Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

2023-10-14 Thread Jon Turney via Cygwin-apps

On 12/10/2023 14:42, Brian Inglis via Cygwin wrote:

On 2023-10-11 16:47, Yasuhiro Kimura via Cygwin wrote:

From: "Hendrickson, Eric D via Cygwin" 
Subject: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2023 16:37:29 +

Hello all,

As a ~25 year user and sometime contributor to Cygwin, I support 
Cygwin here at my place of work.  Does anyone know why we are 
deploying Ruby 2.6 which EOL about 18 months ago?

I'm concerned about proliferation of EOL versions of Ruby in case 
some security risk / 0Day is identified.


Current Cygwin ruby was updated to current upstream 3.2.2 six months 
ago; see:

Checking the upstream link, preview RCs of 3.3 are available but no 
final release yet.

So it is up to you to update to the latest stable releases available on 
Cygwin, and whether any package gets updated may be influenced by what 
other packages you use which depend on earlier versions of basic 
language or runtime packages, although I am not seeing any such holdbacks.

I suspect this is the cause here.

Fujimura-san has done a lot of hard work recently to bring our ruby 
packages up to date, but there remain a handful of packages remaining 
(see [1]) which still need attention (either updating, or possibly 

If you're installing one of those (or simply installing everything), 
then setup will decide that you need an older ruby runtime to allow 
those to be installed.


If you are seeing such behaviour, you can check /var/log/setup.log.full 
to see the decisions made by the solver to upgrade packages.

Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

2023-10-13 Thread Adam Dinwoodie via Cygwin
On Thu, 12 Oct 2023, 22:46 Eric Hendrickson wrote:
> The comparison to Debian Stable - I hear you but I don’t think that is a
> fair comparison. Debian Stable is not shipping EOL packages at the time it
> was released.

To pick a fairly high-profile example, Debian Bullseye was released as
Debian Stable on 14 August 2021.  It included Python 2.7, which by that
time had been EOL for more than 18 months, with the EOL date having been
announced over seven years earlier.

More generally, lots of OSS projects don't provide support for anything
other than their most recent release, and Debian Stable includes lots of
that software at releases other than the most recent release.  If Debian
had the policy you're asserting it has, the concept of Debian Stable
would be impossible.

> And your point about the effort involved and no known bugs is well taken
> of course but Cygwin is still distributing EOL software.  This is why I
> asked, would it make sense to just not release new non emergency versions
> of Cygwin with EOL packages, until that can be remedied.

Here, the comparison with Debian Stable *is* unhelpful.  The concept of
"versions of Cygwin" that you're using doesn't make sense: unlike
Debian, Cygwin doesn't have an overarching version scheme.  There's no
such thing as "a version of Cygwin" that we could stop releasing because
of problems with a particular package.

We could implement a block on releasing any packages while one package
has a problem.  That seems like a terrible idea to me; I'd be happy to
discuss it -- I might be wrong! -- but I'm much more interested in
having that discussion with people who have been actively contributing
to Cygwin for some time, as they're the folk who are most likely to
understand what the advantages and disadvantages might be, and who I
trust to be willing to provide practical contributions towards the
additional work they're proposing.  At the very least, I'd want that
discussion to be based on something more significant than a nebulous
concept of the project's reputation.

> Security scans are only increasing in scrutiny and frequency - this came
> to my attention because in my environment we are running Cygwin 3.1.6 -
> which admittedly is 3+ years old - and the version of Ruby packaged in it
> got identified in a security scan as EOL.
> My first thought was to update the internal Cygwin package to the latest
> but i checked and that too is provisioned with an EOL version of Ruby.
> (2.6.4)

What do you mean by "provisioned"? What do you mean by "the Cygwin

If you download the Cygwin installer from the Cygwin website, and ask it
to install Ruby, it will install 3.2.2. You *can* install 2.6.4, but
you'd have to deliberately select that version.

If you are seeing the Cygwin installer trying to install Ruby 2.6.4 by
default, that sounds like an installer bug.  If that's what's happening,
please give us a useful bug report so we can work out what's going

However, if your concern is merely that it's *possible* to install EOL
software, I don't think that concern will be widely shared.  If someone
wants to install old software, or configure an SSH server with a root
password of "password1", or otherwise go out of their way to do
something that's not ideal from a security perspective, I don't think we
have a responsibility to stop them.

You might have better luck petitioning the Ruby project to remove the
download links for out-of-support software from their releases page,
which offers versions of Ruby that have been out of support for over a

Thankfully, as you say, security scans are only increasing in frequency
and scrutiny, and they are evidently capable of catching scenarios where
someone has deliberately installed out-of-date software.

> Anyway, just wanted to bring this to your attention and ask if there is
> anything that can or should be done about this, again toward the reputation
> of Cygwin.

I say this because I think your concern is genuine: you are coming
across as concern trolling.

Some of your logic is demonstrably false, as with your claims about
Debian project policies.  Some of your problems are unclear, as with
your explanation of "the Cygwin package" being "provisioned with an EOL
version of Ruby".  I understand that you've not found many of the
replies to you to be kind, but that's largely because you haven't shown
us the kindness of clearly explaining your issue or showing you've done
any research into the issue yourself.

If you are concerned about the reputation of Cygwin, I'd suggest you
follow Glenn's excellent advice from earlier in this thread: provide
specific offers to help improve Cygwin, rather than merely expressing
concerns and asserting we should eject people who have spent years
actively contributing to improve Cygwin's reputation.  

Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

2023-10-12 Thread David Rothenberger via Cygwin

On 10/12/2023 2:46 PM, Eric Hendrickson via Cygwin wrote:

And your point about the effort involved and no known bugs is well taken of 
course but Cygwin is still distributing EOL software.  This is why I asked, 
would it make sense to just not release new non emergency versions of Cygwin 
with EOL packages, until that can be remedied.

Cygwin "releases" are just releases of the compatibility library, 
similar to the kernel in a Linux distribution. Cygwin doesn't have the 
equivalent of Debian releases, where all packages are tested for 
compatibility and released as a unit.

For that reason, it doesn't make sense to pause Cygwin "releases" just 
because some of the packages are out-of-date, since Cygwin is itself 
just another one of these packages.

David Rothenberger

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Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

2023-10-12 Thread Eric Hendrickson via Cygwin
Thank you, Adam, for your constructive response.

So, I hear what you are saying of course. I’m not asking people to do more 
work, I was just asking if these factors (EOL software) are important to 
Cygwin. I realize that’s nuanced but nevertheless this is so.

The comparison to Debian Stable - I hear you but I don’t think that is a fair 
comparison. Debian Stable is not shipping EOL packages at the time it was 

And your point about the effort involved and no known bugs is well taken of 
course but Cygwin is still distributing EOL software.  This is why I asked, 
would it make sense to just not release new non emergency versions of Cygwin 
with EOL packages, until that can be remedied.

But again I get the amount of work required. That’s helpful. I do think pausing 
releases or even targeting getting all packages updated in tranches perhaps, it 
would take a lot of work the first pass but then going forward keeping it 
current might not be so impactful to the normal release process.

I just worry about the reputational impact to Cygwin if releasing EOL software 
in this day and age were there a 0day or something and here this version of 
Cygwin was just released recently…

Security scans are only increasing in scrutiny and frequency - this came to my 
attention because in my environment we are running Cygwin 3.1.6 - which 
admittedly is 3+ years old - and the version of Ruby packaged in it got 
identified in a security scan as EOL.

My first thought was to update the internal Cygwin package to the latest but i 
checked and that too is provisioned with an EOL version of Ruby. (2.6.4)

Anyway, just wanted to bring this to your attention and ask if there is 
anything that can or should be done about this, again toward the reputation of 

Appreciate your time and sharing.

Thank you,

Sent from Outlook<> on my Tricorder

From: Adam Dinwoodie 
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2023 1:22 PM
To: Eric D Hendrickson 
Cc: ; Hendrickson, 
Eric D ; 
Subject: Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

Picking up a few threads that I think others might have missed, and
which I think are worthy of acknowledgement…

On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 at 05:16, Eric D Hendrickson via Cygwin
> How does Cygwin being an all volunteer effort have any bearing on this
> question, other than the time and interest of the volunteers?

The fact that this is a volunteer effort doesn't have much direct
bearing. But the fact that we're volunteers means that time and
interest are very finite quantities. There are really not many folk
involved in actually making Cygwin, and I think everyone actively
involved in the project already has a wishlist of things they'd do if
they had the time.

> Perhaps the volunteer team should consider adopting a process of evaluating
> the support status of every package it redistributes, even at the expense
> of slowing down the rate of releases.  Or dropping packages when no one has
> the time or interest in creating a package from a supported version of the
> tool in question.

Packages do get dropped from the distribution occasionally when
they're no longer being updated and no longer viable.

I don't believe there's any comprehensive package-by-package review,
because that's a lot of work, and it's not even very interesting work.
But if someone provides a reason a specific package should be dropped,
it can happen. The mere fact that a package no longer has upstream
support is probably not enough, though; I expect we'd need no upstream
support and either a genuine significant vulnerability in the package,
or availability of a viable replacement.

> Again for the benefit of Cygwin as a whole - distributing EOL packages
> could put Cygwin as a whole at risk, which I'm sure you would agree is much
> worse than dropping a package from the suite.

I don't agree. If Cygwin mandated that packages be kept rapidly
up-to-date or be dropped, I expect Cygwin would rapidly become
unusable. A lot of our package maintainers – myself included – are
only able to work on Cygwin as and when they have the time. If the
project required maintainers to spend a regular amount of time on
their packages, which a reliable update schedule would require, I
expect a lot of us would just stop contributing.

When there are vulnerabilities identified, we can and do move quickly
to mitigate them. The fact that there's some EOL products available
through Cygwin is at least in part because there aren't any
significant security vulnerabilities that we're aware of. It would, of
course, be nice if the cutting edge were available for everything, but
that has its own disadvantages: rapid release cycles have more chance
of introducing new bugs. There's a reason plenty of people use Debian
Stable; there's lots of critical infrastructure still running on
Python 2.

(But, of course, the package in question he

Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

2023-10-12 Thread Adam Dinwoodie via Cygwin
Picking up a few threads that I think others might have missed, and
which I think are worthy of acknowledgement…

On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 at 05:16, Eric D Hendrickson via Cygwin
> How does Cygwin being an all volunteer effort have any bearing on this
> question, other than the time and interest of the volunteers?

The fact that this is a volunteer effort doesn't have much direct
bearing. But the fact that we're volunteers means that time and
interest are very finite quantities. There are really not many folk
involved in actually making Cygwin, and I think everyone actively
involved in the project already has a wishlist of things they'd do if
they had the time.

> Perhaps the volunteer team should consider adopting a process of evaluating
> the support status of every package it redistributes, even at the expense
> of slowing down the rate of releases.  Or dropping packages when no one has
> the time or interest in creating a package from a supported version of the
> tool in question.

Packages do get dropped from the distribution occasionally when
they're no longer being updated and no longer viable.

I don't believe there's any comprehensive package-by-package review,
because that's a lot of work, and it's not even very interesting work.
But if someone provides a reason a specific package should be dropped,
it can happen. The mere fact that a package no longer has upstream
support is probably not enough, though; I expect we'd need no upstream
support and either a genuine significant vulnerability in the package,
or availability of a viable replacement.

> Again for the benefit of Cygwin as a whole - distributing EOL packages
> could put Cygwin as a whole at risk, which I'm sure you would agree is much
> worse than dropping a package from the suite.

I don't agree. If Cygwin mandated that packages be kept rapidly
up-to-date or be dropped, I expect Cygwin would rapidly become
unusable. A lot of our package maintainers – myself included – are
only able to work on Cygwin as and when they have the time. If the
project required maintainers to spend a regular amount of time on
their packages, which a reliable update schedule would require, I
expect a lot of us would just stop contributing.

When there are vulnerabilities identified, we can and do move quickly
to mitigate them. The fact that there's some EOL products available
through Cygwin is at least in part because there aren't any
significant security vulnerabilities that we're aware of. It would, of
course, be nice if the cutting edge were available for everything, but
that has its own disadvantages: rapid release cycles have more chance
of introducing new bugs. There's a reason plenty of people use Debian
Stable; there's lots of critical infrastructure still running on
Python 2.

(But, of course, the package in question here is actually reasonably
up-to-date: as Yasuhiro Kimura noted, the Cygwin mirrors are
distributing ruby 3.2.2-2, which has an advertised upstream EOL date
of March 2026. So a possibly more useful question is why *you* are
deploying an EOL version when more up-to-date versions are available!
To investigate that, I think we'd need a useful bug report explaining
what you're doing to get an install with such an old version.)

I also think it's worth remembering the use case for Cygwin. Cygwin is
designed to provide a *nix-like environment for Windows users, with
relatively little effort required to port software that was originally
written for *nix systems. The sorts of use cases where you really care
about most zero-day vulnerabilities aren't ones where I'd expect
Cygwin to be in use; if you have a public-facing web server, for
example, using Cygwin is a bad idea, not just because of the security
concerns, but also because Cygwin makes a lot of compromises around
performance, and you're likely to have a vastly better experience
using a Windows-native or Linux-native web server.

> This goes back to my other question -
> Is there an Issues log or backlog a la GitHub where bugs / enhancement
> requests / feature suggestions like this can be logged for future
> consideration / evaluation, instead of one off discussions in this
> ephemeral medium of email?

Email isn't ephemeral: everything sent to this mailing list is
archived indefinitely. You can browse and search the archives at

That said, there is a reason folk use bug trackers. There's no central
bug tracker for Cygwin; individual maintainers may have their own
systems for tracking problems (I use GitHub), but there's no mandate
about what to use or how to use it. Even if we had someone willing to
set one up and maintain one, migrating to a central bug tracker is a
very significant amount of work, and it's not work that many people
would find fun or interesting.

If you want to help, there's a list of packages that don't have
maintainers at
– if you'd be willing to adopt one of those and keep 

Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

2023-10-12 Thread Thomas Schweikle via Cygwin

Am Mi., 11.Okt..2023 um 18:37:29 schrieb Hendrickson, Eric D via Cygwin:

Hello all,

As a ~25 year user and sometime contributor to Cygwin, I support Cygwin here at 
my place of work.  Does anyone know why we are deploying Ruby 2.6 which EOL 
about 18 months ago?

I'm concerned about proliferation of EOL versions of Ruby in case some security 
risk / 0Day is identified.

Did you set version 2.6* to install? It is still there and may be 
installed. Version 3.2.2 is available too.


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Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

2023-10-12 Thread Brian Inglis via Cygwin

On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 10:59 PM wrote:

On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 09:55:04PM -0500, Eric D Hendrickson wrote:

Sorry for the unclarity - I meant this for the whole list - not just you.
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond.  Like you said, this
really is all volunteers.
For the whole list:
Totally taking into account the all volunteer nature of Cygwin, would it
make sense to defer on further non-emergency releases of Cygwin until all
packages that are EOL have been updated?  Since this is the case with


I am guessing it's likely the case with other packages in Cygwin too.
Is there a Issues log of some sort (ala github) for Cygwin somewhere, so
that I can document this in the backlog and come back later to


this myself if I have time this winter?
On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 8:11 PM Eliot Moss wrote:

On 10/11/2023 6:36 PM, Hendrickson, Eric D wrote:

Thanks for responding.  That makes total sense.
Totally taking into account the all volunteer nature of Cygwin,

would it

make sense to defer on further non-emergency releases of Cygwin until


packages that are EOL have been updated?  Since this is the case with


I am guessing it's likely the case with other packages in Cygwin too.

Is there a backlog for Cygwin somewhere, so that I can investigate


myself if I have time this winter?

On Wednesday, October 11, 2023 5:03 PM, Eliot Moss wrote:
On 10/11/2023 12:37 PM, Hendrickson, Eric D via Cygwin wrote:

As a ~25 year user and sometime contributor to Cygwin, I support


here at my place of work.  Does anyone know why we are deploying Ruby


which EOL about 18 months ago?

I'm concerned about proliferation of EOL versions of Ruby in case


security risk / 0Day is identified.

Please advise.

You should send such things to the list, not me.  I'm just
a user who has only made occasional small contributions ...

If nobody has responded I can give a generic response:
"Because cygwin is all volunteer and someone has not volunteered, or


volunteer and is behind, or fell off the radar."

Someone else will know how to look up if there is a currently


volunteer for Ruby ...

On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 09:55:04PM -0500, Eric D Hendrickson via Cygwin

Totally taking into account the all volunteer nature of Cygwin, would it
make sense to defer on further non-emergency releases of Cygwin until all
packages that are EOL have been updated?

Absolutely not.  That makes *zero* sense for an all volunteer group.

Not every single package is important to everyone.
(I am speaking personally, as maintainer of a single package on Cygwin.)

You care about Ruby?  Good.
I do not use Ruby, so that is not important *to me*.

If some specific packages are important to you, please consider finding
the maintainers of those packages and offering to help maintain those

There are many ruby-* packages that have been orphaned.  Have at it. :)

Cheers, Glenn

Your suggestions might be given slightly more weight if you made *any*
substantive contribution besides sharing your questionable assumptions,
and opinions on work that your think *other* people (who are volunteers)
should do.

Aside: The preference on this list is to bottom-post.

> On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 11:15:40PM -0500, Eric D Hendrickson wrote:
>> Thanks for your reply.  Again, to the point that this is an all volunteer
>> effort.
>> And not taking away from any of what you said.
>> However, sorry I was not more clear.  The issue here is as follows.
>> Is Cygwin as a whole not more important than any one package?
>> Cygwin is distributing a suite of packages.  Are you really saying that if
>> there were a 0day vulnerability discovered in an EOL package still being
>> distributed by Cygwin, that this would do no damage to the reputation of
>> Cygwin?
>> How does Cygwin being an all volunteer effort have any bearing on this
>> question, other than the time and interest of the volunteers?
>> Perhaps the volunteer team should consider adopting a process of evaluating
>> the support status of every package it redistributes, even at the expense
>> of slowing down the rate of releases.  Or dropping packages when no one has
>> the time or interest in creating a package from a supported version of the
>> tool in question.
>> Again for the benefit of Cygwin as a whole - distributing EOL packages
>> could put Cygwin as a whole at risk, which I'm sure you would agree is much
>> worse than dropping a package from the suite.
>> This goes back to my other question -
>> Is there an Issues log or backlog a la GitHub where bugs / enhancement
>> requests / feature suggestions like this can be logged for future
>> consideration / evaluation, instead of one off discussions in this
>> ephemeral medium of email?

On 2023-10-12 09:18, Eric Hendrickson via Cygwin wrote:
> I don’t know who all is on this distribution but I’m 

Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

2023-10-12 Thread Eric Hendrickson via Cygwin
I don’t know who all is on this distribution but I’m going to be very clear.

I asked a few very reasonable questions in regard to security and best 
practices for a mature and widely known product like Cygwin. In this context, 
it doesn’t matter much that it’s all volunteers except in terms of resourcing - 
the answers should be basically the same. Either it’s important to Cygwin or 
it’s not.

I’m even offering to contribute back to Cygwin.

I got no answers to my questions except “you’re stupid”.

I don’t care how many stupid questions this volunteer team gets, or random 
emails. This is unacceptable for the open source community. Or for any 

The Cygwin team needs to internally examine its maturity and professionalism.  
Decisions clearly need to be made about how to communicate with the community. 
Anyone who treats people the way Glenn does should be ejected from the 

Sent from Outlook<> on my Tricorder

Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 11:46:53 PM
To: Eric D Hendrickson 
Cc: Hendrickson, Eric D ; 
Subject: Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 11:15:40PM -0500, Eric D Hendrickson wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks for your reply.  Again, to the point that this is an all volunteer
> effort.
> And not taking away from any of what you said.
> However, sorry I was not more clear.  The issue here is as follows.
> Is Cygwin as a whole not more important than any one package?
> Cygwin is distributing a suite of packages.  Are you really saying that if
> there were a 0day vulnerability discovered in an EOL package still being
> distributed by Cygwin, that this would do no damage to the reputation of
> Cygwin?
> How does Cygwin being an all volunteer effort have any bearing on this
> question, other than the time and interest of the volunteers?
> Perhaps the volunteer team should consider adopting a process of evaluating
> the support status of every package it redistributes, even at the expense
> of slowing down the rate of releases.  Or dropping packages when no one has
> the time or interest in creating a package from a supported version of the
> tool in question.
> Again for the benefit of Cygwin as a whole - distributing EOL packages
> could put Cygwin as a whole at risk, which I'm sure you would agree is much
> worse than dropping a package from the suite.
> This goes back to my other question -
> Is there an Issues log or backlog a la GitHub where bugs / enhancement
> requests / feature suggestions like this can be logged for future
> consideration / evaluation, instead of one off discussions in this
> ephemeral medium of email?
> thank you and Cheers to you as well,
> Eric
> On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 10:59 PM  wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 09:55:04PM -0500, Eric D Hendrickson via Cygwin
> > wrote:
> > > Sorry for the unclarity - I meant this for the whole list - not just you.
> > >
> > > Thank you so much for taking the time to respond.  Like you said, this
> > > really is all volunteers.
> > >
> > > For the whole list:
> > >
> > > Totally taking into account the all volunteer nature of Cygwin, would it
> > > make sense to defer on further non-emergency releases of Cygwin until all
> > > packages that are EOL have been updated?  Since this is the case with
> > ruby,
> > > I am guessing it's likely the case with other packages in Cygwin too.
> > >
> > > Is there a Issues log of some sort (ala github) for Cygwin somewhere, so
> > > that I can document this in the backlog and come back later to
> > investigate
> > > this myself if I have time this winter?
> > >
> > >
> > > On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 8:11 PM Eliot Moss  wrote:
> > >
> > > > On 10/11/2023 6:36 PM, Hendrickson, Eric D wrote:
> > > > > Hi Eliot,
> > > > >
> > > > > Thanks for responding.  That makes total sense.
> > > > >
> > > > > Totally taking into account the all volunteer nature of Cygwin,
> > would it
> > > > make sense to defer on further non-emergency releases of Cygwin until
> > all
> > > > packages that are EOL have been updated?  Since this is the case with
> > ruby,
> > > > I am guessing it's likely the case with other packages in Cygwin too.
> > > > >
> > > > > Is there a backlog for Cygwin somewhere, so that I can investigate
> > this
> > > > myself if I have time this winter?
> > > > >
> > > > > Thank you and all the best,
> >

Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

2023-10-12 Thread Brian Inglis via Cygwin

On 2023-10-11 16:47, Yasuhiro Kimura via Cygwin wrote:

From: "Hendrickson, Eric D via Cygwin" 
Subject: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2023 16:37:29 +

Hello all,

As a ~25 year user and sometime contributor to Cygwin, I support Cygwin here at 
my place of work.  Does anyone know why we are deploying Ruby 2.6 which EOL 
about 18 months ago?

I'm concerned about proliferation of EOL versions of Ruby in case some security 
risk / 0Day is identified.

Please advise.
Eric Hendrickson

On my environment version of Ruby is 3.2.2.

(Cygwin64)yasu@rolling[1005]% uname -a  
CYGWIN_NT-10.0-22621 rolling 3.4.9-1.x86_64 2023-09-06 11:19 UTC x86_64 Cygwin
(Cygwin64)yasu@rolling[1006]% type ruby 
ruby is /usr/bin/ruby
(Cygwin64)yasu@rolling[1007]% ruby --version
ruby 3.2.2 (2023-03-30 revision e51014f9c0) [x86_64-cygwin]

I use as download site and there are
surely ruby-3.2.2-2.hint, ruby-3.2.2-2.tar.xz, ruby-3.2.2-2-src.hint
and ruby-3.2.2-2-src.tar.xz under

So I guess download site you use is out of sync.

Current Cygwin ruby was updated to current upstream 3.2.2 six months ago; see:

Checking the upstream link, preview RCs of 3.3 are available but no final 
release yet.

So it is up to you to update to the latest stable releases available on Cygwin, 
and whether any package gets updated may be influenced by what other packages 
you use which depend on earlier versions of basic language or runtime packages, 
although I am not seeing any such holdbacks.

If you are seeing such behaviour, you can check /var/log/setup.log.full to see 
the decisions made by the solver to upgrade packages.

You can also check your selected mirror(s) in /etc/setup/setup.rc e.g.

$ grep -xA3 'last-mirror' /etc/setup/setup.rc

and for the state of your mirror(s) see:

and only statuses after the first two are normally significant IMO.

One of my preferred local mirrors went stale and I (unusually) got no response 
from the local university mirror support webpage or email, so had to add another 
with a better record. Eventually someone did something and it is back to normal.

As Cygwin is a rolling release distribution, each package and language is 
updated as upstream makes them available, and whether and when the maintainer 
has time and confidence to release each update depends on many factors, which 
may include updates to upstream packages needed to build or run a package, and 
whether tests work successfully on Cygwin, to be confident the release provides 
stable functionality.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis  Calgary, Alberta, Canada

La perfection est atteinte   Perfection is achieved
non pas lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à ajouter  not when there is no more to add
mais lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à retirer but when there is no more to cut
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

2023-10-11 Thread via Cygwin
On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 11:15:40PM -0500, Eric D Hendrickson wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks for your reply.  Again, to the point that this is an all volunteer
> effort.
> And not taking away from any of what you said.
> However, sorry I was not more clear.  The issue here is as follows.
> Is Cygwin as a whole not more important than any one package?
> Cygwin is distributing a suite of packages.  Are you really saying that if
> there were a 0day vulnerability discovered in an EOL package still being
> distributed by Cygwin, that this would do no damage to the reputation of
> Cygwin?
> How does Cygwin being an all volunteer effort have any bearing on this
> question, other than the time and interest of the volunteers?
> Perhaps the volunteer team should consider adopting a process of evaluating
> the support status of every package it redistributes, even at the expense
> of slowing down the rate of releases.  Or dropping packages when no one has
> the time or interest in creating a package from a supported version of the
> tool in question.
> Again for the benefit of Cygwin as a whole - distributing EOL packages
> could put Cygwin as a whole at risk, which I'm sure you would agree is much
> worse than dropping a package from the suite.
> This goes back to my other question -
> Is there an Issues log or backlog a la GitHub where bugs / enhancement
> requests / feature suggestions like this can be logged for future
> consideration / evaluation, instead of one off discussions in this
> ephemeral medium of email?
> thank you and Cheers to you as well,
> Eric
> On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 10:59 PM  wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 09:55:04PM -0500, Eric D Hendrickson via Cygwin
> > wrote:
> > > Sorry for the unclarity - I meant this for the whole list - not just you.
> > >
> > > Thank you so much for taking the time to respond.  Like you said, this
> > > really is all volunteers.
> > >
> > > For the whole list:
> > >
> > > Totally taking into account the all volunteer nature of Cygwin, would it
> > > make sense to defer on further non-emergency releases of Cygwin until all
> > > packages that are EOL have been updated?  Since this is the case with
> > ruby,
> > > I am guessing it's likely the case with other packages in Cygwin too.
> > >
> > > Is there a Issues log of some sort (ala github) for Cygwin somewhere, so
> > > that I can document this in the backlog and come back later to
> > investigate
> > > this myself if I have time this winter?
> > >
> > >
> > > On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 8:11 PM Eliot Moss  wrote:
> > >
> > > > On 10/11/2023 6:36 PM, Hendrickson, Eric D wrote:
> > > > > Hi Eliot,
> > > > >
> > > > > Thanks for responding.  That makes total sense.
> > > > >
> > > > > Totally taking into account the all volunteer nature of Cygwin,
> > would it
> > > > make sense to defer on further non-emergency releases of Cygwin until
> > all
> > > > packages that are EOL have been updated?  Since this is the case with
> > ruby,
> > > > I am guessing it's likely the case with other packages in Cygwin too.
> > > > >
> > > > > Is there a backlog for Cygwin somewhere, so that I can investigate
> > this
> > > > myself if I have time this winter?
> > > > >
> > > > > Thank you and all the best,
> > > > > Eric
> > > > >
> > > > > -Original Message-
> > > > > From: Eliot Moss 
> > > > > Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 5:03 PM
> > > > > To: Hendrickson, Eric D ;
> > > > > Cc: Eric @ Gmail 
> > > > > Subject: Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?
> > > > >
> > > > > On 10/11/2023 12:37 PM, Hendrickson, Eric D via Cygwin wrote:
> > > > >> Hello all,
> > > > >>
> > > > >> As a ~25 year user and sometime contributor to Cygwin, I support
> > Cygwin
> > > > here at my place of work.  Does anyone know why we are deploying Ruby
> > 2.6
> > > > which EOL about 18 months ago?
> > > > >>
> > > > >>
> > > > >>
> > > > >> I'm concerned about proliferation of EOL versions of Ruby in case
> > some
> > > > security risk / 0Day is identified.
> > > > >>
> > >

Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

2023-10-11 Thread Eric D Hendrickson via Cygwin

Thanks for your reply.  Again, to the point that this is an all volunteer

And not taking away from any of what you said.

However, sorry I was not more clear.  The issue here is as follows.

Is Cygwin as a whole not more important than any one package?

Cygwin is distributing a suite of packages.  Are you really saying that if
there were a 0day vulnerability discovered in an EOL package still being
distributed by Cygwin, that this would do no damage to the reputation of

How does Cygwin being an all volunteer effort have any bearing on this
question, other than the time and interest of the volunteers?

Perhaps the volunteer team should consider adopting a process of evaluating
the support status of every package it redistributes, even at the expense
of slowing down the rate of releases.  Or dropping packages when no one has
the time or interest in creating a package from a supported version of the
tool in question.

Again for the benefit of Cygwin as a whole - distributing EOL packages
could put Cygwin as a whole at risk, which I'm sure you would agree is much
worse than dropping a package from the suite.

This goes back to my other question -

Is there an Issues log or backlog a la GitHub where bugs / enhancement
requests / feature suggestions like this can be logged for future
consideration / evaluation, instead of one off discussions in this
ephemeral medium of email?

thank you and Cheers to you as well,

On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 10:59 PM  wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 09:55:04PM -0500, Eric D Hendrickson via Cygwin
> wrote:
> > Sorry for the unclarity - I meant this for the whole list - not just you.
> >
> > Thank you so much for taking the time to respond.  Like you said, this
> > really is all volunteers.
> >
> > For the whole list:
> >
> > Totally taking into account the all volunteer nature of Cygwin, would it
> > make sense to defer on further non-emergency releases of Cygwin until all
> > packages that are EOL have been updated?  Since this is the case with
> ruby,
> > I am guessing it's likely the case with other packages in Cygwin too.
> >
> > Is there a Issues log of some sort (ala github) for Cygwin somewhere, so
> > that I can document this in the backlog and come back later to
> investigate
> > this myself if I have time this winter?
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 8:11 PM Eliot Moss  wrote:
> >
> > > On 10/11/2023 6:36 PM, Hendrickson, Eric D wrote:
> > > > Hi Eliot,
> > > >
> > > > Thanks for responding.  That makes total sense.
> > > >
> > > > Totally taking into account the all volunteer nature of Cygwin,
> would it
> > > make sense to defer on further non-emergency releases of Cygwin until
> all
> > > packages that are EOL have been updated?  Since this is the case with
> ruby,
> > > I am guessing it's likely the case with other packages in Cygwin too.
> > > >
> > > > Is there a backlog for Cygwin somewhere, so that I can investigate
> this
> > > myself if I have time this winter?
> > > >
> > > > Thank you and all the best,
> > > > Eric
> > > >
> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: Eliot Moss 
> > > > Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 5:03 PM
> > > > To: Hendrickson, Eric D ;
> > > > Cc: Eric @ Gmail 
> > > > Subject: Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?
> > > >
> > > > On 10/11/2023 12:37 PM, Hendrickson, Eric D via Cygwin wrote:
> > > >> Hello all,
> > > >>
> > > >> As a ~25 year user and sometime contributor to Cygwin, I support
> Cygwin
> > > here at my place of work.  Does anyone know why we are deploying Ruby
> 2.6
> > > which EOL about 18 months ago?
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >> I'm concerned about proliferation of EOL versions of Ruby in case
> some
> > > security risk / 0Day is identified.
> > > >>
> > > >> Please advise.
> > > >> Eric Hendrickson
> > >
> > > You should send such things to the list, not me.  I'm just
> > > a user who has only made occasional small contributions ...
> > >
> > > Eliot
> > >
> > > > If nobody has responded I can give a generic response:
> > > > "Because cygwin is all volunteer and someone has not volunteered, or
> did
> > > volunteer and is behind, or fell off the radar."
> > > >
> > > > Someone else will know how to lo

Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

2023-10-11 Thread via Cygwin
On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 09:55:04PM -0500, Eric D Hendrickson via Cygwin wrote:
> Sorry for the unclarity - I meant this for the whole list - not just you.
> Thank you so much for taking the time to respond.  Like you said, this
> really is all volunteers.
> For the whole list:
> Totally taking into account the all volunteer nature of Cygwin, would it
> make sense to defer on further non-emergency releases of Cygwin until all
> packages that are EOL have been updated?  Since this is the case with ruby,
> I am guessing it's likely the case with other packages in Cygwin too.
> Is there a Issues log of some sort (ala github) for Cygwin somewhere, so
> that I can document this in the backlog and come back later to investigate
> this myself if I have time this winter?
> On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 8:11 PM Eliot Moss  wrote:
> > On 10/11/2023 6:36 PM, Hendrickson, Eric D wrote:
> > > Hi Eliot,
> > >
> > > Thanks for responding.  That makes total sense.
> > >
> > > Totally taking into account the all volunteer nature of Cygwin, would it
> > make sense to defer on further non-emergency releases of Cygwin until all
> > packages that are EOL have been updated?  Since this is the case with ruby,
> > I am guessing it's likely the case with other packages in Cygwin too.
> > >
> > > Is there a backlog for Cygwin somewhere, so that I can investigate this
> > myself if I have time this winter?
> > >
> > > Thank you and all the best,
> > > Eric
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-
> > > From: Eliot Moss 
> > > Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 5:03 PM
> > > To: Hendrickson, Eric D ;
> > > Cc: Eric @ Gmail 
> > > Subject: Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?
> > >
> > > On 10/11/2023 12:37 PM, Hendrickson, Eric D via Cygwin wrote:
> > >> Hello all,
> > >>
> > >> As a ~25 year user and sometime contributor to Cygwin, I support Cygwin
> > here at my place of work.  Does anyone know why we are deploying Ruby 2.6
> > which EOL about 18 months ago?
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> I'm concerned about proliferation of EOL versions of Ruby in case some
> > security risk / 0Day is identified.
> > >>
> > >> Please advise.
> > >> Eric Hendrickson
> >
> > You should send such things to the list, not me.  I'm just
> > a user who has only made occasional small contributions ...
> >
> > Eliot
> >
> > > If nobody has responded I can give a generic response:
> > > "Because cygwin is all volunteer and someone has not volunteered, or did
> > volunteer and is behind, or fell off the radar."
> > >
> > > Someone else will know how to look up if there is a currently registered
> > volunteer for Ruby ...
> > >
> > > Eliot Moss
> > >
> > >> This e-mail, including attachments, may include confidential and/or
> > >> proprietary information, and may be used only by the person or entity
> > >> to which it is addressed. If the reader of this e-mail is not the
> > >> intended recipient or intended recipient’s authorized agent, the
> > >> reader is hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or
> > >> copying of this e-mail is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail
> > >> in error, please notify the sender by replying to this message and
> > delete this e-mail immediately.
> > >>
> > >
> > > This e-mail, including attachments, may include confidential and/or
> > > proprietary information, and may be used only by the person or entity
> > > to which it is addressed. If the reader of this e-mail is not the
> > intended
> > > recipient or intended recipient’s authorized agent, the reader is hereby
> > > notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail
> > is
> > > prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the
> > > sender by replying to this message and delete this e-mail immediately.
> >
> >

On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 09:55:04PM -0500, Eric D Hendrickson via Cygwin wrote:
> For the whole list:
> Totally taking into account the all volunteer nature of Cygwin, would it
> make sense to defer on further non-emergency releases of Cygwin until all
> packages that are EOL have been updated?

Absolutely not.  That makes *zero* sense for an all volunteer group.

Not every single package is important to everyone.
(I am speaking personally, as maintainer of a single package on Cygwin.)

You care about Ruby?  Good.
I do not use Ruby, so that is not important *to me*.

If some specific packages are important to you, please consider finding
the maintainers of those packages and offering to help maintain those

There are many ruby-* packages that have been orphaned.  Have at it. :)

Cheers, Glenn

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Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

2023-10-11 Thread Eric D Hendrickson via Cygwin
Sorry for the unclarity - I meant this for the whole list - not just you.

Thank you so much for taking the time to respond.  Like you said, this
really is all volunteers.

For the whole list:

Totally taking into account the all volunteer nature of Cygwin, would it
make sense to defer on further non-emergency releases of Cygwin until all
packages that are EOL have been updated?  Since this is the case with ruby,
I am guessing it's likely the case with other packages in Cygwin too.

Is there a Issues log of some sort (ala github) for Cygwin somewhere, so
that I can document this in the backlog and come back later to investigate
this myself if I have time this winter?

On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 8:11 PM Eliot Moss  wrote:

> On 10/11/2023 6:36 PM, Hendrickson, Eric D wrote:
> > Hi Eliot,
> >
> > Thanks for responding.  That makes total sense.
> >
> > Totally taking into account the all volunteer nature of Cygwin, would it
> make sense to defer on further non-emergency releases of Cygwin until all
> packages that are EOL have been updated?  Since this is the case with ruby,
> I am guessing it's likely the case with other packages in Cygwin too.
> >
> > Is there a backlog for Cygwin somewhere, so that I can investigate this
> myself if I have time this winter?
> >
> > Thank you and all the best,
> > Eric
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Eliot Moss 
> > Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 5:03 PM
> > To: Hendrickson, Eric D ;
> > Cc: Eric @ Gmail 
> > Subject: Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?
> >
> > On 10/11/2023 12:37 PM, Hendrickson, Eric D via Cygwin wrote:
> >> Hello all,
> >>
> >> As a ~25 year user and sometime contributor to Cygwin, I support Cygwin
> here at my place of work.  Does anyone know why we are deploying Ruby 2.6
> which EOL about 18 months ago?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> I'm concerned about proliferation of EOL versions of Ruby in case some
> security risk / 0Day is identified.
> >>
> >> Please advise.
> >> Eric Hendrickson
> You should send such things to the list, not me.  I'm just
> a user who has only made occasional small contributions ...
> Eliot
> > If nobody has responded I can give a generic response:
> > "Because cygwin is all volunteer and someone has not volunteered, or did
> volunteer and is behind, or fell off the radar."
> >
> > Someone else will know how to look up if there is a currently registered
> volunteer for Ruby ...
> >
> > Eliot Moss
> >
> >> This e-mail, including attachments, may include confidential and/or
> >> proprietary information, and may be used only by the person or entity
> >> to which it is addressed. If the reader of this e-mail is not the
> >> intended recipient or intended recipient’s authorized agent, the
> >> reader is hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or
> >> copying of this e-mail is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail
> >> in error, please notify the sender by replying to this message and
> delete this e-mail immediately.
> >>
> >
> > This e-mail, including attachments, may include confidential and/or
> > proprietary information, and may be used only by the person or entity
> > to which it is addressed. If the reader of this e-mail is not the
> intended
> > recipient or intended recipient’s authorized agent, the reader is hereby
> > notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail
> is
> > prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the
> > sender by replying to this message and delete this e-mail immediately.

Good government never depends upon laws, but upon the personal qualities of
those who govern. The machinery of government is always subordinate to the
will of those who administer that machinery. The most important element of
government, therefore, is the method of choosing leaders.
 -- Law and Governance, The Spacing Guild Manual, Children of Dune

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Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

2023-10-11 Thread Eliot Moss via Cygwin

On 10/11/2023 6:36 PM, Hendrickson, Eric D wrote:

Hi Eliot,

Thanks for responding.  That makes total sense.

Totally taking into account the all volunteer nature of Cygwin, would it make 
sense to defer on further non-emergency releases of Cygwin until all packages 
that are EOL have been updated?  Since this is the case with ruby, I am 
guessing it's likely the case with other packages in Cygwin too.

Is there a backlog for Cygwin somewhere, so that I can investigate this myself 
if I have time this winter?

Thank you and all the best,

-Original Message-
From: Eliot Moss 
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 5:03 PM
To: Hendrickson, Eric D ;
Cc: Eric @ Gmail 
Subject: Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

On 10/11/2023 12:37 PM, Hendrickson, Eric D via Cygwin wrote:

Hello all,

As a ~25 year user and sometime contributor to Cygwin, I support Cygwin here at 
my place of work.  Does anyone know why we are deploying Ruby 2.6 which EOL 
about 18 months ago?

I'm concerned about proliferation of EOL versions of Ruby in case some security 
risk / 0Day is identified.

Please advise.
Eric Hendrickson

You should send such things to the list, not me.  I'm just
a user who has only made occasional small contributions ...


If nobody has responded I can give a generic response:
"Because cygwin is all volunteer and someone has not volunteered, or did volunteer 
and is behind, or fell off the radar."

Someone else will know how to look up if there is a currently registered 
volunteer for Ruby ...

Eliot Moss

This e-mail, including attachments, may include confidential and/or
proprietary information, and may be used only by the person or entity
to which it is addressed. If the reader of this e-mail is not the
intended recipient or intended recipient’s authorized agent, the
reader is hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or
copying of this e-mail is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail
in error, please notify the sender by replying to this message and delete this 
e-mail immediately.

This e-mail, including attachments, may include confidential and/or
proprietary information, and may be used only by the person or entity
to which it is addressed. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended
recipient or intended recipient’s authorized agent, the reader is hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail is
prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the
sender by replying to this message and delete this e-mail immediately.

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Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

2023-10-11 Thread Yasuhiro Kimura via Cygwin
From: "Hendrickson, Eric D via Cygwin" 
Subject: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2023 16:37:29 +

> Hello all,
> As a ~25 year user and sometime contributor to Cygwin, I support Cygwin here 
> at my place of work.  Does anyone know why we are deploying Ruby 2.6 which 
> EOL about 18 months ago?
> I'm concerned about proliferation of EOL versions of Ruby in case some 
> security risk / 0Day is identified.
> Please advise.
> Eric Hendrickson

On my environment version of Ruby is 3.2.2.

(Cygwin64)yasu@rolling[1005]% uname -a  
CYGWIN_NT-10.0-22621 rolling 3.4.9-1.x86_64 2023-09-06 11:19 UTC x86_64 Cygwin
(Cygwin64)yasu@rolling[1006]% type ruby 
ruby is /usr/bin/ruby
(Cygwin64)yasu@rolling[1007]% ruby --version
ruby 3.2.2 (2023-03-30 revision e51014f9c0) [x86_64-cygwin]

I use as download site and there are
surely ruby-3.2.2-2.hint, ruby-3.2.2-2.tar.xz, ruby-3.2.2-2-src.hint
and ruby-3.2.2-2-src.tar.xz under

So I guess download site you use is out of sync.

Yasuhiro Kimura

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RE: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

2023-10-11 Thread Hendrickson, Eric D via Cygwin
Hi Eliot,

Thanks for responding.  That makes total sense.  

Totally taking into account the all volunteer nature of Cygwin, would it make 
sense to defer on further non-emergency releases of Cygwin until all packages 
that are EOL have been updated?  Since this is the case with ruby, I am 
guessing it's likely the case with other packages in Cygwin too.

Is there a backlog for Cygwin somewhere, so that I can investigate this myself 
if I have time this winter?

Thank you and all the best,

-Original Message-
From: Eliot Moss  
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 5:03 PM
To: Hendrickson, Eric D ;
Cc: Eric @ Gmail 
Subject: Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

On 10/11/2023 12:37 PM, Hendrickson, Eric D via Cygwin wrote:
> Hello all,
> As a ~25 year user and sometime contributor to Cygwin, I support Cygwin here 
> at my place of work.  Does anyone know why we are deploying Ruby 2.6 which 
> EOL about 18 months ago?
> I'm concerned about proliferation of EOL versions of Ruby in case some 
> security risk / 0Day is identified.
> Please advise.
> Eric Hendrickson

If nobody has responded I can give a generic response:
"Because cygwin is all volunteer and someone has not volunteered, or did 
volunteer and is behind, or fell off the radar."

Someone else will know how to look up if there is a currently registered 
volunteer for Ruby ...

Eliot Moss

> This e-mail, including attachments, may include confidential and/or 
> proprietary information, and may be used only by the person or entity 
> to which it is addressed. If the reader of this e-mail is not the 
> intended recipient or intended recipient’s authorized agent, the 
> reader is hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or 
> copying of this e-mail is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail 
> in error, please notify the sender by replying to this message and delete 
> this e-mail immediately.

This e-mail, including attachments, may include confidential and/or
proprietary information, and may be used only by the person or entity
to which it is addressed. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended
recipient or intended recipient’s authorized agent, the reader is hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail is
prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the
sender by replying to this message and delete this e-mail immediately.

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Re: Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

2023-10-11 Thread Eliot Moss via Cygwin

On 10/11/2023 12:37 PM, Hendrickson, Eric D via Cygwin wrote:

Hello all,

As a ~25 year user and sometime contributor to Cygwin, I support Cygwin here at 
my place of work.  Does anyone know why we are deploying Ruby 2.6 which EOL 
about 18 months ago?

I'm concerned about proliferation of EOL versions of Ruby in case some security 
risk / 0Day is identified.

Please advise.
Eric Hendrickson

If nobody has responded I can give a generic response:
"Because cygwin is all volunteer and someone has not volunteered,
or did volunteer and is behind, or fell off the radar."

Someone else will know how to look up if there is a currently
registered volunteer for Ruby ...

Eliot Moss

This e-mail, including attachments, may include confidential and/or
proprietary information, and may be used only by the person or entity
to which it is addressed. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended
recipient or intended recipient’s authorized agent, the reader is hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail is
prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the
sender by replying to this message and delete this e-mail immediately.

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Ruby EOL in Cygwin 3.4.9?

2023-10-11 Thread Hendrickson, Eric D via Cygwin
Hello all,

As a ~25 year user and sometime contributor to Cygwin, I support Cygwin here at 
my place of work.  Does anyone know why we are deploying Ruby 2.6 which EOL 
about 18 months ago?

I'm concerned about proliferation of EOL versions of Ruby in case some security 
risk / 0Day is identified.

Please advise.
Eric Hendrickson

This e-mail, including attachments, may include confidential and/or
proprietary information, and may be used only by the person or entity
to which it is addressed. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended
recipient or intended recipient’s authorized agent, the reader is hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail is
prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the
sender by replying to this message and delete this e-mail immediately.

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