CS: Target-Carl Zeiss Scope help

2001-02-22 Thread Neil Roberts

From:   "Neil Roberts", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is there anyone who might be able to give me any info
on a Carl Zeiss scope I have. I've uploaded them onto
my web site at


Any help much appreciated

The Swiss are pretty keen on Zeiss scopes, designed for
a Stgw 57 maybe?  Bit of an odd mount.


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CS: Pol-Fishing next

2001-01-24 Thread Neil Roberts

From:   "Neil Roberts", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Came by this from the telegraph


FISH and chip shops have been declared a legitimate
target for attack by animal rights extremists.
The Animal Liberation Front said yesterday that a
letter bomb attack in North Wales could herald the
start of a wider campaign against the 8,600 fish and
chip shops in the country.

Robin Webb, a spokesman for the Animal Liberation
Front, said chip shops could be regarded as targets. He
said: "The fishing industry is perceived as being very,
very cruel. With mammals and birds there is a pretence
of humane stunning and slaughter, whereas fish are
dragged out of the water into an alien environment in
which they slowly die.

"People, perhaps, don't have the same perception
generally about fish as they don't have hands-on
contact with them. But from the scientific point of
view they have a central nervous system and they can
suffer and feel pain. Although I do not condone actions
of this kind, I can understand the anger and
frustration that leads people to take radical action
when the parliamentary road has failed."

Looks like fishermen on the riverbanks had better watch


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CS: Pol-The march in March Placards

2001-01-21 Thread Neil Roberts

From:   "Neil Roberts", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We're not allowed to have placards, it will have to
be T-shirts or hats (or shopping bags ).


How about thick card strapped to one arm like a shield
with the message on

I think you can have a placard without a stick, provided it
is not mounted on anything hard, so a piece of cardboard
should be okay.  I'm not sure exactly at what point they
consider it to be a potential weapon.


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CS: Misc-policecorruption.co.uk

2000-11-18 Thread Neil Roberts

From:   "Neil Roberts", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Anyone following all the ongoings on this site, together with attempted
hacking of it must ask what the hell is there that the powers above do not
want out in the open.

One thing is for sure, they must saying and doing the right things because
of the effect that it is having.

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CS: Pol-Long Barrelled Pistol Ban ?

2000-10-30 Thread Neil Roberts

From:   "Neil Roberts", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Following on from the Home Affairs Committee recommendations

"We recommend that when a new type of firearm are developed which appear
designed to circumvent the provisions of the existing law, the Secretary of
State ought to consider using powers at his disposal to re-classify them. If
in his view, long-barrelled revolvers or other form of firearm are being
developed in a way which he considers a particular threat to public safety,
he should promptly lay an appropriate order before both Houses for

I hear that ACPO have a meeting this week, on the agenda is a proposals that
these long barrelled revolvers should be banned, any one else any info.


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CS: Target-RX Products- Where are they ?

2000-10-22 Thread Neil Roberts

From:   "Neil Roberts", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Does anyone know if RX (the people who made the turning targets and Air
weapon changers) are still about. If so any one a contact number or address.
The last I have is the Caerphilly address, which I get no reply from.


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CS: Legal-Certificate renewals

2000-10-09 Thread Neil Roberts

From:   "Neil Roberts", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steve, here we have a problem then. If the certificate is about to expire,
the police have not renewed it or issued a temporary permit, the local RFD's
will not touch them, what would you do with them ? Polite answers only !
Hand them in to the local police station, well wrapped!

It will not win the licensing dept. many friends if they cause
those kinds of problems.


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CS: Legal-Certificate renewals

2000-10-08 Thread Neil Roberts

From:   "Neil Roberts", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On the point of lodging your guns with an RFD for storage
if the local force has not processed your FAC on time.
Anyone tried to get the local force to pay for the storage.
Might not sound much but say 10 guns stored for a couple of
months adds up.

I can't actually think of many RFDs who would do this
anyway.  Think about it yourself, if you were an RFD
would you store guns for someone who tells you their
certificate is just about to expire and they can't get
the police to renew it?  You're just inviting a load
of grief from the coppers by getting involved.  I know
that the two RFDs I've asked about it said no way,
although I can think of a couple who probably would,
because they're friends of mine.

Also I wouldn't do it because my experience with leaving
guns with dealers is that they usually become scratched
or lost.  The RFD from my local club went bust after
the handgun ban, he had several guns in storage for
members and they were never seen again.  Everyone
assumes he handed them in and ran off with the money!


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CS: Field-Anne Robinson Quote

2000-09-27 Thread Neil Roberts

From:   "Neil Roberts", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This weeks Radio Times talks to Ann Robinson. One of the questions

"What would be your first act as world leader" Answer "I'd lock up all the
hunt saboteurs because they are destructive. They are campaigning about
something of which they know nothing about"

Neil Roberts

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CS: Target-BBC TV Coverage v Sky

2000-09-18 Thread Neil Roberts

From:   "Neil Roberts", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Having just watched yet another BBC round up of the
Olympics (10.30PM Sunday). A brief mention that Ian Peel
won Silver. Yet every other medal winner had an interview,
some footage of their competition and a look at their gong.

Compare this to the Sky coverage, interview with Ian, brief
coverage of the event and a look at the gong.

Letters in the post to the BBC surely.

They did interview him on the BBC, right after he won it.

I can't wait to see what Jack Straw makes of this as he
is Ian Peel's MP!


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CS: Pol-Commonwealth Games

2000-08-19 Thread Neil Roberts

From:   "Neil Roberts", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Does Bisley have a current Range Safety Certificate, if
so does it cover CF Pistols as our range was recently
certificated and had no CF Pistols on it.
If Bisley is the same then how are they going to shoot

Neil Roberts
I didn't think safety certificates specified firearms
anymore, the one at my local range simply states muzzle
velocities and energies.


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CS: Legal-Barras Family seek compensation

2000-08-06 Thread Neil Roberts

From:   "Neil Roberts", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If this claim is a success it is going to be a gold
mine for the criminals.  If they break into somewhere
and get away with it they win. If they get injured by the
owner or police they win. There must be something barring a
claim if you are committing a criminal act yourself.

Neil Roberts

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CS: Legal-S1 shotguns

2000-07-25 Thread Neil Roberts

From:   "Neil Roberts", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As the UKPSA seem to the only association the police accept membership of.
Have you contacted them ? I'm sure there must be UKPSA committee on this

Neil Roberts

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