Re: What is consensus?

2017-12-13 Thread juan
On Tue, 12 Dec 2017 18:46:29 -0500
Steve Kinney  wrote:

> On 12/12/2017 07:02 AM, juan wrote:
> > I wanted to comment on the quaker thing as well. The
> > word consensus is  derived from and requires consent.
> > Theocracy or religious fraud, especially of the jew-kkkristian
> > variety has fuck to do with consent. By definition fraud destroys
> > consent. 
> > 
> > By the way, jew-kristian theocracy is the very opposite of
> > anarchism and cypherpunkry since its anti-philosophical
> > root is an all knowing all seeing tyrant.
> Back in the day Friends were one of many radical social movements that
> appeared in response to the early development of the Industrial Age
> and the first appearance of a "middle class."  

I think quakers were involved in the allegedly/so called 
libertarian movement('classical liberalism'). Some examples
would be john bright (anti corn laws), thomas paine  and herbert
spencer. These last two 'dissenters' influenced by quaker
parents. I think paine says in "age of reason" that quakers
were closest to deism. 

Also I got this bit about quakers from this author

"The Pharisees were a set of self-righteous and sanctimonious
hypo- crites, ready to play into and keep up any religious
farce that might serve to invest them with an imaginary
sanctity of character, and increase their influence over the
minds of the majority, whose good nature and ignorance in all
ages and countries, is but ever too ready to subscribe the
claims thus made upon it. 

They were the Quakers of their day, a set of commercial,
speculating thieves, who expressed their religion in the
eccentricity of their garb ; and, under professions of
extraordinary punctiliousness and humanity, were the most
over-reaching, oppressive, and inexorable of the human race. "

another passage 

"This is an early specimen of primitive Quakerism, the policy
of a sect of the most arrogant, most ignorant, fraudulent,
intolerant, and inexorable men that ever adorned the gospel and
disgraced humanity. In every thing the diametrical reverse o£
their professions." 

diegesis :

looks like he didn't like them too much

> These movements were
> shaped in large part by the rapid spread of literacy and availability
> of books, including bibles which common people could read and
> interpret for themselves for the first time.  The Partition Act and
> other radical social/economic changes in England and Europe during
> the 1600s turned the world upside down - the origin of the word
> "revolution" - and the stage was set for interesting times.
> The Ranters, Diggers, Levellers, and many other factions are long
> gone, but the Mennonites, Amish, Unitarians and Quakers remain with
> us today. One thing all these movements had in common was their
> rejection of Church and State authority, in preference for what would
> today be called "human rights" and religious freedom.  All met and
> most survived violent persecution by State authorities.

I'd point out that being persecuted by state authorities
doesn't automatically make the victims anti-state free-thinkers.
Christian sects persecuting one another isn't exactly news. 

Puritans were persecuted in england and in turn hanged quakers
in amerika it seems.

...So I got somewhat sidetracked and realized that in the land
of the free, the english-american government used to hunt and
hang witches in ~1700 - salem trials but I suspect there must
be more...

so quakers weren't necessarily being singled out - they were
just subjected to standard anglo-american civilization, like

> Early Friends called the Roman and Post-Roman churches the apostasy,
> in reference to their self evident abandonment of the Christian
> teachings of their own Bible in favor of collusion with State
> authority and the financial interests of "hireling ministers."  Along
> with the other groups mentioned above, Friends were religiously
> motivated anarchists owing no spiritual /or/ material allegiance to
> any established institution.  These groups developed institutions of
> their own, some more anarchistic than others but all grounded in
> radical egalitarianism, voluntary membership, and adherence to
> community standards developed by the communities themselves.
> In England the Friends existed in substantial numbers, and caused so
> much trouble that William Penn, advocating on their behalf, was able
> to obtain a Crown Charter for a colony in the New World expressly as a
> dumping ground for English Quakers.  More than enough wer

Bitcoin theft and the future of cryptocurrencies

2017-12-13 Thread Georgi Guninski
If your bitcoin wallet is compromised, all your bitcoins are gone
forever. With a credit card, you have some chance of only minor
damage. If your computer is owned, your wallet is at risk.

This appears major problem for the widespread adoption of bitcoin

Fixing it appears to contradict decentralization, which opens another
can of "worms".

Potential approach is to use "trusted wallet proxy", but this may not
work in practice.

Are these concerns taken seriously?

Any technical attempts at mitigating cryptocurrency theft?

Re: Bitcoin theft and the future of cryptocurrencies

2017-12-13 Thread Steven Schear
On the one hand Satochi pitched Bitcoin as a cash-like system. What can
happen with cash under careless handling and storage? OTOH, Bitcoin's
crypto nature lends itself to novel solutions such as multisig pools that
can be used to prevent this type of fraud and theft. See Stash Pool
explanation at

On Dec 13, 2017 2:17 AM, "Georgi Guninski"  wrote:

> If your bitcoin wallet is compromised, all your bitcoins are gone
> forever. With a credit card, you have some chance of only minor
> damage. If your computer is owned, your wallet is at risk.
> This appears major problem for the widespread adoption of bitcoin
> Fixing it appears to contradict decentralization, which opens another
> can of "worms".
> Potential approach is to use "trusted wallet proxy", but this may not
> work in practice.
> Are these concerns taken seriously?
> Any technical attempts at mitigating cryptocurrency theft?

Re: Bitcoin... Destroying the planet

2017-12-13 Thread John Newman

> On Dec 7, 2017, at 9:26 PM, juan  wrote:
> On Thu, 07 Dec 2017 18:10:32 -0800
> g2s  wrote:
>>we are still waiting for you to show that you able to
>> calculate Blah blah... From that ars technical link
>> However, we can make some educated guesses. For starters, we know the
>> industry's revenue: Bitcoin miners currently generate 75 bitcoins per
>> hour, which, at the current price of around $12,500 per bitcoin,
>> translates to $937,500 per hour, or more than $8 billion per year.
>hey stupid piece of joo shit, you still don't understand the
>very basics of what you are supposed to calculate? you keep
>copy pasting irrelevant shit? 
>you are supposed to give an estimate of energy usage. Watts per
>hour. Do you even know what that means? 

What’s the point in calling Razer a “joo”? He doesn’t call you a beaner.
Is he even a practicing Jew? Does it even matter (answer is no)? It’s such
a lazy, inarticulate expression, it makes you sound exactly like racist trash.

Oh and yeah I expect a bunch of “muh white knight” bullshit from the
cock and probably others. So original, clever and biting, like all his genius 
“irreverent nazi” bullshit.

>> Moreover, the industry is highly competitive, and electricity is one
>> of its biggest costs. So when the price of bitcoins rises, we can
>> expect miners to spend more and more on electricity until electricity
>> costs are roughly on par with revenues.
>> This is the methodology the Digiconomist (link... use it scumbag.)
>> website uses to estimate the Bitcoin network's energy consumption. It
>> assumes that the industry will spend 60 percent of its revenue on
>> electricity and then extrapolates from the current bitcoin price and
>> prevailing electricity prices. It finds that the network is consuming
>> energy at an annual rate of 32TWh.
>> It also assumes that the network takes time to adjust to big price
>> increases like we've seen in recent days. This means that, if Bitcoin
>> stays above $12,000, we can expect this figure to rise further in the
>> coming weeks." Rr

Re: Bitcoin... Destroying the planet

2017-12-13 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 10:01:50PM -0500, John Newman wrote:
> > On Dec 7, 2017, at 9:26 PM, juan  wrote:
> > 
> > On Thu, 07 Dec 2017 18:10:32 -0800
> > g2s  wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >> 
> >>we are still waiting for you to show that you able to
> >> calculate Blah blah... From that ars technical link
> > 
> >> However, we can make some educated guesses. For starters, we know the
> >> industry's revenue: Bitcoin miners currently generate 75 bitcoins per
> >> hour, which, at the current price of around $12,500 per bitcoin,
> >> translates to $937,500 per hour, or more than $8 billion per year.
> > 
> > 
> >hey stupid piece of joo shit, you still don't understand the
> >very basics of what you are supposed to calculate? you keep
> >copy pasting irrelevant shit? 
> > 
> >you are supposed to give an estimate of energy usage. Watts per
> >hour. Do you even know what that means? 
> What’s the point in calling Razer a “joo”? He doesn’t call you a beaner.
> Is he even a practicing Jew? Does it even matter (answer is no)? It’s such
> a lazy, inarticulate expression, it makes you sound exactly like racist trash.
> Oh and yeah I expect a bunch of “muh white knight” bullshit from the
> cock and probably others. So original, clever and biting, like all his genius 
> “irreverent nazi” bullshit.

So says the pinnacle of succinctity and US approved propaganda...

I do grant that you might be human, and (I'll wash my mouth out
later) - I've even agreed with you at least once :D

> >> Moreover, the industry is highly competitive, and electricity is one
> >> of its biggest costs. So when the price of bitcoins rises, we can
> >> expect miners to spend more and more on electricity until electricity
> >> costs are roughly on par with revenues.
> >> 
> >> This is the methodology the Digiconomist (link... use it scumbag.)
> >> website uses to estimate the Bitcoin network's energy consumption. It
> >> assumes that the industry will spend 60 percent of its revenue on
> >> electricity and then extrapolates from the current bitcoin price and
> >> prevailing electricity prices. It finds that the network is consuming
> >> energy at an annual rate of 32TWh.
> >> 
> >> It also assumes that the network takes time to adjust to big price
> >> increases like we've seen in recent days. This means that, if Bitcoin
> >> stays above $12,000, we can expect this figure to rise further in the
> >> coming weeks." Rr
> >> 
> > 

Re: IAAF, USA and Canada demand Russian athletes represent "no country" at Olympic games

2017-12-13 Thread Zenaan Harkness
The ongoing saga of world financial interests and the political
fallout continues. News at 7.
 TUE's: How Americans Dope and get away with it
 VICE comes out swinging at Fort Russ News, here's what we think

America - bringing VICE to the world...

On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 02:08:38PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 5:11 AM Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> > > If anyone wanted an example of propaganda and political bullying:
> > >
> > > "The IAAF and now the sports bodies of the US and Canada are not only
> > > demanding that Russian athletes prove their innocence before they can
> > > take part in the Games.  They also demand that even if athletes prove
> > > their innocence, they should only be allowed to take part in the Games
> > > as “neutrals” and not as Russians.  Thus even if proved innocent Russian
> > > athletes would have to deny their nation and their country – foregoing
> > > the right to wear its colours or hear its anthem if they win."
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > (I'm not sure anyone takes seriously the assertion that USA basically
> > > does not use propaganda, only speaks truth and righteousness - I find it
> > > quite amazing that such an assertion was even put in this mailing list
> > > but I guess it's possible -some- people do believe that...)
> On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 06:07:05PM +, Sean Lynch wrote:
> > Participate as a country, dope as a country, get banned as a country. Maybe
> > Russia should clean its house if it wants representation at the games. Or
> > if the institution itself is illegitimate, why do Russians want to
> > represent their country so badly at the games?
> Oh well, the IOC refused to ban "the entire Russian Olympic team,
> regardless", but ultimately "justice" is served - with the banning of,
> wait for it,
>   the entire Russian --Paralympic-- team.
>   YEAH!
> Now -that-'s "justice", right Sean? Punish those paraplegic bastards!
> Every last one of them, whether guilty or not!!!
> YEAH! U! S! A!  Delivering JUSTICE to THE WORLD!
> God -damn- we need to be greatful to America!
> And what a wonderful world we live in... so much empathy, harmony and
> justice.
>  God Praise America!!!
> (Yes, AND you, CIA, you snivelling grovelling sluts! Thank you SO much
> for this effective, decisive and ultimately just and  righteous, psyops
> campaign.  Fucken A!)
> ** Vladimir Putin slams Paralympic ban; Congratulates Russian athletes
> (
> By Alexander Mercouris on Aug 26, 2016 02:00 pm
> russia paralympics
> Russian President Putin has just given a scathing assessment
> ( of the collective ban
> on Russia’s Paralympic Team.
> In doing so he has made it quite clear that he – like most Russians –
> sees the ban as purely political and completely rejects the reasoning
> behind it…
> “The decision to disqualify our Paralympic athletes goes beyond law,
> morality and humanity. It is quite simply cynical to take out one’s
> revenge and frustration on people for whom sport has become their life
> purpose and whose example gives hope and self-confidence to millions of
> people with disabilities. I even feel pity for those who take decisions
> of this kind because they do not understand just how degrading this is
> for them.”
> (Bold italics added)
> The words “revenge and frustration” quite clearly show that Putin sees
> the campaign to ban the Russian Paralympic team as an act of spite and
> revenge for the failure to achieve a collective ban of the Russian
> Olympic team.
> The Russians have made it clear that they do not agree with the legal
> reasoning of the CAS decision upholding the ban,
> (
> and that they will continue to contest it in the civil courts and in the
> European Court of Human Rights.
> As I have said previously, there is no doubt the Russians will pursue
> legal action to its conclusion in this affair
> ( .
> With the International Paralympic Committee looking at a disastrous
> failure of the Paralympic Games in Rio and apparently short of money, it
> may not be in good shape to contest whatever court cases the Russians
> bring, or to pay any court awards the Russians might win.
> In addition to his comments about the Paralympic ban, Putin also made
> some very interesting comments about the Russian athletes who competed
> in the Rio Olympic Games
> “We know what a difficult time our a

Re: Bitcoin... Destroying the planet

2017-12-13 Thread Marina Brown
On 12/13/2017 10:01 PM, John Newman wrote:
>> On Dec 7, 2017, at 9:26 PM, juan  wrote:
>> On Thu, 07 Dec 2017 18:10:32 -0800
>> g2s  wrote:
>>>we are still waiting for you to show that you able to
>>> calculate Blah blah... From that ars technical link
>>> However, we can make some educated guesses. For starters, we know the
>>> industry's revenue: Bitcoin miners currently generate 75 bitcoins per
>>> hour, which, at the current price of around $12,500 per bitcoin,
>>> translates to $937,500 per hour, or more than $8 billion per year.
>>hey stupid piece of joo shit, you still don't understand the
>>very basics of what you are supposed to calculate? you keep
>>copy pasting irrelevant shit? 
>>you are supposed to give an estimate of energy usage. Watts per
>>hour. Do you even know what that means? 
> What’s the point in calling Razer a “joo”? He doesn’t call you a beaner.
> Is he even a practicing Jew? Does it even matter (answer is no)? It’s such
> a lazy, inarticulate expression, it makes you sound exactly like racist trash.
> Oh and yeah I expect a bunch of “muh white knight” bullshit from the
> cock and probably others. So original, clever and biting, like all his genius 
> “irreverent nazi” bullshit.
>>> Moreover, the industry is highly competitive, and electricity is one
>>> of its biggest costs. So when the price of bitcoins rises, we can
>>> expect miners to spend more and more on electricity until electricity
>>> costs are roughly on par with revenues.
>>> This is the methodology the Digiconomist (link... use it scumbag.)
>>> website uses to estimate the Bitcoin network's energy consumption. It
>>> assumes that the industry will spend 60 percent of its revenue on
>>> electricity and then extrapolates from the current bitcoin price and
>>> prevailing electricity prices. It finds that the network is consuming
>>> energy at an annual rate of 32TWh.
>>> It also assumes that the network takes time to adjust to big price
>>> increases like we've seen in recent days. This means that, if Bitcoin
>>> stays above $12,000, we can expect this figure to rise further in the
>>> coming weeks." Rr

I hate Illinois Nazis !

What are nazis good for ? The only think i know they are good
for are human punching bags !

How many nazis does it take to screw in a lightbulb ? None !
They don't let prisoners at the Spandau prison mess with the light bulbs.

Seriously, fuck nazis !

Re: Bitcoin... Destroying the planet

2017-12-13 Thread Marina Brown
On 12/13/2017 10:01 PM, John Newman wrote:
>> On Dec 7, 2017, at 9:26 PM, juan  wrote:
>> On Thu, 07 Dec 2017 18:10:32 -0800
>> g2s  wrote:
>>>we are still waiting for you to show that you able to
>>> calculate Blah blah... From that ars technical link
>>> However, we can make some educated guesses. For starters, we know the
>>> industry's revenue: Bitcoin miners currently generate 75 bitcoins per
>>> hour, which, at the current price of around $12,500 per bitcoin,
>>> translates to $937,500 per hour, or more than $8 billion per year.
>>hey stupid piece of joo shit, you still don't understand the
>>very basics of what you are supposed to calculate? you keep
>>copy pasting irrelevant shit? 
>>you are supposed to give an estimate of energy usage. Watts per
>>hour. Do you even know what that means? 
> What’s the point in calling Razer a “joo”? He doesn’t call you a beaner.
> Is he even a practicing Jew? Does it even matter (answer is no)? It’s such
> a lazy, inarticulate expression, it makes you sound exactly like racist trash.
> Oh and yeah I expect a bunch of “muh white knight” bullshit from the
> cock and probably others. So original, clever and biting, like all his genius 
> “irreverent nazi” bullshit.
>>> Moreover, the industry is highly competitive, and electricity is one
>>> of its biggest costs. So when the price of bitcoins rises, we can
>>> expect miners to spend more and more on electricity until electricity
>>> costs are roughly on par with revenues.
>>> This is the methodology the Digiconomist (link... use it scumbag.)
>>> website uses to estimate the Bitcoin network's energy consumption. It
>>> assumes that the industry will spend 60 percent of its revenue on
>>> electricity and then extrapolates from the current bitcoin price and
>>> prevailing electricity prices. It finds that the network is consuming
>>> energy at an annual rate of 32TWh.
>>> It also assumes that the network takes time to adjust to big price
>>> increases like we've seen in recent days. This means that, if Bitcoin
>>> stays above $12,000, we can expect this figure to rise further in the
>>> coming weeks." Rr
> is a great service ! It maintains a centralized nazi email
blocklist for us ! Just block their domains.