Fw: Keyboard problem with X-session: only numeric keypad functions

2004-07-26 Thread Anthony Shephard
 I have just installed v6.7 of X11 on my WinXP machine. I am having a
 with using the keyboard during X sessions. If I run XWin and change
 or try different settings with setxkbmap, I always get error messages
 reported and only the numeric keypad works. I have tried a different
 X-server (XLitePro V1.2) and that works fine. Some help would be

 I have attached cygcheck.out and the output when I run XWin.


Anthony Shephard

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Re: XWin on Windows 98 unreliable

2004-07-26 Thread fergus
This works for me on W98 on a non-networked machine:

run XWin -nolisten local -multiwindow &

should do it. Then if you want to run xterm (say) just use

xterm -display localhost:0.0



new install - application windows are dead

2004-07-26 Thread Gareth Edwards
Hi there,
I've been happily using Cygwin/X for a couple of years on 2 or 3 
different PC systems primarily as a display server for some Big Iron in 
our server room.

I've recently installed Cygwin/X on my new whizz-bang desktop machine 
and I'm having a problem. When I run startxwin.sh (or startxwin.bat for 
that matter) everything appears to come up normally, with the exception 
of anything in the window itself.

For example, the xterm in the default startup script stays as a white 
window with no prompt or text, and the mouse cursor is 'X' when it is 
over this window. In this case, the window titlebar changes to '~' which 
implies that bash has started to run OK (indeed, Windows task manager 
shows bash.exe exists) but I don't know why it's not painting properly 
or handling events.

As a second example, xlogo again creates a white window with no 
contents. Again, the mouse cursor is 'X' when I hover on the window.

Launching the client program on the remote solaris box with approriate 
DISPLAY set has the same result; a window appears but it stays empty.

Nothing I can get from XWin.log but I've attached it regardless.
Hope someone can help!

Welcome to the XWin X Server
Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project


XWin was started with the following command line:

/usr/X11R6/bin/XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -silent-dup-error 

ddxProcessArgument - Initializing default screens
winInitializeDefaultScreens - w 1600 h 1200
winInitializeDefaultScreens - Returning
winValidateArgs - g_iNumScreens: 1 iMaxConsecutiveScreen: 1
(II) XF86Config is not supported
(II) See http://x.cygwin.com/docs/faq/cygwin-x-faq.html for more information
winDetectSupportedEngines - Windows NT/2000/XP
winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw installed
winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw4 installed
winDetectSupportedEngines - Returning, supported engines 0007
winSetEngine - Multi Window or Rootless => ShadowGDI
winAdjustVideoModeShadowGDI - Using Windows display depth of 32 bits per pixel
winAllocateFBShadowGDI - Creating DIB with width: 1600 height: 1170 depth: 32
winFinishScreenInitFB - Masks: 00ff ff00 00ff
winInitVisualsShadowGDI - Masks 00ff ff00 00ff BPRGB 8 d 24 bpp 32
null screen fn ReparentWindow
null screen fn RestackWindow
InitQueue - Calling pthread_mutex_init
InitQueue - pthread_mutex_init returned
InitQueue - Calling pthread_cond_init
InitQueue - pthread_cond_init returned
winInitMultiWindowWM - Hello
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - Hello
winInitMultiWindowWM - Calling pthread_mutex_lock ()
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - Calling pthread_mutex_lock ()
MIT-SHM extension disabled due to lack of kernel support
XFree86-Bigfont extension local-client optimization disabled due to lack of shared 
memory support in the kernel
(--) Setting autorepeat to delay=500, rate=31
(--) winConfigKeyboard - Layout: "0809" (0809) 
(--) Using preset keyboard for "English (United Kingdom)" (809), type "4"
Rules = "xorg" Model = "pc105" Layout = "gb" Variant = "(null)" Options = "(null)"
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/, removing from list!
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/, removing from list!
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/, removing from list!
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID/, removing from list!
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/, removing from list!
winPointerWarpCursor - Discarding first warp: 800 585
winInitMultiWindowWM - pthread_mutex_lock () returned.
winProcEstablishConnection - Hello
winInitClipboard ()
winProcEstablishConnection - winInitClipboard returned.
winClipboardProc - Hello
DetectUnicodeSupport - Windows NT/2000/XP
winClipboardProc - DISPLAY=
winInitMultiWindowWM - pthread_mutex_unlock () returned.
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - pthread_mutex_lock () returned.
winInitMultiWindowWM - DISPLAY=
winClipboardProc - XOpenDisplay () returned and successfully opened the display.
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - pthread_mutex_unlock () returned.
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - DISPLAY=
winProcSetSelectionOwner - Clipboard not yet started, aborting.
winProcSetSelectionOwner - Clipboard not yet started, aborting.
winInitMultiWindowWM - XOpenDisplay () returned and successfully opened the display.
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - XOpenDisplay () returned and successfully opened the display.
winDeinitMultiWindowWM - Noting shutdown in progress
winClipboardProc - winClipboardFlushWindowsMessageQueue trapped WM_QUIT message, 
exiting main loop.
winClipboardProc - XDestroyWindow succeeded.


winInitMultiWindowXMsgProc - Caught IO Error.  Exiting.
winDeinitMultiWindowWM - Noting shutdown in progress

Jennifer Bousquet no longer at Salon

2004-07-26 Thread Jennifer Bousquet
As of June 4, 2004 I am no longer with Salon.

If you have a Marketing related question please contact Patrick Hurley at [EMAIL 

If you have a  Salon Premium question, please contact customer service at [EMAIL 

If you have an Advertising Sales related question, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for your email. 

Wise Install for Cygwin/X and Windows OCX for automatic X connection.

2004-07-26 Thread Boaz Harrosh
Hi list!
I have packaged a "wise" installation for Just Cygwin-X + ssh. Is it in 
any way interesting to any one? (Wise is a package that produces a 
self-installing executables.)

I have had to change a few .BAT files so hard coded \Cygwin where 
removed and a call to /cygenv.bat is made. The Wise installer will than 
write/modify this file to reflect installation path. It is now possible 
to install to any directory, the default is: "\Program files\Cygwin". 
Batch files and Registry entries use the short DOS name of above folder 
so there are no spaces in the directory name.

TODO: compile Cygwin to use a different Registry root-key, so above can 
be installed along side an existing Cygwin installation.
The package is 44Meg 20Meg of it is the X fonts. It is 27Meg after 
packaging for download.

I have also developed a self-installing OCX (Xwidget.OCX) that can be 
put on a WEB page, that will install above X and than will connect to an 
SSH server and will execute a command. So a windows base browser machine 
can run remote X applications. Follow is a list of actions preformed by 
- IE hits a page with above OBJECT instance. The OBJECT tag has the 
CODEBASE attribute pointing to the Xwidget.CAB file (file contains the 
Xwidget.OCX + above cygwinX installation + setup.inf file that installs 
them both.)
- If Object does not exist it is installed by IE after confirmation.
- OCX has 4 main properties:
   - "ServerIP" is a string that can be a URL or an IP address which 
points to an SSH server.
   - "SSHUser" is the remote user to use.

   -"MagicWord" is the password or ssh-key to be used
   - "SSHCommand" is a string that contains the shell script to execute 
on the server after connection.
- After above are set the "Connect" property is called by HTML script 
Xwidget will do the following:
- Check to see if X is running locally. If not it will be lunched.
- establishes an SSH connection with "ServerIP" and "SSHUser". Using the 
-X switch for X Forwarding. (Hard coded local display 0.0 is used)
- Executes the "SSHCommand" on the remote machine. So if an X-Client 
application is specified in this command it will display on the user 
machine tunneled threw the established SSH connection.

So a Linux/Unix application server can put up an HTTP server with a Menu 
full of Applications it can serve. A first time visitor will have X 
automatically installed, each link on the page will/can lunch a 
different application.

Would Cygwin/X like to Host this OCX? Or should I send it to Freashmeat?