New Package: doxygen-1.2.17

2002-09-07 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

This is  new package doxygen-1.2.17.(without doxywizard)

@ doxygen-1.2.17
sdesc: "Doxygen is a documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL (Corba,
Microsoft, and KDE-DCOP flavors) and to some extend PHP."
ldesc: "Doxygen is a documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL (Corba,
Microsoft, and KDE-DCOP flavors) and to some extend PHP."
test: 1.2.17
category: Devel

Please upload:


Ryunosuke Satoh

Description: Binary data

Re: New Package: doxygen-1.2.17

2002-09-08 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

I fixed some problems. Please check.
This is  new package doxygen-1.2.17.(without doxywizard)
(Note: I tried to make tex manual, but graphs were placed incorrectly, so I include 
ready-made pdf manual. I am not at home in TEX.)

sdesc: "Doxygen is a documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL (Corba, Microsoft, and 
KDE-DCOP flavors) and to some extend PHP."
ldesc: "Doxygen is a documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL (Corba, Microsoft, and 
KDE-DCOP flavors) and to some extend PHP."
test: 1.2.17
category: Devel Doc
requires: cygwin perl bison flex


Ryunosuke Satoh

And one more package, astyle Re: New Package: doxygen-1.2.17

2002-09-08 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

Here is one more package, astyle.

> > 
> > Sorry, my web server refused bz2 extension. Please extract and check.


[Artistic Style] Re: And one more package, astyle Re: New Package:doxygen-1.2.17

2002-09-10 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh


>>Here is one more package, astyle.
>Btw., I'd expect a little bit more information in the message requesting
>approval of a package. also
>talks about sending the setup.hint text.

sdesc: "Artistic Style is a reindenter and reformatter of C, C++, C# and 
Java source code. "
ldesc: "Artistic Style is a reindenter and reformatter of C, C++, C# and 
Java source code. "
test: 1.2.17
category: Devel Util
requires: cygwin

I used GNUindent but It cannot handle java sorce fiels.
Astyle [Artistic Style] is very nice reformatter for java.
Please see  .


Re: Package review status

2002-09-17 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh


> doxygen (reviewed, 4 votes, Joshua, Lapo, Nicholas and Robert,
>  package cleanup needed(?))
> astyle  (reviewed, 3 votes, Gareth, Lapo and Pavel,
>  package cleanup needed)
> Ryunosuke, did you tweak your packages already?

Yes, I did.
These packages are revised,

I did three days ago, but I had a mistake. I send this mail to myself.(^^;)

Thank you very much for reviews.


Re: Package review status

2002-09-17 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh


> The -1 is missing from the filename of your revised packages, as well from 


> Now the situation is the following -  the setup.hint which is included in 
> the root of the astyle-1.15.3-package.tar.gz containst the following line:
> test: 1.2.17


> Now the patch is in the source directory not in the root of the archive. 
> The contents of the archive should look like this:


> Talking about the patch it is wrong. You have to create it outside of the 
> source tree i.e. having both the original (/usr/src/astyle-1.15.3) and the 
> patched source (/usr/src/astyle-1.15.3-1) in  /usr/src you have to 'cd' to 
> /usr/src/ an type this (quoted from the


I made same mistakes in doxygen-package, fixed similarly.



Re: Package review status

2002-09-18 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

Thank you Tsekov, for reviewing many times by my mistake.

I fixed these problems of astyle package.
> 1) The README says:
> -> should read../astyle-(VERSION).patch
> 2) The text in the README is with CR/LF endings. This is not a showstopper 
> at all IMO.
> 3) You suddenly changed /usr/doc/astyle-1.15.3 to 
> /usr/doc/astyle-1.15.3-1, even though it was just OK.


Re: Package review status

2002-09-18 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

I understand that doxygen has many problems, I will remake this package.

Please cooperate, Nicholas?

If there is no mistake of the astyle package, please upload.
I will focus on doxygen.


- Original Message - 
From: "Nicholas Wourms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Pavel Tsekov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Ryunosuke Satoh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 7:50 AM
Subject: Re: Package review status

> Pavel Tsekov wrote:
> > On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Ryunosuke Satoh wrote:
> > 
> > The binary package looks OK. I'm not a doxygen user and I don't know how 
> > to test it :) So I've just run the executables to see that they are 
> > working.
> I've been pretty busy, but I'll definitely look at it more 
> closely as soon as I can.  Things that we should test for is 
> support for Cygwin's native latex/pdftex/ghostscript.
> > However I noticed something - the binary is built using the included 
> > libpng. Cygwin has libpng as a package in the net distribution. Isn't it 
> > better to link against that ?
> Getting doxygen to link against it is a PITA b/c of the 
> TrollTech makefile mess that it uses for building.  Still it 
> is possible, IIRC.
> > You're passing D_WIN32 together with D__CYGWIN__ when building. This is 
> > kind of strange. I suppose D_WIN32 will trigger usage of native Windows 
> > constructs rather than Posix ones. Btw you don't need to pass D__CYGWIN__ 
> > because the compiler already defines this symbol for you.. Well, unless it 
> > isn't undefined somewhere in the source. Please, comment on this.
> This is *very* concerning and something I did not have a 
> chance to look at closely when I first made comments on this 
> package.  FWIW, I actually ported doxygen about a month ago. 
>   It was quite a pain, because Dimitry has WIN32 and _WIN32 
> ifdef's littered throughout the source code.  This is a 
> "bad" thing, because we don't want doxygen mixing the POSIX 
> api with the w32api [as it can and will result in runtime 
> conflicts].  I had a very unproductive chat with Dimitry in 
> an attempt to explain why using WIN32 ifdefs was bad [The 
> old Cygwin != Mingw issue].  Long story short, I located 
> every WIN32 ifdef and added !defined(__CYGWIN__) where 
> necessary.  This is *required* to use Cygwin's 
> teTeX/Ghostscript implimentation.  I can't recall, but I 
> believe this was also necessary to make sure doxygen 
> implicitly used POSIX path naming conventions.  Needless to 
> say, it wasn't easy.  The only reason I was holding off was 
> because I was planning to release it with the Doxywizard 
> right after I released QT-2.  Since someone else is doing it 
> now, I will try to work with him on this.  When I get some 
> free time, I'll dig up my patches and see what may (or may 
> not) need to be done to Ryunosuke's release.  Meanwhile, if 
> anyone knowledgable in Doxygen (Stipe?) could please test 
> this release in building latex/pdf/postscript documentation, 
> that would be great.  My main concern is to make sure that 
> people aren't required to have a separate install of 
> Ghostscript/w32 and fpTeX in addition to any Cygwin native 
> versions.  I hope this doesn't seem too demanding on my part 
> :-(.  Also, if these issues were resolved by Ryunosuke, then 
> please disregard this commentary.
> Cheers,
> Nicholas


2002-09-24 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh


I fixed some bugs.(ONLY  TEXT FILE)

   Makefile, astyle-1.15.3.README
   setup.hint:category(Util --> Utls)
   VERSION: 1.15.3-1 --> 1.15.3-2



2002-09-24 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh


I fixed some bugs.(ONLY  TEXT FILE)

   Makefile, astyle-1.15.3.README
   setup.hint:category(Util --> Utls)
   VERSION: 1.15.3-1 --> 1.15.3-2


sdesc: "Artistic Style is a reindenter and reformatter of C, C++, C# and
Java source code. "
ldesc: "Artistic Style is a reindenter and reformatter of C, C++, C# and
Java source code. "
curr: 1.15.3-2
category: Devel Utils
requires: cygwin


Re: Package review status

2002-09-25 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

> doxygen (reviewed, 4 votes, Joshua, Lapo, Nicholas and Robert,
>  still package cleanup needed(?))
>  Ryunosuke?  It's your call.

Sorry but give me time for brushing up this package.
I will solve some problems about  TeX output.



2002-09-26 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

Astyle Updated. 

  astyle --help out information to stdout, not stderr. (Thanks Walter)

Please Upload.



2002-09-28 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

Making doxygen package completed!

including binary,source,setup.hint.

Please check!
It can make tex and html output.
(But without doxywizard, I don't use doxywizard.)

Note: the patch file is very big (900kb), because of my editing eps file.

Ryunosuke Satoh

[New Package] tmake-1.8-1, Please vote !

2002-09-28 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

tmake is very useful for automatic generating Makefile.

Including bin,src,setup.hint.

Please vote!


sdesc: "create and maintain makefiles for software projects."
ldesc: "tmake is an easy-to-use tool from Trolltech to create and maintain makefiles 
for software projects. It can be a painful task
to manage makefiles manually, especially if you develop for more than one platform or 
use more than one compiler. tmake automates
and streamlines this process and lets you spend your valuable time on writing code, 
not makefiles."
category: Devel Utils
requires: cygwin perl


[New Package] tmake-1.8-1, Please vote !

2002-09-28 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh
sorry for multiple mail.



tmake is very useful for automatic generating Makefile.

Including bin,src,setup.hint.

Please vote!


sdesc: "create and maintain makefiles for software projects."
ldesc: "tmake is an easy-to-use tool from Trolltech to create and maintain makefiles 
for software projects. It can be a painful task
to manage makefiles manually, especially if you develop for more than one platform or 
use more than one compiler. tmake automates
and streamlines this process and lets you spend your valuable time on writing code, 
not makefiles."
category: Devel Utils
requires: cygwin perl


Re: [New Package] tmake-1.8-1, Please vote !

2002-09-29 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

Thanks for your review.

> I think just "Devel" would be fine. That's what automake and make are.

category: Devel


> This package seems to work fine. The example requires qt so it 
> doesn't really compile, but oh well. The point is to generate the
> Makefile, which works. It doesn't seem actually to be limited to just qt. 

I did not change sources in example dir.

> The exe is converted with perl2exe, does it actually rely on perl
> in any way?

?? I don't know perl2exe.
TMAKE is a perl script.

> The license seems to be a BSD-advert-like (with TrollTech 
> instead of UCB), which might cause problems if it is used 
> by GPL projects, no? Might want to mention that in the annoucement.
> Too bad, looks useful. 

I think no problem, because many linux distributions includes  tmake.
And I'm waiting a reply from trolltech.

> Typo in /usr/doc/Cygwin/tmake-blah.README:
> Making binary package:
>  $ cd /usr/src/astyle-(VERSION)
> There are a couple other lines with "astyle" instead of "tmake" too. 

Sorry, fixed.

> Also I don't like that just doing a "make" in the src directory actually
> installs, but I suppose that's something to take up with TrollTech. 

fixed. "make" do nothing, Installation requires "make install".


Re: CMake 1.4.5-1

2002-10-02 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

I  think It's good software.
Please append me the list. 

Ryunosuke Satoh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message - 
From: "William A. Hoffman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 10:49 PM
Subject: Re: CMake 1.4.5-1

> I think this means that cmake has two votes.
> Nicholas Wourms and Gerrit.
> Corinna can you upload the package?
> Thanks.
> -Bill
> At 11:56 AM 9/25/2002 +0200, Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
> >William schrieb:
> >
> >> CMake 1.4.5-1 is ready for release.   
> >
> >I vote PRO this package.  Unfortunately I have no time left this week
> >to do the review.

Please review ,vote, and I will review

2002-10-02 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

I'm waiting that someone reviews and votes these package,
tmake-1.8-1 <--- needs more votes, and review.
doxygen-1.2.18-1 <--- have enough votes, but needs review.
Please review and vote these package.

And if you will need review or votes, please call me like this: "Hi Ryunosuke, It's 
your turn! "

May I introduce these package?

tmake is a generator of the Makefile. 
It search *.c and *.h files, and generates Makefile.
It cannot generate a perfect Makefile but use it as template.
tmake is very useful with qt, because It's trolltech's software, Qt library package 
includes tmake.
My package:

doxygen is a very famous software, can generates documents from sources automatticaly.
You add comments with javadoc style or qt style, doxygen generates documents in 
If you are a programmer, you may use this. Javadoc can handle with java sources, but 
not c,c++ sources,
but doxygen can both.Javadoc generates html, but doxygen generates html, rtf,latex. 
Word can read rtf.
My package:


Re: Please review ,vote, and I will review

2002-10-02 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

Sorry, I might be thoughtless. 
I want to cooperate with others and prevent nice softwares 
from fading away because of no reviewing.

x Please review ,vote, and I will review
o Please review, and I will review


> It's probably not your intent, but I have a little bit of a problem with
> something that may be implied here.  It *almost* sounds like you're
> asking people to trade votes for favors, as in "I'll vote for yours if
> you vote for mine".
> I hope that everyone votes for packages based on their merits.
> If no one has said yes to tmake, it may be that tmake shouldn't be
> included in the distribution.  Maybe we need a cutoff point for the votes
> so that we are not waiting for years for someone to say "yes".
> cgf

Re: Please review ,vote, and I will review

2002-10-02 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

I know qmake. But I want to use tmake only. I don't use X and qt on cygwin.


> Do you have recognized that starting with version 3.0, Qt includes qmake, an
> improved incarnation of tmake,
> which is currently available in the cygwin port of qt3 on the kde-cygwin project
> on
> Additional some time ago Nicolas Wourms has announced, that the he is going to
> make a cygwin package for qt3, so I think this had to be checked.
> Ralf

Re: Pending packages status

2002-10-04 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

This package updated without CRLF.
I'm a monkey like repeating same mistake.
I change default setting  of my editor.


- Original Message - 
From: "Joshua Daniel Franklin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: Pending packages status

> I forgot to mention this earlier, but I also like the idea of the 
> necessary files being in one tar, like this:
> Instead of three separate files (.hint, -src.tar.bz2, .tar.bz2). This
> makes it easier to check out a package. Especially the setup.hint files have
> had some CRLF problems. 
> Could this be a new standard?
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo!

Re: Doxygen

2002-10-04 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

> I've just verified that. Can you please give a short summary of the 
> changes between this package and the previous one ?

First, updated the version, 1.2.17 > 1.2.18.

> From what I can see the issues from 
> described in
> are not fixed. I.e. the usage of -D_WIN32 along with -D__CYGWIN__. This 
> issue is important - are you sure that this is the right way to build 
> doxygen for Cygwin ?
> Also, have you tried to build against the Cygwin libpng package ?

This defines are essential.
Compiling Doxygen on cygwin requires -D_WIN32.
But some sources (file access,etc...) requires -D__CYGWIN__.
Cygwin is not WIN32 and not UNIX, so __CYGWIN__ is essential.

Win32 version use "gswin32c.exe". (hard coded in source...)
But cygwin version use "gs" of the tetex package.

doxygen contains these library.
2,qt library
3, xml library ? I don't know !
These are customized, "doxygen version".
So, I cannot exclude. 
I think Doxygen cannnot be compiled without these customized libraries.

> The setup.hint file lists bison and flex as required packages. Is this 
> really so ?

If you use binaries only, not required.
Doxygen requires these when compile doxygen.
No need?

> I noticed that you've changed the makefiles, isn't it better to change the 
> files instead ? You have made the following changes to the 
> makefiles:

..I found "original doxygen source distrubution" include garbage files.
So, "diff -Nrup" patch is very big. This is not my mistake.
   garbage files excluded.

sdesc: "Doxygen is a documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL (Corba, Microsoft, and 
KDE-DCOP flavors) and to some extent PHP. "
ldesc: "Doxygen is a documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL (Corba, Microsoft, and 
KDE-DCOP flavors) and to some extent PHP. "
category: Devel
requires: cygwin

500 kb lesser because of excluding garbage files.
The patch include doxygen_logo.eps.
cygwin version include it optimized by eps2eps.
tetex cannot deal with original one.


Re: Doxygen

2002-10-04 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

> I don't understand what do you want to show with that exmaple ? Please, 
> give more details. _WIN32 is not defined on Cygwin, so "gswin32c.exe" 
> should not be picked up if everything is set up correctly. See below the 
> output of gcc -v on Cygwin:

_WIN32 is used for VC++. Doxygen can be compiled with VC++.
If _WIN32 is undefined, fail to compile.
Doxygen use Qt library for dealing with string. (See qtools dir)
In file included from qiodevice.h:42,
 from qbuffer.h:42,
 from qbuffer.cpp:38:
qglobal.h:132: #error "Qt has not been ported to this OS - talk to qt-bugs@troll"
I don't want to edit Qt library's headers.
For compiling Qt library, I define _WIN32.

I think if I'm a VC++ user on Windows,
When I want to compile doxygen,
I must setup libpng and qt library and ..,
It's a troublesome.
I expec that This is the reason is why doxygen soruce include libpng and qt library. 


Re: CMake 1.4.5-1

2002-10-04 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

> > BTW, why is this required?  We use the dos file formats for cvs checkouts
> > because we use visual studio which does not like the UNIX style.

cywin is  only solution if I want to use unix tools on windows.
I think cygwin needs to be more friendly with VC++ users because of their  taking part 
in cygwin.


Re: Doxygen

2002-10-05 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

> I tried compiling with the Cygwin supplied libpng package and 
> doxygeb compiled and linked just fine (to the dll version). What I did was 
> just to follow the instructions in 
> /usr/doc/Cygwin/libpng12-devel-*.README. So I think it is worth to build 
> that way. I can send you my Makefile.doxy* and Makefile.libdoxy* if you 
> want to take a look at the compiler and linker flags I've used.

 Thank  you very much.
I see I'm wrong.

> Anyway, I am saying it again - it is not a showstopper... but it would be 
> nice to have it linked against the dll. It'll save some space and also 
> will utilize the work of other peoples which spent time on portin libpng 
> to Cygwin and made it possible to build it as dll.

If you are saying doxygen must link against the dll and exclude libpng sources,
it' out of my competence.
I will link on cygwin platform "only". OK?


Re: Doxygen

2002-10-05 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

> > If you are saying doxygen must link against the dll and exclude libpng sources,
> > it' out of my competence.
> > I will link on cygwin platform "only". OK?
> I don't understand what are you saying here - please explain. Are you 
> going to link agains cygpng12.dll or not ? :) What does it mean that you 
> " will link on cygwin platform "only" " ?

I'm going to link,
but I have no competence of excluding libpng source files from doxygen.


Re: Doxygen

2002-10-05 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

Cygwin has qt 2.3 package?
I can't see qt2.3 in the list of setup.exe.

> I have tried, it could be compiled out of the box with qt 2.3 including
> doxywizard.
> Ralf


Re: Doxygen

2002-10-05 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

   link (-Lpng.dll)
   removed _WIN32

Thanks for many advice.

sdesc: "Doxygen is a documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL (Corba, Microsoft, and 
KDE-DCOP flavors) and to some extent PHP. "
ldesc: "Doxygen is a documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL (Corba, Microsoft, and 
KDE-DCOP flavors) and to some extent PHP. "
category: Devel
requires: cygwin libpng12

I'm not certain the "requires" line is correct.
libpng12 or libpng12-devel?


Re: Doxygen

2002-10-05 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

I have a question.

doxygen warning  when generating documents.
I found this warning for the firsttime
libgd was not built with FreeType font support
 : Helvetica in .
Please tell me avoid this warning.


Re: Doxygen

2002-10-07 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

   compiled with -fno-exceptions and -fno-rtti.

> doxygen compiled with -fno-exceptions and -fno-rtti
> So I think adding these two options to the list of flags passed to g++ 
> would be useful.

Re: Pending packages status

2002-10-08 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

Please consider changing maintainer. I regret doxygen was vetoed by my failure.
Many people wait for being available on cygwin.


Re: Doxygen

2002-10-14 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh

> 1) The hunk starting at line 10474 of the patch is unnecessary
> 2) The hunk starting at line 10479 seems unnecessary too - you don't
> link against the included libpng.

diff -Nrup doxygen-1.2.18/lib/st003592 doxygen-1.2.18-1/lib/st003592
diff -Nrup doxygen-1.2.18/libpng/ doxygen-1.2.18-1/libpng/

I changed Makefile. "make distclean" remove st003592 &

> 3) I'm not quite sure but it seems like you made the patch against some
> already patched version of doxygen-1.2.18 and not the original one.

It is original one, not patched version.
Original one includes some needless files, so I removed.
"./configure" generates these files.
I think original one lack "make dist clean".

> 4) You used the '-fno-exceptions -fno-rtti' flags only in the Makefile
> responsible for building libdoxygen.a, while it can be used also in
> and


Thanks for your review.


Re: Doxygen

2002-10-18 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh
I changed  the site to Yahoo! Briefcase.
sdesc: "Doxygen is a documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL (Corba, Microsoft, and 
KDE-DCOP flavors) and to some extent PHP. "
ldesc: "Doxygen is a documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL (Corba, Microsoft, and 
KDE-DCOP flavors) and to some extent PHP. "
category: Devel
requires: cygwin libpng12

Re: doxygen details

2002-11-27 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh
Yes, I am. Thanks, Joshua. I will add build reuirements.


- Original Message -
From: "Pavel Tsekov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ryunosuke Satoh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: doxygen details

> Ryo, are you still willing to maintain the doxygen package for Cygwin ?
> > On Tue, Nov 26, 2002 at 07:29:50PM -0800, Joshua Daniel Franklin wrote:
> > >Here is a response to Chris' request for a show of confidence in
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >It looks like a useful tool. Some major projects are using it, like
> > >libstdc++ (for gcc), rpm, and abiword. It can produce nice source
> > >documentation in html and in conjunction with TeX and tools in pdf,
> > >ps, and other formats.
> >
> > Thanks, Joshua.  This is what I was looking for.  Ship it!
> >
> > cgf
> >
> --
> +++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more +++
> NEU: Mit GMX ins Internet. Rund um die Uhr für 1 ct/ Min. surfen!

Re: doxygen details

2002-12-01 Thread Ryunosuke Satoh
I update doxygen-package.

   /CYGWIN-PATCHES/doxygen-1.2.18.README: added build-requirements.

Please upload.

Ryunosuke Satoh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: "Pavel Tsekov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ryunosuke Satoh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: doxygen details

> On Wed, 27 Nov 2002, Ryunosuke Satoh wrote:
> > Yes, I am. Thanks, Joshua. I will add build reuirements.
> I've uploaded doxygen to I've used the tarballs
> found in your yahoo briefcase i.e. the ones without the updated
> build instructions.
> Send an announcement to [EMAIL PROTECTED] after a couple of
> hours. You may want to check the cygwin-announce list archives
> at to see how an package
> announcement should look like. A good example is
> Thanks! :)