Re: Disable xterm auto-wrap: Mess up vi-like command line

2015-03-19 Thread Linda Walsh

Paul wrote:

If I disable auto-wrap, the vi editing at the comand line misbehaves
when the line being edited is long, especially when yanking a lot of
text and pasting it.  I suppose that this might be technically correct
behaviour, since an extra long command line needs to wrap in order to
see it properly.  But I use the vi command line exclusively, and
almost always, I don't want autowrap in the results from commands
being sent to the screen.  Is there a way to get both at the same
time, without having to always toggle the xterm autowrap?

What do you mean by mess up?  It shouldn't.  I just cut and pasted some text
from an xterm into an editor, and the lines weren't split... they got copied as
one line.

However, if I was to cut from a Windows Console window (cmd.exe for example),
it DOES, physically, split long lines.

It's a property of the console.

The main problem I've seen in bash is when you paste content that has
tabs in it.  Then bash tries to auto complete in the middle of your 
typing... often asking a question or pausing -- which means it *swallows* 
up the tab and 1-2 keys after the tab.

It didn't use to do this back in the 3.x series, but was added as a new
feature in the 4.x series.  

I ended up changing my completion character to BACKQUOTE to try to get
around this. 

Maybe tabs are causing your problem?

Example.  At a prompt, I typed:
cat CR
completion char

(I hit enter after that first quote and went to the next line and hit
my completion char (BACKQUOTE `), Then I got:


Display all 186 possibilities? (y or n)
At this point, whatever character is next in my paste buffer will be
swallowed up (in addition to the completion character).


Since the long line cut/paste worked for me in 'xterm', that's why I
thought maybe you were hitting bash'es input mangling-feature!...

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solution for package startup scripts changing: do your own (was Re: run.exe will not work with upgrade from 1.14.4 to 1.16.3)

2015-01-11 Thread Linda Walsh

Laurens Blankers wrote:

On 2-1-2015 21:10, schilpfamily wrote:

this has worked for years, now when i run this command, a window very
briefly blinks into existence but then goes away. any idea why this
would stop working now?

Because the default options in the distribution provided
startup script changed to a more secure setting, consistent with
upstream changes and the general atmosphere of security paranoia that
is gradually eroding usability (as security issues get alot more
attention than usability -- so much so, that while a benefit of computers
was that they could adapt to the user for a friendly user experience,
the opposite is becoming the standard.  I.e. users are expected to
adapt themselves to the changing machine programs.

I start my X server on login -- which means it has to work
when called at login -- and I wanted to make sure I could pass
custom arguments for the font path (among other things).  As
a result I simply wrote my own startup script that has it's
own defaults.  I expect it to work until some argument I expect
to be there is deleted.

I don't instantly get new features and benefits that might
be invoked from the distribution script, but usually it starts, and
every once in a while I review it and the cygwin start scripts to see
if there is something I should change.  But at least I don't get
caught by this particular problem.

I *do* still get caught by the installer overwriting
Windows mount points with physical directories which causes
various programs to stop functioning until I move the updated
files to the 'mount-point' and change the physdir back to
a mount point.

Anyway, ---
The script is started by a shortcut in:

That has a shortcut to 'bash' with arguments:

(Target:) C:\bin\bash.exe -c '/bin/setsid %USERPROFILE%/bin/'
(Run:) Minimized

It is also an icon on my 'Quick Launch' bar (i.e. in directory):

C:\Users\YOURUSERID\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick 

# (c) LA Walsh 2004-2014, licenced under GPLv2
#export DISPLAY=:0
#export XAPPLRESDIR=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults
#export XCMSDB=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/Xcms.txt
#export XKEYSYMDB=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XKeysymDB
#export XNLSPATH=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale

# see cygwin Xwin for more option examples
# relevant ops:
# -multiwindow = use windows manage; not w/(-rootless|-fullscreen)
# -clipboard = use built-in version (integrated w/windows)
# -unixkill = Enable Ctrl-Alt-BS as X-server shutdown cmnd
# -nowinkill = Disable Alt+F4 as a server shutdown key combination.
# -trayicon = (default) windows tray icon enabled

mount -c /
export PATH=/bin:$(/bin/cygpath $USERPROFILE)/bin:$PATH #ensure our 
bin is 1st

shopt -s expand_aliases extglob
alias notify=$(type -P notifu)
alias int=declare\ -i
alias sub=function
alias xset=$(type -P xset);
alias array=declare\ -a
alias my=declare

export DISPLAY=${DISPLAY:-:0}

sub xup {
  local stat
  read -t .1 stat $(xset q /dev/null; echo $?)   
return $stat
sub Xwin_pids {
  ( cd /proc  
  for p in +([0-9])/ ;do
if [[ $prg =~ .*XWin ]]; then
  printf %d:%s\n $p2 $prg

sub Xwin_pid {
  array Xprgs
  readarray Xprgs (Xwin_pids)
  if ((!${#Xprgs[@]}));then
echo 0
return 1
  my x=${Xprgs[0]}
  my pid=${x%%:**} prg=${x##*:}
  array out=( $pid $prg)
  printf %s  ${out[@]}
  printf \n
  return 0

sub Xwin_running {
  int pd; my pg
  read pd pg  (Xwin_pid)
  return $(((!pd)))
export -f Xwin_pids Xwin_pid

sub tidy_old_Xwin {
  local -a sigs=(TERM TERM KILL)  # try 2 TERMs then KILL upto maxsigs
  int pd; my pg
  int maxsigs=3 lastsig=${#sigs[*]}
  while ((1)); do
read pd pg  (Xwin_pid)
((pd)) || break
#int i=--maxsigslastsig ? lastsig:maxsigs
kill -${sigs[--maxsigslastsig ? lastsig:maxsigs]} $pd
((maxsigs)) || break
sleep 1
  rm -fr /tmp/.X11-unix

sub get_dpi {
  dpi=$(regtool -d get '/HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows 

  # check for insane values
  ((dpi50||dpi400))  dpi=96
  echo $dpi

sub get_fontpath {

  echo -n $fontpath

sub start_XWin {

  int dpi=$(get_dpi)
  cmd=/bin/run /bin/XWin  ${dpi:+-dpi $dpi}
-nomultimonitors -clipboard  -ac -unixkill -nowinkill -wgl
-bs -fp $fontpath -multiwindow
  echo cmd=$cmd

declare -a default_switches=(-dpi -clipboard -unixkill -nowinkill -bs 
-ac -fp -multiwindow -wgl)

readarray -t args (

Re: remote xterm's can't open display after upgrade

2014-12-14 Thread Linda Walsh

JimE wrote:

Hi Don,
   I'm in the same boat.  I just upgraded cygwin and now I can't get remote xterms to 
display on the local machine.

Question -- Is your local machine on a closed net?

	I.e. My windows machine is on a local subnet (example: 192.168.x.y) 
that isn't

(usually) exposed to the internet.

1st thing to note, is that my win X server starts automatically
when I log into windows (well it usually does unless some upgrade[sic]
makes something incompat), BUT, less likely to have problems, as
I start the X-server via my *own* script in my homedir's bin dir.

I.e. the shortcut on my QuickLaunch Bar (yeah, running W7 and still
using that...)... has

Target:  C:\bin\bash.exe -c '%USERPROFILE%/bin/'

my is mostly free of non-cygwin deps, except
for a tray-message util, notify which lets me put up messages
if the server is already running and such.

I'll leave in the comments (mostly NOTES to self or
OLD code...)... but if you know shell script, shouldn't be
hard to modify to your use case.

Some things (like a mount -c /) at the beginning
of the script have been added over the years to
increase robustness.

This script hasn't been cleaned for looking good
or best coding style, but given how often I need to
maintain or change it, I haven't been motivated.

It has disabled code that tried to start dbus, but
it didn't work reliably, so it's commented out.

Parts were rewritten to try to minimize use of non-shell,
external commands (minimize deps, efficiency).

Note 1: If you want to use this in an unsecure network,
then you need to start this through an ssh command to
the remote machine and not reset the DISPLAY...

Note 2: one thing this script does that the cygwin
script does not do -- it tries to read your display's
DPI and set the corresponding option in the X-display.

-extra config file: (optional) 

-bash script:

# (c) LA Walsh 2004-2014, licenced under GPLv2 and/or to nice people
#export DISPLAY=:0
#export XAPPLRESDIR=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults
#export XCMSDB=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/Xcms.txt
#export XKEYSYMDB=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XKeysymDB
#export XNLSPATH=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale

# see cygwin Xwin for more option examples
# relevant ops:
# -multiwindow = use windows manage; not w/(-rootless|-fullscreen)
# -clipboard = use built-in version (integrated w/windows)
# -unixkill = Enable Ctrl-Alt-BS as X-server shutdown cmnd
# -nowinkill = Disable Alt+F4 as a server shutdown key combination.
# -trayicon = (default) windows tray icon enabled

mount -c /
export PATH=/bin:$(/bin/cygpath $USERPROFILE)/bin:$PATH #ensure our 
bin is 1st

shopt -s expand_aliases extglob
alias notify=$(type -P notifu)
alias int=declare\ -i
alias sub=function
alias xset=$(type -P xset);
alias array=declare\ -a
alias my=declare

export DISPLAY=${DISPLAY:-:0}

sub xup {
  local stat
  read -t .1 stat $(xset q /dev/null; echo $?)   
return $stat
sub Xwin_pids {
  ( cd /proc  
  for p in +([0-9])/ ;do
if [[ $prg =~ .*XWin ]]; then
  printf %d:%s\n $p2 $prg

#sub Xwin_pid { echo $(/bin/ps -s|/bin/awk -- '/\?.*XWin/{print $1}') ; }

sub Xwin_pid {
  array Xprgs
  readarray Xprgs (Xwin_pids)
  if ((!${#Xprgs[@]}));then
echo 0
return 1
  my x=${Xprgs[0]}
  my pid=${x%%:**} prg=${x##*:}
  array out=( $pid $prg)
  printf %s  ${out[@]}
  printf \n
  return 0

sub Xwin_running {
  int pd; my pg
  read pd pg  (Xwin_pid)
  return $(((!pd)))
export -f Xwin_pids Xwin_pid

#sub Xwin_pid { echo $(/bin/ps -s|/bin/awk -- '/\?.*XWin/{print $1}') ; }
#export -f Xwin_pid
#sub Xwin_running { [[ $(Xwin_pid) ]] ; }
#export TERM=15 KILL=9

sub tidy_old_Xwin {
  local -a sigs=(TERM TERM KILL)  # try 2 TERMs then KILL upto maxsigs
  int pd; my pg
  int maxsigs=3 lastsig=${#sigs[*]}
  while ((1)); do
read pd pg  (Xwin_pid)
((pd)) || break
#int i=--maxsigslastsig ? lastsig:maxsigs
kill -${sigs[--maxsigslastsig ? lastsig:maxsigs]} $pd
((maxsigs)) || break
sleep 1
  rm -fr /tmp/.X11-unix

sub get_dpi {
  dpi=$(regtool -d get '/HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows 

  # check for insane values
  ((dpi50||dpi400))  dpi=96
  echo $dpi

sub get_fontpath {

  echo -n $fontpath

sub start_XWin {

  int dpi=$(get_dpi)
  cmd=/bin/run /bin/XWin  ${dpi:+-dpi $dpi}
-nomultimonitors -clipboard  -ac -unixkill -nowinkill -wgl
-bs -fp $fontpath -multiwindow
  echo cmd=$cmd

declare -a default_switches=(-dpi -clipboard -unixkill -nowinkill 

Re: running openGL application remotely using ssh -X and cygwin/x ,extension NV-GLX missing on display localhost:10.0

2014-04-28 Thread Linda Walsh

Jon TURNEY wrote:

Yes, this should work.

*But*, I'm pretty sure it doesn't anymore since the Xgl extension that was
used to transport the openGL commands between client/server was removed
from xorg's Xserver.

From wikipedia:

Xgl was a display server implementation supporting the X Window System protocol 
designed to take advantage of modern graphics cards via their OpenGL drivers, 
layered on top of OpenGL via glitz. It supported hardware acceleration of all X, 
OpenGL and XVideo applications and graphical effects by a compositing window 
manager such as Compiz or Beryl. The project was started by David Reveman of 
Novell and first released on January 2, 2006. It was removed[1] from the 
server in favor of AIGLX on June 12, 2008.


AIGLX doesn't work with client's native openGL drives when the DISPLAY 
local.  Instead, it sends full-frame-buffer updates to simulate what would be
happening -- something that appears to work correctly for small OpenGL 
But is entirely 'faked' (not really remote openGL that used the Server's
acceleration Hardware.

I'm not entirely clear if the 'extension �NV-GLX� missing' message is a 
warning or an error, but according to the internet it seems to be due to 
having a Nvidia libGL installed on the remote machine, so if all else 
fails you might look at uninstalling the Nvidia proprietary driver and 
libGL, and using mesa instead.

Which would give you unaccelerated frame-buffer updates to simulate
the effect.  Not quite what used to be available.

Note: this isn't a cygwin specific problem.  i.e. people running
xorg's server on a linux box have the same problem -- accelerated+remote
3D graphics seems to be dead.

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remote desktop /session bus woes...(was Re: problem with opengl (glxgears) running on cygwin ....)

2014-03-27 Thread Linda Walsh

Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:

On 2014-03-25 09:05, Jon TURNEY wrote:

On 20/03/2014 08:41, Linda Walsh wrote:

When I try to run glxgears locally, it displays the initial gears,
but now they are just frozen.  It doesn't work remotely, either,
which was what I tried initially.  It *used* to work -- remotely
at 20-30 frames/second (as measured by fraps).

Interestingly enough, I get a glx window, -- fraps will display
30 (the right number for my screen refresh rate), in the right corner
of the glxgears window... but the gears don't move.

Thanks for pointing out this issue.

I think that currently glxgears doesn't work very well with the 
combination of
indirect rendering and vsync-limited buffer swapping, so you are 
getting 30

fps, but they aren't useful frames.

This should be fixed in mesa-demos-8.1.0-2.

FWIW, I tried another X server...VcXsrv?...
Same with that program.

I tried several, got some that worked, most didn't.

Of the few that worked 'well' remotely, they were variations
on the glgears... got about 400-500 FPS -- and about low 300's MB/s
in bandwidth consumed... that sounds about right... but I think
there are other problem in trying to get a remote desktop to work
now... everything wants to connect to the session bus -- and many progs
won't start if they can't.  So if I can't figure out a way to
get that to work, remote usage is left at a fairly primitive level
despite the high frame rates on a 3x4 window... ;-)

One of the demo progs said it required opengl 2.1 .. my card has V4.something.
well above 2.1, so that seems like another latent problem.

Will look for the fixed version ...

thanks for the news...

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Re: problem with opengl (glxgears) running on cygwin ....

2014-03-25 Thread Linda Walsh

Jon TURNEY wrote:

Since [1], glxgears turns at a constant 70 degrees per second.

70 degress/s?  How is that important?

glxSwapBuffers does not block when used with indirect rendering, which means
that lots of frames can be rendered almost instantly, with no apparent
rotation, since the elapsed time between frames is very small.

According to the text in the starting window it is rendering at
30FPS.  -- I.e. it is sync'ed with my monitor's refresh rate (except
for the 1st iteration when it acted unsynced)
... I.e. in starting window this was displayed:

Running synchronized to the vertical refresh.  The framerate should be
approximately the same as the monitor refresh rate.
45623 frames in 6.4 seconds = 7166.903 FPS
834 frames in 27.4 seconds = 30.428 FPS
822 frames in 28.8 seconds = 28.542 FPS

With all X-window response degraded (Xserver process was peg'ed@100%cpu),
virtually no network traffic -- dropped from a norm of 200-400KB/s down to
between 1KB-80KB/s.

glxgears is a very basic test that GLX is functioning, and definitely not a
benchmark.  Real GLX clients should have a better mechanism for ensuring their
animation rate doesn't outrun the vsync frequency.

I thought it was the most basic.  It claims (except for the 1st
iteration) that it is not outruning my monitor's refresh rate.

If you have any problems with real GLX clients, I would be interested to hear

I'd be interested in finding any that work and proves that
it works locally.  While my initial use was to try remote GLX,
I reverted to trying it localling -- just to verify it worked
as it used to.

Thats what brought this on.

What is the OS of the remote system?

linux (opensuse 13.1).

No one else on that list was able to see normal response...
some got really sluggish response, others saw no movement or

It was only after I ran glxgears locally that I figured I might
also have a problem in Cygwin's X, in addition to any other
problem I have w/remote display.

I think this is because glxgears will send frames as fast as it can, and can
saturate the X server.

The demo claims to sync at the same rate the monitor is refreshing.

i.e -- 30 FPS.

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problem with opengl (glxgears) running on cygwin ....

2014-03-20 Thread Linda Walsh

When I try to run glxgears locally, it displays the initial gears,
but now they are just frozen.  It doesn't work remotely, either,
which was what I tried initially.  It *used* to work -- remotely
at 20-30 frames/second (as measured by fraps).

Interestingly enough, I get a glx window, -- fraps will display
30 (the right number for my screen refresh rate), in the right corner
of the glxgears window... but the gears don't move.

Same effect happens when I try remotely.  Window comes up with gears
displayed, but no motion.  Fraps also shows 30 FPS.

When I do glxinfo (with LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose), I get (more below):

name of display: :0
display: :0  screen: 0
direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting 
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.4
server glx extensions:
GLX_ARB_multisample, GLX_EXT_import_context, GLX_EXT_visual_info,
GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_MESA_copy_sub_buffer, GLX_OML_swap_method,
GLX_SGIS_multisample, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig, GLX_SGIX_pbuffer,
GLX_SGI_make_current_read, GLX_SGI_swap_control
client glx vendor string: Mesa Project and SGI
client glx version string: 1.4
client glx extensions:
GLX_ARB_create_context, GLX_ARB_create_context_profile,
GLX_ARB_get_proc_address, GLX_ARB_multisample,
GLX_EXT_create_context_es2_profile, GLX_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB,
GLX_EXT_import_context, GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap, GLX_EXT_visual_info,
GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_INTEL_swap_event, GLX_MESA_copy_sub_buffer,
GLX_MESA_multithread_makecurrent, GLX_MESA_swap_control,
GLX_OML_swap_method, GLX_OML_sync_control, GLX_SGIS_multisample,
GLX_SGIX_fbconfig, GLX_SGIX_pbuffer, GLX_SGIX_visual_select_group,
GLX_SGI_make_current_read, GLX_SGI_swap_control, GLX_SGI_video_sync
GLX version: 1.4
GLX extensions:
GLX_ARB_get_proc_address, GLX_ARB_multisample, GLX_EXT_import_context,
GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_MESA_copy_sub_buffer,
GLX_MESA_multithread_makecurrent, GLX_OML_swap_method,
GLX_SGIS_multisample, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig, GLX_SGIX_pbuffer,
GLX_SGI_make_current_read, GLX_SGI_swap_control
OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL renderer string: GeForce GTX 590/PCIe/SSE2
OpenGL version string: 1.4 (4.4.0)
OpenGL extensions:
GL_ARB_depth_texture, GL_ARB_draw_buffers, GL_ARB_fragment_program,
GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow, GL_ARB_framebuffer_object, GL_ARB_imaging,
   GL_ARB_multisample, GL_ARB_multitexture, GL_ARB_occlusion_query,
GL_ARB_point_parameters, GL_ARB_point_sprite, GL_ARB_shadow,
GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp, GL_ARB_texture_compression,
GL_ARB_texture_cube_map, GL_ARB_texture_env_add,
GL_ARB_texture_env_combine, GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar,
GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3, GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat,
GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two, GL_ARB_texture_rectangle,
GL_ARB_texture_rg, GL_ARB_transpose_matrix, GL_ARB_vertex_program,
GL_ARB_window_pos, GL_ATI_draw_buffers, GL_ATI_texture_float,
GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once, GL_EXT_abgr, GL_EXT_bgra, GL_EXT_blend_color,
GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate, GL_EXT_blend_func_separate,
GL_EXT_blend_minmax, GL_EXT_blend_subtract, GL_EXT_draw_range_elements,
GL_EXT_fog_coord, GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit, GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample,
   GL_EXT_framebuffer_object, GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB,
GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays, GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil,
GL_EXT_packed_pixels, GL_EXT_point_parameters, GL_EXT_rescale_normal,
GL_EXT_secondary_color, GL_EXT_separate_specular_color,
GL_EXT_shadow_funcs, GL_EXT_stencil_two_side, GL_EXT_stencil_wrap,
GL_EXT_texture3D, GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1,
GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc, GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp,
GL_EXT_texture_env_add, GL_EXT_texture_env_combine,
GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3, GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic,
GL_EXT_texture_lod, GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias, GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp,
GL_EXT_texture_object, GL_EXT_texture_rectangle, GL_EXT_vertex_array,
GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip, GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat,
GL_INGR_blend_func_separate, GL_NV_blend_square,
GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color, GL_NV_depth_clamp, GL_NV_fog_distance,
GL_NV_fragment_program, GL_NV_fragment_program2,
GL_NV_fragment_program_option, GL_NV_light_max_exponent,
GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint, GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil,
GL_NV_point_sprite, GL_NV_texgen_reflection,
GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc, GL_NV_texture_env_combine4,
GL_NV_texture_rectangle, GL_NV_vertex_program, GL_NV_vertex_program1_1,
GL_NV_vertex_program2, GL_NV_vertex_program2_option,
GL_NV_vertex_program3, GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap,
GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp, GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp,
GL_SGIS_texture_lod, GL_SGIX_depth_texture, GL_SGIX_shadow,
GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays, GL_SUN_slice_accum

98 GLX Visuals
visual  x   bf lv rg d st  colorbuffer  sr ax dp st accumbuffer  ms  cav
  id dep cl sp  sz l  ci b ro  r  g  b  a F gb bf 

Re: Glyph substitution

2012-04-16 Thread Linda Walsh wrote:

Glyph substitution doesn't works on cygwin using fontconfig, xft.
Missing glyphs won't get replaced from ones existing in other fonts.
Couldn't figure out why.
Freshly installed cygwin.
Anyone can report, that it should work?

What would make you think it should work?

I.e. where are you reading that it should work?
Sounds neat...if it did...

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Re: X still crashing, but interesting log messages... different config vals needed?

2012-02-26 Thread Linda Walsh

On Feb 12, 2012, Linda Walsh wrote:

Jon TURNEY wrote:

[ 14334.463] SocketUNIXAccept: accept() failed 

This log looks normal apart from this line.

I don't think this is a new warning, and wasn't in the previous log you
posted, so it's hard to see how this could be directly related to the 

You mean you think it IS a new warning.  Since I upgraded
the Xserver the week before that last, I haven't been able to
get *any* local 'X' programs to connect.

Oddly enough, remote programs do connect.

But I also can easily create a multi-gig /var/log file in a few hours,
as that message repeats multiple times/second.

	FWIW, dbus always hangs now, (presumably it tries to connect to the X server), 
when I start a local terminal session, but one started on a remote system, seems 
to work, as I have it spawn in my .bashrc.  Had to write some

timeout code... so haven't forgotten about it... just been swamped by other
probs...(so what else is new...)...


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Re: X still crashing, but interesting log messages... different config vals needed?

2012-02-26 Thread Linda Walsh

Jon TURNEY wrote:

On 12/02/2012 23:51, Linda Walsh wrote:

Jon TURNEY wrote:

On 11/02/2012 04:19, Linda Walsh wrote:

Still crashes in all the places it did 2 months ago, and more,  but
gives more interesting messages in log file (/var/log/xwin/XWin.0.log

I assume this refers to the problem reported in [1], crashing when running
yast2 on SuSE 11.4.  I don't know anything about any other crashes you might
have been experiencing.

I haven't done anything specific to try to fix this, because I can't reproduce
the problem and I don't have a useful backtrace.

It would be of great help if you could follow the instructions at [2] to
download the debug symbols and obtain a backtrace of the crash.

I did that last time, then got another email from another admin saying
to try some other version instead of that one because the instructions were

I'm assuming you're referring to the exchange we had at [3], but I don't
accept that as an accurate summary of it.

Nevertheless, partly to prevent a re-iteration of that pointless debate, I
have improved my build scripts so I now preserve the debug symbols for the
packaged builds of XWin. Instructions on downloading them are available at [2].

At that point, I gave up to go use Xming which didn't have the problem,
and was hoping someone else would run into it, since with cygwin, I have had it
set on autostart, and it usually crashes within 15-20 minuts -- make kernel,
or almost any qt based util,... then I just start Xming -- which was stable 
this last cygwin update...which doesn't make sense, as I didn't think there was
any code overlap

Indeed, the only things they should have in common are your OS installation
and your computer, which suggests to me, at least, that the problem may lie 

(main thing is I can no longer click on 'X' in a window and have it close, I
have to go through the program's menus in each program to close it...very

Was wondering if I should be giving any different options that might
help it behave better?
Log from last run below --

Welcome to the XWin X Server
Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project
OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 [Windows NT 6.1 build 7601] (WoW64)
Package: version 1.11.4-3 built 2012-02-05

XWin was started with the following command line:

/usr/bin/XWin -dpi 101 -multiwindow -clipboard -nowinkill -wm
[ 14334.463] SocketUNIXAccept: accept() failed 

This log looks normal apart from this line.

I don't think this is a new warning, and wasn't in the previous log you
posted, so it's hard to see how this could be directly related to the problem.

On the other hand, I'm a bit surprised that it works at all after that error.

Nevertheless, since UNIX sockets don't seem to be working correctly for you,
you might like to try adding '-nolisten unix' to see if that makes any

I assume you didn't try this.



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Re: X still crashing, but interesting log messages... different config vals needed?

2012-02-12 Thread Linda Walsh

Jon TURNEY wrote:

On 11/02/2012 04:19, Linda Walsh wrote:

Still crashes in all the places it did 2 months ago, and more,  but
gives more interesting messages in log file (/var/log/xwin/XWin.0.log

I assume this refers to the problem reported in [1], crashing when running
yast2 on SuSE 11.4.  I don't know anything about any other crashes you might
have been experiencing.

I haven't done anything specific to try to fix this, because I can't reproduce
the problem and I don't have a useful backtrace.

It would be of great help if you could follow the instructions at [2] to
download the debug symbols and obtain a backtrace of the crash.

I did that last time, then got another email from another admin saying
to try some other version instead of that one because the instructions were 

At that point, I gave up to go use Xming which didn't have the problem,
and was hoping someone else would run into it, since with cygwin, I have had it
set on autostart, and it usually crashes within 15-20 minuts -- make kernel, or 
almost any qt based util,... then I just start Xming -- which was stable until

this last cygwin update...which doesn't make sense, as I didn't think there was
any code overlap

(main thing is I can no longer click on 'X' in a window and have it close, I 
have to go through the program's menus in each program to close it...very


Was wondering if I should be giving any different options that might
help it behave better?

Log from last run below --

Welcome to the XWin X Server
Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project
OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 [Windows NT 6.1 build 7601] (WoW64)
Package: version 1.11.4-3 built 2012-02-05

XWin was started with the following command line:

/usr/bin/XWin -dpi 101 -multiwindow -clipboard -nowinkill -wm

[ 14334.463] SocketUNIXAccept: accept() failed 

This log looks normal apart from this line.

I don't think this is a new warning, and wasn't in the previous log you
posted, so it's hard to see how this could be directly related to the problem.

On the other hand, I'm a bit surprised that it works at all after that error.

Nevertheless, since UNIX sockets don't seem to be working correctly for you,
you might like to try adding '-nolisten unix' to see if that makes any 

On 11/02/2012 03:53, Linda Walsh wrote:

Re: oh forget the cygcheck...

cygwin = '() {  return 0

While I doubt that is is relevant, that's either a bug in cygcheck or a rather
strange setting for the CYGWIN env var

'cygwin' shown' there is lower case...
it does make a difference in the environment (case that is()... it's
a function in my startup where I detect if I am on cygwin, then define
a func that returns shell true (0), else on linux would return 1...
then other parts in my startup script can use that

cygwin  . cygwin/xxx

cygwin || unixthing...


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Re: segfault Xserver...current version (1.10, not 1.8)

2011-08-09 Thread Linda Walsh

Jon TURNEY wrote:

Following the instructions at [2] to obtain an Xserver backtrace would 
also be of great help.


Reading symbols from /usr/bin/Xwin...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Attaching to program `/usr/bin/Xwin', process 5280
[New Thread 5280.0x15b4]
[New Thread 5280.0xcf4]
[New Thread 5280.0x74c]
[New Thread 5280.0x4a4]
[New Thread 5280.0xe9c]
[New Thread 5280.0xf64]
[New Thread 5280.0xccc]
[New Thread 5280.0x11a4]
[New Thread 5280.0x1594]
[New Thread 5280.0x818]
[New Thread 5280.0x15bc]
[New Thread 5280.0x15e0]
[New Thread 5280.0x1514]
(gdb) c

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 5280.0x15b4]
0x00554823 in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00554823 in ?? ()
#1  0x00544023 in ?? ()
#2  0x0058401e in ?? ()
#3  0x0052ad57 in ?? ()
#4  0x0052028a in ?? ()
#5  0x61007038 in _cygwin_exit_return () from /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll
#6  0x0007 in ?? ()
#7  0x00fb1e08 in ?? ()
#8  0x61004c96 in _cygtls::call2(unsigned long (*)(void*, void*), void*, 

() from /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll
#9  0x in ?? ()

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Re: segfault Xserver...current version (1.8)

2011-08-08 Thread Linda Walsh

Csaba Raduly wrote:

On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 8:01 PM, Linda Walsh  wrote:

Jon TURNEY wrote:


Next time, please *attach* the *full* XWin.0.log

   That was the full had been truncated -- perhaps by the
processes...A full log from a non-crashed version (i.e. I haven't run
yast2), is here:

To attach is to use File-Attach-File... or click the paperclip
icon, as opposed to pasting the log into the body of the message.

Ah...I focused on the 'full' part, not the attached part.

It's just damn confusing.

One list, filters attachments, another, they expect it...

Also, please set Thunderbird to attach files correctly:

Don't worry, Have done so in the past, forgot that this list
*wants* them as attachments (vs. some others lists where such will be
automatically stripped)...

   Yeah -- that's why I don't like to include cygcheck.out's
They give out lots of info that isn't _entirely_ relevant.  It's not even an
accurate package listing if one has installed packages w/tar by hand.

What you deem relevant may not match what others on this list deem
relevant. You might omit information that would have helped diagnosing
your problem.
There's a reason for what's written in

Problem reports:

There are reasons for everything we come up with.
That doesn't mean they are _always_ good reasons.

Note I did try to underline the word entirely, AND, I did include
it, whatever my reservations.  I was merely commenting on how, in some
cases it provides 'random goose chase' information.  More often than
not, I've seen it used to blow off user bug reports because some i isn't
dotted, or t, crossed.  Whatever, I understand, which isn't to say I
always necessarily enjoy it -- but in this circumstance, considering
the abstractions and mixtures of SW, I thought such a report more than
reasonable to provide.

I'm just wondering if there's a way to turn on coredumps and give stack
traces of the X I'm running vs. downloading some 'extra special' version.
I get coredumps on linux and windows, and am able to generate backtrace info
on both for many situations (more on linux than windows), sometimes it 
leads me

to investigate things more on my own and even find workaround or fixes,
but the X server hasn't crashed on me since the last report, (but I am 

away from running yast2 for the time being!)

C'est la vie  Cheers!

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Re: segfault Xserver...current version (1.10, not 1.8)

2011-08-08 Thread Linda Walsh

Jon TURNEY wrote:.

Does this mean that the xorg-server version reported by cygcheck is 
incorrect because you've installed the tar file by hand?


I just cannot understand how you could paste your cygcheck.out, but not 
mention that important fact.

I cannot understand how you cannot understand that I'd have no inherent
clue how cygcheck would work or fail -- and that by taking a 
cygwin-setup tar image
from it's setup dir, and installing it by hand, and then 'hand-calling' 
it's post-install
script, wouldn't update the versions for cygcheck.  I was surprised 
when you highlighted

the wrong version.

	I did run the post-install scripts for the package.  Perhaps it they 
need to
call some common update routine that didn't get called to update the 

	Sounds like a case of the tar and post-install scripts expecting things 
to be
done, that are not clearly spelled out anywhere.   So, how would would 
you have expected
me to know that?  Magic?  It's not like I've had to do it before.   Just 
that setup
is broken -- and won't install single packages without alot of effort 
(as at least one other

person posted!),

	So please be aware, I didn't know that cygcheck relied on some 
database may have little to do with the actual system (files could have 
been restore, as
well -- in fact WERE! the /bin dir, when nothing worked, I guess I 
cygcheck looked at version numbers in the binaries...but ... well silly 
me (hey,
if it was something I relied on, I'd want it to tell me what the actual 
binaries are,
not just what some static db thinks they are...but...that's me, and I'm 
used to things not
always being the way the 'should' be...(so you have to program for the 

Also, don't do that, it's not supported.

Installing single packages is supposed to be supported, it's broken.
What is the workaround?

Regarding a stack traceback -- I dont' see where the Xserver has produced
a corefile to run gdb on (???). Does it produce one?


Oh.   I try to config most of my apps to generate core dumps so I can
get tracebacks of the actual problem that occurred in the actual binary 
that it

occurred in.

The instructions below don't say anything about getting a stack 
for the binary I'm running.   They talk about downloading a different 
binary that
may not reproduce the problem.  In which case, I don't know if the 
problem is solved,
or something just didn't step on something, randomly in memory due to 
some flailing pointer.

	Anytime you substitute a binary, getting a stacktrace or trying to 
produce a problem

becomes an iffy proposition, because you aren't using the same program.

That said, I suppose I don't care that much, other than to get the 
fixed at some when I get time, I'll move forward with trying 
the instructions

Which, BTW, I had already read before I asked about the coredumps for 
the current binary --
(I'd like to know how to enable coredumps for the current binary! not a 
different one, but
that may not be possible -- you might think about being able enable it 
in the future based

on some ENV setting...just a thought)...

As I said once already:

Yes you did, but that wasn't my question -- all I asked was about core 
dumps for the current
binary.  I didn't say I wouldn't do the below -- nor did I say the below 
told me to use
the core dumps from my current binary...  It was a related question, but 
not about how to do

the 'below'...sorry if that was confusing...

Following the instructions at [2] to obtain an Xserver backtrace would 
also be of great help.


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Re: segfault Xserver...current version (1.8)

2011-08-06 Thread Linda Walsh

Jon TURNEY wrote:

On 05/08/2011 01:02, Linda Walsh wrote:

/var/log/XWin more XWin.0.log
[ 58452.716] winInitMultiWindowWM - XOpenDisplay () returned and 
successfully op

ened the display.
[ 58452.716] winMultiWindowXMsgProc - XOpenDisplay () returned and 

opened the display.
[ 58452.732] winClipboardProc - XOpenDisplay () returned and 
successfully opened

the display.
[ 58458.145] Segmentation fault at address 0x0
[ 58458.145]
Fatal server error:
[ 58458.145] Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting
[ 58458.145]

I just upgraded to the new server last night... 

Next time, please *attach* the *full* XWin.0.log

That was the full had been truncated -- perhaps by the failing
processes...A full log from a non-crashed version (i.e. I haven't run 
yast2), is here:

/var/log/XWin more XWin.0.log
Welcome to the XWin X Server
Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project
OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 [Windows NT 6.1 build 7601] (WoW64)
Package: version 1.10.3-1 built 2011-07-19

XWin was started with the following command line:

/usr/bin/XWin -dpi 101 -multiwindow -clipboard -nowinkill -wm

ddxProcessArgument - Initializing default screens
winInitializeScreenDefaults - primary monitor w 2560 h 1600
winInitializeDefaultScreens - native DPI x 120 y 120
[   938.034] (II) xorg.conf is not supported
[   938.034] (II) See for 
more in

[   938.034] LoadPreferences: Loading //Bliss/law/.XWinrc
[   938.049] LoadPreferences: Done parsing the configuration file...
[   938.190] winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw installed, allowing 

[   938.190] winDetectSupportedEngines - Windows NT, allowing PrimaryDD
[   938.190] winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw4 installed, allowing 

[   938.221] winDetectSupportedEngines - Returning, supported engines 

[   938.221] winSetEngine - Multi Window or Rootless = ShadowGDI
[   938.221] winScreenInit - Using Windows display depth of 32 bits per 
[   938.221] winAllocateFBShadowGDI - Creating DIB with width: 4480 
height: 1600

 depth: 32
[   938.221] winFinishScreenInitFB - Masks: 00ff ff00 00ff
[   938.221] winInitVisualsShadowGDI - Masks 00ff ff00 00ff 

d 24 bpp 32
[   938.221] winInitMultiWindowWM - Calling pthread_mutex_lock ()
[   938.221] winMultiWindowXMsgProc - Calling pthread_mutex_lock ()
[   938.221] Screen 0 added at virtual desktop coordinate (0,0).
[   938.283] (II) AIGLX: Loaded and initialized /usr/lib/dri/
[   938.283] (II) GLX: Initialized DRISWRAST GL provider for screen 0
[   938.642] winPointerWarpCursor - Discarding first warp: 2240 800
[   938.642] (--) 7 mouse buttons found
[   938.642] (--) Setting autorepeat to delay=250, rate=31
[   938.642] (--) Windows keyboard layout: 0409 (0409) US, 
type 4

[   938.642] (--) Found matching XKB configuration English (USA)
[   938.642] (--) Model = pc105 Layout = us Variant = none Options 
= none

[   938.642] Rules = base Model = pc105 Layout = us Variant = 
none Optio

ns = none
[   938.642] winBlockHandler - pthread_mutex_unlock()
[   938.642] winInitMultiWindowWM - pthread_mutex_lock () returned.
[   938.642] winInitMultiWindowWM - pthread_mutex_unlock () returned.
[   938.642] winMultiWindowXMsgProc - pthread_mutex_lock () returned.
[   938.642] winInitMultiWindowWM - DISPLAY=:0.0
[   938.642] winMultiWindowXMsgProc - pthread_mutex_unlock () returned.
[   938.642] winProcEstablishConnection - winInitClipboard returned.
[   938.642] winMultiWindowXMsgProc - DISPLAY=:0.0
[   938.642] winClipboardProc - DISPLAY=:0.0
[   938.642] winInitMultiWindowWM - XOpenDisplay () returned and 
successfully op

ened the display.
[   938.658] winMultiWindowXMsgProc - XOpenDisplay () returned and 

opened the display.
[   938.673] winClipboardProc - XOpenDisplay () returned and 
successfully opened

 the display.
[  4096.679] OS has icon alpha channel support: yes


1.8.0-1 is not the current version, 1.10.3-1 is (See [1]).

I'm running as you can see from the full log...

I will now crash my xserver...

[duplicate portions of above log suppressed...exactly the same timestamps
up to [4096.679]].
[100813.992] Segmentation fault at address 0x0
Fatal server error:
[100813.992] Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting

I've no idea why the original log was truncated 'funny', other than I'd
tried to start and had crashed the server several times in a row,
so it's possible in the multiple invocations one log overwrote another.

Works fine for most things...

But ran yast2, on my suse box kills it every time. w/signal 11.

If this is still reproducible when you've upgraded to the current 
version of the Xserver, can you tell me what SuSE version you are using, 

Suse 11.4
Ishtar: rpm -qa|grep  -P '(?:patterns

Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: xorg-server-1.10.3-1

2011-07-19 Thread Linda Walsh

Jon TURNEY wrote:

The following packages have been updated in the Cygwin distribution:

*** xorg-server-1.10.3-1
*** xorg-server-dmx-1.10.3-1

How can I install 'just' those packages (from the command

The GUI has no option to only install 1 package --
it selects ALL, (100's of my packages want updates, but when I tried I
tried it last, I ended up with a completely non-function cygwin setup
(no bash, nada..., thank goddess I had a backup...)

So now now, I tried going through and unselecting, but there
were too many and my wrists gave out.and of course the GUI has
not KB-accelerators like shift-minus to unselect all, that I could find.

Any easy way to cherry pick packages to install rather than being
forced fed entire updates all at once?

the cmd line 'setup' claims to allow you to install, one package, but
then it went through the whole gui process and still had all the other
default packages installed!

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Re: X on win 7

2011-07-19 Thread Linda Walsh

Daniel Bienstock wrote:


I have a new Dell Dimension M6600 with Windows 7 SP 1.  I have disabled 
the Windows firewall and added rules to allow programs in cygwin and 
cygwin\bin to run.

I am using cygwin 1.7.9  (I also use older cygwins on many 32-bit 
Windows machines).

On this machine, X runs badly: often very slowly, and frequently with 
crashes as well.  A couple of times I was forced to reboot the machine 
-- Windows appeared unresponsive.

I did try rebaseall, but did not help (in fact had to reinstall cygwin).

I have seen some posts on this topic, but no definitive workaround.

This may be entire unhelpful, but is mentioned as a
datapoint only,
I have X on Win7 working with
cygwin 1.4.2-1
xorg-server 1.8.0-1
xorg-server-dmx 1.8.0-.1

(and lots of other packages from that era

I tried upgrading to latest, and nothing worked.
No bash, No X, -- rebase died didn't solve anything
I reverted as didn't have the time to track down all the
problems of such a large update.

I'd like to try updating packages 1-by-1, but that's not
easily supported through setup (it selects all, and there's
no way to unselect the 100+ updates except by repetitious mouse
clicks (keyboard accel's didn't function).

My wrists warned me to quit.

Dunno wazzup w/newer versions as I'm sure many use them
with no difficulties, BUT, the version I have now works
with what I currently have installed (BLODA, though I don't
think  I have anything that falls into that category, given it's
precise definition, it's hard to tell from day-to-day).

So things keep changing in both Win7, and cygwin, (and my server,
that I upgraded to a changed samba(3.6) hasn't done me any
favors in tracking down all my little nuisances

Note, it's generally the cyg-support way to blame things on the
user or tell them they can use the source and fix it themselves.

Tried that 3 times, insufficiently documented and/or included
too many assumptions about user's environment for me to replicate.
(Doesn't mean I won't try again some day, but fixing my samba server
handing out Domain GUID's is higher prio -- as is writing my script
to create auto-snap-shots of my home-dir on linux with LSM and rsynch
that are mounted w/samba so as to show up as previous versions of
changed files

(and of course, those tasks are always getting interrupted as well...
nested so damn deep, I've my overflow counter has wrapped.

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: xorg-server-1.10.3-1

2011-07-19 Thread Linda Walsh

Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 07:25:50PM -0700, Linda Walsh wrote:

Jon TURNEY wrote:

The following packages have been updated in the Cygwin distribution:

*** xorg-server-1.10.3-1
*** xorg-server-dmx-1.10.3-1

How can I install 'just' those packages (from the command

The GUI has no option to only install 1 package --
it selects ALL, (100's of my packages want updates, but when I tried I
tried it last, I ended up with a completely non-function cygwin setup
(no bash, nada..., thank goddess I had a backup...)

So now now, I tried going through and unselecting, but there
were too many and my wrists gave out.and of course the GUI has
not KB-accelerators like shift-minus to unselect all, that I could find.

Any easy way to cherry pick packages to install rather than being
forced fed entire updates all at once?

the cmd line 'setup' claims to allow you to install, one package, but
then it went through the whole gui process and still had all the other
default packages installed!

If you ran setup.exe and it deleted bash then there is something very
seriously wrong with either your system or setup.exe.

I know where my money would go if I was betting on which of the above
was more likely.

Didn't delete it...
it was all non-functionalbash, everything dumped core or stacktraced
-- symptoms of needing a rebase, but that didn't fix everything. ..

Got bash to run but then still no X, and bash wouldn't run under
'Console' (only under native win cmd-like shell).

You wanna put money on fault?  Gee, Console worked w/old
bash, installed, new bash, no longer works -- what changed?

X used to work, update?  Not.  Fault?
I wasn't pointing finger, BTW, I know my config isn't
standard...BUT...that doesn't mean an update should through everything
into chaos...

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extensions (shared mem, security)

2009-12-15 Thread Linda Walsh

looking at the startup log, I don't see the X-Security extension being 
initialized.  Is it not supported?

Also, perhaps more important for me is the message:

2009-12-15 10:39:27 XFree86-Bigfont extension local-client optimization disabled
due to lack of shared memory support in the kernel

NT supports shared memory objects and I thought cygwin uses shared memory for 
cross-process communication.  So what's this about X not knowing about the 
shared memory support?


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Re: extensions (shared mem, security)

2009-12-15 Thread Linda Walsh

Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:

On 15/12/2009 13:00, Linda Walsh wrote:

looking at the startup log, I don't see the X-Security extension being
initialized. Is it not supported?


You need to install and run the cygserver service before launching XWin 
in order to have support for XFree86-Bigfont and MIT-SHM.

	Damn useful response.  What can I say, but thanks for the 
str8-up.  :-)  Guess I have more configurations changes to make...


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Re: xterm doesn't open on start

2009-12-03 Thread Linda Walsh

Timares, Brian (Patriot) wrote:

Any other ideas?  I keep updating but so far all I can do is launch
an Xterm manually and clean up, then everything seems fine til the
next time I relaunch it.

Do you have
set in your Windows environment?

(system properties, Advanced, Env Vars).
I put mine in the System Environment so it's
there no matter how I'm logged in.

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Re: X11R7.5 and C.UTF-8

2009-12-02 Thread Linda Walsh

Ken Brown wrote:

On 10/28/2009 6:07 PM, Andy Koppe wrote:

2009/10/28 Ken Brown:
Maybe my terminology is wrong.  But if you start mintty with no 

and with LANG unset, mintty will set LANG=C.UTF-8.

Yep. That's primarily for emacs' benefit, which parses the locale env
variables itself instead of using setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ), thereby
missing out on Cygwin's default locale.


I've sent a report about this to the emacs-devel list 
 But I don't have a good understanding of locale issues.  Could you take 
a look and see if what I said is accurate or if more should be said?

C.UTF_8 doesn't exist.

mintty is broken.

Might want to try 'Console' nstead of using mintty.  Not perfect either, 
but fewer compatibility problems that I've noticed.

Examples of valid LANG values: 

  C, ca_FR, en_US, fr_FR, it_IT, nl_NL, wa...@euro 

You can't have C and UTF-8, because C means no encoding (default).
UTF-8 IS an encoding, so they are mutually exclusive.  I don't
know under what circumstances C might imply UTF-8.  If the definition
of C changes?  It might be easier than changing c (as used in physics).

My understanding of locale issues is also limited and subject to change or


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remote desktop

2009-11-25 Thread Linda Walsh

I'm trying to get a remote desktop to come up, but am not sure what's
required on the remote end.

Locally, I've been trying 'Xwin -query hostname

Either they come up with no login screen, or in one case an error
where it said:
winProcEstablishConnection - Xdmcp, waiting to start clipboard client until 4th 
winInitClipboard ()
winProcEstablishConnection - winInitClipboard returned.
winClipboardProc - Hello
DetectUnicodeSupport - Windows NT/2000/XP
winGetDisplay: DISPLAY=:0.0
winClipboardProc - DISPLAY=:0.0
winClipboardProc - XOpenDisplay () returned and successfully opened the display.
winProcQueryTree - Hello
winProcQueryTree - Clipboard client already launched, returning.

winClipboardProc - setjmp returned for IO Error Handler.
winDeinitMultiWindowWM - Noting shutdown in progress

Is there something I'm missing or need to setup on my remote clients?

They are various levels of suse boxen, and claim to have 'xdm' enabled
via their chkconfig -- but I don't know if they are configured properly.

Think was, is that I tried this before, and it just worked, but after
some recent updates, it stopped working.  I guess I just got lucky with
it working before?

It may be there's too little to go on here, and I just need to 
start from scratch, and try to figure out how XDM works from the man

page, but it's odd that it was setup to 'work', but just seems to have
randomly broke as I wasn't trying to change any configuration related to
xdm on the remote machines...*sigh*.

thanks if anyone sees any overt problems or knows any common 
ones w/suse...


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Re: vnc btter than X...?

2009-11-23 Thread Linda Walsh

Michael Breuer wrote:
That was probably 
pushing things anyway as the proper way is to run VNC remotely, not in a 
remote X session... but I figured I'd try to break it.

Why is VNC more proper than X?  I haven't been able to get
VNC to work, but X runs wonderfully.  What am I missing?  :-)
If it's really an improvement, I might spend some more time trying
to get it to work...

FYI, I'm connecting over an internal 1Gb ethernet with no need
for encryption (it's an isolated, internal subnet).  So would vnc
any advantage?

Sorta tangential to the original discussion, but thought
I'd ask...


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Re: 'run xterm' fails to open a window

2009-11-09 Thread Linda Walsh

jean-luc malet wrote:

thanks for the reply,
for some reason I would like to continue using the cygwin one...
this .bat was working some time ago, until I update cygwin

1) when I launch cygwin's gvim from a dos cmd shell it run as expected
2) when I launch c:\Cygwin\bin\run gvim in the same dos cmd shell it
spawn a process gvim (ps -a show it) attached to con but nothing is
displayed on screen

- this isn't a pb of DISPLAY else 1) wouldn't have worked and
cygwin's gvim wouldn't have displayed

That may not, exactly, be the case.

I was under the impression that starting something using the
'run' command is starting outside of your normal Cygwin session (and not
attached to a Shell window).  Depending on how you set your DISPLAY variable,
this could easily mean that the 'gvim' you start via run doesn't have
DISPLAY set properly.

	I.e. if you set DISPLAY in your cygwin environment via the 
startup commands in BASH, OR if you start X, which spawns an Xterm, that

already has DISPLAY, preset for you, (by X, before it spawns Xterm), then
by using run, you are starting 'gvim' outside of the environment where
you normally have DISPLAY set to a valid value.

The only way DISPLAY would be set correctly for gvim when run
using 'run', is if you be sure that it's set by the 'run' command, 
OR if you have it set in your Windows System or User Environment variables

when you log on (settable in Computer Properties(shortcut=WIN-BREAK on 
then Advanced-Environment Variables.  There you can set display for your
userid, or system wide under the User variables.

So do you know that DISPLAY is set correctly for gvim when invoked
by run?  

A test you could do is « run bash.exe -c printenv/tmp/my_envvars.txt 
That will dump out all the env vars you think you are setting to a file that you
can look at after running it -- then you can make sure DISPLAY is set the way
you want it.

BTW, regarding Vim versions:
I use the X-version of Gvim when i'm logged into my linux machines, but 
use the Win version locally on my desktop (or the 'cygwin-vim' version when I'm
working in a command window and just want to do quick edits).  So I jump between
all three version somewhat interchangeably.  The Win version has a nicety that
you can set the horizontal scaling of a font separately from the vertical 
and use 'half' sizes like Lucida_Console:h10.5 -- which is different than
Lucida_Console:10, or 11.  But the X-version of Gvim has better Foreign 
display capabilities which can confused the Windows version.  So depends on 
what I'm
editing I suppose, as well.

Hope the DISPLAY stuff helps.


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Re: 'run xterm' fails to open a window

2009-11-05 Thread Linda Walsh

I would suggest you run the native version of 'gvim' instead
of the cygwin 'gvim' unless you know you need something that
the 'X' version provides.

You can download the native gvim from the vim website.

The native version can use the SAME config files as the cygwin
version (i.e. it works equally well with LF line endings as
it does CRLF line endings).

It handles / or \ as path separators.  I believe.

BUT, one caveat, I have my Cygwin installed in C:\ not
C:\cygwin, and my drive prefix is / not 'cygdrive/'  This
means all my dos paths and cygwin paths are *equal*. So
from any directory, if I type in 'vi xxx', I get the cygwin
based 'vi' editor, but if I want a gui, I can type in 'gvim xxx'
and I will get the native-windows based gui.

Just make sure you add /prog/vim/ to your path (or wherever you
install vim programs).  It's faster and doesn't need a running

I do use the X-version of gvim, but only when editing a file
on a remote machine.

That said, the process of getting the 'X' version of gvim
is straightforward.

Start from debugging the launching of it in 'cmd.exe' -- 
that's like calling it from 'run'. which is similar to how

explorer will run it.

Also, if you use :0 for your output, be sure to
put it in quotes.  DISPLAY=:0 isn't safe unless it
is quotes : DISPLAY=:0   DISPLAY=:0 will go through
a unix socket to talk to your Xserver.  In 'xhost', it shows
up as LOCAL:, whereas internet addresses show up as
INET:localhost  (entry for localhost:0).

jean-luc malet wrote:

I have the same kind of issue but with gvim
however it does work with xterm

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META CONTENT: posting format redux: education of a welcome, new community member...?

2009-11-04 Thread Linda Walsh

Florent Fievez wrote:

2009/11/3 Linda Walsh me'em...@me'dom:

^^^ --  another no no**(see bottom)

[curious] Why did you copy [the previous,] complete note
into your response, when [all you said was] me too?

I simply clicked on reply button of my webmail. I will not do it
again ;-)


  The point was not whether you hit reply, but whether or not you chose to
edit down the part you included to some minimal subset of the message so as
not to fill the rest of anyone's screen with unnecessary characters.

  Some people (call them group A) use text-only readers that display the
whole message from top to bottom that scrolls your response off the screen
if you fill your message with a copy of a long included response.  As a
result, they have to redisplay your message with paging enabled, just to see
a 1-liner that is placed at the top of the message (call that Style-A).

  Other people (call them group B) using Graphical-readers(GUI's) to read
email only see the first page of a long email, so when someone includes the
whole message and puts a 1-liner at the end (call that style B), have to
manually scroll through a bunch of text they've already read in previous
posts, just to see a one liner.

  Note: Style-A is sometimes called 'top-posting', and Style-B is sometimes
called 'bottom-posting'.   

  When someone is using a GUI, and reads a 'Style-B' message, they have to
slowly scroll through your message, either using the mouse or using some
page-down type character. That can be a tedious and error-prone process

  In both cases it requires more work to read your message which was simply
a me too message that didn't require inclusion of the entire previous
message.  So some people get 'irritated' at having to scroll up or page
through repeated text just to get to a me too response.

  This is even more of a problem for people who have disabilities -- blind
people might have problems reading through tons of repeated text just to get
to important stuff, so its important for you to pare down the extraneous
parts to make it easier in any event.  People with motion disabilities
(including people with RSI type problem (Carpal tunnel, Ulnar 'tunnel', or
spinal problems) may have problems with the extra motions required to read
your text.   

  So, in generally, it's just a good idea to trim down included text to
some minimal context that is needed to make your message make sense --
which is, nearly always, something that is both, considerably less than the
full message, but will also fit on 1 screen, with your message, of those in
group-A and in group-B -- thus making both happy, though, I believe
Style-A (AKA top-posing), as you did, would best serve those using
screen-readers -- which work with GUI's but not usually text-style windows.  

  Note -- you didn't do anything *wrong* -- I'm just letting you know the
problems that other people have raised about posting styles in the past, so
you can be aware, and be conscious about your posting style.  We certainly
don't want any *unconscious postings*! :-)  (been there, done that, got no
T-shirt -- just negative karma points).

  Hopefully I won't get flamed for this, but I'm cross-posting this to the
cygwin main list, as well, where this issue comes up on some periodic basis,
with the hope that my suggestions will be considered: Style-A (AKA
top-posting) is easier on people with disabilities, but excessively quoting
old text such that the new content is scrolled off a screen is also
annoying and wasteful.  For those in Group-B, if they are trying to be
thorough and make sure you had no further comments interspersed with the
content below, they'll still be forced to page through pages of repeated

  I'll respond to the rest of your note separately on the appropriate list.


** -- it's also considered a no-no, to include people's actual email
address when responding: use their name instead or at least heavily
obfuscate their email addr, since these emails are archived on publicly
searchable websites and spammers skim these archives to look for email
addresses to send spam to.  I can vouch for getting a considerable amount
of spam sent my list-dedicated email accounts.

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Re: release scheduling, cygwin 1.7 et al (was Re: X11R7.5 fontcache..)

2009-11-04 Thread Linda Walsh

* Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote: :-)
** LW wrote: --I don't suppose you could express that in ISO format? :-)

Larry Hall wrote:

Since you've asked this on multiple lists, I'm going to assume this is
more than just a humorous comment that you don't expect an answer to.

  Posting this as a reply on cygwin would have been more appropriate, as
there, it was obvious, I was *repeating* the question, (I mentioned it came
up on this list), and it was there that I was *probing*, to see if a more
firm day had been given that I had missed.

Cygwin 1.7 will be released as soon as it's ready.

  So I've heard.

There is no specific date at this time. 


  Same as before.  So I haven't missed any news and there is still no
timeframe (could still be a year away) for release...  firm dates are one
thing, but we are hoping before Xmas, or Beltane (May Day) would give an
idea.  That said, I very well know  the unpredictable nature of SW
development.  How can one give a real schedule about something that has
never been done before?  

  Managers have pushed the moniker 'software engineering' onto the field --
as though software is something that can be engineered and manufactured like
off-the-shell nuts and bolts.  That does the field a great disservice.  As
writing software is all about creativity.  It's not about creating the nuts
and bolts, but how they go together -- just like painting is not about the
paint, it's about how it goes onto the medium.

  Sure you can give estimates, but reality is they are only best guesses
and any number of things can come up to alter them.  This was known as far
back as 1985.  See good paper at:

  Says basically, even the act of coming up with a schedule can
[adversely] affect the outcome of not creating one.  The compare it to the
'Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle' But even with such knowledge at your
disposal, you'll still run into Dilbertian manager types who live in a
fantasy world, where, by force of will, they believe they can force a
product into existence on their schedule.  :^)  However, I am not the
manager type -- I'm not ruthless enough.

That's not a reason not to use it however, if you prefer.  And if you need
something that's only on 1.7, this is a good time to try it out.  And
since you can install 1.7 beside 1.5 if you like, your risk of borking
your Cygwin installation is pretty minimal.


  I saw support for dual installations in a recent announcement on Cygwin's
main list.  I've also seen quite a few problems reported against 1.7 in the
compatibility department, but I realize that gives no indication of the
number of users who don't have problems.  

The announced wasn't clear if the dual installation support was backwards
compatible to 1.5.  My history with cygwin goes back a bit, to, when having
more than one cygwin install on your disk at the same time was grounds for
being drawn and quartered if you reported any problem in such a setup.  You
know how the cygwin-standard team can be...any excuse for flaying a user
provides them joy (in their 'we take pride in our meaness' way).  :-)

  Maybe when I'm not swamped w/other probs...

  Thanks for the ~informative~ response.  ;^)


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Re: Problem installing cygwin/X on vista sp2 64bit

2009-11-03 Thread Linda Walsh

Massimo Giovannini wrote:

I have always installed and used cygwinX on my windows Xp 
machines without any problem.
I have been trying to install on my new Vista 64 bit laptop 
and I cannot figure out what is going wrong. 


  W e l c o m e   t o   V i s t a !


I've been going through similar pains playing with a still not fully
functional Vista machine (still awaiting a Win7 upgrade as well).  

Even though you got the standalone X-server to work, FWIW, on
Vista, you could also be running into permission problems even as
Admin.  Many files and directories don't have write permission enabled
for Admin.  To enable them you have to 'get violent' with Vista  and
reclaim directories you want write access to by taking over their
ownership and then making it so you have r/w access.  If you do this,
take care to note the original owner and/or accesses to make sure that
any group/ID that had access before ('TrustedInstaller', 'SYSTEM') also
has the same (usually full control) access after you take ownership.

The prompt in your cygwin window being 'broken' is possibly a symptom
of that.  By default, I found that I couldn't add files to my root
directory (a good thing, actually, too many apps still try to install
stuff there, and a default no files prevents accidental clutter).

Just thought I'd add an addendum, though looks like Larry gave you
the exact solution you needed.


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Re: 'run xterm' fails to open a window

2009-11-03 Thread Linda Walsh

Florent Fievez wrote:
I've exactly the same issue, so if you find a solution, please post it ! ;-) 
2009/11/3 Ken Brown wrote::

 'run xterm' fails to pen a window:
I don't know if this is a problem with run, or xterm, or 
something else. 

Obviously I have no good reason to want to start an xterm via 'run xterm' in
an xterm window, but this issue is causing problems in a script I'm writing.
 [Briefly, I have a desktop shortcut with target '\path\to\run.exe bash -c'.  The script calls xterm, which starts with no visible
window, exactly as above.]


  I have two responses, 1, mostly to Florent Fieves, the other to both
Florent, and Ken Brown who wrote that he also has the problem 

1) to Florent Fievee, (you don't need to answer if you have no good
  reason, but if you do, I'm curious as to your reasoning) -- 
 Why did you copy Ken's complete note as into your response, when you

 simply has to say me too?

2) to both Florent and Ken?

  In addition to Gery Herbozo Jimenez's response and question to you,
  ( Have you tried just starting the XWin server first and the the
  xterm? it looks like the X server doesn't recognize that line
  command. ), 

  a) Have you tried starting 'xterm' without 'run' ? 

  b) I see you have started 'Xwin'.  Do either of you know what display
 'XWin' started itself on?  
 If you specified no value, it probably created the display :0.0.

 If you then open a 'client' program that needs to attach to your
Xwin display, you need to ensure that the new client knows what
 X display your client connects to (usually, :0.0).  A well
 behaved X client won't make assumptions about what display to use.

 If you were running entirely under *nix, any X clients you opened
 afterwards would use the the display passed in the Environment via
 'DISPLAY'.  However, both of you appear to be starting Xwin with
 no preset value of 'DISPLAY'   AND  passing  NO  (of 
 DISPLAY) to the 'X client' program, 'xterm', in order to tell it

 what 'X display' to use.

You both appear to be doing the same thing.  You both start an Xserver
in background (which is normal and what I do as well).  You then appear
to be starting a client ('xterm'), in a separate session (an empty
Xsession, with no display).  In order for an X client to display to 
an Xserver, it needs to know what display to open it's output window


 1) Don't use the cygwin command 'run.exe' unless you are
calling Windows programs.  

 2) Explicitly tell xterm what display to use.  Set the value of
 the environment var 'DISPLAY' before you all xterm.

 Ex. Using the Windows 'Run' command (from the start menu, using the
 builtin Windows 'Run' option on the start menu):

   Your cygwin path\bin\bash.exe -c 'DISPLAY=:0 xterm'

   for cygwin path='C:\cygwin':

  C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c 'DISPLAY=:0 xterm'
  C:\cygwin\bash\bash.exe -c 'xterm -display :0' 

   for cygwin path= 'C:\': (my value)

  C:\bin\bash.exe -c 'DISPLAY=:0 xterm'


 C:\bash\bash.exe -c 'xterm -display :0' 

The above two commands work on WinXP and Vista under the 1.5.x series
of Cygwin.  


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Re: 'run xterm' fails to open a window

2009-11-03 Thread Linda Walsh

Gery Herbozo Jimenez wrote:

Thanks for your answer and explanation. I just press the Xserver icon and
t hen the xterm (most of the time) appears. If not, I press the xterm
icon.  Simple like that. I don't write run or something like that in

  Oddly enough, I find the menu items less reliable (by grouping):

  Under cygwin:
 - MinTTY, rxvt-unicode-xS, rxvt-unicode-xC: work
 - rxvt-x, rxvt-native   (*pseudo* work: come up w/poopy doublewide-font)

  Under cygwin/cygwin-X 
 - oclock works, but not xclock.

 - rxvt works (perversely, w/double-wide chars)
 - none of the rest work

  Under cygwin/cygwin-X/Toys:
 - glxgears, xeyes, xlogo, ico---  all work
 - xgc doesn't work from menu   (but does from Bash).

  Under cygwin/cygwin-x/tools:
 - only xev and xrefresh work
 - idle gives a path-not-found message (may not be installed)
 - the rest give no output, but start a process (that sits in
   background until I kill it).

  Under cygwin-xgames, texteroids brings up a window, then immediately
 exits.  From bash, I see the error message:

|  %% DPS Client Library Warning:
| Auto-launching DPS NX agent.
|  %% DPS Client Library Warning:
| FAILED to auto-launch:
| dpsnx.agent
|  texteroids: DPS is not available.
|  You need an X server with the DPS extension, or a DPS NX agent.

Hope this helps.

  In some way.  It lets me know that my reasoning for doing
workarounds, that I implemented years ago, were done for good
reason.  The default menu items don't work reliably in some
environments (like mine).  

  It is interesting to check out things I didn't even know I had 
installed! :-)

  I don't regard any of the above that don't work as 'bugs', as I 
don't know what some of them are *supposed* to do, and it could easily be

I have something interfering in my path.  I'd have to go through each menu
item in its properties and figure out why they didn't work before I'd call
them a bug -- some may be left over menu items that didn't get deleted
properly' when an app was moved or uninstalled.  

  I see at least a few, in my setup, that still reference 
/usr/X11R6/bin for executables, when their executable is now under 
/usr/bin (though some executables are under my /usr/X11R6/bin -- maybe 
alien binaries; again, I'd only report something as a bug if I was

pretty sure it wasn't unique to my setup;  I do too many non-standard
things; :-) ).

  I don't know how the shortcut got left around, so I certainly 
wouldn't report it as bug or problem to the cygwin list.

  Another potential source of problem I found today, while playing

I had the  setting of LANG set to incorrect value 'en_US.utf8', but it
should be 'en_US.utf-8' for some applications that 'care'.  :-)

Same could could for CTYPE or some of the LC prefixed vars -- if they are
set incorrectly it might prevent one of the X utils opening properly when
called by run.

To set those values, you need to alter them in 'System properties',
Advanced - Environment Variables.  I have LANG in my System variables
section, but DISPLAY, I made a 'User' variable.  I see LANG being SYSTEM
wide.  I see DISPLAY as only being valid with my login as it's only
when I login that the Xserver is started (I autostart it via a shortcut
in my Programs-Startup Menu group).

Linda Yakinalotski

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Re: X11R7.5 fontcache..

2009-10-29 Thread Linda Walsh

Does this mean it is a 'beta' or test version?

If it is a released version, will it be made available for the
released version of cygwin (1.5).  I've no idea when cygwin
will release 1.7 as being 'ready'...

How difficult would it be to turn on compiling in of the 'font-cache' extension?  I use fonts  (oddly enough), and use the xfs.  I believe the font-cache allows faster performance for networked fonts?  

Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:

Cygwin/X has been updated to X.Org X11R7.5 (for Cygwin 1.7 only).

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Re: Why is remote client being rejected? AUDIT: XWin: client 4 rejected from IP

2009-07-19 Thread Linda Walsh wrote:

Have you added the client to your X server's acl? See xhost(1)

I thought I'd turned off access checking.  I forgot I had to redo
my script when there was a major X-server upgrade, a few months ago -- 
Not something I 'normally use'...

	(Am pretty safe, regardless, as I'm doing this on an isolated, wired, 
subnet in my house, so I feel pretty safe unless my beagle orders a computer.

Also, running your X client in the background does not disconnect it from
the terminal from which you launched it. If you close the terminal, the
client app will die.

Yeah, know about that one:
saves it from the HUP's when the window closes...


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Why is remote client being rejected? AUDIT: XWin: client 4 rejected from IP

2009-07-18 Thread Linda Walsh

Yes I've read the FAQ -- it doesn't help.  Is says:

The problem is most likely a wrong DNS (Network name resolution). Make sure 
your windows host has a hostname which is valid from linux too and an IP 
address which linux can resolve to that hostname.
What DNS resolution?

If you add a line myhost

to /etc/hosts on the XDMCP server with the IP address and the hostname of your windows host the name resolution should work. 

XDMCP server?  I'm not trying to connect to an XDMP server.

I'm trying to open
on a remote host with DISPLAY=mycywin-window-machine:0.0
(or machine:0), neither work.
Yes I export the variable on the remote machine or I wouldn't be getting
the rejected message in my local cygwin XWin /var/log/XWin.0.log file.

It =works= if I let it connect through my 'ssh' connection but that's 
really connecting back to ssh on the cygwin machine and connecting, AFAIK,

via the local socket or local host.

I wanted to try connecting NOT through my ssh connection  so I could close the
ssh connection and have the remote xosview continue running.

Thanks for ideas...

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Bug in startXwin.bat

2009-02-09 Thread Linda Walsh

The script works, but startxwin.bat does not work if
your Cygwin installation isn't in the default location.

You could use mount -p (presuming your cygwin\bin is in your windows path, as 
mine is).

If not, need to look in the registry:
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\cygdrive prefix

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Re: Bug in startXwin.bat

2009-02-09 Thread Linda Walsh

Larry Hall (Cygwin X) wrote:

Linda Walsh wrote:

The script works, but startxwin.bat does not work if
your Cygwin installation isn't in the default location.

You could use mount -p (presuming your cygwin\bin is in your windows 
path, as mine is).

If not, need to look in the registry:
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts 
v2\cygdrive prefix

No, you don't need to look in the registry.  There's nothing there that
'mount' won't tell you.  Forget about the registry.  You'll be better
off, especially when Cygwin 1.7 is released.

- sure about that?

how do you run 'mount' if you don't know what the cygdrive prefix is?

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Re: Bug in startXwin.bat

2009-02-09 Thread Linda Walsh

Larry Hall (Cygwin X) wrote:

Linda Walsh wrote:

Larry Hall (Cygwin X) wrote:

Linda Walsh wrote:

The script works, but startxwin.bat does not work if
your Cygwin installation isn't in the default location.

You could use mount -p (presuming your cygwin\bin is in your 
windows path, as mine is).

If not, need to look in the registry:
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts 
v2\cygdrive prefix

No, you don't need to look in the registry.  There's nothing there that
'mount' won't tell you.  Forget about the registry.  You'll be better
off, especially when Cygwin 1.7 is released.

- sure about that?

how do you run 'mount' if you don't know what the cygdrive prefix is?

Linda, please don't run the same thread on two different lists.  If you
want to talk about this here, kill the thread that you started on the
main list.

Larry --
The reason I changed forums was that the TOPIC/SUBJECT changed.

It went from my finding a bug in the Cygwin Xserver's
startxwin.bat script (something appropriate for the cygwin-xfree list)
to a more general question of how one would solve the problem
of finding the cygwin prefix in a windows batchfile.

Just because you can't answer the question without circular
logic is no reason to get upset.

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Re: Bug in startXwin.bat

2009-02-09 Thread Linda Walsh

Larry Hall (Cygwin X) wrote:

Linda Walsh wrote:

Larry Hall (Cygwin X) wrote:

Linda Walsh wrote:

Larry Hall (Cygwin X) wrote:

Linda Walsh wrote:

The script works, but startxwin.bat does not work if
your Cygwin installation isn't in the default location.

You could use mount -p (presuming your cygwin\bin is in your 
windows path, as mine is).

If not, need to look in the registry:
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts 
v2\cygdrive prefix

No, you don't need to look in the registry.  There's nothing there 

'mount' won't tell you.  Forget about the registry.  You'll be better
off, especially when Cygwin 1.7 is released.

- sure about that?

how do you run 'mount' if you don't know what the cygdrive 
prefix is?

Linda, please don't run the same thread on two different lists.  If you
want to talk about this here, kill the thread that you started on the
main list.

Larry --
The reason I changed forums was that the TOPIC/SUBJECT changed.

This is perfectly reasonable, except you kept both threads running.

Not exactly.  They were different posts -- I realized it was
a more general topic after first responding to the xfree.

It went from my finding a bug in the Cygwin Xserver's
startxwin.bat script (something appropriate for the cygwin-xfree list)
to a more general question of how one would solve the problem
of finding the cygwin prefix in a windows batchfile.

Actually, that's not the question you asked, though I'll concede that
this is what you meant to ask.  And I answered that on the main list.
For completeness, I'll paraphrase it here - there's no good way.

AH HAH!  Thank-you.
My original intent was simply to report a bug in the
Cygwin-X startup script startxwin.bat that you told me (indirectly via
the FAQ) to use.  My first idea was to use mount -p as you suggest.
However, I immediately realized that mount wouldn't be available if
you were not already in the Cygwin environment.

Just because you can't answer the question without circular
logic is no reason to get upset.

While other statements of yours have been understandable, even if they
were in error, this one makes no sense so I won't respond to it.

Probably somewhat a case of projection... ;^

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Re: Problems with X surfaced recently

2009-02-05 Thread Linda Walsh

Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

(thank you for your responses...)

Cygwin-X questions go to the cygwin-xfree list.

   I thought the lists were being merged because there was next to zero
traffic on the X-cygwin list?  Did that plan fall by the wayside?  Besides, I
wasn't sure if there was some negative interaction being caused by the setup

Did you miss this FAQ?

   Well, I didn't get the Change Notification, if that's what you mean...:-)
I have read the FAQ's, but I don't re-read them with each release.  I'm
pretty certain, I wouldn't notice a few new paragraphs difference in a
90k document...

   I normally don't use the start-menu as it suggests, as I don't use the
same XWin start args nor start an xterm when starting X. 

Or this one?

   I think I'll go look more closely at the FAQ.  :-)
The keyboard is functioning, now,  on another remote app (make xconfig
-- which is what started this 'detour').  However, an Xterm running on a
remote (linux) system fails when trying to display to my cygwin-OS system
with a similar font problem, so I reckon some font paths have changed or moved.

Thanks for following the problem reporting protocol concerning cygcheck
output. :-)

   I try to  improve...just a bit slow sometimes or not sure when a
specific rule applies.  I'm overly concerned (paranoid?) with dumping a large
quantity of script-produced data, since I don't know if there is something in
the dump that might create a security leak and I know the email list is archived
and publicly searchable forever.  ;^/

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Re: Auto hidden taskbar stays hidden

2005-11-06 Thread Linda Walsh

If you are in WinXP and, I think, past versions of windows, there
is an option on the task-bar properties page right under the
Auto-hide checkbox to Keep taskbar on top of other windows.
That must also be checked to keep the taskbar's single-hidden line
on top, so it can catch your mouse movement.

Might also try pressing the Windows key to see if the menu pops
up (should also bring up task bar) or ctrl-ESC (same as single press
of windows key, but can't be used as a modal- or shifted- Windows

Other than that, it could be an option, bug or feature for those who
might want a completely X desktop, I suppose;^).

Thomas Gilgin wrote:

Hi list,

I use an auto hiding taskbar. If an application, e.g. xterm or a native
windows application is maximized, the task bar does not appear if the
mouse pointer is moved to the border of the desktop. If no window is
maximized, it works as expected. Is this a bug or my fault? :-)

Best regards,
Thomas Gilgin

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