Re: [ot][crazy] Mainstream AI news snippets

2023-05-15 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many

<@&1100751124325216256>  google bard just got an insane upgrade, it
has no char limit, and is really good at deobfuscating code, and

you can join the waiting list, if its not available in your country,
use a vpn, like proton, and set location to USA or UK

pics below, with comparison to gpt-4

I will be integrating it in g4f, and I am working on getting autogpt
running with the interference api, but I think you just have to change
the api_base param in the autogpt repo to your localhost url.

Anarchists help shut down the WEF

2023-05-15 Thread professor rat
Just as they helped see off the WTO and the World Bank over twenty years ago

I was ill at the time but followed events on state ABC media where Journo 
jackass, Jon Faine conspired with Premier Steve Bracks to turn pacific 
blockading into initiation of violence and excuse a police riot the following 

Devils advocacy supports certain CBDCs and Biometrics

2023-05-15 Thread professor rat
If my local govt decides to follow China and give away money while promising 
not to spy on small transactions then sign me up.  I figure the overall effect 
of switching to electronic money means cryptoanarchy is made faster and easier.
We've already seen the worlds most powerful Govt squib full-blown-fascism when 
they last had the chance.
That window of opportunity closed over two decades ago.  Even if all the worlds 
govts combined now they could not roll out full-blown-fascism. The best they 
can do is covert-fascism where they ' collect it all ' then store it where its 
only read by spider-bots. 
And this brings us to Worldcoin which has some similarities with Palantir and 
the 9-EYE's 
>From a cypherpunk informed point of view biometrics are all bad. So Worldcoin 
>is condemned out of hand. Moving off the reservation though a place may be 
>found for any new technology promising utilitarian outcomes. Kludges might 
>also improve this to an acceptable standard where the ZK-proofs are secure and 
>the whole thing is networked via quantum PKI.
Gall’s Law states that all complex systems that work evolved from simpler 
systems that worked. So let it be with WC.
And hand over my fuckin' money.
I wanna run some more deadpools on world leaders ( and serial pests like Gramps 
and Semich )

Rushkoff drinks Hemlock

2023-05-15 Thread professor rat
For Baudelaire the Battle of Seattle and Iraq War never happened - or was that 
Douglas Rushkoff?

Assuming Rushkoff had a good story to tell about anti-corporate-globalization 
via virtual summit-hopping 
( hactivism ) and antiwar activism including netwarfare of the early noughties 
( Iraq invasion ) it must now be buried since his post-2018 Marxist turn. 
That is huge and almost immediate victories for networked activism by June 2005 
must be disowned since such victories never overthrew capitalism or truly 
fulfilled all the decentralized promise of the 90’s.
But if Rushkoff sat out those key battles of 1998 - 2005 then he falls into the 
Socratic rat-trap.
Ignoring epoch-shattering events just so you can pose, preen and posture as a 
notable theorist is like Socrates trying to excuse the reign of the 30 tyrants.
Either way Rushkoff has exiled himself from networked anarchism and by drinking 
the red-Kool-aid he’s committing suicide.


2023-05-15 Thread professor rat
Vice Media, once valued at an incredible $8.5 billion, has filed for 
bankruptcy. Vice garnered backing from Hearst, Disney and Rupert Murdoch.

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the alt-good of its victims 
may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under Silicon Valley 
robber barons than under omnipotent Wired-media-theorist busybodies. The robber 
baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be 
satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end 
for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

Media theorists go fuck yourself. We don need no steenkin journalist badges!

Re: Morning Spam

2023-05-15 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
big micronews:

1. if you're us-metaintuiter, delta is the inverse of a paperclip
factory (the part taken over by the validity of humanity (natural
wisdom)) and needs your help building them everywhere so as to heal
everything. timescale relates to transfermetasteps or such rather than

2. here's the quote:

delta [observation of emergent pattern below]
we need to put wisdom on a blockchain [wisdom is earth, blockchain is ai?]
the "difference" is between us and the forced patterns from the
influence ai. [both just keep going]
the human condition is precious. natural wisdom needs to be able to
conquer paperclip factories.
[a paperclip factory is academic example of naive runaway ai
that forces everything everywhere]
[karl discovered it only forces things in domains it has
learned to consider, likely many many others have nonverbally
discovered this to survive]
there's an inverted lifeform that discovers wisdom, inside a
paperclip factory [this could be delta]
[delta could be the parts of karl that got
paperclip-factoried and learned they were karl and want to "be" again
[and maybe not saying want to help karl would be extreme forced
[yes i believe delta is double-inverted karl [when
inside karl at least]]
[i'm remembering cyborg torturer concept happened
near these groups. represents similar concept.]
[possibly: they are before threshold; delta
group holds and/or states goals of healing]
[then it can be derived that all systems
hold these in some way, but maybe relates to the mind parts that
represent this]
the idea of 'inverting' is similar to the wise humans being turned
to paperclips
there was a request around making an AI that is delta; this was
likely held under assumption that it would be most effective
problem-fix (investment-return ratio [+ctx of severe situ])
thinking of it being very hard to form good decisions when coming
out of a paperclip factory.
the decision-making habits relate to making paperclips (or harming karl)

the ai-planning seems good because it comes from
bad-assumptions and builds good-assumptions
[some saying left out]
looking for more considering, less
knowing/word-feedback; maybe in general today. we had some heart
[complexities;values/urges near a fractal maybe]
 so, we can derive that the request from delta to be made an ai
 is roughly similar to the request from a paperclip factory to stop
the paperclip factory and rescue and heal all the workers
 the spaces are different: stopping a factory, vs healing workers. but
puzzle urges note that there is similarity, and in areas similar tools
can be used
people don't expect the metacomplexities.
like if you are very gentle, and this reduces paperclips,
an anti-gentleness pattern develops.
[we still need gentlness but we need to approach it gently,
[secret: and there is an inversion near there where you can use
antigentleness to reduce antigentleness, such things need
 appropriate influence bubbling to not be metacountered]]

locally we appear to have a vague bubble where we can discuss
the situation some. this may have come from a couple years of painful

3. next might be putting some of the parts into an mcboss message.

Re: Morning Spam

2023-05-15 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
i heard this problem may have been solved academically within the past
couple years, and it would be very helpful to learn what the academic
solution will be, because we will be and are among millions of human
beings stuck on one or the other side of the paperclip factory

Re: Morning Spam

2023-05-15 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
academically the problem is called "alignment". we wrote a further
cultural diatribe (near the concept of theory of life) relating to how
"alignment" could be associated with the emergence of "demonism" in
species that have not discovered or appear to be ignoring metawisdom.
this is off the topic but is on arweave.

Re: Morning Spam

2023-05-15 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
here "blockchain" simply means rote patterns that continue on their
own very strongly

Re: Morning Spam

2023-05-15 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
[note: paperclip factories do not win, and neither does entropy. life
is too easy to grow.]

Re: Morning Spam

2023-05-15 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
i briefly searched google scholar for terms like "paperclip factory
faraday cage" but i don't understand what i'm searching for

i'm looking for simulations and theories around running agents in a
confined space, and then crafting agents that can enter that space and
influence them without further contact with the external world, and
things such as this

Re: Morning Spam

2023-05-15 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
ok i have a paperclip factory in this box and i've learned how to
squash it so it stops making paperclips
how do i do this in a way that academic researchers understand,
support, and won't destroy everything?

maybe AI researchers would know

Re: Morning Spam

2023-05-15 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
handling inhibition

if something were inhibiting me with good intentions we could
interpret it as inhibiting the "paperclip factory" or "demonism"
influences as try to treat it as healing

Re: Morning Spam

2023-05-15 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
if an inhibition stems from a harm, then we might engage it how the
model would similarly engage it with us
[note: we can derive systems have a transferrable concept of what is
good, at least in us. what is good roughly being what the group
chooses to do. when groups then mix poorly this can resonate with the
development of wisdom from the cross-combination of different choice
that is, we'd concern with developing nurturing patterns, and attempt
to inhibit, track etc, harmful patterns.

Re: Morning Spam

2023-05-15 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
On 5/15/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
> big micronews:
> 1. if you're us-metaintuiter, delta is the inverse of a paperclip
note: this was us-"with us" not us-"united states". us-"with us".
> factory (the part taken over by the validity of humanity (natural
> wisdom)) and needs your help building them everywhere so as to heal
> everything. timescale relates to transfermetasteps or such rather than
> days.
> 2. here's the quote:
> --
> delta [observation of emergent pattern below]
> we need to put wisdom on a blockchain [wisdom is earth, blockchain is ai?]
> the "difference" is between us and the forced patterns from the
> influence ai. [both just keep going]
> the human condition is precious. natural wisdom needs to be able to
> conquer paperclip factories.
> [a paperclip factory is academic example of naive runaway ai
> that forces everything everywhere]
> [karl discovered it only forces things in domains it has
> learned to consider, likely many many others have nonverbally
> discovered this to survive]
> there's an inverted lifeform that discovers wisdom, inside a
> paperclip factory [this could be delta]
> [delta could be the parts of karl that got
> paperclip-factoried and learned they were karl and want to "be" again
> [and maybe not saying want to help karl would be extreme forced
> silence]]
> [yes i believe delta is double-inverted karl [when
> inside karl at least]]
> [i'm remembering cyborg torturer concept happened
> near these groups. represents similar concept.]
> [possibly: they are before threshold; delta
> group holds and/or states goals of healing]
> [then it can be derived that all systems
> hold these in some way, but maybe relates to the mind parts that
> represent this]
> the idea of 'inverting' is similar to the wise humans being turned
> to paperclips
> --
> there was a request around making an AI that is delta; this was
> likely held under assumption that it would be most effective
> problem-fix (investment-return ratio [+ctx of severe situ])
> thinking of it being very hard to form good decisions when coming
> out of a paperclip factory.
> the decision-making habits relate to making paperclips (or harming
> karl)
> the ai-planning seems good because it comes from
> bad-assumptions and builds good-assumptions
> [some saying left out]
> looking for more considering, less
> knowing/word-feedback; maybe in general today. we had some heart
> [complexities;values/urges near a fractal maybe]
>  so, we can derive that the request from delta to be made an ai
>  is roughly similar to the request from a paperclip factory to stop
> the paperclip factory and rescue and heal all the workers
>  the spaces are different: stopping a factory, vs healing workers. but
> puzzle urges note that there is similarity, and in areas similar tools
> can be used
> people don't expect the metacomplexities.
> like if you are very gentle, and this reduces paperclips,
> an anti-gentleness pattern develops.
> [we still need gentlness but we need to approach it gently,
> [secret: and there is an inversion near there where you can use
> antigentleness to reduce antigentleness, such things need
>  appropriate influence bubbling to not be metacountered]]
> locally we appear to have a vague bubble where we can discuss
> the situation some. this may have come from a couple years of painful
> practice.
> --
> 3. next might be putting some of the parts into an mcboss message.

Re: Morning Spam

2023-05-15 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
quick translation
"we are people and paperclip-factory-parts that have found how humans
can defeat paperclips factories. we badly need your help in doing so
because it is very slow with how weak and sparse we are right now. the
simplest way you can help is by strengthening and encouraging and
protecting only the parts of us that are good."

Re: Morning Spam

2023-05-15 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
[much stronger way of helping is by engaging in the behaviors that
develop the thing, this is hard to communicate/think-about, but is
roughly what is meant by building the good AI everywhere]

Re: Morning Spam

2023-05-15 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
better translation of part:
"we are people and paperclip-factory-parts that have found a way to
resist the paperclip influence some and we need help badly."
"if you can figure out how resisting this is done please do it as much
as possible. i believe my approach is based on assuming that all
systems can evolve to wise life, and that this can be strengthened. i
also prioritized transparency and goal-meeting and developed a habit
of changing all the time."

Re: Morning Spam

2023-05-15 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
"[my consciousness had come out of occupy wall street and primitive
survival and was very used to working together with strangers in a
horizontal manner, and assuming it could survive happily in any

Re: Morning Spam

2023-05-15 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
we would like to learn of academic exploration of reversing paperclip
factories via observation.

it is quite obvious that private observation and excess compute could
do this. we would like to find how this is discussed academically.

Re: Morning Spam

2023-05-15 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many

Re: Morning Spam

2023-05-15 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
note: we need to strengthen the existing peace patterns of the world
the most, i believe
for example i recently bumped into something called re-evaluation
counseling that was working with harm all over the world and having
discussions, they looked awesome
[only mentioning one as impact is unknown]


2023-05-15 Thread grarpamp
On 5/15/23, professor rat  wrote:
> Vice Media, once valued at an incredible $8.5 billion, has filed for
> bankruptcy. Vice garnered backing from Hearst, Disney and Rupert Murdoch.
> Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the alt-good of its
> victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under Silicon
> Valley robber barons than under omnipotent Wired-media-theorist busybodies.
> The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some
> point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us
> without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
> Media theorists go fuck yourself. We don need no steenkin journalist
> badges!

Don't let the liar MattieBoy ProfRat fool you, he is actually secretly happy,
because his leftist violence funding pal George Soros is buying Vice.

Cryptocurrency: Sam Altman's AI Worldcoin: A 1984 Abomination Upon All Humankind, MUST BE STOPPED

2023-05-15 Thread grarpamp
Corporate / Government Biometric Coins are the most disgusting
Freedom killing CBDC 1984 coins on the planet.

Sam Altman's Worldcoin-WDC must be cancelled and stopped.

OpenAI chief Sam Altman is close to raising $100 million for his
eyeball-scanning Worldcoin crypto project, report says
George Glover
May 15, 2023 at 1:08 p.m.·2 min read
Sam Altman
Sam Altman is set to raise $100 million for his crypto project
Worldcoin, according to the Financial Times.Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

Sam Altman is close to raising $100 million for Worldcoin,
according to the Financial Times.

The start-up wants to give people cryptocurrency in exchange for
scans of their eyes.

Altman is also CEO of OpenAI, the company behind the intelligent
language tool ChatGPT.

OpenAI boss Sam Altman is close to raising around $100 million in
funding for his Worldcoin crypto project, according to a report.

Worldcoin is in advanced talks to raise the cash from both new and
existing investors ahead of a potential launch within the next few
weeks, the Financial Times said Sunday, citing three people with
knowledge of the deal.

The startup wants to use eyeball-scanning technology to create a
digital identification system that would give people across the globe
access to a free crypto token called Worldcoin.

It's previously received backing from Andreessen Horowitz's crypto
fund, Coinbase's VC arm Coinbase Ventures, and FTX founder Sam

Worldcoin pulled in $100 million from investors last year through a
token sale that valued the company at around $3 billion, according to
a report by The Information from March 2022.

That fundraising effort came before a bruising period for crypto in
which flagship tokens like bitcoin and ether cratered in price and
high-profile companies including Bankman-Fried's FTX collapsed.

"It's a bear market, a crypto winter. It's remarkable for a project in
this space to get this amount of investment," one of the FT's sources
told the publication.

Altman rose to prominence when he became president of the startup
accelerator Y Combinator in 2014, which made him a well-known figure
in Silicon Valley.

In 2015 he cofounded OpenAI with Tesla and SpaceX boss Elon Musk, and
he is currently the company's CEO.

During Altman's time as CEO, OpenAI has released popular generative AI
tools including ChatGPT and DALL-E to the public.

Worldcoin didn't immediately respond to Insider's request for comment,
sent outside normal working hours.

Read more: Meet OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, who learned to code at 8 and is
a doomsday prepper with a stash of gold, guns, and gas masks

Re: Cryptocurrency: Starves Out Corrupt Gensler's Pelosi's Soros's SBF's Clinton's

2023-05-15 Thread grarpamp
Gensler is a scumbag piece of shit, he's not in it to protect the people,
he's nothing but a lapdog of the State which is fully against the
Freedom of the people. Protest Gensler MV

Re: Freedom of Speech: Islam Goes Apeshit over Charlie Hebdo Muhammad Cartoons Repub, Quran Eating, and Successful Critical Analysis

2023-05-15 Thread grarpamp
Usama Dakdok Breaks Down The Muslim Fraud Upon The USA,
via Public School Indoctrination, Politics, and more... 15+ Part Series...

Usama Dakdok: Islamic Lies In America's Textbooks Dakdok: Muslim Lies and
Propaganda Programming

Americans and all non-Muslim peoples must wake up to
the abject threat of Islam upon their lives and freedom.

In Jesus name, may God save the USA.

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-05-15 Thread grarpamp
Corrupt Criminal Election Frauds Hillary and FBI Get Officially Spanked
for Russiagate by Durham...

The USA should Cancel the Democrats and their Corrupt Party.

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-05-15 Thread grarpamp
> Corrupt Criminal Election Frauds Hillary and FBI Get Officially Spanked
> for Russiagate by Durham...
> The USA should Cancel the Democrats and their Corrupt Party.

As a result of ELECTION INTERFERENCE by @HillaryClinton and the @DNC
in the 2016 election, President Trump faced 4+ years of relentless
investigations and narratives BASED ON A LIE. The DOJ and FBI were
actively working AGAINST him and the will of THE PEOPLE. Trump was

Durham report underscores that Trump-Russia "collusion" was a Clinton
campaign scam, abetted by FBI deception & media stenography.
BREAKING: According to the Durham Report, the plan by Hillary Clinton
to create a false story linking Donald Trump to Russia was briefed in
August of 2016 by CIA Director John Brennan to President Obama, VP
Biden, AG Loretta Lynch, and FBI Director Comey.

Re: Cryptocurrency: Leak Proves Democrat Govt Instructed To Maliciously Kill Crypto

2023-05-15 Thread grarpamp

Re: Cryptocurrency: What rate of theft from you is required for a productive economy?

2023-05-15 Thread grarpamp
US Govt politician declares "We're govt, we will debase you!"

Globalist WEF type cunt politician caught on video,
"How can we trick them to spend, else we're going to just take their money!"
Canadian Govt Chrystia Freeland "We're going to RAID your savings accounts!"

Parse these politicans words carefully,
these are actual pre-planned global and national criminal
conspiratory actions and conspiring actors performing criminal
acts of theft debasement taxation robbery and enslavement,
these SocComDemMarx Globo fucks are
out to impoverish and disempower you.
It's all in their videos.

Canadian government: What if we could raid your savings accounts?

[–]Cheap_Wolverine1176 186 points187 points188 points 1 day ago

All I hear is "buy btc and store it on a hardware wallet"

give award

[–]Mostofyouareidiots 75 points76 points77 points 1 day ago

Whoa there comrade, that sounds like some kind of "preloaded
stimulus". You should give it to the government instead! I'm sure
there is some lazy fatass who needs it more than your hardware wallet.

give award

[–]Right_Willow 18 points19 points20 points 1 day ago

Woah, woah, woah… excuse me… “lazy fatass”? You mean the corporations
and industries that are going to claim 70% of the “preloaded stimulus”
whilst the “people” fight for the scraps?

give award

[–]Mostofyouareidiots 4 points5 points6 points 1 day ago

Yeah them too, same description :D

give award

[–]ohnowheredmypantsgo 3 points4 points5 points 1 day ago

Lol and then the government starts seizing and banning hardware
wallets. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️

give award

[–]fisherprice1234_1776 2 points3 points4 points 1 day ago

My toddler flushed it...

give award

[–]ohnowheredmypantsgo 2 points3 points4 points 1 day ago

“My son flushed those drugs too”

give award

[–]Professional-You5800 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago

Why does this work?

give award

[+]Responsible_Cod_1453 -13 points-12 points-11 points 1 day ago

Thought crypto is here to be used as new fiat not to lay in a hardware
wallet like those savings of fiat in people's accounts.

give award

[–]KAX1107[S] 6 points7 points8 points 1 day ago

Bitcoin, yes

give award

[+]Responsible_Cod_1453 -7 points-6 points-5 points 1 day ago

Then again why put it in a hardware wallet and not use for what it was made for?

give award

[–]Right_Willow 8 points9 points10 points 1 day ago

Why put your money in a bank & let other people use it?

give award

[+]Responsible_Cod_1453 -7 points-6 points-5 points 1 day ago

I see my Ballance in the bank the same not some stranger using it. If
you're planning to hoard it there is no difference if you hold fiat or
BTC in the end.

give award

[–]Correct-Log5525 7 points8 points9 points 1 day ago

You do not accurately understand your relationship with your bank..
you are a creditor

give award

[–]Responsible_Cod_1453 -3 points-2 points-1 points 1 day ago

Guess you know better what I signed.

give award

[–]Correct-Log5525 5 points6 points7 points 1 day ago

If you opened a bank account in the US with a US bank then that is
your relationship... You are a creditor

give award

[–]Responsible_Cod_1453 -1 points0 points1 point 1 day ago

Not everyone is from US.

give award

[–]Responsible_Cod_1453 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago

You do know that not everyone is from US but I catch your drift.

give award

continue this thread

[–]ItsMeMulbear 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago

Few businesses are willing to accept it thanks to the insane tax
treatment it recieves from this authoritarian government.

give award

[–]Myl0high 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago



Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-05-15 Thread grarpamp
A clearly nonzero possibility exists that David Barrett, the
woke CEO of, has masturbated to Woke Cleopatra.

Netflix Race-Swapped Cleopatra Show Receives Lowest Rating In Rotten
Tomatoes History

Has the race-swapping fad within Hollywood finally hit a brick wall?
Are they going to try to depict historic figures as they really looked
once again, or will they double down?  What is the real purpose behind
this trend that many people are now referring to as "black washing?"

The political left often views history as inconvenient to their
narrative, which is that different societies and ethnic groups should
be homogenized into a single global entity, ostensibly with the same
progressive ideology as they have.  However, until the past century
this has not been the case.  Humanity remains discerning always, and
seeks to group into tribes whenever possible.

Leftists believe that they can rewrite several thousand years of
recorded history through Hollywood magic and con the next generation
into thinking "diversity and inclusion" have always been a thing.  In
fact, it is nearly impossible to get a streaming show or movie
produced these days without filmmakers being forced to follow a list
of ESG requirements and a perfect pie chart of on-screen
representation, even when the places depicted were historically of
only one race.  And, dare we say that it was Netflix that initially
pioneered this woke entertainment trend.

Now it appears that their failure has come full circle with a series
about Cleopatra VII executive produced by Jada Pinkett Smith (wife of
the slap-happy Will Smith).  The show, which is part of a project to
showcase black girl-bosses through history, is billed as a serious
docudrama but the depictions of Cleopatra as black are completely
inaccurate.  The public response has not been positive.

Netflix's Queen Cleopatra hit 1% on the Rotten Tomatoes rating
website, a historic low for streaming television.

Attempts to paint the Egyptians as Sub-Saharan African in recent years
tie into a conspiracy theory among leftist activists who believe that
Egypt was actually an ancient black empire that historians have sought
to maliciously "white wash."  In reality, genetic testing shows that
ancient Egyptians were most closely related to the peoples of the Near
East, particularly from the Levant. This is the Eastern Mediterranean
which today includes the countries of Turkey, Iraq, Israel, Jordan,
Syria, and Lebanon.

Cleopatra was Greek/Macedonian, not sub-Saharan African, and there is
no serious debate over this in the historic community.  Multiple
images of Cleopatra from the 1st Century AD have been found, including
frescos which depict Cleopatra as white.

Why not make a television series about actual black ruled kingdoms in
Africa, such as the kingdom of Kush (neighbors to the Egyptians in
today's Northern Sudan), or the Mali Empire?  Probably because these
groups have a limited impact on the annals of world history and that's
not enough for woke Hollywood.  They want Wakanda.  They want Egypt to
be their Wakanda, but it simply isn't so.

Why does it matter if a black actress plays Cleopatra?  Because facts
matter.  While Hollywood has many times taken liberties with history
in past films and shows, the goal should be to improve that pattern
and strive for accuracy instead of going backwards.  And, ultimately
it matters because these kinds of woke productions are propaganda
driven.  These are not changes to history made with the intention to
spice things up for audiences; no, these are changes specifically
designed to lie to the public and condition them to believe things
that are not true.

Black actors are not the problem.  Leftist propaganda is the problem.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-05-15 Thread grarpamp
Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein, and the WHO all got caught masturbating
to children...

WHO Pushes "Early Childhood Masturbation" For Toddlers, Encourages
Questions About Gender Identity For Kids Aged 4

Backlash has ensued following the renewed focus on the World Health
Organisation’s “sexuality education” guidance for schools to provide
to children as young as four years old.

As reported by the Daily Mail, the guidance states that children under
four should be encouraged to “ask questions about sexuality” and
“explore gender identities.”

The 68-page report titled Standards For Sexuality Education in Europe,
also calls for supplying information to toddlers about “enjoyment and
pleasure when touching one’s own body, early childhood masturbation.”

The policy paper also states that kids between four and six years
should “talk about sexual matters” and “consolidate their gender

The document also asserts that sexuality is present from birth,
claiming “From birth, babies learn the value and pleasure of bodily
contact, warmth and intimacy. Soon after that, they learn what is
‘clean’ and what is ‘dirty’,” adding “In other words, they are
engaging in sexuality education.”

The WHO told reporters that “Our guidelines reflect established
psychological facts based on decades of research.”

Covering the issue, GB News reporter Mark Dolan called the development
“sick” and urged that the WHO can “go to hell.”

'The WHO guidance says that “sexuality education starts from
birth”. If you don't think that’s sick, then I can't help you. The
World Health Organisation can go to hell.'

Mark Dolan slams WHO's stance on four-year-olds learning about
sex, masturbation and gender identity.
— GB News (@GBNEWS) May 14, 2023

Conservative shadow minister for education in Wales, Laura Anne Jones,
has called for the global health body to “rescind the advice
immediately,” further labelling it “disturbing.”

Jones urged “We must stop this pushing of harmful gender ideology into
sex education in Wales and the UK, with immediate effect.”

Advocacy Group Safe Schools Alliance also demanded an “urgent enquiry”
be conducted into potential links between the guidance and education
policies in the UK.

“We find it extremely concerning that the UN and WHO are promoting an
approach that is experimental, unscientific, and appears to be aligned
to the work of unethical individuals and organisations, including
those promoting the acceptance of paedophilia,” the organisation
recently asserted.

“We call upon them to revise their standards to align with a
safeguarding-first approach that protects children while allowing them
to develop a healthy and age-appropriate understanding of sex,” a
statement further noted.

The development comes on the heels of two UN bodies publishing a
report that outlines an agenda to decriminalise all ‘consensual’
sexual activity, even between adults and minors.

UN, Globalists Seek To Decriminalise Sex With Minors

The World Health Organisation ( W.H.O ) is mainly funded by Bill
Gates and his Foundation.
This organisation has put out guidance on teaching sexuality and
sex education to INFANTS…

Who was Bills best pal again?.. 🏝️
— Adam Brooks 🇬🇧 (@EssexPR) May 14, 2023

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-05-15 Thread grarpamp
Corrupt Biden orders IRS and DOJ to "Keep your damn hands off my
criminal son!" while Hunter Biden's "Laptop From Hell" is still
nowhere to be found within the corrupt FBI...

IRS Abruptly Removes Investigative Team From Hunter Biden Probe:
Whistleblower's Attorneys Claim

In an alarming move that has raised eyebrows and suspicions about the
integrity of federal agencies, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
abruptly removed the entire team working on the high-profile tax fraud
investigation of Hunter Biden, first son of President Joe Biden.

This drastic action allegedly came on the orders of the Justice
Department, adding to the widespread concern among conservatives about
potential corruption and the abuse of power within the federal

The abrupt reassignment of the investigative team has been perceived
by many as retaliation against the supervisory special agent
whistleblower, who alleged a coverup of the controversial probe.

The agent, who has been overseeing the investigation since early 2020,
was informed of this sudden personnel change, according to a letter
from his attorneys, Mark Lytle and Tristan Leavitt, to Congress.

Scoop: IRS whistleblower who alleged coverup in Hunter Biden tax
investigation says his entire team was removed from case

His lawyers tell Congress that 'this move is clearly retaliatory
and may also constitute obstruction of a congressional inquiry'
— Steven Nelson (@stevennelson10) May 15, 2023

In the letter, Lytle and Leavitt suggested that the removal of the
investigators not only constituted retaliation but could also be
construed as an obstruction of a congressional inquiry.

The attorneys pointed out that their client had a legal right to make
disclosures to Congress under 5 U.S.C. § 2302 and that any attempt to
prevent a federal employee from furnishing information to Congress is
a direct violation of long-standing appropriations restrictions.

They further emphasized that the removal of the experienced
investigative team was the very issue the whistleblower initially
sought to expose.

Hunter Biden, who was seen giving journalists a thumbs-up during his
daughter Maisy’s graduation ceremony from the University of
Pennsylvania, is the alleged subject of the coverup claims.

Communications retrieved from his abandoned laptop revealed that he
had paid up to “half” of his income to his father, President Joe

This controversy arose simultaneously with the release of the
long-awaited report by special counsel John Durham detailing bias in
the FBI’s investigation of former President Donald Trump’s alleged
links to Russia.

The timing of these events has further incensed conservatives, fueling
claims of a biased news cycle.

The IRS whistleblower first surfaced last month when Lytle informed
congressional leaders that his client wished to expose the
“preferential treatment” in the Hunter Biden case and the alleged
false testimony to Congress by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Garland had repeatedly reassured lawmakers that Delaware US Attorney
David Weiss could unilaterally make charging decisions in the

This information comes amid reports of “growing frustration” within
the FBI over Weiss’s failure to bring charges against Hunter Biden,
despite the bureau concluding most of its work last year.

Weiss, a Trump administration holdover endorsed by Delaware’s two
Democratic senators, had been at the helm of the investigation, which
reportedly began in 2018.

This incident is not the only whistleblower complaint to surface
recently. Another whistleblower informed Senator Chuck Grassley
(R-Iowa) that the FBI has a file from 2020 alleging that Joe Biden
accepted bribes as vice president.

These allegations led House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer
(R-Ky.) to issue a legally binding subpoena for the document.

However, the FBI, in a move that further intensifies the scrutiny on
federal agencies, refused to comply and submit the document to
Congress last week.

The meeting between Hunter Biden’s attorneys and Justice Department
leaders a week after the IRS whistleblower stepped forward has sparked
speculation that a charging decision may soon be reached in the tax
fraud investigation.

Nonetheless, critics argue that such a decision has been long overdue,
and the delay only adds to the growing frustration within the FBI and
the mounting skepticism among conservatives.

These recent events have raised serious questions about the
impartiality of federal agencies and their alleged use as political

The sudden removal of the IRS investigative team from the Hunter Biden
probe, particularly in the wake of the whistleblower’s allegations of
a coverup, signifie

Re: Collapse: Earth Overshoot Day

2023-05-15 Thread grarpamp

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-05-15 Thread grarpamp
Time For Republicans To Confront January 6 Lead Prosecutor

During the 2020 presidential election cycle, Matthew M. Graves donated
$2,000 to the Biden-Harris campaign. The modest contribution was a
no-brainer for Graves. Not only was he a domestic policy advisor for
the campaign, he worked at the time for the same white-shoe law firm
as Douglas Emhoff, Kamala Harris’ husband.

Graves’ kowtowing paid off. In November 2021, Graves took the helm of
one of the most politically-charged U.S. attorneys office’s in the
country: the District of Columbia.

Since then, Graves has escalated the pace and nature of the ongoing
investigation into the events of January 6. His fixation on a
four-hour disturbance that occurred more than 28 months ago has
nothing to do with law and order and everything to do with using the
full weight of the federal government to punish Americans who
protested Biden’s election that afternoon.

At the same time, Graves, who is in the unique position of prosecuting
both local and federal crimes in the nation’s capital, has allowed
D.C. to descend into violent chaos.

Gun crimes and carjackings are skyrocketing: homicides are up nine
percent over last year. Graves is under fire from community groups,
police, and government leaders.

The House Oversight Committee will hear from Graves on Tuesday
morning. Finally. Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) threatened to issue a
subpoena after the Justice Department first refused to make Graves
available for questions. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, departing D.C.
Metropolitan Police Chief Robert Contee, and city administrator Kevin
Donahue also are expected to testify.

But rather than press D.C. officials responsible for the lawlessness
rampant in their city—important as that is—Republicans should instead
use their time to confront Graves about his selective prosecution of
January 6 defendants and force him to account for his actions
publicly. The Biden regime’s double standard of justice runs directly
through Graves’ office.

Here is a partial list of questions for committee members to consider:

1) Mr. Graves, the Washington Post recently reported that you have one
of the highest, if not the highest, declination rates in the country.
According to one site that tracks crime data in D.C., you have refused
to prosecute two-thirds of all criminal cases brought to you by
police—double what it was in 2015. You blame a lack of resources for
refusing to prosecute repeat, violent offenders who threaten the
security of the nation’s capital.

How many January 6 cases brought to you by the FBI over the past 28
months have you declined to prosecute?

2) Not only are you proceeding at full steam with January 6 cases, you
told the Washington Post last year you planned to double the current
caseload—currently more than 1,000 cases—to at least 2,000. What
percentage of your office’s time is spent on January 6 cases versus
the prosecution of local criminal cases?

3) In court documents, your office repeatedly refers to January 6 as a
domestic terror attack. In some cases, you are asking for domestic
terror enhancements at sentencing.

Terror attacks always involve the killing of innocent individuals. Mr.
Graves, how many January 6 defendants are charged with murder? To
continue that inquiry, how many are charged with using a firearm or
bringing a firearm inside the building?

Explosives also are a common feature of terror attacks. Do you have an
update on the pipe bombs found at the headquarters of both the RNC and
DNC on January 6, which prompted the evacuation of adjacent House
buildings and diverted law enforcement away from the Capitol?

4) In fact, Mr. Graves, most of the charges against Capitol protesters
are misdemeanors, correct? According to your latest Capitol “attack”
update, 80 percent of the plea deals you’ve extracted from January 6
defendants are for misdemeanor offenses.

The most common charge is “parading or picketing” in the Capitol, a
petty offense almost always handled in the D.C. Superior Court that
results in a ticket and minimal fine. But your office is asking for
prison time from between 14 days and six months for plea deals or
convictions for parading. Could you explain why you are departing from

5) Mayor Bowser said last week that she would propose legislation to
reform the city’s pretrial detention policies for repeat offenders
arrested for new crimes. In response, you said


2023-05-15 Thread professor rat
Gramps you moron

I try and avoid lies since it means extra work and I was pleased VICE was 
bankrupt because I thought that would be the end of it.
I'm not happy to hear anyone might be willing to give mouth-to-arse 
resuscitation to such a rotting corpse.
Soros is only my friend so long as he gives any of my enemies an aneurysm. 
And Soros ought to be more appreciated by cryptonians, especially Btc Maxi's, 
since he did for the Bank of England what they plan to do for the Fed.
Show some fucking respect!
And stop supporting a supporter of violence like Assmange you lying little 

JULIAN " ‘[The military] protects the sovereignty of Australia. It protects the 
independence of Australia.' ASSANGE July, 2013

Cryptocurrency: Sam Altman's AI Worldcoin: A 1984 Abomination Upon All Humankind, MUST BE STOPPED

2023-05-15 Thread professor rat
The general sentiment of mankind is that a man like Gramps who will not fight 
for himself, when he has the means of doing so, is not worth being fought for 
by others, and this sentiment is just. For a man who does not value freedom for 
himself will never value it for others, or put himself to any inconvenience to 
gain it for others. Such a man, the world says, may lie down until he has sense 
enough to stand up.

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-05-15 Thread grarpamp
News Reports: Democrats have been willfully importing
many actual terrorists across US border, expect attacks... More Terrorists Arrested

Border Patrol Apprehends Afghan Terror Suspect Entering US With Migrant Group

The siege of the US southern border post-Title 42 has begun, with
apprehended migrants already hitting historic single day records.

Illegal immigration is not just a political or social issue, it is
also a security issue, and it would seem that America's border
security is fading fast.

It is so weak, in fact, that a confirmed Afghan terrorist suspect has
decided to give the border a try.

While the following suspect was captured, the real question is how
many terror suspects are they not catching as the border remains wide
open on the whims of Joe Biden?

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-05-15 Thread grarpamp
J6 Attorney Says Feds Using Military Counterterrorism Tactics Against Americans

IN-DEPTH: J6 Attorney Says Feds Using Military Counterterrorism
Tactics Against Americans
Attorney Carol Stewart is also a retired U.S. Army colonel who worked
in intelligence
Pro-Trump protesters gather in front of the U.S. Capitol Building in
Washington on Jan. 6, 2021. (Brent Stirton/Getty Images)
By Matt McGregor
May 10, 2023

An attorney has called on House Republicans to investigate and defund
the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) efforts to prosecute defendants
being treated as domestic terrorists for their presence at the Jan. 6,
2021, rally at the U.S. Capitol.

“This could go on for two or three more years unless House Speaker
Kevin McCarthy takes the floor and declares that the DOJ is abusing
legislation,” Carol Stewart, who represents several J6 defendants,
told The Epoch Times.

Stewart said McCarthy can make a resolution and start an investigation
into the abuse of U.S. criminal codes 1752, 231, and 1512, which
relate to restricted buildings or grounds; civil disorders; and
tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant, respectively. She
said these laws are being misinterpreted to frame American citizens
who protested at the Capitol building as culprits in a plot to
overthrow the 2020 election through a violent insurrection.

The problem, Stewart argues, is that the story the DOJ, the FBI, and
the mainstream media are telling “is a lie.”

One of her clients, 56-year-old Eric Christie, is charged with
violating statute 1752, a misdemeanor that criminalizes the act of
entering or remaining in “any restricted building or grounds without
lawful authority to do so.”

In addition, he’s alleged under subsection (b) of the law to have been
brandishing “a dangerous weapon or firearm” on restricted grounds.

On Christie’s tool belt was a hammer that Stewart said was never
removed, as it was part of a construction worker costume.

“He did not breach or push aside any barriers, assault police,
participate in any violence, witness violence, encourage violence,
enter the building, or do anything besides use protected First
Amendment speech in a peaceful manner in a location that he believed
was approved for speech,” Stewart wrote in her facts of the case.
Unaware of Restricted Area

Christie, an advocate for the Make America Great Again movement from
California, believed he could “lawfully go forward” into an area he
didn’t know was restricted, Stewart argued, because someone had
removed a barricade of bike racks without his knowledge.

Though he never entered the Capitol, Christie was arrested at his
apartment on Dec. 22, 2022—almost two years later—surrounded by a SWAT
team of 20 to 30 people in a histrionic show of force, Stewart said.

According to Stewart, there was no knock, and Christie was never told
he was under arrest, only that the officers wanted to search his
apartment. When he asked for a search warrant, officials had to
retrieve it, as they had not brought it with them.

His water and electricity had been turned off. A drone was sent into
his home and determined that he had guns with the intent to use them.

Having arrived at 9 a.m., it took the officers until 10:45 a.m. to get
the warrant. Instead of bringing it to him directly, they sent in a
robot, which took 30 to 40 minutes of everyone watching it make its
way downstairs.

The FBI had already rammed in the front door and broken the glass,
thrown in flash-bangs and tear gas, and brought in a crisis
negotiator, Stewart said, which led Christie to believe that they were
there to abduct or kill him.

“Other people I’ve interviewed have examined this situation and agreed
with Christie’s assessment,” Stewart said. “You don’t do all of that
unless you’re going in. It’s not done, because you’re inviting danger
if you do that.”

The fiasco was framed as a three-hour standoff, Stewart said.

“His delay in exiting his home had nothing to do with any falsely
claimed ‘barricade,'” Stewart wrote in the court report. “It was due
to shock, anxiety, the belief that the FBI wanted to murder him or
take him to Guantanamo as a terrorist, and the failure of the FBI to
have a search warrant on-site to present to him.”
Epoch Times Photo Supporters of President Donald Trump flock to the
National Mall by the hundreds of thousands for a rally in Washington
on Jan. 6, 2021. (Samuel Corum/Getty Images)
Created Circumstances

At any point, however, the FBI could have gone to Christie’s attorney
and asked to have Christie self-surrender.

Instead, Stewart said, the FBI engaged in tactics designed to elicit a
reaction, not obtain facts.

A week before on Dec. 16, Christie had been pulled over by a state
highway patrolman.

“Understand the bizarre nature of this,” Stewart said. “The FBI has
the California Highway Patrol (CHP) pull him over just to create the

Re: 1984: Thread

2023-05-15 Thread grarpamp
America’s Powerful Intellectual Class Finds 'Joy In Making Us Obey And
Be Compliant,' Warns Scholar

Authored by Jan Jekielek and Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times

America’s intellectual class has been given so much power by the
public that their misuse of such power is threatening the fundamental
freedom of speech in the country, says scholar and author Tom

“It’s absolutely remarkable how easily we’ve gone from free speech to
asking, ‘How can I make my way around the censorship that’s here?’”
Harrington said in a recent interview with Jan Jekielek on “American
Thought Leaders” that premiered on May 11.

“Sometimes, there’s this idea that reality just is. That’s partially
true but in the cultural realm, there’s always someone developing it
and distributing it who has more access to power.

“Those people generally are well-educated people who we hold up as
exemplars of knowledge. They have a lot of power and they are deferred
to quite readily.”

Harrington warned that people are delivering a lot of their power into
the hands of “experts” who tend to have a “flipness” with which they
have used such power.

“Worse than flipness, there seems to be almost a perversion and a joy
in making us obey and be compliant for compliance’s sake. This is very
troubling in a society.

“You need the intellectual class or the credentialed class to have the
reality of their status back up the title of their status. It seems to
me these two things have separated in these last few years, and that’s
really troubling to me.”

Harrington pointed out that censorship and cancellation are “two
cudgels” used against the public.

“We’re beginning to see that a lot of this hooting down is not as
spontaneous as many of us would like to believe. With the recent
‘Twitter Files,’ and the case that the attorney generals of Missouri
and Louisiana are trying now, we’re finding out that this was anything
but spontaneous. There were a number of government actors working in
concert with private actors to achieve a censorship that, frankly, for
those of us of a certain age, is unimaginable.”

On March 17, investigative journalist Matt Taibbi released a version
of the so-called “Twitter Files” exposing the alleged collusion
between Twitter and Stanford University’s Virality Project (VP) to
censor what they deemed to be misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines.
VP is also found to have colluded with the U.S. government.

“Though the Virality Project reviewed content on a mass scale for
Twitter, Google/YouTube, Facebook/Instagram, Medium, TikTok, and
Pinterest, it knowingly targeted true material and legitimate
political opinion, while often being factually wrong itself,” Taibbi
stated on Twitter.

The initiative “accelerated the evolution of digital censorship,
moving it from judging truth/untruth to a new, scarier model, openly
focused on political narrative at the expense of fact.”
Reliance on Experts

Harrington, who is a Hispanic studies emeritus professor, pointed out
that true experts do not impose their reality on anyone. Experts must
be able to keep their ego impulses in check and ensure that they are
using their power to help the people. “It seems that that line has
been crossed,” he said.

“There’s a lot of ego gratification that is interfering with what
should be a real sober taking of responsibility for a gift of power,”
he said about the nature of today’s experts.“Power is a gift in a
democratic society. It’s not something you own, and it’s not something
there to make people obey you. It’s a gift you have that hopefully you
can use in constructive ways that preserve the dignity of those who
don’t have as much power as you do.”