Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-21 Thread Michael


If all you want is an ssh server running under cygwin check out CopSSH.
It might be easier to get running.

great - worked right away, once I uninstalled everything from my
pervios cygwin-installation! Thanks for that hint (although I'm a
little bit sad, that I was not able to install cygwin-ssh correctly).

only thing I was not able to do is, let an initial script run, when
someone connects with scp to my CopSSH-server (.profile is being
executed when connecting with ssh, but scp?).

thanks for all your support

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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-21 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Wed, Feb 21, 2007 at 09:20:01PM +0100, Michael wrote:
If all you want is an ssh server running under cygwin check out CopSSH.
It might be easier to get running.

great - worked right away, once I uninstalled everything from my
pervios cygwin-installation! Thanks for that hint (although I'm a
little bit sad, that I was not able to install cygwin-ssh correctly).

only thing I was not able to do is, let an initial script run, when
someone connects with scp to my CopSSH-server (.profile is being
executed when connecting with ssh, but scp?).

thanks for all your support

Just in case it isn't clear, if you need further support with CopSSH
you should use the resources at their website rather than asking
questions here.

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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-20 Thread Chuck
Michael wrote:
 I'm trying to install cygwin+sshd on a WinXPPro-machine, but get an
 error, when starting the service.
 It would be great, if someone is able to help me find a hint for a
 solution for this problem!
 Here a summary what I did:
 - logged in with domain-user with local admin privileges
 - installed cygwin
 - - to c:\cygwin
 - - for all users
 - - with packages openssh v4.5p1-1, tcp_wrappers v7.6-1
 - added env-var CYGWIN and added cygwin-dir to PATH
 - started cygwin and ssh-host-config
 - - privilege separation - yes
 - - create local user sshd - yes
 - - install sshd as a service - yes
 - net start sshd
 $ net start sshd
 The CYGWIN sshd service is starting.
 The CYGWIN sshd service could not be started.
 The service did not report an error.
 More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3534.
 - cygrunsrv --start sshd
 $ cygrunsrv --start sshd
 cygrunsrv: Error starting a service: QueryServiceStatus:  Win32 error 1062:
 The service has not been started.
 other infos:
 Die Beschreibung der Ereigniskennung ( 0 ) in ( sshd ) wurde nicht
 gefunden. Der lokale Computer verfügt nicht über die zum Anzeigen der
 Meldungen von einem Remotecomputer erforderlichen
 Registrierungsinformationen oder DLL-Meldungsdateien. Möglicherweise
 müssen Sie das Flag /AUXSOURCE= zum Ermitteln der Beschreibung
 verwenden. Weitere Informationen stehen in Hilfe und Support.
 Ereignisinformationen: sshd: PID 3940: `sshd' service stopped, exit
 status: 255.
 no /var/log/ssh* files (???)
 file-permissions in /etc:
 ls -l /etc/ssh*
 -rwxr-x--- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d 1418 Feb 15 03:02 ssh_config
 -rw--- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d  672 Feb 15 03:02 ssh_host_dsa_key
 -rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d  611 Feb 15 03:02
 -rw--- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d  984 Feb 15 03:02 ssh_host_key
 -rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d  648 Feb 15 03:02
 -rw--- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d 1675 Feb 15 03:02 ssh_host_rsa_key
 -rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d  403 Feb 15 03:02
 -rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d 3039 Feb 15 03:02 sshd_config
 I also changed the dir-permissions of c:\cygwin, c:\cygwin\var and
 c:\cygwin\var\log for user SYSTEM manually
 what else can I check???
 any ideas?
 thank you very much for any help!

If all you want is an ssh server running under cygwin check out CopSSH.
It might be easier to get running.

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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread Michael

 ok - here listed what I did (sorry for the long listing):
 01. $ cygrunsrv -R sshd
 02. remove registry-keys: HK(CU|LM)-SOFTWARE-Cygnus Solutions
 03. remove windows/user sshd
 04. rename c:\cygwin to c:\cygwin_1
 05. run from user ladmin member of
 group local admins
 - install from internet
 - install for all users
 - added packages: openssh, tcp_wrappers
 06. $ mkpasswd -cl  /etc/passwd
 07. $ mkgroup -l  /etc/group
 08. $ ssh-host-config
 - privilege separation - yes
 - install sshd as service - yes
 - CYGWIN=ntsec tty

Don't add tty, use only ntsec.

ok, I changed my Windows-env-variable CYGWIN to ntsec and
$ cygrunsrv  -R sshd
$ ssh-host-config
- always - yes
- CYGWIN=ntsec

Everything else looks fine...

 19. $ /usr/sbin/sshd -D
 20. $ ssh localhost date # (from 2nd cygwin-window)
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
 Sun Feb 18 21:52:18 WEST 2007

What happened?  Did you login or not?  It looks like you did.

yes, I was able to login successfully and executed the date-command

so what is wrong with my installation (fyi - I did the same steps 2
days ago on a similar machine - same error ...)


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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

Michael wrote:

 ok - here listed what I did (sorry for the long listing):
 01. $ cygrunsrv -R sshd
 02. remove registry-keys: HK(CU|LM)-SOFTWARE-Cygnus Solutions
 03. remove windows/user sshd
 04. rename c:\cygwin to c:\cygwin_1
 05. run from user ladmin member of
 group local admins
 - install from internet
 - install for all users
 - added packages: openssh, tcp_wrappers
 06. $ mkpasswd -cl  /etc/passwd
 07. $ mkgroup -l  /etc/group
 08. $ ssh-host-config
 - privilege separation - yes
 - install sshd as service - yes
 - CYGWIN=ntsec tty

Don't add tty, use only ntsec.

ok, I changed my Windows-env-variable CYGWIN to ntsec and
$ cygrunsrv  -R sshd
$ ssh-host-config
- always - yes
- CYGWIN=ntsec

Everything else looks fine...

 19. $ /usr/sbin/sshd -D
 20. $ ssh localhost date # (from 2nd cygwin-window)
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
 Sun Feb 18 21:52:18 WEST 2007

What happened?  Did you login or not?  It looks like you did.

yes, I was able to login successfully and executed the date-command

so what is wrong with my installation (fyi - I did the same steps 2
days ago on a similar machine - same error ...)

Hm.  What exactly is the point to showing us a sequence of steps that
results in a working install on one machine rather than the details of
the failure of these steps on another?  Perhaps the point of this merry
chase has been lost on me through this protracted thread.  Anyway, if
you're suggesting that the above steps do not provide a running 'sshd'
on some other system, please try running it _on that system_ as debug.
That should tell you what 'sshd' has a problem with.  If there's no
issue there, check the Windows event log.  If you can't interpret the
feedback you're getting from this sleuthing, please send information
about your process, errors, configuration, setup, etc., to this list
and hopefully someone will be able to spot the issue.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.  (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


A: Yes.
 Q: Are you sure?
 A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
 Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread René Berber
Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
 Hm.  What exactly is the point to showing us a sequence of steps that
 results in a working install on one machine rather than the details of
 the failure of these steps on another?

It did not result in a working install, that is his point.  It works when sshd
is started manually but not as a service.
René Berber

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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

René Berber wrote:

Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

Hm.  What exactly is the point to showing us a sequence of steps that
results in a working install on one machine rather than the details of
the failure of these steps on another?

It did not result in a working install, that is his point.  It works when sshd
is started manually but not as a service.

Has Michael tried running a debug version with a SYSTEM-owned shell to see
why running as SYSTEM is unhappy?  My WAG is that he still has a file out
there that doesn't have the proper permissions for SYSTEM.  It would be
helpful to address this issue directly.

For ways to open a SYSTEM-owned shell, see the email archives.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.  (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


A: Yes.
 Q: Are you sure?
 A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
 Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread René Berber
Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

 René Berber wrote:
 Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
 Hm.  What exactly is the point to showing us a sequence of steps that
 results in a working install on one machine rather than the details of
 the failure of these steps on another?

 It did not result in a working install, that is his point.  It works
 when sshd
 is started manually but not as a service.
 Has Michael tried running a debug version with a SYSTEM-owned shell to see
 why running as SYSTEM is unhappy?


 My WAG is that he still has a file out
 there that doesn't have the proper permissions for SYSTEM.  It would be
 helpful to address this issue directly.

That was the point of testing with a complete re-install... which had the same

 For ways to open a SYSTEM-owned shell, see the email archives.

Hint: A Windows shortcut with the following properties

C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c at $(date +%H):$(($(date +%M) + 1)) /interactive
'c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe' --login -i; secs=$((60 - $(date +%S))); while [ $secs
-ne 0 ]; do echo -ne 'Please wait '$secs' seconds for the shell \r'; sleep 1;
secs=$(($secs - 1)); done

and don't forget to return /var/empty to its original state before doing any
more testing.
René Berber

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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread Thorsten Kampe
  [cannot start sshd as a service]
  any ideas - what did I do wrong?

 Check the permissions from /var/log - sshd /has/ to log there. As a last
 chance I would try to run sshd manually: sshd -D -ddd

$ /usr/sbin/sshd -D -ddd
debug2: load_server_config: filename /etc/sshd_config
debug2: load_server_config: done config len = 196
debug2: parse_server_config: config /etc/sshd_config len 196
debug3: /etc/sshd_config:13 setting Port 22
debug3: /etc/sshd_config:38 setting StrictModes no
debug3: /etc/sshd_config:92 setting UsePrivilegeSeparation yes
debug3: /etc/sshd_config:106 setting Subsystem sftp /usr/sbin/sftp-
debug1: sshd version OpenSSH_4.5p1
debug1: private host key: #0 type 0 RSA1
debug3: Not a RSA1 key file /etc/ssh_host_rsa_key.
debug1: read PEM private key done: type RSA
debug1: private host key: #1 type 1 RSA
debug3: Not a RSA1 key file /etc/ssh_host_dsa_key.
debug1: read PEM private key done: type DSA
debug1: private host key: #2 type 2 DSA
/var/empty must be owned by root and not group or world-writable.
$ ssh localhost
ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused

 and strace  /usr/sbin/sshd -D

see attached file.

where do I have to look at in the trace-file?

thanks and best regards

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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread Thorsten Kampe
Please refrain from sending me private mail...

   [cannot start sshd as a service]
   any ideas - what did I do wrong?
  Check the permissions from /var/log - sshd /has/ to log there. As a last
  chance I would try to run sshd manually: sshd -D -ddd
 $ /usr/sbin/sshd -D -ddd
 debug2: load_server_config: filename /etc/sshd_config
 debug2: load_server_config: done config len = 196
 debug2: parse_server_config: config /etc/sshd_config len 196
 debug3: /etc/sshd_config:13 setting Port 22
 debug3: /etc/sshd_config:38 setting StrictModes no
 debug3: /etc/sshd_config:92 setting UsePrivilegeSeparation yes
 debug3: /etc/sshd_config:106 setting Subsystem sftp /usr/sbin/sftp-
 debug1: sshd version OpenSSH_4.5p1
 debug1: private host key: #0 type 0 RSA1
 debug3: Not a RSA1 key file /etc/ssh_host_rsa_key.
 debug1: read PEM private key done: type RSA
 debug1: private host key: #1 type 1 RSA
 debug3: Not a RSA1 key file /etc/ssh_host_dsa_key.
 debug1: read PEM private key done: type DSA
 debug1: private host key: #2 type 2 DSA
 /var/empty must be owned by root and not group or world-writable.
 $ ssh localhost
 ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused
  and strace  /usr/sbin/sshd -D
 see attached file.
 where do I have to look at in the trace-file?

Nowhere. /var/empty must be owned by root and not group or world-
writable - that's pretty clear, isn't it?!


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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread Michael


Please refrain from sending me private mail...

Sorry, I didn't want to offend you! - when answering, I deleted the
To: value by mistake and reenterd obviously the wrong address ...

   [cannot start sshd as a service]
   any ideas - what did I do wrong?
  Check the permissions from /var/log - sshd /has/ to log there. As a last
  chance I would try to run sshd manually: sshd -D -ddd

 $ /usr/sbin/sshd -D -ddd
 debug2: load_server_config: filename /etc/sshd_config
 debug2: load_server_config: done config len = 196
 debug2: parse_server_config: config /etc/sshd_config len 196
 debug3: /etc/sshd_config:13 setting Port 22
 debug3: /etc/sshd_config:38 setting StrictModes no
 debug3: /etc/sshd_config:92 setting UsePrivilegeSeparation yes
 debug3: /etc/sshd_config:106 setting Subsystem sftp /usr/sbin/sftp-
 debug1: sshd version OpenSSH_4.5p1
 debug1: private host key: #0 type 0 RSA1
 debug3: Not a RSA1 key file /etc/ssh_host_rsa_key.
 debug1: read PEM private key done: type RSA
 debug1: private host key: #1 type 1 RSA
 debug3: Not a RSA1 key file /etc/ssh_host_dsa_key.
 debug1: read PEM private key done: type DSA
 debug1: private host key: #2 type 2 DSA
 /var/empty must be owned by root and not group or world-writable.
 $ ssh localhost
 ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused

  and strace  /usr/sbin/sshd -D

 see attached file.

 where do I have to look at in the trace-file?

Nowhere. /var/empty must be owned by root and not group or world-
writable - that's pretty clear, isn't it?!

I've already recognized this message, but as I wanted to chown to
root, I was told that there's no root-user in the system...

Now I chowned to myself:root and now it works - sshd is up for one
connection (ssh localhost) and ends when closing the connection.

Afterwards I chowned /var/empty/ to SYSTEM:root and again tried to
start sshd as a service, but same error-message as before - did I
come closer to the solution, now I know, that sshd works from

thanks for your assistance

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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Michael (Sun, 18 Feb 2007 17:49:38 +0100)
  Please refrain from sending me private mail...
 Sorry, I didn't want to offend you! - when answering, I deleted the
 To: value by mistake and reenterd obviously the wrong address ...

You didn't offend me - you just sent your email to an unappropriate 

   /var/empty must be owned by root and not group or world-writable.
   $ ssh localhost
   ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused
and strace  /usr/sbin/sshd -D
   see attached file.
   where do I have to look at in the trace-file?
  Nowhere. /var/empty must be owned by root and not group or world-
  writable - that's pretty clear, isn't it?!
 I've already recognized this message, but as I wanted to chown to
 root, I was told that there's no root-user in the system...
 Now I chowned to myself:root and now it works - sshd is up for one
 connection (ssh localhost) and ends when closing the connection.
 Afterwards I chowned /var/empty/ to SYSTEM:root and again tried to
 start sshd as a service, but same error-message as before - did I
 come closer to the solution, now I know, that sshd works from

It says and not group or world-writable - that's pretty clear, isn't 

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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread Michael


   /var/empty must be owned by root and not group or world-writable.
   $ ssh localhost
   ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused
and strace  /usr/sbin/sshd -D
   see attached file.
   where do I have to look at in the trace-file?
  Nowhere. /var/empty must be owned by root and not group or world-
  writable - that's pretty clear, isn't it?!

 I've already recognized this message, but as I wanted to chown to
 root, I was told that there's no root-user in the system...

 Now I chowned to myself:root and now it works - sshd is up for one
 connection (ssh localhost) and ends when closing the connection.

 Afterwards I chowned /var/empty/ to SYSTEM:root and again tried to
 start sshd as a service, but same error-message as before - did I
 come closer to the solution, now I know, that sshd works from

It says and not group or world-writable - that's pretty clear, isn't

I didn't mention, that I checked this too (that was the easier part,
compared to user root ;-)).

$ ls -ld /var/empty/
drwx--x--x+ 2 SYSTEM root 0 Feb 15 03:02 /var/empty/


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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread Daniel P. Kionka

Michael wrote:

 $ /usr/sbin/sshd -D -ddd


 /var/empty must be owned by root and not group or world-writable.


Nowhere. /var/empty must be owned by root and not group or world-
writable - that's pretty clear, isn't it?!

I've already recognized this message, but as I wanted to chown to
root, I was told that there's no root-user in the system...

Now I chowned to myself:root and now it works - sshd is up for one
connection (ssh localhost) and ends when closing the connection.

Afterwards I chowned /var/empty/ to SYSTEM:root and again tried to
start sshd as a service, but same error-message as before - did I
come closer to the solution, now I know, that sshd works from

These sound like the same steps I have gone through.  sshd asks for 
root, but it is actually SYSTEM.  This is what I ended up with on 2 
different working systems:

drwxr-xr-x+ 2 SYSTEM Administrators 0 Sep  5 15:53 /var/empty
dr-xr-xr-x+ 2 SYSTEM root 0 Jan 10 12:57 /var/empty

But these did not work for me either when I tried running it from the 
command line (instead of a service).  It had to be owned by the current 
user.  I renamed it and did a mkdir so I could continue debugging. 
Later I put the system one back after renaming the command line version 
in case I have to debug it again later, and now have:

drwxr-xr-x+  2 SYSTEM   root  0 Jan 11 18:06 empty
drwxr-xr-x+  2 VPSAdmin Users 0 Jan 12 09:54 empty.cmdline

The ownership/permissions were the problem on another system I debugged, 
but this box ended up having a totally different problem.  It had a 
program running with so many connections that Window's netstat program 
would not work anymore.  We rebooted and then sshd worked, as well as 
netstat.  The moral of the story is that if netstat isn't working, don't 
bother trying to run sshd.

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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Michael (Sun, 18 Feb 2007 18:56:03 +0100)
 /var/empty must be owned by root and not group or world-writable.
 $ ssh localhost
 ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused

  and strace  /usr/sbin/sshd -D

 see attached file.

 where do I have to look at in the trace-file?
Nowhere. /var/empty must be owned by root and not group or world-
writable - that's pretty clear, isn't it?!
   I've already recognized this message, but as I wanted to chown to
   root, I was told that there's no root-user in the system...
   Now I chowned to myself:root and now it works - sshd is up for one
   connection (ssh localhost) and ends when closing the connection.
   Afterwards I chowned /var/empty/ to SYSTEM:root and again tried to
   start sshd as a service, but same error-message as before - did I
   come closer to the solution, now I know, that sshd works from
  It says and not group or world-writable - that's pretty clear, isn't
 I didn't mention, that I checked this too (that was the easier part,
 compared to user root ;-)).
 $ ls -ld /var/empty/
 drwx--x--x+ 2 SYSTEM root 0 Feb 15 03:02 /var/empty/

Try to get rid of the ACEs that cause the + sign at the end of the ls 
listing. The plus sign probably means permissions that do not
comply directly with the rwx(user,group,world) schema, but I'm far from 
sure about that.


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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread Michael

  $ /usr/sbin/sshd -D -ddd
  /var/empty must be owned by root and not group or world-writable.

 I've already recognized this message, but as I wanted to chown to
 root, I was told that there's no root-user in the system...

 Now I chowned to myself:root and now it works - sshd is up for one
 connection (ssh localhost) and ends when closing the connection.

 Afterwards I chowned /var/empty/ to SYSTEM:root and again tried to
 start sshd as a service, but same error-message as before - did I
 come closer to the solution, now I know, that sshd works from

These sound like the same steps I have gone through.  sshd asks for
root, but it is actually SYSTEM.  This is what I ended up with on 2
different working systems:

drwxr-xr-x+ 2 SYSTEM Administrators 0 Sep  5 15:53 /var/empty
dr-xr-xr-x+ 2 SYSTEM root 0 Jan 10 12:57 /var/empty

ok - this prcondition should be clear now =
chown SYSTEM:root /var/empty
chmod 755 /var/empty

But these did not work for me either when I tried running it from the
command line (instead of a service).  It had to be owned by the current
user. [...]

ok - same I found out for running sshd from commandline.

The ownership/permissions were the problem on another system I debugged,
but this box ended up having a totally different problem.  It had a
program running with so many connections that Window's netstat program
would not work anymore.  We rebooted and then sshd worked, as well as
netstat.  The moral of the story is that if netstat isn't working, don't
bother trying to run sshd.

unfortunately netstat *does* work on that machine (there are only 5
connections to only 2 different nodes open!) ...


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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Michael (Sun, 18 Feb 2007 18:56:03 +0100)
Nowhere. /var/empty must be owned by root and not group or world-
writable - that's pretty clear, isn't it?!
   I've already recognized this message, but as I wanted to chown to
   root, I was told that there's no root-user in the system...
   Now I chowned to myself:root and now it works - sshd is up for one
   connection (ssh localhost) and ends when closing the connection.
   Afterwards I chowned /var/empty/ to SYSTEM:root and again tried to
   start sshd as a service, but same error-message as before - did I
   come closer to the solution, now I know, that sshd works from
  It says and not group or world-writable - that's pretty clear, isn't
 I didn't mention, that I checked this too (that was the easier part,
 compared to user root ;-)).
 $ ls -ld /var/empty/
 drwx--x--x+ 2 SYSTEM root 0 Feb 15 03:02 /var/empty/

...and the root group looks suspicious, too. Get rid of that..


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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread Michael

Nowhere. /var/empty must be owned by root and not group or world-
writable - that's pretty clear, isn't it?!
   I've already recognized this message, but as I wanted to chown to
   root, I was told that there's no root-user in the system...
   Now I chowned to myself:root and now it works - sshd is up for one
   connection (ssh localhost) and ends when closing the connection.
   Afterwards I chowned /var/empty/ to SYSTEM:root and again tried to
   start sshd as a service, but same error-message as before - did I
   come closer to the solution, now I know, that sshd works from
  It says and not group or world-writable - that's pretty clear, isn't
 I didn't mention, that I checked this too (that was the easier part,
 compared to user root ;-)).

 $ ls -ld /var/empty/
 drwx--x--x+ 2 SYSTEM root 0 Feb 15 03:02 /var/empty/

...and the root group looks suspicious, too. Get rid of that..

$ mkgroup -l  /etc/group
$ ls -dl /var/empty
drwxr-xr-x+ 2 SYSTEM Administrators 0 Feb 18 20:06 /var/empty
= done :-)

Try to get rid of the ACEs that cause the + sign at the end of the ls


but I don't know how to get rid of the +. What is this + (???)
called, so I can search for it and find out what to do?


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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Michael (Sun, 18 Feb 2007 20:19:06 +0100)
 $ ls -dl /var/empty
 drwxr-xr-x+ 2 SYSTEM Administrators 0 Feb 18 20:06 /var/empty
 = done :-)
  Try to get rid of the ACEs that cause the + sign at the end of the ls
 but I don't know how to get rid of the +. What is this + (???)
 called, so I can search for it and find out what to do?

I already wrote that: permissions that do not comply directly with the 
rwx(user,group,world) schema. Open the ACL editor in Windows and remove 
all the settings that do not comply...


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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread René Berber
Michael wrote:
 Try to get rid of the ACEs that cause the + sign at the end of the ls
 but I don't know how to get rid of the +. What is this + (???)
 called, so I can search for it and find out what to do?

It's not important, here's how my /var/empty looks (with sshd working fine):

$ ll /var
drwxr-xr-x+  2 SYSTEM  None   0 May 20  2004 empty/

It should be clear by now that you messed something pretty bad, and we haven't
found what it was from your reports, why don't you start all over again...
rename your Cygwin directory and install it again, just run the sshd config
script and don't touch anything else.
René Berber

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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 02/18/2007, Michael wrote:

 Try to get rid of the ACEs that cause the + sign at the end of the ls

but I don't know how to get rid of the +. What is this + (???)
called, so I can search for it and find out what to do? 

Use 'getfacl' and 'setfacl'.  This will manipulate the ACL that is indicated
by the '+' at the end of the permission string displayed by 'ls'.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.  (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


A: Yes.
 Q: Are you sure?
 A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
 Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread Michael Manzenreither

Michael wrote:
 Try to get rid of the ACEs that cause the + sign at the end of the ls

 but I don't know how to get rid of the +. What is this + (???)
 called, so I can search for it and find out what to do?

It's not important, here's how my /var/empty looks (with sshd working fine):

$ ll /var
drwxr-xr-x+  2 SYSTEM  None   0 May 20  2004 empty/

It should be clear by now that you messed something pretty bad, and we haven't
found what it was from your reports, why don't you start all over again...
rename your Cygwin directory and install it again, just run the sshd config
script and don't touch anything else.

ok - here listed what I did (sorry for the long listing):
01. $ cygrunsrv -R sshd
02. remove registry-keys: HK(CU|LM)-SOFTWARE-Cygnus Solutions
03. remove windows/user sshd
04. rename c:\cygwin to c:\cygwin_1
05. run from user ladmin member of
group local admins
- install from internet
- install for all users
- added packages: openssh, tcp_wrappers
06. $ mkpasswd -cl  /etc/passwd
07. $ mkgroup -l  /etc/group
08. $ ssh-host-config
- privilege separation - yes
- install sshd as service - yes
- CYGWIN=ntsec tty
09. $ net start sshd
The CYGWIN sshd service is starting.
The CYGWIN sshd service could not be started.

The service did not report an error.

More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3534.
10. $ cygrunsrv -S sshd
cygrunsrv: Error starting a service: QueryServiceStatus:  Win32 error 1062:
The service has not been started.
11. $ ls -l /etc/ssh*
-rwxr-x--- 1 SYSTEM Users 1418 Feb 18 21:08 /etc/ssh_config
-rw--- 1 SYSTEM Users  668 Feb 18 21:08 /etc/ssh_host_dsa_key
-rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM Users  611 Feb 18 21:08 /etc/
-rw--- 1 SYSTEM Users  984 Feb 18 21:08 /etc/ssh_host_key
-rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM Users  648 Feb 18 21:08 /etc/
-rw--- 1 SYSTEM Users 1675 Feb 18 21:08 /etc/ssh_host_rsa_key
-rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM Users  403 Feb 18 21:08 /etc/
-rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM Users 3039 Feb 18 21:08 /etc/sshd_config
12. $ cygcheck -f /usr/bin/cygz.dll /usr/bin/cygcrypt-0.dll
13. $ cygrunsrv -V -Q sshd
Service : sshd
Display name: CYGWIN sshd
Current State   : Stopped
Command : /usr/sbin/sshd -D
stdin path  : /dev/null
stdout path : /var/log/sshd.log
stderr path : /var/log/sshd.log
Environment : CYGWIN=ntsec tty
Process Type: Own Process
Startup : Automatic
Dependencies: tcpip
Account : LocalSystem
14. $ ls -l /var
total 0
drwxrwx---+ 3 ladmin Users  0 Feb 18 21:38 cache
drwxr-xr-x+ 2 SYSTEM Administrators 0 Feb 18 21:40 empty
drwxrwx---+ 3 ladmin Users  0 Feb 18 21:38 lib
drwxrwx---+ 2 ladmin Users  0 Feb 18 21:40 log
drwxrwx---+ 2 ladmin Users  0 Feb 18 21:38 run
drwxrwx---+ 2 ladmin Users  0 Feb 18 21:38 tmp
15. $ mv /var/empty/ /var/empty_ori
16. $ mkdir /var/empty
17. $ chmod 755 /var/empty
18. $ ls -ld /var/empty
drwxr-xr-x+ 2 ladmin Users 0 Feb 18 21:50 /var/empty
19. $ /usr/sbin/sshd -D
20. $ ssh localhost date # (from 2nd cygwin-window)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
Sun Feb 18 21:52:18 WEST 2007

did I do anything wrong?
can I give you some more information?

thanks for yor assistance!!!

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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread Michael

Michael wrote:
 Try to get rid of the ACEs that cause the + sign at the end of the ls

 but I don't know how to get rid of the +. What is this + (???)
 called, so I can search for it and find out what to do?

It's not important, here's how my /var/empty looks (with sshd working fine):

$ ll /var
drwxr-xr-x+  2 SYSTEM  None   0 May 20  2004 empty/

It should be clear by now that you messed something pretty bad, and we haven't
found what it was from your reports, why don't you start all over again...
rename your Cygwin directory and install it again, just run the sshd config
script and don't touch anything else.

ok - here listed what I did (sorry for the long listing):
01. $ cygrunsrv -R sshd
02. remove registry-keys: HK(CU|LM)-SOFTWARE-Cygnus Solutions
03. remove windows/user sshd
04. rename c:\cygwin to c:\cygwin_1
05. run from user ladmin member of
group local admins
- install from internet
- install for all users
- added packages: openssh, tcp_wrappers
06. $ mkpasswd -cl  /etc/passwd
07. $ mkgroup -l  /etc/group
08. $ ssh-host-config
- privilege separation - yes
- install sshd as service - yes
- CYGWIN=ntsec tty
09. $ net start sshd
The CYGWIN sshd service is starting.
The CYGWIN sshd service could not be started.

The service did not report an error.

More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3534.
10. $ cygrunsrv -S sshd
cygrunsrv: Error starting a service: QueryServiceStatus:  Win32 error 1062:
The service has not been started.
11. $ ls -l /etc/ssh*
-rwxr-x--- 1 SYSTEM Users 1418 Feb 18 21:08 /etc/ssh_config
-rw--- 1 SYSTEM Users  668 Feb 18 21:08 /etc/ssh_host_dsa_key
-rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM Users  611 Feb 18 21:08 /etc/
-rw--- 1 SYSTEM Users  984 Feb 18 21:08 /etc/ssh_host_key
-rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM Users  648 Feb 18 21:08 /etc/
-rw--- 1 SYSTEM Users 1675 Feb 18 21:08 /etc/ssh_host_rsa_key
-rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM Users  403 Feb 18 21:08 /etc/
-rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM Users 3039 Feb 18 21:08 /etc/sshd_config
12. $ cygcheck -f /usr/bin/cygz.dll /usr/bin/cygcrypt-0.dll
13. $ cygrunsrv -V -Q sshd
Service : sshd
Display name: CYGWIN sshd
Current State   : Stopped
Command : /usr/sbin/sshd -D
stdin path  : /dev/null
stdout path : /var/log/sshd.log
stderr path : /var/log/sshd.log
Environment : CYGWIN=ntsec tty
Process Type: Own Process
Startup : Automatic
Dependencies: tcpip
Account : LocalSystem
14. $ ls -l /var
total 0
drwxrwx---+ 3 ladmin Users  0 Feb 18 21:38 cache
drwxr-xr-x+ 2 SYSTEM Administrators 0 Feb 18 21:40 empty
drwxrwx---+ 3 ladmin Users  0 Feb 18 21:38 lib
drwxrwx---+ 2 ladmin Users  0 Feb 18 21:40 log
drwxrwx---+ 2 ladmin Users  0 Feb 18 21:38 run
drwxrwx---+ 2 ladmin Users  0 Feb 18 21:38 tmp
15. $ mv /var/empty/ /var/empty_ori
16. $ mkdir /var/empty
17. $ chmod 755 /var/empty
18. $ ls -ld /var/empty
drwxr-xr-x+ 2 ladmin Users 0 Feb 18 21:50 /var/empty
19. $ /usr/sbin/sshd -D
20. $ ssh localhost date # (from 2nd cygwin-window)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
Sun Feb 18 21:52:18 WEST 2007

did I do anything wrong?
can I give you some more information?

thanks for yor assistance!!!

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Problem reports:

Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-18 Thread René Berber
Michael Manzenreither wrote:

 ok - here listed what I did (sorry for the long listing):
 01. $ cygrunsrv -R sshd
 02. remove registry-keys: HK(CU|LM)-SOFTWARE-Cygnus Solutions
 03. remove windows/user sshd
 04. rename c:\cygwin to c:\cygwin_1
 05. run from user ladmin member of
 group local admins
 - install from internet
 - install for all users
 - added packages: openssh, tcp_wrappers
 06. $ mkpasswd -cl  /etc/passwd
 07. $ mkgroup -l  /etc/group
 08. $ ssh-host-config
 - privilege separation - yes
 - install sshd as service - yes
 - CYGWIN=ntsec tty

Don't add tty, use only ntsec.

Everything else looks fine...

 19. $ /usr/sbin/sshd -D
 20. $ ssh localhost date # (from 2nd cygwin-window)
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
 Sun Feb 18 21:52:18 WEST 2007

What happened?  Did you login or not?  It looks like you did.
René Berber

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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-17 Thread Michael Manzenreither

René Berber wrote:

Michael wrote:

 I'm trying to install cygwin+sshd on a WinXPPro-machine, but get an
 error, when starting the service.

 no /var/log/ssh* files (???)

Normal if it didn't run.

 ls -l /etc/ssh*
 -rwxr-x--- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d 1418 Feb 15 03:02 ssh_config
 -rw--- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d  672 Feb 15 03:02 ssh_host_dsa_key
 -rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d  611 Feb 15 03:02
 -rw--- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d  984 Feb 15 03:02 ssh_host_key
 -rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d  648 Feb 15 03:02
 -rw--- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d 1675 Feb 15 03:02 ssh_host_rsa_key
 -rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d  403 Feb 15 03:02
 -rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d 3039 Feb 15 03:02 sshd_config

Looks fine, you'll have to run mkpasswd and mkgroup to get proper users and
groups but I don't think this is a problem now; later it may be.

 I also changed the dir-permissions of c:\cygwin, c:\cygwin\var and
 c:\cygwin\var\log for user SYSTEM manually

Wrong, not needed and may make things worse.

 what else can I check???

Just to make sure that all the libraries are there (they should be):

$ cygcheck -f /usr/bin/cygz.dll /usr/bin/cygcrypt-0.dll 


Then check the output of:

Service : sshd
Display name: CYGWIN sshd
Current State   : Stopped
Command : /usr/sbin/sshd -D
stdin path  : /dev/null
stdout path : /var/log/sshd.log
stderr path : /var/log/sshd.log
Environment : CYGWIN=ntsec tty
Process Type: Own Process
Startup : Automatic
Dependencies: tcpip
Account : LocalSystem

$ cygrunsrv -V -Q sshd
Service : sshd
Display name: CYGWIN sshd
Description : sshd
Current State   : Running
Controls Accepted   : Stop
Command : /usr/sbin/sshd -D
stdin path  : /dev/null
stdout path : /var/log/sshd.log
stderr path : /var/log/sshd.log
Environment : CYGWIN=ntsec
Process Type: Own Process
Startup : Automatic
Dependencies: tcpip, syslog-ng
Account : LocalSystem

Is the last field the same? if not, try re-installing with a local user (with
Administrator or PowerUser privileges).

any ideas - what did I do wrong?


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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-17 Thread Michael

René Berber wrote:

Michael wrote:

 I'm trying to install cygwin+sshd on a WinXPPro-machine, but get an
 error, when starting the service.

 no /var/log/ssh* files (???)

Normal if it didn't run.

 ls -l /etc/ssh*
 -rwxr-x--- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d 1418 Feb 15 03:02 ssh_config
 -rw--- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d  672 Feb 15 03:02 ssh_host_dsa_key
 -rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d  611 Feb 15 03:02
 -rw--- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d  984 Feb 15 03:02 ssh_host_key
 -rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d  648 Feb 15 03:02
 -rw--- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d 1675 Feb 15 03:02 ssh_host_rsa_key
 -rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d  403 Feb 15 03:02
 -rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d 3039 Feb 15 03:02 sshd_config

Looks fine, you'll have to run mkpasswd and mkgroup to get proper users and
groups but I don't think this is a problem now; later it may be.

 I also changed the dir-permissions of c:\cygwin, c:\cygwin\var and
 c:\cygwin\var\log for user SYSTEM manually

Wrong, not needed and may make things worse.

 what else can I check???

Just to make sure that all the libraries are there (they should be):

$ cygcheck -f /usr/bin/cygz.dll /usr/bin/cygcrypt-0.dll 


Then check the output of:

Service : sshd
Display name: CYGWIN sshd
Current State   : Stopped
Command : /usr/sbin/sshd -D
stdin path  : /dev/null
stdout path : /var/log/sshd.log
stderr path : /var/log/sshd.log
Environment : CYGWIN=ntsec tty
Process Type: Own Process
Startup : Automatic
Dependencies: tcpip
Account : LocalSystem

$ cygrunsrv -V -Q sshd
Service : sshd
Display name: CYGWIN sshd
Description : sshd
Current State   : Running
Controls Accepted   : Stop
Command : /usr/sbin/sshd -D
stdin path  : /dev/null
stdout path : /var/log/sshd.log
stderr path : /var/log/sshd.log
Environment : CYGWIN=ntsec
Process Type: Own Process
Startup : Automatic
Dependencies: tcpip, syslog-ng
Account : LocalSystem

Is the last field the same? if not, try re-installing with a local user (with
Administrator or PowerUser privileges).

any ideas - what did I do wrong?


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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-17 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Michael Manzenreither (Sat, 17 Feb 2007 10:34:47 +0100)
 [cannot start sshd as a service]
 any ideas - what did I do wrong?

Check the permissions from /var/log - sshd /has/ to log there. As a last 
chance I would try to run sshd manually: sshd -D -ddd and strace 
/usr/sbin/sshd -D


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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

2007-02-16 Thread René Berber
Michael wrote:

 I'm trying to install cygwin+sshd on a WinXPPro-machine, but get an
 error, when starting the service.

 no /var/log/ssh* files (???)

Normal if it didn't run.

 ls -l /etc/ssh*
 -rwxr-x--- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d 1418 Feb 15 03:02 ssh_config
 -rw--- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d  672 Feb 15 03:02 ssh_host_dsa_key
 -rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d  611 Feb 15 03:02
 -rw--- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d  984 Feb 15 03:02 ssh_host_key
 -rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d  648 Feb 15 03:02
 -rw--- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d 1675 Feb 15 03:02 ssh_host_rsa_key
 -rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d  403 Feb 15 03:02
 -rw-r--r-- 1 SYSTEM mkgroup-l-d 3039 Feb 15 03:02 sshd_config

Looks fine, you'll have to run mkpasswd and mkgroup to get proper users and
groups but I don't think this is a problem now; later it may be.

 I also changed the dir-permissions of c:\cygwin, c:\cygwin\var and
 c:\cygwin\var\log for user SYSTEM manually

Wrong, not needed and may make things worse.

 what else can I check???

Just to make sure that all the libraries are there (they should be):

$ cygcheck -f /usr/bin/cygz.dll /usr/bin/cygcrypt-0.dll 

Then check the output of:

$ cygrunsrv -V -Q sshd
Service : sshd
Display name: CYGWIN sshd
Description : sshd
Current State   : Running
Controls Accepted   : Stop
Command : /usr/sbin/sshd -D
stdin path  : /dev/null
stdout path : /var/log/sshd.log
stderr path : /var/log/sshd.log
Environment : CYGWIN=ntsec
Process Type: Own Process
Startup : Automatic
Dependencies: tcpip, syslog-ng
Account : LocalSystem

Is the last field the same? if not, try re-installing with a local user (with
Administrator or PowerUser privileges).
René Berber

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