Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-19 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
On Fri, 19 Mar 2004, Harold L Hunt II wrote:

 So, lets hold off on dicussing this more until some one can prove that
 we can or cannot create an icon with alpha formats that displays fine on
 all versions of Windows.


FYI, the Mozilla FireFox icon (the one Jehan seems to think is the
standard) doesn't display at all in smaller forms on Windows98 (i.e., the
top-left corner application icon is displayed as the default Windows
waving flag, not the FireFox orange-on-blue icon; same with the taskbar).
The standard desktop icon displays fine.  Just a datapoint.
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster.  -- Patrick Naughton

RE: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-19 Thread Orrigo, Giampaolo .
Actually, I have two NT 4.0 boxes and in both of them the icons in the
toolbar are garbled... and if I don't manually select the white boxed one,
the desktop icons are garbled too.
The point is: we are using NT 4.0 in the entire company, cygwin is going
under evaluation to become the official Exceed substitute. Making everyone
go and change the icons by hand is not practical.
We always complain about the lack of backward compatibility of M$
application... are we going in the same direction? (just a little
provocation... :))


 -Original Message-
 From: Harold L Hunt II
 Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 18:52
 To:   cygwin-xfree at
 Subject:  Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal
 Earle F. Philhower, III wrote:
  Howdy Harold,
 Subject: Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal
 Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 18:22:12 -0500
 From: Harold L Hunt II [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For someone who's entire contribution to XWin has been
 an alpha-blended X icon you've got some loud opinions...
 He added the -nodecoration parameter, scrollbar support, build rules 
 for Windows resource files, lots of stuff.
  Sorry, then, Nahor, didn't recognize the handle.  (Just when I was
  getting a good flamefest started, too!)
 But Windows has rules for picking icons from executables (but they are 
 hard to find documentation on) and I would hope it is possible to order 
 the icons and provide the proper formats such that the default icon for 
 the *executable* (not shortcut) would be the one that looks nicest on 
 the system.
  Yes, the .EXE it's going to take IIRC the 1st icon it finds in the file
  (lowest resid, I think).
 Yes, that is correct.
  What I'm really surprised about here is that
  the ICON format lets you store a bunch of different formats in just
  one ICON resource (you can specify a 1-, 16- , 256-, or 16M color,
  all in 16x16, 32x32, and 48x48 in one ICON).
 Yup, that is what both of our icon files have.
  Does the one that
  everyone is so riled up about have the other, fallback formats included?
 Yes, that is why this is so confusing.  :)  Windows *should* pick a 
 format that it understands, but getting it to do so either requires 
 tricks of ordering that MS doesn't make clear, or it requires including 
 more formats than you'd think you would need.  Or, it is just not
 Let me summarize the two things we are discussing at the moment:
 1) A Japanese user has reported that the new icon was garbled on his 
 Windows NT (I believe) system.  This is an isolated case so far and I 
 think it is due to something with that particular system and is not 
 something that we should worry about unless it starts getting reported
 2) On Windows 2000, the non-boxed X icon is showing up with a 2 pixel 
 thick white border (I've seen it too at the computer lab) that looks 
 pretty bad.  We are in the process of figuring out whether Windows is 
 generating this ugliness from the alpha channel icon or from the 
 non-alpha icons.  Jehan made some changes to the non-alpha icons as 
 well, and it is remotely possible that those changes are causing this, 
 not the alpha changes.
 If the alpha icon is causing the ugliness on Windows 2000, then we still 
 have tons of options to explore and Jehan is exploring them at a good 
 rate.  We can work on this for a few weeks before it becomes time to 
 either fix it or revert it.
  As long as it doesn't crash, it can be a picture of an emu as far as I
  care, but that all centers on whether that emu is safe under earlier
  OSs or not...Crashing emus stink...
 As far as I know, the Windows 95, 98, and Me OSes are not having 
 problems with the 32 bit icons... it is only Windows 2000 possibly 
 trying to treat the 32 bit icon as a 24 bit icon, with the result being 
 ugliness but not crashing.

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-19 Thread Jehan Bing
Michael Bax wrote:
Industry is still receiving PC's preloaded with Windows 2000 -- which will
be supported until 2007!  Remember, 2 years after Windows 2000 came on the
scene, IT organisations were still DEPLOYING Windonts NT!
And some still deploy on DOS. Maybe we should limit X to using VGA/VESA
cards? ;)

Two years after the debut of Windows 2000, the number of *new* Windows NT
server licenses matched the number of Windows 2000 licenses.  And that's
just the new liceneses -- just think of the huge installed base.  And as for
desktops, by 2002 75% of desktops in industry were Windows 9x!
Win2k was never a replacement for 9x, so I'm not surprised that the most
desktop were 9x machines.
It wouldn't matter if 99% were using Win3.1, what count is the OS used
by Cygwin/XFree users.

The baseline for support today must clearly be pre-XP systems.
All I've seen is opinions or general/old numbers. So to me is still not
clear where we stand *today* in the *Cygwin/XFree community*.

The problem is that the rest of the software world disagrees.  It is
standard software practice to support as many platforms as possible with the
*default* install, even if it is not as flashy as the others.  Sure, you can
have an option to enable alpha -- but don't make it the default.
I *am* trying to make alpha the default *only* on alpha supporting
machines. I haven't have much time to test on different OS so I was
relying on others to comment. But I got very few replies and most where
flamebaits. :(
Maybe this week-end I'll be able to install older OS and test.
So bare with me if I haven't succeeded just yet. Thank you.

You originally said that my original monochrome X was ugly due to blocky
edges, but that is exactly the problem with your icon on Windows 2000
systems!  :-)
No, my issue with the monochrome icon is that it's not visible on black
desktops. That's why there was a white line on the old icon. You didn't
like the white specks so I made the alpha icon to have a clean white
line so that it is visible on black desktop without looking dirty.

The lines in Improved.ico (why the quotes?)  are actually in exactly the
correct anti-aliased proportion to represent the X logo within the limits of
the bitmap.  The CVS icon is incorrectly proportioned.
The quotes are because, IMHO, it's not an improved icon.
Keeping the proportion, again IMHO, should not be made to the detriment
of readability. I just prefer to have a slightly overweight line than a
blurry one whashout by the background.

By safe, Earle meant looking decent.  icon-test9.ico does not look decent
on all platforms, unlike Improved.ico.
My comment was ironic.

So far 2 developers and 3 users have contributed to this discussion.  It
appears unanimous among the users that the alpha icon should not be the
Oh, you mean that developers are not users?

Anyway, I'm going to stop on this flamefest now, nobody with every agree
with everybody else so it's of no use.

RE: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-19 Thread Phil Betts
Hi Harold,

First off, as this is my first submission to the list, I'd like to
extend my thanks
to you and all of the other contributors to Cygwin/X.  After trying a
very early
version (long before multiwindow appeared), I tried a lot of commercial
X servers
before returning to cygwin about the time that rootless appeared.  The
XWin is by far the best of the bunch (for my purposes at least).  It is
the only
server I've found that will work reliably with VirtuaWin's virtual

Most of the traffic headed your way on the list is, by the nature of
these things,
negative so I thought I'd try to redress the balance ;-)  I'm sure I
speak for most 
of the subscribers in saying that your efforts are greatly appreciated.

But enough of this sycophancy...

 Harold L Hunt II wrote:
 1) A Japanese user has reported that the new icon was garbled on his 
 Windows NT (I believe) system.  This is an isolated case so far and I 
 think it is due to something with that particular system and is not 
 something that we should worry about unless it starts getting reported

This is a pretty mature list, followed by the sort of people who can
resist the
urge to send in me too messages.  I suspect that there are others like
me who
saw the original fault report and thought OK, it's been logged already,
I'll await
the results.  Therefore, please don't discount solitary fault reports.

I am running NT4 and as you'll see from the attached shot, I too get a
icon.  (In case the maintainer of rxvt monitors this list, that
application also
suffers the same problem)

Of the different .ico files I have seen, all could be read and correctly
by IrfanView, but most were either mangled by Windows, or contain no

FWIW, here are my observations on the discussion so far:

a) It makes no sense to inflict a random splodge on users of older OSes,
because a newer OS is able to display a prettier version of the current

b) As a user of an older OS, I would gladly live with an amorphous
blotch if you
could get the clipboard to work with emacs!

c) I would guess that most XWin _users_ are actually professionals like
who need an X server to connect a cheap PC to more exotic hardware
various flavours of Unix.  We are busy and therefore don't have the time
to make
a lot of noise on lists such as this.

d) Most true geeks (a hat I wear myself when I'm at home) won't touch
of any flavour from choice and therefore won't be needing cygwin.

e) A disproportionate number of electrons has been devoted to the
of messages about 144 pixels.

Phil Betts


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attachment: X-icon-bustage.png

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-19 Thread Harold L Hunt II
Phil Betts wrote:

Hi Harold,

First off, as this is my first submission to the list, I'd like to
extend my thanks
to you and all of the other contributors to Cygwin/X.
Glad you like it.

Harold L Hunt II wrote:
1) A Japanese user has reported that the new icon was garbled on his 
Windows NT (I believe) system.  This is an isolated case so far and I 
think it is due to something with that particular system and is not 
something that we should worry about unless it starts getting reported

This is a pretty mature list, followed by the sort of people who can
resist the
urge to send in me too messages.  I suspect that there are others like
me who
saw the original fault report and thought OK, it's been logged already,
I'll await
the results.  Therefore, please don't discount solitary fault reports.
I have to discount them... I can't think of everything that gets 
reported once as a bonifed problem.  You are right, the list is mature, 
but people should know that *at least one other person* should speak up 
to verify that they also have the same problem as another is reporting. 
 This is essential and I am pretty amazed that no one did speak up in 
this case, until now.

  FWIW, here are my observations on the discussion so far:
a) It makes no sense to inflict a random splodge on users of older OSes,
because a newer OS is able to display a prettier version of the current
As I have said before, this is a technical question getting lots of 
personal and emotional answers.  Let me make this perfectly clear for 
everyone that is getting tied up on this issue:

1) Possible to have alpha icon that doesn't mess with older versions of 
Windows -- Our default icon will have alpha versions.

2) Alpha icons always mess with older versions of windows -- Our 
default icon will *not* have alpha versions.

There is no room for discussion on this, it is a simple technical 
question of is this possible or not.

Please, refrain from discussing personal opinions, speculation about 
what version of Windows people are using, etc.  I have always aimed to 
support the minimum subset of features available on all versions of 
Windows since 95 and I am not going to deviate from that on the icon issue.

b) As a user of an older OS, I would gladly live with an amorphous
blotch if you
could get the clipboard to work with emacs!
Umm... the clipboard should work with emacs... if it does not, then that 
is a problem.  You are using the -clipboard parameter from a recent 
version (xserv-4.3.0-59) and *not* using xwinclip, right?  This was 
fixed ages ago if you are referring to the selection highlight disappearing.


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Michael Bax
Hi folks

The new icon with alpha looks quite bad on Windows 2000 and earlier systems,
with a thick white border -- see the attachment PNG.  The tips of the X on
some of the other versions of the icon  also look slightly blunt (minor
quibble), and the top and bottom rows are lost at 16x16.

Presumably we shouldn't be setting the default to something that uses a
feature unsupported by the majority of systems out there!  Alpha is nice,
but it is a new, optional feature; we still need to support low-colour
desktops by default.

Using the CVS icon as a starting point, I created a new icon using an
outlined white square as the background.  It is rendered at 16x16, 24x24 and
32x32 sizes, each for monochrome, 16 and 256 colours.  It has the correct
proportions of the thick and thin lines, properly anti-aliased and
quantised.  It's even rotationally invariant!  :-)

I have attached two files: a comparison of the icons in Overview.png, and
the improved icon in Improved.ico.

attachment: Overview.pngattachment: Improved.ico

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Nahor
What is New Alpha? I sent a few on the mailing list. Was it icon_test9 
(attached again here)? This one has 24bit icons, hopefully the prefered 
format on systems not supporting the alpha channel (crossing fingers).

And what is Original? If it's the one in the recent XWin.exe then it's 
an icon with alpha too. I don't seen any different between the two on 
your screenshot.

Michael Bax wrote:
The new icon with alpha looks quite bad on Windows 2000 and earlier systems,
with a thick white border -- see the attachment PNG.  The tips of the X on
some of the other versions of the icon  also look slightly blunt (minor
quibble), and the top and bottom rows are lost at 16x16.
That can be improved. I've been on a deadline at work for a couple weeks 
now so the 16x16 is basically a simple convertion from the original 
360x360 that I'm using for to create all the icons.

Presumably we shouldn't be setting the default to something that uses a
feature unsupported by the majority of systems out there!  Alpha is nice,
but it is a new, optional feature; we still need to support low-colour
desktops by default.
I don't care about the majority of the systems out there. I care about 
the majority of the system using Cygwin/XFree. And that can be very 
That has nothing to do with cygwin but look at this poll of what gamers 
have ( 90% of the OS are WinXP.
Gamers tends to have very recent machines, so tend to have a recent OS. 
What I mean by giving this link is that the majority can differ 
greatly depending of what subset of people you're looking at.

Geeks (where I put Cygwin users), I assume, would have a recent machine 
as their working machine and older systems for support (firewall, 
server, ...).
So I would think that there are more XP machines out there than you 
think. Now, is it majority? I can't say but I would not be surprised at 
all if it were.

The other thing, IMHO, is that the alpha icon on non-alpha system, while 
not the best icon that can be on such system, is not completely ugly 
either. The problems with the 16x16 can easily be fixed.
So between an icon that looks best on recent machines but not as good on 
older ones and one that looks best on older machines but not as good as 
it can be on recent ones, I prefer to think future/progress/whatever 
and take the first.

Using the CVS icon as a starting point, I created a new icon using an
outlined white square as the background.  It is rendered at 16x16, 24x24 and
32x32 sizes, each for monochrome, 16 and 256 colours.  It has the correct
proportions of the thick and thin lines, properly anti-aliased and
quantised.  It's even rotationally invariant!  :-)
I have attached two files: a comparison of the icons in Overview.png, and
the improved icon in Improved.ico.
Between the CVS and your improved, I prefer the one in CVS. The thin 
lines is acutally too thin in 16x16, the line is too blury on yours, the 
white background seems to wash over the black line.

inline: x_test9.ico

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Alexander Gottwald
On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, Nahor wrote:

 What is New Alpha? I sent a few on the mailing list. Was it icon_test9 
 (attached again here)? This one has 24bit icons, hopefully the prefered 
 format on systems not supporting the alpha channel (crossing fingers).

It looks good in the tray and taskbar, but not in the titlebar. (see attached 

If you can build ico files with both alpha and non-alpha icons why not include
your version with alpha channel and for non-alpha either the boxed (which I liked)
or a plain two-color variant.

 I don't care about the majority of the systems out there. I care about 
 the majority of the system using Cygwin/XFree. And that can be very 
 That has nothing to do with cygwin but look at this poll of what gamers 
 have ( 90% of the OS are WinXP.
 Gamers tends to have very recent machines, so tend to have a recent OS. 
 What I mean by giving this link is that the majority can differ 
 greatly depending of what subset of people you're looking at.

 Geeks (where I put Cygwin users), I assume, would have a recent machine 
 as their working machine and older systems for support (firewall, 
 server, ...).
 So I would think that there are more XP machines out there than you 
 think. Now, is it majority? I can't say but I would not be surprised at 
 all if it were.

cygwin is unix. unix is simple (shell and stuff) and this is the opposite 
of the bubble-gum os WinXP with alpha channel. 

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 126018723

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Alexander Gottwald
On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, Alexander Gottwald wrote:

 On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, Nahor wrote:
  What is New Alpha? I sent a few on the mailing list. Was it icon_test9 
  (attached again here)? This one has 24bit icons, hopefully the prefered 
  format on systems not supporting the alpha channel (crossing fingers).
 It looks good in the tray and taskbar, but not in the titlebar. (see attached 

Forgot them. Here they are.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 126018723attachment: ico3.pngattachment: ico2.pngattachment: ico1.png

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Nahor
Alexander Gottwald wrote:
It looks good in the tray and taskbar, but not in the titlebar. (see attached 
You forgot to attach it... ok, got the other mail.

If you can build ico files with both alpha and non-alpha icons why not include
your version with alpha channel and for non-alpha either the boxed (which I liked)
or a plain two-color variant.
The issue is not (or not yet at least) about the non-alpha part being 
ugly, they are about the same than the old xwin icon. The problem is 
when a non-alpha system try to use the alpha-icon. Then you get that fat 
white line around the X or the garbled icon on NT (I assume).
So putting the white square for the non-alpha would not fix anything if 
the system doesn't select it over the 32b icon.

ok, from your images, your system at least uses the non-alpha icons. 
What color resolution is your monitor at?

cygwin is unix. unix is simple (shell and stuff) and this is the opposite 
of the bubble-gum os WinXP with alpha channel. 
Uh? I don't get your point. I personally don't buy a machine just to run 
unix. I use it to do other stuff (mostly compilation) that do make use 
of CPU power. So I have a recent machine, so I have XP. I assume that 
quit a dew (most?) geeks using Cygwin/XFree would be in the same case. 
But it's just a guess.


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Benjamin Riefenstahl
Hi Nahor,

Nahor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Geeks (where I put Cygwin users), I assume, would have a recent
 machine as their working machine and older systems for support
 (firewall, server, ...).
 So I would think that there are more XP machines out there than you
 think. Now, is it majority? I can't say but I would not be surprised
 at all if it were.

I can only speak for myself, of course.  But if I can avoid it I am
not going to buy XP anytime soon because of the licensing hassles.


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Alexander Gottwald
Nahor wrote:

 ok, from your images, your system at least uses the non-alpha icons.
 What color resolution is your monitor at?


  cygwin is unix. unix is simple (shell and stuff) and this is the opposite
  of the bubble-gum os WinXP with alpha channel.

 Uh? I don't get your point. I personally don't buy a machine just to run
 unix. I use it to do other stuff (mostly compilation) that do make use
 of CPU power.

The host I use at work is win2k. We have bought our _first_ XP host last
week. I don't know any company which choose XP over 2000. XP requries a
lot more resources than 2000 and a computer magizine even stated that XP
wastes about 200MHz. (2Ghz with XP is as fast as 1.8Ghz with win2k)
The other host is linux since compiling with cygwin is so slow (the 500Mhz
host compiles the xorg tree much faster than the 1.8Ghz windows/cygwin host)

 So I have a recent machine, so I have XP. I assume that
 quit a dew (most?) geeks using Cygwin/XFree would be in the same case.
 But it's just a guess.

This is a wild guess. gamers usally spend more on recent hardware than
geeks. geeks by unusual, cool hardware. but speed is not as important as
for gamers.


NP: Dekoy - Darkest Eve
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 126018723

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Harold L Hunt II
Alexander Gottwald wrote:
Nahor wrote:

ok, from your images, your system at least uses the non-alpha icons.
What color resolution is your monitor at?


cygwin is unix. unix is simple (shell and stuff) and this is the opposite
of the bubble-gum os WinXP with alpha channel.
Uh? I don't get your point. I personally don't buy a machine just to run
unix. I use it to do other stuff (mostly compilation) that do make use
of CPU power.

The host I use at work is win2k. We have bought our _first_ XP host last
week. I don't know any company which choose XP over 2000. XP requries a
lot more resources than 2000 and a computer magizine even stated that XP
wastes about 200MHz. (2Ghz with XP is as fast as 1.8Ghz with win2k)
The other host is linux since compiling with cygwin is so slow (the 500Mhz
host compiles the xorg tree much faster than the 1.8Ghz windows/cygwin host)
Nonsense.  I have it running on an AMD K6-2 400 MHz chip with 384 MB RAM 
and it is *fast* once it finishes booting (which it does more quickly 
than even NT 4.0).  My wife uses this machine with and 
Mozilla at work with no performance complaints.  Before I sent it over 
to her job (she works at a university lab that didn't have enough money 
to buy her a computer) I was using it as my *primary* development 
machine at my job, running copies Visual Interdev 6.0, Visual Studio.NET 
2002, compiling lots of source code, running a web server, etc.  All of 
this with the eye candy settings left at the defaults.

So we are getting a little off topic here, but there is nothing about XP 
that makes it inherently slow or that makes it require a super fast 
machine to run.

So I have a recent machine, so I have XP. I assume that
quit a dew (most?) geeks using Cygwin/XFree would be in the same case.
But it's just a guess.

This is a wild guess. gamers usally spend more on recent hardware than
geeks. geeks by unusual, cool hardware. but speed is not as important as
for gamers.
Heh heh...


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Earle F. Philhower, III
An icon doesn't deserve *this* much attention, but...

Nahor wrote...
 Subject: Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal
 Alexander Gottwald wrote:
  It looks good in the tray and taskbar, but not in the titlebar. (see attached 
  If you can build ico files with both alpha and non-alpha icons why not include
  your version with alpha channel and for non-alpha either the boxed (which I  
  or a plain two-color variant.
  cygwin is unix. unix is simple (shell and stuff) and this is the opposite 
  of the bubble-gum os WinXP with alpha channel. 
 Uh? I don't get your point. I personally don't buy a machine just to run 
 unix. I use it to do other stuff (mostly compilation) that do make use 
 of CPU power. So I have a recent machine, so I have XP. I assume that 
 quit a dew (most?) geeks using Cygwin/XFree would be in the same case. 
 But it's just a guess.

Here's my two cents on the issue, as someone who has supported
an application for 7 years that, at one time, supported everything
from Win 3.1 w/Win32s through Windows XP:
   - Default to a safe setting for anything that's not critical. -
You'll save TONS of user grief, and by extension, your own.

Sure, at home I run WinXP.  But at my office, and lots of other
offices where XWin.exe is used people are still using Win NT or 2K.
You can't just go to your IT department and say gimme WinXP,
it's new and makes things faster and more fun!  And from the 
recent list archives it seems like there are home users w/Win98
using cygwin.

Default to a safe icon format but include the XP specific
one in the exe.  You can access it with a line TRAYICON ,101 in
your .xwinrc file no matter what.

Or, fix the code to detect the OS.  If OS=Win5.0 use alpha icon,
OTW use standard icon.  That can be done at runtime w/a few lines
of C.
-Earle F. Philhower, III

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Nahor
Earle F. Philhower, III wrote:
Default to a safe icon format
Beep, sorry, you're computer was taken over by the icon then crashed, 
please reboot :)
But anyway, the alpha *is* safe for other OS (well maybe not for NT, 
but I haven't heard back from haro about icon_test9 which seems to work 
fine for Alexander). It may not be to your taste but it is recognizable 
as the X logo.

Or, fix the code to detect the OS.  If OS=Win5.0 use alpha icon,
OTW use standard icon.  That can be done at runtime w/a few lines
of C.
Which one? The monochrome one? Or the one with the white background? 
Maybe the old one with the white specks? And how do you do the runtime 
thingy when XWin isn't running and Windows displays the icon in Explorer?

Maybe Halrold should only distribute the source code, and let people 
recompile xwin.exe by themselves that way they can choose their own 
prefered icon for the binary.

All that just for a stoopid icon. Baah...


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Nahor
Alexander Gottwald wrote:
ok, from your images, your system at least uses the non-alpha icons.
What color resolution is your monitor at?
That looks cool. Could you try in 24/32b and see if still get a thin 
white border? If it does, then Windows does select the correct non-alpha 
Another way to confirm it, did the older icons (test6 and earlier) also 
displayed thin borders?

inline: x_test6.ico

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Earle F. Philhower, III
Howdy Nahor,

For someone who's entire contribution to XWin has been
an alpha-blended X icon you've got some loud opinions...

 Subject: Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal
 Earle F. Philhower, III wrote:
  Default to a safe icon format
 Beep, sorry, you're computer was taken over by the icon then crashed, 
 please reboot :)
 But anyway, the alpha *is* safe for other OS (well maybe not for NT, 
 but I haven't heard back from haro about icon_test9 which seems to work 
 fine for Alexander). It may not be to your taste but it is recognizable 
 as the X logo.

Looking really nasty under OSs earlier than XP is a bug I'd say.  Plus
it's probably rechnically an invalid icon resource under those OSes so
you may wnd up causing a boom (hey, under 95 or 98 it doesn't take
much to crash the system!)

  Or, fix the code to detect the OS.  If OS=Win5.0 use alpha icon,
  OTW use standard icon.  That can be done at runtime w/a few lines
  of C.
 Which one? The monochrome one? Or the one with the white background? 
 Maybe the old one with the white specks? And how do you do the runtime 
 thingy when XWin isn't running and Windows displays the icon in Explorer?

You've not very familiar with how a shortcut is made, are you?  Make the
1st icon in the file the clean X-in-a-white-box that's been there for some
time.  Windoze shortcuts then will use it by default.

Then, since you're so unhappy with the icon, submit a patch to the
x-create-shortcut-icons package that checks the OS version
and if it's XP or greater says create-shortcut w/icon 102, and voila...

 Maybe Halrold should only distribute the source code, and let people 
 recompile xwin.exe by themselves that way they can choose their own 
 prefered icon for the binary.

It's already there in CVS and his test releases, have a ball!
-Earle F. Philhower, III

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Harold L Hunt II
Earle F. Philhower, III wrote:

Howdy Nahor,

For someone who's entire contribution to XWin has been
an alpha-blended X icon you've got some loud opinions...
He's done much more than that.  His full name is Jehan Bing and it 
looks like the bulk of his work is here:

He added the -nodecoration parameter, scrollbar support, build rules 
for Windows resource files, lots of stuff.

Subject: Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal
Earle F. Philhower, III wrote:
Default to a safe icon format
Beep, sorry, you're computer was taken over by the icon then crashed, 
please reboot :)
But anyway, the alpha *is* safe for other OS (well maybe not for NT, 
but I haven't heard back from haro about icon_test9 which seems to work 
fine for Alexander). It may not be to your taste but it is recognizable 
as the X logo.

Looking really nasty under OSs earlier than XP is a bug I'd say.  Plus
it's probably rechnically an invalid icon resource under those OSes so
you may wnd up causing a boom (hey, under 95 or 98 it doesn't take
much to crash the system!)

Or, fix the code to detect the OS.  If OS=Win5.0 use alpha icon,
OTW use standard icon.  That can be done at runtime w/a few lines
of C.
Which one? The monochrome one? Or the one with the white background? 
Maybe the old one with the white specks? And how do you do the runtime 
thingy when XWin isn't running and Windows displays the icon in Explorer?

You've not very familiar with how a shortcut is made, are you?  Make the
1st icon in the file the clean X-in-a-white-box that's been there for some
time.  Windoze shortcuts then will use it by default.
Then, since you're so unhappy with the icon, submit a patch to the
x-create-shortcut-icons package that checks the OS version
and if it's XP or greater says create-shortcut w/icon 102, and voila...
But Windows has rules for picking icons from executables (but they are 
hard to find documentation on) and I would hope it is possible to order 
the icons and provide the proper formats such that the default icon for 
the *executable* (not shortcut) would be the one that looks nicest on 
the system.

I could very easily swap the order of the boxed icon and the non-boxed 
icons in our resource file to make the boxed icon the default, but I 
would rather not do that since I prefer the non-boxed icon on the 
executable.  Of course, I am a pragmatic guy, and if that doesn't work 
on all platforms then I will have to either swap the icons or include a 
simpler ugly non-boxed icon as the default in addition to the alpha 
blended icon in our resource file.


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Earle F. Philhower, III
Howdy Harold,

 Subject: Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal
 Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 18:22:12 -0500
 From: Harold L Hunt II [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For someone who's entire contribution to XWin has been
  an alpha-blended X icon you've got some loud opinions...
 He added the -nodecoration parameter, scrollbar support, build rules 
 for Windows resource files, lots of stuff.

Sorry, then, Nahor, didn't recognize the handle.  (Just when I was
getting a good flamefest started, too!)
 But Windows has rules for picking icons from executables (but they are 
 hard to find documentation on) and I would hope it is possible to order 
 the icons and provide the proper formats such that the default icon for 
 the *executable* (not shortcut) would be the one that looks nicest on 
 the system.

Yes, the .EXE it's going to take IIRC the 1st icon it finds in the file
(lowest resid, I think).  What I'm really surprised about here is that
the ICON format lets you store a bunch of different formats in just
one ICON resource (you can specify a 1-, 16- , 256-, or 16M color,
all in 16x16, 32x32, and 48x48 in one ICON).  Does the one that
everyone is so riled up about have the other, fallback formats included?

If not, can they be added and tried out?  You could make the
non-alpha version of the ICON all the boxed-X and leave the
16M+alpha one as the floating X...

As long as it doesn't crash, it can be a picture of an emu as far as I
care, but that all centers on whether that emu is safe under earlier
OSs or not...Crashing emus stink...
-Earle F. Philhower, III

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Harold L Hunt II
Earle F. Philhower, III wrote:

Howdy Harold,

Subject: Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 18:22:12 -0500
From: Harold L Hunt II [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For someone who's entire contribution to XWin has been
an alpha-blended X icon you've got some loud opinions...

He added the -nodecoration parameter, scrollbar support, build rules 
for Windows resource files, lots of stuff.

Sorry, then, Nahor, didn't recognize the handle.  (Just when I was
getting a good flamefest started, too!)
But Windows has rules for picking icons from executables (but they are 
hard to find documentation on) and I would hope it is possible to order 
the icons and provide the proper formats such that the default icon for 
the *executable* (not shortcut) would be the one that looks nicest on 
the system.

Yes, the .EXE it's going to take IIRC the 1st icon it finds in the file
(lowest resid, I think).
Yes, that is correct.

What I'm really surprised about here is that
the ICON format lets you store a bunch of different formats in just
one ICON resource (you can specify a 1-, 16- , 256-, or 16M color,
all in 16x16, 32x32, and 48x48 in one ICON).
Yup, that is what both of our icon files have.

Does the one that
everyone is so riled up about have the other, fallback formats included?
Yes, that is why this is so confusing.  :)  Windows *should* pick a 
format that it understands, but getting it to do so either requires 
tricks of ordering that MS doesn't make clear, or it requires including 
more formats than you'd think you would need.  Or, it is just not possible.

Let me summarize the two things we are discussing at the moment:

1) A Japanese user has reported that the new icon was garbled on his 
Windows NT (I believe) system.  This is an isolated case so far and I 
think it is due to something with that particular system and is not 
something that we should worry about unless it starts getting reported more.

2) On Windows 2000, the non-boxed X icon is showing up with a 2 pixel 
thick white border (I've seen it too at the computer lab) that looks 
pretty bad.  We are in the process of figuring out whether Windows is 
generating this ugliness from the alpha channel icon or from the 
non-alpha icons.  Jehan made some changes to the non-alpha icons as 
well, and it is remotely possible that those changes are causing this, 
not the alpha changes.

If the alpha icon is causing the ugliness on Windows 2000, then we still 
have tons of options to explore and Jehan is exploring them at a good 
rate.  We can work on this for a few weeks before it becomes time to 
either fix it or revert it.

As long as it doesn't crash, it can be a picture of an emu as far as I
care, but that all centers on whether that emu is safe under earlier
OSs or not...Crashing emus stink...
As far as I know, the Windows 95, 98, and Me OSes are not having 
problems with the 32 bit icons... it is only Windows 2000 possibly 
trying to treat the 32 bit icon as a 24 bit icon, with the result being 
ugliness but not crashing.


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Nahor
Harold L Hunt II wrote:

Earle F. Philhower, III wrote:

Howdy Nahor,

For someone who's entire contribution to XWin has been
an alpha-blended X icon you've got some loud opinions...

He's done much more than that.  His full name is Jehan Bing and it 
looks like the bulk of his work is here:

He added the -nodecoration parameter, scrollbar support, build rules 
for Windows resource files, lots of stuff.
Thanks for defending me, not being on the mailing list itself makes me a 
bit laggy to reply :P.

And by the way, the build rules for Windows resource files is your 
contribution not mine. :)


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Nahor
Harold L Hunt II wrote:

it is only Windows 2000 possibly trying to treat the 32 bit icon as a 24 bit icon, with the result being ugliness but not crashing.
This may be fixed with the icon reordering (putting 24b before 32b). The 
screenshot that Alexander sent earlier show the thin white line instead 
of a thick one. So probably that Win2k uses the first one with 24b or 
more because, when win2k came out, both were identical.


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Nahor
Earle F. Philhower, III wrote:
Sorry, then, Nahor, didn't recognize the handle.  (Just when I was
getting a good flamefest started, too!)
Hehe, I got burnt that way too one day, telling someone to just 
contribute instead of ranting when the guy already contributed. :p


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Michael Bax
Hi folks

This is a little long, but I have combined several points rather than
bombard the list with multiple messages.  Thanks for your patience.  :-)

Nahor wrote:

 What is New Alpha? I sent a few on the mailing list. Was it icon_test9
 (attached again here)? This one has 24bit icons, hopefully the prefered
 format on systems not supporting the alpha channel (crossing fingers).

The file you attached has issues under Windows 2000 (does not show icon
picture in Explorer).  But it was the latest version of your icon at the
time.  Original was from X.exe.

 I don't care about the majority of the systems out there. I care about
 the majority of the system using Cygwin/XFree. And that can be very

The majority of Cygwin users are not typical gamers.  They are more likely
to be similar in profile to hackers such as the Linux or BSD folks -- and
those are well known to be frequently using older generations of hardware
(and hence software).

Industry is still receiving PC's preloaded with Windows 2000 -- which will
be supported until 2007!  Remember, 2 years after Windows 2000 came on the
scene, IT organisations were still DEPLOYING Windonts NT!

Two years after the debut of Windows 2000, the number of *new* Windows NT
server licenses matched the number of Windows 2000 licenses.  And that's
just the new liceneses -- just think of the huge installed base.  And as for
desktops, by 2002 75% of desktops in industry were Windows 9x!

 Uh? I don't get your point. I personally don't buy a machine just to run
 unix. I use it to do other stuff (mostly compilation) that do make use of
 CPU power. So I have a recent machine, so I have XP. I assume that quit a
 dew (most?) geeks using Cygwin/XFree would be in the same case. But it's
 just a guess.

I'm sure that many Cygwin users have brand new machines.  But I am equally
sure that many more have older systems.

The baseline for support today must clearly be pre-XP systems.

 The other thing, IMHO, is that the alpha icon on non-alpha system, while
 not the best icon that can be on such system, is not completely ugly

Frankly, I disagree.  I wouldn't have put in the effort of designed a new
icon set if I thought it were OK!  :-)

 So between an icon that looks best on recent machines but not as good on
 older ones and one that looks best on older machines but not as good as it
 can be on recent ones, I prefer to think future/progress/whatever and
 take the first.

The problem is that the rest of the software world disagrees.  It is
standard software practice to support as many platforms as possible with the
*default* install, even if it is not as flashy as the others.  Sure, you can
have an option to enable alpha -- but don't make it the default.

Do you really want someone installing X/Cygwin for the first time to be
confronted with an amateurish-looking icon?  That was my first impression.
From a technical perspective, aesthetics are secondary -- but in the real
world, first impressions last.

 Between the CVS and your improved, I prefer the one in CVS. The thin
 lines is acutally too thin in 16x16, the line is too blury on yours, the
 white background seems to wash over the black line.

You originally said that my original monochrome X was ugly due to blocky
edges, but that is exactly the problem with your icon on Windows 2000
systems!  :-)

The lines in Improved.ico (why the quotes?) are actually in exactly the
correct anti-aliased proportion to represent the X logo within the limits of
the bitmap.  The CVS icon is incorrectly proportioned.

I do not argue that you personally prefer your version.  That is of course a
subjective choice!  However, Improved.ico has the proportions of the
original X vector logo; you may prefer something that looks different, but
that then is something different, not a faithful rendering of the X logo.

Ago wrote:

 If you can build ico files with both alpha and non-alpha icons why not
 include your version with alpha channel and for non-alpha either the boxed
 (which I liked) or a plain two-color variant.

 cygwin is unix. unix is simple (shell and stuff) and this is the opposite
 of the bubble-gum os WinXP with alpha channel.

Hear hear!  :-)

Earle wrote:

 - Default to a safe setting for anything that's not critical. -
 You'll save TONS of user grief, and by extension, your own.


 Looking really nasty under OSs earlier than XP is a bug I'd say.  Plus
 it's probably rechnically an invalid icon resource under those OSes so
 you may wnd up causing a boom (hey, under 95 or 98 it doesn't take
 much to crash the system!)

Strongly agreed.

 You've not very familiar with how a shortcut is made, are you?  Make the
 1st icon in the file the clean X-in-a-white-box that's been there for

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Harold L Hunt II

Michael Bax wrote:

Harold wrote:

What I'm really surprised about here is that the ICON format lets you
store a bunch of different formats in just one ICON resource (you can
specify a 1-, 16- , 256-, or 16M color, all in 16x16, 32x32, and 48x48
in one ICON).
Does the one that everyone is so riled up about have the other,
fallback formats included?
Yup, that is what both of our icon files have.

Hi Harold, that's actually not quite correct.  The existing CVS icon (that
you kindly sent me the link to) has no monochrome content and has a
messed-up 24x24 version.  It also has some rendering glitches.
I was referring to the notion of many formats in one file, not to the 
specific list of what formats we had.  :)

That icon was not the latest version that Benny had created, as he 
pointed out when he saw that link.  Follow the link below, then open the 
X-boxed.ico file to see the most recent version (which I uploaded after 
he nudged me):

That's why I created Improved.ico, with careful rendering and anti-aliasing
to preserve the form of the original vector logo -- I hope you can use it.
Yes, preserving the form is important.
In summary:

So far 2 developers and 3 users have contributed to this discussion.  It
appears unanimous among the users that the alpha icon should not be the
Well, this is still an open technical question of can it be done.  It 
we *can* create an icon file that contains alpha icons that displays 
fine on all platforms, then there is no reason to change the icon.  I 
consider this an open issue as Jehan is still exploring options and no 
one has found a definitive source stating that it cannot be done.  If we 
*cannot* create such an icon file, then the choice about what we should 
do for the default icon becomes much simpler and doesn't require so much 

So, lets hold off on dicussing this more until some one can prove that 
we can or cannot create an icon with alpha formats that displays fine on 
all versions of Windows.


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-13 Thread Earle F. Philhower III
Hi Harold,

Attached please find a patch against that:
. Adds TRAYICON iconidentifier to the .xwinrc file parser which lets you,
  surprisingly enough, change the tray icon
. Adds file.dll,XX parsing to the icon loader to support grabbing icons
  from inside DLL or EXEs
. Adds ,XX parsing to the icon loader to support loading icons that are
  stored in the XWin.exe RC file (today there's only one, but I think folks
  are thinking of having multiple at some point in the near future)
. Adds handling of the TaskbarCreated Windows message which lets you re-add
  the taskbar icon when the main explorer starts.  Otherwise if explorer dies
  and is restarted for some reason, you'd lose the X taskbar icon until you
  exited all your X apps and restarted XWin.
. Fixes the icon loader to not append the ICONDIRECTORY to icons that are
  fully specified w/a drive letter (i.e. c:\blahblah)
[These below I'm not sure if the CVS -r cygwin tree is known funky or what...]
. WINMSG.H:  Comments out the redeclaration of the MessageType enum.
  I couldn't find anything in the change logs about using a modifies OS.H
  (where MessageType is originally defined and included prior to this header).
  and other region macros, but isn't a local variable in two functions in
  these files (in winwindow there was a #if 0 around the variable defintion,
  and in multiwindowshape it was not there at all?!...)
-Earle F. Philhower, III
 cdrlabel - ZipLabel - FlpLabel

Description: Binary data

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-13 Thread Harold L Hunt II

Just about off to bed at the moment... but figured it would probably be 
easier if you commit this patch directly.  Can you send me, privately, 
an ssh DSA public key, preferred user name, and preferred email 
forwarding address?  I can create you an account on 
tomorrow and you'll be able to commit to our main cvs tree right away.

Some people aren't too familiar with ssh-keygen, so a shortcut is 
'ssh-keygen -t dsa' in case you don't want to lookup how to do it.  :)


Earle F. Philhower III wrote:
Hi Harold,

Attached please find a patch against that:
. Adds TRAYICON iconidentifier to the .xwinrc file parser which lets 
  surprisingly enough, change the tray icon
. Adds file.dll,XX parsing to the icon loader to support grabbing icons
  from inside DLL or EXEs
. Adds ,XX parsing to the icon loader to support loading icons that are
  stored in the XWin.exe RC file (today there's only one, but I think folks
  are thinking of having multiple at some point in the near future)
. Adds handling of the TaskbarCreated Windows message which lets you 
  the taskbar icon when the main explorer starts.  Otherwise if explorer 
  and is restarted for some reason, you'd lose the X taskbar icon until you
  exited all your X apps and restarted XWin.
. Fixes the icon loader to not append the ICONDIRECTORY to icons that are
  fully specified w/a drive letter (i.e. c:\blahblah)

[These below I'm not sure if the CVS -r cygwin tree is known funky or 
. WINMSG.H:  Comments out the redeclaration of the MessageType enum.
  I couldn't find anything in the change logs about using a modifies OS.H
  (where MessageType is originally defined and included prior to this 
  and other region macros, but isn't a local variable in two functions in
  these files (in winwindow there was a #if 0 around the variable 
  and in multiwindowshape it was not there at all?!...)

-Earle F. Philhower, III
 cdrlabel - ZipLabel - FlpLabel

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-12 Thread Benjamin Riefenstahl
Hi Nahor,

 Alexander Gottwald wrote:
 It was (is) in CVS and I really like it. Even much better than the
 new one.

Nahor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Maybe one can add yet-another-option on the commandline and have
 several icons in the exe (or on a special library or whatever).

Hm, is the full alpha channel independent of the 1-bit transparency
mask that we have on older Windows version?  If so, couldn't we
combine both icons into one?  On XP, the white background and black
border would be hidden through the alpha mask.  On older systems the
white background would show.  The only downside would be that the X
character would have to be one pixel smaller on each side, because in
the white-background version we need two borders, one white and one


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-12 Thread Nahor
Benjamin Riefenstahl wrote:
Hm, is the full alpha channel independent of the 1-bit transparency
mask that we have on older Windows version?  If so, couldn't we
combine both icons into one?  On XP, the white background and black
border would be hidden through the alpha mask.  On older systems the
white background would show.
No, I don' think it would work. I don't know the details but right now, 
the icon is not a white square on older system. So somehow, windows put 
the transparent color where the alpha channel is fully transparent.
Maybe I could hack it by not making the alpha channel fully transparent 
but near enough as to make no difference on XP.
But that doesn't solve the issue of what people prefer: a square icon or 
a jagged one.

Anyway the best is still the config file. People can then select the 
icon they want: black X on white square, black X with white border, X 
with edges at 45 degrees, fully black icon, blue X, red X, pig with 
wings, X on top of MS Windows logo... you name it.


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-12 Thread Benjamin Riefenstahl
Hi Nahor,

Nahor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 No, I don' think it would work. I don't know the details but right
 now, the icon is not a white square on older system.

Older systems use a 1-bit transparency mask (I forgot how this works
in detail).  I am pretty sure that this is a separate item from the
alpha channel, because older systems couldn't interprete anything but
this 1-bit format.  OTOH, I guess that the tools that you use to
create the icon don't allow to edit those two items separately.


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-12 Thread Benjamin Riefenstahl
Hi Alexander,

Alexander Gottwald [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 It was (is) in CVS and I really like it. Even much better than the
 new one.


I got it from CVS and noticed that the original version is in there.
Harold had mentioned a bug with the 24x24 image and I had sent a new
version later, see


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-11 Thread Benjamin Riefenstahl
Hi Nahor,

 Harold L Hunt II wrote:
 That new one you just made with the alpha channel is awesome!

I'm not sure how this works, I assume the alpha channel is an XP
feature?  Anyway the new icon still has those ragged edges on my W2K
system when viewed with a black background.

Nahor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Here you go. This icon has images in 32x32 and 16x16, in 16m with
 alpha, 256 and 16 colors.

With my display settings, the system menu icon is in 24x24.  Could you
add that version, too?


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-11 Thread Nahor
Benjamin Riefenstahl wrote:
I'm not sure how this works, I assume the alpha channel is an XP
feature?  Anyway the new icon still has those ragged edges on my W2K
system when viewed with a black background.
Yes, the alpha channel is a new thing from XP. In other Windows systems, 
 you should still get a slightly better icon than orginal icon (IMHO). 
The edges will be ragged but the white aread will at least look like 
part of the icon instead of some unclean leftover of a smoothing effect.

With my display settings, the system menu icon is in 24x24.  Could you
add that version, too?
How does this one look in 24x24? If it's good, then Harold can change it 
(once again :p) in the exe.

inline: x_test6.ico

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-11 Thread Benjamin Riefenstahl
Hi Nahor,

Nahor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Yes, the alpha channel is a new thing from XP. In other Windows
 systems, you should still get a slightly better icon than orginal
 icon (IMHO).
 How does this one look in 24x24? 

Yes, it definitly is better here.

 The edges will be ragged

Right, that's why the one that I submitted had a square white
background.  But it seems people didn't like that one.


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-11 Thread Alexander Gottwald
On Thu, 11 Mar 2004, Benjamin Riefenstahl wrote:

  The edges will be ragged
 Right, that's why the one that I submitted had a square white
 background.  But it seems people didn't like that one.

It was (is) in CVS and I really like it. Even much better than the new one.
The new one has some white around the black X which does like dump on the 

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 126018723

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-11 Thread Nahor
Alexander Gottwald wrote:
It was (is) in CVS and I really like it. Even much better than the new one.
Maybe one can add yet-another-option on the commandline and have several 
icons in the exe (or on a special library or whatever). It won't solve 
the problem of the default exe icon but it will solve any the 
taskbar/systray/shortcuts issue.


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-11 Thread Harold L Hunt II
Nahor wrote:

Alexander Gottwald wrote:

It was (is) in CVS and I really like it. Even much better than the new 

Maybe one can add yet-another-option on the commandline and have several 
icons in the exe (or on a special library or whatever). It won't solve 
the problem of the default exe icon but it will solve any the 
taskbar/systray/shortcuts issue.
Well, I don't know about a command-line option (sounds like a reasonable 
idea), but I was at least going to preserve the white bordered icon as 
the second icon in the file.  That way people could use it for shortcuts 
and such.  Also, I think Earle's .XWinrc file may allow you to specify 
an alternate icon for the tray and the default icon for each window, so 
we may not need a command-line option.  Anyone want to look into this to 
confirm or debunk it?


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-11 Thread Earle F. Philhower III
Hi folks, I'm really impressed with all the work you folks are doing!

At 04:33 PM 3/11/2004 -0500, Harold wrote:
Nahor wrote:
Alexander Gottwald wrote:
It was (is) in CVS and I really like it. Even much better than the new one.
Maybe one can add yet-another-option on the commandline and have several 
icons in the exe (or on a special library or whatever). It won't solve 
the problem of the default exe icon but it will solve any the 
taskbar/systray/shortcuts issue.
Well, I don't know about a command-line option (sounds like a reasonable 
idea), but I was at least going to preserve the white bordered icon as the 
second icon in the file.  That way people could use it for shortcuts and 
such.  Also, I think Earle's .XWinrc file may allow you to specify an 
alternate icon for the tray and the default icon for each window, so we 
may not need a command-line option.  Anyone want to look into this to 
confirm or debunk it?
It's not there today, but if people are really interested I can throw together
a patch to the parser lexx/yacc to add a TrayIcon  line and add
the usual support for iconfile.dll,n where n=icon ID (ie. shell32.dll,5
gives the floppy drive icon).  A default icon can be specified for X apps,
but again it's only for .ico files and can't index into, say, XWin.exe...
-Earle F. Philhower, III
 cdrlabel - ZipLabel - FlpLabel

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-11 Thread Harold L Hunt II
Earle F. Philhower III wrote:

Hi folks, I'm really impressed with all the work you folks are doing!
Yes, some neat things are happening.  A little birdy told me that OpenGL 
acceleration is almost there...

At 04:33 PM 3/11/2004 -0500, Harold wrote:

Nahor wrote:

Alexander Gottwald wrote:

It was (is) in CVS and I really like it. Even much better than the 
new one.
Maybe one can add yet-another-option on the commandline and have 
several icons in the exe (or on a special library or whatever). It 
won't solve the problem of the default exe icon but it will solve any 
the taskbar/systray/shortcuts issue.
Well, I don't know about a command-line option (sounds like a 
reasonable idea), but I was at least going to preserve the white 
bordered icon as the second icon in the file.  That way people could 
use it for shortcuts and such.  Also, I think Earle's .XWinrc file may 
allow you to specify an alternate icon for the tray and the default 
icon for each window, so we may not need a command-line option.  
Anyone want to look into this to confirm or debunk it?

It's not there today, but if people are really interested I can throw 
a patch to the parser lexx/yacc to add a TrayIcon  line and add
the usual support for iconfile.dll,n where n=icon ID (ie. shell32.dll,5
gives the floppy drive icon).  A default icon can be specified for X apps,
but again it's only for .ico files and can't index into, say, XWin.exe...
Yes, that sounds good.  Let me just double-check that the TrayIcon 
feature *would* allow you to select the second icon within XWin.exe, 
right?  That is okay that the icon for other applications could not 
index into XWin.exe, as long as XWin.exe can specify icons within itself.

Thanks in advance,


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-11 Thread Earle F. Philhower III
At 01:14 AM 3/12/2004 -0500, Harold wrote:
Yes, some neat things are happening.  A little birdy told me that OpenGL 
acceleration is almost there...
glDoom, here I come!  As long as XWin keeps running runs w/o crashes for 
longer than the interval between Windows patches, I'm a happy camper...

At 04:33 PM 3/11/2004 -0500, Earle wrote:
...a patch to the parser lexx/yacc to add a TrayIcon  line and add
the usual support for iconfile.dll,n where n=icon ID (ie. shell32.dll,5
gives the floppy drive icon)...
Yes, that sounds good.  Let me just double-check that the TrayIcon feature 
*would* allow you to select the second icon within XWin.exe, right?  That 
is okay that the icon for other applications could not index into 
XWin.exe, as long as XWin.exe can specify icons within itself.
Yup, that would be the plan:  If no .XWinrc file or no TrayIcon, run with 
the present default settings (I guess whatever ICON 0 is compiled into XWin 
is what you'll get).  Anywhere an icon is specified in the .xwinrc file, do 
the following:
. If the iconame is just ,# then load the specified icon number from the 
XWin.exe resources
. else if the iconame is filename.exe/.dll,nn then load icon ID nn from 
that file
. else use present load .ico flow
. If we're unsuccessful in loading the icon, use the default X icon from 

I also keep meaning to write a man page for the .xwinrc format, but since I 
don't follow main cygwin app development I'm not sure if manpages are the 
preferred format or if everyone is doing GNU Info files or something 
else.  It's probably in one of TFM that I've not R yet. ;)

-Earle F. Philhower, III
 cdrlabel - ZipLabel - FlpLabel

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-10 Thread Nahor
Harold L Hunt II wrote:*checkout*/xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xwin/X.ico?rev= 

My vote is between the one in CVS and my new one.
Ideally, the news one should have a real alpha channel for transparency 
around its border. It don't know if it's actually possible but the 
FireFox/Thunderbird icons seems to use such an alpha channel for the 
shadow part.

What about this one. It has an alpha channel. It has only the 32x32 16m 
colors for now so look at it using a big view. It looks really cool on 
my black desktop. Really smooth. However, I haven't checked it how it 
looks on systems that don't support alpha channel in icons.

inline: x_test3.ico

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-10 Thread Harold L Hunt II

That new one you just made with the alpha channel is awesome!  It would 
be great if we can create an icon that has this, plus non-alpha channel 
icons (or at least it doesn't look much worse than the current icon when 
alpha channels are not supported).

Excellent work!


Nahor wrote:

Harold L Hunt II wrote:*checkout*/xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xwin/X.ico?rev= 


My vote is between the one in CVS and my new one.
Ideally, the news one should have a real alpha channel for transparency 
around its border. It don't know if it's actually possible but the 
FireFox/Thunderbird icons seems to use such an alpha channel for the 
shadow part.

What about this one. It has an alpha channel. It has only the 32x32 16m 
colors for now so look at it using a big view. It looks really cool on 
my black desktop. Really smooth. However, I haven't checked it how it 
looks on systems that don't support alpha channel in icons.

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-10 Thread Nahor
Harold L Hunt II wrote:

That new one you just made with the alpha channel is awesome!  It would 
be great if we can create an icon that has this, plus non-alpha channel 
icons (or at least it doesn't look much worse than the current icon when 
alpha channels are not supported).
Here you go. This icon has images in 32x32 and 16x16, in 16m with alpha, 
256 and 16 colors.

inline: x_test4.ico

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-09 Thread Nahor
Michael Bax wrote:
What do you think?
Let me play medium...I sye... you don't have a black desktop! :)
The icon is completely invisible on black background.
And the logo is not smooth, i.e. the line are not of homogeneous thickness.
I suggest that, instead of removing the white specks (which are actually 
shades of gray to smooth the black lines), you actually make a real 
white line around the black area.

All in all, I prefer the current icon. And that has nothing to do with 
the fact that I made it. No, definitely not! ;)

Anyway, attached is one with a real white line around it. Some may like 
it better. I'm 50-50 between the current one and the one attached.

inline: X.ico

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-09 Thread Harold L Hunt II

Hmm... that is an interesting change.  I am now split 33-33-33 between 
the current, the one in CVS, and the one you just sent :)

I really don't know which I prefer.


Nahor wrote:

Michael Bax wrote:

What do you think?

Let me play medium...I sye... you don't have a black 
desktop! :)
The icon is completely invisible on black background.

And the logo is not smooth, i.e. the line are not of homogeneous thickness.
I suggest that, instead of removing the white specks (which are actually 
shades of gray to smooth the black lines), you actually make a real 
white line around the black area.

All in all, I prefer the current icon. And that has nothing to do with 
the fact that I made it. No, definitely not! ;)

Anyway, attached is one with a real white line around it. Some may like 
it better. I'm 50-50 between the current one and the one attached.


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-09 Thread Nahor
Harold L Hunt II wrote:
Hmm... that is an interesting change.  I am now split 33-33-33 between 
the current, the one in CVS, and the one you just sent :)
I haven't seen the one in CVS. Is there a simple way to get it without 
having to checkout the whole source?


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-09 Thread Harold L Hunt II
Yeah, save the following link to disk:*checkout*/xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xwin/X.ico?rev=


Nahor wrote:

Harold L Hunt II wrote:

Hmm... that is an interesting change.  I am now split 33-33-33 between 
the current, the one in CVS, and the one you just sent :)

I haven't seen the one in CVS. Is there a simple way to get it without 
having to checkout the whole source?


X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-08 Thread Michael Bax
Hi folks

I've attached my suggestion for a X/Cygwin program icon.  It does not
feature the speckled white border problem exhibited in the Cygwin/X
screenshots at

It's also efficient, at 518 bytes.  :-)  There is another new X icon in
X/Cygwin CVS that features a white background in a black square, but do we
want an icon with a background?  It seems more normal to me to have a
transparent background.  (The CVS icon has other issues like a blue 24x24
bitmap and is asymmetrical (not rotationally invariant at 180 degrees, for
the OCD.)  :-)

What do you think?

attachment: X.ico

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-08 Thread David Arnstein
Your hyperlink is labelled x.ico, but the file it links to is  This isn't a
worm, is it?

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-08 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
On Mon, 8 Mar 2004, David Arnstein wrote:

 Your hyperlink is labelled x.ico, but the file it links to is  This isn't a
 worm, is it?

Nope, that's the way MHonArc names attachments with unknown (to it) MIME
type...  If you feel suspicious, just get a copy of the message resent to
you (send an empty email to cygwin-xfree-get.18927atcygwindotcom),
and verify that the attachment is an icon (it is).

FWIW, the SPAM filtering on these lists is great and catches most worms.
Also, worms don't usually send 500-byte attachments. ;-)
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster.  -- Patrick Naughton