Question about plea deals

2019-01-07 Thread Douglas Lucas
Lawyers tell me that most/all plea deals have a boilerplate paragraph
stating that what isn't written in the plea deal doesn't count.

For example in alleged WikiLeaks courier Matt DeHart's plea deal -- -- on PDF page 13
there's this text: "29. No promises, agreements, or conditions have been
entered into other than those set forth in this Plea Agreement, and none
will be entered into unless memorialized in writing and signed by all of
the parties listed below."

Does anyone know what the generic term/name is for that kind of
paragraph in a contract (preferably, in a plea deal specifically)?

I ask the lawyers and they say there is such a generic term and they
just can't remember.

Re: Zerodium Now Pays $1M for Exploits

2019-01-07 Thread grarpamp

Da twitters

Re: Zerodium Now Pays $1M for Exploits

2019-01-07 Thread grarpamp

Actually, now $2M for a single sploit.
And only $50k - $80k for the pathetically easy task,
thus valueless price, of cracking any desktop
kernel (win / mac / nix) once otherwise in the box.
Or $100-200k to kernel from in phones / baseband.
Recall free market dynamics.

US 9/11: The Dark Overlord - Feeds Grand Jury, Fucks With The Deep State

2019-01-07 Thread grarpamp
> Our new hub:

Steemit killed their url.
And tdo seems gone missing / out of steem since days.


For Dummies

For so long as any info remains classified, NEVER FORGET.
End all govt secrets... godspeed all testimonials, leakers, crackers,
and publishers.


The 9/11 truth movement has been active and persistent for over 17
years, and while mainstream media won’t touch the story, and while
most Americans refuse to even consider the possibility that the
attacks were an inside job, the actual evidence supporting controlled
demolition theory is so convincing that a legitimate federal grand
jury investigation will address this very question.

Thousands of architects and engineers, pilots, security professionals,
journalists and concerned citizens have been demanding that the
federal government release the truth about the attacks, all noting
that there is overwhelming circumstantial and scientific evidence
proving that the World Trade Center towers, including building 7, were
brought down by a pre-planned controlled demolition.

The evidence for this is exceptionally captivating, and The Lawyers’
Committee for 9/11 Inquiry has successfully submitted a petition to
the federal government demanding that a grand jury consider this
possibility. Finally, the U.S. Attorney has issued a response,
agreeing to ‘comply with the law’ and open a grand jury investigation.
This could mark the most substantial progress to date in the fight for
9/11 truth.

The Lawyers’ Committee’s April 10th 52-page original Petition was
accompanied by 57 exhibits and presented extensive evidence that
explosives were used to destroy three WTC buildings. That evidence
included independent scientific laboratory analysis of WTC dust
samples showing the presence of high-tech explosives and/or
incendiaries; numerous first-hand reports by First Responders of
explosions at the WTC on 9/11; expert analysis of seismic evidence
that explosions occurred at the WTC towers on 9/11 prior to the
airplane impacts and prior to the building collapses; and expert
analysis by architects, engineers, and scientists concluding that the
rapid onset symmetrical near-free-fall acceleration collapse of three
WTC high rise buildings on 9/11 exhibited the key characteristics of
controlled demolition. The Lawyers’ Committee’s July 30th Amended
Petition addresses several additional federal crimes beyond the
federal bombing crime addressed in the original Petition. The Lawyers’
Committee concluded in the petitions that explosive and incendiary
devices preplaced at the WTC were detonated causing the complete
collapse of the WTC Twin Towers on 9/11 and increasing the tragic loss
of life. [Source]

This famous video of the free-fall collapse of WTC building 7 has
haunted the internet for years, demanding justice. In it, you can see
a virtually unharmed building being brought down in a matter of
seconds, exactly like a professional controlled building demolition.

The following interview with the founder of Architects & Engineers for
9/11 Truth goes into great detail about the criminal nature of the
cover up of the truth about these attacks.

Final Thoughts

Seventeen years after the worst terrorist attack in modern history, we
may be finally seeing some official recognition that the official
story is false and incomplete. Will the truth finally be revealed?
Time will tell. While we wait, however, you can view the petition to
the federal grand jury here.


2019-01-07 Thread Ryan Carboni
Right now, those who serve dark forces and their unwitting servants seek to
deny what is happening. They seek and conspire to create a nuclear war.
They seek and conspire to spread sin and iniquity throughout the world.

The US government commits wonders but has forgotten God. The US government
behaves as a career criminal who disdains God and is not deterred by death
in committing their desires for misdeeds.

They claim I want power when the government controls my life, even my
haircut. I say all that I have is from God, and it offends the US
government greatly.

I pray that this shall be the last curse, but they force the hand of the
Lord. They want to earn the wrath of God and claim it is by the works of
the powers and principalities of the world. The US government has one month
to repent, if in their conference rooms they show no sign of deserving the
mercy of God, but desire a war that would consume the innocent, in three
days the curse shall come. The eldest born by paternal birth order,
excluding stillbirths and abortions, who are legal residents of Los Angeles
County shall die on 3 PM PST, the most convenient time for society, no
matter where they are or live. The Lord respects free will, even if this is
unfair, for this is a conspiracy so great and malign that there is no other

I am not particularly virtuous, but I am not as sinful as claimed. Beware
those who are self-interested and receive easy praise.

“Nations, like individuals, are punished for their transgressions.” Ulysses
S. Grant
“The god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep
them from seeing the light.”

Early saints all disarmed the principalities and powers by making a
spectacle of them, such as the example of Saint Lawrence and others, Thise
who serve the inferior god will tell you to give up and give in.

Nuclear war is an unforgivable sin.

Zerodium Now Pays $1M for Exploits

2019-01-07 Thread grarpamp

NSA's / CIA's / In-Q-Tel's / FBI's / FVEY's partners... Zerodium,
Vupen, Azimuth, and Crowdfense ...

Zerodium, a startup that buys and sells hacking tools and exploits to
governments around the world, announced on Monday price increases for
almost everything they are looking for, such as iOS remote jailbreaks
and Windows exploits. "It said it will now pay security researchers
$1,000,000 for exploits in WhatsApp, iMessage, and SMS/MMS apps for
all mobile operating systems." Compromising the whole iPhone,
sometimes referred to as remote jailbreaking or rooting the phone, can
cost $2 million or more, and usually involves a series of bugs and
exploits. The price increase shows that mobile devices in general are
getting more and more secure, and thus harder to hack. That means that
it's becoming increasingly hard for hackers to break into iOS and
Android devices. That makes the life of folks like spy agencies and
police departments harder too. That's where Zerodium and other similar
companies, such as Azimuth and Crowdfense, come in: they act as
intermediaries between security researchers and government agencies
looking for tools -- often called zero-days -- to break into targets.
Before today, Zerodium was willing to pay $500,000 for WhatsApp and
iMessage exploits, according to an archived version of the company's
site. These new prices are in line with the market, according to Maor
Shwartz, who used to run a company that acquired and sold exploits to
government agencies.

Re: How Feminism, aka worthless feminazi scum is funded

2019-01-07 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Mon, Jan 07, 2019 at 09:37:00PM -0300, Punk wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Jan 2019 23:49:59 +1100
> Zenaan Harkness  vomited:
> >   The women’s rights movement was even more absurdly Jewish than the
> >   general civil rights movement,
> >   Virtually every single feminist leader in America from the 1950s
> >   until the present has been Jewish.
>   Looks like you  are a government agent of white-supremacist,
>   christiano-fascist government. In other words the only diference
>   between you and the joo-fascists is the name. 
>   And notice how your promotion of right wing national socialism
>   perfectly plays into the hands of left wing national socialists.

Socialism is a cucked/ undermined position, unfortunately often
juxtaposed with natural tribalism.

Marxist doctrines dressed up as "PC" socialism undermine self
responsibility and non-interference with our fellow Souls on this
journey of life.

Pride, envy and the sociopathic tendency are the moral compromises
existing within our fellow humans, the immoral wedges used by TPTB to
jam open authoritarian doors.

Much to be done, so bring on World War Meme TYVM:

   Extremely unpolished “Sounds Like Freedom” memes:

 - Why take self- and family- responsibility when Big Gov will take
   from others to provide for you?

 - Surely Big Gov providing all my worldly needs is ordained by

 - Surely socialism and public "welfare" could not make the
   money-printing (((banks))) stronger?

 - You mean moral and spiritual welfare is NOT endless free
   gibs paid by 'tax'/thieving from those who work/ farm/ build/

 - So you're saying that my survival is the responsibility of the
   government, and a house provided by the government is a "human
   right", and that the government must take from those who work, to
   build houses for those who won't work?

 - Surely a life of dignity doesn't require that I figure out how to
   survive in this world without the government taking money from
   others on my behalf?


Whilst memes continue to trigger the deep state and educate sheeple,
said memes Need You!

  In post-Soviet Russia, Meme create You, MOFO!

Re: How Feminism, aka worthless feminazi scum is funded

2019-01-07 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Mon, Jan 07, 2019 at 09:14:51PM -0300, Punk wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Jan 2019 16:14:59 -0500
> John Newman  wrote:
> > In any case, it's enough to just make one want to live life as best as
> > one can and let the fucking apocalypse sort itself out. Also: don't
> > have kids. 
>   Yep, that's a pretty good point. Now it would be interesting to
>   find out how many 'feminist' womynz don't want to have kids
>   compared to the number of feminists who want to be single mothers
>   bankrolled by the state, or marry a guy, accuse him of 'rape' and
>   steal all his assets, etc. 

Oh COME on! Womynz are pure and prefect in every way and can never do
no wrong‼

> > Resistance may or may not be futile, but it fucking feels that way.
>   Yeah, the mix of 'progressive technology' with christiano-fascism,
>   judeo-fascism, feminism, eco-fascism and all the rest of niceties
>   produced by judeo-christian 'civilization' is completely toxic. 

The Judeos have had run of this planet for ~4,500 years, certainly
not the Christians.

Re: How Feminism, aka worthless feminazi scum is funded

2019-01-07 Thread Punk
On Mon, 7 Jan 2019 23:49:59 +1100
Zenaan Harkness  vomited:

>   The women’s rights movement was even more absurdly Jewish than the
>   general civil rights movement,

>   Virtually every single feminist leader in America from the 1950s
>   until the present has been Jewish.

Looks like you  are a government agent of white-supremacist, 
christiano-fascist government. In other words the only diference between you 
and the joo-fascists is the name. 

And notice how your promotion of right wing national socialism 
perfectly plays into the hands of left wing national socialists.

Re: How Feminism, aka worthless feminazi scum is funded

2019-01-07 Thread Punk
On Mon, 7 Jan 2019 16:14:59 -0500
John Newman  wrote:

> Equal pay for equal work seems fair.

That IS fair. And that is NOT 'womynz' only issue. 

> For instance, America is built on
> slavery. Eventually, within the confines of the statist system (and a
> pretty fucking ugly war), this was (sort of) ended. Actually, it
> was more or less replaced with Jim Crow, and the "war on drugs",
> and mass incarceration, and, umm.. well, yeah. So that's not a great
> example, 

Oh but it is =) - The US was built on slavery and corporatism. And that 
applies to the rest of the world as well. 

> but my point is that as much as America is built on slavery,
> it's built on misogyny, 

haha - though in reality such cosmic bullshit is actually not funny...

> although I obviously had trouble squaring
> the circle there at the end..
> Anyway, she doesn't read this list :P

So you can drop the feminist bullshit? =) - But wait. You cannot, 
because, after all, we live in a global surveillance village so you cannot tell 
the truth about feminism without facing 'consequences'.

> > >
> > > 
> > > I suppose she would say you have to get your hands dirty in the
> > > existing system sometimes to accomplish anything, which admittedly
> > > is a thin fucking tightrope to balance.
> > 
> > 
> > The idea that you can get rid of tyranny by voting is just too 
> > ridiculous. Actually you can have your 'female suffrage' if you want and 
> > see how women vote for tyranny exactly like they did. 
> In the modern oligarchic surveillance-state technocracy in which
> we live, I don't see any way to get rid of tyranny altogether,
> practical, or otherwise. 

So at least don't vote since "voting only encourages them" and gives 
some sort of pseudo-legitimacy to the charade. 

> In any case, it's enough to just make one want to live life as best as
> one can and let the fucking apocalypse sort itself out. Also: don't
> have kids. 

Yep, that's a pretty good point. Now it would be interesting to find 
out how many 'feminist' womynz don't want to have kids compared to the number 
of feminists who want to be single mothers bankrolled by the state, or marry a 
guy, accuse him of 'rape' and steal all his assets, etc. 

> Resistance may or may not be futile, but it fucking feels that way.

Yeah, the mix of 'progressive technology' with christiano-fascism, 
judeo-fascism, feminism, eco-fascism and all the rest of niceties produced by 
judeo-christian 'civilization' is completely toxic. 

> >
> > This argument isn't related to 'feminism' per se anyawy. It's the 
> > typical position argued by 'practical' people of different backgrounds - 
> > commie, libertarian etc. Except social democrats I guess since gradualist 
> > tyranny by voting is a basic strategy used by them. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > 

80% approval = "authoritarian dictator", 17% approval = "leader of global democracy" [PEACE]

2019-01-07 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Le hypocrisy be on display yo :)

We living in the lands of the free are treated to honest media and
deep public discussions.

Or something.

 Brink of Revolution: Salvini Endorses Yellow Vests, Condemns
 Rat Fink Macron

Remember now chillun, "I's not an anti-Semite. I is anti-termite
and anti-Rat-fink".

Sheeple need simple digestible messages and Louis Farrakhan
understands that.

Re: How Feminism, aka worthless feminazi scum is funded

2019-01-07 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Mon, Jan 07, 2019 at 04:14:59PM -0500, John Newman wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 07, 2019 at 05:31:26PM -0300, Punk wrote:
> > On Mon, 7 Jan 2019 10:38:22 -0500
> > John Newman  wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > > > ...Feminism is conceptual nonsense. If there are legal 
> > > > restrictions placed on women those have to be abolished based on the 
> > > > principle of equality before the law, but that's a *liberal* tenet not 
> > > > a 'feminist' one. In other words 'feminism' is not needed. And no 
> > > > wonder in practice feminism is just another tool of oppression. 
> > 
> > 
> > > 
> > > I have a girlfriend that would disagree with you, at least from a
> > > pragmatic point of view. On the way to "true liberty" (i.e anarchy), 
> > > isn't it appropriate to fight for such things as suffrage, equal pay for
> > > women, abortion rights, etc ? 
> > 
> > 
> > abortion rights, yes, unless by that you mean government run 'medicine' 
> > in which case the answer is no.
> > 
> > female suffrage? No. Of course, there must not be any 'male' suffrage 
> > either. 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > "Women are human beings, and consequently have all the natural rights 
> > that any human beings can have. They have just as good a right to make laws 
> > as men have, and no better; AND THAT IS JUST NO RIGHT AT ALL. " 
> > 
> > equal pay? In a free market? Different people get paid differently. 
> > Wanting to create 'economic equaity' by law is the non-plus-ultra of commie 
> > statism. It has exactly nothing to do with anarchy. 
> Equal pay for equal work seems fair. For instance, America is built on
> slavery. Eventually, within the confines of the statist system (and a
> pretty fucking ugly war), this was (sort of) ended. Actually, it
> was more or less replaced with Jim Crow, and the "war on drugs",
> and mass incarceration, and, umm.. well, yeah. So that's not a great
> example, but my point is that as much as America is built on slavery,
> it's built on misogyny,

Well, obviously already!

 2 + j = "misogyny is necessary to build a nation"

> although I obviously had trouble squaring
> the circle there at the end..
> Anyway, she doesn't read this list :P
> > >
> > > 
> > > I suppose she would say you have to get your hands dirty in the
> > > existing system sometimes to accomplish anything, which admittedly
> > > is a thin fucking tightrope to balance.
> > 
> > 
> > The idea that you can get rid of tyranny by voting is just too 
> > ridiculous. Actually you can have your 'female suffrage' if you want and 
> > see how women vote for tyranny exactly like they did. 
> In the modern oligarchic surveillance-state technocracy in which
> we live, I don't see any way to get rid of tyranny altogether,
> practical, or otherwise. 

Recreational nukes? The dems might even be in favour of this one :D

  Democrat Threatens To “Nuke” American Citizens Who Won’t
  Give Up Guns

> In any case, it's enough to just make one want to live life as best as
> one can and let the fucking apocalypse

Is that an "apocalypse of no fucking" or something more wierderer?

> sort itself out. Also: don't
> have kids. 

Oh. Dear me. I really do feel sorry for you sheeple types - always
one meal away from sheer insanity. Always remember, Jon, CNNPC and
MSNPC have your back... which is important since just because you're
paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

> Resistance may or may not be futile, but it fucking feels that way.

You Dems are the "resist miscegenation, stop having children today"

Really, I do know a good psychiatrist who might even tolerate you for
an hour a week.

> > This argument isn't related to 'feminism' per se anyawy. It's the 
> > typical position argued by 'practical' people of different backgrounds - 
> > commie, libertarian etc. Except social democrats I guess since gradualist 
> > tyranny by voting is a basic strategy used by them. 

Re: How Feminism, aka worthless feminazi scum is funded

2019-01-07 Thread John Newman
On Mon, Jan 07, 2019 at 05:31:26PM -0300, Punk wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Jan 2019 10:38:22 -0500
> John Newman  wrote:
> > >   ...Feminism is conceptual nonsense. If there are legal restrictions 
> > > placed on women those have to be abolished based on the principle of 
> > > equality before the law, but that's a *liberal* tenet not a 'feminist' 
> > > one. In other words 'feminism' is not needed. And no wonder in practice 
> > > feminism is just another tool of oppression. 
> > 
> > I have a girlfriend that would disagree with you, at least from a
> > pragmatic point of view. On the way to "true liberty" (i.e anarchy), 
> > isn't it appropriate to fight for such things as suffrage, equal pay for
> > women, abortion rights, etc ? 
>   abortion rights, yes, unless by that you mean government run 'medicine' 
> in which case the answer is no.
>   female suffrage? No. Of course, there must not be any 'male' suffrage 
> either. 
>   "Women are human beings, and consequently have all the natural rights 
> that any human beings can have. They have just as good a right to make laws 
> as men have, and no better; AND THAT IS JUST NO RIGHT AT ALL. " 
>   equal pay? In a free market? Different people get paid differently. 
> Wanting to create 'economic equaity' by law is the non-plus-ultra of commie 
> statism. It has exactly nothing to do with anarchy. 

Equal pay for equal work seems fair. For instance, America is built on
slavery. Eventually, within the confines of the statist system (and a
pretty fucking ugly war), this was (sort of) ended. Actually, it
was more or less replaced with Jim Crow, and the "war on drugs",
and mass incarceration, and, umm.. well, yeah. So that's not a great
example, but my point is that as much as America is built on slavery,
it's built on misogyny, although I obviously had trouble squaring
the circle there at the end..

Anyway, she doesn't read this list :P

> >
> > 
> > I suppose she would say you have to get your hands dirty in the
> > existing system sometimes to accomplish anything, which admittedly
> > is a thin fucking tightrope to balance.
>   The idea that you can get rid of tyranny by voting is just too 
> ridiculous. Actually you can have your 'female suffrage' if you want and see 
> how women vote for tyranny exactly like they did. 

In the modern oligarchic surveillance-state technocracy in which
we live, I don't see any way to get rid of tyranny altogether,
practical, or otherwise. 

In any case, it's enough to just make one want to live life as best as
one can and let the fucking apocalypse sort itself out. Also: don't
have kids. 

Resistance may or may not be futile, but it fucking feels that way.

>   This argument isn't related to 'feminism' per se anyawy. It's the 
> typical position argued by 'practical' people of different backgrounds - 
> commie, libertarian etc. Except social democrats I guess since gradualist 
> tyranny by voting is a basic strategy used by them. 
> > 
> > 
> > 

GPG fingerprint: 17FD 615A D20D AFE8 B3E4  C9D2 E324 20BE D47A 78C7

Description: PGP signature

Re: Apple Talks Shit About Privacy at CES

2019-01-07 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Mon, Jan 07, 2019 at 03:56:48PM -0300, Punk wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Jan 2019 22:38:13 +1100
> Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> > On Sun, Jan 06, 2019 at 07:14:34PM -0300, Punk wrote:
> > > On Sun, 6 Jan 2019 15:56:17 -0500
> > > grarpamp  wrote:
> > > 
> > > .
> > > > 
> > > > Apple's focus on privacy is nothing new -
> > > 
> > >   please, spare us such retarded vomits. 
> > 
> > I guess folks round here might read it as: Apple's focus on providing
> > just enough 'privacy' feels to encourage maximum product purchases,
> > whilst staying 'compliant' with NSA + Co.
>   It's funny how the most 'successful' 'heroes' of the 'free market', 
> companies like apple, microsoft, google, facebook and the like do not provide 
> any value at all and have never ever produced a single 'innovation'. 

But but but, but Apple --invented-- privacy, yes?


>   microsoft's 'market cap' is 70 millions? THat's 70 of DESTROYED 
> value. 
>   I guess all those companies follow the coca-cola model. Build an empire 
> selling sugary water. 

Indeed :(

Re: Apple Talks Shit About Privacy at CES

2019-01-07 Thread Punk
On Mon, 7 Jan 2019 14:50:47 -0500
Steve Kinney  wrote:

> I would describe that episode as a publicity stunt cooked up by the FBI
> and DoD contractor Apple.  If I recall correctly, Apple claimed it
> "could not" unlock the device in question; but after public attention
> started to die down, a 3rd party forensics shop did unlock it.
> Meanwhile, back in the network security world, Declan Mccullagh reported:
> "ATF says no law enforcement agency could unlock a defendant's iPhone,
> but Apple can 'bypass the security software' if it chooses. Apple has
> created a police waiting list because of high demand."


"apple shitPhones protected by a six-digit pass code 'may' no longer be 
safe thanks to a cheap tool being marketed to police that can unlock a 
smartphone in just days."

"A shitPhone can be unlocked with a virtual keyboard pretending to type 
lots of passcodes, a security researcher revealed Friday" 

> :o)

Re: How Feminism, aka worthless feminazi scum is funded

2019-01-07 Thread Punk
On Mon, 7 Jan 2019 03:59:22 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

> On 1/7/19, Punk  wrote:
> > with enough people and guns - or RPGs
> Where are you going to find these people?

These people are nowhere to be found.

> How are you going to organize them?

me? the system is self-organizing

> Who gets to carry the hardware?

whoever wants to carry it

> Where is it made?

at home
> At corporations led by nasty witches allowed to perfect
> their nature of aborting, drowning, murdering babies?

Not sure if that's 'feminist' sarcasm? 

Re: How Feminism, aka worthless feminazi scum is funded

2019-01-07 Thread Punk
On Mon, 7 Jan 2019 10:38:22 -0500
John Newman  wrote:

> > ...Feminism is conceptual nonsense. If there are legal restrictions 
> > placed on women those have to be abolished based on the principle of 
> > equality before the law, but that's a *liberal* tenet not a 'feminist' one. 
> > In other words 'feminism' is not needed. And no wonder in practice feminism 
> > is just another tool of oppression. 

> I have a girlfriend that would disagree with you, at least from a
> pragmatic point of view. On the way to "true liberty" (i.e anarchy), 
> isn't it appropriate to fight for such things as suffrage, equal pay for
> women, abortion rights, etc ? 

abortion rights, yes, unless by that you mean government run 'medicine' 
in which case the answer is no.

female suffrage? No. Of course, there must not be any 'male' suffrage 

"Women are human beings, and consequently have all the natural rights 
that any human beings can have. They have just as good a right to make laws as 
men have, and no better; AND THAT IS JUST NO RIGHT AT ALL. " 

equal pay? In a free market? Different people get paid differently. 
Wanting to create 'economic equaity' by law is the non-plus-ultra of commie 
statism. It has exactly nothing to do with anarchy. 

> I suppose she would say you have to get your hands dirty in the
> existing system sometimes to accomplish anything, which admittedly
> is a thin fucking tightrope to balance.

The idea that you can get rid of tyranny by voting is just too 
ridiculous. Actually you can have your 'female suffrage' if you want and see 
how women vote for tyranny exactly like they did. 

This argument isn't related to 'feminism' per se anyawy. It's the 
typical position argued by 'practical' people of different backgrounds - 
commie, libertarian etc. Except social democrats I guess since gradualist 
tyranny by voting is a basic strategy used by them. 


Re: Apple Talks Shit About Privacy at CES

2019-01-07 Thread John Newman
On Mon, Jan 07, 2019 at 02:50:47PM -0500, Steve Kinney wrote:
> On 1/6/19 3:56 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > "What happens on your iPhone, stays on your iPhone."
> > That privacy priority came
> > into clear focus three years ago when Apple refused to assist the FBI
> > in unlocking an iPhone that belonged to a suspected terrorist in San
> > Bernardino, CA. 
> I would describe that episode as a publicity stunt cooked up by the FBI
> and DoD contractor Apple.  If I recall correctly, Apple claimed it
> "could not" unlock the device in question; but after public attention
> started to die down, a 3rd party forensics shop did unlock it.
> Meanwhile, back in the network security world, Declan Mccullagh reported:
> "ATF says no law enforcement agency could unlock a defendant's iPhone,
> but Apple can 'bypass the security software' if it chooses. Apple has
> created a police waiting list because of high demand."

They've also significantly decreased the security of their devices with
face ID and fingerprint ID, both of which can be faked with relative
ease, the easiest way being simply manhandling a persons hand or face
into position be LEO (or other nefarious actor).

> :o)

GPG fingerprint: 17FD 615A D20D AFE8 B3E4  C9D2 E324 20BE D47A 78C7

Description: PGP signature

Torches in a world of darkness - [PEACE]

2019-01-07 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Life as a Not as You Thought It Would Have Been Scenario

Re: Apple Talks Shit About Privacy at CES

2019-01-07 Thread Steve Kinney

On 1/6/19 3:56 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> "What happens on your iPhone, stays on your iPhone."

> That privacy priority came
> into clear focus three years ago when Apple refused to assist the FBI
> in unlocking an iPhone that belonged to a suspected terrorist in San
> Bernardino, CA. 

I would describe that episode as a publicity stunt cooked up by the FBI
and DoD contractor Apple.  If I recall correctly, Apple claimed it
"could not" unlock the device in question; but after public attention
started to die down, a 3rd party forensics shop did unlock it.

Meanwhile, back in the network security world, Declan Mccullagh reported:

"ATF says no law enforcement agency could unlock a defendant's iPhone,
but Apple can 'bypass the security software' if it chooses. Apple has
created a police waiting list because of high demand."


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Re: Apple Talks Shit About Privacy at CES

2019-01-07 Thread Punk
On Mon, 7 Jan 2019 22:38:13 +1100
Zenaan Harkness  wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 06, 2019 at 07:14:34PM -0300, Punk wrote:
> > On Sun, 6 Jan 2019 15:56:17 -0500
> > grarpamp  wrote:
> > 
> > .
> > > 
> > > Apple's focus on privacy is nothing new -
> > 
> > please, spare us such retarded vomits. 
> I guess folks round here might read it as: Apple's focus on providing
> just enough 'privacy' feels to encourage maximum product purchases,
> whilst staying 'compliant' with NSA + Co.

It's funny how the most 'successful' 'heroes' of the 'free market', 
companies like apple, microsoft, google, facebook and the like do not provide 
any value at all and have never ever produced a single 'innovation'. 

microsoft's 'market cap' is 70 millions? THat's 70 of DESTROYED 

I guess all those companies follow the coca-cola model. Build an empire 
selling sugary water. 

> :)

Re: Blockchain for babies

2019-01-07 Thread Razer

On January 6, 2019 9:30:12 PM PST, Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
>On Sun, Jan 06, 2019 at 09:41:02AM -0800, Razer wrote:
>> Re
>> Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice with K-9 Mail
>So is Androgyne an androgynous "gender equal" phone OS, or a
>gynaecological women's health phone OS?

Sent from my Androgynecological dee-vice with K-9 Mail

It swings both ways.


Ps. Are you one of those freaks who can't get laid b/c "Chad"?

Re: How Feminism, aka worthless feminazi scum is funded

2019-01-07 Thread John Newman
On Mon, Jan 07, 2019 at 03:44:14AM -0300, Punk wrote:
> On Sun, 6 Jan 2019 20:59:17 -0500
> Steve Kinney  wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Funny thing:  All the feminists I have known had a primarily anarchist
> > orientation. I guess it depends on who you run around with - and/or
> > whether one's information comes from personal contacts or mass media
> > propaganda sources. 
>   I know very little people with an 'anarchist orientation' because, 
> obviously, anarchism isn't exactly popular. And the set containing 
> 'anarchist' and 'feminist' is virtually empty as far as my personal sampling 
> goes. But, in general terms...
>   ...Feminism is conceptual nonsense. If there are legal restrictions 
> placed on women those have to be abolished based on the principle of equality 
> before the law, but that's a *liberal* tenet not a 'feminist' one. In other 
> words 'feminism' is not needed. And no wonder in practice feminism is just 
> another tool of oppression.

I have a girlfriend that would disagree with you, at least from a
pragmatic point of view. On the way to "true liberty" (i.e anarchy), 
isn't it appropriate to fight for such things as suffrage, equal pay for
women, abortion rights, etc ? 

I suppose she would say you have to get your hands dirty in the
existing system sometimes to accomplish anything, which admittedly
is a thin fucking tightrope to balance.

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Re: How Feminism, aka worthless feminazi scum is funded

2019-01-07 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Mon, Jan 07, 2019 at 11:15:20PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 07, 2019 at 03:44:14AM -0300, Punk wrote:
> > On Sun, 6 Jan 2019 20:59:17 -0500
> > Steve Kinney  wrote:
> > > Funny thing:  All the feminists I have known had a primarily anarchist
> > > orientation. I guess it depends on who you run around with - and/or
> > > whether one's information comes from personal contacts or mass media
> > > propaganda sources. 
> > 
> > I know very little people with an 'anarchist orientation' because,
> > obviously, anarchism isn't exactly popular. And the set containing
> > 'anarchist' and 'feminist' is virtually empty as far as my
> > personal sampling goes. But, in general terms...
> > 
> > ...Feminism is conceptual nonsense. If there are legal
> > restrictions placed on women those have to be abolished based on
> > the principle of equality before the law, but that's a *liberal*
> > tenet not a 'feminist' one. In other words 'feminism' is not
> > needed. And no wonder in practice feminism is just another tool of
> > oppression.
> > 
> > 
> > > If that seems "wrong" look up Emma Goldman, Lucy
> > > Parsons and Simone De Beauvoir.
> > 
> > Here's the only valuable thing somehow related to some 'feminists' that 
> > I can think of. 
> > 
> > 
> >
> Well this would handle the CIA's major blackmail tool in use today.
> And overnight, the CIA would likely lose interest in running
> orphanages all around the world ... unless we're deeply mistaken and
> acktshuallay the CIA be a humanitarian gift from $DEITY, masquerading
> as a global blackmail and torture chamber?
> > And yes, Simone De Beauvoir shows up there. But, the abolition of
> > such criminal nonsense as 'age of consent' legislation is a purely
> > libertarian issue, not a 'feminist' one. 
> And here I'd thought that "feminism" was only about taxing the
> "other" half of our population ... and you're saying there's not much
> more to it than that since most these other "feminist" issues are
> actually libertarian issues.
> Your logic-fu is compelling, that's for sure.

Speaking of "women's rights" and Christians, see about half way down

The National Review’s David French Nails It in Response to Tucker’s
Historic Manifesto Monologue
  ... Women’s Rights

  The women’s rights movement was even more absurdly Jewish than the
  general civil rights movement, as they didn’t need black

  Virtually every single feminist leader in America from the 1950s
  until the present has been Jewish.

Re: How Feminism, aka worthless feminazi scum is funded

2019-01-07 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Mon, Jan 07, 2019 at 03:44:14AM -0300, Punk wrote:
> On Sun, 6 Jan 2019 20:59:17 -0500
> Steve Kinney  wrote:
> > Funny thing:  All the feminists I have known had a primarily anarchist
> > orientation. I guess it depends on who you run around with - and/or
> > whether one's information comes from personal contacts or mass media
> > propaganda sources. 
>   I know very little people with an 'anarchist orientation' because,
>   obviously, anarchism isn't exactly popular. And the set containing
>   'anarchist' and 'feminist' is virtually empty as far as my
>   personal sampling goes. But, in general terms...
>   ...Feminism is conceptual nonsense. If there are legal
>   restrictions placed on women those have to be abolished based on
>   the principle of equality before the law, but that's a *liberal*
>   tenet not a 'feminist' one. In other words 'feminism' is not
>   needed. And no wonder in practice feminism is just another tool of
>   oppression.
> > If that seems "wrong" look up Emma Goldman, Lucy
> > Parsons and Simone De Beauvoir.
>   Here's the only valuable thing somehow related to some 'feminists' that 
> I can think of. 

Well this would handle the CIA's major blackmail tool in use today.

And overnight, the CIA would likely lose interest in running
orphanages all around the world ... unless we're deeply mistaken and
acktshuallay the CIA be a humanitarian gift from $DEITY, masquerading
as a global blackmail and torture chamber?

>   And yes, Simone De Beauvoir shows up there. But, the abolition of
>   such criminal nonsense as 'age of consent' legislation is a purely
>   libertarian issue, not a 'feminist' one. 

And here I'd thought that "feminism" was only about taxing the
"other" half of our population ... and you're saying there's not much
more to it than that since most these other "feminist" issues are
actually libertarian issues.

Your logic-fu is compelling, that's for sure.

Re: How Feminism, aka worthless feminazi scum is funded

2019-01-07 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Jan 06, 2019 at 07:54:28PM -0300, Punk wrote:
>   feminazi scum (aka feminists) got a 200 millions loan from the
>   americunt government. 
>   Notice how feminist scum in a banana republic is 'financed' by the
>   supreme scum of the planet, the americunt government. Though of
>   course, the loan will be repaid with money stolen from argie
>   taxpayers. So americunt scum will actually get back their
>   'capital' PLUS usury. 

How very ... Christian


Re: Apple Talks Shit About Privacy at CES

2019-01-07 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Jan 06, 2019 at 07:14:34PM -0300, Punk wrote:
> On Sun, 6 Jan 2019 15:56:17 -0500
> grarpamp  wrote:
> .
> > 
> > Apple's focus on privacy is nothing new -
>   please, spare us such retarded vomits. 

I guess folks round here might read it as: Apple's focus on providing
just enough 'privacy' feels to encourage maximum product purchases,
whilst staying 'compliant' with NSA + Co.


Re: How Feminism, aka worthless feminazi scum is funded

2019-01-07 Thread grarpamp
On 1/7/19, Punk  wrote:
>   with enough people and guns - or RPGs

Where are you going to find these people?
How are you going to organize them?
Who gets to carry the hardware?
Where is it made?

At corporations led by nasty witches allowed to perfect
their nature of aborting, drowning, murdering babies?