gost.dll required but missing after latest Cygwin update

2019-03-20 Thread Alan
This seems related to openssl 1.1.1b1 but it affects multiple other

For example dig no longer works:

AlanG@Bytehouse-PC-01 ~
$ dig bytehouse.co.uk any
20-Mar-2019 16:52:02.636 ENGINE_by_id failed (crypto failure)
20-Mar-2019 16:52:02.637 error:25066067:DSO support
routines:dlfcn_load:could not load the shared
No such file or directory
20-Mar-2019 16:52:02.637 error:25070067:DSO support routines:DSO_load:could
not load the shared library:crypto/dso/dso_lib.c:162:
20-Mar-2019 16:52:02.637 error:260B6084:engine routines:dynamic_load:dso not
20-Mar-2019 16:52:02.637 error:2606A074:engine routines:ENGINE_by_id:no such
dig: dst_lib_init: crypto failure

I have been unable so far to find a workaround or fix. There's a libgost.so
in /usr/lib/engines-1.0 but no gost.dll anywhere:

$ ls -al /usr/lib/engine*
total 328
drwxr-xr-x+ 1 AlanG Domain Users 0 Mar 20 16:50 .
drwxr-xr-x+ 1 AlanG Domain Users 0 Mar 20 16:51 ..
-rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users 18963 Mar 11 17:59 lib4758cca.so
-rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users 18451 Mar 11 17:59 libaep.so
-rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users 17427 Mar 11 17:59 libatalla.so
-rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users  8211 Mar 11 17:59 libcapi.so
-rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users 23059 Mar 11 17:59 libchil.so
-rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users 22035 Mar 11 17:59 libcswift.so
-rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users  8211 Mar 11 17:59 libgmp.so
-rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users 94227 Mar 11 17:59 libgost.so
-rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users 13843 Mar 11 17:59 libnuron.so
-rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users  8211 Mar 11 17:59 libpadlock.so
-rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users 27667 Mar 11 17:59 libsureware.so
-rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users 19987 Mar 11 17:59 libubsec.so

total 48
drwxr-xr-x+ 1 AlanG Domain Users 0 Mar 20 16:51 .
drwxr-xr-x+ 1 AlanG Domain Users 0 Mar 20 16:51 ..
-rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users  8211 Mar 11 05:52 capi.dll
-rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users 12307 Mar 11 05:52 padlock.dll

I've attached a redacted cygcheck file.

Thanks for any advice,  Alan

Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Wed Mar 20 18:06:12 2019

Windows 10 Professional Ver 10.0 Build 17134 

Output from C:\cygwin64\bin\id.exe
UID: 1056211(AlanG)
GID: 1049089(Domain Users)

SysDir: C:\WINDOWS\system32

USER = 'AlanG'
PWD = '/home/AlanG'
HOME = '/home/AlanG'

OS = 'Windows_NT'
COMMONPROGRAMFILES = 'C:\Program Files\Common Files'
PSModulePath = 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\'
CommonProgramW6432 = 'C:\Program Files\Common Files'
CommonProgramFiles(x86) = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files'
LANG = 'en_US.UTF-8'
TZ = 'Europe/London'
HOSTNAME = 'Bytehouse-PC-01'
PUBLIC = 'C:\Users\Public'
OLDPWD = '/cygdrive/c/Users/alang/Desktop'
PERL_MB_OPT = '--install_base "/home/AlanG/perl5"'
LOCALAPPDATA = 'C:\Users\alang\AppData\Local'
!:: = '::\'
USERPROFILE = 'C:\Users\alang'
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = 'Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel'
TMP = '/tmp'
OneDrive = 'C:\Users\alang\OneDrive'
PERL_MM_OPT = 'INSTALL_BASE=/home/AlanG/perl5'
ProgramW6432 = 'C:\Program Files'
COMSPEC = 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe'
APPDATA = 'C:\Users\alang\AppData\Roaming'
SHELL = '/bin/bash'
TERM = 'xterm'
PERL5LIB = '/home/AlanG/perl5/lib/perl5'
PYTHONSTARTUP = '/home/AlanG/.pyrc'
ProgramData = 'C:\ProgramData'
SHLVL = '1'
MINTTY_SHORTCUT = '/cygdrive/c/Users/Public/Desktop/Cygwin64 Terminal.lnk'
PROGRAMFILES = 'C:\Program Files'
TEMP = '/tmp'
DriverData = 'C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\DriverData'
ProgramFiles(x86) = 'C:\Program Files (x86)'
PS1 = '\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n\[\e[32m\]\u@\h \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n\$ '
INFOPATH = '/usr/local/info:/usr/share/info:/usr/info'
HOMEPATH = '\Users\alang'
EXECIGNORE = '*.dll'
_ = '/usr/bin/cygcheck

RE: gost.dll required but missing after latest Cygwin update

2019-03-21 Thread Alan
bind-utils 9.11.2-2-P2 has a dependency on libssl1.1. A workaround for my
issue seems to be downgrading bind-utils to version 9.11.2-2-P1 which
doesn't have that dependency.

Thanks go to  Brian Ingliss for the hint which pointed me in the right

I'd suggest anyone maintaining a package with a dependency on libssl1.1
should check for similar issues.

Regards,  Alan

-Original Message-----
From: Alan [mailto:a...@bytehouse.co.uk] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 5:20 PM
To: 'cygwin@cygwin.com' 
Subject: gost.dll required but missing after latest Cygwin update

This seems related to openssl 1.1.1b1 but it affects multiple other

For example dig no longer works:

AlanG@Bytehouse-PC-01 ~
$ dig bytehouse.co.uk any
20-Mar-2019 16:52:02.636 ENGINE_by_id failed (crypto failure)
20-Mar-2019 16:52:02.637 error:25066067:DSO support
routines:dlfcn_load:could not load the shared
No such file or directory
20-Mar-2019 16:52:02.637 error:25070067:DSO support routines:DSO_load:could
not load the shared library:crypto/dso/dso_lib.c:162:
20-Mar-2019 16:52:02.637 error:260B6084:engine routines:dynamic_load:dso not
20-Mar-2019 16:52:02.637 error:2606A074:engine routines:ENGINE_by_id:no such
dig: dst_lib_init: crypto failure

I have been unable so far to find a workaround or fix. There's a libgost.so
in /usr/lib/engines-1.0 but no gost.dll anywhere:

$ ls -al /usr/lib/engine*
total 328
drwxr-xr-x+ 1 AlanG Domain Users 0 Mar 20 16:50 .
drwxr-xr-x+ 1 AlanG Domain Users 0 Mar 20 16:51 ..
-rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users 18963 Mar 11 17:59 lib4758cca.so -rwxr-xr-x
1 AlanG Domain Users 18451 Mar 11 17:59 libaep.so -rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain
Users 17427 Mar 11 17:59 libatalla.so -rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users  8211
Mar 11 17:59 libcapi.so -rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users 23059 Mar 11 17:59
libchil.so -rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users 22035 Mar 11 17:59 libcswift.so
-rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users  8211 Mar 11 17:59 libgmp.so -rwxr-xr-x  1
AlanG Domain Users 94227 Mar 11 17:59 libgost.so -rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain
Users 13843 Mar 11 17:59 libnuron.so -rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users  8211
Mar 11 17:59 libpadlock.so -rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users 27667 Mar 11
17:59 libsureware.so -rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users 19987 Mar 11 17:59

total 48
drwxr-xr-x+ 1 AlanG Domain Users 0 Mar 20 16:51 .
drwxr-xr-x+ 1 AlanG Domain Users 0 Mar 20 16:51 ..
-rwxr-xr-x  1 AlanG Domain Users  8211 Mar 11 05:52 capi.dll -rwxr-xr-x  1
AlanG Domain Users 12307 Mar 11 05:52 padlock.dll

I've attached a redacted cygcheck file.

Thanks for any advice,  Alan

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cp.exe bug

2004-03-13 Thread Alan
fileutils version 4.1-2, specifically: cp.exe does not work properly.

System Info:
Windows 2000, Cygwin DLL version 1.5.7

Reproducing from prompt:
prompt> cp some_file ./bin/

cp: `some_file' and `./bin/some_file' are the same file

Reproducing from within Makefile:
cp ./some_dir/some_file ./bin/;

Make output:
cp: `./some_dir/some_file' and `./bin/some_file' are the same file
make: *** [install] Error 1

Reinstall fileutils 4.1-1

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FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/

Re: cp.exe bug

2004-03-14 Thread Alan

- Original Message - 
From: "Ross Boulet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Cygwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2004 2:36 AM
Subject: RE: cp.exe bug

> > Problem:
> > fileutils version 4.1-2, specifically: cp.exe does not work properly.
> >
> > System Info:
> > Windows 2000, Cygwin DLL version 1.5.7
> >
> > Reproducing from prompt:
> > prompt> cp some_file ./bin/
> >
> > Output:
> > cp: `some_file' and `./bin/some_file' are the same file
> >
> >
> > Reproducing from within Makefile:
> > cp ./some_dir/some_file ./bin/;
> >
> > Make output:
> > cp: `./some_dir/some_file' and `./bin/some_file' are the same file
> > make: *** [install] Error 1
> >
> >
> > Workaround:
> > Reinstall fileutils 4.1-1
> >
> WFM under XP with fileutils 4.1-2 and any one of cygwin dll 1.5.7 and the
> last two snapshots (20040306 and 20040312).
> I can re-create the error if I create a hard link in ./bin as shown in the
> second example below:
> $ echo aaa >foo
> $ mkdir bar
> $ cp foo ./bar/
> The above works fine, but the following fails with your same error:
> $ echo aaa >foo2
> $ mkdir bar2
> $ ln foo2 ./bar2/foo2
> $ cp foo2 ./bar2/
> cp: `foo2' and `./bar2/foo2' are the same file
> You might check to ensure there is not a link in ./bin pointing to the
> file in the parent directory.
> Ross

I've narrowed it down to running `make' on my linux Makefiles, simple
example follows:

### Simple Makefile Example

CC= gcc

OBJ= foo.o
FILE= foo.c
BIN= foo

all: $(BIN) install

$(BIN): $(OBJ)
 $(CC) -o $(BIN) $(OBJ)

 $(CC) -c $(FILE) -o $(OBJ)

 mkdir -p ./bin/;
 cp $(BIN) ./bin/;

### End Makefile

>From prompt:

$ make
mkdir -p ./bin/;
cp foo ./bin/;
cp: `foo' and `./bin/foo' are the same file
make: *** [install] Error 1

The problem I believe is that `Make' outputs the binary `foo' as `foo.exe'
which causes `cp.exe' to fail. This had previously worked fine with the
version of `cp.exe' included with `fileutils 4.1-1'

Modify all existing Makefiles by adding the proper file extension to the

BIN= foo

Should be changed to:
BIN= foo.exe

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Re: cp.exe bug

2004-03-14 Thread Alan

- Original Message - 
From: "Ross Boulet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Cygwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "'Alan'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2004 1:44 PM
Subject: RE: cp.exe bug

> > > > Problem:
> > > > fileutils version 4.1-2, specifically: cp.exe does not
> > work properly.
> > > >
> [ ... Snip ... ]
> >
> > I've narrowed it down to running `make' on my linux Makefiles, simple
> > example follows:
> >
> > ### Simple Makefile Example
> >
> > CC= gcc
> >
> > OBJ= foo.o
> > FILE= foo.c
> > BIN= foo
> >
> > all: $(BIN) install
> >
> > $(BIN): $(OBJ)
> >  $(CC) -o $(BIN) $(OBJ)
> >
> > $(OBJ):
> >  $(CC) -c $(FILE) -o $(OBJ)
> >
> > install:
> >  mkdir -p ./bin/;
> >  cp $(BIN) ./bin/;
> >
> > ### End Makefile>
> >
> > >From prompt:
> >
> > $ make
> > mkdir -p ./bin/;
> > cp foo ./bin/;
> > cp: `foo' and `./bin/foo' are the same file
> > make: *** [install] Error 1
> >
> >
> > The problem I believe is that `Make' outputs the binary `foo'
> > as `foo.exe'
> > which causes `cp.exe' to fail. This had previously worked
> > fine with the
> > version of `cp.exe' included with `fileutils 4.1-1'
> >
> > Workaround:
> > Modify all existing Makefiles by adding the proper file
> > extension to the
> > binary.
> >
> > Example:
> > BIN= foo
> >
> > Should be changed to:
> > BIN= foo.exe
> >
> >
> >
> I cut more from my makefile and just use one symbolic in place of your
> OBJ, and FILE as follows:
> ### Even More Simple Makefile Example
> CC= gcc
> FILE= foo
> all: $(FILE).exe install
> $(FILE).exe: $(FILE).o
>  $(CC) -o $(FILE).exe $(FILE).o
> $(FILE).o:
>  $(CC) -c $(FILE).c -o $(FILE).o
> install:
>  mkdir -p ./bin/;
>  cp $(FILE).exe ./bin/;
> ### End Makefile

That would normally be fine if I was was using Cygwin only, but since my
Makefiles are used in projects built with both RedHat linux and Cygwin, this
new change to `cp.exe' forces me to have to modify all my Makefiles.

Example, I now either need to maintain two makefiles for each project, or
add a conditional expression to all my Makefiles:

BIN= foo

ifeq ($(TERM), cygwin)

It's no big deal, but after updating to the newest Cygwin release and
discovering my projects no longer installed because of the new `cp.exe'
seemed like a bug.

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Java plugin library compiles ok? on cygwin-XP but WILL NOT RUN

2003-08-20 Thread Alan
Hi. Ive got a problem that may well not be cygwin related but I have a
feeling that it might be so Im going to ask here before I mail a windows or
java forum (besides, Ill never get a response from there - its just too

I have been developing a Java profiling utility (using the JVM Profiling
Interface) for sometime on cygwin-win98. I have recently switched to an XP
Home machine. It has the same cygwin and java versions as on the win98 one.
I am now suffering a very elusive problem.

I build my project on XP (exactly as I did on w98) without error. I then run
the program (incidentally the program is a dll that is loaded into a JVM
using the -XrunTheLibrary option to Java) however Java silently
crashes/aborts. The profiler does not produce any output and the Java
program being profiled does not even run. No error logs are generated
anywhere. I know Java is successfully locating my dlls entry point (if it
does not it generates an error) however it will not execute a single line of
that function.

I have replicated the problem with a minimal test project so its not my

The library compiled on XP, can, however, be copied directly to w98 and runs
successfully. The library compiled on w98 and running successfully there,
behaves as above when copied to XP.

I know this sounds as though it has little to do with cygwin but I cant help
feeling cygwin is just not getting on with XP as well as it does on w98. I
have compiled the minimal test project I mentioned above using the Dev-C++
IDE which uses MinGW or some variant there of, and indeed it works fine on
XP. I have been trying to compile it in Cygwin with the -mno-cygwin flag but
have had zero success (Ive downloaded MinGW libs and headers since its a c++
program but I cant get around those undefined references). This is really
what casts my suspicion on cygwin as the source of the problem (or to be
fair, the cygwin-XP pair).

In summary;
 - cygwin-XP compilation seems ok (dll can be copied to and run on win98)
 - Java and XP seem okay (MinGW compiled profiling dlls work)
 - running cygwin compiled dlls on XP does not work ???

I am using a slightly dated version, cygwin-1.3.15-2.tar.bz2. I will update
soon but until then, does anyone have any idea what Im talking about?! I
have spent days trying and retrying to get it to work but to no avail. Its
obscure I know, but please throw me a bone.

Kind regards,


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FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/

Re: Java plugin library compiles ok? on cygwin-XP but WILL NOT RUN

2003-08-25 Thread Alan

- Original Message -
From: "Alan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 3:38 PM
Subject: Java plugin library compiles ok? on cygwin-XP but WILL NOT RUN

Hi. Ive got a problem that may well not be cygwin related but I have a
feeling that it might be so Im going to ask here before I mail a windows or
java forum (besides, Ill never get a response from there - its just too

I have been developing a Java profiling utility (using the JVM Profiling
Interface) for sometime on cygwin-win98. I have recently switched to an XP
Home machine. It has the same cygwin and java versions as on the win98 one.
I am now suffering a very elusive problem.

I build my project on XP (exactly as I did on w98) without error. I then run
the program (incidentally the program is a dll that is loaded into a JVM
using the -XrunTheLibrary option to Java) however Java silently
crashes/aborts. The profiler does not produce any output and the Java
program being profiled does not even run. No error logs are generated
anywhere. I know Java is successfully locating my dlls entry point (if it
does not it generates an error) however it will not execute a single line of
that function.

I have replicated the problem with a minimal test project so its not my

The library compiled on XP, can, however, be copied directly to w98 and runs
successfully. The library compiled on w98 and running successfully there,
behaves as above when copied to XP.

I know this sounds as though it has little to do with cygwin but I cant help
feeling cygwin is just not getting on with XP as well as it does on w98. I
have compiled the minimal test project I mentioned above using the Dev-C++
IDE which uses MinGW or some variant there of, and indeed it works fine on
XP. I have been trying to compile it in Cygwin with the -mno-cygwin flag but
have had zero success (Ive downloaded MinGW libs and headers since its a c++
program but I cant get around those undefined references). This is really
what casts my suspicion on cygwin as the source of the problem (or to be
fair, the cygwin-XP pair).

In summary;
 - cygwin-XP compilation seems ok (dll can be copied to and run on win98)
 - Java and XP seem okay (MinGW compiled profiling dlls work)
 - running cygwin compiled dlls on XP does not work ???

I am using a slightly dated version, cygwin-1.3.15-2.tar.bz2. I will update
soon but until then, does anyone have any idea what Im talking about?! I
have spent days trying and retrying to get it to work but to no avail. Its
obscure I know, but please throw me a bone.

Kind regards,


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Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/

For the record -

Upgrading to Java 1.4.2 solved the above problem but generated tonnes of
failed wait_sig_inited assertions from sigproc.cc. Upgrading to cygwin
1.3.22-1 got rid of those.


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Problems with permissions after installing cygwin without admin privileges

2013-01-25 Thread Alan
I have downloaded and installed cygwin on one machine and would like to install
it on a second machine which is non-networked and for which I don't have
administrator rights. However, I am running into some issues which are described

I have created a Mapped Network Drive (X:) for the folder I wish to install
cygwin into, for which I have full access. I have copied the installer and local
package directory from the first machine to the second. I changed the name of
the cygwin installer to cygwin.exe and have run it as the non-administrator. I
have selected the option "install from Local Directory". I have selected
x:\cygwin as the root install directory and Install for "Just Me". I selected
the copied local package directory. I selected the basic install with no
additional packages. cygwin seems to install with no warnings or error, except
no Desktop icon is created. The cygwin terminal starts with no problem.

The first problem comes when I try to install the rxvt package. Running the
installer again with that package selected results in an error.

Package: rxvt rxvt.sh exit code 3

Running /etc/postinstall/rxvt.sh from the terminal gives these messages.

Using the default version of /etc/X11/app-defaults/Rxvt 
/bin/touch: cannot touch `/etc/X11/app-defaults/Rxvt': No such
file or directory /bin/cp: cannot create regular file
`/etc/X11/app-defaults/Rxvt': No such file o r directory 
/usr/bin/mkdir: cannot
create directory `/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/All Users/Start
Menu/Programs/Cygwin': Permission denied 
mkshortcut: Saving "C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Cygw in\rxvt-native.lnk" failed; does the
target directory exist? 
mkshortcut: Saving "C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Start Menu\Programs\Cygw in\rxvt-x.lnk" failed; does the target directory

I am guessing the problem is I don't have permission to write to the folder
"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Cygw in\rxvt- x.lnk"

and will have to make the rxvt links by hand.

That problem seems solvable with some work. But is there a way to solve this
without hand tweaking?

The second problem I is I'd like to now install texlive. I have re-run the
installer selecting the package texlive-collection-latex. After several minutes,
the installer now reports

Package: fontconfig fontconfig.sh exit code 13 Package: texlive-collection-basic
texlive-collection-basic.sh exit code 11 Package: Unknown package rxvt.sh exit
code 3

and typing latex in the cygwin terminal returns

 -bash: /usr/bin/latex: cannot execute binary file

I find I cannot change the permissions on /usr/bin/latex with chmod (drive is

How do I fix this?

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Permission problem installing to Mapped Network Drive

2013-01-25 Thread Alan
I originally thought this problem was due to installing as non-admin, but
further investigation has led me to conclude the problem is due to
installing to a Mapped Network Drive (or even a drive other than C:).

I am trying to install cygwin on a non-networked computer as a non-admin
user. But for now I am installing it on a computer running XP, with a
network connection and as an admin user. To mimic the remote case, I set
up a Mapped Network Drive, for which I have full access privileges. I need
the texlive-collection-latex package, so have installed that.

The installation fails with 

Package: fontconfig
fontconfig.sh exit code 13
Package: texlive-collection-basic
texlive-collection-basic.sh exit code 11

and running latex at a terminal window gives

-bash: /usr/bin/latex: cannot execute binary file

$ chmod +x /usr/bin/latex
$ ls -l /usr/bin/latex
-rw-r--r-- 1 curtis None 21 Jan 25 20:04 /usr/bin/latex

I can't change the permissions. How do I fix this?

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Problem after updating a remote installation: Nothing happens

2013-02-05 Thread Alan
I have installed cygwin on a remote machine without network access by the
following procedure.

1. I downloaded cygwin using the "Download without install" option, to a
machine with network access. 
2. I copied the contents of the Local Package
Directory to the remote machine. 
3. At that machine, installed cygwin with the
"Install from local directory" option.

Everything seemed to work out fine. My problem is now I find I need a package I
didn't install the first time, in this case emacs. I went back to the first
machine and

1. Re-ran the installer, selecting the "Download without install" option, and
the emacs package. 
2. Copied the change files in the Local Package Directory to
the remote machine. 
3. Re-ran the installer, the "Install from local directory"
option, and selecting the install "all" options.

It seemed to install OK (I got an error from about pango, which I think I fixed

But when I type 'emacs' at the command line, nothing happens. No error, no
warning, nothing. I am just returned to the command line again.

How do I fix this?

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FAST_CWD pointer Issue

2019-01-17 Thread Alan Ren
Hi Friends:

 Can you help me? My issue information is below:

[main] arm-brcm-linux-gnueabi-gcc 11296 find_fast_cwd: WARNING: Couldn't
compute FAST_CWD pointer.  Please report this problem to

the public mailing list   cygwin@cygwin.com



Thank you very much.


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IDP.Generic virus reported in okular.exe, attention: Yaakov Selkowitz

2019-09-06 Thread Alan Thwaits
Dear Yaakov or other interested maintainer:

When I ran the program okular.exe under bash and xterm, my antivirus
program AVG Antivirus Free quarantined the program and reported that it
contains the virus IDP.Generic.

I hope that you find this helpful.

Best regards,


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Re: IDP.Generic virus reported in okular.exe, attention: Yaakov Selkowitz

2019-09-07 Thread Alan Thwaits
Dear Cygwin community,

I have looked and looked. I cannot find an appropriate place to report
viruses. I know of two viruses, and I would like to report them.



On Sat, Sep 7, 2019 at 8:20 AM Andrey Repin  wrote:

> Greetings, Alan Thwaits!
> > Dear Yaakov or other interested maintainer:
> > When I ran the program okular.exe under bash and xterm, my antivirus
> > program AVG Antivirus Free quarantined the program and reported that it
> > contains the virus IDP.Generic.
> > I hope that you find this helpful.
> Why do you report it here?
> Report to AVG support.
> If they confirm that it is indeed a virus, and not a failed heuristic, then
> you can raise an issue here.
> --
> With best regards,
> Andrey Repin
> Saturday, September 7, 2019 5:33:57
> Sorry for my terrible english...

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Rebuilding Cygwin From Sources

2006-07-24 Thread CARTER Alan

Perhaps someone who knows can confirm that I've got this right:

The executables in a Cygwin download can be much older than the download
date, where "much" > 3 years.

This suggests that executables are only rebuilt when their own sources
change. Previously built executables can continue to be bundled into
downloadable packages, even if the version of gcc in the download is
much newer.

Therefore, it is not reasonable to attempt to rebuild the executables in
a download using the sources and gcc in the same download, and expect an
*exact* reconstruction.

(And that's before thinking about the compilation date strings that end
up in the executables, or the CFLAGS arguments to the various configure
scripts which also aren't necessarily obvious.)

If I know an exact rebuild isn't possible, I won't try to achieve it
before kludging the source :-)


Alan Carter

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Behaviour that I don't understand

2006-08-02 Thread Alan Chandler
I am trying to set up rsync as a daemon under WindowsXP (professional) in 
order to be able to backup this machine on to a linux server.  I am 
struggling with an issue I don't understand.  I don't know whether it is an 
Rsync issue or a Cygwin issue, so I am asking both mailing lists.

My WindowsXP machine has ip address and name rabbit.home

My Linux machine has ip address and the name roo.home

Rsync has been installed as a daemon using cygrunsrv to set up a service using 
the following command 

cygrunsrv.exe -I "Rsync" -p /cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin/rsync.exe -a 
"--config=/cygdrive/c/cygwin/etc/rsyncd.conf --daemon --no-detach" -f "Rsync 
daemon service"

The /etc/rsyncd.conf file has the following in it 

chroot = false 
strict modes = false
hosts allow =

path = /cygdrive/c
comment = the complete c drive

path = /cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/ChandlerA
comment = Alan's specific user space

Using a cygwin bash shell on the windows machine AND from a shell prompt on my 
linux machine I can do

either (from windows machine)
rsync localhost::
or (from linux machine)
rsync rabbit::

at list out the two modules (system and alan)


If I try to list the contents of either module from local host (thus)

rsync localhost::system

it works, but if I list the contents via

rsync rabbit::system
(either remotely or locally)

then I get 

@ERROR: access denied to system from roo.home (
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [receiver]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(420)

I have tried playing with the hosts allow parameter.  The ONLY form (including 
removing the hosts allow line altogether) that I can make work is

hosts allow = *

If I do that it works

Why is it that this form of hosts allow is needed.  The manual says that if 
the hosts allow is not present it should allow all hosts - but it doesn't 
seem to.

Alan Chandler

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Re: Behaviour that I don't understand

2006-08-02 Thread Alan Chandler
On Wednesday 02 August 2006 23:28, Alan Chandler wrote:
> I am trying to set up rsync as a daemon under WindowsXP (professional) in
> order to be able to backup this machine on to a linux server.  I am
> struggling with an issue I don't understand.  I don't know whether it is an
> Rsync issue or a Cygwin issue, so I am asking both mailing lists.
> My WindowsXP machine has ip address and name rabbit.home
> My Linux machine has ip address and the name roo.home
> The /etc/rsyncd.conf file has the following in it
> chroot = false
> strict modes = false
> hosts allow =

I have been playing with the hosts allow line

If I put in 

hosts allow =

It works from those IP addresses.

if I limit this to (ie remove the specific localhost ip address)

hosts allow =

It doesn't work (although the exact same configuration line is working on my 
linux server, where I am accessing it from yet another linux machine)

Still puzzled:-(

Alan Chandler

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Re: Behaviour that I don't understand

2006-08-03 Thread Alan Chandler
Paul Slootman writes: 

On Wed 02 Aug 2006, Alan Chandler wrote: 

The /etc/rsyncd.conf file has the following in it  

chroot = false 
strict modes = false
hosts allow = 

path = /cygdrive/c
comment = the complete c drive 

path = /cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/ChandlerA
comment = Alan's specific user space


If I try to list the contents of either module from local host (thus) 

rsync localhost::system 

it works, but if I list the contents via 

rsync rabbit::system
(either remotely or locally) 

then I get  

@ERROR: access denied to system from roo.home (

Try putting the hosts allow line in the modules definition; the man page
does say:
You may also include any module parameters in the global  part  of  the
config  file in which case the supplied value will override the default
for that parameter.
However maybe there's some bug :-)

Its a bit hard because I am at work rather than home, so not with the same 
IP addresses.  Nevertheless I can simulate the effect by setting the work IP 
address in rsyncd.conf and connecting from the same machine. 

Moving the hosts allow into the module does not effect things EXCEPT that
I didn't include localhost in my host allow statements, but that still 

BTW: you don't mention what version you're using.

Its 2.6.6 (Protocol 29) under cygwin for the machine running the daemon 

I am using itself as one client (test above), and when at home I am running 
from Debian Sarge - which is 2.6.4 (Protocol 29). 

I DO now have a work around that works - ie list the individual IP addresses 
of the machines I want to allow to connect, rather than a range 


hosts allow = 

rather than 

hosts allow = 

The second form DOES seems to work on my other machines (all under linux as 
opposed to this machine using cygwin) AND I had the exact same configuration 
working on my old laptop (running Windows 2000 professional) which just 
stopped working when I got a new work laptop with Windows XP and I 
transfered the configuration across. When I first raised this I hadn't 
narrowed the problem down enough to find a work around - so I was looking 
for answers.  Now I suspect some bug with the cygwin implementation, and I 
would just like to help out to see that it can get fixed if that is indeed 
the case, or understand what I am doing wrong if it is not. 

Alan Chandler

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tar 1.15.1 broken

2005-10-27 Thread Alan Hourihane
This is probably just for Eric Blake, but I thought I'd let others know.

I'm currently packaging a new xorg release for cygwin. I only ever build
directly on my WinXP box for this too.

Now, having upgraded everything to the latest releases things started to
go wrong with the packaging scripts.

tar started to bleat with "Cannot stat: No such file or directory" for
lots of different things.

I've reverted to tar 1.13.25 and everything is fine.

One other thing to note is that I'm building on a samba connected drive
if that matters to tar.


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Re: tar 1.15.1 broken

2005-10-27 Thread Alan Hourihane
On Thu, 2005-10-27 at 06:27 -0600, Eric Blake wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> According to Alan Hourihane on 10/27/2005 3:30 AM:
> > Now, having upgraded everything to the latest releases things started to
> > go wrong with the packaging scripts.
> > 
> > tar started to bleat with "Cannot stat: No such file or directory" for
> > lots of different things.
> Can you reproduce this down into a smaller test case?  Tar is only
> printing the error message it gets from calling stat(), so now we need to
> figure out if tar is passing bad information to stat() or if cygwin is
> having problems doing the stat().  If you can reproduce a smaller
> testcase, it might also help to run strace between the two versions to see
> what might have changed in the sequence of syscalls.
> > 
> > I've reverted to tar 1.13.25 and everything is fine.
> > 
> > One other thing to note is that I'm building on a samba connected drive
> > if that matters to tar.
> I don't have access to a samba drive myself, so if it IS drive related
> (although I am inclined to doubt that), it will be up to you to do a lot
> of the debugging effort.

O.k. I've found the problem.

This works with tar 1.13.25

tar cvjf test.tbz2  --exclude=

In 1.15.1 it mucks up parsing of --exclude= and somehow later
tries to stat "--exclude=" as being the complete filename. But
actually when it reports the "Cannot stat: No such file or directory"
message the filename is correct.

Moving --exclude= to this...

tar --exclude= -cvjf test.tbz2 

makes it work.

Hope that helps,


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Problem with rsyncd in Windows XP

2005-11-13 Thread Alan Chandler
I have long backed up my work laptop (running win2k) by running the rsync 
daemon using cygrunsrv on the lap top and using an overnight cron job from my 
Debian server to suck out all the data and save it.

I have just got a new laptop that runs XP (professional).  I set up rsync on 
there identically to before.  From my server, I can get see that the rsync 
daemon is running because I can get it to list the modules it will serve.

However as soon as I try and access any data for real I get access denied 
failures  (see below for the output)

roo:~# rsync rabbit.home::
system          the complete c drive
alan            Alan's specific user space
roo:~# rsync rabbit.home::alan/
@ERROR: access denied to alan from roo.home (
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [receiver]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(420)

One difference - the new file system is NTFS, the old one was FAT32.

Ethereal on the link just has the simple exchange above, no other data

Nothing is being logged (despite cygrunsrv directing stdout and stderr to a 
log file) as to what the problem might be, so I am finding it hard to debug.  

Here is /etc/rsyncd.conf
chroot = false 
strict modes = false
hosts allow =
gid = SYSTEM

path = /cygdrive/c
comment = the complete c drive
uid = Administrators

path = /cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/ChandlerA
comment = Alan's specific user space
uid = chandlera


rync is being run by cygrunsrv with just the --daemon and --no-detach flags

My directory (the one pointed to by module [alan] has permissions (from a 
cygwin bash shell) as mod 775, owner Administrators.SYSTEM and the files 
inside this directory are owned by chandlera.SYSTEM

Anyone and ideas?

Alan Chandler
Open Source. It's the difference between trust and antitrust.

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Re: Problem with rsyncd in Windows XP

2005-11-14 Thread Alan Chandler
On Sunday 13 Nov 2005 08:41, Alan Chandler wrote:
> I have long backed up my work laptop (running win2k) by running the rsync
> daemon using cygrunsrv on the lap top and using an overnight cron job from
> my Debian server to suck out all the data and save it.
> I have just got a new laptop that runs XP (professional).  I set up rsync
> on there identically to before.  From my server, I can get see that the
> rsync daemon is running because I can get it to list the modules it will
> serve.
> However as soon as I try and access any data for real I get access denied
> failures  (see below for the output)

Just to say I have tried some other things over the weekend all of which did 
not change the problem

I tried adding -u Administrator to the cygrunsrv install command - as I found 
on one web site, but it made no difference

Alan Chandler
Open Source. It's the difference between trust and antitrust.

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Re: Problem with rsyncd in Windows XP

2005-11-14 Thread Alan Chandler
On Monday 14 Nov 2005 11:07, Alan Chandler wrote:
> On Sunday 13 Nov 2005 08:41, Alan Chandler wrote:
> > I have just got a new laptop that runs XP (professional).  I set up rsync
> > on there identically to before.  From my server, I can get see that the
> > rsync daemon is running because I can get it to list the modules it will
> > serve.
> >
> > However as soon as I try and access any data for real I get access denied
> > failures 
> I tried adding -u Administrator to the cygrunsrv install command - as I
> found on one web site, but it made no difference

I see from the web site that I ought to add the output from cygcheck to any 
issues I have. So here it is

Alan Chandler
Open Source. It's the difference between trust and antitrust.

Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Mon Nov 14 19:55:13 2005

Windows XP Professional Ver 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Path:   C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin
c:\Program Files\ThinkPad\Utilities
c:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel
c:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files

Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (nontsec)
UID: 30664(chandlera)   GID: 10545(mkgroup-l-d)
0(root) 544(Administrators) 545(Users)

Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (ntsec)
UID: 30664(chandlera)   GID: 10545(mkgroup-l-d)
0(root) 544(Administrators) 545(Users)

SysDir: C:\WINDOWS\system32

USER = `chandlera'
TCL_LIBRARY = `C:\IBMTOOLS\Python22\tcl\tcl8.4'
PWD = `/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/ChandlerA'
HOME = `/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/ChandlerA'
MAKE_MODE = `unix'

HOMEPATH = `\Documents and Settings\ChandlerA'
MANPATH = `/usr/local/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/man::/usr/ssl/man'
APPDATA = `C:\Documents and Settings\ChandlerA\Application Data'
TERM = `cygwin'
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = `x86 Family 6 Model 13 Stepping 6, GenuineIntel'
TK_LIBRARY = `C:\IBMTOOLS\Python22\tcl\tk8.4'
OLDPWD = `/usr/bin'
OS = `Windows_NT'
ALLUSERSPROFILE = `C:\Documents and Settings\All Users'
TEMP = `/cygdrive/c/DOCUME~1/CHANDL~1/LOCALS~1/Temp'
COMMONPROGRAMFILES = `C:\Program Files\Common Files'
USERNAME = `chandlera'
RRU = `C:\Program Files\IBM\IBM Rapid Restore Ultra\'
USERPROFILE = `C:\Documents and Settings\ChandlerA'
PS1 = `\[\e]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED] \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n\$ '
!C: = `C:\cygwin\bin'
SHLVL = `1'
SMA = `C:\Program Files\IBM ThinkVantage\SMA\'
PATHEXT = `.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.pyo;.pyc;.py;.pyw'
COMSPEC = `C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe'
TMP = `/cygdrive/c/DOCUME~1/CHANDL~1/LOCALS~1/Temp'
PYTHONPATH = `C:\IBMTOOLS\utils\support;C:\IBMTOOLS\utils\logger'
CVS_RSH = `/bin/ssh'
INFOPATH = `/usr/local/info:/usr/share/info:/usr/info:'
PROGRAMFILES = `C:\Program Files'
_ = `/usr/bin/cygcheck'

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\CYGWIN.DLL setup
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\CYGWIN.DLL setup\b15.0
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\CYGWIN.DLL setup\b15.0\mounts
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\CYGWIN.DLL setup\b15.0\mounts\00
  (default) = `C:'
  unix = `/'
  fbinary = 0x
  fsilent = 0x
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2
  (default) = `/cygdrive'
  cygdrive flags = 0x0022
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/
  (default) = `C:\cygwin'
  flags = 0x000a
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/bin
  (default) = `C:\cygwin/bin'
  flags = 0x000a
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/lib
  (default) = `C:\cygwin/lib'
  flags = 0x000a

Re: Making the command console stay on top

2005-11-15 Thread Alan Dobkin
There are probably better, or more Cygwin-specific ways to do this, but
these (and many others) came up in a quick Google search:






On 11/15/2005 5:03 PM, Terry Dabbs wrote:
> I have an application written and compiled using gcc and ncurses (for
> the colors), in the cygwin environment. This application gets
> information from a database, and displays it to an operator running a
> machine telling them what program to input (among other things).
> The problem is that when they go to enter the program name, the console
> window immediately falls behind that of the application they are
> entering the data into, and they can't read it.
> I'm using a shortcut to start this, and the level of display of the
> window is not one of the options. Does anyone (that will answer) know a
> way to start this window with the attributes needed so it will not be
> covered when another application is touched by the mouse?
> Thanks,
> Terry Dabbs

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Re: 1.5.18-1 gcc path weirdness

2005-12-06 Thread Alan Miles


Sorry this isn't from my regular mailer ...

- Message from x on Mon, 5 Dec 2005 17:33:22 -0600 -
Subject:Re: 1.5.18-1 gcc path weirdness

What does ls -l /usr/bin/*gcc* show you?

From bash, it looks like:

$ ls -l /usr/bin/*gcc*
-rwxrwxrwx  1 swootton Users 93717 Jun  7 17:02 /usr/bin/gcc.exe
-rwxrwxrwx  1 swootton Users 16183 Jun  7 16:13 /usr/bin/gccbug
-rwxrwxrwx  1 swootton Users 93717 Dec  5 16:25 
lrwxrwxrwx  1 swootton Users 7 Dec  5 16:25 
/usr/bin/i686-pc-cygwin-gcc.exe -> gcc.exe

All I don't know if anyone noticed the

-rwxrwxrwx  1 swootton Users 93717 Jun  7 17:02 /usr/bin/gcc.exe


-rwxrwxrwx  1 swootton Users 93717 Dec  5 16:25 
lrwxrwxrwx  1 swootton Users 7 Dec  5 16:25 
/usr/bin/i686-pc-cygwin-gcc.exe -> gcc.exe


Could it be possible that you are running the Jun 7 version of gcc.exe when 
you are thinking that you are running the gcc pointed to by the symlink? As 
a WAG I think you might be and bash/cygwin is trying to figure out which 
command to ** actually ** use.


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Install puts bin/ and terminfo/ directories in wrong directory.

2006-01-20 Thread Alan Ramsey
I installed cygwin using the defaults.  By that I mean
I accepted the directory of C:\Cygwin, the default
download directory, and selected no additional

The installation program seemed to complete with no
exceptions.  However when I went to run the program it
said it couldn't find the Bash program.  I looked at
the Cygwin.bat file and determined that there was no
C:\Cygwin\bin\ directory.  

After some investigation, I found the bin\ and
terminfo\ directories under C:\download\PDFMerge\. 
PDFMerge is a program that, as far as I know, has no
relationship to Cygwin.  

I move the bin\ and terminfo\ directories under
C:\Cygwin\ and then the bash shell will start, but it
could find any programs - not even 'ls'.

I copied the directory back under the PDFMerge folder
and everything started working finally.

Reinstalling Cygwin produces the same result.

I added some packaged (i.e. the X Windows stuff) and
it placed them in the bin\ directory which is under
the PDFMerge tree.

1) Where did the installation program get the PDFMerge
directory path in the first place?  I have looked in
the registry, grep'ed through all the files on the
hard drive, and look at the user's environment
variables and I haven't discovered where it came from.

2) Where is the Cygwin bash program getting the bin
directory information and how can I change it to come
to use the C:\Cygwin\bin\ and terminfo\ directories?

Thanks for your help.
-Alan Ramsey


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Re: Install puts bin/ and terminfo/ directories in wrong directory.

2006-01-20 Thread Alan Ramsey

> Apparently, the PDFMerge program uses its own
> min-cygwin distribution.

I don't know if that is the case or not.  PDFMerge is
no longer installed on that machine.  I searched for
the Cygwin1.dll on the entire machine and am only
finding the ones that I installed, so I don't think
this is the problem.

> .. other than to advise that you redo your
> and use c:\cygwin as the root rather than letting
> setup.exe use the existing root set up by PDFMerge.

How do I do that?  I have tried reinstalling several
time, including deleting all the cygwin directories
that I know of and entering c:\cygwin into the
installation program.  It still wants to go to the
PDFMerge directory.  Where does the installation
program get the root directory from?

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Re: Install puts bin/ and terminfo/ directories in wrong directory.

2006-01-20 Thread Alan Ramsey
I believe I have I found the problem, although I also
believe it is indicative of a bug in the installation

The output from the cygcheck program (see below) shows
me the entries in the registry point to the PDFMerge

Evidently this is what sets the location of the bin\
and terminfo\ directories - which was the question I
asked in the original email.  

My guess is the user of the machine I was installing
on mistakenly  tried to install here in the first
place.  However, evidently the installation program,
probably due to a bug, doesn't properly reset these
values once they are set, regardless of what is
entered during subsequent re-installs, unless one
wipes the registry manually.

I am going to drop the entire
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\ tree,
delete the c:\cygwin directory and reinstall from 
scratch.  I think this will fix everything.  (I know I
could probably just change the registry entries, but I
don't trust that something somewhere else is already
screwed up because of this, so 
I would rather have a vanilla install).

Thanks to Christopher Faylor for your kind assistance.
 I appreciate people who really try to help.  


Below is the output from cygcheck.

Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Fri Jan 20 13:13:18 2006

Windows XP Professional Ver 5.1 Build 2600 Service
Pack 2

Path:   C:\Oracle\product\10.1.0\bin

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adaptec Shared\System
C:\Program Files\Symantec\pcAnywhere\
C:\Program Files\ZipGenius 6\
C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\

Output from c:\downloads\PDFMerge\bin\id.exe (nontsec)
UID: 11663(svallabhaneni) GID: 10545(mkgroup-l-d)
0(root)   544(Administrators)  

Output from c:\downloads\PDFMerge\bin\id.exe (ntsec)
UID: 11663(svallabhaneni) GID: 10545(mkgroup-l-d)
0(root)   544(Administrators)  

SysDir: C:\WINDOWS\system32

Path =
Files\Common Files\Adaptec
Files\Symantec\pcAnywhere\;C:\Program Files\ZipGenius
6\;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\'

ALLUSERSPROFILE = 'C:\Documents and Settings\All
APPDATA = 'C:\Documents and
Settings\svallabhaneni\Application Data'
CLASSPATH = 'C:\Program
CLIENTNAME = 'Console'
CommonProgramFiles = 'C:\Program Files\Common Files'
ComSpec = 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe'
HOMEPATH = '\Documents and Settings\svallabhaneni'
OS = 'Windows_NT'
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = 'x86 Family 15 Model 3 Stepping
4, GenuineIntel'
ProgramFiles = 'C:\Program Files'
QTJAVA = 'C:\Program
SystemDrive = 'C:'
SystemRoot = 'C:\WINDOWS'
USERNAME = 'svallabhaneni'
USERPROFILE = 'C:\Documents and
windir = 'C:\WINDOWS'

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin
Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2
Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options

Re: Install puts bin/ and terminfo/ directories in wrong directory.

2006-01-20 Thread Alan Ramsey

> Right, as I suspected, you had stale mount table
> entries.  

I suspected that as well, which is why I asked in the
original post for where Cygwin gets these directory
entries.  The registry is quite large, and it is not

> > although I also believe it is indicative of a bug
> in the installation
> > program.
> I don't think so.  The installer intentionally does
> not change the existing mounts, so as to not
> the settings of users who choose to customize their 
> on-disk layout.  

That's a very good point, however with no un-install
program (unless there is one I am not aware of) there
isn't a good way for someone to know where these
settings are to be change.  

I would suggest a mechanism in the installation that,
if the settings are detected to exist already, allows
the user to optionally change/override them.

There should always be a well documented way to get
back to a clean vanilla installation, and manually
finding and editing the registry is not a good way to
do so.  I still consider this a bug even if it is

> It's very rare that a
> application like PDFMerge leaves its own stale
mounts behind.

Actually, talking with the user of the machine, I
found out she had tried (and failed) to install Cygwin
on the machine before she came to me.  I don't know
why she entered this directory.

> You don't need to wipe the registry -- there are
> other tools for manipulating the mount table (i.e.,
> The installation program does not touch the mounts
by design.
> > I am going to drop the entire
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus
> > Solutions\ tree, delete the c:\cygwin directory
> and reinstall from
> > scratch.  I think this will fix everything.  (I
> know I could probably
> > just change the registry entries, but I don't
> trust that something
> > somewhere else is already screwed up because of
> this, so I would rather
> > have a vanilla install).
> That's pretty drastic.
> I suggest you use the "mount" and "umount" commands
> to reset the entries.
> You want to "umount /bin /usr/bin
> /usr/share/terminfo" and then "mount -f
> c:/cygwin/bin /usr/bin" (you may need to specify the
> full path to "mount"
> and "umount").  Since you already moved
> c:\downloads\PDFMerge\bin to
> c:\cygwin\bin, and c:\downloads\PDFMerge\terminfo to
> c:\cygwin\usr\share\terminfo, you should just remove
> those directories

Thanks, I'll try that.

> Note that if we didn't ask for the output of
cygcheck, we 
> would have had to have a long back-and-forth
exchange before
> getting to this point...

Had I known of it existance in the first place I would

Due to the fact that it did finally lead me to a
solution, I will forgive your RTFM message, and the
fact that you didn't answer my questions at the end of
my first post - which you didn't need the output of
the cygcheck program to do - if you will forgive not
finding the cygcheck program.

However the existance of cygcheck is only mentioned in
three sentences buried in the middle of a long
"Reporting Guidelines" diatribe made up of banel
sections like: "Use good subject lines", "Keep it
simple", Don't say this, and Don't say that... etc... 
 Its not even the first item in the Reporting
Guidelines list!

After digging through your web site, surfing for the
answers in  to dozens of usenet posts, etc.. 
Searching in the registry (which I still don't know
why that search didn't work), configuration files, and
environment variables, I missed that paragraph.  

> I'm glad you also found this out yourself.
Once I knew where to look, yes I found it.  I did ask
the correct question (i.e. where does Cygwin get these
settings) it just took a while to get around to the
right answer.

I really do appreciate your help.  

-alan ramsey

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Commands just hang

2006-02-03 Thread Alan Bowler

I've got a weird problem.

We have a private version of C-Kermit that has some changes
so that it gives me readline command recall.  Recently
it has started giving me strange behaviour.

If I am in kermit and at the command prompt and I try
to run some regular Cygwin command with an "!" like
"date", all works fine.  However, if I then telnet to
a remote system, escape back to Kermit's command mode
and type "!date" it just hangs.  This used to work.

From another window, "ps" shows the date command, but the
kill command says
   kill: 1020: Resource temporarily unavailable

Where 1020 was the process of the date command.

I can kill it with taskmanager, and if I then close the
telnet session I can do "!date" to my heart's content,

When the telnet session is there kermit will let me do
"!bash", and bash will respond.  However, if I type "date"
to bash, it will hang in the same manner?

This used to work.  It works on another cygwin system in the
office, so it is something that I've inadvertently done
to this system.  I installed the latest Cygwin today,
but that made no difference.
Any ideas where I should look?

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Re: Commands just hang

2006-02-03 Thread Alan Bowler

Alan Bowler wrote:

If I am in kermit and at the command prompt and I try
to run some regular Cygwin command with an "!" like
"date", all works fine.  However, if I then telnet to
a remote system, escape back to Kermit's command mode
and type "!date" it just hangs.  This used to work.

Well I did some more testing, and our private version of
kermit has nothing to do with the problem.  The same thing
occurs with telnet and echo

-Bash Window 2 ---
oliver[500]$ telnet
+ telnet
telnet> !/bin/echo this will work fine
this will work fine
telnet> open mailhost.thinkage.ca
Connected to mailhost.thinkage.ca.
Escape character is '^]'.

Red Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla)
Kernel 2.4.18-5-2003-05-15 on an i686
login: atbowler
Last login: Fri Feb  3 13:22:20 from oliver.thoughts.thinkage.ca
You have mail.
(wd:  /u/atbowler)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] echo about to ^] to telnet command level
about to ^] to telnet command level
(wd:  /u/atbowler)
telnet> !/bin/echo this will hang

(wd:  /u/atbowler)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] echo after kill from other window
after kill from other window
(wd:  /u/atbowler)
Connection closed by foreign host.

-Bash  Window 2 -
oliver[503]$ ps
+ ps
  996   1 996996  con 11012 12:33:12 /bin/bash
I2104 9962104   3584  con 11012 12:49:00 /bin-oliver/rkermit
I176021042104   1760  con 11012 12:49:03 /bin-oliver/rkermit
 3936   13936   3936  con 11012 13:16:27 /bin/bash
 1856   11856   1856  con 11012 13:18:58 /bin/bash
 256439362564712  con 11012 13:23:34 /bin/telnet
  72825642564   4084  con 11012 13:25:11 /bin/echo
 328418563284396  con 11012 13:25:18 /bin/ps
oliver[504]$ /bin/kill 728
+ /bin/kill 728
kill: 728: Resource temporarily unavailable
oliver[505]$ /bin/kill --force 728
+ /bin/kill --force 728

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Re: Commands just hang

2006-02-03 Thread Alan Bowler

Dave Korn wrote:

On 02 February 2006 21:11, Alan Bowler wrote:

I've got a weird problem.

We have a private version of C-Kermit that has some changes so that it
gives me readline command recall.  Recently it has started giving me
strange behaviour.  


Any ideas where I should look?

  At your code?

I did think of that.  However, nothing had changed in our code,
and as I said it works on other machines.

Anyway, since I can now reproduce it with the latest as distributed
cgywin + telnet + echo  (See other message), our code is clearly
just the victim, not the problem.

I did have the suspicion that I had accidently mangled something in
the registry in recovering from a failed install of commercial product.
However, further reading gives me the impression that the only thing
Cygwin stores in the registry is mount data, and those would be

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Re: Commands just hang, ZoneAlarm

2006-02-03 Thread Alan Bowler

Corinna Vinschen wrote:

On Feb  3 13:30, Alan Bowler wrote:>>


No hang here.

I'm not very good at digging through archives,
but I did eventually find
which discusses a hang, (but no fix)
when ZoneAlarm Suite is installed.  I realized that
one thing that had changed on my system between when
my kermit stuff had previously run and when it failed
was that I had "upgraded" from ZoneAlarm Pro to
ZoneAlarm Suite.  I tried uninstalling ZoneAlarm
and the hang went away.
   This is all very frustrating since I need both
ZoneAlarm and Cygwin.

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Re: 0x6756a0 win32 error renders cygwin almost useless

2005-07-24 Thread Alan Wehmann
Ramón Fallon  usofm.com> writes:

. . .
> However on the installation the second time around I start getting this
> error:
> bash-3.00 # ls
> 17797832 [main] bash 3468 fork_copy: linked dll/bss pass 0 failed,
> 0x675000..0x6756A0, done 0, windows pid 2708, Win 32 error 487
> bash: fork: resource temporarily unavailable
. . .
> Now I said almost everything gives an error rending cygwin useless but
> one or two things *do* work:
> - echo works, and will pipe to a file, but using cat then does not work
> - pwd works flawlessly (coo!)
> - cd works
> Can anybody diagnose this problem? Thanks in advance /r?
I see virtually the same problem, but from within the shell buffer using 
XEmacs.  I don't see it with the Cygwin console window (started from the Cygwin 
icon on my desktop).

The commands that are listed as working by Ramon(echo, pwd, cd) are "shell 
builtin commands".

The problem started yesterday, after I used the Cygwin setup executable on my 
Windows XP Home laptop to update Cygwin.  Prior to that I didn't have this 

The version of XEmacs is 

XEmacs 21.4 (patch 8) "Honest Recruiter (Windows [3])" [Lucid] (i586-pc-win32) 
of Sun Jun 16 2002 on TSUNAMI

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Re: 0x6756a0 win32 error renders cygwin almost useless

2005-07-25 Thread Alan Wehmann
After further investigation I realized that I should try "rebaseall" to fix 
this problem.  That did fix it.  A good reference was the latest announcement 
of the "rebaseall" package.

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Re: Is window manipulation available in perl?

2005-08-02 Thread alan napier
If you want to use the cygwin perl you will have to download then 
extract each component of the cpan library modules to their respective 
directories: \doc \lib ect.

Much easier use the active perl which does all that for you. Just make 
sure the active perl comes before the cygwin perl in the windows path.

Robert Mecklenburg wrote:

First, please excuse the newbie question.  I don't think this is
off-topic, but my judgement isn't the one that counts. ;-) I've done a
good bit of searching with google, faqs, and posting to
comp.lang.perl.misc, but can't figure this out...

I'm using the most recent cygwin port of perl (revision 5.0 version 6
subversion 1) on windows 2000.  I want to send "alt+f x" to an Outlook
Express window from a perl script.  It seems that ActiveState Perl can
do this with the Win32::Setupsup package, but that the vanilla perl
(or cygwin's perl) cannot do this?

I tried to install the Win32-CtrlGUI-0.22 package from cpan.org but it
requires Win32::Setupsup which is not on cpan.org.  I found this
package on perlring.org but it seems to require ppm.  I found
references to ppm at activestate.com but it appears to be a feature of
ActivePerl rather than of "just perl".

So the question is: "how to I send keystrokes to a Windows window with
cygwin Perl"?

I'm using cygwin tools heavily in this perl script and I'd hate to
have to use ActiveState perl.  Partly because I love cygwin and partly
because the path translation between a non-cygwin perl and cygwin
tools would introduce messiness I'd like to avoid.

Suggestions welcome. 

Robert Mecklenburg

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visibility attribute not supported in this configuration

2005-08-23 Thread Alan Hourihane
Why is gcc 3.4.4 in cygwin not making this available ?


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Cygwin Manpage problem

2005-03-21 Thread Alan Ning
Hi all

I've been having problem with Cygwin's manpages. I can't seem to find
anything in there.

For example, if I typed "man printf", it will give me a blank page.
If I typed "man pthread_create", I would get the no entry error.

How does cygwin's manpage work? Is something broken with my manpage?
If so, what packages should I reinstall?


.. Alan

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Re: cygwin X on XP

2005-04-13 Thread Alan Ning
beau wrote:
Hi all,
Do folks really fire up, say, windows XP, then fire up cygwin, then
run linux-ish X apps from cygwin?  Is it much harder than anything
else I've done?  What I'd be most interested in is integration of
browser-webmail-gpg that I had with my old setup.  Is that a fairly
straightforward task?
Thanks, all, btw, for giving me somthing tasty for my sigline; I'm
actually in a law program, so it's quite topical, and funny (well, at
least to me)

This is a college student's perspective.
I use Cygwin X when I use WinXP and need to ssh in some unix machine. I 
need X server to display Emacs, and a nice Xterm. From time to time, I 
also run Wmaker with Cygwin X, it gives a unix friendliness to coder and 
entertainment power of windows at the same time.

Of course, I will never run Firefox under Cygwin X when I already have 
it installed in Windows.

... Alan
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Re: setup.exe keeps hanging

2005-04-19 Thread Alan Ning
I just tried it now, and I have the same problem.
My CPU usage was at 100%, and it was running multiple instance of sh.exe.
I ran setup.exe again, same thing happened.
... Alan
Reid Thompson wrote:
Dave Korn wrote:

Original Message

From: Jurgen Defurne
Sent: 14 April 2005 13:38

I still have the following problems :
- The installation of cygwin1.dll keeps hanging at 78 %
-- Probably because the installation is not complete,
i cannot get access to my D: drive (which is just a second drive),
but I can get access to my C: drive and to my network drives.
ANy hints ?

 Just one possibility.  It might be the same problem, or it might

 Start a bash shell.  Unless your install is really badly
damaged, this should still work.
 cd into /etc/postinstall.
 Is there a file there called "d.sh"?  If so, that's going
to have been causing setup to crash when it tries to handle
it.  Execute it directly (enter "./d.sh"), then rename it with "mv
d.sh d.sh.done". 

 After that setup should be able to complete.
 In fact, if even your bash shell won't work, use a dos
prompt to rename it, then you can run it manually after your
setup has completed by using ". /etc/postinstall/d.sh.done"

Can't think of a witty .sigline today

(This may or may not be related to your issue...) I also noticed on the
last update I did that some/all of the packages for ?LaTex? were
updated -- and that the post-install script (post-texmf.sh) took a VERY
long time to complete --- i.e. system looked like it was hung, but was
actually ?building? a lot of postinstall stuff.  This was on a slower
processor machine ~400mhz -- WAG is it took about 8-10 minutes.  I kept
thinking setup was hung -- ended up cancelling it and running
post-texmf.sh by hand ( I also had to comment out line 11, kept getting
permission denied on removing ~/web2c/*.*fmt).  

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Re: Trouble starting 'wmaker' on fresh 'cygwin' installation

2005-04-25 Thread Alan Ning
I usually use the command "startx" or "startx.sh" to start wmaker.
I have your problem when I update cygwin and the overwrite my startx file.
For the XWin line in the startx file, I need to take out the 
-multiwindow arg.
#XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -silent-dup-error &
XWin -nodecoration -clipboard -silent-dup-error&  <- I use this

Hope this helps.
... Alan
Mills, John M. wrote:
All -
I just (Friday-20050423) downloaded and installed a set of Cygwin files into
a freshly laundered Win2k PC. Installation went fine, but when I use 'xinit'
to start 'wmaker' from my '.xinitrc' I see:
1) normal-looking startup of X11, except for some missing fonts,
2) normal-looking screen with Xterm awaiting window manager to start, then
3) log reports detection of a second window manager running and the session
is closed.
If my '.xinitrc' instead starts 'mwm' or 'fvwm2', there is no such problem.
Before calling 'xinit', neither 'ps -a' nor the Win2k task manager show any
X-related task running. Starting an X11 app from the Win2k start panel fails
due to absent server (as I would expect). If I start 'wmaker' from the
cygwin shell, it fails on a missing display (as I would expect).
Earlier that week I installed a cygwin fileset that did not show this
Any diagnoses?
- John Mills
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RE: Where can I find old Cygwin repositories?

2006-08-11 Thread CARTER Alan

Worked for me. I needed a 2004 vintage to avoid regression testing a big app, 
so Mr. Castro's Time Machine was really helpful.

Cygwin is brittle. This is nothing to whine about, because it is caused by 
fundamental low level incompatibilities between Windows and POSIX. The 
maintainers keep shifting position slightly to accommodate the needs of the 
maximum number of users. But often when they improve something, they disimprove 
something else, and there is a report and discussion on this list. Over time, 
Cygwin approximates ever more closely to a sane POSIX environment.

Demon UNIX gurus who use Cygwin command lines can quickly spot a problem with a 
new release and choose to work around it or revert to an older version. But 
anyone who calls out to Cygwin from an app, or uses Cygwin scripts on their 
servers, should be very careful about upgrading, or be exposed to sudden 
unexpected failures. In such a situation, a Cygwin upgrade should entail 
exhaustive regression testing, which is a chore, especially if the app has a 
GUI frontend which makes automation difficult.

The answer is, if you're going to use Cygwin in call out or server mode, 
download *everything*, including source, and save it on a DVD. Then later 
you'll be able to add bits you didn't know you needed when you did the 
download, such as calling out to another utility, modifying something, or 
releasing your app (then you'll need the source to comply with the GPL).

I think this regression testing issue is the number one legitimate reason for 
*not* upgrading, and so needing historical versions, and it wasn't mentioned in 
the recent discussion on this list.


Alan Carter

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Øyvind Harboe
Sent: 11 August 2006 13:09
To: cygwin@cygwin.com
Subject: Where can I find old Cygwin repositories?

I need to compile a nios2 GCC toolchain which is compatible with the Cygwin 
that Altera included in the Nios 5.0/6.0 product.

Does anyone know where I can find a coherent snapshot of a Cygwin repository as 
far back as  2003('ish)?

My problem is that the __getreent() entry does not exist in that old Cygwin 
installation that Altera in their wisdom included in Nios 5.0/6.0. I don't know 
if this is the *only* problem or whether other incompatibilities where 
introduced at the same time.

The Cygwin that comes with Nios 5.0/6.0 is not complete enough to build a GCC 

Some more details on what I'm working on:


The real solution to this problem involves twisting the arm of Altera not to 
include a version of Cygwin, IMHO.

Øyvind Harboe

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RE: Problem when using variable assignment, backticks in shell script

2006-08-31 Thread CARTER Alan
> In any case, it's pretty weird that bash randomly fails to spawn child
processes!  It wreaks havoc on a number of my scripts.

Thought: Silent failure to spawn used to happen on some UNIX boxen when
the process table was full (or one slot remained and user != root).
Might something like this be causing your problem?

(I'm not going to stress my work Windows box this way to attempt to
reproduce, it's too unstable already.)


Alan Carter

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Nothing in this e-mail message amounts to a contractual or legal commitment on 
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RE: Re: Problem when using variable assignment, backticks in shell script

2006-08-31 Thread CARTER Alan

> Hmm... 9 lines of content, 10 of disclaimer... *sip!*
> Eew, and the disclaimer isn't even line-wrapped...

> (How come PCYMTNILOAUD is not on the OLOCA yet? ;-))

Ah. You think I typed that, myself? I didn't. It was automatically
appended by the local email system. Many corporate email systems do this
kind of thing, because (IMHO) the people that run them are more
concerned with posturing within their own value system (which does not
map to reality) than they are with doing anything useful.

Another example of this is the existence of the idiot virus checker
industry. The virus checkers are useless (I have to run SpyBot at least
once a week), and impact performance to a chronic level. If I run Cygwin
setup.exe to install from a directory on the same computer, parsing the
ini file takes over an hour, because of the %$$#$^ virus checker. And I
can't do anything else during that time, because it single threads this
2.8 GHz 1GB box to approx. 1990 vintage. The same virus checker, by the
way, is buggy and actually breaks when trying to download Cygwin - as
this mailing list archive confirms.

If I could influence the people that installed it at all, getting rid of
the damn virus checker, which costs me more time each week than viruses
have cost me in a 25 year career, would be my first choice.

The culture is sick. See
http://www.craigmurray.co.uk/archives/2006/08/murder_in_samar_7.html for
a canonical example. But don't forbid idiot disclaimers that posters
have no control over unless you want to forbid posting from people on
corporate sites.

Thank you ;-)

Alan Carter  

This message and any files transmitted with it are legally privileged and 
intended for the sole use of the individual(s) or entity to whom they are 
addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender by 
reply and delete the message and any attachments from your system. Any 
unauthorised use or disclosure of the content of this message is strictly 
prohibited and may be unlawful.

Nothing in this e-mail message amounts to a contractual or legal commitment on 
the part of EUROCONTROL, unless it is confirmed by appropriately signed hard 

Any views expressed in this message are those of the sender.

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FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/

RE: Re: Problem when using variable assignment, backticks in shell script

2006-09-01 Thread CARTER Alan
> Whether you typed it yourself or not, those type of disclaimers are
actually not allowed in mail to mailing lists at this site:

> http://sourceware.org/lists.html

OK. I can't post. My mistake was attempting to make a suggestion to a
person asking for help - which is more than you did. What a waste of

> Please find some other way of sending email which does not try to
enforce some kind of faux-legal obligations on the reader.

Can't. And why bother. And do you really feel that I "try to enforce
some kind of faux-legal obligations" on you? You must be very afraid.
Unsubscribing. Moron.

Alan Carter

This message and any files transmitted with it are legally privileged and 
intended for the sole use of the individual(s) or entity to whom they are 
addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender by 
reply and delete the message and any attachments from your system. Any 
unauthorised use or disclosure of the content of this message is strictly 
prohibited and may be unlawful.

Nothing in this e-mail message amounts to a contractual or legal commitment on 
the part of EUROCONTROL, unless it is confirmed by appropriately signed hard 

Any views expressed in this message are those of the sender.

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FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/

Re: setup.exe 2.573.2.2 is crashing in Windows XP

2008-01-16 Thread Alan Humphrey
I'm having the same problem, only on Vista.

Visual Studio Debugger reports:

Unhandled exception at 0x004ac7e3 in setup.exe: 0xC005: Access violation
reading location 0x01a1ff3c.

Event Viewer says:

Faulting application setup.exe_unknown, version, time stamp
0x46821e21, faulting module setup.exe, version, time stamp
0x46821e21, exception code 0xc005, fault offset 0x000ac7e3, process id
0x12a8, application start time 0x01c858701d7a3b44.

Note: setup.exe reports its version as 2.573.2.2

I installed an older version of setup (2.510.2.2) from another box and it
worked just fine.

- Alan

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Old Cygwin Versions -or- Elusive Compatability Problem

2004-06-24 Thread Alan Larkin
I posted on this subject quite some time ago, but the problem has reared its
ugly head once again.

I have a C/C++ project which I compile using the Autotools via Cygwin. The
project is a Java profiler built upon the Java Virtual Machine Profiling
Interface (JVMPI). The problem is that although the build passes off okay,
any attempt to run the program (which is plugged into the JVM using
the -Xrun flag) causes a completely silent crash ... not a hint of an error
message or error log.

Before, I (*eventually*) discovered that the problem was caused by the
Cygwin dll. I was then probably using version 1.5.9-1. I rolled this back to
1.5.5-1, which necessitated the rolling back of ash to version 20031007-1.
This did the trick and everything worked as it should.

I have not updated my Cygwin since, for fear it would cause the crash again.
However another member of our group is now attempting to use my software. He
downloaded the latest Cygwin files and sure enough there was the silent
crash. He attempted to roll back from Cygwin 1.5.10-3 to 1.5.9ish (Im not
sure exactly which version it was but it was the oldest one available) but
still no joy.

So the question is either what could be causing this problem, OR how do we
get older versions of the Cygwin dll? I can send a tar.gz of the project to
anyone who really wants to try investigate this problem, although it does
involve some configury. Preferably, if there is any information that could
help to diagnose it, ask and ye shall receive.

Many thanks,


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Re: Old Cygwin Versions -or- Elusive Compatability Problem

2004-06-24 Thread Alan Larkin
> FWIW, I didn't find a -Xrun flag in the Sun JDK.  I did find a -Xrunhprof
> flag, which doesn't seem to allow running an external program...  You
> should let the list know if you're using another JDK.  BTW, from your
> description above, it's unclear whether you actually run an executable, or
> dynamically load a DLL.  If the latter, you should know that the Cygwin
> DLL is not amenable to dynamic loading, and there are no plans to fix it
> ATM.

I never noticed that its not in the help before, but I assure you that Sun
JVMs support it (-Xrunhprof is a particular instance that loads hprof.dll, a
profiler built in exactly the same manner as mine). Its a DLL. If I invoke

java -Xruncygforrest-0: HelloWorld

(or more simply

java -Xruncygforrest-0:help

to print out my profilers help message)

the JVM looks for a hook in forrest.dll which sets things in motion. I have
seen all sorts of crashes and error messages whilst developing this, but its
just so queer to see nothing!

The Cygwin DLL must be dynamically loading ...

$ nm ./cygforrest-0.dll | grep -C 2 cygwin
10047d40 B __bss_end__
10043000 B __bss_start__
10040184 D __data_end__
1004 D __data_start__
10018600 T __fopen64
10018610 T __fstat64
10049000 I __head_cygwin1_dll
10049014 I __head_libkernel32_a
1000 A __image_base__
100491dc I __imp__calloc
100491e0 I __imp__closedir
100491e4 I __imp__cygwin_detach_dll
100491e8 I __imp__cygwin_internal
100491ec I __imp__dlclose
100491f0 I __imp__dlerror
10008cb0 t _canonicalize_path
10018210 T _closedir
10049890 I _cygwin1_dll_iname
100185c0 T _cygwin_attach_dll
100185b0 T _cygwin_detach_dll
10018830 T _cygwin_internal
10018820 T _cygwin_premain0
10018810 T _cygwin_premain1
10018800 T _cygwin_premain2
100187f0 T _cygwin_premain3
10043150 b _default_preloaded_symbols
10018330 T _dlclose

Maybe this was possible up to but not after version 1.5.5? Might that be the

I appreciate your help,


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Re: Old Cygwin Versions -or- Elusive Compatability Problem

2004-06-25 Thread Alan Larkin

- Original Message - 
From: "Igor Pechtchanski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Alan Larkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: Old Cygwin Versions -or- Elusive Compatability Problem

> On Thu, 24 Jun 2004, Alan Larkin wrote:
> > > FWIW, I didn't find a -Xrun flag in the Sun JDK.  I did find
a -Xrunhprof
> > > flag, which doesn't seem to allow running an external program...  You
> > > should let the list know if you're using another JDK.  BTW, from your
> > > description above, it's unclear whether you actually run an
executable, or
> > > dynamically load a DLL.  If the latter, you should know that the
> > > DLL is not amenable to dynamic loading, and there are no plans to fix
> > > ATM.
> >
> > I never noticed that its not in the help before, but I assure you that
> > JVMs support it (-Xrunhprof is a particular instance that loads
hprof.dll, a
> > profiler built in exactly the same manner as mine). Its a DLL. If I
> >
> > java -Xruncygforrest-0: HelloWorld
> >
> > (or more simply
> >
> > java -Xruncygforrest-0:help
> >
> > to print out my profilers help message)
> >
> > the JVM looks for a hook in forrest.dll which sets things in motion. I
> > seen all sorts of crashes and error messages whilst developing this, but
> > just so queer to see nothing!
> >
> > The Cygwin DLL must be dynamically loading ...
> >
> > $ nm ./cygforrest-0.dll | grep -C 2 cygwin
> > 10047d40 B __bss_end__
> > 10043000 B __bss_start__
> > 10018630 T [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 10018030 T [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 10018100 T [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > [snip]
> > 100185c0 T _cygwin_attach_dll
> > 100185b0 T _cygwin_detach_dll
> > [snip]
> > 10018330 T _dlclose
> >
> > Maybe this was possible up to but not after version 1.5.5? Might that be
> > cause?
> >
> > I appreciate your help,
> > Alan.
> Alan,
> Ok, I see now.  Well, the Cygwin DLL does pay lip service to dynamic
> loading (i.e., defines all the necessary methods and entry points), but
> it's never reliably loaded dynamically (i.e., via LoadLibrary or dlopen),
> since it doesn't perform the necessary initialization in that case.  This
> is a known problem, and, as I said above, nobody is working on resolving
> it, due to lack of interest.  Maybe you were just lucky that it worked
> with 1.5.5, e.g., the parts that weren't initialized properly weren't
> touched in what you used in your program, as they are now?  If you expect
> this to get fixed, you'll probably have to be the one to fix it[*].
> Sorry.
> FWIW, you could still try strace on the whole java process (it will, of
> course, only trace the Cygwin parts, but it might give you some clues).
> Igor
> [*] See <http://cygwin.com/contrib.html> for instructions on how to build
> Cygwin and submit patches.
> -- 
> http://cs.nyu.edu/~pechtcha/
>   |\  _,,,---,,_ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-' Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
> '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!
> "I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
> to the bathroom is a major career booster."  -- Patrick Naughton

So, given that I dont know enough about the topic to be fixing this bug, the
only reliable solution is/might be to build without Cygwin (that
whole -mno-cygwin fiasco)?

Adding strace to the command causes errors...

$ strace java -Xruncygforrest-0:help
Registry key 'Software\JavaSoft\Java Runetime Environment\CurrentVersion'
has value '1.4', but '1.5' is required.
Error: could not find java.dll
Error: could not find Java 2 Runtime Environment.


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FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/

Re: Old cygwin Versions -or- Elusive Compatability Problem

2004-06-25 Thread Alan Larkin
> >Adding strace to the command causes errors...
> >
> >$ strace java -Xruncygforrest-0:help
> >Registry key 'Software\JavaSoft\Java Runetime Environment\CurrentVersion'
> >has value '1.4', but '1.5' is required.
> >Error: could not find java.dll
> >Error: could not find Java 2 Runtime Environment.
> java isn't a cygwin program is it?  strace is for *cygwin* programs.

Ah ...

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FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/

/usr/lib and /lib mount question

2004-07-09 Thread Alan Jaynes
hi all-
after installing gcc with the latest setup.exe i receive this error 
message when running gcc:

$ gcc
gcc: /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.1/specs: No such file or directory
as such, make becomes completely unusable as do most configure scripts.
i discovered /lib is mounted on /usr/lib from the faq.  ls can see the 
file but gcc cannot.  i attempted uninstalling and reinstalling without 
success.  http://sources.redhat.com/ml/cygwin/2004-05/msg00963.html 
seemed in the same vein, but i don't believe this is a missing install 


Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Fri Jul 09 10:04:28 2004

Windows XP Professional Ver 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Path:   C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adaptec Shared\System

Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (nontsec)
UID: 1009(ajaynes) GID: 513(None)

Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (ntsec)
UID: 1009(ajaynes) GID: 513(None)
0(root)  513(None)
544(Administrators)  545(Users)

SysDir: C:\WINDOWS\System32

HOME = `C:\cygwin\home\ajaynes'
MAKE_MODE = `unix'
PWD = `/home/ajaynes'
USER = `ajaynes'

ALLUSERSPROFILE = `C:\Documents and Settings\All Users'
ANT_HOME = `c:\apache-ant-1.5.4'
APPDATA = `C:\Documents and Settings\ajaynes\Application Data'
CLIENTNAME = `Console'
COMMONPROGRAMFILES = `C:\Program Files\Common Files'
COMSPEC = `C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe'
CVS_RSH = `/bin/ssh'
HOMEPATH = `\Documents and Settings\ajaynes'
HOSTNAME = `jtep04'
JAVA_HOME = `C:\j2sdk1.4.1_03'
MANPATH = `/usr/local/man:/usr/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/autotool/devel/man:'
OAA_HOME = `C:\rgiuli\dev\oaa\oaa2.3.0'
OLDPWD = `/etc/skel'
OS = `Windows_NT'
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = `x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel'
PROGRAMFILES = `C:\Program Files'
PS1 = `\[\033]0;\w\007
[EMAIL PROTECTED] \[\033[33m\w\033[0m\]
$ '
SHLVL = `1'
TEMP = `C:\DOCUME~1\ajaynes\LOCALS~1\Temp'
TERM = `cygwin'
TMP = `C:\DOCUME~1\ajaynes\LOCALS~1\Temp'
USERNAME = `ajaynes'
USERPROFILE = `C:\Documents and Settings\ajaynes'
_ = `/usr/bin/cygcheck'

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2
  (default) = `/cygdrive'
  cygdrive flags = 0x0022
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/
  (default) = `C:\cygwin\'
  flags = 0x000a
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/bin
  (default) = `C:\cygwin\/bin'
  flags = 0x000a
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/lib
  (default) = `C:\cygwin\/lib'
  flags = 0x000a
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options

a:  fd   N/AN/A
c:  hd  FAT32  28562Mb  69% CPUN   
d:  cd   N/AN/A

C:\cygwin\  /  system  binmode
C:\cygwin\/bin  /usr/bin   system  binmode
C:\cygwin\/lib  /usr/lib   system  binmode
.   /cygdrive  system  binmode,cygdrive

Found: C:\cygwin\\bin\awk.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\awk.exe
Warning: C:\cygwin\\bin\awk.exe hides C:\cygwin\bin\awk.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\\bin\bash.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe
Warning: C:\cygwin\\bin\bash.exe hides C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\\bin\cat.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cat.exe
Warning: C:\cygwin\\bin\cat.exe hides C:\cygwin\bin\cat.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\\bin\cp.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cp.exe
Warning: C:\cygwin\\bin\cp.exe hides C:\cygwin\bin\cp.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\\bin\cpp.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cpp.exe
Warning: C:\cygwin\\bin\cpp.exe hides C:\cygwin\bin\cpp.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\\bin\find.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\find.exe
Warning: C:\cygwin\\bin\find.exe hides C:\cygwin\bin\find.exe

Re: /usr/lib and /lib mount question

2004-07-09 Thread Alan Jaynes
you're beautiful.  : )   it said the mount device was busy, so i forced 
it and now it works like a charm.  thanks!

Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Alan Jaynes wrote:
hi all-
after installing gcc with the latest setup.exe i receive this error
message when running gcc:
$ gcc
gcc: /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.1/specs: No such file or 

as such, make becomes completely unusable as do most configure scripts.
i discovered /lib is mounted on /usr/lib from the faq.  ls can see the
file but gcc cannot.  i attempted uninstalling and reinstalling without
success.  http://sources.redhat.com/ml/cygwin/2004-05/msg00963.html
seemed in the same vein, but i don't believe this is a missing install

I think you may have hit on the "trailing slash in mount" problem.  Try
issuing the following commands:
mount -s -b "c:/cygwin" "/"
mount -s -b "c:/cygwin/bin" "/usr/bin"
mount -s -b "c:/cygwin/lib" "/usr/lib"
and see if it helps.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: LD_LIBRARY_PATH not accessible through java under cygwin for JNI

2003-02-27 Thread Alan Thompson
Gilles - The following should work for you under Cygwin:

using namespace std;

#include "HelloWorld_jni.h"

Java_HelloWorld_sayHello( JNIEnv *env, jclass c )
  cerr << "Hello World from C!" << endl;


public class HelloWorld
  private static native void sayHello();
  public static void main( String[] args )
System.loadLibrary( "Native" );


#!/bin/tcsh -v

set nonomatch
rm -rf  ./bin
rm -f   Native.dll *.o *.h

javac HelloWorld.java

javah -classpath . -o HelloWorld_jni.h HelloWorld

g++ \
  -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -D__int64='long long'  \
  -I${JAVA_HOME}/include -I${JAVA_HOME}/include/win32 \
  -I. \
  -Wl,--add-stdcall-alias -shared -o Native.dll HelloWorld.c

java -classpath . -Xmx256m -Djava.library.path=. HelloWorld

Make the 3 files indicated, type "go.csh", and it should work.  This assumes you have 
java (I use java 1.4.1) installed on your machine,  and that the environment variable 
JAVA_HOME is set to point to it (e.g. setenv JAVA_HOME c:/j2sdk1.4.1" or similar).

You should also checkout the excellent webpage on using JNI with Cygwin at:  

Alan Thompson

At 12:28 PM 2/27/2003 +0100, you wrote:
hi folks,
I am currently using my JNI so/dll library under solaris, linux and cygwin.
with solaris and linux, no problem, I bind to it using load(..) since the
BUT, under cygwin/windows, it does not work and I shall tell the absolute
path when I load the library.
I hav already posted in java.machine, but Randall schulz told  me to try in
this mailing list.
thanks for help

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Re: Standard out writes fail after cygwin generated dll loaded

2003-03-11 Thread Alan Thompson
I have not experienced this problem.  I am using Cygwin to build a JNI .dll file, and 
regularly use both the cerr output stream from the c++ side and the 
System.err.println() output function from the java side. Note that I am always running 
from a Cygwin window.

If you have not seen it, you should try visiting the excellend Cygwin/JNI website at:  
http://www.inonit.com/cygwin/  Note also that you don't need to use the -mno-cygwin 
hack (perhaps this is related to your problems?).  Here is a part of my ant build 
script (I use the normal Cygwin g++ for builds).



Alan Thompson

At 12:18 PM 3/7/2003 +0100, José Lorenzo Mon wrote:

>Hi Luis and All,
>>When trying to run through the JNI native C code compiled in a DLL
>>using Cygwin, I found that standard Java output stops to work as
>>soon as the DLL is loaded. However, if the same code is compiled
>>without Cygwing (-mno-cygwin) the Java output works OK after and
>>before loading the DLL.
>I am having same problem. My tests more in detail:
>- When running the Java VM *from a cygwin shell*, the stdout channel
>works OK before and after loading the DLL generated with the cygwin
>gcc. However, the stderr stops working after loading the DLL.
>After loading the DLL and using the stdout and stderr
>channels by the native C function, the Java program is only able to use
>the stdout channel.
>- When running the Java VM *from a windows shell*, both the stdout and
>stderr channels stop working after loading the DLL.
>- When compiling the dll *without* cygwin support (with the
>"-mno-cygwin" flag), both channels work ok in both shells.
>- The version employed of "jni.h" does not seem to affect to the
>results. I have tried both versions, the one comming with cygwin and
>the version provided with the JDK distribution (defining by
>myself __int64).
>- The version of the JDK (1.3 or 1.4) does not seem to affect to the
>- I have tried with different combination of flags for the gcc compiler
>and they do not seem to affect to the results.
>Does anyone know why this is happening or a possible solution?
>Thanks in advance,
>  Jose
>Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*  
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>Bug reporting: http://cygwin.com/bugs.html
>Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
>FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: gawk-3.1.2-1

2003-03-17 Thread Alan Dobkin

On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

> I've updated the version of GNU awk to 3.1.2-1.

Setup reports an md5 sum failure when installing this package 
from a local mirror.  It works from a remote mirror, such as 
http://mirrors.rcn.net, however examination of the files shows 
that the md5 sum doesn't match the one in the md5.sum file.  
Setup seems to ignore this for the remote mirror, but bombs 
on it with the local mirror.  (The files are in synch).

>From /release/gawk/md5.sum:
cf485ff1c10485eabb1a9510aeebfe0c  gawk-3.1.2-1-src.tar.bz2
136b2df5dc4f31c1c1bdbde12f87f5a8  gawk-3.1.2-1.tar.bz2

$ md5sum gawk-3.1.2-1*
cf485ff1c10485eabb1a9510aeebfe0c *gawk-3.1.2-1-src.tar.bz2
44fc5500f6e639228ebfbf7725af425b *gawk-3.1.2-1.tar.bz2


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Re: Please help. gcc 3.2.2 configure problem or what?

2003-03-27 Thread Alan Thompson
I build gcc 3.2.2 with the --suffix option (see the gcc readme file) under Cygwin last 
month and it worked fine.
Alan Thompson

At 11:19 PM 3/27/2003 +0100, Joakim Olsson wrote:
>I've tried to configure and build gcc 3.2.2 under cygwin.
>the compiler builds fine but then the problem starts:
>I've tried to build fltk-1.1.3 (a gui toolkit) when I saw the problem.
>It seems that there are several unresolved in my new gcc.
>I looked around and found the actual symbols in libgcc.a in the old gcc that
>came with cygwin.
>What have I done wrong?
>following are output from linking and gcc -v etc:
>Linking fluid.exe...
>/usr/lib/mingw/libsupc++.a(new_op.o)(.text$_Znwj+0x98): undefined reference
>to `
>/usr/lib/mingw/libsupc++.a(new_opv.o)(.text$_Znaj+0x1b): undefined reference
>undefined reference to `__Unwind_Resume'
>/usr/lib/mingw/libsupc++.a(eh_throw.o)(.text$__cxa_throw+0x1b): undefined
>reference to `___w32_sharedptr_unexpected'
>/usr/lib/mingw/libsupc++.a(eh_throw.o)(.text$__cxa_throw+0x25): undefined
>reference to `___w32_sharedptr_terminate'
>/usr/lib/mingw/libsupc++.a(eh_throw.o)(.text$__cxa_throw+0x54): undefined
>reference to `__Unwind_RaiseException'
>/usr/lib/mingw/libsupc++.a(eh_throw.o)(.text$__cxa_rethrow+0x1b): undefined
>reference to `__Unwind_RaiseException'
>undefined reference to `___w32_sharedptr_terminate'
>undefined reference to ___w32_sharedptr_unexpected'
>3): undefined reference to `___w32_sharedptr_terminate'
>x3): undefined reference to `___w32_sharedptr_unexpected'
>collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>make[1]: *** [fluid.exe] Error 1
>$ gcc -v
>Reading specs from
>Configured with:
>../gcc-3.2.2/configure --prefix=/usr/local/gcc-3.2.2 --enable-languages=ada,
>Thread model: single
>gcc version 3.2.2
>$ gcc --version
>gcc (GCC) 3.2.2
>Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
>This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
>I also tried to configure and build gcc-mingw-20020817-5 but it allways
>./xgcc -B./ -B/usr/local/gcc-mingw-3.2/mingw32/bin/ -isystem
>w-3.2/mingw32/include -isystem
>/usr/local/gcc-mingw-3.2/mingw32/sys-include -O2
>-DIN_GCC-W -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototype
>s -i
>./include  -I. -I. -I../../gcc-3.2-20020817-1/gcc -I../../gcc-3.2-2002081
>7-1/gcc/. -I../../gcc-3.2-20020817-1/gcc/config -I../../gcc-3.2-20020817-1/g
>./include  -g0 -finhibit-size-directive -fno-inline-functions -fno-exception
>s  \
>   -c ../../gcc-3.2-20020817-1/gcc/crtstuff.c -DCRT_BEGIN \
>  -o crtbegin.o
>In file included from tconfig.h:16,
> from ../../gcc-3.2-20020817-1/gcc/crtstuff.c:61:
>../../gcc-3.2-20020817-1/gcc/config/i386/cygming.h:31:19: stdio.h: No such
>or directory
>In file included from tconfig.h:16,
> from ../../gcc-3.2-20020817-1/gcc/crtstuff.c:61:
>Please help, is there a HOWTO on configure & build gcc in Cygwin?
>best regards
>/joakim olsson
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Re: Fw: Please help. gcc 3.2.2 configure problem or what?

2003-03-28 Thread Alan Thompson
Hi - Look here (you probably already have):  http://gcc.gnu.org/install/configure.html

You are right, I used "-program-suffix=-3.2.2".  You need to be careful so that it 
finds only 3.2.2 files.  Make sure you modify your path so that all of the 3.2.2 stuff 
is ahead of the normal stuff (both *.h files and libraries).  Do a 

find /usr -name "*3.2.2*" -print 

to see all of the new files you need to be aware of.

Once you set up this stuff in your build file (I have been using ant), gcc 3.2.2 works 
fine.  I have been using it for JNI stuffno problems.  Since I got this working, I 
haven't messed with the --prefix option.

Alan Thompson

At 06:20 AM 3/28/2003 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi again
>> I build gcc 3.2.2 with the --suffix option (see the gcc readme file) under
>Cygwin last month and it worked fine.
>> Alan Thompson
>I think my problem has something to do with mingw32 and windows gui support.
>I managed to build a gcc 3.2.2 and enable language Ada, c, c++, java, objc
>and it seems to work.
>The problem starts when I try to link a program that has a gui.
>I can't find --suffix option, if you mean --program-suffix option shouldn't
>my --prefix work simular?

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Re: (Aucun objet)

2003-04-01 Thread Alan Thompson
Hi Jean-Luis, 

I also do a lot of java work on Cygwin.  In addition to the answer Randall gave you, I 
would also encourage you to use the -classpath argument to the javac and java 
commands, rather than using the CLASSPATH environment variable.  This provides a more 
solid control the classpath used for any given application and will help to avoid 
clashes between different java applications (which may expect different classpath's).  
I typically type the entire "java -classpath XXX MyMainClass" command into a short 
C-shell script so I don't need to re-type the command for repeated runs.

Good luck!
Alan Thompson

At 10:58 PM 3/31/2003 -0800, Randall R Schulz wrote:
>Even though you're using CYGWIN, which provides a very Unix-like environment and 
>inside of which the PATH has a Unix-like syntax, the Sun Java compiler is a Windows 
>application and it expects CLASSPATH to be formatted according to the Windows 
>convention. The path components are separated with a semicolon. The path elements 
>themselves, if they're absolute paths, must begin with a driver letter, followed by a 
>colon, followed by an absolute path name. If you construct your CLASSPATH this way, 
>things should work.
>Randall Schulz
>At 22:53 2003-03-31, you wrote:
>>  I installed java (j2sdk1.4.0) in Windows.
>>  In general I work in LInux and I developped an application in JAVA and
>>  I installed CYGWIN and I want to complie my JAVA application in
>>WINDOWS, i uses make for manage compilation.
>>  I set my PATH variable for JAVA access and this work fine.
>>  But when I want set my CLASSPATH variable, I am in trouble.
>>  The setting in CYGWIN environnement don't work, JAVA in out CYGWIN.
>>  The setting in CYGWIN script (set CLASSPATH="one dir") work but I want
>>manage many dirs :
>>A. If I set many dir in CYGWIN script this don't work
>>B. If I set many dir in CYGWIN envi this don' work
>>Some people have a the same pb ?
>>Can you help me ?
>>Boulanger JL
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2003-04-02 Thread Alan Murrell

I did a search in the archives and was not able to find theanswer to this
question.  I am wanting to create a "high-availability" solution with our
Win2k web servers (these are just the "standard" releases, not "advanced" or
"datacenter").  We are currently using "heartbeat" from the Linux-HA project
on our Linux web servers, which works great, but unfortunately, I have been
unable to find a comparable solution (both in reliability and particularly
price) for Win2k.  Then I thought that we could probably run "heartbeat"
within the Cygwin environment, but before attemtping to do so, I had a few
questions, which hopefully you folks can assist with (I have already posted
to the 'linux-ha' list as well, and will try to keep these questions more
with the Cygwin environment itself):

  1. Has anyone used "heartbeat"under Win2k/Cygwin?
  2. If I use the Cygwin environment, will I still be able to run IIS?  I
imagine I will have other "problems" with heartbeat and IIS, but I think I
can work around those :-)

TIA for your help.

Alan Murrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: setup.exe final pre-release..

2003-04-03 Thread Alan Dobkin

On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Robert Collins wrote:

> Indeed, and here it is:
> http://www.cygwin.com/setup-snapshots/setup-2.340.

I haven't experienced any setup crashes, but I have a question 
about it's behavior when used with the local directory option.  

Each time I run it against a local mirror, it checks the MD5 sum 
of every package in the mirror.  This is a time-consuming process 
and, unless the window remains in the foreground the entire time, 
it seems to hang.  During this time, the status bar is frozen, 
the window doesn't repaint, and it cannot be moved.  Eventually, 
once it finishes all of the MD5 checks, it displays the package 
selection screen and then works normally.

My question is this:  Why is it necessary to scan every package 
in the mirror every time setup is run against a local mirror?  
Most of the time, I am only installing a single package or a 
few updates.  It seems that setup should only check the packages 
being installed, and the rest of them should be ignored.


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Re: setup.exe final pre-release..

2003-04-03 Thread Alan Dobkin

On Fri, 4 Apr 2003, Robert Collins wrote:

> Alan Dobkin wrote:
> > 
> > Each time I run it against a local mirror, it checks the MD5 sum 
> > of every package in the mirror.  This is a time-consuming process 
> > and, unless the window remains in the foreground the entire time, 
> > it seems to hang.  During this time, the status bar is frozen, 
> > the window doesn't repaint, and it cannot be moved.  Eventually, 
> > once it finishes all of the MD5 checks, it displays the package 
> > selection screen and then works normally.
> There is a status bar that should be udpating. I'm not sure it 
> doesn't for you.

I do see the status bar and it does update fine as long as I leave 
the setup window in the foreground.  However, as soon as I click on 
another window to let it process in the background, that's when the 
behavior I described occurs.  I have tested this on several different 
computers, including a mixture of Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

> > My question is this:  Why is it necessary to scan every package 
> > in the mirror every time setup is run against a local mirror?  
> > Most of the time, I am only installing a single package or a 
> > few updates.  It seems that setup should only check the packages 
> > being installed, and the rest of them should be ignored.
> How do you create / maintain that local mirror. Via setup, or via 
> an external script of some sort?

Using wget, as recommended from the Cygwin web site.  I've been 
doing this the same way for at least a year, and it has worked 
fine for all previous setup releases.


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Re: setup.exe final pre-release..

2003-04-03 Thread Alan Dobkin

On 4 Apr 2003, Robert Collins wrote:

> On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 07:48, Alan Dobkin wrote:
> > > > My question is this:  Why is it necessary to scan every package 
> > > > in the mirror every time setup is run against a local mirror?  
> > > > Most of the time, I am only installing a single package or a 
> > > > few updates.  It seems that setup should only check the packages 
> > > > being installed, and the rest of them should be ignored.
> > > 
> > > How do you create / maintain that local mirror. Via setup, 
> > > or via an external script of some sort?
> > 
> > Using wget, as recommended from the Cygwin web site.  I've been 
> > doing this the same way for at least a year, and it has worked 
> > fine for all previous setup releases.
> And it works for this one too.

I didn't mean to imply that it doesn't work now, only that the method 
I've used to create the mirror doesn't seem to be the problem.

> It's also clearly noted that cygwins local package directory is 
> subject to change without notice - 

I understand that the directory is subject to change, but the 
nature of a mirror implies that the changes are automatically 
propogated and thus setup should still work.  Are you saying that 
setup would no longer support the same directory structure that 
is present on the current mirror sites at that same time?  Or in 
other words, that setup would use different directory structures 
for local and remote mirrors?  This doesn't make sense to me

> you should use apache or IIS to serve out the mirror and add 
> it to your mirror selection creen in the custom URL field.
> Then, setup won't check the md5's of every package.

This seems like an overly complex workaround just to preserve 
the existing functionality.  And, it has the side effect of 
creating another cache on each client system and re-downloading 
each package before it is installed.   This negates one of the 
main reasons why I set up the local mirror in the first place, 
i.e. so I could maintain a single repository on a local server 
and avoid having a bunch of local caches on each installation.

> The reason setup checks all the md5's is to ensure that what 
> it's discovered in the cache hasn't been corrupted.

That makes sense, but then there should be a way to bypass 
this check so it doesn't happen every time.  Perhaps something 
like a dirty/clean flag that filesystems use to prevent having 
to do a fsck/chkdsk every time it's mounted.  Setup could set 
this flag in its cache to dirty every time it does a download 
and then set it to clean every time the full MD5 scan is done.  

Or, a more simple workaround would be a setup option to just 
bypass the initial scan.  Doesn't setup check the MD5 sums 
when it installs the selected packages anyway?  Couldn't the 
scan to check for cache corruption be performed after the 
package selection screen, so it only affects the packages 
being installed?  At least this would cut down on the long 
initial delay and combine it with the same time-consuming 
portion where the packages are being installed.  That way 
the user only has to go get a cup of coffee once during the 
installation process instead of twice.  :-)

> There was another thread on this in cygwin-apps. Max 
> considers it a release blocker, I don't. Accordingly, 
> I said I was happy to consider patches

I finally found this thread after a while of searching:

I don't necessarily consider it a release blocker, but I 
think other users in the same boat will find it very annoying 
if there is no bypass option after this version is released.  
I agree with Max's comment that it will be the #1 complaint.

I would gladly write a patch if I had the ability to do it 
in a reasonable amount of time, but I'm sure others are set 
up to do it in a small fraction of the time it would take me.


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PERL 5.8.0-2 and Haase_Gerrit/1.3/perl/Tk800.023-1.patch - taking this to Tk800.024

2003-04-03 Thread Alan Miles

I am running the latest cygwin dll, setup etc, with Perl 5.8.0-2 (the
latest). BTW, I am running cygwin on a Windows 2000 Professional SP2

The PERL package Tk800.023 is now Tk800.024 but Haase Gerrit's patch to get
this package to work under Cygwin only works to Tk800.023.

Since I wanted to use Tk800.024, I had to figure out how to do this.


To recreate for Tk800.024 I did the following:

1/ Got the above files
2/ Un-tarred the Tk800.023.tar.gz
3/ Applied Haase Gerrit's patch
4/ Applied Tk800.patch.023.024.gz
5/ Renamed the Tk800.023 "root" directory to: Tk800.024

During the make test I got:

D_RUN_PATH="/lib/w32api:/usr/lib" gcc -shared  -s -L/usr/local/lib Event.o
pTkCallback.o tclEvent.o tclNotify.o tclPlatEvent.o tclPlatNotfy.o tclPlat
Time.o tclTimer.o tkWin32Dll.o  -o ../blib/arch/auto/Tk/Event/Event.dll
../pTk/libpTk.a /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/cygwin-multi-64int/CORE/libperl.dll.a
lib/w32api -lcomdlg32 -lgdi32 -lm
Event.o(.text+0x245):Event.c: undefined reference to `_win32_get_osfhandle'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [../blib/arch/auto/Tk/Event/Event.dll] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [subdirs] Error 2

6/ To fix this:
(a) I had to chmod a+w Event/Event.xs (couldn't edit the file)
(b) Add the following in:

 * Fix required to fix: undefined reference to `_win32_get_osfhandle' issue
as directed in:
 * http://sources.redhat.com/ml/cygwin/2002-09/msg00752.html
#ifdef __CYGWIN__
# define win32_get_osfhandle _get_osfhandle
# define win32_open_osfhandle _open_osfhandle

6/ Re-ran make test. It compiles, however t/fileevent seems to be "stuck",
i.e., it is blocked - that is I think the pipe read is waiting for pipe
write and visa-versa. I go to
the window this creates and select "quit" and all other tests seem to work

I am attaching my complete perl Makefile.PL, make, make test logs.

Any ideas?

Alan Miles

some output from my log file:

In file included from tkPort.h:28,
 from Xlib_f.c:1:
tkWinPort.h:54:1: warning: "OPEN_MAX" redefined
In file included from
 from tkWinPort.h:31,
 from tkPort.h:28,
 from Xlib_f.c:1:
/usr/include/limits.h:143:1: warning: this is the location of the previous
In file included from Xlib_f.c:10:
Xlib.t:28: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:32: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:36: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:40: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:56: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:66: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:76: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:80: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:96: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:144: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:148: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:158: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:162: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:172: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:176: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:180: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:184: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:200: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:204: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:208: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:212: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:224: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:228: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:232: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:248: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:252: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:278: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:378: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:382: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:386: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Xlib.t:390: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type

RE: PERL 5.8.0-2 and Haase_Gerrit/1.3/perl/Tk800.023-1.patch - taking this to Tk800.024

2003-04-05 Thread Alan Miles

Thanks for the email.

I have been using CYGWIN for about 3/4 years now, both at home and at work,
and I needed to get this item to work using cygwin perl. Now it does.

>> It was reported that Tk800.024 builds without patching it or with
>> minimal tweaks like the one you need to apply to get it compiled
>> after updating 023 w/ patch to 024.

The libraries compile (except for the warning below), but one of the test
programs failed to link due to the undefined reference to
`_win32_get_osfhandle' issue in Tk800.024-1/Event/Event.xs. I found the
answer on how to fix that in

To build I execute the command "perl Makefile.PL && make && make test &&
make install". Hence my reason for "patching" the source.

My purpose in sending the email was to ensure that nobody else had to
"re-invent the wheel". Maybe you could try this patch out, and then release
it for the cygwin community.

Since emailing the group, I have fixed the below problem:

/usr/include/limits.h:143:1: warning: this is the location of the previous
gcc -c  -I.. -I../pTk/mTk/xlib -I. -Ibitmaps -I../pTk/mTk/xlib -DPERL_USE_SA
FE_PUTENV -fno-strict-aliasing -DUSEIMPORTLIB -O2   -DVERSION=\"800.024\" -D
"-I/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/cygwin-multi-64int/CORE"  -D__WIN32__ -D_WIN32 -DWIN
32 -Wall -Wno-implicit-int -Wno-comment -Wno-unused -D__USE_FIXED_PROTOTYPES
__ imgGIF.c
In file included from tkPort.h:28,
 from tk.h:71,
 from imgGIF.c:35:
tkWinPort.h:54:1: warning: "OPEN_MAX" redefined
In file included from
 from tkWinPort.h:31,
 from tkPort.h:28,
 from tk.h:71,
 from imgGIF.c:35:

Hence my current (complete) patch is (which is largely based on your
original patch):

diff -r -u Tk800.024/Event/Event.xs Tk800.024-1/Event/Event.xs
--- Tk800.024/Event/Event.xs2002-01-07 03:35:44.0 -0600
+++ Tk800.024-1/Event/Event.xs  2003-04-04 13:49:42.0 -0600
@@ -4,6 +4,17 @@
   modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

+ * Fix required to fix: undefined reference to `_win32_get_osfhandle' issue
as directed in:
+ *
+ * http://sources.redhat.com/ml/cygwin/2002-09/msg00752.html
+ *
+ */
+#ifdef __CYGWIN__
+# define win32_get_osfhandle _get_osfhandle
+# define win32_open_osfhandle _open_osfhandle
diff -r -u Tk800.024/Makefile.PL Tk800.024-1/Makefile.PL
--- Tk800.024/Makefile.PL   2002-03-05 08:00:43.0 -0600
+++ Tk800.024-1/Makefile.PL 2003-04-04 13:49:42.0 -0600
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@

 sub MY::postamble {
+ my $str = '

 html : subdirs manifypods
@cd pod && $(MAKE) html $(PASTHRU)
@@ -184,6 +184,8 @@
$(MAKE) manifest

+ $str =~ s/DEFINE=.*// if($^O eq 'cygwin');
+ $str;

diff -r -u Tk800.024/README.cygwin Tk800.024-1/README.cygwin
--- Tk800.024/README.cygwin 2000-09-08 04:27:27.0 -0500
+++ Tk800.024-1/README.cygwin   2003-04-04 13:49:42.0 -0600
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
   (sometimes $^O eq 'MSWin32' is used instead of $Tk::platform
eq 'MSWin32' assuming they are equivalent and vice versa)
 + #define distinctions
-_WIN32defined by gcc, if X11 need to undef
+_WIN32win_arch MSWin32
 __WIN32__ win_arch MSWin32, also defined in pTk/Lang.h
 WIN32 from #include 
   when precedes #include "perl.h" then need
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
 * documentation

-Makefile.PL Tk/MMutil.pm pTk/Makefile.PL
+Makefile.PL Tk/MMutil.pm pTk/Makefile.PL myConfig
 * make stuff

@@ -149,6 +149,6 @@
 + Fix gcc warnings, mostly in pTk win32 flavor?
 + Test with cygwin-xfree X Server?

-Thu Aug 31 12:54:09 BST 2000
+Sun Jun 10 21:34:30 PST 2001
 Eric Fifer
diff -r -u Tk800.024/Tk/MMutil.pm Tk800.024-1/Tk/MMutil.pm
--- Tk800.024/Tk/MMutil.pm  2002-03-05 08:27:40.0 -0600
+++ Tk800.024-1/Tk/MMutil.pm2003-04-04 13:49:42.0 -0600
@@ -238,13 +238,10 @@
  if ($win_arch eq 'MSWin32')
-   push(@def,qw(-D__WIN32__)) unless $self->{'DEFINE'} =~
+   push(@def,qw(-D__WIN32__ -D_WIN32))
+  unless $self->{'DEFINE'} =~ /-D__WIN32__/;
push(@def,qw(-DWIN32)) if $self->{'NAME'} eq 'Tk::pTk';
- elsif ($win_arch eq 'x')
-  {
-   push(@def,qw(-U_WIN32));
-  }
foreach (@inc)
@@ -519,16 +516,12 @@
  push(@opt,'LD' => 'gcc -shared');
  if ($win_arch eq 'MSWin32')

RE: PERL 5.8.0-2 and Haase_Gerrit/1.3/perl/Tk800.023-1.patch - taking this to Tk800.024

2003-04-05 Thread Alan Miles
Sorry - my original reply went to Gerrit only - having read on the list that
it should be going to the group, I am sending this to the group ...


Thanks for the email.

I have been using CYGWIN for about 3/4 years now, both at home and at work,
and I needed to get this item to work using cygwin perl. Now it does.

>> It was reported that Tk800.024 builds without patching it or with
>> minimal tweaks like the one you need to apply to get it compiled
>> after updating 023 w/ patch to 024.

The libraries compile (except for the warning below), but one of the test
programs failed to link due to the undefined reference to
`_win32_get_osfhandle' issue in Tk800.024-1/Event/Event.xs. I found the
answer on how to fix that in

To build I execute the command "perl Makefile.PL && make && make test &&
make install". Hence my reason for "patching" the source.

My purpose in sending the email was to ensure that nobody else had to
"re-invent the wheel". Maybe you could try this patch out, and then release
it for the cygwin community.

Since emailing the group, I have fixed the below problem:

/usr/include/limits.h:143:1: warning: this is the location of the previous
gcc -c  -I.. -I../pTk/mTk/xlib -I. -Ibitmaps -I../pTk/mTk/xlib -DPERL_USE_SA
FE_PUTENV -fno-strict-aliasing -DUSEIMPORTLIB -O2   -DVERSION=\"800.024\" -D
"-I/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/cygwin-multi-64int/CORE"  -D__WIN32__ -D_WIN32 -DWIN
32 -Wall -Wno-implicit-int -Wno-comment -Wno-unused -D__USE_FIXED_PROTOTYPES
__ imgGIF.c
In file included from tkPort.h:28,
 from tk.h:71,
 from imgGIF.c:35:
tkWinPort.h:54:1: warning: "OPEN_MAX" redefined
In file included from
 from tkWinPort.h:31,
 from tkPort.h:28,
 from tk.h:71,
 from imgGIF.c:35:

Hence my current (complete) patch is (which is largely based on your
original patch):

diff -r -u Tk800.024/Event/Event.xs Tk800.024-1/Event/Event.xs
--- Tk800.024/Event/Event.xs2002-01-07 03:35:44.0 -0600
+++ Tk800.024-1/Event/Event.xs  2003-04-04 13:49:42.0 -0600
@@ -4,6 +4,17 @@
   modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

+ * Fix required to fix: undefined reference to `_win32_get_osfhandle' issue
as directed in:
+ *
+ * http://sources.redhat.com/ml/cygwin/2002-09/msg00752.html
+ *
+ */
+#ifdef __CYGWIN__
+# define win32_get_osfhandle _get_osfhandle
+# define win32_open_osfhandle _open_osfhandle
diff -r -u Tk800.024/Makefile.PL Tk800.024-1/Makefile.PL
--- Tk800.024/Makefile.PL   2002-03-05 08:00:43.0 -0600
+++ Tk800.024-1/Makefile.PL 2003-04-04 13:49:42.0 -0600
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@

 sub MY::postamble {
+ my $str = '

 html : subdirs manifypods
@cd pod && $(MAKE) html $(PASTHRU)
@@ -184,6 +184,8 @@
$(MAKE) manifest

+ $str =~ s/DEFINE=.*// if($^O eq 'cygwin');
+ $str;

diff -r -u Tk800.024/README.cygwin Tk800.024-1/README.cygwin
--- Tk800.024/README.cygwin 2000-09-08 04:27:27.0 -0500
+++ Tk800.024-1/README.cygwin   2003-04-04 13:49:42.0 -0600
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
   (sometimes $^O eq 'MSWin32' is used instead of $Tk::platform
eq 'MSWin32' assuming they are equivalent and vice versa)
 + #define distinctions
-_WIN32defined by gcc, if X11 need to undef
+_WIN32win_arch MSWin32
 __WIN32__ win_arch MSWin32, also defined in pTk/Lang.h
 WIN32 from #include 
   when precedes #include "perl.h" then need
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
 * documentation

-Makefile.PL Tk/MMutil.pm pTk/Makefile.PL
+Makefile.PL Tk/MMutil.pm pTk/Makefile.PL myConfig
 * make stuff

@@ -149,6 +149,6 @@
 + Fix gcc warnings, mostly in pTk win32 flavor?
 + Test with cygwin-xfree X Server?

-Thu Aug 31 12:54:09 BST 2000
+Sun Jun 10 21:34:30 PST 2001
 Eric Fifer
diff -r -u Tk800.024/Tk/MMutil.pm Tk800.024-1/Tk/MMutil.pm
--- Tk800.024/Tk/MMutil.pm  2002-03-05 08:27:40.0 -0600
+++ Tk800.024-1/Tk/MMutil.pm2003-04-04 13:49:42.0 -0600
@@ -238,13 +238,10 @@
  if ($win_arch eq 'MSWin32')
-   push(@def,qw(-D__WIN32__)) unless $self->{'DEFINE'} =~
+   push(@def,qw(-D__WIN32__ -D_WIN32))
+  unless $self->{'DEFINE'} =~ /-D__WIN32__/;
push(@def,qw(-DWIN32)) if $self->{'NAME'} eq 'Tk::pTk';
- elsif ($win_arch eq 'x')
-  {
-   push(@def,qw(-U_WI

RE: WinXP username with spaces --> wmaker ko

2003-04-05 Thread Alan Miles

I have the same problem (on my machine at home) - However I do have a
(partial) solution (I am still working on the final solution):

This has to be done after CYGWIN installation, but BEFORE and user logon.
Edit the /etc/passwd file and replace the space in the first field, and edit
the field /home/ to /home/
and save.

I am working on a scripting solution to install as part of my installation -
maybe this could be incorporated as part of the "main" CYGWIN release.

Below is a script fragment on how I am proposing to "automate" this fix.

ModUserName="$(/usr/bin/echo "${USER}" | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/ /_/g')"


ModHomeUserName="$(/usr/bin/basename "${HOME}" | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/ /_/g')"
ModHomeUserDirName="$(/usr/bin/dirname "${HOME}")/"

/usr/bin/rm -f "${ThePasswordFile}"

if [ ! -e "${ThePasswordFile}" -a ! -L "${ThePasswordFile}" ]
   /usr/bin/mkpasswd -l -c | /usr/bin/gawk -F':' -v oldUser="${USER}" -v
newUser="${ModUserName}" -v newUserHomeDir="${ModHome}" ' BEGIN {OFS=":" ; }
$1 ~ oldUser {$1=newUser ; $6=newUserHomeDir; } {print $0 ; } ' >

Hope this helps.

-Original Message-
From: kaio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: April 4, 2003 10:48
Subject: WinXP username with spaces --> wmaker ko

i have my administrator user named with a space on WInXP.
cygwin installation is ok, but windowmaker don't install: seems that the
space generates a new parameter in installation commands!
in fact, wmaker installation creates a new dir in /home/ with the first half
of username!

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RE: PERL 5.8.0-2 and Haase_Gerrit/1.3/perl/Tk800.023-1.patch - taking this to Tk800.024

2003-04-05 Thread Alan Miles

I am using MS Outlook 2000 - Gerrit's email was:

when I checked the "properties" of this email I got:


Thus I am guessing I inadvertently sent "duplicate" messages to the group -
my apologies for that.


-Original Message-
From: Igor Pechtchanski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: April 5, 2003 10:41
Subject: RE: PERL 5.8.0-2 and Haase_Gerrit/1.3/perl/Tk800.023-1.patch -
taking this to Tk800.024

On Sat, 5 Apr 2003, Alan Miles wrote:

> Sorry - my original reply went to Gerrit only - having read on the list
> it should be going to the group, I am sending this to the group ...
> [snip]


Did you by any chance notice which return address Gerrit used? ;-)
FYI, your original reply is here:
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty.
  -- Leto II

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RE: WinXP username with spaces --> wmaker ko

2003-04-05 Thread Alan Miles

Granted - There are "issues" with the solution - that is why I said
"partial" solution ( I need to resolve ALL issues)

The challenge really has to do with /usr/bin/mkpasswd (which gets called by
/etc/postinstall/passwd-grp.sh during the install process)

>From what I can tell, it is the item that generates the password file, which
affects HOME and the home directory setup.

Often, users don't have access to change their id's, so there Windows logon
name may have spaces in them. We cannot chnage that.

Maybe I wasn't  too clear in my thoughts - until I have a scripted solution
(the code fragment I presented), I manually "fix" the problem by:

1/ Install CYGWIN (say to c:\cygwin) - I install the icon to my desktop and
start menu
2/ Using Windows Wordpad, open the /etc/passwd file (e.g.,
3/ Change field 1 (the user name) - change any spaces to _ characters (i.e.,
change "Alan Miles" to "Alan_Miles")
4/ Change field 6 (the home directory setting) - change any spaces to _
characters (i.e., change "/home/Alan Miles" to "/home/Alan_Miles")
5/ Save /etc/passwd file (e.g., c:\cygwin\etc\passwd)
6/ Click on the cygwin desktop icon to "logon" to cygwin for the first time.
/etc/profile creates the home directory the first time:

(fragment from /etc/profile:
# If the home directory doesn't exist, create it.
if [ ! -d "$HOME" ]; then
  mkdir -p "$HOME"
  # copy skeleton files
  cp -a /etc/skel/. $HOME

Now the cygwin creates the home directory properly (i.e.,
"/home/Alan_Miles"), HOME is set to "/home/Alan_Miles", and USER is set to

I have not had any trouble with this "manual" setup.

This is the item I would like to either fix by scripting, e.g., the partial
code fragment already presented, or better still patch /usr/bin/mkpasswd to
convert any names it sees with spaces in them to _ characters. Then problem
"completely" solved.

I appreciate your input.

BTW, Igor got your other message regarding Perl - you said:

>> This wasn't meant to chide you;

You weren't chiding me - my first message I thought went to Gerrit only and
should have gone to the list (which is why I then resent it). All you did
was point out that I inadvertently duplicated messages - no problem.

-Original Message-----
From: Igor Pechtchanski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: April 5, 2003 10:53
Subject: RE: WinXP username with spaces --> wmaker ko


The "fix" below has a few problems (one of which is unconditionally
removing /etc/passwd).  IMO, it's better to fix the scripts that have
improper quoting, or, barring that, unset HOME in your Windows environment
(or modify /etc/profile) and make sure your username doesn't contain a
space.  Going out of your way to accomodate scripts without proper quoting
will only lead to the proliferation of such scripts.

On Sat, 5 Apr 2003, Alan Miles wrote:

> All,
> I have the same problem (on my machine at home) - However I do have a
> (partial) solution (I am still working on the final solution):
> This has to be done after CYGWIN installation, but BEFORE and user logon.
> Edit the /etc/passwd file and replace the space in the first field, and
> the field /home/ to /home/
> and save.
> I am working on a scripting solution to install as part of my
installation -
> maybe this could be incorporated as part of the "main" CYGWIN release.
> Below is a script fragment on how I am proposing to "automate" this fix.
> ThePasswordFile="/etc/passwd"
> ModUserName="$(/usr/bin/echo "${USER}" | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/ /_/g')"
> ...
> ModHomeUserName="$(/usr/bin/basename "${HOME}" | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/
> ModHomeUserDirName="$(/usr/bin/dirname "${HOME}")/"
> ModHome="${ModHomeUserDirName}${ModHomeUserName}"
> /usr/bin/rm -f "${ThePasswordFile}"
> if [ ! -e "${ThePasswordFile}" -a ! -L "${ThePasswordFile}" ]
> then
>/usr/bin/mkpasswd -l -c | /usr/bin/gawk -F':' -v oldUser="${USER}" -v
newUser="${ModUserName}" -v newUserHomeDir="${ModHome}" ' BEGIN {OFS=":" ; }
$1 ~ oldUser {$1=newUser ; $6=newUserHomeDir; } {print $0 ; } ' >
> fi
> Hope this helps.
> Alan
> -Original Message-
> From: kaio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: April 4, 2003 10:48
> Subject: WinXP username with spaces --> wmaker ko
> i have my administrator user named with a space on WInXP.
> cy

RE: WinXP username with spaces --> wmaker ko

2003-04-05 Thread Alan Miles

I appreciate your input -

>> you can actually *have* two users, e.g., "Alan Miles" and
>> "Alan_Miles",

That possibility had not occurred to me - thanks for pointing that flaw out.

Since, this for me, is a problem at home, and not at work -I would have to
investigate this in my own time. The perl items
I need for both home and work, so I can investigate that item there.

I could (when I have some time) look at determining what scripts need
fixing - once such "broken" script would be /etc/profile:

>   cp -a /etc/skel/. $HOME

should probably read:

>   cp -a /etc/skel/. "$HOME"

Igor, if I could get a list of such patches together, could you provide me
with a "sanity" check (like you already have done). That way
any flawed reasoning can be dealt with.

Meanwhile, Kaio, if you don't have two users, maybe (at least for the
moment), my manual solution would fix your problem.



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RE: WinXP username with spaces --> wmaker ko

2003-04-05 Thread Alan Miles

Will do. Thanks for your input.


-Original Message-
From: Igor Pechtchanski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: April 5, 2003 14:03
Subject: RE: WinXP username with spaces --> wmaker ko

On Sat, 5 Apr 2003, Alan Miles wrote:

> Igor,
> I appreciate your input -
> >> you can actually *have* two users, e.g., "Alan Miles" and
> >> "Alan_Miles",
> That possibility had not occurred to me - thanks for pointing that flaw
> Since, this for me, is a problem at home, and not at work -I would have to
> investigate this in my own time. The perl items
> I need for both home and work, so I can investigate that item there.
> I could (when I have some time) look at determining what scripts need
> fixing - once such "broken" script would be /etc/profile:
> >   cp -a /etc/skel/. $HOME
> should probably read:
> >   cp -a /etc/skel/. "$HOME"
> Igor, if I could get a list of such patches together, could you provide me
> with a "sanity" check (like you already have done). That way
> any flawed reasoning can be dealt with.
> [snip]
> Cheers,
> Alan


I'm sure if you post the patches (or a link to a website containing them)
to this list, you'll get plenty of feedback.  I'll certainly take a look
at them, although someone may beat me to it.

FYI, it's best if the patches are in unidiff (diff -up) format, as per
<http://cygwin.com/contrib.html> (even though your patches won't be to
the Cygwin source tree).  That way they are easier to review.
P.S. If you provide a patch, make sure to specify exactly which package
and which version the patch is for...
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty.
  -- Leto II

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Re: Linking with JNI Invoke Using Cygwin gcc

2003-06-06 Thread Alan Thompson
Hi Tom - There is a quirk when using the JNI Invocation API on Cygwin (non-invocation 
JNI works as expected).  The solution is documented nicely at the excellent 
JNI-on-Cygwin webpage:  http://www.inonit.com/cygwin/.  You can also download some 
sample JNI code, including both invocation- and non-invocation-code at 

Alan Thompson

At 04:21 PM 6/5/2003 -0500, Thomas X. Hoban wrote:

>I have written a DLL and a test program that uses the JNI api to invoke a
>JVM.  When I try to link with a test program, I get an error indicating that
>a reference to [EMAIL PROTECTED] is undefined.
>$ export JAVA_HOME=/cygdrive/c/j2sdk1.4.1_02
>$ g++ -c ­I$JAVA_HOME/include ­I$JAVA_HOME/include/win32 JavaGateway.c++
>$ g++ -I$JAVA_HOME/include ­I$JAVA_HOME/include/win32 ­L$JAVA_HOME/lib \
>-ljvm JavaGateway.o -o testGateway testGateway.c++
>The link command above produces these errors:
>JavaGateway.o(.text+0x171):JavaGateway.c++: undefined reference to
>JavaGateway.o(.text+0x251):JavaGateway.c++: undefined reference to
>collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>I assume that the jvm.lib file provided with the sdk was compiled with MS
>VC++.  Does the cygwin gcc compiler massage the symbol references
>differently from MS?  Does anyone have a suggestion on how I can make this

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Re: cygwin crashes when loading DLL

2003-05-29 Thread Alan Thompson

Here is another clue (?) to add to the confusion.

My original work involved a Java program which loaded a native DLL using JNI.  This 
worked fine using the tips from www.inonit.com.  Next, in order to make my stuff 
easier to fit into legacy apps, I changed it around using the JNI Invocation 
Interface.  Now, it is a C++ app, which creates a JVM (really, just loads the 
jvm.dll), then tries to load a 2nd DLL containing the C++ callback code (called from 
java code).  This works, BUT it will no longer run from within the ant script as 

In the first case, I used the ant  task to run the java program which talked to 
C++ code via JNI - no problem.  As the examples I posted for you show, one can use the 
ant  task to start the C++ program, which then creates the JVM via JNI - no 
problem.  However, if one tries to have the created JVM (i.e. created by jvm.dll) load 
a second DLL with C++ callbacks, this fails silently if you try to start the main 
program via an ant  task.  I am assuming that it can't properly find the 2nd DLL 
(with the callback code).  No amount of path tweaking has solved this problem to date.

The solution I've used is to encapsulate the program startup into a /bin/tcsh script, 
which is kicked-off from ant via the  task.  Don't ask me why, but this 
technique works.  The /bin/tcsh script sets up the path, launches the C++ main 
program, which creates the JVM via the invocation interface, and is still able to load 
the 2nd DLL with C++ callback code.

Alan Thompson

P.S.  What do you like about rxvt rather than the basic Cygwin window?

At 03:42 PM 5/28/2003 +0800, Shaddy Baddah wrote:

>Thanks Alan. I have tried this out and it narrows the problem down somewhat.
>It seems to me that my problem is that I am running java from a rxvt and/or
>xterm. I'll bullet some observations:
> * I normally enter commands into a bash shell running under a rxvt window.
> * When I ran the sample code from http://www.whitecaps.net/jni/expr.jar
>(here in known as expr code), it worked as expected. This is a strange
>exception that I'll comeback to.
> * Going back to the previous examples I was using, I rebuilt the dll in the
>same way as the build.xml from the expr code does.
> * Not using ant in this instance, I ran the example by entering the java
>command line directly.
> * The error changed in nature, but it was still a no-go.
> * Curiosity aroused, I went back to the expr code, and tried entering in
>the java command line (as per build.xml) into the rxvt and indeed, it failed
>in the same way.
> * I started up a Windows cmd prompt, copied and pasted the command-line,
>and it worked as it did under the ant build.
> * I started up a cmd prompt based Cygwin session, copied and pasted the
>command-line, and it worked as it did under the ant build.
> * Doing the same with my previous example worked as well.
> * Doing the same under Cygwin native xterm, in an xession failed in the
>same was as rxvt.
>So, I think it's safe to say, the problem has something to do with the
>terminal the Win32 native java interpreter is running under, and perhaps how
>cygwin handles pseudo-terminals??? But strangely, when run from within an
>ant process as mentioned, it worked ok. I just don't get it.
>- Original Message -
>From: "Alan Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2003 5:54 AM
>Subject: Re: cygwin crashes when loading DLL
>> Shaddy -
>> I have uploaded some sample code to http://www.whitecaps.net/jni/expr.jar
>.  The expr/jni/hello directory contains a "standard" JNI example (where
>java calls into a C++ program) that works on Cygwin and has an ant buildfile
>(I assume you are using ant.if not, get it and you'll be happy).  The
>expr/jni/invoke directory has an example using the JNI invocation interface,
>where a C++ program creates a JVM to print "hello".  Output is pasted below.
>> Also, if you haven't seen it, look at the excellent writeup on JNI for
>Cygwin at http://www.inonit.com/cygwin/
>> Alan Thompson
>> cd expr/jni/hello
>> ant
>> Buildfile: build.xml
>> clean:
>> init:
>> [mkdir] Created dir: C:\export\expr\jni\hello\bin
>> [mkdir] Created dir: C:\export\expr\jni\hello\gen
>> javaSrcComp:
>> [javac] Compiling 2 source files to C:\export\expr\jni\hello\bin
>> ctags:
>> javaComp:
>> javah:

Question regarding setup, upset and post install scripts

2003-06-10 Thread Alan Miles

I am running cygwin at work and at home. As I need to "customize" cygwin for
each environment (i.e., one for work, one for home)
I found a way to build "custom" packages, that I would like to integrate
into my setup.

Such customizations include:

- For ** my ** environments - remove the space in the "passwd" files for a
user name (I have posted messages on this list in the past regarding a more
primitive version)
- Adding Win32 CPAN support to perl (I have posted messages on this list in
the past regarding patches)
- I ** NEEDED ** a "-u" flag to jar (the cygwin versions says it is
unsupported), so build a "wrapper" script to a "Windows" version (uses
cygpath to do cygwin/Windows file name conversions) etc.

To integrate these into my setup, I found information on this list regarding
"upset", setup.hints etc.

I have somewhat successfully got the setup.ini file working.

However, my postinstall script is malfunctioning and I am trying to figure
out how to debug it. When I run it ** AFTER ** cygwin has installed (not
using my integration) the script works fine.

How can I capture the output to a log file (via the setup) mechanism? I
found these messages, but they haven't helped me too much. Any ideas?



Alan Miles
ICQ#: 171006836
More ways to contact me: http://wwp.icq.com/171006836

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Patch for Bug in /etc/profile script ....

2003-06-23 Thread Alan Miles

I have a file called /etc/skel/a/b/c/d.txt, /etc/skel/e/f.txt

Under Linux (and I certainly believe the same is true for UNIX), anything,
directory(s), file(s) etc put in /etc/skel
gets put into the user's home directory when the sys admin creates the
account and its home directory.

However, that is not happening here.

What is happening here in these two examples is that it is trying to copy
the file:

cp /etc/skel/a/b/c/d.txt /home/user1/a/b/c/d.txt
cp /etc/skel/e/f.txt /home/user1/e/f.txt

Now this ** would ** work if the directories /home/user1/a/b/c/, and
/home/user1/e had already existed. However, they don't since the system
is creating the home directory. Hence the copy fails.

I am submitting this patch which corrects the problem. the key is the -D
flag on the install command - it causes the system to create any missing
leading directories, as well as doing the install.

$ diff -u /etc/profile.old profile
--- /etc/profile.old2003-06-14 10:03:21.0 -0500
+++ profile 2003-06-23 04:01:00.0 -0500
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
   for f in `/bin/find . -type f`; do
 fDest=`echo $f | sed -e 's/^\.//g'`
 if [ ! -e "$HOME$fDest" -a ! -L "$HOME$fDest" ]; then
-  cp "$f" "$HOME/$fDest"
+  /usr/bin/install -D -p -v "${f}" "${HOME}/${fDest}"
Alan Miles
ICQ#: 171006836
More ways to contact me: http://wwp.icq.com/171006836

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undefined reference to __pei386_runtime_relocator

2002-11-29 Thread Alan Hourihane
I'm using the new --enable-runtime-pseudo-reloc parameter to ld and
finding that nothing links and ld blurts out

ertr03.o(.rdata+0x0): undefined reference to

Is there something extra I need to add to ld, or is this missing from the
current libraries ?

Or does this option not work yet ?



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2002-12-04 Thread Alan Larkin
Apologies if this sends more than once but I dont think it did the first

I have created a .mak file type in windows and made the following its
default action

C:\Cygwin\bin\bash.exe --login -cvx +e "TEMP=$(mktemp); $(make -f $0 &>
$TEMP) || less $TEMP; rm $TEMP" %1

the intention being to be able to make a makefile by double clicking its
icon and capture the output if there are any errors. This worked fine
whatever way I have cygwin setup on my windows 98 machine but on 2000 I have
a problem. I have a Makefile.mak which contains the rule

Lexer.c: Lexer.l

(using the implict rule for lexing). When I try making it (by double
clicking) it complains that make cannot find a rule to make Lexer.l needed
by Lexer.c. Lexer.l is of course in the working directory but it doesnt seem
to find it. Ive added .: to the PATH all over the place!
/home/alan/.bash_profile (which now just looks like

export PATH=$PATH:.

), /etc/profile, and /etc/profile.default all have it. I could continue
adding this randomly but thought it wiser to just ask. How do I do what I
want? Perhaps theres something I could add to the action above that makes it
look in . for files.


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2002-12-05 Thread Alan Larkin
Okay, fair enough. Its not related to PATH. Its also not really a make
problem. Running make from the command line it works. Its when I try run it
through an action as described in my original message

C:\Cygwin\bin\bash.exe --login -cvx +e "TEMP=$(mktemp); $(make -f $0 &>
$TEMP) || less $TEMP; rm $TEMP" %1

it dont work. So I suppose its just a question of how to launch bash
properly? Any suggestions on how to modify the above so that it works.

(also its not related to filename case)

- Original Message -
From: "Soren A" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: PATH

> Christopher Faylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote around 04 Dec 2002
> > On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 02:45:17PM -0800, Alan Larkin wrote:
> >>I have a Makefile.mak which contains the rule
> >>
> >>Lexer.c: Lexer.l
> >>
> >>(using the implict rule for lexing).  When I try making it (by double
> >>clicking) it complains that make cannot find a rule to make Lexer.l
> >>needed by Lexer.c.  Lexer.l is of course in the working directory but
> >>it doesnt seem to find it.  Ive added .: to the PATH all over the
> >>place! /home/alan/.bash_profile (which now just looks like
> >>
> >>export PATH=$PATH:.
> >
> > AFAIK, the PATH isn't used to find files in make.
> I can conclusively confirm Chris' statement, which was worded a bit
> tentatively: absolutely, PATH has nothing to do with where GNU 'make'
> (or any other that I know of) looks for files. Nothing whatsoever. This
> confusion over the basic concept of what PATH is for has come up before,
> I can recall.
> Again, TTBOK there is no (credible) program or software system in
> existance that uses $PATH (%PATH%) for *anything* except for finding
> executables to run (including of course DLLs, which in the DozeWorld are
> considered executables).
> > Given that you have mixed case in the above example, I'm guessing that
> you probably have
> > an incorrect case in the actual filename, i.e., the file is actually
> > called lExer.L or something like that.  If you do this:
> >
> >   mv lexer.l foo; mv foo Lexer.l
> >
> > you may be able to correctly set the filename case.
> Probably 'make' shouldn't be treating targets on this platform as case-
> sensitive. But this is a fairly esoteric issue and I don't know right off-
> hand whether this could be the explanation. If one wanted an authoritative
> answer then I think the GNU 'make' List would be the place to go (can be
> read on Gmane BTW: www.gmane.org).
> My thinking is that I would want to make sure that the cwd is really what
> you thing it is (OP). It seems possible, if unlikely, that 'make' is
> actually working in another dir than where the makefile and sources are
> located? The manner in which you (OP) are starting this process from a
> shortcut icon is non-standard and might have odd side-effects.
> BTW, "VPATH" is a mechanism existing in GNU make for explicitly telling
> make where to look for targets that might need to be remade
> (prerequisites). Please `info make' (or 'man make').
>Soren A
> --
> Yes, it's really Sören, not Soren.
> --
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Installing network users

2003-01-30 Thread Alan Westhagen
In our lab, workstations run W2000 and users are
installed as network users.  Here's what we would
like to do:

- Install Cygwin for all users of a giving machine
- Have home directories created automatically for all users
- Have skeleton .bash_profile and .bashrc files placed
	automatically in each home directory

Using setup.exe, we have run into some problems with
user initialization.

1.  A windows network user can install cygwin, but when
	she starts up a shell window, her home directory
	is not set up properly.

2.  When a windows local user installs cygwin, the
	home directory seems to set up properly.
When that person logs in as a network user, things
	still appear to work.
When another network user logs in, he
	home directory is not set up properly.

Is there any documentation on how to set up users in
various configurations?

Are there shell scripts for setting things up?  I don't
mean just cygwin versions of useradd, etc.  I mean
scripts that know how to interact with the windows
operating system as well as cygwin.

Any hints would be very welcome.

-- Alan Westhagen

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Using cygwin and JAVA/JNI

2003-02-05 Thread Alan Thompson

>Hi all - I have been doing some JNI stuff to integrate our legacy software, and I 
>have had very good luck following the examples at 
>http://www.inonit.com/cygwin/jni/helloWorld/ .  The only twist is that I've been 
>using g++ instead of gcc, which simplifies the non-java part.
>Here's a question, though:  I cannot for the life of me figure out how to use the C++ 
> in any of the code!  For some reason, the "-mno-cygwin" flag kills the 
>ability of g++ to either compile or link any code referring to .  This 
>means one is stuck using good old printf(), instead of the more modern way.  No 
>matter how I break up the complies, it still fails at the linking stage (when 
>-mno-cygwin is still required, according to my experiments).
>Does anyone have any ideas?  Also, I've been unable to find any documentation on the 
>-mno-cygwin flag in the gcc/g++ man pages.  Can anyone point me to where this comes 
>from and/or is documented?
>Thanks again for all of the help,
>Alan Thompson
>P.S.  I've been using Cygwin for quite a while now ant it's fantastic when you're 
>chained to a windoze machine

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Interest in gcc 3.2.2?

2003-02-11 Thread Alan Thompson
Hi all - I downloaded gcc 3.2.2 sources, compiled, and got it working on Cygwin.  
However, I am concerned if I might later encounter any clashes with /usr/lib/mingw, 
since I overwrote some of the lib*.a files there.

Are there any problems with this?  The cygwin setup seems a little different than the 
standard gcc install setup.  Is there any interest in bumping the standard cygwin gcc 
to 3.2.2?  Running gcc --version produces "gcc (GCC) 3.2 20020927 (prerelease)".  Is 
there much difference between this version and gcc 3.2.2?

Alan Thompson

P.S. I got the JNI and  stuff working both both the 3.2 and 3.2.2 versions.  
I can provide details if anyone is interested.

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Re: Interest in gcc 3.2.2?

2003-02-11 Thread Alan Thompson
As luck would have it, the progam I'm working on has multiple threads (in the Java 
code).  I haven't stress tested it with 3.2.2, 
but the normal test run worked fine.  Here is a quick grep on "Thread" in my code:

> find src -name "*.java" | xargs  grep Thread
src/jxda/PublisherImpl.java:Thread.sleep( 500 );  // milliseconds
src/jxda/PublisherImpl.java:  new Thread( new Worker(), Worker.class.getName() 
src/jxda/PublisherImpl.java:  new Thread( runnable ).start();
src/jxda/PublisherImpl.java:try { Thread.sleep( 2 * 1000 ); } catch ( 
Exception ex ) {}
src/jxda/PublisherImpl.java:new Thread( runnable ).start();

Alan Thompson

At 07:31 AM 2/12/2003 +0100, Bart Lamot wrote:
>Do you have threads working? I can't get them to work if i compile a java program 
>that has a Thread object it does compile but at runtime i get the error that threads 
>ain't implemented
>On 11-2-2003 at 21:27 Alan Thompson wrote:
>>Hi all - I downloaded gcc 3.2.2 sources, compiled, and got it working on
>>Cygwin.  However, I am concerned if I might later encounter any clashes
>>with /usr/lib/mingw, since I overwrote some of the lib*.a files there.
>>Are there any problems with this?  The cygwin setup seems a little
>>different than the standard gcc install setup.  Is there any interest in
>>bumping the standard cygwin gcc to 3.2.2?  Running gcc --version produces
>>"gcc (GCC) 3.2 20020927 (prerelease)".  Is there much difference between
>>this version and gcc 3.2.2?
>>Alan Thompson
>>P.S. I got the JNI and  stuff working both both the 3.2 and
>>3.2.2 versions.  I can provide details if anyone is interested.
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Re: Interest in gcc 3.2.2?

2003-02-11 Thread Alan Thompson
P.S.  I'm using Java 1.4.1 from Sun.

At 07:31 AM 2/12/2003 +0100, Bart Lamot wrote:
>Do you have threads working? I can't get them to work if i compile a java program 
>that has a Thread object it does compile but at runtime i get the error that threads 
>ain't implemented
>On 11-2-2003 at 21:27 Alan Thompson wrote:
>>Hi all - I downloaded gcc 3.2.2 sources, compiled, and got it working on
>>Cygwin.  However, I am concerned if I might later encounter any clashes
>>with /usr/lib/mingw, since I overwrote some of the lib*.a files there.
>>Are there any problems with this?  The cygwin setup seems a little
>>different than the standard gcc install setup.  Is there any interest in
>>bumping the standard cygwin gcc to 3.2.2?  Running gcc --version produces
>>"gcc (GCC) 3.2 20020927 (prerelease)".  Is there much difference between
>>this version and gcc 3.2.2?
>>Alan Thompson
>>P.S. I got the JNI and  stuff working both both the 3.2 and
>>3.2.2 versions.  I can provide details if anyone is interested.
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Re: Interest in gcc 3.2.2?

2003-02-12 Thread Alan Thompson
Bart - I am using JNI, so I compile the C++ stuff with g++ 3.2.2 and I compile the 
java stuff with J2SDK 1.4.1.  Then, they can magically talk to each other so I can 
hook up my legacy code to java, RMI, Jini, JDBC, etc.  The Java stuff runs in Sun's 
JRE 1.4.1 and calls the C++ code through the JNI.  I also have callbacks from the C++ 
code into Java objects running in the JVM.

So, in response to the question "Are you or aren't you compiling your java program to 
a native executable??", the answer is a resounding "Yes".

Alan Thompson

P.S. My apologies if the JNI part didn't quite leap out in my first messageit was 
a followup to a previous thread about  and JNI with g++ 3.2.

P.P.S.  I hadn't thought about compiling Java to a native executable.  I'll have to 
think about that for future projects, perhaps.

At 07:19 PM 2/12/2003 +0100, Bart Lamot wrote:
>Are you or aren't you compiling your java program to a native executable??
>Because if you are the I don't get the Sun 1.4.1 remark...
>If you aren't (and thus are using gcj just to compile to class files and use a JRE to 
>run) i don't get why u are doing this if u stick with Sun.
>I am lostbut am i clear?

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Re: Cygwin GCC & JNI??

2003-02-17 Thread Alan Thompson

>Jim - Try the following solution.  it worked for me.   Write back if it doesn't work 
>and I'll generate a more explicit example from my ant build script.

Alan Thompson

>From: "Mike Bresnahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: Using cygwin and JAVA/JNI
>Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2003 22:52:17 -0800
>Importance: Normal
>I have been using Cygwin GCC 3.2 to build JNI DLLs that use 
>without difficulty.  I have done the following things:
>- put -mno-cygwin -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -D__int64="long long" on the
>compiler command line
>- put -mno-cygwin -Wl,--add-stdcall-alias on the linker command line
>See the Cygwin FAQ at http://cygwin.com/faq/faq.html for info
>on -mno-cygwin.
>Mike Bresnahan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf
>> Of Alan Thompson
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 8:18 PM
>> Subject: Using cygwin and JAVA/JNI
>> >
>> >Hi all - I have been doing some JNI stuff to integrate our
>> legacy software, and I have had very good luck following the
>> examples at http://www.inonit.com/cygwin/jni/helloWorld/ .  The
>> only twist is that I've been using g++ instead of gcc, which
>> simplifies the non-java part.
>> >
>> >Here's a question, though:  I cannot for the life of me figure
>> out how to use the C++  in any of the code!  For some
>> reason, the "-mno-cygwin" flag kills the ability of g++ to either
>> compile or link any code referring to .  This means one
>> is stuck using good old printf(), instead of the more modern way.
>>  No matter how I break up the complies, it still fails at the
>> linking stage (when -mno-cygwin is still required, according to
>> my experiments).
>> >
>> >Does anyone have any ideas?  Also, I've been unable to find any
>> documentation on the -mno-cygwin flag in the gcc/g++ man pages.
>> Can anyone point me to where this comes from and/or is documented?
>> >
>> >Thanks again for all of the help,
>> >Alan Thompson
>> >
>> >P.S.  I've been using Cygwin for quite a while now ant it's
>> fantastic when you're chained to a windoze machine

At 02:24 PM 2/17/2003 -0500, Jim Marshall wrote:
>Sorry if this is a dup, I hit send on the previous message too soon...
> First, I'm fairly new to gcc so if this isn't the right list
>plese direct me to the correct one.
> I have some code which compiles a shared object, it compiles fine
>on Red Hat 8 and even on Solaris for Intel. I'm now attempting to
>compile this same code of Windows XP using Cygwin.  This shared
>object calls functions in the java VM (jvm.dll on windows). When I
>compile on Windows I get an error stating that it can't find the
>function JNI_GetCreatedVms function. I'm sure that has to do with
>the way the jvm.dll is compiled n windows and the calling
>convention, but I can;t figure it out. I've looked for the past
>two days and havn't found that much. can anyone lend me a helping
>hand? I have search teh web and found several sources of info
>(inonit.com etc..) but none have solved my problem.
>I'm using g++ 3.2 20020927 (prerelease) which came with
>cygwin (I downloaded cygwin last week).  Here is the command I am
>passing to g++ ad the output:
>g++ -Wl,--add-stdcall-alias -mno-cygwin -I. -I../common
>-Ic:/cygwin/usr/java/include -Ic:/cygwin/usr/java/include/win32
>-shared -o Tool.dll Tool.cpp  -Lc:/cygwin/usr/java/lib -ljvm 
>/cygdrive/c/temp/ccDembDG.o(.text+0x1dac):Tool.cpp: undefined
>reference to `_
>/cygdrive/c/temp/ccDembDG.o(.text+0x1e23):Tool.cpp: undefined
>reference to `_
>make: *** [NPITool.dll] Error 1
>I needthe DLL to compile with no dependency on cygwin, hence the
>-mno-cygwin. The -Wl,--add-stdcall-alias is something I just added
>after reading information at
>http://www.inonit.com/cygwin/jni/invocationApi/execute.html before
>it was just -Wall.
>Thank you

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Re: man page for tracert (and ping etc?)

2004-11-23 Thread Alan Dobkin
On 11/23/2004 2:44 PM, Eric Whitcombe wrote:
 Maybe a dumb question, but I get "No manual entry for tracert" when I try.
> I can't find the answer just searching the web. Isn't there a man 
page somewhere?

Neither tracert nor ping are cygwin applications, they are included with 
Windows.  So, there are no man pages, but there is help.  Try:

tracert /?
ping /?
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Re: ncftp current release won't run - missing CYGREADLINE5.DLL

2002-04-02 Thread Alan Dobkin

Another thing I would suggest is to look at the requirements 
for ncftp in the setup.ini file.  For 3.1.3-1, it indicates:

requires: cygwin libncurses5 libreadline5 terminfo less

The question is, why weren't these requirements met when you 
installed ncftp?  Did you use a current setup.exe installer?  

In my case, I had all the required packages installed (at 
least according to the setup program), but somehow the actual 
contents of the libreadline packages never got installed on 
my system.  In other words, the latest libreadline4 and 5 
entries existed in /etc/setup/installed.db, and the files 
libreadline[45].lst.gz existed in /etc/setup, but the files 
/usr/bin/cyghistory[45].dll and /usr/bin/cygreadline[45].dll 
did not exist.  The only way I can imagine this happened is 
due to a bug (possibly fixed by now) in setup.exe, as that 
is the only method I've used to install cygwin packages on 
my system.  In any case, the solution was to reinstall them.

I also wrote a quick little shell script to make sure I wasn't 
missing any other files that were supposedly already installed.  
It can be summed up with the following one-liner command:

cd / && ls `zcat /etc/setup/*.gz | grep -v etc/postinstall` >/dev/null

This will print out "No such file or directory" errors for each 
file that is supposedly installed but doesn't actually exist.


--On Tuesday, April 02, 2002 11:49 AM -0500 "Larry Hall (RFK Partners,
Inc)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 11:36 AM 4/2/2002, Gord Wait wrote:
>> The dll is nowhere on my filesystem?
>> Help?
> I'm going to suggest installing the missing DLL.  Refer to 
> www.cygwin.com/packages if you're not sure what package contains 
> the DLL you're missing. 

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Re: ncftp current release won't run - missing CYGREADLINE5.DLL

2002-04-02 Thread Alan Dobkin

After posting this message, I finally found the explanation:



--On Tuesday, April 02, 2002 2:43 PM -0500 Alan Dobkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> In my case, I had all the required packages installed (at 
> least according to the setup program), but somehow the actual 
> contents of the libreadline packages never got installed on 
> my system.  In other words, the latest libreadline4 and 5 
> entries existed in /etc/setup/installed.db, and the files 
> libreadline[45].lst.gz existed in /etc/setup, but the files 
> /usr/bin/cyghistory[45].dll and /usr/bin/cygreadline[45].dll 
> did not exist.  The only way I can imagine this happened is 
> due to a bug (possibly fixed by now) in setup.exe, as that 
> is the only method I've used to install cygwin packages on 
> my system.  In any case, the solution was to reinstall them.
> I also wrote a quick little shell script to make sure I wasn't 
> missing any other files that were supposedly already installed.  
> It can be summed up with the following one-liner command:
> cd / && ls `zcat /etc/setup/*.gz | grep -v etc/postinstall` >/dev/null
> This will print out "No such file or directory" errors for each 
> file that is supposedly installed but doesn't actually exist.
> Alan

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NcFTP Feature Request for "getline" (fwd)

2002-04-02 Thread Alan Dobkin

I am resending the attached request as it still applies 
to NcFTP 3.1.3.  I am copying the Cygwin list, because 
I've noticed a related bug in the current Cygwin version.

Consider an example with only the following two bookmarks:

RedHat Linux   --> FTP.RedHat.Com
RedHat Updates --> Updates.RedHat.Com

With the non-Cygwin Win32 version, tab completion 
displays the bookmark list with only the second words:

ncftp> open 

However, with the Cygwin version, tab completion repeats 
the first word each time without displaying the list:

ncftp> open 
ncftp> open RedHat 
ncftp> open RedHat RedHat 
ncftp> open RedHat RedHat RedHat 

Unfortunately, I am not able to contribute any patches 
myself, but hopefully this will not be a difficult fix 
for someone who is already familiar with the source code.

--- Begin Message ---

Please consider the following enhancement to "getline" tab 
completion.  When using the open command with tab to list 
the matching bookmarks, getline should enclose the string 
in quotes if it contains spaces.  Consider this example:

ncftp> open RedHat Linux
Resolving RedHat...

Unknown host "RedHat".
ncftp> open "RedHat Linux" (quotes inserted manually)
Resolving FTP.RedHat.Com...
Connecting to

Red Hat FTP server ready. All transfers are logged.
Logging in...

Login successful. Have fun.

Automatically inserting quotes like this appears to be 
standard behavior in most UNIX shells and Windows 2000.


--- End Message ---

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Re: NcFTP Feature Request for "getline" (fwd)

2002-04-02 Thread Alan Dobkin


Thanks for taking the time to respond to this issue, 
but it seems you may have missed my original message 
(which was attached to the one you responded to and 
is also included below).  I am aware that quotes can 
be used as a workaround to this problem - but IMO, 
The Right Thing To Do is to have the quotes inserted 
automatically.  This is also not a matter of Unix vs. 
Windows behavior, as both Unix and Windows properly 
deal with spaces in file names during tab completion.

In Windows 2000 (with tab completion enabled in cmd):

C:\>cd prog --> 
C:\>cd "Program Files"

In bash (using Cygwin or RedHat Linux):

$ cd /cygdrive/C/Prog --> 
$ cd /cygdrive/C/Program\ Files/

Now, regarding the new bug I was reporting specifically 
in the Cygwin version of NcFTP, you can reproduce it by 
creating a bookmark list containing *only* the two I 
mentioned, i.e. "RedHat Linux" and "RedHat Updates", or 
any other bookmarks that begin with the same word.  The 
reason your scenario didn't duplicate the bug is because 
you had a third bookmark that started differently.

Incidentally, backslash can't be used to escape the space 
either as it works in bash.  It has to be enclosed in quotes.

Using spaces in bookmarks may be silly, but I'm sure I'm 
not the first person to try it and expect it to work, 
since spaces are valid characters in most filesystems as 
file names and are permitted as bookmark names in NcFTP.


--On Tuesday, April 02, 2002 9:09 PM -0500 Charles Wilson

> I can't reproduce this the way you see it.  OTOH, I understand 
> your problem, and the short answer is:  use " character.
> ncftp> open "R U
> should do what you want.
> On cygwin, using rxvt (TERM=rxvt) or dosbox (TERM=cygwin), I get:
> ncftp> open 
> neurorcn
> ncftp> open
> two tabs, and I get
> ncftp> open  
> neurorcn
> ncftp> open  (e.g. the second tab is interpreted here)
> neurorcn
> ncftp> open
> likewise, when I do something as (IMO) silly as having multi-word
> bookmark names, in both environments I get
> ncftp> open 
> neuro one  neuro two  rcn  (lists all three bkmks)
> ncftp> open n
> neuro one  neuro two   (lists two bookmarks, autocompletes 'euro '
> ncftp> open neuro
> neuro one  neuro two  rcn  (thinks that 'open neuro ' is two words, and
>  tries to autocomplete an entirely new
>  word -- so it re-lists all three bkmks)
> If I try to help, by typing the 'o' for 'neuro one', it doesn't help --
> it tries to match on words beginning with 'o' and since I have no bkmks
> that begin with 'o' -- no match.
> ncftp> open neuro o
> ncftp> open neuro o
> This is The Right Thing To Do, IMO.  Very unixy.  Now, if I do THIS:
> ncftp> open "neuro 
> neuro oneneuro two
> Then, I help by adding an 'o':
> ncftp> open "neuro o  (it autocompletes!  'ne"')
> ncftp> open "neuro one"
> Again, The Right Thing To Do.  Remember, cygwin ain't windows.
> --Chuck
> Alan Dobkin wrote:
>> I am resending the attached request as it still applies 
>> to NcFTP 3.1.3.  I am copying the Cygwin list, because 
>> I've noticed a related bug in the current Cygwin version.
>> Consider an example with only the following two bookmarks:
>> RedHat Linux   --> FTP.RedHat.Com
>> RedHat Updates --> Updates.RedHat.Com
>> With the non-Cygwin Win32 version, tab completion 
>> displays the bookmark list with only the second words:
>> ncftp> open 
>> LinuxUpdates
>> However, with the Cygwin version, tab completion repeats 
>> the first word each time without displaying the list:
>> ncftp> open 
>> ncftp> open RedHat 
>> ncftp> open RedHat RedHat 
>> ncftp> open RedHat RedHat RedHat 
>> Unfortunately, I am not able to contribute any patches 
>> myself, but hopefully this will not be a difficult fix 
>> for someone who is already familiar with the source code.
>> Thanks,
>> Alan
>> Subject:
>> NcFTP Feature Request for "getline"
>> From:
>> Alan Dobkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date:
>> Sun, 04 Nov 2001 20:14:09 -0500
>> To:

Re: ncftp current release won't run - missing CYGREADLINE5.DLL

2002-04-03 Thread Alan Dobkin

--On Wednesday, April 03, 2002 11:00 AM -0500 Christopher Faylor

> On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 07:48:29AM -0800, Gord Wait wrote:
>> It turns out, no you can't just re run setup.exe on an already
>> installed cygwin and expect it to work.  It might delete a dll 
>> or two for you due to an install bug.
> That is just not true.  Please don't spread misinformation.

In my experience, Gord's first statement above *is* true.  Even 
though the current setup has been fixed so this problem does 
not happen with new installations, it does not go back and fix 
the problem for people who used the old setup.  The user must 
manually find the missing DLLs, or use a command like this:

cd / && ls `zcat /etc/setup/*.gz | grep -v etc/postinstall` >/dev/null

Then setup must be forced to reinstall the appropriate packages; 
it does not automatically recognize that they need to be updated.

Incidentally, IMO Gord's solution to completely reinstall Cygwin 
from scratch is overkill.  Finding the missing DLLs and having 
setup reinstall them is much easier and should be just as clean.


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Re: ps command - revisited

2002-04-09 Thread Alan Dobkin

I don't know why Chris's process isn't showing up, but I can 
attest to the fact that all Windows processes, including those 
associated with services *do* appear in the ps -W output, with 
only two exceptions:  the System Idle Process (PID #0) and the 
CSRSS.EXE (Client/Server Run-Time Subsystem) process, which is 
the user-mode portion of the Win32 subsystem.  Maybe cgf knows 
why these are missing and/or can add them to a future release. 
This should probably be considered a bug, since they are always 
listed in other Win32 process listings.  (Another minor related 
bug is that the System process, which runs kernel-mode threads, 
shows up as "*** unknown ***" instead of "System" in ps -W.)

As others have mentioned, there are lots of good utilities to 
list processes on WinNT/2K.  My personal preference is TLIST, 
which comes with the Windows 2000 Support Tools (included on 
the Win2K Pro CD), since it has a -T option for "task tree" 
which shows parent/child processes in sort of a hierarchy.  
It can also display detailed service/process/thread/DLL info.  
There is also PULIST, which comes with the Resource Kit and 
displays usernames associated with each process.  It can also 
show processes on remote systems.  Finally, there is PsList, 
which is one of Mark Russinovich's excellent utilities in his 
free PsTools suite.  You can download this from his web site:


On the other hand, if you are specially looking for NT/2K 
service-related information, as opposed to process-related 
information, I recommend Mark Russinovich's PsService (also 
part of the PsTools suite above), and the MS Resource Kit 
utilities SC (Service Controller), SCLIST, and NETSVC.



--On Tuesday, April 09, 2002 7:28 PM -0400 Christopher Faylor

> On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 05:17:42PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
>> Hi all, specially Corinna,
>> Corinna, maybe you can help out here. The UNIX ps command reports all and
>> every process running on the machine, the Windows (cygwin) ps command
>> however, omits WinNT/Win2K services, which is something we would like to
>> have working. Would it be possible to extent the current version of the
>> ps command to include this or can this become a future project?
> I'm not sure why you would expect Corinna to "help out here" as I was
> the one who added the '-W' functionality to 'ps'.
> The answer to your question is "No".  It is very unlikely that anyone
> would be interested in adding this kind of functionality to 'ps'.
> I suggest you look into other alternatives.  If it is possible to list
> services then surely there is a tool out there which already does that.

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Re: ps command - revisited

2002-04-09 Thread Alan Dobkin

--On Tuesday, April 09, 2002 11:08 PM -0400 Christopher Faylor

> As with so many other things in Cygwin, what you see is what 
> you get from the underlying Windows API that we're using.  If 
> certain processes aren't showing up when we say "give me all 
> of your processes", then they aren't being displayed.

Well, I just did a few tests, and the results may shed some light 
on the problem, which seems to be specific to Cygwin, not the API.  
I ran ps -W on several Windows 2000 systems, including one with a 
clean install of the OS and Cygwin from this week.  In every case, 
the CSRSS.EXE process is excluded when ps is run on the local box, 
either in a bash cmd shell or rxvt.  However, when using SSH, even 
to localhost, the CSRSS.EXE process magically re-appears.  Also, 
using every one of the other ps-type utilities (i.e. TLIST, PULIST, 
PsList, Task Manager, etc.), this process is displayed at all times.

So why would Cygwin be excluding this process on the local machine?  
Whatever the answer is may be the same reason to why the original 
poster's process wasn't being displayed either, and I wonder if 
their process would be displayed if they tried the ps -W via SSH.

> The exception is PID 0.  The zero pid is special to cygwin so it 
> can't be displayed due to a cygwin limitation.

A simple solution to this might be to have ps -W prepend PID 0 to 
its output as a placeholder so the listing is complete.  Similarly, 
the System process should be identified as such instead of unknown.

> The functionality you see now is all that I plan on providing.
> Patches are, as always, gratefully accepted, however.

I don't intend to submit a patch for this either, at least not any 
time soon, but I would be happy to provide information and testing 
for someone else who is willing and able to work on it.


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Re: ps command - revisited

2002-04-09 Thread Alan Dobkin

--On Wednesday, April 10, 2002 12:23 AM -0400 Christopher Faylor

> On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 11:59:08PM -0400, Alan Dobkin wrote:
>> I don't intend to submit a patch for this either, at least not 
>> any time soon, but I would be happy to provide information and 
>> testing for someone else who is willing and able to work on it.
> I presume that you aren't talking to me, but I'll make it clear 
> one more time: I'm not interested in this in any way.

Correct - I was just making an open statement to anyone on the list.  
Actually, I'm not that interested in it either, since I mainly use 
ps to list Cygwin-specific processes and TLIST for Win32 processes.

> If I wanted to debug it, I'd look at the source and figure it out from
> there.  Voluminous details about behavior when you do/don't login via
> ssh are probably not required if you are actually debugging the problem.

Well, I thought ancillary information and testing results would be 
useful to supplement the debugging, but all the better if it's not.


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RE: ps command - revisited

2002-04-09 Thread Alan Dobkin

--On Wednesday, April 10, 2002 2:39 PM +1000 Robert Collins

>> > What is the 'System process'?
>> Look at the output from the Task Manager.
> Sure, there's no 'System process'. Do you mean the 
> 'System Idle process' aka the scheduler?
> Rob

No, it's a separate process.  According to Microsoft, "Most 
system kernel-mode threads run as the System process."  See:


It may not appear in Windows OSes other than 2000.

$ ps -W
8   0   0  8?0 15:24:48 *** unknown ***

D:\>tlist /t
System Process (0)
System (8)

Process   PID  User
Idle  0

Name Pid Pri Thd  HndMem User Time   Kernel Time
Idle   0   0   10 16   0:00:00.000 482:15:09.042
System 8   8  35  199 28   0:00:00.000   1:40:49.048


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Automating Package Updates

2002-04-11 Thread Alan Dobkin

Has anyone developed a mechanism to notify and automatically 
update Cygwin packages on deployed systems?  I've searched 
the list and haven't seen anything like this yet, so I'm 
working on a perl script do it, which I will share if 
there is interest.  The idea is similar to RedHat's RHN/
up2date program for Linux.  But if something like this 
already exists for Cygwin, then I won't reinvent the wheel.

The script I'm working on requires Cygwin to already be 
installed, so it's not intended as a replacement for the 
setup program, and it would probably no longer be needed 
once there is a command-line setup.  It also requires perl 
to run, along with bzip and tar for package installation, 
ssmtp for e-mail notification, and cron for automation.  
It compares setup's installed.db file with the latest 
setup.ini to determine what has changed.  If it updates 
any packages, it revises the entries in installed.db and 
the package contents files in /etc/setup to keep setup 
happy for future manual updates with the GUI.


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New directories for each mirror

2002-04-13 Thread Alan Starr

I recently changed from setup version to  Now, whenever I download from a mirror,
it creates a new folder for that mirror.  Before, all
mirrors used a common 'contrib' and 'latest'
directory.  Since not all mirrors are always
up-to-date, I shuffle through several.  A friend of
mine said that he's seen similar problems when using
wget.  Is there a way to tell it to use the common
folders, perhaps through command line options? 


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Bug in setup.exe

2002-04-19 Thread Alan Hourihane


I'm wondering if I've found a bug in setup.exe.

I'm using and when I go through "Download from Internet"
and download the "new" components. It downloads them fine.

Next, I re-run setup.exe and I go through "Download from Internet" again,
(but this was by accident) and it says that the same files are ready
to be downloaded and proceeds to re-download them all again.

If I "Install from Local Directory" first it clears the problem.


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Re: Bug in setup.exe

2002-04-19 Thread Alan Hourihane

On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 11:22:08AM -0700, Michael A Chase wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Apr 2002 18:41:04 +0100 Alan Hourihane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm using and when I go through "Download from Internet"
> > and download the "new" components. It downloads them fine.
> > 
> > Next, I re-run setup.exe and I go through "Download from Internet" again,
> > (but this was by accident) and it says that the same files are ready
> > to be downloaded and proceeds to re-download them all again.
> I think this is because you haven't installed the packages yet.  I think
> setup.exe gets the current version information from the installed
> package not the download directory.

This isn't the way it used to work, and shouldn't in my opinion.

setup.exe should know what it's downloaded and not installed.


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Re: New version of setup - prerelease available

2002-05-01 Thread Alan Dobkin

--On Wednesday, May 01, 2002 9:33 PM +1000 Robert Collins

> I've uploaded a new version of setup.exe, and source, to 
> http://www.cygwin.com/setup-snapshots/setup-md5-20020501.exe and
> http://www.cygwin.com/setup-snapshots/setup-md5-20020501-src.tar.bz2.

When I run this new version (2.216) and select "Install from Local
Directory", as soon as setup gets to the "Progress" window (before 
listing any available packages), the CPU jumps up over 50% while 
the memory for that process grows to about 150 MB.  Eventually, 
after about a minute or so, the setup window/process disappears.

I haven't had any problems with the current release or previous 
releases of setup.exe, and this new version seems to work when I 
select "Install from Internet".  My local directory is a mirror 
of mirrors.rcn.net/pub/sourceware/cygwin, which I have been using 
for several months and is updated every night.  I am running W2K, 
and I have confirmed this behavior on two systems so far, one is 
W2K Professional (workstation) and one is W2K Server.

Let me know if you need me to provide any more information


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RE: New version of setup - prerelease available

2002-05-02 Thread Alan Dobkin

--On Thursday, May 02, 2002 9:41 PM +1000 Robert Collins

> Yes, can you build setup from the -src tarball, 
> and run it under gdb? If it crashes then, you can type\
> 'bt full'
> and send me or the list the output.

I haven't tried compiling the source yet, but using the binary 
you provided, I get hundreds of the following errors in gdb:

warning: LOG: 1 Found ini file - file://P:\Software\Windows\Cygwin/setup.ini


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Re: setup.exe pre-release update

2002-05-05 Thread Alan Dobkin

Unfortunately, I'm having the same results with this update 
(setup-md5-20020504.exe, v2.218.2.2) as I did with the first 
snapshot (setup-md5-20020501.exe, v2.216).  It still leaks 
memory on the progress window until the process disappears 
without any warning.  The same thing happens whether I use 
the full exe or the UPX compressed version.  If I let it 
die on its own, there is no log, but if I cancel it on the 
progress window before it dies, I get the following output:

$ cat /var/log/setup.log.full
2002/05/05 16:27:48 Starting cygwin install, version
2002/05/05 16:27:48 Current Directory: C:\Download\Cygwin
2002/05/05 16:27:55 source: from cwd
2002/05/05 16:27:56 root: D:/cygwin binary system
2002/05/05 16:27:56 Selected local directory: N:\Mirrors\Cygwin
Found ini file - file://N:\Mirrors\Cygwin/setup.ini
(Same line repeated hundreds of times until cancelled)
Found ini file - file://N:\Mirrors\Cygwin/setup.ini
2002/05/05 16:28:33 Ending cygwin install


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