CS: Pol-Animal rights activists get upset, for a change

2000-11-23 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>>Like for instance, Bugs Bunny's creator (Mel Blanc) wasn't so
>>vociferously anti hunting as to whore-out his creation to the anti's.
>Slightly off topic and picky but Mel Blanc was only responsible for the
>voice, who actually created the character is uncertain.
>It would be difficult to find any more liberal use of firearms than the
>early Warner Bros cartoons though, and all for comic effect.
>As opposed to Mr Disney who's contribution to the debate was those rotten
>hunters who shot Bambi's mum.
>Brian T

Steve, & Brian,

Picky, picky, picky.
Eh, what's up Doc?

Go see http://www.toonzone.net/looney/70archive.html
for a relative anthology.

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CS: Pol-Animal rights activists get upset, for a change

2000-11-22 Thread Brian Toller

From:   "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Like for instance, Bugs Bunny's creator (Mel Blanc) wasn't so
>vociferously anti hunting as to whore-out his creation to the anti's.

Slightly off topic and picky but Mel Blanc was only responsible for the
voice, who actually created the character is uncertain.

It would be difficult to find any more liberal use of firearms than the
early Warner Bros cartoons though, and all for comic effect.
As opposed to Mr Disney who's contribution to the debate was those rotten
hunters who shot Bambi's mum.

Brian T

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CS: Pol-Animal rights activists get upset, for a change

2000-11-22 Thread Tim Jeffreys

From:   "Tim Jeffreys", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are some good hunting cartoons around already, particularly an old
A large mounted stag's head hangs over a fire place. In front stand two
gentlemen in evening dress, holding drinks. The stag has a great toothy grin
on its face and on gent is looking up at it saying "I'm not too proud of
that one. He thought I was taking his picture."

You fix the processing of .gifs or .jpgs through the gateways, and I'll
start working on a cartoon strip...
- I suppose there's the website though...

- whilst occasionally indulging in anthropomorphism in animals ( - and
traffic cones come to that - ), I am also all for seeing more high velocity
lead characteristics in animals, either if they are pests, or more
especially (preferably as well) if they are to end up on my plate surrounded
by vegetables and gravy.


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CS: Pol-Animal rights activists get upset, for a change

2000-11-22 Thread IG



I take my hat off to this one!
Anyone who can write a thesis on cartoon characters and somehow include a
jibe (good natured or not!) at me is far to clever for me to argue against!

I am not worthy!


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CS: Pol-Animal rights activists get upset, for a change

2000-11-21 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  >To answer you question, the first word that comes to mind
>is 'arse h--e', but the more commonly accepted term -- used in polite
>company -- is anthropomorphism.<
>Actually, some of us who see human characteristics in animals, and vice
>versa, prefer to be called "cartoonists"
>(...but I'm sure I've been called ET's first suggestion by various victims
>in the past ).

Steve, & Tim,

Cartoonist, eh?
Well, I suppose you can be forgiven . . .
Okay, you're forgiven -- as long as you're a shooter too .
There are lesser trades & professions which are definitely
deserving of one's enmity, like professional liar (politician), professional
lobbyist (slut), professional bureaucrat (whore), and the like.

At least cartoonists work for a living.
I make the distinctions based upon the intent of the portrayed
characters. Like for instance, Bugs Bunny's creator (Mel Blanc) wasn't so
vociferously anti hunting as to whore-out his creation to the anti's.
And anybody who can come up with a character like Yosemite
Sam, is a good guy in my book. So I guess IG will definitely zero out my
chances of getting anything in firearms anytime soon (associating with
questionable characters ).
To my knowledge, he wasn't anti much of anything. Some
people know where to draw the line.
My beef -- and presumably that of others as well -- is when a
cartoon character is made to appeal to the emotional part of the psyche
so much so that it causes negative feelings towards what should be a
positive, healthy and proper outlook on normal life.
The people that do those kinds of things are haters of humanity,
for the simple reason that they give the impression the it is okay for the
animals and insects to battle it out in some of the most violent and
gruesome ways possible in the name of survival, yet people are somehow
evil and despicable because we are supposed to assume some kind of
god-like aura and elevate ourselves above the natural.
They are also the same ones who insist on feeding their cats
and dogs vegetable based protein (how to turn a natural carnivore into
a vegetarian and cause all manner of malady in the process) in protest to
killing other animals.
These people are in extreme denial.
Of course, they never hint at just what it is we are suppose to
garner sustenance from (presumably air), and any consumption other
than vegetation is a definite no-no.
These are the kinds of people that are gaining popularity to
serve in public office almost everywhere. At some point critical mass
will be achieved, and these dullards will begin to dictate hard line policy.
I reckon that it will take a world-wide epidemic of one sort or
another to bring reality back into real sharp focus. Here's hoping that
when the pendulum swings back, that it does so with a vengeance.

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Perhaps we should have some cuddly gun owner soft toy with
his own cartoon strip!


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CS: Pol-Animal rights activists get upset, for a change

2000-11-20 Thread Tim Jeffreys

From:   "Tim Jeffreys", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>"You have to question the Queen's moral judgement when she is seen to be
>enjoying killing innocent creatures."
>What's that word for people who see human characteristics in animals?

>To answer you question, the first word that comes to mind
is 'arse h--e', but the more commonly accepted term -- used in polite
company -- is anthropomorphism.<

Actually, some of us who see human characteristics in animals, and vice
versa, prefer to be called "cartoonists"
(...but I'm sure I've been called ET's first suggestion by various victims
in the past ).

>Animals are not innocent or guilty of anything, I can't remember the
>last time a pheasant was in the witness box.

See above. Hmm...that conjures an interesting image.


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CS: Pol-Animal rights activists get upset, for a change

2000-11-19 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>The Queen, who does not herself shoot, had grabbed the bird from the jaws of
>one of her hunting labradors after it had been shot, then killed it by
>wringing its neck with both hands.

>Steve Rackett, spokesman for the League Against Cruel Sports, said: "The
>royal family are setting an appalling example by shooting birds for fun."
>"You have to question the Queen's moral judgement when she is seen to be
>enjoying killing innocent creatures."
>What's that word for people who see human characteristics in animals?
>Animals are not innocent or guilty of anything, I can't remember the
>last time a pheasant was in the witness box.


To answer you question, the first word that comes to mind
is 'arse h--e', but the more commonly accepted term -- used in polite
company -- is anthropomorphism.

God save the Queen! If she can set an example -- and by golly
she did -- then maybe she can be induced to 'go live' and tell those arse h--ls
to please 'get a life'!

Hunters, here and about, and probably in a national sense,
like to speak of going after Bambi, when deer season starts. All this, you
understand, is nothing more that to spin-up the antis, who by the way,
are so easy to spin-up that its a wonder they haven't had a heart attack.
Maybe one day they will have a 'collective' heart attack of the
fatal kind and do the rest of us a really big favor.
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CS: Pol-Animal rights activists get upset, for a change

2000-11-19 Thread Kenneth

From:   Kenneth Wyatt, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think the word you seek is anthropomorphosise, I hope meaning to imply human
characteristics to something where it aint applicable, bit like the royal family

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CS: Pol-Animal rights activists get upset, for a change

2000-11-19 Thread admin


Ananova, 19/11/00

Palace says Queen was not cruel to bird

A Buckingham Palace spokesman has dismissed allegations that the Queen
committed an act of cruelty on a stricken pheasant by wringing its neck.

He says the Queen had simply put a bird "out of its pain" after being shot
by huntsmen.

The spokesman said: "The Royal Family's position on blood sports is very
well known. It was the least cruel way to put that particular pheasant out
of its pain."

The statement follows animal rights activists reacting with outrage to a
picture of the Queen killing the bird, which was used on the front page of
the Sunday Mirror.

A gun dog had picked up the stricken bird which had been peppered with shot
and brought it to the Queen during the shoot at the 20,000-acre Sandringham

The Queen, who does not herself shoot, had grabbed the bird from the jaws of
one of her hunting labradors after it had been shot, then killed it by
wringing its neck with both hands.

She handed the dead bird to a companion, who bagged it up with 200 other
birds shot that day, and drove away in a Range Rover.

Steve Rackett, spokesman for the League Against Cruel Sports, said: "The
royal family are setting an appalling example by shooting birds for fun."

"You have to question the Queen's moral judgement when she is seen to be
enjoying killing innocent creatures."
What's that word for people who see human characteristics in animals?

Animals are not innocent or guilty of anything, I can't remember the
last time a pheasant was in the witness box.


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