Re: XWin: necessary internet access?

2003-09-29 Thread Holger Vogt

just to add:

C:\tmp will be the place you fing Xwin.log.



Re: XWin: necessary internet access?

2003-09-29 Thread Holger Vogt

I am running Cygwin Xfree on a computer which has never seen a regular 
Cygwin installation (Windows NT4). It takes about 10MB disk space.

All binaries (*.exe; *.dll) are in a directory D:\xfree\bin (8,1 MB). I 
have set a path to that directory in xfree_start.bat.

Besides that you need fonts and some locale information. I have 
therefore put the following directory tree onto the C: drive, because 
this drive seems to be searched automatically:


/x11 contains the file rgb.txt and the two subdirectories /fonts and 

/locale and its contents was just copied from the regular distribution, 
taking 423kB disk space.

/fonts contains only /100dpi /75dpi /Pex and /misc with 273kB disk space.

Then I start xfree with the xfree_start.bat file shown below. And that's 
probably all about it.



REM @echo off

SET PATH=%PATH%;d:\xfree\bin

cd d:\xfree\bin

start /B XWin-Test98.exe -screen 0 1024 768  -emulate3buttons 50 -rootless
REM start /B XWin-Test98.exe -screen 0 1024 768  -emulate3buttons 50 
-multiwindow -clipboard

REM do not start xwinclip with -clipboard option
start /B xwinclip-Test08.exe
REM do not start window manager with -multiwindow option
run twm
run rxvt -bg yellow -sb -e sh
run rxvt -bg magenta -sb -e sh
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr -fg white -bg black
xsetroot -solid cyan
run xmodmap


Re: Xfree86 is slow! with software like MATLAB

2003-09-29 Thread Holger Vogt
Hi all,

Another reply to Harold's question:

> So, are the fast apps non-OpenGL and the slow apps OpenGL?

Thae layout editor MAGIC, compiled with Cygwin 
( and 
using OpenGL is totally slow (unusable) in -multiwindow mode, but o.k. 
in -rootless.



Re: Invoking rootless mode

2002-10-18 Thread Holger Vogt
Hi all,

I have just installed XWin-Test66.exe over a very old Cygwin
installation (May 01, X-dlls March 01) on a Windows NT4 notebook. After
starting and a short DOS box pop up ... nothing happened.

But then there it was: a small green rectangle among all my Windows
icons stating "sh".

Now my screen is full with applications (Xman, Xciruit drawing program,
MAGIC layout editor), and still the Windows background, Windows Netscape
and others.

Congratulations, great work.

Holger Vogt

Subject: Re: Problem: extreme speed difference NT4 <> Win98SE runing Xfree

2002-04-18 Thread Holger Vogt

My display slowed down dramatically  when I moved from a 1024x768 screen
to a new display with 1280x1024 resolution (both with ME).

Holger Vogt