Re: Vermont: Year in prison for anyone under 21 in possession of cell phone - tentative legislation

2020-01-13 Thread Marina Brown
On 1/11/20 11:01 AM, Razer wrote:
> Not going to happen, Nazi. Only affluent white people live in Vermont
> except for a microscopic black community in Burlington and a few
> scattered remnants of revolutionary war black families in the rest of
> the state. The was ONE such family in the 3th largest city in the state,
> Bennington, in  the early-mid 1970s when I lived there, but they may
> have moved over the NY and Mass state lines along with all the working
> class folks eventually.
> NO ONE tells affluent white xtian people what they can do.

Razor - your ignorance about the state is showing.

There are a lot of appalachia-like areas in Vermont - particularly
in the Northeastern part of the state. I know quite a few people who
live without water.

Most of the state is not Stowe and even the picturesque towns with
pristine town centers are often a facade in front of people who don't
have enough money to eat.

Here is an article about how awful the schools are. This is NOT an
isolated incident.

Some of the very old black families are still around if you know where
to look, though the state is quite white. Some of the people listed as
white might not be if you scratch a bit. People who could pass as white
often did to avoid the eugenics campaigns leveled against the abenaki.

> I CAN see banning them from school environments though.
> Why? Because even when I was driving school bus in Bennnington in the
> 70s those rich white kids were mental midgets like their parents.
> Affluent 'hayseeds' just as surely as affluent city kids mimic ghetto
> 'ganstas'
> "We got high-school kids running 'round in Calvin Klein and Guess
> who cannot pass a sixth-grade reading test
> but if you ask them, they can tell you
> the name of every crotch on mTV
> and it feels like I am living in the wasteland of the free.
> While we sit gloating in our greatness
> justice is sinking to the bottom of the sea
> Living in the wasteland of the free
> 75%+ of Americans can't locate Iran on a map and many thought Canada is
> Iran.
> Australia too.
> McClatchy:
> Rr
> Ps. You can all sing along:
> We got preachers dealing in politics and diamond mines
> and their speech is growing increasingly unkind
> They say they are Christ's disciples
> but they don't look like Jesus to me
> and it feels like I am living in the wasteland of the free
> We got politicians running races on corporate cash
> Now don't tell me they don't turn around and kiss them peoples' ass
> You may call me old-fashioned
> but that don't fit my picture of a true democracy
> and it feels like I am living in the wasteland of the free
> We got CEO's making two hundred times the workers' pay
> but they'll fight like hell against raising the minimum wage
> and If you don't like it, mister, they'll ship your job
> to some third-world country 'cross the sea
> and it feels like I am living in the wasteland of the free
> Related
> Living in the wasteland of the free
> where the poor have now become the enemy
> Let's blame our troubles on the weak ones
> Sounds like some kind of Hitler remedy
> Living in the wasteland of the free
> We got little kids with guns fighting inner city wars
> So what do we do, we put these little kids behind prison doors
> and we call ourselves the advanced civilization
> that sounds like crap to me
> and it feels like I am living in the wasteland of the free
> We got high-school kids running 'round in Calvin Klein and Guess
> who cannot pass a sixth-grade reading test
> but if you ask them, they can tell you
> the name of every crotch on mTV
> and it feels like I am living in the wasteland of the free
> We kill for oil, then we throw a party when we win
> Some guy refuses to fight, and we call that the sin
> but he's standing up for what he believes in
> and that seems pretty damned American to me
> and it feels like I am living in the wasteland of the free
> Living in the wasteland of the free
> where the poor have now become the enemy
> Let's blame our troubles on the weak ones
> Sounds like some kind of Hitler remedy
> Living in the wasteland of the free
> While we sit gloating in our greatness
> justice is sinking to the bottom of the sea
> Living in the wasteland of the free
> Living in the wasteland of the free
> Living in the wasteland of the free

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Re: Brazil's Top Election Court Catches Google Manipulating Search Results to Point to Negative Entries on Bolsonaro ...Just Like They Do with Conservatives in America

2019-04-01 Thread Marina Brown
On 3/30/19 11:15 PM, jim bell wrote:
> Brazil's Top Election Court Catches Google Manipulating Search Results to 
> Point to Negative Entries on Bolsonaro ...Just Like They Do with 
> Conservatives in America.

Do we **REALLY** need to manipulate search results to make Bolsonaro
negative ? Maybe the lazy people at google are just scooping up the
posts from people who know that the guy sucks ?

--- M

Description: application/pgp-keys

Vermont legislator proposing a law that bans code instructions on how to create firearms

2019-02-11 Thread Marina Brown

Re: Documentary: Stateless - Anarchy Emigrates by Todd Schramke

2018-12-19 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 12/17/18 10:28 PM, jim bell wrote:
> On Sunday, December 16, 2018, 1:48:02 PM PST, furrier
>  wrote:
>> These guys are a joke, trying to capitilize on anarchy to push
>> forward their own agentas. I am disgusted.
> I understand what you are saying.  Despite the fact that I have
> called myself an anarchist (libertarian-anarchist) since 1995, I
> have noticed with dismay that a lot of people who call themselves
> "anarchists" (and a lot of people who are called "anarchists") are
> actually just big-government-loving socialists, embarrassed at the
> failures of socialism. For a comment that's better than I'd take
> the time to write, see:
- -how-many-times-does-it-have-to-be-said/
>  Jim Bell
> A partial quote by Keith Preston, which also quotes others
> inside:[partial quote begins]
> Another claim is that anarchist communities and associations must
> be “inclusive.” Of course, anyone who has spen time around the
> general anarchist milieu knows how exclusionary anarchists actually
> are. I generally like to cite this comment made by a former an-com
> some years ago as an illustration:
> I used to be an anarcho-communist. Actually, I started out as
> someone who was vaguely sympathetic to mainstream libertarianism
> but could never fully embrace it due to the perceived economic
> implications. I eventually drifted to social anarchism thanks to
> someone who’s name I won’t mention, because it’s too embarrassing.
> After hanging around them for a while I realized that, for all
> their pretenses, most of them were really just state-socialists who
> wanted to abolish the State by making it smaller and calling it
> something else. After about a year of hanging around Libcom and the
> livejournal anarchist community, I encountered people who, under
> the aegis of “community self-management”, supported
> - smoking and alcohol bans - bans on currently illicit drugs - bans
> on caffeinated substances (all drugs are really just preventing you
> from dealing with problems, you see) - censorship of pornography
> (on feminist grounds) - sexual practices like BDSM (same grounds,
> no matter the gender of the participants or who was in what role) -
> bans on prostitution (same grounds) - bans on religion or public
> religious expression (this included atheist religions like
> Buddhism, which were the same thing because they were
> “irrational”) - bans on advertisement (which in this context meant
> any free speech with a commercial twist) - bans on eating meat -
> gun control (except for members of the official community-approved
> militia, which is in no way the same thing as a local police
> department) - mandatory work assignments (ie slavery) - the blatant
> statement, in these exact words, that “Anarchism is not
> individualist” on no less than twelve separate occasions over the
> course of seven months. Not everybody in those communities actively
> agreed with them, but nobody got up and seriously disputed it. -
> that if you don’t like any of these rules, you’re not free to just
> quit the community, draw a line around your house and choose not to
> obey while forfeiting any benefits. No, as long as you’re in what
> they say are the the boundaries (borders?) of “the community”,
> you’re bound to follow the rules, otherwise you have to move
> someplace else (“love it or leave it”, as the conservative mantra
> goes). You’d think for a moment that this conflicts with An-comm
> property conceptions because they’re effectively exercising power
> over land that they do not occupy, implying that they own it and
> making “the community” into One Big Landlord a la Hoppean feudalism
> So I decided that we really didn’t want the same things, and that
> what they wanted was really some kind of Maoist concentration
> commune where we all sit in a circle and publicly harass the people
> who aren’t conforming hard enough. No thanks, comrade.
> Of course, it is also true that these “anti-fascist” folks really
> don’t care about “exclusion,” anyway. As I mentioned, many of them
> are Communists, state-socialists, and social democrats, and even
> the anarchist contingent among them seems to be little more than
> dupes and useful idiots. What they are really concerned about is
> “exclusion” on politically incorrect grounds, while insisting on
> retaining the right to “exclude” whomever or whatever they want for
> themselves. Therefore, an Anarcho-Marxist Politically Correct
> Commune=Good, Conservative Religious White Folks Enclave=Horrible,
> and People of Color Racial Separatist Community=Understandable
> Because History Except That Ikcy Homophobia Part.
> However, much of this “debate” is for naught. While it is certainly
> true that some people might prefer to live in ethnically, racially,
> religiously, politically, sexually, etc. exclusionary communities
> given t

Re: ZDNet: ACLU wants court to release documents on the US' attempt at backdooring Facebook Messenger

2018-12-02 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 12/2/18 1:22 PM, jim bell wrote:
> ZDNet: ACLU wants court to release documents on the US' attempt at
> backdooring Facebook Messenger. 
- -the-us-attempt-at-backdooring-facebook-messenger/

It's amazing how many people use facebook for really sensitive stuff.

Around here some kid robbed a convenience store and got caught because
he bragged about it on facebook.

- --- Marina
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: ByScience NewsApp: "Government corruption tops 5th annual Chapman University survey of American fears"

2018-10-23 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 10/23/18 12:16 AM, jim bell wrote:
> On Monday, October 22, 2018, 11:08:42 AM PDT, juan
>  wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Oct 2018 21:52:44 + (UTC) jim bell
>  wrote:
>>> NEWS from Science NewsApp
>>> "More Americans are afraid than ever,> "1. Corrupt government
>>> officials (73.6 percent)2. Pollution of oceans, rivers and
>>> lakes (61.6 percent)te]
>> notice that the objects under 'scientific study' aka american
>> subjects are afraid of 'corrupt' agents, not of government per
>> se. And it would be pretty funny to find out what 'corruption'
>> means to the fine 'scientists' doing the poll.
> Well, what we need to do is learn about the methodology of this
> poll.  Did the surveyers merely ask, "What are you most afraid of",
> or did they suggest the subjects:  Was the example "Corrupt
> government employees" provided to them?
> Also, I suspect that a lot of the results of this survey reflect,
> more or less, the product of the news media's commentary over the
> last few years.  The news media, most of them anyway, loved Obama,
> and many of them currently hate Trump.  That position has
> presumably rubbed off onto the public. And, I suspect that "corrupt
> government" is often, even usually defined as "government
> controlled by people that I don't want to see control it".   That
> may indeed be "corrupt", but perhaps they have no problem with
> "corruption" if done by the people they WANT to see in control of
> government.

In the US that is probably true.

Note - i dislike ALL of these candidates and presidents but here is my
rundown on corruption of the last few presidents.

Nixon - moderately corrupt but he got caught
Carter - not very corrupt. The thing with his brother being the touch
Reagan - moderately corrupt
Ford - not effective enough to be corrupt
Bush I - moderately corrupt
Clinton - heavy corruption
Bush II - more corrupt that Bush I
Obama - not very corrupt but very authoritarian
   He did eventually get rid of Hillary
Trump - heavilly corrupt businessman

Hillary - probably more corrupt than Bill

> Jim Bell

Lets look at this with real events and try to figure it out.

Where i live out in the sticks of the Northeast it is pretty
corrupt. A town clerk actually pocketed over a million dollars
of tax payments in a small town. ...And so far she has gotten
away with it.

- --- Marina


Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Minnesota "Human Rights": State Demands Christian US Filmmakers Make Same-Sex Films or Face Jail Time - [PEACE]

2018-10-22 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 10/21/18 7:15 PM, jim bell wrote:
> Prior to
> 1964, there was a doctrine that "public accommodations" had to
> serve all customers, in large part because those customers had no
> or little choice but to deal with the government or business.  On
> Sunday, October 21, 2018, 3:16:37 PM PDT, Marina Brown
>  wrote:
> On 10/21/18 6:05 PM, jim bell wrote:
>>>> state-demands-christian-us-filmmakers-m
>> ake-same-sex-films-or-face-jail-time
>> How about looking at actual law rather than what some ideologue
> says ? "The goyim know" is a nazi site.
- -02.html
>> The question at hand appears to be whether wedding photography is
>> a
> public service or accomodation.
> I don't think it can properly be labelled a "public service",
> unless some governmental or quasi-governmental entity provides it. 
> The term "public accomodation" began to be abused in about 1964. 
> Prior to 1964, there was a doctrine that "public accommodations"
> had to serve all customers, in large part because those customers
> had no or little choice but to deal with the government or
> business.   There were very few "public accommodations".
> Utilities, ferries, motels on highways, etc.  And that made sense.
> But the 1964 Civil Rights Act decided that it was okay for
> governments to force businesses to not discriminate, analogous to
> the fact that prior to 1964, many governments REQUIRED businesses
> to discriminate ("Jim Crow Laws").   As a libertarian, I cannot
> abide such control by government.   Also, I am quite confident that
> in the situation where government neither required nor prohibited
> businessess from engaging in discrimination, very few businesses
> would engage in any such discrimination unless the public
> considered it reasonable.  ("No shirt, no shoes, no service"). Jim
> Bell From:
> A 1968 law article. "Under English common law, it was the duty of-a
> common carrier toserve all persons 5 without imposing unreasonable
> conditions.6 TheEnglish courts considered that "a person [who]
> holds himself out tocarry goods for everyone as a business . .. is
> a common carrier,"' andthat any member of the public may create a,
> contract with the carrierby accepting its general offer.8 The rule
> remains the same today.9Wherever English common law was exported,
> the rule that carriershad to serve the public without unreasonable
> discrimination went withit. The rule is therefore found in cases
> from Australia," Burma,1Canada,12 India,13 Ireland,' 4 and New
> Zealand. 15 An early South Africancase held that since a public
> utility must serve the whole public,an electric tramway could not
> refuse to carry non-Europeans,"8 althougha later case held that
> race was a reasonable ground for refusalto carry passengers.7From
> its earliest days, American law followed the English ruleI'8that
> railroads and ,other common carriers were legally bound to carryall
> persons and could not unreasonably exclude anybody, but they
> hadpower to make reasonable regulations and discriminations, and
> excludepassengers on reasonable grounds. 9 Even before the Civil
> War theIllinois Supreme Court had pointed out that ferrymen were
> commoncarriers because '!he enjoys'a franchise-a special privilege,
> which isgranted to 'him in 'conseqfience of his superior
> qualifications to fill apublic trust. 2 0 ° That court also
> pointed'out that "railroads are .'. commonhighways ... in the sense
> of being compelled to accept of each andall, and take'and catry to
> the extent of their ability."21'The rule remains unchanged to the
> present time. Thus it has beenheld that because of the special
> privilege of a monopoly franchise givento a common carrier to
> peiform a service for the public,22 the carrier,like other public
> utilities, cannot abandon its service without permissionof the
> authorized governmental commission.2 3 Thus, a recent case
> hasnoted- "This duty of a common carrier to meet the needs of the
> publicarises from its acceptance and enjoyment of the' powers and
> privilegesgranted by'the State and endures 'so long as they' are
> retained."24 Adistinguishing hallmark of common ;carriers is the
> obligation to carryall persons with

Re: Minnesota "Human Rights": State Demands Christian US Filmmakers Make Same-Sex Films or Face Jail Time - [PEACE]

2018-10-21 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 10/21/18 6:05 PM, jim bell wrote:
>>> state-demands-christian-us-filmmakers-m
> ake-same-sex-films-or-face-jail-time

How about looking at actual law rather than what some ideologue
says ? "The goyim know" is a nazi site.

The question at hand appears to be whether wedding photography is a
public service or accomodation.

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Re: Minnesota "Human Rights": State Demands Christian US Filmmakers Make Same-Sex Films or Face Jail Time - [PEACE]

2018-10-21 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 10/21/18 2:18 PM, jim bell wrote:
> On Sunday, October 21, 2018, 1:53:05 AM PDT, Zenaan Harkness
>  wrote:
>> State Demands Christian US Filmmakers Make Same-Sex Films or
>> Face
> Jail Time
>> State Demands Christian US Filmmakers Make Same-Sex Films or Face
>> Jail Time
> I consider the State's demand curious, because it is not reported
> whether the films that these producers are supposed to be required
> to make must cover same-sex marriages in a "positive", as opposed
> to a "negative" manner.  After all, if an agricultural State wanted
> to require its film producers to make films about farming, would
> those producers satisfy the law by making the movie, "Children of
> the Corn", from a story by Stephen King?
>  Jim Bell

i can't imagine that requirement would stand any legal challenge if it
indeed exists. 1st amendment protects speech and also tends to protect
from compelled speech.
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: EFail - OpenPGP S/MIME Vulnerability

2018-05-14 Thread Marina Brown

On 05/15/2018 02:14 AM, Mirimir wrote:

On 05/14/2018 06:05 PM, Marina Brown wrote:

On 05/14/2018 07:49 PM, Mirimir wrote:

On 05/14/2018 06:48 AM, grarpamp wrote:

The EFAIL attacks break PGP and S/MIME email encryption by coercing
clients into sending the full plaintext of the emails to the attacker.
In a nutshell, EFAIL abuses active content of HTML emails, for example
externally loaded images or styles, to exfiltrate plaintext through
requested URLs. To create these exfiltration channels, the attacker
first needs access to the encrypted emails, for example, by
eavesdropping on network traffic, compromising email accounts, email
servers, backup systems or client computers. The emails could even
have been collected years ago.

Thanks. That's the clearest explanation I've seen.

Remember the campaign against HTML email ? I do.
We were right.

--- Marina

Right, and its evil child, remote content.

I always disable HTML. And fetching of remote content.

And I have since the 90s. I got that from this list :)

It's funny that these exploits depend on both. And that some on HN put
it all on pgp/gpg, arguing that one can't expect users to know this
stuff. By default, Thunderbird does render HTML. But at least it doesn't
fetch remote content. So Thunderbird+Enigmail users should be safe.

Honestly i'm missing PINE and ELM right about now.

--- Marina

Re: EFail - OpenPGP S/MIME Vulnerability

2018-05-14 Thread Marina Brown

On 05/14/2018 07:49 PM, Mirimir wrote:

On 05/14/2018 06:48 AM, grarpamp wrote:

The EFAIL attacks break PGP and S/MIME email encryption by coercing
clients into sending the full plaintext of the emails to the attacker.
In a nutshell, EFAIL abuses active content of HTML emails, for example
externally loaded images or styles, to exfiltrate plaintext through
requested URLs. To create these exfiltration channels, the attacker
first needs access to the encrypted emails, for example, by
eavesdropping on network traffic, compromising email accounts, email
servers, backup systems or client computers. The emails could even
have been collected years ago.

Thanks. That's the clearest explanation I've seen.

Remember the campaign against HTML email ? I do.
We were right.

--- Marina

Re: Fedz seize BackPage

2018-04-06 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 04/06/2018 07:15 PM, Razer wrote:

I guess we will need to make an onion site to sell our old junk
cars and advertise for gigs.

> "The United States government has seized, the
> controversial classifieds website. A notice informing visitors of
> the seizure was posted on the site, and a Justice Department
> spokesperson confirmed the notice.
> According to the notice, the website and its affiliates were seized
> “as part of an enforcement action” by the FBI, as well as other
> federal and local agencies. The notice provides little other
> information, saying the Department of Justice will provide more at
> 6PM EST today.
> Backpage was the target of allegations that it facilitated sex 
> trafficking and prostitution through its adult section, a
> controversy that took years to unwind and culminated in the arrest
> of the company’s CEO and eventual removal of the adult section.
> “The FBI can confirm that law enforcement activity is occurring,”
> a spokesperson for the FBI’s Phoenix field office told The Verge.
> The office referred further questions to the Justice Department,
> which did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
> Last month, Congress passed controversial legislation meant to give
> law enforcement more power to stop online sex trafficking. Backpage
> became a central part of the discussion around the legislation,
> which many sex workers opposed.
> Developing..."
- -down-fbi
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: DRAFT version of Federal "Justice" Shutdown Project

2018-03-22 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 03/22/2018 07:09 PM, jim bell wrote:
> On Thursday, March 22, 2018, 3:52:55 PM PDT, Marina Brown 
>  wrote:
> On 03/22/2018 04:41 PM, jim bell wrote:
>> On Thursday, March 22, 2018, 12:30:10 PM PDT, juan 
>>>> wrote:
>> On Thu, 22 Mar 2018 17:43:27 + (UTC) jim bell 
> < <>>> wrote:
>>> I notice that you don't distinguish between public
>>> (government) borders and private (private property) borders.
>>> Why is that?I oppose government borders.  But I believe in the
>>> concept of private property, which amounts to the right to
>>> exclude others from that property.  We live on the surface (2
>>> dimensional, more or less) of a sphere (Earth) and we desire to
>>> travel and have goods (and information) brought to us.  That
>>> will require that roads
>>> Come on Jim. I already refuted your right wing, fake
>> libertarian garbage.
>> Utter and complete nonsense.
>>> And it's quite funny how an engineer isn't
>> aware of the fact that there is AIR TRAVEL and SEA TRAVEL and
>> that right-wing fake 'anarchists' haven't claimed to own the SEA
>> and the SkY, at least YET.
>> I was not including air travel and sea travel because I didn't 
>> consider it relevant to the current discussion.
>>> So, please stop defending STATE BORDERS like you did and stop
>> wholly misrepresenting libertarian philosphy.
>> I think I already said that I opposed government borders.
>>> For what it's worth, I also oppose it when government requires 
>>> people to show some sort of identification in order to travel.
>> Do you really? But that's what happens when ICE DOES ITS JOB eh?
>> For someone who supports freedom of travel and who opposes the 
>> requirement of papers - what legitimate "job" does ICE do ?
> BTW, your quotation makes it appear that _I_ said, "But that's
> what happens when ICE DOES ITS JOB".
> Please go back and show that 1.  You are addressing my comment.
> OR 2.  You are addressing somebody else's comment.

Sorry - i thought that was you were saying.

> /dev/null

>> Honestly, TSA and ICE just look like jobs programs to me. Jobs 
>> programs to satisfy authoritarians.
> I don't believe I ever disagreed with this concept.

Version: GnuPG v2


Re: DRAFT version of Federal "Justice" Shutdown Project

2018-03-22 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 03/22/2018 04:41 PM, jim bell wrote:
> On Thursday, March 22, 2018, 12:30:10 PM PDT, juan
>  wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Mar 2018 17:43:27 + (UTC) jim bell
>>> wrote:
>> I notice that you don't distinguish between public (government) 
>> borders and private (private property) borders.  Why is that?I
>> oppose government borders.  But I believe in the concept of
>> private property, which amounts to the right to exclude others
>> from that property.  We live on the surface (2 dimensional, more
>> or less) of a sphere (Earth) and we desire to travel and have
>> goods (and information) brought to us.  That will require that
>> roads
>> Come on Jim. I already refuted your right wing, fake
> libertarian garbage.
> Utter and complete nonsense.
>> And it's quite funny how an engineer isn't
> aware of the fact that there is AIR TRAVEL and SEA TRAVEL and that
> right-wing fake 'anarchists' haven't claimed to own the SEA and the
> SkY, at least YET.
> I was not including air travel and sea travel because I didn't
> consider it relevant to the current discussion.
>> So, please stop defending STATE BORDERS like you did and stop
> wholly misrepresenting libertarian philosphy.
> I think I already said that I opposed government borders.
>> For what it's worth, I also oppose it when government requires
>> people to show some sort of identification in order to travel.
> Do you really? But that's what happens when ICE DOES ITS JOB eh?

For someone who supports freedom of travel and who opposes the
requirement of papers - what legitimate "job" does ICE do ?

Honestly, TSA and ICE just look like jobs programs to me. Jobs
programs to satisfy authoritarians.

- --- Marina

>>> But I believe I cannot prohibit it if a private
>>> (non-governmental) company such as an airline decides, for
>>> itself, that it will insist on identification in order to allow
>>> passengers to travel.
>> lawl - didn't your mommny teach you not to lie? You actually 
>> don't object to the police state as long as you can pretend it's
>> 'private'.
> If you don't believe in the concept of "private property" say so.
> But don't pretend that everybody has the same opinion as you.
> I am aware, of course, that SOME anarchists oppose the idea of
> private property.  See 
> I consider that essay foolish, because it pretends that there is a
> valid distinction between two forms of property:
> "B.3.1 What is the difference between private property and
> possession?
> Anarchists define /“private property”/ (or just /“property,”/ for
> short) as state-protected monopolies of certain objects or
> privileges which are used to control and exploit others.
> /“Possession,”/ on the other hand, is ownership of things that are
> not used to exploit others (e.g. a car, a refrigerator, a
> toothbrush, etc.). Thus many things can be considered as either
> property or possessions depending on how they are used." 
>  You will also notice that in that essay, the
> author grandly used terms like "anarchists believe" and "anarchists
> define".  One of the most foolish forms of debate is that in which
> a party effectively tries to define his position to be true, or his
> opponent's position to be false, or make grandly sweeping
> statements that over-state or mis-state reality.  Pretending that
> no possible anarchist can believe in private property (including by
> conveniently defining it away) is nonsense. I consider there to be
> a major problem with that stance:  What is the alternative?  If
> there is essentially no private property, then the most obvious
> alternative is collective ownership.  But that implies the need for
> a big, controlling, and ultimately abusive government.  But
> really, that's not surprising:  The label "anarchist" is more than
> occasionally used by people, describing themselves, who really want
> to set up a big, abusive, controlling government.  They just find
> the term "anarchist" and "anarchism" to be stylish.
> Jim Bell

Version: GnuPG v2


Re: DRAFT version of Federal "Justice" Shutdown Project

2018-03-22 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 03/22/2018 03:52 PM, jim bell wrote:
> On Thursday, March 22, 2018, 10:57:35 AM PDT, Marina Brown 
>  wrote:
>>> I am not in support of borders and i support people's right to 
>>> travel
>> without "Papers".
>> I notice that you don't distinguish between public (government) 
>> borders and private (private property) borders.  Why is that? I 
>> oppose government borders.  But I believe in the concept of 
>> private property, which amounts to the right to exclude others
>> from that property.  We live on the surface (2 dimensional, more
>> or less) of a sphere (Earth) and we desire to travel and have
>> goods (and information) brought to us.  That will require that
>> roads and other utilities be constructed and maintained, and that
>> costs money.  The people who finance such construction will
>> therefore have rights.
> [stuff deleted]
>>> For what it's worth, I also oppose it when government requires 
>>> people to show some sort of identification in order to travel.
>>> But I believe I cannot prohibit it if a private
>>> (non-governmental) company such as an airline decides, for
>>> itself, that it will insist on identification in order to allow
>>> passengers to travel.  The risk to fellow passengers has become
>>> too great (hijacking, bombing, etc) to avoid this, sadly.  I
>>> COULD choose to take airlines that DIDN'T require people to
>>> identify themselves.  Presumably, such airlines will exist when
>>> that is allowed.
> [stuff deleted]
>> Most libertarians are opposed to collectivism. The idea that a
> neihborhood or country is privately owned by the members who then 
> can keep anyone out or kick people out can become rather
> nightmarish form of collectivism.
> Maybe you need to think things through.   We are, indeed, stuck on
> a 2-dimensional surface.   Currently, it is as if all roads are
> owned by some kind of government, a major example of collectivism.
> Generally, libertarians tend to support organization (where it
> exists) at the lowest practical level, as opposed to higher levels.
> Is there some reason that you think it's better that a city
> government over, say, 250,000 people to have control, rather than a
> neighborhood agreement by the owners of, say, 250 houses?   Or of
> 25 houses?
>> I tend to support voluntary associations except when they become
> repressive and totalitarian.
> A person's control over his own property and assets might be 
> (humorously) described as "repressive and totalitarian".
> Remember the comic movie, "History of the World Part 1" by Mel
> Brooks:   "It's good to be the King!". As I see it, the alternative
> to private property is collective ownership, which quickly turns
> into Socialist and Communist control and oppression.  (And I
> consider Naziism to merely be another version of Socialism, see the
> Wikipedia article on Benito Mussolini. 
>  × //
>> Heck, even homeowner associations sometimes
> become repressive. ...which is why i live out in the sticks where
> you don't even need a permit to build things.
> Perfectly good reason.  But maybe a better solution would be to
> ensure that "homowner associations" have no more power than they
> need, to do whatever they were originally intended to accomplish.
> .

That's kind of the key that both left libertarians and regular
libertarians are looking to do.

There are not set solutions. When a solution leads to a totalitarian
situation that is a sign that it is wrong.

> Jim Bell

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Re: DRAFT version of Federal "Justice" Shutdown Project

2018-03-22 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 03/22/2018 01:43 PM, jim bell wrote:
> On Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 10:36:10 PM PDT, Marina Brown 
>  wrote:
> On 03/22/2018 01:06 AM, jim bell wrote:
>> On Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 3:37:48 PM PDT, juan 
>>>> wrote:
>> On Wed, 21 Mar 2018 21:30:32 + (UTC) jim bell 
> < <>>> wrote:
>>>> I don't have to agree with this, in order to recognize
>>>> reality.
>>> Come on.
>>> If you actually didn't agree with this you'd denounce it as a 
>>> wholly criminal, anti-libertarian activity carried by the US 
>>> government.
>> So now, you are actually criticizing me for FAILING to engage in 
>> 'virtue signalling'!!!
>> Virtue signalling
>> <>
>> I am not in support of borders and i support people's right to
>> travel
> without "Papers".
> I notice that you don't distinguish between public (government)
> borders and private (private property) borders.  Why is that? I
> oppose government borders.  But I believe in the concept of
> private property, which amounts to the right to exclude others from
> that property.  We live on the surface (2 dimensional, more or
> less) of a sphere (Earth) and we desire to travel and have goods
> (and information) brought to us.  That will require that roads and
> other utilities be constructed and maintained, and that costs
> money.  The people who finance such construction will therefore
> have rights.
> Think of your neighborhood:  In the post-governmental (as we know
> it) future, people will voluntarily enter into contracts to build
> and maintain roads and other connections (power, water, sewer).
> This may limit those who don't enter into those contracts from
> using those roads.  Who knows what the owners/maintainers of those
> roads may agree to?
> Not wanting to think about such eventualities doesn't mean that
> they won't eventually occur.
>> I grieved when Gilmore's right to travel case was decided against
>> him.
> For what it's worth, I also oppose it when government requires
> people to show some sort of identification in order to travel.  But
> I believe I cannot prohibit it if a private (non-governmental)
> company such as an airline decides, for itself, that it will insist
> on identification in order to allow passengers to travel.  The risk
> to fellow passengers has become too great (hijacking, bombing, etc)
> to avoid this, sadly.   I COULD choose to take airlines that DIDN'T
> require people to identify themselves.  Presumably, such airlines
> will exist when that is allowed.
>> I guess travelling through E Germany in 1973 made a pretty heavy
> impression on me as a child.
>> If you say i am "Virtue Signaling" that would be hillarious.
> You will notice that I didn't say that.
> Jim Bell

Most libertarians are opposed to collectivism. The idea that a
neihborhood or country is privately owned by the members who then
can keep anyone out or kick people out can become rather nightmarish
form of collectivism.

I tend to support voluntary associations except when they become
repressive and totalitarian. Heck, even homeowner associations sometimes
become repressive. ...which is why i live out in the sticks where you
don't even need a permit to build things.
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Re: Plebbit Jewtube Embark On Talmudic Censorship, CJOUD Act Warrantless Wiretap

2018-03-22 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 03/22/2018 12:06 PM, g2s wrote:
>  Original message  From: Marina Brown
>  Date: 3/22/18 7:10 AM (GMT-08:00) To:
> Subject: Re: Plebbit Jewtube Embark On
> Talmudic Censorship, CJOUD Act Warrantless Wiretap
> On 03/22/2018 09:49 AM, g2s wrote:
>> I see from the modded sj line you've gone full Nazi antisemite. 
>> Whodathunkit.
>> Rr
> The nazi meme is so old and tired.
> But Nazis still exist and with them, memes.
> Further, considering the Nazi MSM is saying because the American
> Nazi's hitherto unknown facemen, Milo and Spencer got bored with it
> and went on to sell products on InfoWars (milo) and claim they were
> simply 'tired of it' (spencer), your Nazi MSM would market the
> concept that Antifa, whatever that means, actually eliminated the
> historically longstanding Nazi tendency. Not JUST Fascist, Nazi,
> tendency in US society.

Spencer appears to be self destructing, Milo well he had the seeds of
his own destruction within and they have detonated.

This does not mean the nazi threat is over. We need to watch watch watch
and play whack-a-mole wherever the illinois nazis shot their heads.

> Rr

Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Plebbit Jewtube Embark On Talmudic Censorship, CJOUD Act Warrantless Wiretap

2018-03-22 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 03/22/2018 09:49 AM, g2s wrote:
> I see from the modded sj line you've gone full Nazi antisemite. 
> Whodathunkit.
> Rr

The nazi meme is so old and tired.
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: DRAFT version of Federal "Justice" Shutdown Project

2018-03-21 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 03/22/2018 01:06 AM, jim bell wrote:
> On Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 3:37:48 PM PDT, juan
>  wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Mar 2018 21:30:32 + (UTC) jim bell
>>> wrote:
 Put simply, if the government had actually been enforcing 
 immigration law for the last 30+ years, there might easily be
 a half-million illegals
 what are you talking about? Didn't you say you are a 
 'libertarian' and an 'anarchist'? Has Jim Bell's mail
>>> been hacked?
>>> I don't have to agree with this, in order to recognize reality.
>> Come on.
>> If you actually didn't agree with this you'd denounce it as a 
>> wholly criminal, anti-libertarian activity carried by the US 
>> government.
> So now, you are actually criticizing me for FAILING to engage in
> 'virtue signalling'!!!
> Jim Bell

I am not in support of borders and i support people's right to travel
without "Papers".

I grieved when Gilmore's right to travel case was decided against him.

I guess travelling through E Germany in 1973 made a pretty heavy
impression on me as a child.

If you say i am "Virtue Signaling" that would be hillarious.

To leave you with a fav quote:

The Operative: Do you know what your sin is, Mal?
Mal: Oh hell, I’m a fan of all seven. But right now, I’m gonna have to
go with wrath.

Version: GnuPG v2


Re: DRAFT version of Federal "Justice" Shutdown Project

2018-03-20 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 03/20/2018 11:48 AM, g2s wrote:
> LA Times
> Trump's invader hordes don't exist: Most of the world doesn't want
> to come to America

Almost all of the immigrants i know have left for greener pastures

>  The wall is to keep you in.
> Rr

Version: GnuPG v2


Re: US 2018 Election Hijacked: Sybil Candidacies Of The Mil / Intel / Shadow Gov

2018-03-18 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 03/19/2018 01:05 AM, ilsa wrote:
> I read the entire article and I say this has a chilling sensation
> of a Bruce Willis movie. The 5 eyes now including france against
> germany etc in a return to 19oo' lines! Why are most people eating
> mayonnaise? Smile

Mayonnaise is good with word salad !

> Ilsa Bartlett Institute for Rewiring the System 
> "Don't ever get so big or important that you can not hear and
> listen to every other person." -John Coltrane
> On Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 3:18 AM, grarpamp  > wrote:
> An extraordinary number of former intelligence and military
> operatives from the CIA, Pentagon, National Security Council and
> State Department are seeking nomination as Democratic candidates
> for Congress in the 2018 midterm elections. The potential influx of
> military-intelligence personnel into the legislature has no
> precedent in US political history.

Version: GnuPG v2


Re: [Trigger Warning: Nazi Trollbait] The Traditionalist Workers Who Lay Together...

2018-03-15 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 03/15/2018 12:14 PM, g2s wrote:

It's absolutly beautiful that a nazi party was destroyed by literal

I love it when the enemies of humanity destroy themselves. Saves us
decent people the trouble.

> "Traditionalist Workers Party" Inbreeding is a fine #Fascist
> tradition.
> "Per police report: Neo-Nazi Heimbach was married to his spox's 
> step-daughter & attacked them both after they confronted him about
> an affair he was carrying out w/his spox's wife. All four listed
> their jobs as "white nationalists"
> Thread and "genealogical" chart. 
> Meanwhile, in North Korea... #schoolwalkout to practice a whole
> nother kind of Gun Control:
> "Children across Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea stage school 
> walkout to study marksmanship, ballistics, and similar arts, for
> coming war against children of United States."

Version: GnuPG v2



2018-02-17 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 02/17/2018 12:06 AM, John Newman wrote:
> On February 16, 2018 11:58:20 AM EST, g2s  wrote:
>> First off,  the only reason I even saw this is because John
>> replied to this pinhead.
> Yeah I made a mistake getting caught up in my spam box. I am done
> with Jim. Who, hilariously, actually seems to think he is a
> phrenologist - I fucking knew it!
>> To wit, the pinhead wrote:
>>> Walk down the street.  You will notice that black Americans
>>> generally
>> have smaller heads, reflecting smaller brains.. You'd have to be
>> a moron ... ie. Pinhead, to actually believe that. My large
>> jewish nose (sic) can smell the stench of this human shitpile
>> all the way across cyberspace. Rr
>>  Original message From: John Newman
>>  Date: 2/15/18  8:27 PM  (GMT-08:00) To:
>> Cc: Subject: Re:
>>> On Feb 12, 2018, at 4:00 PM, wrote:
 On 11/02/2018 11:21, John Newman wrote: Are you being
 purposely disingenuous? There were obviously also
>> raiding parties and
 the sale of “prisoners of war” between and within different
>> Africans themselves,
>>> Dramatic, but atypical.
>>> Enslavement on the basis of war was generally result of
>>> pacification
>> campaigns, rather than "slave raids" - kings enslaved those who
>> were persistently causing them trouble, with the objective of
>> deterring troublemakers and getting rid of them.  As, for
>> example, the Irish.
>>> And most enslavement was not on the basis of war.  It was more
>> typically for petty theft, particularly stealing from one's
>> employer, and vagrancy.  (Not having visible means of support.)
 divisions exploited by European slavers anxious to fill the
>> maw hungry for free
 labor to subsidize the colonization and exploitation of the
>> world”.
>>> Slavery was driven by supply, rather than demand.  It was a way
>>> of
>> dealing with problem people.  And Africa had, and still has,
>> more problem people.
>> You are so full of shit. Conversation with scum like yourself is 
>> utterly pointless. Slavery was driven by a SLAVE ECONOMY, which
>> was obviously driven by demand. Do you actually believe the
>> bullshit you spout?
>>> Walk down the street.  You will notice that black Americans
>>> generally
>> have smaller heads, reflecting smaller brains.  Thus require
>> more supervision, and are less apt to voluntarily accept
>> supervision.

Every woman knows that quality is more important than size.

If that were not so please explain the fact that a crow with a
small head is far more intelligent than the average fascist with
a big ugly head.

Of course an incel would not know.

>>> People who need supervision, and are disinclined to accept it,
>>> cause
>> problems.  Slavery was a way of dealing with those problems.

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Re: Internet FunBux Follies Report

2018-02-11 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 02/10/2018 10:56 AM, g2s wrote:
>  Original message  From: Steven Schear
>  Date: 2/9/18 10:23 PM (GMT-08:00) To:
> Razer  Subject: Re: Internet FunBux Follies Report
>> It's easy to use your CC account to buy anything you can with
>> cash.
> Every month almost every cardholder gets these checks in the mail
> which can be used to pay and common debt. If you can't deposit one
> into your checking account (the simplest solution), overpay one
> your other cards with a zero balance and next month request the
> issuer send you a check for the overage. Voila, cash to buy
> cryptocurrencies.
> You DO realize how much this sounds like a pitch from those credit
> card junk mails I throw in the trash?
> Rr

Hey, I love those pitches and the crappy free newpapers filled with ads.

I have a woodstove and i use them to light it !

> On Feb 9, 2018 2:25 PM, "g2s"  > wrote:
> "Bitcoiners, previously declaring their internet funbux will
> destroy all banks, are mad that banks are forbidding them to buy
> funbux on credit."

Version: GnuPG v2



2018-02-11 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 02/10/2018 09:59 AM, John Newman wrote:
>> On Feb 9, 2018, at 1:39 PM, wrote:
>>> On 10/02/2018 01:32, juan wrote: Oh surely jefferson,
>>> washington and friends were poor white slaves working in a
>>> platantion owned by blacks.
>> Most slaves were black, because most criminals are black.
> Bullshit.
>> Most slaves were enslaved in black Africa by black African
>> authorities for minor crimes.  (Major crimes got the criminal
>> killed, and frequently eaten)
> Bullshit. There were massive profits and raiding parties - African
> nations that made deals with the European and Arab slavers to feed
> the huge demand in the “new world”. Most slaves were not “minor
> criminals” (as if that would make it any better?)
>> And a disproportionate number of blacks were lynched in the US
>> for the same reason that today there are a disproportionate
>> number of blacks in San Francisco prisons.
> They were lynched because of racist white pieces of shit, like
> yourself.
>> Slavers went to where the supply was.  And the supply was
>> overwhelmingly black.  They did not have anything against Africa
>> or Africans, it was just supply and demand.
> You’re so full of shit. The antebellum south had  all sorts of
> religious bullshit to backup their BLACK slavery like the “curse of
> ham” and other absurd beliefs, like they were taking care of the
> poor blacks with their phrenological disadvantages... Are you a 
> phrenologist James? You’re definitely a pile of stinking shit.

I see James is still wasting the list's time with his paranoid racist

Blocklists are divine but i suppose i should filter on message too.
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: murica .gov shutdown of 2018

2018-01-21 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 01/21/2018 05:39 AM, Georgi Guninski wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 20, 2018 at 07:19:08PM -0500, Marina Brown wrote:
>> It's fake. The border patrol and other stuff like that will still
>> be operating. So will a lot of other forces of repression.
>> I think it is mostly for show.
> IMHO this is rather sad show. The so called "world leader" [sic]
> doesn't have enough money ready to keep .gov up.
Yep, though the things i would really like to see shutdown are still
business as usual. I bet they have not cut the power to that government
data repository out west somewhere. Even at bargain basement costs i bet
they could make a billion selling all those servers to the highest

The army is still working, though they are under threat of no paycheck
soon. I don't think that will fly if it continues.
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: murica .gov shutdown of 2018

2018-01-20 Thread Marina Brown
On 01/20/2018 10:59 AM, John Newman wrote:
> On January 20, 2018 10:35:45 AM EST, Georgi Guninski
>  wrote:
the US government has started to shut down
> Good riddance to bad rubbish... Except it will be back soon, of
> course. The best deal maker in the world is on it! Or wait, I think
> he's in mar-a-fucko... In any case, it'll be back.

It's fake. The border patrol and other stuff like that will
still be operating. So will a lot of other forces of repression.

I think it is mostly for show.

Re: Fake News: Getting Faker

2018-01-19 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 01/19/2018 10:51 AM, John Newman wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 02:39:47AM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
The one real difference between the American press and the Soviet
>> state newspaper Pravda was that the Russian people knew they
>> were being lied to. To expose the lies our media tell us today, 
>> controversial journalist James O’Keefe created Project Veritas,
>> an independent news organization whose reporters go where
>> traditional journalists dare not.
>> Their investigative work–equal parts James Bond, Mike Wallace,
>> and Saul Alinsky―has had a consistent and powerful impact on its
>> targets.
>> In American Pravda, the reader is invited to go undercover with
>> these intrepid journalists as they infiltrate political
>> campaigns, unmask dishonest officials and expose voter fraud. A
>> rollicking adventure story on one level, the book also serves as
>> a treatise on modern media, arguing that establishment
>> journalists have a vested interest in keeping the powerful
>> comfortable and the people misinformed.
>> The book not only contests the false narratives frequently put
>> forth by corporate media, it documents the consequences of
>> telling the truth in a world that does not necessarily want to
>> hear it. O’Keefe’s enemies attack with lawsuits, smear campaigns,
>> political prosecutions, and false charges in an effort to shut
>> down Project Veritas. For O’Keefe, every one of these attacks is
>> a sign of success.
>> American Pravda puts the myths and misconceptions surrounding 
>> O’Keefe’s activities to rest and will make you rethink every word
>> you hear and read in the so-called mainstream press.
> James O'Keefe also got busted actively trying to entrap the Post
> with a phony Roy Moore rape victim. So, you know...

O'Keefe is a fake news master. Even some of the alt-right nazi types
are fed up with his stunts.



Re: Chelsea Manning For US

2018-01-18 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 01/18/2018 08:50 PM, John Newman wrote:
> On Jan 18, 2018, at 8:17 PM, juan  > wrote:
>> On Thu, 18 Jan 2018 13:43:19 -0500 John Newman > > wrote:
>>> has had  their cock chopped off
>> Now, that's an interesting one. Cutting your dick off seems like
>> a nasty thing to do to yourself. And cutting your dick off is of
>> course a brutal form of castration. And castration is something
>> one would expect a feminazi, anti-sex mock 'culture' like the
>> americunt-western 'culture' to encourage.
> I don’t think it’s really just a matter of chopping it off, that
> was me just sort of bullshitting ;) Anyway, out of curiosity, I
> took a look and Argentina is actually quite a bit farther along
> this line than the old Americunts... the following cut and pasted
> from wikipedia  -
> *“Transgender rights in Argentina* are among the most advanced in
> the world. The country "has one of the world's most comprehensive
> transgender rights 
>  laws":^[1] 
its Gender Law, passed in 2012, made Argentina the "only country that
> allows people to change their gender identities without facing
> barriers such as hormone therapy 
> ,
> surgery 
> or psychiatric diagnosis that labels them as having an
> abnormality".^[2] 
In 2015, the World Health Organization
>  cited 
> Argentina as an exemplary country for providing transgender
> rights.^[3] 
Upon legalising same-sex marriage
>  on July 15,
> 2010, Argentina became the first country in Latin America 
> , the second in the
> Americas , and the tenth 
> in the world to do so.”
> “Gender identity law
> The Ley de Género (Gender Law),^[7] 
grants adults sex reassignment surgery and hormone therapy as a part of
> their public or private health care plans. The law also allows for 
> changes to gender, image, or birth name on civil registries without
> the approval of a doctor or a judge.”

Sometimes the law is one thing and reality is another.

There are countries - thinking of Costa Rica in particular
that have decent laws about gay or trans rights, but their
society and police don't care and persecute people nonetheless.



Re: Chelsea Manning For US Senator From Maryland

2018-01-18 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 01/18/2018 03:58 PM, John Newman wrote:
> On January 18, 2018 2:39:53 PM EST, Marina Brown
>  wrote: On 01/18/2018 01:43 PM, John
> Newman wrote:
>>>> On January 17, 2018 2:28:35 AM EST, juan
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 17 Jan 2018 01:23:25 -0500 grarpamp
>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> "we don't need more or better leaders"
>>>>> that's right  and that's why 'senator' manning can go fuck
>>>>>  himself.
>>>> When does someone with gender dysphoria who has had their
>>>> cock chopped off and surgically altered into a vagina, has
>>>> breasts implanted, legally changed their name, takes female
>>>> hormones / estrogen / etc.. when does the he become a she?
> Um... I don't think she had any surgeries at all. Making
> assumptions, are we ?
>>>> I've no idea what all Manning has had done, but it seems
>>>> silly to deny someone the right to assert their own gender,
>>>> especially when they're willing to go to such lengths. I
>>>> don't give a fuck about being PC, it just seems like a silly
>>>> thing to quibble and make a big deal over.
> Have you been watching the world at all in the last 10 years ?
> Chelsea Manning released litterally thousands of diplomatic cables 
> for our reading enjoyment. Few of these were marked Top Secret
> most were confidential.
> Personally i gained a lot of understanding of the way diplomacy
> works and a bit of entertainment at some of the bizzare stuff that
> got put in official diplomatic channels.
> The thing she leaked that caused the most consternation was a
> video of US soldiers killing Journalists. I don't even think that
> was classified but it really upset a lot of people.
>> I meant I wasn't clear on how far she had taken the sex
>> conversion ;)

Nowadays a lot of trans people forgoe surgery and just do the

The mark of the conversion is living full time as you are.

>> I'm up on everything else of course, the leaks and getting narced
>> on by that piece of shit Adrian Lamo.

I don't know how she found herself trusting him. I was familiar with him
back then and he made my skin crawl. He reminded me of a high school
bully that befriends people just so they can betray them.

>> I was just basically trying to make an argument that if she wants
>> to be a she, what the hell does it matter?


- -- Marina

> wer/
> Big respect and support.
>>>>> no, fuck any politician.


Re: Chelsea Manning For US Senator From Maryland

2018-01-18 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 01/18/2018 01:43 PM, John Newman wrote:
> On January 17, 2018 2:28:35 AM EST, juan 
> wrote:
>> On Wed, 17 Jan 2018 01:23:25 -0500 grarpamp 
>> wrote:
>> "we don't need more or better leaders"
>> that's right  and that's why 'senator' manning can go fuck 
>> himself.
> When does someone with gender dysphoria who has had their cock
> chopped off and surgically altered into a vagina, has breasts
> implanted, legally changed their name, takes female hormones /
> estrogen / etc.. when does the he become a she?

Um... I don't think she had any surgeries at all. Making assumptions,
are we ?

> I've no idea what all Manning has had done, but it seems silly to
> deny someone the right to assert their own gender, especially when
> they're willing to go to such lengths. I don't give a fuck about
> being PC, it just seems like a silly thing to quibble and make a
> big deal over.

Have you been watching the world at all in the last 10 years ?

Chelsea Manning released litterally thousands of diplomatic cables
for our reading enjoyment. Few of these were marked Top Secret most
were confidential.

Personally i gained a lot of understanding of the way diplomacy works
and a bit of entertainment at some of the bizzare stuff that got put
in official diplomatic channels.

The thing she leaked that caused the most consternation was a video
of US soldiers killing Journalists. I don't even think that was
classified but it really upset a lot of people.

Big respect and support.
>> no, fuck any politician.



Re: Chelsea Manning For US Senator From Maryland

2018-01-17 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 01/17/2018 03:57 PM, g2s wrote:
>  Original message  From: juan  
> Date: 1/16/18 11:28 PM (GMT-08:00) To:
> Subject: Re: Chelsea Manning For US
> Senator From Maryland
> On Wed, 17 Jan 2018 01:23:25 -0500 grarpamp 
> wrote:
> "we don't need more or better leaders"
> that's right  and that's why 'senator' manning can go fuck 
> himself.



- --- Marina

Big respect and support.
> no, fuck any politician.
> 8x Snip x8
> You REALLY need to look at Manning's twitterfeed. You're missing
> the point entirely.
> Rr



Re: Personnel attacks, etc.

2018-01-08 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 01/09/2018 12:07 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> On Jan 8, 2018 17:36, "Stephen C."  > wrote:
>> "white" trash
> I see. You are paid to shill here like jnn, cecilia, marina, and
> juan.
> Help, Steve, John, Marina, and Juan!  An urgent question!  :-o
> Please, where and when can I receive my payment?  Hahahahaha!!!
> ;D

I keep on hearing about these Soros checks for left wing activists.
If you hear how to cash in, i want to know !! I figure i am owed
thousands !

and i need the money.

These left wing wealthy super-villains are so UNRELIABLE !

> Gosh, it's a so stupid, unexpected, and non sense allegation that I
> am LOLing until now...  Hahahaha!!!  ;D
> Believe me, I am a bit fool, but I sincerely love this list and all
> the values that it still represents.  Please, respect the CP list
> and its members.  No lies.  No fake news.  No fake allegations.  No
> prejudices of any kind.  Just live and let live!  :D



Re: [OT] [coderman] Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

2018-01-07 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 01/07/2018 03:37 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> I do hope coderman is doing pretty good, feeling awesome, and
> simply left his Gmail account forever, but...  well...  I don't
> know if he is still alive or not, and I am feeling more stupid than
> usual for never telling him before how much I liked his messages...
> :'(
> PS - OT:  - Thanks for all the lovely private and public messages
> giving me support, smiles, hugs, and good vibes.  I will answer
> with a huge delay for personal reasons, but I will *not* leave this
> list because I do have exactly the same right of being here than
> all the nazi scum. And if someone is annoyed about my "bunny"
> messages only, please, learn how to create filters.  It's very
> simple, easier and more efficient than having a hysterical public
> crisis.  Aff, hypocrisy is always so nasty and disgusting...  :((

You are so much fun ! Glad you are not leaving.

Wish the nazi scum would leave or eat something
that disagrees with them.

- -- Marina

> -- Forwarded message -- From: "Mail Delivery
> Subsystem"  > Date: Jan 7, 2018 17:01 
> Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure) To:
>>> Cc:
> Error Icon
> Recipient inbox full
> Your message couldn't be delivered to **. Their 
> inbox is full, or it's getting too much mail right now. LEARN MORE
> The response was:
> 552 5.2.2 The email account that you tried to reach is over quota. 
> Please direct the recipient to 
> s62sor3451475oif.221 - gsmtp
> Final-Recipient: rfc822;
>  Action: failed Status: 5.0.0 
> Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 552 5.2.2 The email account that you tried
> to reach is over quota. Please direct the recipient to 
> s62sor3451475oif.221 - gsmtp Last-Attempt-Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2018
> 12:01:12 -0800 (PST)
> -- Forwarded message -- From: Cecilia Tanaka
>>> To:
> coderman>> Cc: Bcc:
>  Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2018 18:01:10 -0200 Subject: Hi, how are you?
> Still alive, please? Hi, coderman!  Hope you are still alive, doing
> good and feeling happy!  <3
> I think you don't know me, but I used to love your messages on 
> CypherPunks discussion list.  Please, if possible, could you
> return to it?
> I never wrote to you before because you would probably hate my 
> messages on the CP list and would think I do not deserve any 
> answer.  Well, I am a stupid girl, I admit, but I am sincerely 
> worried about your silence and your health.
> A lot of people that I love, like, appreciate  (different grades
> of love and friendship)  is dying and it hurts me a lot.  I hope
> you are still alive and happy, please.
> Take care and be well, please.  And if you need something I can 
> help, please, tell me.  Thank you for your old messages and sorry 
> for disturbing you.  <3
> Ceci -- "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your
> creativity, or your curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's
> your life.  Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life
> you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison



Re: Julian Assange to be pardoned by Trump?

2018-01-06 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 01/06/2018 05:56 AM, John Young wrote:
> Not obvious Assange wants to give up police protection, free digs,
> fancy pulpit, pussy galore.
> Poitras' "Risk" is a grotesque portrait, no wonder Assange hates
> its statue toppling.
> Ladies gagaing him, not a good time to celebrate that.
> At 11:59 PM 1/5/2018, you wrote:
>> Rumor has it Trump is planning on pardoning Julian Assange,
>> founder of whistleblower website Wikileaks.

If i were Julian i would not step foot in the US.
Too much risk of further legal entaglement and i
would not trust any "plans" to actually come true.

- --- Marina


Re: Personal attacks etc (was Re: USA: National Security Strategy...)

2018-01-04 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 01/04/2018 05:03 PM, jim bell wrote:
> On Thursday, January 4, 2018, 1:13:27 PM PST, Marina Brown 
>  wrote:
> On 01/04/2018 03:21 PM, jim bell wrote:
>> I don't find that calling it "mccarthyist propaganda" is 
>> particularly persuasive.  We may hate Joseph McCarthy for his 
>> tactics, but there WERE many valid reasons to object to
>> Communism and Socialism in the early 1950's.
>>> As for the "completely made up numbers", which numbers do you 
>>> believe to be valid?  I frequently say that in the 20th
>>> Century, about 250 million people were killed by government,
>>> including in wars.  Far more of those deaths seem to be caused
>>> by Communist/Socialist governments than by Fascist governments.
>>> And, as you might recall, I was reminded nearly two years ago
>>> (from the Wikipedia article on Benito Mussolini) that "Fascism"
>>> is essentially Socialism, and probably doesn't deserve to be
>>> called "right wing" as many people seem to do at this point.
>>> Jim Bell
>> Governments seem to be one of the most effective forces in
>> getting
> people to abandon their objections to killing. Nationalism and
> racism are common tools they use to convince people to kill.
> No doubt of that.  Which is why I was a minarchist libertarian
> before 1995, and an anarchist libertarian 1995 and afterwards.
>> Even if fascism has been less deadly than communism, i don't find
>> that
> an argument that would make me adopt fascism.
> Are you implying that I was suggesting that you adopt fascism?
> Sounds like a strawman argument from here.

I'm not arguing with you. Just discussing things. I know you don't
push fascism.

>> After all most forms of fascism on the planet advocate killing
>> me.
> Actually, most forms of totalitarian governments advocate killing 
> people, including their own citizenry.  Why narrow down your
> objections, artificially, to "fascism"?

Good point. I've experienced autoritarian/totalitarian governments in
my life. They all sucked, though the scariest moment before this year
was passing through E Germany in 1973.

Nowadays my emotional reaction to TSA and the like is about the same
as it was as a kid passing through E. Germany. PAPERS PLEASE !

>> Honestly i see the ramping up of white nationalism and things
>> like that
> as a prelude to genocide. - --- Marina
> Whereas, I view such worry as ALMOST ENTIRELY propaganda.  (Not
> that I'm somehow defending "white nationalism")

There are quite a few dead bodies to go along with that propaganda now.

> And I think I can prove it.   "white nationalism", as a term, has 
> existed for years.  But, use the Google program, "Google Trends".

Yes - of course. I've been watching it grow from a joke back in the
80's and 90's to a mainstream movement now.

> Set the viewed timeline to around 2 years.  You can easily see
> that "white nationalism" wasn't a "thing" until the week AFTER the
> 2016 elections!  There was very little coverage the week of the
> election, or any prior week.   (Except that back in March 2006,
> there was a peak.  Dunno why...)
> What does this tell me?  The way "white nationalism" has been
> used, within the last 14 months, as been essentially A HOAX.  A

Tell that to people who get harrassed by white nationalists for just

> SUDDENLY, only after the results of the election came in, SOMEBODY
> in a powerful position of authority decided to make "white
> nationalism" a "thing".  I suspect Hillary Clinton, or maybe the
> Democrats, or maybe Obama.  Or a combination of them.
> If "white nationalism" had been an important, genuine issue, it
> would have at least have been an important campaign issue, or have
> been heavily discussed for years prior to 2016.  It obviously
> wasn't.It's virtually all propaganda.

I wish i was as optimistic as you, but i have had to deal with the
very real aftermath of people incited by white nationalism.

I knew the woman in Reston who was killed by the nazi kid. I advise a
person on electronic secu

Re: Personal attacks etc (was Re: USA: National Security Strategy...)

2018-01-04 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 01/04/2018 03:21 PM, jim bell wrote:
> On Thursday, January 4, 2018, 10:04:44 AM PST, juan
>  wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Jan 2018 08:54:35 + (UTC) jim bell
>>> wrote:
>> On Wednesday, January 3, 2018, 7:53:38 PM PST,
>>  >
>> wrote:
 A tiny handful of leftists did criticize the Khmer Rouge
 before 1978
>> December, and got called fascists, nazis, and admirers of Adolf 
>> Hitler.
>>> But no one academic in the entire western world, not a single
>>> one,
>> risked his tenure by criticizing the Khmer Rouge until authorized
>> to do so in December 1978.
>>> I'm waiting to see if someone tries to contradict you!
>> No doubt commies suck but what arch fascist donald is saying
> about commies is 100% mccarthyst propaganda. It is just typical
> americunt war propaganda with completely made up numbers.
> I don't find that calling it "mccarthyist propaganda" is
> particularly persuasive.  We may hate Joseph McCarthy for his
> tactics, but there WERE many valid reasons to object to Communism
> and Socialism in the early 1950's.
> As for the "completely made up numbers", which numbers do you
> believe to be valid?  I frequently say that in the 20th Century,
> about 250 million people were killed by government, including in
> wars.  Far more of those deaths seem to be caused by
> Communist/Socialist governments than by Fascist governments.  And,
> as you might recall, I was reminded nearly two years ago (from the
> Wikipedia article on Benito Mussolini) that "Fascism" is
> essentially Socialism, and probably doesn't deserve to be called
> "right wing" as many people seem to do at this point.
> Jim Bell

Governments seem to be one of the most effective forces in getting
people to abandon their objections to killing. Nationalism and racism
are common tools they use to convince people to kill.

Even if fascism has been less deadly than communism, i don't find that
an argument that would make me adopt fascism. After all most forms of
fascism on the planet advocate killing me.

Honestly i see the ramping up of white nationalism and things like that
as a prelude to genocide.

- --- Marina

>> Jim Bell



Re: Personal attacks etc (was Re: USA: National Security Strategy...)

2018-01-04 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 01/04/2018 03:54 AM, jim bell wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 3, 2018, 7:53:38 PM PST, 
> wrote:
>> A tiny handful of leftists did criticize the Khmer Rouge before
>> 1978
> December, and got called fascists, nazis, and admirers of Adolf
> Hitler.
>> But no one academic in the entire western world, not a single
>> one,
> risked his tenure by criticizing the Khmer Rouge until authorized
> to do so in December 1978.
> I'm waiting to see if someone tries to contradict you!

LoL ! My mother was an academic in '78 and she criticised the Khmer
Rouge all the time. She was basically a leftist gone liberal.

We had a cat - felix who would kill litterally hundreds of moles, mice
and ground squirrels. His nickname was "Pol Pot".

I guess Jim does not hail from academia. Of all the professors i have
known i actually can't think of any of them that supported the Khmer
Rouge and i can't think of any that would have hesitated to criticize
them. After all they did massacre intellectuals - so it was a bit

- --- Marina

> Jim Bell



Re: Personal attacks etc (was Re: USA: National Security Strategy...)

2018-01-04 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 01/04/2018 03:47 AM, jim bell wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 3, 2018, 9:51:25 PM PST, Marina Brown 
>  wrote:
> On 01/03/2018 02:35 PM, g2s wrote:
>> Marina Brown wrote:
>>> I stand with Ceci.
>> I'll take her light hearted fun stuff over the far right
>> babblings that have pushed decent discussion off this list for
>> the most part.
>> How did we get to this point ?
>> --- Marina
>> AnarchoCap/So-called "libertarian" infestation. They attract 
>> fascists and nazis because they share an underlying ideology, 
>> despite their bleatings to the contrary.
>> Rr
>> Yep The far right libertarians like Hoppe
> Uh, pardon me, but how can you refer to people as "far right 
> libertarians"?  Do you know nothing of the Nolan Chart,
> <,>  and the World's
> Smallest Political Quiz:
>  .
> "Far right libertarians" is dangerously close to being an oxymoron.
>  "Rightward libertarians" is plausible.

OK - i forgot the scare quotes. I was thinking of Hoppe and his former
fan Cantwell.

The phenomenon i am talking about are "libertarians" who don't care
about personal liberty, freedom to travel, and other stuff most of us
on this list hold dear. The folks i mean care only for private
property and don't seem to care if a restrictive dystopia results.

- From now on i will use scare quotes.

- --- Marin

> However, I laugh equally at "far-left Anarchists".  If being an 
> "Anarchist" means that you want no government, then how does that
> square with "far left"?  "Far left" people seem generally to want
> to enforce their "far left" ideas with a "far left" government.  To
> that, I'd say that you can either have "Anarchist" or "far left",
> not both.  A truly "far-left Anarchist" would not only be very
> confused, but also very frustrated:  He can't form the government
> that enforces his "far left" feelings dictate.
> Jim Bell



Re: Personal attacks etc (was Re: USA: National Security Strategy...)

2018-01-03 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 01/03/2018 02:35 PM, g2s wrote:
> Marina Brown wrote:
>> I stand with Ceci.
> I'll take her light hearted fun stuff over the far right babblings
> that have pushed decent discussion off this list for the most
> part.
> How did we get to this point ?
> --- Marina
> AnarchoCap/So-called "libertarian" infestation. They attract
> fascists and nazis because they share an underlying ideology,
> despite their bleatings to the contrary.
> Rr

Yep The far right libertarians like Hoppe don't even care about
personal freedom, just property. He is the bridge that has carried a
lot of libertarians into fascism.

...And the monarchists, WTF ??!!! They might do well under a good king
but the possibility of harm with a tyrant is unimaginable with modern
surveillance and police tactics.

- --- Marina


Re: Personal attacks etc (was Re: USA: National Security Strategy...)

2018-01-02 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 01/02/2018 08:53 PM, John Newman wrote:
> On January 2, 2018 6:07:37 AM EST, Ben Mezger  wrote:
>> I don't think you actually understood my point (nor did I
>> actually specify it precisely).
>> I did read __some__ of Jame's messages and I think it's also
>> damn pathetic too. I am not taking any sides here, I just think
>> you are both wrong
> James is way way more wrong, by virtue of being total scum.
> Ack, I just wasted more list bandwidth discussing this shiT 
> stain... wtf is wrong with me !?
>> about personally attacking each other (or it seems like so at
>> least) on a public email list on hacker culture. Wether you take
>> it as a humiliation or not, that's up to you. You should take it
>> as an advice that even if someone lowers their level, you should 
>> not do the same and perhaps sometimes is better to give a time
>> before replying.
>> Do whatever is healthier for you.
>> On 2 January 2018 at 11:49, Cecilia Tanaka
>>  wrote:
>>> On Jan 2, 2018 02:08, "Shawn K. Quinn" 
>>> wrote:
>>> On 01/01/2018 02:45 PM, Ben Mezger wrote:
 since when did cpunk got so personal specially on a public
>> and
 since when has cpunks become a sexual diary?
>>> Personally, I would rather read flagrant personal attacks and
>> outright
>>> pornography from Cecilia than even one-tenth of the flagrant
>>> racist (including white supremacist), anti-semitic, homophobic,
>>> and
>> dishonest
>>> spam that eminates from the like of those who I now call #$%&
>>> and
>> #$%&#$
>>> %&#$%&#$.
>>> Shawn,
>>> I thank you sincerely, but please let this topic die forever.
>>> Ben
>> did
>>> probably not read James' messages and his personal attacks to
>>> me or purposely ignored them.  He criticized only my answers
>>> and, well, his aggressive public reaction was a really precious
>>> lesson to me.
>>> **I swear I will never try to help another unknown and foreign
>> runaway
>>> hacker, depressed enough for considering killing himself,
>>> sincerely offering my home and my personal contacts to give him
>>> some support.**
>>> He could simply give me a sincere heads up in private about my
>> messages,
>>> honestly criticizing them and their content, when, only some
>>> weeks
>> ago,
>>> contacted me in private asking about me.  I was so, really so
>>> happy
>> for
>>> knowing his personal storm was apparently finished and he was
>>> doing good...  I was very stupid.
>>> Well, not my problem anymore.  He knows very well how much I do
>>> hate
>> false
>>> and hypocrite persons and I will never trust him again.  Really
>>> sorry
>> for
>>> wasting my time last year, reading his "pathetic" private
>>> messages
>> asking
>>> for help and answering to them when he was feeling deeply sad
>>> and
>> lost.
>>> I hate the sensation of being humiliated in public for someone
>>> that I
>> used
>>> to trust, someone who used to be my friend, but it is
>>> evidently
>> **not** a
>>> problem for him, so he will not waste his time reading this
>>> message
>> and
>>> giving it an answer.  Anyway, he died for me yesterday and I
>>> think a supposed "badass hacker" knows very well how to create
>>> messages
>> filters.
>>> Wish you all a lovely day.  I will lurk for some time because
>>> it will certainly be much healthier for me.
>>> ** I am feeling really sick about hypocrite disgusting people
>>> who
>> think
>>> it's OK to post White Supremacist and Nazi content, but it's
>>> really shocking to mention sex.  It's f_cking creepy and unfair
>>> because
>> James'
>>> messages mentioning **MY** supposed sexual life can be freely
>>> posted,
>> but
>>> if I mention **HIS** sexual life, I am annoying the CP list
>>> and
>> destroying
>>> it.  Aff, deeply ridiculous situation...**
>>> D'oooh, too much stupid contradictions and drama for nothing...
>>> ;P
>>> Take care, dear all.  Or not, your choice only.
>>> c.

I stand with Ceci.

I'll take her light hearted fun stuff over
the far right babblings that have pushed decent
discussion off this list for the most part.

How did we get to this point ?

- --- Marina


Re: USA: National Security Strategy, Juan's Wet Dream -- OFF-TOPIC (James Donald is a creep)

2017-12-29 Thread Marina Brown
On 12/28/2017 07:42 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> On Dec 28, 2017 03:28, "James A. Donald"  > wrote:
> On 12/28/2017 12:16 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> If God really exists, They are pure, sincere love and absolute
> compassion, never cruelty, any kind of prejudice, racism,
> intolerance, hate...
> We are all Their sons and daughters, and we all received the
> gift of life the same way.  We all are brothers and sisters, and
> we should make our best for our family.
> Says she while enthusiastically calling for the murder of
> Christians, whites, and males.
> My dear garbage fire brother,
> Please, do *not* take my words of its context and stop telling daily
> lies.  Jeez, is it not a sin in your religion?  It's really disgusting! 
> :(((
What *IS* his religion ? From what i see him post on his "blog" it
sounds like he is one of the people for whom the white race is a religion.

> I would *never* ask for any murder.  Why the heck do you think I am a
> veggie since my earlier years?  Because I was a hipster, being veggie
> before it becomes hype, very cool?  Hahahaha!!!  ;D
> I do *not* support any death.  And, sorry, if you were not informed
> about it, the life of cows, pigs, chickens, cats, dogs, koalas, and
> several other animals, is *not* more important than *any human life*,
> including yours.  
> But I confess that, technically, I don't include you among the rational
> beings.  Already met doggies much smarter than you.  And they were cuter
> and less boring too!  :D
> I do not know if there is a Hell or not, my detestable garbage fire
> brother, but in positive case, we will meet there someday and, remember,
> you will arrive first.  You are much older and hated than me, so the
> probabilities are better on my side, hahaha!!    ;)
> I hope your atoms can be used in a better way, like beautiful flowers
> and trees.  James, you are a bad seed, a rotten apple in the society,
> spreading hate and intolerance.  You are the broken potato chip in the
> package, the one that always makes a mess and is wasted, aff...  :(((
> Ah, my dear, remember that I am being banned and excluded in some
> feminist radical groups for defending equality of treatment of women and
> men, for really believing that intelligence and character are much more
> important than genders, races, religions, sexual options, whatever...
> I will always try to respect all the people, but illogical, heartless
> racist, sexist, and homophobic garbage fire people like you do *not*
> deserve my respect and my time.
> I am deeply sorry for disappointing you, but instead of
> "enthusiastically calling for the murder of Christians, whites, and
> males", I do prefer to mourn the recent deaths of my friends and think
> about the future, about our lost plans and dreams.  
> All the three were "Christian white males", but it doesn't matter.  What
> is really important, what is making me cry for their deaths, is the fact
> that all the three were lovely, very kind, amazing human beings, always
> trying to share their knowledge and helping other people.  I will miss
> them until the last of my days.  
> Who will cry for your death, James?  Who will miss you?  Nobody. 
> Bye bye, baby!  See you in Hell or maybe in another reincarnation.  It's
> also a possibility to be strongly considered, because Zenaan and you are
> the living proofs of the existence of other lives.  Nobody can become so
> odious, hateful, and stupid in one single human life.  It takes muuuch
> time...  :P
> Ceci  <3


2017-12-22 Thread Marina Brown
On 12/22/2017 06:48 PM, John Newman wrote:
> On December 22, 2017 4:33:54 PM EST, grarpamp  wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 2:56 AM, Gaycoin  wrote:
>>> Coin went from ~20K to almost half it's value in a few days.
>> Normal, been there, done that...
>>> 1,000,000.00
>>> 100,000.00
>>> 10,000.00 <--- You are here
>> At least two more magnitudes remain to unlock.
>> For posterity...
>> Whatever the new line of support ends up being,
>> it'll be a hella strong launchpad to the next one.
>> Cryptocurrency is still early days, there are but three primary
>> rules...
>> 1) Stay agile 2) Buy dips 3) HODL...
>> and of course
>> 4) Work on adoption while ignoring the markets
>> 5) Spend and annoy a statist
>> or just live
>>> Scumbags
>> Some say BTC is pretty scummy with crazy fees and all...
>>> hemp
>> Aren't there already some drug coins?
>> So buy some, smoke a lil, and dig the audiovisuals...
>> In crypto we trust...
> A brief point... The whole proof of work calculation that is done
> in the process of Bitcoin activity would be far more 
> interesting if it did something useful. I suppose this is 
> much easier said than done - how do you precisely 
> quantify "useful work" (eg crunching data on the genome,
> on folding proteins, on SETI, etc)...

One way a friend and i thought of was to use bitcoin tech but make the
coin far far more divisible - something like 10^10 or even more and have
the blocks signed by some sort of mint. The "mint: could be SETI or
genome projects or the like. The way we thought to get rid of the energy
problem would be to only issue a very very small portion of the blockchain.

The obvious problem is the centralization, though there could be many
signers that could issue work-coins for worthy projects.

Not sure if my understanding of the tech is right but it was something
we thought a bit about.

> Burning carbon to generate wattage simply for the 
> purpose of proving work generating hashes, without doing 
> anything useful, seems like an awful waste. We are baking
> the earth quickly enough, aren't we?
> Are there are any digital currencies working in this 
> direction? Is it even feasible?  
> I take only a mild interest in Bitcoin having sold (used, actually) a number 
> of coins at $400-$600 a couple years
> ago and feeling foolish now, but I also recognize the
> environmental problem.
> Cheers
> John


2017-12-22 Thread Marina Brown
On 12/22/2017 12:11 PM, John Newman wrote:
> On December 21, 2017 5:58:00 PM EST, Sandal Snare  wrote:
>>> Marina Brown catskillmarina at gmā́il.comm
>>> Thu Dec 21 13:03:57 PST 2017
>>> pride to "White" nationalists
>> The US government classifies Hispanics as "White", so I am not sure
>> what
>> kind of fucked up argument you are making.
>> "White" also includes most of the Jewish community.
>> I am beginning to realize that you don't know shit about politics,
>> history, or even reality.
>>> US political parties
>> Are private, for-profit corporations.
>> Yet you occupy wallstreet antifa anarcho-commies support one.
>> The one that is historically racist.
>>> and more cops.
>> "Democrat"-lead cities and counties, such as Chicago IL and Alameda CA,
>> have the greatest police presence.  Because they are racists who see
>> "color" like you.
>> Please inform yourself instead of spreading lies on this list.
>>> anti-privacy figures on the Trump admin side.
>>> Disgusting.
>> Correct.
>> The Autist Formerly Known as Julian Assange is ante privacy.
>> So are many of the people on this list.
>> And ante freedom.
>> Save for "juan", "zztop", and maybe "grarpamp".
> ROFL. Im not sure your little team there actually has any
> interest in working together. I do think you and zzz make a 
> cosy pair, a couple of "irreverent nazis" linked arm in 
> arm, goose stepping in your best lederhosen, talking
> only amongst yourselves.

It would be ever so nice if the list got back to talking about privacy
and cryptography rather than worshipping hitler.


2017-12-21 Thread Marina Brown
On 12/21/2017 01:22 PM, jim bell wrote:
> [forwarded]
>>> I'm Still Trying To Figure Out How Hillary Lost The Election.
>>> Was it the Russian Uranium Deal?
>>> Was it Wikileaks?
>>> Was it Podesta?
>>> Was it Comey?
>>> Was it having a sexual predator as a husband?
>>> Was it Huma Abedin�s sexual predator husband Anthony Weiner?
>>> Was it because the Clinton Foundation ripped off Haiti?
>>> Was it subpoena violations?
>>> Was it the congressional testimony lies?
>>> Was it the corrupt Clinton Foundation?
>>> Was it the Benghazi fiasco?
>>> Was it pay for play?
>>> Was it being recorded laughing because she got a child rapist off when she 
>>> was an attorney?
>>> Was it the Travel Gate scandal?
>>> Was it the Whitewater scandal?
>>> Was it the Cattle Gate scandal?
>>> Was it the Trooper-Gate scandal?
>>> OR�.
>>> Was it the $15 million for Chelsea�s apartment bought with foundation 
>>> money?
>>> Or her husband�s interference with Loretta Lynch & the investigation?
>>> Or happily accepting the stolen�debate questions�given to her?
>>> Or her own secret server in her house and disdain for classified 
>>> information?
>>> Or deleting 30,000 emails?
>>> Or having cell phones destroyed with hammers?
>>> Was it the Seth Rich murder?
>>> Was it the Vince Foster murder?
>>> Was it the Gennifer Flowers assault & settlement?
>>> Was it the $800,000 Paula Jones settlement?
>>> Was it calling half the United States deplorable?
>>> Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders?
>>> Was it Bill�s impeachment?
>>> Was it the lie about being under sniper fire in Bosnia?
>>> Was it the $10 million she got for the pardon of Marc Rich?
>>> Or the $6 BILLION she �lost� when in charge of the State Dept.?
>>> Or because she is a hateful, lying, power-hungry, overly ambitious, greedy, 
>>> nasty person?
>>> Gee I just can�t seem to put my finger on it�
>>> -Author unknown

Seems US political parties are at an all time low in popularity.

The only thing the Democrats seem to offer is that they are not
Republicans and all the Republicans offer is pride to white nationalists
and more cops.

Though, despite the disgusting antics of the 2 parties at the national
level Pot is being legallized all over but in an awful way to support taxes.

I think both parties are enemies of Crypto. We have Clipper Chip Chuck
on one side and equally anti-privacy figures on the Trump admin side.


Re: Bitcoin... Destroying the planet

2017-12-13 Thread Marina Brown
On 12/13/2017 10:01 PM, John Newman wrote:
>> On Dec 7, 2017, at 9:26 PM, juan  wrote:
>> On Thu, 07 Dec 2017 18:10:32 -0800
>> g2s  wrote:
>>>we are still waiting for you to show that you able to
>>> calculate Blah blah... From that ars technical link
>>> However, we can make some educated guesses. For starters, we know the
>>> industry's revenue: Bitcoin miners currently generate 75 bitcoins per
>>> hour, which, at the current price of around $12,500 per bitcoin,
>>> translates to $937,500 per hour, or more than $8 billion per year.
>>hey stupid piece of joo shit, you still don't understand the
>>very basics of what you are supposed to calculate? you keep
>>copy pasting irrelevant shit? 
>>you are supposed to give an estimate of energy usage. Watts per
>>hour. Do you even know what that means? 
> What’s the point in calling Razer a “joo”? He doesn’t call you a beaner.
> Is he even a practicing Jew? Does it even matter (answer is no)? It’s such
> a lazy, inarticulate expression, it makes you sound exactly like racist trash.
> Oh and yeah I expect a bunch of “muh white knight” bullshit from the
> cock and probably others. So original, clever and biting, like all his genius 
> “irreverent nazi” bullshit.
>>> Moreover, the industry is highly competitive, and electricity is one
>>> of its biggest costs. So when the price of bitcoins rises, we can
>>> expect miners to spend more and more on electricity until electricity
>>> costs are roughly on par with revenues.
>>> This is the methodology the Digiconomist (link... use it scumbag.)
>>> website uses to estimate the Bitcoin network's energy consumption. It
>>> assumes that the industry will spend 60 percent of its revenue on
>>> electricity and then extrapolates from the current bitcoin price and
>>> prevailing electricity prices. It finds that the network is consuming
>>> energy at an annual rate of 32TWh.
>>> It also assumes that the network takes time to adjust to big price
>>> increases like we've seen in recent days. This means that, if Bitcoin
>>> stays above $12,000, we can expect this figure to rise further in the
>>> coming weeks." Rr
> is a great service ! It maintains a centralized nazi email
blocklist for us ! Just block their domains.

Re: Bitcoin... Destroying the planet

2017-12-13 Thread Marina Brown
On 12/13/2017 10:01 PM, John Newman wrote:
>> On Dec 7, 2017, at 9:26 PM, juan  wrote:
>> On Thu, 07 Dec 2017 18:10:32 -0800
>> g2s  wrote:
>>>we are still waiting for you to show that you able to
>>> calculate Blah blah... From that ars technical link
>>> However, we can make some educated guesses. For starters, we know the
>>> industry's revenue: Bitcoin miners currently generate 75 bitcoins per
>>> hour, which, at the current price of around $12,500 per bitcoin,
>>> translates to $937,500 per hour, or more than $8 billion per year.
>>hey stupid piece of joo shit, you still don't understand the
>>very basics of what you are supposed to calculate? you keep
>>copy pasting irrelevant shit? 
>>you are supposed to give an estimate of energy usage. Watts per
>>hour. Do you even know what that means? 
> What’s the point in calling Razer a “joo”? He doesn’t call you a beaner.
> Is he even a practicing Jew? Does it even matter (answer is no)? It’s such
> a lazy, inarticulate expression, it makes you sound exactly like racist trash.
> Oh and yeah I expect a bunch of “muh white knight” bullshit from the
> cock and probably others. So original, clever and biting, like all his genius 
> “irreverent nazi” bullshit.
>>> Moreover, the industry is highly competitive, and electricity is one
>>> of its biggest costs. So when the price of bitcoins rises, we can
>>> expect miners to spend more and more on electricity until electricity
>>> costs are roughly on par with revenues.
>>> This is the methodology the Digiconomist (link... use it scumbag.)
>>> website uses to estimate the Bitcoin network's energy consumption. It
>>> assumes that the industry will spend 60 percent of its revenue on
>>> electricity and then extrapolates from the current bitcoin price and
>>> prevailing electricity prices. It finds that the network is consuming
>>> energy at an annual rate of 32TWh.
>>> It also assumes that the network takes time to adjust to big price
>>> increases like we've seen in recent days. This means that, if Bitcoin
>>> stays above $12,000, we can expect this figure to rise further in the
>>> coming weeks." Rr

I hate Illinois Nazis !

What are nazis good for ? The only think i know they are good
for are human punching bags !

How many nazis does it take to screw in a lightbulb ? None !
They don't let prisoners at the Spandau prison mess with the light bulbs.

Seriously, fuck nazis !

Re: Bitcoin... Destroying the planet

2017-12-11 Thread Marina Brown
On 12/11/2017 09:59 PM, John Newman wrote:
>> On Dec 10, 2017, at 12:33 PM, Kurt Buff  wrote:
>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2017 at 7:10 PM, g2s  wrote:
>>>  Original message 
>>> From: Kurt Buff 
>>> Date: 12/9/17 2:50 PM (GMT-08:00)
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Bitcoin... Destroying the planet
 On Sat, Dec 9, 2017 at 2:24 PM, z9wahqvh  wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 9:22 PM, Michael Nelson 
> The mapping between Bitcoin and energy is missing the point, from the
> point of view of understanding the system. The correct mapping is between
> Bitcoin and the *price* of energy.
> If electricity were 10 times as expensive, Bitcoin mining use of electric
> power would drop by a factor of 10 (for a given BTC price). The point of
> spending money on mining is to be competitive. The absolute amount of
> power
> is irrelevant.
> This means that if governments raised the price of electricity, or
> resources used for generating it, then BTC would never be a problem. Not
> trivial to do, admittedly, but the point here is to understand the
> system.

 it has nothing to do with the price of energy. the price of energy is
 mentioned in the analyses that worry about Bitcoin's energy use, and for
 good reason.

 the problem with Bitcoin is that it uses an enormous QUANTITY of energy to
 verify each new transaction. That amount has nothing to do with the price
 energy. It is a quantity of energy, measured in kilowatt hours or whatever
 quantity you want (they currently use "TeraWatt hours," because it uses
 much). It takes a certain amount of coal or oil or solar power to generate
 those kilowatt hours, and the number is rising steeply:

 There is no mention of price in the equations that produce this analysis,
 nor should there be.

 IF coal and oil did not pollute and we had infinite free energy, this
 not be a problem. But they do, and we don't, and it is, and it's getting
>>> You gloss over the fact that if coal and oil didn't pollute, and we
>>> had infinite free energy, bitcoin would be (relatively)
>>> [use|worth]less, and we'd not have to worry about most any shortage at
>>> all.
>>> Michael drew the correct conclusion.
>>> Bitcoin is produced in relation to other economic goods, and under the
>>> constraints of the costs of energy and computer infrastructure. If
>>> those costs go up, production of bitcoin goes does, and if other
>>> economic goods become more valuable relative to bitcoin, then again
>>> production of bitcoin goes down.
>>> Kurt
>>> A total evasion of the point. Point being Dead planet" sooner than later.
>>> Rr
>> You don't define what you mean by "kill the planet", nor "dead
>> planet", but not even if every country launched all of their nuclear
>> weapons at once could we kill the planet. It's not even certain such
>> an event would kill all humans.
>> At this stage in our technology, we simply can't do it.
>> Kurt
> Wrong. The nuclear winter from ~15000 nukes detonated around the globe
> would kill all humanity.

Correct me if i am wrong but won't energy for bitcoin mining drop soon
as we get to the end of the blockchain ?

--- Marina

Re: Bitcoin... Destroying the planet

2017-12-08 Thread Marina Brown
On 12/08/2017 01:39 PM, Mirimir wrote:
> On 12/08/2017 07:29 AM, Temple OS User wrote:
>>> g2s g2s at
>>> Thu Dec 7 12:05:26 PST 2017
>>> bitcoin network uses electricity
>>> In 18 months, we'll all be dead.
>>> "muh planet"
>> You faggot.
> Ah, I see. Another fucking Zenaan or Juan clone. Bye.
>> Using electricity isn't going to "destroy" the planet.  Do you even know
>> what energy is? Or how the flat earth spins?
>> [pic related]

Aren't we getting near the end of the blockchain ?

Re: 10 awkward cryptocurrencies

2017-12-05 Thread Marina Brown
On 12/05/2017 07:07 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> 10 awkward cryptocurrencies
> Wish you all a fun day!  <3

Thank you Ceci ! I needed a smile !

--- M

> c.
> --
> "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your
> curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on and do
> all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison

Re: Cryptocurrency: Speaking of $10k...

2017-11-29 Thread Marina Brown
On 11/29/2017 05:53 PM, Mirimir wrote:
> On 11/28/2017 08:26 PM, grarpamp wrote:
>> A few of the of the megathreads are above.
>> Congrats cypherpunks!
>> Cryptocurrency and blockchain just getting started,
>> in a number of years $10k will feel like $100 does now,
>> a distant happy memory.
> Over the past ~7 years, the price has increased ~10^5. If futures do
> become available, $10K could indeed seem like ~$0. Especially if
> brokerages provide substantial leverage.

If you want leverage - offers a LOT of leverage in trading
forex, crypto and some commodities. I think it is something like 500:1.

--- Marina

>> Nice collection of news videos
>> Just.getting.started...

Re: [OMELETTE] Germany on track to minimize crime stats since immigration influx

2017-11-29 Thread Marina Brown
On 11/29/2017 06:53 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> Hi, Hi!  :D
> I would like to explain to the new members of the CP list why I was so
> aggressive and made several references to c*cks and anal sex in my
> last message on this thread.
> Zenaan, his fake profiles, and his friends are *extremely homophobic*
> (search for older messages in our archives, it's pretty scary!)  and
> mentioning their obsession with c*cks, anal sex, Putin's topless
> "sexy" pics and Trump's bizarre sexual preferences ("golden shower"
> and so goes on)  is the best way of making them feel a bit embarrassed
> for still living in the closet, with lots of skeletons and repressed
> sexual desires.
> Anal sex and c*cks are really delicious, awesome, I swear.  They
> should leave the closet and be happy, instead of always sending nazi
> white supremacist garbage to this list.
> Little kisses, hot chocolate and an amazing day for all of you!  <3
> Ceci
> ---
> "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or
> your curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on
> and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -
>  Mae Jemison

The ony realy use of those emails is that they generally come from troll
domains. They are very useful updates for domains to add to my blocklist.

--- Marina

Re: [OT] [Just For Fun] Conspiracy Theories

2017-11-08 Thread Marina Brown
On 11/08/2017 05:27 PM, John Newman wrote:
> On November 8, 2017 5:14:37 PM EST, Marina Brown  
> wrote:
>> On 11/07/2017 11:57 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
>>> Conspiracy Theories, guys!  ;)
>>> My favorite one is "The Reptilian Elite", hahaha!!!  ;D
>>> * Bonus for more fun, yay!!!  :D
>>> #  Conspiracy theory king David Icke has spoken at length about why
>> he
>>> believes the Queen of England is actually a shape-shifting reptilian
>>> lizard from outer space.
>>> #  David Icke says the royal family are shape-shifting lizards on BBC
>>> national TV
>>> Aaand the cherry on the cake...  Suck it, Nasa and Elon Musk!  We
>> have
>>> already Martians among us.  Obviously, they are Russians and Area 51
>>> received another kind of strange alien, with fake orange tanning and
>>> ridiculous wig to simulate being human and tries to dominate the
>>> world.  :D
>>> # 
>>> Sweet good night kisses, dear all!  <3
>>> c.
>>> ---
>> Be carefull - some jamokes on this list might believe these theories !
> I think a couple ppl on the list might be reptilians themselves ;)
> The really slimy bootheel toady lickspittle type...

Point taken !

-- M

>> --- M
>>> "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or
>>> your curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on
>>> and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live." 
>> -
>>>  Mae Jemison

Re: [OT] [Just For Fun] Conspiracy Theories

2017-11-08 Thread Marina Brown
On 11/07/2017 11:57 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> Conspiracy Theories, guys!  ;)
> My favorite one is "The Reptilian Elite", hahaha!!!  ;D
> * Bonus for more fun, yay!!!  :D
> #  Conspiracy theory king David Icke has spoken at length about why he
> believes the Queen of England is actually a shape-shifting reptilian
> lizard from outer space.
> #  David Icke says the royal family are shape-shifting lizards on BBC
> national TV
> Aaand the cherry on the cake...  Suck it, Nasa and Elon Musk!  We have
> already Martians among us.  Obviously, they are Russians and Area 51
> received another kind of strange alien, with fake orange tanning and
> ridiculous wig to simulate being human and tries to dominate the
> world.  :D
> #  
> Sweet good night kisses, dear all!  <3
> c.
> ---

Be carefull - some jamokes on this list might believe these theories !

--- M

> "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or
> your curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on
> and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -
>  Mae Jemison

Re: Public Money, Public Code.

2017-11-08 Thread Marina Brown
On 11/08/2017 01:08 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> Public Money, Public Code.
> #
> Why is software created using taxpayers’ money not released as Free Software?
> We want legislation requiring that publicly financed software
> developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a
> Free and Open Source Software license. If it is public money, it
> should be public code as well.
> Code paid by the people should be available to the people!
> ---
> "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or
> your curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on
> and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -
>  Mae Jemison

Here in Vermont the state actually has holes in their public records
laws to avoid releasing information about state used software.

When their health system was hacked i did a public records request and
they even refused to admitt that the site was run on Oracle forms - even
though that was publically in the website html.

Even worse they refused to release the results of their PEN testing.

So much for "progressive" and "transparent" Vermont.

--- Marina

Re: is looking for volunteers

2017-10-28 Thread Marina Brown
On 10/27/2017 04:55 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 5:15 PM, Marina Brown  
> wrote:
>> These little dick white boys get so insecure about their failure to be
>> able to get a girlfriend that they feel compelled to accuse anyone who
>> rejects them of being a man.
> My dear Marina,
> Mark is a very smart guy and discovered the real truth about me:
> Hahahahahaha!!!  ;D

OMG that is hilarious !!! Reminds me of the last time i trolled
anti-trans activists.

The troll went like this:

Are you a man or a mushroom ?

We are ALL men here. Even the women. They are men too ! LOL.

Re: is looking for volunteers

2017-10-27 Thread Marina Brown
On 10/26/2017 09:48 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 10:17 PM, juan  wrote:
>> On Thu, 26 Oct 2017 23:56:51 +
>> "\\0xDynamite"  wrote:
> From whence comes life?
> * other life TAKEN
> * accumulated life force given in the act of REPRODUCTION
> * new life force made (and held) in the act of love without
> reproduction, an act of FUSION, I'll argue,
> * GOD

 what the fuck do you mean ' god '  ?

 + 1.  God?!  (Ô.o)
>>> Cecilia, I know you're a man posing as a woman, transgender or
>>> whatnot, but don't get into the argment of GOD vs goddess because GOD
>>> is a gender-neutral, unisex term in the totality of what god IS, hence
>>> it is genus HOMO and arose PRIOR to ANY NOTION OF gender.
>> again - what is this 'god' thing you keep talking about ?
>>> You may be seated.
>>> Marxos
> Mark, I love filters and you were blocked a few days ago, so I am
> reading your bizarre commentaries and answers only because of Juan's
> courtesy.  Should I thank you for this garbage, my dear Juan?
> Hahaha!!  ;D
> I was *not* questioning God's gender or something similar, just asking
> what the heck God has to do with anarchism and politics?  I don't know
> if God really exists, guy.  Why would I waste my time discussing God's
> gender on a CyperPunk list?  Are you crazy?  :P
> And I don't have any reason to talk about my gender either.  I am a
> cis woman and won't send pics of my pussy and breasts to prove you are
> wrong.  But if you feel happy thinking I am a man, please do it.  Just
> remember that I am much more "macho" than you and my penis is bigger
> than the one of this guy here, but I am discreet and don't show it on
> the TV, hahahaha!!!  ;D

These little dick white boys get so insecure about their failure to be
able to get a girlfriend that they feel compelled to accuse anyone who
rejects them of being a man.

What they don't realize is that most men reject them too.

Glad for my filters too !

> #  
> Ok, explain what God has to do with politics?  God hates all the
> people and shows it giving us corrupt and vile governments?  What is
> your point?  Is there a real point?!  :-/

Re: is looking for volunteers

2017-10-26 Thread Marina Brown
On 10/26/2017 12:11 PM, jim bell wrote:
> *From:*Volunteer 
>> jim bell jdb10987 at
>> Fri Oct 13 05:42:04 PDT 2017
>>> eliminate taxes
>>> tax bitcoin owners
>>> gibs me 1/1000th
>>Lol.  What a libertarian.
>>Sounds more like a tyrannical king.
>>Gibs me 1/1000 nights with your wife.
> You have a very vague objection.  Nevertheless, I will address it.   
> Freedom is not free.  Like other products, it costs money, and a person
> who offers the possibility of it is not responsible for the lack of it. 
> For instance, the local grocery store doesn't make me hungry, though it
> sells products to relieve my hunger.  Walmart sells tens of thousands of
> products, but it doesn't make me need any of them.  Do you already
> resent product-sellers who offer products that you need or like to
> have?  If not, why not?
> I'd like to offer people freedom.  Ideally it wouldn't cost anything,
> but that's not possible now.  22 years ago, I invented/discovered my AP
> concept, and since then virtually nobody has argued that if properly
> implemented, it won't work.  The cost, in principle, would be
> exceedingly low.  For instance, it looks like the new Defense budget for
> America will be over $700 billion.   AP could easily protect the region
> formerly known as "The United States" for less than 1/100 that.  ($7
> billion could kill 700 threatening world leaders, and each of their
> successors, if the cost to kill one is $10 million.  
> Are you willing to dispute this?

To play devils advocate AP with a good sized budged might make the world
balkanize into territories controlled by warlords who never come out of
their forts. Sadly there probably will always be people who think they
can't die or who become scarier than anyone who would try to assassinate

If one were a tin pot dictator one might hedge their bets by creating an
account with a 20 million dollar reward to kill anyone who assassinated

Of course there will probably be assasins who don't believe they will be
caught or recognize the risk and are willing to take it.

The period before the Taliban took over in N Afghanistan might be a real
world example of AP. Not sure but i do remember people being sold simply
for money.

> Very likely, the actual problem is that you are a Statist.  A Statist is
> a person who wants government, or believes in government.  Maybe not all
> governments, but at least one government.  He believes in government,
> probably in large part, because he thinks he will be (or already is) in
> charge:  

>               Jim Bell

Re: Constructing the cyber-troll: Psychopathy, Sadism, and Empathy

2017-10-26 Thread Marina Brown
On 10/26/2017 11:09 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 12:51 AM, Cecilia Tanaka
>  wrote:
>> * Constructing the cyber-troll: Psychopathy, Sadism, and Empathy
>> #
>> ==
>> * The average person walks past at least 16 murderers in their lifetime.
>> Some badass on Reddit did the math for someone living in an average-sized
>> city:
>> 10 new people per day x 365 days per year x 71 years of living = about
>> 260,000 separate individuals somebody might walk by; 260,000 people in a
>> lifetime x 6 murderers per 100,000 people = 15.6, or about 16 murderers.
>> ==
>> Well, I am completely sure that trolls are vile, sadic garbage.  Zenaan
>> Harkness is an insane old man, jealous, able of making cruel and stupid
>> things only to get two little minutes of attention.  One of my 16 psychos, I
>> bet.
> I know it sounds very macabre to talk about this, but Halloween is
> nearby and most of us here like Electronics, so I thought the subject
> is correct and fun.  :)
> Hahaha!!!  Wish you all a lovely day, serene, warming heart,
> peaceful...  Wish no Evil.  Do No Evil. Much love!   <3
> Ceci
> --
> "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or
> your curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on
> and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -
>  Mae Jemison

That article sounds a lot like Wilhelm Reich. I'm reading "The Mass
Psychology of Fascism" right now.

Kind of reinforces the stereotype that internet trolls are sad little
men living in their mothers basements who can't find a sexual partner.

--- M

Re: is looking for volunteers

2017-10-24 Thread Marina Brown
On 10/24/2017 01:22 PM, jim bell wrote:
> *From:* Marina Brown 
> *Subject:* Re: is looking for volunteers
> On 10/24/2017 11:47 AM, Chad wrote:
>>> Marina Brown catskillmarina at
>>> Tue Oct 24 07:56:38 PDT 2017
>>>> Myanmar
>>> "muh gė́nocide and ethnį̇́c ć̣leansing"
>>> Wow a (((cohencidence))) that you throw in the Buddhists, and that you
>> name them first.
>>> Your "religion" has to be pretty fucked up for Buddhist children to take
>>> up arms and start killing you in the streets.
>>> You are openly defending the argument "She asked for it.", btw.
>>> Rape Culture, antifaanon.
>>Are you really and truly insane ? Straw man supreme anyone ?
> I'd like to understand the dispute.   This is from the Wikipedia
> article: 
> "The current conflict began in October 2016 when ARSA insurgents
> attacked Burmese border posts along the Bangladesh
> <>-Myanmar
> <> border. In response, Myanmar
> authorities launched a military campaign against the Rohingya and from
> October 2016 to June 2017, government operations killed more than 1,000
> Rohingya civilians, according to UN officials.^[28]
> <>
> ^[12]
> <>
>  In August 2017, following attacks on local military outposts by
> Rohingya rebels, a resurgence in violence erupted throughout northern
> Rakhine. According to the UN and other agencies, the Myanmar military,
> aided by violent mobs of local Buddhist Rakhines killed over 400 people
> (whom the military claimed were insurgents or terrorists). Other
> estimates, including the UN's, estimate that at least 1,000 people were
> killed between 25 August and 8 September.^[32]
> <>
> ^[14]
> <>
>  By September, the violence had resulted in 389,000 Rohingyas fleeing
> their homes.    [end of quote]
> What are we to think?  This is informed by the fact that in decades of
> my reading the news, Buddhists are almost always peaceful, while Muslims
> are quite frequently violent.
>                 Jim Bell

There are a lot of insane things in the world. Wars with ethnic
cleansing and ethnic/religious cleansing are amongst the most horrific
things we have seen.

Re: is looking for volunteers

2017-10-24 Thread Marina Brown
On 10/24/2017 03:15 PM, Chad wrote:
>> Marina Brown catskillmarina at
>> Tue Oct 24 10:08:06 PDT 2017
>> Rape
>> Straw man
> I am sure you will argue "cultural incompetence".

Not really sure what mean by that, honestly.

Every time i travel abroad i feel a bit culturally incompetent - even
in Ireland, though i did figure out the pub and hard cider. Not so much
in Quebec, but i go there a lot.

Even in some places in the US i feel like i don't quite know how to
behave. The US has so so many different cultures within it.
...Especially big cities.

Re: is looking for volunteers

2017-10-24 Thread Marina Brown
On 10/24/2017 11:47 AM, Chad wrote:
>> Marina Brown catskillmarina at
>> Tue Oct 24 07:56:38 PDT 2017
>> Myanmar
>> "muh gė́nocide and ethnį̇́c ć̣leansing"
> Wow a (((cohencidence))) that you throw in the Buddhists, and that you
> name them first.
> Your "religion" has to be pretty fucked up for Buddhist children to take
> up arms and start killing you in the streets.
> You are openly defending the argument "She asked for it.", btw.
> Rape Culture, antifaanon.

Are you really and truly insane ? Straw man supreme anyone ?

Re: is looking for volunteers

2017-10-24 Thread Marina Brown
On 10/22/2017 09:31 PM, jim bell wrote:
> *From:* juan 
> On Sun, 22 Oct 2017 17:39:31 + (UTC)
> jim bell>> wrote:
>>  From: John Newman>>
>> > On Oct 21, 2017, at 6:03 PM, juan  > wrote:
>> >   
>> >
>> >>    " North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, and Zimbabwe"
>> >
>> >>    "The leaders of these nations must be stopped immediately, by
>> >>    any means necessary, before they kill more."
>> >
>> >>    Who are these 'leaders' killing, exactly?
>> >
>>> >>    And why did you forget to mention that the number one guy in
>>> >>    the death prediction  market should be the US president, trump?
>>> >To be fair, Jim did give the rest of the world a mention, directly
>> after the bit you quoted:
>>> >“But this is only the beginning because most other nations are
>>> also grossly abusive of people's rights.”
>>> It is interesting that Juan was sufficiently dishonest that he would
>>> selectively quote my citation of four of the worst nations,
>>    LMAO!!! You keep parroting US military propaganda? 
> You are delusional.  You mistake correlation for causation.  There is
> another strong association between the nations of North Korea,
> Venezuela, Syria, and Zimbabwe:  they are all quite prominent in the
> news, which is primarily a product of the MSM (news media).  There are,
> of course, many problems with many nations around the world, see 
>   , but the large majority of them aren't
> very well publicized by the MSM, especially that of America.  There
> might be a weak association between the most prominent of these
> freedom-challenged nation, and what you call "US military propaganda",
> but they are the same thing.   I have a good reason to mention nations
> that Western audiences would recognize and understand.  
> Good reasons to mention these nations:
> 1.  North Korea, has the hydrogen bomb, is developing ICBMS.  No logical
> reason not to mention them.
> 2.  Venezuela:  Currently they are starving their population, despite
> sitting atop a lake of oil.  
> 3.  Syria:  Poisoning their population with chemical warfare agents, a
> very prominent war, ISIS terrorists, Russian involvement.
> 4.  Zimbabwe:  Failed state, starving population.
> I'd say the burden is on you to show why it would be somehow improper
> for me to list those nations.   You are free to add more.
>>    Also, I provided a link to the source, so there isn't anything
>     'dishonest' about what I did. I simply highlighted your fascist
>     propaganda which you tried to tone down with a qualfier. But the
>     qualfier doesn't change, at all, the fact that you said : 
> My goal was an is to convince the public that there is very good reason
> to consider overthrowing numerous nations' governments.  Merely adding
> to the list doesn't disprove my point.  If anything, it proves it.  
>>>    “The examples of nations such as North Korea, Venezuela, Syria,
>     and Zimbabwe prove that some nations of are simply rogue"
>>    So which nations are NOT 'rogue' Jim?
> That's hard to say.  As an anarchist I am not 'friends' with any
> nation's government.
>> And why mention Zimbabwe
>>    and the USA?
> I mention Zimbabwe because it is obviously a failed state. 
> Hyperinflation, for example, and a government which tolerates theft of
> property from members of the public, as well as murder.  
> Why mention the USA?  My problems with the government of the US are well
> known, especially here.  
>>    Where's the evidence that the 4 countries, taken from the
>     current list of the 'enemies' of the US nazis, are the 'worst
>     nations'?
> Did I claim they are 'worst nations'?   I don't recall that.  They are,
> instead, very prominent and well-publicized examples of nations whose
> governments need to be  rapidly removed.    Their names and offenses are
> well known by the public.
>>> while
>>> omitting the material you pointed out, and yet criticizing me as if I
>> had not mentioned it.  In any case, Juan's criticism is foolish:
>> From the very beginning (1995) I repeatedly pointed out that one of
>> the big advantages of AP is that it won't have some sort of
>> centralized agenda: 
>>    So why did you list as 'rogue' nations the countries that the
>>    american nazis want to invade and destroy?  Does your knowledge
>>    of politics come from fauxnews and the washington post? 
> Are you implying that "the american nazis ONLY want to "invade and
> destroy" those specific four countries?!?  THAT would really be an
> amazing coincidence.   Ha ha!  You set your own trap!!
>  Rather, I named failed nations that are causing trouble, either for
> others or for their own people, or both.   That they are also not

amazon cards

2017-09-29 Thread Marina Brown
Hi All:

I have a couple $25 amazon cards that were given to me. I'm willing to
trade for BTC - later today i should have wallets set up for other

Just contact me offlist and we can deal.


--- Marina

Re: Tim Berners Lee: The Pedo Spending W3C $$$ on CP.

2017-09-26 Thread Marina Brown
On 09/26/2017 05:22 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 4:27 PM, Cecilia Tanaka
>  wrote:
> Zenaan Harkness,
> So many stupid lies...  Aren't you just sick and tired of being you?  :((
> My God, you're so mediocre, so slow and limited... So needy of
> attention...  I never know exactly if you are ovulating, having
> periods, or are just very, very constipated, aff...  :((
> I did read some of your ridiculous messages on Debian's list too.
> Capital letters and aggressive, hysterical attacks, uuuh...  Everybody
> there was very, very scared, because you are "The Powerful Lord of All
> Programming Languages", hahaha!!  ;D
> Before spreading more hate on the Internet, on public lists and sites,
> please, consider taking some probiotic yogurt, eating chocolate, or
> adopt a shelter puppy or kitten.  I won't suggest 'sex' because you
> did evidently not leave the closet yet, and it is very complex to
> people like you to get a bit of good sex, even paying for it.  I have
> much more charismatic and interesting tomatoes than you in my
> refrigerator, haha!!  ;)
> Zenaan, you're a real loser, a coward with much free time in your
> hands to choose to create hundreds of fake accounts just to spread
> hate and stupid prejudices, instead of having a real life.  I don't
> know why you are still subscribing me in dating sites.  Almost one
> year of royal jerkness.  I bet your  (cof, cof!)  "ex-wife" receive
> the same kind of treatment and probably a lot of cruel lies.
> Did you stalk her *wrong* profile on Facebook too?  Last year, I had
> to alert all the other Cecilias (Tanaka) to take care because I have a
> really stupid stalker:  - YOU, Zenaan!!
> Get a life, jerk.  Stop offending the people and gave up forever:  Rr,
> Lauren and I will never respect you.  And Mr. Tim Berners-Lee knows I
> am not so limited to write something like "Destroy this beast or be
> destroyed."  Dramatic, but without my charm, bah!  ;P
> The most fun thing in the world is the fact you were the only person
> stupid enough to believe in that bizarre hackerspaces theory, aff...
> Don't worry, I don't use my "insane level of cuteness" or my
> "awesomeness" to "manipulate" groups and people, hahaha!!  ;D
> Ceci  <3
> --
> "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or
> your curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on
> and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -
>  Mae Jemison


Your brilliance at throwing the most delicious shade at our list trolls
and dotards is utter genius !

All i can do is step out of the way and applaud !

--- Marina

Re: new idea for random number generation

2017-09-25 Thread Marina Brown
On 09/25/2017 02:38 AM, jim bell wrote:
> On Sunday, September 24, 2017, 3:25:10 PM PDT, \0xDynamite
>  wrote:
> On 8/4/17, jim bell>> wrote:
>>> "Vernam cipher"
>>YES!  That is the cipher.  I can't believe I forgot the name of it.
> Geez, I'm just re-realizing all of my undergrad training.
>>AFAICT, it is UNBREAKABLE if the keysize is at least half the size of
> your plaintext.
> My understanding is that the keysize ought to be as long as the message
> to be encrypted.  
> And yes, it is unbreakable...   UNLESS you try to reuse the keys!!!
>  Google-search the word "Venona" to learn more.
>              Jim Bell

Very very easy to implement too, though getting quality key material is
a bit of a hassle.

I have considered filming rough water then taking the low bits and
repacking them.

I wonder if low bits from the sounds in a chicken coop would work too.

--- Marin

Re: NY Times Op-Ed Blasts Cloudflare for Daily Stormer Terror

2017-09-14 Thread Marina Brown
On 09/14/2017 04:31 PM, jim bell wrote:
> On Thursday, September 14, 2017, 11:34:08 AM PDT, Marina Brown
>  wrote:
> On 09/14/2017 03:44 AM, jim bell wrote:
>>> You say that as if we must all already agree that:   There are
>>> significant numbers of people 'starting planning on murdering whole
>>> groups of people...'    Give us a few actual examples.  
>>Thankfully it is not significant numbers of people planning genocide. If
> there were we would be in much more trouble than we are.
> You seem to be backing away from your original position.  That's progress. 

Not really. I am alarmed by the increasing number of people who have
gong to the extreme position of advocating wiping people out.

I am just hoping that the majority serves as a break on them.

And the issue is not numbers here.

>>Groups like ironmarch, atomwaffen and many on Daily stormer certainly
> appear to be planning genocide. One does not tag their publication "the
> most genocidal republican website" if one is not interested in promoting
> genocide.
> People could "plan genocide" by email, Twitter, IRC,  Plain Old
> Telephone System, Fax, Telex (?), TWX (?) smoke signals, semaphore,
> tin-cans-and-a-string, message-in-a-bottle, or the U.S. mail if they
> aren't allowed to have websites.

No doubt at all.

If the internet was considered a public utility or something like that
free speech would be better protected, however planning crimes like
genocide would not be.

Probably the most dangerous are not publishing anything at all.

>>...But of course that will be for a judge to decide. Not me.
> But I think you were talking about DNS and website registration.  What
> does prosecuting people for "planning genocide" have to do with
> registering websites?   Remember, if you are trying to justify CURRENT
> censorship of "everybody", you'd better do more than point to a very
> small number of people who, you claim, may eventually carry out what
> would be a tiny number of comparatively minor attacks.  

No - i am speculating about the possible liability of people knowingly
hosting sites planning genocide.

And if the desires of ironmarch were to come to fruition it would not be
minor at all. Thankfully they don't have much resources other than
"mother of satan" and old smoke detectors.

>> And what is your definition of "significant numbers'?   If we are
>> talking murdered bodies, even one might be called a "significant
>> number".  But somehow, to worry most people, you need to show how big
>> the figure is compared with, say, the population of America.  Are the
>> number of people that will be killed greater, or less than, the number
>> of people who die yearly falling down stairs at home, by accident?   For
>> the year 2000, it was 1307.   If it's only 1/10th that number, say 131,
>> it's going to be hard to get people excited.
> I>'m not trying to get people excited. I'm just stating the legal fact
> that conspiracy to commit genocide, ethnic cleansing and to deny human
> rights is not free speech. It's a crime.
> Okay, then STOP STOP STOP trying to justify censorship in DNS
> registration, or advocating that Cloudflare refuse their services to ONE
> customer,  based on the mere future possibility of a crime occurring.  
>  Especially when it cannot be shown that a specific website, or a
> specific customer, is definitely going to be engaging in a crime.

The reason i mentioned ironmarch and atomwaffen is that their members
have murdered people. Stormfront members have killed about 100 so far.

What i am arguing is that there IS quite possibly a crime occuring when
people use these sites to plan genocide. I'm not talking about idle
talk. I'm talking about stuff that goes towards planning.

I'm quite aware that this argument might lead to the prosecution of
Alberto Gonzales, John Yoo and possibly even Alan Dershowitz who have
created legal frameworks that could justify torture. Dersh came up with
the idea of "Torture warrents". In their case there might be a direct
connection with their frameworks and torture.

Though i would say - that maybe i should be pushing for enforcement
directly of the laws about conspiracy to commit genocide. (thinking)

>> And remember all the people murdered in Chicago yearly.  761 in 2016.  
>>Nonsequitur. One dead is too many.
> But you can't properly justify an improper act

Re: NY Times Op-Ed Blasts Cloudflare for Daily Stormer Terror

2017-09-14 Thread Marina Brown
On 09/14/2017 03:44 AM, jim bell wrote:
> On Wednesday, September 13, 2017, 8:14:36 PM PDT, Marina Brown
>  wrote:
>>>"We can oppose monopolies like DNS TLD without defending conspiracy to
>> commit genocide."
>> We can defend people's right to free speech without being accused of
>> defending conspiracy to commit genocide.
>> Oh, wait,  I forgot.  That's SO 20th Century!!!
>>                 Jim Bell
>>I do defend Free Speech - but when people start planning on murdering
> whole groups of people it is no longer free speech. It's something else.
> You say that as if we must all already agree that:   There are
> significant numbers of people 'starting planning on murdering whole
> groups of people...'    Give us a few actual examples.  

Thankfully it is not significant numbers of people planning genocide. If
there were we would be in much more trouble than we are.

Groups like ironmarch, atomwaffen and many on Daily stormer certainly
appear to be planning genocide. One does not tag their publication "the
most genocidal republican website" if one is not interested in promoting

...But of course that will be for a judge to decide. Not me.

> And what is your definition of "significant numbers'?   If we are
> talking murdered bodies, even one might be called a "significant
> number".  But somehow, to worry most people, you need to show how big
> the figure is compared with, say, the population of America.  Are the
> number of people that will be killed greater, or less than, the number
> of people who die yearly falling down stairs at home, by accident?   For
> the year 2000, it was 1307.   If it's only 1/10th that number, say 131,
> it's going to be hard to get people excited.

I'm not trying to get people excited. I'm just stating the legal fact
that conspiracy to commit genocide, ethnic cleansing and to deny human
rights is not free speech. It's a crime.

> And remember all the people murdered in Chicago yearly.  761 in 2016.  

Nonsequitur. One dead is too many.

>                    Jim Bell

Marina Brown

Re: NY Times Op-Ed Blasts Cloudflare for Daily Stormer Terror

2017-09-13 Thread Marina Brown
On 09/13/2017 04:22 PM, jim bell wrote:
> On Wednesday, September 13, 2017, 12:04:45 PM PDT, Marina Brown
>  wrote:
>>> Sorry, but you are not even hundreds of miles away from being correct on
>>> this.  To label DNS service, which is essentially monopoly, as
>>> supporting "genocide" is about 3-4 leaps of logic, far too much to
> work.  
>>> A few nuts spouting nonsense is far, very far, from "conspiracy to
>>> commit genocide".  Merely providing necessary net services to them, just
>>> as is done for thousands of sites, cannot possibly be described that
>>> way.   Maybe you just have no respect for the concept of "Free
> Speech".   
>>>              Jim Bell
>>I am concerned about the market monopoly of DNS service ...but
>>This is not about speech. It is about people conspiring to commit
> genocide, ethnic cleansing and to remove peoples human rights.
> Sorry, but I cannot agree.  That's way too close to the 'nutty lefty'
> way of thinking that is infecting our society today.    At most, it is
> "hate speech", which the First Amendment protects.  
>>You cannot simultaneously enguage in free speech and a conspiracy to
> commit genocide. One is permitted, one is a crime.
> What do you mean, "you cannot"?   Do you mean, 'you are not allowed to'?
>  Or do you mean, 'you are not capable of...'.  ?
> Further, your reference to "conspiracy to commit genocide" is merely a
> flawed characterization on your part.  While I don't claim that
> absolutely no people on the right are "conspiring to commit genocide",
> the vast majority are merely engaging in hostile speech that the left
> doesn't like, speech that I consider they have a right to make.   I
> don't consider that as any justification at all to begin trying to shut
> down their right to free speech.  
> Actual genocide is a major problem   But your mere characterization of
> free speech as being "conspiracy to commit genocide" appears to me to
> not merely be wrong, but foolish.  
>>"...Unless you want to redefine free speech to include criminal
> conspiracy."
> Unless you can actually show a specific criminal conspiracy, I'm not
> interested in your histrionics.  
>>"We can oppose monopolies like DNS TLD without defending conspiracy to
> commit genocide."
> We can defend people's right to free speech without being accused of
> defending conspiracy to commit genocide.
> Oh, wait,  I forgot.  That's SO 20th Century!!!
>                 Jim Bell

I do defend Free Speech - but when people start planning on murdering
whole groups of people it is no longer free speech. It's something else.

There is no need for Hate Speech laws. ...Just when things go to
plotting genocide, ethnic cleansing or removing the human rights of
large groups of people it's criminal. Of course the actual line needs to
be determined not by me but by a legitimate court.

Would you actually call the Neuremburg trials nutty lefty ? I think not.
It's mainstream actually rather conservative law.

Re: NY Times Op-Ed Blasts Cloudflare for Daily Stormer Terror

2017-09-13 Thread Marina Brown
On 09/13/2017 02:30 PM, jim bell wrote:
> On Wednesday, September 13, 2017, 10:50:40 AM PDT, Marina Brown
>  wrote:
> On 09/13/2017 07:04 AM, John Young wrote:
>> The Terrifying Power of Internet Censors
>> Terrifying!
>>I have a feeling that Internet Registrars and Cloudflare are doing this
> for their own legal protection.
> I have a feeling that you are inventing reasoning that would be, in
> itself, illogical and quite stilted.  Sure, deluded people exist, but
> organizations who are in control of such things have a responsibility to
> not abuse their authority.

Yes - i am only speculating, but there are lawyers out there who have
brought up the possible charge. I spoke with one of them recently.

>>It's long established law that conspiracy to commit genocide, ethnic
> cleansing and to violate the human rights of groups of people is a
> crime. Creating the theoretical framework for genocide is also a crime
> as was evidenced by the conviction of Julius Streicher who authored
> Daily Stormer's predescessor Der Sturmer.
>>It's Cloudflare and Registrars protecting themselves from being
> complicit in human rights crimes.
>>And you know what. I don't blame them. I wouldn't piss on Andrew Anglin
> if he was on fire.
> Sorry, but you are not even hundreds of miles away from being correct on
> this.  To label DNS service, which is essentially monopoly, as
> supporting "genocide" is about 3-4 leaps of logic, far too much to work.  
> A few nuts spouting nonsense is far, very far, from "conspiracy to
> commit genocide".  Merely providing necessary net services to them, just
> as is done for thousands of sites, cannot possibly be described that
> way.   Maybe you just have no respect for the concept of "Free Speech".   
>              Jim Bell

I am concerned about the market monopoly of DNS service ...but


This is not about speech. It is about people conspiring to commit
genocide, ethnic cleansing and to remove peoples human rights.

I am quoting law used in Neuremburg. ...The same law that was used to
convict Julius Streicher.

You cannot simultaneously enguage in free speech and a conspiracy to
commit genocide. One is permitted, one is a crime.

...Unless you want to redefine free speech to include criminal conspiracy.

We can oppose monopolies like DNS TLD without defending conspiracy to
commit genocide.

Re: NY Times Op-Ed Blasts Cloudflare for Daily Stormer Terror

2017-09-13 Thread Marina Brown
On 09/13/2017 07:04 AM, John Young wrote:
> The Terrifying Power of Internet Censors
> Terrifying!

I have a feeling that Internet Registrars and Cloudflare are doing this
for their own legal protection.

It's long established law that conspiracy to commit genocide, ethnic
cleansing and to violate the human rights of groups of people is a
crime. Creating the theoretical framework for genocide is also a crime
as was evidenced by the conviction of Julius Streicher who authored
Daily Stormer's predescessor Der Sturmer.

It's Cloudflare and Registrars protecting themselves from being
complicit in human rights crimes.

And you know what. I don't blame them. I wouldn't piss on Andrew Anglin
if he was on fire.

Re: Disroot + OpenNIC Project + GoldBug

2017-09-07 Thread Marina Brown
On 09/06/2017 11:33 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> I am testing these ones just for fun.  They seem very interesting and
> cute.  Don't ask me about the security yet, hihi!  :D
> #
> #
> #
> Millions of good night kisses!!!  <3
> Ceci
> ---
> "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or
> your curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on
> and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -
>  Mae Jemison

Fantastic ! Thanks !

--- Marina

Re: Cypherpunk Inadequacies / Why the 60's failed

2017-09-05 Thread Marina Brown
On 09/06/2017 12:13 AM, Mirimir wrote:
> On 09/05/2017 04:50 PM, Marina Brown wrote:
>> On 09/05/2017 10:39 PM, Mirimir wrote:
>>> On 09/05/2017 02:56 PM, Marina Brown wrote:
>>>> On 09/05/2017 09:14 PM, Mirimir wrote:
>>>>> On 09/05/2017 08:38 AM, Steve Kinney wrote:
>>>>>> On 09/05/2017 12:54 PM, John Newman wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Sep 3, 2017, at 9:47 PM, Mirimir  wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 09/03/2017 12:05 PM, Steve Kinney wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 09/02/2017 09:06 PM, grarpamp wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> A "store" for SK's top 10% wealth transfer? Lol, designed.
>>>>>>>>>> Less time hobbled on "psychedelics".
>>>>>>>>>> More time on "revolutin".
>>>>>>>>>> Or at least gettin hippie dirty, jiggystyle.
>>>>>>>>>> Crypto rave, on.
>>>>>>>> Reportedly good blotter has been available on SR etc.
>>>>>>> On SR, then alphabay - excellent mdma also.
>>>>>>> These services (well, their descendants) are obviously risky as fuck. 
>>>>>>> Better to source privately if possible.
>>>>>> Simple rule:  Cop only from people you know, and don't eat anything they
>>>>>> have not already.
>>>>> That is of course prudent advice :)
>>>>> However, it is possible to test unknowns safely enough. You start with
>>>>> an extremely low dose. Perhaps 1% of the purported normal dose. And then
>>>>> retest at higher dosages. A reasonable set of dosages might be 1%, 2%,
>>>>> 5%, 10%, 20%, 50% and 100%. Or more, if you like.
>>>>> See PiHKAL and TiHKAL :) He started with untested compounds.
>>>>> Albert Hofmann did get gobsmacked, I admit. But it didn't kill him. I
>>>>> once inadvertently took a few milligrams of LSD. It was indeed intense,
>>>>> but no more than some DMT experiences. Did last a lot longer, though.
>>>> Milligrams ? Are you sure you don't mean micrograms - a dose of LSD is
>>>> ussually 10 micrograms. If you did take milligrams it would litterally
>>>> have been a few hundred hits of acid. The most i have heard about people
>>>> taking is 10 hits.
>>> Back in the day, the typical decent dose was ~250 micrograms. 4000 hits
>>> per gram was the gold standard. But of course, as a mid-level dealer,
>>> you never got crystalline LSD. You got a solution in absolute ethanol,
>>> in sealed glass break-neck ampules.
>>> So basically, I bought a quarter gram, and fucked up diluting the stuff,
>>> before making my test samples. So instead of 250 micrograms, I took a
>>> sample that nominally contained ~5 milligrams, or 20 doses. But
>>> fortunately, I corrected the error before anyone else tried it :)
>>> My typical dose was 500-1000 micrograms, so this was only 5-10 times
>>> normal. And my tolerance was probably pretty high, as well.
>> I got the numbers wrong.
>> I had a friend in college who had to take 10 hits just to get off.
>> He was a Cellist who loved to play heavy metal on his cello.
> What a trip :)
> Have you heard/seen Seemann,[0] by Apocalyptica with Nina Hagen? And
> then, there's Nina on acid on Letterman.[1]
> 0)
> 1)
>> I guess not so bad. My longest trip was 3 days. On Jimson Weed.
> Yeah. I tried smoking that once, but nothing. So it goes.

If you want a trip you don't smoke it but it is VERY dangerous.
Definitly an ordeal.

--- Marina

>>>>>> "Stoned on some new potion he found upon the wall of some unholy
>>>>>> bathroom in some ungodly hall" all too accurately describes people who
>>>>>> buy WTF-ever from darknet vendors.  Same shit, different decade.
>>>>>> :o/

Re: Cypherpunk Inadequacies / Why the 60's failed

2017-09-05 Thread Marina Brown
On 09/05/2017 10:39 PM, Mirimir wrote:
> On 09/05/2017 02:56 PM, Marina Brown wrote:
>> On 09/05/2017 09:14 PM, Mirimir wrote:
>>> On 09/05/2017 08:38 AM, Steve Kinney wrote:
>>>> On 09/05/2017 12:54 PM, John Newman wrote:
>>>>>> On Sep 3, 2017, at 9:47 PM, Mirimir  wrote:
>>>>>>> On 09/03/2017 12:05 PM, Steve Kinney wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 09/02/2017 09:06 PM, grarpamp wrote:
>>>>>>>> A "store" for SK's top 10% wealth transfer? Lol, designed.
>>>>>>>> Less time hobbled on "psychedelics".
>>>>>>>> More time on "revolutin".
>>>>>>>> Or at least gettin hippie dirty, jiggystyle.
>>>>>>>> Crypto rave, on.
>>>>>> Reportedly good blotter has been available on SR etc.
>>>>> On SR, then alphabay - excellent mdma also.
>>>>> These services (well, their descendants) are obviously risky as fuck. 
>>>>> Better to source privately if possible.
>>>> Simple rule:  Cop only from people you know, and don't eat anything they
>>>> have not already.
>>> That is of course prudent advice :)
>>> However, it is possible to test unknowns safely enough. You start with
>>> an extremely low dose. Perhaps 1% of the purported normal dose. And then
>>> retest at higher dosages. A reasonable set of dosages might be 1%, 2%,
>>> 5%, 10%, 20%, 50% and 100%. Or more, if you like.
>>> See PiHKAL and TiHKAL :) He started with untested compounds.
>>> Albert Hofmann did get gobsmacked, I admit. But it didn't kill him. I
>>> once inadvertently took a few milligrams of LSD. It was indeed intense,
>>> but no more than some DMT experiences. Did last a lot longer, though.
>> Milligrams ? Are you sure you don't mean micrograms - a dose of LSD is
>> ussually 10 micrograms. If you did take milligrams it would litterally
>> have been a few hundred hits of acid. The most i have heard about people
>> taking is 10 hits.
> Back in the day, the typical decent dose was ~250 micrograms. 4000 hits
> per gram was the gold standard. But of course, as a mid-level dealer,
> you never got crystalline LSD. You got a solution in absolute ethanol,
> in sealed glass break-neck ampules.
> So basically, I bought a quarter gram, and fucked up diluting the stuff,
> before making my test samples. So instead of 250 micrograms, I took a
> sample that nominally contained ~5 milligrams, or 20 doses. But
> fortunately, I corrected the error before anyone else tried it :)
> My typical dose was 500-1000 micrograms, so this was only 5-10 times
> normal. And my tolerance was probably pretty high, as well.

I got the numbers wrong.

I had a friend in college who had to take 10 hits just to get off.
He was a Cellist who loved to play heavy metal on his cello.

I guess not so bad. My longest trip was 3 days. On Jimson Weed.

>>>> "Stoned on some new potion he found upon the wall of some unholy
>>>> bathroom in some ungodly hall" all too accurately describes people who
>>>> buy WTF-ever from darknet vendors.  Same shit, different decade.
>>>> :o/

Re: Cypherpunk Inadequacies / Why the 60's failed

2017-09-05 Thread Marina Brown
On 09/05/2017 09:14 PM, Mirimir wrote:
> On 09/05/2017 08:38 AM, Steve Kinney wrote:
>> On 09/05/2017 12:54 PM, John Newman wrote:
 On Sep 3, 2017, at 9:47 PM, Mirimir  wrote:

> On 09/03/2017 12:05 PM, Steve Kinney wrote:
>> On 09/02/2017 09:06 PM, grarpamp wrote:
>> A "store" for SK's top 10% wealth transfer? Lol, designed.
>> Less time hobbled on "psychedelics".
>> More time on "revolutin".
>> Or at least gettin hippie dirty, jiggystyle.
>> Crypto rave, on.
 Reportedly good blotter has been available on SR etc.

>>> On SR, then alphabay - excellent mdma also.
>>> These services (well, their descendants) are obviously risky as fuck. 
>>> Better to source privately if possible.
>> Simple rule:  Cop only from people you know, and don't eat anything they
>> have not already.
> That is of course prudent advice :)
> However, it is possible to test unknowns safely enough. You start with
> an extremely low dose. Perhaps 1% of the purported normal dose. And then
> retest at higher dosages. A reasonable set of dosages might be 1%, 2%,
> 5%, 10%, 20%, 50% and 100%. Or more, if you like.
> See PiHKAL and TiHKAL :) He started with untested compounds.
> Albert Hofmann did get gobsmacked, I admit. But it didn't kill him. I
> once inadvertently took a few milligrams of LSD. It was indeed intense,
> but no more than some DMT experiences. Did last a lot longer, though.

Milligrams ? Are you sure you don't mean micrograms - a dose of LSD is
ussually 10 micrograms. If you did take milligrams it would litterally
have been a few hundred hits of acid. The most i have heard about people
taking is 10 hits.

>> "Stoned on some new potion he found upon the wall of some unholy
>> bathroom in some ungodly hall" all too accurately describes people who
>> buy WTF-ever from darknet vendors.  Same shit, different decade.
>> :o/

Re: Cryptome Archive 2016-1996 Full Index

2017-07-30 Thread Marina Brown
On 07/30/2017 03:59 PM, John Young wrote:
> Cryptome Archive 2016-1996 Full Index

Time goes by. I remember looking at cryptome back before 2000. I
think i even looked at it in 97.

I was young then.

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Re: protocol for high-profile dissenters to leak without being deaded/murdered/killed/eliminated/shot/heart-attacked etc

2017-07-23 Thread Marina Brown
On 07/23/2017 08:55 AM, John Young wrote:
> Keep in mind any prominent leak site/dark net is thoroughly compromised,
> wittingly or unwittingly upstream, downstream, inside, outside. Not a few
> were, continue to be, established and run for that purpose, the rest
> evolved
> by publicity and notoriety into perfect nodes for capturing leakers,
> discovering
> networks (Tor a prime example), sending contaminated loads to recipients
> eager to receive material for which sources can be denied, or simply
> disclosed
> to officials through consultation, vetting, ass-covering after
> laundering through
> amateurishly secure drop boxes
> Reality Winner is merely one among many others gulled into believing
> what should be by now unbelievable due to insertion of loggers along
> transmission paths from suppressed leakers to highly advertised,
> incessantly bragging, outlets who never admit to being de facto
> honey pots.
> Outlets all too readily check with officials authenticity of material to
> protect
> themselves from being duped, burned, tricked by a range of parties out to
> disrupt the ancient practice of deception by "unauthorized" disclosure.
> Above all they aim to protect their financial stability, assured by
> government
> regulation, from attack.
> The bind leaks/secrets suffer from is converting from unknown by the
> public to known by the public. Far too much leaked is tampered with
> in the inevitably failure-proned process. Far too much leaked is based
> on blind faith in the inevitable insecurity of transfer from source to
> outlet.
> WikiLeaks has become the global leader in deception about leaks
> and the vulnerability leak sites and news outlets pose to leakers.
> Privileges of journalists in avoiding culpabililty is the fly in the
> ointment.
> As WikiLeaks reinvented itself as a journalistic operation to protect
> itself, it adopted the practices of government-bestowed-and-protected
> organizations, and in the process accepted self-serving corruption as
> inherent, indeed, essential, to survival.
> No need to have a formal relationship with authorities to betray and
> harm leakers, merely operate a highly publicized, promoted, bragging
> of security and transparency, albeit secret about itself, leak site,
> a watering hole in the desert for thirsty prey to seek.
> Not too soon to forego the nightmare of secure leak outlets.
>> - Make sure that AT LEAST ONE of the people you leak to
>>   simultaneously, know how to get your leak to Wikileaks and the dark
>>   net, so that your leak persists in the case that you are
>>   posth-leakishly murdered!

Correct me if i am wrong, but my understanding is that Reality Winner
essentially exposed her own activities by contacting the intercept using
a NSA controlled and monitored network. She was one of a very few who
printed out the document and then mailed a document with a barium meal
to the intercept. The intercept verified the doc to the gov and they
tracked Winner with the barium meal.

I don't think the gov even needed to compromise networks or sites to
catch her.

-- Marina

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Re: In America, Most Republicans Think Colleges Are Bad for the Country - education, intellect, and or liberal arts, a threat

2017-07-18 Thread Marina Brown
On 07/18/2017 10:34 AM, John Newman wrote:
>> On Jul 18, 2017, at 8:29 AM, Marina Brown  wrote:
>>> On 07/17/2017 05:38 AM, John Young wrote:
>>> Education is affirmation of the status quo in all nations.
>>> And a negation of otherness. Military, spies and secrecy,
>>> blessed by national security blind faith, assures heads in
>>> the sand are patriotic, and raising heads out of the sand
>>> is treason ("terrorism").
>> I am sure that people would function in society better with no
>> education whatsoever. they would be free to reinvent the wheel,
>> mathematics, chemistry and history with no reference to the past.
>> Imagine what people would come up with !
>> Yes, there is an element of conformity in education but there is some
>> exposure to thought that is counter to the status quo. I know you are
>> not uneducated but i am getting tired of people - even left wing
>> millenials saying that education has no value.
> Growing up in texas we were taught in high school that the civil war was NOT 
> about slavery - it was about states' rights!
> I heard a story on NPR the other day about public schools in, I think it was 
> Oklahoma, about how the fucking textbooks and curriculum are written by the 
> petroleum industry. All the science and math classes try to teach everything 
> within the context of petroleum, as much as possible. For all i know you have 
> to read Oil! (or watch the excellent There Will Be Blood) to pass the goddamn 
> english class. 
> Anyway, i do agree that education is paramount... but how we prevent a 
> dystopia Jesusland / east coast / west coast split in schools, and how to 
> make sure kids get a valuable education?

I don't know. My parents were all educators - including father and
stepfather. They fought all their lives against the devaluation of
education even at the college level.

I guess we have to keep up the fight against the propagandization and
devaluation of education. It's been a long term project of
authoritarians to create education that is akin to technical training
without people learning how to think for themselves. We have to be ready
for a long fight too.

--- Marina

>>> Lopping heads by cutlass or curricula or UAVs, or as here,
>>> stuffing them with incessant propaganda of URLism, is why
>>> good soldiers and best-and-brightest make conjoined heads
>>> PR, aka comical faux wisdom.
>>> Spies may be the most stupid people on earth, totally isolated
>>> by trained, indoctrinated terror of otherness, aka brain-laundered.
>>> At 09:27 PM 7/16/2017, you wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 11:24:05AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
>>>>> This classic interview with an ex-KGB officer shall forever go down
>>>>> in history as oh so poignant:
>>>>>  Ex-KGB officer Yuri Bezmenov Explains United States Targeted Public
>>>>>  Schools for Change
>>>>>  (17 minutes)
>>>> Here's the full version of Yuri's interview - for those who have a
>>>> heart, the truth presented is both unmistakably true, and deeply
>>>> saddening:
>>>> Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov Explains How to Brainwash a Nation
>>>> (Full Length)
>>>> (81 minutes, 11 seconds)

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Re: In America, Most Republicans Think Colleges Are Bad for the Country - education, intellect, and or liberal arts, a threat

2017-07-18 Thread Marina Brown
On 07/17/2017 05:38 AM, John Young wrote:
> Education is affirmation of the status quo in all nations.
> And a negation of otherness. Military, spies and secrecy,
> blessed by national security blind faith, assures heads in
> the sand are patriotic, and raising heads out of the sand
> is treason ("terrorism").

I am sure that people would function in society better with no
education whatsoever. they would be free to reinvent the wheel,
mathematics, chemistry and history with no reference to the past.
Imagine what people would come up with !

Yes, there is an element of conformity in education but there is some
exposure to thought that is counter to the status quo. I know you are
not uneducated but i am getting tired of people - even left wing
millenials saying that education has no value.

> Lopping heads by cutlass or curricula or UAVs, or as here,
> stuffing them with incessant propaganda of URLism, is why
> good soldiers and best-and-brightest make conjoined heads
> PR, aka comical faux wisdom.
> Spies may be the most stupid people on earth, totally isolated
> by trained, indoctrinated terror of otherness, aka brain-laundered.
> At 09:27 PM 7/16/2017, you wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 11:24:05AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
>> > This classic interview with an ex-KGB officer shall forever go down
>> > in history as oh so poignant:
>> >
>> >   Ex-KGB officer Yuri Bezmenov Explains United States Targeted Public
>> >   Schools for Change
>> >
>> >   (17 minutes)
>> Here's the full version of Yuri's interview - for those who have a
>> heart, the truth presented is both unmistakably true, and deeply
>> saddening:
>> Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov Explains How to Brainwash a Nation
>> (Full Length)
>> (81 minutes, 11 seconds)

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2017-06-02 Thread Marina Brown
What do you get when you cross a penis and a potato ?

Answer (many): Donald Trump, Vlad Putin, Duterte, Assad

In other words: a DickTater

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Re: RISK: A Film by Laura Poitras

2017-06-02 Thread Marina Brown
On 06/02/2017 02:14 PM, Anthony Papillion wrote:
> It's interesting though: in the film, you hear him say that there doesn't 
> seem to be much dirt on Trump. Of course, that was years ago so that could 
> have changed. I suspect there might not be a lot of backroom crap with Trump 
> to disclose. He's a pretty public sleazebag.

That's surprising. I used to live in NJ. It seemed like EVERYONE had a
story about how Trump ripped them off or flew his helicopter recklessly.
I don't know how verifiable the stories were but you sure heard them
a lot living in NJ in the 90's.

> 02.06.2017, 14:12, "Marina Brown" :
>> On 05/31/2017 07:39 AM, John Newman wrote:
>>>>  On May 30, 2017, at 4:36 PM, juan  wrote:
>>>>  On Mon, 29 May 2017 18:41:30 -0400
>>>>  grarpamp  wrote:
>>>>>  infohash: 4D0FA67D82682390D7920E1930B02CB45B3CAB96
>>>>  "...Poitras made significant changes in the film over
>>>>  the past year (since a screening at the 2016 Cannes
>>>>  film festival). According to various accounts, it was
>>>>  “a much more straightforward, positive portrayal of
>>>>  WikiLeaks and Assange,” an “activist documentary” that
>>>>  made “an overwhelming case for Assange as a political
>>>>  prisoner.”
>>>> But this was prior to the exposure of the Democratic
>>>> Party’s corrupt inner workings by WikiLeaks and claims
>>>> that the Russians were involved, supposedly to aid
>>>> Donald Trump. As Slate notes, “Subsequently, Poitras
>>>> spent months revising her film for release this Friday.”
>>>> These facts alone should alert the reader to much of
>>>> what he or she needs to know. Poitras has accommodated
>>>> herself in part to the hysteria, driven by the
>>>> Democratic Party hierarchy, over alleged Russian
>>>> interference in the US elections.
>>>> That would be bad enough, but in addition and
>>>> connected to that, the filmmaker has
>>>> essentially bowed to the pressure of the
>>>> incessant and reactionary claims that Assange
>>>> is a “sexual predator.” "
>>>> et cetera
>>>  It would obviously be fascinating to get a copy of the Cannes cut.
>>>  I wonder if it will see the light of day (my guess is not, but who knows)
>> Not that i really care on a deep level about Russia-Trump machinations.
>> In the end it is just another powerful leader playing power games.
>> I would love to see what Assange has on Trump. I expect he will release
>> it when it is most damaging. That seems to be what he does.
>> --- M

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Re: RISK: A Film by Laura Poitras

2017-06-02 Thread Marina Brown
On 05/31/2017 07:39 AM, John Newman wrote:
>> On May 30, 2017, at 4:36 PM, juan  wrote:
>> On Mon, 29 May 2017 18:41:30 -0400
>> grarpamp  wrote:
>>> infohash: 4D0FA67D82682390D7920E1930B02CB45B3CAB96
>> "...Poitras made significant changes in the film over
>> the past year (since a screening at the 2016 Cannes
>> film festival). According to various accounts, it was
>> “a much more straightforward, positive portrayal of
>> WikiLeaks and Assange,” an “activist documentary” that
>> made “an overwhelming case for Assange as a political
>> prisoner.”
>>But this was prior to the exposure of the Democratic
>>Party’s corrupt inner workings by WikiLeaks and claims
>>that the Russians were involved, supposedly to aid
>>Donald Trump. As Slate notes, “Subsequently, Poitras
>>spent months revising her film for release this Friday.”
>>These facts alone should alert the reader to much of
>>what he or she needs to know. Poitras has accommodated
>>herself in part to the hysteria, driven by the
>>Democratic Party hierarchy, over alleged Russian
>>interference in the US elections.
>>That would be bad enough, but in addition and
>>connected to that, the filmmaker has
>>essentially bowed to the pressure of the
>>incessant and reactionary claims that Assange
>>is a “sexual predator.” "
>>et cetera
> It would obviously be fascinating to get a copy of the Cannes cut.
> I wonder if it will see the light of day (my guess is not, but who knows)

Not that i really care on a deep level about Russia-Trump machinations.
In the end it is just another powerful leader playing power games.

I would love to see what Assange has on Trump. I expect he will release
it when it is most damaging. That seems to be what he does.

--- M

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Re: Snowden defends Comey

2017-05-23 Thread Marina Brown
On 05/23/2017 04:38 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 5:30 PM, juan  wrote:
>>> On Tue, 23 May 2017 17:13:57 -0300
>>> Cecilia Tanaka  wrote:
>>> It's hilarious, but completely nonsense.  Her penis is _not_ an
>>> important subject for us, I hope, only for her.  :)
>> Yes, if manning wants to cut off his dick, fine, it's his body.
>> Now, women don't have dicks, so manning is not a woman.
> My dear, I am a woman and already had some dicks, hahaha!!  ;D

H AND i have had sex with women who have dicks. So much nicer
than most men !

Haha !

So take THAT MRA losers ! Cucked by a WOMAN !

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Re: Snowden defends Comey

2017-05-23 Thread Marina Brown
On 05/22/2017 08:23 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 6:48 PM, Dr. Carl W. Greer
>  wrote:
>> Snowden defends Comey
>>> Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at
>>> Fri May 19 05:48:35 PDT 2017
>>> please respect her choices, her freedom, her life.
>>> The same about all transgenders, please.
>> If you cared at all about mannning's life, you would not defend the path
>> that he has taken.  Unless you think it is a good thing when a "white" male
>> cuts his dick off.  Is that what you want C&Canon, to have Bradley cut his
>> dick off ?
> Hahaha!!  Believe me, I do love dicks very much, probably much more
> than you do, hahaha!!  ;D
> With or without a dick, I want to see Chelsea happy.  Just it.  Pure
> and sincere happiness.  What matters is not her penis, but her soul.
> <3
> Two of my dearest trans friends, even after the hormonal treatment,
> decided to keep their penises, because it's a very aggressive chirurgy
> and they don't feel prepared for it yet.  After psychological therapy,
> after understanding better what they were feeling and accept their
> inner self, they feel more comfortable in their bodies now and are
> restructuring their self-esteem, learning more about themselves.
> They probably will make the adaptation chirurgy in the next years, but
> now is more important to search for harmony, serenity, inner peace.
> The psychological and medical treatment, the love of their families,
> friends, and partners, the personal acceptance of their bodies and its
> respective changes, these intense and deep feelings are more important
> than simply cut a penis off.

...Though i have to say it is HILARIOUS to see insecure men squirm when
they think about anyone losing their precious PENIS.

LOL !!! HaHaHa Ha !

I think someone is crossing their legs !

-- M

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Re: Chelsea Manning Is a Free Woman: Her Heroism Has Expanded Beyond Her Initial Whistleblowing

2017-05-19 Thread Marina Brown
On 05/19/2017 07:52 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> "Chelsea Manning Is a Free Woman: Her Heroism Has Expanded Beyond Her
> Initial Whistleblowing" - post by Glenn Greenwald

I just worry about her. She is surrounded by so many positive people she
may miss how dangerous America has become for people like her.

--- M

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Re: Snowden defends Comey

2017-05-19 Thread Marina Brown
On 05/19/2017 08:48 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 8:34 PM, \0xDynamite  
> wrote:
>>> OTOH, Chelsea Manning,
>> You mean, Bradley Manning?
>>> I suspect, due to her involvement
>> HIS involvement.
> Chelsea is a very beautiful woman, my dear, and after years of prison
> and deep and cruel psychological torture, she is finally feeling
> happy.  You don't need to 'love' her, but please respect her choices,
> her freedom, her life.
> The same about all transgenders, please.  Thanks!
> Take care.
> c.

Thanks for your kind corrections. I'm not so patient with the slime
dwellers that have infested this list.

--- M

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Re: Snowden defends Comey

2017-05-11 Thread Marina Brown
On 05/11/2017 09:24 PM, Mirimir wrote:
> On 05/11/2017 12:34 PM, \0xDynamite wrote:
>>> OTOH, Chelsea Manning,
>> You mean, Bradley Manning?
> People can change their names, bro.
>>> I suspect, due to her involvement
>> HIS involvement.
> Gender assignment represents the imposition of a binary distinction on a
> complex multidimensional space. At the genetic level, XXY, XXXY, XXX,
> XYY and XYYY are possible. People may have both male and female gonads
> and sex organs at birth, and typically get surgery to male or female,
> depending on genetics, cultural preferences and surgical feasibility.
> Maternal hormonal environment during gestation, both idiopathic and
> iatrogenic, also affect sexual development.
> So anyway, changing gender identity is sometimes the best option. Versus
> faking it as whatever circumstances provided.
> Also, what's your standing to have an opinion about another's personal
> choices?
>>> of the Crazy Horse 18 helicopter gunship assassination of a stringer for
>>> Reuters, the wounding of another, and the better part of a civilian
>>> family who came to assist too, may be not so much a "patriot" anymore.
>> Sounds like fake news.
> No, it sounds like war, featuring young grunts who have been trained to
> depersonalize the enemy. If in doubt, they kill 'em all.
>> \0x

It's really sad that cypherpunks has become infested with alt-right
maggots. I came back after almost 15 years absence in the hope to hear
good cypherpunk stuff and talk of how to resist eavesdroppers and big
brother with cryptography.

But the years have twisted former social libertarians into apologists
for authority and oppression.

I've plonked most but can't filter out the replys.

I guess that is what insecurity about privilege does to some.

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Re: Advice, please, any and all accepted

2017-05-09 Thread Marina Brown
On 05/07/2017 08:41 AM, \0xDynamite wrote:
>> Oh - and take the anti-gay bigotry and shove it where the sun does not
>> shine.
> Don't be an idiot.  It's not anti-gay, it's anti-poop.  I have friends
> that are gay and I'm not sure they'd want to be "lumped" together with
> you poo-holing psychos.
> \0x

Milo Y does not count. He is self loathing.

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Re: Advice, please, any and all accepted

2017-05-06 Thread Marina Brown
On 05/06/2017 10:58 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> On Sat, May 6, 2017, at 11:18 PM, Marina Brown  
> wrote:
>> Honestly - how many people are deeply and truly loyal to any state ?
>> I think you mistake fear and resignation for loyalty.
>> Oh - and take the anti-gay bigotry and shove it where the sun does not
>> shine.
> Oh, Marina, my dear...  I never have patience enough to read Mark's
> messages, so they are solemnly ignored and considered spam, 

Well - i lost my spam filters - you know how thunderbird breaks
sometimes. Now i get to plonk all these ignoramuses again ;-)

> But after reading these stupid things, I can just say that he should
> try to suck a c0ck.  It's a gorgeous sensation and I sincerely
> recommend it.

Right !

> Believe me, Mark, being a "c0cksucker" is pretty fun and there are a
> lot of us in all the hackerspaces in all the countries of the whole
> world.  Being an intellectually limited guy is *not* an excuse for
> being so full of stupid prejudices.  Go to suck some c0cks or put them
> where "the sun doesn't shine", please.
> Marina, thank you, it was pretty fun to learn that the expression
> "where the sun doesn't shine" exists in English too.  My mom's first
> language isn't Portuguese and she innocently said sometimes that "her
> daughter (moi!) lives where the sun doesn't shine" because I live in a
> bit dark place, in the back of the building, where I receive less
> sunlight than the other apartments, hahaha!!  This place is
> comfortable, but my mom and all my plants hate it.  They sincerely
> love the sun and avoid places where it doesn't shine, hihi...  :D
> Love you and hope you're doing good.  Be well, baby.  <3

As well as can be expected in the land of the orange faced wannabe tyrant.

Big hugs !

--- Marina

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Re: [WAR] Duterte backs down "war on drugs" as "UN Special Rapporteur" Agnes Callamard surprise visits

2017-05-06 Thread Marina Brown
On 05/06/2017 10:06 PM, Mirimir wrote:
> On 05/06/2017 03:26 AM, John Newman wrote:
>>> On May 6, 2017, at 6:39 AM, [some asshole] wrote:
>>> Probably shoulda CCed the list.
>>> Our middle "Western" ground of "The War on Drugs" is an absolute,
>>> utter failure, if your intention is to reduce drug use and remove the
>>> incentives from the drug market.
>>> If your intention is to maximise profits, and create as many problems
>>> in society as possible so that people stay focused on shit, and don't
>>> have time nor energy to unite behind real problems, like almost
>>> completely undemocractic governments, extensive corporate violations
>>> of our humans rights, and the private banks, then The War on Drugs is
>>> the greatest invention since sliced bread.
>>> From this narrow perspective, almost ANYthing is better than the War
>>> On Drugs - whether the extreme of Duterte, or the liberal "sanity" as
>>> some view it of treating adults as adults, rather than treating all
>>> of society as children, and allowing individual humans to do as they
>>> choose, with regards to their own bodies (more below).
>> Wrong, WRONG you goddamn hypocrite. The extreme of Duterte is NOT
>> better than the "war on drugs", it's merely the logical extension of
>> the entire absurdity, taken to a fucking horrific level. 
> Obviously.
>> Obviously you understand drugs prohibition is an absurd outrage on
>> human freedom and the cause of all the violence associated with
>> "trafficking", as well as nearly all the problems associated with
>> addiction, and everything that this spills down into. Why are you
>> such an unabashed apologist for authoritarians? 
> In a word, lulz :)

Duterte is a disgrace. I would have loved to have visited the home
of my anscestors but now while that homicidal tyrant and his followers
are still in power.

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Re: Advice, please, any and all accepted

2017-05-06 Thread Marina Brown
On 05/06/2017 08:29 PM, \0xDynamite wrote:
>>> Given that hierarchal power structures enabled and enforced by the
>>> State are the major cause of the greatest collective problems
>>> faced by the human race, the solution to the greatest collective
>>> problems faced by the human race is a bigger more powerful State!
> That is the solution for those who are enlightened.  The masses are
> truly the "major cause" of the greatest collective problems faces by
> the human race".  They are addicted, callous, so no empathy or
> remorse, and destructive.  I
> In short, they are clinically psychopathic.  No need to blame the
> state, they are already part of the "super state" through their blind
> loyalty to the powers above.
>> seriously
>> I was being sarcastic when I wrote that.  I figured the clown nose
>> smiley face would tip readers off.
>> But if you find a way to implement a Global SuperState, by all means
>> do so, as fast and as hard as possible.  Nothing would accelerate the
>> collapse of the industrial age global economy faster,
> Exactly.  The way is already found.  It was pregnant with possibilties
> on the hackerspaces wiki under New World Order.  The thing is, it's
> miscarried due to the fight against religion by queer politics.  Total
> fuckups.  Of all the problems in the world, cocksuckers getting tax
> breaks for "gay marriage" wasn't on the fucking priority list.
> Truth is there were four prophesies and 4 secular reasons why dramatic
> shift would occur or have to occur.   The only hangup is that some
> fucking damage has to happen to the secularists and Christians for
> their complete failure.  I mean Biblical level damage.
> Marxos

Honestly - how many people are deeply and truly loyal to any state ?
I think you mistake fear and resignation for loyalty.

Oh - and take the anti-gay bigotry and shove it where the sun does not

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Re: [From offlist] Re: FBI Says It Can't Find Hackers to Hire Because They All Smoke Pot

2017-03-28 Thread Marina Brown
On 03/26/2017 07:38 PM, John Newman wrote:
> How marvelous, Dr Dipshit's treatise on modern quackery. Maybe you can submit 
> this to some journal with a small fee and get another bragging point for your 
> CV, but
> I'm not reading it.

Actually it is good reading if you want to analyse a perfect snake oil

"So I will define it here:  Holistic Health can diagnose and cure ANY

I suppose once this is proven there will be no need for hyperbolic
cultish promotion of this medicine.

> If it quacks like a (fascist, racist, theist) duck


> cheers
> John
>> On Mar 26, 2017, at 5:51 PM, \0xDynamite  wrote:
>> Okay, since you refuse to argue on reasonable grounds, I won't respond
>> to all of your attacks which didn't have any real argument except
>> attempts to demerit the concept of Holistic Medicine.  For the sake of
>> the list, I'm going to clarify what and why an H.D. is superior an
>> M.D. which you so fondly massage their crotch for, even though you are
>> probably overweight, nursing one or more addictions, and have lost
>> some desire to live exhibitiing some low-level depression.  (This is
>> the common case for liberal Americans.)
>> Holistic Health is greatly superior, even if not (to the published
>> establishment) scientifically more superior, because *logically*
>> health ITSELF is a factor of the WHOLE (hence HOListic), not the sum
>> of it`s parts (like reductionist Occidental medicine, who's glory
>> mostly goes back to the study of dead cadavers and anatomy -- those
>> who failed at making health).
>> Do you get this first point (reductionist vs. holistic)?  Holistic
>> Medicine *includes* the science that reductionism has built, but also
>> includes a WHOLE other set of data:  the subjective side of health
>> (how does the placebo affect has such an effect on health, for
>> example?).  So, it *transcends* the present medical establishment in
>> everyway, except when it comes to blunt trauma, like I said, where
>> they have mastery (bone setting and wound dressing).  EVERYTHING else
>> is 100% better served via holistic medicine.  Unfortunatley, there
>> just aren't many people trained in it.  I practially had to (re)invent
>> the field, because it was awash in pseudo-science, naive spiritualism,
>> and confusions of it's own identity and the use of drugs/supplements
>> as medical aids.
>> So I will define it here:  Holistic Health can diagnose and cure ANY
>> disease that Western medicine CLAIMS to cure but without invasive
>> procedures, including chemical-based ingestives (or inhalation).
>> Further, it can avoid the diseases and even mishaps in the first place
>> by creative a more holistic relationship to self, family, the
>> environment, and the divine.  I'll define this latter, for the sake of
>> arguing, as "that which transcends the human mind to grasp or
>> comprehend, but, nonetheless, exerting a force upon life itself".
>> Now that wasn't so hard was it?  Is that really difficult to take or
>> understand.  Western medicine would confound you with specialized
>> language, multi-million dollar equipment, and colored pillls -- all
>> types of power you likely have already given away becuase it seemed
>> impressive, right?
>> Well, America is one of the most diseased, confused, and destructive
>> nations on the planet and you and I know it.  It's on the street, it's
>> on Indian reservations, it's in abortion clinics and cosmetic
>> enhancement clinics, the larger-than-usual prison population, and it's
>> in the alarming severity of some brith defects.
>> So, tell me, why do you keep arguing for THEM?
>>> Do you know how a mailing list works? Your email was to me, with the
>>> list copied.
>> No, it was actually addressed to Razor.  You, please, are in a state
>> of delusion, arguing with me, holding on to your last little island of
>> power that America has left you -- you're own voice.
>>> Specialized language ? What specialized language would that be? Nobody is
>>> using big words here, "Doctor".
>> Do you actually understand "neurology"?  No, and I know this because
>> doctors don't understand it, so how could you?
>>> But pain is often an accompanied symptom of terminal illnesses. Again, why
>>> should someone who is dying be forced to suffer? You're a fucking sadist.
>> They're not forced.  They are feeling the weight of their life decisions.
> Fuck you, you don't know shit about me or my health you judgemental
> fucking wannabe chump doctor of "holistic health"
>> You've given me a lot of data by your outbursts.  Do they say
>> something about you?  About what forces run your life, for example?
>>> My argument has been clear from the start: what people do in their private
>>> lives is none of your fucking business!
>> But it's not private.  If you planted a tree 50 yrs ago and made a
>> table with your own hands, the table is yours, but you didn't make the
>> power in marijuana.  

Re: US Trump Budget: Kills Science, Plumps Military/DHS, Sinks US Prospects Further

2017-03-17 Thread Marina Brown
On 03/17/2017 07:41 AM, John Newman wrote:
>> On Mar 17, 2017, at 12:03 AM, grarpamp  wrote:
>>> On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 11:39 PM, juan  wrote:
>>>that would be great!! if it was true - it most likely isn't.
>> The odds of getting any government to make a substantial cut
>> in anything other than your paycheck, before getting rid of said
>> government, are pretty slim.
> Yeah, this proposed budget doesn't hit "entitlements" (poor people) nearly 
> hard enough for the republican base, and of course the democrats won't 
> support anything from Trump and his cohort of nazis.
> Despite the moronic fantasies of reactionary monarchist fantasists like James 
> Donald, this is not Trump on his way to becoming "King Trump" or "Trump 
> playing 4d chess"... 
> he's just an incompetent hack, like most politicians, except people really 
> fucking hate him.
> Fuck Trump and fuck the USA.

At least Trump Jr (Geert Wilders) lost his election. We have something
to celebrate !

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Re: Our experiments taught us why people troll + ‘Alternative facts’: A psychiatrist’s guide to twisted relationships to truth

2017-03-02 Thread Marina Brown
On 03/02/2017 06:40 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> #  Our experiments taught us why people troll.
> #  ‘Alternative facts’: A psychiatrist’s guide to twisted
> relationships to truth.
> ==
> Troll bonus du jour, woohoo!!!  ;D
> #  Trump isn’t lying, he’s bullshitting – and it’s far more dangerous.

Question - why are today's trolls always nazis or various forms of
fascist ? It would be nice to have left wing trolls. ...not the garden
variety liberal troll but some real leftie trolls.

THAT would be fun ;-)

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Re: Google are f'ing hypocrites

2017-03-01 Thread Marina Brown
On 02/25/2017 06:40 AM, John Newman wrote:
> On February 25, 2017 5:45:07 AM EST, wrote:
>> First they de-associate PewDiePie, then de-monetize Alex Jones, then
>> shadow ban Natural News from all search results after its founder
>> refuses to discredit Alex Jones, and finally they re-monetize
>> PewDiePie!
>> Google - effing hypocritical money grubbing deceptive sluts, ignoring
>> their purported "ethics" except to maximise profit and grease the MSM
>> wheels!
>> It's time to DEMAND that google kick-ban PewDiePie now!
>> Messed up,
>> Rr.
>> Butthurt SJW PewDiePie Attempts to Stop Heroic WSJ Jew Burners
> Hey Razer somehow morphed into Z*n! Strange things afoot! Must be a full 
> moon. Or Zzz is a fucking idiot :)
> Don't send email as other people, it's lame, and it defeated my Z*n filter. I 
> guess I just plonk all of 
> .

Thanks for the filter suggestion. Added !

--- Marina

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Re: Fwd: RE: SHA1 collision found

2017-02-23 Thread Marina Brown
On 02/23/2017 04:09 PM, Mirimir wrote:
>  Forwarded Message 
> Subject: RE: SHA1 collision found
> Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2017 15:00:05 -0500
> From: Robert J. Hansen 
> To:
> (I originally sent this off-list by mistake.  Peter was kind enough to
> respond off-list and to suggest we take it back on-list.  This email is
> a distillation of three different emails: my original, Peter's response,
> and a response to Peter.)
> =
>> I already answered that here[1]. The use of SHA-1 in fingerprints is 
>> not susceptible to a collision attack, so it's still safe. SHA-1 in 
>> fingerprints is only susceptible to a second-preimage attack which is 
>> much harder than a collision attack and unheard of for SHA-1.
> To which I said, "Create two keys with the same fingerprint.  Sign a
> contract with one, then renege on the deal.  When you get called into
> court, say "I never signed that, Your Honor!" and present the second
> key.  This collision pretty much shatters the nonrepudiability of SHA-1
> signatures."
> To which Peter quite reasonably answered that the other person has a
> copy of the public key which was used to sign the document originally.
> Why should the fraudster's denial be believed?
> The answer is that to enforce a contract (at least here in the United
> States) you must be able to prove, based on a preponderance of the
> evidence, that the other person entered into a contract with you.  So
> imagine this conversation:
> PLAINTIFF: "Your Honor, the defendant reneged on a $10,000 contract.
> Make him pay up."
> DEFENDANT: "I never signed anything, Your Honor."
> PLAINTIFF: "I have his key, it's right here."
> DEFENDANT: "That's not my key.  This is my key."
> PLAINTIFF: "Of course that's what he claims!  They have the same SHA-1
> fingerprint!  He did that in order to deny his signature!"
> JUDGE: "So these keys are uniquely identified by the fingerprint?"
> (both parties agree)
> JUDGE: "And you have two keys that are identified by the same fingerprint?"
> (both parties agree)
> JUDGE: "And there's no way to tell which key is real?"
> (both parties agree)
> JUDGE: "Then we're stuck.  There's no reason to prefer one key over
> another.  Plaintiff, you have failed your burden of proof in
> establishing the defendant signed the contract."
> Now, you could establish proof some other way: let's say you made a
> videotape of the defendant signing the document.  If you could introduce
> other supporting evidence (which might include other signatures on keys)
> you might be able to convince the judge the signature is enforceable.
> But there's nothing intrinsic to the signature itself which could
> convince the judge.
> So Peter is completely right to say "but there's no reason to believe
> one person over the other."  Completely, absolutely right.  But the
> person asking the court to enforce a contract must present a reason to
> believe them over the defendant.
> I hope this clarifies my answer!
> (Peter also rightly remarked that he thought nonrepudiability in OpenPGP
> was kind of iffy anyway.  He and I are in complete agreement on this.
> OpenPGP has always had very iffy nonrepudiability.  With this SHA-1
> attack, I feel the threshold has been crossed and we need to consider it
> repudiable.)

What does it take to create 2 keys with the same SHA-1 sum ? My limited
imagination thinks it would take a long time or a huge amount of
processing power.

--- Marina

> ___
> Gnupg-users mailing list

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Re: 10 judges are nuts.

2017-02-23 Thread Marina Brown
On 02/23/2017 08:13 PM, Mirimir wrote:
> On 02/23/2017 05:40 PM, Razer wrote:
>> On 02/23/2017 01:04 PM, Mirimir wrote:
>>> On 02/23/2017 08:38 AM, Razer wrote:

 On 02/23/2017 05:37 AM, jim bell wrote:
> Court rules assault weapons are not protected under
> Constitution  via
 They aren't. You know why? When the Second Amendment was written, at 50
 yards or so, you could literally outrun a musketball. If it didn't
 bounce off your coat. 

Sorry to bring up guns.

Um, Jim. I own a black powder rifle in a common musket calibre. I've
put a slug deep into hard beech wood at 50 yards. The musketballs fly
even faster than the slugs. With a good charge the balls have far more
energy than an AK-47 bullet. but it takes almost a minute to load
and it makes a pretty big cloud of smoke.

My black powder gun is rifled - the muskets were smoothbores and not so
accurate so the range i can hit things is better.
Besides, "Your puny AK-47 is useless. So, we need
 to have at least some of our volunteer resistance show up with Stinger
 missiles, some anti-aircraft batteries, maybe a submarine or two?" I
 hear Soros has a fleet of A-10 Warthogs he might call into service too
 if you talk to him purty.
>>> For a credible revolution, you need real weapons and supplies, and
>>> people who know how to use them. So you need substantial involvement of
>>> trained military and veterans. With small arms and insiders, you get the
>>> real weapons and supplies.
>>> That seems pretty unlikely in the US. And it it did go down, the result
>>> would arguably be some mix of military dictatorship and feudalism.
>> ROTF! To be a revolution you need an IDEOLOGY.
>> Greed is NOT an Ideology.
>> Greed is a way of life in 'Merica. The ONLY accepted way.
> Well, they call it "free enterprise" :)
>> Social atomization has created the circumstance that 'Merican families
>> and communities are not even understood as such by a large majority of
>> the planet's inhabitants...
>> ROTF! 'Merica is Dmed! Bwhahhhaaa!
> Well, maybe electing Trump wasn't a revolution, any more than electing
> Obama was. But Trump and his people seem even crazier than W and his
> minders. So yes, bad shit could go down ;)

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Re: Trump Says, 'Look What's Happening In Sweden.' Sweden Asks, 'Wait, What?'

2017-02-21 Thread Marina Brown
On 02/21/2017 11:34 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
> On 2/22/2017 1:53 PM, Marina Brown wrote:
>> Most lynchings were just like the murder of Emmett Till. The man was
>> wrongfully accused of hitting on a white woman and murdered for it
> Emmet did hit on her - just not in the crude and offensive way he was
> wrongfully accused of doing.

No he did not. The woman fabricated it.

> But murders are not lynchings. You are apt to be murdered today
> regardless of race for hitting on another man's woman even if you do not
> do so in a crude and offensive way.  Emmett Till was killed furtively
> and secretively, not lynched. Happens today all the time, regardless of
> race.
> For it to be a lynching, has to be done openly with social approval. The
> accusation is that it was socially acceptable for white people to openly
> kill blacks for frivolous cause.
> Name a black man who was wrongfully lynched - killed openly and publicly
> for with social approval for frivolous cause.

How about the Tulsa massacre ? I am sure you have some excuse for that.

>> The movie "The birth of a nation" showed how white people liked to
>> murder black people and use the excuse of rape. All too real.
> Liar.
> "The birth of a nation" depicts black men who actually did rape women
> being rightfully and justly hung for their crimes.
> In every actual real life lynching, where the offender was executed
> publicly and openly with social approval, there was reasonable evidence
> of serious criminal offenses.

Nonsense. A lot of times they were killed for standing up to whites.
Sometimes union organizers were murdered for standing up to bosses.

> And if there was a single case where the evidence was thin or the
> offense trivial, you would be using that case, not Emmett Till.

You REALLY are a hard core racist.

The time of white supremacy is past. This is just a tiny bubble.

Anyway i have wasted enough time with you. You are the worst type of
trash. I know i can never reason with you.


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Re: Trump Says, 'Look What's Happening In Sweden.' Sweden Asks, 'Wait, What?'

2017-02-21 Thread Marina Brown
On 02/21/2017 10:36 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
> On 2/22/2017 11:42 AM, Marina Brown wrote:
>> I know reality - This swedish thing is just like the Emmett Till
>> Lynching.
> Emmett Till was not lynched.  He was quietly and furtively murdered for
> hitting on someone else's wife.
> For it to be a lynching, has to be done openly by high status people in
> front of a crowd.
> Men are still today killed for hitting on someone else's woman.  Happens
> all the time.  Has nothing to do with race.
> If Emmett Till is your lynching poster boy, you do not have any
> plausibly wrongful lynchings.
> Emmett Till is a plausibly wrongful murder.  But not a lynching.

Most lynchings were just like the murder of Emmett Till. The man was
wrongfully accused of hitting on a white woman and murdered for it.

The woman who accused Emmett Till of hitting on her recently admitted
she fabricated the whole thing.

The movie "The birth of a nation" showed how white people liked to
murder black people and use the excuse of rape. All too real.

You sound a lot like David Duke.

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Re: Trump Says, 'Look What's Happening In Sweden.' Sweden Asks, 'Wait, What?'

2017-02-21 Thread Marina Brown
On 02/21/2017 07:54 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
> "James A. Donald"  wrote:
>>> We have been presenting a pile of evidence that Trump told the
>>> unmentionable truth about Sweden.
> On 2/22/2017 9:38 AM, juan wrote:
>> That's a fuckinly stupid lie.
> We present evidence, and no matter how much evidence we present, you
> just say to us, as you say of Trump "lie"

You gave no evidence - just stuff from a propaganda outfit.

I don't believe a word from any organization with Dershowitz on the
board he has a clear agenda and he has for years.

He might have been a great defense lawyer but nowadays his main
occupation seems to be defending the actions of Israel against Palestinians.

Dershowitz was a terrible dissapointment.

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