickwickian sense.
Meanwhile, the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of
soldiers, policemen, thought manufacturers and mind manipulators will
quietly run the show as they see fit."

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CS: Misc-Sign-off Line

2000-10-24 Thread KiPng


I rather liked the following sign off line from an American friend:

Annoy a Fascist: Just Say No to Gun Control!
Annoy a Liberal: Think!

Kenneth Pantling

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2000-10-24 Thread Jim Franklin

From:   "Jim Franklin", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(snip).. said the SuperintendentsÆ Association.
'We believe .. said Peter Gammon,
the associationÆs president.

'We stand by evidence we gave to the committee that
there should be a system of licensing for airguns. They
can be lethal weapons.

There are some very powerful air
weapons not subject to licensing on the market: he said.

Anybody got an address. Its worth requiring this character to explain the
last sentence.

Jim Franklin
PGP key on request
The PSA don't seem able to accept the fact that they are
wrong, remember Brian MacKenzie, who stood up at the PSA
AGM and said the 1996 HAC report was: "Rubbsh and should
be thrown in the bin."  So they gave him a peerage!


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