Donald J Trump Won the 2020 US Presidential Election.

Lying Leftist AOC Lies saying she almost died during Capitol Protest,
refuses to answer HOW she almost died... AOC is a lying FUDster.
Dishonest Leftist Chief Lawyer for PBS Govt TV... Incites Violence,
Insults Everyone, and more... gets outed by PROJECT VERITAS.

Trump-Hating, Tax-Funded PBS Lawyer Caught on Video: “Go to the White
House and throw Molotov Cocktails”
Is there anyone more intolerant and dishonest than a liberal elitist?

Totalitarian Puppet, Michael Beller, is the Principal Counsel for the
Public Broadcasting System (PBS).  PBS is funded mostly by US Tax
dollars, leftists, corporatists, and globalists and is probably most
famous for airing Sesame Street. Today, Project Veritas has broken a
story about the lead counsel of PBS.

    Does @PBS condone Principal Counsel Michael Beller’s radical
agenda of political violence? #ExposePBS

    — Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) January 12, 2021

In the hidden camera video excerpts, Michael Beller excitedly calls
for violence.  If Biden loses, he advises everyone to:
“Go to the Whitehouse and throw Molotov Cocktails!”

The certainty of his speech seems to indicate that he knows that such
actions are already being planned by people like him.  Since his
language suggests, at least at times, that he is speaking prior to the
election, we can assume that such plans would have been brewing for
quite some time prior to the election.

“Even if Biden wins we go for all the Republican voters and Homeland
Security will take their children away…And we’ll put them into
re-education camps.”

Unsurprisingly, a totalitarian puppet Michael Beller also dismisses
Trump as basically Hitler:
“In these times, which are unique.  I mean Trump is close to Hitler,” he says.

President Trump has reduced our foreign military interventions
considerably and never instituted Marshal Law or any draconian
governmental dictates despite 7 months of straight rioting across the
country by people who agree to Beller.  Yet, still, people like Beller
equate Trump to Hitler.  But, this is how the totalitarian puppets
justify fascism: by painting peaceful men, like President Trump, as

And, don’t worry:  Beller hates you, too.  To him, you are all zombies
raising horrible children and only he and the government can do it

Kids who are growing up knowing nothing but Trump for four
years–you’ve got to wonder what they’re going to be like.  They’ll be
raising a generation of intolerant horrible people–horrible kids.

Like most leftists, corporatists, and globalists, Beller believes the
re-education camps we know from history were only bad because they
were missing Sesame Street Characters (PBS has aired the SW show
Sesame Street for many decades).  They’ll get it right, this time, by
calling them ‘Enlightenment Camps’:

Enlightenment camps;  They’re nice. They have Sesame Street Characters
in the classrooms and they and they watch PBS all day.

And, thank God for the government to properly raise your children because:

“Americans are so fucking dumb.  You know, most people are dumb…It’s
good to live in a place (D.C.) where people are, you know, educated
and know stuff….Could you imagine if you lived in one of these other
towns of states where everybody’s just…stupid?”

Thankfully, totalitarian puppets like Beller are all smarter than you
and will raise all the children of America better than individual
parents.  This is why they wish death upon all of you by not only
Molotov cocktails but Covid19 as well:

“What’s great is that Covid is spiking in all the red states, right
now.  So that’s great!  Because, either those people won’t come out to
vote for Trump in those red states…Or, a lot of them are sick and
dying! he said excitedly with a chuckle.”

Are you, like, questioning the acceptability of this puppet’s, like,
methods and stuff?  Well, don’t worry:

“PBS has, like, real news.” Says Beller

We agree.  PBS appears to be like real news, but it is not real news.
That is why PBS and other legacy media are so dangerous.  They are
dishonest about their objectivity and goals.  PBS’s website says it
serves the American public.  And, it does serve the American public a
large serving of informational stew from totalitarians like Michael
Bellers who reheat these old poisonous ideological leftovers every
day, year after year.  Yet, platitudes like this are why people trust
PBS and corporations like it: because it has a false veneer.  Really,
it is staffed by totalitarian puppets like Michael Beller seeking to
turn you and your children into puppets as well.

Beller Does get one thing right, though:

“CNN doesn’t do real news anymore.  It’s just talking heads talking
about Trump all day long.”

Near the end of the video, Beller also says that PBS knows about the
mountains of evidence against Joe Biden. He then explains their policy
toward the matter:

“So, then, you guys just ignore it?” says the undercover journalist.

“Yeah,” says the PBS senior-level counsel.

This is just a taste of who runs the taxpayer-funded ‘unbiased’ PBS at
its highest levels.  This suggests that everyone above him likely
condones or shares his belief systems, since they hired him and
allowed him to represent them at such a senior level.  It also
suggests that those below him probably also believe similar things or
they wouldn’t get hired by people like him.

Democrats aka Racists, invite all of White Male America to sue the DemGov...

OUCH! Minorities React To Joe Biden’s Plan To Enact “Institutionalized
Racism” As Part Of His COVID Recovery Plan
Jan 12, 2021

On Sunday, the Biden-Harris Transition team released a video of Joe
Biden explained to Americans, “Our priority will be Black, Latino,
Asian, and Native American owned small businesses, women-owned
businesses, and finally having equal access to resources needed to
reopen and rebuild.” — President-elect Biden.

Has anyone else noticed that so much of what the Democrats have been
planning for Americans has been more about division than unity?
Setting up elaborate plans and rules will slow only down getting aid
out to those that need it the most.

Minorities on Twitter are definitely taking notice of Joe’s new
“reopen and rebuild” plan and they’re letting old “You ain’t black,
Joe” know how they feel.

Leonydus Johnson,  Host of Informed Dissent, calls out Biden’s plan
for being actual institutionalism racism.

    This is actual institutional racism

    — Leonydus Johnson (@LeonydusJohnson) January 11, 2021

Trending: MI Judge Orders Democrat Sec of State To Release All
Communications With Dominion, Facebook, Apple, Amazon and Google

Elise De Windt, a black female, blasted Biden’s remarks, calling them
the “evil face of racism,” adding, “These policies should be banned by
the Supreme Court.”

    This is the evil face of racism! These policies should be banned
by the Supreme Court.

    — Elise De Windt (Parler/Gab: @ElisedeWindt) (@EWindt) January 12, 2021

Even @Ravarora1, a 19-year-old writer, points out the flaws in Biden’s
plant to prioritize one group over another based solely on race:

“I don’t doubt some minority groups operating small businesses have
disproportionately suffered from the pandemic. But “minority” isn’t a
uniform category. Black businesses might suffer more than whites, but
perhaps South Asian, Cuban, etc., businesses don’t. Contrary to
Biden’s approach, you should prioritize those who need help first —
regardless of race. And, in doing so, u would disproportionately help
black and Latino small businesses. Prioritizing 1 group over another
wrongfully assumes racial homogeneity. It’s a mistake.”

    Asians are doing economically far better than whites. One of the
many flaws of the ideological "POC" / "white" model.

    — Rav (@Ravarora1) January 11, 2021

Former Chinese citizen Wu Lebao asks Joe Biden a very good question,
“Are you implying minorities and women [are] unlikely to own large
businesses?”  He ends his tweet by telling Biden that his policy is

    Are you implying minorities and women unlikely to own large
businesses? That's racist.

    — Wu Lebao (@MerlotN) January 11, 2021

Female Twitter user, Marian Medvin chimes in with a Public Service
Announcement, reminding Joe that his policy actually breaks the law:
“Discrimination based on race and sex of white men remains unlawful
under federal law.”

    PSA: Discrimination based on race and sex of white men remains
unlawful under federal law.

    — Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) January 11, 2021

More Twitter users blasted Biden’s reckless statements, accusing him
of pushing for segregation in America.

    Great way to unity the country. Lets focus policies based on race.
Always ended well in the past.

    — Malbeth (@Malbeth101) January 11, 2021

Conservative, gay activist Brandon Straka responded to Biden’s racist
comments, reminding him that Asians are the most successful race of
people in America.

    By every viable metric Asian Americans are the most successful
race of people in America. Assuming they need extra help because of
their skin color is so ignorant & racist.

    — Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka) January 11, 2021

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