Re: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Lloyd Wood

(adding in the geomview and cygwin lists.)


Looking at the changes in:
there are specific fixes for Cygwin portability that have been 
included in Geomview 1.8.2 alpha that affect d_ino use; try changing 
the sense of !defined(__CYGWIN__)  to just defined(__CYGWIN__)  and 
see if that works with your compiler. I imagine it will.

I see the output of gcc -v has changed in current cygwin:
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.4.4 (cygming special) (gdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)

It used to be just e.g.:
gcc version 3.3.3 (cygwin special)

cygming, not cygwin? ('ming' is a strong insult in the UK. I get the 
impression the writer doesn't like cygwin.) No idea what pre-release 
gdc or dmd are, or where they've come from, or why I should care about them.

It's awfully tempting to conclude that the compiler is screwing you 
around (because the compiler's authors have been screwing it around, 
because they hate Cygwin?), and you might want to to try an earlier 
version of that. I also wonder if __CYGWIN__ is being defined and 
picked up in the compiler environment correctly.

I'm actually running Geomview 1.8.1 and Geomview 1.8.2-alpha on top 
of cygwin base 1.5.19-4... but I compiled them on a much earlier 
cygwin with an earlier version of gcc, and on an entirely different 
machine that I recently migrated the files from. (I haven't tried 
recompiling, and your note suggests I would be unwise to.)

But I have compiled SaVi and Geomview on an earlier Cygwin;
tells me the first base Cygwin I used successfully was 1.5.9-1, and 
also lists the successful versions of gcc.



> Hi Lloyd,
> I'm a masters student at UBC in Vancouver and I'm trying to get Geomview
> installed on my Windows machine. I'm following the instructions that
> you've posted via but my 
compilation is running into an

> error. It seems in glob.c (in directory
> geomview-1.8.2-alpha/src/bin/animate) there is a reference to d_ino of
> the dirent structure. Now from my research into fixing this it seems
> that d_ino is not supported in version 1.5.19-4 but will be in 1.5.20, I
> also tried with version 1.5.8-1 with the same result. Do you know of any
> way I can get around this problem? I hope this is description is
> satisfactory, if you need any clarification please let me know.

Chris Elliott


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RE: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Dave Korn
On 28 April 2006 12:30, Lloyd Wood wrote:

> cygming, not cygwin? ('ming' is a strong insult in the UK. 

  Yes, and we also do tongue-in-cheek humour quite well.  Well, at least some
of us do.

> I get the impression the writer doesn't like cygwin.) 

  Who precisely do you suppose "the writer" would have been?  Think hard
before answering: who could possibly have been responsible for writing the
cygwin port of gcc, used for compiling programs for cygwin?  Give up?  The
answer is "someone who would have to be a significant contributor to the
cygwin project".  It would be strange to think that someone would spend all
that time and effort doing unpaid voluntary work if they didn't like cygwin
quite a lot.  As a general guideline for logical reasoning, you should reject
any assumption you make that leads you to the conclusion that everyone else is
insane / stupid / irrational / entirely oblivious to their own best interests.
Occam's razor and all that.

> It's awfully tempting to conclude that the compiler is screwing you
> around (because the compiler's authors have been screwing it around,
> because they hate Cygwin?), 

  Well, then you are saying that ridiculous, paranoid, ludicrous conspiracy
theorising, based on zero information and even less research, is quite
tempting.  Now go away and find out what MinGW is and why cygwin's compiler
might want to refer to it.  Once you stop placing a superfluous emotional
colouring on the word you will be less distracted by irrelevancies and more
able to solve your bug rationally.  Stop spreading misinformed FUD.

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Re: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Lloyd Wood
__CYGWIN__ is still valid under gcc version 3.4.4 (cygming special), 
as this test shows:


int main(void) {

printf("hello. Testing defines.\n");

#if defined(__CYGWIN__)

#if defined(__CYGMING__)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/lloyd
$ gcc -o cygtest cygwin.c

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/lloyd
$ ./cygtest
hello. Testing defines.

(Why #define says __CYGWIN__ and gcc -v says something else is 
silly.) I suspect something has changed affecting the CYGWIN test in glob.c


At Friday 2006-04-28 12:29 +0100, Lloyd Wood wrote:

(adding in the geomview and cygwin lists.)


Looking at the changes in:
there are specific fixes for Cygwin portability that have been 
included in Geomview 1.8.2 alpha that affect d_ino use; try changing 
the sense of !defined(__CYGWIN__)  to just defined(__CYGWIN__)  and 
see if that works with your compiler. I imagine it will.

I see the output of gcc -v has changed in current cygwin:
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.4.4 (cygming special) (gdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)

It used to be just e.g.:
gcc version 3.3.3 (cygwin special)

cygming, not cygwin? ('ming' is a strong insult in the UK. I get the 
impression the writer doesn't like cygwin.) No idea what pre-release 
gdc or dmd are, or where they've come from, or why I should care about them.

It's awfully tempting to conclude that the compiler is screwing you 
around (because the compiler's authors have been screwing it around, 
because they hate Cygwin?), and you might want to to try an earlier 
version of that. I also wonder if __CYGWIN__ is being defined and 
picked up in the compiler environment correctly.

I'm actually running Geomview 1.8.1 and Geomview 1.8.2-alpha on top 
of cygwin base 1.5.19-4... but I compiled them on a much earlier 
cygwin with an earlier version of gcc, and on an entirely different 
machine that I recently migrated the files from. (I haven't tried 
recompiling, and your note suggests I would be unwise to.)

But I have compiled SaVi and Geomview on an earlier Cygwin;
tells me the first base Cygwin I used successfully was 1.5.9-1, and 
also lists the successful versions of gcc.



> Hi Lloyd,
> I'm a masters student at UBC in Vancouver and I'm trying to get Geomview
> installed on my Windows machine. I'm following the instructions that
> you've posted via but my 
compilation is running into an

> error. It seems in glob.c (in directory
> geomview-1.8.2-alpha/src/bin/animate) there is a reference to d_ino of
> the dirent structure. Now from my research into fixing this it seems
> that d_ino is not supported in version 1.5.19-4 but will be in 1.5.20, I
> also tried with version 1.5.8-1 with the same result. Do you know of any
> way I can get around this problem? I hope this is description is
> satisfactory, if you need any clarification please let me know.

Chris Elliott


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RE: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Lloyd Wood

At Friday 2006-04-28 12:46 +0100, Dave Korn wrote:
> > cygming, not cygwin? ('ming' is a strong insult in the UK.
>  Yes, and we also do tongue-in-cheek humour quite well.  Well, at least some
> of us do.

humour is intended to generate an emotional response - laughter.

>> I get the impression the writer doesn't like cygwin.)
>  Who precisely do you suppose "the writer" would have been?

More accurately, someone who doesn't like Windows.

 Now go away and find out what MinGW is and why cygwin's compiler
might want to refer to it.

A referral to it and bad pun would be CygMinGW, which would at least 
include the full MinGW 'clue'. Before mailing I attempted some 
searches on 'ming' with 'gcc' and, unsurprisingly, got nowhere.

Clearer, and backwardly compatible, would be a gcc version report of 
something like:

gcc version 3.4.4 (cygwin special) (MinGW, gdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)

which has the advantages of being unambiguous and providing 
searchable clues for context.

 Once you stop placing a superfluous emotional
colouring on the word you will be less distracted by irrelevancies and more
able to solve your bug rationally.  Stop spreading misinformed FUD.

The attempted pun to generate humour is itself (surprise) 'a 
superfluous emotional colouring on the word', and is the distraction 
leading me to irrelevancies. That superfluous attempt at humour has 
certainly generated an emotional response.

Saying 'ming' instead of 'MinGW' is a deliberately misleading 
distraction. I was deliberately misinformed by gcc -v.

__CYGWIN__ is defined for gcc; gcc -v should report 'cygwin special'. 
I do not recommend changing the environment to __CYGMING__ to match 
in a further attempt at humour.

If you want people to use the information you provide rationally, do 
not colour that information with irrational attempts at humour to 
provide misinformation that causes doubt.

We need to trust the output of gcc -v.


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RE: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Dave Korn
On 28 April 2006 14:35, Lloyd Wood wrote:

> __CYGWIN__ is still valid under gcc version 3.4.4 (cygming special),
> as this test shows:

  You really need to read some manuals, as you wouldn't have to do things like
this if you had read about the -dM option.  (You also wouldn't have led
yourself up the garden path about mingw if you had read about -mno-cygwin).

 gcc -dM -E - < /dev/null

> (Why #define says __CYGWIN__ and gcc -v says something else is
> silly.) 

  No it isn't.  Your assumption that the two have to be in some way related is
silly.  As is attempting to parse the output from "gcc -v" to detect a given
target rather than using one of the predefined macros, which is what they are
for and how it is supposed to be done.  The output from "gcc -v" is for
*humans* to read, and version strings are allowed to have free-format text and
no guarantees are provided regarding the content or formatting of that text or
how it may or may not change in the future.

>I suspect something has changed affecting the CYGWIN test in glob.c

  First you said that __CYGWIN__ is still valid.  Then you think that
something has changed affecting the '#ifdef __CYGWIN__' test in glob.c.  Since
you acknowledge that __CYGWIN__ is still valid, presumably you believe that
#ifdef has been changed to only succeed if a symbol is not defined?

  Now, if you stop posting random guesses and uninformed speculation and try
and tell us what the actual *problem* is, perhaps we can answer some questions
for you about the recent changes to d_ino under cygwin?

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RE: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Dave Korn
On 28 April 2006 15:04, Lloyd Wood wrote:

[most of what I want to say is in the response I just sent before I just
received this reply, so I'm only going to reiterate one single *very*
important point].

> Clearer, and backwardly compatible, would be a gcc version report of
> something like:
> gcc version 3.4.4 (cygwin special) (MinGW, gdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)

> Saying 'ming' instead of 'MinGW' is a deliberately misleading
> distraction.

  No, it's a linguistic constuct called a "contraction".  You saw "cyg"
without the "win" and didn't complain about that.

>  I was deliberately misinformed by gcc -v.

  No, you misinformed yourself by your false assumptions about the nature of
gcc -v.

> __CYGWIN__ is defined for gcc; gcc -v should report 'cygwin special'.
> I do not recommend changing the environment to __CYGMING__ to match
> in a further attempt at humour.
> If you want people to use the information you provide rationally, do
> not colour that information with irrational attempts at humour to
> provide misinformation that causes doubt.
> We need to trust the output of gcc -v.

  No, this is completely wrong and absolutely not what you want to do.  The
output of "gcc -v" is a human-readable summary of various internal information
which can be obtained by more reliable means for programmatic use.  Your
attempt to indirectly deduce the same info from a freeform text string
presupposes many assumptions that simply do not hold, and therefore is doomed
to incorrectness.

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RE: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Lloyd Wood

At Friday 2006-04-28 15:17 +0100, Dave Korn wrote:

> If you want people to use the information you provide rationally, do
> not colour that information with irrational attempts at humour to
> provide misinformation that causes doubt.
> We need to trust the output of gcc -v.

  No, this is completely wrong and absolutely not what you want to do.  The
output of "gcc -v" is a human-readable summary of various internal information
which can be obtained by more reliable means for programmatic use.

So you admit that gcc -v's output is deliberately unreliable and will 
lie to the human reader, then.


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RE: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Lloyd Wood

At Friday 2006-04-28 15:11 +0100, Dave Korn wrote:

perhaps we can answer some questions
for you about the recent changes to d_ino under cygwin?

So, something has changed after all?

Perhaps you could just point me at a document detailing those changes 
to d_ino that you mention?


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RE: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Dave Korn
On 28 April 2006 15:42, Lloyd Wood wrote:

> At Friday 2006-04-28 15:17 +0100, Dave Korn wrote:
>>> If you want people to use the information you provide rationally, do
>>> not colour that information with irrational attempts at humour to
>>> provide misinformation that causes doubt.
>>> We need to trust the output of gcc -v.
>>   No, this is completely wrong and absolutely not what you want to do.  The
>> output of "gcc -v" is a human-readable summary of various internal
>> information which can be obtained by more reliable means for programmatic
>> use. 
> So you admit that gcc -v's output is deliberately unreliable and will
> lie to the human reader, then.

  What are you gibbering about?

  "Unreliable"?  It's the exact verbatim same every single time you run it.
That seems 100% reliable to me.  Of course, it's pretty unreliable if you try
to use it for purposes it is not intended for, like matching different
versions of gcc that target the same arch, because there can be more than one
version of gcc for any given target and they will have different version
strings.  It's also unreliable if you try and use it to make the tea or
predict the weather.  All three of these uses are not what it was intended for
and hence your fault, not the compiler's or anyone else's.

  And "lie"?  Now you're attributing intentionality to an inanimate object.

  Give it up.  It's only *you* who believes that the output of gcc -v is meant
to be some kind of identification mechanism.  AND YOU ARE WRONG.

  Sure, there's enough information there for an intelligent human being to
extract the regularities and notice the differences, but it's a false
inference that those regularities are systematic, or that a simple
pattern-matching test can suffice to replace the kind of intellectual skills
that a human being brings to bear on the problem.

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RE: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Lloyd Wood

At Friday 2006-04-28 15:17 +0100, Dave Korn wrote:

> __CYGWIN__ is defined for gcc; gcc -v should report 'cygwin special'.
> I do not recommend changing the environment to __CYGMING__ to match
> in a further attempt at humour.
> If you want people to use the information you provide rationally, do
> not colour that information with irrational attempts at humour to
> provide misinformation that causes doubt.
> We need to trust the output of gcc -v.

  No, this is completely wrong and absolutely not what you want to do.  The
output of "gcc -v" is a human-readable summary of various internal information
which can be obtained by more reliable means for programmatic use.  Your
attempt to indirectly deduce the same info from a freeform text string
presupposes many assumptions that simply do not hold, and therefore is doomed
to incorrectness.

In that case, gcc -v may as well return an empty string, since, as 
you say, it's always going to be wrong, and because obviously even 
humans have trouble parsing its output.


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RE: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Dave Korn
On 28 April 2006 15:45, Lloyd Wood wrote:

> At Friday 2006-04-28 15:11 +0100, Dave Korn wrote:
>> perhaps we can answer some questions
>> for you about the recent changes to d_ino under cygwin?
> So, something has changed after all?

  If you don't read *carefully* and with attention to detail, you're not going
to get anywhere.  Your question is a straw man: nobody has claimed that
nothing has changed anywhere in the universe.  Please try and remember YOUR
OWN words:

>I suspect something has changed affecting the CYGWIN test in glob.c

  I pointed out that nothing has changed affecting the cygwin test in glob.c;
it is a total invention on your part to suppose that is the same as claiming
nothing else has changed elsewhere.  Don't go attempting to put words in my
mouth because it won't wash.

> Perhaps you could just point me at a document detailing those changes
> to d_ino that you mention?

  No, because no such document exists.  It has been discussed at great length
over the past couple of months on the cygwin mailing list.  You are at a
university and presumably are familiar with the concept of "research", and
"googling for information", aren't you?  

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RE: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Lloyd Wood

At Friday 2006-04-28 16:01 +0100, Dave Korn wrote:

On 28 April 2006 15:45, Lloyd Wood wrote:

> At Friday 2006-04-28 15:11 +0100, Dave Korn wrote:
>> perhaps we can answer some questions
>> for you about the recent changes to d_ino under cygwin?
> So, something has changed after all?

  If you don't read *carefully* and with attention to detail, 
you're not going

to get anywhere.  Your question is a straw man: nobody has claimed that
nothing has changed anywhere in the universe.


> Perhaps you could just point me at a document detailing those changes
> to d_ino that you mention?

  No, because no such document exists.  It has been discussed at great length
over the past couple of months on the cygwin mailing list.

Thankyou for that hint. From that we have established: yes, something 
has changed in d_ino; yes, documents exist.

(Get over yourself.)


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Re: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Fri, Apr 28, 2006 at 12:29:52PM +0100, Lloyd Wood wrote:
>It's awfully tempting to conclude that the compiler is screwing you 
>around (because the compiler's authors have been screwing it around, 
>because they hate Cygwin?), and you might want to to try an earlier 
>version of that. I also wonder if __CYGWIN__ is being defined and 
>picked up in the compiler environment correctly.

As the person who started using the term "cygming" in the gcc context, I
want to assure you that the software was not intended to maliciously
cause people problems.  I understand that this happens quite often in
the free software world -- people spend hours cackling with glee as they
produce a binary package whose sole intent is to provide the illusion of
usefulness, when it will really just format a hard drive or something.

However, although I did not actually produce the package in question, I
can vouch for the person who did.  So please set aside your fears and
concerns about gcc.  The word "ming" in this context merely reflects an
unforgivable lack of knowledge of British slang.

I should point out that it is unlikely that anyone is going to be changing
gcc to accommodate the needs of Geomview (whatever that is) so perhaps
you should mark Geomview as "unsupported on cygwin" since this version
number difference is apparently close to an insurmountable problem.


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Re: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Fri, Apr 28, 2006 at 04:17:14PM +0100, Lloyd Wood wrote:
>At Friday 2006-04-28 16:01 +0100, Dave Korn wrote:
>>On 28 April 2006 15:45, Lloyd Wood wrote:
>>> At Friday 2006-04-28 15:11 +0100, Dave Korn wrote:
 perhaps we can answer some questions
 for you about the recent changes to d_ino under cygwin?
>>> So, something has changed after all?
>>  If you don't read *carefully* and with attention to detail, 
>>you're not going
>>to get anywhere.  Your question is a straw man: nobody has claimed that
>>nothing has changed anywhere in the universe.
>>> Perhaps you could just point me at a document detailing those changes
>>> to d_ino that you mention?
>>  No, because no such document exists.  It has been discussed at great 
>>  length
>>over the past couple of months on the cygwin mailing list.
>Thankyou for that hint. From that we have established: yes, something 
>has changed in d_ino; yes, documents exist.
>(Get over yourself.)

Oh Chinese Dynasty you.


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RE: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Dave Korn
On 28 April 2006 16:17, Lloyd Wood wrote:

> (Get over yourself.)

  You are the one who believes that reality should be changed to match your
false assumptions about the intent of "gcc -v".  You are also the one who has
publicly accused Gerrit et al of committing an act of massive
unprofessionalism and abusing their responsibilities as maintainers.

  Hence I suggest you take a big spoonful of your own medicine.

[  This space intentionally left blank for L.Wood to explain once more why he
is right and everyone else in the world is wrong.  ]

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RE: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\)
If you need to find out what gcc is targeting, perhaps you should
use "-dumpmachine" instead.

 $ gcc -dumpmachine
 $ gcc -dumpmachine -mno-cygwin

Lloyd Wood wrote:
> cygming, not cygwin? ('ming' is a strong insult in the UK. I get
> the impression the writer doesn't like cygwin.)

You think that's bad? When the company I was working for spun off
from AT&T, they decided to name themselves "loo scent". :-) I must
admit I'd never heard of the UK "ming" until you mentioned it. I
suspect we at least pronounce it differently, though.


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RE: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Lloyd Wood

At Friday 2006-04-28 11:45 -0400, Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\) wrote:

If you need to find out what gcc is targeting, perhaps you should
use "-dumpmachine" instead.

 $ gcc -dumpmachine
 $ gcc -dumpmachine -mno-cygwin

Having identification behaviour dependent on a cygwin-specific flag 
like this is.. insane. Doing the former (which is what you'd expect) 
makes you none the wiser about mingw. The latter is a special case 
where you already have some idea what the target may be, so why would 
you issue the command? Begs the question.

Lloyd Wood wrote:
> cygming, not cygwin? ('ming' is a strong insult in the UK. I get
> the impression the writer doesn't like cygwin.)

You think that's bad? When the company I was working for spun off
from AT&T, they decided to name themselves "loo scent". :-)

Ah, the famous brown ring of quality, which, alas, won't exist for much longer.



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RE: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Dave Korn
On 28 April 2006 17:07, Lloyd Wood wrote:

> At Friday 2006-04-28 11:45 -0400, Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\) wrote:
>> If you need to find out what gcc is targeting, perhaps you should use
>> "-dumpmachine" instead. 
>>  $ gcc -dumpmachine
>>  i686-pc-cygwin
>>  $ gcc -dumpmachine -mno-cygwin
>>  i686-pc-mingw32
> Having identification behaviour dependent on a cygwin-specific flag
> like this is.. insane. 

  When you use -mno-cygwin, you are invoking A DIFFERENT compiler.  Having the
*same* identification for two different compilers that target different
targets would be insane.

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RE: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Lloyd Wood

At Friday 2006-04-28 17:44 +0100, Dave Korn wrote:

On 28 April 2006 17:07, Lloyd Wood wrote:

> At Friday 2006-04-28 11:45 -0400, Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\) wrote:
>> If you need to find out what gcc is targeting, perhaps you should use
>> "-dumpmachine" instead.
>>  $ gcc -dumpmachine
>>  i686-pc-cygwin
>>  $ gcc -dumpmachine -mno-cygwin
>>  i686-pc-mingw32
> Having identification behaviour dependent on a cygwin-specific flag
> like this is.. insane.

  When you use -mno-cygwin, you are invoking A DIFFERENT 
compiler.  Having the

*same* identification for two different compilers that target different
targets would be insane.

But gee, that's exactly what gcc -v provides. A single identification 
for both compilers.

Why isn't there a gcc -v -mno-cygwin, then?

It's all positively minging. (Chris: note the usage tip. First g 
pronounced as j, so it's unlike any Chinese dynasties or Flash 
Gordon's nemesis.)


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RE: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Dave Korn
On 28 April 2006 18:04, Lloyd Wood wrote:

> At Friday 2006-04-28 17:44 +0100, Dave Korn wrote:
>> On 28 April 2006 17:07, Lloyd Wood wrote:
>>> At Friday 2006-04-28 11:45 -0400, Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\) wrote:
 If you need to find out what gcc is targeting, perhaps you should use
 "-dumpmachine" instead. 
  $ gcc -dumpmachine
  $ gcc -dumpmachine -mno-cygwin
>>> Having identification behaviour dependent on a cygwin-specific flag
>>> like this is.. insane.
>>   When you use -mno-cygwin, you are invoking A DIFFERENT
>> compiler.  Having the
>> *same* identification for two different compilers that target different
>> targets would be insane.
> But gee, that's exactly what gcc -v provides. A single identification
> for both compilers.

How many times, for crying out loud?  The output of "gcc

 > Why isn't there a gcc -v -mno-cygwin, then?

  Because it's still the same compiler package?  Because nobody has ever cared
about it because nobody has ever been daft enough to attempt to misuse the
"gcc -v" output in this way before?

  [  This space intentionally left blank for L.Wood to explain why "gcc -v"
ought to be a formal identifier and why everyone else in the world should
change things round so we can do it all his way.  ]

> It's all positively minging. (Chris: note the usage tip. First g
> pronounced as j, so it's unlike any Chinese dynasties or Flash
> Gordon's nemesis.)

  Actually it's minging to rhyme with singing, as anyone who has watched
Little Britain or Catherine Tate's show should know.

  [  This space intentionally left blank for L.Wood to insist that everyone
should pronounce words the way that /he/ does.  ]

Can't think of a witty .sigline today

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RE: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Lloyd Wood

At Friday 2006-04-28 18:16 +0100, Dave Korn wrote:

On 28 April 2006 18:04, Lloyd Wood wrote:

> At Friday 2006-04-28 17:44 +0100, Dave Korn wrote:
>> On 28 April 2006 17:07, Lloyd Wood wrote:
>>> At Friday 2006-04-28 11:45 -0400, Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\) wrote:
 If you need to find out what gcc is targeting, perhaps you should use
 "-dumpmachine" instead.

  $ gcc -dumpmachine
  $ gcc -dumpmachine -mno-cygwin
>>> Having identification behaviour dependent on a cygwin-specific flag
>>> like this is.. insane.
>>   When you use -mno-cygwin, you are invoking A DIFFERENT
>> compiler.  Having the
>> *same* identification for two different compilers that target different
>> targets would be insane.
> But gee, that's exactly what gcc -v provides. A single identification
> for both compilers.

How many times, for crying out loud?  The output of "gcc

 > Why isn't there a gcc -v -mno-cygwin, then?

  Because it's still the same compiler package?  Because nobody has 
ever cared

about it because nobody has ever been daft enough to attempt to misuse the
"gcc -v" output in this way before?

What, reading  gcc -v's output using eyes and a screen is misuse?

> It's all positively minging. (Chris: note the usage tip. First g
> pronounced as j, so it's unlike any Chinese dynasties or Flash
> Gordon's nemesis.)

  Actually it's minging to rhyme with singing, as anyone who has watched
Little Britain or Catherine Tate's show should know.

Ah, that would be the BBC's "received pronunciation" take on the term.


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Re: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

Lloyd Wood wrote:

At Friday 2006-04-28 18:16 +0100, Dave Korn wrote:

On 28 April 2006 18:04, Lloyd Wood wrote:

> At Friday 2006-04-28 17:44 +0100, Dave Korn wrote:
>> On 28 April 2006 17:07, Lloyd Wood wrote:
>>> At Friday 2006-04-28 11:45 -0400, Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\) wrote:
 If you need to find out what gcc is targeting, perhaps you should 

 "-dumpmachine" instead.

  $ gcc -dumpmachine
  $ gcc -dumpmachine -mno-cygwin
>>> Having identification behaviour dependent on a cygwin-specific flag
>>> like this is.. insane.
>>   When you use -mno-cygwin, you are invoking A DIFFERENT
>> compiler.  Having the
>> *same* identification for two different compilers that target 

>> targets would be insane.
> But gee, that's exactly what gcc -v provides. A single identification
> for both compilers.

How many times, for crying out loud?  The output 
of "gcc


 > Why isn't there a gcc -v -mno-cygwin, then?

  Because it's still the same compiler package?  Because nobody has 
ever cared
about it because nobody has ever been daft enough to attempt to misuse 

"gcc -v" output in this way before?

What, reading  gcc -v's output using eyes and a screen is misuse?

> It's all positively minging. (Chris: note the usage tip. First g
> pronounced as j, so it's unlike any Chinese dynasties or Flash
> Gordon's nemesis.)

  Actually it's minging to rhyme with singing, as anyone who has watched
Little Britain or Catherine Tate's show should know.

Ah, that would be the BBC's "received pronunciation" take on the term.

Isn't this thread getting a bit off-topic?  Llyod, if you feel there is a
problem here that needs a resolution, may I suggest that you submit a
patch?  At least then the discussion could turn from visual and linguistic
aspects of gcc back to technical.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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RE: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Lloyd Wood

At Friday 2006-04-28 17:44 +0100, you wrote:

On 28 April 2006 17:07, Lloyd Wood wrote:

> At Friday 2006-04-28 11:45 -0400, Williams, Gerald S \(Jerry\) wrote:
>> If you need to find out what gcc is targeting, perhaps you should use
>> "-dumpmachine" instead.
>>  $ gcc -dumpmachine
>>  i686-pc-cygwin
>>  $ gcc -dumpmachine -mno-cygwin
>>  i686-pc-mingw32
> Having identification behaviour dependent on a cygwin-specific flag
> like this is.. insane.

  When you use -mno-cygwin, you are invoking A DIFFERENT compiler.

If you don't install any of the gcc-mingw- upgrade stuff (devel tab 
in Cygwin), you only want ONE compiler.


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Re: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Brian Dessent
Lloyd Wood wrote:

> If you don't install any of the gcc-mingw- upgrade stuff (devel tab
> in Cygwin), you only want ONE compiler.

It's not possible to install one without the other, at least not without
overriding setup.exe's wishes, because gcc-core includes gcc-mingw-core
on the "requries" line, and similarly for all the other modules.  This
means if you select one the other will be added automatically.


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Re: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

Brian Dessent wrote:

Lloyd Wood wrote:

If you don't install any of the gcc-mingw- upgrade stuff (devel tab
in Cygwin), you only want ONE compiler.

It's not possible to install one without the other, at least not without
overriding setup.exe's wishes, because gcc-core includes gcc-mingw-core
on the "requries" line, and similarly for all the other modules.  This
means if you select one the other will be added automatically.

And, implied by Brian's response but is worthwhile to state explicitly,
if you choose to override setup.exe's defaults here, it's assumed that
you know what you're doing (i.e. what the consequences are, etc.)  But
then you're creating a custom installation of Cygwin and such installs
are not supported by this list.  That means you're on your own if you
run into problems.  I don't know if this situation applies to Lloyd's
case or not.  But I thought it prudent to tie up any perceived loophole
here. :-)

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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Re: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-28 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Fri, Apr 28, 2006 at 03:39:14PM -0400, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
>Brian Dessent wrote:
>>Lloyd Wood wrote:
>>>If you don't install any of the gcc-mingw- upgrade stuff (devel tab
>>>in Cygwin), you only want ONE compiler.
>>It's not possible to install one without the other, at least not without
>>overriding setup.exe's wishes, because gcc-core includes gcc-mingw-core
>>on the "requries" line, and similarly for all the other modules.  This
>>means if you select one the other will be added automatically.
>And, implied by Brian's response but is worthwhile to state explicitly,
>if you choose to override setup.exe's defaults here, it's assumed that
>you know what you're doing (i.e. what the consequences are, etc.)  But
>then you're creating a custom installation of Cygwin and such installs
>are not supported by this list.  That means you're on your own if you
>run into problems.  I don't know if this situation applies to Lloyd's
>case or not.  But I thought it prudent to tie up any perceived loophole
>here. :-)

Let me state something else, too.

We're not going to be changing Cygwin's gcc.  I haven't seen anything in
this thread to support the notion that gcc is doing anything wrong.  I
will admit, however, to being biased by the fact that the initial
message in this discussion was rather insulting even if it was arguably
intended to be "humorous".

So, that means that "Geomview" will either have to use what we provide
or decide not to support Cygwin.

Given this statement of fact, further complaints about how things work
or offering of opinions about how things should work would be fruitless.

So, I would appreciate it if this thread would now die or move to
cygwin-talk.  Gerald Williams has already valiantly tried to do this
once.  Let's follow his example.

cygwin-talk AT cygwin PERIOD com


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Re: Geomview & Cygwin setup

2006-04-30 Thread Al Slater
Hash: SHA1

Lloyd Wood wrote:
>>   Actually it's minging to rhyme with singing, as anyone who has watched
>> Little Britain or Catherine Tate's show should know.
> Ah, that would be the BBC's "received pronunciation" take on the term.

Well, its the same pronunciation in my part of the country.  Never heard
it used any other way...

Anyway, give it up.

- --
Al Slater

Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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RE: Geomview & Cygwin setup [Attn gcc maintainer]

2006-04-29 Thread Eric Blake
Dave Korn wrote:
> > (Why #define says __CYGWIN__ and gcc -v says something else is
> > silly.) 
>   No it isn't.  Your assumption that the two have to be in some way related is
> silly.  As is attempting to parse the output from "gcc -v" to detect a given
> target rather than using one of the predefined macros, which is what they are
> for and how it is supposed to be done.  The output from "gcc -v" is for
> *humans* to read, and version strings are allowed to have free-format text and
> no guarantees are provided regarding the content or formatting of that text or
> how it may or may not change in the future.

First, I agree with most of the points Dave has made - cygwin gcc is a single
package (hence -v output that uses a phrase intended to show that both
cygwin native and mingw cross-compilation is supported, and in no way
was intended to slight cygwin).  I agree that Lloyd is reading too much
into the current output of -v.  I also agree that -v is not the appropriate
way to determine what the compiler supports - on cygwin, gcc without
options will compile a cygwin native executable, and #define __CYGWIN__
to a nonzero value, while gcc with the -mno-cygwin option will cross-compile
mingw native executables, and leave __CYGWIN__ undefined.  Using the
output of -dumpmachine, or better yet, using the autoconf tradition of
compiling a test program to see what the actual compiler's behavior is
instead of relying on version strings, is more appropriate.

However, I feel that the output of gcc -v is not entirely freeform, because
part of it is also used in gcc --version.  In this recent autoconf thread,,
it was pointed out that Debian has a similar bug where their gcc's
version output violates GNU coding standards by not ending in a
version number.  Gerritt, I would suggest that the next time you
package gcc for cygwin, that you alter the version string such that
it ends in a version number, perhaps something like:
gcc (GCC) 3.4.4 (cygwin/mingw special, gdc 0.12, dmd 0.125) 3.4.4-2

Now, as to the real question about d_ino semantics.  Cygwin versions
up to 1.5.18 declared d_ino, but were buggy in their implementation
such that d_ino sometimes disagreed with st_ino (for example, on
NTFS drives).  This bug forced me to compile cygwin coreutils as though
d_ino did not exist, since there are applications that do care about the
correct value of d_ino.  Cygwin 1.5.19 removed the declaration of d_ino
altogether, as permitted by POSIX, because of this bug.  Therefore,
if your app fails to compile when d_ino is not present, it is a bug
in your app for disobeying POSIX/SUSv3, which explicitly state that
d_ino is optional.  Cygwin 1.5.20 will introduce a patch that ensures
d_ino is always correct, at the expense of a slowdown in cases where
Windows is not helpful (mainly when dealing with a drive on NT
machines), so it will reintroduce a d_ino declaration in the headers.  You
can test this out now by using a cygwin snapshot.

Eric Blake

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Re: Geomview & Cygwin setup [Attn gcc maintainer]

2006-04-29 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Sat, Apr 29, 2006 at 04:46:31PM +, Eric Blake wrote:
>However, I feel that the output of gcc -v is not entirely freeform, because
>part of it is also used in gcc --version.  In this recent autoconf thread,
>it was pointed out that Debian has a similar bug where their gcc's
>version output violates GNU coding standards by not ending in a
>version number.  Gerritt, I would suggest that the next time you
>package gcc for cygwin, that you alter the version string such that
>it ends in a version number, perhaps something like:
>gcc (GCC) 3.4.4 (cygwin/mingw special, gdc 0.12, dmd 0.125) 3.4.4-2

When I first introduced the parentheses in the version, I tried to
follow advice of one of the gcc developers and I patterned the output
vaguely on some version of Red Hat's gcc.

I've just run 'gcc --version' on Fedora, Gentoo, Cygwin, and Debian,.
All of their version strings end with a parenthesized expression.  The
only thing that they seem to do that Cygwin doesn't is include some
variation of the gcc version within the parentheses.  So, if you know
you're running on "Gentoo Linux" you'll be able to find out what release
of, e.g., gcc 3.3.4 you're using).  This particular bit of information
would not solve the intractable problem which started this discussion.

I don't see any reason for Gerrit to change anything except possibly
to put everything within one parenthesized expression.  "GNU standards"
aside, we seem to be in good company.

Now, let's move on from this topic?  Please?  I really don't think it
deserves this much attention.


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