South China Sea newspaper article of some interest what do you think

2019-10-20 Thread ilsa


Re: US 2018 Election Hijacked: Sybil Candidacies Of The Mil / Intel / Shadow Gov

2018-03-18 Thread ilsa
I read the entire article and I say this has a chilling sensation of a
Bruce Willis movie.
The 5 eyes now including france against germany etc in a return to 19oo'
lines! Why are most people eating mayonnaise?

Ilsa Bartlett
Institute for Rewiring the System <>

"Don't ever get so big or important that you can not hear and listen to
every other person."
-John Coltrane

On Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 3:18 AM, grarpamp <> wrote:

> An extraordinary number of former intelligence and military operatives
> from the CIA, Pentagon, National Security Council and State Department
> are seeking nomination as Democratic candidates for Congress in the
> 2018 midterm elections. The potential influx of military-intelligence
> personnel into the legislature has no precedent in US political
> history.

Re: Personal attacks etc (was Re: USA: National Security Strategy...)

2018-01-02 Thread ilsa
remember when this vigor and voice wrapped around digital stories with a
light on digital freedom..the latest how to's and how where's which is what
was so endearing and attractive.

Ilsa Bartlett
Institute for Rewiring the System <>

"Don't ever get so big or important that you can not hear and listen to
every other person."
-John Coltrane

On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 5:53 PM, John Newman <> wrote:

> On January 2, 2018 6:07:37 AM EST, Ben Mezger <> wrote:
> >I don't think you actually understood my point (nor did I actually
> >specify
> >it precisely).
> >
> >I did read __some__ of Jame's messages and I think it's also damn
> >pathetic
> >too. I am not taking any sides here, I just think you are both wrong
> James is way way more wrong, by virtue of being total scum.
> Ack, I just wasted more list bandwidth discussing this shiT
> stain... wtf is wrong with me !?
> >about
> >personally attacking each other (or it seems like so at least) on a
> >public
> >email list on hacker culture.
> >Wether you take it as a humiliation or not, that's up to you. You
> >should
> >take it as an advice that even if someone lowers their level, you
> >should
> >not do the same and perhaps sometimes is better to give a time before
> >replying.
> >
> >Do whatever is healthier for you.
> >
> >
> >On 2 January 2018 at 11:49, Cecilia Tanaka <>
> >wrote:
> >
> >> On Jan 2, 2018 02:08, "Shawn K. Quinn" <> wrote:
> >>
> >> On 01/01/2018 02:45 PM, Ben Mezger wrote:
> >> > since when did cpunk got so personal specially on a public list?
> >and
> >> > since when has cpunks become a sexual diary?
> >>
> >> Personally, I would rather read flagrant personal attacks and
> >outright
> >> pornography from Cecilia than even one-tenth of the flagrant racist
> >> (including white supremacist), anti-semitic, homophobic, and
> >dishonest
> >> spam that eminates from the like of those who I now call #$%& and
> >#$%

Re: Current State of Mailing Lists / Forums about Internet Freedom, Security and Privacy?

2017-12-26 Thread ilsa
Please Know that I Care ..I have NO computer skills that I did not copy or
follow Anthony P. Though he is gone I hope to get to know those who would
bother with a Green Horn... I wanted you to know I stand With the freedom
loving service especially as the tracks are going in as everything is
dependent on levels of the global code dances and where important stories
are given time to develop.  I once had just One Date with a tall handsome
security dud who told me, his face so close to my nose, that I could feel
the warmth of his breath, " I did a full search to see if you were real".
Imagine what I was thinking as I slide back in my chair and lifted my
single malt small island scotch.
I might not have computer language skills but I am one of you.  I never
spoke up before but doing this is part of my grieving process. If there is
a true kind person who might give me a helping hand with my privacy needs,
find a way to let me know.
I just wanted to say ...Happy season of the  time to rest and party no
matter what your core stories are, I am so glad You Are All Here and I have
been lucky to read and sometimes act on what you are talking about... yea,
run on sentence...

Have any of y'all written a book?  I am working on an autobiography, anyone
know good editors or agents and so forth?
Somewhere beyond a dream, with..
Respect and Gratitude, Smile

Ilsa Bartlett
Institute for Rewiring the System <>

"Don't ever get so big or important that you can not hear and listen to
every other person."
-John Coltrane

On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 3:30 PM, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 09:27:58AM -0800, BM-
> wrote:
> > Does anyone have an option about how the things going on today? Any
> > explanations of the current state of the Internet communities?
> Bitcoin fever.
> The anarchists who are not so besotten with greed, actually conceive,
> and create.
> The so besotten clamour and cling, ride waves of profit for their
> personal foundations of greed, lust, glory and the rest.
> And so the few who actually care, who sought (some still seek) a
> genuinely "better" future, are drowned out in the deluge of human
> foibles - and right now those foibles are turbocharged with $20,000
> per coin "inspiration".
> Cést la humanité.
> > And what is your recommendation of a good online fourm for general
> > discussion of freedom, security and privacy?
> Right here.
> Those other lists are censored.
> If you genuinely have genuine interest, there's a few ’round these
> parts that'll chime in and help set your misthoughts straight (at
> least, on the technical side :) - for everything else, there's
> Mircard :D

Re: Namaste Community

2017-11-23 Thread ilsa
Where ever we each are... I miss Anthony, who brought me into the effort in
the way I can serve our path with so much to get through:
I honor you all, ilsa

Ilsa Bartlett
Institute for Rewiring the System <>

"Don't ever get so big or important that you can not hear and listen to
every other person."
-John Coltrane

On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 9:03 AM, juan <> wrote:

> On Thu, 23 Nov 2017 02:20:03 -0500
> "\"Odd:IOstreams\"" <> wrote:
> > Great source of quality information.
> "We ban accounts that use Hacker News primarily for political
> or ideological battle, regardless of which politics they favor.
> "
> sounds like they are a bunch of fascist pieces of shit

Re: [Trollbait] Deserving

2017-11-18 Thread ilsa
Porn Star Wins Italian Government job

Did You see her in Government?  Power sex Power

Ilsa Bartlett
Institute for Rewiring the System <>

"Don't ever get so big or important that you can not hear and listen to
every other person."
-John Coltrane

On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 10:01 AM, Razer <> wrote:

> Over the last few months or more I've watched this list devolve into a
> haven for bitcoin speculators and Nazis.
> You deserve each other. Capitalist. Scumbags.
> Rr


2017-11-02 Thread ilsa
Anyone going to the Internet Archive San Francisco,
Hackathon to complete some security stuff?
Smile, ilsa

Ilsa Bartlett
Institute for Rewiring the System <>

"Don't ever get so big or important that you can not hear and listen to
every other person."
-John Coltrane

Re: Five Eyes Bent On Killing Crypto

2017-07-04 Thread ilsa
Any one on this list going to the dark evening of the soul
​, Black​
Hat get together in Santa Rosa the 27,
8 this month?

If you are
we might g
 down together

eavens, will they be giving out
black hats
or shall we each bring our own?
​With ​
Germany dancing
​lawmaking with​
Facebook on this issue.
​Is there ever a time to  wonder about ​
Basic Control
​ and the future of open communication around the globe​
. The fit makes tight places, not right places at all.  Send me a message
or a call if you
​want to connect and attend.​

With Respect and Gratitude,

On Jul 4, 2017 12:52 AM, "grarpamp" <> wrote:

> get-encrypted-messaging-apps-at-upcoming-security-meeting/
> ss-sharing-information-to-battle-relentless-terrorist-plots/
> article35486286/
> This week, the political heads of the intelligence services of Canada,
> New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States (the
> "Five Eyes" alliance) met in Ottawa.  The Australian delegation
> entered the meeting saying publicly that they intended to "thwart the
> encryption of terrorist messaging." The final communiqué states more
> diplomatically that "Ministers and Attorneys General [...] noted that
> encryption can severely undermine public safety efforts by impeding
> lawful access to the content of communications during investigations
> into serious crimes, including terrorism. To address these issues, we
> committed to develop our engagement with communications and technology
> companies to explore shared solutions."
> What might their plan be? Is this yet another attempt to ban
> encryption? A combined effort to compel ISPs and Internet companies to
> weaken their secure products? At least one leader of a Five Eyes
> nation has been talking recently about increasing international
> engagement with technology companies — with a list of laws in her back
> pocket that are already capable of subverting encryption, and the
> entire basis of user trust in the Internet.
> Exporting Britain's Surveillance Regime
> Before she was elevated to the role of Prime Minister by the fallout
> from Brexit, Theresa May was the author of the UK's Investigatory
> Powers bill, which spelled out the UK's plans for mass surveillance in
> a post-Snowden world..cont.