Re: Cygwin/x window no longer appears

2009-11-13 Thread Csaba Raduly
On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 11:16 PM, Olivia Cheronet wrote:

 I have recently started to work with Cygwin/X.
 Until now, I have been starting Cygwin/X by using startxwin.bat in the Cygwin 
 bash shell. Everything seemed to be working fine. However, it has now stopped 
 When I type startxwin.bat in the Cygwin shell, the normal
startxwin.bat - starting on Windows NT/2000/XP/2003
 appears. Yet, the window which used to appear no longer does. I am really not 
 too sure what to do about this, given that I have not (consciously!) modified 
 I have installed Cygwin (and Cygwin/x) very recently, and have tried to 
 reinstall the latter using Cygwin's setup.exe, but to no effect.

I assume it's the terminal window (xterm) that does not show up.
Does the X server start up? Check if the little X in the system tray
is present, and stays when you put the mouse over it . If not, you
need to check /var/log/XWin.*.log; there may be some error message
there. (Best to delete it and then try startxwin.bat)

Another test is to start a cmd.exe and run startxwin.bat from there.
Are there any error messages from running startxwin.bat ?
Does startxwin.bat really try to start the xterm? Maybe it got
commented out (that's what I do with my startxwin)

Hope this helps somewhat,
Life is complex, with real and imaginary parts

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Re: Can't read lock file

2009-11-13 Thread Fergus


Which is bad since FAT32 has no security at all. Any process of any
user on the machine can overwrite any file, even in the Windows folder.
NTFS is much more secure and has a couple of features you never get with
FAT32, and hardlinks are only one minor advantage. You should really
update the filesystem to NTFS using the on-board convert.exe tool.

Well. I took the advice and converted both FAT32 systems (one for 1.5 
and one for 1.7) to NTFS. I quite like some of the file management 
consequences - e.g. chkdsk output, more efficient use of space - but 
working within Cygwin I'm not a happy bunny. I am sure that in many 
parallel universes the step you have advised results in huge benefits, 
but so far I can only report detriment to [1] use and [2] understanding.

(I know [1] that requests/ complaints/ comments should not be too 
user-specific and as for [2] I'm really just hanging myself out to dry. 
But here goes ...)

I operate both Cygwins 1.5 and 1.7 on a partitioned portable drive 
hooked up to different machines at different times. After changing to 
NTFS I find

statements of folder permissions completely incomprehensible e.g. the + 
in drwxrwxrwx+;
also that they do not alter after chmod instructions in the way I was 
that there are MANY additional user names and group names including 
?? ;
that files I worked on on Machine 1 now produce Permission denied when 
I try to work on them on Machine 2

All right, all of the above merely make manifest a complete lack of 
understanding of permissions, privileges, rights, etc. But it is after 
all my mobile drive, and every file on it was put there by me, is 
owned by me in some sense, and I ought to be able to do stuff.

Finally (and I have tried to search for a solution) I alias ls as ls 
--color and had some lovely rxvt* xterm* and gnuplot* color schemes set 
up in ~/.Xdefaults. Now the rxvt* and xterm* color schemes have been 
lost (to be replaced   by, I assume, some standard set, with a 
particularly horrid colour combination for directories  (fg blue bg 
green). Confusingly, realised gnuplot* colors are still as set in 
.Xdefaults. Is there a way I can recover what I want for rxvt and xterm 
(maybe by putting the instructions into a different file).

I think I will revert to FAT32 partitions and maybe put up with a 
working if not current XWin in 1.7. Like my experience with mobile 
phones, there is a threshold of sophistication beyond which I am just 
plain incapable of making progress, and the conversion of FAT32 to NTFS 
seems to have crossed that threshold for me with its unintended (or 
unexpected anyway) consequences. It is a marvellous advance in security 
I am sure (and I am very appreciative that Corinna and Jon took this up 
and responded to me) but I guess it just isn't for me.

Thank you. If meanwhile you can point me somewhere for a solution to the 
lost colour schemes, I would be very grateful.


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Re: Running Java application with drag and drop support in cygwin

2009-11-13 Thread Jon TURNEY

On 30/10/2009 09:06, Dees wrote:

Your reply is much appreciated Jon. I will try to be more specific
about the problem in further mails.

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 8:11 PM, Jon  wrote:

On 28/10/2009 05:57, Dees wrote:

I have developed a Java application involving jTree with extensive
drag and drop support, which runs correctly in my Linux box. However,
when I switch to a windows box and access the same Linux box using
cygwin x-server, the drag and drop in jTree stops working.
Interestingly, rest of the application still works fine. After
analyzing a bit I found that x-server is able to recognize the drag
event but fails to recognize a drop event.


OS : Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10 (i586)
Version : 10
Patch level : 3
Other version information:
Java : JDK 5
Cygwin setup-version: 2.573.2.3
Also tried using Xming ssh same Linux setup from Windows, but
that also doesn't solve the problem.

Is there any setting, which should be done prior to running the Java
swing applications?

Here is a sample code which behaves in exactly same way.

I have no idea how to use that java code to reproduce the problem you are

Using the above java code in Linux:
1. Download and Install Java Development Toolkit on your Linux box
(Java sun download site:, if you do not have it
2. Save the sample code in the above link with the file name, say in /home/user/
3. Navigate to from shell, and compile the java code:
# cd /home/user/
# /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_14/bin/javac
Ignore any warnings of deprecated APIs.
4. This will create a few .class files in /home/user/ directory. Final
step is to run the Java code, using:
# /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_14/bin/java -classpath . TreeTester
This will open up a GUI, with a jTree each on left and right pane.
You can drag and drop any of the leaf nodes from one jTree to the root
node of the other jTree and this should add a new node in the other
jTree. You will get messages on console for the operations being
performed. Now ssh the same box using cygwin/xming from any other
windows box, and run the application using command in step 4. You
should be able to drag (a small icon will come under cursor indicating
that something is being dragged) but when you will drop it, the new
node would not be added to the tree. Thats where lies my problem!!!

Thanks for the test case and instructions, this makes it much easier for me to 
try it out.

However, this testcase and your jar archive both work fine for me (using 
Xserver 1.7.1-3)!

May be my problem is related to some setting. Though, not sure.
Has anybody come across something similar? What should be done then?
Please let me know.

No it's probably a bug in Cygwin/X.  But you're going to need to be a lot
more specific about the problem before any progress can be made on fixing

Also, putting some debug messages in the code lets me conclude that
it's the drop event which is not being recognized, as the main control
never reaches there.

There is not really any drop event, as far as the X server is concerned, just 
mouse click and motion events, which are passed on to you application (which 
has a framework to interpret them as dragging and dropping an item).

Now having a better idea of the problem, it seems less likely it is an Xserver 
bug at all.  The only Xserver cause I can think of would be if it was somehow 
not sending the correct events to your applications window, which you could 
test using xev -id your applications window id (you can use xwininfo to find 
the window id)

Volunteer Cygwin/X X Server maintainer

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Re: 'run xterm' fails to open a window

2009-11-13 Thread Ken Brown

On 11/12/2009 10:14 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
Ah, so this explains my xterm problem that started this thread.  When I 
start xterm from a shell, I always get the message

  Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion

It would also be nice to get rid of that xterm warning.  Setting LANG=C 
gets rid of it, so it seems to be another locale issue.

Never mind.  I found the answer in a different thread:

The workaround is to install the font-isas-misc, font-jis-misc, and 
font-daewoo-misc packages.


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Re: Automatically positioned mouse movements are off target

2009-11-13 Thread Jon TURNEY

On 24/08/2009 23:05, Brian Sheppard wrote:

I installed Cygwin/X (latest version, according to the Cygwin installer) on
my laptop. I use Putty with X11 forwarding to connect to a Red Hat Linux
system. I start the X windows server on my laptop using startxwin.bat as
installed. After logging in to the Red Hat system, I execute gnome-session,
and the gnome desktop shows on my Windows desktop. So far, so good.

I am testing a Java application using a tool called Abbot. Abbot launches
your Java Swing app within Abbot’s JVM. Abbot reads the coordinates of Swing
components from internal Java objects, and then issues mouse and keystroke
commands to simulate user actions according to a script.

My observation is that the mouse clicks are off target. Specifically, Abbot
is aiming to hit the exact center of each component, but it misses either
high or low. (Left and right centering seem fine.)

The amount of the miss has something to do with my Task Bar. When the
Windows Task Bar is locked at top, then the clicks miss below (i.e., lower
on the screen) the intended component. When the Task Bar is docked to the
right, left, or bottom, or if it is at the top and set to auto-hide then
mouse clicks miss above the intended component.

Thanks for the problem report.

I did some testing against Xserver 1.7.1 with xevent [1] and xdotool [2] to 
position the mouse pointer, but I wasn't able to reproduce the behaviour you 
are seeing.

I really have no idea how to get started using abbot to reproduce the problem 
you see, a simple test case would help a lot here.


Volunteer Cygwin/X X Server maintainer

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RE: checkX problems

2009-11-13 Thread Mike Ayers
 From: [mailto:cygwin-xfree-] On Behalf Of Lothar Brendel

 Could you please clarify an issue here? (Sorry, it seems, I wronged to
 ``run'' in the previous posts.)
 In a Windows command prompt (being somewhere on C:) I put the line
 \cygwin\bin\run -p /usr/bin sleep -wait 5
 into a file ``dosleep.bat''. Executing that BAT-script (w/o any
 wrapper), it
 *does* sleep. Typing that very line directly at the prompt lets ``run''
 return immediately, though. Can you confirm this behaviour?

I can confirm that without testing (so I'm probably chomping foot 
here...).  The sleep is holding the console open after run quits. This comes 
under the console programs must have a console heading.  It takes a bit ti 
get used to, but you'll get it soon.

  Looking forward to reading your patches to address any of these
  It shouldn't be too hard to add an option to checkX to make it
  if ECONNREFUSED. This would have to manually track the elapsed time
  for each attempt, charging against the specified -t waittime.
 Another possibility would be an option ``-n'' to specify the number of

GAH!  No, that's just lame.  Just spawn/fork a 
sleep-then-interrupt-daddy thread/process, set up a SIGINT handler that exits 
with an error, loop connection attempts until successful, check X, kill child, 
exit with success.  That enforces both types of timeout.

