Re: What happened with the people from the Dreyfus' Underground book?

2017-02-05 Thread grarpamp
On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 9:37 AM, Georgi Guninski  wrote:
> What happened with the people from the Dreyfus' Underground book?

Some things should not be known.

Doomsday Preps, Rogue #altgov #TheResistance, FBI Gets Unadjuticateds Fired

2017-02-05 Thread grarpamp

Re: "declare antifa illegal/terrorist" petition

2017-02-05 Thread jim bell

 From: Razer 
 On 02/05/2017 01:21 PM, jim bell wrote:
>>If your working definition (or, at least example) of a "fascist" is a person 
>>who wants to completely shut down the Internet, I doubt whether >>this 
>>collection of people exceeds more than 1% of America's population. 
 >What your failing to acknowledge. Intentionally AFAICT because you're an 
 >alt-right Nazi at heart playing "Libertarian, is they want to shut it down 
 >for anyone BUT that one percent.
I am not especially concerned with what people "want"...if they do nothing 
wrong to achieve their wants.  
>You want to be part of that one percent... don't you ?
1.  I'd like to be very rich.2.  If I get to be very rich, I would presumably 
be "in that one percent".3.  The entire application of the "1%" meme was phony 
from the beginning.  Generally, in any distribution, there is always a "1%".  
And membership in that group varies from one year to another.
>I say we should bid you up on the AP market. Would be fitting if your own 
>nasty bitcoin gambling freaks took you out.
I can think of worse fates.
>Oh, and about the Right wanting to slaughter protesters while the protesters 
>debate whether punching Nazis is 'ethical' or 'advantageous'
Except that in the 1970 Kent State incident, as I recall there was no criminal 
activity by those protestors.  UC Berkeley, not so little.
>DETROIT — A county Republican leader in Michigan is under fire for seeming to 
>suggest in his social media posts there should be a Kent State type of 
>crackdown on violent protests like the one that erupted at a university in 
>California last week.

Again, the Kent State incident WASN'T a "crackdown on violent protests".  Note 
that the comment above WASN'T a quote by that "county Republican leader":  It 
was structured as a comment by the writer of that article.  He faked it, 

>But in an interview Sunday with the Detroit Free Press, Dan Adamini, the 
>secretary of the Marquette County Republican Party, said he apologizes, 
>supports peace and was merely trying to prevent further violence and hatred.

Again, no actual quotation by him, just a (mis?)-characterization of what he 

>The Marquette resident said that he has received death threats and been 
>harassed by people outraged over his remarks that refer to the 1970 shooting 
>deaths of four students at Kent State University in Ohio by the Ohio National 
>Guard. Nine other students were wounded in what many consider a turning point 
>in public opinion about the Vietnam War.

Still isn't quoting what the "county Republican leader" ACTUALLY said.
>Death threats are too good for this motherfucker.
>Another Nazi, John McCain, had something truly stoopid to say about Kent State 
>a number of years ago too.


[OT] [songs] "La Migra (cruza La Frontera II)" and "Viva President Trump" - Brujeria

2017-02-05 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
​If theorange guy really
builds the Great Wall of USA, I have two useful suggestions for all the
Mexicans:  - Walls are really great for wonderful graffiti and are an
awesome support for quickies.  I already tried both in different places and
walls always work amazingly!  ;)

It's serious!  You can ask to all the engineers and analysts of buildings
here about the sublime importance of a very secure structure for this kind
of passionate and intense act.  See what happened with the poor Building 7,
tsk tsk!  :(

I don't really recommend the use of instable supports like a Bush, for
example.  Nobody should trust Bushes.  Bushes hurt the skin, aren't
comfortable, will destroy your clothes and are a treacherous support.  You
will probably end in the middle of the plant and it's impossible to be
discreet laughing very loud...  Sorry, erotic disasters are pretty fun even
when you are the unlucky victim, hahaha!!  ;D

Besos y abrazos!  <3

-  c.

PS:  -  I swear I never thought USA could have a President even more stupid
than the last Bush...  Poor country, poor world!  :(


*"La Migra (cruza La Frontera II)"​ ​ -​  ​Brujeria*

* *

​ ​
¿Cuánto quiere ese coyote?
​ ​
Diez mil pesos
​ ​
Pa todos
​ ​
No, Jefe, Pa cada uno
​ ​
Pinché coyote ladrón, hay que joder al güey

Coyotes rateros, te chingan la féria
Siguen al brujo, te llévo por gratis
Trae tú abuela, tú tía, el lelo

Pinches polleros, viven pa' féria
Te cobran tú sueldo y largan tú abuela
La pinche migra te está esperando
Te devuelven despues de una paliza
La migra halló tú abuela en el desierto
La mandaron a Tijuana pegada con palos
El brujo tiene contrabando bien bueno
Numeros de seguro y cartas verdes

La migra la migra
Te pegan bien duro
La migra la migra
Te pica el culo

La misma migra te pasan por lana
Mordidas de féria te compra todo
Siguen al brujo, te llevo al norte
Cuidado con ese alambre cortado
Hay cabron ahi viene la troca
Pa tras pinches pollos ahi viene la migra
Larga tú abuela, correle tia ya
Ya aplastaron el lelo

La migra la migra
te chingan los pollos
La migra la migra te coje en el hoyo
La migra, la migra, la migra, la migra

*​Lyrics in English:*

How much does that coyote want?
​ ​
Ten thousand pesos
​ ​
For all
​ ​
No, Boss,
or each one
​ ​
Fucking coyote thief, We have to fuck the idiot

Thieves "Coyotes" they fuck you with the bribery
Follow El Brujo I brought you for free
Bring your grandmother your aunt Elena

Fucking Chickens live for the bribery
Earn your pay and take your grandmother
Fucking Border Patrol is waiting for you
They brought you back with a beating

The border patrol found your grandmother in the desert
They order her to Tijuana bind to sticks
El Brujo has good contraband
Social Secure numbers and green cards

Border patrol Border patrol
They hit you hard
Border patrol Border patrol
They kick your ass

The same border patrol let you pass for money
Some money buy all
Follow El Brujo I'll bring you to the north
Careful with this cut fence
Oh motherfucker, here come's the truck
Go back fucking chickens here come's the border patrol
Carry your grandmother, run aunt
They've already crushed the slow one

The border patrol, the border patrol
They fuck the chickens
The border patrol, the border patrol
They catch you in the hole
The border patrol, the border patrol, the border patrol


*"Viva Presidente Trump"  -  Brujeria*

* *

Viva Presidente Trump!
Ya sabemos de su onda, que un chingo nos odia,
Su vision es ser el gran pito hitler wilson
Habla mal de mexicanos, ilegales y mojados,
Si llega ser presidente va ver bronca eb cada estado

Long live President Trump
We know the score, he fucking hates us
His vision is to be the big dick Hitler Wilson
He talks shit about Mexicans, aliens and wetbacks
If he becomes president there’ll be trouble in every state

Yo si quiero que llega ser presidente gabacho
Por que el quiere ver guerra igual que nosortros
Yo si quiero que gane el presidente trumpudo
Por que si lo empiensa a huebo nosotros lo acabamos

I actually want him to be president gabacho
Because he wants war and so do we
I want the Trumpy president to win
Because if he starts something, we’re definitely gonna finish it

Oodia los mojados, odia mexicanos
Si Trump gana va deportar a todos
Odia mi raza, ama su dinero
Ese guero loco va empesar la guerra

He hates wetbacks, he hates Mexicans
If Trump wins he’ll deport everyone
He hates my race, he loves his money
That crazy güero is going to start a war

Hey don chapo, guarda tu dinero
Pa gratis te lo llevo amarrado como perro
Yo si voto pal guero loco
Por su culpa vamos hacer guerra

Hey Mr. Chapo, keep your money
I’ll bring him to you for free tied up like a dog
I’m voting for the crazy güero
Because of him we’re going to war

El quiere 

Re: "declare antifa illegal/terrorist" petition

2017-02-05 Thread Razer
On 02/05/2017 01:21 PM, jim bell wrote:

> If your working definition (or, at least example) of a "fascist" is a
> person who wants to completely shut down the Internet, I doubt whether
> this collection of people exceeds more than 1% of America's population. 

What your failing to acknowledge. Intentionally AFAICT because you're an
alt-right Nazi at heart playing "Libertarian, is they want to shut it
down for anyone BUT that one percent.

You want to be part of that one percent... don't you ?

I say we should bid you up on the AP market. Would be fitting if your
own nasty bitcoin gambling freaks took you out.

Oh, and about the Right wanting to slaughter protesters while the
protesters debate whether punching Nazis is 'ethical' or 'advantageous'

> DETROIT — A county Republican leader in Michigan is under fire for
> seeming to suggest in his social media posts there should be a Kent
> State type of crackdown on violent protests like the one that erupted
> at a university in California last week.
> But in an interview Sunday with the Detroit Free Press, Dan Adamini,
> the secretary of the Marquette County Republican Party, said he
> apologizes, supports peace and was merely trying to prevent further
> violence and hatred.
> The Marquette resident said that he has received death threats and
> been harassed by people outraged over his remarks that refer to the
> 1970 shooting deaths of four students at Kent State University in Ohio
> by the Ohio National Guard. Nine other students were wounded in what
> many consider a turning point in public opinion about the Vietnam War.

Death threats are too good for this motherfucker.

Another Nazi, John McCain, had something truly stoopid to say about Kent
State a number of years ago too.

[#AboveMyPayGrade] Protecting quantum computing networks against hacking threats

2017-02-05 Thread Razer

> Professor Ebrahim Karimi, a member of uOttawa's Department of
> Physics and holder of the Canada Research Chair in Structured
> Light, and doctoral student Frédéric Bouchard observe the setup
> they used to clone the photons that transmit information, called
> qudits. Credit: University of Ottawa
> As we saw during the 2016 US election, protecting traditional computer
> systems, which use zeros and ones, from hackers is not a perfect
> science. Now consider the complex world of quantum computing, where
> bits of information can simultaneously hold multiple states beyond
> zero and one, and the potential threats become even trickier to
> tackle. Even so, researchers at the University of Ottawa have
> uncovered clues that could help administrators protect quantum
> computing networks from external attacks.
> "Our team has built the first high-dimensional quantum cloning machine
> capable of performing quantum hacking to intercept a secure quantum
> message," said University of Ottawa Department of Physics professor
> Ebrahim Karimi, who holds the Canada Research Chair in Structured
> Light. "Once we were able to analyze the results, we discovered some
> very important clues to help protect quantum computing networks
> against potential hacking threats."
> Quantum systems were believed to provide perfectly secure data
> transmission because until now, attempts to copy the transmitted
> information resulted in an altered or deteriorated version of the
> original information, thereby defeating the purpose of the initial
> hack. Traditional computing allows a hacker to simply copy and paste
> information and replicate it exactly, but this doesn't hold true in
> the quantum computing world, where attempts to copy quantum
> information-or qudits-result in what Karimi refers to as "bad" copies.
> Until now.
> For the first time, Professor Karimi's team was able to clone the
> photons that transmit information, namely the single carriers of light
> known as qubits, as well as quantum theory allows, meaning that the
> clones were almost exact replicas of the original information.
> However, in addition to undermining what was previously thought to be
> a perfect way of securely transmitting information, the researchers'
> analyses revealed promising clues into how to protect against such
> hacking.
> "What we found was that when larger amounts of quantum information are
> encoded on a single photon, the copies will get worse and hacking even
> simpler to detect," said Frédéric Bouchard, a University of Ottawa
> doctoral student and lead author of an open access publication that
> appeared this month in the renowned journal Science Advances. "We were
> also able to show that cloning attacks introduce specific, observable
> noises in a secure quantum communication channel. Ensuring photons
> contain the largest amount of information possible and monitoring
> these noises in a secure channel should help strengthen quantum
> computing networks against potential hacking threats."
> Karimi and his team hope that their quantum hacking efforts could be
> used to study quantum communication systems, or more generally to
> study how quantum information travels across quantum computer
> networks. To read their paper, visit the Science Advances website.
> More information: High-dimensional quantum cloning and applications to
> quantum hacking, Science Advances  03 Feb 2017, DOI:
> 10.1126/sciadv.1601915
> Provided by University of Ottawa

Re: Fwd:

2017-02-05 Thread Razer

On 02/05/2017 06:21 PM, Steve Kinney wrote:
> Daniel Daniel Hopsicker made a start on that.  I took notice of his
> work when he published findings resulting from tracing ownership and
> flight plans of planes used in drug smuggling.
> -rich-in-palm-beach/
> =or=
> ... and ...
> =or=
> Still, it's probably best to just keep walking and swear ya didn't see
> :o)

Well we KNOW who owns this one...

7 bricks of cocaine worth at least $200,000 were discovered in the nose
of an American Airlines plane


Re: Fwd:

2017-02-05 Thread Steve Kinney
Hash: SHA1

On 02/05/2017 08:38 PM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
>  Forwarded Message  Subject:
> Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2017 17:30:49 -0500 From:
> Michael Ravnitzky  Reply-To: Michael Ravnitzky
>  To:
> Investigative Reporter Peter Lance has started a website called:
> Michael Ravnitzky

Daniel Daniel Hopsicker made a start on that.  I took notice of his
work when he published findings resulting from tracing ownership and
flight plans of planes used in drug smuggling.
- -rich-in-palm-beach/


... and ...


Still, it's probably best to just keep walking and swear ya didn't see


Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)



2017-02-05 Thread Shawn K. Quinn

 Forwarded Message 
Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2017 17:30:49 -0500
From: Michael Ravnitzky 
Reply-To: Michael Ravnitzky 

Investigative Reporter Peter Lance has started a website called:

Michael Ravnitzky

Shawn K. Quinn

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: "declare antifa illegal/terrorist" petition

2017-02-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Feb 05, 2017 at 09:21:59PM +, jim bell wrote:
>  From: Razer 
>  On 02/05/2017 12:07 PM, jim bell wrote:
>  I think Razer, who was completely unwilling to define the difference 
> between a mere conservative, and a "fascist", is displaying the same kind of 
> obscure inconsistency in meaning.   
>                Jim Bell 
> >Whatever jackass. While the left or so-called left debates the ethics of 
> >Nazi punching the Right is cheering the potential legalization of killing 
> >protesters who block roads. GO FUCK YOURSELF. You're just more proof to the 
> >world Libertarians are fascists.
>  >I'll write this down ONE MORE TIME DUPLICATING THE RECORD because you're 
> too fucking STUPID to look it up;
> >Fascism cannot be conservative, using "American Tradition" as a benchmark,  
> >because conservatives understand that some things, such as the internet, did 
> >not exist at the time the US founders wrote the constitution and they MAKE 
> >ALLOWANCE FOR MODERNIZATION in the documents and laws regarding it.
> First, I did a search of my mailbox for "Fascism cannot be
> conservative", which presumably would find any prior CP comments that
> you made containing this.  I found nothing.  I then did a search for
> "Fascism cannot", and I still found nothing.  You claim you are
> "duplicating the record".  I don't see that.

Indubitably nonduplicability alert.

(Aka, bong alert.)

Re: "declare antifa illegal/terrorist" petition

2017-02-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Feb 05, 2017 at 12:23:57PM -0800, Razer wrote:
> On 02/05/2017 12:07 PM, jim bell wrote:
> >
> > I think Razer, who was completely unwilling to define the difference
> > between a mere conservative, and a "fascist", is displaying the same
> > kind of obscure inconsistency in meaning.  
> >
> >  Jim Bell
> >
> Whatever jackass. While the left or so-called left debates the ethics of
> Nazi punching the Right is cheering the potential legalization of
> killing protesters who block roads. GO FUCK YOURSELF. You're just more
> proof to the world Libertarians are fascists.
> I'll write this down ONE MORE TIME DUPLICATING THE RECORD because you're
> too fucking STUPID to look it up;
> Fascism cannot be conservative, using "American Tradition" as a
> benchmark,  because conservatives understand that some things, such as
> the internet, did not exist at the time the US founders wrote the
> constitution and they MAKE ALLOWANCE FOR MODERNIZATION in the documents
> and laws regarding it.
> Fascism and it's idea of TRADITIONALISM would eliminate the internet
> because it 'interferes' with those documents.

Lame non-answer.

And more importantly a false dichotomy to boot - you gotta need for
a lotta dichotolobotomi Razer.

Getting old? ... or too many bongs in your last 5 decades?

> Now fuck off to 160 meters where brain dead morons like you can feel
> free to infest the bands and no one will listen except other brain dead
> morons.
> Rr

Israel: Minister Resigns as Netanyahu Goes Full-Nazi - irony knows no limits

2017-02-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Reality delivering once in a century comedy gold right now.

And marches in TelAviv for open borders -now- baby snowflake!

Israel: Minister Resigns as Netanyahu Goes Full-Nazi
You know that "democrats are the real racists" meme the cucks are always
trying to spread?

Well, "Jews are the real Nazis" is even better.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu suffered his second cabinet
resignation in a week on Friday when a minister quit over the
appointment of a hardline nationalist in the "extremist government".

Environment minister Avi Gabbay announced his resignation in a strongly
worded statement that accused Netanyahu of putting the country on a path
to ruin.

Gabbay said that he was "unable to swallow" Netanyahu's decision to take
the defence portfolio from former general Moshe Yaalon and hand it to
Avigdor Lieberman, who has pledged harsh measures against Palestinian

Yaalon resigned from the government a week ago in protest, warning of a
rising tide of extremism in the party and the country as a whole.
" "declare antifa illegal/terrorist" petition

2017-02-05 Thread Waffles

cheering the potential legalization of killing protesters who block 

more proof to the world Libertarians are fascists.

If it is fascism to stop the blocking of roads, it is fascism to block 
the traffic, too.

Both are a type of traffic.

I think Rayzer is retarded, probably from all the China air he breaths.

lol "declare antifa illegal/terrorist" petition

2017-02-05 Thread Waffles

"jim bell" 
It's hard to grasp what the "anti-fascists" are actually opposed to.

The "fa" in antifa stands for 'First Amendment', hence all of the anti 
speech crying.

Anybody they don't like at the moment becomes a "fascist".

"Nazi" is the word they use.

They want you to think of Hitler instead of Stalin, since they are 
trying to hide their pro-communist, vegan agenda.

They think this is Bolshevik Revolution.

inconsistency in meaning

The tactic is to accuse others of what they themselves do; the 
inconsistancy a result.

The just will always be seen as unjust.


FBI drops ADL,SPLC from civil rights resource page - "OMG! it's anudda shoah!"

2017-02-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
(can't find a front page link, so cloudfont only for now...)

FBI drops ADL,SPLC from civil rights resource page

Re: "declare antifa illegal/terrorist" petition

2017-02-05 Thread Razer

On 02/05/2017 01:21 PM, jim bell wrote:
> First, I did a search of my mailbox for "Fascism cannot be
> conservative", which presumably would find any prior CP comments that
> you made containing this.  I found nothing.  I then did a search for
> "Fascism cannot", and I still found nothing.  You claim you are
> "duplicating the record".  I don't see that.


It's there. My mail expunges after a few day because of all the
shitposting on this list but what I wrote is damn near verbatim.

Now fuck off.

Re: "declare antifa illegal/terrorist" petition

2017-02-05 Thread jim bell

 From: Razer 

 On 02/05/2017 12:07 PM, jim bell wrote:
 I think Razer, who was completely unwilling to define the difference 
between a mere conservative, and a "fascist", is displaying the same kind of 
obscure inconsistency in meaning.   
               Jim Bell 

>Whatever jackass. While the left or so-called left debates the ethics of Nazi 
>punching the Right is cheering the potential legalization of killing 
>protesters who block roads. GO FUCK YOURSELF. You're just more proof to the 
>world Libertarians are fascists.
 >I'll write this down ONE MORE TIME DUPLICATING THE RECORD because you're too 
 >fucking STUPID to look it up;
>Fascism cannot be conservative, using "American Tradition" as a benchmark,  
>because conservatives understand that some things, such as the internet, did 
>not exist at the time the US founders wrote the constitution and they MAKE 
>ALLOWANCE FOR MODERNIZATION in the documents and laws regarding it.
First, I did a search of my mailbox for "Fascism cannot be conservative", which 
presumably would find any prior CP comments that you made containing this.  I 
found nothing.  I then did a search for "Fascism cannot", and I still found 
nothing.  You claim you are "duplicating the record".  I don't see that.
"Fascism and it's idea of TRADITIONALISM would eliminate the internet because 
it 'interferes' with those documents.

Sorry, but this sounds like a wacky assertion.  A broad cross-section of the 
public in virtually every country supports the use of computer and networking 
technology, even extremists in all areas of political thought.  Indeed, a few 
years ago I read an article which explained that religions and churches were 
early adopters of the Internet, a fact which would not automatically be 
So, I think you are misusing and misrepresenting the idea of "traditionalism" 
and how it would apply to the use of technology.
Further, historically the application of the US Constitution to the First 
Amendment  (which literally only referred to  "speech" and "the [printing]  
press", the only forms of communication that existed in 1789)  has been 
smoothly been expanded to include the telegraph, the telephone, radio, 
television, fax, the Internet and email, texting.  I am not aware of any 
substantial minority of people who:
1.   Believe that the First Amendment doesn't cover those newer methods.        
 Or even more extremely,2.   Believe that such newer methods of communication 
should be shut down.
If your working definition (or, at least example) of a "fascist" is a person 
who wants to completely shut down the Internet, I doubt whether this collection 
of people exceeds more than 1% of America's population.  And I suspect that 
such a tiny minority would contain people from all parts of a political 
spectrum, not merely people you would refer to as "fascists".
Try again.

                    Jim Bell   

Re: "declare antifa illegal/terrorist" petition

2017-02-05 Thread Razer
On 02/05/2017 12:07 PM, jim bell wrote:

> I think Razer, who was completely unwilling to define the difference
> between a mere conservative, and a "fascist", is displaying the same
> kind of obscure inconsistency in meaning.  
>  Jim Bell

Whatever jackass. While the left or so-called left debates the ethics of
Nazi punching the Right is cheering the potential legalization of
killing protesters who block roads. GO FUCK YOURSELF. You're just more
proof to the world Libertarians are fascists.

I'll write this down ONE MORE TIME DUPLICATING THE RECORD because you're
too fucking STUPID to look it up;

Fascism cannot be conservative, using "American Tradition" as a
benchmark,  because conservatives understand that some things, such as
the internet, did not exist at the time the US founders wrote the
constitution and they MAKE ALLOWANCE FOR MODERNIZATION in the documents
and laws regarding it.

Fascism and it's idea of TRADITIONALISM would eliminate the internet
because it 'interferes' with those documents.

Now fuck off to 160 meters where brain dead morons like you can feel
free to infest the bands and no one will listen except other brain dead


Re: "declare antifa illegal/terrorist" petition

2017-02-05 Thread jim bell

 From: Zenaan Harkness 
>For those so inclined, to sign or to discuss.

>Anyone, from any "country" can "sign" this.

A few days ago, wanting to understand what people REALLY mean when they say, 
"anti-fascist", I read a few articles on Wikipedia.  Apparently, "anti-fascist" 
has become a term-of-art that isn't quite the same meaning as "opposing 
fascism".   For instance, on the article   ×   

"I disagree. There is no such thing as "liberal anti-fascism", the term 
anti-fascism has its roots in the communist movement and only communists can be 
described as anti-fascists. The "fascist" part doesn't really mean fascism in 
the sense understood by westerners, the "anti-fascists" used it to refer to all 
non-communists, for instance the official name of the Berlin Wall was the 
"Anti-Fascist Protection Wall". Also see below for a link to the most recent 
Verfassungsschutzbericht on "anti-fascism". TYRXrus (talk) 22:47, 5 August 2009 

It's hard to grasp what the "anti-fascists" are actually opposed to.  I think 
they are doing what the quote above suggests, giving "fascism" an extremely 
broad and unrealistic usage:  Anybody they don't like at the moment becomes a 
"fascist".One major motivation in this process is to be able to lump ordinary 
people (primarily conservatives) with various bad examples of "fascists" from 
the past.  In the same way, "Socialists" probably don't want to get lumped in 
with "Communists", but at least they have a different word for their ideas.  

I think Razer, who was completely unwilling to define the difference between a 
mere conservative, and a "fascist", is displaying the same kind of obscure 
inconsistency in meaning.  
             Jim Bell


Top 35 US Cities with Highest Malware Infection Rates Include Major Tech Hubs

2017-02-05 Thread Razer
Corollary to "never buy a mechanic's car".


> A new report from Enigma Software Group identifies the American cities
> with abnormally high infection rates for malware. An anonymous reader
> quotes TechRepublic: In 2016, Tampa, Orlando, and St. Louis each had
> malware infection rates per capita more than five times the national
> average -- the highest in the U.S., the report found. Those same three
> cities were also at the top of the list of highest infection rates in
> 2015... ESG compiled malware detection data from its SpyHunter
> anti-spyware software in the 100 largest cities in the US in all of
> 2016. Two Ohio cities also made it into the top ten for malware
> infection rates -- Cleveland and Cincinnati -- as well as Washington
> D.C. (with an infection rate 242% higher than the national average).
> But the infection rates drop noticeably after the top 10, with Miami
> (at #14) the last city with an infection rate more than double the
> national average. Interestingly, the top 35 cities include major
> high-tech centers like Seattle, Austin, Boston, and San Jose.


What happened with the people from the Dreyfus' Underground book?

2017-02-05 Thread Georgi Guninski
What happened with the people from the Dreyfus' Underground book?
|Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness and Obsession on the
|Electronic Frontier is a 1997 book by Suelette Dreyfus, 
|researched by Julian Assange. It describes the exploits of 
|a group of Australian, American, and British black hat 
|hackers during the late 1980s and early 1990s, among them Assange himself.

8lgm were active after the crash per vague memories.

A book "Underground: X years later" will be of interest to me.

Re: "declare antifa illegal/terrorist" petition

2017-02-05 Thread John Young
Declaring anything terrorist fosters the recruiting brand, ignores 
the reality of profligate spending on mil-cop-spy phantasms, top 
competitora for kiddie porn, especially online -- see front page of 
NYTimes today about remote-controlled ISIS terrorism via the demon 
Internet. Fucking A, this list terrorist from Day One.

At 08:20 AM 2/5/2017, you wrote:

For those so inclined, to sign or to discuss.

Anyone, from any "country" can "sign" this.

Re: 97% of Scientists

2017-02-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sat, Feb 04, 2017 at 11:20:13PM -, Core Samples wrote:
> The case of 97% of climate scientists agreeing that human beings are the
> main cause of warming.
> One of the main papers behind the 97 percent claim is authored by John Cook:
> Quantifying the Consensus on Anthropogenic Global Warming in the
> Scientific Literature

And more - the lies keep coming (getting exposed thankfully):

The report claimed that the ‘pause’ or ‘slowdown’ in global warming in
the period since 1998 – revealed by UN scientists in 2013 – never
existed, and that world temperatures had been rising faster than
scientists expected.
But the whistleblower, Dr John Bates, a top NOAA scientist with an
impeccable reputation, has shown The Mail on Sunday irrefutable evidence
that the paper was based on misleading, ‘unverified’ data.

It was never subjected to NOAA’s rigorous internal evaluation process –
which Dr Bates devised.

His vehement objections to the publication of the faulty data were
overridden by his NOAA superiors in what he describes as a ‘blatant
attempt to intensify the impact’ of what became known as the Pausebuster

Re: "declare antifa illegal/terrorist" petition

2017-02-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Mon, Feb 06, 2017 at 12:20:37AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> For those so inclined, to sign or to discuss.
> Anyone, from any "country" can "sign" this.

Need a reminder? Here's a vid (~65MiB) from the Aussie perspective:

(latest youtube-dl works) "declare antifa illegal/terrorist" petition

2017-02-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
For those so inclined, to sign or to discuss.

Anyone, from any "country" can "sign" this.


2017-02-05 Thread John Young

The USA set up a slave-owning aristocracy to govern, still lives as US Senate
and Presidency backed by "civilian-controlled" military, police and spies, with
brain-washed informants to rat neighbors, as seen here in spades.

Standard operating procedure to copy the oppressor, as if Argentina is not
angling for Trump's (and USA's) increased lucrative bribery to solons,
but most of all for military, police and spy largesse.

Hardly original, Trump's diplomatic and military agenda aims to buy and
threaten foreign leaders, continuing the 274-year history of the US's primary
economic, political and educational goals have been just that, from Indian
genocide and Civil Wars to WW1 and WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Middle East
endless war, Israel the instigator and testing ground for ever more lethal mass
killing technology., and nearly every president has cooked up a war to boost
the economy and maintain political power -- both parties aggressors in
pay to natsecker industry of gov-com-org-edu-faith.

Which affirms why cryptographers and comseckers have always been
handmaidens and informants for secret, unaccountable natsec. As seen
ubiquitously on ICANN, ATT, Verizon, Silicon Valley and Alley, and for
sure enablers of weak crypto promoted by flashy careerist proponents
of porous privacy.

Pretty good record of public crypto deception operation in the cpunk
archives and those duplicitous fora off-sprung from the demon seed.

At 10:41 PM 2/4/2017, you wrote:

On Sat, 04 Feb 2017 16:48:22 -0500
Anti Fag  wrote:

> >BUENOS AIRES — Argentina is so used to celebrating immigration aas a
> >cornerstone of society that a 19th-century saying — to govern iss to
> >populate — remains in use to this day.

I'd bet a couple of cents that the journos who wrote that don't
have a clue about the origin of the quote. It is not a 'saying'.

There are and were fake libertarians everywhere and 19th
century argentine fake libertarians were among the best in the
world. Or at least the most fraudulent ones.

One of the leading fake libertarians was this lawyer called
alberdi, who wote something titled

"Bases y puntos de partida para la organización política de la
República de Argentina" - something like : foundations for
organzing the argentine republic. (the psycho-scumbag was one of
the authors of the 1853 constitution)

The book has lots of nuggets, but here's one of the most

"Poblar es civilizar cuando se puebla con gente civilizada, es
decir, con pobladores de la Europa civilizada. Por eso he
dicho en la Constitución que el gobierno debe fomentar la
inmigración europea. Pero poblar no es civilizar, sino
embrutecer, cuando se puebla con chinos y con indios de Asia y
con negros de África. Poblar es apestar, corromper, degenerar,
envenenar un país, cuando en vez de poblarlo con la flor de la
población trabajadora de Europa, se le puebla con la basura de
la Europa atrasada o menos culta."

"to populate [a country] is to make it civilized, if the
immigrants are civilized, that is, if they are people from
civilized europe. That's why I said in the constitution that the
government must promote european immigration. But populating
doesn't entail civilizing but instead dulling and making
brutish if the immigrants are chinese and 'indians' from asia
and blacks from africa. Populating means to foul up, to corrupt,
to make degenerate, to poison a country if instead of
populating it with the best of the working european stock
it is populated with the garbage from backwards and less
cultivated (regions of) europe."

Yep, I'm not making that up. And as a matter of fact, the
argentine constitution still says

"Articulo 25o.- El Gobierno federal fomentara la inmigracion
europea;"  govt will promote immigration from europe

[WAR] Trump: "There are a lot of killers. We have a lot of killers, Well, you think our country is so innocent?" - GTFOOH !!!

2017-02-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Damn! Off the firetrucking charts pepes!

Who woulda thought an American president would ever be so honest?!

And whilst sitting as president, not later in life "atoning" for
some sense of guilt or whatnot!

America, in the scheme of things, you could have done a lot worse than
choosing Donald Trump as your president. Call it real politik, call it
right wing, frankly it doesn't matter much, the fact is, there's a bit
of honesty from Trump which has been so rare for so long. In the context
of having a "democratic" government, this is a step up from the last few

Enough adjectives and waffling:

President Trump Shuts Down Anti-Putin Hysteria With One Simple Question