note on command line installer

2004-03-26 Thread Ralf Habacker
Hi Robert, 

you may wondering about you haven't heard anything in the last months after I 
have offered some time working on the command line cygwin installer (for 
 but there were some personal (at that time one of my sons has an arm 
fracture, which results in a week spend in a hospital and has eaten my 
preserved time for the installer) and other reasons for this. 

I appreciate your work on this installer very much and I'm using this 
installer still for kde-cygwin, but I recognized that with the current code 
base, implemeting a command line installer would costs too much time I don't 
have yet, so I'm not able to work on this now (this may be change in the 
future, but I can't see this at this time), but I like to give some report so 
that others, how may benefit from this work. 

The main problems with the recent code base I see are 

1. the intermixing of gui and core functionality. 
You have written about a minimal way to implement new applications using all 
files in one directory, but this is one of the main problems. If someone 
implements a command line installer, he is only interested on the core stuff 
not the gui stuff. The intermixing makes it very hard to see what is gui and 
what is core, and probably gui and other patches will be applied on wrong 
places, which increases needed bug fixing efforts. 

2. The high abstraction of the api. 
In the last two years I have analysed and patched some of the kde sources and 
I have recognized this as a relative easy task because of the very high 
clearness of this implementation. With the cygwin installer sources sometime 
I felt lost, which makes it very hard to understand, whats going on and where 
to patch. 

Because it seems to be a problem to separate the gui from the core in the 
current implementation, the easiest thing would be to start new from scratch 
by using all usable code and classes from the current implementation with a 
clear design. 

BTW: Currently I'm using a shell based command line setup utility, which 
fullfilles most my my needs. If there are any interests for this  let me 


Re: .rdata section in Cygwin executables?

2004-03-12 Thread Ralf Habacker
On Friday 12 March 2004 15:51, Egor Duda wrote:
 Joe Buehler wrote:
  The emacs recompile fails because there is a section in
  the initially built emacs.exe named .rdata that the
  unexec() code for Cygwin is not expecting.  The section
  appears to have something to do with exception handling
  and is only 1k in size.

 .rdata is a section where read-only data, such as constants, is stored.
 Most modern OSes and toolchain try to put as much info as possible to
 read-only segments of binary image because it reduce memory required by
 programs to run (when program is fork()ed, for instance, read-only pages
 may be shared between processes)

In case of using gcc 3.3x and using auto-imported vars, you should use the 
'-fdata-sections' flags for compiling sources because otherwise these 
variables are not detected as variables. See for more infos. 

Just a note. 


AW: HEADSUP: cygserver now has MSG, SEM and SHM support

2003-11-27 Thread Ralf Habacker
 Corinna Vinschen wrote:
 Ok, I don't know how that's implemented in cygipc so I think it might
 be necessary to mention that:

 The implementation of the MSG, SEM and SHM functions in Cygwin are so
 that if the functions are not available (be it that CYGWIN doesn't
 contain the word server or Cygserver isn't running) not only set
 errno to ENOSYS, but they also raise a SIGSYS.

 So it's crucial that your code handles that signal.  At least, it
 should ignore it (signal(SISYS, SIG_IGN)).


for the Xserver that means, that the shm initialisation code has to be
changed to the detecting code used by FreeBSD and friends
(CheckForShmSyscall() in Xserver/Xext/shm.c and Xserver/Xext/xf86bigfont.c)

The cygipc-related stuff could then be removed in both files.


AW: AW: [PATCH] setup - help and local dir commandlineoptionswasRe: Setup Command Line Options

2003-11-02 Thread Ralf Habacker

  2. There are several ways to build the api of such a engine, smaller
  approachs (using mostly available code and classes) or bigger approach
  (complete rewrite), so at first I would prefer to use the
 current code base and to apply minimal changes (see below) to enable gui
and command line
  applications. The above suggested design could then be
 implemented step by step (which means that the current windows message
stuff will be used)

 I think you'll find that that is a hard approach to take, as commandline
 apps don't have an event loop unless you get into creating a hidden
 window and so forth. The minimal engine API I proposed is a reuse
 strategy, but various code will have to be converted as you go.

agreed, I assumed that the event loop has to be in the gui stuff,

  3. While some classes of the recent code base are gui
 independent, there are others which contains gui and non gui stuff
intermixed, which should be
  cleaned up/separated before or while moving to a implementing.


  Needed changes:
  1. defining a rule for class/file naming scheme. There some
 packages which or GUIDELINES
 in the source code.


  2. remove intermixing of GUI and non gui classes in one file

 Yes - I addressed this in my roadmap. for example contains a class AntiVirusPage, which
 provides the gui stuff and AntiVirus for the non gui stuff. If the
 functionality of this classes would be separated in such a manner, that
the gui
 class(es)s contain  only gui related stuff, the gui related stuff could be
 commented out by a C
  define. Unfortunally this isn't true in the most cases I found.
 Using this files in a command line tool need reorganisation of such files,
 which could be done in three flawors:
2.1. reassign the classes functionality and comment out gui stuff with
  #ifdef USE_GUI ... #endif and not defining USE_GUI for command
 line apps or
2.2. move the gui stuff in a new file named like the containing major
  class for example for the AntiVirusPage class.
2.3. leave the gui file naming like it is and create a new
 similar named file for the engine containing the non gui stuff in a
 dir (like I have done in the proof of design)

 A different dir isn't needed for now. 2.1 isn't acceptable, as I don't
 want to have to compile classes twice.


 2.2/2.3 are essentially the same and as long as a different dir isn't
prematurely used are both fine.

see below

   Yes. I sketched out a fairly minimal development path to generate a
   commandline setup that doesn't involve forking the engine code.
   You haven't commented on the approach, rather you appear to have just
   ignored it completely.
  Why ? What is wrong with separating files into different dirs
 in a proof of
  design to get a better overview of the dependencies. May be you are very
  familiar with this code so you don't need something like this,
 but it helped
  me very much to get a clearer image about the dependencies. This is no
  forking. Also see 2. for the need of some separation.

 CVS doesn't have the facilities for tracking movement of source files

1. This may a reason for not separating, but there are several solutions
a. you can add a move hint like class AntiVirusPage moved to/from  in the related files log message
a. we are already forced yet to move classes to other files like the class
AntiVirusPage and other.

 Until the engine is separate, and complete, we won't know for
 sure what is in the engine, and whats in the UI. For instance, will we
 use res.rc in the commandline, or switch to gettext? (I suspect res.rc
 in the commandline). Does that mean we need to split res.rc? or do we
 just ignore the overhead.

The only usable parts from res.rc are the stringtables, but this isn't very
much, so this duplicating may not be a major problem.
Regardless of the used way I think we should define a generic function to
retrieve language strings, so that we can implement whatever we want.

Additional there is the question, should the engine code reports clear text
messages or only return values, so that the message text in only located in
the frontends.  Providing engine related error messages in the engine may
reduce duplication. What about let returning the engine error codes and
providing an additional engine function to retrieve the error messages ?

gettext versus res.rc - I have to think a little more about this.

2. In general this are reason to separate very early because it enforces the
developer to think about the context where the code belongs. At first this
requires a little more efforts to get thins running, but I think this is
worth while. (This is exactly the reason why I have moved the files a
different dir in the provided sources, I have already moved about 80% of the

So do what you like to say ?  Should we separate now or not ?

AW: [Patch] Resizing fixes

2003-11-01 Thread Ralf Habacker

 On Fri, 2003-10-31 at 23:33, Frank Richter wrote:
  This patch now properly deals with minimizing the window - before, some
  sizes/positions were slightly off when the window was minimized and
  restored. It also constraints the size of the property sheet, it now
  can't get smaller than it's initial size.

 APplied. Please submit patches with diff -up always - they are much
 easier to read, and more robust at applying to altered source.

I've tried the resizing stuff and it is really great.
While i'm working with this, I've got two ideas for improving the general
selection window.

The first one is to split the list into two parts: a category window on the
left side and a package list on the right (like yast on suse linux) and
second a search field to search for a specific package.

I see some advantage of this:

1. The navigation through packages would be a easier because the items on
the category list are scollable independantly from the package list.
2. the package windows does not need a horizontal scrollbar, because the
package informations are printed on the window bottom when selecting a
package, this reduces the needing scrolling operations to read the package
info. In short: The user does see more information at one time.
3. The search field allows a very fast access to each individual package.

category packages  release
|+All(2)   || x [cygwin-doc]1.2-4 |
|+Admin|| -  docbook-xml42|
|+Archive  || -  docbook-xsl  |
|+Base || (1) |
|+Database || |
|+Devel|| |
|[Doc] || |
|+Editors  || |
|+Games|| |
|  || |
| ...  || |
+--+| |
search packages | |
+--+| |
|  || |
package info
|cygwin specific information, including man pages and |
|User's guide |

(1) this icon could be toggled through install (with choosing the requested
releases), uninstall, reinstall, upgrade,...
(2) I don't think that it makes sense to add a install, uninstall button for
each category. Makes it sense to install *all* databases or *all* editors ?
I don't think so. Upgrading all packages in this category makes more sense,
i think.

Only a little note.

BTW: Currently I'm very busy with the command line version of setup,
afterthat I probably will be able to contribute to this.


AW: AW: [PATCH] setup - help and local dir command lineoptionswasRe: Setup Command Line Options

2003-11-01 Thread Ralf Habacker

 On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 12:16, Ralf Habacker wrote:
   I need more time to think about what you have written and how to
   start with which class,
  I have take some time to inspect how it could be go and have build a
  testcase to see what kind of api is needed. Please note that I am
  concentrated only to get a command line version initial running, so I've
  removed the not needed gui stuff.  Currently I can't send in a patch for
  this, because I have splitted the relating engine files into subdir and
  build a static library to allow file including checks, although
 the binariy
  and sources could be downloaded  here:

 Sounds like you've gone too far too fast. I don't have the time to
 review a non-delta set of changes.
Particularly ones that throw away a lot of code (the gui) that -must- be

I think there are some mißunderstandings. This code is *not* ready for
reviewing. This is a step before, because while I'm working on this I have
found some specification needs of the basic design. Let me explain what I

1. Definition of the term engine. Actually I understand under the engine
all classes, functions and structures of the recently setup installer,
which could be used are a common base to build gui or command line based
installer. This definition may differs from your view, sow we have to
adjust this.

   I don't have a particular preference, but I've listed those in likely
 order of difficulty (for migration from the current code base) - and we
 should only use one approach. If we want to use windows messages, I
 suspect we want to wrap the engine in an adapter - as the command line
 tool won't have a message loop.
 * never throws exceptions: all errors must be handled in the engine, and
 propogated to the UI via the callback mechanism. (We need a callback for
 engine termination.)

 The UI needs to be able to:
 * query the engine for the available options
 * hand user details into the engine
 * retrieve structured data (ie. the list of sites)
 * attempt to action a given stage of the engine.
 * display progress of long running tasks.

2. There are several ways to build the api of such a engine, smaller
approachs (using mostly available code and classes) or bigger approach
(complete rewrite), so at first I would prefer to use the current code base
and to apply minimal changes (see below) to enable gui and command line
applications. The above suggested design could then be implemented step by
step (which means that the current windows message stuff will be used)

3. While some classes of the recent code base are gui independent, there are
others which contains gui and non gui stuff intermixed, which should be
cleaned up/separated before or while moving to a implementing.

Needed changes:

1. defining a rule for class/file naming scheme. There some packages which
are written lowercase (1) and some mixed (2). What's the prefered one ?
   some examples (this is mainly for me to learn what the current strategy
typeclass   file

1   packagemeta package_meta(.h|.cc)
1   packagedb   package_db(.h|.cc)
2   UserSetting UserSetting(.h|.cc)
2   AntiVirus   AntiVirus(.h|.cc) (see topic 2)
AntiVirusPage   AntiVirus(.h|.cc)(see topic 2)

2. remove intermixing of GUI and non gui classes in one file for example contains a class AntiVirusPage, which provides the
gui stuff and AntiVirus for the non gui stuff. If the functionality of this
classes would be separated in such a manner, that the gui class(es)s contain
only gui related stuff, the gui related stuff could be commented out by a C
define. Unfortunally this isn't true in the most cases I found. Using this
files in a command line tool need reorganisation of such files, which could
be done in three flawors:
  2.1. reassign the classes functionality and comment out gui stuff with
#ifdef USE_GUI ... #endif and not defining USE_GUI for command line apps or
  2.2. move the gui stuff in a new file named like the containing major
class for example for the AntiVirusPage class.
  2.3. leave the gui file naming like it is and create a new similar named
file for the engine containing the non gui stuff in a different dir (like I
have done in the proof of design)

Here a general decision of the maintainer is required.

There may be more issues, but I think for now is is enough and I'm waiting
for your comments.

 Yes. I sketched out a fairly minimal development path to generate a
 commandline setup that doesn't involve forking the engine code.
 You haven't commented on the approach, rather you appear to have just
 ignored it completely.

Why ? What is wrong with separating files into different dirs

AW: AW: [PATCH] setup - help and local dir command line optionswasRe: Setup Command Line Options

2003-10-31 Thread Ralf Habacker
  On Sat, 2003-10-25 at 22:23, Ralf Habacker wrote:
This is in the wrong place: LocalDirSetting::load is the
  right method to
query the option from.
   While thinking about this a while more, I recognized that there
  is some more
   basic work necessary how to design the command line interface.
   Are there any other requests or hints about the design ?
  I've roughed stuff out here before, I think. Anywhere, here goes a quick
  brain dump.
 I need more time to think about what you have written and how to
 start with which class,

I have take some time to inspect how it could be go and have build a
testcase to see what kind of api is needed. Please note that I am
concentrated only to get a command line version initial running, so I've
removed the not needed gui stuff.  Currently I can't send in a patch for
this, because I have splitted the relating engine files into subdir and
build a static library to allow file including checks, although the binariy
and sources could be downloaded  here:


I have done the following steps to get a compiled exe.

cd .../setup_new
mkdir debug
cd debug
../configure CXX=g++ -mno-cygwin CC=gcc -mno-cywin
cd engine

This will build the library and the enginetest applications, which has some
basic functionality like:

enginetest-0.0.1.exe --query --all  - list all installed packages
enginetest-0.0.1.exe --query --list packagename   - list all files of the
installed package

The main problem after finding where to remove/hack the gui related stuff,
is to detect the needed objects/method for the requested operation. Is is
sometimevery hard to follow the current code base and some light for this
would be nice, so it there is someone how can give me some more informations
(ideal would be some basic coding like mentioned below) it would be nice.

For the currently implemented (and some more I'm going to implement)
functions the used objects/methods are listed below

if (QueryPackageOption) {
if (ListAllPackagesOption) {
packagedb db;
db.listAllPackages(cout);   [new method of packagedb]

if (ListFilesInPackagesOption) {
packageversion pkg = cygpackage::createInstance(argv[optind]);
String s = pkg.getfirstfile();
while (s.size()  0) {
cout s.cstr()  endl;
s = pkg.getnextfile();
site list handling
- list all mirrors
- allow user to choose one mirror

related functions/classes/methods

// clear selected mirror
site_list.clear ();
get_site_list(;); [uses
parameter instead of using LoadString()]
// iterate throug the site lists.
for (SiteList::const_iterator n = site_list.begin (); n != 
(); ++n)

// set used mirror
site_list = all_site_list[mirror];

install/reinstall/upgrade/remove packages

static BoolOption DownloadOption (false, 'D', download, Download 
static BoolOption LocalOption (false, 'L', local-install, Install 
local directory);
static BoolOption InstallOption (false, 'I', install, Install from

static StringOption SourceURLOption (false, 'S', source-packages,
source package path (http,ftp,file,rsync,...));
static BoolOption InstallOption (false, 'i', install, Install);
static BoolOption InstallOption (false, 'e', erase, erase package);
static BoolOption InstallOption (false, 'u', upgrade, upgrade
static BoolOption InstallOption (false, 'f', fresh, reinstall

  if (DownloadOption)
else if (LocalOption)
source = IDC_SOURCE_CWD;

  packagedb db;
  db.task =  source == IDC_SOURCE_DOWNLOAD ? PackageDB_Download :

How it goes on


Any comments ?


RE: [PATCH] setup - help and local dir command lineoptionswasRe: Setup Command Line Options

2003-10-27 Thread Ralf Habacker
 On Mon, 2003-10-27 at 03:49, Ralf Habacker wrote:
  Hi Rob, 
   Oh, and please resubmit the patch with the correction I requested..
  here is it. I hope it is correct now. 
 Not quite: I'm not in the business of splitting up patches and adjusting
 changelogs - could you please provide:
 The patch for and 
 The updated changelog
Here is it. 



2003-10-27  Ralf Habacker  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* (HelpOption): New instance.
(main): Added help command line option handling.
* (LocalDirOption): New instance.
(LocalDirSetting::load) allow setting localdir 
from command line.

Description: Binary data

AW: AW: [PATCH] setup - help and local dir command line optionswasRe: Setup Command Line Options

2003-10-26 Thread Ralf Habacker

 On Sat, 2003-10-25 at 22:23, Ralf Habacker wrote:
   This is in the wrong place: LocalDirSetting::load is the
 right method to
   query the option from.
  While thinking about this a while more, I recognized that there
 is some more
  basic work necessary how to design the command line interface.
  Are there any other requests or hints about the design ?

 I've roughed stuff out here before, I think. Anywhere, here goes a quick
 brain dump.

I need more time to think about what you have written and how to start with
which class, but let me ask one question now, perhaps you can fix this:

Have you tried to compile the inilint example in the last time ? I have to
add so many additional files because of dependencies and the last one
'threebar.o' one introduce a gui class, so the example could not be build as
console application :-(

These one I have to add
package_version.$(OBJEXT) package_db.$(OBJEXT) \
cygpackage.$(OBJEXT) package_meta.$(OBJEXT) package_source.$(OBJEXT)  \
compress.$(OBJEXT) compress_gz.$(OBJEXT) compress_bz.$(OBJEXT)
hash.$(OBJEXT) log.$(OBJEXT) \
mklink2.$(OBJEXT) mount.$(OBJEXT) msg.$(OBJEXT) state.$(OBJEXT)
dialog.$(OBJEXT) script.$(OBJEXT) download.$(OBJEXT) threebar.$(OBJEXT)\


[PATCH] libtool patch for direct-linking-to-dll

2003-02-28 Thread Ralf Habacker
Hi all,

appended is a libtool patch (based on the current official libtool release
2003-02-16 for enabling the direct-linking-to-dll functionality, which was
applied  a few weeks ago to the binutils cvs release and give a major linking
time improvement especially for big applications and/or libraries. See for further details.

Please note that this patch currently works only with the current cvs ld release
and should be used as a prelimary patch, because it does not check, if ld does
support this functionality. It is enabled by default.

A way for checking this should be discussed. I see two ways for dealing this

1. Adding an ld option like --disable-dll-linking or so, which existance could
be checked in libtool, autoconf or configure (currently I don't where the best
place is). This option isn't a must be and it is only used for detecting the
functionality, because the necessary ld changes are backward compatible.

2. Using the ld's release time 2003
$ ld -v
GNU ld version 2.xx.yy 2003...
3. Another great idea, I currently do not have 

Any hints or comments ?

2003-02-27  Ralf Habacker  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* libtool.m4 (AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_DYNAMIC_LINKER): Removed
postinstall_cmds and postuninstall_cmds,
  added shared library to 'library_names_spec'.
(AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_CXX_CONFIG): Removed import library
generation from 'archive_cmds'.

* (install cygwin/mingw): added installing
of shared libraries into 'bin' dir
(uninstall cygwin/mingw): added uninstalling
of shared libraries


Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data

RE: [ITP] rebase (resend)

2003-02-17 Thread Ralf Habacker

 I found another bug (most likely introduce by me in a previous patch)
 when rebasing up and the DLL is already based at the requested address.
 The attached patch is one way to correct this problem.
Applied and checked in. 


RE: [ITP] rebase

2003-02-15 Thread Ralf Habacker
 Just out of curiosity, why has this discussion suddenly moved to cygwin
 at cygwin dot com from cygwin-apps at cygwin dot com?

It was my error, an little accident. Sorry


RE: [ITP] rebase

2003-02-12 Thread Ralf Habacker

 Your guard:

 (char *)relocp  (char *)relocs + size

 wasn't tight enough.

 My version:

 (char *)relocp-SizeOfBlock  (char *)relocs + size

 seems to be.

What was the problem with this guard: Does it not fix the last entry of a
relocation block ?


RE: [ITP] rebase

2003-02-10 Thread Ralf Habacker
 I can reproduce it now.  I will debug and try to fix it myself.  If I'm
 unsuccessful, then I will ask Ralf for help.

Jason, your rebase depends on the ms imagehelp library, isn't it.
A way may be to try my version with the -D flag. This give some additional hint
about the internals of the dll.


RE: Integrating Ralf's rebase into setup.exe

2003-01-30 Thread Ralf Habacker
 The attached fixes the following:
 1. merge problem when you applied (by hand?) the following patch:
 2. bug I introduced in the above patch when I attempted but did
not successfully fix rebasing up
 #1 causes the base address to be an extra DLL size amount lower and #2
 causes the base address to be an extra DLL size amount higher.
Applied and checked in. 


[patch] auto-import-dll libtool related patch

2003-01-25 Thread Ralf Habacker
Hi all,

relating to the auto-import-to dll patch in I have added an minor
patch to prevent importing a dll more than one time, which otherwise results in
multiple symbol definition errors.

Especially in libtool environments I have recognized that using the same dll
more than one time occurs often because of the automatic dependency tracking.

2003-01-25  Ralf Habacker  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* deffile.h (def_get_module): new prototype.
  * deffilep.y (def_get_module): new function.
  * pe-dll.c (pe_implied_import_dll): added code to
  prevent importing a dll multiple times.


Description: Binary data

RE: [patch] auto-import-dll libtool related patch

2003-01-25 Thread Ralf Habacker

 Especially in libtool environments I have recognized that using the
 same dll more than one time occurs often because of the automatic
 dependency tracking.

I should add, that this problem only occurs when using the dll like an object
file not as a library.

gcc -o xx.exe objectfiles dll.dll dll.dll - will fail without this patch

gcc -o xx.exe objectfiles -L. -ldll -ldll - will not fail


RE: Integrating Ralf's rebase into setup.exe

2003-01-21 Thread Ralf Habacker
Hi Jason, 

 The attached patch enables libimagehelper.a to be usable by C source
Applied. Thanks for fixing this. 


RE: Integrating Ralf's rebase into setup.exe

2003-01-03 Thread Ralf Habacker
Hi Gary,

 How about libhabackersimagehelp.a etc?

this would suggest, that this is my lib, but there are also others who have
worked and probably will work on this library. I habe only started this lib

I think imagehelper will be good.


RE: Integrating Ralf's rebase into setup.exe

2003-01-03 Thread Ralf Habacker
  1) some that go to stdout probably should be stderr, and vice versa.

 still open. I think debug message should go to cerr and normal printing should
 go to cout.

This seems mostly to be fixed in the recent cvs release.


RE: Integrating Ralf's rebase into setup.exe

2003-01-02 Thread Ralf Habacker
 Still missing a lot of the errors that were fixed in my patch.  Here's 
 the remainder:
 1) 'hex' and 'endl' are also in the std:: namespace
 2) needs 'using namespace std;'
 3) (new) rebind_main will rebind the first commandline argument over and 
 over; it needs to use argv[i] not argv[1]
 4) and seem not have gotten any of the std:: 
 errmmm...why not inspect the patch below for correctness, and then apply 
  commit, rather than implementing all of the fixes by hand, which 
 invariably will skip/miss some?
Chuck, thanks for this patch. I have applied it. 


RE: Integrating Ralf's rebase into setup.exe

2003-01-02 Thread Ralf Habacker
 Rob suggested libcygimagehlp.a for the library.

 Should we leave the names as is, but use -L and -I to find the right
 files instead?

If I remember right, this lib will be used for a cygwin based rebase and later
in the cygwin's setup application which is mingw based. So this lib must be
buildable for cygwin and mingw, isn't it ?

Additional I assume a standalone mingw based rebase would be also nice for the
mingw people.

Any comments ?


RE: Integrating Ralf's rebase into setup.exe

2003-01-02 Thread Ralf Habacker
 Thats orthogonal (but IIRC is possible now/soon). The build within
 setup.exe will be a .a library, not a .dll. You could always use a
 compile flag to choose between cout error reporting and exceptions.

What about the following:

Step 1: library for standalone rebase

Every exported library function sets an error with SetLastError() and returns a
false condition, so a user could inspect this with GetLastError().
If the library must be debugged set SetImageHlpDebug(1) to enable debug message

Step 2:  library in setup.exe
add exception handling enabled by a -D option.

Step 1 is already in already supported.


RE: Integrating Ralf's rebase into setup.exe

2003-01-02 Thread Ralf Habacker
  If I remember right, this lib will be used for a cygwin based
 rebase and later
  in the cygwin's setup application which is mingw based. So this lib must be
  buildable for cygwin and mingw, isn't it ?

 Yes. And the library should use the appropriate naming convention for
 the target platform.
 I *don't* think it should be named libimagehlp.a,
 because it's *not* a 100% replacement for libimagehlp.

You have already stated

 - libcygimagehlp  (for cygwin applications like rebase)

Do you mean

 - libmingwimagehlp

for setup.exe ?

What about the header ?  It could be the same in both variants. Symbolic linking

mingwimagehlp.h  - cygimagehlp.h

I think that's bad. The bfd library is named libbfd.xx on every platform, so
this library should be named in another way.

What about imagehelper.a and imagehelper.h and using autoconf stuff ?


RE: Integrating Ralf's rebase into setup.exe

2003-01-02 Thread Ralf Habacker
 But, they are part of Cygwin gcc in Mingw mode (i.e., gcc -mno-cygwin).

You're right. My gcc installation was corrupted. Now I can compile it.

What about getopt, I can find the symbol in a library, but not the related
header. ?

I have installed mingw-runtime 2.2.1.


RE: Integrating Ralf's rebase into setup.exe

2003-01-02 Thread Ralf Habacker
 IIRC, it is not part of Mingw.

 I just used a copy of getopt.[ch] from the Cygwin sources for my stand
 alone rebase.

That curious: getopt is compiled into /usr/lib/mingw/libliberty.a; only the
header is missing.
I've copied the header from /usr/include/getopt.h to /usr/include/mingw and it

Now it seme to works. I have checked in the recent version in the cvs.


RE: Integrating Ralf's rebase into setup.exe

2003-01-02 Thread Ralf Habacker

 Not really -- it doesn't compile anymore.  Among other things:

You have gotten me just between finishing the things. I was interrupted a little
after written the last mail, so 10 minutes later is was mostly fixed.

 0) Update the changelog when you do stuff.  (You renamed the library
 itself, and that doesn't rate a mention in the ChangeLog?)

 1) you need to 'cvs add imagehelper.h'
 (and 'rm imagehlp.h  cvs remove imagehlp.h')
 This is the biggie -- all of the .cc files now look for
 imagehelper.h -- but it isn't in CVS.

 2) you probably should also
 rm  cvs remove
 since you're actually using the nearly identical '' file

 3) Makefile rule for REBASE_FILES should be changed back to
 REBASE_FILES=rebase_main.o version.o $(LIB_TARGET_FILE)


 4) You probably should use ar cru to create your static library, ar
 qf will flake unless you ranlib it each time.

 5) is the '' file used at all?

it is used in


RE: Integrating Ralf's rebase into setup.exe

2003-01-01 Thread Ralf Habacker

 -  ctFile dll(filename);
 +  LinkedObjectFile dll(filename);

 README needs a brief note about this 0.6 version.
  More than I have written in my last email ?

 No, it's just that the README file itself contains some brief
 descriptions of version 0.1 -- 0.5, but not 0.6.  I thought it odd that
 0.6 was missing.


  Created with cvs2cl and added to the cvs.

 Interesting tool -- I'd never heard of it before.


If you check in all changed files with a single cvs call and same message, it
will be gathered in a single change log entry.


RE: Integrating Ralf's rebase into setup.exe

2003-01-01 Thread Ralf Habacker
 And heres a show stopper. The library should not use cout at all. It
 should throw an exception, and let the user interface handle it.
Does this work also, if this library is compiled as a dll ? 

Do you have an example, how to do for this ? 


Re: Integrating Ralf's rebase into setup.exe

2002-12-31 Thread Ralf Habacker
Hi all,

relating to the this thread, which starts at I have updated the
rebase source with :

- creates a static lib containing all needed objectfiles for RebaseImage() and
  The library is named libimagehlp.a and the relating include file imagehlp.h.
  After checking out just call

$ make imagehlp

  and the lib is created.

- the debug message printing is conditionalized with an internal debug flag, so
by default the code does not print any debug messages.



RE: Integrating Ralf's rebase into setup.exe

2002-12-31 Thread Ralf Habacker
 However, should we use the names libimagehlp.a and imagehlp.h?  They
 clash with the mingw versions.
Do you have a better name ? 


RE: Integrating Ralf's rebase into setup.exe

2002-12-31 Thread Ralf Habacker
 I needed to make the following changes before this would compile. 
 Mostly namespace errors,

the std:: below or something else ? 

  but also a typo 
where ? 

 and main() void vs. int.

 I figured the library files should explicitly call std::cout  friends, 

 but the executables could go ahead and say 'using namespace std;'.
 Oh, a few other niggles: why does Makefile have DOS line-endings

 README needs a brief note about this 0.6 version.  

More than I have written in my last email ? 

And shouldn't there be a ChangeLog?

Created with cvs2cl and added to the cvs. 



RE: Uncompilable setup.exe... again

2002-11-14 Thread Ralf Habacker
 What I am doing wrong ? Should I update my Cygwin version too ?

See the config.log if there is an 'could not find -luser32' or so.

I've encountered missing w32api library search path in recent mingw ld.

perhaps it help to configure with ( I don't remember exactly which VAR I have

LDFLAGS=-L/usr/lib/w32api configure ...
CFLAGS=-L/usr/lib/w32api configure ...


RE: Doxygen

2002-10-05 Thread Ralf Habacker

 Do you have a reason to avoid a patch like this ?
  Then again - you do not define  D_WIN32 only for qtools subdir, but also
  for the src subdir. This means that anycode in the main doxygen
  body which
  has #ifdef _WIN32 clause in it will choose to use the wrong branch.
  Or if you really want to use the _WIN32 code then add to the
  #ifdef _WIN32
  also a check for __CYGWIN__. But this should be done on your prior
  knowledge that this is really the way it must be done. Ie you have to
  check the source by yourself and decide where _WIN32 is needed and where

 You should not be using _WIN32 in the Cygwin port because the Qt library
 will not deal with UNIX filenames properly.
 You can use the version of the Qt files from kde-cygwin and copy those over
 the files in doxygen. That should work.

I have tried, it could be compiled out of the box with qt 2.3 including


RE: Please review ,vote, and I will review

2002-10-02 Thread Ralf Habacker

 tmake is a generator of the Makefile.
 It search *.c and *.h files, and generates Makefile.
 It cannot generate a perfect Makefile but use it as template.
 tmake is very useful with qt, because It's trolltech's software, Qt
 library package includes tmake.

Do you have recognized that starting with version 3.0, Qt includes qmake, an
improved incarnation of tmake,
which is currently available in the cygwin port of qt3 on the kde-cygwin project
Additional some time ago Nicolas Wourms has announced, that the he is going to
make a cygwin package for qt3, so I think this had to be checked.


ld seg fault while creating import library

2002-08-16 Thread Ralf Habacker

Hi all,

Nicholas Wourms has encountered a segfault on linking qt3, while ld creates the
import library.

Currently I'm investigating some time to fix this and the first results are the

ld uses the function pe_dll_generate_implib (def, impfilename) in pe-dll.c to
create the import library.
For each object file in the import library a bfd object is created. In recent
releases this function eats about 30 KB for each object file. The qt2 import
library contains 12078 objectfile, which needs 350 MB only for generating the
import library and causes the seg fault in the descripted case.

$ nm /usr/local/lib/qt2/lib/libqt.dll.a  | grep .o: | wc -l

The related functions are in pe-dll.c

pe_dll_generate_implib(def, impfilename)
make_one (exp, parent)
!!! These are the functions in which the memory is

With the help of a little malloc debugger under
i can see, that the memory used by make_one() and subfunctions need tweny kilo
bytes more than the  kde-cygwin binutils, which is based on the official
20011102 release. It seems that there are two additional malloc calls in the
objalloc related functions in libiberty.

make_one (exp, parent)

new old
malloc(4064)=1ade29d8 [00487a11]malloc(4064)=0e7e5ec8 [0047bb95]
malloc(20)=1ade39c0 [0047ea54]  malloc(20)=0e7e6eb0 [00472e1c]
malloc(152)=1ade39d8 [00440fac] malloc(132)=0e7e6ec8 [0043d7cc]
malloc(12)=1ade3a78 [004878b0]  malloc(12)=0e7e6f50 [0047bad1]
malloc(4064)=1ade3a88 [004878d1]malloc(4064)=0e7e6f60 [0047bae7]
malloc(12)=1ade4a70 [004878b0]

!malloc(4064)=1ade4a80 [004878d1]
!malloc(16216)=1ade5a68 [004879b4]

malloc(8)=1ade99c8 [00440f28]   malloc(8)=0e7e7f48 [0043d748]
malloc(44)=1ade99d8 [0047ea54]  malloc(44)=0e7e7f58 [00472e1c]
malloc(24)=1ade9a08 [0047ea54]  malloc(35)=0e7e7f88 [00472e1c]
malloc(18)=1ade9a28 [0047ea54]  malloc(18)=0e7e7fb0 [00472e1c]
malloc(30)=1ade9a40 [0047ea54]  malloc(41)=0e7e7fc8 [00472e1c]
malloc(8)=1ade9a68 [0047ea54]   malloc(8)=0e7e7ff8 [00472e1c]
malloc(160)=1ade9a78 [0047ea54] malloc(160)=0e7e8008 [00472e1c]
malloc(8)=1ade9b20 [0047ea54]   malloc(8)=0e7e80b0 [00472e1c]
malloc(4)=1ade9b30 [0047ea54]   malloc(4)=0e7e80c0 [00472e1c]
malloc(160)=1ade9b40 [0047ea54] malloc(160)=0e7e80d0 [00472e1c]
malloc(8)=1ade9be8 [0047ea54]   malloc(8)=0e7e8178 [00472e1c]
malloc(4)=1ade9bf8 [0047ea54]   malloc(4)=0e7e8188 [00472e1c]
malloc(160)=1ade9c08 [0047ea54] malloc(160)=0e7e8198 [00472e1c]
malloc(8)=1ade9cb0 [0047ea54]   malloc(8)=0e7e8240 [00472e1c]
malloc(4)=1ade9cc0 [0047ea54]   malloc(4)=0e7e8250 [00472e1c]
malloc(160)=1ade9cd0 [0047ea54] malloc(160)=0e7e8260 [00472e1c]
malloc(8)=1ade9d78 [0047ea54]   malloc(8)=0e7e8308 [00472e1c]
malloc(26)=1ade9d88 [0047ea54]  malloc(36)=0e7e8318 [00472e1c]

!malloc(384)=1ade9da8 [00440f67]
!malloc(20)=1adea030 [00440f28]

Any ideas ?


RE: setup.exe and replacing of in-use files

2002-07-17 Thread Ralf Habacker

 On Mon, Jul 15, 2002 at 02:07:44PM +0200, Ralf Habacker wrote:
  using release number like 2.2.2-[ab][0-9] has historical reasons and
  because of the problems of the sourceforge file release system as I
  wrote in I
  can't change this for already released files :-(,
  so are there any other possibilities to solve this problem ?

 PRC-Tools tells its users to point setup.exe at

 (i.e. our Sourceforge *website*) and then uses HTTP redirects therein to
 map whatever collective hallucination we'd like setup.exe to see into
 the reality of the Sourceforge file release system.  For us, it's pretty

 RedirectMatch install/(.*[^/].*/.*)$1

thanks for this hint, it works for me too.

Please grant me one question with this redirect. Perhaps you can help me:

This redirect requires a path like  sf-project-name/file in the setup.ini.
I've tried to change the above line into

RedirectMatch install/(.*)$$1

to avoid this preeceding sf-project-name but this doesn't work and the apache
online help of mod_alias doesn't gave me enough infos to find the problem. Any
ideas ?


RE: setup.exe and replacing of in-use files

2002-07-15 Thread Ralf Habacker

 On Sun, Jul 14, 2002 at 09:57:07PM +0200, Ralf Habacker wrote:
 Ralf Habacker wrote:
 By hand, because sourceforge does not allow any subdirs in the download
 area, so upset and other scripts are not usable:-(

 upset doesn't rely on subdirs.

Isn't upset used for generating setup.ini from the package tree in release/


Packages are grouped by directory under release. The directory name is the same
as the package name. For example, the boffo package will live in the boffo
subdirectory. Exceptions to this rule are historical. All new packages will
follow the rule of package name == directory name. However, for closely related
groups of packages, it is acceptable to use a heirarchical tree under release/:

If upset is used for parsing the packages under /release how should it
distinguish multiple setup.hint files if they are not located in different dirs


RE: setup.exe and replacing of in-use files

2002-07-15 Thread Ralf Habacker

 The package release field must be pure numeric. I.e. 2.2.2-1, not 2.2.2-b1.
 If you want a beta tag on packages then try 2.2.2b-1. The package release
 field provides no information about package status, just versioning. Use the
 package version field to provide such information.

using release number like 2.2.2-[ab][0-9] has historical reasons and because of
the problems of the sourceforge file release system as I wrote in I can't change this
for already released files :-(,

so are there any other possibilities to solve this problem ?


RE: setup.exe and replacing of in-use files

2002-07-14 Thread Ralf Habacker

 Who is creating kde's setup.ini?  Are they writing it by hand,

By hand, because sourceforge does not allow any subdirs in the download area, so
upset and other scripts are not usable:-(

 If the former, then the human who wrote it is WRONG.  the package name
 for the file 'kde-x-1.3.tar.bz2' is 'kde-x' -- so the  line should be


 not kde_x ?




RE: setup.exe and replacing of in-use files

2002-07-14 Thread Ralf Habacker

Ralf Habacker wrote:

 Who is creating kde's setup.ini?  Are they writing it by hand,
 By hand, because sourceforge does not allow any subdirs in the
 download area, so
 upset and other scripts are not usable:-(
 Why don't you ASK them to allow you to create folders.
 Explain why you need them.

For what should this be good, when I cannot have write access to this folder ?

The download area is completly managed by php scripts using a postgresql
database and they does not allow direct manipulation.

2. sourceforge is now only a service and no more an open source application, so
there is no possibility to change the php sources to implement such a
functionality. It seems curious, but it is not possible to delete or rename
files in the download area, so the consequence is, that there is no chance to
correct done decisions :-(

3. if there would be a way over the sourceforge stuff I don't like to send a
support request for each update I like to do and  it seems the don't like to
implement such feature, for which I have send in a feature request without any
replay :-(

 Have you tried logging in to your shell account and manually create the

Yes, of course, but unfortunally project members have no shell access to the
download area because of the database synchronisation problems.

 Also, you could just use Upset on your own machine
 to generate the ini file, then strip the directories away...

This may be a solution, but isn't upset a perl script ? Currently that may be a
little problem for me because I'm not a perl expert, but I will take a look.


RE: new setup.exe crashes with kde's setup.ini

2002-06-27 Thread Ralf Habacker

 AFAICT is not a valid

Rob, where is the problem with it. I have updated it after your last hints. Does
I have forgotten something ?


RE: new setup.exe crashes with kde's setup.ini

2002-06-27 Thread Ralf Habacker

 [Per instructions at]
 On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 08:02:47PM +1000, Robert Collins wrote:
  AFAICT is not a valid
  It's a redirect page of some sort.
 Yes.  They've been screwed by the download mirror system Sourceforge
 introduced on 2002-05-03.  As I wrote when I changed prc-tools's
 .htaccess to deal with this:
   Update the redirect to cope with Sourceforge's new download
   mirror system.  You'd think they could have implemented that
   without breaking all the old URLs, but no...
 They need to tell people to use
 (or similar) instead.
Thanks for this hint, I will update the website. 

 That works fine in but has a parse error in the 2.253
 snapshot, perhaps because of the blank line at the end.

 (Hey, nice parse error message!  That'll help if the bizarre parse error
 prc-tools's setup.ini was intermittently getting recurs.)

RE: binutils status ?

2002-05-30 Thread Ralf Habacker

 On Thu, May 23, 2002 at 11:50:20PM +0200, Ralf Habacker wrote:
 If have tested this patch with my cygin /bin dir (345 files) and rebinded kde
 2.2.2 dll's and exes (335 files) and have got no problems with
 printing import
 2002-05-23  Ralf Habacker  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * peXXigen.c (pe_print_idata): fixed some seg faults
   on printing import tables with auto-imported symbols.

 I have applied this patch, with Nick's permission.

 The patch did apply cleanly but I did have to do a substantial amount of
 cleanup on spacing issues.  The indentation was really off, AFAICT.

Thanks for this hint. I'll review the documentation to see what I have done
wrong, so the next patches should be better in this way.



RE: [PATCH] pei386: make --enable-auto-import default

2002-05-30 Thread Ralf Habacker

 When info-pei386_auto_import = -1 (default) then we continue to issue a
 message when auto-importing a variable.  If info-pei386_auto_import =
 1, then we suppress those informational messages -- the user obviously
 knows that she is auto-importing variables, since she explicitly
 --enabled them.

That means, adding --enable-auto-import to the command will only suppress the
warning, isnt' it ?


RE: setup releases

2002-05-28 Thread Ralf Habacker

  On 27 May 2002 
  at 17:09, Ralf Habacker wrote:
  might want to take a look at the actual cvs data for setup.exe. Also, 
  take a look at the original post which cgf was replying to 
  would also encourage you to actually read the cvs data related to setup.exe to 
  actually understand what is going on. If you want more indepth 
  information then I would encourage you to do a search on the entire archive 
  re: setup.exe (search target). Seeing the whole forest is much more 
  informative than seeing just a single tree.
  Thanks for this 

RE: question about objdump output format ?

2002-05-28 Thread Ralf Habacker

 Hi Ralf,

  Here is the patch. It is based on the objdump_ai_segfault_2.patch,
  which I have send in before.

See note below

  Changelog entry for bfd dir --
  2002-05-22 Ralf Habacker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* peXXigen.c (pe_print_idata()): removed double printed
import table lines, added Bound-To comment.
  I hope, the changelog entry is clear. It may be, that the indents
  ate 100% pure, please correct if necessary

 Unfortunately I have some problems with this patch:

   * It does not apply against the current sources in the CVS
 repository.  In fact it is not even close.  There has been some
 recent work on this code by Laurent Pinchart
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] which chnages the layout for the

This patch is based on Laurants work (peXXigen.c cvs version 1.7) and(1) on the
patch in, which fixes some
additional seg fault fixes relating to auto-import.
It is called objdump_ai_segfault_2.patch on the top of this mail and is also
based on Laurants work.

So this is the way:

1. apply objdump_ai_segfault_2 patch

2. apply objdump_no_double_import_table_printing patch.

I have send patch (1) to binutils and cygwin-apps, but unfortunally noone has
checked this in.

   * It appears that although the statement:

   fprintf (file, _(\tvma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name\n));

 implies that a member name will be printed, if the top bit of the
 VMA is set, no name is output:

   if (member  0x8000)
   fprintf (file, \t%04lx\t %4lu, member,
member  0x7fff);

 This is a problem because your patch changes the fprintf to:

   fprintf (file, _(\tvma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name Bound-To\n));

 So that readers might confuse the Bound-To address that is printed
 later on with the (non-existent) Member-Name.  May I suggest that
 you change the fprintf for when the top bit is set to something

   if (member  0x8000)
   fprintf (file, \t%04lx\t %4lu  none, member,
member  0x7fff);

This make sense

   * Your patch completely eliminates the loop starting:

 for (j = 0; j  datasize; j += 4)

 I understand that this is the duplicate information that you are
 trying to avoid, but what if datasize is greater than 4 ?  Would
 this not mean that extra information that should be displayed is
 no longer printed ?

This loop does only the check for detecting differences beetwen the hint array
and the import allocation table,

  One issue may be, printing the line The Import Address Table is
  identical or The Import Address Table (difference are found),
  which I have removed, because I currently see no other reasons than
  on bounded addresses and this is printed explicit. Any comments ?

 Given that the Bound-To addresses are being explicitly displayed, I do
 not have a problem with your patch removing this line.

RE: question about objdump output format ?

2002-05-28 Thread Ralf Habacker

 Regardless, basic patch management would dictate that you provide
 patches against plain CVS.  You shouldn't expect maintainers to apply
 unrelated patches in order to check your changes in.

... but the segfault patch is pending and the removing duplicate line patch
makes no sense (in true it does not work) without th segfault patches. So what
should I do ?
The is a possibility, I can merge both patches and submit it as one, but this
infringe a rule, that patches should cover only single issues because of easier
testing, isn't it ?

So should I merge the patches or what should I do ?


RE: Problem with cygwin install.

2002-05-27 Thread Ralf Habacker

 Nope. Looks good, please submit with a Changelog.

 2002-05-26 Ralf Habacker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* (archive_tar::next_file_name()) fixed broken
GNU long name extension support.
Isn't this a Changelog entry ? 


RE: setup releases

2002-05-27 Thread Ralf Habacker

 It doesn't. It can optionally, and with a bit of tweaking, be built
 against cygwin1.dll. In the future this willg et easier. The
 downloadable setup.exe will always be a mingw application.
... but by default it seems to link to the cygwin dll, how do I avoid this ? 


RE: question about objdump output format ?

2002-05-27 Thread Ralf Habacker

Ralf Habacker

 -Original Message-
 Hi Ralf, Hi Robert,

   Oops. I missed that. If you made (1) look like the following, I have no
   obbjection to (2) going:
   vma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name Bound-To
   181798844  _7QString$null   5ff556b8  (1)
  I will change this, but let us see what Nick Clifton say about this

 Please go ahead and generate and submit a patch.


Here is the patch. It is based on the objdump_ai_segfault_2.patch, which I
have send in before.

Changelog entry for bfd dir --

2002-05-22 Ralf Habacker [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  * peXXigen.c (pe_print_idata()): removed double printed
  import table lines, added Bound-To comment.


I hope, the changelog entry is clear. It may be, that the indents ate 100% pure,
please correct if necessary

One issue may be, printing the line The Import Address Table is identical or
The Import Address Table (difference are found), which I have removed, because
I currently see no other reasons thant on bounded adresses and this is printed
explicit. Any comments ?


Description: Binary data

RE: setup releases

2002-05-27 Thread Ralf Habacker

  It doesn't. It can optionally, and with a bit of tweaking,
 be built   against cygwin1.dll. In the future this willg et easier.
 The   downloadable setup.exe will always be a mingw application. 
... but by default it seems to link to the cygwin dll, how do I
 avoid this ? Use Rob's configure options documented on: That will produce a
 mingw executable.

Thats for this hint.

I assume someone would have this lib installed.

Could anyone place such a file on someones homepage, for example on Chucks
cygutils pages. It would save time not only for me :-)


RE: Problem with cygwin install.

2002-05-26 Thread Ralf Habacker

  Nope. You'll need to debug it. I tested this after Nicholas's recent
  remondier and it worked for me.
 I have tried and recognized, that there are problems with the GNU long name
 extension in The filenames which fails are always over 100
 characters long and this is the limit.
 Does anyone have some informations about how this extension works ?

It seems noone, so it needs a little more time to analyse this bug, but I think
I've catched this bug:

The problem was, that in archive_tar::next_file_name() in case of filenames with
the GNU long name extension a flag state.have_longname is set, but never
reset, which inhibits propper generating of following filenames in the archive.

2002-05-26 Ralf Habacker [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  * (archive_tar::next_file_name()) fixed broken
  GNU long name extension support.

RCS file: /cvs/cygwin-apps/setup/,v
retrieving revision 2.8
diff -u -3 -p -B -b -B -p -r2.8
---  5 May 2002 04:02:00 -   2.8
+++  26 May 2002 19:00:37 -
@@ -168,6 +168,8 @@ archive_tar::next_file_name ()
   memcpy (state.filename,, 100);
   state.filename[100] = 0;
+  else if (state.have_longname)
+   state.have_longname = 0;

   sscanf (state.tar_header.size, %o, state.file_length);
   state.file_offset = 0;

Any comments before submitting ?


RE: Problem with cygwin install.

2002-05-24 Thread Ralf Habacker

 Nope. You'll need to debug it. I tested this after Nicholas's recent
 remondier and it worked for me.

I have tried and recognized, that there are problems with the GNU long name
extension in The filenames which fails are always over 100
characters long and this is the limit.
Does anyone have some informations about how this extension works ?


FW: Problem with cygwin install.

2002-05-23 Thread Ralf Habacker

 From: Don Thorp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 8:53 PM
 Subject: Problem with cygwin install.

 I'm excited to try the software out, but while I was installing it I
 received several warnings. I've attached to images for your review.

Do you have an idea, why this could happen ? The archive is valid, unpacking by
hand works.

It seems so, that this file was interpreted as a dir ...

 if (isadir)
  if (CreateDirectory (path, 0))
return 0;
  gse = GetLastError ();
  fprintf (stderr,
   warning: deleting \%s\ so I can make a directory there\n,
  if (DeleteFileA (path))
return mkdir_p (isadir, path);
  return 1;

or could this have anything to do with the file name length ? It is the longest
filename in the archive (103 characters).

-r--r--r-- Administratoren/Kein1789 2002-04-07 19:25:06

Description: GIF image

Description: GIF image

question about objdump output format ?

2002-05-23 Thread Ralf Habacker

Hi all,

the windows runtime linker allows rebinding of dll's and exe for which I have
written a tool currently located on the kde-cygwin project on

A side effect of this is, that objdump prints each line twice (the second line
contains no additional infos), which blows up listing on bigger libs (for
example about 35000 lines of 100860 for the kdecore dll from kde 2.2.2), so my
question is, are there any objections for removing this ?

001540f0   0017f218   00189390 3934

DLL Name: qt-2-3.dll
vma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name
181798844  _7QString$null   5ff556b8
The Import Address Table (difference found)
vma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name
5ff556b8  844  _7QString$null


Ralf Habacker

RE: binutils status ?

2002-05-23 Thread Ralf Habacker

   3) Ralf's patch for objdump/cygwin crashes on auto-imported libs

  This patch does not help in this case. I will inspect this and supply
  a updated

Appended is a patch for ... see the ChangeLog entry.

If have tested this patch with my cygin /bin dir (345 files) and rebinded kde
2.2.2 dll's and exes (335 files) and have got no problems with printing import

2002-05-23  Ralf Habacker  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* peXXigen.c (pe_print_idata): fixed some seg faults
  on printing import tables with auto-imported symbols.


Description: Binary data

RE: binutils status

2002-05-21 Thread Ralf Habacker

 3) Ralf's patch for objdump/cygwin crashes on auto-imported libs

 Nick Clifton has applied a patch for a similar problem, I will look if this
 solve this already.

This patch does not help in this case. I will inspect this and supply a updated


RE: binutils status ?

2002-05-21 Thread Ralf Habacker

  3) Ralf's patch for objdump/cygwin crashes on auto-imported libs
  Nick Clifton has applied a patch for a similar problem, I will look if this
  solve this already.
I was wrong, it was Laurent Pinchart, who has applied this patch.

 This patch does not help in this case. I will inspect this and supply
 a updated

In peXXigen.c Line 1208 there is a case handling rebinded imports, which isn't
affected by Laurent's Patch.

  /* If the time stamp is not zero, the import address
 table holds actual addresses.  */
  if (time_stamp != 0
   first_thunk != 0
   first_thunk != hint_addr)
fprintf (file, \t%04lx,
(1)  (long) bfd_get_32 (abfd, data + first_thunk - adj + j));
this fails in case of rebinded apps or dll, that means first_thunk points into
the text segment
this printing should goes after laurent patch, when the different section is

  fprintf (file, \n);

--- here starts Laurant's patch ---

  if (hint_addr != first_thunk  time_stamp == 0)
  bfd_byte *ft_data;
  asection *ft_section;

Laurant: Can you give a hint how the line marked with (1) should be changed ?


RE: binutils status

2002-05-20 Thread Ralf Habacker

 1) Ralf's removing unused _nm_ symbol exports fix

Relating to the thread i've updated this
patch to the latest cvs release.


2002-04-25  Ralf Habacker  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* (autofilter_symbolprefixlist): don't export
  reimported functions.
  (make_one): let create only _nm_.. for data symbols

$ cvs diff -ubBp pe-dll.c
Index: pe-dll.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/src/ld/pe-dll.c,v
retrieving revision 1.39
diff -u -3 -p -B -u -b -B -p -r1.39 pe-dll.c
--- pe-dll.c3 May 2002 13:48:55 -   1.39
+++ pe-dll.c20 May 2002 17:18:47 -
@@ -252,6 +252,8 @@ static autofilter_entry_type autofilter_
   /*  { __imp_, 6 }, */
   /* Do __imp_ explicitly to save time.  */
   { __rtti_, 7 },
+  /* Don't export reimported functions*/
+  { _nm_, 4 },
   { __builtin_, 10 },
   /* Don't export symbols specifying internal DLL layout.  */
   { _head_, 6 },
@@ -1793,8 +1795,11 @@ make_one (exp, parent)
   quick_symbol (abfd, U (_head_), dll_symname, , UNDSEC, BSF_GLOBAL, 0);
   quick_symbol (abfd, U (_imp__), exp-internal_name, , id5, BSF_GLOBAL,
   /* Symbol to reference ord/name of imported
- symbol, used to implement auto-import.  */
-  quick_symbol (abfd, U(_nm__), exp-internal_name, , id6, BSF_GLOBAL, 0);
+ symbol, used to implement auto-import.
+ (only for data symbols) */
+  if (exp-flag_data)
+quick_symbol (abfd, U(_nm__), exp-internal_name, , id6, BSF_GLOBAL,0);
   if (pe_dll_compat_implib)
 quick_symbol (abfd, U (__imp_), exp-internal_name, ,
  id5, BSF_GLOBAL, 0);

Because revision 1.39 does not contain any functional changes and the patches
for 1.3.8 and 1.39 are the same (except some line offset), the tests I have
running in the above mentioned thread are valid.

revision 1.39
date: 2002/05/03 13:48:55;  author: kazu;  state: Exp;  lines: +33 -33
* ld.h: Fix formatting.
* ldexp.c: Likewise.
* ldfile.c: Likewise.
* ldlang.c: Likewise.
* ldmain.c: Likewise.
* lexsup.c: Likewise.
* pe-dll.c: Likewise.

3) Ralf's patch for objdump/cygwin crashes on auto-imported libs

Nick Clifton has applied a patch for a similar problem, I will look if this
solve this already.

revision 1.7
date: 2002/05/15 15:28:12;  author: nickc;  state: Exp;  lines: +54 -3
Do not assume that the first thunk is located in the same section as the
import table.  Instead check, and if necessary load the section containing
the thunk.


RE: cygwin ld import library issue fix (removing unused _nm_ symbols)

2002-05-02 Thread Ralf Habacker

Hi Charles,

 (*) tentative because I can't actually test it myself against HEAD,
 given the pre-existing problem with binutils HEAD on pe386.

The unwanted symbols, which this patch avoid, seems to be exported in some
packages. When this patch is applied, perhaps it makes sense to update the
following libs.

dll   count
/bin/cygcrypto.dll 75
/bin/cygform6.dll 45
/bin/cyggdbm.dll 25
/bin/cyghistory5.dll 26
/bin/cygintl-1.dll 35
/bin/cygjbig1.dll  9
/bin/cygjpeg6b.dll 17
/bin/cygltdl-3.dll 31
/bin/cygmenu6.dll 34
/bin/cygncurses6.dll 74
/bin/cygpanel6.dll 14
/bin/cygpcre.dll 24
/bin/cygpcreposix.dll 26
/bin/cygpng2.dll 28
/bin/cygreadline5.dll 72
/bin/cygregex.dll 42
/bin/cygtiff3.dll 65
/bin/cygxml2-2.dll 67
/bin/cygxsltbreakpoint-1.dll  9
/bin/cygz.dll 25



time stamp printing for ssp

2002-04-30 Thread Ralf Habacker


for application debugging I had the need to see the elapsed time for any step in
ssp, so I've added time stamp printing.

$ cvs diff -p ssp.c
Index: ssp.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/src/winsup/utils/ssp.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -3 -p -B -p -r1.3 ssp.c
--- ssp.c   27 Feb 2002 16:10:17 -  1.3
+++ ssp.c   30 Apr 2002 15:30:23 -
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include time.h
 #include ctype.h
 #include windows.h
+#include sys/time.h

 #ifdef __GNUC__
 const char *help_text = \
@@ -326,6 +327,8 @@ run_program (char *cmdline)
   int tix, i;
   HANDLE hThread;
   char *string;
+  long long int starttime,ctime;
+  struct timeval time;

   memset (startup, 0, sizeof (startup));
   startup.cb = sizeof (startup);
@@ -376,6 +379,13 @@ run_program (char *cmdline)

+  if (verbose)
+  {
+/* init timecounter */
+starttime = time.tv_sec * 100 + time.tv_usec;
+  }
   running = 1;
   while (running)
@@ -407,10 +417,24 @@ run_program (char *cmdline)
   printf (\n);

+if (verbose) {
+  /* print current time */
+  gettimeofday(time,NULL);
+  ctime = time.tv_sec * 100 + time.tv_usec - starttime;
+  {
+  int min  = (int) (ctime /6000);
+  int sec  = (int) (ctime /100);
+  int millisec = (int) ((ctime /1000) %1000);
+  printf(%02d:%02d.%03d ,min,sec,millisec);
+  }
+  }
   switch (event.dwDebugEventCode)

+ if (verbose)
+  printf(create process at

@@ -653,6 +677,10 @@ run_program (char *cmdline)

  running = 0;
+  default:
+ if (verbose)
+printf(unknown event\n);

   set_steps ();


2002-04-30  Ralf Habacker  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* ssp.c (run_program): Added time stamp printing in verbose mode.


RE: ordinal linking for cygwin ld

2002-04-29 Thread Ralf Habacker

  So linking by ordinal only will help you a little. rebinding and
  rebasing your .dll's will help much much more.

 .. which has to be analysed. Has anyone a working bind app ?

One could be found at


RE: ordinal linking for cygwin ld

2002-04-29 Thread Ralf Habacker

 One could be found at

I have tried to rebind ld created apps and applications with this and a self
written rebind app and got a problem.

rebind does only patch the first IAT entry, if the dll is created with ld. The
others are set to zero 

Rebinding for example the cygwin1.dll to some natvie windows apps works, so this
seems to be an ld incompatiblity.

Does anyone have got experience in such binding stuff ?


RE: ordinal linking for cygwin ld

2002-04-29 Thread Ralf Habacker

 a self
  written rebind app and got a problem.
  rebind does only patch the first IAT entry, if the dll is created with
 ld. The
  others are set to zero 
  Rebinding for example the cygwin1.dll to some natvie windows apps
 works, so this
  seems to be an ld incompatiblity.
  Does anyone have got experience in such binding stuff ?

 No, but perhaps it's the auto-import duplicates that cause the problem?

No. I have checked this by a dll without vars. See below:

The Import Tables (interpreted .idata section contents)
 vma:HintTime  Forward  DLL   First
 Table   Stamp ChainName  Thunk
 4000   4054   420c 4074

DLL Name: dll.dll
vma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name
40dc0  printfunc__1Av
40f41  printfunc0001__1Av
410c2  printfunc0002__1Av
41243  printfunc0003__1Av
413c4  printfunc0004__1Av

 4014   4070   4230 40a8

DLL Name: cygwin1.dll
vma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name
4154   26  __main
4160  581  calloc
416c  634  cygwin_internal
4180  652  dll_crt0__FP11per_process
419c  722  free
41a4  876  malloc
41b0 1006  realloc
The Import Address Table is identical

 4028   4094   4248 40cc

DLL Name: KERNEL32.dll
vma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name
41bc  248  GetCurrentProcess
41d0  296  GetModuleHandleA
41e4  661  TerminateProcess
The Import Address Table is identical

rebinding client.exe

rebind client.exe ./
rebind - message: client.exe dll.dll Module import is starting.
rebind - message: client.exe dll.dll Procedure import is starting.
rebind - message: client.exe dll.dll Procedure import failed. printfunc__1Av

He has patched, which you can see below, but break after this.

rebind - message: client.exe cygwin1.dll Module import failed. - not found.
rebind - message: client.exe KERNEL32.dll Module import failed. - not found.
rebind - message: client.exe (null) Image modified.
BIND: Details of binding client.exe
Import from dll.dll [6]
Import from cygwin1.dll [0]
Import from KERNEL32.dll [0]
rebind 2

The Import Tables (interpreted .idata section contents)

 vma:HintTime  Forward  DLL   First
 Table   Stamp ChainName  Thunk
 4000   4054   420c 0004074

DLL Name: dll.dll
vma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name
40dc0  printfunc__1Av   0001
40f41  printfunc0001__1Av   0004
410c2  printfunc0002__1Av   
41243  printfunc0003__1Av   8000
413c4  printfunc0004__1Av   0400

rebinding cygwin1.dll

$ rebind ./client.exe /bin
rebind client.exe c:\programme\cygwin\bin
rebind - message: client.exe dll.dll Module import is starting.
rebind - message: client.exe dll.dll Procedure import is starting.
rebind - message: client.exe dll.dll Procedure import failed. printfunc__1Av
rebind - message: client.exe cygwin1.dll Module import is starting.
rebind - message: client.exe c:\programme\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll Procedure
import is starting. __main
rebind - message: client.exe c:\programme\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll Procedure
import failed. __main
rebind - message: client.exe KERNEL32.dll Module import failed.
rebind - message: client.exe (null) Image modified.
BIND: Details of binding client.exe
Import from dll.dll [6]
Import from cygwin1.dll [6]
Import from KERNEL32.dll [0]


 4014   4070   4230 40a8

DLL Name: cygwin1.dll
vma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name
4154   26  __main   61004308
4160  581  calloc   
416c  634  cygwin_internal  
4180  652  dll_crt0__FP11per_process
419c  722  free 
41a4  876  malloc   
41b0 1006  realloc  

Do you see this ? The first is set correct, the other set to zero.

The masin difference I see currently 

RE: ordinal linking for cygwin ld

2002-04-28 Thread Ralf Habacker

 Ok, I see what it does. Doesn't it have to do that for each reference to
 the auto-imported variable?

For each auto-imported variable an IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR and an
IMPORT_THUNK_DATA element is necessary.

 If so, then heavy use of an imported variable could make the
 INT and IAT quite large - and lots of fixups

Yes, these are the costs.

RE: ordinal linking for cygwin ld

2002-04-27 Thread Ralf Habacker

A patch to use hint ordinals when linking by name would be _very_ useful
though, as that would
a) give the performance benefit you are looking for
b) allow backward compatible library versioning as link-by-name does.

But as I stated already, this needs an ld switch to enable/disable ordinal
linking and allow limiting of used libs or path

for example


enable ordinal linking for given path/files or unlimited ordinal linking if no
path is given.


disable ordinal linking for the following path/files


RE: ordinal linking for cygwin ld

2002-04-27 Thread Ralf Habacker

 Well then, this is only half the puzzle. I can see what you gain from
 such a patch, but as Chuck as indicated, it will cause -major-
 difficulties in management.

Do you have read the rules I have stated for kde ?

 A patch to use hint ordinals when linking by name would be _very_ useful
 though, as that would
 a) give the performance benefit you are looking for
 b) allow backward compatible library versioning as link-by-name does.

 We'd probably also need to ensure that strip leaves the names in the IAT
 (I wasn't clear from your other email whether it does that or not).

Yes it does. See some parts about my auto-import documentation.

$ objdump -x client.exe

The Import Tables (interpreted .idata section contents)

  vma:HintTime  Forward  DLL   First
  Table   Stamp ChainName  Thunk
(1) 4000 4068   41a8 40b4
   |(3)   |(2)
   |_nm_  (4)IAT  |  _imp_...
|  (6)+| Hint 16bit |(7)-- |
+--+  | +++--+
|  |  | | membername |(8) +--+
+--+  | +++--+
  |   +--+
  |  _nm_...  (5) +--+
  | +-+   +--+
  +|Ordinal 16bit|(7)+--+
| 0x00 0x80   |


FirstThunk (2) points to the import address table (IAT), which entries are
identifed by corresponding _imp_... symbols.

HintTab (3) point to a rva (relative virtual address = offset from image start)
vector pointing to IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME unions.

(4) shows an IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME union for a named link. It is identifed by the
_nm_smbol name .
In this structure the symbol name string is stored independed from the regular
symbol name, which can be only stripped.

(5) shows a IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME union for a ordinal link.

Now see the relating objdump part. The numbers 6,7,8 identify the related
structure element.

DLL Name: dll.dll
vma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name
 (6)   (7) (8)
40f40  printfunc__1Av
410c1  var

00404290 __nm__var:
  404290:   01 00
  404292:   76 61
  404294:   72 30
  404296:   30 30
  404298:   30 00

No see this for an auto-imported data

  vma:HintTime  Forward  DLL   First
  Table   Stamp ChainName  Thunk
 4000   4068   41a8 1064
   |(3) |(2)
  nm_thnk_...   _nm_...  (4)|
|  (6)+| Hint 16bit |(7) points directly into the
text segement
+--+  | ++to the relating
instructions address
|  |  | | Membername |(8)
+--+  | ++
  | _nm_...  (5)
  | +-+
  +|Ordinal 16bit|(7)
| 0x00 0x80   |

It's the same as above except

(2) points directly into the text segement to the relating instructions address.
The target is identified by the __fu0_symbol name. See a sample below.

0xa1 is the instruction at offset 0x401063, the address starts at 0x0401063.

  401063:   a1 b8 40 40 00  mov0x4040b8,%eax
00401064 __fu0__var:

(3) HintTab is identifed by the _nm_thnk_symbol.

004040a8 __nm_thnk__var:
  4040a8:   02 00
  4040aa:   00 80 00 00 00 00

Hope that helps

RE: cygwin ld import library issue fix (removing unused _nm_ symbols)

2002-04-27 Thread Ralf Habacker

 In theory, it looks good. However, have you tested the following:

 a) build a dll using an unmodified ld.
 b) build an app that uses that dll, and which accesses both a function
 export and a data export from the dll.
 c) rebuild the dll using your modified ld.
 d) does the app still work, without relinking?

Because the patch does only affect generating import library, this condition is

A real test is relinking the app with an unmodified ld. I'll send a testcase
protocol in the near furture.


RE: cygwin ld import library issue fix (removing unused _nm_ symbols)

2002-04-27 Thread Ralf Habacker

 In theory, it looks good. However, have you tested the following:

 a) build a dll using an unmodified ld.
ls /usr/i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ -l
lrwxrwxrwx1 1002 Kein   26 Apr 19 07:49 ar.exe -
lrwxrwxrwx1 1002 Kein   26 Apr 19 07:49 as.exe -
lrwxrwxrwx1 1002 Kein   26 Apr 19 07:49 ld.exe -
lrwxrwxrwx1 1002 Kein   26 Apr 19 07:49 nm.exe -
lrwxrwxrwx1 1002 Kein   30 Apr 19 07:49 ranlib.exe -
lrwxrwxrwx1 1002 Kein   29 Apr 19 07:49 strip.exe -

$ cp /bin/ld.exe.2006 /bin/ld.exe

$ ld -v --help | head -1
GNU ld version 2.11.92 20011216

$ cat

#include stdio.h
int var=0;
namespace A {
void printfunc(void){ printf(printfunc%04d called\n,0); }

$ cat dll.h

extern int var;
namespace A {
void printfunc(void);
#define vars() \

#define funcs() \

$ make dll.dll
gawk -f dll.awk
g++ -c -o dll.o
g++  --shared dll.o -o dll.dll -Wl,--out-implib,libdll.a
Creating library file: libdll.a

$ nm libdll.a
 i .idata$4
 i .idata$5
 i .idata$7
 I _dll_dll_iname

 i .idata$2
 i .idata$4
 i .idata$5
 I __head_dll_dll
 U _dll_dll_iname

 i .idata$4
 i .idata$5
 i .idata$6
 i .idata$7
 t .text
 U __head_dll_dll
 I __imp__var
 I __nm__var

 i .idata$4
 i .idata$5
 i .idata$6
 i .idata$7
 t .text
 U __head_dll_dll
 I __imp__printfunc__1Av
 I __nm__printfunc__1Av
 T _printfunc__1Av

 i .idata$4
 i .idata$5
 i .idata$6
 i .idata$7
 t .text
 U __head_dll_dll
 I __imp___nm__realloc
 I __nm___nm__realloc

 i .idata$4
 i .idata$5
 i .idata$6
 i .idata$7
 t .text
 U __head_dll_dll
 I __imp___nm__printf
 I __nm___nm__printf

 i .idata$4
 i .idata$5
 i .idata$6
 i .idata$7
 t .text
 U __head_dll_dll
 I __imp___nm__malloc
 I __nm___nm__malloc

 i .idata$4
 i .idata$5
 i .idata$6
 i .idata$7
 t .text
 U __head_dll_dll
 I __imp___nm__free
 I __nm___nm__free

 i .idata$4
 i .idata$5
 i .idata$6
 i .idata$7
 t .text
 U __head_dll_dll
 I __imp___nm__dll_dllcrt0
 I __nm___nm__dll_dllcrt0

 i .idata$4
 i .idata$5
 i .idata$6
 i .idata$7
 t .text
 U __head_dll_dll
 I __imp___nm__cygwin_internal
 I __nm___nm__cygwin_internal

 i .idata$4
 i .idata$5
 i .idata$6
 i .idata$7
 t .text
 U __head_dll_dll
 I __imp___nm__cygwin_detach_dll
 I __nm___nm__cygwin_detach_dll

 i .idata$4
 i .idata$5
 i .idata$6
 i .idata$7
 t .text
 U __head_dll_dll
 I __imp___nm__calloc
 I __nm___nm__calloc


 b) build an app that uses that dll, and which accesses both a function
 export and a data export from the dll.

$ cat

#include stdio.h
#include dll.h


$ make client.exe
g++ -c -o client.o
g++ -o client.exe client.o -v -Wl,--enable-auto-import  -L. -ldll
Warning: resolving _var by linking to __imp__var (auto-import)

$ ./client.exe
printfunc called

 c) rebuild the dll using your modified ld.
cp ~/src/ /bin/ld.exe
$ ld -v --help | head -1
GNU ld version 2.12.90 20020425

$ rm dll.dll

habacker@BRAMSCHE ~/src/ld-contrib/ld-bugfix-test
$ make dll.dll
g++  --shared dll.o -o dll.dll -Wl,--out-implib,libdll.a
Creating library file: libdll.a

to verify that the patch does his work, compare with mentioned above nm list.

$ nm libdll.a
 i .idata$4
 i .idata$5
 i .idata$7
 I _dll_dll_iname

 i .idata$2
 i .idata$4
 i .idata$5
 I __head_dll_dll
 U _dll_dll_iname

 i .idata$4
 i .idata$5

RE: cygwin ld import library issue fix (removing unused _nm_ symbols)

2002-04-27 Thread Ralf Habacker

Ralf Habacker

 -Original Message-
 From: Charles Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 6:55 PM
 To: Ralf Habacker
 Cc: Kde-Cygwin; Cygwin-Apps; Binutils
 Subject: Re: cygwin ld import library issue fix (removing unused _nm_
 Ralf Habacker wrote:
 b) build an app that uses that dll, and which accesses both a function
 export and a data export from the dll.
  $ cat
  #include stdio.h
  #include dll.h

 Except that I'd access 'v' *directly* from; you're not 
 *really* accessing the variable yourself; you're calling a function in 
 the DLL which accesses the variable.

... and accessing var in 

Do you have really read the dll.h ?
#define vars() \
snip  ^^^

the vars macro is called in !! 


RE: ordinal linking for cygwin ld

2002-04-27 Thread Ralf Habacker

 A patch to use hint ordinals when linking by name would be _very_ 
  useful though, as that would
  a) give the performance benefit you are looking for
  b) allow backward compatible library versioning as link-by-name does.
  But as I stated already, this needs an ld switch to 
  enable/disable ordinal linking and allow limiting of used libs or path
 Hangon, lets go back a bit. Why do you want ordinal-only linking? For
 runtime or link-time performance? Or for on-disk import library size?
runtime performance 

ordinal linking for cygwin ld

2002-04-26 Thread Ralf Habacker

Hi all,

one of the biggest problems with kde 2.2.x currently is the very bad loading
time of applications and dll's, I've investigated some time to analyse this. On
this way I recognized, that runtime linking using symbol names is one of the
major time eater.

At first I have tried to estimate the influence of symbol name to the runtime
linking time. So I have build a dll 5000 functions and a client app, which uses
this functions.

This dll/apps are compiled in two variants, 1. with a symbolname lenght of a 13
characters and 2. with a symbolname lenght of 403 characters (should simulate
long c++ names).

cd shortname
time ./client.exe
sys 0m0.030s

$ cd longname
$ time ./client.exe
sys 0m0.040s

The result shows that this has a great effect of app/dll loading time (about 20
times more).

After thinking a while about this, I remembered, that the windows pe format
allows two runtime linking types. The first, usually used, is linking by the
symbol name, the second is linking by symbols ordinal.

A look in the last official cygwin ld (20011002) source shows, that linking by
ordinal seems to be prepared with one limitation.
There is no command line switch to create an import library for ordinal linking
on dll building, so I've added a switch --out-implib-ordinal filename.

(BTW: Another possibibily was automatic ordinal linking. See later)

Now I've tried a second test. 5000 functions with symbolname lenght of 403
characters linked 1. with names and 2. with ordinals.

5000 functions with symbol name linking (symbols not stripped)

$ time ./client.exe
sys 0m0.040s

5000 functions with ordinal linking (symbols not stripped)

$ time ./client.exe
sys 0m0.030s

Wow, thats great.

1. Currently I' have a working solution for binutils 20011002 using a specific
import library create with an -out-implib-ordinal option, which contains only
ordinals and no symbols in the IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR_BY_NAME structure. (The patches
and testcase are appended)

2. Another possibility is using the regular import libraries hint number for
ordinal linking (hint number = Ordinal number-1), but currently I don't know if
this is always true.

Solution 1 has an advantage on building big c++ libs, because the import library
are smaller (about 20-50%). See the following example. The amount depends on the
symbols count and length.

-rwxr-xr-x1 1002 Kein  1682944 Apr 22 09:42
-rwxr-xr-x1 1002 Kein  3190016 Apr 20 19:12

-rwxrwxrwx1 1002 Kein  1956812 Apr 26 22:03 libkdecore.dll.a
-rwxrwxrwx1 1002 Kein  1608192 Apr 26 22:28 cygkdecore-3.dll

Solution 2 is full compatible to dll's builded with previous ld, because the dll
and import lib are still the same. Compiling an app with new ld will
automatically use ordinal linking. The only necessary point seems to me a
command line switch to switch of this behavior.

Any comments ?


Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

RE: ordinal linking for cygwin ld

2002-04-26 Thread Ralf Habacker

 1. Currently I' have a working solution for binutils 20011002 using a
 specific import library create with an -out-implib-ordinal option,
 which contains only ordinals and no symbols in the
 IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR_BY_NAME structure. (The patches and testcase are appended)

The previous patch contains one undefinded var im pe.em, which is fixed with the
current patch. Sorry


Description: Binary data

RE: ordinal linking for cygwin ld

2002-04-26 Thread Ralf Habacker

Charles Wilson writes:
  Any comments ?

 Yes: compatibility.  The problem with ordinal linking is, suppose
 version 1 of a DLL has the following exports:

 func_one  1
 func_two  2
 var_one DATA 3

 and you link your executable to that dll by number.

 Now, the vendor releases a new version of the DLL with an additional
 data export.  Since no interface elements have been changed or removed,
 only added, your app SHOULD be compatible with this DLL.  But, if the
 vendor isn't careful, the new DLL could end up like this:

 func_one 1
 var_two DATA 2
 func_two 3
 var_one DATA 4

 Since your app linked by ordinal, it will break if you try to run it
 with the new DLL, without re-linking.


 So how does the vendor ensure that he doesn't unnecessarily break
 backwards compatibility, and keep the ordinals the same?  By using a def

Or be relinking all the libs.

 There's one big problem with that:

 def file are a !#@^% to maintain.  You *always* forget to add
 something -- upstream maintainers are absolutely horrible about NOT
 documenting all of the new functions/data exports that they add.  So you
 end up building the DLL with auto-export, use objdump to list the
 exports, sort 'em, eliminate against your old .def file, create a new
 .def file

 It's just a PITA.  And one time, back when I was using .def files, I
 actually managed, even with all of that effort, to release a DLL that
 dropped one of the exports the OLD dll had, and broke everybody's app.
 And I only deal with about 20 packages and DLLs.

 I shudder to think of maintaining all of that for the 200-odd DLLs that
 come with KDE.

Using def files is unusable.

 Then, there's one smaller problem:

 If you use a .def file to generate your DLL, will the auto-import stuff
 get added to it?  Can auto-import even work, if you're linking by
 ordinal -- I thought the _nm_ hints were based on the symbol name,

no, the symbol name was build from the undef section, if a corresponding
_imp_symbol was found, that means from the client side. There was no access
(except of the dll name) to the implibs data.

 not the symbol ordinal...

I have patched auto-import stuff which got the ordinal from the implib.
It works with the appended testcase. Currently I've build a new working qt with

 IMO, the better solution is to provide a pre-load app, to load all of
 the core KDE dlls into memory at bootup.  This is what Netscape/Mozilla
 now do, and what MS has been doing with IE for years: hide the load time
 during the bootup sequence; at least that way, KDE/Moz/Ntsp/IE doesn't
 get the blame...

In the second solution I have told about, using the regular implibs and decide
on a per case base
if ordinal linking or not.

I'm thinking about creating to areas, an internal and an external.
New releases of kdelibs and perhaps kdebase for example are build together. So
ordinal linking is not problem. - internal area. Any other app may be linked by
name - external area.

Second some dll's are only for specific apps for example konqueror or kcontrol,
which holds there code in some dll's. When rebuilding konqueror  the dll's could
be linked ordinal without any problems, because there were all rebuild.



RE: ordinal linking for cygwin ld

2002-04-26 Thread Ralf Habacker

Ralf Habacker wrote:
 I'm thinking about creating to areas, an internal and an external.
 New releases of kdelibs and perhaps kdebase for example are build together. So
 ordinal linking is not problem. - internal area. Any other app may
 be linked by name - external area.

That would cause the second solution I have told, normal import library and
using a special linker switch for using ordinal linking.


RE: ordinal linking for cygwin ld

2002-04-26 Thread Ralf Habacker

  If you use a .def file to generate your DLL, will the auto-import stuff
  get added to it?  Can auto-import even work, if you're linking by
  ordinal -- I thought the _nm_ hints were based on the symbol name,
 no, the symbol name was build from the undef section, if a corresponding
 _imp_symbol was found, that means from the client side. There was no access
 (except of the dll name) to the implibs data.
Of course are the sections of the implib imported in the resulting binary, 
but currently I have an idea, how to save additional space in the implib. 
(for example the qt2.3.1 implib is about 8MB and contains 12079 symbols) 
At least each symbol name exist twice. Perhaps this can be put together 

 i .idata$4
 i .idata$5
 i .idata$6
 i .idata$7
 t .text
 U __head_qt_2_3_dll
(a)  I __imp__y__C13QIconViewItem
(b)  T _y__C13QIconViewItem

-(a) __imp__y__C13QIconViewItem
  (b)  points to (a) + offset 

If this is possible there is no space need to build a import 
lib without names, because it will be a little about the half of the current 
size. I will see. 


RE: ordinal linking for cygwin ld

2002-04-26 Thread Ralf Habacker

 If *you* release new compatible libs with the ordinals different from 
 the current libs, *my* application breaks.  Or, you might get ripple 
 effects: what if I distribute a dll that depends on KDE's libs, and Bob 
 has an app that depends on my dll?  Bob's app breaks because my dll is 
 broken because you released new compatible libs.  Not good -- and it'd 
 take a while to track the problem down too: (a) I need to relink my dll, 
 and give it to Bob, and then (and only then) (b) Bob can relink his app.

Wait for the rules in my next mail. 
 I shudder to think of maintaining all of that for the 200-odd DLLs that
 come with KDE.
  Using def files is unusable.
 Unless it's the only way to avoid the problems above.   Then, you ignore 
 the pain and just do it -- or write code to do it for you, like the 
 openoffice guys have done.
 Then, there's one smaller problem:
 If you use a .def file to generate your DLL, will the auto-import stuff
 get added to it?  Can auto-import even work, if you're linking by
 ordinal -- I thought the _nm_ hints were based on the symbol name,
  no, the symbol name was build from the undef section, if a corresponding
  _imp_symbol was found, that means from the client side. There was no access
  (except of the dll name) to the implibs data.
 not the symbol ordinal...
  I have patched auto-import stuff which got the ordinal from the implib.
  It works with the appended testcase. Currently I've build a new 
 working qt with
  In the second solution I have told about, using the regular implibs 
 and decide
  on a per case base
  if ordinal linking or not.
  I'm thinking about creating to areas, an internal and an external.
  New releases of kdelibs and perhaps kdebase for example are build 
 together. So
  ordinal linking is not problem. - internal area. Any other app may 
 be linked by
  name - external area.
 Ah, so there'd be a special switch that KDE's internal makefiles use to 
 turn on 'link by ordinal' behavior; other applications would not use it, 
 and would thus link by name?  (or, they'd use it and link-by-ordinal at 
 their own risk...)
 That seems workable to me.
  Second some dll's are only for specific apps for example konqueror 
 or kcontrol,
  which holds there code in some dll's. When rebuilding konqueror  
 the dll's could
  be linked ordinal without any problems, because there were all rebuild.
 Errr...not so fast.  Code reuse -- konqueror dlls can be linked into 
 other apps, can't they? -- or is all code reuse of that nature in KDE 
 done via KParts/Bonobo/CORBA/whatever, and not actual linking?
We will have to look at this a little deeper. 


RE: ordinal linking for cygwin ld

2002-04-26 Thread Ralf Habacker

 The PE spec (as I read it) indicates that as long as a name is included
 (ie it's not link-only-by-ordinal) then ordinals can change and nothing
 will break.
 It's only when the only link information is the ordinal that problems
 will appear.

Or ld has a switch to explicit use ordinals (see other mails from me)

RE: ordinal linking for cygwin ld

2002-04-26 Thread Ralf Habacker

  OTOH, if you've linked by ordinal, and then you strip symbols 
  -- are the 
  names of the imports still retained?
The symbols are removed, but in the _nm_vector the names are still retained. 


RE: ordinal linking for cygwin ld

2002-04-26 Thread Ralf Habacker

Ld rules: 
 1. By default ordinal linking is disabled 
 2. Add an ld option to enable ordinal linking. 
As ordinal the hint number is used. (Could this have any unknown 
 side effect ??) 
ordinal = hint number + 1. 
How should such an option be named ? 

--enable-ordinal-link ? 

Now, I'm going to bed, it is 2:43am in germany. God night. 


cygwin ld import library issue fix (removing unused _nm_ symbols)

2002-04-25 Thread Ralf Habacker

this patch fixes an cygwin ld issue (GNU ld version 2.11.92 20011001) I've
encountered while analysing the runtime linking performance for kde.


The ld-auto-import stuff introduces additional symbols (_nm_...) in the import
library which are only needed for data exports.
Unfortunally this symbols are generated for every export.
Additional ld rexports imported _nm_ symbols from other dlls, so one get
symbols like _nm___nm__scanf for example.

One can say this isn't a real problem and the answer is yes ... for little
But if you look in the below mentioned import libraries, one can save about 30%
of the import libraries size.
For the kde 2.2.2 devel libs and base package this would save about 26MB.
And this seems to be a fact for applying this fix.

without patch
-rwxrwxrwx1 1002 Kein  3190016 Apr 20 19:12 libkdecore.dll.a
-rwxrwxrwx1 1002 Kein 7526 Apr 20 19:01 libkdefakes.dll.a
-rwxrwxrwx1 1002 Kein  5693370 Apr 20 01:16 libkdeui.dll.a

with patch
-rwxrwxrwx1 1002 Kein  2126660 Apr 25 10:48 libkdecore.dll.a
-rwxrwxrwx1 1002 Kein 1448 Apr 25 10:45 libkdefakes.dll.a
-rwxrwxrwx1 1002 Kein  3622512 Apr 25 11:06 libkdeui.dll.a

$ diff pe-dll.c.orig pe-dll.c -ubBp
--- pe-dll.c.orig   Wed Apr 24 09:48:59 2002
+++ pe-dll.cThu Apr 25 08:33:08 2002
 -248,6 +250,8  static autofilter_entry_type autofilter_
   /* Do __imp_ explicitly to save time.  */
   { __rtti_, 7 },
   { __builtin_, 10 },
+  // RH: prevent generating reimported functions
+  { _nm_, 4 },
   /* Don't export symbols specifying internal DLL layout.  */
   { _head_, 6 },
   { _fmode, 6 },
 -1789,6 +1793,8  make_one (exp, parent)
   quick_symbol (abfd, U (_imp__), exp-internal_name, , id5, BSF_GLOBAL,
   /* Symbol to reference ord/name of imported
  symbol, used to implement auto-import.  */
+  /* RH: only for auto-imported data */
+  if (exp-flag_data)
   quick_symbol (abfd, U(_nm__), exp-internal_name, , id6, BSF_GLOBAL, 0);
   if (pe_dll_compat_implib)
 quick_symbol (abfd, U (__imp_), exp-internal_name, ,

Any comments ?

Ralf Habacker

RE: cygwin ld import library issue fix (removing unused _nm_ symbols)

2002-04-25 Thread Ralf Habacker

Hi Danny,

 Yes, this looks very nice, but does it works against current CVS?

This patch is a minor change, which could be reviewed easy, but I have got
trouble using the current cvs head (binutils 2-12.xx) release from
It produces undefined symbols compiling dll/apps and that means cygwin support
seems to be broken. Because I hadn't enough time to check this, I installed the
sources from the last official cygwin binutils release (GNU ld version 2.11.92
20011001) and have applied this patch.


patch for objdump/cygwin crashes on auto-imported libs bug

2002-04-25 Thread Ralf Habacker

Hi all,

currently I'm working on an ordinal linking option for ld (performance benefits
for the kde-port) and have analysed the auto-import internals. While doing this
I got the knowledge to fix the bug
described in

$ diff -ubBp bfd/ bfd/peigen.c
--- bfd/peigen.c.orgThu Apr 25 15:37:26 2002
+++ bfd/peigen.cThu Apr 25 15:57:50 2002
@@ -1226,7 +1226,15 @@ pe_print_idata (abfd, vfile)

  idx2 = first_thunk - adj;

- for (j = 0; j  datasize; j += 4)
+  /* indicates that first_thunk points to an
+ data reference in the text segment (auto-import) */
+  if (idx2  0)
+   fprintf (file,
+_(\tThe Import Address Table isn't identical (auto-import
+differ = 1;
+   }
+ else for (j = 0; j  datasize; j += 4)
  int ordinal;
  char *member_name;


2002-04-25  Ralf Habacker  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* peigen.c (pe_print_idata): bugfix for segfault in
displaying auto-import image-import-descriptors

Any comments ?


RE: patch for objdump/cygwin crashes on auto-imported libs bug

2002-04-25 Thread Ralf Habacker

 -Original Message-
  From: Ralf Habacker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 12:09 AM
  Any comments ?

 Looks reasonable to me (on first glances). I'll try and have a closer
 look this weekend if no-one else does.

Perhaps it helps, if I tell some details of this topic. At first the basics are
described in See
the chapter The import sections

Normally the image_import_descriptor and the Image Adress Table (IAT) identifed
by first_thunk are located behind the text segment and idx2 is positive.

On a auto-import image descriptor the main difference is, that the first_thunk
does not point to the import address table (IAT), instead it points to an adress
in the text segment where the opcode reads or write the (auto-imported) data
values. This let idx2 be negative, which I have used for decision.

pe_print_idata (abfd, vfile)
  adj = section-vma - extra-ImageBase;
  hint_addr = bfd_get_32 (abfd, data + i + dataoff);
  time_stamp = bfd_get_32 (abfd, data + i + 4 + dataoff);
  forward_chain = bfd_get_32 (abfd, data + i + 8 + dataoff);
  dll_name = bfd_get_32 (abfd, data + i + 12 + dataoff);
  first_thunk = bfd_get_32 (abfd, data + i + 16 + dataoff);

  if (hint_addr != first_thunk  time_stamp == 0)
  int differ = 0;
  int idx2;

  idx2 = first_thunk - adj;

  /* indicates that first_thunk points to an
 data reference in the text segment (auto-import) */
  if (idx2  0)
fprintf (file,
 _(\tThe Import Address Table isn't identical (auto-import
differ = 1;
  else for (j = 0; j  datasize; j += 4)


RE: cygwin ld import library issue fix (removing unused _nm_ symbols)

2002-04-25 Thread Ralf Habacker

 Do not use C++ style comments in C code.  It is non-portable.

This is an updated patch against the current cvs release and without c++
comments and a (I hope) propper changeLog entry.

2002-04-25  Ralf Habacker  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* (autofilter_symbolprefixlist): don't export
  reimported functions.
  (make_one): let create only _nm_.. for data symbols

Index: pe-dll.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/src/ld/pe-dll.c,v
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -u -3 -p -r1.38 pe-dll.c
--- pe-dll.c15 Feb 2002 02:11:05 -  1.38
+++ pe-dll.c25 Apr 2002 18:34:43 -
@@ -252,6 +252,8 @@ static autofilter_entry_type autofilter_
   /*  { __imp_, 6 }, */
   /* Do __imp_ explicitly to save time.  */
   { __rtti_, 7 },
+  /* Don't export reimported functions*/
+  { _nm_, 4 },
   { __builtin_, 10 },
   /* Don't export symbols specifying internal DLL layout.  */
   { _head_, 6 },
@@ -1793,8 +1795,11 @@ make_one (exp, parent)
   quick_symbol (abfd, U (_head_), dll_symname, , UNDSEC, BSF_GLOBAL, 0);
   quick_symbol (abfd, U (_imp__), exp-internal_name, , id5, BSF_GLOBAL,
   /* Symbol to reference ord/name of imported
- symbol, used to implement auto-import.  */
-  quick_symbol (abfd, U(_nm__), exp-internal_name, , id6, BSF_GLOBAL, 0);
+ symbol, used to implement auto-import.
+ (only for data symbols) */
+  if (exp-flag_data)
+quick_symbol (abfd, U(_nm__), exp-internal_name, , id6, BSF_GLOBAL,
   if (pe_dll_compat_implib)
 quick_symbol (abfd, U (__imp_), exp-internal_name, ,
  id5, BSF_GLOBAL, 0);

RE: cygwin ld import library issue fix (removing unused _nm_ symbols)

2002-04-25 Thread Ralf Habacker

 On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 01:32:47PM +0200, Ralf Habacker wrote:
  Hi Danny,
   Yes, this looks very nice, but does it works against current CVS?
  This patch is a minor change, which could be reviewed easy, but I have got
  trouble using the current cvs head (binutils 2-12.xx) release from
  It produces undefined symbols compiling dll/apps and that means
 cygwin support
  seems to be broken. Because I hadn't enough time to check this, 
 I've taken a look on the cvs archive to verify this. Are I'm right using the
 cygnus_cvs_20020108_pre tag ?

 Why are you using a tag at all?  Your patches should be against the binutils

I have updated the patch. But the problem still is as I've said. The current ld
cvs head release does not work !!
I have build a simple lib and an app (without my patches) and the result is an
undefined, either for functions or for auto-imported data.  Test case is
Can anybody tell me which cvs version is the last stable ? I have tried to
checkout binutils with date 2001/12/31, but got compiling errors.

$ make dll.dll client.exe
gawk -f dll.awk
g++ -c -o dll.o
g++  --shared dll.o -o dll.dll -Wl,--out-implib,libdll.a
Creating library file: libdll.a
g++ -c -o client.o
g++ -o client.exe client.o -v -Wl,--enable-auto-import  -L. -ldll #-ldll2
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/2.95.3-5/specs
gcc version 2.95.3-5 (cygwin special)

/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/2.95.3-5/collect2.exe -Bdynamic --dll-search-pre
fix=cyg -o client.exe /usr/lib/crt0.o -
L. -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib -L/usr/lib/w32api -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygw
in/2.95.3-5 -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-c
client.o --enable-auto-import -ldll -lstdc++ -lgcc -lcygwin -luser32 -lker
nel32 -ladvapi32 -lshell32 -lgcc
client.o(.text+0x48) undefined reference to `A::printfunc(void)'
client.o(.text+0x4d) undefined reference to `A::printfunc0001(void)'
client.o(.text+0x52) undefined reference to `A::printfunc0002(void)'
client.o(.text+0x57) undefined reference to `A::printfunc0003(void)'
client.o(.text+0x5c) undefined reference to `A::printfunc0004(void)'
client.o(.text+0x64) undefined reference to `var'
client.o(.text+0x7a) undefined reference to `var0001'
client.o(.text+0x90) undefined reference to `var0002'
client.o(.text+0xa6) undefined reference to `var0003'
client.o(.text+0xbc) undefined reference to `var0004'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [client.exe] Error 1

Description: Binary data

RE: cygwin ld import library issue fix (removing unused _nm_ symbols)

2002-04-25 Thread Ralf Habacker

  * emultempl/pe.em (gld_${EMULATION_NAME}_place_orphan): Likewise.
 Then this file could only be affected

When you take a look at the following changelog entry I assume, that this isn't
the problem, because there are only 4 changed lines, much more changes are
located in the bfd lib

Revision 1.57 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs] , Mon Dec 17 00:40:53
2001 UTC (4 months, 1 week ago) by amodra
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.56: +4 -0 lines
Diff to previous 1.56 (colored)
hash bfd sections for fast lookup and create.
* bfd.c (struct _bfd): Add section_htab, section_tail.
* libbfd-in.h (_bfd_delete_bfd): Declare.
(bfd_section_hash_newfunc): Declare.
* opncls.c (_bfd_new_bfd): Free memory on failure.  Init
section_htab and section_tail.
(_bfd_delete_bfd): New function.
(bfd_openr): Use it.
(bfd_fdopenr): Likewise.
(bfd_openstreamr): Likewise.
(bfd_openw): Likewise.
(bfd_close): Likewise.
(bfd_close_all_done): Likewise.
(bfd_release): Comment.
* section.c (struct section_hash_entry): New.
(bfd_section_hash_newfunc): New function.
(section_hash_lookup): Define.
(bfd_section_init): New function, split out from
(bfd_get_section_by_name): Lookup via hash table.
(bfd_get_unique_section_name): Likewise.
(bfd_make_section_old_way): Rewrite to use hash table.
(bfd_make_section_anyway): Likewise.
(bfd_make_section): Likewise.  Return NULL for attempts to make
(_bfd_strip_section_from_output): Adjust section_tail if needed.
* Bump bfd version.
* configure: Regenerate.
* libbfd.h: Regenerate.
* bfd-in2.h: Regenerate.

* emultempl/elf32.em (gld${EMULATION_NAME}_place_orphan): Adjust
section_tail when fiddling with section list.
(gld${EMULATION_NAME}_list_options): Ensure sentences aren't
broken into separate strings to make translation easier.
* emultempl/mmo.em (mmo_place_orphan): Adjust section_tail when
fiddling with section list.
* emultempl/pe.em (gld_${EMULATION_NAME}_place_orphan): Likewise.

RE: cygwin ld import library issue fix (removing unused _nm_ symbols)

2002-04-25 Thread Ralf Habacker

 ld was broken between 16 Dec (works) and 17 Dec (doesn't). The breakage was
 reported to binutils list in January.  I think, the problem is with merging of
 sections in pe-dll.c in make_head() when making implib.

Another question: Does bfd have a debug mode or something else ?


RE: cygwin ld import library issue fix (removing unused _nm_ symbols)

2002-04-25 Thread Ralf Habacker

  --- Ralf Habacker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Can anybody tell me which cvs version is the last stable ? I
 have tried to
checkout binutils with date 2001/12/31, but got compiling errors.
   Compiling errors are fixed (was an overseen cvs conflict, but the problem
   So it seems to me, that the last official binutils release was the last
   Has noone checked the patches after the last official release ?
  ld was broken between 16 Dec (works) and 17 Dec (doesn't). The breakage was
  reported to binutils list in January.  I think, the problem is with
 merging of
  sections in pe-dll.c in make_head() when making implib.
Your right, I have compared the implib and in 3,4,7,8 (see below) the symtable
is missing.

 linking   dll app

 1 old old - no problems
 2 old new   - no problems
 3 new old - undefined reference error
 4 new new - undefined reference error

 auto-imported data
 linking   dll app

 5 old old - no problems
 6 old new   - BFD 2.12.90 20020425 internal error,
 7 new old - undefined reference error
 8 new new - undefined reference error

RE: FW: libtool devel package still dll crippled.

2002-04-21 Thread Ralf Habacker

  ld checks the symbols in the shared libs during compile time to see
 if it can
  resolve all symbols and appearantly also detects duplicated
 symbols. On Linux
  it is not necassery impossible to have two libs that define the
 same symbols.
  E.g. this feature can be used to override the malloc implementation of libc.
  Of course when this happens inadvertently it can lead to unexpected
  behaviour/crashes. ELF (The linking format used on Linux) has rather complex
  rules for determining which symbol should be used if it is defined multiple
  times. It also distinguishes between weak and strong symbols. It might be
  that it is only possible to override weak-symbols and that multiple
  strong-symbols result in link-errors.

 Does the cygwin ld has some similar rules ?

Is nobody on this list, who can give an answer to this question ?


RE: FW: libtool devel package still dll crippled.

2002-04-19 Thread Ralf Habacker

  1. When someone build a shared lib on linux and uses a static lib, are the
  symbols of the static lib automatically  exported ?

 Yes, using a static lib is no different than compiling that code
 directly into your codebase.

Thats the behavior we have on cygwin, isn't it

  2a. If yes, and if someone build a second dll with the same static lib, the
  symbols of the static libs are in both
  shared lib defined. Then if someone uses these two shared libs to build for
  example an application, ld fails with duplicated symbol errors. How does ld
  prevent this ?

 ld checks the symbols in the shared libs during compile time to see if it can
 resolve all symbols and appearantly also detects duplicated symbols. On Linux
 it is not necassery impossible to have two libs that define the same symbols.
 E.g. this feature can be used to override the malloc implementation of libc.
 Of course when this happens inadvertently it can lead to unexpected
 behaviour/crashes. ELF (The linking format used on Linux) has rather complex
 rules for determining which symbol should be used if it is defined multiple
 times. It also distinguishes between weak and strong symbols. It might be
 that it is only possible to override weak-symbols and that multiple
 strong-symbols result in link-errors.

Does the cygwin ld has some similar rules ?

RE: libtool devel package still dll crippled.

2002-04-15 Thread Ralf Habacker

 2b) set an option like --export-libs=* or something else

 2c) identify the libs to export and set an option like

Ups, I have overseen some errors in the logic above.
Additional Danny has used --exlude-libs, so the logic must
be negated

2b) set an option like --exclude-libs=* or something else

2c) identify the libs not to export and set an option like



RE: libtool devel package still dll crippled.

2002-04-14 Thread Ralf Habacker

  From: Robert Collins
  Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2002 9:43 AM

   Again, the ...= came from you, Rob.  So, what's the
   difference between
   ...= and ...=no or ...=unsupported (or
 ...=yes, for that
   matter).  And which do we want/need?
  We want ...=. In both locations.
  I'll test the always_export_symbols settings
 now and send
  another email when that build is done.

 I think we should leave the always_export_symbols
 as yes, but I'm not

 Ralf, whats the reason to change that to no?

 I get better results with it set to yes, which is
 why I am asking..

I had recgonized problems with the
allow_undefined_flag=unsupported and have tried only with
no, which works. Yet I have tried with yes it works too.
So its no problem for me to use yes.

  _LT_AC_TAGVAR(always_export_symbols, $1)=yes

Using yes causes libtool to use nm to generate a symbol
list, which is avoided by setting to no.

/usr/local/bin/nm -B  .libs/profiler.o  | sed -n -e
*[ ]\([ABCDGISTW][ABCDGISTW]*\)[   ][  ]*\(_\)\([_A-
1 \2\3 \3/p' | sed 's/.* //' | sort | uniq 

In small projects this may be no difference, but if you have
to build hundrets of dll's with thousands of symbols this
makes a difference in linking time.

Does the cygwin ld really need this way of creating symbol
lists ?


RE: libtool devel package still dll crippled.

2002-04-14 Thread Ralf Habacker

 I'm using a special patched ld (based on the
 recent official
  ld) which rejects exporting of all imported
 libs with a one
  line patch
  /* Do not specify library suffix explicitly, to
 allow for
  dllized versions.  *
  static autofilter_entry_type autofilter_liblist[] =
{ libgcc., 7 },
{ libstdc++., 10 },
{ libmingw32., 11 },
  +// RH: workaround to allow using static libs
 in multiple
  +  { .a, 2 },
{ NULL, 0 }

 I really think this is a mistake.  What if I want
 to build a shared
 library using libtool, and it is composed of a
 number of object files
 but also some convenience libs?  And those
 convenience libs contains
 symbols that I want to export?

I have not said, that this workaround is a general patch
in all situations. Because KDE does create only dll's this
was okay for me.

Dannys patch is of course the beest solution, but it
some (as I recognized after reviews this patch) deeply
changes of the
libtool implementation, which isn't not easy. :-(


RE: DocBook and OpenJade packages

2002-01-28 Thread Ralf Habacker

I' ve send this mail original to cygwin, because I was told to use the cygwin list, if 
not talking about cygwin
distributed apps, but I don*t know I you are listening to cygwin, soo this is a 
resent. :-)

 Hi all,

 I've recently installed the DocBook text processing system under CygWin.
 This was quite fiddly, as there are many small tools that have to be
 downloaded and configured.

 I'm willing to volunteer to produce and maintain proper CygWin packages for
 these tools, so that they can be easily installed by just choosing the
 packages in the setup program.

 * Is this something you'd like?

for the kde2.2.x port too. This would be nice for kdevelop, which need this

 * Is anybody currently working on this?

I have tried to compile Openjade, but without success. So I have stopped this.

 As per the guidelines at, I've written proposed
 setup.hint files - they're at the end of this e-mail.  Comments welcome.
 I haven't started working on the actual packages yet.

 Kind regards,

 Jon Foster

 --- sgml-base/setup.hint ---
 # This package is assembled from:
 # - A perl script to maintain the SGML catalog file, probably from Debian's
 #   sgml-base package, and probably modified for cygwin - I haven't checked
 #   yet.
 # - ISO entity definitions, from
 # - HTML 3.2 DTDs from
 # - HTML 4.0 DTDs from
 # - HTML 4.01 DTDs from
 category: Text
 requires: perl bash
 # perl  - To run the SGML catalog maintainace script.
 # bash  - To run the post-install script to set up an SGML catalog.
 test: 1.01-1
 sdesc: A basic SGML tree, and tools to maintain it.
 ldesc: A basic SGML tree, and tools to maintain it.
 Includes the ISO entities, and the definitions of HTML 3.2, 4.0 and 4.01.

 --- openjade/setup.hint ---
 # Original source:
 category: Text
 requires: cygwin sgml-base bash
 # cygwin- This package contains binaries.
 # sgml-base - So we can add DTDs to the SGML catalog.
 # bash  - To run the post-install script to update the SGML catalog.
 test: 1.3.1-1
 sdesc: The OpenSP SGML parser and the OpenJade DSSSL processor.
 ldesc: The OpenSP SGML parser and the OpenJade DSSSL processor.

 OpenSP is a library for reading SGML files.

 OpenJade can transform SGML files into other formats, such as
 HTML and TeX files.  The transformation is controlled by DSSSL
 style sheets (not included).

 OpenJade is commonly used with the docbook and docbook-dsssl packages.

 For more information, see;

 --- xhtml-dtd/setup.hint ---
 # Original sources:
 # XHTML 1.0 DTD:
 # XHTML 1.1 DTD:
 # (This package is included for completeness, not because DocBook needs it).
 category: Text
 requires: sgml-base libxml2 bash
 # sgml-base - So we can add DTDs to the SGML catalog.
 # libxml2   - So we can add DTDs to the XML catalog.
 # bash  - To run the post-install script to update the SGML
 # and XML catalogs.
 test: 1.1-1
 sdesc: DTDs defining XHTML 1.0 and 1.1, for use by XML and SGML tools.
 ldesc: DTDs defining XHTML 1.0 and 1.1, for use by XML and SGML tools.

 For more information, see;

 --- docbook/setup.hint ---
 # Original source:
 category: Text
 requires: sgml-base openjade bash
 # sgml-base - So we can add DTDs to the SGML catalog.
 # bash  - To run the post-install script to update the SGML catalog.
 # openjade  - not really required for installation, but if you
 # want to do anything *useful* with it you'll need an
 # SGML parser, and openjade is the only one cygwin offers.
 test: 4.1-1
 sdesc: An SGML DTD for writing books and other documentation.
 ldesc: An SGML DTD for writing books and other documentation,
 especially technical documentation.

 To convert DocBook documents to other formats such as HTML, you also need
 the package docbook-dsssl.

 This DTD is also available in XML flavour (in package 'docbook-xml').

 See for more information.

 --- docbook-xml/setup.hint ---
 # Original source:
 category: Text
 requires: sgml-base libxml2 bash
 # sgml-base - So we can add DTDs to the SGML catalog.
 # libxml2   - So we can add DTDs to the XML catalog.
 # bash  - To run the post-install script to update the SGML
 # and XML catalogs.
 test: 4.1.2-1
 sdesc: An XML DTD for writing books and other documentation.
 ldesc: An XML DTD for writing books and other documentation,
 especially technical documentation.

 To convert DocBook documents to other formats such as HTML, you also need
 the package docbook-xsl.

 This DTD is also available in SGML flavour (in package 'docbook').


RE: libtool-devel and kde2 - problem with AC_PROG_CXX

2002-01-18 Thread Ralf Habacker

 Ralf Habacker wrote:

  Robert Collins wrote:
 Quoting from the fink site (it was handy):
 The current development branch: This is the development version that
 will some day be released as libtool 1.5. It has resulted from the merge
 of 1.4 and the MLB. It supports C, C++ and Java (via gcj).
 Unfortunately, it can't be easily told apart from 1.4, you'll have to
 check the version number inside
 For the _last time_, the devel libtool DOES NOT and WILL NOT  create
 ltconfig. Don't expect it, because its NOT MEANT TO create it.
  It does not create ltconfig, but it need it as you could see in my last mail

 As of 20010531, there seem to have been a few remaining references to
 ltconfig -- within the _LT_AC_LANG_CXX and _LT_AC_LANG_GCJ m4 macros.
 Not surprising that those were missed -- C++/java don't have nearly the
 history that C does.  Studying the ChangeLogs, ltconfig was removed on
 2000-09-19, but stale references were continually being found and
 fixed thru 2001 (2001-04-05, 2001-04-24).


 checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
 checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... g++ -E
 admin/ltconfig: Can't open admin/ltconfig: No such file or directory
 configure: error: libtool tag configuration failed
  I have searched in the libtool cvs on and seen that on
 20010531 the merge
  of the mlb code wasn't ready. You can verify this by unpacking the recent
  libtool-devel-20010531-6.tar.bz2 and looking in the libtool.m4 if there are 
references to

 Not entirely correct.  As I said, it seems that the _CXX and _GCJ
 references hadn't been removed as of 20010531.  However, the MLB merge
 was -- if not complete, then at least partially begun:

 2001-05-27: Merged from multi-language-branch
 2001-05-27: libtool.m4: Merged from multi-language-branch
 2001-05-30: libtool.m4: Merged from multi-language-branch
  ^^ not a typo

 However, as you say, there were some ADDITIONAL merges from MLB that
 happened later: on 2001-06-24.

  If you follow the below mentioned link you can see that the tag creation support 
  completed at 2001 Jun 24 , so the libtool from 20010531 can't contain full tag 


  I have appended a patched libtool.m4 from the libtool cvs HEAD release numver 
1.245 and
  patched mostly of the changes Charles provided in the rc5 diffs and got a
 working CXX/GCJ/RC
  tag creating. Try it. It may not be complete for all cases, but I think you are 
able to
  verify this.

 Actually, I am not able to guarantee that
1) taking the Robert's patches to libtool.m4(20010531)
2) applying those changes to libtool.m4(20011128)
3) but NOT updating any of the other interdependent files that form
 the libtool toolset

 results in a stable libtool.  You have said that it works well for you
 on a given set of dlls -- but you've already demonstrated that your case
 is rather special: multi-language, CXX/GCJ, etc.  I don't want to fix
 the corner case by breaking the mainline cases: single language, C.

I understand

 Look, Ralf, this libtool port is a work in progress.  Right now, I'd
 like for folks to test the normal stuff.  (So far, that looks good).
 Then, we need to port forward ALL of the patches to ALL of the files --
 not just libtool.m4 -- to current HEAD cvs libtool.

Okay that make sense

 Gary Vaughan (the libtool maintainer) is on the case, he WANTS to put
 this stuff into current cvs.  He was waiting for Robert's FSF copyright
 assignment to go thru before he started : and that just happened last
 week (see the libtool mailing list...)

I have seen this on the libtool list

 Be patient -- it was hard enough getting the infrastructure in place to
 have an auto-import capable libtool become part of the cygwin dist in
 the first place.  I couldn't very well pester Gary to accept the patches
 until we had a working example installation...and that just happened
 last week.

I have not problem with this

 Just to review the tool-side things that have been happening in the past
 six months (not all me, but I *have* been pushing most of them)
test Paul Sokolovsky's auto-import stuff
push it into official binutils

migrate (old) autoconf package to autoconf-stable
create autoconf-devel package (and talk very very fast to get corinna
 to support it)
create autoconf (wrappers)

migrate (old) automake package to automake-stable
create automake-devel package (and talk very very fast...)
create automake (wrappers)
  special automake hack to make the split-install ALSO search
 /usr/share/aclocal in addition to /usr/autotool/*/share/aclocal 

create libtool-stable (1.4.2)
create libtool-devel package from Robert's patches (but based on an
 old version of libtool cvs: 20010531)
create libtool-wrappers

 AND, spread amonst all of those steps, was a lot of advocacy and
 discussion on the various mailing

RE: problem with make

2001-12-05 Thread Ralf Habacker

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Christopher Faylor
 Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 4:57 PM
 Subject: Re: problem with make

 On Tue, Dec 04, 2001 at 08:14:04PM +1100, Robert Collins wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Ralf Habacker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Does anyone have an idea for fixing this ? I have no problem to fix
 this, if somebody could
  give me a direction where I have to look on.
 Use linux or get the KDE team to fix their makefiles. You _could_ try
 the cygwin=case_insensitive (spelling?) flag. The core problem though is
 that that use they are making of the filesystem is invalid for case
 insensitive filesystems - and windows isn't the only one around.

 Also, please use [EMAIL PROTECTED] for this type of bug reporting.  This
 is not an applicable topic for cygwin-apps.

From the mailing list page: cygwin-apps: a by-approval developers list for discussing 
regarding applications that are distributed with the Cygwin DLL.

Is make an application distributed with cygwin ? :-)


RE: problem with make

2001-12-04 Thread Ralf Habacker

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 10:14 AM
 To: Ralf Habacker; Cygwin-Apps
 Subject: Re: problem with make 
 - Original Message -
 From: Ralf Habacker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Does anyone have an idea for fixing this ? I have no problem to fix
 this, if somebody could
  give me a direction where I have to look on.
 ... get the KDE team to fix their makefiles. 

They have done this. 
