CS: Pol-toddlers find sawn-off shotgun

2000-07-13 Thread Stuart_Heal


Manchester Evening News, 13 July 2000

Toddlers' game with a loaded gun

by Neal Keeling

Two toddlers wer discovered playing a deadly game after they
found a loaded sawn-off shotgun dumped by criminals.

The children, aged four and three, were already playing with
a toy machine gun when they discovered the real weapon and
five rounds of live ammunition hidden in bushes just feet
from their home in Swinton.

They then started to take aim at each other and swapped the
guns.  It was later found that there were two live rounds in
each barrel of the gun.

Today the mother of one of the boys said it was a 'miracle'
that neither was killed.  The deadly game ended when the
sister of the four-year-old spotted the gun.  She ran inside
to alert her parents, who took the gun off the boys.

A police armed response team was sent to deal with the incident.

Chief Inspector John Carlin, of Swinton police, said: "This
was a very disturbing incident.  It is a miracle that neither
of the children who found the gun was injured or worse.  We
are using every means at our disposal to try and identify who
left it there."

The toddlers found the gun and cartridges in an Aldi supermarket
bag.  It had been dumped in a garden, built down the middle of
Mount Street as a traffic calming measure.  The incident
happened only 250 yards from Swinton police headquarters.

The mother of the three-year-old said: "I was at the door and
heard the other boy's sister shout 'It's a real gun'.  I ran
over and the boys  were arguing as to whose go it was next
with the real gun.  They were pointing it at each other.  My
son had some of the cartridges in his pocket.  Why they didn't
pull the trigger I don't know - it was a miracle.  My boyfriend
ran out and took it off them, brought it back into the house
and called the police.  It is hard to believe this would
happen on your own doorstep.  The bag was just partly buried
in soil and the boys pulled it out.  I asked one officer if
they would have been killed if it had gone off and he said
'Without a doubt'."

The mother has now started a petition to get the bushes,
which have been in the street for more than 20 years, removed.

Stuart Heal

Quiet loner with an arsenal of weapons.


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CS: Pol-toddlers find sawn-off shotgun

2000-07-14 Thread shootist


> The mother has now started a petition to get the bushes,
> which have been in the street for more than 20 years, removed.

She'll succeed of course, you can't argue with an enraged 
Mother unles you wan't to be branded as a potential kiddie 
Murderer. This Country is really pathetic.
Jonathan Laws.
Yes, all bushes everywhere should be banned, you never know
what might be in them.  Bush Control Inc., where are you
when we need you?


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CS: Pol-toddlers find sawn-off shotgun

2000-07-15 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>The mother has now started a petition to get the bushes,
>which have been in the street for more than 20 years,
>   [...]
>   Why is it that logic is sorely lacking in modern

CS: Pol-toddlers find sawn-off shotgun

2000-07-14 Thread Adrian

From:   Adrian, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Two toddlers were discovered playing a deadly game after they
>found a loaded sawn-off shotgun dumped by criminals.
>A police armed response team was sent to deal with the incident.
Why armed? Were they expecting to shoot the toddlers or the parents?

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CS: Pol-toddlers find sawn-off shotgun

2000-07-14 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Manchester Evening News, 13 July 2000
Toddlers' game with a loaded gun
by Neal Keeling
Two toddlers wer discovered playing a deadly game
after they found a loaded sawn-off shotgun dumped
by criminals.


The mother has now started a petition to get the bushes,
which have been in the street for more than 20 years,

Concerning that last statement, removing the
bushes is supposed to accomplish . . . what? Well, heck,
why not remove every last bush, tree, and level every
knoll in sight in order to have a clear view of the whole
darned countryside!
And while she's at it, lets make every house
(and clothes too) transparent.
Seems to me that the kid's mother is trying to
cover for the lack of her own attentiveness. "Go play
outside, kiddies!" Yup, and don't overlook what mummy
should have seen by a careful observation of just where
she  was sending those kids to play.

Why is it that logic is sorely lacking in modern


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CS: Pol-toddlers find sawn-off shotgun

2000-07-16 Thread Paul McDermott

From:   "Paul McDermott", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> The mother has now started a petition to get the bushes,
> which have been in the street for more than 20 years, removed.

My garden's a hell of  a mess. I'm thinking of putting one of my old
shotguns in the grass and scattering some cartridges about, then calling the
boys in blue. Cheaper than a gardening service...

Wasn't there an IRA joke along similar lines a few years back?


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CS: Pol-toddlers find sawn-off shotgun

2000-07-15 Thread Ken

From:   Ken Wyatt, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No doubt that "call-out" by the kevlar cowboys will be recorded in the
annual stats for Greater Manchester Police.
Many more "armed Incidents" in the area and surely the force will
qualify for the acquisition of a helicopter gunship or other such
neccessity in this, now gun-free society of ours.
On the grapevine I hear that some forces are evaluating ghillie suits
for their armed "Ninja's" I used to work in Moss
Sidea ghillie suit hung with dustbin lids and half bricks I
gotta see.
Ken (Plodwatch UK)

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CS: Pol-toddlers find sawn-off shotgun

2000-07-16 Thread Neil

From:   Neil Wareham, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> >The mother has now started a petition to get the bushes,
> >which have been in the street for more than 20 years,
> >removed.
> >   [...]
> >   Why is it that logic is sorely lacking in modern
> >man?
> >
> >ET
> From teletext yesterday I note that Leeds or Liverpool have enacted local
> by-laws banning Glass in public places, as "Glass is seen as a major cause
> of violence", Cause?
> Ho, Hum, same, different.
> Niel

In a similar vein, there was a report on the evening news the
other day about the practice of attacking young women in
Bangladesh with acid.  It seems that this is a common revenge for
rejecting the advances of a male suitor.
The solution?  Calls for the regulation of car battery acid.

I suppose it's slightly comforting to know that we don't have a
monopoly on morons in positions of authority.


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