unison 2.40.16 (cygwin) over ssh doesn't resume after merge command

2010-10-01 Thread Robert Schmidt

Hi all,
This is forwarded from the unison-users mailing list.  Original post at 
the bottom...

Executive summary: unison 2.40.16 (cygwin) freezes upon exit of a merge 
command, but only when one root is ssh.  Works fine when both are local.

Testing the MSVC build of 2.40.16 also works fine with a ssh-root.

I'm up to date with cygwin 1.7 repositories.

Any hints are welcome!  As a last resort, I'll have to dive into 
building unison on cygwin myself.


 Original Message 

Thanks, Harald!

However, I'm fairly committed to using cygwin in many respects (I 
synchronize a substantial set of portable tools, scripts and data 
between all my servers and workstation (about 10 in total)), and would 
prefer keep it that way.

The debug message is the last debug output (using -debug all) before 
unison freezes.  I deemed the other messages to be unimportant - I 
realize I may have been mistaken.

The problem seems to be easily reproducible on several of my 
workstations using the command line I posted, and doesn't seem to depend 
on any specifics of my setup.

I have now done the test with the MSVC build of 2.40.16 (as client, 
against a cygwin unison+ssh server), and the problem does NOT occur. 
So it seems to be a problem with the cygwin port.

What's the best way to proceed?  I've never built unison myself, so I'm 
a bit stumped.


On 28.09.2010 16:46, Harald Heigl wrote:

Why still using unison over cygwin?

2.40.16 supports Unicode, so no problem syncing between Win/Linux/Mac.
(The first two of them I can confirm)

If you want to give it a try, sync your directories (if not working with
2.40.16, then with an older version which worked for you) and after that
sync directly with 2.40.16 without cygwin (I use putty/plink for ssh).

“The debug message” is from Option -debug all? Or is this just what it
prints out if you start the commando without debug option?


*Von:* unison-us...@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:unison-us...@yahoogroups.com] *Im Auftrag von *Robert Schmidt
*Gesendet:* Dienstag, 28. September 2010 15:03
*An:* unison-us...@yahoogroups.com
*Betreff:* [unison-users] unison 2.40.16 (cygwin) over ssh doesn't
resume after merge command


After the upgrade to 2.40.16, I've had problems with unison simply
freezing when the merge command has finished - as if it is still waiting
for the process to exit.

This always happens when syncing local to a remote location over ssh,
but never when syncing two local roots.

A sample command line (using a simple cp instead of my merge script):

unison -root / -root ssh://mylo...@myserver// ssh://mylo...@myserver/
home/private/Documents/test.txt -merge Name {*.txt} - cp CURRENT1 NEW
-backupcurrent Name {*.txt} -debug all

The last debug message is:

Merge command: cp '/home/private/Documents/.unison.merge1-test.txt'

After which, unison seems to wait indefinitely.

Is this a known bug, or am I doing something wrong?

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Re: unison-2.27.exe silently exits

2007-11-21 Thread Robert Schmidt

Andrew Schulman wrote:

Robert, I have an updated version of unison2.27.  Can you please test it to see
if it works on your hosts?

Thanks, Andrew - that works!


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unison-2.27.exe silently exits

2007-11-19 Thread Robert Schmidt


New versions of the unison2.13, unison2.17, and unison2.27 packages are
available in the Cygwin distribution. Unison is a file synchronizer for
Unix and Windows. It allows two replicas of a collection of files and
directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on the
same host), modified separately, and then brought up to date by
propagating the changes in each replica to the other.

I've installed 2.27 and and 2.13 on 3 different machines (XP, Vista, 
2003 server), but on all of them, unison-2.27.exe simply exits (error 
code 1) with no output, regardless of anything written on the command 
line (-version, -help).  Using Process Monitor, I see that it does read 
default.prf (if available), but its presence doesn't seem to matter.

It also doesn't matter whether I execute unison-2.27.exe explicitly or 
through the alternatives link.

2.13 works fine, 2.17 seems OK (it responds to options, but I haven't 
used it actively).

I've attached cygcheck.out from the 2003 server.

Thanks for your time,

Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Mon Nov 19 10:45:58 2007

Windows 2003 Server Ver 5.2 Build 3790 Service Pack 2

Running in Terminal Service session

Path:   c:\cygwin\usr\local\bin\sysinternals
c:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\
c:\Program Files\Support Tools\
c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\
c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn\

Output from c:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (nontsec)
UID: 10500(Administrator)   GID: 10513(Domain Users)
513(Domain Users)   544(Administrators)
554(Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access) 545(Users)
11617(Bosses)   10512(Domain Admins)
10513(Domain Users) 10519(Enterprise Admins)
10520(Group Policy Creator Owners)  10518(Schema Admins)

Output from c:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (ntsec)
UID: 10500(Administrator)   GID: 10513(Domain Users)
513(Domain Users)   544(Administrators)
554(Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access) 545(Users)
11617(Bosses)   10512(Domain Admins)
10513(Domain Users) 10519(Enterprise Admins)
10520(Group Policy Creator Owners)  10518(Schema Admins)

SysDir: C:\WINDOWS\system32

CYGWIN = 'ntsec'
HOME = 'c:\cygwin\home\private'
Path = 
 Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\;c:\Program Files\Support 
Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\;c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL 

.arj = 'v'
.bmp = 'start'
.diz = 'l'
.gif = 'start'
.jpg = 'start'
.mp3 = 'start'
.nfo = 'l'
.pdf = 'start'
.pl = 'perl -w'
.rar = 'v'
.sh = 'sh-c'
.txt = 'l'
.zip = 'v'
ALLUSERSPROFILE = 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users'
APPDATA = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.RV10\Application Data'
ClusterLog = 'C:\WINDOWS\Cluster\cluster.log'
CMDLINE = 'cygcheck -s -v -r'
CommonProgramFiles = 'C:\Program Files\Common Files'
ComSpec = 'C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin\4nt\4nt.exe'
EXCHICONS = 'C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\bin\maildsmx.dll'
HOMEPATH = '\Documents and Settings\Administrator.RV10'
LOCAL = 'c:\cygwin\usr\local'
OS = 'Windows_NT'
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = 'x86 Family 15 Model 47 Stepping 2, AuthenticAMD'
ProgramFiles = 'C:\Program Files'
SH_C_EXIT = '0'
SystemDrive = 'C:'
SystemRoot = 'C:\WINDOWS'
title = 'C:\cygwin\usr\bin'
USERNAME = 'administrator'
USERPROFILE = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.RV10'
windir = 'C:\WINDOWS'

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2
  (default) = '/cygdrive'
  cygdrive flags = 0x0022
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/
  (default) = 'c:\cygwin'
  flags = 0x000a
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/bin
  (default) = 'c:\cygwin/bin'
  flags = 0x000a

Re: cygrunsrv: Service failed to respond in a timely fashion (1.5.11)

2005-02-28 Thread Robert Schmidt
Thanks, Brian!
Making sure cygwin is set up for everybody seemed to do the trick. 
All services ran fine after a reboot.

For the record: no events of interest appeared in the event log (only 
the Windows error message in the subject).  No output was produced in 

Brian Dessent wrote:
Robert Schmidt wrote:

On all my PCs, I've installed a few services using cygrunsrv (cron,
Privoxy, ...).  On my newest laptop (a brand new Dell M70, fresh XP+SP2
and basic cygwin 1.5.11 installation), none of the cygrunsrv services
will start.

Check the logs in /var/log.  For a service 'foo' you should have
/var/log/foo.log that will contain stdout and/or stderr of the process. 
Also check the Event Log for messages about the service.

From your cygcheck output your group is mkgroup_l_d which means you
don't have a valid /etc/group file -- this is a hint that you need to
run mkgroup -l -d  /etc/group or similar.  Check the users guide.  

From your cygcheck output your mounts are all user mounts and not
system mounts, so they will be invisible to services, which log in
with different credentials than normal users (i.e. LOCALSYSTEM).  user
mounts and services do not mix well.  I think there's an entry in the
FAQ on how to convert them using sed and mount, or you could just select
everybody next time you run setup.

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cygrunsrv: Service failed to respond in a timely fashion (1.5.11)

2005-02-26 Thread Robert Schmidt
On all my PCs, I've installed a few services using cygrunsrv (cron, 
Privoxy, ...).  On my newest laptop (a brand new Dell M70, fresh XP+SP2 
and basic cygwin 1.5.11 installation), none of the cygrunsrv services 
will start.

A sample session:
$ cygrunsrv -I test --path /bin/ls.exe
$ cygrunsrv -S test
cygrunsrv: Error starting a service: QueryServiceStatus:  Win32 error 1053:
The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely 

The cygrunsrv (loaded as service) hangs (0% CPU), and its status remains 
Starting forever.  Attempting to removing the service requires me to 
reboot to complete the removal.

The same happens to the sshd service as installed with sshd-host-config.
None of the regular Windows services seem to have the problem.
cygcheck output is attached - any help would be appreciated!

Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Sat Feb 26 09:56:54 2005

Windows XP Professional Ver 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Path:   C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 Working\Libraries\Open 
C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 Working\Libraries\Open 
c:\Program Files\Perforce
C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 Working\debug
C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 Working\Libraries\Objective 
C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 Working\Libraries\oiv\program
C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 Working\Libraries\OivSlb\bin
C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 Working\Libraries\CPS\lib
C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 Working\Libraries\DO_Traj\lib
C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 Working\Libraries\CppUnit\lib
C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 Working\Libraries\Sentinel
C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 Working\Libraries\GSS\bin
C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 
C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 Working\Libraries\SSR\lib
C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 Working\Libraries\boost\libs
C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 Working\Libraries\xerces\lib
C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 Working\Libraries\Abingdon\lib
C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 Working\Libraries\ACE\lib
C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 Working\Libraries\Open 
C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 Working\Libraries\Open 

Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (nontsec)
UID: 93849(rschmidt)GID: 10513(mkgroup_l_d)

Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (ntsec)
UID: 93849(rschmidt)GID: 10513(mkgroup_l_d)
544(Administrators) 545(Users)  1006(Debugger Users)

SysDir: C:\WINDOWS\system32

CYGWIN = `ntsec'
HOME = `C:\cygwin\home\robert'
Path = `C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 Working\Libraries\Open 
Spirit\mico\lib;C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 Working\Libraries\Open 
 Files\Perforce;C:\SYBASE\DLL;C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 
Working\debug;C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 
Working\Libraries\Objective Studio\lib;C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 
Working\Libraries\oiv\program;C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 
Working\Libraries\OivSlb\bin;C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 
Working\Libraries\CPS\lib;C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 
Working\Libraries\DO_Traj\lib;C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 
Working\Libraries\CppUnit\lib;C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 
Working\Libraries\Sentinel;C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 
Working\Libraries\GSS\bin;C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 
Working\Libraries\Raider3D\2003SE;C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 
Working\Libraries\SSR\lib;C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 
Working\Libraries\boost\libs;C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 
Working\Libraries\xerces\lib;C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 
Working\Libraries\Abingdon\lib;C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 
Working\Libraries\ACE\lib;C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 
Working\Libraries\Open Spirit\bin\debug;C:\Perforce\depot1\Releases\Petrel 2004 
Working\Libraries\Open Spirit\lib\debug'

.arj = `va'
.bmp = `start'
.diz = `l'
.gif = `start'
.jpg = `start'
.mp3 = `start'
.nfo = `l'
.pdf = `start'
.pl = `perl -w'
.rar = `vr'
.sh = `sh-c'
.txt = `l'
.zip = `vz'
ALLUSERSPROFILE = `C:\Documents and Settings\All Users'
APPDATA = `C:\Documents and Settings\rschmidt\Application Data'
CMDLINE = `cygcheck -s -v -r'
CommonProgramFiles = `C:\Program Files\Common Files'
ComSpec = 

Re: unison and cygwin on windows xp SP2

2004-12-16 Thread Robert Schmidt
Dirk Leinenbach wrote:
Hi folks,
I have the problem that the native windows version of unison (2.9.1)
on Windows XP SP2 together with cygwin (starting from DLL version
1.5.11) unison hangs after me entering the ssh password.
This didn't happen with version 1.5.10 of the cygwin dll but this
version cannot be installed with the cygwin installer, so I have to
deal with the new version.
I think that this unison problem is somehow related to the pipe code
problem which was discussed on this mailing list in the first half of
October, but I didn't see any results/solutions on this problem, too.
The last message I found on this topic in the archive said something
like 'we are looking for a solution...'.
Now I was wondering if there was any progress in the meantime or if
there are plans to develop a fix in the near future. Otherwise I would
have to find a solution for unison without the cygwin ssh client.
Thanks in advance,
Your mileage should be greater if you use the cygwin build of unison, 
available through setup.exe.

I've had much less problems after I switched.
Dirk Leinenbach
Computer Science Department
Saarland University
Buildung 45, Room 318
Tel. +49 - 681 / 302 - 5557
Fax. +49 - 681 / 302 - 4290

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Re: uw-imap Cygwin secrets revealed, at least a bit!

2004-12-08 Thread Robert Schmidt
Christian Weinberger wrote:
The initial problem was:
- uw-imap on cygwin ran well with Outlook Express
- but hung upon connection when using Outlook 2003
In the end I made it to get it work with the following workaround:
In inetd.conf, I dont start the daemon directly, but use the following wrapper 

tee NUL | /usr/sbin/imapd
That's an interesting workaround.  My problem sounds slightly different, 
but may be related:

I'm using Outlook XP (2002), and the uw-imapd processes *occasionally* 
hang at very unpredictable times.  When they hang, they consume 100% 
CPU, until terminated.

My current workaround is a script running in the background, kicking in 
every 15 minutes, killing off uw-imapd processes that have been 
consuming more than 10 minutes of CPU time.  This is sort of OK, as I 
don't use this server for interactive work.  I've never noticed any 
corruption in the IMAP store.

Before I had this script, however, the problem was exasperating...  I 
had to ssh to my server about twice a day to manually kill off 5-10 
uw-imapd processes that had gone haywire during the day.  You can 
imagine that just logging in remotely was a pain in these cases, with a 
1000% load on the CPU... :-(

For the record, I've been updating my cygwin installation regularly in 
the last 2 years, and the problem has been constant ever since I started 
using uw-imapd about a year ago.  Also, I always access the IMAP port 
through a ssh tunnel - not sure if that's an important factor.

I'll try your suggestion as well.
This slows down communication a bit, but I can connect and had no more hangs up 
till now. So the original problem seems to be timing specific.

My guesses are:
- the cygwin port of uw-imap may have a problem here. I couldnt find any 
similar error reports for any other platform uw-imap is running on.
- cygwin causes the problem itself
- inetd is out of the line since I also tested with xinetd and had similar 

Id be glad to assist one of the gurus going deeper into this.
Even more, Id like to invest more time again to debug it myself, but my gdb 
knowledge is non-existing. If someone would show me how to start, the I 
definitely would do so. My concern is that usual debugging approaches will fail 
because of the timing related cause of the problem.

Thanks to all of you so far!

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Re: problems with cron

2004-12-08 Thread Robert Schmidt
Jeff Yemin wrote:
I'm running cron as a service using cygrunsrv commands, and it seems to
start ok.  But it doesn't seem to be running the jobs.  I put the date
job in my crontab as a test, and I never see anything written to
Here's my crontab:
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
# (/tmp/crontab.2768 installed on Wed Dec  8 17:46:04 2004)
# (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 1.7 2003/04/15 15:13:41 corinna Exp
30 0 * * * cd /c/build; ./mailBuildResults.sh
* * * * * date  /tmp/cron.test

Any help would be appreciated.
I think cron uses syslog, you should be able to see in the Windows Event 
- cron startup
- any started cron jobs
- any changes to crontab detected by cron (polled every minute)

Have you put your crontab file in the correct place with sufficient 
permissions for the System user (man cron), or are you using the crontab 

My crontab file has no quotes around the command - are quotes supported?
Jeff Yemin

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Re: nul

2004-10-26 Thread Robert Schmidt
Markus Schönhaber wrote:
nor from cygwin shell. Not a big problem, but annoying. Any ideas on 
how to
get rid of it?

Assuming you created
del \\.\C:\some\path\nul
in the Windows console might help you to get rid of it.
I think even that will fail.
The trick I ususally use is to rename it in the console, as CMD's ren 
seems to be more ignorant about nul than both mv, rm, del and even 
4NT's ren:

[in CMD:]
ren \\.\C:\full\path\nul __crap
del __crap
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Re: bash/sh program interpreter problems...

2004-10-25 Thread Robert Schmidt
Reini Urban wrote:
Robert Schmidt schrieb:
I have the following two programs in /usr/local/bin:
--- test.btm
echo hello from test.btm

naming a shell script .btm is not a good idea, since .btm files are 
usually 4NT batch files.
This is exactly what I'm doing.  I want to be able to run 4NT batch 
files from e.g. bash.

Just to make it clear, the above *is* a 4NT batch file - not a shell 
script.  I assumed talking about 4NT would just confuse matters, but 
here it is:

I've defined a 4NT alias #! for rem, which makes 4NT ignore the 
interpreter spec.  Further, testint.sh is actually my 4NT interpreter, 

FILE=`cygpath -w $1`
/usr/local/bin/4nt/4nt.exe /c $FILE $@
Next, any 4NT batch file I want to run from bash should do so if I put 
this line in it:

And as I said, this works often, and often not at all.
same for .h files.
windows has some internal registry key which extensions are executable.
I'm aware of this, but that has no impact on how cygwin runs executable 
files (AFAIK).

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/test.btm
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/test.h
does the explicit path help?
No...  all files that should be +x, are.
--- test.h
One should not assume that test.btm is executable.
On my setup, I do.  I regularly run a fix permissions script which 
gives +x to all *.sh, *.btm, *.pl, etc. under /usr/local/bin (typically 
after synchronizing with unison, which does not yet propagate permissions).

BTW: I have the same problems, with some php or java wrappers. The first 
call gives this error message bad interpreter, the seconds works fine 
All right - that sounds like the problem I'm trying to describe!  It's 
good to hear that I'm not alone.  Any useful info?  google gave me 
3-year old threads which left me in the dark.

The fact that the error message occurs at rather random times make me 
suspect a bug in cygwin.  I wonder if it can be the same problem as the 
PID reuse problem mentioned in several parallel threads?  I don't yet 
have the guts to start building and patching bash myself - maybe later 
this week.

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cygutils cygstart eats program arguments

2004-10-25 Thread Robert Schmidt
I'd like to use cygstart to launch a couple of log windows to monitor 
server activity, much like the Windows START command.  However, cygstart 
eats *all* the arguments, not only the ones before the executable.  Is 
there something I've missed?

The usage suggests otherwise:
Usage: cygstart [OPTION]... FILE [ARGUMENTS]
Sample session:
/cygdrive/l/bin $ cygstart tail -f /var/log/fetchmail.log
Unable to start 'tail': There is no application associated with the 
given file name extension.

/cygdrive/l/bin $ cygstart tail
[opens a new window waiting for stdin (as it should).]
/cygdrive/l/bin $ cygstart tail --version
[displays cygstart's version, not tail's]
cygstart version 1.0, by Michael Schaap
Let Windows start a program or open a file or URL.
/cygdrive/l/bin $ cygstart tail --version
Unable to start 'tail --version': The specified file was not found.
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Re: cygutils cygstart eats program arguments

2004-10-25 Thread Robert Schmidt
Mark Paulus wrote:
Have you tried using a -- to indicate end of arguments
to cygstart:
cygstart -- tail --version
Thanks!  No, I hadn't, and that works great.
I still find the usage syntax to be misleading though:
Usage: cygstart [OPTION]... FILE [ARGUMENTS]
What are ARGUMENTS if not to be passed to the execution of FILE?  (For 
people relatively new to the nuances of cygwin/Linux (like myself), '--' 
is a pretty obscure feature.)

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bash/sh program interpreter problems...

2004-10-24 Thread Robert Schmidt
I have the following two programs in /usr/local/bin:
--- test.btm
echo hello from test.btm
--- testint.sh
echo hello from test interpreter.  the file is $1
--- test.h
Then I do this:
~ $ echo $PATH
~ $ test.btm
: bad interpreter: No such file or directoryn/testint.sh
~ $
First of all, the output is messed up by an ASCII 13 character.  Putting 
an extra space after testint.sh in test.btm fixes this.  I don't 
understand why this problem doesn't occur for /bin/sh or /bin/bash 
interpreter specifications.

~ $ test.btm
bash: /usr/local/bin/test.btm: /usr/local/bin/testint.sh: bad 
interpreter: No such file or directory

Second, I can't figure out why testint.sh is not found.  Further testing 
shows that the result is highly dependent on the current working 
directory, and almost inexplicably random.  test.sh seems to fail much 
more often then simply test.btm.
The scripts were initially DOS ASCII.  Converting them with dos2unix 
only takes away the first problem above.  All mounts are binmode.
Here are a few more runs:

~ $ cd /usr/local/bin
/usr/local/bin $ test.btm
hello from test interpreter. the file is /usr/local/bin/test.btm
/usr/local/bin $ test.sh
/usr/local/bin/test.sh: /usr/local/bin/test.btm: 
/usr/local/bin/testint.sh: bad interpreter: No such
 file or directory
/usr/local/bin $ test.btm
bash: /usr/local/bin/test.btm: /usr/local/bin/testint.sh: bad 
interpreter: No such file or directory
/usr/local/bin $ cd ..
/usr/local $ test.btm
hello from test interpreter. the file is /usr/local/bin/test.btm
/usr/local $ test.btm
bash: /usr/local/bin/test.btm: /usr/local/bin/testint.sh: bad 
interpreter: No such file or directory

Any hints to explain this behaviour, or assurance that it's a known bug, 
will be welcome.  I prefer to understand why I implement a workaround.

Best regards,

Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Sun Oct 24 21:50:56 2004

Windows XP Professional Ver 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Path:   C:\cygwin\bin
c:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel
c:\Program Files\Schlumberger\Smart Cards and Terminals\Cyberflex Access 

Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (nontsec)
UID: 1003(robert) GID: 513(None)

Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (ntsec)
UID: 1003(robert) GID: 513(None)
513(None) 544(Administrators)
545(Users)1005(Debugger Users)

SysDir: C:\WINDOWS\system32

CYGWIN = `ntsec'
HOME = `C:\cygwin\home\robert'
PWD = `/usr/local/bin'

Use `-r' to scan registry

c:  hd  NTFS   76316Mb  47% CP CS UN PA FC 
d:  cd   N/AN/A
e:  fd   N/AN/A
f:  cd   N/AN/A
g:  cd   N/AN/A
h:  hd  NTFS   76316Mb  47% CP CS UN PA FC 
l:  hd  NTFS   76316Mb  47% CP CS UN PA FC 
p:  hd  NTFS   76316Mb  47% CP CS UN PA FC 

C:\cygwin  /  system  binmode
C:\cygwin/bin  /usr/bin   system  binmode
C:\cygwin/lib  /usr/lib   system  binmode
.  /cygdrive  system  binmode,cygdrive

Found: C:\cygwin\bin\awk.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cat.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cp.exe
Not Found: cpp (good!)
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\find.exe
Not Found: gcc
Not Found: gdb
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\grep.exe
Not Found: ld
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\ls.exe
Not Found: make
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\mv.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\rm.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\sed.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\tar.exe

   55k 2004/09/14 C:\cygwin\bin\cygbz2-1.dll
   18k 2004/07/06 C:\cygwin\bin\cygcharset-1.dll
7k 2003/10/19 C:\cygwin\bin\cygcrypt-0.dll
  839k 2004/09/27 C:\cygwin\bin\cygcrypto-0.9.7.dll
   40k 2004/10/10 C:\cygwin\bin\cygform-8.dll
   45k 2001/04/25 C:\cygwin\bin\cygform5.dll
   35k 2002/01/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygform6.dll
   48k 2003/08/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygform7.dll
   28k 2003/07/20 C:\cygwin\bin\cyggdbm-3.dll
   30k 2003/08/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cyggdbm-4.dll
   19k 2003/03/22 C:\cygwin\bin\cyggdbm.dll
   15k 2003/07/20 C:\cygwin\bin\cyggdbm_compat-3.dll
   15k 2003/08/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cyggdbm_compat-4.dll
  107k 2004/07/06 C:\cygwin\bin\cyggettextlib-0-14-1.dll
   17k 2004/07/06 C:\cygwin\bin\cyggettextpo-0.dll
  190k 2004/07/06 C:\cygwin\bin\cyggettextsrc-0-14-1.dll
   17k 2001/06/28 C:\cygwin\bin\cyghistory4.dll
   29k 2003/08/10 C:\cygwin\bin\cyghistory5.dll
   25k 2004/10/12 C:\cygwin\bin\cyghistory6.dll
  991k 2004/07/06 C:\cygwin\bin\cygiconv-2.dll
   22k 2001/12/13 C:\cygwin\bin\cygintl-1.dll
   37k 2003/08/10 C:\cygwin\bin\cygintl-2.dll
   54k 2004/07/06 C:\cygwin\bin\cygintl-3.dll
   22k 2004/10/10 C:\cygwin\bin\cygmenu-8.dll
   26k 2001/04/25 C:\cygwin\bin\cygmenu5.dll
   20k 2002/01/09 

Re: crontab/mount problem

2004-09-28 Thread Robert Schmidt
Larry Hall wrote:
Read this:
If you've installed cron as directed, you won't have access to non-publicly
accessible shares.  Your options are to make the shares accessible to all
without authentication or run 'cron' as a service under the same user as 
owns the crontab.  The former opens up your share's permissions 
significantly.  The latter makes 'cron' usable by only you.

There's plenty in the email archives about all this too if you're looking 
for more reading.
I'm wondering if this restriction also applies to e.g. DCOM permissions?
I'm using cron to run a C# program (my own) which extracts contacts info 
from Outlook to an LDIF file, for importing into openldap.  This works 
fine on the command line, and works with cron running as myself.

With cron running as System, using setuid to myself, the Outlook COM 
object model refuses access.  (new Outlook.ApplicationClass throws an 

I'd rather avoid having to hardcode my user name and password into the 
cygrunsrv command line, so any ideas would be appreciated.

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FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/

Re: file conversion utility sought: from isolatin (8859-1) to utf8

2004-09-28 Thread Robert Schmidt
Ralf Hauser wrote:
Are there any tools like d2u or u2d for UTF-8 for cygwin?
A starting point might be
http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~ram/pub/pub_kfd8tk88g/perl_unicode_en ?
Not particularly cygwin related, but anyway...
This is a better start:
  # iso2utf8.pl
  use Encode;
print encode(utf8, decode(iso-8859-1, $_));
  mkdir -p utf8
  for FILE in $* ; do iso2utf8.pl  $FILE  utf8/$FILE ; done
If you're sure you want in-place, finish off with
  mv utf8/* .
If you need to handle a hierarchy of files, you need to fiddle with find 
 -print0 | xargs -0, or keep it all in perl.  I'm not a perl wiz,

Unsubscribe info:  http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple
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Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/

Re: which command does not expand ~ in path

2004-09-25 Thread Robert Schmidt
Sven Köhler wrote:
Set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d ~/bin ] ; then

Hmm, i'm not 100% percent sure, but is this supposed to work in general? 
I don't think that all programs that use the PATH varible are supposed 
to interpret ~ correctly.

Instead, the shell usually substitutes ~ or ~user.
Look at this the output of these commands:
echo ~
echo ~
This is probably common knowledge, but I learned last night that sh 
never expands ~.  Under sh, the two lines above yield the same output, 
simply ~.

So my conclusion was to never rely on ~ in scripts or variables.
(Unless something is broken in my setup?)
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FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/

Re: Also unison/ssh [Re: Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems]

2004-09-15 Thread Robert Schmidt
Robert Schmidt wrote:
OK, here's some more info from the hanging unison over ssh on 1.5.11.
Sorry, forgot the cygcheck -s -v -r output.

Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Wed Sep 15 09:01:32 2004

Windows XP Professional Ver 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Path:   C:\WINDOWS\system32
C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel
C:\Program Files\Schlumberger\Smart Cards and Terminals\Cyberflex Access 

Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (nontsec)
UID: 1003(robert) GID: 513(None)

Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (ntsec)
UID: 1003(robert) GID: 513(None)
0(root)  513(None)
544(Administrators)  545(Users)

SysDir: C:\WINDOWS\system32

CYGWIN = `ntsec'
HOME = `C:\Private'
Path = `C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\ATI 
Technologies\ATI Control Panel;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\Private\bin;C:\Program 
Files\Schlumberger\Smart Cards and Terminals\Cyberflex Access Kits\v4\'

.arj = `va'
.bmp = `start'
.diz = `l'
.gif = `start'
.jpg = `start'
.mp3 = `start'
.nfo = `l'
.pl = `perl -w'
.rar = `vr'
.txt = `l'
.zip = `vz'
ALLUSERSPROFILE = `C:\Documents and Settings\All Users'
APPDATA = `C:\Documents and Settings\robert\Application Data'
CLIENTNAME = `Console'
CMDLINE = `cygcheck -s -v -r'
CommonProgramFiles = `C:\Program Files\Common Files'
ComSpec = `C:\Private\4nt\4nt.exe'
HOMEPATH = `\Documents and Settings\robert'
INCLUDE = `C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\SDK\v1.1\include\'
LIB = `C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\SDK\v1.1\Lib\'
OS = `Windows_NT'
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = `x86 Family 6 Model 9 Stepping 5, GenuineIntel'
ProgramFiles = `C:\Program Files'
SystemDrive = `C:'
SystemRoot = `C:\WINDOWS'
TEMP = `C:\DOCUME~1\robert\LOCALS~1\Temp'
title = `C:\TEMP'
TMP = `C:\DOCUME~1\robert\LOCALS~1\Temp'
USERNAME = `robert'
USERPROFILE = `C:\Documents and Settings\robert'
VS71COMNTOOLS = `C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\Tools\'
windir = `C:\WINDOWS'

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2
  (default) = `/cygdrive'
  cygdrive flags = 0x0022
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/
  (default) = `C:\cygwin'
  flags = 0x000a
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/bin
  (default) = `C:\cygwin/bin'
  flags = 0x000a
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/lib
  (default) = `C:\cygwin/lib'
  flags = 0x000a
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options

c:  hd  NTFS   76316Mb  46% CP CS UN PA FC 
d:  cd   N/AN/A
e:  fd   N/AN/A
f:  cd   N/AN/A
p:  hd  NTFS   76316Mb  46% CP CS UN PA FC 
r:  net NTFS   58635Mb  68% CP CS UN PA FC Dasken
s:  net NTFS   761635Mb  46% CP CS UN PA FC RAID

C:\cygwin  /  system  binmode
C:\cygwin/bin  /usr/bin   system  binmode
C:\cygwin/lib  /usr/lib   system  binmode
.  /cygdrive  system  binmode,cygdrive

Found: C:\cygwin\bin\awk.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cat.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cp.exe
Not Found: cpp (good!)
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\find.exe
Not Found: gcc
Not Found: gdb
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\grep.exe
Not Found: ld
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\ls.exe
Not Found: make
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\mv.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\rm.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\sed.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\tar.exe

   55k 2004/09/14 C:\cygwin\bin\cygbz2-1.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
  cygbz2-1.dll v0.0 ts=2004/9/14 6:16
  841k 2004/03/17 C:\cygwin\bin\cygcrypto-0.9.7.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
  cygcrypto-0.9.7.dll v0.0 ts=2004/3/17 23:58
   45k 2001/04/25 C:\cygwin\bin\cygform5.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
  cygform5.dll v0.0 ts=2001/4/25 7:28
   35k 2002/01/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygform6.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
  cygform6.dll v0.0 ts=2002/1/9 7:03
   48k 2003/08/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygform7.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
  cygform7.dll v0.0 ts=2003/8/9 11:25

Also unison/ssh [Re: Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems]

2004-09-14 Thread Robert Schmidt
I get similar symptoms with unison over ssh:
It worked great before SP2 (i.e. 2 hours ago).
After I installed SP2 on the client, unison/ssh just hangs.
The server has been running SP2 for over a week.
Any normal ssh sessions work fine.  I'm also using ssh to forward the
IMAP port (143) to my server's port, which still works.
By adding -rshargs -vvv to unison, the last few lines of ssh debug
output is:
Contacting server...
debug1: Authentication succeeded (publickey).
debug2: fd 4 setting O_NONBLOCK
debug2: fd 5 setting O_NONBLOCK
debug1: channel 0: new [client-session]
debug3: ssh_session2_open: channel_new: 0
debug2: channel 0: send open
debug1: Entering interactive session.
debug2: callback start
debug2: client_session2_setup: id 0
debug1: Sending command: unison -server
debug2: channel 0: request exec confirm 0
debug2: callback done
debug2: channel 0: open confirm rwindow 0 rmax 32768
debug2: channel 0: rcvd adjust 131072
... and nothing more happens.
For the record: My unison is 2.9.20, Win32 native, *not* the cygwin
port.  cygwin and ssh were already up to date, as of 3-4 days ago.
Christopher Cobb wrote:
My XP machine at work was just upgraded to SP2.  Now I'm having problems
accessing a cvs repository on a linux box over ssh.  Everything was working 
fine until this SP2 upgrade.

I can access the cvs host via ssh normally (although in a possibly related
matter, ssh sometimes seems to be a character behind when using vi remotely --
has anyone else noticed that behavior?  This was true before the SP2 upgrade). 
Invoking cvs remotely without a password seems to work fine:

Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding.
Usage: cvs [cvs-options] command [command-options-and-arguments]
  where cvs-options are -q, -n, etc.
(specify --help-options for a list of options)
  where command is add, admin, etc.
(specify --help-commands for a list of commands
 or --help-synonyms for a list of command synonyms)
  where command-options-and-arguments depend on the specific command
(specify -H followed by a command name for command-specific help)
  Specify --help to receive this message
The Concurrent Versions System (CVS) is a tool for version control.
For CVS updates and additional information, see
the CVS home page at http://www.cvshome.org/ or
Pascal Molli's CVS site at http://www.loria.fr/~molli/cvs-index.html
However, if I try to issue a local cvs command (CVS_RSH=ssh, etc., nothing has
change client side or server side except the SP2 upgrade), then the command 

$ cvs status myFile.txt
cvs status: warning: unrecognized response `Warning: No xauth data; using fake
authentication dat' from cvs servering.
(never returns)
Examining the process server side reveals that the cvs process is hung on
reading stdin:
# strace -p 5316
read(0,  unfinished ...
Is anyone aware of any changes in SP2 that would cause this problem?  Are there
any workarounds?

Unsubscribe info:  http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple
Problem reports:   http://cygwin.com/problems.html
Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/

Re: Also unison/ssh [Re: Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems]

2004-09-14 Thread Robert Schmidt
A quick follow-up:
On the unison.general mailing list, Mark Rogers reports that replacing
the cygwin1.dll with version 1.5.10 makes unison over ssh work again.
I also tried it (temporarily, of course), and can confirm that it works.
So SP2 does seem to break something in cygwin 1.5.11, as installing SP2
was the only change I made today.
Robert Schmidt wrote:
I get similar symptoms with unison over ssh:
It worked great before SP2 (i.e. 2 hours ago).
After I installed SP2 on the client, unison/ssh just hangs.
The server has been running SP2 for over a week.
Any normal ssh sessions work fine.  I'm also using ssh to forward the
IMAP port (143) to my server's port, which still works.
By adding -rshargs -vvv to unison, the last few lines of ssh debug
output is:
Contacting server...
debug1: Authentication succeeded (publickey).
debug2: fd 4 setting O_NONBLOCK
debug2: fd 5 setting O_NONBLOCK
debug1: channel 0: new [client-session]
debug3: ssh_session2_open: channel_new: 0
debug2: channel 0: send open
debug1: Entering interactive session.
debug2: callback start
debug2: client_session2_setup: id 0
debug1: Sending command: unison -server
debug2: channel 0: request exec confirm 0
debug2: callback done
debug2: channel 0: open confirm rwindow 0 rmax 32768
debug2: channel 0: rcvd adjust 131072
... and nothing more happens.
For the record: My unison is 2.9.20, Win32 native, *not* the cygwin
port.  cygwin and ssh were already up to date, as of 3-4 days ago.
Christopher Cobb wrote:
My XP machine at work was just upgraded to SP2.  Now I'm having problems
accessing a cvs repository on a linux box over ssh.  Everything was 
working fine until this SP2 upgrade.

I can access the cvs host via ssh normally (although in a possibly 
matter, ssh sometimes seems to be a character behind when using vi 
remotely --
has anyone else noticed that behavior?  This was true before the SP2 
upgrade). Invoking cvs remotely without a password seems to work fine:

Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 
Usage: cvs [cvs-options] command [command-options-and-arguments]
  where cvs-options are -q, -n, etc.
(specify --help-options for a list of options)
  where command is add, admin, etc.
(specify --help-commands for a list of commands
 or --help-synonyms for a list of command synonyms)
  where command-options-and-arguments depend on the specific command
(specify -H followed by a command name for command-specific help)
  Specify --help to receive this message

The Concurrent Versions System (CVS) is a tool for version control.
For CVS updates and additional information, see
the CVS home page at http://www.cvshome.org/ or
Pascal Molli's CVS site at http://www.loria.fr/~molli/cvs-index.html
However, if I try to issue a local cvs command (CVS_RSH=ssh, etc., 
nothing has
change client side or server side except the SP2 upgrade), then the 
command hangs:

$ cvs status myFile.txt
cvs status: warning: unrecognized response `Warning: No xauth data; 
using fake
authentication dat' from cvs servering.
(never returns)

Examining the process server side reveals that the cvs process is hung on
reading stdin:
# strace -p 5316
read(0,  unfinished ...
Is anyone aware of any changes in SP2 that would cause this problem?  
Are there
any workarounds?


Unsubscribe info:  http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple
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Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/

Re: Also unison/ssh [Re: Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems]

2004-09-14 Thread Robert Schmidt
Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Sep 14 16:37, Robert Schmidt wrote:
A quick follow-up:
On the unison.general mailing list, Mark Rogers reports that replacing
the cygwin1.dll with version 1.5.10 makes unison over ssh work again.
I also tried it (temporarily, of course), and can confirm that it works.
So SP2 does seem to break something in cygwin 1.5.11, as installing SP2
was the only change I made today.

I'm running cvs over ssh on XP SP2 with Cygwin 1.5.11 and it works.
It's your coice to revert to 1.5.10, but it won't help to debug the
That's why I wrote (temporarily, of course).  I only manually replaced
the DLL.  If there's anything more I can do to help, I'd love to, but
I'd need pointers.  I'm not familiar with cygwin code.
OK, so what works for you doesn't seem to work for Chris Cobb (initiator
of this thread).  I assumed the unison/ssh problem was related, but I
may be wrong - I don't use cvs.
So there must be some other differentiating factor between yours and
Cobb's setup (and mine, if my assumption is correct).
For the record, I've tried with and without the SP2 firewall.
1.5.10 works regardless, 1.5.11 fails regardless.

Unsubscribe info:  http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple
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Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/

Re: Also unison/ssh [Re: Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems]

2004-09-14 Thread Robert Schmidt
Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Tue, Sep 14, 2004 at 04:37:55PM +0200, Robert Schmidt wrote:
On the unison.general mailing list, Mark Rogers reports that replacing
the cygwin1.dll with version 1.5.10 makes unison over ssh work again.
So, I assume that replacing the DLL with version B20 would really
supercharge things.
I've been developing commercial software for 15 years (I'm *not* saying
that's a lot, just that I'm not a script kiddie).  One of my established
practices is to narrow down the possible factors contributing to a
problem, which includes testing earlier versions.
I don't quite understand the sarcasm here.  Apparently, my comment was
entirely unhelpful, and I apologize for wasting your time.
I'll restrain myself in the future, and will keep learning from the list
how to be helpful without being shot down.
Any follow-ups to this are welcome privately.

Unsubscribe info:  http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple
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Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/

Re: Also unison/ssh [Re: Win XP SP2: cvs over ssh problems]

2004-09-14 Thread Robert Schmidt
OK, here's some more info from the hanging unison over ssh on 1.5.11.
I've attached the last part of an strace, taken from after ssh reads the
RSA key.  At the end of the log, ssh just waits.  I've kept the full
logs from both 1.5.10 and 1.5.11 if it can be helpful.
And thanks, Dave, for the reference to WJM - I was definitely caught off
guard... :-)

2361775 [main] ssh 3916 cygpsid::debug_print: get_sids_info: owner SID = 
2361836 [main] ssh 3916 cygpsid::debug_print: get_sids_info: group SID = 
2361900 [main] ssh 3916 get_info_from_sd: ACL 180, uid 1003, gid 513
2361995 [main] ssh 3916 fhandler_base::fstat_helper: 0 = fstat (, 0x22E2E0) 
st_atime=414754E6 st_size=883, st_mode=0x8180, st_ino=22932, sizeof=96
2362052 [main] ssh 3916 fstat64: 0 = fstat (4, 0x22E2E0)
2362148 [main] ssh 3916 readv: readv (4, 0x22E300, 1) blocking, sigcatchers 0
2362200 [main] ssh 3916 readv: no need to call ready_for_read
2362306 [main] ssh 3916 fhandler_base::read: returning 883, binary mode
2362363 [main] ssh 3916 readv: 883 = readv (4, 0x22E300, 1), errno 0
2365739 [main] ssh 3916 time: 1095193832 = time (22EA08)
2371965 [main] ssh 3916 close: close (4)
2372016 [main] ssh 3916 fhandler_base::close: closing 
'/cygdrive/c/Private/.ssh/id_rsa' handle 0x6A4
2372095 [main] ssh 3916 close: 0 = close (4)
2394109 [main] ssh 3916 writev: writev (3, 0x22CD30, 1)
2394321 [main] ssh 3916 writev: 384 = write (3, 0x22CD30, 1), errno 0
2394431 [main] ssh 3916 cygwin_select: 4, 0x100F0D30, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0
2394530 [main] ssh 3916 dtable::select_read:  fd 3
2394581 [main] ssh 3916 cygwin_select: to NULL, ms 
2394632 [main] ssh 3916 cygwin_select: sel.always_ready 0
2394748 [main] ssh 3916 start_thread_socket: Handle 0x6D4
2394800 [main] ssh 3916 start_thread_socket: Added to readfds
2395120 [main] ssh 3916 start_thread_socket: exitsock 0x6A4
2395183 [main] ssh 3916 start_thread_socket: stuff_start 0x22CD34
2395289 [select_socket] ssh 3916 thread_socket: stuff_start 0x100F5A3C
2395403 [main] ssh 3916 select_stuff::wait: m 2, ms 4294967295
2409057 [select_socket] ssh 3916 thread_socket: Win32 select returned 1
2409119 [select_socket] ssh 3916 thread_socket: s 0x100F29E8, testing fd 3 ()
2409233 [select_socket] ssh 3916 thread_socket: read_ready
2409297 [main] ssh 3916 select_stuff::wait: woke up.  wait_ret 1.  verifying
2409352 [main] ssh 3916 select_stuff::wait: gotone 1
2409403 [main] ssh 3916 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
2409453 [main] ssh 3916 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
2409504 [main] ssh 3916 socket_cleanup: si 0x100F2A18 si-thread 0x610F38D8
2409556 [main] ssh 3916 socket_cleanup: connection to si-exitsock 0x6A4
2410337 [main] ssh 3916 socket_cleanup: returning
2410395 [main] ssh 3916 peek_socket: considering handle 0x6D4
2410449 [main] ssh 3916 set_bits: me 0x100F29E8, testing fd 3 ()
2410501 [main] ssh 3916 set_bits: ready 1
2410551 [main] ssh 3916 select_stuff::poll: returning 1
2410601 [main] ssh 3916 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup routines
2410651 [main] ssh 3916 select_stuff::~select_stuff: deleting select records
2410746 [main] ssh 3916 readv: readv (3, 0x22CD80, 1) nonblocking, sigcatchers 0
2410801 [main] ssh 3916 peek_socket: considering handle 0x6D4
2410852 [main] ssh 3916 peek_socket: adding read fd_set , fd 3
2410944 [main] ssh 3916 peek_socket: WINSOCK_SELECT returned 1
2411000 [main] ssh 3916 fhandler_base::ready_for_read: read_ready 1, avail 1
2411077 [main] ssh 3916 readv: 32 = readv (3, 0x22CD80, 1), errno 0
2412131 [main] ssh 3916 dtable::dup2: dup2 (0, 4)
2412191 [main] ssh 3916 build_fh_pc: fh 0x61781858
2412253 [main] ssh 3916 fhandler_base::dup: in fhandler_base dup
2412312 [main] ssh 3916 fhandler_pipe::dup: res 0
2412363 [main] ssh 3916 dtable::dup_worker: duped '' old 0x78C, new 0x6A4
2412414 [main] ssh 3916 dtable::dup2: newfh-io_handle 0x6A4, oldfh-io_handle 0x78C
2412466 [main] ssh 3916 dtable::dup2: 4 = dup2 (0, 4)
2412518 [main] ssh 3916 dtable::dup2: dup2 (1, 5)
2412571 [main] ssh 3916 build_fh_pc: fh 0x61781A60
2412623 [main] ssh 3916 fhandler_base::dup: in fhandler_base dup
2412678 [main] ssh 3916 fhandler_pipe::dup: res 0
2412728 [main] ssh 3916 dtable::dup_worker: duped '' old 0x784, new 0x684
2412779 [main] ssh 3916 dtable::dup2: newfh-io_handle 0x684, oldfh-io_handle 0x784
2412830 [main] ssh 3916 dtable::dup2: 5 = dup2 (1, 5)
2412882 [main] ssh 3916 dtable::dup2: dup2 (2, 6)
2412961 [main] ssh 3916 build_fh_pc: fh 0x61781C68
2413017 [main] ssh 3916 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10002, supplied_bin 0x0
2413069 [main] ssh 3916 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x1
2413130 [main] ssh 3916 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary
2413311 [main] ssh 3916 fhandler_console::open: incremented open_fhs, now 2
2413369 [main] ssh 3916 fhandler_console::open: opened conin$ 0xB, conout$ 0x1F
2413421 [main] ssh 3916 dtable::dup_worker: 

Re: openldap 2.2.15-2

2004-09-04 Thread Robert Schmidt
Robert Schmidt wrote:
On Fri, 3 Sep 2004, Robert Schmidt wrote:
I have problems running openldap 2.2.15-2 (cygwin is up-to-date as of 
You have minires-0.97-1 installed.  The latest version is 0.98-3.  Try
upgrading to it.  The API has apparently changed between the versions,
though the library is not versioned (this is arguably a packaging bug).
I got that far an hour later, but the problem persists.
Problem solved.  Some (yet unidentified) application had installed a 
couple of old cygwin DLLs in the SYSTEM32 folder.  I should have thought 
of that earlier.

Strangely, though, c:\cygwin\bin is *before* c:\windows\system32, so 
something doesn't make sense to me.

[C:\]which cygminires.dll
cygminires.dll is an external : C:\cygwin\bin\cygminires.dll
Ah well, at least slapd runs, after removing the rogue DLL.
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openldap 2.2.15-2

2004-09-03 Thread Robert Schmidt
I have problems running openldap 2.2.15-2 (cygwin is up-to-date as of 
this moment).

Running slapd or slurpd produces the following error:
The procedure entry point __dn_expand could not be located in the 
dynamic link library cygminires.dll.

I also tried adding openldap-devel, with no change.
Any ideas?
cygcheck -c -v output:
Cygwin Package Information
Last downloaded files to: c:\temp\cygwin
Last downloaded files from: ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/lang/cygwin
Package  VersionStatus
_update-info-dir 00227-1OK
Missing directory: /etc/apache.new/ from package apache
Missing file: /etc/apache.new/access.conf from package apache
Missing file: /etc/apache.new/access.conf.default from package apache
[... hundreds more files missing in *.new ...]
apache   1.3.29-2   Incomplete
ash  20040127-1 OK
base-files   3.0-3  OK
base-passwd  1.1-1  OK
bash 2.05b-16   OK
binutils 20040725-2 OK
bison20030307-1 OK
crypt1.1-1  OK
curl 7.11.1-1   OK
cvs  1.11.6-3   OK
cygrunsrv1.0-1  OK
cygutils 1.2.5-1OK
cygwin   1.5.10-3   OK
cygwin-doc   1.3-7  OK
db4.14.1.25-1   OK
diff 1.0-1  OK
editrights   1.01-1 OK
expat1.95.7-1   OK
Missing directory: /usr/share/man/cat1/ from package fetchmail
fileutils4.1-2  OK
flex 2.5.4a-3   OK
gawk 3.1.4-3OK
Empty package gcc
gcc  3.3.3-3OK
gcc-core 3.3.3-3OK
gcc-g++  3.3.3-3OK
Empty package gcc-mingw
gcc-mingw20040810-1 OK
gcc-mingw-core   20040810-1 OK
gcc-mingw-g++20040810-1 OK
gdbm 1.8.3-7OK
gettext  0.14.1-1   OK
grep 2.5-1  OK
groff1.18.1-2   OK
gzip 1.3.5-1OK
inetutils1.3.2-28   OK
less 381-1  OK
libbz2_0 1.0.2-1OK
libbz2_1 1.0.2-5OK
libdb4.1 4.1.25-1   OK
libdb4.1-devel   4.1.25-1   OK
libdb4.2 4.2.52-1   OK
libgdbm  1.8.0-5OK
libgdbm3 1.8.3-3OK
libgdbm4 1.8.3-7OK
libgettextpo00.14.1-1   OK
libintl  0.10.38-3  OK
libintl1 0.10.40-1  OK
libintl2 0.12.1-3   OK
libintl3 0.14.1-1   OK
libncurses5  5.2-1  OK
libncurses6  5.2-8  OK
libncurses7  5.3-4  OK
libopenldap2_2_7 2.2.15-2   OK
libpcre  4.1-1  OK
libpcre0 4.5-1  OK
libpopt0 1.6.4-4OK
libreadline4 4.1-2  OK
libreadline5 4.3-5  OK
login1.9-7  OK
m4   1.4-1  OK
make 3.80-1 OK
man  1.5k-3 OK
mingw-runtime3.3-1  OK
minires  0.97-1 OK
mktemp   1.5-3  OK
ncurses  5.3-4  OK
newlib-man   20020801   OK
openldap 2.2.15-2   OK
openldap-devel   2.2.15-2   OK
openssh  3.9p1-1OK
openssl  0.9.7d-1   OK
openssl096   0.9.6j-1   OK
pcre 4.5-1  OK
pcre-doc 4.5-1  OK
perl 5.8.5-3OK
procmail 3.22-9 OK
procps   010801-2   OK
readline 4.3-5  OK
sed  4.1.2-1OK
sh-utils 2.0.15-4   OK
tar  1.13.25-5  OK
termcap  20021106-2 OK
terminfo 5.3_20030726-1 OK
texinfo  4.2-4  OK
textutils2.0.21-1   OK
unzip5.50-5 OK
uw-imap  2002e-3OK
uw-imap-util 2002e-3OK
w32api   2.5-1  OK
wget 1.9.1-1  

Re: openldap 2.2.15-2

2004-09-03 Thread Robert Schmidt
Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
On Fri, 3 Sep 2004, Robert Schmidt wrote:
I have problems running openldap 2.2.15-2 (cygwin is up-to-date as of this
You have minires-0.97-1 installed.  The latest version is 0.98-3.  Try
upgrading to it.  The API has apparently changed between the versions,
though the library is not versioned (this is arguably a packaging bug).
I got that far an hour later, but the problem persists.
minires  0.98-3 OK
I've also reinstalled openldap, openldap-devel and minires, and 
rebooted.  Now I've reverted back to minires 0.97-1.

Thanks for the patient pointers on cygcheck-iquette.  I've been using 
cygwin since the B1x's - I can't imagine a life on Windows without it.
It's only now I've started consuming the mailing lists, though... :-)

[... hundreds more files missing in *.new ...]
apache   1.3.29-2   Incomplete
 Apache packaging is very cygcheck -c-unfriendly...
Well, I should have pointed out that I removed those folders myself... :-)
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Re: PHP 5.x and latest upgrade.. is it present ?

2004-09-01 Thread Robert Schmidt
Mirko Tebaldi (Indirizzo Pubblico) wrote:
in wich categoriy is the php package ? i cannot find it in no-one of them !
PHP has been withdrawn from the cygwin distribution since it was broken.
Apparently, there's a new Apache maintainer for cygwin, who also has 
taken on support for mod-php4, so there's hope.  I have seen no 
indication of when it will be re-added, though.

As mentioned in a post yesterday, I also miss a working, integrated PHP 
for cygwin.  Getting it to work manually proved to hard for me.  Using a 
non-cygwin (i.e. Win32 native) PHP is unattractive, as this can't be an 
cygwin Apache module.

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Re: mod-php4

2004-09-01 Thread Robert Schmidt
Sam Liddicott wrote:
Robert Schmidt wrote:
I've gleaned from the archives that mod-php4 was pulled because it was
broken, and that a new maintainer has taken over apache + modules.
Is there any use in hoping that mod-php4 will be added soon?  I need it
for a SquirrelMail setup I've been asked to provide on Windows... :-/
I've had a shot at building php4 myself, but failed miserably:

I've been using coLinux (www.colinux.org) as a way of running apache and 
php4 under windows.
Thanks!  I wasn't aware of that interesting project.  I'm definitely 
going to check it out.

For my immediate needs, however, I managed to get the standard 
precompiled native Win32 php4 package to work as a CGI handler inside my 
cygwin Apache 1.3.  This is suboptimal, and I have to stay away from 
cygwin paths (~, symlinks, etc.), but SquirrelMail worked just as 

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2004-08-31 Thread Robert Schmidt
I've gleaned from the archives that mod-php4 was pulled because it was
broken, and that a new maintainer has taken over apache + modules.
Is there any use in hoping that mod-php4 will be added soon?  I need it
for a SquirrelMail setup I've been asked to provide on Windows... :-/
I've had a shot at building php4 myself, but failed miserably:
bash-2.05b$ make install
Installing PHP SAPI module:   apache
apxs:Error: file libs/libphp4.so is not a DSO
make: *** [install-sapi] Error 1
The only files on libs are libphp4.a (8MB) and libphp4.la (700 bytes).
I've searched for help on this, but the similar reports are either very
old, very clueless, very cryptic or very complex.  I definitely would
feel much more comfortable with a packaged setup of PHP.
That being said, any pointers to alternatives to SquirrelMail
(preferrably lighter-weight, and for an IMAP backend) would be welcome...

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uw-imap tmail problem: Unexpected file locking failure: Invalid argument

2003-10-14 Thread Robert Schmidt

I've been a happy cygwin user for many years, and recently decided to 
give uw-imap a shot, as I need a centralized e-mail storage for our home 

I've got imapd running through inetd, and I've gotten fetchmail to poll 
my POP3 account.
However, the feeding to tmail fails, apparently in the flock() 

Here are the last lines of output from fetchmail -v -v:

fetchmail: about to deliver with: /bin/tmail -D 'robert'
#***delivering to robert+INBOX
Verifying safe delivery to /var/mail/robert by UID 1003
unix appending to #driver.unix/INBOX (directory /var/mail/robert)
Unexpected file locking failure: Invalid argument
Unexpected file locking failure: Invalid argument
[... this runs forever, a new line every 5 seconds]
Does anyone recognize this problem?  I've scanned my local docs, the web 
and cygwin mailing lists, but nothing can point me to an indication of 
what's wrong.

When I break, my /var/mail folder looks thus:  (/var/mail/robert is empty)

drwxrwxrwx+   3 robert   None0 Oct 14 19:53 .
drwxrwxrwx+   9 robert   None0 Oct 14 01:34 ..
drwx--+   2 robert   None0 Oct 14 19:53 robert
-rw-rw-rw-1 robert   None0 Oct 14 19:53 robert.lock
Deleting the lock makes no difference.
I've tried rebuilding tmail, no difference.
My CYGWIN=ntsec.  I'm running Cygwin 1.5.5-1.
I've tried granting all Full Control to myself and Everyone.
Here's my .fetchmailrc:

set logfile /var/log/fetchmail.log
# set invisible
set no bouncemail
poll mail.chello.no
protocol pop3
username [EMAIL PROTECTED] password xxx is robert
no stripcr  # these lines were needed to
forcecr  # avoid a LF only warning from tmail
fetchlimit 1
mda /bin/tmail -D %T
Any suggestions are welcome!

Best regards,

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Re: uw-imap tmail problem: Unexpected file locking failure: Invalid argument

2003-10-14 Thread Robert Schmidt
All right - I feel silly now.  For some reason, /var/mail/robert was 
already a directory.  Cleaning /var/mail enabled tmail to do its stuff, 
i.e. create and append to robert as a regular mailbox file.  Sorry for 
the wasted bandwidth...


Robert Schmidt wrote:

However, the feeding to tmail fails, apparently in the flock() 

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