[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: run2-0.4.0-1

2009-12-28 Thread Charles Wilson
The run2 package provides two utilities: 'run2' and 'checkX' (as
the package is actually a renamed and updated successor to the
now-obsoleted checkx package). The first utility is a more powerful
replacement for the venerable 'run' utility that has long been a
part of the cygwin distribution. The second is a test utility that
detects whether an Xserver is active, and exits with an appropriate
status value.

'run2' launches console programs while hiding any actual console
(dos box) that may ordinarily be associated with them. In addition,
'run2' can:
  * set/modify environment variables before launching
the target program
  * specify a start directory from which to launch the target
  * detect whether an X server is active or not, and
launch one of two different targets -- with different
command line arguments, environment settings, and
startup dirs.
'run2' uses an external XML configuration file to control its own
operation, and to specify the settings which should be applied to
the target program(s).

[[ compiled using gcc-4.3.4-3 ]]

As expected now that cygwin-1.7.1 has been officially released, this
run2 package is available exclusively for cygwin-1.7.

CHANGES since 0.3.2-1

* Branch for cygwin-1.7.x-specific development
* Requires cygwin-1.7 (cygwin-1.5 supported by branch-0.3.x,
  but no new development is expected on that branch).
* Fix segfault when display not specified.
* Synchronize run2_gpl with recent run.exe improvements
  (especially interoperation with GUI targets like mintty).
* Various other bugfixes.
* Exit with non-zero status when xml fails to parse.
* Fix unsigned underflow error when parsing short s.
* Avoid deprecated cygwin functions.
* Eliminate all compilation warnings.
* Improve checkX behavior when used as 'barrier' in startxwin.
* New config-run2-example.sh script, creates XML specification for:
GDI: mintty (bash)
X11: rxvt-unicode (bash)
  and also creates a windows shortcut (cygwin hippo icon) to launch
  run2 using this XML spec.

Known Limitations

o Makes no attempt to handle wide characters, or national
  language or UTF-8 encodings -- neither in filenames to
  target applications to launch, nor in the contents of the
  configuration xml files.

Future Plans (PTC!)

o support for long filenames
o support for wide chars/unicode filenames
o use ustr library for more/all string handling, to support:
o wide chars/unicode in xml config file contents

Charles Wilson
volunteer run2 maintainer for cygwin

To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link
on the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to
your system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygutils-1.4.2-1

2009-12-28 Thread Charles Wilson
Cygutils is a collection of useful(?) tools for the cygwin
platform. This is a feature enhancement release.

[[ compiled using gcc-4.3.4-3 ]]

As expected now that cygwin-1.7.1 has been officially released, this
cygutils package is available exclusively for cygwin-1.7.

CHANGES (from cygutils-1.4.1-2)

* Add hippo icon to cygicon-0.dll

TODO (call for patches):

* Update lpr.cc and mkshortcut.c to use cygwin-1.7 cygwin_conv_path
  instead of deprecated cygwin_conv_to_win32_path.

* Update (some?) utilities to handle unicode filenames, similar to
  IWAMURO Motonori's work on cygstart. Which utilities need this?
  mkshortcut and lpr, probably. Any others?

Charles Wilson
volunteer cygutils maintainer for cygwin

To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link
on the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to
your system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: mintty-0.5.6-1

2009-12-28 Thread Andy Koppe
Mintty is a terminal emulator for Cygwin with a native Windows user
interface and minimalist design. Among its features are Unicode
support and a graphical options dialog. Its terminal emulation is
largely compatible with xterm, but it does not require an X server.
Mintty is based on code from PuTTY by Simon Tatham and team.

- Fixed handling of right Alt key on US keyboards, which was broken in
- Changed the dim text attribute implementation to blend foreground
and background colour, but only when the "Show bold as bright" option
is off. This yields better results with black-on-white colour schemes.
- Added support for decimal colour values in colour setting sequences,
e.g. '\e]10;255,255,0\a'.
- When Ctrl is pressed together with a digit or symbol key, check
whether Shift+key yields a character corresponding to a control char
(after first trying the plain char followed by AltGr+key). For
example, Ctrl+6 on a US keyboard will now send ^^ (0x1E), because
Shift+6 is ^. This is for compatibility with the console.

The mintty manual is installed as a manpage ('man mintty'), and it's
also available in PDF format at
http://mintty.googlecode.com/files/mintty-0.5.4.pdf. Questions and
comments can be sent to the mintty discussion group at
http://groups.google.com/group/mintty-discuss or the Cygwin mailing
list at cyg...@cygwin.com. Please use the issue tracker at
http://code.google.com/p/mintty/issues/list to report bugs or suggest

To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link
on the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to
your system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


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Re: rsync no longer preserves extended ASCII characters after 1.7 upgrade

2009-12-28 Thread Steven Monai
On 2009/12/27 11:12 PM, Andy Koppe wrote:
> But I think the --iconv option is the better way. Assuming you want to
> stick with ISO-8859-1 on the Linux side, '--iconv utf8,iso88591'
> should do the job.

Regarding using the '--iconv' option in rsync transfers from Cygwin
(charset UTF-8) to Linux (charset ISO-8859-1): I just checked the rsync
man page again, and I thought I would follow up with some additional info.

If rsync is invoked from the Cygwin side, then the option to use is
'--iconv=UTF-8,ISO-8859-1'. Conversely, if invoked from the Linux side,
one would use '--iconv=ISO-8859-1,UTF-8'. [The convention is:
--iconv=,.] Finally, if both ends of the
transfer have sane locale/charset settings, one can simply use
'--iconv=.' to tell rsync to automatically determine and apply the
appropriate conversion.

Incidentally, I ran some sample rsync transfers from Cygwin 1.7.1 (with
default locale/charset) to Debian 5.0.3 (set to en_CA.ISO-8859-1), and
the '--iconv' option functioned correctly every time.


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Re: make-3.81-4

2009-12-28 Thread Rob Walker

Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 01:06:48PM -0800, Rob Walker wrote:

Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 12:16:59PM -0800, Rob Walker wrote:
It's been almost a year and a half since I made a request to have 
Cygwin's GNU make updated with the upstream patches for colons in 
dependencies and VPATH directives:

Please don't keep clamoring for this.  I've made my intentions clear.


Ok, can't blame a guy for trying.

Actually, I can blame a guy for pretending that his request had gone
unanswered when it had, in fact, been answered.

No pretension here.  I'd only hoped that you might have changed your 
mind since our last correspondence.  After all, it's been a while.

Again, please stop bothering me about this.

Please forgive my insouciance.  I mean this sincerely.

My goal is leverage, to maximize productivity in this group with my 
efforts.  Otherwise, this is not a personal crusade.  I'm sorry if it 
seems so.


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Re: gcc4[1.7] printf treats differently a string constant and a character array

2009-12-28 Thread Andy Koppe
2009/12/28 Andy Koppe:
> 2009/12/28 Rodrigo Medina:
>> Hi,
>> I am moving from cygwin-1.5 and gcc3.4 to cygwin1.7 and gcc4.
>> Some simple programs of mine fail.
>> I am using LC_ALL=es_VE.ISO-8859-15.
>> I have reduced the problem to this example
>> --
>> #include 
>> main()
>> {
>> static char* line1 =
>> " This letter has an accent -->á, this one has no accent -->a\n\n";
>> static char* line2 = " * another line **\n\n";
>> static char* line3 =
>> " These letters have an accent -->á, these ones have no accent -->A!\n\n";
>> static char* line4 =
>> " This letter has an accent -->Ã, this one has no accent -->A\n\n";
>>  printf(" This letter has an accent -->á, this one has no accent
>> -->a\n\n");
>>  printf(line2);
>>  printf("%d %d %d\n\n",line1[29],line1[30],line1[31]);
>>  printf(line1);
>>  printf(line2);
>>  printf(" These letters have an accent -->á, these ones have no accent
>> -->A!\n\n");
>>  printf(line2);
>>  printf("%d %d %d %d\n\n",line3[32],line3[33],line3[34],line3[35]);
>>  printf(line3);
>>  printf(line2);
>>  printf(" This letter has an accent -->Ã, this one has no accent
>> -->A\n\n");
>>  printf(line2);
>>  printf("%d %d %d\n\n",line4[29],line4[30],line4[31]);
>>  printf(line4);
>>  printf(line2);
>>  printf(" - END --");
>> }
>> My output is:
>>  This letter has an accent -->á, this one has no accent -->a
>>  * another line **
>> 62 -31 44
>>  This letter has an accent --> * another line **
>>  These letters have an accent -->á, these ones have no accent -->A!
>>  * another line **
>> 62 -61 -95 44
>>  These letters have an accent -->á, these ones have no accent -->A!
>>  * another line **
>>  This letter has an accent -->Ã, this one has no accent -->A
>>  * another line **
>> 62 -61 44
>>  This letter has an accent --> * another line **
>>  - END --
>> As you can see the output of printf(string_constant) is what
>> I expected. The ouput of printf(char_array) is trucated at the non-ASCII
>> character.
> Reproduced. Looking at the compiler's assembly output, some of the
> printf() calls are replaced by calls to puts(), and those do work
> correctly, whereas the remaining printf() calls with accented
> characters misbehave. So printf()'s handling of non-ASCII characters
> needs a closer look.

Ah, the problem actually is that your program is missing a call to
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "") to switch to the locale and character set
specified in the environment. In fact, since your program contains
hard-coded ISO-8859-15 strings, you should probably do
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ".ISO-8859-15").

Without a setlocale call, programs use the "C" locale, and on Cygwin
1.7 that implies the UTF-8 character set. Those single accented
ISO-8859-15 characters are invalid when interpreted as UTF-8, so
printf halts there. The accented character pairs like "á", meanwhile,
happen to be valid UTF-8, so they get through.

I couldn't find specific text about invalid bytes in the POSIX printf
spec, but it does say the following: "The format is a character
string, beginning and ending in its initial shift state, if any. The
format is composed of zero or more directives: ordinary characters,
which are simply copied to the output stream, and conversion
specifications, each of which shall result in the fetching of zero or
more arguments."

It's talking about "characters" rather than "bytes" there, which I
think does leave the behaviour for invalid bytes undefined, so
newlib's printf implementation is in its rights to just stop
processing the string at one of those.


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Re: Cygwin 1.7.1-1 - problem with non-blocking socket IO

2009-12-28 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 12/29/2009 01:07 AM, Uri Simchoni wrote:

Thanks for the quick response. Could you post the patch?

See the cygwin-cvs mailing list for applied patches to Cygwin.  In this case:

Larry Hall  http://www.rfk.com
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.  (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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RE: Cygwin 1.7.1-1 - problem with non-blocking socket IO

2009-12-28 Thread Uri Simchoni
Thanks for the quick response. Could you post the patch?

-Original Message-
From: Corinna Vinschen [mailto:corinna-cyg...@cygwin.com] 
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 7:24 PM
To: cygwin@cygwin.com
Subject: Re: Cygwin 1.7.1-1 - problem with non-blocking socket IO

On Dec 28 10:03, Uri Simchoni wrote:
> Hi,
> I seem to have a problem with non-blocking writes to TCP sockets and 
> unix-domain sockets - they block.
> The attached program illustrates it - it creates a socketpair(), sets one end 
> to non-blocking and writes to it - expecting to get an EWOULDBLOCK. On my 
> system it hangs.
> With pipe() it works fine.
> Please advise.

First of all, thanks for the testcase!  I could reproduce the problem
easily and after some serious headscratching it turned out to be a
really miserable typo which I just didn't see earlier due to the usage
of a C++ parameter default.  I've applied a patch in CVS.  This will be
fixed in 1.7.2.

Thanks again,

Corinna Vinschen  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader  cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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Java alternatives (was Re: Updated: stable compiler package gcc4-4.3.4-3)

2009-12-28 Thread Yaakov (Cygwin/X)

On 11/12/2009 14:58, Dave Korn wrote:

As part of its infrastructure, GCJ uses the Eclipse Compiler for Java (ECJ)
to compile .java sources files to bytecode .class files.  ECJ is shipped as
a JAR file, and is not supplied in this distribution (pending resolution of
licensing status and any self-hosting issues).  It can be downloaded after
installation by running the supplied "/usr/sbin/download_ecj.sh" script, or
can be manually downloaded from ftp://sourceware.org/pub/java/ecj-latest.jar,
and moved and renamed to /usr/share/java/ecj.jar, which is where GCJ expects
to find it.

I still don't understand what the problem/worry is with licensing.  ECJ 
is under the EFL-1.0, an OSI-approved license.

As for self-hosting, I am finishing up a build of JamVM with GNU 
Classpath that can build and run ecj, ant and its dependencies, 
jdk6-langtools (Sun javac/javah/javadoc/javap), and even GUI toolkits 
SWT, Java-GNOME, and QtJambi.

To that end, I would like to work out with you a change to the 
alternatives(8) management in gcc4-java.  Since it is difficult to 
adjust launcher scripts for Java programs to figure out which Java 
interpreter/compiler to use at runtime, I suggest that programs supply 
symlinks to /usr/bin/java, javac, etc., as so:

Master: gcj-4 -> gcj
Slaves: i686-pc-cygwin-gcj-4 -> i686-pc-cygwin-gcj, gcjh-4 -> gcjh, 
gij-4 -> gij

Master: gij-4 -> java
Slaves: /usr/share/java/libgcj-tools-x.y.z.jar -> /usr/lib/tools.jar

Master: gjavah-4 -> javah

Master: gjar-4 -> jar

Master: gappletviewer-4 -> appletviewer
Slaves: (Classpath tools) gjarsigner-4, gkeytool-4, gnative2ascii-4, etc.

All of these would be with a rank of 40.  Thoughts?

There are problems with the Java compiler that are less well understood,
but also manifest themselves as testsuite failures in the thread- and
process-related tests.

I see there are some things that JamVM/Classpath are able to run that 
GIJ cannot; my classpath patches in Ports SVN may be helpful.

On an unrelated note, 
/usr/sbin/fix-libtool-scripts-for-latest-gcc-runtimes.sh in 4.3.4-3 does 
not have its executable bit set, so the postinstall attempt to call it 
fails (Permission denied).


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Re: Still having problems installing on WinNT 4.0

2009-12-28 Thread Jerry DeLisle

On 12/28/2009 08:41 PM, Jerry DeLisle wrote:

On 12/28/2009 08:18 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 08:05:10PM -0800, Jerry DeLisle wrote:

On a separate machine from my previous install problem, setup.exe
runs but I get
this warning:

"The current ini file is from a newer version of setup.exe. If you
have any
trouble installing, please download a fresh  "

I have scanned the disks for any ini I can find and there are none
related to cygwin. I have also tried downloading setup.exe several

Continuing on I get:

... setup.bz2 line 2567: syntax error, unexpected STRING

Help is much appreciated.

You are *not* downloading the latest version of setup.exe which is the
version that you'll see in setup.ini - 2.674 .

Perhaps some helpful proxy is caching the setup.exe download.

I think you are right.

I have a way to wget off of a different provider. I will try that and
report back

Confirmed, the browser I was using was caching the file. I simply used a 
different browser and it brought in 2.6..

Thanks for catching that for me.


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Re: Still having problems installing on WinNT 4.0

2009-12-28 Thread Gregg Levine
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 11:41 PM, Jerry DeLisle  wrote:
> On 12/28/2009 08:18 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 08:05:10PM -0800, Jerry DeLisle wrote:
>>> On a separate machine from my previous install problem, setup.exe runs
>>> but I get
>>> this warning:
>>> "The current ini file is from a newer version of setup.exe.  If you have
>>> any
>>> trouble installing, please download a fresh  "
>>> I have scanned the disks for any ini I can find and there are none
>>> remotely
>>> related to cygwin.  I have also tried downloading setup.exe several
>>> times.
>>> Continuing on I get:
>>> ... setup.bz2 line 2567: syntax error, unexpected STRING
>>> Help is much appreciated.
>> You are *not* downloading the latest version of setup.exe which is the
>> version that you'll see in setup.ini - 2.674 .
>> Perhaps some helpful proxy is caching the setup.exe download.
> I think you are right.
> I have a way to wget off of a different provider.  I will try that and
> report back
> Jerry

Jerry how are you downloading your items from the Cygwin pages? If you
are simply grabbing the actual setup program from the site, try
clicking your refresh button on your browser.

Back when cable delivered Internet access was rather new, at least in
Florida, one of my cousins kept seeing older pages. I instructed him
to do that, it flushed both the cache on the browser, and the one
maintained by the company.

Verizon may have fallen into that fallacy. Of course it depends where
you are, and what sort of connection you are using.

Gregg C Levine gregg.drw...@gmail.com
"This signature was once found posting rude
 messages in English in the Moscow subway."

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Re: Still having problems installing on WinNT 4.0

2009-12-28 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 08:41:34PM -0800, Jerry DeLisle wrote:
>On 12/28/2009 08:18 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 08:05:10PM -0800, Jerry DeLisle wrote:
>>> On a separate machine from my previous install problem, setup.exe runs but 
>>> I get
>>> this warning:
>>> "The current ini file is from a newer version of setup.exe.  If you have any
>>> trouble installing, please download a fresh  "
>>> I have scanned the disks for any ini I can find and there are none remotely
>>> related to cygwin.  I have also tried downloading setup.exe several times.
>>> Continuing on I get:
>>> ... setup.bz2 line 2567: syntax error, unexpected STRING
>>> Help is much appreciated.
>> You are *not* downloading the latest version of setup.exe which is the
>> version that you'll see in setup.ini - 2.674 .
>> Perhaps some helpful proxy is caching the setup.exe download.
>I think you are right.
>I have a way to wget off of a different provider.  I will try that and
>report back

I'm not sure what reporting back will accomplish.  There really is not a
version mismatch on cygwin.com.  There can't be since the version of
setup in setup.ini comes from the setup.exe that you download from

Any problem is on your end.


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Re: Still having problems installing on WinNT 4.0

2009-12-28 Thread Jerry DeLisle

On 12/28/2009 08:18 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 08:05:10PM -0800, Jerry DeLisle wrote:

On a separate machine from my previous install problem, setup.exe runs but I get
this warning:

"The current ini file is from a newer version of setup.exe.  If you have any
trouble installing, please download a fresh  "

I have scanned the disks for any ini I can find and there are none remotely
related to cygwin.  I have also tried downloading setup.exe several times.

Continuing on I get:

... setup.bz2 line 2567: syntax error, unexpected STRING

Help is much appreciated.

You are *not* downloading the latest version of setup.exe which is the
version that you'll see in setup.ini - 2.674 .

Perhaps some helpful proxy is caching the setup.exe download.

I think you are right.

I have a way to wget off of a different provider.  I will try that and report 


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Re: Still having problems installing on WinNT 4.0

2009-12-28 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 08:05:10PM -0800, Jerry DeLisle wrote:
>On a separate machine from my previous install problem, setup.exe runs but I 
>this warning:
>"The current ini file is from a newer version of setup.exe.  If you have any 
>trouble installing, please download a fresh  "
>I have scanned the disks for any ini I can find and there are none remotely 
>related to cygwin.  I have also tried downloading setup.exe several times.
>Continuing on I get:
>... setup.bz2 line 2567: syntax error, unexpected STRING
>Help is much appreciated.

You are *not* downloading the latest version of setup.exe which is the
version that you'll see in setup.ini - 2.674 .

Perhaps some helpful proxy is caching the setup.exe download.


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[ANNOUNCEMENT] [1.7] Updated: diffutils-2.8.7-2

2009-12-28 Thread Christopher Faylor
I've made a new version of 'diffutils' (http://www.gnu.org/software/diffutils/)
available for installation.  This is the most recent version of diffutils from
alpha.gnu.org .  This is just a refresh of the diffutils package using more
modern versions of cygwin, gcc, and dependent libraries.  There is no new


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Still having problems installing on WinNT 4.0

2009-12-28 Thread Jerry DeLisle
On a separate machine from my previous install problem, setup.exe runs but I get 
this warning:

"The current ini file is from a newer version of setup.exe.  If you have any 
trouble installing, please download a fresh  "

I have scanned the disks for any ini I can find and there are none remotely 
related to cygwin.  I have also tried downloading setup.exe several times.

Continuing on I get:

... setup.bz2 line 2567: syntax error, unexpected STRING

Help is much appreciated.


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CVS version 1.12.13-10 appears to be broken on CIFS/VFAT mounts for 8.[2,4] filenames

2009-12-28 Thread Mark Olson
Using Windows XP SP3 client.  Reverting to CVS version 1.11.22-1 works.

Looking at `cvs -t up` output, it appears that the 1.12 version truncates the 
".new" file at the 14th character, which happens to be a "." for filenames with 
8-character basenames.  This fails on CIFS & VFAT mounts, but works on NTFS, 
for me at least.  Hopefully that is sufficient detail to reproduce the issue.

Please CC me as I am not subscribed to the list.


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Re: 1.7.1-1 Install freeze of Cygwin post install.sh

2009-12-28 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 12/28/2009 07:52 PM, Brian Wilson wrote:

Okay, here is the cygcheck.out file I forgot to attach in my earlier email.

While I was able to get the two laptop machines to update to 1.7 earlier
today, I'm still not able to get my desktop system at home to upgrade.  I'm
still getting the "Couldn't allocate heap" error message.

 - Don't feed the spammers.  And
you want to encourage rather than discourage people from helping you.

These look like problems at least:

Found: C:\WINDOWS\system32\find.exe
Found: find.exe
Warning: C:\WINDOWS\system32\find.exe hides find.exe

Found: C:\WINDOWS\grep.exe
Found: grep.exe
Warning: C:\WINDOWS\grep.exe hides grep.exe

Found: C:\WINDOWS\sed.exe
Found: sed.exe
Warning: C:\WINDOWS\sed.exe hides sed.exe

I'd recommend fixing this so that at the very least the Cygwin versions
of these utilities is found first by 'setup.exe'.  The easiest ways to make
this happen is to either delete the versions in "system32" or move them
somewhere that isn't in the default path.

Larry Hall  http://www.rfk.com
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.  (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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Re: 1.7.1: Does 'chere' work with Vista 64b? Can't tell by me.

2009-12-28 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 12/28/2009 06:23 PM, Lee D. Rothstein wrote:

Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

Lee D. Rothstein wrote:

Are you running Vista 64bit? If not, I suspect the registry keys set in
Vista 64 are not correct as set by 'chere'.

No, actually I'm not, so if you're sure it's a Vista 64bit thing, then
that narrows the focus and those affected. The closest I have is
Windows 7 x64 but I can't experiment at the moment with it since
it requires a reboot.

I had no problems with Vista 32 bit, that's my only evidence.

OK, I've installed Cygwin 1.7.1 on a Windows 7 x64 system.  The
system didn't have a previous version of Cygwin.  I installed just
the default packages plus "chere".  Once the installation was done,
I invoked 'chere -i' from a command prompt started as Administrator
and running 'bash -li'.  The configuration of "chere" succeeded
and I found "Bash Prompt Here" was available in the context menu
for directories.  I find the same is true on Windows 7 x86.  So I
guess this isn't allot of help beyond the information that this does
work on systems running Windows 7.  Perhaps someone with Vista
x64 will be able to answer your original question.

Larry Hall  http://www.rfk.com
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.  (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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Re: 1.7.1-1 Install freeze of Cygwin post install.sh

2009-12-28 Thread Brian Wilson
Okay, here is the cygcheck.out file I forgot to attach in my earlier email.

While I was able to get the two laptop machines to update to 1.7 earlier 
today, I'm still not able to get my desktop system at home to upgrade.  I'm 
still getting the "Couldn't allocate heap" error message.


Brian S. Wilson
Home: (678) 376-9258   Cell: (678) 232-9357 wil...@ds.net

-- Original Message ---
From: Christopher Faylor 
To: cygwin@cygwin.com
Sent: Mon, 28 Dec 2009 11:26:49 -0500
Subject: Re: 1.7.1-1 Install freeze of Cygwin post install.sh

> On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 08:18:25AM -0500, Brian Wilson wrote:
> >There is a warning about multiple cygwin1.dlls in my path.  I've run a 
> >search (including system and hidden folders) against the whole C:\ drive 
> >found C:\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll was the only result returned.
> "There is a warning..."?  The warning should have told you where to 
> find the other cygwin1.dl.
> >I also did a search from C:\ (including hidden and system folders) looking 
> >"cygwin"  There were some files in C:\Tools\Installed with names like 
> >"ftp%3a%2f%2fftp.gtlib.gatech.edu%2fpub%2fcygwin%2f" and I found a folder, 
> >cygwin, that contains the file cygwin-1.7.1-1.tar.bz2.  I assume this is a 
> >temporary location used while an installation is in progress.
> If these files are in c:\tools\installed it is because you chose that
> location when running setup.exe.
> cgf
> --
> Problem reports:   http://cygwin.com/problems.html
> FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/
> Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
> Unsubscribe info:  http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple
--- End of Original Message ---

Description: Binary data
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Re: My"C" Compiled can't compile "{}"

2009-12-28 Thread Tim Prince

Paul McFerrin wrote:

Well, after all of this discussion, my C compiler IS BROKEN.  I.E.:

echo "main{}" >test.c
/usr/local/mysql-5/mysql-5.1.41.$ cc -O test.c
test.c:1: error: expected =, ,, ;, asm or __attribute__ before { token
/usr/local/mysql-5/mysql-5.1.41.$ echo "main(){}" >test.c
/usr/local/mysql-5/mysql-5.1.41.$ cc -O test.c
crt0.o: No such file: No such file or directory

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

My suggestion is to completely UNINSTALL C Compiler packages and 
restalled then.  If others agree, could someome tell me which packages 
to uninstall?  Your installation may be working, but mine isn't.

If I haven't been confused by the abysmal quoting style, you've 
neglected the package find tool on the cygwin home page.  This indicates 
that the base cygwin runtime includes crt0.o (which appears in /usr/lib).

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Re: 1.7.1: Does 'chere' work with Vista 64b? Can't tell by me.

2009-12-28 Thread Lee D. Rothstein

Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

I've always found 'chere -i' works for me. I'd also recommend getting
rid of

no such file!

Your cygcheck output thinks there is:

  Found: C:\_0\bin\test.exe
  Warning: C:\_0\local\Scripts\test hides C:\_0\bin\test.exe
  Found: C:\_0\bin\test.exe
  Warning: C:\_0\local\Scripts\test hides C:\_0\bin\test.exe
  Not Found: test

Someone is confused here.  Based on cygcheck's and your conflicting
statements, I can certainly say I am.

There is not now or at the time of my last look a 'test' file there.

$ cd /local/Scripts
$ ls -al  *test*
20 -rwxrwx---+ 1 lr root 20168 2009-11-12 18:20 colortest
4 -rwxrwx---+ 1 lr root  1002 2009-11-12 23:11 test_redir
4 -rwxr-xr-t+ 1 lr root   946 2009-04-04 14:43 var-dir_state_test

Larry, et al.,

As my initial message indicates 'chere -i', run as Administrator results
in a non-working 'chere' install with the additional
weird properties indicated.

OK, I only traced back as far as 
which didn't specifically mention the simple 'chere -i' variant.  So I 
wanted to offer

that as an incentive to try it if you hadn't.

Besides I want Mintty and Bash as the window, not the console.

I wasn't recommending 'chere -i' over your preferred configuration.  I 
was just

suggesting what I had success with in the past and that starting with the
simple is usually a good way to troubleshoot problems.

Yes, I'm familiar with testing, and tried that second.

Are you running Vista 64bit? If not, I suspect the registry keys set in
Vista 64 are not correct as set by 'chere'.

No, actually I'm not, so if you're sure it's a Vista 64bit thing, then 
that narrows
the focus and those affected.  The closest I have is Windows 7 x64 but 
I can't

experiment at the moment with it since it requires a reboot.

I had no problems with Vista 32 bit, that's my only evidence.

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Re: make-3.81-4

2009-12-28 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 01:06:48PM -0800, Rob Walker wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 12:16:59PM -0800, Rob Walker wrote:
>>> It's been almost a year and a half since I made a request to have 
>>> Cygwin's GNU make updated with the upstream patches for colons in 
>>> dependencies and VPATH directives:
>> Please don't keep clamoring for this.  I've made my intentions clear.
>Ok, can't blame a guy for trying.

Actually, I can blame a guy for pretending that his request had gone
unanswered when it had, in fact, been answered.

Again, please stop bothering me about this.


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Re: rsync no longer preserves extended ASCII characters after 1.7 upgrade

2009-12-28 Thread Adam Rosi-Kessel

Andy Koppe wrote, on 12/28/2009 2:12 AM:

Yes, that's one way. Specifying e.g. 'LC_CTYPE=en_US rsync ...' (i.e.
a language without an explicit character set) will give you the ANSI

Thanks! This fixes it perfectly for me.

But I think the --iconv option is the better way. Assuming you want to
stick with ISO-8859-1 on the Linux side, '--iconv utf8,iso88591'
should do the job.

This doesn't seem to work. I think I need utf-8 rather than utf8. 
Otherwise I get:

iconv_open("UTF-8", "utf8") failed

But if I set RSYNC_ICONV='utf-8,iso8859-1' (or 'utf-8,iso88591', which 
also seems to work) I get errors like this:

[generator] cannot convert filename: [path with extended chars] (Invalid 
or incomplete multibyte or wide character)

The LC_CTYPE thing seems to work, so I'm satisfied, but I thought I 
should report out that iconv per your suggestion didn't work.


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Re: gcc4[1.7] printf treats differently a string constant and a character array

2009-12-28 Thread Andy Koppe
2009/12/28 Rodrigo Medina:
> Hi,
> I am moving from cygwin-1.5 and gcc3.4 to cygwin1.7 and gcc4.
> Some simple programs of mine fail.
> I am using LC_ALL=es_VE.ISO-8859-15.
> I have reduced the problem to this example
> --
> #include 
> main()
> {
> static char* line1 =
> " This letter has an accent -->á, this one has no accent -->a\n\n";
> static char* line2 = " * another line **\n\n";
> static char* line3 =
> " These letters have an accent -->á, these ones have no accent -->A!\n\n";
> static char* line4 =
> " This letter has an accent -->Ã, this one has no accent -->A\n\n";
>  printf(" This letter has an accent -->á, this one has no accent
> -->a\n\n");
>  printf(line2);
>  printf("%d %d %d\n\n",line1[29],line1[30],line1[31]);
>  printf(line1);
>  printf(line2);
>  printf(" These letters have an accent -->á, these ones have no accent
> -->A!\n\n");
>  printf(line2);
>  printf("%d %d %d %d\n\n",line3[32],line3[33],line3[34],line3[35]);
>  printf(line3);
>  printf(line2);
>  printf(" This letter has an accent -->Ã, this one has no accent
> -->A\n\n");
>  printf(line2);
>  printf("%d %d %d\n\n",line4[29],line4[30],line4[31]);
>  printf(line4);
>  printf(line2);
>  printf(" - END --");
> }
> My output is:
>  This letter has an accent -->á, this one has no accent -->a
>  * another line **
> 62 -31 44
>  This letter has an accent --> * another line **
>  These letters have an accent -->á, these ones have no accent -->A!
>  * another line **
> 62 -61 -95 44
>  These letters have an accent -->á, these ones have no accent -->A!
>  * another line **
>  This letter has an accent -->Ã, this one has no accent -->A
>  * another line **
> 62 -61 44
>  This letter has an accent --> * another line **
>  - END --
> As you can see the output of printf(string_constant) is what
> I expected. The ouput of printf(char_array) is trucated at the non-ASCII
> character.

Reproduced. Looking at the compiler's assembly output, some of the
printf() calls are replaced by calls to puts(), and those do work
correctly, whereas the remaining printf() calls with accented
characters misbehave. So printf()'s handling of non-ASCII characters
needs a closer look.


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1.7.1, 2008R2 64bit, Exim: daemon: fork of queue-runner process failed:

2009-12-28 Thread Ross Hemingway - HHS Software

Exim errors - from the log and panic log:

2009-12-28 16:54:34 exim 4.69 daemon started: pid=2688, -q3m, listening 
for SMTP on port 25 (IPv4) port 465 (IPv4)
2009-12-28 16:54:34 daemon: fork of queue-runner process failed: 
Resource temporarily unavailable
2009-12-28 16:57:35 daemon: fork of queue-runner process failed: 
Resource temporarily unavailable

And it continues onA service restart or reboot sometimes helps, 
but only temporarily.   Won't mail with the above fault.

Happy to help or test, if given directions.


Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Mon Dec 28 16:23:37 2009

Windows 2008 R2 Server Enterprise Ver 6.1 Build 7600

Running under WOW64 on AMD64

Running in Terminal Service session

   C:\Program Files (x86)\php\
   C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin

Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe
UID: 500(Server29HRG) GID: 513(None)
544(Administrators)   545(Users)513(None)

SysDir: C:\Windows\system32
WinDir: C:\Windows

USER = 'Server29HRG'
PWD = '/home/Server29HRG'
HOME = '/home/Server29HRG'

HOMEPATH = '\Users\Administrator'
MANPATH = '/usr/local/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/man::/usr/ssl/man'
APPDATA = 'C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming'
ProgramW6432 = 'C:\Program Files'
TERM = 'cygwin'
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = 'Intel64 Family 6 Model 26 Stepping 5, GenuineIntel'
WINDIR = 'C:\Windows'
PUBLIC = 'C:\Users\Public'
OLDPWD = '/usr/bin'
CommonProgramFiles(x86) = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files'
OS = 'Windows_NT'
!:: = '::\'
COMMONPROGRAMFILES = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files'
USERNAME = 'Server29HRG'
ProgramFiles(x86) = 'C:\Program Files (x86)'
PSModulePath = 'C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\'
LANG = 'C.UTF-8'
USERPROFILE = 'C:\Users\Administrator'
PS1 = '\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n\[\e[32m\...@\h \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n\$ '
CommonProgramW6432 = 'C:\Program Files\Common Files'
LOCALAPPDATA = 'C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local'
!C: = 'C:\cygwin\bin'
ProgramData = 'C:\ProgramData'
SHLVL = '1'
COMSPEC = 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe'
SYSTEMROOT = 'C:\Windows'
PRINTER = 'Microsoft XPS Document Writer'
CVS_RSH = '/bin/ssh'
INFOPATH = '/usr/local/info:/usr/share/info:/usr/info:'
PROGRAMFILES = 'C:\Program Files (x86)'
_ = '/usr/bin/cygcheck'

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygwin\Program Options
 (default) = '\??\C:\cygwin'
 (default) = 'C:\cygwin'

obcaseinsensitive set to 1

Cygwin installations found in the registry:
 System: Key: c5e39b7a9d22bafb Path: C:\cygwin

a:  fd N/AN/A   
c:  hd  NTFS 30616Mb  38% CP CS UN PA FC
d:  cd  UDF   2858Mb 100% CP CS UN   GRMSXEVAL_EN_DVD

e:  hd  NTFS327676Mb   1% CP CS UN PA FC Data

C:\cygwin/  system  binary,auto
C:\cygwin\bin/usr/bin   system  binary,auto
C:\cygwin\lib/usr/lib   system  binary,auto
cygdrive prefix  /cygdrive  userbinary,auto

Found: C:\cygwin\bin\awk.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\awk.exe
-> C:\cygwin\bin\gawk.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cat.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cat.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cp.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cp.exe
Not Found: cpp (good!)
Not Found: crontab
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\find.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\find.exe
Found: C:\Windows\system32\find.exe
Warning: C:\cygwin\bin\find.exe hides C:\Windows\system32\find.exe
Not Found: gcc
Not Found: gdb
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\grep.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\grep.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\kill.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\kill.exe
Not Found: ld
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\ls.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\ls.exe
Not Found: make
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\mv.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\mv.exe
Not Found: patch
Not Found: perl
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\rm.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\rm.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\sed.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\sed.exe
Not Found: ssh
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\tar.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\tar.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\test.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\test.exe
Not Found: vi
Not Found: vim

  61k 2009/03/02 C:\cygwin\bin\cygbz2

Re: 1.7.1: Does 'chere' work with Vista 64b? Can't tell by me.

2009-12-28 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 12/28/2009 04:51 PM, Lee D. Rothstein wrote:

Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

On 12/26/2009 12:50 PM, Lee Rothstein wrote:

See here, Chere-oes: ;-)

I've tried all manner of command option permutations with 'chere'
and can't get it to work -- as it has in the past.

Here's my latest attempt:

$ chere -i -a -n -e "Bitte Bash Bei" -t mintty -o \
"--icon=c:\_0\cygicons-hippo-vista-0.dll,10 -"
Shell defaulting to bash defined for lr

First, it doesn't work, so that when I right-click on a directory
and select the 'chere' option, I get the following text box

This file does not have a program associated with it for
performing thia action. Create an association in the Set
Associations control panel.

Second, no matter what menu expression (argument to '-e'), I give
it, it always ends up being:


Fortumately, 'chere -u' seems to work.



$ cygcheck -c chere
Cygwin Package Information
Package Version Status
chere 1.1-1 OK

2. My Windows System PATH includes '/bin' in Windows format.

3. I always run the 'chere' command in an "as Administrator" window.

4. The above install command is only one of tens of option
permutations I've tried, all chere-less-Lee.

Clearly, I have nothing to cheere about! ;-)


I've always found 'chere -i' works for me. I'd also recommend getting
rid of

no such file!

Your cygcheck output thinks there is:

  Found: C:\_0\bin\test.exe
  Warning: C:\_0\local\Scripts\test hides C:\_0\bin\test.exe
  Found: C:\_0\bin\test.exe
  Warning: C:\_0\local\Scripts\test hides C:\_0\bin\test.exe
  Not Found: test

Someone is confused here.  Based on cygcheck's and your conflicting
statements, I can certainly say I am.

Larry, et al.,

As my initial message indicates 'chere -i', run as Administrator results
in a non-working 'chere' install with the additional
weird properties indicated.

OK, I only traced back as far as 
which didn't specifically mention the simple 'chere -i' variant.  So I 
wanted to offer

that as an incentive to try it if you hadn't.

Besides I want Mintty and Bash as the window, not the console.

I wasn't recommending 'chere -i' over your preferred configuration.  I was just
suggesting what I had success with in the past and that starting with the
simple is usually a good way to troubleshoot problems.

Are you running Vista 64bit? If not, I suspect the registry keys set in
Vista 64 are not correct as set by 'chere'.

No, actually I'm not, so if you're sure it's a Vista 64bit thing, then that 

the focus and those affected.  The closest I have is Windows 7 x64 but I can't
experiment at the moment with it since it requires a reboot.

Larry Hall  http://www.rfk.com
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.  (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
Unsubscribe info:  http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple

Re: git stopped working with 1.7.1

2009-12-28 Thread David Antliff
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 14:13, Kevin Layer wrote:
> This seems serious.  Do people just not use cygwin git?

It sounds very serious. I am a very interested user of git on Cygwin
and I'm watching this thread with interest. However

> It may be a 64-bit issue, so I'll try a 32-bit machine, if I can
> scrounge one up.

We are using WinXP 32-bit and have not seen this problem (yet). It
would be really helpful (to me at least) to know whether you can
reproduce the issue with 32-bit Windows...

I imagine there are a fair number of people using git in Cygwin
because the Windows alternatives (msys, etc) do not provide a
POSIX-like toolchain environment. Using Cygwin also allows scripts
around git to operate on Linux with no modifications. That is why we
use Cygwin anyway, and Cygwin + git is very important to us, FWIW.

-- David.

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Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
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Re: 1.7.1: Does 'chere' work with Vista 64b? Can't tell by me.

2009-12-28 Thread Lee D. Rothstein

Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

On 12/26/2009 12:50 PM, Lee Rothstein wrote:

See here, Chere-oes: ;-)

I've tried all manner of command option permutations with 'chere'
and can't get it to work -- as it has in the past.

Here's my latest attempt:

$ chere -i -a -n -e "Bitte Bash Bei" -t mintty -o \
"--icon=c:\_0\cygicons-hippo-vista-0.dll,10 -"
Shell defaulting to bash defined for lr

First, it doesn't work, so that when I right-click on a directory
and select the 'chere' option, I get the following text box

This file does not have a program associated with it for
performing thia action. Create an association in the Set
Associations control panel.

Second, no matter what menu expression (argument to '-e'), I give
it, it always ends up being:


Fortumately, 'chere -u' seems to work.



$ cygcheck -c chere
Cygwin Package Information
Package Version Status
chere 1.1-1 OK

2. My Windows System PATH includes '/bin' in Windows format.

3. I always run the 'chere' command in an "as Administrator" window.

4. The above install command is only one of tens of option
permutations I've tried, all chere-less-Lee.

Clearly, I have nothing to cheere about! ;-)


I've always found 'chere -i' works for me.  I'd also recommend getting 
rid of


no such file!

Larry, et al.,

As my initial message indicates 'chere -i', run as Administrator results 
in a non-working 'chere' install with the additional

weird properties indicated.

Besides I want Mintty and Bash as the window, not the console.

Are you running Vista 64bit? If not, I suspect the registry keys set in 
Vista 64 are not correct as set by 'chere'.



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Re: make-3.81-4

2009-12-28 Thread Rob Walker

Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 12:16:59PM -0800, Rob Walker wrote:
It's been almost a year and a half since I made a request to have 
Cygwin's GNU make updated with the upstream patches for colons in 
dependencies and VPATH directives:


I'd like to re-request that this updated package be accepted by the make 
package maintainer.

The source and binary packages (assembled according to the instructions 
at http://www.cygwin.com/setup.html) have been updated for Cygwin 1.7.1, 
and are available here:


Thanks for posting your original link so that I could easily find my


This hasn't changed.  I have absolutely no interest in keeping a patched
version of make around for this nonissue.  In fact, it is my fervent
hope that by not patching make people are actually learning how to do
things the right way in a Cygwin environment.

When there is a new version of make released, I'll release a new
version for cygwin.

Please don't keep clamoring for this.  I've made my intentions clear.

Ok, can't blame a guy for trying.  Maintaining my own mirror with this 
package tweak is tedious (especially recently).

To re-offer my counter opinion:

Using Cygwin GNU make in a cross-target/cross-platform build environment 
isn't "wrong" (it's possibly even inferrable goal of the RedHat Cygwin 
product).  For folks using Cygwin this way it's not a "nonissue".


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Re: empty site list in setup

2009-12-28 Thread Guy Kroizman
Problem solved. yey..
Thanks a lot.

On Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 11:15 PM, Dave Korn
> Guy Kroizman wrote:
>> Hi,
>> when running the setup from work, I get to the screen of "Choose
>> Download site" and the list is empty.
>> I try adding to the user urls from the mirror site list on the cygwin
>> site but I get errors of this kind:
>> Can't open ftp.mirrorservice.org/setup.bz2.sig for reading: No such
>> file or directory.
>> Should I talk to the IT department and tell them something?
>  Sounds to me like you are probably behind some kind of proxy.  Assuming web
> browsing works for you in general, try changing the option on the "Select your
> internet connection" page to "Use IE5 settings".
>    cheers,
>      DaveK
> --
> Problem reports:       http://cygwin.com/problems.html
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Re: "C" compiler is broken under 1.7.1-1

2009-12-28 Thread Dave Korn
Paul McFerrin wrote:
> $ cat test101.c main(){}
> $ cc -O test101.c 
> /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/4.3.4/../../../../i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: 
> crt0.o: No such file: No such file or directory collect2: ld returned 1
> exit status
> find /usr/lib/gcc -type f -name crt0.o -print $

  You're looking in the wrong place; it should just be in /usr/lib.

> File crt0.o is missing.  Is it supposed to be?

  Nope.  It's part of the main cygwin package itself; try reinstalling that
if it is indeed missing.


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Re: 1.7.1-1 Install freeze of Cygwin post install.sh

2009-12-28 Thread Dave Korn
Brian Wilson wrote:

> I did notice that the system says I have ZoneAlarm as a personal fire wall; 
> but I don't and never have used ZoneAlarm.  

  Cisco VPN client installed?  Try removing it, rebooting, and doing a clean
install without it present.


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Re: "C" compiler is broken under 1.7.1-1

2009-12-28 Thread Paul McFerrin

$ cat test101.c

$ cc -O test101.c
crt0.o: No such file: No such file or directory

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

find /usr/lib/gcc -type f -name crt0.o -print

File crt0.o is missing.  Is it supposed to be?

In either case, file "configure" does not work (mysql-5.1.41).  It 
complains with:

  checking for C compiler default output file name...
  configure: error: in `/usr/local/mysql-5/mysql-5.1.41':
  configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables

I appreciate the discussion of my memory error, but my compiler is still 
broken!!!  I'm admitting to my memory error.  Let's move forward.

Reid Thompson wrote:

Paul McFerrin wrote:

My "C" compiler appears to be broken:

.$ cc -v -O test.c

what are the contents of  test.c

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Re: run2.exe segfaults when GDI and X11 elements are present

2009-12-28 Thread Charles Wilson
Ken Brown wrote:
> r27 works fine for me.  All previously reported errors are fixed, and I
> haven't found any new ones.

Thanks. Hopefully I haven't introduced any new ones in r28: remove use
of deprecated cygwin path conversion functions in favor of shiny new
cygwin-1.7 cygwin_create_path().

Look for run2-0.4.0 soon.


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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: sic 1.0-1 -- Simple irc client

2009-12-28 Thread Jari Aalto


Homepage: http://tools.suckless.org/sic
License : MIT

An extremly fast, small and simple irc client. It reads commands from
standard input and prints all server output to standard output. It
multiplexes also all channel traffic into one output, that you don't
have to switch different channel buffers.




Standard install.


To install this package, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on the
 web page. This downloads setup.exe to your
system. Then, run setup and answer all of the questions. You'll find
the package listed in the "All" category. After installation, read the
documentation at directories:


If you have questions or comments, please send them to the Cygwin
mailing list at .


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Re: cygwin 1.7/emacs 23.1 time bug/workaround status?

2009-12-28 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/28/2009 12:17 PM, Tom Roche wrote:

summary: A cygwin-1.7/emacs-23.1 time bug and its workaround is known,
but is it being tracked?

I'm Cygwin's Emacs maintainer, and I've documented the bug and 
workaround in /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/emacs.README.  I don't think there's 
any other tracking being done.


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Re: run2.exe segfaults when GDI and X11 elements are present

2009-12-28 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/28/2009 12:04 PM, Charles Wilson wrote:

Ken Brown wrote:

Sorry for the confusion.  I've just tried the xml file above with both
r24 and r25, and I get a segfault unless DISPLAY is set in the
environment.  I hadn't noticed previously that this was still broken
because I had fixed my own test.xml file by adding the SelfOption you

Fixed in r27. Can you confirm?  I believe this is the last of the known
errors in your various test cases -- which isn't to say there might be
others.  But if you can confirm that all of the already-reported errors
are fixed, then
   (a) let's start a new thread with any new errors,
   (b) or if this is working for you, then I might go ahead and release
   run2-0.4.0 tonight or tomorrow.

r27 works fine for me.  All previously reported errors are fixed, and I 
haven't found any new ones.



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Re: 1.7.1: Mintty/bash window start: -bash: regtool: command not found

2009-12-28 Thread Warren Young

On 12/23/2009 3:15 AM, Andy Koppe wrote:

I can reproduce this as follows:

- Leave a Cygwin session open.
- Run setup.exe
- Select reinstall for cygwin-1.7.1-1.
- Click next
- "in-use files detected" appears
- Click retry.

I saw the same symptom, but by a slightly different path.

On updating from to 1.7.1 this morning, I ran into the 
files-in-use case because sometime last week, Xwin.exe died horribly and 
left a UI-less process running in the background.  When setup.exe 
complained, I investigated with Task Manager, found Xwin.exe still 
hanging around, killed it, and told setup.exe to move along.  It 
completed without complaint, but I still didn't end up with a regtool.

I didn't check for ps or mount, just retried setup with a forced Cygwin 
package reinstall, and that worked.

Point being, it isn't necessary to lie to setup.exe, telling it it's 
okay to try again.  It *was* okay in my case, and it still did the wrong 

It can be fixed by reinstalling the cygwin package again, this time
without any Cygwin processes running.


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Re: "C" compiler is broken under 1.7.1-1

2009-12-28 Thread Reid Thompson

Paul McFerrin wrote:

My "C" compiler appears to be broken:

.$ cc -v -O test.c

what are the contents of  test.c

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Re: Cygwin 1.7.1-1 - problem with non-blocking socket IO

2009-12-28 Thread Corinna Vinschen
On Dec 28 10:03, Uri Simchoni wrote:
> Hi,
> I seem to have a problem with non-blocking writes to TCP sockets and 
> unix-domain sockets - they block.
> The attached program illustrates it - it creates a socketpair(), sets one end 
> to non-blocking and writes to it - expecting to get an EWOULDBLOCK. On my 
> system it hangs.
> With pipe() it works fine.
> Please advise.

First of all, thanks for the testcase!  I could reproduce the problem
easily and after some serious headscratching it turned out to be a
really miserable typo which I just didn't see earlier due to the usage
of a C++ parameter default.  I've applied a patch in CVS.  This will be
fixed in 1.7.2.

Thanks again,

Corinna Vinschen  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader  cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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cygwin 1.7/emacs 23.1 time bug/workaround status?

2009-12-28 Thread Tom Roche

summary: A cygwin-1.7/emacs-23.1 time bug and its workaround is known,
but is it being tracked?


Tom Roche Sun, 27 Dec 2009 21:51:58 -0500 (EST)
>> After updating cygwin [from 1.5.x] to 1.7.1-1, 

Which has been otherwise delightful!

>> which updated my emacs to 23.1, I now see

>> (current-time-string)
>> "Mon Dec 28 01:21:44 2009"
>> (current-time-zone)
>> (-3600 "GMT")

>> when bash says

>> $ date
>> Sun Dec 27 21:21:44 EST 2009

Eli Zaretskii Mon, 28 Dec 2009 06:09:32 +0200
> Try asking on the Cygwin list first.

Or first try googling better :-( This bug was noted 10 months ago:

>>> I've built emacs 23 under both cygwin 1.5 and 1.7, and it runs
>>> fine for me except for a glitch involving time zones: Emacs gets
>>> the local time zone wrong by 4 hours. I've reported this to the
>>> emacs-devel list [1], and the developer who responded asked me to
>>> try to get some advice on this list. Here are two facts that might
>>> provide clues:

>>> 1. The problem disappears if I set the environment variable TZ
>>> before starting emacs.


* in winxp System>Advanced>Environment Variables>System variables
  set TZ=


  This worked for me.

* in cygwin bash, `export TZ=America/New_York` (I haven't tested)

>>> 2. The problem disappears if I run emacs under gdb. [This, of
>>> course, makes debugging difficult.]

>>> I would appreciate any advice or hints as to how I (and the emacs
>>> developers) might track this down. Also, the developers would find
>>> it useful to have a description of how cygwin handles Windows time
>>> zones.

Is this bug currently being tracked by anyone? On the cygwin side, I
don't know where there is a queryable bug tracker. On the emacs side,
I don't see it in


(which I believe is the Gnu Emacs bug tracker).

TIA, Tom Roche 

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Re: run2.exe segfaults when GDI and X11 elements are present

2009-12-28 Thread Charles Wilson
Ken Brown wrote:
> Sorry for the confusion.  I've just tried the xml file above with both
> r24 and r25, and I get a segfault unless DISPLAY is set in the
> environment.  I hadn't noticed previously that this was still broken
> because I had fixed my own test.xml file by adding the SelfOption you
> suggested.

Fixed in r27. Can you confirm?  I believe this is the last of the known
errors in your various test cases -- which isn't to say there might be
others.  But if you can confirm that all of the already-reported errors
are fixed, then
  (a) let's start a new thread with any new errors,
  (b) or if this is working for you, then I might go ahead and release
  run2-0.4.0 tonight or tomorrow.


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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] New: {attr/libattr-devel/libattr1}-2.4.43-1

2009-12-28 Thread Corinna Vinschen
On Dec 28 08:02, Chris Sutcliffe wrote:
> > "attr" is a set of tools for manipulating extended attributes on
> > filesystem objects, in particular getfattr(1) and setfattr(1).  An
> > attr(1) command is also provided which is largely compatible with the
> > SGI IRIX tool of the same name.
> If I understand the manpage correctly, doing a 'getfattr -d '
> should dump the extended attributes of the files in the supplied path.
>  When I try this on any path I supply, getfattr simply returns with no
> output to stdout.
> I'm assuming that is because there are no extended attributes
> associated with any of the files in the paths I've tested with?

Very likely.

Try this:

  $ touch xyz
  $ attr -s foo -V bar xyz
  Attribute "foo" set to a 3 byte value for xyz:
  $ attr -l xyz
  Attribute "foo" has a 3 byte value for xyz
  $ attr -g foo xyz
  Attribute "foo" had a 3 byte value for xyz:
  And now for a small surprise:

  $ getfattr -d xyz
  # file: xyz

  $ setfattr -n foo -v baz xyz
  setfattr: xyz: Operation not supported
  $ setfattr -n user.foo -v baz xyz
  $ getfattr -d xyz
  # file: xyz

  $ attr -g foo xyz
  Attribute "foo" had a 3 byte value for xyz:

See `man 5 attr'.  All NTFS/Samba EAs are treated as extended *user*
attributes.  namespace.  On Cygwin only user EAs are supported and
mapped to NTFS/Samba EAs without the "user." prefix.


Corinna Vinschen  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader  cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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Re: run2.exe segfaults when GDI and X11 elements are present

2009-12-28 Thread Charles Wilson
Charles Wilson wrote:
> NOW I see the coredump -- which is occurring inside the xml parsing
> subroutines. I *HOPE* this is an entirely different bug than the one
> that started this thread.
> I'll followup with another message after I start debugging the new
> test1.xml coredump.

This was an unsigned underflow error. Both i and buffer->buf_used are

 for (i = 0; i < buffer->buf_used - 3; i++, p++)

Imagine what happens when buffer->buf_used is "2". Fixed in r26.

Now, back to test.xml with DISPLAY unset...which I can reproduce. Should
be an easy fix.


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Re: 1.7.1-1 Install freeze of Cygwin post install.sh

2009-12-28 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 08:18:25AM -0500, Brian Wilson wrote:
>There is a warning about multiple cygwin1.dlls in my path.  I've run a windows 
>search (including system and hidden folders) against the whole C:\ drive and 
>found C:\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll was the only result returned.

"There is a warning..."?  The warning should have told you where to find the
other cygwin1.dl.

>I also did a search from C:\ (including hidden and system folders) looking for 
>"cygwin"  There were some files in C:\Tools\Installed with names like 
>"ftp%3a%2f%2fftp.gtlib.gatech.edu%2fpub%2fcygwin%2f" and I found a folder, 
>cygwin, that contains the file cygwin-1.7.1-1.tar.bz2.  I assume this is a 
>temporary location used while an installation is in progress.

If these files are in c:\tools\installed it is because you chose that
location when running setup.exe.


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Re: 1.7.1-1 Install freeze of Cygwin post install.sh

2009-12-28 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 12/28/2009 08:18 AM, Brian Wilson wrote:

I've attached the cygcheck.out file as you suggested.

Looks like you need to try again.

Larry Hall  http://www.rfk.com
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.  (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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Re: run2.exe segfaults when GDI and X11 elements are present

2009-12-28 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/28/2009 10:31 AM, Charles Wilson wrote:

The first problem is that test1.xml as posted isn't valid XML -- and the
parser (properly) reports:

run2.exe FATAL: /c/Users/cwilson/test1.xml validation generated an
internal error

but no coredump. Oddly, syntax errors in the attributes of the root
element do not seem to generate meaningful diagnostic messages -- unlike
similar errors elsewhere in the document. This is an libxml2 problem,
and not the "fault" of run2.

OTOH, run2 /should/, however, exit with status 1 rather than status 0 in
this situation. That's a bug -- fixed in r25.

So, first off you need to remove the ';' from the end of the third line
of test1.xml.

Sorry.  I don't know how I got that ';' into my email.  It's not in the 
test1.xml that I'm working with, so I must have made a copy/paste error.

NOW I see the coredump -- which is occurring inside the xml parsing
subroutines. I *HOPE* this is an entirely different bug than the one
that started this thread.


Again, does /test.xml/ still coredump for you, or is THAT one fixed:

   -e /bin/bash

Sorry for the confusion.  I've just tried the xml file above with both 
r24 and r25, and I get a segfault unless DISPLAY is set in the 
environment.  I hadn't noticed previously that this was still broken 
because I had fixed my own test.xml file by adding the SelfOption you 


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Re: My"C" Compiled can't compile "{}"

2009-12-28 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 03:57:29PM +, Greg Chicares wrote:
>On 2009-12-28 15:26Z, Paul McFerrin wrote:
>> Well, after all of this discussion, my C compiler IS BROKEN.  I.E.:
>To try your test program with a different compiler, paste it here:
>  http://www.comeaucomputing.com/tryitout
>> echo "main{}" >test.c
>If you want a minimal C program that's valid everywhere, use:
>  $echo "int main() {return 0;}" >test.c
>making sure the file ends in a newline character.

Or, the OP could use the test case that Dave Korn suggested:



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Re: My"C" Compiled can't compile "{}"

2009-12-28 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 10:09:09AM -0500, Paul McFerrin wrote:
>I don't have a Linux,  This code has served me very well for years.  It 
>is perfect.

Arguing this point is really not winning you any points.  Your case
obviously doesn't work with either gcc 3.4 or gcc 4.x.  So, it has
not worked for years.

>I used to be a developer with Glenn Fowler and nmake developing
>"compiler probe" code for nmake.  If your compiler can't compile it,
>then something is wrong.

If you truly think this is a compiler problem then you should report it
to gcc AT gcc DOT gnu DOT org.  But, be prepared to have your skin
seared from your body.


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Re: My"C" Compiled can't compile "{}"

2009-12-28 Thread Greg Chicares
On 2009-12-28 15:26Z, Paul McFerrin wrote:
> Well, after all of this discussion, my C compiler IS BROKEN.  I.E.:

To try your test program with a different compiler, paste it here:

> echo "main{}" >test.c

If you want a minimal C program that's valid everywhere, use:
  $echo "int main() {return 0;}" >test.c
making sure the file ends in a newline character.

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Re: run2.exe segfaults when GDI and X11 elements are present

2009-12-28 Thread Charles Wilson
Ken Brown wrote:
> On 12/28/2009 3:21 AM, Charles Wilson wrote:
>> Fixed in r24. Thanks for the report.
> Yes, that fixed it.


>> I can't reproduce your segfault with r23/r24 and the original dual xml
>> file.
> Did you try test1.xml from
> http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2009-12/msg00871.html ?  It's the one where
> mintty is called with the argument '-'.

No, I was using the original test.xml.

The first problem is that test1.xml as posted isn't valid XML -- and the
parser (properly) reports:

run2.exe FATAL: /c/Users/cwilson/test1.xml validation generated an
internal error

but no coredump. Oddly, syntax errors in the attributes of the root
element do not seem to generate meaningful diagnostic messages -- unlike
similar errors elsewhere in the document. This is an libxml2 problem,
and not the "fault" of run2.

OTOH, run2 /should/, however, exit with status 1 rather than status 0 in
this situation. That's a bug -- fixed in r25.

So, first off you need to remove the ';' from the end of the third line
of test1.xml.  Then...

NOW I see the coredump -- which is occurring inside the xml parsing
subroutines. I *HOPE* this is an entirely different bug than the one
that started this thread.

Can you confirm that the original test.xml does NOT coredump anymore,
and that r24 fixes THAT problem?  It's really difficult for me to know
if my fixes are actually FIXING anything, because you keep changing the
test case.  We're now on to the third separate bug [test.xml, test2.xml,
and test1.xml] (four, if you count the 'wrong exit status' above) in the
same thread, with the same subject...

Which is not to say I don't appreciate all the feedback. I'm glad
somebody is really exercising run2 -- BEFORE I lobotomize rxvt and start
"forcing" people to use run2 to replicate current rxvt's 'dual mode
X/GDI' behavior...

>> I'm using Vista...I'll test on XP later today. Can you build with
>> debugging symbols, run under gdb, and generate a backtrace?
> OK, I'll try it later if you can't reproduce the segfault with test1.xml.

Again, does /test.xml/ still coredump for you, or is THAT one fixed:



  -e /bin/bash




I'll followup with another message after I start debugging the new
test1.xml coredump.


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Re: My"C" Compiled can't compile "{}"

2009-12-28 Thread Paul McFerrin

Well, after all of this discussion, my C compiler IS BROKEN.  I.E.:

echo "main{}" >test.c
/usr/local/mysql-5/mysql-5.1.41.$ cc -O test.c
test.c:1: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or 
‘__attribute__’ before ‘{’ token

/usr/local/mysql-5/mysql-5.1.41.$ echo "main(){}" >test.c
/usr/local/mysql-5/mysql-5.1.41.$ cc -O test.c
crt0.o: No such file: No such file or directory

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

My suggestion is to completely UNINSTALL C Compiler packages and 
restalled then.  If others agree, could someome tell me which packages 
to uninstall?  Your installation may be working, but mine isn't.

Dave Korn wrote:

Paul McFerrin wrote:

I discover my C compiler is broken while performing a "configure".

  The compiler is fine.


$ echo "{}" >test.c

  Your testcase is nonsense.


$ cc -O test.c -o test
test.c:1: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘{’ token

  The compiler correctly told you so.  What were you expecting?  (Also, what
is 'cc'?  Softlink perhaps?)


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Re: 1.7.1-1 Install freeze of Cygwin post install.sh

2009-12-28 Thread Frank Fesevur
2009/12/28 Brian Wilson:
> I have no choice but to cancel the install and retry; but it never completes
> and always fails at the same point.  Does anyone know what this means and how
> to fix the problem?  If it's something stupid I've done; please point out the
> issue.

I'm experiencing exactly the same problem on my laptop at work:

As mentioned in that thread, I disabled everything that I could think
of as BLODA but it still does not work. At home my pc upgraded without
any problem.

There is only one cygwin1.dll on my system and when I run cygcheck
from a ash from a command prompt I get the same "couldn't allocate
heap" error.


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Re: My"C" Compiled can't compile "{}"

2009-12-28 Thread Paul McFerrin
I don't have a Linux,  This code has served me very well for years.  It 
is perfect.  I used to be a developer with Glenn Fowler and nmake 
developing "compiler probe" code for nmake.  If your compiler can't 
compile it, then something is wrong.

I also get error messages about the C compiler with "reconfigure" 
scripts used to reconfigure a makefile.

If someone can advised me of which packages to uninstall, I'll be happy 
to re-install then,

Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 11:08:52PM -0500, Paul McFerrin wrote:

My C compiler is at:
$ ls -l /bin/cc.exe

lrwxrwxrwx 1 paul None 20 2009-12-23 16:09 /bin/cc.exe -> 

From my years of experiences, "{}" is the simplest version of a 
to-be-compiled C program.  It is syntaxily correct.  in any case, the 
above DID work in 1.7-68.

It is not a syntactically correct C program.  Try it on linux if you
are not convinced.


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Cygwin 1.7.1-1 - problem with non-blocking socket IO

2009-12-28 Thread Uri Simchoni

I seem to have a problem with non-blocking writes to TCP sockets and 
unix-domain sockets - they block.

The attached program illustrates it - it creates a socketpair(), sets one end 
to non-blocking and writes to it - expecting to get an EWOULDBLOCK. On my 
system it hangs.

With pipe() it works fine.

Please advise.


#define BASIC_UNIT  1024*1024
//#define BASIC_UNIT1
char large_buf[BASIC_UNIT];

void fd_pair(int *fd)
/*  if(pipe(fd)<0)
perror("pipe"); */
if(socketpair(AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,0,fd) <0)

void set_nonblocking(int fd)
int val=fcntl(fd,F_GETFL);

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
int fd[2],rc;

printf("blocking, thank you, goodbye.\n");


return 0;

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Re: run2.exe segfaults when GDI and X11 elements are present

2009-12-28 Thread Ken Brown

On 12/28/2009 3:21 AM, Charles Wilson wrote:

Ken Brown wrote:

On 12/27/2009 5:31 PM, Ken Brown wrote:

I still get a segfault with r23. I'm running XP SP3 if that's relevant.

I also now get a segfault with the following simpler xml file, which
I've been using for a long time for starting emacs under X:

This was just a thinko on my part. I forgot to add the following to the
'global node specifies a target' section:

Index: src/run2_main.c
--- src/run2_main.c (revision 22)
+++ src/run2_main.c (working copy)
@@ -560,6 +560,7 @@ core_impl (run2_confdata_t *data, s_opts
run2_env (data, 0);
startin = run2_get_startin_directory (tgtspec);
cmd = run2_create_cmdline_from_tgtspec (tgtspec);
+  run2_create_argv_from_tgtspec (tgtspec,&tgt_argc,&tgt_argv);

Fixed in r24. Thanks for the report.

Yes, that fixed it.

I can't reproduce your segfault with r23/r24 and the original dual xml

Did you try test1.xml from 
http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2009-12/msg00871.html ?  It's the one where 
mintty is called with the argument '-'.

I'm using Vista...I'll test on XP later today. Can you build with
debugging symbols, run under gdb, and generate a backtrace?

OK, I'll try it later if you can't reproduce the segfault with test1.xml.


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Re: 1.7.1-1 Install freeze of Cygwin post install.sh

2009-12-28 Thread Brian Wilson
I've always installed to the default locations, and I removed everything from 
the default C:\cygwin\ folder so I would have a clean install.  I also cleaned 
the registry of everything I could find and used a registry cleaner tool 
(Advanced System Care One) to try and get everything I couldn't find.

Sorry for the minimal information.  I have no idea of what is significant and 
what is not.  I've attached the cygcheck.out file as you suggested.  I ran the 
command directly from the c:\cygwin\bin\ directory.  I looked over the file 
for anything obvious and didn't see much.

I did notice that the system says I have ZoneAlarm as a personal fire wall; 
but I don't and never have used ZoneAlarm.  I have used McAfee products and 
currently use their Security Center.

There is a warning about multiple cygwin1.dlls in my path.  I've run a windows 
search (including system and hidden folders) against the whole C:\ drive and 
found C:\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll was the only result returned.

I also did a search from C:\ (including hidden and system folders) looking for 
"cygwin"  There were some files in C:\Tools\Installed with names like 
"ftp%3a%2f%2fftp.gtlib.gatech.edu%2fpub%2fcygwin%2f" and I found a folder, 
cygwin, that contains the file cygwin-1.7.1-1.tar.bz2.  I assume this is a 
temporary location used while an installation is in progress.

Please let me know if you see something more that I'm missing.  I don't see 
anything that would explain the "*** fatal error - couldn't 
> >allocate heap," error, or the other errors, from the log file.


Brian S. Wilson
Home: (678) 376-9258   Cell: (678) 232-9357 wil...@ds.net
> Just as a wild guess, given the minimal information above, and given 
> the handful of other problems reported with this - you may have two versions
> of Cygwin installed on your system.  One would be installed in a
> standard location and another could be in windows\system32 or in a
> third-party location like cwrsync or in some other cygwin repackager.
> See: http://cygwin.com/problems.html .  Run the cygcheck command
> suggested there and inspect the output for clues.  Also look in your
> windows directory and along your PATH for other copies of cygwin1.dll
> and any other Cygwin DLLs.
> cgf
> --
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--- End of Original Message ---

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] New: {attr/libattr-devel/libattr1}-2.4.43-1

2009-12-28 Thread Chris Sutcliffe
> "attr" is a set of tools for manipulating extended attributes on
> filesystem objects, in particular getfattr(1) and setfattr(1).  An
> attr(1) command is also provided which is largely compatible with the
> SGI IRIX tool of the same name.

If I understand the manpage correctly, doing a 'getfattr -d '
should dump the extended attributes of the files in the supplied path.
 When I try this on any path I supply, getfattr simply returns with no
output to stdout.

I'm assuming that is because there are no extended attributes
associated with any of the files in the paths I've tested with?


Chris Sutcliffe

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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: robots-2.1-1

2009-12-28 Thread Corinna Vinschen
I've updated the version of robots to 2.1-1.

This is a re-release to fix a dependency to an old libncurses package
in the first place.  I also revamped to source code to be ANSI-C compiler


To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link
on the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to
your system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


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Please read *all* of the information on unsubscribing that is
available starting at this URL.

Corinna Vinschen  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developermailto:cygwin@cygwin.com
Red Hat, Inc.

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Re: C / C# combination question

2009-12-28 Thread Corinna Vinschen
On Dec 26 18:30, Jan Alphenaar wrote:
> Hi again,
> After some more extensive debugging I was able to find out what goes wrong
> with an environment variable if a Cygwin C program is called from a C#
> program.
> If an environment variable is in uppercase (like in my code) the getenv call
> in the C program will not be able to find it.
> On the other hand, if the environment variable is in lower case in both
> programs, the getenv call is able to find it. So, there must be some kind of
> upper to lowercase translation on the way.

There's no uppercase/lowercase conversion going on by default if you run
Cygwin 1.7.  Under 1.5, when you started a Cygwin process from a
non-Cygwin process, the environment was completely uppercased.  Under
1.7 this only occures for a handful of variables (like PATH or
HOMEDRIVE) and the rest of the environment is left alone.  Unless you
have set CYGWIN=upcaseenv, see

There never was and still not is a conversion of the environment to
lowercase anywhere in Cygwin.


Corinna Vinschen  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader  cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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[ANNOUNCEMENT] New: {attr/libattr-devel/libattr1}-2.4.43-1

2009-12-28 Thread Corinna Vinschen
I just uploaded the new "attr" package to cygwin.com.

"attr" is a set of tools for manipulating extended attributes on
filesystem objects, in particular getfattr(1) and setfattr(1).  An
attr(1) command is also provided which is largely compatible with the
SGI IRIX tool of the same name.

"libattr-devel" contains the libraries and header files needed to
develop programs which make use of extended attributes.  This package
provides the libs and headers required to develop using the SGI IRIX
compatibility interface.  

For Cygwin programs, the documented system call API is the recommended
interface.  While the Cygwin DLL provides these calls, the libattr-devel
package provides the man pages for these calls (namely getxattr(2),
setxattr(2), listxattr(2), removexattr(2)) for licensing reasons.

Currently only NTFS, ext2, ext3 and XFS support extended attributes.
The SGI IRIX compatibility API built above the Cygwin system calls is
used by programs such as xfsdump(8), xfsrestore(8) and xfs_fsr(8).

You should install libattr-devel if you want to develop programs which
make use of extended attributes.  If you install libattr-devel, you'll
also want to install attr.

"libattr1" is the run-time package which provides the shared library
providing the SGI IRIX compatibility interface.


To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link
on the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to
your system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


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Send email to the address specified there.  It will be in the format:


If you need more information on unsubscribing, start reading here:


Please read *all* of the information on unsubscribing that is
available starting at this URL.

Corinna Vinschen  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader  cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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Re: run2.exe segfaults when GDI and X11 elements are present

2009-12-28 Thread Charles Wilson
Ken Brown wrote:
> On 12/27/2009 5:31 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
>> I still get a segfault with r23. I'm running XP SP3 if that's relevant.
> I also now get a segfault with the following simpler xml file, which
> I've been using for a long time for starting emacs under X:

This was just a thinko on my part. I forgot to add the following to the
'global node specifies a target' section:

Index: src/run2_main.c
--- src/run2_main.c (revision 22)
+++ src/run2_main.c (working copy)
@@ -560,6 +560,7 @@ core_impl (run2_confdata_t *data, s_opts
   run2_env (data, 0);
   startin = run2_get_startin_directory (tgtspec);
   cmd = run2_create_cmdline_from_tgtspec (tgtspec);
+  run2_create_argv_from_tgtspec (tgtspec, &tgt_argc, &tgt_argv);

Fixed in r24. Thanks for the report.

I can't reproduce your segfault with r23/r24 and the original dual xml
file. I'm using Vista...I'll test on XP later today. Can you build with
debugging symbols, run under gdb, and generate a backtrace?

"./libtool --mode=execute gdb --args src/run2.exe --debug=4

(I'm using a self-built gdb; I'm not sure stock gdb supports the
"--args" option. If it does not, then:

"./libtool --mode=execute gdb src/run2.exe"

and you have to do this after gdb starts up:

set args --debug=4 /path/to/test.xml


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