CS: Legal-gun trafficker sentenced

2001-02-22 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mr Steer said Haase was arrested more than a month later in October 1999
when he arrived at Liverpool Lime Street Station from London. Grimes was
detained at his home in Liverpool a day later. A search of a Big Brother
office in Liverpool's Stanley Market uncovered more weaponry including a
double-barrelled sawn-off shotgun, a Colt full-loading pistol and

A colt full loading pistol?  What the hell do they mean by that!  Almost as
funny as the "SKS accurate to 2000m"!!!


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CS: Target-Gallery Rifle power limits

2001-02-21 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CS: Misc-sarcasm

2001-02-17 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Being one of the most sarcastic persons on Earth I can tell you from
experience that sarcasm doesn't come over too well in emails.


This is why many hours of geek time are spent developing the
nouveau-literary device of the smiley ;-)  This unpleasant charachter allows
those of us who _are_ incredibly sarcastic to illustrate this, and
thoroughly annoy anyone who is reading your words ;->

Mike :o)

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CS: Crime-Time to take guns out of community

2001-02-15 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

a.. On Thursday a man was jailed for seven years at the Old
Bailey for stabbing to death a rival in a crowded mobile
phone shop in Harlesden.
Rupert "Birdeye" James, 35, was acquitted of murdering
Dean Samuels but convicted of manslaughter. He claimed
Samuels had bullied and "dissed" him.

IIRC, they told us that they'd "taken all these guns off the streets" after
the 1997 ban.  So, how come it's time again to "take guns out of the
community"?   The only difference this time is that the guns _are_ actually
on the streets and in the community and not in someone's locker.


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CS: Target-Any old brass?

2001-02-15 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Classified ads, wrong section:

Impoverished shooter, student, seeks once fired 7.62mm/.308" and
.303" boxer primed brass to keep costs down.  I'll pay your postage
or we'll arrange a drop off at Bisley.

Anyway, with the cost of decent factory 7.62 ammo being 30p plus
(43p if you want the new 155gn RG), Target Rifle is getting a
touch expensive, and .303" ammo is either expensive or scarce (who'd
pay L27.50 per 100 for HXP anyway?  It's pants, and other sources,
e.g. that fantasic Yugo Mk8Z have pretty much run out, as has the
RG MkVII).  So, if anyone has any unwanted boxer primed brass in
the above calibres I'll happily take it off your hands.  Please
contact me off list if you have any lying around. 

Also, who does the best Target Rifle (144-155gn) 7.62mm bullets
in the L10-20 per hundred (delivered) price range?



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CS: Pol-Proliferation of Small Arms

2001-02-14 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mullin, a junior international development minister, said: "We
all have a collective responsibility to combat small arms

1: We have a teacher shortage
2: We have a nurse and doctor crisis
3: We have pensioners freezing to death in winter
4: We have students being taxed out of higher education
5: We have middle earners being taxed out of existence
We have all these crises and the govt wants to spend umpteen million on
THIS?  It'll be almost as effective as the Firearms Acts 1968-1997 and
probably cost more.  Money well spent, that's what I say... 

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CS: Pol-Fishing next

2001-02-13 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If they _really_ care about animal welfare and animal rights they'll go
after Halal butchers, since that is a thouroughly unnecessary and generally
nasty procedure that causes phenominal suffering to many animals daily in
the name of "freedom of religious expression".  If it's a mainly political
thing, they won't, since they don't want to be chastised by the PC brigade
and lose Government support 

"A seemingly one-man crusade against political correctness "

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CS: Pol-Positive reply from Bracknell MP

2001-02-12 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Would you post a copy of the fax you sent him.

Sure.  I have since been corrected on list about the number of 50 cals in
the country by our resident 50 cal shooter (I said about 2 dozen and our
knowledgable chap reckons about 40, so it's not far off ;)

Here it is:

Dear Rt Hon Andrew Mackay,

I am writing to you to express my concern as a target shooter about the
threat posed by the Association of Chief Police Officers to my sport.  I
have been shooting since the age of 13 and in 1999 achieved Junior
International status whilst shooting for the British Cadet Rifle Team ("The
Athelings") and the England team in the Cadet National competition at
Bisley.  The ACPO believes that there is a threat posed to society by the
private ownership of so-called "long barrelled revolvers" and .50" BMG
calibre rifles, and plans to ban them both under Section 1(4) of the
relevant Firearms Acts 1968 to 1997.  This is yet another infringement on
our rights and labels us as criminals.
There are only about two dozen .50 BMG rifles in the country, since there
are only two places that are suitable for firing them, and they are used for
extreme long range target shooting up to about 2000 yards.  Long barrelled
revolvers are unwieldy pieces of machinery that either require a lot of
strength to operate or to be fired off a rest.  Again, there are few of
these in the country but considerably more than there are 50 BMG rifles.
The amount of police, and indeed Government time and money that is spent
persecuting law abiding target shooters whilst ignoring the actual threat of
illegally held guns is staggering - some estimates of the number of illegal
guns in the UK are as high as 3,000,000!  Statistically, Firearm certificate
holders are amongst the most law abiding sections of the community, yet we
are scapegoated for all the firearms crime in the UK.  Another bone of
contention is that the laws are made by people without the relevant
knowledge of firearms, with the exception of the bulk of the FCC (the
remainder of the FCC is sat on by the Gun Control Network, whose six members
[in total] are not qualified to sit on the FCC, as they have no knowledge of
safe storage and use of firearms or weapons technology as required by the
FCC's mandate).
If this situation continues in the UK, we will have no target sports left,
with the exemption of the foreign Commonwealth Games competitors who will
undoubtedly be granted Section 5 licenses in future years as they have been
for the coming Games.  If the Government cannot trust its own shooters, why
should it trust those of other nations?
Many thanks for your time, and I look forward to receiving your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Mike Burns
Secretary, Oxford University Rifle Club
This was a result of our Rt Hon Moderator ;-> asking whether people could do
this at the British Alpine Rifles AGM: I wonder if anyone else there did it?

Now, group, please feel free to rip my letter apart (as long as you've
written one yourself!) and make me feel all small again.  I know it's not
perfect but I'm an engineering student, and complete sentances baffle me ;-)



I wouldn't rip it apart, although my personal preference when talking
about the number of illegally owned guns is to say the _minimum_
number is around 900,000, because if asked I can say how I came to
that figure quite easily.  If I were to say three million it becomes
far more complex and more subjective.  Whether it's three million
or 900,000 it still makes the point.  I'm not sure how many LBRs
are on FACs, but it's in four figures.  I don't think they are
that cumbersome having handled one of the Taurus guns the other
day, but I guess it depends on the model.  I just think it's fruitless
to ban them for a huge variety of reasons that I put in my submission
to the FCC.  Even if you think banning them is a good idea, the
reality is that it is impossible to come up with a dividing line
that completely seperates rifles from "handguns", or shall we
say the traditional form of rifle from the traditional form of
handgun.  What about long-barrelled .22 semi-auto pistols?  No-one
has mentioned them, and there are two guns on the market already
that are along those lines (the Walther GSP rifle and the Browning
Buckmark rifle).  What about single-shot pistols like the T/C
Contender?  What is a "handgun"?  If we permanently attach a
stock is it then a rifle?  Etc., etc., ad naseum.


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CS: Pol-Positive reply from Bracknell MP

2001-02-11 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I used that fantastic www.faxyourmp.com site to fax
Bracknell MP Andrew MacKay, who according to Steve is a
shooter and a well-known Pro.  Here is the reply, signed by
him with a _real_ pen!!!  Not some silly standard reply
thang, and it came in less than a week!

Dear Mr Burns,

Thank you for your letter e-mail of the 5th February the
contents of which I very much endorse.  Like you I am
concerned that the Government and senior Police Officers
are determined to ban virtually all guns and ensure that
there is no target sport left in this country.

I deeply oppose such measures and will use the opportunity
of your e-mail to make fresh representations ot the Home
Secretary accordingly.

I will keep you informed of developments.

With Best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Andrew Mackay.

Well, at least someone's on our side.  Any shooters in the
Bracknell Forest area who would like to contact Mr MacKay
should e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I will now vote for this chap.


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CS: Target-300m

2001-02-10 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only thing I can say against TR is that the NRA seems to forget
that there are other fullbore shooting disciplines as I grow
increasingly frustrated at their attitude towards 300m (with the
range now closed six months out of the year, mind-numbingly daft
as it has covered points and more likely to be used by TR shooters
as well during the winter) and also their gross stupidity,
subsidising GR and various other events at the Imperial and doing
very little to promote them.


Tell me about it - the BAR meeting was like the Western Front, but with the
bullets going only one way ;-) !  If only they'd let us use the relatively
sheltered and windchill free 300m range the turnout might even have been
better.  Plus, it's the only proper ISU 300m range in the country, so to
keep it closed 1/2 the year is lunacy!

Actually it's called ISSF nowadays. ;>


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CS: Misc-Cartridge development

2001-02-10 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I am doing an engineering written project on the development
of the small arms cartridge (from paper, foil, coiled brass,
drawn brass (rimmed, rimless, RF, CF), to caseless) and I was
wondering if anyone knew of any, particularly engineering-type
texts on the subject, e.g. from the metallurgical and
manufacture point of view?  I have access to the complete
Bodlian library collection (so many books pre-1920 and every
book published post 1920) so obtaining them is not a problem.
Relevant patent applications (both US and UK) would also be useful.

Many thanks in advance,


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CS: Pol-LACS abuse

2001-02-10 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, hello group.

I'm now just a teensy bit annoyed having just done my shopping
in Oxford's pleasant Westgate centre when, as I walked out of
the door, I found two of the Loonies Against Country Squires
(lacs) at a table getting people's signatures for a petition.  I
engaged them in hearty banter, trying not to be rude, and I now
have even less time for them than before this encounter.  Standing
behind the table were two middle aged housewife busybody types who
knew all the anti-hunt banter off by heart like the Latin grammar
they learned many moons ago at "Madame Tweezle's Posh School for
Ladies".  But, every time that yours truly stated one of the pro
arguments all I got was "You're believing all the propaganda".
The irony of this statement was not lost on my cynical ears.
Although I was trying my hardest to refrain from engaging in
heated conversation, the pleasant ladies on the other side of the
table were busy quoting Mori polls (without the figures to back it
up) and I had just been subjected to a tricky Heat Transfer
tutorial, so my mind was rather addled and failed to quote them
anything useful off the top of my head.  I even started getting
abuse from passers by, a simple "You should be ashamed of yourself"
from a vegetarian type student, clutching her bag of Sainsbury's
Economy Organic Lentils and a dear old lady who likened the
suffering of the fox to her own plight as a pensioner!

Anyway, quotes from the Loony Lacs people (IIRC):

"We won't even turn up [to hurl abuse??] on the 18th 'cos the
Government is going to ban it anyway" (begs the "why are you
bothering to do this then" statement)
"You'll go to prison" (err, but a) I haven't broken the law and
b) even if hunting is outlawed I won't go to prison cos I don't
"How would you like to be torn limb from limb without any
"...pregnant female fox, trotting along, yearling cub at her
"When all the steel workers were losing their jobs where were
you?"..."I'm a bit young for that one"..."But what about your
parents? They were probably going 'screw them, they're all
scum'"..."Yes, that's more of a problem than foxhunting,
maybe you should deal with that" at which point the little
old lady butted in and stopped me.. gr. I wish I
could have gone down that line.
(after pointing out that Halal butchery is cruel, and that
maybe they should be worrying about this more than foxhunting)...
"But we're not campaigning about ritual slaughter, we're
campaigning against fox hunting"..."well maybe you should"...
"err... Why don't you?"..."because I'm not going to stick my
neck out to get it kicked in by the PC brigade"...(the fairly
obvious double entendre of this statement was completely lost
on them)

I think you get the idea.  If I come across them again, I
shan't be so polite.  I was civil to the end, but they were
actually rude and cast aspersions on my family, which I
didn't like.  It's none of their business.  It's a perfect
example of what propaganda can do when you get a few
busybodies together with nothing better to do...

And who the hell are they to impose their morality on another
section of the community?  OK, so in some circumstances
hunting may be cruel, OK, it may not be 100% necessary, but
it's part of a groups morality and another group is inflicting
theirs on it.

Just my £0.02...

"I don't like Sushi, let's ban it. I'll call the campaign the
CTBJRF, or the Campaign to Ban Japanese Raw Fish.  I'll write
to Tony, you lobby your MP's and break the windows on a few
Japanese restaurants"
Feel better now?


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2001-02-02 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Have a read:


Thank you for your interest in the Gun Control Network.

This Website will outline our aims, which are simple, and
the ways you can help, which are many.

The job of this network is not to convince people that guns
are dangerous, sensible people know that already. The vast
majority want to see action taken on age limits, airguns
and "look-alike" weapons.

Our job is to convince the law-makers that they must listen
to the majority, and not be swayed by the narrow sectional
interests of the shooters.


Lookalike wpns?  Goddammit, like they're any more dangerous
than anything else

That's like saying that land rovers are more dangerous than
normal cars since they're used by the military!!!


What a condescending way to write a blurb, my editor would
have kicked me if I'd written something like that when I worked
in PR - "sensible people know that already".


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CS: Crime-Shock poster bid to combat shootings

2001-01-31 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

featuring the voice of a mother whose son was murdered and a freepost
address so information about gun crimes can be sent anonymously.
Right, so no malicious person is going to report false "gun crimes" about
any FAC/SGC holder that they don't like now, are they?


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CS: Misc-police spy on gun show?

2001-01-31 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I know that this was in America but it's scary all the same

I was at the Cow Palace gunshow in the San Francisco area this weekend
and was surprised to see, among the usual police cars parked by the
entrance, an unmarked full size Ford van with black tinted windows.
The engine was running but no one was in the cab.  It was between some
cop cars and was obviously used for surveilance.  I peeked in the cab
and saw there was a black curtain between the front seats so no one
could see into the cargo area.  It was rather obvious what was going on
and some other surprised gunshow patrons pointed and laughed at the
van.  Some even knocked on the windows and said, "Anyone in there?".
It suddenly struck me later that we were all probably being
photographed and video taped and the images were going to be kept in
some file somewhere.  I felt very violated and it seemed like an
intimidation by the local Police because they were not being discreet
about it at all.  It reminded me of how the FBI will photograph
protesters at rallies for their files.  Did anyone else see this and is
anyone else seeing this sort of thing in their cities?

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CS: Pol-Tabloid press report

2001-01-30 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Forget the legalities of it, just look at the choice use of words to make
the Women's Institute go "OO" in a Monty Python Pepperpot style


>Lethal Kalashnikonv sub-machine guns and rifles are being sent to

Hmm. I'd like to see a non-lethal AK "AK, furnished in finest velvet,
firing harmless foam pellets at near-zero velocity..." I can see the
marketplace opening up right now.  Third world dictators will flood to our
doorsteps to buy these things, each sale accompanied by an American
counsellor and a free soft toy in case any of the dictators get scared by
the nasty velvet guns.

>buyers by US arms dealers.   A salesman for a US company, Kalashnikov-USA
>Midwest, based in Michigan, last week confirmed that they have already sent
>weapons to buyers from the UK.
>And he also claimed that they sold a number
>of Kalashnikov rifles and ammunition to a group of Scots businessmen he met
>at the 'Shot Show' in New Orleans, the world's biggest hunting and shooting
>We phoned a sales representative of K-USA who identified himself as
>Don.  he said he could ship lethal AK-103 portable sub-machine guns direct
>to the journalist's home.
Portable SMG? Can't say I've ever seen an SMG that wasn't portable.  Just
trying to make it sound like it's concelable and lightweight...

>We explained that we were representing a collector
>who did not want to approach the company himself and were instructed to
>phone Don's boss, Steve, on Monday to go over the order.   Ironically, even
>in the USA, where gun laws are extremely relaxed, dealers are not permitted
>to sell Kalashnikov sub-machine guns to the public.
>The weapons are lightweight, capable of firing rapid bursts in all weathers
>and extremely easy to use. K-USA's
>catalogue of weapons, ammunition and accessories are easily browsed online.
>A member of a Scots shooting club, who did not want to be named, said, "
>There is absolutely no legitimate use for Kalashnikovs in the UK because
>they semi-automatic, which means that they can fire short bursts to deadly
>effect.  You would certainly not get a permit to own one of these weapons

Deadly effect???  Looks like someone's doing a bit of poetic licence! Again,
making it sound more lethal than it actually is.  Not that I'm denying it's
lethality, but it sounds as if the damn thing can put in 2" groups at 200
yds on full auto or something, which, of course, it can't...

>A spokesman for HM Customs and Excise said' " We are concerned at
>the import of firearms from abroad via mail order sources, particularly
>the USA.   We have recovered a number of firearms in recent years, the most
>notable being a rocket launcher.

As you say, it wasn't even actually a rocket launcher, just a spent,
non-reloadable tube...

>People who try to buy from the States run a high risk of losing a lot of
>money and facing arrest and conviction when caught.   Most US companies
>don't give a hoot about UK gun laws and will still take the money."

Blah blah blah.  The press at it again.

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CS: Pol-The march in March Placards

2001-01-22 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think you can have a placard without a stick, provided it
is not mounted on anything hard, so a piece of cardboard
should be okay.  I'm not sure exactly at what point they
consider it to be a potential weapon.


Is this a general rule for all protests in London or is it just for us 'cos
we're especially dangerous, gun-owning types?  Or are they expecting us to
have placards gaffer taped to the (fixed) bayonets of our (loaded)

According to the CA website banners have to be folded when marching through
Hyde Park for some reason, which kinda negates the option of mounting them
on a nasty sharp pointed stick...

This has been the case for quite some time, I am told.  I am also
wondering whether this T-shirt idea is such a great one, middle
of March isn't going to be that warm, unless we wear them over the
top of something.


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CS: Field-shooting squirrels

2001-01-20 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The 12ft-lb limit exists because it was felt that anything lower would
be insufficient to humanely kill agricultural pests -- meaning rabbits
and woodies.  Squirrels are more effectively controlled by trapping, and
few people eat them.  (And those who don't are missing a treat.)

So, how does one prepare and cook Squig then?  I have a few nice juicy ones
that run within an easy shot of my bedroom window!

"Roll up, roll up, squirrel soufflé 2/6"
Actually I think there out to be a prize for the fattest squirrel.

I saw one waddling across the garden the other day, I couldn't believe
how fat it was.

However I think the TV programme I saw on the Bubonic Plague kind
of put me off ever eating one.


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CS: Pol-How your MP voted on the hunting ban

2001-01-20 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H.  Looks like most of the country and market town MP's are anti-ban.
Now that's not surprising, really.  Unfortunately there appear to be far
more urban constituancies than rural.

Ho hum.  The morality of the town being shoved into the faces of the
countryside as usual..

Much to my astonishment my MP voted against the ban, perhaps
my nagging is paying off!


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CS: Pol-March 18 March

2001-01-16 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Howsabout hardcore target shooters going in shooting jackets
with "Scapegoat" or another suitable phrase on a piece of paper
pinned on their backs where competitor numbers usually get pinned
at Olympic style competitions?  I assume that noone will be turning
up in combat jackets cos that would be bad Nuff said?


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CS: Pol-More nonsensical gibberish

2001-01-16 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How on Earth is a national register of every owner going to help
determine which criminals possess guns?  The mind boggles.


Cos apparently we're the criminals.  The Home Orifice's own stats said
something about a drop in firearms crime after the ban That means
that we must have been committing crimes.  I wasn't - anyone else???


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CS: Pol-Someone's response to Cullen enquiry (out of date but relevent)

2001-01-15 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Judge for yourselves.
The interesting point was that ACPO did not support a handgun ban
until the Government did.


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CS: Pol-Mowlam approves guns deal

2001-01-15 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H, wonder if _your_ old gun is finding a new life in Jamaica???
Or is that just my suspicious mind???


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CS: Legal-carrying a firearm

2000-12-02 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>I understood his reply to mean that you have authority to possess but thats
>all. The inference was that whenever you carried your firearms in a public
>place you could be committing an offence. Which is why shooters have been
>prosecuted (persecuted) in every conceiveable way when carrying firearms.

>Do what I did. Learn the law, learn your rights and then let no bast**d
>them away from you.
>They cannot do it openly, only by stealth.

Can anyone quote the exact law on this?  From the literature I've read, it
seems to be as follows (please, please correct me if I'm wrong):

Sec 1:  May carry firearm covered (i.e. in gunslip) but NO ammunition in a
public place
Sec 2:  May carry a shotgun AND ammo in a public place (can't remember
whether it had to be covered, but that would seem sensible)
Air weapons: Unlawful to carry a LOADED air weapon in a public place (so no
restriction on unloaded ones)
Blank firers: ??

Any help/expansion on this one?

"19. A person commits an offence, if without lawful authority or
reasonable excuse (the proof whereof lies on him) he has with him
in a public place a loaded shot gun or loaded air weapon, or any
other firearm (whether loaded or not) together with ammunition
suitable for use in that firearm."


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CS: Target-Commonwealth Games Volunteers

2000-11-26 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I see The NRA, NSRA and CPSA are looking for volunteers to help
run the Commonwealth Shooting Federation Championships - 23-31
August 2001; and the Commonwealth Games 16July - 4 August 2002.
See NRA Winter Journal page 3 for details.

Both contain centrefire pistol events, of course, illegal in
this country.

Anyone have any comments on this?


1:  I will not be volunteering to help with the pistol comps in a passive
act of complaint (and I hope that everyone else feels the same).  If I am
going to be in the country at the time, I will apply to help with the Rifle
(as I hope any other RCO would do).
2: I will be writing a letter to the NRA and several newspapers outlining my
grievances about these foreigners being allowed pistols but not us.
3: I will try to organise a (probably County or University level) Pistol
competition and will get _everyone_ involved to apply to the Home Office for
a pistol, because we simply wish to compete in the same way as the
Commonwealth shooters do. (I feel this would be more effective than just
lots of people writing to signal our annoyance).
4: I will try to arrange a peaceful "sit in" on the first day of the
Commonwealth Championships on 25 Aug 2001 (50m Free Pistol 10:45am according
to the provisional timetable) and get as many people as possible (e.g.
2-3000 disgruntled pistol shooters) to sit in and around Melville, the
Pistol Galleries, and the new 50m range to show how we feel about these
laws.  We will then disperse and allow the rest of the competitions to
continue on the other days.

Having spoken to people in the NRA, they feel that this is the chance to get
some form of real pistol shooting back in the UK.  A small, public act of
defiance will show the Govt that we're annoyed but will not be too harsh
(e.g. sit ins for all the competitions) that ol'Tone will stamp his feet and
tell us to move, and if we win any medals, then the chances appear fairly
good that we'll get some concession.  If we just let it wash over us (as we
have done so many times before) then HM Govt may just not notice that we
were bothered about it.

Who's up for it then?  Bisley is very nice at that time of year(unlike
today, which was freezing)


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CS: Misc-Recommended movies

2000-11-25 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The film is also known as "Deep in the Heart" (1983) - go to www.imdb.com
and search for "handgun" and it'll pull it up for you.

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CS: Legal-airsoft guns

2000-11-20 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 There is a notice in Sussex Model Centre stating that
purchasers of BBs and airsoft gear have to fill in names
and addresses to comply with Police Authority
requirements following the change in law (1998) !!

Anyone shed any light on this please?

Sounds like some sort of local requirement.



But AFAIK, the police are only permitted to apply the Govt's rules and regs
as far as firearms (and other projectile throwing objects, e.g. airguns) are
concerned, and that if they do such things they are themselves breaking the
[I remember one case that one of the multifarious shooting organisations
jumped on where the police were insisting that there be a national
competition in which the particular firearm had to be used to justify "good
reason" to own it]
If anyone has the facts behind these rumours/semitruths, please enlighten

But airsoft guns are not firearms as they are not "lethal barrelled weapons".


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CS: Pol-Chris Mullin again

2000-11-18 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

... "These are incredibly
dangerous weapons."...

This reminds me of a thing in America where some TV journalist was
complaining about the "Powerful 9mm round" being avaliable to people
(obviously haven't ever seen a 7.62 NATO or a .303" then...).  The people
making these kinds of statements clearly don't have a clue about what
they're talking about, calling 12ftlb air rifles dangerous.  This is, as
usual, uneducated crap coming from the people who make the rules in this
Will someone with lots of money please put all these people on a course to
teach them about these things


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