CS: Pol-BBC Question Time

2001-02-26 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Question Time will be in London, at the beginning of
March (8th), seeing that the March is the weekend after
the show, it would be worth som of us being in the audience.

Infact it would be worth having some shooters at every
Question Time show, to point out the truth behnd the "spin"




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4. What is your occupation? 

5. Which of the following categories best describes your occupation? 
 Senior Management 
 Middle/Jnr. Management 
 Skilled Manual 
 Unskilled Manual 

6. During the series, we shall be visiting London and various
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Would you please name the venues most convenient for you. 

7. If there were a General Election tomorrow, which political
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 Liberal Democrats 
 Scottish National 
 Plaid Cymru 
 Ulster Unionist 
 Democratic Unionist 
 Sinn Fein 
 Social Democrat  Labour 
 Would not vote 
Other (please state) 

8. Which of these groups do you consider yourself to belong to? 
 West Indian 
 Mixed Origin 
Other (please specify) 

9. Do you consider yourself to have any disabilities? 
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11. Are you a member of a political party? 
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12. You will be invited to put forward two questions. Would you
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Yes  No  

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CS: Misc-Press Quote By Philosopher

2001-02-23 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The press today is an army with carefully organised weapons, the
journalists its officers, the readers its soldiers. The reader neither
knows nor is supposed to know the purposes for which he is used and the
role he is to play. 
 Oswald Spengler (1880 - 1936) German philosopher 
 "The Decline of the West," vol. 2, ch. 12, sct. 4, 1926

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CS: Pol-Face values..

2001-02-22 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Did anyone else see "Murder Detectives" on Tues eve on Channel 5?

The Forensic Entomologist (I think!) was called in to deal with the
forensics surrounding a corpse that had been found in Hawaii.

To do this he looks at the insects life cycle in order to ascertain the date
 time of death.

The scientist drove up to the site, on...a Harley Davidson...with the
uniform of a Biker - Leather jacket "Live To Ride", long white hair, gold
chain earring.

Not the stereotypical "Forensic Scientist" maybe, but he is one of the best
in his field of expertise.

Freedom of expression obviously needs to be "acceptable" in certain area's
of life. We get bad press because the media see "Gun  Camo = Soldier"

What would our press say about this scientist?

"Biker peels bugs off dead body"
"Hell's Scientist or Hell's Angel?"
"Bug crazy biker"

In business, people wear a smart suit - that's the expected uniform it is an
identifying characteristic that you see  think "Business Person"

In the lab, Volcanologists wear white coats, but when climbing the volcano,
they wear the (practical) uniform of a mountaineer

In this society, we are what other people see  assume, correctly or not,
the uniform can also be a commanding, intimidating or selling factor

eg. An Army officer, Policeman's uniform = commanding
The SAS black coveralls uniform in the Iranian Embassy Assault =
The clothing of a "Lady of the Night" = selling

The clothing worn at a Trap shooting competition / Olympics/ IPSC etc all
state "Sportsman" the media may not have covered the Olympic shooting (only
mentioning Richard Foulds after he won gold), BUT They cannot denigrate
because the "Uniform" clearly states "SPORTSMAN"

The Antis could never attack a Sportsman in Uniform at the Olympics with
their lies  have them stick

But if Mr Foulds was not in uniform.What happened after the
OlympicsA newly moved in resident (moved in from a town!) to his
village, complained of the "Noise Shooting Makes"  -  Does she want to live
near a WORLD CHAMPION or not? or does she want to live next to an Ex-World
Champion  claim credit for making him an Ex-World Champion (I hear she's
moving away now?)

Herein lies our problem, we are INDIVIDUALS who are a family in a sport, WE
HAVE NO UNIFORM Except at competitions.

Maybe whenever we shoot, we should wear the Competitive Clothing that is
designed for shooters  be proud of it as a Uniform

Maybe we should all wear the Competitive Clothing on the March In March then
we would all be promoting the visual impact of SPORTSPERSONS on all Media
coverage we receive. (Views?)


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CS: Pol-March in March Quote

2001-02-21 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Those claiming that gun ownership is only a privilege and not a right
  are in fact reserving the right to deny that privilege

Picked up from a NG


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CS: Target-Reloading Kit Questions

2001-02-21 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Came across a web page that may be of use to reloaders in
the UK - they seem to be mail order

They have a catalogue that can be requested.

Anyone have any experience with them?

Also does anyone have any suggestions on what kit to buy
as a basic portable (not needing a dedicated work bench)
reloading kit.

And also views on fully automated presses/loading systems
eg Dillon RL 550B vs competitors equipment

Or what to mix  match!

I'm thinking calibers - .223/ .308/ .45-70(BP  Nitro)
.45LC .454 Casull



Reloading Solutions, P.O. Box 932, Oxford, OX4 1GT. England. 
Tel: +44-(0)1865 791307  Fax: +44-(0)1865 791397


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CS: Pol-Is Freedom Lost on the Next Generation?

2001-02-21 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  Is Freedom Lost on the Next Generation? 

  By Charlton Heston

  We may be losing the next generation of Americans, as
they lose an understanding and appreciation of what the
Second Amendment is and does. 
  Consider this bit of news. In a June, 2000 national
poll of 1,005 high school students, with respondents evenly
divided between urban, suburban and rural areas: 

  . 64 percent of high school students said they favor
stricter anti-gun laws.
  . 80 percent said the government should keep firearms
away from criminals even if that makes it harder for lawful
citizens to purchase them.
  . 90 percent favor the licensing of handgun buyers.
  . 96 percent said all handguns should be registered
at purchase.
  . 19 percent of high school students don't believe the
Second Amendment guarantees the right to own a firearm. 

  Now, whether or not you believe gun registration, gun
owner licensing or any other anti-gun gimmick constitutes a
threat to the rights of Americans, consider this: When one
out of every five high school students believes the Bill of
Rights doesn't mean what it says, how safe can any of our
freedoms be? 

  Evidence of Indoctrination
  Make no mistake: No matter what you think of this poll,
you have to admit that kids today can't help but be brainwashed.
Look at the awesome accumulation of anti-gun images, messages,
attitudes and biases they've been exposed to over the years. 

  Not long ago, high school rifle teams were as common as
debating or baseball teams. Now they're being eliminated as if
they were some kind of subliminal "boot camps" for future
killers. As long as anyone can remember, little boys played
cops and robbers with toy guns. Yet now, in some cities, even
toy guns are targeted with bans. Everyone from the President
of the United States to your kid's homeroom teacher treats
firearm freedom at best with suspicion and, more likely,
with outright contempt. 

  It's a clever tangle the anti-gun spinners have spun,
and not easy for a 14-year-old to see through. First they
take a kid's natural, inborn abhorrence to violence, then
equate violence with gun ownership, and then equate gun
ownership with gun-rights advocacy. Through this calculated
metamorphosis, kids get the not-so-subtle message that owning
a firearm is functionally equivalent to killing or committing
crime and that the real danger isn't the criminals, but rather
the firearms and those who stand up for the right to own them. 

  Our Traditions Safeguard Their Freedoms
  You know where I stand, but let me say it again: I
believe the Second Amendment is our single most essential
safeguard against anyone who would take away our liberties
or our lives, whether it be King George's Redcoats or today's
criminal predators. But having the right to own a firearm
means nothing if that right is buried under so many
restrictions, requirements, fees and formalities that
Americans simply throw up their hands in frustration and
surrender. In the end, the net effect is the same: Americans
are disarmed. 

  Now, I'm sure you'll agree, these are big ideas for
young people to understand. If you're like me and most
American gun owners, you probably grew up with firearms in
your home, and you grew to enjoy them as a hobby long before
you ever considered their importance to the Constitution's
framers or our freedom. Now think about where you'd be today
if you had never been exposed to the shooting sports by a
family member or friend. I think many of us, if not most,
would have never chosen to own a firearm-and never pondered
its relation to our rights-without that first friendly
guidance, mentoring and encouragement. 

  That's why I believe it's our duty to sustain the
tradition of gun ownership-because only if the tradition
lives on, can it provide fertile ground for the freedom
to thrive. If we do our part, young people will continue
to grow up with firearms, and out of that interest, a few
of them will realize later in life-as I and so many others
did-why the right to keep and bear arms is so crucial to
our safety and our liberty. 

  In so doing, young people can learn how rights come
with responsibilities, why rules matter, and where they fit
into their families and their society. These are valuable,
positive lessons that can reverberate for a lifetime. 

  Give the Gift of Freedom
  As the hunting and holiday seasons approach, consider
how you can help preserve freedom for future Americans by
introducing a young person to the fun and satisfaction of
shooting. Remember the thrill of your first broken clay
pigeon, your first toppled tin can, or the first time you
brought home game for the family table? 

  Consider sharing that tradition and helping to build
fond memories for another generation by 

CS: Misc-Mother's Magnum

2001-02-21 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  An amusing story with the mesage of "never bet if
you don't want to loose"


  Mother's Magnum - March 2001 
  Five rounds of .44 Magnum ammunition in a Ruger
single-action revolver is an intimidating sight to a youngster.
  By Bart Skelton

  "She's a bit too punchy for me, boy. I think I'll stick
with my ol' .32-20 Colt, if it's all the same to you." My old
cowhand friend uttered these words somewhat wistfully as he
handed my revolver back to me. 
  The New Mexico winter was beginning to set in and it
was looking like it might be a tough one. The clouds hung low
on the mountain peaks, heavy with ice particles. The air was
still and a few white flakes were appearing. Our trip to the
high country had been a dual purpose one; looking for cattle
that may have been missed during the recent fall gathering
and to do some shooting with my Ruger Blackhawk .44 flattop. I
had been granted a couple of days off from my regular job and
had decided to head to the mountains for a quick visit. 

  My friend had been a cowhand all of his life and had
worked ranches throughout New Mexico. He had packed his first
generation Colt for many years, even though .32-20 ammunition
is pretty expensive for someone drawing cowboy wages. 

  "My cousin, Hunk, he used to have a .44 Mag. He told me
it was the greatest cartridge evere was, but after shootin'
yours, I believe I disagree. Just too much gun," he said as we
ambled back to his old pickup. "I've killed a bunch of game
with my old Colt and she don't kick near as bad." 

  His response wasn't uncommon. I've known many shooters
who think the same way, though I know a few more who don't
believe the .44 Magnum is quite big enough. The growing
popularity of the .454 Casull has definitely cast a shadow
on the .44's once powerful reputation, and the older cartridge
no longer carries the designation of the most powerful
cartridge in the world. But it's still a fine one. 

  I, too, am fond of the Freedom Arms .454 Casull, though
I believe I would be more apt to pick a .44 Magnum revolver
for an every day packing gun. My association with the .44
Magnum cartridge started in 1966, when Dad tasked himself
with disproving the negative opinions of those criticizing
the .44 Magnum. A few influential shooters and gunwriters of
the day had instigated a push to discredit the .44 Mag, stating
that the cartridge was much too powerful to safely fire in a
handgun and was too punishing for the average shooter. Dad,
being an adamant fan of the big .44, went to bat for it . 

  Five rounds of .44 Magnum ammunition in a Ruger
single-action revolver is an intimidating sight to a
youngster-I can attest to that. As I recall, I didn't fire
all five rounds, but shot enough for my dad to take pictures.
It was a proud day for both of us. I shot without complaining
and, predictably, missed the coffee can we had set up about
twenty feet away. The pictures were later published along
with dad's story disputing the claims of those denouncing
the big magnum. As far as I know, those naysayers have
remained silent ever since. 

  My relationship with the cartridge has remained
special since that day. I am fortunate to own a couple of
good .44 Mags, including Dad's old flattop Ruger and an
outstanding Smith and Wesson Model 629 with custom stocks
built by Bear Hug Grips. I've packed these guns faithfully
for years and have cleanly taken game with both. 

  I've observed a few good developments in the
cartridge over the years and have seen some great new
production .44 Magnum revolvers become available. Along
with that, I've also seen some unlikely .44 Magnum
shooters evolve. 

  Some years back, Ruger introduced its excellent
Bisley Model revolvers. These single actions sport grip
frame and hammer shapes that resemble those of the classic
old Colt Bisleys. Dad was lucky enough to get his hands on
one of the first Ruger Bisleys, a 7 1/2 inch .44 Mag. For
reasons unknown to all but her, my mother, Sally, has
always had an affinity for the Colt Bisley, and when the
new Ruger Bisley Model arrived at the house, she took an
immediate liking to it. "I want this gun for my own." she
advised Dad. 

  Taken aback, since she had rarely shown a great deal
of interest in new guns coming in and out of the house,
Dad replied "What do you want with it?" "I want it for my
purse gun." she said after a short pause. 

  When his laughter died down, a good bit of pondering
ensued as Dad tried to figure out how to quash what he
considered just a whim on my mother's part. But she
persisted, and at last a deal was struck-a deal that Dad
figured was a sure way to keep her quiet. He posted a
clean target on the 20-yard backstop behind the ho

CS: Misc-TV: Siege

2001-02-16 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just seen the Siege program on ITV tonight, why is it that
the police marksman will only shoot when the target is
pointing the firearm at the hostage with their finger on
the trigger, about to kill the hostage?

I'm thinking of the shooting where the hostage taker was
loading  unloading the (410?) shotgun  pointing his
fingers at the hostage  the police as if he would shoot
them, though he was not committed to do so.

Also the "sniper" officer in training did exactly the
same thing, the hostage taker fired the sawn off pump
action SG above the hostage then later pointed the SG at
the hostage's head, only then did the officer fire!!!

As we all know, the body does the last thing the brain
told it to do eg the decapitated Chicken that runs away
headless - the last command the body received.

Also there is the risk of reflex actions or spasm which
would cause the target to pull the trigger inadvertently.

Shooting someone when they are about to kill the hostage
is probably too late, is it not better to shoot when the
target is not pointing the firearm/weapon at their
hostage(s), there by minimising the risk of the hostage
being killed by accident.

Someone needs to get all those mis-trained officers
retrained, also do something about their marksmanship

Note that the spokesperson stated that they "need officers
capable of shooting a weapon when under great stress" NO

On a different note, I now understand that a police Force
(poss Notts?) has purchased a shipment of.M16's  50BMG
Barretts, 3rd burst/ full auto/ 1/2" projectiles..in the
police armoury!

Makes one wonder what else they have...M203's, Mk19's???
Minimi's, GPMG's! Did a force not have a stock of SA80's
in the late 80's IIRC?

Anyone else see the programme?

Home Office guidelines are that the police cannot have full-autos,
although PT17 apparently have a few in case of another Iranian
Embassy siege type situation.

No police force to my knowledge has ever used the SA80 or anything
belt-fed (except the Jamaican PoliceG).

Several forces do have .50s though, for long-range shots.

Some forces kept some of the semi-autos handed in during 1989
for use by police countersnipers, certainly some HK G3s, 91s
and 93s ended up that way.

Actually a shot to the brain will shut someone down before
they can do anything else, countersnipers are trained on special
targets to hit the correct part of the head, I seem to recall the
aiming point on the target is just above the nose, a bit higher
than a shot would be right between the eyes.  This was heavily
researched after the case in San Francisco I think it was,
after a Black Panther ducktaped himself to someone and when he
was shot he was able to kill the hostage.


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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-16 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was concerned too that at the last "Pistol AD" that there were a number
black people present also. One can most definitely "judge a book by its
cover"! Drug dealers and illegal "Yardies" seeking to buy "off-ticket guns"
with money made from prostitution and false-passport rackets. It made my
flesh shiver to see their brown hands handling fine Smith  Wesson pistols
and asking "How much".

Richard, I do sincerely hope that you are taking the piss! Are you of
totally pure heritage, one of the "master race" or are you taking the
piss??? My apologies if you are joking.

The very basis of the sport of shooting in all its forms, is that anyone of
any Nationality, Sex,  Ability or Disability (or "Class") can compete
against anyone else on a level basis - The Para-Olympics springs to mind.

There are not  should not be any barriers to anyone starting the sport of
shooting as long as they meet the safety requirements to do so.

Men, Women, Boys  Girls, can all compete on level footing against each
other on the same level - WHY HAS THIS NOT BEEN PROMOTED???

At my local club, there is a mix of sexes  ages from 17 - 84 of men 
women,  where else at what other clubs/sports do you get such a diversity of
individuals (except for SCUBA Diving which costs L1500 to get started in -
though interestingly many Shooters, are also Divers)

I have competed against Champions, Beginners  all in between
I have taught Firearms proficiency to friends  girlfriends, cousins,
nieces, all of whom are now safer, more aware  proficient in the subject of
firearms ( not believing the anti's BS) than they would otherwise be.

Where the shooting organisations fail miserably is to promote the BENEFITS
OF SHOOTING,  this is what they should concentrate on.

The Benefits to the Individual, - Concentration, Dexterity, better health,
ingenuity, mental skills - maths, judging distances, wind speed, the effect
that the various factors will have on the projectile etc

  - The Eyesight is maintained through the regular exercise of sighting the
firearm,  Stigmatism's can be fixed by this method, even individual use of
each eye can be achieved - how many non shooters have that skill, definitely
a bonus when driving in traffic!!!

The Benefits to History, the American West would only have been recorded as
a Hollywood version if it was not for the efforts of firearm historians

The Benefits to the Economy

The Benefits to Community  Society - Disciplined, Law abiding, caring,
thoughtful individuals who are able to work as a team.

-Conservation  maintenance of the ranges, resulting in a
wider array of wildlife

The Benefits to Crime reduction - Lower rates of Burglary in areas where the
burglar may encounter an armed householder - how many farms are burgled
compared with the same number of houses?

- Reduction in attacks on the person where CCW is permitted

The Benefits to the Military  Police - Development of new technology, If a
firearm is crap we say so (SA80)  it gets fixed (We aid the semi only
versions of the SA80 were crap, but they banned them before the
manufacturers took notice)

-Customising  aftermarket add ons/improvements that can be
adopted or bought by the serving personnel

-Developing techniques in competition that is "state of the
art" long before the military / Police adopt it

-Improved ballistics  cartridge/powder development (Hunters
in Alaska  Finland) - OO Buckshot - Developed for hunting larger mammals -
later adopted by Police  Military to hunt Humans!

-Police  Military teams can compete alongside shooters,
which is of benefit to all concerned, increases proficiency, respect among
the teams, comments on equipment selection, technique

-Snipers are really Stalkers, who at time of war hunt Humans

-Shooters have a wealth of knowledge which is shared openly
that the Police / Military don't have E.G. Issuing a beginners gun -
Revolver / Exposed hammer auto, instead of an advanced shooters gunThe
Glock 17  9mm...
 ie. the correct tool for the job.

These are just some of the points that we  the associations should promote
each day, everyday every chance we get.

Shooting unlike so many other sports is open to EVERYONE who wants to take
part (as long as they are of sound mind),  no matter what the condition of
their bodies, background or race - how much trouble has there been at the
Olympics between Shooting Teams compared with every other sport present, a
lot less I'd wager.

My Apologies again if you were joking.

Can anyone add other benefits of shooting to the list - could be useful at
the March In March

N.B. Shooters ARE the definition of Sportsmen / Sportswo

CS: Pol-Labour Arms Sales

2001-02-15 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Special report: Labour's ethical foreign policy

Richard Norton-Taylor
Wednesday February 14, 2001
The Guardian

Gaping loopholes in Britain's weapons export controls remain five years
after they were identified by Lord Scott's report on the arms to Iraq
affair, Amnesty International and Oxfam say in a stinging report today.
There are still no adequate controls to ensure arms are sold to their stated
destinations, and British weapons brokers can easily bypass existing
controls, say the campaigning groups.

Policy is still determined by a 1939 emergency law which gives the executive
wide powers with no proper parliamentary scrutiny, despite recommendations
in Lord Scott's report published five years ago tomorrow.

"Despite their scathing criticism over the arms to Iraq report while in
opposition, leading members of the government have let five years pass
without acting to introduce tough new arms controls laws," said Robert
Parker of Amnesty.

Justin Forsyth, Oxfam's policy director, said: "Small arms brokered from
Britain will continue to cause suffering around the world. Having made so
much noise about the Scott report in opposition, the government should be
ashamed by its failure to introduce tough new arms laws."

Lord Scott disclosed how British arms had reached Iraq through third
countries - notably Jordan and Saudi Arabia - as a result of the failure to
monitor end-user certificates. Checks are still not made to ensure arms stay
in the countries to which they are sent.

Amnesty and Oxfam also point out that the government has admitted it is
still unable to track arms exported from Britain. And arms deals brokered in
Britain do not require a licence if the weapons are shipped from a third

In a notable example, Heckler and Koch guns manufactured in Turkey were
exported to Indonesia when Britain had imposed an arms embargo on weapons
sales to the country.
Or better yet, Heckler  Koch guns manufactured in Germany, exported
to the UK, then exported to Yugoslavia to avoid German export laws!


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CS: Crime-Time to take guns out of community

2001-02-15 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Wednesday, 14 February, 2001, 11:01 GMT 

Time to take guns out of community

Harlesden has been plagued by gang-related shootings

Harlesden in north west London recently topped the league for
the highest murder rate in Britain. BBC News Online's
Community Affairs reporter, Cindi John, visited the area to
speak with police and public. 
Stand on the corner of Harlesden High Street and you will
see the whole spectrum of British society walk by. 

Click here to view map of Harlesden area. 

Harlesden, in north west London, is in the borough of Brent
where, according to the 1991 census, nearly half of all
residents were from minority ethnic groups. 

Harlesden borders a more affluent and famous neighbourhood,
Willesden, whose multi-cultural society was immortalised
in the novel White Teeth by Zadie Smith. 

  "I think the best thing to do is to give the police a
free hand and send these so-called Yardies abroad where
they come from, Jamaica." 
  James Ryan
  Harlesden resident

It seems tame enough as shoppers go about their business
on a bright weekday afternoon, but a recent spate of gun
crimes in Harlesden put the area at the top of police
league tables for the highest murder rate in the UK. 

Shootings have occured in busy streets at peak shopping

One recent confrontation involved bullets being fired
into a school playground after rival gang members clashed
in an adjoining street. 

Revenge attacks 

Bridge Park leisure centre on the outskirts of Harlesden is
one project the council hoped would help change the fortunes
of the area which is home to a large African Caribbean
population, dogged by high unemployment and poor economic

But Chief Inspector Jim Farrell, of Brent police told BBC
News Online it was here the murderous spree began just
under two years ago. 

  Jim Farrell: "Police alone cannot end violence alone"

"We have a problem currently that began in May 1999 when we
had someone shot here at Bridge Park and within six months
seven people had been killed in the area. 

"Since that time we've had fewer deaths although they have
continued but a similar number of shootings," he said. 

Chief Inspector Farrell was at Bridge Park to help organise
the public unveiling of a community-based campaign aimed at
driving violent elements out of Harlesden. 

He said the reasons for the shootings were complex but many
were linked to two groups within the area, one comprised of
black British young men and the other predominantly men from

"Some of the attacks have been revenge attacks, some have
been related to what would be considered by most people to
be very trivial incidents, a lack of respect shown to
someone for example. 

"I wouldn't say it all boils down to drugs but there is
often a link with drugs in that the economic base of many of
the people involved in these attacks is the illegal supply
of drugs," said Mr Farrell. 


The local MP, Paul Boateng, has backed the new anti-gun
crime initiative but that did not stop some shoppers in
Harlesden regarding it with cynicism. 

Angela Pitt, who has lived in Harlesden for 10 years, said:
"I'm not sure whether it will really make a difference. 

"They've tried things like this before, we'll just have to
wait and see." 

  Ann Huggett feels unsafe in Harlesden

Ann Huggett, who moved to Harlesden five years ago, felt
those who needed to take heed were likely to ignore the

"They're putting a lot of money in to try and raise people's
awareness of what's happening and why but it's only going to
affect the people who are involved and whether they're going
to listen or not I don't know," she said. 

Brent council has struggled hard to regenerate Harlesden
after major stores like Marks  Spencer left several years ago. 

  Rita Costa: "It's too dangerous to go out"

A new shopping arcade is a sign of the growing confidence in
the previously depressed commercial area. 

But locals fear businesses and shoppers could be scared away
if the violence is not stamped out soon. 

"It's getting to the stage where we feel unsafe to walk around
because these things are happening, 3 or 4 o' clock in the
afternoon, not at night time," said Mrs Huggett. 

Rita Costa, who has lived in Harlesden since 1999, said: "The
police should be a little more active, normally I don't go out
because I feel afraid. 

"I have children and I always have problems even sending them
to the shops because of this." 

  Bhavin Mehta: "Violence is unnerving"
A level student Bhavin Mehta seems resigned to continuing

CS: Misc-Less Lethal Equiptment

2001-02-15 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

An interesting site, especially for the recent excuses that
it's ok to practice on the public.

Maybe if some of this stuff was issued...


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CS: Crime-the fashion for firearms

2001-02-13 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


It is a neighbourhood with a reputation for drugs and violence;
a place where gang rivalry has led to shootings. The police
officers patrolling these streets have loaded guns in their
holsters; armed units are ready to provide back up. Is this a
scene from the ghettos of the United States? No, this is
Nottingham in the heart of England, a country with a long
tradition of unarmed police officers who walk the beat with
only a truncheon for protection. 

The decision to introduce armed patrols on some inner-city
housing estates in Nottingham has raised eyebrows. The days
of Dixon of Dock Green may be long gone, but is this a
symbolic moment in Britain's drift towards gun crime? 

The police in Nottingham have played down suggestions that
it is the start of a process that will end with all street
patrols being routinely armed. The move has been targeted
at specific areas, with the intention of reassuring the
public and sending a strong message to young criminals not
to use guns. 

Putting more armed officers on the streets is a very sensitive
issue for chief constables, who are well aware of the public's
unease. An opinion poll carried out for BBC News Online
reinforces that message. Only 34% of those questioned want to
see the police routinely carrying guns, while the majority -
59% - want to retain a service that is largely unarmed. 

Getting the police to discuss these issues is difficult. We
approached 10 police forces, but none wanted to talk about
their own policy on firearms, referring us instead to the
Association of Chief Police Officers. 

The fashion for firearms 

Paul Acres is Chief Constable of the Hertfordshire force, and
spoke to us as chairman of ACPO's firearms committee. He
insists that the decision to issue guns to officers in some
parts of Nottingham does not amount to routine arming. 

"I think the British public cherish the image of a police
officer who is very much part of the community and is very
close to them, and we recognise that firearms create a bit
of distance," he says. 

"We are very happy to try to keep that image, but for people
to know that the officers who are armed are supported by a
very swift and effective response, and that there is no profit
in taking a firearm onto the streets or certainly challenging
our officers." 

Senior police officers point to the spread of firearms in
cities like Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham. And others
share a concern that for some young criminals, guns have
become part of their image. 

"To carry a gun is hip," says former armed robber Danny

"They are carrying a gun with their Reebok trainers, with
their Moschino jeans, with their Gucci tops. It's a fashion
accessory now." 

The deployment of armed police officers seems to have been
given a cautious welcome by residents in neighbourhoods that
have suffered from an increase in gun-related incidents. But
there are fears that instead of halting the spiral of
violence, increasing the number of armed officers on the
streets could encourage more criminals to carry guns. 

Many British policemen and women worry that it could be the
first step on a slippery slope. After a number of officers
were killed in the mid-90s, the Police Federation of England
and Wales carried out a ballot of its members. 

A survey (1995) of police attitudes to armed patrols found: 

a.. 79% of police officers said they were not in favour of
being routinely armed 
a.. But 40% said more officers should be trained to use
a.. 42% felt their life had been in serious danger as a
result of personal threat in the previous two years 
a.. 39% had been threatened with firearm, knife or other
weapon in the previous two years 
a.. In the event of a decision to arm all officers 43%
said they would be prepared to carry firearms on duty or
all of the time 
a.. 6% said they would resign from the police service if
they were ordered to wear a firearm
Source: Police Federation 

"A significant majority did not want to be permanently armed,"
says Federation chairman Fred Broughton. 

"But they did want proper risk assessments. They specifically
wanted back up, and they wanted mobile armed-response vehicles.
They also wanted better training and they wanted better
management of armed situations. 

"Many of us want to see the unarmed service and the traditions
of British policing maintained. But for how long we can
maintain them is the question." 

There is an uneasy feeling by those with long experience in
the law enforcement business that Britain may be moving
gradually towards an armed police service. 

John Alderson, the former Chief Constable of Devon and
Cornwall, says such a development would require 

CS: Pol-Fishing

2001-02-13 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Animal activists set sights on angling
1:03pm Monday, 12th February 2001

Animal rights activists are launching a nationwide advertising campaign as
part of a push for angling to be outlawed.

Leisure fishing is a bloodsport, as bad as fox hunting and should be
outlawed, says campaign group Peta - People for the Ethical Treatment of

Advertisements, likely to feature a dog dangling from a line with a hook
through its mouth, will be placed in newspapers, magazines and on

But anglers have reacted furiously, saying they are being victimised by
activists and there is no evidence the sport causes fish to suffer.

Andrew Butler, Peta's UK co-ordinator, said: "Angling is nothing more than
hunting on water. Fish feel pain and distress like other animals. They have
all the chemical processes and pain receptors that other creatures do."

The campaign, which is not due to be launched for at least another two
months, was sparked by an anguished letter from a former angler who wrote to
Peta saying he had taken his dog on a fishing trip and his first catch of
the day was a fish with a hook stuck in its cheek.

Mr Butler said: "He looked at the fish, then looked at the dog and realised
that if you wouldn't rip open the cheek of a dog, why would you do it to a

"So we took that as the starting point. We are looking at using a
computer-generated image of a dog with a hook through it and asking the same

But Kevin Stephenson, secretary of the National Association of Specialist
Anglers, says there is concern that action against the sport will escalate
if the Bill to ban fox hunting goes through Parliament.

"We are confident that there is no suffering involved and that we are in the
right about this," he said. "But the worry is that Peta are very well
organised and funded, and now that hunting is on its knees they are looking
around to see what's next."
PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals. G


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CS: Legal-Soldier's suicide by cop

2001-02-10 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Police 'lawfully' killed man armed with air rifle

A FORMER soldier who was shot dead by police after repeatedly aiming an air
rifle at them was lawfully killed, an inquest decided yesterday.
Antony Kitts, 20, pointed the gun, resembling a 0.22 rifle, at unarmed
police officers on the outskirts of Falmouth, Cornwall. The inquest was told
that he also aimed the gun at two marksmen even after they shouted several
times: "Armed police, put your weapon down."

During the hearing at Truro both armed response officers were granted
anonymity by the coroner and gave their evidence from behind screens.
Officer A said that in the early hours of April 10 last year he was certain
Mr Kitts was carrying a sniper rifle. The officer, who broke down while
reading his statement, said he fired at Mr Kitts because he believed he was
about to be shot at.

Mr Kitts, of Falmouth, suffered massive injuries from a single soft-tipped
bullet. At the end of an eight-day inquest a jury of seven women and two men
took just under two hours to return a verdict of lawful killing. The foreman
said: "The deceased adopted an aggressive demeanour towards officers and
failed to respond to demands to put down his firearm."

As the verdict was given, Mr Kitts's mother, Diana, wept. After the inquest
she said she still had to live with the nightmare every day. She said:
"There are two sides to every story and all we have heard is the police
side. Antony is the only other person who can say what really happened that
night and he is dead."

Tina Salvidge, her solicitor, said questions remained unanswered and the
family was considering what further legal action could be taken. She said:
"We remain concerned at the apparent lack of police organisation in an
incident of this nature. We are still of the view that if the police had
exercised more caution in their approach to Antony, there would have been no
reason to shoot and he would have still been with his family today."

At a press conference after the inquest, Ian Latimer, Assistant Chief
Constable of Devon and Cornwall Police, said the verdict had vindicated the
actions of all the officers involved. He said: "We deeply regret the death
of Antony Kitts. We are convinced, however, that given the circumstances our
officers could not have acted differently."

He defended the use of the soft-tipped bullets, which do not pass through
the body and so cause more internal damage than a solid bullet. The
ammunition was used by other forces and complied with Home Office


Do the police have access to the growing array of "non-lethal"
products available to "SWAT" teams?

I'm thinking "Bean Bag rounds" CR/CS/CN liquid gas sticky foam
rounds, Rubber Bullets etc?

(Are "Bean Bag Rounds" legal for civilian use?)

The Special Forces have all these items - why not the police?

It is even written in (I think Steven Crawfords) an ex SAS members
Biography that when the Hungerford shootings were occurring 2 SAS
Range Rovers (of anti terrorist wing) were returning from training
in explosive access,  as usual has all their standard equipment
with them.

One of the team leaders (with his team) decided to visit a family
member (poss his mum) for tea  cakes at  a town close to
Hungerford, though upon getting closer to Hungerford they heard
on the Police radio that someone was on a shooting spree. They
decided to offer their help, they found the Police Officer in
charge (at this time 2 people had been shot). 

They offered their services, to "Gas  Bag" Michael Ryan, using a
mix of Grenade  shotgun launched Pepper, liquid CN Gas,  other
"Non-Lethal" substances techniques  equipment, to bring the
shooter down (obviously while wearing all their appropriate
ballistic armour!)

Note this equipment was not available in any other immediate
form to Hungerford Police. (according to the official reports)

Guess what the Police Officer in charge said of this generous
offer...NO THANK YOU!!!

The SAS left,  when they arrived back at their barracks, they
heard the actual body count, from what I've read they weren't
best pleased at the outcome.

You'd have thought that idiot who turned them down would have
at least asked them to lend medical support  to use the
Armoured SAS Range Rover

Note also that the Hungerford Police report said they could do
nothing WITHOUT AN ARMOURED VEHICLE for casualty evacuation,
obviously a Armoured SAS Range Rover is not armoured enough!!!

Can anyone think of any other "non Lethal's that the Police
should be using?
( Wasn't there a tv program about SWAT Non Lethals last year IIRC)

Apparently the police don't have anything non-lethal except
for CS spray going by the recent article about ACPO wanting

CS: Target-Knob Creek

2001-02-10 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The link for the Knob Creek website shoot, next MG shoot is 6,7,8 April


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CS: Misc-Another old rumor

2001-02-09 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can anybody shed any light on this one?

During the Pistol bans Winston Churchill's Boer War
Broomhandled Mauser was "handed in" (from a private
collection I assume)   was subsequently witnessed
being crushed! (same source as before)

Is there any truth behind this one?
Surely if this is true then it is a crime against history
itself, as destroying antiques deliberately is also.

It was sold off at an auction not so long ago, I believe it's
still in a collection somewhere.


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CS: Pol-Conservatives? Listening?

2001-02-08 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Looks like I should email them back  ask them to answer the question!!!

-Original Message-
Sent: 23 January 2001 17:05
Subject: Believing in Britain

Is it not time an updated(?)version of the Bill Of
Rights 1689 was introduced, in full, in particular stating unequivocally the
rights of the individual in all forms.

For as we see at the moment, those people who do not know of their historic
rights have had the "New Labour" government walk all over them in a
tyrannical fashion.

I have always been a Conservatve voter, though unless something along these
lines IE Stating Our rights, I  many other voters will withold our vote for
any party which does not support these rights at the next Election

Please consider this as there are literally millions of votes to be gained
by a party that will support all the rights of the individual (that they
were born with)


Earl Williamson

Mr Hague has asked me to thank you for your recent e-mail and to reply on
his behalf. 

He has carefully noted your comments.  With the publication of Believing in
Britain, we are taking the next step towards turning The Common Sense
Revolution into a programme for Government, and your point is an important
part or our manifesto. 
Britain has fantastic opportunities in the coming years.  We could have
prosperity on a scale unknown to any previous generation, with more people
than ever before sharing in its benefits.  We could have a healthier, better
educated population than ever before in our history.  We could have greater
stability and stronger communities than for many years past.  We could be a
leading nation in a more peaceful, freer and more democratic world than it
has ever been possible to achieve. 
The Conservative Party is ambitious for this country.  We are determined
that Britain will be first rate in every way. 
The key to a prosperous economy lies in keeping taxes down and reducing
regulation and setting free the creative and hard working British people to
succeed in the world economy.  Opportunity has to be spread to all.  Britain
must be an open society in which success is possible for every hard working
person whoever they are and wherever they come from.
The key to a strong and stable society is to trust local communities and
institutions.  We must hand back power to the local school and to parents.
We must hand power to patients and reduce day-to-day interference by
politicians in the health service.  We must encourage churches and voluntary
bodies to help the vulnerable.  We must support the struggling family trying
to stick together.  We must let local communities protect their own
environment and identity.
The Conservative Party wants to make Britain the best place in the world to
do business - put our country at the head of those embracing the new
economy, at the centre of a free trading world, make it a fitting home for
all who want to get ahead, to create, to excel.  We want to make Britain the
best place in the world to live - rebuild our cities, reform our public
services, revitalise our communities.  We want to make Britain one of the
most admired and respected countries in the world - help shape a new Europe,
help shape a better world. 
Britain needs a Common Sense Revolution.  The next Conservative government
will concentrate on the right priorities, creating an enterprising society
and quality public services.  It will be a government that delivers more and
taxes less.  The next Conservative government will support the rule of law.
The next Conservative government will defend the independence and integrity
of our nation. 
The Conservative Party has listened and learnt.  Now we want the chance to

Thank you again for writing.

Yours sincerely,
Ian Philps
Correspondence Secretary

Oh well, as Jeff Cooper said, "Common sense is the faculty that tells
us the Earth is flat."

They haven't even read the question.


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CS: Pol-Shotguns good reason, from the Lords Hansard

2001-02-01 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

24 Jan 2001 : Column WA16

Shotgun Certificates: Requirement to Show Good Reason

The Earl of Shrewsbury asked Her Majesty's Government: 

  Whether they will provide details of all cases in the last
five years in which chief officers of police have been
compelled by existing law to grant shotgun certificates to
persons whom they believe did not have a good reason for
acquiring or possessing a shotgun; whether any danger to
public safety has arisen from any of these cases; and if such 

24 Jan 2001 : Column WA17 

  information is not held centrally, whether they will take
steps to do so.[HL295] 

Lord Bassam of Brighton: This information is not recorded
centrally and can be obtained only at disproportionate cost.
We have asked the Firearms Consultative Committee (FCC), the
independent statutory body that advises the Government on
firearms matters, to explore the issues surrounding the
introduction of a requirement for shotgun certificate holders
to show good reason for possessing shotguns.
The FCC is conducting a survey among the shooting associations
as to what they think would constitute "good reason" to possess
a shotgun.


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CS: Legal-McMurdo

2001-01-31 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So, IF McMurdo is still alive, then WHY HASN'T HE  THE OTHERS BEEN BROUGHT

Surely it is not beyond our collective ability to bring (in each of these
travesties of justice) Private Prosecutions in the form of "Field Sports
Participants Vs Those Responsible", no matter who the responsible parties
may be.

58,000 - 1,000,000 People chipping in to the legal fees to bring the various
prosecutions would send the message to most people that we won't be lying
down on these issues where we are persecuted for political whims.

 maybe they would all do their respective jobs correctly

Didn't we already try this?  I seem to recall something along
these lines in 1996.


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CS: Crime-another two shot

2001-01-30 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2 men shot in Peckham 4am Monday 29 Jan - It's on the news
but not on the BBC web site yet..H  not on the BBC
news either..HMM

The details are 2 men shot in the head by a "gang" of others
1 was DOA to hospital the other is critical, the man who died
was shot twice in the head , yet again on Peckham High Street.
(the other hot spot for executions is Coldharbour Lane, by
Loughborough Junction Train Station 3-4 executions there last
yearon that one strip of road  a body on the back seat of a
car, on a corner of the road (I drove past the Forensics team
coming  going)
Here's the shooting I missed driving into by about 2 mins last
year in Peckham (would have been in the middle of it if a friend
hadn't called me back as I was leaving)

It would have been a good move if the Police car that cut me up
to block the road had asked if I had any "first aid training"

The things they neglect to mention was there were 2 Drug dealers
who went to kill a rival, each carried an Ingram Mac 11 (according
to other reports)  at least 3 magazines were emptied into a crowd
of more than 10 people who were standing in the same queue as the
rival drug dealer outside Chicago's Night Club.

Ie. they "sprayed the crowd" to get 1 person

When I saw it on the news 2 bulletins on the bbc  itv their
reporters "couldn't be bothered" according to the expressions on
both of their faces!!!

An attempted mass murder  the news reporters were bored! 
Maybe if one of the Attempted murderers had once held a FAC...



Monday, 31 July, 2000, 12:52 GMT 13:52 UK 
Nine injured in 'Yardie' shooting

The area around the club is dubbed the "front line" by some

Nine people have been hurt after a gunman opened fire outside
a nightclub in what detectives believe may have been a Yardie
incident involving Caribbean gangsters. 
A 16-year-old girl was amongst those injured when the man fired
shots from an automatic weapon outside the Chicago's nightclub
in Peckham High Street, south east London. 

The most seriously hurt was a man who suffered two chest wounds. 

Four women were also caught in the attack and all received
hospital treatment. 

  One woman had been shot through the arm...the other in
the leg
  Anonymous eyewitness  

The incident took place at 0250BST as people queued outside
the nightclub for a Jamaican sound system night. 

An eyewitness queuing outside the club said: "I heard the
gunshot and ran away to hide and when I came out there were
two women on the floor screaming. 

"One woman had been shot through the arm and it looked like it
had gone straight through and hit her side. The other woman
had been shot in the leg." 

'Innocent people' 

Metropolitan police from Operation Trident, which tackles
Yardie crimes, are investigating the attack. 

Detective Superintendent Peter Camilletti is appealing for

He said: "There are some innocent people caught up in the shooting. 

  A motorist was treated for shock after seeing the attack
"We do not yet know what the motive was for it. We have very few
witnesses to this at the moment so we are appealing to witnesses
and anyone who can tell us what happened." 

He said the weapon appeared to have been an automatic gun, based
on cartridges found on the street. 

A Peckham resident, who did not want to be named, said: "This
area of High Street, where the club is, is known locally as the
front line because this is the point people come to if they want
to meet drug dealers who deal in crack and heroin." 

He added: "Softer drugs are available elsewhere but this is 
here you get hard drugs." 

Footage from CCTV cameras positioned outside the club will be
examined by police and an incident room has been set up in

Anyone with any information is being asked to call police in
confidence on 020 8778 2375 or Crime Stoppers on 0800 555111. 

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CS: Pol-March Slogans

2001-01-25 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What Rights Do You Have..?

Think Again


What Rights Do You Have Left..?

Think Again


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CS: Pol-Fishing next

2001-01-24 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Perhaps Mr Tony Banks MP (the keen fisherman who votes to ban all other
sports) would like to see where his hypocritical stand on rights  past
times has got him, his fellow anglers, the fishing industry etc!

So will the ALF be targeting Fishmongers? Tesco/Sainsburys?

Do those idiots who call themselves "the Elected Member" ever learn???
(Didn't know you could elect part of your body!!)

Or will MP's be shocked by the ALF statement from those who have no PLACE in
rationalised debate, maybe Mr Banks will ask " How COD they do this!?



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CS: Pol-ban on hunting.

2001-01-20 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So, is this now how the "Labour" party now worksEvery 3 years it *HAS*
to BAN an activity  Persecute a section of society - from past  present
experience - the most law abiding sections?

Oh, not to mention the infringement  removal of the right of the individual
to do as they please, as long as it affects no one else in the process.

Is this really the message that the "Establishment" really want to send
out - "You are our subjects  you will do as we decree"

Surely if they really cared they would push for a world wide ban on tobacco
sales  use - or would they get a reduced number of votes at the next

I wonder when they will turn on other minorities of a single race or
religion, or when they will run out of multi racial/ multi religion/multi
aged groups to persecute (ours having already been persecuted)

(There is a thread on the SA Board regarding the ban after Dunblane)


P.S. why did Parliament have the "Pistol Range" in recent times, was the
underlying reason so that MP's had an excuse to be armed when travelling to
 from work?
You'd have to ask them.


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CS: Pol-Tony Banks on Muggers

2001-01-20 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Did anyone see Tony Banks MP in the debate on Fox Hunting,
mention his recent mugging by 3 "Black" youths (also stated on
"Clarkson" - BBC2)

Interesting to see how his view of muggings  violent crime
has changed now - He has now stated twice, first on Clarkson, 
yesterday in the commons that (Muggers) "should be shot"

Surely not! I hear you cry, Not he who lauded that there would be
less crime after (all) Legally Held Pistols ( firearms) were
removed from society!

Yes, Mr Banks now holds those views... all it took for him to do
an about turn on his views was He got mugged!

So does this mean that the more of the Labour Party  other MP's
that experience something before voting on it will actually have
understood both sides of the argument?

(He really hates Muggers now, but before...)

His speech should be in Hansard soon


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CS: Pol-March In March Worries

2001-01-18 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No matter what, I WILL BE ATTENDING THE MARCH, as should everyone else with
an interest in field/country sports  human rights - including the fishing
sports supporters as they will be next for a ban.

Though, I have considered taking a camera of my own to record the actions of
those who would record our actions.

If everyone else on the march also took a camera,  should we be under
surveillance by anyone apart from the press, we could then make a point of
recording those who would record us!

I can see it nowas each part of the march passes a camera crew.the
marchers turn  take their picture!! .. another point scored for the
rights of the individual over the overbearance of the state...wahey!!! LOL

If the police attempted to revoke anyone's FAC simply because
they attended a march it would be a gift to the gun lobby and
that is why it won't happen.


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CS: Misc-John Wayne Winchester Custom Model

2001-01-18 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks everyone, here's the response from Winchester, does anyone know the
specifications of the rifles with the large loop - Barrel Length, Calibers,
Sights etc

I think Franklin Mint was one of the places that said the large loop was
invented by JW - same here, I thought I had seen it also in films before
John Wayne's career
Thanks again


P.S. Didn't Arnold Schwarzenegger use a sawn off (Barrel  Stock) Large Loop
Winchester in Terminator 2? - Just thought of that!!!

The gun John Wayne used in El Dorado was a Model 1892 Winchester with the
large loop.  Winchester never produced this model having the large loop
except in commemorative editions.  We do not have records here indicating
that the large loop was invented by John Wayne.

We hope this information is helpful.

Winchester Customer Service

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CS: Misc-John Wayne Winchester Custom Model

2001-01-16 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I am trying to find out more about the Winchester underlever
rifle that John Wayne used in several of his films.

In "El Dorado" it was commented that it was a customised rifle.

The outward appearance of the rifle is that of a 1873, 1892 or
1894 carbine model with the Large Loop in probably a 16" barrel

The Large Loop is sometimes credited as being invented by John
Wayne, is this correct?

Any information on specifications would be appreciated,  I have
seen various commemorative editions, though nothing recently

Many thanks

Earl W
I don't think it was invented by John Wayne, Robert Stack used
one in "The Rifleman" but I'm not sure which was filmed first.


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CS: Pol-The March In March - Registration Info

2001-01-11 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I appreciate that everyone probably knows about the March on
the 18th March  the debates for and against it (Lack of support
in 1997 being one)

Yes, I did borrow this information from the Sportsman's
association Website, to send to my friends as an email,
hopefully the SA won't mind it being used for this purpose - I
did ask  I was told it was ok - Thanks Guys

This is a copy of the email  I thought I should share it with
all the Cybershooters out there, feel free to forward it to all
in your email address book, as I hope my friends will do also.

Best Wishes





The Countryside Alliance have requested all those who intend to
take part in the March on 18th March 2001 to phone their telephone
hotline and register their intention. 

The March Registration Hotline number is

0906 788 1680
(Calls should cost no more than 1)

The cost of the call will help to pay for your information pack,
car sticker and an "I Have Registered" badge.

Why are the Countryside Alliance Asking People To Register
(This information is taken from the CA's March Website)

  a.. First and foremost to pledge your support to "Liberty 
Livelihood" and to make a committment to marching on Sunday 18th

  b.. To help the organisers in their logistic planning by
providing an indication of the likely numbers to attend.

  c.. To receive information about the March in a cost effective

  d.. To receive a car sticker and badge which you can use to help
to promote the march.

  e.. To join the "Roll of Honour", we plan to produce a list of
all marchers which, in its own way, will form the basis of a
petition to support the event.

  f.. To help promote the March, the more marchers we have
registered in advance the better, and such information can only
assist us in our overall PR campaign.

The Countryside Alliance will not pass the information you give
them to anybody else and will only be used by that organisation
to inform you about the March and related events and initiatives.


The Sportsman's Association feels very strongly that SHOOTERS must
be a clearly defined group of people within the mass of people
protesting on March 18th 2001. It must be obvious to the watching
media and political leaders that the rights of shooters is one of
the issues being supported by the March and that shooters form a
prominent percentage of those who are marching. The Countryside
Alliance are in full agreement with the idea of the identifcation of
shooters as a group of people within the March.

There are things we can do to ensure that shooters, as a body, are
clearly identifiable.

1. The Organisation Of Shooters' Coaches
It is very important that shooters from different areas of the country
arrive in London together, and the easiest way to do this is to
organise Shooter's Coaches. It is tempting to think that it is easier
for individuals to organise their own transport (cars, trains etc) and
then meet up at the start of the March. This will be virtually
impossible because of the sheer number of people who will be on the
streets of London that day, as anybody who attended the previous
Countryside March will be well aware. To keep shooters in groups it is
essential that they arrive together in London and the best way to do
this is by organising coaches (or possibly booking a carriage or two
on a train - assuming the railways are running "normally" by then).
Parking is obviously as issue for the Coach Drivers upon arrival in
London. The Countryside Alliance have advised us that Coach Organisers
should register for the March (as should all people intending to take
part) and they will be forwarded information about parking facilities
organised by The Countryside Alliance. Registration information can be
found by Clicking Here!

2. Placards, Banners Etc
Having arrived as a group, and hopefully stayed together, Shooters must
be a clearly indentifiable grouping within the mass of marching people.
One very effective way of doing this is to use sensibly worded placards.
Offensive or abusive placards will not help our cause, rather they will
diminish effectiveness of our cause.

Some suggested "slogans" for placards of banners are:

"I love my country - but I fear my government"

"Shooters are fighting for Freedom of Choice - We will never give up"

"Guns are inanimate objects - it is people who kill"

It is suggested that all placards / banners have the Sportsman's
Association logo prominently displayed. Indeed some should solely consist
of the logo. If anybody has any more suggestions for "slogans" they will
be gratefully received and added to t

CS: Pol-Govt Vs Comedian

2001-01-10 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Whitehall official accused of dirty tricks against comedian
8:17am Monday, 08th January 2001

A Whitehall official has been reprimanded after asking colleagues to find
information with which to smear comedian Mark Thomas.

The unnamed civil servant sent an e-mail saying that Trade and Industry
Secretary Richard Caborn wanted "background/dirt" on the Channel 4 star "in
order to rubbish him".

A DTI spokeswoman said that Mr Caborn had not known about the message and
had never requested such information, but she confirmed that the e-mail was
one of a number obtained from Government files by Mr Thomas under the Data
Protection Act (DPA), and that the official concerned had received a warning
over the incident.

The comedian's Mark Thomas Product shows aim to combine stand-up humour with
investigative journalism and stunts designed to highlight hypocrisy and
wrong-doing in high places.

Speaking to the Guardian newspaper Thomas said: "If Caborn wants to smear
me, this is a waste of taxpayers' money and time. This is the type of
behaviour you would expect from undemocratic regimes, not from a Government
which promised to be whiter than white."

The unnamed ECGD official wrote: "Thomas is back on the tele in the autumn
(by the way name of official deleted also said that Caborn wants him to
gather as much background/dirt on him in order to rubbish him."

The DTI spokeswoman added: "The minister was not aware of the contents of
the e-mail. At no time did the minister ask for information to rubbish Mark

Other messages released to Thomas under the DPA, detail how officials sought
to deal with his enquiries. Some reveal a debate on whether to be open or
"starve" him of information, while others describe him as "an out-and-out
nutter" and "a prat". All officials' names were removed from documents
before their release to Mr Thomas.

Liberal Democrat trade and industry spokesman Vince Cable is to write to Mr
Caborn demanding an explanation of the incident. He said: "If the reports
are true, and the press officers involved were acting under ministerial
instructions, then this is a very serious matter indeed.

The Mark Thomas Product can be seen on Channel 4 at 11.10pm.

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CS: Pol-lack of energy in dealing with the knife problem

2001-01-04 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]