Re: setup next button always grayed out

2005-04-11 Thread Bob Smart
On 11 Apr 2005 19:46:50 -
Shaffer, Kenneth wrote:

 Bob Smart wrote:
  launch setup with the -5 command-line option (suppress MD5
 this worked!  thanks.
 useful for the FAQ?

I guess it depends on how F the Q really is A.

By the way, I didn't think of this workaround.  I think David Korn (this list) 
suggested it to me, when I asked a question very much like yours.

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Re: setup next button always grayed out

2005-04-09 Thread Bob Smart
On 9 Apr 2005 16:18:19 -
Shaffer, Kenneth wrote:

 Under what conditions does setup not enable the Next button?
 It appears to have successfully finished the checksum and provide a list
 of packages, but never enables the Next button.
 I'm trying to install locally via UNC path which is a share in case that
 makes a difference.

I've seen this on certain specific machines (but not on other machines using 
the same version of setup and the same version/patch level of Winduhs, as far 
as I can tell).  In my case, the solution is to launch setup with the -5 
command-line option (suppress MD5 verification).

I don't understand why this is helpful, since it also appears to me that 
checksum processing is complete (and error-free) before the lockup 
happens...but if I have this problem, and simply rerun with -5 then it all 
works normally.


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Re: Limitation in SCP?

2004-12-15 Thread Bob Smart
I suppose it could be related to the XP piping problem, but I only have NT and 
W2K.  All I can really say is that it never happens (to me, anyway) on NT.  It 
certainly sounds like what others have described on XP.

The transfer that fails is a pull whether I'm using scp (which fails) or the 
tar-to-tar method (which doesn't).  It kind of has to be that way, too, because 
I can't be sure that sshd will always be running on the destination end to 
support a push mode of operation.

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Re: Limitation in SCP?

2004-12-14 Thread Bob Smart
I haven't yet had an opportunity to try 1.5.12, and it may be a while (just 
because I'm responsible for keeping the databases on these machines running 
doesn't mean I get regular access to them...) but I'll keep that in mind next 
time I get a shot at them.

I'd really like to blame Winduhs networking or the drivers for these particular 
NICs with this particular version of W2K, but then why would tar and cat work 
any better than scp?

Shrug.  I have a couple of viable workarounds, so it's primarily a matter of 
idle curiosity for me at this point.

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Limitation in SCP?

2004-12-13 Thread Bob Smart
I've discovered that in some circumstances, scp seems to get tired early when 
transferring a largish file (around 200MB).  It copies diligently for the first 
20-40MB (exactly where it stops varies from run to run), then CPU usage drops 
to zero, the file stops growing on the receiving end, there's no apparent 
network traffic, and everything just pretty much halts.  A ps shows the scp 
task running, but not doing anything.

I've only seen this when copying between two W2K machines (both Cygwin, both 
using the Cygwin SSH package, both of pretty recent vintage with DLL 1.5.11).  
I did my development testing between Linux and NT, and I never saw this 
behavior in that environment.  It always fails with the W2K machines.

I also never see this happen with tar.  If I do a tar-to-tar pipe via SSH, 
everything works even in the W2K-to-W2K environment.  However, I'd like to 
understand why I can't use scp for this.

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Cygwin FIFO does not see EOF (NT4sp6, DLL 1.5.11)

2004-12-05 Thread Bob Smart
It appears to me that pipe (FIFO) readers don't get the same indication of EOF 
in Cygwin that they do in Linux.  The following Korn script works as I think it 
should with Linux: at startup it shows that the FIFO doesn't exist and there's 
no cat running; then it prints the test text; then it shows that the FIFO and 
the cat go away.

With Cygwin, the cat never finishes, even though nobody has the pipe open for 
writing.  Experimentation by running the echo and cat manually (in separate 
shells and windows) lead me to think that the cat simply never sees EOF on 
the pipe.  There are no error messages, but the cat doesn't terminate.

I've tried this on Samba-mounted ext2 drives and local (native NTFS) drives in 
the Cygwin environment but it always behaves the same way (i.e., I think it's 
unlikely to be Samba- or NFS-related).

A cygcheck log is attached.

To see the phenomenon:


ls -l fifo
mkfifo fifo
echo 'Text sent via pipe'  fifo 
sleep 30
cat fifo 
ls -l fifo
rm fifo
ls -l fifo

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Cygwin setup 2.427 on Win2K

2004-11-04 Thread Bob Smart
I originally reported that setup.exe would let me choose packages to install, but the 
next button was always disabled so I couldn't actually install anything.

One suggestion I received was to run setup.exe with the -5 command-line option 
(suppress MD5 verification).  I finally got a chance to try that, and it worked.  I 
could choose packages, and the next button was enabled so I could go ahead and 
complete the installation.

I don't understand why this is necessary--when I let it do the MD5 verification, there 
are no errors that I can see--but hopefully this will serve as a hint that eventually 
leads to finding the real problem.

Thanks for the help!

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Cygwin setup 2.427 on Win2K

2004-10-25 Thread Bob Smart
I'm trying to run the Cygwin installer on W2K/SP4 (local install) and it lets me get 
as far as the screen where I select the packages I want...but the NEXT button is 
inactive, so I can't actually complete anything.  All I can do at that point is CANCEL.

The system appears to be running Norton Internet Security.  We tried turning that off 
but it didn't seem to make any difference.

After the installer exits, the log shows that it verified all the MD5 values, and 
d:\cygwin\var\log has two files (setup.log and setup.log.full) in it.  
D:\cygwin\etc\setup has a file last-action that says Install and last-cache that 
lists the (correct) directory where the package archives reside.  The registry entries 
for the standard mounts (/, /usr/bin, and /usr/lib) have been created.

Why does the installer fail to enable the NEXT button?  What do I have to do to get 
the installer to process my selections?

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Cygwin setup 2.427 on Win2K

2004-10-21 Thread Bob Smart
I'm trying to run the Cygwin installer on W2K/SP4 (local install) and it lets me get 
as far as the screen where I select the packages I want...but the NEXT button is 
inactive, so I can't actually complete anything.  All I can do at that point is CANCEL.

The system appears to be running Norton Internet Security.  We tried turning that off 
but it didn't seem to make any difference.

After the installer exits, the log shows that it verified all the MD5 values, and 
d:\cygwin\var\log has two files (setup.log and setup.log.full) in it.  
D:\cygwin\etc\setup has a file last-action that says Install and last-cache that 
lists the (correct) directory where the package archives reside.

setup.log says:
   Could not open service McShield for query, start, and stop.  McAfee
   may not be installed, or we don't have access.

That's a bit of a surprise, since they're using Norton and NOT McAfee.

What do I have to do to get the installer to process my selections?

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file event in perl-Tk on cygwin (using POE)

2003-06-06 Thread Bob . Smart
POE + perl-tk is a really nice environment for
writing event driven programs. It works fine on
linux [though the debugging info is not always
all you would wish for].

I want to write a portable program, and I'm trying
to get it to work under cygwin. It goes into an
infinite loop in, specifically:
What happens there is that a sub FILENO:

 my $obj = shift;
 my $h = $obj-handle;
 return fileno($h);

the final call to fileno actually goes straight
back into FILENO. [I tried putting CORE:: in front
but that made no difference]. So it looks like
$obj-handle returns $obj instead of something
more basic. I've tried both win32 and x11 versions
of Tk800.023-1 which seems to be the last cygwin
compatible version.

Presumably it is a cygwin problem, but I'm happy
to entertain perl-Tk or POE workarounds. Or I'll
have to try to fix it [otherwise the Java proponents
will say I told you so].

The file handle is almost certainly stdout or stderr
of a child program (run using POE::Wheel::Run).

So I guess my questions are:

1. Will I do better with other versions of cygwin,
   perl, perl-Tk, POE?

2. Any suggestions for fixes?

3. Any suggestions for workarounds?

4. Any suggestions for where to look to try to fix it?


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krb5-1.2.8 on cygwin + kerberized ssh

2003-05-30 Thread Bob . Smart
I have made a bit of progress since I compiled

./configure --with-cc=gcc --without-krb4 --disable-dns-for-kdc

It would be nice if there was an option to just
compile client stuff.

The resolv library problem went away. I don't know
if that was a change to krb5 or to cygwin. Bison
problems also went away.

Still need to add
  #include errno.h
to src/util/ss/ss_internal.h, otherwise the
linker gives _errno errors.

I didn't have libutil installed when I did the
configure and I found I needed to add -lutil to
the link of login.krb5 in src/appl/bsd.

After that everything seemed to work (against an
AD KDC). I tried kinit, klist and telnet -a.
It seemed to create the file in /tmp with
appropriate NTFS security restrictions.

Next I successfully compiled kerberized ssh. Now
I can ssh without mucking with ssh keys everywhere.
It would also be nice if openssh had an option for 
only compiling client stuff. Now I only need to 
integrate ms2mit and I'll be in SSO heaven 
[naturally ms2mit doesn't put the mit tgt in the 
right place for cygwin]

I suspect that the client parts of krb5 and
openssh don't require all that cygwin heavy
lifting and could be compiled with mingw with
a bit of effort.

Given that kerberos is a unifying feature linking
windows and unix it would be nice to see kerberos
and kerberized apps in cygwin.


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