CS: Pol-MMM mom convicted of shooting

2001-02-05 Thread SSAA


SSAA comment: We can now add the verse "that you do not shoot at people
with a "similar-sounding name" to your intended target", to the ten
commandments of firearm safety.
‘Million Mom’ activist convicted in shooting
Bereaved mother shot wrong man after son killed

By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

A bereaved mother whose son was shot and killed nearly two years ago --
and who spoke out against gun violence and memorialized shooting victims
at the "Million Mom March" rally in Washington, D.C., last Mother's Day
-- was herself convicted of shooting a man she wrongly believed was her
son's killer.

Barbara Graham, the Washington Post reported Thursday, "was found guilty
in D.C. Superior Court … of trying to avenge her son's death by shooting
a young man" last year that "she blamed for the killing."

Graham, who lost her own son in 1999 in a shooting death at a Martin
Luther King, Jr. rally, became active in a Washington-area group,
"Mothers on the Move Spiritually," in the months following her son's
death. The group helped sponsor the MMM event, where Graham "spoke out …
and helped memorialize the dead," the paper said.

The Million Moms March, which becomes nine months old as an organization
Feb. 14, has become one of the nation's leading advocates of stringent
gun control. The group, which promotes gun-control activism among the
nation's mothers, says it is "dedicated to preventing gun death and
injury and supporting victims and survivors of gun trauma."

Specifically, the organization promotes nationwide gun registration and
wants to "close gun show loopholes." Also, it supports a "one gun
purchase a month" program, and "strict oversight of the gun industry,"
among other measures.

Officials with the group, which has its main office in San Francisco
General Hospital, did not  return phone calls on Friday seeking
comments about Graham's involvement with the Mother's Day
speech or her conviction.

According to the Post, jurors last week returned guilty verdicts on nine
counts against Graham, 49, for her Jan. 26, 2000, shooting of
KikkoSmith, age 23. The shooting has left Smith paralyzed and confined
to a wheelchair for life.

Smith has spent most of the past year in a hospital, said the Post

Witnesses said Graham, who has three living children and who was
distraught over the loss of her son and frustrated with police efforts
to catch her son's killer, went to Smith's house with her son's .45-cal.
handgun and 30-year-old Erskine Moorer, the boyfriend of one of Graham's

When they arrived at about 6 p.m., Graham twice asked Smith -- who had
been called outside by friends and was talking to them as they sat in
their car -- his name.

Prosecutors said Graham and Moorer then pulled out guns and began
shooting at Smith as he ran from them. However, the Post said, Moorer's
attorney, Douglas Wood, told the jury that his client had left the
neighborhood before the shooting.

"Asked who confronted him with a gun, Smith pointed emphatically to
Graham, who sat still and somber. At another point, he pointed firmly at
Moorer, saying Moorer joined the ambush as he ran from Graham," the
paper said.

Prosecutors said during the trial that Graham likely confused Smith with
another young man with a similar-sounding name, and that Smith was not
the one who shot her son in 1999.

"Prosecutors suggested that the grieving mother probably misunderstood
Smith, thinking he said the name 'Teacco,' a young man she blamed --
also mistakenly, prosecutors say -- for her son's slaying," said the

One bullet fired by Graham is still lodged in Smith's spine. He told
jurors during testimony that doctors say he will likely never walk

"From a mother to a mother, she knew better," said Smith's mother, Mary
Ann Smith, after jurors reached their decision. "You can't tell the kids
to stop the violence with the mothers running around like this."

Graham faces 15 years to life in prison for three of the most serious
charges against her. She will be sentenced March 29, the paper said.

According to information published by MMM, in 1998 a total of 30,708
people were killed by guns in the U.S. Of those, 17,424 were gun
suicides, 12,102 were gun homicides, 886 were unintentional or
accidental shootings, and 316 were shooting deaths of undetermined
intent, the group said.

Meanwhile, the Second Amendment Sisters, a pro-gun rights organization
that also caters to women, says more gun laws and restrictions
are"anti-self defense" and actually serve to put more women at risk of
violence and injury.


CS: Pol-AIC Australia gun laws fail

2001-01-26 Thread SSAA


The Courier Mail - Queensland
Gun laws marginal in impact on crime
Chris Griffith

AUSTRALIA'S gun laws have had only a marginal effect on reducing
firearm-related crime.
According to figures in the new Year Book Australia 2001, the proportion
of gun-related murders and robberies decreased in 1999, but firearm use
increased in attempted murders from 19 percent in 1998 to 32 percent.

Australian Bureau of Statistics figures already had shown a steady
fall-off in firearm-related deaths since 1980, well before the 1996
Port Arthur massacre which spawned Prime Minister John Howard's gun laws.

The year book, released by the ABS yesterday, published police records
which showed Australians were slightly more likely to be murdered, kidnapped,
robbed or a victim of attempted murder in 1999 than in 1997.

But sexual assault rates were marginally on the decline, as were
blackmail and extortion, motor vehicle theft, and drug arrests.

But the decline in drug offences was overwhelmingly the result of a 10
percent national drop-off in cannabis-related offences in a year,
while heroin convictions increased 38 percent from 1998 to 1999.

The overwhelming number of Queensland drug-related arrests were cannabis
related: 13,386 cannabis arrests compared with 766 for heroin, in stark
contrast to Victoria where the number of heroin-related arrests (8153)
almost matched cannabis arrests (9286).

In the five years from 1994, prisons have become the largest growth area
for government expenditure on justice.

The area of corrective services received a funding boost of 7.1
percent Australia-wide, but funding for the administration
of criminal trials received just 2 percent more money than five
years ago.

Despite a long running international campaign against high incarceration
rates of indigenous Australians, in March 2000, Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islanders comprised 20 percent of Australia's prison population,
with the highest number being found in Queensland (1173).

The book included a paper on 20th Century Crime by Australian Institute
of Criminology director Adam Graycar who said that in 1900, many
Australians were incarcerated because of their mental state "and
at the end of the century this continues to be the case".

One hundred years ago, there was great concern about drunkenness,
gambling, and Chinese opium dens, whereas today, concerns such as cyber
crime, international drug trafficking, burglary, and domestic violence
were more prominent social ills.

Alcohol related crime was a common theme throughout the past 100 years.

Dr Graycar said Australia's current homicide rate was similar to that of
many northern European countries and Canada and New Zealand, but double
that of Japan, Norway, and Ireland. The US had four times the murder
rate of Australia.

There now was little difference in the murder rates in different parts
of Australia, except for the Northern Territory.

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CS: Pol-US Surgeon Gen and tv violence

2001-01-21 Thread SSAA


LA Times

Wednesday, January 17, 2001
Surgeon Gen. Links TV, Real Violence
Entertainment: Report finds repeated early childhood exposure to intense
shows, video games causes aggressive behavior.
By JEFF LEEDS, Times Staff Writer
The U.S. surgeon general is poised to declare graphically violent
television programming and video games harmful to children, marking a
potential watershed in the debate over government regulation of
In a report on youth violence scheduled for release in Washington today,
General David Satcher will find repeated exposure to violent
entertainment during early childhood causes more aggressive behavior
throughout a child's life, according to a draft of the report obtained
by The Times.
"Exposure to violent media plays an important causal role in this
societal problem" of youth violence, the draft report states. "From a
public-health perspective, today's [media] consumption patterns are far
from optimal. And for many children they are clearly harmful."
The findings, while representing a small portion of a wide-ranging
report on youth violence, are expected to fuel the push by parents
groups, politicians and some
retailers to limit violence in entertainment. The full report addresses
several factors contributing to youth violence, including home
environment, school programs and the socioeconomic background of
individuals, according to sources involved in preparing
the document.
But the conclusions about media violence could resonate the loudest in
Hollywood, where the entertainment industry has long asserted that
artists' free-speech rights shielded them from legal limits on the
content they create.
By using the weight of his office to validate existing research on
exposure to violence, Satcher is turning what has been a legal debate
into a public-health issue, associating the effects of media violence
with those of cigarette smoking.
The report has been eagerly awaited on Capitol Hill, but Satcher
apparently was not subject to political pressure to rush its release.
His term lasts until 2002. While declining to comment directly on the
report, Satcher said he had not intended to point fingers at Hollywood.
"We didn't decide to take on anybody.What we decided to do was to look
at all the factors related to youth violence," he said. To address the
problem, the draft report said, parents should consider using
televisions equipped with  the V-chip screening device and more closely
monitor their children's media consumption. It also encouraged more
federal research on the subject.   Several entertainment
executives declined to comment, saying they had not seen the full
report. But many were quick to take aim at past scientific research
linking Hollywood creations to real-world violence. The draft report
also essentially dismissed conflicting research.
Instead, it suggests the statistical evidence linking media violence and
aggressive behavior is similar in strength to the evidence linking
smoking and lung cancer.
In the current political climate, the surgeon general's report could
carry even more weight. It was a surgeon general's report in 1964
linking cigarette smoking and llung cancer that led to warning labels on
cigarette packaging. But it's unlikely Satcher will call for similar
labels warning of the health effects of media violence. However, coming
on the heels of last year's Federal Trade Commission report on the
marketing of sexual and violent content to children, Satcher's report
may spark renewed interest in the regulation of entertainment.
"I think it's significant, particularly as a capstone on what so many
other studies have said," said Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.), one of the
leading critics of Hollywood. He added that the report should
provide an impetus within the industry to produce less violent
television programming and films.
The report was requested by the White House and key lawmakers in 1999
after two teens opened fire on their classmates at Columbine High School
in Colorado, killing 12 students and a teacher. The report was prepared
by a team of 21 researchers assembled by the National Institutes of
No sitting surgeon general has addressed the issue so directly since
Jesse Steinfeld, who in 1972 issued a report on the subject and
testified before Congress that
television violence "does have an adverse effect on certain members of
our society."
Although some research conflicts with the basic premise that media
violence fosters aggression, the team writing the draft report was
dominated by researchers who have long believed that watching violent TV
or films has an adverse effect on children.   The team didn't include
any representatives of t

CS: Pol-UN Owen Green on small arms

2001-01-20 Thread SSAA


Station:RADIO NATIONAL  Date:   19/01/2001
Compere:SANDY MCCUTCHEONSummary ID: C3071498

SANDY MCCUTCHEON: There are half a billion of them in circulation
causing an estimated 500 thousands deaths a year and despite their
deadly nature, there are still no effective international rules
regulating the sale and contribution of small arms.

That could be about to change as the United Nations prepares to hold a
conference, on ways to tackle small arms trafficking next July. France
and Switzerland have already submitted a proposal which would force all
arms manufacturers to put a serial number and date on their small arms
so that their movements can be traced.

Indeed while most weapons, are serialised at the time they are made,
tracing their movements can prove to be rather tricky, as there's not
affective record keeping system currently in place.

Owen Green is the small arms expert from the University of Bradford, and
the United Nations consultant on small arms trafficking, he's currently
at the United Nations in New York from where he joins us now and Owen,
Good morning and welcome to Australia's Radio National.

OWEN GREEN: Thank you very much, I'm pleased to be here.
SANDY MCCUTCHEON: So just describe to us which weapons fall into the
category of small arms?
OWEN GREEN: We're talking about anything that an individual soldiers
or civilians can carry individually or in a small team like on the back
of a truck. So we're talking about automatic weapons, pistol, repeater
rifles, those sorts of things.

SANDY MCCUTCHEON: We've estimated I think $5 million of small arms
currently in circulation worldwide, how many have reached their
destination, illegally?

OWEN GREEN: Most find their way legally to their destination because
a lot of the traders amongst allies like between Britain and Australia
or whatever, but a very high proportion of those that cause problems in
Africa, Latin America and else where, are diverted and therefore to some
extent illegal.

The biggest problem seems to be a lot of arms find their, are authorised
in export, perfectly legally but they get diverted along the way.

SANDY MCCUTCHEON: How does that diversion take place, how does small
arms end up in the wrong hands?
OWEN GREEN: Well it's through a network of, there's many reasons,
one of the biggest is that countries export their weapons to a
particular end user and they have long supply routes and somewhere along
the line, they get diverted and no body really follows up and checks.

Quite often they are also stolen or lost from big stock piles, a
lot of army and police stock piles have got tens of thousands of the
things but they don't check regularly whether they've lost any.

SANDY MCCUTCHEON: So there is a end users certificate but this can often
be basically just a waste of time.

OWEN GREEN: Well yes, the trouble is a lot, the trouble really is a
lot of countries don't regard themselves big exporters or importers
because they don't build big weapons, but nearly every country is a
potential exporter of small arms not least, even if they don't produce
them they've got lots in their army stocks and they sell off the

A lot of them just don't frankly have end user certificates and
even if they do they don't then check that the weapons arrived. Then of
course there's the other problem that a lot of weapons sold
irresponsibly by states, not fully illegal but they're just covertly
sent to somebody, whether they full well know that they're just going to
be sent to some war zone, maybe in a sanctioned area.

SANDY MCCUTCHEON: Illegal arms trafficking it's a, I understand big
OWEN GREEN: Yes I mean luckily in this context, I mean its big
business for the brokers that are there, they can make millions, but on
the scale of you know, world crime. This isn't big money,  the big
problem is so little coordinated effort  being made to try tackle this
problem, that you know, the problem is rife.

It only takes an extra ten thou, you know a thousand, or even in
some context a hundred of these AK47's to completely destabilise some
tense situation in some country, or to help mount a coup or whatever. So
what I'm saying is, it's not big business but of course there's a lot of
greed and big money to be made.

SANDY MCCUTCHEON: Do we know who the main culprits are behind the
illicit trade are?
OWEN GREEN: The trouble is I think the main culprit is frankly there
hasn't been a concerted effort by the international community to really
crack down on it. During the Cold War everybody was supplying to  their
friends, and not paying p

CS: Pol-Tas Toy gun sales explode

2000-10-30 Thread SSAA


Saturday Mercury
The owner of the two capgun stalls at the Royal Hobart Show have been
swamped by fake-gun fiends wating to stock up on the life-like toys.
The stallholder said he had ordered a new shipment from interstate to
meet demand on the last day of the show today.
The man, from the state's north, said people voted with their feet
yesterday, proving it was only a minority who were opposed to toy guns.
He said parents and children came with capgun shopping lists yesterday,
thinking the toys may be banned.
National Coalition for Gun (Fun?) Control chairman Roland Browne said
the popularity of the stalls, following The Mercury's story about them
yesterday was not a vindication of the toy.
"He was doing a roaring trade beforehand." he said.
"Those so-called toys are sold at shows and regattas throughout
Australia and they always do a roaring trade."
He said now was the time for community debate on the restriction of
"I thought we had turned the corner in 1996 about the profileration of
the gun culture." he said.
Mr Browne has called for a review of the state's Firearms Act to include
the possible inclusion of life-like capguns requiring owners to be
licenced and aged over 18.
"A four-year-old with a gun has no understanding of what it means to
point a gun at somebody and say "your deda" he said.
"I would like to see those people who sel them such as stall holders,
justify their availability."
Launceston parent Anne Taylor was furious at the proliferation of toy
guns and was starting a petition calling for greater restrictions to
present to federal and state parliaments.
Miss Taylor, who as a five-year old son, Jordan said parents opposed to
the gun culture were the silent majority.
"Apathy is a big thing," she said.  "What parent would want their child
growing up surrounded by violence."
"They (toy gun sellers) are not putting the interests of children at
"It makes me so angry."
Tell me this is a wind up!


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CS: Field-how to deal with roadkill

2000-10-29 Thread SSAA


On sense v sentimentality in the country
Vicki Woods
Guardian, Thursday October 26, 2000

Last week, I was bombing along the C-class road that lies between my
dripping cottage and New Greenham Business Park (formerly Women's Peace
Camp: Say No to Cruise) when I came across what was obviously a very
minor  road accident.

Two cars pulled up on the verge, two young women standing about looking
tense, one shouting on a mobile. I was racing for the London train, but
we neighbourly country folk do not pass by on the other side. "Are you
OK?" I enquired. "Anybody hurt? Need any help?" The one without the
mobile said: "Er, er, I think we'll be all right. Thanks for stopping.
She's called the emergency services, they're coming, they'll be here
soon." Snatches of the mobile conversation blew towards me ("A glancing
blow to the side of the  head - no, no - alive - no, not too much
blood") and I said, "Oh, my God!"  and leapt out of the car.

"Who is hurt?" I asked, in a soothing but urgent voice. They turned
stricken little faces towards me and said: "It's a squirrel." A
squirrel? For a squirrel she called the emergency services? In the
depths of the country? Who'd turn out for a squirrel? Vets Sans
Frontieres? Here, at the bucolic foot of Watership Down, we have ways to
deal with the hundreds of small animals that routinely fling themselves
under our wheels each week. We despatch them, quickly and
unsentimentally, by a)
wringing their necks or b) hitting them with something heavy. You may
not fancy the idea down Upper Street, Islington, but that's the great
British divide, isn't it?
Town v country. Sense v sentimentality.

Well, that's how it used to be. Not any more. I opened my mouth to utter
something normal, sane and helpful (such as "Shall I knock it on the
head with my car-jack?") but I shut up sharp at the sight of their
white, set faces.

These young women clearly did not want their squirrel despatched in the
time-honoured country manner. They wanted it rescued, and preferably by
a  telegenic RSPCA officer in reassuring navy-blue. They wanted it
carried  lovingly off to Animal Hospital, splinted and stitched up by a
popular Swedish vet, and serenaded afterwards by Rolf bloody Harris.

Villages like mine used to be full of red-blooded, unsentimental country
people: mole-stranglers, pheasant-pluckers, pigeon-shooters,
rabbit-hunters. They knew that milk isn't crushed from vegetables and
that your best Christmas turkey is the one that is killed for you
personally by the farmer up the back lanes. Now every hill and
hedge-bottom is crawling with milk-fed suburbanites who think animals
have souls and that noisy cockerels can be turned off at dawn, like
car-alarms. Is it too much tarmac or too much television that's turning
the countryside into one vast  seamless suburb? Maybe it's too much Tony
Banks. He was roaring and bawling  on Any Questions? last week about
toffs and viciousness and medieval barbarism (fox hunting) and being
cheered to the rafters by a Bristol audience. Only 10 years ago, he
would have been cheered and booed on a 50-50 basis. Now it's 80-20. Any
day now, it will only be me and Clarissa Dickson Wright supporting the
idea that half-dead squirrels should be knocked on the head.

When I finally got to London, my friend Julia Reed nearly choked on her
martini when I told her why I was late. "What's happening to you
people?" she said. She's from Mississippi. She once drove me along the
levee at Greenville with a huntin' and shootin' neighbour, Warren. He
told me how to shoot deer ("It's hard - they have a very acute olfactory
sense and they kin smell you") and wild pig, and brought me up short
with the words: "Y'all ever see an armadillo explode?" Er, no. He said
have a $20 bounty on them, because they burrow under the levee. "So most
everybody in Greenville has a .22 pistol which they keep for
armadillos." Julia just could not get her head round the squirrel thing.
She said her friend Jessica ran over a raccoon last summer ("Raccoons
are pests. Like squirrels") and took it straight back home to her maid,
"who skinned it in a minute flat, and threw it in the pot for stew. It's
a southern delicacy, coon stew". How very thrifty, I said. "More than
that. She
gave the skin back to Jessica, whose little boy is aged around eight,
and she had somebody cure it and make him a genuine coonskin cap, which
he has never taken off. He loves that thing. In Mississippi," she said,
"we know how to deal with a roadkill."

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CS: Field-hunting in Sweden and Norway

2000-10-27 Thread SSAA


Does anyone have any info on proposed/introduced "hunting bans" in
either Sweden/Norway?

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CS: Field-Brazil hunters called in

2000-10-27 Thread SSAA


ABC News Source) WIRE:10/17/2000 21:53:00 ET

Wild buffalo to be hunted down to preserve Brazil's environment

SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP) _

Thousands of wild buffalo will be hunted and killed on western Brazil"s
expansive tropical savanna because they are pushing out native species,
Brazil"s environmental protection agency said Tuesday. The agency and
the Rondonia state government plan to sign an agreement with a private
hunting club,which will have 10 years to kill some 15,000 buffalo
roaming the 1.24-million-acre Guapore Biological Reserve. The move is an
effort "to contain the damage they have been causing the environment
over the past four decades," the agency said in a statement. The reserve
is located about 1,200 miles northwest of Sao Paulo. Buffalo took hold
there about 30 years ago after some of the animals escaped a
government-run experimental breeding farm. "Past attempts to herd the
animals out of the reserve failed because much of the region is prone to
flooding," the agency"s statement "And to use helicopters to airlift
them out of the reserve is just too expensive." "Hunting is the most
economical and environmentally friendly way to eradicate the buffalo
that are scaring away the reserve"s native species like jaguar and deer
and endangering the area"s entire ecosystem," it said. Meat from the
slaughtered animals will distributed among the population of Rondonia
and neighboring states.

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CS: Pol-Victoria crime rates

2000-10-26 Thread SSAA


Herald Sun - Melbourne
Needles the top weapons for criminals

SYRINGES are used as weapons in more than one in five of all robberies,
according to a study into crime in Victoria.

And despite the crackdown on gun ownership after the Port Arthur
massacre, pistols are now used in almost one in five homicides.

The study reveals women are the main victims of aggravated burglaries.

The findings are included in State Parliament's influential Drugs and
CrimePrevention Committee report into crime trends between 1995 and

Inner Melbourne and Prahran police districts recorded the worst murder
rates in the state for each 100,000 population.

Gippsland is one of the worst areas in the state for assaults.

The use of syringes in robberies is graphic evidence of the effects of
chaotic heroin use.

The report, chaired by Liberal MP Cameron Boardman, shows Victoria has
an ever-rising rate of crime, even though it has the lowest total crime
rate nationally. But the news is not good for women.  The profile of the
average aggravated burglary victim has changed dramatically from several
years ago, when males were the victims in more than 70 per cent of

"The 1998-99 figures show that females are now the predominant victims
of this offence category, representing 51.17per cent of all victims,"
the report says. "The dramatic shift in victimisation towards females
and older victims is a reflection of the legislative change allowing
police to charge an unarmed burglar with aggravated burglary if the
victim is in the house."

The report also details where most crime occurs in Victoria and its
other key findings include:

 SYRINGE offences in robberies have jumped in recent years, from just
over 4 per cent of all weapons to almost 21 per cent.

THE number of pistols used in rape offences climbed from 1.5 per cent in
1997-98 to 10.1 per cent the following year.

MOST murders occurred in houses or in the street, on a path or down a

MILK bars and convenience stores are the new target for robbers.

THE number of drug offences such as trafficking, manufacturing and
growing fell almost 17 per cent in 1999-00 despite the so-called police

KNIVES are still the preferred weapon of choice for rapists.

MOST robberies occur in streets, lanes and paths and retail outlets.

Mr Boardman said one of the areas of most concern was the rise in
categories of violent offences.

"The committee identified that there has been a steady increase in the
number of firearms being used, threatened or displayed in serious
violent crimes such as homicide and rape," he said.

"Additionally, there has been a marked increase in the number of
robberies reported over the five-year period "(And) of note is the
considerable increase in the number of aggravated burglaries recorded
over the time frame."

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CS: Pol-South Australia goes bonkers

2000-10-22 Thread SSAA


The Sunday Mail
New blitz on lethal weapons
by Peter Michael 22oct00

South Australians will be forced to surrender a broad range of lethal
weapons, or face hefty fines or jail, under a tough new crackdown on
street violence.

Weapons to be outlawed will include combat knives, knuckledusters,
pistolcrossbows, ninja claws and tear gas.

A brief amnesty will be granted to owners of prohibited weapons under
the   Statewide handback, due to be officially announced next

According to highly-sensitive details leaked to the Sunday Mail, the new
laws are expected to be effective from the end of the year.

Premier John Olsen, in Hong Kong, yesterday refused to elaborate on the
radical laws.

But he confirmed the State Government had been working with key
stakeholders to toughen up legislation dealing with prohibited weapons.

He said the new laws would send a strong message that carrying offensive
weapons was "absolutely unacceptable".

"There is a real and genuine concern about the carrying of weapons by
both the police and our community," he said.

"There is no excuse why people should be carrying these types of lethal
weapons in public. These new laws will give certainty to our police
officers that the possession of these weapons without legitimate reason
is against the law."

An intensive public education campaign will begin in November, outlining
the details of the moratorium and the new laws.

Police will also undergo special training to help cope with their
implementation.It is understood owners will have to surrender all
weapons on the prohibited list or face maximum fines of $10,000 or two
years' jail.

The Government is shortly due to finalise the details of the moratorium,
including the start date, the length, and how the amnesty will work.
However, it is understood police stations will be the focal point for
the handback.

For the first time in South Australia, the new laws will create a
category of prohibited weapons to clearly outlaw weapons designed to
kill or injure.

Only limited exemptions will be offered and are likely to include
police, collectors and museum operators.

There will be three categories of weapons laws.

The new category of prohibited weapons will include an outright ban on
the manufacture, dealing and possession of any prohibited weapons unless

The other new category includes dangerous articles such as bayonet,
blowguns and capsicum spray, with a ban on selling, buying or possession
without lawful excuse.

The existing category is the offensive weapons law, where it is illegal
to carry swords, knives or clubs in a threatening way.
"handback"?  Did the State distribute them in the first place?


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CS: Pol-NZ SSANZ Press Release update

2000-10-09 Thread SSAA


Subject: Re: NEWS - NZ SSANZ Press release. A correction.
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 17:08:37 +1300
From: John Dyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For the sake of accuracy, the media release we did late Sunday night
should indicate that the current 1983 Arms Act states that "every
person" shall receive up to 5 years jail for possession of the gun,
imitation weapon, etc., if it was in the criminals possession at the
time of committing any offence that carries a 3 year term or more, (i.e.
a serious crime).  So the
3 and 5 are back to front in our release but midnight was no time to go
looking for a copy of the Act !  In reality, we know of no-one who has
been charged with this section of the Act.

Regardless, we got a very good hearing on TV1, and the 2 main talk-back
stations today, (Monday).  However, that doesn't really change much
unless the Opposition offer to repeal these new laws.

If you haven't already heard, this is a summary of the media release
that everyone's picking up from, (Sunday Star Times, October 8, 2000):

1)  Offenders who use guns at crimes will get longer jail terms.
2)  All guns have to be registered by 2010, (as each f/a license expires
and has to be renewed).
3)  Stiffer penalties for unregistered gun owners.

"Another law to be introduced next year setting up a firearms authority,
taking the registration, licensing and inspection of guns out of police

"No immediate buy-back of military styled semi-automatic weapons - at
$NZ 20 million it's considered too expensive - but the guns will be
phased out under a clause preventing owners from giving or selling them
to anyone other than the government".

The Minister did find someone who liked his ideas...   a comedian,
called Gary McCormick, a staunch anti-gun supporter"  This government is
looking very much like a 1 term one as our dollar falls lower than
Fiji's !!!

John Dyer.

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CS: Pol-NZ SSANZ Press release

2000-10-09 Thread SSAA


SSANZ media release,
8 October, 2000 (1 page).

Hawkins ônewö gun law masks failure of identical existing law.

George Hawkins today announced that he will seek new laws to punish
criminals who use a gun while committing a crime.  What Hawkins new
smokescreen laws hide is that the 1983 Arms Act has had just such a
provision, - for the last 18 years.  The problem is no-ones using it.
SSANZ reminds Mr Hawkins that for the last 9 months, the buck has
stopped with the him.

The existing gun laws state that any person whose crime is serious
enough to be punished by a 5 year prison sentence, (whether or not they
are actually charged with such a crime), is further liable to another
prison sentence of 3 more years for having a gun at that scene.   SSANZ
has for 10 years called for this charge to be mandatory - in all crimes
where a genuine ôthreat to lifeö with a gun can be proven beyond
reasonable doubt.  A call for genuinely ôtoughö gun laws that both Mr
Hawkins and Mr Robson have rejected.

But any law that has been steadfastly ignored by Crown Prosecutors for
18 years is hardly likely to be now applied simply because Hawkins has
given it a new name. Nor has Hawkins made any-one accountable for that
prior failure.

And it gets worse.  By ignoring recreational firearms users repeated
calls for genuinely tough laws that make such sentences mandatory, the
Minister has thus continued to allow judges to issue concurrent
sentences when guns are used at serious crime scenes.  In effect, gun
crimes cost nothing.  Little wonder felons have no qualms about stealing
and using guns.

One can only conclude the new Police Minister is soft on crime, soft on
enforcement and soft on accountability û but big on hype.  To New
ZealandÆs 480,000 law abiding shooters, this MinisterÆs ônewö gun laws
are rather like a certain fabled EmperorÆs new clothes.

Further comment;
Contact John Dyeror   Dr Lech Beltowski
09 832 1724  09 626 5429
025 988 275  021 626 542

How can the Police Minister know what a new gun law should be when the
Law & Order Select Committee does not report back itÆs findings from the
democratic consultation process until 28 February, 2001 ?


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CS: Misc-website

2000-10-03 Thread SSAA


it looks antigun, but it is not.
Bait and switch!  Quite clever.


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CS: Po;l-new Maryland law takes effect

2000-10-01 Thread SSAA


Maryland 1st To Adopt Bullet ID System
Associated Press
Last Updated: Sept. 29, 2000 at 11:35:14 p.m.

ANNAPOLIS, Md. - Beginning on Sunday, with every new
handgun sold in Maryland, the manufacturer will have
to give state police a spent shell casing carrying the
weapon's ballistic fingerprint.

Under the law - the first of its kind in the nation -
the unique markings on the casing will then be entered
into a database. When detectives find a bullet casing at
a crime scene, they can go to the computer and instantly
identify the gun it came from.

``Countless hours of investigative work can now be
eliminated from the process of identifying the crime gun
and who may have been in possession of it,'' State Police
Superintendent David Mitchell said.

A similar New York state law takes effect March 1.

Five months after the Maryland law was signed, questions
remain about its effectiveness.

There are no criminal penalties for noncompliance by
manufacturers, and state police have told dealers they can
continue selling guns even if manufacturers do not pack
shell casings with the weapons.

State Police spokesman Maj. Greg Shipley said manufacturers
have been told it is their responsibility to make sure guns
sold in Maryland are accompanied by a casing.

Gun owner Jim Purtillo of Silver Spring questioned the value
of the law.  ``It's about making it harder for people to buy
guns,'' he said. ``Bad guys typically don't leave shell
casings from a revolver at a crime scene.''

The National Rifle Association did not return several calls
for comment.

Maryland gun dealers have worried that manufacturers or
distributors may stop shipping guns into the state. But at
least two major manufacturers are making efforts to comply:
Smith & Wesson, the nation's largest maker of handguns, and
Beretta USA.

Beretta USA said it will pack shell casings with handguns
it knows will be sold in Maryland, but warned that its
distributors are scattered throughout the country and guns
sent elsewhere could wind up back here.

``If we get an order from Florida, we don't have any way
of knowing that gun is going to Maryland. It will not
include the shell casing,'' Beretta spokesman Jeff Reh said.

Neither company could say whether its gun prices will
increase as a result.

Sanford Abrams, vice president of the Maryland Licensed
Gun Dealers Association, said the ballistics fingerprints
may have little legal value because a shell casing will
travel through so many hands from the manufacturer to
state police.

``The chain of custody stinks,'' he said.

Abrams also questioned whether ballistic fingerprints
will have any ractical value because the markings left
on shell casings by firing pins change after repeated

The requirement is part of sweeping new gun legislation
in Maryland.Sunday also is the effective date for laws
prohibiting handguns from being sold without an external
trigger lock and barring anyone under 30 with a juvenile
record for violent crimes from buying a handgun.

Beginning in 2002, Maryland residents also will have to
complete a state-approved gun safety course before buying
a weapon, and the following year, all handguns sold will
have to be equipped with built-in locks.
Simpler yet, just change the firing pin and extractor
on your new pistol.  Northern Ireland has had a system
like this for many years, it has never solved a single
crime - because criminals don't use legally held guns.

Even if the gun was at some point legally held, the casing
only identifies at most the first legal owner, not the
thief who stole the gun.  Most guns used in crime by the
first legal owner will be crimes of passion and the like,
in which case you don't need ballistic evidence of
this type.


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CS: Pol-Wal-Mart Mk2

2000-09-30 Thread SSAA


Received this just now
Dear Gary:
I got this letter Monday, it's about one store, it's in Florida, and the
store is within 1000 feet of an elementary school (possession of a gun
within 1000 feet of a school is a federal no-no).
I called their customer service center, talked to a young woman (Her
name is Georgia) and she pleasantly took my complaint and assured me it
was only this one store.  They were even going to allow catalog
purchases for firearms. The story is crap.
That's not what the store said though.


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CS: Pol-USA Wal-Mart ring in on guns

2000-09-30 Thread SSAA


CS: Legal-NSW Buyback ends in Court

2000-09-29 Thread SSAA


Daily Liberal Dubbo NSW
Man in Court on air cadet fraud charges
In 1988 the local air cadets received a financial windfall for rifles
that would never fire another shot.
But just two years later most of the money is gone and their former
chief is facing fraud charges.
The federal Government's National Gun Buback Scheme proved lucrative for
Squadron 13 of the Air Training Corps when it was paid more than $74,000
for 30 self loading rifles.
The Government paid for the guns even though they were unserviceable;
the firing action on the guns had been welded.
The payment was a huge profit for the squadron as the guns had been
purchased for just $10 each in 1988 during a sell-off by the Lithgow
Samll Arms factory.
This week Grahame Yager, 36 a long time member of the Air Training Corp,
former flight commander of Sqdn 13 and the man who handled the gun
buyback transaction appeared in Dubbo Local Court facing fraud charges.

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CS: Target-Australia firearm coaches available

2000-09-26 Thread SSAA


Brisbane Sunday Mail
Coaches get the Bullet
The gloss has been taken off the Australian team's three-medal haul with
news its world-class coaching team is to be broken up.
Head Coach Bill Murray and his assistants Luca Scribani Rossi and Greg
Chan (clay target) Miro Sipek (rifle) and John Gillman (pistol) are
today looking for jobs overseas after being told their contracts which
expire on Dec 31 will not be renewed.
A slash in government funding to the Australian Sports Commission's
elite sports program has resulted in the loss of Australia's best
shooting coaches.
The funding, which amounts to  about $1.5 million a year will be taken
away from a professional umbrella and instead be directed to each
individual branch of the Australian Shooting Association - clay target,
rifle, pistol and running target.
There will be no paid coaching positions.
"So despite our success in Sydney we leave the place pretty devastated
and very concerned where our sport is headed" Murray said.

SSAA were concerned about where our sport was headed 4 years ago.

Do you have a national lottery in Australia?  I am certain 90% of
the improvement in our Olympic performance is due to the lottery
funding of new facilities and the teams.


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CS: Target-Olympics Mens 50M Rifle 3P

2000-09-23 Thread SSAA


1st Rajmond Debevec - SLO 1275.1 (Olympic Record)
2nd Juha Hirvi - FIN 1270.5
3rd Harald Stenvaag - NOR 1268.6

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CS: Target-Olympics Mens Skeet

2000-09-23 Thread SSAA


1st Mykoia Milchev - UKR 150 (World Record)
2nd Patr Malek - CZE 148
3rd James Graves - USA 147

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CS: Misc-Continental won't fly guns to UK

2000-09-22 Thread SSAA


We cannot verify this at the moment so travellers beware.
Trying to book my flights to Scotland for my December shoot. I have
usually flown Continental, who have a convenient flight to Glasgow. I
have been informed by a friend and have verified that Continental will
no longer accept firearms in checked baggage to the UK. It does not say
this on their web site and they don't volunteer the information unless
you ask. The front-line agent didn't even know and had to check with a
supervisor. Could have been VERY sticky checking in to discover that I
would have had to leave my guns behind at Newark. Fair warning to other

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CS: Target-Olympics Mens Running Target

2000-09-22 Thread SSAA


1st  Ling Yang - China 681.1
2nd Oleg Moldovan - MDA 681.00
3rd Zhiyuan Niu - China 677.4

David Jones 562.00  16th
Adam Gitsham 556.00 17th

Highest score shot by David Jones in International compeition

18 competitors

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CS: Target-Olympics Womens 25m pistol

2000-09-22 Thread SSAA


1st Maria Grozdeva - Bulgaria 690.3
2nd Luna Tao - China 689.8
3rd Lolita Evglevskaya - Belarus 686.0

Linda Ryan 579 Equal 11th
Christine Trefrey 578 Equal 15th

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CS: Target-Olympics Mens 25M Rapid Fire

2000-09-21 Thread SSAA


1st Serguei Alifirenko - Russia 687.6
2nd Michel Ansermet - Switzerland 686.1
3rd Julian Raicea - Romania 684.6

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CS: Target-Olympics Womens Skeet

2000-09-21 Thread SSAA


1st Zemfira Meftakhetdinova - AZE 98
2nd Svetlana Demina - Russia 95
3rd Diana Igaly - Hungary 93

Natasha Lonsdale 4th in shoot off with Diana Igaly

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CS: Target-Olympics Men Double Trap

2000-09-20 Thread SSAA


1st Richard Faulds - UK 187 (3 in the shoot off)
2nd Russell Mark - Australia 187 (2 in the shoot off)
3rd Fehaid Al Deehani - Kuwait 186
A gold medal!  A gold and a silver, time to start writing
to the papers!


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CS: Target-Olympics Womens 50m Rifle 3p

2000-09-20 Thread SSAA


1st Renata Mauer-Rozanska - Poland 684.6
2nd Tatiana Goldobina - Russia 680.9
3rd Maria Feklistova - Russia 679.9

Sue McCready 20th 574
Carrie Quigley 39th 551

42 competitiors

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CS: Target-Vic SSAA interview re Diamond

2000-09-20 Thread SSAA


Station:3AK Date:   19/09/2000
Program:  DOUG AITON  Time:   1600

DOUG AITON: Now, we all know that Michael Diamond won the clay
target shooting at the weekend and won Gold for Australia there. A
couple of things I didn't know about this victory though, there are
offshoots of this. He can, according to an article by Andrew Happell, he
can lay claim to being the greatest clay target shooter of all time,
after his Sunday victory.

His effort in winning, his second consecutive Olympic Golf medal by five
targets, has been described as the equal of winning the 400 metres win
by the length of the pool. So, I had no idea that Michael Diamond's
victory was so absolute and so spectacular. And he became the first
Australian shooter in the 104 history of the Olympics to win two Gold

Now, the other aspect of this is the image of the sport. There's a
letter in The Age today from a man called Bill Power in South Australia,
and he says:

"For many years the shooting fraternity of Australia has been pilloried
by society, and the media following some of the... and the media,
following some of the terrible tragedies that have occurred. Too often,
all those who own firearms have been tarred with the same brush as the
Good sentence that.
"However, I congratulate The Age and writer Charles Happell for the
excellent front page coverage of Michael Diamond's Gold win. What was
said in his article, particularly by his Mother needed to be said and
understood by the wider community. I and every other responsible tutor
across Australia feel that the message has at last got out, and just
perhaps Prime Minister John Howard will recognise that it is the
neurotics who abuse the name of the sport."

Now, what he's really saying is that sporting shooters are good guys,
and a lot of people who have guns are not, and too often the two are

The president of the Sporting Shooters Association is Sebastian Ziccone.
Hello Sebastian.
SEBASTIAN ZICCONE:  How do you do, Doug?
DOUG AITON: I hope I've got the pronunciation of your surname
DOUG AITON: Ziccone. That's Italian, I suppose, is it?
DOUG AITON: Now, Sebastian, have I got it right? Has there been a
bit of trouble in image?
SEBASTIAN ZICCONE:  Image has been an issue for us since '96, and,
when -
DOUG AITON: Yes - Port Arthur.
SEBASTIAN ZICCONE:  -- the Port Arthur tragedy and all that occurred
with it. There were a number of knee jerk reactions to that tragedy,
not the least of which is still the fact that there's yet to be a
coronial inquiry, or inquest into the events.

DOUG AITON: Is that so, is there going to be one?
SEBASTIAN ZICCONE:  Not likely. Not likely, the Tasmanian Government
doesn't really want to put itself at risk insurance wise. So, I dare say
that they're, they want to make sure that there never will be an

DOUG AITON: I thought that by law they'd have to have one.
SEBASTIAN ZICCONE:  I thought the same, but apparently not the case.
That, I'd have to have some legal expert explain that one to me. But the
image of the sport has been tarnished, we have been lumped in together
as that letter to the editor pointed out with the undesirables in the

Fortunately last month the Australian Institute of Criminology published
a report that said that only nine percent of firearms related homicide
and or crime was committed by individuals who were either unlicensed or
used unregistered firearms, which is a great pat on the back for
shooters in this country. It simply means that 91 percent of them are
law abiding, honest, decent people.

DOUG AITON: Yeah. What is the law? Who can get, how do you get a gun
if you, do you have to be a registered member of the Sporting Shooters

SEBASTIAN ZICCONE:  Not necessarily, it is a good reason for a
shooter's license, but if you're prepared to jump though the hoops you
can get a gun. There's a firearms safety course you have to attend and
pass, with a pass rate of 38 out of 40 I might add. And if you, there
are nine compulsory questions, a mistake in any one of those nine means
an instant failure.

So, you've got the cards stacked up against you, and that's before you
even join any association or provide any other reason for a shooter's

DOUG AITON: Well, let's take that a bit further. Are you aware of
anyone having joined the Sporting Shooters Association for nefarious
reasons, that is to say, in order to qualify to get a gun to use for
criminal activity?


CS: Target-Olympics Womens Double Trap results

2000-09-19 Thread SSAA


1st Piea Hansen - Sweden 148
2nd Deborah Gelisio - Italy 144
3rd Kimberley Rhode - USA 139

Ann Marree Roberts equal 9th 98
Deserie Wakefield-Baynes 12th 97

17 competitors

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CS: Target-Olympics Mens Pistol 50M

2000-09-19 Thread SSAA


1st Tamyu Kiriakov - Bulgaria 666
2nd Igor Basinsky - Belarus 663.3
3rd Martin Tenk - Czechoslovakia 662.5

David Moore 556 Equal 18th
David Porter 553 equal 20th

36 Competitors
What?  We didn't win?  I wonder why...


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CS: Pol-Vic 3AW bags Diamond gold medal win

2000-09-19 Thread SSAA


Station:3AW Date:   18/09/2000
Program:STEVE PRICE Time:   04:12 PM


STEVE PRICE:Now I know it's not popular to bag Australian sports
stars. The calls I get defending Wayne Carey, Greg Norman and Mark
Philippoussis, if I ever dare to criticise them, is amazing.

So to question a gold medallist, or the worth of a gold medal during an
Olympics is probably suicidal.  But I just can't come at shooting being
a sport. And to pick up the Daily Telegraph here in Sydney today and see
Michael Diamond holding aloft a cocked shotgun is sad.

KG CUNNINGHAM:  Oh, Pricey.  Hang on, Pricey.  That is the most...
STEVE PRICE:Now I don't- -
KG CUNNINGHAM:  No.  Hang on.
STEVE PRICE:Let me finish.
KG CUNNINGHAM:  No, no.  You've made a complete and utter idiot of
yourself by saying that.  That is, that is- -
GRAHAM KORNS:   KG, just one sec, he's made a big mistake.  The shotgun
was- -
KG CUNNINGHAM:  Is not cocked anyway.  But the fact remains, Pricey...
STEVE PRICE:Same thing.
KG CUNNINGHAM:  ...the fact remains that you are denigrating an Olympic-
STEVE PRICE:No, I'm not.
KG CUNNINGHAM:  Pricey, you are.  You are denigrating an Olympic gold
medallist.  That was one of the great performances of the Olympic Games
and you've made an utter fool of yourself by opening up, by saying
that.  That's an absolute disgrace.

STEVE PRICE:Now, as I said, I'll finish.  Now I don't know Michael
Diamond.  I'm sure he's a wonderful bloke and it's not his fault that
he's a world champion shooter, but I just can't celebrate a shooting
gold medal.

STEVE PRICE:How can you compare Michael Diamond to Ian Thorpe, or
Cathy Freeman, or Shane Kelly.
STEVE PRICE:You can't do it.
GRAHAM KORNS:   Well, hang on. Is archery a sport?
STEVE PRICE:No, not really.
GRAHAM KORNS:   Well, it's in the same vein.  I mean, they are ...
they're not shooting animals.
STEVE PRICE:He's got a shotgun.
KG CUNNINGHAM:  Let's look at this properly.  The man has achieved back
to back Olympic gold medals.  It's one of the most emotional moments,
Pricey, of the Olympic Games and that's what the Olympics are about, are
about winning gold, the emotion, the drama.
That ... how you could possibly knock that, or denigrate that is
absolutely ridiculous.
STEVE PRICE:It's not his fault.
KG CUNNINGHAM:  And you've made an utter fool of yourself.
STEVE PRICE:It's not his fault.  It is the fact that it should not
be an Olympic sport.
KG CUNNINGHAM:  Oh, Pricey, that's the ... oh!
STEVE PRICE:Would you go and watch it?
GRAHAM KORNS:   What's your definition of sport?
STEVE PRICE:I think it's got to have...
GRAHAM KORNS:   I'm actually leaning a little bit of weight to your- -
STEVE PRICE:...some cardiovascular involvement, for a start.
GRAHAM KORNS:   Well, like archery, shooting is absolutely critical to
the control you have over your body and- -
KG CUNNINGHAM:  Fair dinkum!
STEVE PRICE:Graham and...[indistinct] skills.
GRAHAM KORNS:   No, not quite.
KG CUNNINGHAM:  Oh, Studley, come on, mate!
GRAHAM KORNS:   KG, settle down.
KG CUNNINGHAM:  Well, I'm ropeable over you, Pricey, that's ridiculous.
GRAHAM KORNS:   KG, just settle down.
KG CUNNINGHAM:  Well, I can't.  You've denigrated a great man, who
STEVE PRICE:No, no, I'm not just- -
KG CUNNINGHAM:  He dedicated that medal to his father.
STEVE PRICE:I'm not blaming him.
GRAHAM KORNS:   KG, you're embarrassing him, KG.
KG CUNNINGHAM:  I'm not embarrassing you, I'm making a point.
GRAHAM KORNS:   Sport, I agree, should have some degree of athletic
GRAHAM KORNS:   But given the fact that it is an Olympic sport, whether
you or agree with it or not, you cannot criticise Michael Diamond's
performance, which is absolutely immaculate.

STEVE PRICE:And I haven't.
GRAHAM KORNS:   Well, you have.  By implying that he's not worth of
winning a gold medal.
STEVE PRICE:I said that I personally can't celebrate his gold medal
because I don't think sport ... shooting- -
GRAHAM KORNS:   Well, you're thereby denigrating, which is unfair.

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CS: Target-Olympics Air Rifle Men

2000-09-18 Thread SSAA


1st Yallim Cai - China 696.4
2nd Artem Khadjibek.- Russia 695.1
3rd Evueni Aleinikov - Russia 693.8

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CS: Target-Olympics Womens Trap Final

2000-09-18 Thread SSAA


1st Daina Gudzinevitiute - Lithuania 93
2nd Delphine Racinet - France 92
3rd E Goa - China 90

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CS: Target-Olympics 10m Air Rifle Womens Results

2000-09-17 Thread SSAA


1st - Nancy Johnson - USA  497.7
2nd - Cho hyun Kang -  Korea 497.5
3rd - Jing Gao - China 497.2

pics at http://www.ssaa.org.au/olypic.html

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CS: Target-Olympics Mens Trap Final Mk2

2000-09-17 Thread SSAA


The noise of the crowd did not allow a clear description of the name of
the UK shooter who came second.
Ian Peel came in second!
our apologies and congratulations to them all

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CS: Target-Olympics 10m Air Pistol Women Results

2000-09-17 Thread SSAA


1st Luna Pao - China 488.2
2nd Jasma Sekaric - Yugoslavia  486.5
3rd Annemarie Forder - Australia 484.0

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CS: Target-Olympics Mens Trap Results

2000-09-17 Thread SSAA


1st Michael Diamond - Australia 147
2nd Ian Peek - UK 142
3rd Giovanni Pellielo - Italy 140

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CS: Target-Olympics 10m Air Pistol Mens

2000-09-17 Thread SSAA


1st Franck Dumoulin - France - 688.9
2nd Yifu Wang - China - 686.9
3rd Igor Basincsky - Belarus - 682.7

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CS: Misc-WW2 Dumped Guns

2000-09-13 Thread SSAA


I remember an article in the A/Rifleman that shows a US competitive
rifle shooter getting his 03 back after the war,

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CS: Target-interview with Australian Olympic Shooting Team Manager

2000-09-08 Thread SSAA


 Station: 3AW Date: 08/09/2000
 Program: BREAKFAST Time: 06:41 AM


ROSS STEVENSON: Yvonne Hill is the Shooting Team section manager. She is
in Adelaide, where it is extraordinarily early in the morning and she
has got up to talk to us, because sheÆs going to talk to us about
shooting and thereÆs a reason for that and that is that if we cast our
minds back to Atlanta and we remember that our first gold medal, I
think, was Michael  Diamond.  I hope IÆm  not offending Russell Mark.
Yvonne, good morning.
YVONNE HILL: Good morning.  How are you?.
ROSS STEVENSON: Good.  Was it Michael Diamond first, or Russell first?
YVONNE HILL: It was Michael first in Atlanta and Russell followed soon
ROSS STEVENSON: And Michael, of course, is from Goulburn.  We know
Russell is back there for what I think is his fourth Olympics.
YVONNE HILL: I believe so.  HeÆs a very experienced hand at that Olympic
game and does very well.
ROSS STEVENSON: Oh, yes. TheyÆre the two top stars in our team for this
ROSS STEVENSON: Right-oh.  And I think I heard Russell say the other
night on Channel 7Æs version of Millionaire that he won the World Cup
recently.  So would he be the favourite again in his event?
YVONNE HILL: Well, he will certainly give everybody else a fright.  He
won his first Gold in World Cups in Sydney in March, the test event, and
heÆs looking very good.
DEAN BANKS: Has there been a lessening of interest in the sport of
shooting over the last few years, with gun controls and buy back schemes
and all that?
YVONNE HILL: WeÆve had a lot of publicity, of course, which is à  in
terms of shooting in general, our sport, has never been a high profile
sport in terms of publicity.  ItÆs has probably more for the Olympic
shooting sports over the past four years because of the success of
Russell and Michael than ever before.
ROSS STEVENSON: Do you pull the trigger, Yvonne?
YVONNE HILL: Yes.  IÆm a former Olympian and you mentioned Benny Pike,
Benny and I went to the Moscow Olympics together and, in fact, he passed
the torch to me in the torch relay up at Coolum recently.
ROSS STEVENSON: I tell you what, if ever you got in a scrap, you two
would be fairly handy.  Benny the boxer and you with a shottie.
YVONNE HILL: [Laughs] Yeah.
ROSS STEVENSON: And how many in the shooting team?
YVONNE HILL: WeÆve got 23 shooters.  ItÆs the biggest ever team.  ItÆs
more than double the size of the team that went to Atlanta and itÆs
probably our strongest ever team, as a result of the Olympic Athlete
program, which has really brought some young shooters up rapidly over
the last few years.
DEAN BANKS: ItÆs not a à simply a question that itÆs a home town event,
that we keep hearing about the biggest teams ever?
YVONNE HILL: Yes, I think thatÆs pretty much across the board.
ROSS STEVENSON: Is that why weÆve got more, because itÆs cheaper to have
YVONNE HILL: Well, we do get a little bit of an advantage being on home
soil, because you actually get a few additional places.  But I think
itÆs also a little less expensive than when we have to take teams
overseas too.
ROSS STEVENSON: Now talk about a home ground advantage, I mean, maybe I
can understand it in athletics, because thereÆd be û I donÆt know û a
lot of cheering for Cathy Freeman because weÆve got more Australians in
the crowd.  Is the home ground û I couldnÆt imagine that being a benefit
in shooting.  Is- -
YVONNE HILL: Well, not exactly.  I think our best advantage is the huge
support from the Australian public and family and friends. But in
addition to that, weÆve had the opportunity to train on a number of
occasions on the  Sydney ground, which is absolutely magnificent, by the
way, itÆs the best in the world, I would say from my experience.
 The only problem we have there and it could be a problem given that
September is the windiest month in Sydney, is the weather, because that
can seriously affect that accuracy of your shooting.
ROSS STEVENSON: I take it, Yvonne, that when IÆm standing à IÆm leaning
down there and IÆm shooting at a target and perfectly still, that the
wind will have no effect on the bullet?
YVONNE HILL: It does have an effect on the bullet, IÆm afraid.  It
throws it about something awful.
DEAN BANKS: Can you be wind assisted?
YVONNE HILL: No, IÆm afraid not. The clay target shooters were telling
me just a few days ago that the wind was flattening the targets, so that
where you would expect it to go is not where it goesà
ROSS STEVENSON: IsnÆt that interesting- -
YVONNE HILL: àso you have to be really sharp.
ROSS STEVENSON: Chicago was the head of the à was the mobster city.
ThatÆs where Al Capone was.  ItÆs also called the windy city.  I mean, I
presume everyone that got shot by the Mafia was not someone they
intended to shoot, but the person standing next to them.
YVONNE HILL: Yeah.  Well, weÆre not into

CS: Pol-Australian National Dealers Association Media Release

2000-08-26 Thread SSAA


National Traders and Dealers Council


Amanda Vanstone's announcement prohibiting the stocking
of handguns by Importers will impact in the pockets of
Sports Target Shooters, Security Operatives and Collectors.

Speaking today, President of the National Dealers &
Traders Council, Mr Neville Sayers advised that
importers stocks of handguns had already been cleaned
out by dealers from all over Australia and that discounting
had stopped.

CS: Pol-Australia Atty-General letter to dealers

2000-08-18 Thread SSAA



Amendments to the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956

18 August 2000


The Government is concerned about the current level at which handguns
are emerging in crime and the illicit trade in these types of firearm.
In order to reduce risks of the diversion of legitimately imported
handguns to the black market and thereby improve community safety,
stronger controls on the importation of handguns have beenintroduced.

The new controls do not affect the current arrangemnts for ownership of
handguns in australia, which are administered by the States and

Importation of Handguns

The amendments to the Regulations require the australian Customs Service
(Customs) to store any handguns imported for dealer stock into australia
until they have been sold to an end-user authorised by State/Territory
police - in much the same fashion as occurs with Category C firearms
sold to primary producers.

This new arrangement will applly to all handguns (including those
complete handguns in a disassembled or unassembled state) coming into
the country from Friday 18 August 2000, even if they were ordered some
time ago. Transitional arrangements are made in the Regulations which
enable the new requirements to be met within 28 days after importation
of any articles which are ordered, or brought into the country, before 2
September 2000.

Importation for demonstration/testing purposes

While dealers will no longer be permitted to improt handguns to hold on
their own premises as stock pending a sale, they will be permitted to
import and hold a small nuomber of handguns for the purposes of testing
or demonstration to prospective customers.
This provision has also been extended to category C (semi-automatic)

Dealers will be permitted to import and hold up to 10 newly imported
handguns and 5 newly imported Category C firearms as
demonstration/testing stock, provided only one of each model of any
firearm is held. This stock must not be made available for sale, but
must be owned and possessed by the dealer, and destroyed by police or
exported once it is no longer required or if further
demonstration/testing stock is required.

Dealers who wish to hold such items for demonstration/testing stock must
directly import the items for their own use.

Firearms which are imported under the 'official purposes test' for
demonstration to, or testing by, governments are not counted as
demonstration/testing stock.

Transitional exemption for Olympic Games

The new regime does not apply to handguns which are to be used by an
importer to compete in either the Sydney 200 Olympic Games or Paralympic
Games or an associated event.

Further information on Procedures

For information on Customs procedures for handgun importation it I\s
recommended that you contact you nearest Australian Custom Service
It appears that soon the only people able to shoot will be
members of the Olympic team.  I think these regulations
are unlawful, because how can the Customs power extend to
the private possession of sales samples?  In 20 years time
when the dealer sells a pump-action shotgun he had as
a sales sample to a customer that will be a customs offence!



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CS: Pol-WA Media release on handguns

2000-08-17 Thread SSAA




For immediate release17 August 2000

Import restrictions a waste of time

The Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (WA) Inc. has rejected
amendments to handgun importation regulations recently announced by
Justice Minister, Amanda Vanstone.  Speaking on behalf of the SSAA (WA)
Inc. State President, Paul Peake, said the recent amendments designed to
reduce the risk of theft by limiting the number of new pistols a
licensed dealers can keep on their premises, were a waste of time.

Mr Peake said ôGiven that most of the pistols held by dealers are
second-hand guns itÆs hard to see how the new regulations will reduce
the risk of theft, very few shops keep large quantities of new handguns
in-house.ö  He went on to say that  ôGiven the Australian Customs
ServiceÆs reputation for lethargy when it comes to processing firearms
related paperwork, these changes will mean an additional burden on
dealers and legitimate shooters.  They certainly wonÆt do anything to
hinder crime.ö

The SSAA (WA) is considering assistance for a national challenge to the
new regulations.


Paul Peake
Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (WA) Inc.
Ph/Fax: (08) 92776436
Mbl:  0417990376

For more information see: www.sport.net.au/~ssaawa


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CS: Pol-SSAA threatens to sue Australian Govt.

2000-08-17 Thread SSAA




For immediate release 17 August 2000

Shooters to challenge new import regulations in high court

The Sporting Shooters Association, along with firearm
dealers, will, if necessary, be taking court action over
new import regulations announced today. The new regulations
prohibit firearm dealers holding new handguns
in stock.

ôIts simply preposterousö said National Secretary Mr
Roy Smith. ôThe logical extension of this approach is
to ban pharmacies from holding stocks of drugs to reduce
drug abuse.ö

ôThis is the most illogical, illfounded, useless piece
of legislation I have ever seen and will have absolutely
no impact whatsoever in reducing crime. First the
Government spends billions of dollars buying back
tonnes of what was mostly junk. And for nothing - armed
crime is still increasing and thereÆs absolutely no change
in homicide rates. The GovernmentÆs response û more of
the same stupidity.ö

ôThe only people who will be affected by this
legislation will be responsible law abiding firearm
owners and dealers. Changes to firearm legislation has
forced hundreds of firearm dealers, small business
people, out of business. But thatÆs was not enough
apparently. Now theyÆve found a new way to force
dealers out of business û just imagine what would
happen to the car industry if car dealers could not
keep any new cars in stock.ö

The Sporting Shooters Association and firearm
dealers have vowed to fight the new legislation
all the way to the high court if necessary.

Further details or comment: Mr Roy Smith
National Secretary
02 9833 9444
02 9833 1303

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CS: Pol-Australian Vanstone handgun laws

2000-08-17 Thread SSAA


We need the full policy to accurately comment on this issue.
We can only comment on what we have at hand.

Copy of Vanstone Press release at

SSAA press release at www.ssaa.org.au/pr17800.doc

Keith has done an interview with Channel 10 for national

We urge you to make contact with your MP and express
dismay at more controls which will directly affect the
law abiding - what of Vanstone's promise that this
Coalition government "had no plans for further
controls on firearms."  Copy held SSAA

Keith has spoken to Andrew Kirk - advisor to Vanstone -
this afternoon and the following points were made by him.

Dealers would only be able to import 10 handguns for
stock.  More than 10 can be imported but they would be
held by Customs pending production of a new Customs
Form that will operate in the same manner as
the current C and D class import documentation.

Keith expressed concern over how dealers/importers who
handle a number of agencies are going to have access to
the full range of product.

Response was that they realise there could be a problem
in this area that would be dealt with through "consultation"
Andrew Kirk admitted that is still a need to "consult
with dealers/importers" so that a workable solution can
be found  to reduce access to handguns to the criminal
element It was admitted that industry had not been
consulted re this new change to regulations because
there was a fear that there may be "stockpiling".

State police had called for "immediate" import
SSAA suggests you contact your Officer in Charge of
your local Registry and ask them for their comment on
this statement.
After the event, he said they wanted to "work with us"
to develop a system that cuts out criminal access to
They want those affected to "immediately" write in
with our concerns.
(SSAA feels that this is all handgun users and sport
shooters in Australia.)
The working group set up by the APMC are to report
back by November APMC Meeting.
Andrew Kirk stated that there has been concern at
the large number of handguns that had been
"disappearing" and coming to light in the hands
of criminals.
Andrew Kirk stated this was only the beginning of
"a raft of measures" to take place because State
had expressed unhappiness about present controls
on handguns.
He said that he will be talking to Vanstone about
"us" having a meeting with her.

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CS: Pol-New handgun controls in Australia (uh oh)

2000-08-17 Thread SSAA


Media Release
Amanda Vanstone
Minister for Customs

Handgun Import Controls

Minister for Justice and Customs, Amanda Vanstone, today
announced further tighter regulations to control the
importation of handguns into Australia, effective from
midnight tonight.

"This change is aimed at reducing the diversion of handguns
to the black market," Senator Vanstone said.
"Legitimate holders of a handgun licence, such as security
personnel, competition shooters and firearm collectors,
will not be directly affected by these changes. Firearm
licencing and registration remain the responsibility of
State and Territory Governments.

"Anyone authorised by State or Territory police to possess
a handgun will still be able to import handguns."

Recent Australian Institute of Criminology research
highlights a significant increase since 1996 in the
proportion of homicides committed with handguns,
compared with an overall decline in the total firearm
homicide rate over the same period.

CS: Pol-SSAA Media update 16/8/2000

2000-08-17 Thread SSAA


An interesting day

08:30 News  16/08/2000 - 08:30 AM
GOLD 92.5 FM (Gold Coast)   Summary: 41886927
Compere: Newsreader Duration: 0:40
Defence Force Chief, Admiral Chris Barrie, has defended an incident in
which a rifle accidentally fired, killing an Australian soldier, saying
accidents are part of Army life. The Austrian designed rifle has been
criticised and since its introduction there have been 77 accidental
discharges during the East Timor operation alone.

Prime Local News15/08/2000 - 06:00 PM
Prime Wollongong (Wollongong)   Summary: 21881693
Compere: Kerryn Bancks  Duration: 0:30
Three investigations are being held into the accidental shooting of a
police officer at the Nowra Rifle Range during routine Glock training.

News15/08/2000 - 06:00 PM
Seven Bundaberg (Bundaberg) Summary: 41882926
Compere: Rob Brough Duration: 0:37
Controversial Gympie gun dealer Ron Owen has had his armourers' license
reinstated after a court hearing. The high profile weapons dealer had
the license taken away last month following a police raid on his Gympie
business. Police told the court on Friday that weapons had been declared
inoperable by Mr Owens had been found in functionable condition as far
away as Victoria, in fact one was used in an armed robbery in New South
Wales. However in a demonstration to the Court, Mr Owens converted a gun
that was legally deemed inoperable back into full functional mode in 17

TEN News15/08/2000 - 05:31 PM
Channel 10 (Sydney) Summary: S1880869
Compere: Wilson & Rowe  Duration: 1:08
The US Democratic Convention has started today. Hilary Clinton has
called for gun safety laws. Protesters have gathered outside the LA
I looked up the Queensland deactivation law, it is pretty poor.

It requires the firing pin hole to be welded up, the chamber
to have a pin welded across it and all the parts in the trigger
group to be welded to each other.

All you need is a drill, a firing pin and a Dremmel tool.


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CS: Pol-US NRA ads ruffle Democrats

2000-08-16 Thread SSAA


NRA brings ads to party
By Valerie Richardson

LOS ANGELES ù The National Rifle Association crashed the
party yesterday with an ad campaign accusing Democrats
of being soft on protecting the Constitution, specifically
the Second Amendment."Do Democrats want to destroy the
Second Amendment?" thundered the NRA in a full-page ad that
ran yesterday in the Los Angeles Times and USA Today.
The nation's largest gun rights organization is also
running television spots during this week's Democratic
National Convention featuring NRA President Charlton Heston,
who urges voters to remember that "this election is about

The campaign is aimed at reminding gun-owning Democrats,
particularly those in must-win states like Michigan, Ohio
and Pennsylvania, that their party has become increasingly
hostile to the rights of gun owners, said NRA spokesman
Bill Powers.

"This is a week where the entire country focuses on the
Democratic Party and we just want to tell Americans where
they stand," said Mr. Powers.

"We see this as a major wedge issue, especially in key
battleground states."  Democrats wasted no time in blasting
the ads, calling them misleading and inaccurate, while
taking issue with the NRA's interpretation of the Second

"It [the ad] claims we're trying to take away people's
rights," said Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, New York Democrat,
during a forum yesterday on gun violence. "You show me
one thing I'm doing to take away people's rights."

The ad accuses the Clinton-Gore administration and
Democratic mayors of trying to put "honest gunmakers"
out of business with expensive lawsuits. It goes on to
claim that trial lawyers, anti-gun activists and
their supporters are "almost all Democrats."
"The gun-hating celebrities who want their bodyguards
armed, but not you, are almost all Democrats," says the ad.

"From anti-gun mayors and march organizers to a gun-hating
Hollywood and White House, they're almost all Democrats."
It wasn't always so, said Mr. Powers. The NRA has in the
past drawn support from both Republicans and Democrats,
including Democratic presidential nominee Al Gore, who
drew A-ratings from the NRA as a Tennessee congressman
in the 1980s.  Even Connecticut Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman,
now Mr. Gore's vice-presidential pick, earned a B-plus
during his 1988 campaign.  But the Democrats are now the
party of gun control, said Mr. Powers.  "We've talked to
our members in states like Michigan and Ohio, and
they're troubled because their party, the party they've
identified with for 30 years, has moved away from
defending freedom for law-abiding people," Mr. Powers

David Bernstein, spokesman for Handgun Control Inc.,
said the ads show the NRA's growing allegiance to the
Republican Party. "The NRA has no doubt become more
partisan in this election cycle than I've ever seen
them," he said. "The initials 'NRA' could now stand
for 'National Republican Association.' "

He pointed to the recent remarks of Kayne Robinson,
the organization's first vice president, who told an
NRA gathering in February that if Republican George
W. Bush wins the presidency this year, "we'll have a
president where we work out of their office."
"His words are scary to many voters," said Mr.
Bernstein. Mr. Powers retorted that groups like Handgun
Control had complete access to the Oval Office during
the Clinton administration. "They've been working out
of the White House for eight years while 80 million
law-abiding gun owners have been shut out," said Mr.
The NRA isn't the first to crash an unfriendly party
this year: During the Republican National Convention,
Handgun Control ran television ads on local and cable
stations in Philadelphia targeting Mr. Bush's support
of measures such as Texas' concealed-carry law.
That sounds like an invitation from Mrs McCarthy.

A new form of McCarthyism appears to be threatening
American gun owners!


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CS: Pol-oops!

2000-08-13 Thread SSAA


Maybe the David Kay Report will be able to assist.




Shot officer inquiry launched

An inquiry is under way to discover why live ammunition rather than
drill ammunition was used during a  police training exercise in which an
officer was shot in the stomach.

The uniformed police sergeant was shot at 4am on Wednesday during a
training exercise at the Auckland Central Police Station.

The unnamed officer, who has a wife and child, was instructing two other
officers in safety procedures for loading and unloading the police Glock
9mm semi-automatic pistol when he was shot accidentally.

Auckland police chief Superintendent Howard Broad said the wound was no
nick. It was serious, but not life  threatening.

"He was very lucky," Mr Broad said.

The shooting was subject to a standard police investigation as well as a
Police Complaints Authority investigation.

Occupational Safety and Health issues were also being looked into, Mr
Broad said.

He said he did not know why live ammunition was being used in the

"It was not intended to be live ammunition, which is the point of issue
in the investigation.

"They were not on a range but they were in a secure area. In other words
there was no risk to anyone else," Mr Broad said.

It was normal for "on the job" training to be carried out during quiet
moments, such as during the night shift.

Mr Broad said Glock pistols were the standard police sidearm and
familiarity with the gun û loading and unloading, changing a magazine,
clearing blockages and bringing the weapon to readiness û was essential
for frontline patrol officers. The training was routine and frequent.

The three officers involved were frontline staff and not members of the
armed offenders squad.

The officer whose gun went off was very distressed. Police welfare staff
were supporting the officers involved as well as others on the shift, Mr
Broad said.

"These shifts become fairly tight-knit units and it is a fairly
difficult and stressful sort of time for them all."

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CS: Pol-SAS reject SA80

2000-08-12 Thread SSAA


try getting a MP5 to jam?
Yes we did - and in the most peculiar fashion. John Meyer was present "Down
Under" when it happened at a rural Police range.
The empty case was found INSIDE the trigger group!
Saw it myself - as I was the one who was given the gun from the guy who
walked off the range with it.
This is the fabled "MP5 jam", no-one is really sure what
causes it, a weak extractor spring perhaps.  The case drops downward
instead of ejecting and lands in the trigger group.  They're
very rare.


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CS: Pol-soldier killed in gun accident

2000-08-10 Thread SSAA


Station:ABC 702 2BL Date:   10/08/2000
Program:THE WORLD TODAY Time:   12:21 PM

COMPERE:Corporal Stuart McMillan Jones of Darwin became the
second Australian soldier to die on active service in East Timor last
night.  His fatal wound came from the accidental discharge of a weapon
when the vehicle in which he was travelling with other members of his
platoon rode over a bump.  The Australian Army says it's the first time
an incident like this has figured in a death.  The Australian/UN patrol
was working in the dangerous border area near Maliana, notorious for the
incursion of militia death squads from West Timor looking for trophies.
It's an area for fire-ready weapons obviously.

Nevertheless, as Michael Vincent reports, there's a full-scale technical
investigation under way.
MICHAEL VINCENT:Twenty-seven year old Corporal Jones was fatally
shot by a rifle while riding in the back of an Aslav light armoured
vehicle with five other soldiers late yesterday.  Commander of the
Australian contingent in East Timor, Colonel Greg Baker, explains how
they believe a rifle accidentally went off.

COL GREG BAKER: There were a number of rifles that were sitting in the
back of the vehicle.  They were sitting on some of the patrol's packs.
The vehicle that was moving at the time and crossing some rough terrain,
it caused the vehicle to jolt, which we think possibly dislodged one or
more of the weapons that were in the back of the vehicle.  Then one of -
we think what's happened then was one of the rifles accidentally
discharged, wounding Corporal Jones.

MICHAEL VINCENT:The bullet hit the 27 year old in the upper,
left chest.  Immediately his fellow soldiers from the Sixth Battalion
began delivering first aid, and within minutes a Black Hawk helicopter
carrying an air evacuation medical team arrived on the site.  The medics
managed to stabilise the young soldier before transferring him into the
Black Hawk.  They lifted off and headed for the United Nations hospital
in Dili, but Corporal Jones didn't make it, dying en -route.

His fellow soldiers are left to wonder why the 27 year old was shot by
one of their own weapons.   Colonel Baker says it's procedure for troops
to keep their fully loaded weapons on safety while travelling.

COL GREG BAKER: The weapons are carried in a loaded state because the
men and women that are serving across here are serving on active service
in a very dangerous area of operations.  It's normal procedure that the
weapons are carried in a loaded state, and at this stage I really can't
say whether there'll be any changes to those procedures.  It'll be up to
the board of inquiry to look at that sort of thing.

MICHAEL VINCENT:Has an incident like this ever occurred before,
even with no one being injured, or maybe even someone only being

COL GREG BAKER: Not really, not an incident like this one, certainly not
in my 26 years in the Army have I heard of a weapon discharging in the
back of a vehicle in this fashion.

MICHAEL VINCENT:It's the second Australian fatality since the
operation in East Timor began last September.  The first Australian
soldier died of a tropical disease.

Defence Minister, John Moore, says Corporal Jones' death was a tragic
JOHN MOORE: In the rush of the moment, in the rough terrain in which
they were working, under the pressure in which they work, regrettably
accidents do happen from time to time.  But the record, I think, has
been - considering the number of people we've had there, considering the
conditions they're working under, I think they've done a very good job.

MICHAEL VINCENT:A service will be held for Corporal Jones before
his body is flown out of Dili today, with a further memorial service
planned for tomorrow.  Colonel Baker says the Australian troops,
especially the 6th Battalion with whom Corporal Jones served, are
troubled by the loss of the young soldier.

COL GREG BAKER: They're feeling it obviously very heavily.  He was one
of their mates and had served with them for quite some time across there
in East Timor, so they're taking it very hard at the moment.

COMPERE:Colonel Greg Baker is Commander of the Australian
Contingent to the UN Forces in East Timor, and Michael Vincent with our
story there.

*  *  End  *  *
This sounds like the classic AUG bug, the rifle fell over, the crossbolt
safety landed on something and was disengaged, the trigger
was jarred somehow, bang.


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CS: Pol-Japan gun death figures

2000-08-10 Thread SSAA


Greater gun use puts bystanders in line of fire
Harumi Hoshi Yomiuri Shimbun Staff Writer

A shooting incident Monday involving more than 10 armed gang members,
who attacked the office of a right-wing organization in central Tokyo,
killing two people and wounding five others, showed that guns are now
becoming more of a threat to the lives of ordinary citizens.

However, although the number of guns in the possession of gangs is
believed to have increased in recent years, police have been
confiscating fewer  firearms.

This indicates that current efforts to prevent guns and other weapons
from falling into the hands of the underworld organizations are
ineffective. Recently, there has also been a tendency among organized
gangs, which have been hampered from engaging in money-making activities
by the  Antigang Law, to hook up with or take over right-wing
organizations to start businesses, such as debt collection agencies.

Is Japan's reputation as one of the safest nations in the world an

 The number of guns confiscated by police in the first half of this year
dropped by 93 from the same period last year to 413, the National Police
Agency said.

"Confiscating firearms has become more and more difficult because
weapons are being hidden in a skillful and organized way," a police
official said.

The number of guns confiscated by police peaked at 1,880 in 1995 and has
gradually decreased by 100 to 200 a year. Last year, police confiscated
1,001 guns, representing a 53 percent drop from 1995.

Last year, police discovered 18 sites where gangs had stored weapons,
far  below the 33 places found in 1996.

By contrast, the number of shooting incidents involving gang members has
increased from 108 in 1996 to 133 last year.

"Guns have proliferated among rank-and-file gang members and they are
less hesitant about using them," a police investigator said.

 A longstanding feud between Yamaguchi-gumi and Kokusui-kai--organized
gangs that staged a shoot-out in Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo, in June last
year--highlights that tendency.

The feud then erupted into a further 16 violent episodes in Tokyo and
five prefectures, including one in which a member of an organization
affiliated with Yamaguchi-gumi fired four shots at the office of a
Kokusui-kai-affiliated organization in Ginza, Tokyo. The shooting
occurred in broad daylight, with crowds of shoppers walking nearby.

On several occasions, ordinary citizens have been unwittingly caught in
the  middle of shoot-outs between gang members.  In February 1990, a
53-year-old self-employed manager of an employment  agency was fatally
shot by a gang member, who mistook the victim for a  member of a rival

 In June 1990, a 66-year-old former employee of NTT Corp. in Osaka was
shot to death and in November 1990, a 19-year-old night school student
suffered the same fate, after both of them were mistaken for gang
members by other gang members.

 In August 1997, a high-ranking member of Yamaguchi-gumi was fatally
shot in a hotel coffee shop in Kobe. A dentist, who was in the coffee
shop at the time of the shooting, was hit by a stray bullet and died of
the gunshot wounds a week later.

In addition, there have been many cases in which ordinary citizens have
been the targets of shooting attacks.

In April, a 60-year-old former manager of Suntory Ltd. and his
55-year-old wife were shot to death by a 51-year-old man, who was a
former employee of the company.

Twenty-six people were killed or injured in shootings in the six months
from January to June.

 The number of robberies in which guns were used in the period also
increased to 63 from 47 in the same period last year, representing a 34
percent increase.

One of the reasons for the proliferation of guns is that organized
gangs, which have lost some of the sources of their income, have begun
selling guns to ordinary citizens.

 "As for the current situation, we have not yet found an effective way
to deal with the dangerous tendency (of increasing gun use)," a police
official said.
The second to last paragraph is particulary noteworthy.


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CS: Pol-US buyback nets court officer guns

2000-08-02 Thread SSAA


"It gets the gun off the street instead of leaving it in a closet where
children or a burglar could find them,"

Street closets?

From: News and Views
Friday, July 28, 2000

Gun Buy-Back Backfires When Officers Cash In

Daily News Staff Writer

Gun buy-back program to get illegal weapons off the
streets had to be altered yesterday after a stampede
of court officers tried to cash in.

Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes ordered changes
in the initiative when he found out that court officers
ù some of them in uniform ù were handing in their old
.38-caliber service revolvers.

Because the program had pulled in only about 200 guns
since the one-month window began July 1, Hynes upped
the reward on Monday from $100 to $250 per gun.

"We had a surge last night of about 100 guns and they
all seem to be .38 service revolvers," said a source
in the prosecutor's office.

One court officer collected $1,500 by turning in six guns.

This is a program with good intentions to get illegal
guns off the street and shouldn't be bastardized by
people looking for a quick buck," said Hynes' spokesman,
Kevin Davitt.

"We're going to be contacting those people who abused
the program and ask for our money back," Davitt said.

But a spokesman for the court system, David Bookstaver,
said it is not clear that the officers can be forced
to do that.

"District Attorney Hynes has indicated that this is
really not in the spirit of what the program was
designed for," Bookstaver said.

But he added that court officials "have no authority"
to tell the officers to give the money back.

He said, however, that word was going out yesterday
that court officers can no longer participate.

Some court officers in Brooklyn were upset that
Hynes had forbidden them from participating in the
buy-back offer. The officers were allowed to keep
their revolvers after they were issued 9-mm semiautomatics
last year.

"I have the flyer right here and it says, 'Any
working handgun, sawed-off shotgun or assault rifle. No
questions asked.'" said Bob Patelli a Senior Court
Officers Association delegate at Brooklyn Supreme Court.

"If the DA sees fit to discontinue the program, fine.
But he's bound legally to pay for the guns he's already

Patelli added that the program was achieving its goal
of getting extra guns out of circulation.

"It gets the gun off the street instead of leaving
it in a closet where children or a burglar could find
them," he said. Last year, 659 firearms were turned in
for $100 each. The money comes from drug forfeiture
funds, Davitt said. "We thought that perhaps $100 was
not meeting the value that some people place on these
weapons," he said.

 To be turned in, guns must be wrapped in brown paper
and can be taken to any Brooklyn precinct house. If the
gun is deemed operable, the desk officer is supposed to
give the person a pink voucher that can be redeemed at
the district attorney's office at 350 Jay St.

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CS: Pol-JAMA study url and author details

2000-08-02 Thread SSAA


will take you to the report on homicide and the effect of the Brady

will take you Jens Ludwig's homepage - Georgetown University

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CS: Pol-JAMA says Brady law ineffective

2000-08-02 Thread SSAA


 Study Disputes Gun Control Law's Impact
 By Guy Gugliotta
 Washington Post Staff Writer
 Tuesday, August 1, 2000; 4:22 PM

In a finding that casts doubt on one of the pillars of the gun control
movement, a new study published today concludes that the Brady law had
no effect on firearm homicide and suicide rates in states that
previously had no handgun controls.

Gun control advocates criticized the study, but also said it reaffirmed
the Brady Law's effectiveness in reducing gun crimes nationwide and
emphasized the need for further regulation of handgun sales.

The study in the Journal of the American Medical Association analyzed
national homicide and suicide data between 1985 and 1997, dividing the
states into two groups: 32 that installed the Brady Law handgun purchase
controls in 1994, and 19 (18 states plus the District) that already had
Brady-style restrictions.

While the study confirmed a well-documented reduction in firearms deaths
across the United States beginning in 1993-94, the data showed no
difference in the overall rate of decline between the two sets of

There was, however, a sharp drop in gun suicides among adults 55 and
older in the "Brady states."

Still, "there's no real convincing way to show how much of the reduction
can be attributed to Brady," said Georgetown University public policy
specialist Jens Ludwig, co-author of the study, along with Philip J.
Cook of Duke University.

The study provided a volatile new addition to the national gun control
debate, and the National Rifle Association hastened to take note.

"We don't always agree with the American Medical Association, but in
this case common sense has prevailed," said James Jay Baker, the NRA's
executive director for Legislative Action. "Schemes like the Brady
waiting period have nothing to do with reducing criminal behavior."

The 1994 Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act requires that federally
licensed firearms dealers impose a waiting period on the purchase of
handguns while they conduct a background check on the purchaser.

The law was enacted 13 years after former presidential press Secretary
James Brady was disabled in the 1981 shooting that gravely wounded
President Reagan. The gun control movement regards it as one of the most
important pieces of firearms legislation ever passed.

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CS: Pol-antis sack progun stall

2000-08-01 Thread SSAA



By Roger Abramson
¨ 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

PHILADELPHIA -- As the pro-gun rights Second Amendment Sisters were in
the process of setting up their display in front of Independence Hall, a
contingent of "Million Mom Marchers" came through and ransacked a table
of books, pamphlets and other Second Amendment Sisters-related
materials, shoving it all into a garbage can down
the street.

The Second Amendment Sisters calls itself a "grassroots, spontaneous
group," started by "a handful" of the 12 million women gun owners in
America. Based in Dallas, SAS began as the "Armed Informed Mothers
March," intended as a counter-movement to the anti-gun Million Mom March
held in May. The two groups have been at odds ever since.

In fact, the two opposing groups spent the pre-Republican Convention
weekend facing each other at opposite ends of historic Independence
Mall, in the shadow of the Liberty Bell. SAS displays a montage of
American flags commemorating the 400,000 lives it says have been saved
by guns; the Million Moms, apparently joined by other groups, presents
rows and rows of shoes they claim equal the number of children killed by
guns every year.

According to Second Amendment Sisters spokesperson Maria Heil, the
"Million Moms" saw their opportunity to raid the exhibition last
Saturday while she and other SAS members were away for a few moments
getting display materials on the other side of Independence Park. When
Heil came back, the table was bare and a number of flags had "Million
Mom March" buttons pinned to them.

Heil and members of the Independence National Park Police went looking
for the materials, finally finding them inside a park garbage can about
a block away. The Park Police contacted the Philadelphia City Police,
and members of both forces kept a close eye on the area for the rest of
the weekend.

Later on, as Heil and other SAS members were walking along a nearby
sidewalk, they were accosted by an anti-gun protester who "hurled the
F-word over and over again" until he was removed by the police. Heil was
then told that a federal mediator was being brought in and put on
stand-by should any more such problems occur.

"I have to say that the police have been great," Heil said. "I also
think that they are sort of warming up to us a bit, after they've seen
how different we and the other side operate."

The City of Philadelphia has pulled out all of the stops for this year's
Republican National Convention, and a special effort has been made to
keep the inevitable protests from getting out of hand. According to a
report in The PhiladelphiaInquirer, all members of the city police are
on duty this week, and "large numbers" of Pennsylvania state police and
federal law enforcement officials are also in town throughout the
convention. The city will not reveal exactly how many active police
there will be, other than saying that it is a "record number."

The most notable protest groups this weekend have been the "Kensington
Welfare Rights Union," which has formed a tent city called "Bushville"
(in homage to the 1930s era "Hoovervilles") in North Philadelphia, and
the "Philadelphia Direct Action Group," which uses its "Ministry of
Puppetganda" for political street theater. Also active have been the
"Billionaires or Bush (or Gore)," consisting of college students dressed
up in aristocratic attire protesting the influence of corporations in

Thus far, however, the Million Mom raid is the only known incident of
less-than-civil disobedience. Nevertheless, Philadelphia, as the home of
Mumia Abu-Jamal -- who is on death row for killing a Philadelphia police
officer -- and the most recent site of televised police violence, has
become the nation's ground zero for anti-police fervor. There are plans
for numerous protests throughout the week, and the city is taking no
Roger Abramson is a contributing reporter for WorldNet Daily.

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CS: Pol-Australia AIC report on gun murders

2000-07-30 Thread SSAA


Note the comment that 350 guns were stolen from an Army depot.  This is
wrong.  It was in fact a dealer who who savagely beaten and then forced
at gun point to open the safe.

Sunday Telegraph
Handgun deaths up

HANDGUNS are used in almost half of all firearm murders, up from just 13
per cent four years ago, new figures show.

An Australian Institute of Criminology report said handgun homicides
accounted for 42 per cent of firearm murders last year.

"There appears to have been a noticeable increase in the proportion of
homicides committed with handguns," report author Jenny Mouzos said.

But the total number of firearm murders is falling, dropping in 1998-99
to a 10-year low of 64 gun deaths.

The institute said one in four murderers in Australia used a gun.

Australian Bureau of Statistics figures showed there were 123 murders in
NSW last year, up from 96 in 1998.

Justice Minister Amanda Vanstone said the report into gun murders showed
most licensed gun owners were law-abiding.

"In over 90 per cent of firearm-related homicides, the offenders are not
licensed and the weapons are not registered," Senator Vanstone said.
"Licensed gun owners are law-abiding citizens with legitimate reasons
for owning the weapons they have."

In the US, firearm- related homicides are 14 times more likely than in

Senator Vanstone said she had raised the issue of handgun crime with the
Australasian Police Ministers' Council, which was examining strategies.

Storage of licensed guns was a serious issue.

Ms Mouzos said stolen guns were highly prized on the black market.

"A greater focus should be directed towards enforcement and monitoring
of compliance," she said.

In July last year, 350 pistols were stolen from an army depot in South

"A theft of this magnitude highlights the dangers associated with
stockpiling such weapons and the increased vulnerability of such
stores in terms of potential targeting by illicit traffickers,"
Ms Mouzos said.

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CS: Pol-robbery victim faces uncertain future

2000-07-29 Thread SSAA


The Courier Mail - QLD
Jeweller fears charges over killing
Ben Dorries, Gold Coast bureau

A SHOPKEEPER who shot dead an armed robber says his life has been left
in limbo by police, with the threat of criminal charges still hanging
over his head.

Gold Coast jeweller Paul Visentin, who shot and killed a balaclava-clad
bandit in a raid on his store in May, says the wait to see if he will be
charged has been as traumatic as the incident itself.

Mr Visentin told The Courier-Mail yesterday:

Police had given him "not the slightest indication" if he would face
charges in relation to the shooting. He had closed his business's
Internet website because his wife Maxine was heavily traumatised.
He was considering pursuing criminal compensation through the courts.
He had suffered pangs of depression and had not slept properly since
the incident.

Mr Visentin shot dead would-be thief Peter Anthony Knox after three
men allegedly burst into his Old Town Nerang Antique Store with
guns blazing on May 24.

'I already have to live with the knowledge that I've killed another
human being' He said his life was now like a "time bomb" as he
waited to see if he would face charges.

"The incident is now eight weeks ago and I've been left in limbo
pondering if I'm going to be charged," Mr Visentin said.

"I've had nothing in writing from anyone in any official capacity . . .
and no-one in the world of officialdom has even asked how I'm

"I can't get on with my life and I don't know which way to move.

"I already have to live with the knowledge that I've killed another
human being."

Detective Inspector Len Potts said it was now probable the matter would
be decided by an inquest.

"It is likely it will be referred to a coroner," Insp Potts said. "We
will make a decision in the near future."

Police have charged a man in connection with the incident, but Insp
Potts said police were still seeking another man.

Opposition Leader Rob Borbidge said that on the information available,
the delay in informing Mr Visentin was "unacceptable and inexcusable".

"On the information available, it is a disgrace that Mr Visentin has
been put through so much trauma by law-breakers and has been put through
further trauma by the state's law enforcement authorities," Mr Borbidge

The day after the incident, Mr Visentin wept as he told how he would
walk away from his popular store to trade from the safety of the business's

Yesterday, he said the website had been effectively closed and the
business was no longer trading from it.

"The only computer-literate person here now is my wife . . . the
reality is she is so traumatised she can't talk to people and she
can't go near the computer because it reminds her (of the incident),"
he said.

"Had she been sitting at the computer that day she would have been
riddled with bullets."

Mr Visentin said he had "found out by accident" he could seek criminal

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CS: Pol-Australia buyback costings from Government

2000-07-27 Thread SSAA


will take you to a series of answers to questions concerning how much
the Australian gun buyback cost, - in particular the administration
It also touches upon the question of ammunition controls.

SSAA thanks Senator Quirke (Labor SA) for his interest in this matter.
After reading these figures you have to wonder what impact
it would have had if the money had been spent on the police and
more prisons.


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CS: Pol-SSAA Victoria on AIC Report

2000-07-27 Thread SSAA


SSAA Victoria

Media Release û 26/7/2000

(For Immediate Release)

Criminology Study Clears Shooters

The Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC) today released a study
demonstrating that licenced firearm owners who register their firearms
in accordance with the law are not a threat to the community.

The AIC study ôThe Licensing and Registration Status of Firearms Used in
Homicideö clearly shows that those mainly responsible for homicides do
not register their firearms nor do they obtain a shooters licence; they
hold their firearms illegally.

The Victorian Branch President of the Sporting Shooters Association of
Australia, Mr Sebastian Ziccone, noted that the study said that for the
period 1997-1999 ôthe overwhelming majority of these firearms were not
registered and the offenders of homicide were not licensed firearm
owners.ö æThis puts the vast majority of firearm owners, and especially
our 28,000 members, well in the clearÆ he said.

What is of interest said Mr Ziccone is that the publication date of this
report is May 2000. Justice Minister Vanstone and the AIC have
apparently sat on this report for two months, not wishing to release it
because it is so favourable to the shooting sports. They didnÆt know how
to deal with it. Mr Ziccone also noted that æThis will certainly take
the wind out of the Coalition for Gun Controls sails and clearly shows
that they should back off!Æ

æUnfortunately, Minister Vanstone also continues to refer to licensed
shooters firearms as æweaponsÆ when clearly they are nothing of the
sortÆ said Mr Ziccone. æFirearms used for sporting and recreational
purposes are not weapons and, as the AIC study shows, are never likely
to be used as suchÆ he added.

æBoth the AIC study and Minister Vanstone note that handgun homicide is
on the increaseÆ said Mr Ziccone. æHowever, it is hoped that any
Government legislation will not once again be targeted at the wrong
group of people, the legitimate, licenced law-abiding sporting shooter,
but will focus on the real problem, that of those people, criminals, who
already operate and continue to operate outside of existing lawsÆ.

æThis type of study has been demanded by the SSAA for some years and we
knew what the result would be. Nothing more clearly demonstrates than
this study that the buyback was targeted at the wrong people and was a
huge waste of public moneyÆ said Mr Ziccone.


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CS: Pol-SSAA Press Release AIC report

2000-07-27 Thread SSAA


For immediate release 26 July 2000

Sporting Shooters vindicated

The Sporting Shooters Association of Australia Inc. has welcomed
recently released Australian Institute of Criminology figures showing
that licensed firearm owners are not responsible for the majority of
gun-related homicides. The SSAA's Executive Director of Public Relations
& International Affairs, Mr Keith Tidswell, said that shooters felt
vindicated by the findings. "We have questioned the focus of the
buy-back scheme all along" he said.

While the AIC's research showed that licensed firearm owners were
involved in less than 10% of gun related homicides, recently released
Australian Bureau of Statistics figures indicate that the rate of
firearm related murder presently stands at 17.8% - about the same as it
was before the buy-back program. Commenting on the situation, Mr
Tidswell said "We have almost exactly the same ratio of firearm related
killings as we had when there were 640,000 additional guns in the
community. We believe the community's focus should be redirected to
identifying the source of illicit firearms and
reducing their misuse in homicides."

Mr Tidswell went on to say that the SSAA was now engaged in the struggle
against firearm related crime at the international level via its new
position as an official Non-Government Organisation within the United
Nations. Summing up the report's findings Mr Tidswell said "While we
regret that the AIC data was not available at the time of the APMC
agreement in 1996, we are happy that law-abiding shooters have finally
been exonerated."

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CS: Pol-SSAA Press release on illicit gun trafficking

2000-07-27 Thread SSAA


For immediate release 27 July 2000

More resources needed

The Sporting Shooters Association of Australia Inc. has called upon the
Federal government to put more resources into the problem of illicit
firearms. The SSAA's Executive Director of Public Relations &
International Affairs, Mr Keith Tidswell, said the
Association questions a recent Australian Institute of Criminology
report which argues that the bulk of guns used in crimes are stolen from
licensed shooters. Mr Tidswell said "The AIC study quotes New Zealand
research which has already been called into question. The fact is there
is no reliable information on the number of guns smuggled into

Mr Tidswell went on to say that without reliable information on illicit
trafficking and reliable data on firearms theft, it was invalid to
suggest that most guns on the black market were stolen from legitimate
shooters. "Now that the AIC's report has shown that
licensed firearm owners are not responsible for gun crime, it appears
the government is trying to condemn them indirectly by pointing to
supposedly lax storage arrangements" he said. "The fact is no one knows
exactly where the bulk of illicit firearms come
from and it's time the government put some resources into finding out."


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CS: Pol-US political gun arena

2000-07-26 Thread SSAA


The Rutland Herald Online - Vermont -  July 24, 2000
By JAMES DAO The New York Times

WASHINGTON - After many years of being outspent and outmuscled by the
National Rifle Association, the gun-control movement has begun the most
campaign in its history to raise money, recruit foot soldiers and build
public support for stronger gun laws in preparation for this fall's
national elections.

CS: Pol-Australia AIC Report on status of gun crime

2000-07-26 Thread SSAA


www.ssaa.org.au  has more details on our home page
Finally, after being embargoed for some months.
Media Release
Minister for Justice and Customs
26 July 2000

Licensed  gun owners not responsible for firearm homicides

Licensed firearm owners are not responsible for the majority of
firearm-related homicides according to research by the Australian
Institute of Criminology released today by Senator Amanda Vanstone,
Minister for Justice and Customs.

"Licensed gun owners are law-abiding citizens with legitimate reasons
for owning the weapons they have.

"In over 90 per cent of firearm-related homicides the offenders are not
licensed and the weapons are not registered," Senator Vanstone said.

"In 1998/99 there were 64 firearms-related homicides in Australia, the
lowest number since the National Homicide Monitoring Program commenced a
decade ago.

"The rate of firearm-related homicide in Australia is 14 times less than
the rate in the U-S.

"However, the use of handguns in homicides in Australia has increased
from 13% in 1995/96 to 42% in 1998/99. Positively though, not one
handgun used in a homicide between 1997 and 1999 was used by a licensed
owner. One gun was registered, but to the victim.

"The problem therefore appears to be handguns that are diverted
illegally into the black market for criminal use.

"I have already raised this disturbing increase in the diversion of
handguns into illegal use with the Australasian Police Ministers'
Council and a working group is currently undertaking a comprehensive
examination of the use of handguns in crime and relevant policing

"Clearly this AIC paper confirms that the Federal Government was correct
in introducing tougher penalties to deter people from importing
prohibited goods such as firearms.

"The licensing, registration, and storage requirements imposed by the
new firearms regulations have significantly restricted the availability
and access to certain firearms.

"The recent ABS data on recorded crime, released last month, showed
welcome trends in firearm-related crime. As well as showing that the use
of firearms in homicides in the calendar year 1999 fell to its lowest
level since 1995, the ABS report showed the use of firearms in all
robberies had decreased by more than half between 1993 and 1999 and the
proportion of firearms used in armed robberies had also declined from
18% in 1998 to 15% in 1999.

"While these are welcome developments, we should all remember that those
at the frontline of fighting crime, who daily face the risks posed by
firearms and other dangerous weapons, are sons, daughters, parents and
partners. Whenever we talk about crime statistics, it is appropriate to
remember the valuable contribution of our police men and women."
The working group she is talking about is considering some pretty
scary proposals, the worst one being the idea of banning dealers
from stocking handguns, you could only buy one if you had a
license then the dealer would import it specifically for you.
Imagine the cost of that!


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CS: Pol-QLD shooting Police Association comment

2000-07-21 Thread SSAA


Station:4BC Date:   21/07/2000
Program:BREAKFAST   Time:   07:12 AM


COMPERE:  And I've gotta say too that while nobody ever said that these
new gun laws would stop this kind of violence, it just seems that once
again we have a demonstration that if the aim at all was to reduce the
incidents of violent gun related incidents, for one of a better
expression, then they have failed miserably.

M BAINBRIDGE:   John, it's not working, it's not working it's as people
always suspected that the good people would obey the rules and the bad
guys would just continue on as always.

COMPERE:  That's right in fact I believe it has turned and I think we
can now confidently say this following last night's incident, it has
turned into little more than a tragic and very very expensive joke.

M BAINBRIDGE:   Yes very much so John.

COMPERE:  Merv Bainbridge from the Queensland Police Union, convey our
sympathies and I'm sure the community is with me on this to the family
of the officer concerned, indeed all of the Queensland Police Service
this morning as they mourn the death of a 33 year old man - it's very
very sad.

*  *  End  *  *

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CS: Pol-Australia gun buy-back for Solomon Islands

2000-07-20 Thread SSAA


ABC Radio 612
Andrew Lofthouse
20th July 2000

Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer interview

"I mean, you know, its not an easy situation in the Solomons.  It
doesn't work quite like organising a meeting here in Brisbane or
wherever..  So, it remains to be seen a bit how this will go.  Our hope
is that the ceasefire talks can take place, at at last start to take
place today, and that we can get a ceasefire in the Solomon Islands and
then move towards a peace process."

"If the ceasefire talks are successful, then we'll be sending a team of
people from Canberra to the Solomon Islands to talk through some of the
issues which will be central to peace, and one of those is to get the
guns back off the streets and back into the armory from where they were
stolen.  And one of the options there is to put forward a gun buyback
That might, unfortunately, be the only way it will be possible to get
the guns off the streets, and we would be prepared to help with that."

We hope that the Australian Federal Government will reflect upon the
following words in regards to the success of gun buyback schemes in
Africa.  It is pleasing to see that there is an acknowledgement that the
guns on the streets obviously came from Police and Army armouries.  Just
like some other pacific-rim countries that Australia has been funding
for years, the break down of internal law and order has been hastened by
the decay of discipline within the police and military.

"Gun buyback programmes were not effective if they saw guns as assets."
Virginia Gamba - Institute for Security Studies 18/1/2000 Business Day
On buying back firearms from civilians in Africa

(Further gun buyback "success" quotes at

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CS: Pol-Australia stops security guns for Olympics

2000-07-20 Thread SSAA


The Australian
Weapons ban sparks Games rift

AUSTRALIA faces a diplomatic stand-off with 12 countries that are
determined to bring guns to the Olympics to protect their athletes.

The federal Government, which is demanding that police be solely
responsible for the protection of all athletes, officials and VIPs,
is at loggerheads with the nations over the issue.

Israel claims it has been granted permission to bring in weapons
and that special customs arrangements have been prepared by
Australian officials sympathetic to its security needs.

Other countries to have expressed concerns include Turkey, Japan,
the US, China and a Middle-Eastern bloc including Iran and Iraq.

Jewish news service Israel Wire reported that a deal struck with
Australia in May would enable agents who usually protect the
Israeli Prime Minister to use their own weapons to protect

It also said the US had been granted an exemption to the strict
laws on the carriage of firearms.

But both claims were rejected last night by Attorney-General
Daryl Williams, who said no country or Olympic committee had
made any formal request for exemptions to Australia's laws.

Mr Williams, who is responsible for national security, will
outline Australia's position next week to security chiefs from
every national Olympic committee during a conference in Sydney.

He will tell officials that the Government will not entertain
any formal approaches by countries that demand to provide
their own security and that it will take a hard line against
countries that try to smuggle in weapons.

Responsibility for security rests with the relevant
Australian authorities and foreign security officials have
no operational role in Australia," a spokeswoman for Mr
Williams said. "Australia's firearms policy will come as
no surprise to countries participating in the Games,
because we have been briefing foreign security officials
over a number of years."

In the eight weeks until the opening ceremony, the federal
Government and state police services will try to placate
security concerns by briefing foreign security officials
from every country attending the Games.

A rare exemption to Australian laws was made four years ago
when US secret service agents travelling to Australia with
President Bill Clinton were permitted to carry weapons. But
security organisers say allowing one country an exemption for
the Games would be untenable, because it would "clearly open
the door for other countries".

Sources close to current negotiations are hopeful that
next week's conference will ease the risk of the stand-off's
developing into a full-blown diplomatic incident. But the
sources concede Israel's reluctance to accept Australia's
position is likely to cause security organisers continuing

Israel was chastised for smuggling weapons through diplomatic
mail bags during the Los Angeles Olympics and officials say
they believe agents may have access to weapons already in

Israel has been sensitive to security needs since the
slaying of 11 Jewish athletes by Palestinian terrorists
at the 1972 Munich Olympics.

NSW police have agreed to station extra armed guards for
close personal protection near the Israeli team's
accommodation in the Olympic village.

A Chinese embassy official said last night the Chinese
Government "knew nothing of Australia's position", while
Russian consular Olympic attache Michael Kokorev said he
expected the question of weapons to be "settled at next
week's meeting".

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CS: Pol-Australia ABS homicide statistics

2000-07-18 Thread SSAA


will take you to the latest ABS statistics on 1999 homicide rates in
Statistics issued June 2000
And they indicate that firearm-related homicide is rising.


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CS: Pol-PNG proposes gun ban

2000-07-18 Thread SSAA


Let us pray that the politicians who demand that the Police Commissioner
issue them  handguns for self defence will be the first to give up their
guns in pursuit of a more peaceful society.
Government to introduce tough control laws: PM


THE Government will introduce tighter gun control legislation, including
a total ban on gun ownership, in a move aimed at reducing crime and
violence in the country, Prime Minister Sir Mekere Morauta indicated on

Speaking at the opening of the PNG Tourism Conference at the Madang
Resort Hotel, Sir Mekere said Papua New Guinea is seen overseas as a
dangerous place to visit.

"However, there is one area where I believe strongly the government
could make an immediate difference, and that is gun control."

Sir Mekere said that there had undoubtedly been a proliferation of guns,
both legal and illegal, in the country in recent years.

"Without question this has contributed to the level of crime and
violence in society. We are looking at ways, including legislation, of
strictly controlling, perhaps even outlawing altogether, ownership of
guns," said Sir Mekere.

He said penalties for breaking the new laws would be severe. "In my
view, this can only have a positive impact on our law and order

Sir Mekere said a Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA) survey of visitors
last year found that of the 528 respondents, about half said law and
order was a problem.

"There is no point complaining about this. The only sensible response is
for us to do something about it. The simple fact is that there have been
instances of terrible crimes committed, of course, mostly against our
own people, but very occasionally against
tourists and foreign residents. In our main towns crime has been on the
increase over the last decade."

He said however, that the perceptions are greater than the reality. For
example serious crime tends to be concentrated in specific areas. It
does not affect the entire country.

Sir Mekere said the Government is attempting to persuade foreign
governments to be more careful when issuing travel alerts relating to
Papua New Guinea.

"Papua New Guinea is no more dangerous for tourists than, say, Russia,
or Egypt or parts of Africa or Asia. In fact, it is probably a lot less
dangerous. Yet these countries have strong tourism industries, There
must then be some factors in these countries that
neutralise their law and order problems, and still make them attractive
to tourists."

The Prime Minister said law and order is one of the Government's five
high priority areas, not just for the sake of the tourism industry but
also for peace and development generally.

"It is one of the five high priorities of Government, receiving a slight
increase in funding this year. Next year it will receive more again."

Sir Mekere said law and order is not by any means purely a financial

"Merely allocating large amounts of financial resources will not solve
law and order problems. More government expenditure might help, but it
will not provide the solution. Crime is a very complex and difficult
social issue, occasioned by constantly changing
factors, some of which we have little control over in the short term."

"But at the heart of the social breakdown that leads to crime is a lack
of opportunity. At its most basic, this means decent jobs for the
thousands of people who leave school each year. Because of the dramatic
deterioration in the economy between 1997 and 1999, unemployment and
poverty have been rising."

Sir Mekere said that for a long time, employment opportunities had not
kept pace with population growth.

"I am sure that everyone here appreciates that the nation is in a much
healthier state than it was 12 months ago. The currency has begun to
stabilise. Prices are beginning to fall and interest rates are coming

He said the groundwork for the economy to grow has been laid and in
time, increased economic activity should lead to growth in employment

"Stimulating economic growth through competent, fair and accountable
government will help remove the underlying causes of crime -- poverty,
unemployment, illiteracy, ill health and breakdown of the family."

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CS: Pol-home invasion terror

2000-07-17 Thread SSAA


West Australian
Break in victim rues rifle loss
An elderly man whose home was broken into on Saturday rues the day he
surrendered his rifle under the federal buy-back scheme two years ago.
He said yesterday that if he has still had it he would have used it
against the men who invaded his home and injured an elderly woman
staying there.
John Machen, 77 was alseep in his two storey home in St Kilda Road,
Kewdale, about 1am on Saturday when a man broke in and entered the room
in which 82 year old invalid Gwen McCorey was sleeping.
"I heard her start shouting 'John. John help me help me," he said.
"When I went to the door of the room there was blood everywhere and
someone had put a screwdriver to my throat and said "givre me your money
and your keys."
The intruder had stabbed Mrs McCorey in the head with a screwdriver and
threatened to do the same to Mr Macken, who has an implanted heart
pacemaker, unless he handed over his money and car keys.
He bolted for the front door and ran down the street screaming for
help.  As lights came on, the intruder and an accomplice fled.

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CS: Pol-WA warning shots condemnation

2000-07-15 Thread SSAA


The Advertiser
Adelaide 15/7/2000
Firing warning shots illegal
A Perth man may be charged for firing warning shots at intruders after
lying in wait at his business, which had been robbed three times in as
many days.
The owner of the trailer business in Welshpool sat in his premises on
Thursday night with a semi-automatic rifle, confronting juveniles who
smashed a window to break in at 9.15pm
"He let off a shot into the wall with a semi-automatic," a police
spokesman said yesterday.
"The kids took off and he fired a couple more shots to scare them." The
man then rang police to tell them what he had done.
Police said the man's weapon was licenced but it was illegal for
persons  to use firearms to protect themselves or their property.
It was also against the law to "set man traps" which in effect the
business proprietor had done.
"We're not going to tolerate this type of stuff," the police spokesman
Detectives questioned the man and it was possible he would be charged,
he said.

CS: Legal-Lawyers and guns

2000-07-12 Thread SSAA


If you have the time, have a look at:


Kind regards,

Peter Kerin
This is a brilliant article, too long to stick in an email though -
go and have a read.


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