Important Text - Something I need to tell you.

2000-09-09 Thread Mary

We're not weird..we're sexy

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I'm tired of getting SCREWED!!!

2000-09-09 Thread personal-pay-phones

Get back what you've put in!!!

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FBI Profiles of "School Shooters"

2000-09-09 Thread Eric Cordian

It's interesting to notice the not particularly subtle anti-youth bias in
the FBI's recently released profiles of people they allege are likely to
commit violence in schools.  Indeed, the terms used are very negative and
propagandistic ways of characterizing practically anyone who isn't
carefully controlled in thinking and behavior, denied free access to
information, and trained to be an obedient doormat for all authority

It would be very difficult for any student to not fit some of the factors
listed, unless he were the world's greatest Uncle Tom and kissed Massah's
ass on a regular basis while ignoring the screams of his fellow inmates
while pretending to enjoy the public school experience.

Let's look at how the FBI's factors might be expressed in more
conventional language.

"Student collects injustices and nurses resentments" - Student has
reasonable expectations that he and other students will be treated
decently, and remembers the names of teachers and administrators who have
a long track record of showing disrespect and contempt for students.

"Shows exaggerated sense of entitlement" - Expects the school system and
those who work there to be held accountable for the quality of service

"Signs of depression and a pathological need for attention" - Becomes
unhappy when he and other students are treated unjustly, and seeks to find
someone who will listen and remedy the situation.

"Student's relationship with parents is particularly difficult or
turbulent" - Student has high standards for how he is treated at home too.

"Parents accept or minimize pathological behavior, setting few limits and
possibly seeming intimidated by student" - Parents don't automatically
take the side of the school against their child when a disagreement

"Student has access to weapons and there is little monitoring of what he
watches on TV or the Internet" - The child's home environment is one where
privacy, freedom of information, and the Second Amendment are all

"Student is detached from other students, teachers, and school activities"
- Student has better things to do with his time, than spend 100% of it on
school-sponsored busy work.

"School does little to prevent or punish disrespectful behavior or
bullying" - School does not interfere in student socialization unless an
obviously serious problem arises.

"A pecking order exists among students, who also observe a code of silence
about telling staff of their concerns about other students" - Students
refuse to cooperate in ratting out people to the school's profiling

"Access to computers and the Internet is unsupervised" - The School
follows the guidelines of the American Library Association.

"Student is intensely and exclusively involved with a group that shares a
fascination with violence and extremist beliefs" - Student refuses to
criticize Columbine shooters in school-ordered classroom writing
assignment, given with the ulterior motive of prying into student's
political beliefs.

Indeed, the wording of most of these things is exactly like what spews out
of the mouth of the typical public school teacher, when a student or the
parent of a student has a grievance with the school.  Complaining about
anything is "attention seeking," getting pissed off is "nursing
resentments," the parent defending the child is "the child running the
home and no limits being set," etc,etc,etc...

The whole attitude expressed by the government here is a really great
argument for private schooling or homeschooling.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"


2000-09-09 Thread James A. Donald

At 09:20 AM 9/9/2000 -0700, A. Melon wrote:
 >  Some of that cat hair winds up at crime scenes, and can provide
 >  important clues to solving a crime if it can be traced to an
 >  individual cat, and from there to its owner. The DOJ is asking cat
 >  owners to voluntarily send in a sample of Fluffys genetic material

No sillier than gun control laws.

  James A. Donald

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2000-09-09 Thread owner-cypherpunks

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Directory of Investigative Professionals

2000-09-09 Thread Matt James

Good Day,

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Investigative Professionals," a global register of professional
investigators, expert services, security and equipment specialists,
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During the next three months, we will personally invite more than 13,000
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Change your information on-line, anytime.  Add monthly specials, announce new products.

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Here is the direct link to sign up:


Matt James

Director of Advertising & Member Relations.


I choose to not list my company in the "Directory of Investigative
Professionals,": Dysfunction?

2000-09-09 Thread Wilfred Guerin


cyph relay CDR on has been sending null messages from owner-etc since 
Friday the 8th, 13:42 cst last coherent message.

Has there been failure/problems with the server, or is there known reasons 
for these strange messages rather than the relay?

(I do not know the scope of this problem, nor if CDR admins are aware of the problem, 
hopefully so, if not, I have a nice log of 50 or so messages from the 
server with null content and otherwise useless purpose :) )

(Since is sending out null messages, please respond directly)


Re: StoN, Diffie-Hellman, other junk..

2000-09-09 Thread Bill Stewart

>>Any symmetric algorithm will have maxed out by 256 bits, and most by 128,
>>though you may want different keys for your two directions.
>>So generating the DH key with 1024 bits is probably enough,
>>though it doesn't hurt much to do 2048 or 4096 -
>>no need for separately generating a key and shipping it.
>>In particular, DH takes advantage of both machines' sources of randomness,
>>which is a major win over something generated by one end
>>unless you've got a good reason for it.
>Well, the information I have is that Blowfish takes up to 448 bits, RC2 up 
>to 1024 bits, Mars up to 1248bits, RC5 and RC6 both up to 2048 bits of key 
>material.. is that incorrect?

Not incorrect, but 2**256 possible keys gets you into 
age-of-the-universe territory for cracking.

>This brings up another question.  My document states that Cast256, IDEA(*), 
>Mars, Misty1(*), RC5, and RC6 are all patented.. * = "Free for 
>noncommercial use."  Is there a good repository somewhere with information 
>on all the licensing issues/rules of these algorithms?

I'm not aware of one.  IDEA's "non-commercial" definitions have gotten
fuzzier over the years, and it's patented in lots of places.
Avoid Misty.  Several of the AES candidates had policies of
"it's patented now but if we're the AES winner you can all use it for free",
which means you won't really know licensing issues until NIST picks a winner.

PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF  3C85 B884 0ABE 4639

Re: StoN, Diffie-Hellman, other junk..

2000-09-09 Thread Asymmetric

At 01:44 09/09/2000 -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:

>Not incorrect, but 2**256 possible keys gets you into
>age-of-the-universe territory for cracking.

Well yes, but better safe than sorry.. you never know when the next 
breakthrough might come that makes anything under 256bits "weak."  Not too 
likely I know, but doesn't hurt to keep that in mind.

>I'm not aware of one.  IDEA's "non-commercial" definitions have gotten
>fuzzier over the years, and it's patented in lots of places.
>Avoid Misty.  Several of the AES candidates had policies of
>"it's patented now but if we're the AES winner you can all use it for free",
>which means you won't really know licensing issues until NIST picks a winner.

Ah.. I'll just have to keep digging myself.. maybe I'll put together a page 
of my own for this purpose.  It's aggravating having to dig all over the 
place for this kind of info.

What's the deal with Misty?



PGP Key Fingerprint:
446B 7718 B219 9F1E 43DD  8E4A 6BE9 D739 CCC5 7FD7

Available from ldap://