Sharing zsh history in cygwin.

2005-01-20 Thread Andrew Markebo
Anyone managed to share command line history between running zsh's in
latest cygwin's?

In old times I have done it, unfortunetaly bad tracking when I lost
it. (Cywgin  zsh 4.2) (think it works with Linux-compiled zsh,

Mainly my sharing is decided by:
# History 
# IncAppendHistory for sharing between shells.. NOW..

The last line, HISTFILE, freezes the cygwin-distributed zsh
(4.2.0) just after reading the config-files. Removing just that line
creates a bunch of .history-XXX files.

On cygwin I configured (by setting named FIFOs to work to false) and
compiled zsh 4.2.3, but it doesn't seem to share the history.

Anyone who have been messing with the history as I do?


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Re: Sharing zsh history in cygwin.

2005-01-20 Thread Andrew Markebo
A quick note, it works in zsh 4.2.3 compiled on linux. No changes.

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

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Re: Firing up latest zsh with latest cygwin OOPS!

2004-12-10 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Peter A. Castro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| On Tue, 7 Dec 2004, Andrew Markebo wrote:
| Been messing around with my .zshell initfiles I have noticed that it
| is my configuration of history file that makes it hang.


| Commenting out HISTFILE means no history will be written.  Are there any
| special permissions/ownership on ~/.history ?  Is this file being used
! by, say, bash or some other file at the same time?  Might could be a
| locking issue, but it's strange that it just now is occuring.  Try
| changing the name of HISTFILE to something else, like ~/.zhistory and see
| if it still hangs.

Nope not used for my bashes, they are using ~/.bash_hist, one thing I
saw was that it seemed every time I tried to launch a zsh, a file
~/.history.PID was created. ~/.history was history of my old zsh's

Now trying it on my computer at home.. same problem

BTW the .history.PID file contains just PID. 


 The eye of the compiler rests on the code!

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Re: Firing up latest zsh with latest cygwin OOPS!

2004-12-07 Thread Andrew Markebo
Been messing around with my .zshell initfiles I have noticed that it
is my configuration of history file that makes it hang.


Commenting out HISTFILE the shell starts. This works for an old
4.0.7 version of zsh


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

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Re: Firing up latest zsh with latest cygwin OOPS!

2004-12-06 Thread Andrew Markebo

Description: Shortened logfile
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Re: Firing up latest zsh with latest cygwin OOPS!

2004-12-06 Thread Andrew Markebo
Some more questions.. Anyone else who can't read the written contents
of the Firing up latest zsh with latest cygwin mails? Reading them
with Gnus I only see:

[1. Shortened logfile --- application/x-gzip; zshoutshort.txt.gz]...

[2. text/plain]


   Democracy is two hungry wolves and one sheep discussing what's for
dinner. Liberty is a well-armed sheep willing to contest the decision.

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Re: Start XTerm without DOS Window

2004-06-03 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Russell Seymour [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|  [...]
| My first thought was to start XTerm without a batch file - however
| when I do this i get the message saying that the system cannot find
| the cygwin.dll.

cygwin.dll needs to be in the path, so set c:\cygwin\bin in the
windows environment.


 Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes
hurtling down the highway.
- Andrew Tanenbaum, Computer Networks

Re: sshd: Allow service to interact with desktop

2004-05-27 Thread Andrew Markebo
| Does the option in the subject line allow me to use GUIs via ssh? If so, how
| do I make use of it? Environmental issues? 

Well port forward the VNC-port through the ssh-session.


 The eye of the compiler rests on the code!

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Re: FW: XWin Xserver maximum root area exceeded?

2004-03-05 Thread Andrew Markebo
| Hi,
| I am trying to use the prebuilt XWin.exe on a root area of 
| 12800x2048 (20 projectors arranged in 2 rows each with a resolution of
| 1280x1024)

Very interesting!

12.800 twelveTHOUSAND pixels wide.. could it be something like the
size has a limitation? Hmm maybe is squeezed into a word where a
couple of bits is used for other stuff?

 Your fault -- core dumped

Re: startxwin.bat-missing files

2004-02-10 Thread Andrew Markebo
The setup program should select the packages you need, like cygwin.


/ robert jacques [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| After downloading and installing cygwin the user guides directs you on how
| to start cygwin.
| One method is to run /usr/X11R6/bin/startxwin.bat by double-clicking it in
| Windows Explorer.
| startxwin.bat. However, I get the followining 2 error messages:
|1)required .DLL file, CYGCYGIPC-2.DLL, was not found.
| 2)required .DLL file, CYGWIN1.DLL, was not found.
| I have followed the istallation documention to the letter!
| Q. Do I need to install cygwinX?
| OS- windows98
| Packages- inetutils, openssh, Xfree86-base (all set to default )
|Best Regards,

  We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars
  Oscar Wilde

Re: AltGr and Solaris 2.6 still not working (Solaris 8 does though)

2004-01-12 Thread Andrew Markebo
Tried xkeycaps (running on the sun) to show what the SUN thinks the
keyboard look like?

  The nice thing about standards is that you have so many to choose
- Andrew Tanenbaum, OS?

Re: startx problem on Win-XP

2003-11-25 Thread Andrew Markebo
If you from a cmd window run startxwin.bat, what is printed out? 

If you run the from a cygwin window, what is printed out?
What does /tmp/XWin.log contain?


/ [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Reichel, Wolfgang ) wrote:
| Harold ,
|Reichel, Wolfgang wrote:
|Hello !
|I have installed the newest cygwin-version
|on my Win-XP box.
|But i can't start the X-System.
|It doesn't make any different how i try to start it.
|I tried the following way...
|startx 2/tmp/mistlog
| Use startxwin.bat instead:
| Harold
| Thanks for your answer. But i tried all ways described in the
| docs to start. Nothing works.
| The startxwin.bat runs but nothing happens.
| What can be the reason ?
| Wolfgang

 The eye of the linker rests on the libs!

Re: Cygwin XFree86 startx Problem

2003-11-21 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Chan Seng Loong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| $ startx
| + userclientrc=/home/Chan Seng Loong/.xinitrc
| + userserverrc=/home/Chan Seng Loong/.xserverrc

just a wild thought, homedir with space in it, try without.. edit


   Democracy is two hungry wolves and one sheep discussing what's for
dinner. Liberty is a well-armed sheep willing to contest the decision.

Re: 1.5.5 and perl 5.8.2-5: bug with perl's system() cmd

2003-11-21 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Reed White [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Versions: crgwin dll 1.5.5 and perl 5.8.2-5
| When executing system() commands in perl, the system fails to handle 
| escaped quotes properly.  For example, the following is not parsed 
| properly:
|  system(rsync ... --rsh=\ssh -l blah\ ... )

Enjoy Igor:


 I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death
your right to say it.

-- Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire (1694-1778), French philosopher,
   writer, Candide

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Re: Error linking against libXt

2003-10-23 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Lou Losee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Thanks, I will try that.  Is there any way to determine what the default
| search libs are for gcc/ld?  I was not able to find anything in the
| man/info pages other than there was a default search path.

Run gcc with -v and it will show you where it searches and so on


 From the other side of the screen it looked so easy
   - Tron

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Re: Cygwin on DOS

2003-10-16 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Paul Bezzam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Brian,
| I did put the C:\Cygwin\bin in the DOS path;  but when I try to run a
| program under DOS(this program  was already compiled under Cygwin before),
| I get a dialog box saying: This application has failed to start because
| cygwin1.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix it.

Just a quick thought, tried a echo %PATH% in dos to see what it
looks like before running your prog?

Where in path is c:\cygwin\bin in the path? Beginning? End... My
worries were more like if dos can't handle names with space in them in
the path, but that shouldn't be any problems.. or?


  TANSTAAFI - There Are No Such Thing As A Free Internet


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Re: abaqus on cygwin

2003-09-30 Thread Andrew Markebo
Hmm just a quick check, the bash-prompt you fire it up from, is it
started from within cygwin X-windows? Is the environment variable
$DISPLAY set to something? (you have started X-windows, and tell
abacus to where to find it)

I wonder, it seems like you have to blame abaqus, not cygwin, it maybe
only checks if exceed is running, if not, it complains, doesn't check
for generic X-displayer.

Thought 3 or something.. seems to do some 3d? Maybe something it can't
find in the cygwin X-displayer, but in exceed?



| I have ABAQUS 6.3.1 for Windows installed on my Windows 2000 laptop. I
| also have the current cygwin and cygwin-xfree installed and working
| properly and I'm using the waimea window manager.
| I'm starting ABAQUS from a Windows Command Prompt via abaqus -cae or
| from the Star Menu or from a cygwin bash shell. I get the follow error
| messages:
| ABAQUS Error: The Exceed executable could not be located. This may
| indicate a problem with the Exceed installation or an upgrade to the
| Exceed installation.
| First, please check that you have Exceed installed and working correctly.
| Then, please reinstall your ABAQUS Products in order to resolve this
| problem. If this issue persists, please contact your local ABAQUS support
| office for further assistance.
| I don't have Exceed installed and I was hoping there is a way to use the
| cygwin XFree86 server in place of Exceed. I'm assuming I have to edit the
| abaqus_v6.env and/or graphicsConfig.env files, but I don't know what
| changes to make or if it is even possible to do this. Maybe Exceed is
| really required, as the ABAQUS documentation indicates.

 You believe in the Users?

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Re: static libs in bin?

2003-09-18 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Harold L Hunt II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Andy,
| Andrew Markebo wrote:
|   libX11.a, and some more static libraries, can be found in XFree86-bin,
|   but I mean.. are they really needed here? Isn't the correct placement
|   in XFree86-prog?
|  /Andy
| You must be looking at an old version of XFree86-bin.  If not, please
| point out the files to which you are referring in the below package
| listing.

Oops sorry, yep me only checking the first matches, 4.2's (search at


  TANSTAFI - There Are No Such Thing As Free Internet

static libs in bin?

2003-09-12 Thread Andrew Markebo
libX11.a, and some more static libraries, can be found in XFree86-bin,
but I mean.. are they really needed here? Isn't the correct placement
in XFree86-prog?

 You believe in the Users?

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Re: Xwin stackdump while logging into RH8 with KDE as window manager

2003-09-05 Thread Andrew Markebo


Many thoughts.. hmm not nothing like KDE loads something that wants
features that only can be found on linux, not on the cygwin xfree?


 The eye of the linker rests on the libs!

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Re: Xwin stackdump while logging into RH8 with KDE as windowmanager

2003-09-04 Thread Andrew Markebo

Maybe throw an eye at the log in /tmp also? 


| Please attach your file for examination.


 The Devil is so clever that he makes you think he doesn't exist.

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Re: [Serial] PPP/SLIP/.../ network?

2003-08-24 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Sylvain Briole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| [...]
| I have a null-modem cable to connect the two computers.
| What I would like to implement : a TCP-IP connection between the laptop and
| the desktop computers.

Any special reason using cygwin for this, doesn't win2k provide this
functionality, basically your network connected computer pretends
dial-up-server, and your laptop pretends to dial to it, but no modems,
and no dialling done, just PPP/SLIP talk.. 

Saw some discussions how to do that for Palm.. 

Hmmm.. Make new connection - connect directly to other computer... 


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

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Re: Attempt to build Scigraphica and xml-config

2003-08-20 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ J.Underwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Hi
| I'm attempting to build Scigraphica for cygwin/xfree86, and on running the
| configure script it is bombing out complaining of not being able to find the
| xml-config file. I have checked my setup and the xml libraries are
| installed. Any ideas?

Doing a quick search on, it doesn't seem
to be included, a miss in package creation? Hmm which XML-package BTW
is it that should deliver this? libxml2?


 I [..] am rarely happier than when spending an entire day programming
my computer to perform automatically a task that it would otherwise
take me a good ten seconds to do by hand.
-- Douglas Adams, Last Chance to See
 -= May he rest in peace! =-

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Re: Updated on sourceware: XFree86-bin-icons-4.3.0-2

2003-08-14 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Steinar Bang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| The XFree86-bin-icons-4.3.0-2 package has been updated in the Cygwin
| distribution.
| Is there a way to list the content of an installed cygwin package?
| Ie. something like rpm -ql or dpkg -L?

If installed, do a zcat of the file in /etc/setup/package.lst.gz, if
not installed, us the search packages on the homepage and if my memory
doesn't fail me, you can click there and get contens.


 Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes
hurtling down the highway.
- Andrew Tanenbaum, Computer Networks

Re: Incorporating .epsi files into TeX docs : failure

2003-08-14 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Alexander Gottwald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| On Sun, 10 Aug 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| gs: Unknown device: x11
| The ghostscript package was not compiled with X11 support. You can either
| compile it yourself or ask the maintainer of ghostscript if he could provide
| binaries with x11 support too.

Well there actually exists ghostscript-x11 packages, which I think ads
the X11 functionality, for cygwin.. 

Sorry if I missed something or.. just stumbled in now.


 Don't walk in front of me, I might be unable to follow you. 
 Don't walk after me, I might be unable to lead you. 
 Just walk by my side and be my friend.

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Re: request for new feature

2003-08-04 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Jack Tanner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|c:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\run /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -display :0
| YES! , this works perfectly.  Now could this be added
| as a right click menu option to the tray?

or hmm during setup of the packages, add an icon for X-server, and
local xterm, to the cygwin entry in the start-menu?


  The nice thing about standards is that you have so many to choose
- Andrew Tanenbaum, OS?

Re: Compiling Lesstif on Cygwin:K@N@!:

2003-07-28 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Gary Nicholson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Igor,
| Yes, this is very good. Moving the libraries to the end helps.
| I find that I also have to add two additional libraries:
|   -lSM and -lICE
| Is this to be expected?

yes :-)

| When I add the libraries, I get a successful compile and the
| application runs.

Enjoy :-)

| I am very pleased. It's my first *tif application.
| Thank you.
| Gary
| -Original Message-
| From: Igor Pechtchanski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
| Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 12:03 PM
| Subject: RE: Compiling Lesstif on Cygwin
| Gary,
| The compiler string:
| gcc -I/usr/X11R6/include -L/usr/X11R6/lib \
| -lXm -lXt -lX11 hello.c -o hello
| The above is a classic C beginner's mistake: the libraries go to the
| *end*
| of the compile command, i.e., try
| gcc -I/usr/X11R6/include -L/usr/X11R6/lib hello.c -o hello -lXm -lXt
| -lX11
| Hope this helps,
|   Igor
| On Fri, 25 Jul 2003, Gary Nicholson wrote:
| Brian,
| Thanks for taking time to reply to my email about
| Compiling Lesstif on Cygwin. Thanks for referring me
| to the cygwin-xfree mailing list.
| I've tried quite a few things since I posted the email
| you answered.
| I reinstalled the lesstif version you recommended and
| verified the compiler string you suggested is what I use.
| Having done those things, I get the following error:
| undefined reference to '_XtVaAppInitialize'
| Do you know what's happening?
| Gary
| Here is the program (the first motif program in the O'Reilly book):
| #include Xm/Xm.h
| #include Xm/PushB.h
| main(argc, argv)
| char *argv[];
| {
| Widgettoplevel, button;
| XtAppContext  app;
| void i_was_pushed();
| XmString label;
| toplevel = XtVaAppInitialize(app, Hello, NULL, 0,
| argc, argv, NULL, NULL);
| label = XmStringCreateSimple(Push here to say hello);
| button = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(pushme,
| xmPushButtonWidgetClass, toplevel,
| XmNlabelString, label,
| NULL);
| XmStringFree(label);
| XtAddCallback(button, XmNactivateCallback, i_was_pushed, NULL);
| XtRealizeWidget(toplevel);
| XtAppMainLoop(app);
| }
| void
| i_was_pushed(w, client_data, cbs)
| Widget w;
| XtPointer client_data;
| XmPushButtonCallbackStruct *cbs;
| {
| printf(Hello Yourself!\n);
| }
| The compiler string:
| gcc -I/usr/X11R6/include -L/usr/X11R6/lib \
| -lXm -lXt -lX11 hello.c -o hello
| -Original Message-
| From: Brian Ford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 5:33 PM
| To: Gary Nicholson
| Subject: Re: Compiling Lesstif on Cygwin
| On Sun, 20 Jul 2003, Gary Nicholson wrote:
| I've installed Cygwin on Windows XP. The X Server starts and runs
| with
| no errors.
| I installed lesstif-cygwin-0.93.8.
| lesstif-0.93.41-1 is the supported package available via the normal
| Cygwin setup installer at  Please use it.
| On Mon, 21 Jul 2003, Gary Nicholson wrote:
| I am going to move the header files back to their
| original location and keep exploring how to set the
| include path for g++.
| This is basic C compiler stuff.  Add -I/usr/X11R6/include to the
| compile line and -L/usr/X11R6/lib to the link line.
| These sort of questions are probably better suited for
| Cygwin's reluctant lesstif maintainer.
| -- 
|   |\  _,,,---,,_  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-' Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
| '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL   a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!
| I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his
| route
| to the bathroom is a major career booster.  -- Patrick Naughton

 Your fault -- core dumped

Please note, new email, -

Re: Compiling Lesstif on Cygwin

2003-07-26 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Gary Nicholson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Igor,
| Yes, this is very good. Moving the libraries to the end helps.
| I find that I also have to add two additional libraries:
|   -lSM and -lICE
| Is this to be expected?

yes :-)

| When I add the libraries, I get a successful compile and the
| application runs.

Enjoy :-)

| I am very pleased. It's my first *tif application.
| Thank you.
| Gary
| -Original Message-
| From: Igor Pechtchanski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
| Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 12:03 PM
| Subject: RE: Compiling Lesstif on Cygwin
| Gary,
| The compiler string:
| gcc -I/usr/X11R6/include -L/usr/X11R6/lib \
| -lXm -lXt -lX11 hello.c -o hello
| The above is a classic C beginner's mistake: the libraries go to the
| *end*
| of the compile command, i.e., try
| gcc -I/usr/X11R6/include -L/usr/X11R6/lib hello.c -o hello -lXm -lXt
| -lX11
| Hope this helps,
|   Igor
| On Fri, 25 Jul 2003, Gary Nicholson wrote:
| Brian,
| Thanks for taking time to reply to my email about
| Compiling Lesstif on Cygwin. Thanks for referring me
| to the cygwin-xfree mailing list.
| I've tried quite a few things since I posted the email
| you answered.
| I reinstalled the lesstif version you recommended and
| verified the compiler string you suggested is what I use.
| Having done those things, I get the following error:
| undefined reference to '_XtVaAppInitialize'
| Do you know what's happening?
| Gary
| Here is the program (the first motif program in the O'Reilly book):
| #include Xm/Xm.h
| #include Xm/PushB.h
| main(argc, argv)
| char *argv[];
| {
| Widgettoplevel, button;
| XtAppContext  app;
| void i_was_pushed();
| XmString label;
| toplevel = XtVaAppInitialize(app, Hello, NULL, 0,
| argc, argv, NULL, NULL);
| label = XmStringCreateSimple(Push here to say hello);
| button = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(pushme,
| xmPushButtonWidgetClass, toplevel,
| XmNlabelString, label,
| NULL);
| XmStringFree(label);
| XtAddCallback(button, XmNactivateCallback, i_was_pushed, NULL);
| XtRealizeWidget(toplevel);
| XtAppMainLoop(app);
| }
| void
| i_was_pushed(w, client_data, cbs)
| Widget w;
| XtPointer client_data;
| XmPushButtonCallbackStruct *cbs;
| {
| printf(Hello Yourself!\n);
| }
| The compiler string:
| gcc -I/usr/X11R6/include -L/usr/X11R6/lib \
| -lXm -lXt -lX11 hello.c -o hello
| -Original Message-
| From: Brian Ford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 5:33 PM
| To: Gary Nicholson
| Subject: Re: Compiling Lesstif on Cygwin
| On Sun, 20 Jul 2003, Gary Nicholson wrote:
| I've installed Cygwin on Windows XP. The X Server starts and runs
| with
| no errors.
| I installed lesstif-cygwin-0.93.8.
| lesstif-0.93.41-1 is the supported package available via the normal
| Cygwin setup installer at  Please use it.
| On Mon, 21 Jul 2003, Gary Nicholson wrote:
| I am going to move the header files back to their
| original location and keep exploring how to set the
| include path for g++.
| This is basic C compiler stuff.  Add -I/usr/X11R6/include to the
| compile line and -L/usr/X11R6/lib to the link line.
| These sort of questions are probably better suited for
| Cygwin's reluctant lesstif maintainer.
| -- 
|   |\  _,,,---,,_  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-' Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
| '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL   a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!
| I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his
| route
| to the bathroom is a major career booster.  -- Patrick Naughton

 Your fault -- core dumped

Please note, new email, -

Re: Compiling Lesstif on Cygwin

2003-07-26 Thread Andrew Markebo

Sorry for the small reply on this subject, I meant just to throw a
private reply to the author, but this group is the only one who puts a
Reply-to header, and I always forget..


 The parser of the compiler rests on the code!

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Re: wmaker fatal error: could not open display :0

2003-07-19 Thread Andrew Markebo
What happens if you try Thats how I pull up my


/ digitalsmear [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Having trouble getting X to run...  The worst part about  this is that I
| had it working a few hours ago, but I uninstalled and reinstalled becaused
| I foobared my package choices and vim couldn't find some resource.  So
| atleast I know it's a configuration problem.  Now to pin it down...
| I am using WindowsXP Home Ed. SP1
| When I attempt to startx I get the following:
| -
| $ startx
| waiting for X server to shut down
| $ wmaker fatal error: could not open display :0

 The parser of the compiler rests on the code!

Please note, new email, -

Re: Problems with GCC

2003-07-13 Thread Andrew Markebo
Just a quick follow-up, asked him to rotate the order of includes done
in admin.c, (types.h in the beginning) and it passess compilation..


/ Taylor Jeude [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Didn't include the actual problem earlier.  I keep getting this error.  I've
| reinstalled Cygwin 3 times, and finally, I installed the entire blasted
| thing...  Still no luck.
| $ make
| gcc -c -O -Wall -g  -DNOCRYPT admin.c
| In file included from /usr/include/cygwin/in.h:21,
|  from /usr/include/netinet/in.h:14,
|  from /usr/include/arpa/inet.h:14,
|  from admin.c:12:
| /usr/include/cygwin/types.h:120: parse error before int16_t
| /usr/include/cygwin/types.h:124: parse error before int32_t
| /usr/include/cygwin/types.h:128: parse error before int64_t


 The eye of the compiler rests on the code!

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Re: Win2k Telnet Server login issues (no XDM so gotta usesomething)

2003-07-09 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Harold L Hunt II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Did I miss something?  What is going on here?

He wants to serve a bumch of X-terminals from a NT-machine.. (running
X-server on the NT machine, and show NT-sessions on the terminals)

msg, sorry, I don't think NT's telnetdeamon does mount drives and so
on, give cygwin's (rshd/sshd/telnetd) a try, and read the faq how to
get it mount the drives.. and check the cygwin mailinglist, well
discussed question..  maybe even the faq..


p.s. sorry for short answ. sitting with 4 day kid on stomach

| msg wrote:
| Greetings:
| X-terminals will need to connect to the Win2k box using something
| other than XDM (until it works) so one must consider telnet or
| rsh.  The native windows telnet daemon is supposed to set
| environment vars HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH which can then be used
| by the system login script %SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\LOGIN.CMD however
| in my tests they are not set for any user although the var
| One could easily write a script to search \cygwin\etc\passwd
| or otherwise use the USERNAME var to determine user specific
| paths, etc. but I'd like the native facility to work first.
| A search of Usenet archives shows this to be a problem in an
| addon package for NT4 but I didn't find any reference to the
| problem in Win2k.
| Anyone else encountered this?
| Michael Grigoni
| Cybertheque Museum

  The nice thing about standards is that you have so many to choose
- Andrew Tanenbaum, OS?

Re: rdesktop.exe session on an X-terminal?

2003-06-24 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ msg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Thanks much Andy; I didn't pull down the sources but just took the
| binary on the direct suggestion by Chris January (he knew what I
| was trying to do but alas... :-))

Tell us how well it works in 'cygwin' and X-mode :-)


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Re: rdesktop.exe session on an X-terminal?

2003-06-23 Thread Andrew Markebo

Just a couple of quick thoughts here.. 

* I don't think rdesktop can display the xfree sessions from windows.

* xfree can't send stuff like word and so on from windows to a
  x-session on other machine. What is sent is to be X-applications.


/ msg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Earle,
| Thanks for your reply.  Yes, rdesktop on Unix works well for us too
| but we need to build a standalone Win2k-serving-Xterminals-with-
| Windows-Desktop-sessions solution. Other than Citrix, rdesktop seems
| to be the only alternative??
| Michael Grigoni
| Cybertheque Museum
| Earle F. Philhower, III wrote:
| Howdy Michael,
| -- Original Message -
| Subject: Re: rdesktop.exe session on an X-terminal?
| 'rdesktop.exe' doesn't honor a command-line display argument and
| setting Windows and Cygwin environment variables 'display' and
| 'DISPLAY' has no effect.
| ---
| I can confirm that the rdesktop 1.2.0 that I downloaded and compiled under
| Solaris displays fine under XWin -multiwindow -multiplescreens, for connections
| to both terminal servers and my WinXP laptop.  I just set the $DISPLAY properly
| in the xterm and rdesktop server...
| Under Windoze there's no need for rdesktop, you can use the free
| Remote Desktop Connection utility from MS (supported under Win 98, 2000,
| and built-in underXP).  The MS version is also faster and supports 16-bit
| displays which is almost a necessity for XP remotes, with all their eye-candy.
| --
| -Earle F. Philhower, III

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Re: rdesktop.exe session on an X-terminal?

2003-06-23 Thread Andrew Markebo

| On a test machine using Cygwin/Xfree86 one may telnet from the
| X-terminal and establish an xterm (bash) session but then invoking
| 'rdesktop.exe' will not open a session on the remote display. 
| 'rdesktop.exe' does open a session window on the console display if
| invoked from a console command prompt.

rdesktop.exe, compiled how? It needs to be compiled with X11 support
to be displayed on the X11 terminal.


| As you can see our hope is to build an alternative to Citrix
| to present Win2k desktop sessions on X-terminals using only one
| Win2k host.  We can now do that using one Win2k host and one
| unix host to manage the X-terminals.

A doublecheck, desktop sessions is windows desktop sessions with
normal windows apps? You think that rdesktp.exe can do this? Provide
the sessions on the 'server'? 

If so, just a quick thought how come you think (could be true, could
be false) rdesktop.exe can provide and export the 'session' of one
'virtual' windows session to a remote host? I thought it was just a
viewer, and rdesktop.exe is used to see sessions on other computers, a
client, not a server?

BTW Isn't there a vnc-port that does a bit of this? Can do
sessions.. or is it that it can send just windows.. 


 Everything that was magical was just a way of describing the world in
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Re: rdesktop.exe session on an X-terminal?

2003-06-23 Thread Andrew Markebo
I think I have found your 'problem', assuming you are using
rdesktop.exe from 

If I have gotten stuff right, The target of this rdesktop.exe is to do
a rdesktop running natively on a windows-machine, no X11 stuff needed
during link (gcc -mno-cygwin -DWIN32_NATIVE [...] -lws2_32 -lgetopts
-lgdi32 -luser32)

Pull down the rdesktop source, and configure and make it natively
under cygwin, I think you should get a better rdesktop.exe (final link
command something like gcc [...] -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lcrypto)


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Re: non network install

2003-06-10 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ B Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Hi,
| I would be gratefull if you could help with the following problem:
| [...]
| So I mirrored a cygwin ftp archive and burned them onto a CD. However when
| I try to install  from the CD I get the following two errors many, many
| times when the post-install scripts are running.

Any special reason mirroring it over ftp (it sounds like that),
instead of letting setup download the packages and put it as it wants


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Re: Konsole-like application?

2003-06-09 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ William E. Kempf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Are there any applications similar to Konsole for Cygwin.  By similar, I
| mean an application with a tabbed frame for multiple consoles and a button
| to create new consoles, but one that doesn't require KDE (I want to run
| -multiwindow).

Hmm emacs?? Or xemacs? Then you probably don't need X.. ;-)


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Re: WinXP username with spaces -- wmaker ko

2003-04-06 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Andrew Markebo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| [...]
| What happens if you add the escape-character to /etc/passwd ?

Tried it myself. worked a little, while like ssh threw in the \ as
part of the name.. so if someone should escape it.. it probably is the
guy setting the environment variable HOME.


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Re: WinXP username with spaces -- wmaker ko

2003-04-06 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Andrew Markebo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| / Andrew Markebo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| | [...]
| | What happens if you add the escape-character to /etc/passwd ?
| Tried it myself. worked a little, while like ssh threw in the \ as
| part of the name.. so if someone should escape it.. it probably is the
| guy setting the environment variable HOME.

Duh and thinking a little more, some apps is reading the environment
variable $HOME and, well then they will try to open a\ subdir not a
subdir. *sigh* rewind.. forget me ;-)


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Re: Remote Graphical Acesss to SuSE from XP Continued

2003-04-05 Thread Andrew Markebo

| When I executed, a new XFree86 window came up with the X
| cursor and a terminal window.  From there I logged onto my linux
| machine (ssh -x
| and echoed the display variable (echo $display).  A blank

ssh -X, capital X to be used.. include a -v switch also to see
verbosely what is happening.

Uhh checking your startxwin.bat.. you do: (hmm is it bat, not

#! /bin/sh
export DISPLAY=

Have you edited it?? I mean that is the linux machine?
And DISPLAY shouldn't be set to that machine, it should point to the
local machine.. Start clean, with an unedited startxwn, to get


p.s. for starters to quickly get around 

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Re: WinXP username with spaces -- wmaker ko

2003-04-05 Thread Andrew Markebo
|   cp -a /etc/skel/. $HOME


Just a quick thought, any special reason HOME doesn't contain a
legal path, escaped, as it probably (?) should be on a real unix

(Escaped = /home/Alan\ Miles/ instead of /home/Alan Miles/)

What happens if you add the escape-character to /etc/passwd ?


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Re: Remote Graphical Acesss to SuSE from XP

2003-04-04 Thread Andrew Markebo

I don't see that you have started X?

Meanwhile step by step.. getting an xterm.. 

| I start CygWin through the standard cygwin.bat file from installation.

After starting cygwin.bat, type in the shell-window.. 

| From the terminal window I can connect to through TelNet
| or SSH to change the DISPLAY variable.  In my attempts I have set
| DISPLAY to both and

From the window opened in the X-window, do ssh -X and
there, do echo $DISPLAY (let ssh set the DISPLAY for you), if you
get a value like it should be working, here fire up a


 The eye of the linker rests on the libs!

Re: How to access a Linux partition

2003-04-04 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Elfyn McBratney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| How does Cygwin access a Linux partition?
| Thank You,
| It doesn't. If you want to access Linux ext[23] partitions under Windows you
| will need a filesystem driver for your version of Windows.

Or.. Well there are a couple of alternatives.. ltools (read/write)

Not yet dos native/drive access, but through a wrapper command.. or

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Re: How to access a Linux partition

2003-04-04 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Andrew et. al:
| I especially like the work done at
| for SMB access to all drives Linux ,NTFS or remote
| The only quandary is I wanted to stay with C for Raw Speed

Yeah but SMB requires linux to be booted, I assumed a linux-partition
on the computer that has booted Windows.. 

If you want to samba-access a linux-machine.. tried accessing
//computername/share[...], or mount it from windows.. 


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Re: keyboard non-US

2003-04-02 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ kaio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Can be used an IT keyboard layout instead?

If you have a modern xfree it should find your keyboard layout
automatically (or it is still beta?), if still problem - throw an eye
or two at the faq at 
4.4 is probably interesting..

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Re: keyboard non-US

2003-04-02 Thread Andrew Markebo
Maybe should update the FAQ on this issue.. how the keyboard layout is
controlled today.. 

*Oh you are looking at me?* 

*okee.. I might throw an eye or two at the faq ;-)* (send some stupid
suggestions, and then some other who knows about it will send the
correct info and it is just to copy'n'paste) ;-)


/ Alexander Gottwald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| On Wed, 2 Apr 2003, Andrew Markebo wrote:
| / kaio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| | Can be used an IT keyboard layout instead?
| |
| If you have a modern xfree it should find your keyboard layout
| No. Italian is not in the list. I've not received information what windows reports
| for itali keyboards and have not added it.
| bye
|   ago

 The eye of the linker rests on the libs!

Re: startx from bash can not find cygwin1.dll

2003-04-01 Thread Andrew Markebo
Tried startxwin? 


/ kiwhan chung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| When I type in 'startx' on Bash shell prompt, I get a windows dialog about
| 'xinit.exe - Unable To Locate DLL' I noticed this is in the FAQ list,
| so I tried to search for extra copies of cygwin1.dll files, but I only
| have one copy in c:\cygwin\bin.
| FYI, I am running Win 2k, SP2.
| Thank you for your help.
| Kiwhan
| _
| MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

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Re: rxvt vi

2003-03-31 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Hans Horn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Dear all,
| I've set the # of lines for an rxvt console to 80;
| When I invoke vi from such a console this linecount is honored.
| When I use this rxvt console to log on to another computer (telnet/rlogin)
| and invoke vi there, vi always behaves as if it was invoked from a 24-lines
| terminal.

What is the value of $TERM in the rxvt before and after the


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Re: command prompt window title

2003-03-31 Thread Andrew Markebo
| When running things like gcc or make the window
| title doesn't get affected at continues
| to show Cygwin, unless I had previously run
| vi in that window.
| Is there a way to fix this?  Is this a know 
| issue?

Bash sets the window-title through its prompt, set in /etc/profile (if
my memory doesn't serve me tooo wrong.. So if you want your tcsh to do
the same, is to modify its prompt.


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Re: Cygwin BitKeeper...

2003-03-31 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Thomas V. Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| I want to install Bitkeeper on my machine that is already running Cygwin
| (latest build). However and contrary to the bitkeeper FAQ, it doesn't detect
| my existing installation and doesn't want to recognize it.

Sounds like bitkeeper, not us you should ask.. or?


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Re: What to backup in cygwin installation

2003-03-31 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Thomas V. Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Can anyone suggest to me a good backup practice (ie what to bakcup) for
| Cygwin?

c:\cygwin (or where you installed it) and the keys that are put into
the registry.. If you can't 'afford' downloading it again.


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Re: Building cross compiler Linux host - Cygwin target

2003-03-29 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Massimiliano Mirra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| I'm trying to build a cross compiler to i686-cygwin.  Host is a i686
| Debian 3.0 Linux with gcc 2.95.4 and glibc 2.2.5.

Saw recently (yesterday?) one person posting what he did.. you should
be able to find the article in the archive.. ahh subject Please
help. gcc 3.2.2 configure problem or what?


| make[2]: Entering directory
| `/home/bard/workspace/cygwin/src/gcc2-2.95.3-10/build/i686-pc-cygwin/libiberty'
| make[2]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.

And well.. he did a rm -rf if the libiberty subdir.. 

| $ i686-pc-cygwin-gcc hello.c
| /home/bard/workspace/cygwin//bin/../lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/
| 2.95.3-10/../../../../i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: cannot find -luser32
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Is the libuser32.lib library really in the gcc source? ahh nope it is
delivered in the package w32api! Maybe can grab that from a already
existing cygwin installation, or download the source and compile.

| So I guess that the remaining part of gcc's making would have taken
| care of the linker side of the story, right?

Nope, not all of it, not the system libraries of the cygwin part.

|| Does anybody have an idea about what is going wrong in building
| libiberty.a?  I found messages about libiberty.a in the

It seemed as it wasn't needed, if you do make -k it will hopefully
chew on.


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Re: i dont want to use the xhost-command

2003-03-19 Thread Andrew Markebo
Just some wild ideas..

* xhost +sunmachine in your 
* Use ssh -x to connect to the sun-machine and start xterm with


| hi,
| i will run an x-server in cygwin and want to use this x server from an
| remote sun. to do that i had to run xhost ipadress... to enable the access
| from the sun.
| is there some configfile, where i can put the ipadress from the remote sun
| ?
| bye

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: launching win apps inside Xfreee86?

2003-03-19 Thread Andrew Markebo
| 1. have cygwin XFree86 window to be full sreen (meaning no boarder)

Hmm could an alternative be without background.. meaning the windows
desktop is the behind.. is the window?

| 2. have windows apps run inside the Xfree86 session?

Nope, alternative might be using VNC or similar if you want to see the
screen on other computer.. if you want to throw out a bunch of
different windows-screens to a bunch of other clients, I think there
is a vnc-application that can do this too.

Or well maybe if you run vncviewer on x-mode, grabbing display of the
vncserver on the machine.. hmm nope.. wouldn't think so.


p.s. there is a cygwin.xfree mailinglist where I sent this answer to
too, and could be a good place for future questions.

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: launching win apps inside Xfreee86?

2003-03-19 Thread Andrew Markebo
| 1. have cygwin XFree86 window to be full sreen (meaning no boarder)

Hmm could an alternative be without background.. meaning the windows
desktop is the behind.. is the window?

| 2. have windows apps run inside the Xfree86 session?

Nope, alternative might be using VNC or similar if you want to see the
screen on other computer.. if you want to throw out a bunch of
different windows-screens to a bunch of other clients, I think there
is a vnc-application that can do this too.

Or well maybe if you run vncviewer on x-mode, grabbing display of the
vncserver on the machine.. hmm nope.. wouldn't think so.


p.s. there is a cygwin.xfree mailinglist where I sent this answer to
too, and could be a good place for future questions.

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Re: Cygwin distribution versioning

2003-03-16 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Igor Pechtchanski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Hmm, to simplify it even more, there is no concept of the entire cygwin
| distribution :-D  There's only a fluid set of packages, each of which has
| a version.

So basically you can give cygwin a version number based on date or
similar, and thus you can easily (well you probably need hour and
second too in that specification) pull out which versions is set by
which tools.. 


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Re: How to use ssmtp ?

2003-03-14 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ a12 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Olaf,
| Thank you for your hint.
| echo test|ssmtp -s test [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| does send a mail.
| The From: field contains 'sys [EMAIL PROTECTED]'. As I want to
| contains it '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', I enter:
| echo test|ssmtp [EMAIL PROTECTED] -s test [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| and it works as expected.
| The To: field is empty. How do I set it ?
| The Subject: field is empty. How do I set it ?

You put To: and Subject: as the first lines of what you send in to
ssmtp, and have one empty line to the body. Like:

Subject: Testing

Here comes the message

| How do I send a file ?

One easy way, uuencode file | ssmtp, my way, I use uuenview to take
care of the encoding, formatting and so on.

I think.. :-)

The manpage contains an example or two.. 


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Re: New to cygwin, newbie style question

2003-03-14 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Sean Rima [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Hello cygwin,
|   I am new to cygwin, having used all GNU apps on a Linux box which
|   sadly blew up on me. I am trying to get some of my favourite apps to
|   work on a XP box. I have compiled Spamprobe which works well inside
|   the cygwin enviroment. What do I have to do to get it to be called
|   from an email client like TheBat! or a windows based email server?

Just read the docs for TheBat or the email server and add the commands
to the command-line filtering function... 

If the program doesn't like unix-slashes, cygpath from (worst case)
inside a batch-file might help you.


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Re: exceed and xfree

2003-03-14 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Ling F. Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| well, this is more or less like a windows/dos problem:
| I do not like the cygwin dos window, so everytime I run cygwin, I go
| straight to open an xterm with my own color and size...  but I do
| not like the cygwin xserver either because it either have to be in a
| big window or full screen...well, I still have to work with my win2k
| darn it!

Good news, modern versions of the Xfree port supports running without
huge window, check


| so here's the question: what code do I add to startxwin.bat so that
| it detect if exceed is running already and run it before running
| xterm if not

Get a icon for start exceed and another icon for start xterm? :-)

| here's another question: is it possible for cygwin's xserver to use
| the native windows manager (like cygwin does) and do have to be so
| annoying big everytime??

I assume you mean use it like exceed does, as mentioned above, yeah
it does in new versions since a while.


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Re: xterm shows no color for color fonts

2003-03-13 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Haibing Ma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| When I opened vi or emacs-nox, it shows bold fonts and underlines, but
| it doesn't show colors. All characters are in my foreground color. I
| set xterm*VT100*colorMode: true. I even tried +cm option, it doesn't
| work either. Did miss anything?

What does it look like if you try it (which version of Emacs BTW?)
from rxvt instead of xterm?


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Re: ls : fails with a long list

2003-03-12 Thread Andrew Markebo

| ~ ls -Al /usr/local/op/h/routines/[c-q]* | wc
| bash: /usr/bin/ls: Invalid argument
|   0   0   0

I think it is a bash-'problem', bash have only allocated X bytes as
command-line buffer and therefore throws up when too much info (it is
bash that converts the * to files) is squeezed into it.

How to fix it, don't have it on my mind now, but some way.. The
easiest might be do a cd /usr/local/op/h/routines and ls -Al from

Or use find, and rotate through those files with a loop and do ls -Al
on them.. or split the ls -Al into two ls -Al's [a-n]* and [m-z]*


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Re: ls : fails with a long list

2003-03-12 Thread Andrew Markebo
| Got two words for you: 'find' and 'xargs'... ;-)
| Thank you. I guess I phrased myself badly. I wasn't saying How do I do
| this? (I think ls -AlR gives me pretty well what I was after). I was saying
| Once I could do this. Now I can't. Does anybody know if anything has
| altered recently? and can anybody explain the phenomenon? Anyway, it seems
| from an earlier response to be something bash-related, so I imagine for the
| moment I am stuck with it. Thanks again. Fergus

Well it is related to the shell yes. Limitation of the length of the
prompt the shell can handle. (I think ;-))

More and more files coming into the subdir, or the contents are
static?  Or hmm, could be a compilation switch to the compilation of
bash, but wouldn't think so..


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Re: Run file

2003-03-11 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Dat Quang Vu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Hello
| I have just installed cygwin in windows 2000.After installstion i try to run
| the file hygrt.csh under folder and get the error:
| bash: ./enblhstg.csh : no such file or directory.

Check the first line of enblhstg.csh, it probably looks like:


Now check if you have a /bin/csh.. probably not.

You have to either edit the enblhstg.csh so the first line is


Or copy the tcsh to csh.. I think latest versions of tcsh does this

Later on for future questions, check where you send it, this group is
mainly for X11-discussions.. 


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Re: Where did X11R6

2003-03-09 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ chuck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| I did the  [- Install Cygwin now. Ran setup and  Ta-Da working
| like a charm  ..except
| /usr/X11R6 - not there.  To include xhost - very imprortant to me  :-(
| What'da I miss?

You did a standard install, did not select X11co. Probably?


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Re: another thing

2003-03-07 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Chris Horn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Seeing as I don't have that clip thing, here's some paraphrased debug messages:
| Warning: No xauth data; using fake auth data for X11 forwarding
| debug1: Requesting X11 fwd w/ auth spoofing
| debug1: channel request 0: x11-req
| debug1: Remote: No xauth program; cannot forward with spoofing.
| Does that mean that I need to install X (or at least xauth) on the
| remote machine?

You don't need to install X nor xauth, how you worked around it
though.. I don't remember, trying to :-)

Could it be turning off xauth on the server machine? Or doing xhost +

Will try to remember :-)


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Re: Application Problem: InsightII

2003-03-06 Thread Andrew Markebo

| My questions are:
| 1. If the XFree86 module is loaded does this mean that glx is also
| loaded?

If my memory don't fail me, the glx-module or whatever is not ported
to cygwin.. yet.. It can be found in some X-servers on the linux-end,
most often distributed by those who made the graphics card.

| 2. Is the Motif environment emulated?

Nope, it is the application end (the x-client end) that does the
motifing. Nothing needed at the server.

| 3. What are the strategies to get to the nub of the problem?

You implement the glx module on cygwin?? :-) Basically the people who
knows what to do about this is probably working on other stuff they
think are more important, getting X working :-)


p.s. probably good news for you, I am not 110% sure of this, but I
think I have the nose in the correct direction.. :-)

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Re: compiling Motif (Lesstif) program

2003-03-06 Thread Andrew Markebo
| Hi,
| I just try learning X and Motif.
| I have a very simple program:
| ---snip---
[... my snip ...]
| ---snip---
| and try to compile it using:
| gcc -o simple simple.c -I /usr/X11R6/include/ -L /usr/X11R6/lib/ -lXm -lXt
| -lX11

Could it be a missing -lSM before -lX11?


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Re: SSH X forwarding not working

2003-03-06 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Chris Horn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Greetings.  I've looked over the mailing list, but haven't been able
| to find out why using
| ssh -X remote-host

Try to throw on one or two -v's to check what ssh thinks.

From where do you do ssh -X remote-host, and what is the value of the
variable $DISPLAY at the prompt before ssh, and the prompt at the
other end when the ssh is connected.

What does the apps say in the other end when you try to start them?


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Re: SSH X forwarding not working

2003-03-06 Thread Andrew Markebo
Hmm looked through the mail again and saw:

|  ssh -x remote-host

Have you tried ssh -X, capital X, using small x disables ssh


/ Chris Horn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| At the other end, /etc/ssh/sshd_config now has the line X11Forwarding yes
| Still no go.
| When I connect, the DISPLAY value on the remote box appears null.
| When I'm local, it's localhost:0.0

And this local, it is from the prompt you do ssh from? 

| When I used xhost and set DISPLAY manually, things work:

just a note, you are aware that the X traffic goes unencrypted when
doing it this way (setting DISPLAY to host_done_ssh_from)? 

| 2. on remote box set DISPLAY to local_host:0.0

Assuming local_host here is host_done_ssh_from?

| Also, does anyone know how to cut and paste:
|  1. Within X (do I have to run XWin with -emulate3buttons?), and

If you have a threebutton mouse like microsoft with scrollball, you
probably can use the third button.. (like me)

|  2. between X and Windows?

There are work being done on this, check the mailinglist. xwinclip is
the keyword I think.


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Re: xmesa header file

2003-03-05 Thread Andrew Markebo

Just a thought, shouldn't xmesa be in the opengl lib or something

Or am I into it wrong Harold? Can't find xmesa.h in the XFree86-prog


/ Gary Pekmezi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Thanks for the response.
| Yes I do have the XFree86-prog package but I still cannot find xmesa.h .
| I do see osmesa.h in the directory where xmesa.h is called, I am not
| sure if this is the cygwin version of xmesa.
| Harold L Hunt II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
| You need to get the XFree86-prog package, if you don't already have 
| it.
| Harold

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Mount of /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts..`??

2003-02-28 Thread Andrew Markebo
Just a quick question, why is /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts separately
mounted? Is it to make sure that it is binary mounted or?

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Re: SIGSEGV in localtime()?

2003-02-24 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Igor Pechtchanski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| [...]
| Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
| 0x6100d074 in cygwin_attach_handle_to_fd () from /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll
| I was unable to reproduce your problem on Win2k SP2 (cygwin-1.3.20-1).  I
| used the attached program.  It compiled fine (with gcc -Wall) and ran
| correctly, with the following output:

Neither does he, when he run the minimal time-example he contributes
(he tried from his large program), sent him some more hints about what
to look for, where to put printfs and put breakpoints ;-)


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Re: cygstart, mutt or mailcap?

2003-02-23 Thread Andrew Markebo

| Wild guess:
|   1. Mutt saves the file to /tmp/something.doc
|   2. Mutt runs cygstart /tmp/something.doc
|   3. Cygstart starts Word (if necessary) and tells it to load the doc,
|  and exits immediately.
|   4. Since Cygstart has exited, Mutt deletes /tmp/something.doc
|   5. Word is still loading the file and gets in trouble

Wild guess 2 (sorry if I have missed this thought before)

/tmp/something.doc gets sent to cygstart... points to
c:\cygwin\tmp\something.doc, who opens word with /tmp/something.doc,
who looks for c:\tmp\something.doc?

Saw a suggestion doing 

Application/MSWORD;  cp %s /tmp/blah.doc  cygstart /tmp/blah.doc; copiousoutput;

if they go this way, it (blah.doc) will probably not be deleted by
Mutt, who only knows of %s?

What happens if you do 
Application/MSWORD;  cp %s c:/cygwin/tmp/blah.doc  cygstart 

(removed the copiousoutput word, what does that mean?)

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Re: XFree86-cygwin KDE national keybord layouts

2003-02-20 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Lev Serebryakov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| [...]
|   KDE is configured for two keyboard layouts: English and Russian.
|   I've configured `ctrl+shift' group toggle in KDE. But it doen't work
|   -- it allows to switch layouts via clicing on flag icon on dock, but
|   it doesn't do anything when I press ctrl+shift.
|   Is it problem of KDE or XFree86-cygwin or something else?

Something else I think, if my memory doesn't fail me, MS Windows can't
provide all the nifty keyboard-combinations (like C-S-[something])
that are available under for example linux..


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Re: g++ linking probs

2003-02-20 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Manu Anand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Guys
| I am linking a simple C++ program with an external library using
| g++ -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -I/usr/local/include -L /usr/local/lib
| -lcppunit prog.cxx

Try throwing -lcppunit _after_ prog.cxx


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Re: g++ linking probs

2003-02-20 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Elfyn McBratney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| / Manu Anand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| | Guys
| | I am linking a simple C++ program with an external library using
| | g++ -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -I/usr/local/include -L /usr/local/lib
| | -lcppunit prog.cxx
| Try throwing -lcppunit _after_ prog.cxx
| /Andy
| I can't believe I didn't see that! :-( I've been working way to long.

Yah yah yah blame the work :-) 

Hehe I don't know why, today that is the first thing I check for when
people complain, have had a bunch of friends who all does that on
their first try.. To driven into MSVC++.


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Re: GPL Violation

2003-02-20 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Corinna Vinschen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| I make cygwin1.dll.bz2 available so that people can run the
| static binaries.
| If you provide the Cygwin DLL in binary form, you must provide
| the sources of that version as well.

Just a quick thought.. isn't it possible saying I can send you a CD
with the source?


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Re: Autoraise in Test77 multiwindow mode

2003-02-19 Thread Andrew Markebo
Humm my view.. This is actually a 'feature', they say it works with
FVWM, yeah.. but it is configurable in fvwm, and other window managers
to raise or not on focus, so well see it as feature wish in the
multiwindow 'window manager'.

Just being picky.. or something.. 


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Re: using rxvt with other shells

2003-02-19 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Igor Pechtchanski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, Karl North wrote:
| Has anyone out there ever used the MKS Korn shell or any other
| non-BASH shell in the RXVT terminal emulator on Windows 2000?

I don't think the problem is non-BASH, I think it is non-Cygwin. MKS
I think meaning mkssoftware port of Korn shell to Windows, and well what
they do.. we don't know.


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2003-02-19 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Mikael Åsberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| [...]
| I get the following linking error:
| /cygdrive/c/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/cccQYzSg.o(.text+0x1f):test.c:
| undefined reference to `_glutMainLoop'
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
| $ gcc -Wall -o test
| test.c -L/usr/local/lib/GL -L/usr/local/lib/GLU -L/usr/local/lib/GLUT
| What am I missing?

You are missing to tell gcc which libs to link with, you need
something like -lGL -lGLU -lOSMesa and -lglut.. which order I don't
know, check the docs.. ,-)


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2003-02-19 Thread Andrew Markebo

| Someone using linux said I should try linking with these
| x-libraries: -lXi -lXmu -lm -lXext -lX11, so I issued:
| $ gcc -Wall -o test
| test.c -L/usr/local/lib -lGL -lGLU -lglut -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXi
|  -lXmu -lm -lXext -lX11
| That yields a great number of errors (listed last).

You need to give the libs in the right order too.. See if you can get
a link example from some linux-machine.. or if there were some
samples/examples included in the distribution.. 


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Re: MESA - check the demos :-)

2003-02-19 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Mikael Åsberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| [...]
| so I tried:
| nm /usr/local/lib/libGL.a | grep _glXWaitX, and it is in libGL.a. So the
| ordering of the libraries is wrong? Tried changing, but haven't found
| somethint that works yet.

Have you checked the demos of the MESA lib? There even exists a
Makefile.cygnus, sounds like something good to check with.

If you don't have that, grab it and run that first to see if it is


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Re: Big Problem about keyboard/mapping

2003-02-14 Thread Andrew Markebo

xkeycaps is a great tool for messing around with the keyboard layout
in your X-session.


|Last choice is modifying cygwin itself keymap to layout FI. So how i
|change that on cygwin CONSOLE? also needed know the mapping sources to
|modifying if nessesury. i have already readed faqs and documents :) i have
|tryied to make keyboards working one week on X. (and worked but none on

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Re: multiple xpm instances

2003-02-12 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Paul Kirschner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| In compiling an X11 application I found multiple instances of xpm. One
| version comes from XFree86-prog-4.2.0-1 (dated 1/21/2002 and in
| /usr/X11R6/{lib,include}) and the other from xpm-4.0.0-2 (dated 12/8/2000
| and in /usr/{lib,include)). cygcheck -c shows the xpm installation. (I
| also have the xpm-nox version installed which is OK.)
| Is the XFree86-prog the correct version to use? Should I remove the older
| one? How do I remove it properly?

I suppose it is the package xpm-nox you see in /usr, basically a
version not needing X, and is provided if you just need to do some
conversions (is it gs?) and don't want the X-servers..

How to remove it.. uninstall it through setup :-) Hmm weird that it
isn't updated, there seems to be a 4.2.0 'out'.


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Re: Q: Character ~ appears only after following space

2003-01-23 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Andrew Markebo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| |
| | And what if I do not have a XF86Config file? Is it possible by changing some 
| | xmodmap file?
| Just a quick thought.. in this case, isn't it MS-Windows that takes
| care of that part, I mean.. isn't it MS-Windows that holds ´ to
| determine if it should put it over next letter (á) or do it alone (´)?

*bonk* and of course I mean ~ and ã instead of ´ and á ;-)


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Re: Using XFree to replace explorer.exe as the window manager forWindows

2003-01-20 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ David Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Stuart Adamson wrote:
|Yep - I've done this.
|However - some of the control panel stuff didn't work correctly afterwards
|(like the program installation wizard).  I had to move back to explorer.exe,
|install my program then move back to using X as the shell.


| Which just shows why its bad to have a monolithic OS instead of one
| made up of separate components
| That's Windows for you...
| David

Or you learn what the control-panel needs for this, and implements
it.. Just like the window-managers for X implement a bit of

What I mean is that I am using litestep on my computer, and I have
managed to install and uninstall a bunch of apps.


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Re: Installation

2003-01-17 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Scott Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| OK got locate working, but there seems to be something wrong in general with
| calling commands.
| ls -l works fine but...
| ls -l | more does not

What error do you get?? I assume command not found.. basically there
are no more that comes with cygwin.. but there should be a less.. 

| Also, I wanted to install cygipc but it gives me the following:
| $ tar -C/ -xjf cygipc-1.13-2.tar.bz2

Hmm doesn't it look for cygipc-1.13-2.. in / now?? Try to do a 
cd /
tar -xjf [pathtocygipc]/cyg...

| tar (child): cygipc.1.13-2.tar.bz2: cannot open: no such file or directory
| tar (child): error not recoverable: exiting now
| tar: Child returned status 2
| tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
| The file tar.exe is in my bin directory...why can't it see it?

tar.exe you have cd'd to some other subdir.


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Re: Installation

2003-01-17 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Volker Quetschke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Hi!
| | $ tar -C/ -xjf cygipc-1.13-2.tar.bz2
| -^^^
| bzip2 / bunzip2 are missing.

'j' takes care of that.

| Hmm doesn't it look for cygipc-1.13-2.. in / now?? Try to do a cd /
| tar -xjf [pathtocygipc]/cyg...
| | tar (child): cygipc.1.13-2.tar.bz2: cannot open: no such file or
| directory
| ^^^ most probably
| means bunzip2.

Nope means file not found.. If it can find and try to read the file it
complains over bad entry in the file.


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Re: Xinit Error-Remote Host

2003-01-14 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ vedanth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Also,interestingly internet stops functioniing at the same time
| ..the X server connection is lost.

If you do it again, wait idle in 6 hours, without X connections, do
you loose internet then also?

Do you have any firewalls running on the PC, just phatasizing that it
might kill the dhcp request.. 


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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Server Test 70

2003-01-13 Thread Andrew Markebo
Just some wild guess, you are running the correct rxvt? Not the cygwin
native rxvt? 


/ Yadin Y Goldschmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Hi Harold,
| I would like to report success with windows xp. Multiwindow mode works!
| However there is still one problem:
| from startxwin.bat I invoke rxvt and this starts fine. If from this rxvt I
| start xterm or another rxvt then first time it starts it kind of vibrate non
| stop and I have to kill it by clicking on the x on the top right corner. If
| I now start again rxvt it starts fine and so are all other windows like
| xclock, xcircuit, etc. I don't understand why the first time I invoke
| another window it enters into a trans and later instances are fine.
| Yadin.
| Harold L Hunt II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
| Links:
| I just posted Test 70 to the server development page:
| You can install the Test 70 package via setup.exe by selecting the
| 'test' package (and be sure to check the 'Bin' box):
| XFree86-xserv-4.2.0-18
| Server Test Series binary and source code releases are now
| available via the ftp mirror network
| ( in the
| pub/cygwin/xfree/devel/shadow/ directory.  You may wish to note the
| desired filename in the links below, then download from your
| closest mirror (
| Server binary, direct link:
| (1196 KiB)
| Server source, direct link:
| (95
| KiB)
| Changes:
| 1) EXPERIMENTAL: New multiwindow mode (invoked with the
| ``-multiwindow'' command-line parameter) that creates each
| top-level X window in a Microsoft Windows window.  Note that there are
| still debugging options on in this release, so do not expect
| multiwindow mode to be polished enough for everyday use.  (Kensuke
| Matsuzaki)
| Enjoy,
| Harold

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Re: Connect from Unix to Windows via ssh and start an applycationwhich is using the windows display

2003-01-13 Thread Andrew Markebo
Security thingy, basically you can't do this, fire up a graphical
windows-app remote. 

You maybe want to throw an eye on VNC, will export the desktop of the
windows-machine to any machine having a vnc-viewer.. and vnc-viewers
exist for maany platforms.


/ Axel Bauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| I have the problem to start an application on windows 2000 from a unix host.
| I decided to do that task over ssh because of security reasons. The
| application has to use the display of the windows workstation.
| I installed cygwin on the windows host and configured the ssh-deamon as a
| windows service. Now I can login from a linux host to the windows machine, but
| I have a problem to start an application with a graphical surface. If I try
| to start notepad.exe for example, the shells hangs and I have to stop with
| CTRL-C. 
| If I call a Cygwin-Shell on the windows-host directly and type notepad the
| application works correctly. 
| If I try a ssh localhost on the Cygwin-Shell I have the same problem as
| described above.
| Of course I know about the mechanisms of forwarding displays under
| unix/linux (like: xhost + hostname, export DISPLAY= hostname:x.x,,... ), but this
| seems not to work, because I want to connect to a display of a windows host and
| not to another X-Server.
| Can anyone help me ?
| Axel Bauer
| Philips Medical Systems
| Boeblingen, Germany
| -- 
| +++ GMX - Mail, Messaging  more +++
| NEU: Mit GMX ins Internet. Rund um die Uhr für 1 ct/ Min. surfen!

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Re: Slowness when setting PS1 variable???

2003-01-08 Thread Andrew Markebo

| $ whoami
| I get a result immediately.
| However, if I do this:
| $ echo `whoami`
| It takes a good 5-10 seconds to print a value and return the prompt.

Isn't it something like echo `whoami` starts a new shell, that loads
the .profile (or whichever start-file) that takes 5-10 seconds to

And well.. if it is that whoami that due to some weird reason takes
the extra time.. but.. :-)

Hmm are there anything networked in the path, it picks data/files from
somewhere else?


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Re: Win2000, XEmacs 21.4.10, MH-E, cygwin 1.3.17-1

2003-01-03 Thread Andrew Markebo
Just some quick thoughts like xemacs using some tool like sendmail,
and normally it is included in the xemacs installation, but due to
different path, other installation, it picks the cygwin on one
computer, and some other on the other?

Regarding cygwin1.dll, you don't happen to have a bunch of such beasts
lying around? Run a cygcheck.. 

| Peter So why is XEmacs even *looking* in cygwin1.dll, since it's
| Peter the win32 installation?
| I doubt XEmacs is looking in cygwin1.dll.  Most likely it's the MH
| binaries.
| Hmmm.  That's even *more* puzzling, since I'm running the identical
| binaries on both machines. I have not succeeded in building nmh on
| Cygwin myself.

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Re: convert microsoft .obj object to .o cygwin object???

2003-01-03 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Robert Bercik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| I am getting an error trying to link a .obj object
| with gcc. Is there anyway to convert an object file
| from microsoft format to one that is understandable by
| gcc?

If I have gotten everything correct - no there is no way to do this
conversion, but if you do a dll of this obj-file you should be able
to load it in your cygwin program with some magic.. 


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Re: emacs and mice, that is linux curses control of ssh and rxvtterminal

2002-12-29 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Jerry Asher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| I have a slow connection to a remote machine.

| I can use X to connect to it, but I would prefer to:

| rxvt
| ssh to the machine
| emacs -nw

| And this works pretty well.  But there is no mouse control.

A quick version, you are doing a text-connection to the machine, and
the normal text-terminals doesn't support mouse transfer. 

gpm sniffs the local mouse-port, not the remote terminals.


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Re: How to link the following library under Cygwin?

2002-12-21 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Elfyn McBratney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Try this:

|   $ gcc -o test -L. libmetis.a initialize.c

| You need to include the static archive into your image. I'm pretty sure the -l{} 
|only applies to shared libraries.

Just a short note, more that putting the lib at the end, -lmetis is
not only for shared libraries, works for static ones too.


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Re: XDMCP on Windows 95

2002-12-07 Thread Andrew Markebo
| All  i did was :

| xwin -query host -fp host:7100 -from mypc

| I didn't pass the extra parms so I guess there was a flaw in that
| theory! I'm clutching at straws a bit now though 'cos I'm desperate to
| sort this out. I would have a look at the source code but I can
| imagine it's going to be huge and I haven't got much time left to sort
| this out. Would I be right in saying though that the most likely cause
| has got to be something windows 95-network related since the original
| message said invalid address and this only occurs on win 95?

Just another wild thought.. not only VPN.. any other socket
handling/protecting software on the 95? Does the machine have winsock
2 (does cygwin require winsock 2?)?? 


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Re: ssh/telnet

2002-12-07 Thread Andrew Markebo

| Last login: Fri Aug 23 12:02:56 2002 from
| Starbase:who am i
| STARBASE!Andrew   tty1 Dec  6 15:47
| Starbase:who
| Andrew   tty1 Dec  6 15:47

| Still get Fri Aug 23 for last login.

Hmm what command does your ssh-deamon fire up on the 'remote' machine,
either you have to tell your shell that it should act as login, or
maybe you even have given it the silent switch.. 

Which shell do you run, and so on? 

Could it be something like ash in /etc/passwd is used.. 


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Re: OpenSSH and cygwin: let a user only connect via sftp.

2002-12-05 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Max Bowsher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Schonder, Matthias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How do I have to set passwd (if it is done there) that he only can
 connect to the server via sftp and not via ssh.
 What do I have to do?

| Setting a user's shell to /bin/false might (and I repeat, *might* - this is
| speculation) work.

Nope not for sftp, the problem is that sftp uses the users shell to
navigate and fetch files. (it logs in using ssh)

So what you have to do is to give the user a shell that has enough
rights to do what scp needs, check files, read them and so on, but not
allowed to fire up applications and so on. Think I have seen it
mentioned, maybe in the neighbourhood of sftp development.. 


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