Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
Elon Musk and X users...
Exposing the Lying Corrupt Ruinious Democrats...

No money, skills, language, integration, health, or education.
All male, many Islam and Criminal and Cartel.
All on welfare, housing, deficit and debt, majority forever.

Jan 9
To thine own self be true

Elon Musk
They’ve run out of hotel rooms, are kicking kids out of school for
illegal housing and now they want your homes too
Libs of TikTok
Replying to @elonmusk
Already happening
Elon Musk
This is what happens when you run out of hotel rooms. Soon, cities
will run out of schools to vacate. Then they will come for your homes.
Libs of TikTok
BREAKING: Buses are now pulling up to @JMHSBklyn and dropping off
illegals. School is closed tomorrow because illegals will be sleeping
in the school’s gym. This is disgraceful! NYC is prioritizing illegals
over Americans.
Elon Musk
Is this legal?
End Wokeness
Jan 8
NY Congresswoman Clarke (D) saying the quiet part out loud about the
border: "I need more people in my district just for redistricting
Elon Musk
Elon Musk
Ian Jaeger
Argentina has implemented: Single day voting, hand made ballot boxes,
paper ballots, and Photo ID required. Should the United States do the
Elon Musk retweeted
Tulsi Gabbard 
Freedom of speech is a fundamental right in America. Sadly we live in
a time where debate, dialogue and dissent can be cause for
cancellation and censorship by those in power. To defend free speech,
we must use it. I’m announcing a new partnership today with X where
under @elonmusk leadership, free speech is not only protected, it is
celebrated. We will be bringing you stories & news about the truth of
what’s happening in our country and world but that those in power
don’t what you hear, and a series of short films that share the
stories of those most impacted, but whose voices are silenced. Looking
forward to working with @lindayaX, @bweitz and the team @xnews
Elon Musk
Explains why orgs like @WSJ are so desperate that they will torch
their integrity
The Missing Data Depot
The beginning of the social media era coincided w/ a nearly
$40,000,000,000 collapse in newspaper advertising revenue. In 2006,
American newspapers collected $49,275,402,572 in advertising revenue.
In 2022, that number was only $9,760,830,024.
Elon Musk
When you add unfunded obligations (like social security & medical),
plus state & local debt, government debt will soon exceed $100
Shibetoshi Nakamoto

Elon Musk
You can print your own ballot & mail it in!
Brick Suit
.@ElonMusk people might also be surprised that California has a RAVBM
program that let's you print your own ballot at home and then mail it
in or place it in a drop box. What could go wrong?…

Elon Musk
California hasn’t required proof of citizenship to vote since 1994
Rosie Memos
Replying to @markjeffrey @elonmusk
Been that way in California since 1994 and it’s been a blue state ever since.

Elon Musk
Arizona clearly states that no proof of citizenship is required for
federal elections
Mark Jeffrey
Jan 9
Replying to @elonmusk
YES. This is from my friend in Arizona just yesterday:

Elon Musk
Jan 9
Great book
Gad Saad
Jan 9
If you really wish to see a spicy critique of DIE, please read my 2020
book The Parasitic Mind. It is the mind vaccine against all of the
idea pathogens that have been destroying the West.… [I'm posting these tweets when I should
be relaxing with the family.]
Elon Musk retweeted
Gad Saad
Jan 9
I've explained on countless occasions the distinction between
deontological and consequentialist ethics and how the inability to
know which principles are deontological causes minds to be
parasitized. DIE is a violation of deontological principles. There is
no "I believe in free speech but not for Donald Trump" or "I believe
in the presumption of innocence but not for Brett Kavanaugh" or "I
believe journalistic integrity but not when it comes to Hunter Biden's
laptop." Similarly, you cannot be for the meritocratic ethos and be
for DIE. This is akin to being a pregnant virgin.
Elon Musk
Jan 9
This explains Mark Cuban’s ridiculous overcompensation regarding
racism. Same thing happened with #MeToo guys who got bust suddenly

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
Vivek Ramaswamy continues running rings around all other candidates,
both on tour and on podcasts and digital social media...

Vivek Ramaswamy

U.S. Presidential Candidate. Speaking hard truths.

Vivek Ramaswamy
The MSM is trying to write our obituary. I’m looking forward to
writing theirs on Jan 15. This should be fun. West Des Moines, IA

Live from Polk County, IA | Vivek 2024 Town Hall
Vivek Ramaswamy
Tricia McLaughlin
Numbers don’t lie, polls do. West Des Moines, Iowa
Vivek Ramaswamy
But, the polls! 
Conservative  @ConservativeOG
Absolute MASSIVE crowd in Iowa for Vivek Ramaswamy  Look back at
every recent election. The polls are lying to you. This man will
deliver a SHOCK to the system on Jan. 15th.
Vivek Ramaswamy retweeted
Joey Mannarino
Just got finished with @LauraLoomer’s show and realized
@VivekGRamaswamy’s event was right down the road. Headed over to see
if anyone came out, almost crashed with all the Black Ice, and lo and
behold there’s about 200 people here waiting in the photo line for
Vivek. That’s some dedication!
Vivek Ramaswamy retweeted
Chris Carapezza
Vivek allows protester to ask her question. “You get to finish asking
your question but then I’ll answer after that.” @VivekGRamaswamy I’m
answering your question, it may not be the answer you want.
Vivek Ramaswamy retweeted
Vivek Ramaswamy
The MSM is trying to write our obituary. I’m looking forward to
writing theirs on Jan 15. This should be fun. West Des Moines, IA

Live from Polk County, IA | Vivek 2024 Town Hall
Vivek Ramaswamy retweeted
Mike Benz
Here is @VivekGRamaswamy’s wife Apoorva explaining the story of how
they met & him telling her one year ago that he wanted to run for
President Funny: “He was basically the only Republican in law school”
Vivek Ramaswamy retweeted
Malcolm FleX
I just want to say how crazy it is that over 200 people showed up
tonight in the middle of a blizzard to see @VivekGRamaswamy speak at
10pm at night! Ron DeSantis ran to CNN. Nikki Haley didn't show up.
Vivek went straight to the people all day.
Vivek Ramaswamy retweeted
Mike Benz
Here in Iowa, a woman interrupts @VivekGRamaswamy rebuking DC’s
climate agenda to shout at him that climate change killed her family
(just gonna leave that there) Vivek’s response is an unusual sight. He
didn’t call security. He engaged, debated, reframed. Interesting
Vivek Ramaswamy retweeted
News Nomad 
WATCH: A crowd of 100+ shows up during a winter storm for
@VivekGRamaswamy in West Des Moines. ‘How many of you have been
polled?’ (Only 2 raise their hand.) ‘There’s one poll that matters,
and that’s January 15th.’ @JakeChapmanIA
Vivek Ramaswamy retweeted
Mike Benz
Here’s a Vivek Eye View of him explaining to a packed house in Iowa
what he’d do in year 1. What stuck out to me is his claim that by the
end of year 1, the FBI would no longer exist. Interested to probe his
plan to make that politically viable against Blob Wrath striking back.
Vivek Ramaswamy retweeted
Caroline Sunshine
MASSIVE crowd tonight despite a snowstorm that grounded other
campaigns. Wow!! Crowd chants USA as @VivekGRamaswamy enters!
Vivek Ramaswamy retweeted
Zachery Henry
Here we go! @VivekGRamaswamy rallies in West Moines with less than a
week left before the Iowa caucuses…

Zachery Henry

Here we go! @VivekGRamaswamy rallies in West Moines with less than a
week left before the Iowa caucuses…
Vivek Ramaswamy retweeted
Conservative  @ConservativeOG
Absolute MASSIVE crowd in Iowa for Vivek Ramaswamy  Look back at
every recent election. The polls are lying to you. This man will
deliver a SHOCK to the system on Jan. 15th.
Vivek Ramaswamy retweeted
Benjamin Yoho
Blizzard in West Des Moines. Didn’t matter. Hell or high water, joined
by some patriots to see @VivekGRamaswamy in action. 
Vivek Ramaswamy retweeted
Malcolm FleX
NBC: "vIvEK iS caNcElLiNg hIs aPPeArAnceS aFtEr mOCkiNg nIKki hAleY
fOr cAnCelLiNg eVeNTs" Vivek:
Vivek Ramaswamy
The MSM is trying to write our obituary. I’m looking forward to
writing theirs on Jan 15. This should be fun. West Des Moines, IA
Vivek Ramaswamy retweeted
Tricia McLaughlin
Numbers don’t lie, polls do. West Des Moines, Iowa
Vivek Ramaswamy retweeted
Rupali Chadha, M.D.喙
The racism and bigotry against @VivekGRamaswamy is highlighting the
problems on the Left more than the Right. 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
The Perpetual War On Free Speech

by Donald Jeffries via "I Protest" substack,

The Founding Fathers made the Constitution palatable by including a
Bill of Rights.

Without the First 10 Amendments, the Constitution is just what its
early critics, including Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson, said it
was; a dangerous consolidation of power far less representative of
liberty than the Articles of Confederation.

The First Amendment was always a huge concern with statists of every era.

Those who thirst for power, and will compromise themselves in order to
attain it, have never looked favorably upon those critical of them.

John Adams, the second president of the United States, passed the
Alien and Sedition Acts for just this reason.

He bristled at criticism.

Fortunately, Thomas Jefferson succeeded him in office and scrapped
this tyrannical concept.

But the notion reared itself again in 1860, with the election of
Abraham Lincoln. Adams was a civil libertarian compared to Lincoln.
“Honest” Abe didn’t pass any new Alien and Sedition Acts; he just shut
down over two hundred newspapers that opposed any of his
unconstitutional actions.

Woodrow Wilson revived these odious acts during World War I. Eugene
Debs and others were imprisoned for opposing the pointless shedding of
blood, and America’s participation in it. The Supreme Court, in
perhaps its worst ruling ever, upheld Wilson’s right to jail antiwar
protesters. Great “liberal” justice Oliver Wendell Holmes coined the
phrase “yelling fire in a crowded theater” to justify such heinous
oppression, placing an ugly asterisk on free speech. Apparently no
concerned American asked at the time, just how protesting a war could
be construed as yelling fire in a crowded theater. This expression
gained great renown across the land, and is forever on the lips of
those who seek to censor dissent.

Franklin Roosevelt built upon the actions of Wilson, who was inspired
by the maniacal despot Lincoln. One of the countless unconstitutional
agencies created under the New Deal, the Federal Communications
Commission was in effect a national Alien and Sedition Act for the
radio stations, and would go on to control content in Hollywood and on
every television network. It banned selling advertising that discussed
“controversial issues.” Vulgarity and “extremist” opinions were
strictly forbidden. FDR pushed several inquisitions in Congress, most
notably the one chaired by then Senator Hugo Black. You know, the
former KKK member who went on to become a “liberal” Supreme Court
justice and arbitrarily awarded the 1948 Senate election to
“Landslide” Lyndon Johnson, who was the first to court the dead vote.

The Black Committee and other inquiries attempted to severely curtail
the ability of journalists to criticize the New Deal. FDR himself is
documented to have personally tried to ruin the careers of his
political opponents. And all of this was years before the Pearl Harbor
false flag. Once America entered the war, FDR went after draft
evaders, and memorably incarcerated American citizens in concentration
camps. Not just Japanese Americans, but German and Italian Americans,
too. The Roosevelt administration also stole billions in personal
property from these poor souls. Much as Lincoln had locked up any
northern antiwar voices without any due process, FDR imprisoned those
opposed to his war. In 1945, his successor Harry Truman had antiwar
poet Ezra Pound arrested, and he spent a decade in a mental

We must consider today’s “Woke” authoritarianism in its historical
context. The precedents are all there.

Cancel culture was born when Lincoln “canceled” his critics in the
press, and threw thousands of uncharged citizens into makeshift
prisons. Wilson followed this precedent, but FDR expanded it into a
totalitarian art form. His administration “canceled” its critics in a
variety of ways. FDR used J. Edgar Hoover to target some of them. His
administration confiscated millions of telegrams to and from Roosevelt
opponents. Long before Richard Nixon’s laughable efforts to use the
IRS to monitor his critics, FDR had the fledgling agency audit almost
everyone who opposed him. Indeed, FDR led a veritable crusade against
free speech.

The Social Justice Warriors might look different. Tattooed. Pink or
purple hair. Transitioned into countless new “genders.” Utterly
addicted to name-calling. But they are the logical descendants of
those who supported the Alien and Sedition Acts. Who threw citizens
into jail that objected to our involvement in faraway wars. Who wanted
to use the IRS, and the FBI, to “cancel” critics of the political
elite. Not enough tried to stop this onerous censorship in 1860. Or
1918. Or 1939. And too few are trying to stop it now. The January 6
political prisoners are a testament to that, subjected to the cruel
and unjust punishment explicitly prohibited by the Constitution, which
was inflicted 

Re: Collapse: Is Now Locked In

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
Climate is false, Toxic is true...

Plastic Chemicals Causing Infertility, Diabetes Found 'Widespread' In
Common Food Items: Report

Authored by Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times

Many of the foods consumed by Americans are contaminated with harmful
plastic chemicals that contribute to health complications like
diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, and infertility, said a recent
report by the nonprofit group Consumer Reports (CR).
Bottles of Coca-Cola at a supermarket of Swiss retailer Denner, as the
spread of the COVID-19 disease continues, in Glattbrugg, Switzerland,
on June 26, 2020. (Arnd Wiegmann/Reuters)

CR tested 85 food items from 11 categories—beverages, canned beans,
condiments, dairy, fast food, grains, infant food, meat and poultry,
packaged fruits and vegetables, prepared meals, and seafood, according
to the Jan. 4 report. Researchers examined the presence of
plasticizers—a chemical used to boost the durability of plastics. The
group analyzed two to three samples from each food item, looking for
two types of common plasticizers—bisphenols and phthalates—as well as
some of their substitutes.

They found that these chemicals remained “widespread” in our food
products despite “growing evidence” of health risks. CR discovered
that 79 percent of tested samples had bisphenols while 84 out of 85
items had phthalates.

Exposure to such plasticizers can cause severe health issues, like for
example in children, bisphenol A (BPA) exposure can negatively affect
the brain and prostate glands as well as their behavior. BPA has also
been linked with type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and high
blood pressure.

Phthalates have been associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, lower
sperm motility and concentration, early puberty in girls, and cancer.

Both bisphenols and phthalates have been shown to be endocrine
disruptors, meaning they can interfere with the generation and
regulation of hormones. Disruptions to hormone levels can lead to
cardiovascular disease, infertility, diabetes, and neurodevelopmental

Exposure to these chemicals can come from the environment, food, and
packaging, right from dust in the house to the printed receipt from a
grocery store.

CR found that the levels of BPA and other bisphenols were “notably
lower” compared to when the group last tested for BPA in 2009. This
suggested that “we are at least moving in the right direction on
bisphenols,” said James E. Rogers, who oversees product safety testing
at the organization.

However, there wasn’t “any good news” on phthalates. Not only were
they present in almost all foods, but their levels were also “much
higher” compared to bisphenols.

Some of the top food items with the highest level of phthalate
contamination as discovered by CR’s tests are as follows:

Beverages: Brisk Iced Tea Lemon, Coca-Cola Original, Lipton Diet
Green Tea Citrus, and Poland Spring 100 percent natural spring water.
Canned Beans: Hormel Chili with Beans, Bush’s Chili Red Beans Mild
Chili Sauce, and Great Value (Walmart) Baked Beans Original.
Condiments: Mrs. Butterworth’s Syrup Original and Hunt’s Tomato Ketchup.
Dairy: Fairlife Core Power High Protein Milk Shake Chocolate,
SlimFast High Protein Meal Replacement Shake Creamy Chocolate, Yoplait
Original Low Fat Yogurt, and Tuscan Dairy Farms Whole Milk.
Fast Food: Wendy’s Crispy Chicken Nuggets, Moe’s Southwest Grill
Chicken Burrito, Chipotle Chicken Burrito, Burger King Whopper With
Cheese, Burger King Chicken Nuggets, and Wendy’s Dave’s Single With
Grains: General Mills Cheerios Original and Success 10 Minute
Boil-in-Bag White Rice.
Infant Food: Gerber Mealtime for Baby Harvest Turkey Dinner,
Similac Advance Infant Milk-Based Powder Formula, Beech-Nut Fruities
Pouch Pear, Banana & Raspberries, and Gerber Cereal for Baby Rice.
Meat and Poultry: Perdue Ground Chicken Breast, Trader Joe’s
Ground Pork 80% Lean 20% Fat, Premio Foods Sweet Italian Sausage, and
Libby’s Corned Beef.
Packaged Fruits and Vegetables: Del Monte Sliced Peaches in 100%
Fruit Juice, Green Giant Cream Style Sweet Corn, and Del Monte Fresh
Cut Italian Green Beans.
Prepared Meals: Annie’s Organic Cheesy Ravioli, Chef Boyardee
Beefaroni Pasta in Tomato and Meat Sauce, Banquet Chicken Pot Pie,
Campbell’s Chunky Classic Chicken Noodle Soup, and Chef Boyardee Big
Bowl Beefaroni Pasta in Meat Sauce.
Seafood: Chicken of the Sea Pink Salmon in Water Skinless
Boneless, King Oscar Wild Caught Sardines in Extra Virgin Olive Oil,
and Snow’s Chopped Clams.

Some of these foods had far higher levels of phthalates compared to others.

For instance, Annie’s Organic Cheesy Ravioli had 53,579 nanograms of
phthalates per serving, which is more than double what was found in
Chicken of the Sea Pink Salmon in Water Skinless Boneless, Moe’s
Southwest Grill Chicken Burrito, Burger King Whopper With Cheese, and
Fairlife Core Power High Protein Milk Shake Chocolate.
Dangerous Chemicals, Autism


Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp

Trump Allies Demand Accountability From Fauci, Not The Former President

Authored by Philip Wegmann via RealClear Wire,

House Republicans were eager to cross-examine Dr. Anthony Fauci, the
former chief White House medical adviser, about his response to the
COVID-19 pandemic. They remained silent, however, about Donald Trump,
the former president who stood by the architect of the lockdown

“It is time for Dr. Fauci to confront the facts and address the
numerous controversies that have arisen during and after the
pandemic,” said Ohio Republican Rep. Brad Wenstrup, who chairs the
select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic that will grill the
doctor behind closed doors.

Nine Republicans sit on the subcommittee. All of them love to loathe
Fauci. Four of them have already endorsed Trump as he seeks the
presidency a third time, including Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor
Greene, who has said publicly that the doctor “should be in jail.”

Fauci was the face of the White House COVID task force, prescribing
masking and school closures and lockdown measures during the pandemic,
often as Trump stood at his side. The relationship was fraught. Trump
frequently contradicted the doctor he deputized, occasionally even
grousing about him publicly on Twitter. But in the end, Trump still
awarded Fauci a presidential commendation for his work.

The focus on the decisions Fauci made, and not on the president who
empowered him, has exasperated Trump rivals like Florida Gov. Ron
DeSantis. “Are we going to have some type of accountability?” DeSantis
asked during a recent interview with RealClearPolitics. “Are we going
to have a reckoning for this, or are we just going to act like
everyone did such a great job?”

Reps. Debbie Lesko of Arizona, John Joyce of Pennsylvania, and Ronny
Jackson of Texas will also get a chance to cross-examine Fauci. Each
has criticized the doctor. All of them still endorsed the former
president who presided during his tenure. None returned RCP’s request
for comment.

“He will, once again, put America and Americans first,” Lesko said in
a statement two days after Christmas to announce her endorsement of
the Republican president who oversaw Fauci as he prescribed lockdowns
and mask mandates from the White House podium.

Ahead of Fauci’s testimony Monday, the Arizona Republican retweeted a
post from the subcommittee calling for “serious answers” from the
now-retired doctor. “It’s time,” she wrote.

At issue is whether in 2020 Trump delegated far too much authority to
Fauci, who pushed hard for extensive pandemic lockdowns. “For an
executive widely known for being able to fire people,” wrote Dr. Scott
Atlas, who joined the White House COVID task force that summer, “it
was shocking that this president allowed the incompetence of the
nation’s Task Force advisors to continue.”

Trump has given different accounts for why he deferred to Fauci’s
judgment. During remarks last summer, the former president insisted
that he once listened to Fauci, but “whatever he said, I did the

When conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt later asked why he never
removed Fauci, Trump replied that he was “not allowed to fire him” and
claimed that Fauci “wasn’t a big player in my administration.”

Pressed by Megyn Kelly on why he awarded Fauci a presidential
commendation, Trump pled ignorance, saying during a September
interview on Sirius XM, “I don’t know who gave him the commendation. I
really don’t know who gave him the commendation. Someone probably
handed him a commendation.”

Multiple former Trump officials found that answer far-fetched and said
publicly that any type of commendation would require a signature from
the president. Regarding the suggestion that Fauci be fired, however,
several former officials told RCP that is easier said than done. They
note that the other members of the COVID task force had a “resignation
pact”: If one person was fired, all would resign.

Atlas was the single dissenting voice from that group. A
neuro-radiologist and senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover
Institution, he publicly railed against lockdowns and called for a
different strategy that was eventually adopted in large part in

DeSantis rose to national prominence largely because of how he handled
the pandemic in that state, and the governor regularly rails against
“Faucism” on the campaign trail. Nonetheless, he’s lagging behind
Trump by double digits in each of the early primary states, according
to the RealClearPolitics Average.

“The 21st century. The three biggest events: 9/11 and the wars that
followed, the Great Recession, and then COVID,” DeSantis told RCP. The
virus, he continued, “had a broader impact than the other two events
combined. And yet, here we are. We’re not even discussing that.”

Polling suggests that the Republican electorate is more concerned with
current issues, such as inflation, than a pandemic that began nearly
four years ago. Trump’s compounding legal trouble and 

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
Enemies Of The Administrative State

by Benjamin Weingarten

Amid allegations from conservative lawmakers and activists that
Washington, D.C.’s most powerful agencies have been weaponized against
their critics, one organization has not only played a key role in
helping marshal evidence of such malfeasance, but found itself at the
center of an emerging government targeting scandal that would seem to
only further substantiate the claims of administrative state critics.

That organization is Empower Oversight Whistleblowers & Research. It
has represented whistleblowers at the heart of some of the most
consequential and contentious congressional investigations in recent
years, touching on matters ranging from the impeachment inquiry into
President Biden, to alleged FBI inflation of the domestic terror

In a perhaps telling response to these efforts, the nonprofits’
whistleblowing clients have faced not only alleged reprisals from
their government employers but also condemnation from Democrats in
Congress and skepticism from media outlets that have often
uncritically supported whistleblowers.

Recently, evidence has come to light suggesting the Justice Department
spied on one of Empower Oversight’s principals while he was serving as
a congressional investigator tasked with probing DOJ malfeasance. The
man in question, Empower Oversight founder and chairman Jason Foster,
is seeking to shed light on this conduct.

Foster launched the watchdog group in July 2021 for the purpose of
“helping insiders safely and legally report problems to the proper
authorities and … to hold those authorities accountable for fixing
them.” Its lawyers help whistleblowers come forward, use the Freedom
of Information Act to obtain documents, and when necessary, litigate
“so that Americans can confront abuses of authority.”

Foster formed Empower Oversight after accumulating years of experience
conducting congressional investigations often built on facilitating
protected disclosures from federal employees – including as a top
staffer for Senate Judiciary Committee ranking member Charles
Grassley, an Iowa Republican.

Foster and another former Grassley staff veteran, Empower Oversight

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
MASSIVE FUCKUP in Woke Military White House

"They're all braindead zombies watching gay dancing nutcrackers,
nobody is watching America's Defense screens!"

White House Orders Protocols Review After Austin Was MIA For Prostate
Cancer Surgery Complications

Finally, after days of public backlash coming from Congressional
leaders as well as former Department of Defense officials, the White
House is initiating a "review" of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's
secret hospitalization fiasco.

Answers are being sought as to just how and why it took nearly four
days for the White House, including President Biden and even the
Pentagon #2, to be informed that the Pentagon chief was out of
commission. The situation has risen to the level of persistent calls
for Austin's resignation, but there's no indication this is the plan,
especially after Biden on Monday expressed "full confidence" in his
appointed defense chief. And as of a Tuesday afternoon briefing:


Via AP

White House chief of staff Jeff Zients has launched a review of
Cabinet protocols when it comes to delegating authority. A memo sent
to all Cabinet secretaries directs departments and agencies to "submit
your existing protocols for a delegation of authority" for review by
Jan. 12, according to Axios, which has obtained the memo.

Since the scandal of his absence was revealed (at a moment the
Pentagon is involved in several flashpoints from Ukraine to Gaza to
the Red Sea), it's been revealed he was for a time in the intensive
care unit at Walter Reed medical center.

A statement from the hospital has specified, "On January 1st, 2024,
Secretary Austin was admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical
Center with complications from the December 22 procedure, including
nausea with severe abdominal, hip, and leg pain. Initial evaluation
revealed a urinary tract infection. On January 2, the decision was
made to transfer him to the ICU for close monitoring and a higher
level of care."

The initial surgery was for prostate cancer. Concerning the
readmittance, the Walter Reed statement noted, "During this stay,
Secretary Austin never lost consciousness and never underwent general

I can't emphasize this enough:

If Austin had pulled this stunt when he was a brigade or division
commander he would have been relieved of command. As SecDef his
behavior here created far more risks to national security than if this
occurred when he was a more junior officer.
— Dan Caldwell  (@dandcaldwell) January 9, 2024

The Zients memo lays out the following Cabinet protocols to be
reviewed and scrutinized:

Delegation criteria
Decision-making authority
Applicable documentation
Notification procedures
Rescission of delegation

Making matters worse, while Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks is
said to have been tasked with "some duties" during Austin's absence -
it remains that she was on vacation and didn't so much as know that
her boss was out of commission.

Several Iran-backed militant attacks on US bases in Syria and Iraq
happened last week while there was no one at the help of the Defense
Department: "Nine since Jan.4"...

There have been 127 attacks by Iran-backed proxy groups on U.S.
forces in Iraq and Syria since October, says @PentagonPresSec. Nine
since Jan. 4
— Lara Seligman (@laraseligman) January 9, 2024

And he's actually still in the hospital, and is said to be working
from his hospital bed. Austin "has received operational updates and
has provided necessary guidance to his team" since resuming duties on
Friday evening.

"While we do not have a specific date for his release at this time, we
will continue to provide updates on the Secretary's status as they
become available," Ryder added.

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
Buttsex disgracing the halls of power...
The district attorney was alleged to have ‘improper’ relationship with
special prosecutor.

Only "economists" like Krugman would say the economy is booming when
it is getting less than $1 in growth for every new $1 in debt
It's bizzare that the economy is considered "booming" when the federal
government runs a deficit of 7.7% of GDP.

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
US Democrats are nothing but a corrupt slimy disgrace to the USA...
Jan 8
NY Congresswoman Clarke (D) saying the quiet part out loud about the
border: "I need more people in my district just for redistricting

Re: Cryptocurrency: US SEC Gov Approves Bitcoin ETFs Amid Epic Shamefest, Crypto WINS !

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
X Confirms 'Bitcoin ETF' Breach Was Not Of Any Of Its Systems, SEC
Failed To Use 2-Factor Authentication On Phone

And the hits keep coming for the SEC.

With fingers being pointed and blame being apportioned for the SEC
screw-up, X's Safety team have provided a rather awkward statement on
the results of their probe of the breach.

We can confirm that the account @SECGov was compromised and we
have completed a preliminary investigation.

Based on our investigation, the compromise was not due to any
breach of X’s systems, but rather due to an unidentified individual
obtaining control over a phone number associated with the @SECGov
account through a third party.

We can also confirm that the account did not have two-factor
authentication enabled at the time the account was compromised.

We encourage all users to enable this extra layer of security.

And there it is, just as the mainstream establishment would have loved
to blame Elon Musk, or X, it turns out the world's leading securities
regulator was incapable of utilizing two-factor authentication on an
account that by all standards can be extremely market-moving in its

One thing to keep in mind if you're considering listening to
@GaryGensler and the @SECGov: these cartoons can't even keep their
twitter/X account safe.

US 2nd Amendment Under Assault, Freedom Firearms Guns Defense

2024-01-09 Thread professor rat
Crisis as opportunity

Unless your the kind of braindead moron that swears by " Epoch Times " ( Gramps 
) Bloomberg ( Gunnar ) or the FBI ( Semich )

No gun - no fun

No kill - no thrill

Long live APster's instant justice system!

Re: 1984: Thread

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
> Propaganda Censorship MindControl Indoctrination Messaging 1984
> a big local problem, now turning into a centralised globally coordinated
> Mass Formation nightmare PsyOp...

'Science' In The Service Of The Agenda

by Robert Malone via The Brownstone Institute

Starting in the mid-20th century, companies began distorting and
manipulating science to favor specific commercial interests.

Big tobacco is both the developer and the poster child of this strategy.

When strong evidence that smoking caused lung cancer emerged in the
1950s, the tobacco industry began a campaign to obscure this fact.
The Unmaking of Science

The tobacco industry scientific disinformation campaign sought to
disrupt and delay further studies, as well as to cast scientific doubt
on the link between cigarette smoking and harms. This campaign lasted
for almost 50 years, and was extremely successful…until it wasn’t.

This tobacco industry’s strategic brilliance lay in the use of a
marketing and advertising campaign (otherwise known as propaganda) to
create scientific uncertainty and sow doubts in the minds of the
general public. This, combined with legislative “lobbying” and
strategic campaign “donations” undermined public health efforts and
regulatory interventions to inform the public about the harms of
smoking and the regulation of tobacco products.

Disrupting normative science has become a de rigueur component of the
pharmaceutical industry business model. A new pharmaceutical product
is not based on need; it is based on market size and profitability.
When new data threatens the market of a pharmaceutical product, then
that pharma company will try to sprout the seeds of scientific
uncertainty and lack of proof. For instance, clinical trials can be
easily coopted to meet specified end-points positive for the drug
products. Other ways to manipulate a clinical trial include
manipulating the dosing schedule and amounts. As these practices have
been exposed, people no longer trust the science.

Fast forward to the present, and the entire industry of evidence-based
(and academic) medicine is now suspect due to the malfeasance of
certain pharma players. In the case of Covid-19, Pharma propaganda and
cooptation practices have now compromised the regulatory bodies
controlling the pharma product licensing and deeply damaged global
public confidence in those agencies.

We all know what climate change is. The truth is that the UN, most
globalists, and a wide range of world leaders” blame human activities
for climate change. Whether or not climate change is real or that
human activities are enhancing climate change is not important to this
discussion. That is a subject for another day.

Most climate change scientists receive funding from the government. So
they must comply with the government edict and policy position that
human activity-caused climate change is an existential threat to both
humankind and global ecosystems. When these “scientists” publish
studies supporting the thesis that human activities cause climate
change, they are more likely to receive more grant monies and
therefore more publications and therefore are more likely to be
academically promoted (or at least to survive in the dog-eat-dog world
of modern academe).

Those who produce a counternarrative from the government-approved one
soon find themselves without funding, tenure, without jobs, unable to
publish and unable to procure additional grants and contracts. It is a
dead-end career wise. The system has been rigged.

And by the way, this is nothing new. Back in the day, during the war
on drugs, if a researcher who had funding by the NIH’s NIDA (National
Institute of Drug Addiction) published an article or wrote an annual
NIH grant report showing benefits to using recreational drugs, that
would be a career-ending move, as funding would not be renewed and new
funding would never materialize. Remember, the NIH peer-review system
only triages grants; it does not actually chose who receives grant

The administrative state at NIH does that! And anything that went
against the war on drugs was considered a war on the government.
Funding denied. This little truth bomb was conveyed to me – word of
mouth – many years ago by a researcher and Professor who specialized
in drug addiction research. Nothing printed, all heresay. Because that
is how the system works. A whisper campaign. A whiff of a message on
the wind.

The ends justify the means.

The new wrinkle in what has now happened with corrupted climate change
activism/propaganda/”science” is that the manipulation of research 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
Claudine Gay Is Only Digging Deeper: Victor Davis Hanson

It is understandable that Claudine Gay is furious over her forced
resignation, her calamitous fall from grace, and the public consensus
about the great damage done to Harvard by her presidency.

But still, playing the wounded fawn is no excuse or defense.

Thus Claudine Gay’s recent New York Times disingenuous op-ed alleging
racism as the prime cause of her career demise was, to quote
Talleyrand, “worse than a crime, it was a blunder.” And her
blame-gaming will only hurt her cause and reinforce the public’s
weariness with such boilerplate and careerist resorts to racism where
it does not exist.

Gay knows that her meteoric career trajectory through prestigious
Phillips Academy, Princeton, Stanford, and Harvard was not symptomatic
of systemic racism, but rather just the opposite – in large part
through institutional efforts to show special concern, allowances, and
deference due to her race and gender.

And she knows well that her forced resignation was not caused by a
conspiracy of conservative activists. It came at the request also of
liberal op-ed writers in now embarrassed left-wing megaphones like the
New York Times and the Washington Post, black intellectuals, and
academics – and donors who usually identify, like the vast majority of
Harvard philanthropists, as liberal Democrats.

Gay knows, too, that in her now notorious congressional testimony, had
she just offered an independent assessment of the epidemic of
antisemitism on her campus and a Harvard plan to stop it (rather than
joining in the finger-in-the-wind groupthink of the other two
presidents), and had she not been guilty of long-standing, serial, and
flagrant plagiarism, she would still have her job.

Gay knows that other white university presidents have recently been
forced to resign for far less culpable behavior than her own.
Pennsylvania president Liz Magill was forced to quit after her Dec. 5
seeming inability or unwillingness to act against blatant antisemitic
speech and conduct on her own campus, or Stanford’s president Marc
Tessier-Lavigne for co-authoring, some decades earlier, scientific
papers whose results were not always based on authenticated data.

Again, as for Gay’s insinuations of a cabal that took her down, she
also knows that such a charge is no more true or false than the public
outrage, both liberal and conservative, over Magill’s obtuseness, or
the largely left-wing effort to remove the white male Tessier-Lavigne.

Gay knows that she herself has disciplined and censored lots of
Harvard professors, among them preeminent black scholars, such as
Roland Fryer and Ronald Sullivan, on speculative allegations far less
egregious than her own serial plagiarism and inconsistent policies of
addressing “hate speech.” Did anyone suggest she was then a “racist”?

Gay knows that as president she oversaw a code of behavior that
routinely severely disciplined students, staff, and professors for
plagiarism of a nature far less serial and systematic than her own.

Gay indeed knows that her plagiarism was far more serious than
suggested by her half-hearted defense of her scholarship (“I have
never misrepresented my research findings, nor have I ever claimed
credit for the research of others”).

In fact, when anyone – again and again – copies word-for-word whole
paragraphs without attribution or quotation marks, or lifts entire
sentences and appropriates the thoughts of another without sufficient
footnotes, that is precisely “misrepresentation” and claiming “credit”
where credit is not due. If a Harvard president and full professor
makes such a defense of intellectual theft, what will it say in the
future about Harvard?

Gay knows that her claim of being proactive in correcting some lifted
passages was not proactive at all. It was entirely reactive and came
only in response to criticism of her scholarly methods.

Gay knows that she has done irrevocable damage to Harvard; given the
Harvard Corporation, its legal team, its 700 supportive faculty
letter-signers, and its satellite freelancers leave to embarrass
themselves further; and gravely eroded the institution’s reputation
and credibility by going out of their way to defend the indefensible
solely on her behalf:

By threatening legal action against the New York Post for airing
the legitimate charges of plagiarism
By creating a new, ad hoc vocabulary to legitimize her plagiarism
(“duplicative language”/“missteps”)
By also echoing her charges of racism (and in surreal fashion
without any self-awareness that if such charges were true, then
Harvard would not have forced her to resign or at least would have
refused her resignation)
By claiming that anonymous complaints of her intellectual theft
were somehow illegitimate by virtue of their whistleblower status
By absurdly insinuating that plagiarism is not plagiarism if the

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
"Doing gay activist crimes presumably could include donating
HIV infected blood to kill their opponents who are the majority
of blood recipients since donation sites have been barred from
asking known fact of gay disease spreading risk factors..."

WHO and globalists have made secret international agreements
to centrally lockdown the entire planet for the next Plandemic.
Killing, neutering, and toxifying populations becoming notable news.

Trans Professor With 'Be Gay, Do Crimes' Tattoo Appointed To WHO Taskforce

Authored by Micaiah Bilger via The College Fix,

Law professor will help create health guidelines for ‘trans, gender
diverse people’

A Canadian transgender professor who sports a “be gay, do crimes”
tattoo recently was appointed to a World Health Organization group
tasked with developing healthcare guidelines for “trans and gender
diverse people.”

Florence Ashley, an assistant law professor at the University of
Alberta, is one of 21 individuals on the new taskforce, and about half
of them identify as transgender, The Post Millennial reports.

Ashley uses “they, them, that, bitch” pronouns, according to the report.

Scheduled to meet in February, their goal is to develop international
guidelines that will increase “access and utilization of quality and
respectful health services by trans and gender diverse people,”
according to a Dec. 18 announcement from the WHO.

The Post Millennial reports more:

The group includes two former presidents of WPATH, the World
Professional Association for Transgender Health, which in their latest
guidelines stated there should be no age-limit on sex changes for

Ashley, a criminal law assistant professor at the University of
Alberta, is on board with that, believing that “puberty blockers ought
to be treated as the default option” for all minors, regardless of
gender identity, so that kids can “choose” their gender instead of
growing up naturally and without intervention because natural
development “strongly favours cis embodiement by raising the
psychological and medical toll of transitioning.”

Ashley also has told children on TikTok to “be gay and do crime,”
according to the X account Libs of TikTok.

After the comments sparked backlash on social media, the law professor
got a “be gay, do crimes” tattoo to “be gay and do crime even harder,”
The Post Millennial‘s Libby Emmons wrote Sunday.

In which a criminal law professor from Alberta who was just
appointed by the World Health Organization retaliated against mean
tweets from Jordan Peterson and Libs of TikTok by getting a tattoo
saying "be gay, do crimes."
— Libby Emmons (@libbyemmons) January 7, 2024

The new WHO taskforce that Ashley serves on is a project of the WHO
Departments of Gender, Rights and Equity – Diversity, Equity and
Inclusion, Global HIV, Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted Infections
Programmes, and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research.

When the group meets, the WHO states that they will work to develop
guidelines in five areas, including the “provision of gender-affirming
care,” “health workers education and training for the provision of
gender-inclusive care,” and “legal recognition of self-determined
gender identity.”

According to The Post Millennial, this means “sex change surgeries for
all people, including minors,” “medical staff using pronouns,
encouraging sex change drugs and surgeries,” “eliminating
sex-segregated domestic violence and rape crisis centers,” and more.

Re: US 2nd Amendment Under Assault, Freedom Firearms Guns Defense

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
Democrats intentionally importing gangland cartels and "migrants"...
"It gives us more excuses to keep, rollout, and exert more power
and our democratic socialist programs, the Democrat operative said"...

Illegal Aliens Tried Buying Guns 48,000 Times In 25 Years

Over the past 25 years, illegal aliens have attempted to purchase
firearms at gun shops just under 48,000 times - only to be denied,
according to a group that monitors border security policy.
Henry Escobar, manager of MPP Guns in Phoenix, Ariz., stands behind
the counter on Jan. 6, 2024. (Allan Stein/The Epoch Times)

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) reported on Jan.
2 that the FBI has nearly 14 million records of firearms applications
that failed a national background check due to "unique prohibiting
events." Of those, 47,930 denials were issued to illegal aliens
according to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System
(NICS) between Nov. 1998 and Nov. 2023.

"While the 13.9 million unique prohibiting events cataloged in the FBI
database represent events—not individual illegal aliens—the data point
to large numbers of migrants in the market for firearms. Whatever the
total may be, one is one too many," according to FAIR, which added
that "the dangers posed by largely unvetted illegal aliens possessing
firearms has been vastly exacerbated over the past three years, as the
Biden administration has presided over record numbers of new illegal
aliens entering our country."

"At the same time, federal policies and the proliferation of sanctuary
jurisdictions that prohibit the sharing of critical law enforcement
information will inevitably result in more Americans falling prey to
criminal aliens.":

Meanwhile, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported the seizure
of 547,610 illegal weapons in 2023 alone, including ammunition, gun
parts, scopes, silencers and body armor, the Epoch Times reports. In
2022, there were 1,147,497 weapons seizures.

"We’ve got plenty of laws; criminals are criminals," Arizona gun shop
owner Charlie Bollenbaugh told the outlet. "They’re going to find ways
around them."

Mr. Bollenbaugh added that there’s “no real way of telling” who is
a U.S. citizen the moment they walk through the door to purchase a

But there is a legal process to weed out the ineligible buyers, he said.

In Arizona, as in other states, the gun buyer must first show a
valid state driver’s license or government-issued photo ID along with
proof of age and residency and have no felony convictions.

Federal law requires that each buyer fill out and sign a Form 4473
national background check under penalty of perjury. The form is
submitted by the gun store electronically through the NICBS, and the
results are known within minutes. -Epoch Times

"If they are legally allowed to purchase a firearm, and they’ve come
here correctly, the government tells me to go ahead and proceed,"
Bollenbaugh told the Times. "They can’t buy a firearm without going
through a valid background check and presenting a government-issued
Arnold Gallegos, the owner of ABQ Guns in Albuquerque, N.M., and an
officer with the Jemez Springs Police Department considers a public
health order banning firearms in public an "illegal" act by New
Mexico's governor. Photo taken on Sept. 12, 2023. (Allan Stein/The
Epoch Times)

More via the Epoch Times;

In 2019, the Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives passed
a bill that mandated federal background checks for all legal firearms
sales and transfers.

Included in the bill was a Republican-sponsored amendment that would
have required gun dealers to report to federal immigration when an
illegal alien attempted to purchase a firearm.

The provision failed passage in the Senate in a heavily partisan vote.

“In rejecting this amendment, the Democrats have shown their true
colors,” said U.S. Rep. Greg Steube (R-Fla.), sponsor of the
amendment, in a written statement after the vote.

“It is clear they are not interested in preventing gun violence or
stopping the illegal purchase of firearms, but rather they are only
interested in limiting the rights of law-abiding citizens to advance
their political agenda.”

In southern border states such as Texas, crime involving illegal
aliens is a serious problem.

The DHS reported more than 422,000 criminal aliens were booked into
Texas jails between June 1, 2011, and Dec. 31, 2023, according to the
Texas Department of Public Safety (TDPS).
A group of more than 1,000 illegal immigrants wait in line near a U.S.
Border Patrol field processing center after crossing the Rio Grande
from Mexico, in Eagle Pass, Texas, on Dec. 18, 2023. (John Moore/Getty

Nearly 300,000 were classified as illegal aliens by DHS.

The TDPS added that illegal aliens committed more than 509,000
criminal offenses, including homicide, burglary, drug offenses, theft,
sex crimes, and kidnapping.

In the first few days of 2024, there were 3,104 noncitizen arrests by
CBP, 48 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
Democrats ruin their own cities via their own failed policies...

"Another driver of rising office vacancy, but not mentioned in the WSJ
report nor other legacy corporate media outlets covering the new
Moody's Analytics data, is that failed social justice reforms in
Democrat cities have forced companies to shift operations to safer
areas. This is a topic widely ignored by woke journos."

Re: US 2nd Amendment Under Assault, Freedom Firearms Guns Defense

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
"The right of the people to keep and bear arms
shall not be infringed -- US Constitution, 2nd Amendment"

Unconstitutional Democrat Gun Grabbing Murder Purveyors
For Power, Get Spanked...

US Appeals Court Blocks California From Banning Guns In Most Public Places

Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

A U.S. appeals court on Jan. 6 allowed a judge’s ruling that blocked
California from enforcing a new gun-control law that bans the carrying
of firearms in most public places on the grounds that it was
A California-legal AR-15 style rifle is displayed for sale at the
Crossroads of the West Gun Show at the Orange County Fairgrounds in
Costa Mesa, Calif., on June 5, 2021. (Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals dissolved an order by a
different 9th Circuit panel from a week earlier that suspended an
injunction issued by a judge who concluded that the Democrat-led
state’s law violated the right of citizens to keep and bear arms under
the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment.

“The administrative stay previously entered is dissolved,” the court
wrote in May v. Bonta. “The emergency motion under Circuit Rule 27-3
for a stay pending appeal and for an interim administrative stay is
denied pending further order of the court.”

Last week’s order temporarily stayed the injunction. It allowed the
law to take effect on Jan. 1. Gun rights groups then asked the 9th
Circuit to reconsider, and on Jan. 6, a different panel of judges
dissolved the order, suspending the injunction.

“So the politicians’ ploy to get around the Second Amendment has been
stopped for now,” C.D. Michel, a lawyer for the gun rights groups,
said in a statement.

California’s appeal of the injunction will now be heard in April. The
state’s attorney general, in court papers, had argued that “tens of
millions of Californians will face a heightened risk of gun violence”
if the law were blocked.

The law was enacted after the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in
June 2022 that expanded gun rights nationwide. The high court, in that
case, struck down New York’s strict gun permit regime and declared for
the first time that the right to keep and bear arms under the Second
Amendment protects a person’s right to carry a handgun in public for
self-defense, establishing a legal precedent for future cases.

In December, U.S. District Judge Cormac J. Carney handed down a
preliminary injunction against the gun law after he found that it
would “unconstitutionally deprive” people with carry permits because
they would not then have the “constitutional right to carry a handgun
in public for self-defense.”

The judge also said California, with the law, intentionally undermined
and ignored the landmark 2022 Supreme Court ruling.

“The law’s coverage is sweeping, repugnant to the Second Amendment,
and openly defiant of the Supreme Court,” Judge Carney, an appointee
of former President George W. Bush, wrote in his ruling. “The law
designates twenty-six categories of places, such as hospitals, public
transportation, places that sell liquor for on-site consumption,
playgrounds, parks, casinos, stadiums, libraries, amusement parks,
zoos, places of worship, and banks, as ‘sensitive places’ where
concealed carry permitholders can’t carry their handguns.

The law, known as SB2, would make “every public place in California
into a ‘sensitive place,’ effectively abolishing the Second Amendment
rights of law-abiding and exceptionally qualified citizens to be armed
and to defend themselves in public,” he wrote.

Kostas Moros, a lawyer for one of the plaintiffs in the case—the
California Pistol and Rifle Association—told The Reload that the
earlier appeals court ruling meant that the “right to carry in
California was unconstitutionally eliminated for almost a week.” He
hailed the court’s recent decision to block the law.

“We are relieved the status quo has been restored, and Californians
with CCW permits, who are among the most law-abiding people there are,
can resume carrying as they have for years,” he said, referring to
concealed carry weapon permits.

In a statement to news outlets on Jan. 6 in response to the court
order, a spokesperson for California Gov. Gavin Newsom said the move
is “dangerous” and “puts the lives of Californians on the line,”
adding, “We won’t stop working to defend our decades of progress on
gun safety in our state.”

The SB2 law was signed by Mr. Newsom, a Democrat, in September of last
year. The 9th Circuit will hear arguments for the case in April.

Responding to the decision, California Attorney General Rob Bonta, a
Democrat, wrote on social media: “We’ve ensured California’s
common-sense concealed carry weapons law—prohibiting concealed
firearms in sensitive places like playgrounds and hospitals—takes
effect tomorrow & while we appeal the lower court’s dangerous

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
Democrat wa$te, youth indoctrination, Islamic State...

UMich Now Has Over 500 Jobs Dedicated To DEI, Payroll Exceeds $30 Million

Authored by Jennifer Karbany via The College Fix,

The University of Michigan continues to exponentially grow the number
of staffers dedicated to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion,
with at least 241 paid employees now focused on DEI and payroll costs
exceeding $30 million annually, according to an analysis conducted for
The College Fix.

The payroll costs are $23.24 million for salaries and $7.44 million
for benefits, or $30.68 million, an amount that would cover in-state
tuition and fees for 1,781 undergraduate students.

Thirteen DEI staff members earn more than $200,000 and 66 earn more
than $100,000 when factoring in benefits.

In addition, 76 faculty or staff members work part-time as “DEI Unit
Leads” advancing diversity efforts in one of UM’s 51 schools,
colleges, and units, bringing UM’s core DEI headcount to 317, said
economist Mark Perry, who conducted the analysis.

The number of positions at Michigan’s flagship university advancing
DEI exceeds more than 500 when including those who work full-time or
part-time on DEI and factoring in open and unfilled positions, as well
as employees who serve as “DEI Unit Leads” and others who serve on
dozens of DEI committees, Perry said.

“That brings the total number of UM employees who advance DEI on
either a paid or unpaid basis to well more than 500 and possibly as
high as 600,” said Perry, a paid consultant for The Fix who used
public salary and website data for the analysis.

University of Michigan disputes the findings, arguing in a statement
to The College Fix they are “flawed and misleading” since they include
employees whose primary duties are not solely DEI-related.

“Diversity, equity and inclusion are core values at the University
of Michigan. As such, there is not a specific budget set aside for
diversity outreach and recruitment,” said Colleen Mastony, university
spokesperson, in an email Monday to The College Fix.

“Most employees working on DEI are not solely dedicated to DEI
efforts but do so in addition to their other roles and

“…The university’s DEI efforts are appropriate to the size, scope,
and complexity of our university – spanning the university, including
51 units over our three campuses, our academic medical center, and our
over 100,000 students and employees. Although some work is done
centrally, much of it is done at the unit and department level,”
Mastony said.

Today, the public university employs at least 241 paid staff members
whose main duties are to provide DEI programming and services as a
primary job responsibility, according to Perry.

This list of DEI employees at the University of Michigan compiled
by @Mark_J_Perry for @CollegeFix is longer than a @BillAckman tweet:
— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) January 9, 2024

As part of UM’s ambitious five-year Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
(DEI) 2.0 Plan, the university’s 19 academic schools and colleges and
its 32 non-academic units must now also implement DEI plans.
Non-academic units include the school’s three libraries, art museum,
botanical gardens, IT department, athletics, development, audit
services and more.

“UM’s five-year diversity central plans are reminiscent of the
Soviet Union’s and Communist China’s five-year central plans to
achieve ‘Ideal Communist Societies’ which are examples of top-down
oppressive bureaucratic blueprints to socially engineer outcomes
decided by the top leadership of the dictatorial regimes,” Perry said.

“UM has become a DEI ideological complex with a university
attached,” he said, referring to Warren Buffett’s comment calling GM
is a health and benefits company with an auto company attached.

The $30.68 million cost to fund the 241 DEI employees does not include
indirect costs, such as computers, phones, printers, travel expenses,
conference expenses and overtime.

Perry said the full number of DEI positions likely exceeds 500 when
taking into account: full-time or part-time DEI staffers at 241;
employees who serve as DEI Unit Leads at 76; DEI positions currently
open or unassigned, roughly 130; and employees serving on dozens of
DEI committees in various departments, schools, colleges, and units at
150 or more.

DEI staff is well compensated with salaries as high as $402,800 for
the university’s chief diversity administrator, Tabbye Chavous
Sellers. She is paid almost two times more than the average full
professor, about 2.5 times more than the governor, and about three
times more than the average assistant or associate professor.

Michigan’s Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s salary is $159,300, and the average
salaries for assistant, associate, and full professors at UM are
$129,500, $148,300, and $206,500, respectively.

The average DEI salary at UM is $96,400; factoring in fringe benefits,
144 DEI employees at 

Cryptocurrency: US SEC Gov Approves Bitcoin ETFs Amid Epic Shamefest, Crypto WINS !

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
Hilariously fucking epic media disaster for US Govt...
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission @SECGov 23m
Today the SEC grants approval for #Bitcoin ETFs for listing on all
registered national securities exchanges. The approved Bitcoin ETFs
will be subject to ongoing surveillance and compliance measures to
ensure continued investor protection.
"US SEC: Today's approval enhances market transparency and provides
investors with *efficient access to digital asset investments within
a regulated framework.* -- Chair, Gary Gensler (tweet image text,
facepic, *bold)"
Jan 9, 2024 - 9:11 PM UTC
5,471 18,855 9,634 38,889
- We Won!
Gary Gensler @GaryGensler 2h
The @SECGov twitter account was compromised, and an unauthorized
tweet was posted. The SEC has not approved the listing and trading
of spot bitcoin exchange-traded products.
Jan 9, 2024 - 9:26 PM UTC
23,394 10,067 16,933 25,363
- How are you supposed to protect investors when you can't even
protect your Twitter account?
- how do we know this account's not compromised??
- The hacker had the opportunity to do the funniest thing in the
world, and he did it :)
- Please get your own security figured out before worrying about ours
- At this point it's fairly obvious Gary is just farming ad revenue
- Market manipulation by the SEC. You can't make it up lmao.
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission @SECGov 2h
"The @SECGov X account was compromised, and an unauthorized post
was posted. The SEC has not approved the listing and trading of
spot bitcoin exchange-traded products."
Jan 9, 2024 - 9:42 PM UTC
8,932 3,653 3,125 11,126
- You usually give penalties in the 100s of millions when other
private investment firms make mistakes like this that manipulate
the market... What will you do to fix this?
- Was the account actually compromised or was a drafted tweet
released prematurely by someone who had authorized access to the
account? There is a material difference and you need to be transparent
with the investing public.
- Well technically the first sentence is correct. Not so sure about
the second one though.
- How do I get my money back from the SEC? I bought Bitcoin because
the SEC tweeted the ETFs were Approved then the Bitcoin price
- Thanks, can you elaborate on this earlier tweet of yours?
- You are a disgrace! You defrauded the people you manipulated. SEC
must be tried!!!
- This is straight up fucking clown world.
- you wont fool us Gary ...
- I lost all my money because of you!!!
fucking weeks... I call bullshit. Something stinks here.

"Today is evidence that regulators do not keep anyone "safe." They've
stalled the #Bitcoin ETFs for months only to screw up colossally
on the eve of approvals. Regulators don't "protect investors," they
protect Wall Street."

"Who will regulate the regulators?"

"Our elected officials insider trade & make millions, as do Federal
Reserve presidents; no one goes to jail. Our regulators who are
supposed to prevent market manipulation and "protect investors"
can't even protect their X account & turn a blind eye to the crimes
of the elites."

"What's so weird is that he isn't saying the tweet is wrong; also
this has to be North Korea. BTW based on what I'm hearing there's
going to be a massive investigation into this."

"BREAKING: Securities lawyers tell @FoxBusiness the @SECGov will
have to investigate itself for market manipulation after moving the
price of $BTC up and down following the hacked tweet that it had
approved the first spot BTC ETF and then saying it was fake. That
said, for the SEC not to approve tomorrow would be unprecedented;
it has never rejected ETF applications that have gone as far as
these. Developing..."

"BREAKING: The $BTC ETF announcement hack would have violated new
@SECGov rules adopted in July that require a high level of "cyber
security risk management," securities lawyers tell @FoxBusiness"

"The SEC is going to be forced to sue itself."

Re: Morning Spam

2024-01-09 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
when torturer joined rebels, things changed, mind link went away, like
being blind, losing part of self

Judge Judy endorses Nikki Haley in 2024 presidential election

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson

Famed television court personality "Judge" Judy Sheindlin endorsed 2024
presidential hopeful Nikki Haley in the GOP primary Monday, calling the
former South Carolina governor "whip smart."

"She is principled, measured and has that illusive quality of real common
sense," Sheindlin, who for 25 years helmed the popular reality court show,
said of the former ambassador to the United Nations. "I truly think she can
restore America and believe she is the future of this great nation."

Innovative Finance for Children and Young People | UNICEF China

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson
Disclosure: and E-CNY are not affiliated.

Innovative Finance for Children and Young People

UNICEF and UNDP launch joint research on a Child Bond Standard

Children playing in schoolyard, China

Available in:

Innovation comes in many forms. To help finance the needs of children,
UNICEF and UNDP are developing a Child Bond Standard, that will cover the
areas of education, health, nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene. The
standard will facilitate the issuance of child bonds, as well as serve as a
way for financial markets and bond verifiers to measure a bond’s impact on

More than 40 per cent of the world’s population is under the age of 25.
Meeting their needs is crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs). Although many socially responsible corporations and financial
institutions have started aligning their activities with the SDGs,
children’s rights are often not integrated into business activities and
there are large financing gaps. There is a need for financial instruments
and commonly accepted methodologies that both mobilize financing for
children and measure the impacts of such investments on children and young

The Child Bond Standard will include a catalogue to identify and screen
projects, measures to evaluate and rate them, metrics to assess their
impacts, and principles to conduct information disclosure. The standard is
intended to be global, and it will be tested in developing economies
initially and rolled out worldwide. The standard will be used in project
design to ensure a child-focused approach will be adopted, and after
project implementation to measure whether there is a positive and lasting
impact on children. UNICEF and UNDP are not going to issue or verify bonds;
they are producing an industry standard for issuers and verifiers.

The project will draw on experience from the development of the green bonds
market in China in recent years and the SDG Bonds Standard project at UNDP.
This collaboration combines the strengths of the two UN agencies: UNDP’s
expertise on developmental policy and its platform for the SDG Bond
Standard; UNICEF’s framework for integrating children’s rights into impact
assessments and its unique technical expertise in education, health,
nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH).

On 28 April 2020, UNICEF and UNDP brought together 40 experts from
international standard setting agencies, research and financial
institutions, and young people for an online meeting to kick start the
Child Bond Standard project.

Developing this standard will require collaboration between international
standard setters, research institutions, financial institutions and UN
agencies. Financing is an important driver for achieving the SDGs. This
challenge is not just about mobilizing funds and closing financial gaps.
There is also a need to fundamentally realign financial markets and systems
to prioritize the SDGs. The Child Bond Standard is an important step in
this direction, offering an ambitious initiative for moving towards
defining SDG-enabling finance for children’s well-being, and assessing the
impacts of projects on children’s development.

The first draft of the standard is expected by mid of 2021, with the final
standard ready by the end of 2021 after a wide range of industry
consultations. It is expected that the first pilot child bond will be
issued by financial institutions in 2021 based on the Child Bond Standard.

Mr. Shouqing Zhu, Senior Adviser of UNICEF China and Mr. Devanand Ramiah,
Deputy Representative of UNDP China will lead the technical committee.

UNICEF and UNDP are calling upon financial institutions and other
interested stakeholders to join the technical committee to develop the
Standard and prepare projects for bond issuance. Baby Bond Fund

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson Baby Bond Fund:

After surveying the global bond market, ironically there is no notable
"world's best baby bond." aims to meet the obvious market need for
quality innovation in the baby bond economy, by launching the Baby
Bond Fund.

UNICEF launched a CryptoFund as a new financial vehicle allowing UNICEF to
receive, hold, and disburse cryptocurrency - a first for the United
Nations. From our unique experiences in cryptocurrencies and emerging
markets, our vision for the Baby Bond Fund is to engage logic,
need and opportunity to spark quality innovation in baby bond development.

Below are key highlights supporting our vision behind the Baby
Bond Fund:

Today, with over 40% of the world's population under 35, there is no global
"kitchen table" baby bond champion. is tactically attractive to support and justify leading developed
and emerging markets as a global baby bond champion.

Geopolitical influences support buy side emerging market dynamics at the
heart of Baby Bond Fund development.

The Baby Bond Fund vision is to capture an optimistic growth
story, fostering a positive bond value lifecycle trade.

Global population sampling summarizes the need for a mature approach to
quality baby bond product development, according to UNICEF.

Answering a call from UNICEF and UNDP, the Baby Bond Fund aims to
become the standard child bond financial instrument of value.

Operating with the benefit of fundamentals and hindsight, it is highly
likely the Baby Bond Fund will positively impact the lives of
children globally, potentially greater than cryptocurrency innovation. - - Baby Bond One Sheet.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Insurance Broker Denies Fault In Harvard Admissions Case

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson
Insurance Broker Denies Fault In Harvard Admissions Case

By Brian Dowling

Harvard University's insurance broker said the school was more than a year
late in complaining that the broker was tardy in telling Zurich American
Insurance Co. about the anti-affirmative action suit that eventually ended
race-conscious admissions in higher education.

 Memorandum attached | Read full article »

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Atty Accused Of Filing Fake News Must Pay Chevron $250K

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson
Atty Accused Of Filing Fake News Must Pay Chevron $250K

By Emily Sawicki

An attorney representing Saudi oil heirs against Chevron Corp. must pay a
quarter-million dollars in sanctions for manufacturing a news article in an
attempt to sway the Ninth Circuit, a California federal judge determined,
denying the lawyer's request for a hearing.

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Verizon Settles Claims It Aided Coinbase Scammer's Theft

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson
Verizon Settles Claims It Aided Coinbase Scammer's Theft

By Ryan Harroff

Verizon Wireless has reached an agreement with the New Jersey
cryptocurrency user who accused it of allowing a scammer to drain more than
$33,000 from his wallet on exchange platform Coinbase, according to a
notice the parties filed dismissing the case.

 Notice attached | Read full article »

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Trump Can't Dispute Writer's Rape Claim At Damages Trial

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson
Trump Can't Dispute Writer's Rape Claim At Damages Trial

By Elliot Weld

A New York federal judge has barred former President Donald Trump's legal
team from offering evidence of a jury's determination that his conduct
against writer E. Jean Carroll didn't fit the legal definition of "rape" to
a second jury that will determine what he owes in damages following a
defamation verdict.

 Order attached | Read full article »

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Fed. Circ Challenges $1B Foreign Damages Claim In IBG Case

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson
Fed. Circ Challenges $1B Foreign Damages Claim In IBG Case

By Jared Foretek

Federal Circuit judges expressed skepticism at arguments that the former
CEO of Trading Technologies International Inc. is entitled to nearly $1
billion damages because IBG LLC infringed the company's dynamic trading
display patents, with one panelist going so far as to call the former CEO's
arguments "Jedi mind tricks."

Read full article »

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8th Circ. Revives Iowa 'Ag-Gag' Trespass Laws

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson
8th Circ. Revives Iowa 'Ag-Gag' Trespass Laws

By Madeline Lyskawa

The Eighth Circuit revived two Iowa 'ag-gag' laws on Monday that make it a
crime to engage in video and audio recording on trespassed property and
prohibit accessing an agricultural production facility on false pretenses,
largely rejecting animal rights groups' argument that the laws violate the
First Amendment's free speech clause.

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Cannabis Banking Bill Uncertainty May Actually Be A Blessing

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson
Cannabis Banking Bill Uncertainty May Actually Be A Blessing

The passage of a cannabis banking law is alluring, but little will be lost
if the Secure and Fair Enforcement Regulation Banking Act — facing stiff
competition from other congressional priorities — gets tabled because the
bill ultimately does little to meaningfully propel the industry toward full
legalization, says Michael Rosenblum at Thompson Coburn.

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Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Must Put Officers On Alert

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson
Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Must Put Officers On Alert

Recent government actions against FTX and other crypto companies have put a
laser focus on corporate compliance failures, with added pressure on
compliance officers — making the need for personal risk assessment
particularly acute given today's novel anti-money laundering issues, say
Poppy Alexander at Constantine Cannon and Caleb Hayes-Deats at MoloLamken.

Read full article »

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Actor Gets 4 Years For Faking Emails In Sex Abuse Suit

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson
Actor Gets 4 Years For Faking Emails In Sex Abuse Suit

By Henrik Nilsson

A New York federal judge on Monday sentenced an aspiring reality television
star and producer to four years in prison after he falsely accused two
Hollywood executives in a $100 million lawsuit of sexually assaulting him,
imposing a sentence twice what the government requested.

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Feds Seek 30 Mos. For Ex-FBI Field Boss For Foreign Payouts

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson
Feds Seek 30 Mos. For Ex-FBI Field Boss For Foreign Payouts

By Elliot Weld

Prosecutors have asked a Washington, D.C., federal judge to sentence a
former FBI field office supervisor to at least 30 months in prison for
accepting payments from a foreign businessman, citing his "egregious
violations of the public trust."

 Memorandum attached | Read full article »

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Ex-NRA Chief Created 'Culture Of Secrecy,' NY AG Tells Jury

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson
Ex-NRA Chief Created 'Culture Of Secrecy,' NY AG Tells Jury

By Rachel Scharf

Former National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre misused hundreds of
millions of charitable dollars over decades and "suppressed the voice of
anyone who questioned his leadership," the Office of the New York State
Attorney General argued on the first day of a civil trial Monday.

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Supreme Court Is Suddenly Embroiled In A Term For The Ages

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson
Supreme Court Is Suddenly Embroiled In A Term For The Ages

By Jeff Overley and Katie Buehler

When 2024 began, the U.S. Supreme Court's docket — spanning abortion, guns,
social media, the modern regulatory system and more — already seemed
certain to shake up the nation's cultural and economic landscapes. But now
there's also a showdown involving Donald Trump and America's constitutional
bedrock, auguring a truly tectonic term.

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Trump Should Reveal Atty Advice In Docs Case, Feds Say

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson
Trump Should Reveal Atty Advice In Docs Case, Feds Say

By David Minsky

The Special Counsel's Office urged a Florida federal court to force former
President Donald Trump to reveal advice he received from his attorneys
about retaining classified records if he plans to cite that as a defense in
his upcoming criminal trial, in which he's accused of illegally keeping
said documents after leaving office in 2021.

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Justice Kagan Cites Ethics Code For 1st Time In Recusal

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson
Justice Kagan Cites Ethics Code For 1st Time In Recusal

By Jack Karp

Justice Elena Kagan became the first U.S. Supreme Court justice to cite the
court's new code of conduct when choosing not to participate in cases, the
court announced Monday.

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Worker Convicted Of Stealing Secrets Has No Luck At 9th Circ.

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson
Worker Convicted Of Stealing Secrets Has No Luck At 9th Circ.

By Andrew Karpan

The only employee of a Santa Clara, California, chipmaker to be convicted
for involvement in a scheme to steal trade secrets in order to launch a
startup has failed to convince a federal appeals court that he shouldn't
have to face three years of probation and pay a fine, because he had
problems using the files he was found guilty of stealing.

 Opinion attached | Read full article »

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What To Know About FCA Cybersecurity Enforcement

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson
What To Know About FCA Cybersecurity Enforcement

Now is a good time for practitioners, government contractors and potential
relators to review recent developments in cybersecurity-related False
Claims Act enforcement, and consider best practices for navigating this
space in the new year, say Ellen London at London & Stout, and Li Yu and
Molly Knobler at DiCello Levitt.

Read full article »

 | Save to favorites » Concern of BitLicense Marketplace Manipulation

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson
This morning on Bloomberg, Wells Fargo Wealth management said nothing about
PayPal or Bitcoin.


July 25, 2021


United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
14420 Albemarle Point Place
Suite 102
Chantilly, VA 20151-1750

Re: Concern of BitLicense Marketplace Manipulation

Dear Sir or Madam:

Virtual currency fraud is a serious problem for such a developed country as
the United States, whose bank regulators have drawn attention to the
increase of these crimes. Having discovered that an unregulated virtual
currency sphere (such as in Africa, or other developing markets) is very
popular among virtual currency fraudsters, the New York State Department of
Financial Services (NY-DFS) concluded that this kind of regulatory fraud
was threatening U.S. national security.’s NY-DFS Shelf Charter application journey has prompted us to
contact the SEC with concern of common Directors at Facebook and PayPal
(incl. Xoom) who have potentially manipulated the New York State Common
Retirement Fund and New York State Teachers Retirement Fund through
BitLicense marketplace manipulation tactics and computer crimes.'s key definition of virtual currency computer crimes is a
consistent message across markets. These crimes are relatively new, having
been in existence for only as long as Bitcoin has—which explains how
unprepared society and the world, in general, is towards combating these
crimes. We see this as no fault of NY-DFS and the original BitLicense

Facebook and PayPal along with Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo have leveraged
BitLicensee connections to profit daily from virtual currency market
manipulation structures with cross-border reach.
PayPal's “Conditional BitLicense” may now be employed as a marketplace
manipulation instrument. Meanwhile, common Directors at Facebook, PayPal
(incl. Xoom) and Diem seemingly have collaborated in orchestrating a
virtual currency marketplace manipulation exercise.

The New York State Common Retirement Fund and New York State Teachers
Retirement Fund are significant investors in Facebook, PayPal, Goldman
Sachs and Wells Fargo.

>From their California headquarters, Directors at PayPal (incl. Xoom) have
potentially leveraged a Conditional BitLicense award in collaboration with
common Directors at Facebook to engage in marketplace manipulation
techniques. The Diem Association further shares common PayPal and Facebook
Directors in a potential chain of virtual currency computer software and
market manipulation architectures. must take the necessary steps to guard against fraud and to be
extra vigilant about manipulation. We seek SEC guidance on the
aforementioned concerns as we organize a reputable Board of Directors for
NY-DFS approval.

Respectfully yours with appreciation,

Gunnar Larson - |

MSc - Digital Currency
MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-646-454-9107 - Board of Directors SEC TCR.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Fwd: [OpenRecords] Request FOIL-2022-056-01966 Acknowledged

2024-01-09 Thread Gunnar Larson
This morning Bloomberg is making jokes about going to Austin and tipping
off on a manual issue.

Turns out my friend is the head of ethics for Boeing, Bloomberg:

If Bloomberg makes many more Austin jokes who knows what may happen on
ethics and manuals (below).

-- Forwarded message -
Date: Thu, Feb 10, 2022, 2:46 PM
Subject: [OpenRecords] Request FOIL-2022-056-01966 Acknowledged

The New York City Police Department (NYPD) has *acknowledged* your FOIL
request FOIL-2022-056-01966

You can expect a response on or about Wednesday, August 3, 2022.
Additional Information:

Your request has been assigned to Police Officer Covo (646-610-6458).

*Note: Due to issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic there may be extensive
delays, lasting up to one year, in determining your request.*

Please visit FOIL-2022-056-01966
 to view
additional information and take any necessary action.

Re: SpyVeillance: Thread

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
> Elizabeth Goitein @LizaGoitein
> 11 Dec 2023
> RED ALERT: Buried in the House intelligence committee’s Section 702
> “reform” bill, which is schedule for a floor vote as soon as tomorrow,
> is the biggest expansion of surveillance inside the United States
> since the Patriot Act. 1/11

Elizabeth Goitein @LizaGoitein
11 Dec 2023
Through a seemingly innocuous change to the definition of “electronic
service communications provider,” the bill vastly expands the universe
of U.S. businesses that can be conscripted to aid the government in
conducting surveillance. 2/11
Elizabeth Goitein @LizaGoitein
11 Dec 2023
Under current law, the government can compel companies that have
direct access to communications, such as phone, email, and text
messaging service providers, to assist in Section 702 surveillance by
turning over the communications of Section 702 targets. 3/11
Elizabeth Goitein @LizaGoitein
11 Dec 2023
Under Section 504 of the House intelligence committee’s bill, any
entity that has access to *equipment* on which communications may be
transmitted or stored, such as an ordinary router, is fair game. What
does that mean in practice? It’s simple… 4/11
Elizabeth Goitein @LizaGoitein
11 Dec 2023
Hotels, libraries, coffee shops, and other places that offer wifi to
their customers could be forced to serve as surrogate spies. They
could be required to configure their systems to ensure that they can
provide the government access to entire streams of communications.
Elizabeth Goitein @LizaGoitein
11 Dec 2023
Even a repair person who comes to fix the wifi in your home would meet
the revised definition: that person is an “employee” of a “service
provider” who has “access” to “equipment” (your router) on which
communications are transmitted. 6/11
Elizabeth Goitein @LizaGoitein
11 Dec 2023
The bill’s sponsors deny that Section 504 is intended to sweep so
broadly. What *is* the provision intended to do, and how is the
government planning to use it? Sorry, that’s classified. 7/11
Elizabeth Goitein @LizaGoitein
11 Dec 2023
At the end of the day, though, the government’s claimed intent matters
little. What matters is what the provision, on its face, actually
allows—because as we all know by now, the government will interpret
and apply the law as broadly as it can get away with. 8/11
Elizabeth Goitein @LizaGoitein
11 Dec 2023
This isn’t a minor or theoretical concern. One of the FISA Court amici
posted a blog to warn Americans about this provision. I can’t
overstate how unusual it is for FISA Court amici to take to the
airwaves in this manner. We’d be foolish to ignore it. 9/11…
House Intelligence Committee FISA “Reform” Bill Would Greatly Expand
the Class of Businesses and...

Yesterday the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
unanimously approved the FISA Reform and Reauthorization Act of 2023
(FRRA), which would reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intell...
Elizabeth Goitein @LizaGoitein
11 Dec 2023
If you don't want to have to worry that the NSA is tapping into
communications at the hotel where you're staying, tell your House
representative to vote NO on the House intelligence bill this week.
More on the many flaws with that bill here: 10/11…
FISA "Reform" and Reauthorization Act: The Biggest Expansion in
Government Surveillance Since the...

A one-page document compiled by the Brennan Center for Justice and the
Electronic Privacy Information Center that illustrates how the FISA
"Reform" and Reauthorization Act is the biggest expansion in...
Elizabeth Goitein @LizaGoitein
11 Dec 2023
Instead, they should vote for the Protect Liberty & End Warrantless
Surveillance Act, a bill passed by the House Judiciary Committee on a
35-2 vote that would reauthorize Sec. 702 with strong reforms to
protect Americans’ privacy and civil liberties. 11/11…
House Judiciary Committee Applauds Bipartisan Passage of H.R. 6570,
the Protect Liberty and End...

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim
Jordan (R-OH), Ranking Member Jerry Nadler (D-NY), Subcommittee on
Crime and Federal Government Surveillance Chairman Andy Biggs...

Re: SpyVeillance: Thread

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
Elizabeth Goitein @LizaGoitein
11 Dec 2023
RED ALERT: Buried in the House intelligence committee’s Section 702
“reform” bill, which is schedule for a floor vote as soon as tomorrow,
is the biggest expansion of surveillance inside the United States
since the Patriot Act. 1/11

Re: Cryptocurrency: Jamie Dimon JPMorgan Ponzi Gets Criminally Convicted on Fraud Racketeering

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
> Attention Jamie Dimon... GO FUCK YOURSELF !!!
I remixed the hecking heck out of Jamie Dimon.
(NFT in next tweet)

Re: Cryptocurrency: Bankster Warren Launches WarOnCrypto To Kill Freedom, Wallets, Miners, Fight Back!!!

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
> Attention Elizabeth Warren... GO FUCK YOURSELF !!!

Video: Bankster Admits: Warren's Anti-Crypto Kitchen-Sink
Masterpiece Bill was written... by BANKERS for BANKERS !!!

John E Deaton
9 Dec 2023
Banking Committee, @ewarren violated her oath. Her job is to provide
and engage in actual oversight of the @SECGov. Instead, she conspired
with her close friend @GaryGensler, not only giving him the exact
questions she would ask before a hearing, but also the suggested
answers to those same questions. That isn’t oversight - it’s
fraudulent, coached testimony before Congress. She literally said that
she didn’t want to place Gensler in a tough spot. Are you f’ing
kidding me? HER JOB is to place the Chairman of the SEC in a tough
spot - asking hard hitting or “tough” questions. Think about this:
Elizabeth Warren is  the single biggest critic of #Bitcoin and
Crypto in the U.S. Congress. She sits on the Banking Committee
overseeing the SEC. And yet, she hasn’t asked the SEC or Gensler about
SBF’s multiple meetings with Gensler and the SEC. She hasn’t
questioned why or how Gensler MISSED SBF’s Fraud, considering his up
and close meetings with SBF. And why was Gensler meeting with SBF
multiple times? Gensler wasn’t meeting with @brian_armstrong
@iampaulgrewal and the @coinbase team - despite Coinbase begging for
meetings and being the largest exchange in America and also a U.S.
publicly traded company! No. Instead, Gensler was meeting with the CEO
of an OFF SHORE exchange in the Bahamas who turned out to be the
Bernie Madoff of Crypto. In her job overseeing the SEC, why hasn’t
Warren asked for those meeting notes like @PatrickMcHenry and the
@FinancialCmte have? Warren preaches against Crypto every chance she
can, but doesn’t ask why Gensler missed @FTX_Official @CelsiusNetwork
Luna/UST, etc.? Why not? She found time to help kill a couple banks
that worked with Crypto companies. Why not focus on the source of the
problem: actual fraud? Is she not asking certain questions because of
her own ties to SBF’s parents? SBF’s father - Joe Bankman wrote
Warren’s tax plan in 2016. We know without a doubt that he helped SBF
create all those shell companies to avoid taxes. SBF’s Mother runs a
PAC to help Democrats, like Warren, take get elected. I have over 600
#XRP holders who live in Massachusetts and who are her constituents.
We begged Warren’s office to inquire about the SEC and do her job. Not
only would she not give us the time of day, her staff said “The
Senator is never going to help considering the SEC sued a couple
billionaires” aka @chrislarsensf & @bgarlinghouse. What kind of
position is that? Regular hard working people, including hundreds of
her constituents, be damned, as long as a couple billionaires get
screwed as well?
This tweet is unavailable

Cryptocurrency: Biden and Govts LIE About Inflation Theft

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
The US President is gaslighting the people about inflation.

[–]Boulley_007 439 points440 points441 points 2 days ago (160 children)

Got to love community notes


[–]Bloated_Hamster 313 points314 points315 points 2 days ago (75 children)

Best invention ever tbh. Works against both sides and it's basically a
"quit your bullshit" box.


[–]DaVirus 84 points85 points86 points 2 days ago (73 children)

Literally the only good thing Twitter ever did


[–]Criks 13 points14 points15 points 2 days ago (52 children)

Was it before or after musky? I never used the site.


[–]Sedo-ku 108 points109 points110 points 2 days ago (11 children)



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[–]Atlienxx 61 points62 points63 points 2 days ago (7 children)

Jack Dorsey was owned by to many people to do this.


[–]PuddingResponsible33 9 points10 points11 points 2 days ago (5 children)

So was Twitter just tapped by bots and high level officials to just
create a fog? Seems a perfect way to cover a bigger story.


[–]thecoat9 8 points9 points10 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Perhaps, but I think it's much simpler than that. Basically government
entities engaged in censorship via proxy cajoled via the threat of
regulatory changes. There were in some cases direct pipelines
established between government entities and social media platforms
where said government actors could directly report content that didn't
fit a preferred narrative. While this did curb some of the rampant
insane bullshit you see a lot of since the birth of the internet, it
also suppressed truth or in cases where the truth isn't really known,
legitimate highly plausible speculation.


[–]PuddingResponsible33 3 points4 points5 points 2 days ago (0 children)

After Facebook had a whistleblower on 60 minutes and literally 48
hours later changed it's name to meta. Dealing with Cambridge
analytics I believe. I really try to stay away from all social media.
But the mob of reddit I enjoy.


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[–]Faxis8 2 points3 points4 points 2 days ago (0 children)

It was a “consensus generator”. The bots were how they manipulated
users and signaled the media what to report.


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[–]warblade7 51 points52 points53 points 2 days ago (30 children)

It was one of the main reasons why Musk bought Twitter. The bias in
censorship and information dispersal was heavily in favor of one side
of the political spectrum.


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[–]Basic_Hair_9549 8 points9 points10 points 2 days ago (0 children)

LOL no wonder they are after Elon... aggressively


[–]jbe061 3 points4 points5 points 2 days ago (4 children)

It's s good. Reddit needs some form of this


[–]thirteen-thirty7 1 point2 points3 points 2 days ago (3 children)

It's called a comment section.


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[–]treerabbit23 9 points10 points11 points 2 days ago (72 children)

2-3% inflation is considered normal/desirable, mostly because it
provides a disincentive to savings and an incentive to investment.


[–]Jub-n-Jub 42 points43 points44 points 2 days ago* (26 children)

Man, that's a rough statement to read. What kind of just system would
punish people that try to save? These same people are the ones that
are able to recover from unexpected expenses. You know, because they
had been putting away money just in case there is an unexpected

And then to incentivize gambling is also disgusting.

If I put in an honest days labor roofing I should be able to put the
value of that labor aside to pay for my child's "x". If "x" happens 20
years from when I saved it, IT SHOULD HAVE THE SAME VALUE AS WHEN I

To then tell that roofer that he needs to learn how to invest so he
doesn't go broke is criminal. No different than giving someone a
paycheck, that they earned, and telling them that they will lose it

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
"I’m lost on the lingo. Is a trans kid an adult who identifies as a kid?"
7 Dec 2023
Unlike Republicans, we stand with trans kids across the country.

"The task of making annual donations to charity has gotten difficult
in recent years. Many arts non-profits have swallowed DEI whole,
implementing policies which are racist, illegal, and risk their
tax-exempt status. LGB(T++) non-profits now push harmful
gender-affirming "care"."

"The mainstream is awakening to what DEI is really about.
Unfortunately, it’s only one symptom of a much larger issue. It’s an
Instrumental Convergence / Paperclip maxxing problem of sorts. The
cult of short-sighted smug maxxing feel-gooders is destroying Western
Jan 4
Mark @mcuban, That’s exactly what I thought until I did the work. I
encourage you to do the same and revert. DEI is not about diversity,
equity or inclusion. Trust me. I fell for the same trap you did. Bill

"No surprise. Expectation is the boards of these schools were fully
bought in, if not explicitly directing the testimony. Did they do the
math on their donor base and determine that it was net positive to
take this approach? Or, was cost not a concern in furthering an
10 Dec 2023
I wouldn’t call this memo from then-Dean Claudine Gay to the faculty
prior to becoming president a smoking gun. I would call it a business
plan. This is the plan the @Harvard board bought into when they hired
President Gay.