Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2021-01-14 Thread grarpamp
Kamala Harris, the Totally Full of Shit Liar, Slaver and Jailer of
Blacks, and Known Supporter of Violent Leftist Protests... Bails
Violent Leftist Thugs out of Jail...

A fund established to bail out Black Lives Matter protesters - which
helped free at least six men accused of domestic violence in two
months - is refusing to disclose exactly who they've helped spring
from jail.

The Minnnesota Freedom Fund (MFF), which was endorsed by Vice
President-Elect Kamala Harris and has raised over $35 million, has
bailed out an unknown number of accused thugs, rioters and other
criminals. Finding information on exactly who they've bailed out has
been an arduous task.

Here's what we do know about the Harris-endorsed bail recipients:

In August, the fund posted $15,000 bail for the release of Shawn
McClinton, a convicted sex offender facing rape charges. According to
prosecutors, McClinton raped a woman just weeks after his July release
- and was back in custody facing prosecution over alleged rape,
kidnapping, strangulation and other charges.

In September, the Daily Caller pored through court records, and found
that the MFF had helped free several men suspected of heinous crimes -
including accused child molester Timothy Wayne Columbus, who faces up
to 30 years in prison on allegations that he sexually assaulted an
eight-year-old girl.

31-year-old Dexter Boone was arrested on May 2 after allegedly
breaking into his son's mother's apartment and strangled her in front
of her minor children.

The fund also helped bail out 28-year-old Davlin Devonte Gates, who
also allegedly strangled a woman just days after he moved in with her.

Matt Gaetz is right. For months Democrats encouraged and defended
BLM and Antifa violence. Hell, Kamala Harris tweeted out for donations
to a bail fund for rioters.
Thousands of small businesses destroyed, looted, and burned down —
Democrats didn’t
— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) January 13, 2021

Now, for what we don't know.

According to Just The News, the MFF has refused to provide information
on the men it's helped bail out.

Official bail records hard to locate

Yet a full accounting of the individuals bailed out by the fund
last year was not available as of press time.

A representative of the Minnesota Freedom Fund told Just the News
via email this week that the records of those it has helped bail out
"are available via the Hennepin and Ramsey County jail rosters." The
group did not respond to repeated inquiries asking if it kept those
records in its own files.

The records within the jail rosters, meanwhile, are not easily accessible.

Tom Lyden, a reporter with KMSP who originally broke that
station's coverage of the controversies surrounding the bail fund,
said that the documentation "is difficult to find and it is not
available online."

"You must go through items in the file, which you can only do at a
live terminal," he said.

In short, the next Vice President of the United States actively
promoted a murky bail fund, which has helped known criminals get back
on the streets, and which won't share details on exactly who they've

We're sure they'll enjoy exposure on multiple big tech platforms and
won't face scrutiny for aiding rioters, thugs and other criminals.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2021-01-14 Thread grarpamp  Black Americans quit
Biden for Trump in Droves

The Democrats Greatest Fear are Intelligent Outspoken Independent
Black American Republican Men, such as this one, who Totally Reject
the Democrat LIES and drop real truth out in the streets every chance
they get.

Meanwhile Hillary continues pumping the propaganda News machine with
Fake Racist narratives, just like she did with Fake Russia Hoax
narrative against Trump...

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2021-01-14 Thread grarpamp
Donald J Trump Won the 2020 US Presidential Election.

Lying Leftist AOC Lies saying she almost died during Capitol Protest,
refuses to answer HOW she almost died... AOC is a lying FUDster.
Dishonest Leftist Chief Lawyer for PBS Govt TV... Incites Violence,
Insults Everyone, and more... gets outed by PROJECT VERITAS.

Trump-Hating, Tax-Funded PBS Lawyer Caught on Video: “Go to the White
House and throw Molotov Cocktails”
Is there anyone more intolerant and dishonest than a liberal elitist?

Totalitarian Puppet, Michael Beller, is the Principal Counsel for the
Public Broadcasting System (PBS).  PBS is funded mostly by US Tax
dollars, leftists, corporatists, and globalists and is probably most
famous for airing Sesame Street. Today, Project Veritas has broken a
story about the lead counsel of PBS.

Does @PBS condone Principal Counsel Michael Beller’s radical
agenda of political violence? #ExposePBS

— Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) January 12, 2021

In the hidden camera video excerpts, Michael Beller excitedly calls
for violence.  If Biden loses, he advises everyone to:
“Go to the Whitehouse and throw Molotov Cocktails!”

The certainty of his speech seems to indicate that he knows that such
actions are already being planned by people like him.  Since his
language suggests, at least at times, that he is speaking prior to the
election, we can assume that such plans would have been brewing for
quite some time prior to the election.

“Even if Biden wins we go for all the Republican voters and Homeland
Security will take their children away…And we’ll put them into
re-education camps.”

Unsurprisingly, a totalitarian puppet Michael Beller also dismisses
Trump as basically Hitler:
“In these times, which are unique.  I mean Trump is close to Hitler,” he says.

President Trump has reduced our foreign military interventions
considerably and never instituted Marshal Law or any draconian
governmental dictates despite 7 months of straight rioting across the
country by people who agree to Beller.  Yet, still, people like Beller
equate Trump to Hitler.  But, this is how the totalitarian puppets
justify fascism: by painting peaceful men, like President Trump, as

And, don’t worry:  Beller hates you, too.  To him, you are all zombies
raising horrible children and only he and the government can do it

Kids who are growing up knowing nothing but Trump for four
years–you’ve got to wonder what they’re going to be like.  They’ll be
raising a generation of intolerant horrible people–horrible kids.

Like most leftists, corporatists, and globalists, Beller believes the
re-education camps we know from history were only bad because they
were missing Sesame Street Characters (PBS has aired the SW show
Sesame Street for many decades).  They’ll get it right, this time, by
calling them ‘Enlightenment Camps’:

Enlightenment camps;  They’re nice. They have Sesame Street Characters
in the classrooms and they and they watch PBS all day.

And, thank God for the government to properly raise your children because:

“Americans are so fucking dumb.  You know, most people are dumb…It’s
good to live in a place (D.C.) where people are, you know, educated
and know stuff….Could you imagine if you lived in one of these other
towns of states where everybody’s just…stupid?”

Thankfully, totalitarian puppets like Beller are all smarter than you
and will raise all the children of America better than individual
parents.  This is why they wish death upon all of you by not only
Molotov cocktails but Covid19 as well:

“What’s great is that Covid is spiking in all the red states, right
now.  So that’s great!  Because, either those people won’t come out to
vote for Trump in those red states…Or, a lot of them are sick and
dying! he said excitedly with a chuckle.”

Are you, like, questioning the acceptability of this puppet’s, like,
methods and stuff?  Well, don’t worry:

“PBS has, like, real news.” Says Beller

We agree.  PBS appears to be like real news, but it is not real news.
That is why PBS and other legacy media are so dangerous.  They are
dishonest about their objectivity and goals.  PBS’s website says it
serves the American public.  And, it does serve the American public a
large serving of informational stew from totalitarians like Michael
Bellers who reheat these old poisonous ideological leftovers every
day, year after year.  Yet, platitudes like this are why people trust
PBS and corporations like it: because it has a false veneer.  Really,
it is staffed by totalitarian puppets like Michael Beller seeking to
turn you and your children into puppets as well.

Beller Does get one thing right, though:

“CNN doesn’t do real news anymore.  It’s just talking heads talking
about Trump all day long.”

Near the 

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2021-01-14 Thread grarpamp

Democrats, hypocritically making themselves, and you, defenseless
sheep unto wolves.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2021-01-14 Thread grarpamp
> Hypocrites...

And Inciters of Violence, Pelosi, Kamala, the lot...

Pelosi Encouraged “Uprisings All Over The Country” in 2018, Republican
Quotes Her And Is Accused Of Insurrection
By Ulysses S. Tennyson | Jan 13, 2021

Since Donald Trump became president, Democrats have used nothing but
incendiary defamatory and incisive language to describe him and his
supporters. Republicans largely just accepted this abuse because they
believe in freedom of speech.

But, progressives seem to turn all their vile words into action
without any inhibitions.

In 2020, Pelosi’s incendiary words–along with many of her colleagues
for years under the Donald Trump presidency–helped foment and
legitimize a national irrational anti-Trump psychosis that incited the
perpetual violent insurrection across the country.  The leftist
insurrection wasn’t a few hours on a single day at the capitol
building with a handful of actually violent protesters on January 6th.

Instead, the leftist insurrection manifested as violent riots across
America for 7 months straight.  These riots caused over $2 billion
dollars in damages–including to many government buildings, dozens of
deaths, inconceivable rises in violent crimes and homicides, and
destruction of at least 60% of all small businesses.  And, it seems to
have been egged on by leftist pundits and politicians who supported it
with language like Nancy Pelosi’s.

In a 2018 speech regarding a policy proposal she didn’t like, Ms. Pelosi stated:

 “I just don’t even know why there aren’t uprisings all over the
country. And maybe there will be…”

Was that a threat to America, Ms. Pelosi?  Did you know something at
the time about the ‘unrest’ that was in store for 2020?

Now, Louie Gohmert, a republican, quoted Ms. Pelosi to highlight her
incendiary language in order to highlight her hypocrisy and part in
the psychosis of the left since Donald Trump took office.  For this
crime of quoting Nancy Pelosi, Gohmert is being accused of
insurrection—for merely quoting Nancy Pelosi to prove her hypocrisy.

Here is the quote from Gohmert:

 ““Here’s a quote. ‘I just don’t even know why there aren’t more
uprisings all over the country, and maybe there will be,’” Gohmert
said on the House floor during the impeachment debate.

The modern left are duplicitous hucksters.  They can never win a
rhetorical battle of logic or morality, so they dismantle the entire
language itself, turn everything on its head, and project their crimes
onto their opponents.  In this way, no one can make sense of anything,
and someone else is always left holding the bags of blame for them.

When this happens, debate becomes fruitless. The left is not an honest
or authentic opponent; they seek to control you and mold you and all
of society to fit their capricious desires for power, control, and
change.  They have no use for a debate except to slow walk you to
their ends.  And they will say anything they feel is necessary to meet
to ends.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2021-01-14 Thread grarpamp
Friday, January 1, 2021
How Did Hunter Biden Get into Yale Law School? Tucker: Democrats Left
Cheat School Acceptance Tilt Indoctrination

Do you know how hard it is to get into Yale Law School? The admission
rate is 6.9%. By comparison, Harvard Law is twice as easy. It's also
tiny, with only 200 slots available each year.

Do you know how hard it is to transfer to Yale Law? Forget about it.
Even harder. Typically, only about ten students a year are accepted.
It goes without saying you'd have to be at the very top of whatever
law school you were transferring from, and even then it wouldn't be a

Which raises the question; how exactly did Hunter Biden pull this off?

You probably didn't even know he went there. It doesn't come up much.

Here are the facts:

Biden arrived as a transfer in the fall 1994. This means...
He was accepted sometime in the winter/spring that same year
The Dean of Yale Law at that time was Guido Calabresi
It was well known that Calabresi's ambition was to serve on the
federal bench
On February 9th, 1994, Bill Clinton nominated Calabresi to the 2nd
Circuit, where he still serves
Thus, Biden's acceptance to Yale Law and Calabrisi's appointment
were contemporaneous
Chairing the Judiciary Committee at that time - the man
responsible for confirming Calabresi's nomination - was none other
than Joe Biden.
Calabresi sailed through the process


Those are the facts.



If you think Hunter Biden was one of the top first-year law students
in the country and had near perfect board scores. I am not one of
those people.

I do not have Hunter's transcripts from Georgetown undergrad or his
first year of law school there, but he's not exactly known as a
scholar. I know people who knew him then and they say he was more
arrogant than anything else. His life since does not suggest the
slightest trace of intellect, except in the pursuit of ways to
monetize his family's name..

So, there's no smoking gun, no absolute proof that a slot at America's
most elite law school was traded for a federal judgeship. But the
circumstantial evidence raises serious questions, the kind the
mainstream media won't ask anymore, at least when it inconveniences

There's a pattern of quid quo pro that seems follow the Biden family
wherever it goes.

It's worth noting that the Ivies are very much part of the swamp.
Yale, for its part, gets the better part of a billion dollars a year
from the federal government. Also, there is a definite pattern of
prominent Democrats getting their kids - somehow! - into Ivy Leage
schools. Tucker Carlson did an entire piece on this. It 's worth a

Edit: I'm going to anticipate one of the objections to this piece,
which is Yale is a private institution, so it can admit whomever it
likes. First, this would be true if they didn't accept federal money.
Second, the example of accepting a rich kid in exchange for a large
donation - one I know will be thrown at me - is quite different from
giving a coveted space up in exchange for a personal favor. In the
first instance, all of Yale benefits from the donation. In the second
instance, it does not.

Fwd: Paying to port to FreeBSD

2021-01-14 Thread grarpamp
-- Forwarded message --
From: "James B. Byrne
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2021
Subject: Paying to port to FreeBSD

I wish to trial a software package (aubit4gl) on FreeBSD.  The application is
written in C and has a maintainer. However, he is not familiar with FreeBSD
insofar as I can determine and he is busy with other things.

The source package is available as a tarball from sourceforge, or I can provide

What I need is someone familiar with building software on FreeBSD to configure
and build this application in a manner suitable for adding to ports if
possible, but to compile and run properly on FreeBSD at a minimum.

I am willing to pay to have this done if it can be accomplished in a reasonably
short period of time and without a great deal of expense.

I anyone is interested then please contact me directly.

***  e-Mail is NOT a SECURE channel  ***
Do NOT transmit sensitive data via e-Mail
   Unencrypted messages have no legal claim to privacy
 Do NOT open attachments nor follow links sent by e-Mail

James B.
Harte & Lyne Limited
9 Brockley Drive  vox: +1 905 561 1241
Hamilton, Ontario fax: +1 905 561 0757
Canada  L8E 3C3

Re: Huge battle now raging against Facebook, Apple and Google types

2021-01-14 Thread Karl
On 1/14/21, professor rat  wrote:
> The center cannot hold - more anarchy is loosed upon the web.

it mentions laws protecting against monopolies

each time this comes up as a major, society-ripping issue, it's
important to add open source to the discussion.  we need public and
transparent works to have fair competition with private corporate
works, and we need that defended with at least the legal strength of
monopoly-busting laws.

Re: C-punks on the pad

2021-01-14 Thread Karl
> if you were given incredible amounts of money to do something you think
> unwise,
> what is crucial is to remember you _don't have that money_.  That
> money is a _loan_ from the _people you are hurting_, and you need to
> _keep it unspent_ so that you still _have_ it to help them (and
> yourself! these bosses are thugs!) out, _later_.
> you also need to _sell_ it when the price rises significantly, because
> this is usually followed by an extensive depression, during which you
> can buy again to make a trainload of profit ;-P

to clarify here, bitcoin rises by 200-1000% every few years, and if
you're new to investing when that happens you might get excited and
hold longer.  the rise of course ends in a crash, so once you're all
'omigod i had no idea i could ever have this much money' you want to
sell and _save_ what you sold, _not_ spend it on anything, and then
buy again once the price stabilizes, to make sure you profit from it.
you can look at bitcoin history to see it usually settles around even
multiples of powers of ten after sharp bubbles that crash through
those ceilings which kinda predict future prices months and years

Re: C-punks on the pad

2021-01-14 Thread Karl
On 1/14/21, professor rat  wrote:
> How much are the KGB paying you Zendy and Batshit?
> "... Large bitcoin payments to right-wing activists ..."

if you were given incredible amounts of money to do something you think unwise,
what is crucial is to remember you _don't have that money_.  That
money is a _loan_ from the _people you are hurting_, and you need to
_keep it unspent_ so that you still _have_ it to help them (and
yourself! these bosses are thugs!) out, _later_.

you also need to _sell_ it when the price rises significantly, because
this is usually followed by an extensive depression, during which you
can buy again to make a trainload of profit ;-P


2021-01-14 Thread professor rat
This sort of thing has happened before. Foreign-paid fascists led by Vladimir 
Lenin used anarchists to attack democracy ( " The guard is tired " ) back in 
1918. Its inconceivable the present head of the CHEKA - also named Vladimir - 
wouldn’t know this.

Anarchic internet and crypto-anarchist favored e-cash help enable unprecedented 
attack on US state capital.

ANARCHY for the USA!

Re: Capsaicin + Solar cells

2021-01-14 Thread coderman
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Wednesday, January 13, 2021 7:25 PM, jim bell  wrote:

> ... sprinkling capsaicin into the precursor of methylammonium lead triiodide 
> (MAPbI3) perovskite during the manufacturing process led to a greater 
> abundance of electrons (instead of empty placeholders) to conduct current at 
> the semiconductor's surface.
> (End of quote)
> Jim Bell's comment:
> Evidently, a careless person holding a taco got too close to the solar cell 
> production line.

this is pretty hilarious :P

i've always been amusing by serendipitous scientific discoveries. like LSD, 
microwaves, vulcanized rubber, and corn flakes *grin*

best regards,

C-punks on the pad

2021-01-14 Thread professor rat
How much are the KGB paying you Zendy and Batshit?

"... Large bitcoin payments to right-wing activists ..."

Big Techs big choice - Cryptoanarchy or Chinese Communism

2021-01-14 Thread professor rat

Too big to fail 

Re: USSS Electronic Countermeasures Suburban

2021-01-14 Thread Karl
On 1/13/21, grarpamp  wrote:

is this a nerd snipe?

> Real clients drive themselves in shitty
> volkswagon wearing clown costume...

I don't understand what you are talking about at all here.

Re: Has anyone seen Cecilia (sea sea)

2021-01-14 Thread Karl
On 10/29/20, \0xDynamite  wrote:
> Oooohkay.  Why are we all dead?  I'm dead because people didn't
> think I existed.
> Why are you all dead?
> Marxos

Let's answer this more clearly.

You're "dead" when e.g. a corporate mafia or government distrusts and
monitors you so much that you can't do anything productive that you
care about.

It appears to help to band with other people when that happens.  There
are some very large communities of dead people who can do some very
impactful things.  It seems like it's basically what being a public
anarchist is in many areas.

Re: [spam] [archive] [hacking] Working on finalising a mobile python driver.

2021-01-14 Thread Karl
it was a mistake hidden by a traceback error.  i was using a library
class method as an object method, and the class method constructs an
object in it.

On 1/14/21, Karl  wrote:
> (to clarify, a line number between two of them, not the output call,
> was in the traceback)
> adding output to the function that calls that one
> On 1/14/21, Karl  wrote:
>> None of my output statements, which I only added to that method,
>> output anything, but one of them is listed in the traceback.  I
>> rebuild just to make sure.
>> On 1/14/21, Karl  wrote:
>>> The line is a call to python's asyncio functions, but none of the
>>> function content is in the traceback.
>>> I add output statements to determine when the the instruction pointer
>>> is jumping.
>>> On 1/14/21, Karl  wrote:
 The problem still occurs, with a different line in the same method
 listed in the traceback.

 It used to line 84.  Now it is line 83.  But because I added some
 module-scope definitions, the method body has shifted down and it's a
 different part of the logic.


Re: [spam] [archive] [hacking] Working on finalising a mobile python driver.

2021-01-14 Thread Karl
(to clarify, a line number between two of them, not the output call,
was in the traceback)
adding output to the function that calls that one

On 1/14/21, Karl  wrote:
> None of my output statements, which I only added to that method,
> output anything, but one of them is listed in the traceback.  I
> rebuild just to make sure.
> On 1/14/21, Karl  wrote:
>> The line is a call to python's asyncio functions, but none of the
>> function content is in the traceback.
>> I add output statements to determine when the the instruction pointer
>> is jumping.
>> On 1/14/21, Karl  wrote:
>>> The problem still occurs, with a different line in the same method
>>> listed in the traceback.
>>> It used to line 84.  Now it is line 83.  But because I added some
>>> module-scope definitions, the method body has shifted down and it's a
>>> different part of the logic.

Re: [spam] [archive] [hacking] Working on finalising a mobile python driver.

2021-01-14 Thread Karl
None of my output statements, which I only added to that method,
output anything, but one of them is listed in the traceback.  I
rebuild just to make sure.

On 1/14/21, Karl  wrote:
> The line is a call to python's asyncio functions, but none of the
> function content is in the traceback.
> I add output statements to determine when the the instruction pointer
> is jumping.
> On 1/14/21, Karl  wrote:
>> The problem still occurs, with a different line in the same method
>> listed in the traceback.
>> It used to line 84.  Now it is line 83.  But because I added some
>> module-scope definitions, the method body has shifted down and it's a
>> different part of the logic.

Re: [spam] [archive] [hacking] Working on finalising a mobile python driver.

2021-01-14 Thread Karl
The line is a call to python's asyncio functions, but none of the
function content is in the traceback.

I add output statements to determine when the the instruction pointer
is jumping.

On 1/14/21, Karl  wrote:
> The problem still occurs, with a different line in the same method
> listed in the traceback.
> It used to line 84.  Now it is line 83.  But because I added some
> module-scope definitions, the method body has shifted down and it's a
> different part of the logic.

Re: [spam] [archive] [hacking] Working on finalising a mobile python driver.

2021-01-14 Thread Karl
The problem still occurs, with a different line in the same method
listed in the traceback.

It used to line 84.  Now it is line 83.  But because I added some
module-scope definitions, the method body has shifted down and it's a
different part of the logic.

Re: [spam] [archive] [hacking] Working on finalising a mobile python driver.

2021-01-14 Thread Karl
I fixed the traceback output by manually calling python's traceback functions.

The traceback gives a line for what caused the spurious constructor
calls.  It is the evaluation of a java constant.  There is nothing
else in the traceback between the java constant and the constructor.
I move the java constant evaluation to static scope, instead of inside
a method.

The java-to-python library I am using is pyjnius.  It is widely use in
all kivy android applications.  Last I checked, it was no longer
maintained, but I talked about that in their community a little and
some people who weren't familiar with it but had access merged some
pull requests.  I believe those merges haven't been released yet and
aren't likely in the code I am using.

It's 05:48 -0500 and 'here I go' trying the constructor logging with
the java constants accessed at module scope!

[spam] [archive] [hacking] Working on finalising a mobile python driver.

2021-01-14 Thread Karl
It's hard for me to do stuff, so when I really do something I hunker
down and ignore everything else.  Somewhat described elsewhere

Right now I'm running into a frustrating issue.  I've encountered
similar issues before, in other languages, but this is the first one
I've really butted heads with in Python.

My python codebase currently crashes.  One of parts may relate to
object lifetime between android's java garbage collector and python's
garbage collector.  A strange behavior is that my python object is
getting multiply constructed.

I use the python object in a loop.  It's constructed before the start
of the loop, and then repeatedly called inside the loop, inside a try
handler inside which an exception is thrown.  I've done a textual
search on the code and believe prior to that loop to be the only place
the constructor is called.  However, when I put a debugging line
inside the constructor, the line is output every iteration of the

This particular python object is not intertwined with java, but inside
the loop it produces a python object that is linked to java via the
jni and cpython, and adds it as a member.

I have output the traceback inside the constructor, and the traceback
is empty.  The only line is the constructor itself, as if a thread was
started with the constructor as the thread functions.

[*relief] It looks like even on the first call, the traceback has only
one line.  Maybe this is because it uses python's async feature.  But
constructers never use the async feature, so this must be a bug in the