Complete Guidebook and Workplace Violence Prevention Video series

2000-10-04 Thread WBNixon

Good Morning! 

I am Barry Nixon, Executive Director, The National Institute for the 
Prevention of Workplace Violence and am creating a workplace violence 
superstore on line with the intent to have a wide array of workplace violence 
prevention products for sale.  Your video series would be an excellent 
addition to the online superstore so could you  please send me information 
about the steps necessary to make this happen.

I can be contacted via email at [EMAIL PROTECTED], telephone at 949-770-5264 
and fax 949-597-0977.

Events in DC: Gun control, McCaffrey on Our Balanced Approach to Drug Policy is Working

2000-10-04 Thread Declan McCullagh


News conference to highlight the negligence of the House of Representatives
to act on sensible gun safety proposals.
Participants: Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn.; Rep. Nita Lowey,
 D-N.Y.; Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., and
 Nina Butts, Texans Against Gun Violence
Location: HC-5, U.S. Capitol. 1 p.m.
Contact: 202-225-3661

National Public Broadcasting/FRONTLINE and National Public Radio
Symposium on "U.S. Drug War Policy" for media and invited guests. Highlights:
  8:55 a.m. - Panel 1, "Treatment and Educations v. Prohibition and
Punishment"  10:10 a.m. - Panel 2, "Social Justice and the War on Drugs"
  11:45 a.m. - Barry McCaffrey, national drug czar, "Our Balanced Approach
to Drug Policy is Working"  2 p.m. - Panel 3, "The International War
on Drugs," broadcast live on NPR News' "Talk of the Nation"  3 p.m.
- Panel 4, "The Drug Business," broadcast live
Location: Georgetown University Law Center, New Jersey
 Ave., NW. 8:45 a.m.
Contact: To join broadcast discussions call 800-989-TALK;
 for information call Chris Kelly, 617-300-3375

Jeremy and Julia
Crime Subcommittee hearing on H.R.469, Jeremy and Julia's Law.
Location: 2237 Rayburn House Office Building. 1:30 p.m.
Contact: 202-225-3951

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
National Youth Summit to Prevent Underage Drinking, September 29-October
4. Highlights:  9:45 a.m. - Party Group #6  11 a.m. Closing General
Session: "So Now What Do We Do?"
Location: National 4-H Center, 7100 Connecticut Ave.,
 Chevy Chase, MD. 9:45 a.m.
Contact: 214-744-6233, ext. 216, or

Wall St. Journal
Technology Summit 2000: The Next Economy - Business, Public Policy
and the Internet.
Location: Ronald Reagan Building, 1300 Pennsylvania
 Ave., NW.
Contact: 800-457-5766;

Nortel Networks
Policy luncheon on the issue of "Exploring Broadband Possibilities."
Participants: Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore.; Clarence Chandran,
 COO, Nortel Networks and Elliot Maxwell, special
 adviser to the Secretary of Commerce for the
 digital economy
Location: 902 Hart Senate Office Building. 12 noon
Contact: Walter Kallaur, 202-508-3607 

Re: anarchism = socialism

2000-10-04 Thread Sean Roach

Beautiful sentiment, and much of it I'm not prepared to argue with.

First of all, I'm going to place my comments among your message.  This is 
not to present the appearance of a winning arguement, but only for ease of 
keeping track of the points.

At 10:41 AM 10/4/2000, Secret Squirrel wrote, or rather forwarded: on and learn also that capitalism == mass slavery [LART],
and that, very definitely, property == theft [LART].

For an anarchist, he also seems a little too eager to invoke the authority
of the dictionary to support his claims [CLUESTICK - get 2 free LARTs].


Forwarded from
Purported Author/Host: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Reach out and touch him ;-)


   "Anarchism is really a synonym for socialism. The anarchist is primarily a
socialist whose aim is to abolish the exploitation of man by man."

This statement was made by Daniel GuÚrin in his excellent book, 
_Anarchism_. I
included it at the top of my web page as a way of making it clear that 
isn't merely a lifestyle or is somehow compatible with capitalism, but is a
radical, revolutionary social theory that, should it ever be successfully
implemented (barring the genocidal force that capitalist powers have and
continue to put to bear against any popular socialist revolutions that 
would transform society in ways we can scarcely imagine today.

The ideas of the key thinkers as well as the history and practice of 
backs this view up.

*_"Anarchism is really a synonym for socialism"_*

What does this mean? To the individual raised on decades of unrelenting
anti-communist propaganda, the mere mention of the word "socialism" prompts a
knee-jerk reaction, typically involving references to evil, repression, mass
murder, totalitarianism.

This is largely a result of the multi-million dollar campaigns waged for the
past 80 years against socialism by the capitalist nations of the world.
Apologists cite the brutality of Stalin as "proof" that socialism is 
with mass murder. However, it should be noted that the capitalist West 
INVADED the nascent USSR in the immediate wake of the October Revolution.
President Woodrow Wilson ordered Marines sent to Russia, who ransacked 
murdered peasants, and threw their lot in with the Tsarist White Russians
(beginning an long-repeated tradition of support for fascist/monarchist 
at the expense of popular uprisings).

So, even before Stalin came onto the scene, the capitalist West was 
that socialism be stamped out!

News to me, I won't argue.  We've done it before, we're doing it now, we'll 
do it again.

But one thing that is very important to note is that what came about in 
the USSR
wasn't really socialism in practice--rather, the Bolsheviks seized political
power and control of the state (and set about destroying the anarchists 
Russia, who actually took the revolution seriously--from 1917-1921, the
indigenous anarchist movement in the USSR was systematically wiped out, 
the anarchists the first victims of Bolshevik repression!)

So what we had in the USSR was a party vanguard (the Bolsheviks) seizing 
FOR the people. Lenin, Trotsky, and the other Bolsheviks had no intention of
allowing the state to "wither away". They, instead, killed the Revolution and
spent time consolidating their power.

And this, first off, is a very important distinction: the Communist Party 
in the USSR; NOT the people themselves. Thus was totalitarianism born.
Socialism, according to the _American Heritage Dictionary_, is defined as:

1. A social system in which the producers possess both political power and
 the means of producing and distributing goods.

Think about that for a moment.

*- Were the Bolsheviks the producers? NO! They were a vanguard party 
acting (so
 they said) IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKERS. This is an important
 distinction. They used brutal police and military force to enforce their
 power over the genuine producers.

*- Did the workers of the USSR possess the means of producing and 
 goods? NO! In fact, it was the actions of the anarchists in the 
 Ukraine, in
 the worker soviets, and in the City of Kronstadt to do precisely that
 (worker control of production and distribution of goods) that the 
 put a violent end to!

In other words, the Bolsheviks wanted to put an end to SOCIALISM! Why? 
they wanted to secure power for themselves. And that they did, as history has

Let's look at the definition of communism, for the sake of completeness...

1. A social system characterized by the absence of classes and by common
 ownership of the means of production and subsistence. 2.a. A political,
 economic, and social doctrine aiming at the