CS: Field-Cats the worst killers

2001-02-16 Thread N

From:   N J Francis, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Not you, although you might belong to the cat.  :-)
 As I understand it, the cat is not considered to be property, it is not
 owned by you or anyone.  In contrast, I do own my dog.

All this 'nobody owns their cat' stuff is all very quaint and trendy - but
quite frankly bollocks. The fact is my cat belongs to me. It is my
property as much as any 'domestic' living animal I may have is my

If anyone steals it I see no difference to stealing anything else off me.
Same for anyone unlawfully killing it. 

Neil Francis
Trowbridge, UK

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CS: Field-Cats the worst killers

2001-02-14 Thread nick

From:   nick royall, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A dog, like a horse is a domestic animal. A cat is a wild animal so you
cannot do anything about next door's cat shi--ing in your garden wheras if
the next door's dog does the same they are culpable.


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CS: Field-Cats the worst killers - odd twist

2001-02-14 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've been carrying this information for many years and now seems as good
a time as any to roll it out.

Road kill dogs are the responsibility of the Highway Authority, whereas
road kill cats are the responsibility of the Environmental Health
Authority for the area.  

If this has changed since I ceased to work for a highways authority
about 12 years ago, perhaps someone will let me know then I can forget
all about it.



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CS: Field-Cats the worst killers

2001-02-13 Thread Brian Toller

From:   "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Incorrect.  It is because a dog is *property* whereas a cat is not.

What? - So who does my cat belong to then?

Wrong way round.
You own a dog but feed a cat.
If your lucky it deigns to live in your house.

Brian T

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CS: Field-Cats the worst killers

2001-02-09 Thread Jeremy

From:   Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Conversly I know of a case where a breeder of Guinea Fowl
was convicted of criminal damage to a cat (owned by his
neighbour) who he found stalking the birds running wild
in his garden.  He shot and killed the cat with an airgun
on his own property so did not contravene firearms laws or
animal cruelty laws (having killed the cat humanely).

Obviously the court came to the conclusion that a a domestic
cat was property in this case.

Also the breeder of the guinea fowl was rather foolish in
having the birds loose in the back garden only protected or
contained by light meshing.



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CS: Field-Cats the worst killers

2001-02-08 Thread atom


In response to recent postings on this subject, I though I might add that;
during my police training we were taught that you had to report accidents to
the police involving livestock and dogs, because they were property,
whereas, cats were not considered to be property.   Given the nature of cats
this is understandable as they appear to own the owner, as it were, and not
the other way around as in dogs, where a dog show absolute loyalty to its
master.   Cats were also considered vermin.



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CS: Field-cats the worst killers.

2001-02-07 Thread Neil

From:   Neil Francis, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I heard nothing more about it.
You would have done if it was my cat!

Aye - same here - not from a particular attachment to the cat in question - 
rather from a lack of respect or particularly sadistic attitude to the 
animal in question.

I have noted that hunting and shooting people in particular seem to have a 
respect for that most useless and stupid animal - the dog, but none 
whatsoever for the very noble and free thinking cat. Further even - a 
boastful attitude to the destruction they would afford the cat species 
given the chance. Witness recent thread.

Neil Francis
Trowbridge, UK

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CS: Field-Cats the worst killers

2001-02-06 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Are British hunters permitted to shoot cats like German hunters are? If
recall correctly from my Jagerprufung class you may shoot cats that are
100 meters from an inhabited building. One of the German states requires

As far as I'm aware it is perfectly legal to shoot feral cats.


You carry on like this boys and the RSPCA will join the antis, suppoted
by several milions of cat owners to make all forms of shooting illegal
and to raise the age for airgun ownership to ninety!

Talk about self-destructive tendencies.

I was under the impression the RSPCA already had joined the antis.  And
so has the CPL.  Note that the CPL has a figure for 10,000 cats or
something like that being shot every year.  Note that they fail to
point out that in many circumstances it is perfectly legal to do it.

Feral cats can carry diseases and also pose a threat to other wildlife.


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CS: Field-Cats the worst killers

2001-02-06 Thread Andrew Chastney

From:   "Andrew Chastney", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Interestingly if you run over a dog in your car, lorry or other vehicle
kill the dog) you legally MUST report it to the police. If it is a cat?
Nothing. Running over and killing a cat does not require reporting the fact
to the police.

Is this still the case? I know the reason for reporting the death of a dog
but not a cat was because dogs were (supposed to be) licensed, which
cats never have been.

But now that the dog licence has been abolished presumably the rationale
for reporting a run-over dog no longer exists? But I'm only guessing. Does
anybody know for certain?

Andrew Chastney

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CS: Field-Cats the worst killers

2001-02-06 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Interestingly if you run over a dog in your car, lorry or other vehicle (and
kill the dog) you legally MUST report it to the police. If it is a cat?
Nothing. Running over and killing a cat does not require reporting the fact
to the police.
But in Egypt...if you ran over and killed a cat whilst recklessly in charge
of your "Ben Hur" type chariot the penalty was death by stoning!

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CS: Field-cats the worst killers.

2001-02-06 Thread Two Pints

From:   "Two Pints", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In answer to the road traffic accident question.  An
accident involving any horse, cattle, ass, mule, sheep, goat,
dog or pig must be reported to police within 24 hours IF at
the time of the accident names and addresses were not
exchanged between parties who required that information.
Funnily enough, this even applies to fatal accidents involving
people - you mow down granny who steps out in front of you,
you stop, give your details to granddad, and then drive off.
You have complied with the law.  It is most likely you will
get a visit from police as they have a duty to collect
information for the coroner.

In regards to cats, I once had a complaint made against me
that I had ran a cat over and failed to stop. The horrified
owner was informed of my rebuttal " I did not murder the cat
- the cat committed suicide."  I heard nothing more about it.


2 pints.
You would have done if it was my cat!


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CS: Field-Cats the worst killers

2001-02-05 Thread George

From:   "George", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Are British hunters permitted to shoot cats like German hunters are? If I
recall correctly from my Jagerprufung class you may shoot cats that are over
100 meters from an inhabited building. One of the German states requires 200

As far as I'm aware it is perfectly legal to shoot feral cats.


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CS: Field-Cats the worst killers

2001-01-31 Thread David M

From:   "David M", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 No reason to expect that the situation is any different here.

ISSUE 2077 Wednesday 31 January 2001

  Cats are the 'worst' killers
By Charles Clover, Environment Editor

  BRITAIN'S nine million cats are the main predators of wildlife, killing an
estimated 275 million animals a year, a survey said yesterday.
Their victims include rare water voles and dormice and the declining
population of house sparrows, the Mammal Society said. The survey, carried
out by the society's youth group, Mammalaction, said the total was made up
of 200 million mammals, 55 million birds, 10 million reptiles and amphibians
and 10 million other creatures including worms and moths.

Michael Woods, the society's vice-chairman and the survey co-ordinator, said
that cats gave "considerable cause for concern" on conservation grounds. He
said: "Cats range up to 0.6 of a mile away each night and have a territory
of 70 acres. Many owners think that when their cat brings home a mouse it is
suppressing the rodent population, but cats are killing animals on a much
wider scale."

Professor Stephen Harris, of Bristol University, chairman of the society,
said: "As there are 26 times more cats than foxes and six times more cats
than all wild terrestrial predators combined, no one can doubt that cats can
be a very serious problem for wildlife. However, no one wishes to play down
the joy and comfort that cats can bring to their owners."

The survey, called Look What the Cat Brought In, suggests a number of ways
to reduce the killing. One is that cat owners should feed garden birds. Cats
in such gardens kill fewer birds, probably because more food means more
birds and the birds need to spend less time searching for food and are
therefore less exposed.

Mr Woods said: "Cats wearing bells and those that were kept in at night kill
fewer mammals. Bells give a warning and wild mammals are mainly nocturnal,
so keeping cats in cuts down on mousing time."

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CS: Field-Cats the worst killers

2001-01-31 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mr Woods said: "Cats wearing bells and those that were kept in at night 
fewer mammals. Bells give a warning and wild mammals are mainly nocturnal,
so keeping cats in cuts down on mousing time."

Most cat "owners" (the people owned by the cats as one vet I know discribes 
them) won't even put a collar on a cat "incase it stranges itself", still 
without a collar it "could" be considered feral and "could" be delt with in 
summary fashion


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