CS: Misc-John Wayne Winchester Custom Model

2001-01-16 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I am trying to find out more about the Winchester underlever
rifle that John Wayne used in several of his films.

In "El Dorado" it was commented that it was a customised rifle.

The outward appearance of the rifle is that of a 1873, 1892 or
1894 carbine model with the Large Loop in probably a 16" barrel

The Large Loop is sometimes credited as being invented by John
Wayne, is this correct?

Any information on specifications would be appreciated, & I have
seen various commemorative editions, though nothing recently

Many thanks

Earl W
I don't think it was invented by John Wayne, Robert Stack used
one in "The Rifleman" but I'm not sure which was filmed first.


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CS: Legal-PCA investigation condemns Sussex Police

2001-01-16 Thread Chris R. Tame

From:   "Chris R. Tame", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Police slated for murder case failings
>Complaints authority accuses force of systemic failure over inquiry into
>killing of businessman and 'ill-founded' prosecution of his wife
>Special report: policing crime
>Bob Woffinden
>Monday January 15, 2001
>The police complaints authority has found Sussex police guilty of "systemic"
>failure over its handling of the investigation into the murder of a
>businessman, Richard Watson.
>The report will be one of the last from the PCA, which is due to be replaced
>by an independent police complaints body, and is one of the most critical it
>has made. One leading lawyer described it as "perhaps the most strongly
>worded PCA report I've ever seen".
>Watson was murdered by an unknown gunman outside his home at East Grinstead,
>Sussex, in December 1996. His wife Linda and stepdaughter Amanda were
>charged with his murder, but acquitted. The PCA described the prosecution as
>Watson's wife, now known as Linda Henderson, said yesterday: "The energies I
>would have used to fight for my husband's killer to be brought to justice
>have had to be used to fight for my daughter and myself - two innocent
>victims who became victims all over again, this time at the hands of Sussex
>Mrs Henderson, a former beauty queen, and her daughter suffered not only the
>grief and shock of bereavement, but also the trauma of being immediately
>identified as key suspects. They were questioned for days and, over a period
>of months, every detail of their private lives was minutely scrutinised.
>Their house was bugged by police, they suffered the humiliation of
>unnecessarily public arrests, were thrown into Holloway prison for two
>weeks, and were vilified in sections of the media.
>When the case came up at the Old Bailey in June 1998 the prosecution offered
>no evidence against them. The judge said they left court without a stain on
>their character.
>After their acquittal the women contacted the PCA through their solicitor,
>Jeff Hide. On behalf of the women he itemised 32 areas of complaint,
>starting from when the original 999 call was made.
>The investigation was carried out on behalf of the PCA by a team from the
>Metropolitan police headed by Commander Peter Clarke and Det Ch Insp Ian
>Delbarre. The completed report has now been sent to Sussex police. Although
>they have so far refused to disclose it, Duncan Gear, the PCA member dealing
>with the case, has provided both women with a lengthy summary of its
>The PCA investigation has concluded: "Sussex police failed to properly
>investigate the murder of Richard Watson and this arose from a systemic
>failure by Sussex police."
>The police case was that Watson had been shot from the balcony of the house,
>and that this implicated the women. The PCA, however, has found that: "Too
>much significance was placed upon the belief Richard Watson had been shot
>from the balcony - the evidence did not justify [this] scenario."
>Watson had some murky business dealings, and there were a number of very
>obvious motives for his murder. The PCA concluded that "other lines of
>inquiry were not adequately pursued and officers failed to keep an open
>The catalogue of complaints against Sussex police began with the immediate
>response to the murder. At the time the two women were alone in the house.
>The police station was less than half a mile away. Yet for almost an hour
>after the 999 call the police refused to attend the crime scene, in case the
>gunman was still there.
>Nor would they allow emergency medical services through, even though, for
>all they knew, Watson's life could have been saved.
>In view of the wholesale failings which it identified, the PCA concluded
>that "it would not be appropriate to institute formal disciplinary
>proceedings against the junior officers. The main responsibility for the
>errors identified must rest with Det Supt Paul Westwood in his capacity as
>senior investigating officer".
>Mr Westwood, who declined to assist the PCA inquiry, has now retired from
>the police and is no longer subject to police discipline regulations.
>His deputy, and the man who took over the investigation after Westwood's
>retirement, was Det Insp Nicholas Siggs. The investigation found a complaint
>about his conduct to be "substantiated". It laid the blame for "many" of the
>errors with Mr Westwood and Mr Siggs. Mr Siggs has also retired from the
>police and so is similarly outside the scope of disciplinary proceedings.
>Sussex police said: "We accept that there were serious shortcomings in
>aspects of the original investigation. We are constantly reviewing our
>procedures. This kind of review is valuable in highlighting any areas that
>have been missed.
>"The investigation of murder is one of the most complex and difficult tas

CS: Pol-March In March Worries

2001-01-16 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What are the chances that when we all attend the March in March,
that we will all be videoed, & that video used against us upon
application/renewal as proof of unsuitability to hold a SGC/FAC???

How?  It's not illegal to demonstrate.


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CS: Misc-Vulcans

2001-01-16 Thread Jeremy

From:   Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Vulcan that diverted to Rio was not on a Black Buck
bombing mission.  Rather embarrassingly it was an ocean
surveillance mission that lost radio contact and couldn't
rondevous with its tankers.

The most embarrassing part was that it was carrying a stand
off anti-ship missile not listed as being used by Britain (a
missile that was later pictured complete with American flag)!



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CS: Misc-Proofing.

2001-01-16 Thread Jim Franklin

From:   "Jim Franklin", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Having been involved in the ordnance and ammo business for over 30 years, I
can state unequivocally that "Proof, proofing and proofed" were and still
are part of common usage among the professionals.

I wrote and approved specifications for a mutitude of kit from 5.56 up to
155mm, and the jargon remained unchanged and unchallenged.

The OED was not one of the books referred to in the bibliogaphy of technical

Jim Franklin
PGP key on request
Doesn't mean that it's correct though.  Lots of things that
are commonly said are not grammatically accurate.


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CS: Legal-AOL

2001-01-16 Thread Chris R. Tame

From:   "Chris R. Tame", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Dismissal Denied in AOL Case,

>Employees fired for having guns in parking lot can sue
>A judge in Weber County's 2nd District Court
>has refused a request by America Online
>to dismiss a lawsuit filed by three former employees
>of its Ogden call center who were fired
>for possessing guns in the company's parking lot.


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CS: Misc-I have a gun owners dream!

2001-01-16 Thread Chris R. Tame

From:   "Chris R. Tame", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In article , Mark2101

>I took the words to Martin Luther King's 'I have a dream' speech and rewrote
>them to show how similar things are for gun owners now as they were for
>Blacks in the 50's and 60's.

>I have a Gun Owners Dream
>(Taken from Martin Luther Kings 'I have dream' speech)
>Over two hundred years ago, The Founding American Fathers, signed the Bill
>of Rights which included the second amendment. This momentous decree came as
>a great beacon light of hope to millions of Americans who had been seared in
>the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the
>long night of vulnerability.
>But two hundred years later, we must face the tragic fact that the gun owner
>is still not free to exercise that God given and Constitutionally
>acknowledged right. Two hundred years later, the life of the gun owner is
>still sadly crippled by the manacles of Gun control and the chains of
>discrimination. Two hundred years later, the gun owner lives on a lonely
>island of bigotry and hate in the midst of a vast ocean of political
>correctness. Two hundred years later, the Gun owner is still languishing in
>the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land.
>So I write to you here today to dramatize an appalling condition.
>In a sense we, gun owners, call to our nation's leaders to cash a check.
>When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the
>Constitution and the declaration of Independence, they were signing a
>promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a
>promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life,
>liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the means to secure it in the
>right to bear arms.
>It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note
>insofar as her citizens of gun owners are concerned. Instead of honoring
>this sacred obligation, America has given the gun owner a bad check which
>has come back marked "insufficient funds." But we refuse to believe that the
>bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are
>insufficient funds in the great vaults of freedom of this nation. So we want
>to cash this check -- a check that will give us upon demand the riches of
>freedom and the security of justice. We also want to remind America of the
>fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling
>off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to rise
>from the dark and desolate valley of bigotry and hate to the sunlit path of
>equal rights and justice. Now is the time to open the doors of freedom to
>all of God's children. Now is the time to lift our nation from the
>quicksand's of constitutional injustice to the solid rock of rights and
>It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment and
>to underestimate the determination of the gun owner. This sweltering summer
>of the gun owners legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an
>invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Now is not an end, but a
>beginning. Those who hope that the gun owner needed to blow off steam and
>will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to
>business as usual. There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America
>until the gun owner is granted his equal rights. The whirlwinds of revolt
>will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of
>justice emerges.
>But there is something that I must say to the people who stand on the warm
>threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining
>our equal rights we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to
>satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and
>We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and
>discipline. We must not allow our creative protests to degenerate into
>physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of
>meeting illegal force with soul force and prepared force. The marvelous new
>militancy which has engulfed the gun owner community must not lead us to
>distrust of all anti-gun people, for many of our gun brothers, as evidenced
>by their increasing numbers , are those anti-gun people that have come to
>realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny and their freedom is
>inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone.
>And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall march ahead. We cannot
>turn back. There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights,
>"When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as our
>bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot carry concealed in the
>motels of the highways a

CS: Pol-Mowlam approves guns deal

2001-01-16 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H, wonder if _your_ old gun is finding a new life in Jamaica???
Or is that just my suspicious mind???


Well, I would rather somebody had some use for my pistols than having
them destroyed, especially if that would bring some money to the

I did object,  and always said so, to the "theatrical act of
destruction" just to impress the voters and I would like to see that
"rubbed in" as yet another indicator of crass stupidity.   And we can
link this "quality" of thinking to other more importand issues like the
entry into EU (hopefully before all industrial production dies) and the
referendum on Euro.

How can the plonkers that believe that the national register of all gun
owners can influence the use of guns in crime be trusted to get anything


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CS: Target-Competitions

2001-01-16 Thread John Kime

From:   "John Kime", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wonder if I could prevail on your good nature to put this
out to the List ?

Mattersey R & P C (near Retford, Nottinghamshire, UK) will
be holding the following competitions during 2001 :
the Tenth Annual Mattersey 10 Event Open and the
4th Annual .22 Steel Challenge.

Mattersey 10 - Sun 6th May 2001

1. Percussion Revolver, SOO Perc Rev
2. Percussion Target Pistol, S/S BP Pistols & Adj/S Perc Rev
3. Cavalry Officer, Any Perc. Rev.
4. BP Rifle
2 classes, Free & Breech, Military & Flint
5. Sporting Rifle .22rf
Any s/auto or bolt action, any sights
6. Open Revolver 50, Any Perc Rev
7. Match V 1500, 22rf & U/L rifle
8. Steel/Action, 2 gun aggregate, 22 & U/L
9.  Timed & Precision, 22rf & U/L rifle
10. Multi Target, 22rf & U/L rifle

There will also be a 22rf aggregate & an U/L rifle aggregate
of comps 7, 9 & 10.

And to finish, a Fun Shoot finale, teams of 4 max.
Course of fire depends on what we think up !

 22 Steel Challenge - Sun 8th July 2001

60 competitors maximum

Course of fire t.b.a. but will be 300 rounds min

Entry forms can be requested from me offlist and will
be returned via email attachment as an Adobe Acrobat file
(pdf format).
Entries are via snail mail only to the Match Coordinator
on the forms.

Many Thanks

John Kime
Committee MRPC &
Disenfranchised Pistoleer

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CS: Misc-Useful Quote

2001-01-16 Thread John Hurst.

From:   "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This quote is from the 1953 presentation to George C. Marshall and
includes this
Marshall quote by a member of the Committee,

"'There has long been an effort to outlaw war for exactly the same
that man has outlawed murder. But the law prohibiting murder does not of
itself prevent murder. It must be enforced. The enforcing power,
must be maintained on a strictly democratic basis. There must not be a
large standing army subject to the behest of a group of schemers. The
citizen-soldier is the guarantee against such a misuse of power.'"


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CS: Pol-March 18 March

2001-01-16 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Howsabout hardcore target shooters going in shooting jackets
with "Scapegoat" or another suitable phrase on a piece of paper
pinned on their backs where competitor numbers usually get pinned
at Olympic style competitions?  I assume that noone will be turning
up in combat jackets cos that would be bad Nuff said?


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CS: Pol-Mowlam approves guns deal

2001-01-16 Thread jonathan


 > Handguns? From Britain? What make and model? Are we a "go between" or are
> these handguns ones being sold from those handed in. I think this warrants
> someone trying to get their MP or Peer to ask a question about this.

I got a letter from the Home Office a few weeks ago about 
our surrendered firearms. According to that letter "the 
vast majority" of them have been destroyed. I did ask how 
many had been, retained by the Police, obtained by 
museums or exported and the answer was that they 
didn't hold figures for this.

Didn't the Governmnet say at some point that they 
wouldn't dispose of any of the gear abroad?

Jonathan Laws 
Yes they did.  Jamaica has purchased firearms from
MoD stores before, I assume the same applies this time.


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CS: Pol-More nonsensical gibberish

2001-01-16 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Police move to tackle huge rise in gun crime
>By Ian Burrell, Home Affairs Correspendent
>15 January 2001
>A national firearms database is to be established for the first time,
>amid fears over record levels of gun crime.

>How on Earth is a national register of every owner going to help
>determine which criminals possess guns?  The mind boggles.


How indeed!
Has anyone risen to the challenge of making them
demonstrate just how such a move will prove anything?
If no one is going to hold their feet to the fire and
demand in no uncertain terms that the mechanics of the
proposed system be positively demonstrated to be of any
value over what is used presently, then what these noises in
the mass media are is nothing more than asserted pronouncements
by the 'effete elite' (with apologies to Spiro T. Agnew), to seem
relevant, in an atmosphere that demonstrates that most all law
that pretends to work, is becoming increasingly irrelevant
The only laws that really work are or two varieties:
the ones that punish those who violate other's liberties, and the
extreme absolute laws which mandate death for every infraction.

[>=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=--\
[>=*= Liberty: Live it . . . or lose it.  [APIT .50)> 
[>=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=--/

My suggestion is that everyone visit their MP and mention
how useless the handgun ban has been, and pose the question
how a national register of legal guns is going to help
stop a crime problem involving the use of guns that are

You might also express your concerns to the FCC.

My concern is that a national register will be counter-
productive, because it will only take one crooked firearms
licensing officer for every criminal to know where all
the legally held guns are, whereas by contrast a national
register will be next to useless in solving crimes.


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CS: Misc-the man with the golden air pistol

2001-01-16 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The story I heard, again years ago, was that yes, they had forgotten the
"prop" PPK and that a "gopher" was sent out to Thomas Bland's on St.
Martin's lane and came back with the air pistol shown in the photograph.

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CS: Pol-How NRA USA Won Against the Govmt

2001-01-16 Thread Tom Charnock

From:   "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We see lots of comments about how our shooting bodies should / should not

Here is a page that shows how the NRA (USA of course - NOT UK) beat the
pressures from Clinton

Half way down is the key bit, talk about not taking prisoners!!


COPY of Text as follows


Copyright Premiere Radio Networks 2000

Bill Clinton has admitted that one of his enemies and targets outmanoeuvred
him. Der Shlick Meister told to a union group that he was out-smarted - by
the National Rifle Association.

During his farewell tribute from the AFL-CIO, Clinton dwelled at length on
his long-standing belief that the Democrats have missed the boat on the gun
issue - and suffered at the polls as a consequence. Clinton added that an
attempt to demonize gun owners would only backfire, because many of them are
union members.

Clinton said, "The truth is that most of you people who are NRA members are
good, God-fearing Americans out there, wouldn't break the law for anything
on earth and they get spooked by these fear campaigns." He also blamed
himself for failing to make the case that tougher gun control laws posed no
threat to sportsmen.

What can we learn from this? What did the NRA do to outmanoeuvre Bill
Clinton? Did the NRA ever give in, for example? Did the NRA compromise? Did
they share power? Did they back down? Did they attempt to portray themselves
as compassionate and misunderstood?

When Wayne LaPierre of the NRA said that he thought Bill Clinton was
comfortable with the level of violence in this country because it gave him
an opportunity to argue for more gun laws, LaPierre didn't back down in the
face of cacophonous reaction to his words. He repeated them even louder!
The lesson to learn from the NRA is that you don't back down. You don't
share power. You don't compromise. You don't try to engage in compassion, as
defined by liberal Democrats - and you don't try to make them your friends.
You set out to properly define liberals and defeat them within the confines
of the political arena.
Study the way the NRA did this, folks. Trent Lott, you might want to study
Wayne LaPierre and Charlton Heston. You've got your number one nemesis, Bill
Clinton, admitting that he was out-maneuvered by the NRA. Somebody did it.
Follow their lead because this is not a liberal country. Conservatism wins



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CS: Legal-Dunblane transcript -internet address

2001-01-16 Thread Norman

From:   Norman Bassett, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The news forwarded below this should be of interest.
I'm in Edinburgh at the moment, just having visited
the National Library of Scotland. The Transcript on
paper is about fourteen inches thick, but just printed
on one side of the sheets, with big margins and gaps
between questions and answers.

I think the real evidence to note is Grace Jones
Ogilvie's evidence on Day Three of the Inquiry (p.274
and 275) that a police car was outside Hamilton's
house once or twice a month. I've mentioned it before.

There doesn't seem to be anything in the Transcript
which says which policeman/men it was or explains what
was going on.

I'm pursuing the matter.

Norman Bassett

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Dear Mr Bassett
> I promised to let you have details of the address
> for the Dunblane Inquiry
> transcripts.
> They can be found at:

> I hope this is helpful
> Yours sincerely,
> Trevor Lodge

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CS: Pol-Quiz to be an MP

2001-01-16 Thread Tom Charnock

From:   "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you fancy trying to be a MP, the Guardian has a multi part questionnaire
for you to try (I got a whole 5 points and a "don't bother")


Tom C

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CS: Pol-Info to Fight Gun Bans

2001-01-16 Thread Tom Charnock

From:   "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Great source of info and related sites


UK commentary as of today in Independent




Tom C

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CS: Pol-Dunblane Scottish www site

2001-01-16 Thread Tom Charnock

From:   "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This been on the site before, but well worth a look to see what was proposed
following Hamiltons actions


Tom C

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CS: Pol-More nonsensical gibberish

2001-01-16 Thread matthew.wright7

From:   "matthew.wright7", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Looks like some Govt spin in there to offset the appalling gun crime figures
that came out a few days ago. Even the National Criminal Investigation lot
must get embarrased at this sort of stuff. How long must we all put up with
the drivel that comes out of politicians when year on year their politically
correct induced ideas prove not to work. Having a list of law abiding
(already certificated) shooters is a cynical sop to public misconceptions,
it won't address criminals obtaining and using guns. So we have bad policy
built on deliberately fueled public misconceptions. Not only is this really
another politically prejudiced way to deter shooting sports its also a way
of avoiding real new funds to people like NCIU to tackle the real problem of
serious crime and drugs etc.


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CS: Misc-the man with the golden air pistol

2001-01-16 Thread matthew.wright7

From:   "matthew.wright7", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yep I can remember this being a bit of a joke at the time but people treated
the Bond phenonemon as good fun and it was sort of accepted in this light.
Note the article ends with info about the auction, this is pretty std stuff
to promote an auction. Interesting story nevertheless.


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CS: Pol-fox hunting poll

2001-01-16 Thread admin


Go to http://www.worldonline.co.uk/news/news_center.html and vote on this

Should fox hunting be banned?

Yes  46.6%
No  53.4%
(Total Votes: 3038 )

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CS: Misc-the man with the golden air pistol

2001-01-16 Thread Neil

From:   Neil Francis, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Er, actually we did notice, Richard Law I think was the first to
>notice it was an air pistol many years ago.

Surely even before this. Are we saying here that given the film's 
popularity throughout the world this was not noticed until the 1980s? 
Having said this - I can't say I noticed it myslef!!

Some other gun based cock-ups in films:

In Dr No

When shooting at the dragon/tractor on the island Bond's gun changes from a 
Walther PPK to a Colt .45. Anyone else notice this?

In Dirty Harry -

The '6 shots or only 5' routine at the beginning of the film. In the 
versions I have seen - UK TV and UK Video he does only fire 5 shots. Anyone 
else count these?

Neil Francis
Trowbridge, UK

One minor Bond error - in the new movies with the Walther P99,
Bond poses with a gun that has clearly been converted to blank-firing,
you can tell from the angled cut at the forward edge of the chamber.


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CS: Target-"Olympics" For Shooting Sports in 2002,

2001-01-16 Thread Tom Charnock

From:   "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Copied from http://www.clede.com/hotflash.htm
is about half-way down page.

Is there any other info on this??  Date / location fixed??

Also has lots other bits of info (US based)

"Olympics" For Shooting Sports in 2002, 3/10/00

  NUREMBERG, Germany, March 10 /CNW-PRN/ - The World Shooting Federation
(WSF) announced today that an Olympic-like international competition for
shooting sports will be held in two years.

  The World Shooting Games (WSG) will draw several thousand athletes from
more than 70 nations. Bidding for the host country for the inaugural Games
has already begun.
  "The Games will embody the Olympic spirit of international cooperation and
competition," said WSF President Nick Alexakos of Canada. "National teams
from all over the world will compete in a wide variety of events. Athletes
will win gold, silver and bronze medals and will participate in both opening
and closing ceremonies."
  Planned events for the Games cover the wide range of sport shooting
interests. Athletes will compete on national teams in singles competition
and team events ranging from target shooting to archery and everything else
in between.

  "The World Shooting Games will convey the same kind of color, excitement
and camaraderie as the Olympics. The Games will also recognize the
precision, physical coordination, and mental discipline demanded by the
shooting sports," Alexakos added.
  WSF acts as an international umbrella organization for sport shooting
associations around the world and promotes WSG. Alexakos said WSF functions
much like the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in the sense that the
various national and international federations will be members of WSF while
still managing their own sporting affairs.

  "Millions of men and women around the word participate in safe,
responsible, recreational shooting sports," Alexakos continued. "WSF gives
all of them a voice -- whether they use pistols or rifles or shotguns -- and
the Games will give them an opportunity to compete and showcase their
  Speaking at a news conference in Germany, Alexakos referred to the WSF as
a critical step forward in identifying the shooting sports as an athletic
endeavor that creates enjoyment and recreation for millions of people.
  "Men and women enjoy everything from target shooting to skeet and trap to
western cowboy shooting to muzzle loading," he said. "The World Shooting
Federation brings together the various national and international
federations to create a unified Games for our sport." Included in the scope
of the organization are such shooting sports as archery and crossbow.

  WSF has invited bids to host the World Shooting Games. Sporting
representatives in Germany, Australia, Greece, France, and the United States
have already expressed interest in hosting the Games. A decision on the host
city for the first Games will be made by late Summer, and announced in the
  "Just as athletics, football, rowing, and other sports need a worldwide
coordinating body, we believe shooters around the world recognize the need
for their sports as well," said Alexakos. "After nearly two years of
planning and organization, the WSF is ready to bring sports shooting into
the world arena."

  The World Shooting Federation is based in Toronto, Canada
I've mentioned the WSF before, they have a website,
www.worldshootingfederation.org or something like that.

They haven't held a competition yet but it's worth joining
if only for the subscription to Gun Games magazine that you

Essentially it was started (IMO) because of the crappy attitude
that the ISSF has to certain shooting disciplines, notably
IPSC.  ISSF has helped block any attempt by IPSC to get any
of their disciplines into the Olympics.

Americans aren't that enthused by ISSF, and frankly a lot
of people outside Europe have a declining opinion of them,
hence the WSF which is intended to be a bit more forward-


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CS: Target-308 Round destroys MI

2001-01-16 Thread Tom Charnock

From:   "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Worth a look, even to remind us all of the need for proofing 


Tom C

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CS: Pol-Mowlam approves guns deal

2001-01-16 Thread bob blake

From:   "bob blake", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is this for real? is Mo Mowlam really suggesting that it is OK for a British
Copper to shoot a man with a chair leg but not OK for a Jamaican Copper to
defend himself when shot at by real criminals.  Jamaica is one of the most
lawless places on earth and I am surprized that the figures stated are so
low.  I seem to recall that there is a Death Sentence for possession of a
firearm in Jamaica, so I cannot see a criminal giving up, when the best
survival option is to fight it out.

Keep up the good work

Bob Blake
Jamaica has tough gun laws, but there is not a death sentence for
illegal possession.  During the 70s they had what was known as the
Gun Courts Act, essentially detaining people without trial in a
"gun court", i.e. a prison.  This was repealed because it didn't

Last I heard it is possible to get a license for self-defence in
Jamaica.  At one time they only allowed up to .38 Special or .380,
but I know someone who has authority for a 9mm and he tells me it
isn't that hard to convince the police provided you have a good
reason.  He also tells me that it is legal to use lethal force in
defence of property in Jamaica.  Anything over 9mm is hard to get.

Apparently the Jamaican police will issue it sometimes, as he
told me of an IPSC shooter he knows who has a .45, but larger
calibres are only allowed for target shooting.


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CS: Pol-More nonsensical gibberish

2001-01-16 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How on Earth is a national register of every owner going to help
determine which criminals possess guns?  The mind boggles.


Cos apparently we're the criminals.  The Home Orifice's own stats said
something about a drop in firearms crime after the ban That means
that we must have been committing crimes.  I wasn't - anyone else???


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CS: Misc-Proofing

2001-01-16 Thread bob blake

From:   "bob blake", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dare I ask, what has the American Heritage Dictionary got to do with the
English language?  I would consider the custodian of the English language to
be the Oxford English Dictionary.


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