Re: Razer's strange love for the Nazi Tim May

2020-11-13 Thread Razer
Ideology is dogmatic like a religion. As far as Anarchism, and Karl Marx; Marx 
visualized a withering away of the state. Anarcho-Communism, not the crap 
centralized totalitarian state the bulkshitviks handed the people of Russia.

Fidel Castro meditates, then says:

"These years have taught us all to meditate more and analyze better. 

We no longer accept any "self-evident" truths. "Self-evident" truths belong to 
bourgeois philosophy. A whole series of old cliches must be abolished.

Marxist literature itself, revolutionary poitical literature itself, should be 
renewed because repeating the same old cliches, phraseology and verbiage that 
have been repeated for 35 years wins over no one, convinces no one at all. 

There are times when political documents, called Marxist, give the impression 
that someone has gone to an archive and asked for a form: form 14, form 13, 
form 12; they are all alike, with the same empty words, in language incapable 
expressing real situations. Very often, these documents are divorced from real 

And then many people are told that this is Marxism. . .and in what way is this 
different from a catechism. and in what way is it different from a litany, from 
a rosary?...

...The communist movement developed a method, a style, and in some aspects, 
even took on the characteristics of a religion. And we sincerely believe that 
the character should be left behind. 

Of course, to some of these "illustrious revolutionary thinkers" we are only 
petit bourgeois adventurers without revolutionary maturity. We are lucky that 
the Revolution came before maturity! ~Major Fidel Castro Ruiz, Speech delivered 
at the closing of the First Conference of the Latin American Organization of 
Solidarity (OLAS), August 10, 1967
Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice

Re: Razer's strange love for the Nazi Tim May

2020-11-12 Thread Razer
He wasn't a US Libertard. The US variety are rethuglicans who like to party. On 
the rest of the planet they're typically anarchist by philosophy... I choose 
that word SPECIFICALLY because IDEOLOGY is an anathema to anarchist thought.
Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice

Re: [OT] [Music] Tommy Emmanuel - Beatles Medley (was Re: I have...)

2020-11-12 Thread Razer

On November 12, 2020 12:01:35 PM PST, Cecilia Tanaka  

>I was missing you a lot too, Razer.  Love you, old bastard.

>Welcome back, darling!  <3

Kiss kiss (grope grope...) ;>

Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice

Re: I have one thing to say about Jamesd

2020-11-12 Thread Razer
Tim May was a Libertarian Anarchist, not a Nazi. He is deceased and one of his 
relatives or close friends who was living on the streets of Santa Cruz is 
living at Tim's home in Corralitos. See the Period? That is all, scumbag.
Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice

Re: I have one thing to say about Jamesd

2020-11-12 Thread Razer
Tim May is dead and one of his relatives or close friends who was living on the 
streets of Santa Cruz is living at Tim's home in Corralitos. See the Period? 
That is all.

Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice

Re: detailed ICU first hand report / COVID-19 - it's really not "just the flu, bro" -- Re: global insanity - Re: Coronavirus: hysteria

2020-03-23 Thread Razer
This is not a description of the effect of Covid-19. The mucous in the lungs of 
the victim is thick, solidifies, and prevents respiration .

On March 23, 2020 12:30:33 AM PDT, Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
>Not pretty:
>"Holy Shit, This Is Not The Flu": Medical Worker Describes Terrifying
>Lung Failure From COVID-19... Even In Young [<60 years old] Patients
>   .. They suddenly become unresponsive or go into respiratory failure.
>.. “It’s called acute respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS. That means
>the lungs are filled with fluid. And it’s notable for the way the X-ray
>looks: The entire lung is basically whited out from fluid. Patients
>with ARDS are extremely difficult to oxygenate. It has a really high
>mortality rate, about 40%. The way to manage it is to put a patient on
>a ventilator. The additional pressure helps the oxygen go into the
>“Normally, ARDS is something that happens over time as the lungs get
>more and more inflamed. But with this virus, it seems like it happens

Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice

Re: Fw: Chloroquine is "highly effective" at inhibiting reproduction of Novel Coronavirus nCov in cell culture.

2020-03-19 Thread Razer
 They don't have the vaguest idea if it actually works. They just want you to 
think of Flu/Malaria=China.
Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice

Re: 283,549 Road Users Deaths for 2020, Compared to 6,685 Coronoavirus Deaths

2020-03-16 Thread Razer

On 3/16/20 6:41 AM, John Young wrote:
> 283,549 Road Users Deaths for 2020, Compared to 6,685 Coronoavirus Deaths
> 1,354,840 Road Users Deaths in 2019


They're using the initial mortality statistics of a FLU variant (without
trying to sound callous)  'at-risk die-off', and never following up with
the stats that show a huge drop off in deaths after-that-fact
illustrating this is really just another flu ... without a vaccine for
that at-risk cohort.

Tens of thousands of people died from the Flu and it's complications in
the US alone last year and there was no talk of Quarantine, or
comparisons to Ebola, Malaria and the Plague.

Personally I believe that fearmongering is INTENTIONALLY BEING DONE as a
form of:

A> Hybrid Economic War on China because tariffs and sanctions simply
don't work when the nation targeted makes or is a major part of the
supply chain for EVERYTHING YOU NEED on a daily basis, from clothes to
cars to food, and

B> It essentially enforces mandatory "Disaster Capitalism" globally, plus

C> The media simply ran out of "terrorists" to panic us about and
everyone's sort of bored with Trump's "Stupid Act" [See my Ps], and
since the media's owners got VERY USED TO making HUGE amounts of money
sensationalizing those things, they had to find something else...

That something else is "Be afraid of each other"

The rich are going to get richer beyond their wildest dreams and stand
as close together as they like... while the rest of us live in fear of
each other.


"When I say something that you might think is a gaffe, it's on purpose.
It's not a gaffe." ~Donald Trump explains, in so many words, that most
Americans are stupider than he is and actually believe his idiotic

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Re: Coronavirus Awesome Mix 2020

2020-03-15 Thread Razer

On 3/15/20 3:14 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> So let's listen to some "contagious music"...  ;)
> Coronavirus Awesome Mix 2020

El Vice-Presidente PencilPenis sez there will be Curfew, and 'Social
Distancing' regulations, soon.

"Don't Stand So Close To Me" will be enforced by federal law.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Chelsea Manning Supporters Raise A Quarter Million Dollars In Two Days

2020-03-14 Thread Razer

"In the likely event that you need some news to give you a bit of faith
in humanity today, you should know that supporters of whistleblower
Chelsea Manning have raised over a quarter million dollars to pay the
cruel, draconian fine that was heaped upon her for her principled stand
against testifying at corrupt secret grand jury proceedings.

In just two days after Manning was released from prison, more than six
thousand donors banded together to pay off the $258,000 fine assigned at
a thousand dollars a day by a federal judge on top of imprisonment to
coerce her to testify. Fundraising was so enthusiastic that it had
overshot the goal and reached $267,002 before the GoFundMe was closed.

Those of us who support Manning have been looking at this more as a fine
on us than on her, because of course we were never going to let a heroic
whistleblower spend the rest of her life under crushing debt. The fact
that the money came together so quickly and easily, though, says a lot
about the beauty of humans in my opinion."

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Chelsea Manning Is Ordered Released from Jail

2020-03-13 Thread Razer

On 3/12/20 3:22 PM, John Young wrote:
> A Federal District Court judge overseeing the matter, Anthony J.
> Trenga, said that he also dismissed on Thursday the grand jury that
> Ms. Manning was refusing to testify before after finding that its
> business had concluded.
> "The court finds that Ms. Manning's appearance before the grand jury
> is no longer needed, in light of which her detention no longer serves
> any coercive purpose," Judge Trenga wrote.


It IS NOT CLEAR whether she's been released because the Grand Jury has
finished it's term, just to be re-incarcerated when a new Grand Jury is
convened, or whether she's been completely relieved of the
court-demanded "responsibility" to reiterate her court martial testimony.

The latter is SERIOUSLY UNLIKELY until Julian Assange is exonerated.

After all, they released her after the last grand jury was termed out,
and then immediately put her back in a cell again because Double
Jeopardy doesn't apply. She not being charged with anything, She's being
held to coerce her to comply with a court order that she testify about
whether she gave Assange her wikileaks password.

She claims she already answered that during her court martial and the
government's demand she re-state her testimony is an attempt to entrap
her if her testimony varies by even a word, which IS how the feds manage
to imprison people they can't otherwise convict. By claiming you lied or
perjured if your testimony varies.

It's criminal, and it's common, and even if you look at the people
around presidents who end up convicted in federal courts it's rarely for
the original charges and typically for that bit of entrapment. They ask
you the same questions over and over. Show up at 12 midnight for another
interview, and literally harass you until you crack and attack them so
they can blow you away , or find some discrepancy and jail you for lying.

About that 'blowing away' thing. See this tag at my tumblr about what
they did to an acquaintance of the Boston Marathon Bomber.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: The Verge: AT&T is suspending broadband data caps for homies b/c flu/cold season

2020-03-13 Thread Razer

On 3/13/20 3:39 AM, destroyer wrote:
>> p2p networks
> There's this:

AX25? Not even X25?

HAHAHA! We have teh BangPath! toolz!

With a wire, file, and battery we can even scratch out Morse code!


> and this:
> We have the tools to do it, all we need is the people.
> On 3/13/20 6:12 AM, grarpamp wrote:
>> On 3/13/20, jim bell  wrote:
>> All this does is show greedy providers have truckloads of excess
>> capacity over existing infrastructure, that they don't need the
>> money, that their charges are utterly ridiculous, that they're a
>> settlement free tier-1 anyway, that they're a spying monopoly
>> showpony with "look at what we're doing". Nice try AT&T.
>> Route around the problem and blow them out of the water by
>> laying and interconnecting your own guerrilla p2p fiber networks
>> across the planet.
>> #OpenFabs , #OpenHW , #NoRestrictions

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Social useful Steganography

2020-03-13 Thread Razer

"On Thursday, the World Day Against Cyber Censorship, the
nongovernmental organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF) launched
its Uncensored Library, embedded deep inside the computer game
Minecraft. The project makes information blocked in certain countries
available via the online universe.

Around the world, more than 145 million people meander through the
landscape of Minecraft's virtual blocks. Recognizing the game's reach,
RSF decided to create a channel for banned information.

Situated on its own island, within the Minecraft universe, the library
is a relatively massive structure for the game. The library is stocked
with articles banned in the countries where they were written. Articles
from journalists in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Mexico and Vietnam
represent the beginnings of a database that will be expanded, said
Kristin Bässe, who supervised the project for RSF. "It is designed to
have a real impact," she said. Those five nations were chosen for their
large numbers of Minecraft players."


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Chelsea Manning Is Ordered Released from Jail

2020-03-12 Thread Razer

On 3/12/20 10:22 PM, John Young wrote:
> A Federal District Court judge overseeing the matter, Anthony J. Trenga,
> said that he also dismissed on Thursday the grand jury that Ms. Manning
> was refusing to testify before after finding that its business had
> concluded.
> "The court finds that Ms. Manning's appearance before the grand jury is
> no longer needed, in light of which her detention no longer serves any
> coercive purpose," Judge Trenga wrote.

Think this is just until the new grand jury convenes?

Like a boot stomping on Manning's face forever.


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Re: test message

2020-03-10 Thread Razer

On 3/10/20 9:49 AM, Mirimir wrote:
> On 03/10/2020 12:59 AM, Se7en wrote:
>> This is a test message. A user from this list emailed me to ask if our
>> mutual email provider has been banned or if he is individually
>> banned. If it goes through, it's his.
> It's his.
> So I didn't know that this list bans people.

It doesn't, and it shows. I'm able to post :-P


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Corona-Virus: A "Collective Fear Event"

2020-03-08 Thread Razer
"In essence, then, we are dealing with a collective fear event. In our
prosperous, technically controlled and automated world, we are no longer
used to things being unpredictable. And so therefore we like to assume
the worst."

Opinion: We need to deal with our coronavirus panic

It's right to take precautions; the coronavirus is not to be trifled
with. Even without a vaccine, there's no need to panic. But we do so
anyway, says DW's Jens Thurau after covering the outbreak.

The taxi driver who drives me from our editorial office to the Robert
Koch Institute in Berlin has her own view on the number one topic in

She asks: "What happens if the newspapers write: 'Don't be afraid of the
pink elephant! Then people will say: 'Oh God, we have pink elephants here?'"

That is an accurate description of what Germany is currently
experiencing with the new virus from China. Business trips are being
canceled, including domestic ones. Bottles of disinfectant are suddenly
mounted on office walls.

People want to be tested even if they show no or only minor symptoms.
Trade fairs are being canceled, party conferences are on the brink. And
yet every morning the train is tortuously full as usual. And why
wouldn't it be? Should we really follow the advice of scientists and go
into closed quarantine?

Do we have to stockpile now?

No we don't. Although, the scientists are also right, strictly speaking:
If everyone would sit still where they are for two weeks the virus would
hardly stand a chance. But unlike in Italy, for example, the epidemic in
Germany is, as the experts tell us, still in the "containment" phase. In
other words, infected persons are isolated and treated, contact persons
are tracked down. A kindergarten or a school might be closed down, but
not the whole country.

So do we have to do our "hamster-shopping" now, as some have already
done here and there? When a whole society is gripped by fear, all good
manners fall by the wayside: Unfortunately, one must say, especially
German society. So people are hoarding protective face masks, even
though, the experts tell us, they are of no use, but are urgently needed
in hospitals and doctors' surgeries. Not only, it is obviously criminal
to steal masks and sell them at a marked-up price on the internet. But
it only works because people easily fall into hysteria and create the
illegal market in the first place.

At press conferences with Health Minister Jens Spahn or the experts from
the Robert Koch Institute, Germany's main public health authority,
questions are asked that actually only prove how stupid journalists can
be. Why is there still no vaccine, one asked, with accusatory undertone?
The virologist Christian Drosten, now known throughout Germany and a
regular guest on television, who is feverishly researching a corona
vaccine with his international colleagues, is forced to make an effort
to control himself with difficulty and repeat the same lines: The virus
is new, many things are still unknown, we are working on it, but there
is no faster way. His expression shows that he thinks the press
conference is wasting his time.

So we grope our way through the epidemic. The ITB international tourism
fair in Berlin is canceled, the Hannover industrial trade fair
postponed. But the Bundesliga is still playing in full stadiums. The
president of the Robert Koch Institute, Lothar Wieler, isn't really
getting through with his message that most new infections are now
happening within Germany, so people are hardly bringing the virus from
abroad anymore. This is good news because it means that there are
probably fewer contact people to find and the experts can concentrate on
fighting the virus at home.

A collective fear

In essence, then, we are dealing with a collective fear event. In our
prosperous, technically controlled and automated world, we are no longer
used to things being unpredictable. And so therefore we like to assume
the worst.

What we have been familiar with for a long time are the flu waves during
the cold season. Just for comparison, as of Friday, March 5: Since the
beginning of the year, over 100,000 people in Germany have fallen ill
with flu and around 200 have also died of it. Among them are many old,
already sick and weakened people. But this number does not make the

It is like flying: Experts and statisticians never tire of pointing out
that the airplane is the safest of all means of transportation. The risk
of dying in road traffic is much higher. But the images of horrible
plane crashes just keep on etching themselves onto our brains. The many
thousands of successful take-offs and landings, every day, just happen,
and aren't worth a headline.

'Chill out, Germany!'

On the whole, my impression is that doctors, nurses and scientists in
Germany are still managing the coronavirus well. Certainly, the health
system has weaknesses, the health authorities in the municipalities are
overstretched and short of staff. And globalization has 

Bruce Schneier Whores For CoronaVirus Hysteria

2020-03-08 Thread Razer

This article is full of independently unverified information and lies
about Russian disinformation campaigns. Considering Schneier is a known
US intelligence agency asset that's not surprising.

The US government is sowing panic and hysteria to cripple China's
ability to do business globally, based on vaporware statistics and
conjecture regarding the outcome of what basically amounts to a COLD.

I mean... You don't REALLY want to have to take out a loan to buy your
next pair of sweatpants, or mortgage you house to afford an iPhone, do you?

That's what would happen (ok, so it's a bit exaggerated) if the US
actually was stupid enough to try standard trade war tactics, so instead
it's Hybrid Economic war by that old tried and true INSTITUTIONAL
SLANDER, and the US media, seeing a FORTUNE to be made sensationalizing
it, followed along like the WHORES they are.

How Hackers and Spies Could Sabotage the Coronavirus Fight

Intelligence services have a long history of manipulating information on
health issues, and an epidemic is especially tempting for interference.
Why aren’t we better prepared?

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Coronavirus Fears Are The Crisis

2020-03-07 Thread Razer

"Here’s how to arm yourself for the health catastrophe caused by public

"First, you should recognize that media is overwhelmingly incentivized
to produce negative and alarmist headlines, without the accompanying
historical context and analytical expertise needed for the average
person to evaluate the severity of those headlines. This is especially
problematic for the new coronavirus, because Americans have
significantly poor health literacy relative to their knowledge of other
public policy issues. And while some news publications may be
responsible and balanced, most are operated on business models that
privilege sensationalism and deem positive news and positive trends to
be not newsworthy. Meanwhile, as several studies of the Ebola crisis
demonstrated, it’s best to stay off of social media unless you want to
be misinformed or terrified."

Micah Zenko:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: UFO 'Bigger Than Earth' Flying Past the Sun 'Spotted' ...

2020-03-07 Thread Razer

Belongs on the "America is the greatest empire to grace the face of the
Earth" thread.

Just about as factual...


Ps. Everything you know is WRONG.


On 3/6/20 9:50 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> Does Ezekiel return?  Did he ever leave? 

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Geokeys for private key recovery

2020-03-06 Thread Razer
So no one need to look and see what "cypherpunks Digest, Vol 81, Issue
14 (was :> ... about.

On 3/6/20 4:48 PM, Philipp Angele wrote:
> True. "Pure" randomness will always be preferred to provide a maximum
> security.
> If you need a key that you feel could keep your data encrypted for 50
> years, geokeys would not be a good choice.
> However if it is short term use like with bitcoin you can do a trade
> of between level of key security and risk of losing the key.
> You would not have to make sure the encryption lasts for 50 years but
> only as long as you want to keep this key.
>> Am 06.03.2020 um 14:17 schrieb
>> :
>> Even though it would be hard to guess a secret key, this technique
>> reduces the security provided by a secret key made of pure random bits.
>> true?
>>> Please try the POC and share your
>>> thoughts:
>>> Geokeys for Bitcoin and Ether and other killer apps like pgp, ssh

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

WhatsApp security flaw: 1000s of links to groups incl. 'Closed Groups' easily found

2020-03-06 Thread Razer
"A DW journalist recently discovered WhatsApp links that lead to closed
groups could be found with a simple Google search."

"WhatsApp links that lead to closed groups can be found with a simple
Google search — a major security flaw revealed by DW last week (link).
Following social media outrage, the links were removed from Google’s
search results.

Despite the removal, however, publicly-available internet archives are
still storing the information, as security researcher Lav Kumar has
found out. He gathered and organized over 60,000 unique links, which can
still be found on multiple websites.

Of the 1,000 randomly selected links DW tested, 427 were active chat
links. Even without actively joining a group, its title, description,
image and creator's phone number are available for all. However, upon
entering a group, it is possible to also see the phone numbers of up to
256 participants, as well as other information, and adding these numbers
to one's contacts can reveal their names in the app.

"We show all numbers in groups for people's safety that way they know
who will receive their messages," WhatsApp told DW in response.

Real-life danger

Using this information, DW gained access to a group described as
"Ministry of finance civil servants" in Indonesia, revealing the phone
numbers of all 14 members. Several other groups appeared to be official
support groups for the campaign of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.

Among the 427 active links DW examined, there were groups described to
be for school classes, medical trainees, political campaigns,
businesses, pornography and sex workers. Some groups included members
with particularly sensitive identities, such as one chat with hundreds
of members clearly labeled as an LGBTQ+ group in a Latin American
country with high rates of homophobic murders.

In some cases, the group image looked like amateur pornography or had
titles such as "ex-wives leaked videos," raising questions of consent.

Also listed were potential terrorist groups and groups advertised as for
sharing footage of "extreme" sexual content, including rape. A small
number indicated that they were for child pornography.

WhatsApp told DW that the company has a zero-tolerance policy around
child sexual abuse and bans users immediately if they are found sharing
content that exploits or endangers children.

The platform also claims to ban approximately 250,000 accounts each
month suspected of sharing exploitative images of children and relies on
user reports and all unencrypted information to do so.

'Useful for terrorism chats'

In response to the revelations, some Twitter users pointed out that this
information could be used by authorities to track down illegal content
without WhatsApp offering an official "backdoor" to encrypted content.

"Of course there is a possibility that they left it open to search for
problem groups," Jake Moore, a cybersecurity specialist and former Head
of Digital Forensics at a British police force, told DW, "they aren’t
always too keen to help law enforcement, so might have found it
beneficial to offer it out to law enforcement and not openly mention it."

On whether law enforcement would use this proactively to identify crime,
Moore said: "Most police forces aren’t that proactive, [but] rather
reactive. However, I would imagine it would be useful for terrorism
chats, yet I doubt they use WhatsApp."

However, investigations into far-right terrorism in Germany show that
organizations have used Whatsapp to introduce members to each other.

Read more: German far-right extremists met on WhatsApp, planned mosque

More links:

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Re: The Verge: A major new Intel processor flaw could defeat encryption and DRM protections

2020-03-06 Thread Razer

On March 6, 2020 10:06:50 AM PST, jim bell  wrote:
>The Verge: A major new Intel processor flaw could defeat encryption and
>DRM protections.

It was a floating point error in the math if I remember correctly. Something 
about the way it rounded off large numbers
Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice

Fuck you if you don't care for my 'brevity'.

"There are FIVE variants of coronavirus. Only ONE showed up in China..." and...

2020-03-05 Thread Razer
Wait for it...

"There are FIVE variants of coronavirus. Only ONE showed up in China..."
and the deadliest variety seems to have landed in... wait for it... Iran.

Pepe Escobar:
"I had already referenced the crucial Global Times report - but this
brings it to a whole new level, incorporating Chinese, Japanese and
Taiwanese scientific analysis.

The killer paragraphs are these:

"The geographical location with the greatest diversity of virus strains
must be the original source because a single strain cannot emerge from
nothing. He demonstrated that only the US has all the five known strains
of the virus (while Wuhan and most of China have only one, as do Taiwan
and South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam, Singapore, and England, Belgium
and Germany), constituting a thesis that the haplotypes in other nations
may have originated in the US.

Korea and Taiwan have a different haplotype of the virus than China,
perhaps more infective but much less deadly, which would account for a
death rate only 1/3 that of China.

Neither Iran nor Italy were included in the above tests, but both
countries have now deciphered the locally prevalent genome and have
declared them of different varieties from those in China, which means
they did not originate in China but were of necessity introduced from
another source. It is worth noting that the variety in Italy has
approximately the same fatality rate as that of China, three times as
great as other nations, while the haplotype in Iran appears to be the
deadliest with a fatality rate of between 10% and 25%. (7) (8) (9)"

So to recap: there are FIVE variants of coronavirus. Only ONE showed up
in China - as well as in South Korea and Taiwan. Less deadly variant in
S. Korea than in China. Variants in Italy and Iran DID NOT originate in
China. Deadliest variant is in Iran.

If all that is confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt, imagine the


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Re: Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz wears gas mask during vote to address new coronavirus

2020-03-05 Thread Razer

Fearmonger wrote:

> My understanding is that respirators DON'T filter exhaled air, just incoming 
> air.  So, people around such a wearer aren't protected from his infection.  
> This should be fixed.

It's the other way. The typical surgical mask thingie keeps you from
transmitting whatever via sneezes etc and has no effect whatsoever for
incoming germs.

You need an N-95 HEPA filter in a full coverage (eyes too) gas mask, but
if you're already pulmonary-impaired you won't be able to breathe
through it so ... good bye. Good riddance.

But to the point... Lets talk global overpopulation and Mass DieOffs,
because all this WhooHooFlu agitprop is just so much FEARMONGERING and
it bores the living FUCK out of me.

Most western media makes it sound like 3rd world 'shithole nations' are
overpopulated, but in reality that's not the case. If it wasn't for
western nation's GMO cash crops and sweat shops shoved down the
citizen's throats by strongman dictators often installed or assisted to
power by the west, most citizens of Ghana, Eritrea, Peru, lets say,
would be growing FOOD to feed themselves and making their own clothes
and doing other useful things that support their survival.

Therefore these people are not the overpopulated cohort. They are
capable of producing what they need to survive and do little damage to
the earth in the process, until the west and it's fixers show up.

It's western office workers, app developers, coders, intelligence agency
assets like John Young and Jim Bell, who are a drag on the planet... as
a matter of fact almost NO ONE in the western (no longer) industrial
world does ANYTHING even remotely related to their survival on the planet.

Who wants to get their hands dirty or chip the paint job on their
fingernails for shit wages when you can shuffle papers and make
appointments for 80 grand a year as a googleadminassistant and buy your
Peruvian 'miracle grain' Quinoa at StarFucks (their vendors use child

Westerners, especially Americans, are a net drain on planetary resources
and if they all experience a mass dieoff, the planet wont miss them, NOR
WILL THE PEOPLE THEY KILL AND ENSLAVE so they can have a 'free ride'.


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Re: Ryacko

2020-03-04 Thread Razer

On 3/4/20 10:40 PM, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> On Wed, 04 Mar 2020 22:27:22 +
> rooty  wrote:
>> Anyone heard from ryacko. He went dark and just wondering what happened
>   he's probably been kidnaped by a satanic paganic sex cult composed of 
> muslim sex predators who work for assange spreading mental illness and flu. 



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Re: This "5th Vital Sign" May Prevent The Spread Of Coronavirus, New Study Finds

2020-03-03 Thread Razer

On 3/3/20 7:16 PM, jim bell wrote:

Is this why you're peddling nonsense and fear Jim?

Because your bosses need it to be assured they can keep spying on Americans?


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"Covid-19", And the winner is...Big Pharma!

2020-03-03 Thread Razer
Be VERY afraid... of Hybrid Economic War agitprop.

"The media hype and disinformation campaign regarding the spread of the
COVID-19 novel coronavirus have created a Worldwide atmosphere of fear
and uncertainty following the launching of  a global public health
emergency by the WHO on January 30th.

The fear campaign is ongoing.  Panic and uncertainty. National
governments and the WHO are misleading  the public.

“About 84,000 people in at least 56 countries have been infected, and
about 2,900 have died” says the New York Times. What they fail to
mention is that 98% of those cases of infection are in Mainland China.
There are less than 5000 confirmed cases outside China. (WHO, February
28, 2020)

While COVID-19 is a matter of Public Health concern, at the moment,
there is no real pandemic outside Mainland China. Look at the figures.

At the time of writing, the number of  “confirmed cases” in the US was 64.

A low number and the media is spreading panic.

Meanwhile, there are 15 Million Cases of Influenza in the USA."

COVID-19 Coronavirus: A Fake Pandemic? Who’s Behind It? Global Economic,
Social and Geopolitical Destabilization

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Re: Bad News/Good News

2020-03-03 Thread Razer

On 3/3/20 2:59 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 03, 2020 at 09:03:01AM -0800, Razer wrote:
>> I'm older than you by half-a-decade. Had the flu for Xmas (Just like the
>> CSN&Y song). Smoke. Live houseless, on a thousand dollars a month,
>> therefore not getting the best nutrition or a place to bed down and
>> rest/recuperate all day, and yet after four days of mid-grade fever and
>> chills, and a few more with a phlemy cough, I'm very much alive.
>> Don't let your own fears snuff you.
> :)  Indeed.
> Sounds like a gloomy Christmas TBH - ever thought of headin South and 
> lassoing cattle rather than living under your metaphorical bridge?  Some 
> country air should clear out that bong lung, bro :D

Actually Weed tar is water soluble and gets coughed up along with other
more noxious garbage that gets into the lungs that originates from cars,
cigarettes and such. It's an expectorant. Even the smoke and tars from
weed are helpful and healthy.

Even cigarettes! I blame this first flu I've had in as long as I can
remember on the fact I mostly quit smoking (Pack of straights a day down
to 2, 3 a day in September) and don't have a good coating of
bacteria/virus toxic tars coating my lungs.

Ps. I never use bongs. The water can harbor nasty bacteria until the pot
tars kill it, and fish fuck in it.


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Corona-Virus Kills!

2020-03-03 Thread Razer

Corona virus has killed about 3,000 people.

It has crashed financial markets and gets 24/7 saturation news coverage.

9 million people a year die from starvation

25,000 deaths a day

The media never mentions it.

The difference?

Corona Virus kills rich people.

Starvation doesn't.


As a meme:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Fwd: Bitcoin Loans. Zero Premiums

2020-03-03 Thread Razer

Go on, suxers.

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: Bitcoin Loans. Zero Premiums
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2020 08:58:31 -0800 (PST)
Newsgroups: ba.general

Get instant Bitcoin Loans with zero premiums, Recover lost Bitcoins, &
help with FOREX / BITCOINS Investments. For more info text or send me a
message via WhatsApp -  +1 (424) 261 8158   Instagram @kentsungle
 I am Kent Sungle
Administrator at Block Chain

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Bad News/Good News

2020-03-03 Thread Razer

On 3/2/20 11:03 PM, jim bell wrote:
> The bad news is that I live in the state, Washington, that so far has
> had 6 COVID-19 deaths.  The ONLY COVID-19 deaths in the entire US!!!
> The good news is that I live in Vancouver, Washington, kinda-sorta the
> 'ass end' of Washington, about 160 miles south of where the main COVID
> action is.
> The bad news is that a few days ago, I visited a friend temporarily in
> a care home very near Seattle (NOT the one that made the news over the
> last 2-3 days, connected to 5 of the 6 deaths.)  This friend has
> numerous ailments, but generally dating from long before COVID existed.  
> More bad news is that 5 days after I left, he got very ill with
> vomiting, and had to go to a hospital.  He thinks it's conceivable he
> got this COVID-19, although I don't think he has been tested for
> that.   Yet.  He is also fairly close to the Chinese community in
> Seattle, which is about 4.5% of the population there.  
> More bad news is that I hear that especially hard-hit are old men. 
>  In little more than 1 month, I turn 62.
> More bad news is that people with diabetes are hit harder.  I have
> diabetes.
> So, anyone want to take bets on whether I fall ill in the next 2-3 weeks?
>                Jim Bell

I'm older than you by half-a-decade. Had the flu for Xmas (Just like the
CSN&Y song). Smoke. Live houseless, on a thousand dollars a month,
therefore not getting the best nutrition or a place to bed down and
rest/recuperate all day, and yet after four days of mid-grade fever and
chills, and a few more with a phlemy cough, I'm very much alive.

Don't let your own fears snuff you.


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Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-29 Thread Razer
A plausible denial if I ever heard it follows:

On 2/29/20 9:27 AM, John Young wrote:
> FWIW, Assange's counsel mistated that Cryptome hosted, and still
> hosts, the State Department cables. Cryptome posted, and still hosts,
> the torrents for accessing the cable files after decrypting the
> torrents with the book-published password. But did not publish the
> very large files themselves.
> Of the three encrypted files only one, the y-file, could be decrypted
> with the password, not x and z. Still don't know what is in x and z.
> Cryptome archived the decrypted y file, cables.csv (1.7GB), but did
> not publish it.
> Not aware of where or who hosted the files accessed by the torrents.
> Don't know if the others who downloaded the torrents then decrypted
> and published all of them.
> If not, it is possible WikiLeaks first published the unredacted files,
> maybe all of them, thinking that others had already done so.

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Re: Dirtbag Left Hates Republitard crypto-fascists

2020-02-29 Thread Razer
It feels great to hate! Especially when the object of one's disdain are
Republitard crypto-fascists.

We of the 'dirtbag left' flu-sneeze in your general direction ...



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Re: Removing a police-installed GPS is not Indiana.

2020-02-29 Thread Razer
Indiana is a Libertard Paradise fershure

Meth labs!

KKK largest membership base.

Pig Fuckers.


You'll get along fine libertard.

(You'll squeal like a pig. boy.)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Expected duration of the Corona virus threat?

2020-02-28 Thread Razer

A WhooHoo Flu mortality chart so far.

As you can see you're more liable to get clobbered with a stray part
that fell of a jetliner and certainly more liable to get killed by a
stray bullet fired by an off-duty pig.


Ps. "Wearing a mask, unless it is a special N-95 respirator which also
makes it difficult to breathe, does not prevent one from catching the
virus. "

Be very afraid, of the flu. Die of your fears. Leaves more air for the
rest of us.

On 2/28/20 2:09 PM, Peter Fairbrother wrote:
> On 27/02/2020 15:01, Georgi Guninski wrote:
>> What is the expected duration of the Corona virus threat?
> Healthwise, best guess worst case, the dying should be over in a
> couple of years. Worst guess best case, a couple of months.
>> Not only death counts, include fear, social, technological
>> and economic threats.
> Long-term consequences could be very long-term, initially ten years or
> so? Think of it like 9/11 but with a lot more dying.
>> And what is the mortality rate of common flu?
> It varies quite a lot depending on the kind of 'flu, weather etc, but
> for seasonal 'flu about 1 in 10,000 or 0.01% per year is about
> average. A twentieth of that rate for children and the young and
> healthy. That's for everybody, including people who don't get flu.
> In a year, on average, about 20% of people get 'flu. This is mainly
> because of vaccination - it would probably be about 65% without
> vaccination. The death rate for people with 'flu is about 5 in 10,000.
> So say 65 million cases of 'flu in the US per year, with 30,000 US
> deaths per year, almost entirely the old - child deaths from seasonal
> flu in the US are only about 150 per year.
> 'Flu has been given the sobriquet "the old man's friend" - on the
> theory that it is better dying over a week from 'flu than over months
> or years from cancer, Alzheimer's, COPD etc. Gives friends and family
> time to say goodbye, but the patient doesn't suffer much or for too
> long. And seasonal 'flu kills the elderly almost exclusively.
> Pandemic 'flu can kill at much higher rates - the 1918 pandemic had a
> death rate of well over 10% of the ~17% of the population who got it
> during the first six months of the pandemic, though death rates
> decreased later. This was also an all-age death spread, the
> fit-and-healthy died about as often as the elderly.
> Best data I have seen for COVID-19 mortality is from 50 in 10,000 or
> 0.5% for the young-and-fit to 1,500 in 10,000 or 15% for those over 75
> and those with pre-existing heart disease. Diabetes and COPD are also
> bad co-morbidities to have, at about 10% mortality.
> COVID-19 seems to kill mostly the elderly, but not nearly as
> exclusively as 'flu. The young-and-fit are also very much at risk.
> This would give an overall mortality rate of about 150-200 per 10,000
> or 1.5%-2%. With an estimated 65% of the US population catching
> COVID-19 that would be 4 million US deaths: much worse than AIDS, and
> potentially the worst pandemic since the Plague.
> What could change that? Well, that figure is for people with at least
> semi-decent health care. If society and health care break down (this
> is unlikely to happen) US mortality could reach 15 million or more. On
> the other hand extra-good healthcare might bring it down a bit.
> Coronaviruses mutate fairly rapidly, and for something like 2019-nCoV
> these mutations generally tend towards less lethal varieties. So you
> might still see a lot of sick people but with a lot fewer deaths.
> It is also not impossible to make a vaccine in a fairly short time -
> or make 10 vaccines, quickly test them for safety, then fuck the
> effectiveness testing and just give people the best-looking 3 or 4
> safe ones. That could be done in about 3-4 months if lots of people
> were dying and some otherwise-sensible rules were set aside.
> Antiviral drugs might also work, but ignoring licensing these are
> expensive and slow to make and of uncertain efficacy. It took quite a
> while for an effective AIDS cocktail to be worked out.
> I don't have much hope that containment will stop the disease, but it
> is worth trying; if nothing else in order to slow down the spread of
> the infection. This gives more time for creating treatments and
> treatment plans, hospital preparedness, a slower case rate requires
> less treatment capacity and allows more treatment per patient, and so on.
> People might (!would!) argue the numbers in this post a little, but I
> think they are at least roughly correct. The COVID-19 numbers might be
> a bit low as it is in many cases still too early to predict the outcome.
> Peter Fairbrother

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Re: WhooHoo FluMongering: CJR just comes right out and says it

2020-02-27 Thread Razer
 say and understand. That stigmatizes the people in Singapore,
Kansas, Victoria, and Yamagata, who did not cause those flus. And of
course, there’s “swine flu,” “Asian flu,” “bird flu” and others.
Associating a disease with a place or an animal always risks
retaliation, and overreaction. It will be difficult enough to distance
COVID-19 from its Chinese source, especially as people shun Chinatowns
around the U.S. from an unfounded fear of COVID-19.

COVID-19 has already surpassed the death tolls of SARS and MERS, over
2,000 people as this is written, with little signs of abating. Still,
that pales in comparison with the CDC estimates of 26 million illnesses
from flu, resulting in 250,000 hospitalizations and 14,000 deaths from
flu in the United States alone.

And even the WHO director-general seemed frustrated that so much
attention was being paid to COVID-19. He began his Feb.11 briefing on
the coronavirus with a reminder: “Although the world is now focused on
coronavirus, we cannot and must not forget Ebola,” which has surged in
Africa and which has a much higher fatality rate than COVID-19.

So why is so much attention being paid to COVID-19? First, because it’s
new, and spreading. But as Max Fisher wrote in the New York Times,
COVID-19 “hits nearly every cognitive trigger we have.” Its novelty and
the uncertainty around it override the recognition that other diseases,
including flu, are far more endemic and dangerous. He likens the
reaction to that after a plane crash, when people shun flying even
though a crash is an anomaly and flying is overwhelmingly safe.

And social media spreads the rumors, fake cures, and other untruths that
we won’t link to, but include words like “genocide” and “Zionist

Journalists have the responsibility to put things in context. Cover
COVID-19 and its effects, be they economic, physical, or social. But
acknowledge its place in the pantheon of disease. Reporting as if it
were the end of the world is an epidemic of a different kind.

Merrill Perlman managed copy desks across the newsroom at the New York
Times, where she worked for twenty-five years. Follow her on Twitter at

> At 11:13 AM 2/27/2020, you wrote:
>> Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
>> boundary="wQo7VCexvkCLBNE0vSTK1iIzwarPt4zkk";
>>  protected-headers="v1"
>> From: Razer 
>> To:
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Subject: WhooHoo FluMongering: CJR just comes right out and says it
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>> Content-Language: en-US
>> "Why COVID-19 is not the problem" (but the sensationalized reporting and
>> ignorant reactionary humans sure are!)
>> "So why is so much attention being paid to COVID-19? First, because
>> it’s
>> new, and spreading. But as Max Fisher wrote in the New York Times,
>> COVID-19 “hits nearly every cognitive trigger we have.” Its
>> novelty and
>> the uncertainty around it override the recognition that other diseases,
>> including flu, are far more endemic and dangerous.
>> He likens the reaction to that after a plane crash, when people shun
>> flying even though a crash is an anomaly and flying is overwhelmingly
>> safe.
>> And social media spreads the rumors, fake cures, and other untruths that
>> we won’t link to, but include words like “genocide” and “Zionist
>> conspiracy.”
>> Journalists have the responsibility to put things in context. Cover
>> COVID-19 and its effects, be they economic, physical, or social. But
>> acknowledge its place in the pantheon of disease. Reporting as if it
>> were the end of the world is an epidemic of a different kind."
>> Â

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Re: Open Future - We can harness peer pressure to uphold social values | Open Future | The Economist

2020-02-27 Thread Razer

On 2/26/20 11:20 PM, jim bell wrote:
> Jim Bell's comment:. This is dangerous.

When "traditional social values" are mentioned, I think of:

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Re: Expected duration of the Corona virus threat?

2020-02-27 Thread Razer
Ps. I can tell who the feds and useful fearmongering sicko idiots on
this list are by their promotion of the agitprop.

On 2/27/20 7:01 AM, Georgi Guninski wrote:
> What is the expected duration of the Corona virus threat?
> Not only death counts, include fear, social, technological
> and economic threats.
> And what is the mortality rate of common flu?

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Re: Expected duration of the Corona virus threat?

2020-02-27 Thread Razer

On 2/27/20 7:01 AM, Georgi Guninski wrote:
> What is the expected duration of the Corona virus threat?
> Not only death counts, include fear, social, technological
> and economic threats.
> And what is the mortality rate of common flu?

The common flu is much more dangerous, but anti-China hybrid economic
war agitprop by the media in collusion with western intelligence
agencies and governments is more dangerous still.

About the "Reporting"

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Prose: All I can think of are the #Nazis

2020-02-27 Thread Razer
They're keeping #JulianAssange in a glass box, so you think of Eichmann,
and #Nazis... Because the people persecuting #Assange understand and
relate to #Nazis, because they are #Nazis. He is obviously not a flight
or courtroom disruption risk, due to their torturing him like #Nazis do,
so there's no reason he shouldn't be able to sit next to his lawyer and
effectively plan a defense, except that the #Nazis want you to think of
#Nazis when you see him... But all I can think of are the #Nazis who
have him on display like an animal in a glass box.

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WhooHoo FluMongering: CJR just comes right out and says it

2020-02-27 Thread Razer

"Why COVID-19 is not the problem" (but the sensationalized reporting and
ignorant reactionary humans sure are!)

"So why is so much attention being paid to COVID-19? First, because it’s
new, and spreading. But as Max Fisher wrote in the New York Times,
COVID-19 “hits nearly every cognitive trigger we have.” Its novelty and
the uncertainty around it override the recognition that other diseases,
including flu, are far more endemic and dangerous.

He likens the reaction to that after a plane crash, when people shun
flying even though a crash is an anomaly and flying is overwhelmingly safe.

And social media spreads the rumors, fake cures, and other untruths that
we won’t link to, but include words like “genocide” and “Zionist

Journalists have the responsibility to put things in context. Cover
COVID-19 and its effects, be they economic, physical, or social. But
acknowledge its place in the pantheon of disease. Reporting as if it
were the end of the world is an epidemic of a different kind."

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Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-26 Thread Razer

On 2/25/20 4:19 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> Twitter news syndication lists...
> Anonymous Bites Back
> Assange wrote down on a scrap of paper:
> ACollectionOfHistorySince_1966_ToThe_PresentDay#. "That's the
> password," he said. "But you have to add one extra word when you type
> it in. You have to put in the word 'Diplomatic' before the word
> 'History'. Can you remember that?"
> — David Leigh, WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy
> SplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWinds
> #FreeAssange
> Attach released passwords to all the other
> formerly intact distribution / insurance files
> for reference below...

A. That couldn't be Manning's password. That would be the password to
Wikileak's administrative functions passed on by Assange as he was being
arrested or thereabouts.

B. CassandraRules is an 'altright' account and most likely a fed
honeypot, like anyone else who would refer to themselves by that sullied
moniker "Anonymous" today.


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Re: Chaos Computer Turds

2020-02-26 Thread Razer

On 2/26/20 9:54 AM, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:

Pia Klemp. Where have you been all my life!

Pia Klemp is the female variation on, and operates in solidarity with,
Sea Sheperd's Captain Paul Watson. She's a hands on sort of woman at the
helm of the Sea-Watch organization, which rescues stranded immigrants
floating in the ocean after their cardboard 'boat' or upside down
umbrella sinks.

Here are some excerpts of her words as she refused a medal from the
mayor of Paris:

"I'm not a humanitarian. I am not there to 'aid'. I stand in solidarity.

We do not need medals. We do not need authorities deciding about who is
a 'hero' and who is 'illegal'. In fact they are in no position to make
this call, because we are all equal.

"What we need are freedom and rights. It is time we call out hypocrite
honoring and fill the void with social justice.

If ths luzer considers a convo with her Suspicious, he's fucking nuts,
which is what I thought when I noted the category he put his blog
posting under... Category: youre-going-to-wish-you-killed-me

Will someone puhlese take him up on that?


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Re: The Verge: Firefox turns controversial new encryption on by default in the US

2020-02-26 Thread Razer
"Although it’s much harder for others to see your DNS lookups with DoH
enabled, the websites will still be visible to the DNS server your
browser is connecting to. Thus, Mozilla says Firefox will offer a choice
of two trusted DNS providers, Cloudflare and NextDNS, and that
Cloudflare will be used as the default."

On 2/26/20 10:00 AM, jim bell wrote:
> The Verge: Firefox turns controversial new encryption on by default in the US.

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China stops erroneously counting every case of Pneumonia as evidence of Corona-virus

2020-02-24 Thread Razer

Case count reduced dramatically:

...and the reality of what amounts to nothing more than economic hybrid
war waged by the US comes back to bite YOU on the ASS, wage slave. You
didn't REALLY think the economic elite of the US or CAPITALIST China
were going to suffer, did you?

"U.S. stock markets drop more than 3.5 percent amid coronavirus fears

The Dow at one point plunged more than 1,000 points as markets sounded
the alarm about the relentless spread and widening economic impact of
the virus."

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Re: Bernie Sanders is (literally, according to CNN) a Russian asset

2020-02-23 Thread Razer
There's only ONE choice then...

"Intelligence has revealed that Mr. Buttigieg is at this time the only
candidate who we can count on not to place our nation's interests square
in the hands of Vladimir Putin," an anonymous source in the Central
Intelligence Agency told NNC on Saturday.

In fact Mr. Buttigieg is the only candidate running with the skill, the
experience and the multilingual relatability needed to bridge our
nation's deep divisions and bring Americans together in this time of
uncontrolled hostility," the CIA source continued.

"Because in truth, the unity of our togetherness is in the freedom of
our democracy," added the source"

Further, Ajamu Baraka, my favorite Commie Knee-Grow (Lenny Bruce's
vernacular) has a few words about the 2020 SELECTIONS (NOT 'elections'
... Mericans get to SELECT between public personas the billionaires who
own the media have preened for presentation)

"Liberals have gone mad. In this strange political world in the U.S. it
takes Tucker Carlson to question who is really undermining the U.S.
electoral system."

Tucker Carlson: Russia isn’t attacking our democratic system – our own
ruling class is

"The story of American decline is the story of an incompetent ruling
class. You'll hear many self-serving explanations for it. But the truth
is, it's that simple.

The people in charge inherited an industrial superpower with
unchallenged military dominance. In a little more than a generation,
they squandered all of it.

In exchange for short-term profits, bigger vacation homes and cheaper
household help they wrecked what they did not build.

They outsourced entire sectors of our economy to China. They imported a
serf class to drive down wages, and they crippled the middle class while
doing it.

They ran up trillions of dollars in unpayable debt. They turned the
finest universities in the world into a joke. They watched from their
decadent little bubbles of affluence as families, faith and public
decency died in this country and they laughed because they didn't care."

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Re: Coronavirus Patients in China to beTreated with High-Dose Vitamin C in New Clinical Trial

2020-02-16 Thread Razer

On 2/16/20 4:36 PM, jim bell wrote:
> It appears that testing of chloroquine is already occurring in China. 

Which US disinformation agency do you work for?

You're talking about the FLU. The number of cases is already on the
decline, rapidly. Even the US MSM news has given up on it as a Economic
War tool.] and reported the rapid decline.

Some Economic and Political Factors of Coronavirus Outbreak

It is also worth noting that the global threat, posed by 2019-nCOV,
appeared around the same time when it became apparent that there was a
solid chance the trade conflict between two of the largest economies in
the world (with the potential to turn into a full-scale war with
world-wide repercussions) could be resolved.

It is important, however, to point out that we are referring here to the
prospect (not certainty). After all, the agreement between the United
States and China, signed on January 15, 2020 offers an opportunity to
gradually work out issues but does not guarantee that this process will
be successful. And yet, this document has already made a substantial
contribution to stabilizing the global economy.

However, this positive outlook may now be overshadowed by the latest
threat stemming from the panic caused by the news of the “2019-nCOV”

And its effect on the political situation in the world does not appear
to be too far-reaching for now. If we choose not to concern ourselves
with relatively “insignificant” matters, such as propaganda attacks
against China in light of the “new” threat emanating from it (whose
assessment, from Beijing’s perspective, is very biased, and does not
correspond to that of WHO ), and embarrassing comments fueled by racism
published by Western media outlets, we will realize that the main effect
of the start and spread of the epidemic has been the exacerbation of the
Taiwan Issue yet again.

With links:

Also see: February 13, 2020
Coronavirus - Statistical Change Causes Confusion - New Case Count
Continues To Decline

The Chinese government has added a new category of infections to the
total number of COVID-19 cases. So far there were two published
categories. 'Suspected cases', which were people who may have come in
contact with the virus and showed flu symptoms, and 'confirmed cases' of
patients who fell ill and where the virus was found during tests.

Now people who show signs of pneumonia will be added to the confirmed
COVID-19 cases even when the tests do not find the nCov19 virus in their
body. The same criteria will retroactively apply to the number of dead.
People who died while showing signs of pneumonia are now counted as
COVID-19 casualties even when their virus tests were negative.

The new method only applies to Hubei Province which has by far the most
of all global cases. The move added the 13,332 cases to the total number
of cases. (To keep the trend numbers comparable the new addition is not
incorporated in the above graphic.)

The change was not well communicated and has caused some serious
confusion. Some sources seem to believe that this increases the number
of total cases while other sources say that it simply moves people from
the 'suspected cases' category into a new sub category that runs under
'confirmed cases'.

The motive for doing this is not clear. The case numbers will now
include everyone who show signs of pneumonia but does not test positive
for the nCoV19 virus. The new count will thereby include a lot of people
who simply have a common flu.

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Re: Epstein's jobs

2020-02-12 Thread Razer

On 2/12/20 10:01 AM, John Newman wrote:
> On Wed, 2020-02-12 at 17:39 +, Ryan Carboni wrote:
>> Art dealer
>> Drug-dealer
>> Orgy resort host
>> Philanthropist
>> Air taxi service
>> Some of these people are stupid enough to agree to calling cocaine
>> cheese pizza as a code name.
>> In a proper revolution these people would all be squeezed out for
>> their incompetence (in a totalitarian revolution, random people would
>> be taken off the street to fill their jobs).  It is unlikely that
>> would ever happen, but the argument that you know what kind of
>> criminal someone is by hanging around them from time to time is a bit
>> incredible.
>> It is still a bit funny that none of these people are capable of
>> handling their own affairs to the extent that they can't rent out
>> mansions to host their own parties using their own staff, or even
>> talk
>> to the help to see if they are treated fairly, or even legalize
>> cocaine in a small portion of their own cities.
>> I do not think if New York was vaporized anyone would notice or mind.
>> To prove it, I don't think anyone will react to the previous sentence
>> by moving a single inch.
> Carboni - either get on some fucking meds, or please let me know - what
> meds are you currently taking?? So I can avoid them (or at least abuse
> them only in moderation).

I'd really miss the museums.


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Operation Big Itch, 2019-nCoV, and Economic BioWar directed at China

2020-02-11 Thread Razer
"The appearance of a new strain of coronavirus in the Chinese city of
Wuhan last month, which has since spread to more than 20 countries, has
sparked social media-driven panic around the world. People are scouring
the Internet for information about this coronavirus outbreak, which the
World Health Organization has declared a global health emergency, and
they are being bombarded with information dealing with both the reasons
why it appeared, and whether or not it could spread to become a global

The deadly novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is currently thought to have
originated in wild animals like bats, but this theory has yet to be
scientifically proven.

The American Project Syndicate media organization has published dogmatic
and undisguised anti-Chinese propaganda, without going into any detail
on the medical side of the problem, claiming that the affliction of
Chinese autocracy is responsible for the coronavirus epidemic.

An article available on the online Turkish news portal OdaTV states that
“the epidemic in China can be interpreted as a biological attack,”
stressing that China’s coronavirus outbreak is directly related to
America’s geopolitical interests, a country which has long been using
indirect strategies in its war with rival China. The piece provides
points to support this argument, noting that Washington is trying to
reign in China’s growth, prevent the country from implementing its One
Belt One Road initiative, and lower Chinese economic output. The United
States is using its naval fleet and allies to surround China in the
Pacific, preventing China from circumventing the Strait of Malacca,
fomenting unrest, blocking China from accessing Eurasia over land
through East Turkestan, and using sanctions and trade wars to try and
undermine China’s production and economy And although it is currently
hard to say for sure whether the virus originated naturally or
artificially, whether it was used as a biological weapon as part of the
bigger war between China and the US, one thing is clear, which is that
the coronavirus epidemic that has broken out in China will have a
profound effect on the country, and it will naturally affect Chinese
manufacturing, trade, the economy, and Chinese priorities, which the
United States will clearly benefit from.

A similar position is taken in the Norwegian news outlet Steigan,
suggesting that we reflect on the fact that the United States is now
feeling very intimidated by China’s rapid growth, is already waging a
trade war against China, and it is not too far-fetched that certain
American politicians could well have resorted to biological warfare. The
publication makes another point to back up the argument that this is a
possibility, reminding people the United States is already working on a
number of military plans to ensure US world domination. Of particular
note is the US plan to hack Russia’s power grid and shut down power
plants, which The New York Times wrote about in 2019, and the US are
intensifying their cyberattacks. The American strategy which has been
implemented since 2012 has entered an offensive phase, with the
aggressive introduction of potentially crippling malware, and at a depth
hat has never been tried before. Even if you do not believe that the
coronavirus was created intentionally, the fact that it would have been
possible should be enough to set alarm bells ringing for many.

Indian researchers have cast doubt over whether the new coronavirus
could have a natural origin, and have questioned segments of its RNA, as
they are unlike those of other coronaviruses such as SARS, and instead
appear to be closer to those of HIV. The scientists found that the
spikes which form the “crown” of the virus in short regions of proteins
are genetic inserts which bear resemblance to pieces of the human
immunodeficiency virus, HIV-1. The researchers pointed out that these
kinds of inserts are not found in other coronaviruses. In other words,
if the virus had mutated in a natural way, it would not have been able
to receive insertions from the immunodeficiency virus.

Oddly enough, it should also be noted that the novel coronavirus
(2019-nCoV) is similar to other coronaviruses, such as Middle East
Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), which was first discovered in Saudi Arabia
(2012) and subsequently spread to other countries in the Middle East and
sub-Saharan Africa. The new coronavirus also shares similarities with
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which was first discovered in
China in 2002 and spread to countries all over the world, but SARS was
quickly brought under control and contained, and there were no more
cases of contraction recorded after 2004. MERS and SARS are both
coronaviruses. There are suspicions that these viruses were created in
laboratories, tested on animals, and they could only have been
transmitted to people through human intervention. The viruses were then
bioengineered to make it possible for them to be spread from human to
human. B

Re: Coronavirus Data Pimps

2020-02-11 Thread Razer

On 2/11/20 3:15 AM, grarpamp wrote:
> We can use standard UNIX tools to investigate the origins of the Wuhan
> coronavirus! I read on Wikipedia that “2019-nCoV has been reported to
> have a genome sequence 75% to 80% identical to the SARS-CoV and to
> have more similarities to several bat coronaviruses.” We can use diff
> to see those similarities:

There's a virology institute at Wuhan 
(Founded in 1956) Might start by looking there. Sounds like they might
have 'done a Skripal', near home, like GCHQ did, but different.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: CNN: China's massive security state is being used to crack down on the Wuhan virus

2020-02-10 Thread Razer

On 2/10/20 12:01 AM, jim bell wrote:
> CNN: China's massive security state is being used to crack down on the Wuhan 
> virus.

How much are the feds paying you to regurgitate this garbage?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: NBC News: Baltimore To Use Police Surveillance Planes In Controversial Pilot Program

2020-02-10 Thread Razer
This has been going on for, literally, years.

If you ever actually looked at any Black Baltimore Activist's posting on
twitter you'd know that.

Also the entire county of LA was satellite surveilled in realtime for
the LASD. I forget the name of the company, but they also do satellite
security tracking for public transport systems and changed their company
name when the information was first published, again, years ago.

Meanwhile, The Canadian RCMP in process of invading sovereign indigenous
land in BC RIGHT NOW to escort a fracking exploration crew and has been
allowed "restricted airspace" status to prevent Indigenous friendly
drone operators and a REALLY-PISSED-OFF Canadian media (who were
forcibly removed from the scene in violation of Canadian press laws),
from observing their invasion.

Rail transport across Canada is being disrupted... There's been no rail
service out of Ottawa for almost a week in any direction and there are
protests all across Canada. Insurrection is in the air...

...and you know?

NBC just ISN'T reporting it. Instead they're publishing YEARS OLD NEWS,
for senile twats like you to regurgitate.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Chinese tabloid jokes about thermal cameras seeing farts amid coronavirus outbreak

2020-02-10 Thread Razer

On 2/9/20 10:50 PM, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Feb 2020 06:28:33 + (UTC)
> jim bell  wrote:
>   Do you mind explaining what sort of value that 'article' has? 

S You can tell whose a useful idiot for US intel agencies, or
works for them in some way, by their pandering to the flu hysteria with
Sinophobic trash.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

NBCNews >Tamiflu takers: Watch out for bizarre behavior

2020-02-09 Thread Razer

You avoid the flu and get gunned down in the street like a rabid dog by
the police.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Stratfor Sells; But Whose Buying?

2020-02-09 Thread Razer

February 5, 2020

I am pleased to inform you of the acquisition of Stratfor by RANE, the
Risk Assistance Network and Exchange. You can read the full press
release here.

Let me start by assuring you that all of the Stratfor products you’ve
evaluated – including the support services we’ve presented - will
continue without interruption, and any pricing information you have
received remains the same.

These are exciting times for Stratfor and our clients. Our goal has
always been to provide you with accurate, unbiased, and reliable
geopolitical intelligence and analysis so that you can more confidently
navigate an increasingly complex international environment. Similarly,
RANE’s broad risk intelligence services help drive better risk
management outcomes by connecting clients to critical insights and
pre-screened expertise. More information regarding RANE is available at

The combination of our two organizations creates unique and
operationally unparalleled capabilities in the marketplace that address
the key risks and threats global organizations face today. More details
will be provided about our combined solutions over the course of the
upcoming weeks. In the meantime, we look forward to continuing the
business relationship we’ve enjoyed with your organization and to
enhancing our relationship with new services soon to be offered.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Stratfor client. Providing
your organization with best-in-class services and solutions to address
the risk management and protective intelligence issues you face will
always be our primary objective.  

If you have any questions in the immediate term related to any aspect of
the acquisition, please contact Ted Obenchain, Stratfor’s Vice President
of Business Development, at

All the Best,
Chip Signature

Chip Harmon


Stratfor, P.O. Box 92529, Austin, Texas 78709-2529, USA

This page has moar!

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Coronavirus FLU: It likes to snuff middle-age adults

2020-02-09 Thread Razer
Coronavirus FLU... It snuffs middle-age adults, not children

(Expect a MASS MASSIVE Media push to ruin children's natural immunity
with "Vaccines" to 'save the parents').

"Few children get infected or, if they do, only show mild symptoms:

    “The median age of patients is between 49 and 56 years,” according
to a report published on Wednesday in JAMA. “Cases in children have been

    So why aren’t more children getting sick?

    “My strong, educated guess is that younger people are getting
infected, but they get the relatively milder disease,” said Dr. Malik
Peiris, chief of virology at the University of Hong Kong, who has
developed a diagnostic test for the new coronavirus.

It is still unclear if the virus can be spread by a person before that
person shows symptoms. A German study which said so has been retracted
and new Japanese study which says so seems dubious and is unverified.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Tor Speculated Broken by FBI Etc - Freedom Hosting, MITTechReview

2020-02-09 Thread Razer

On 2/9/20 3:40 AM, grarpamp wrote:
> “We can’t have a world where a government is allowed to use a black box of 
> technology from which spring these serious criminal prosecutions,” 

This guy is from another planet (like most lloigors. Yes you can. You
do. You ALWAYS will, as long as there are 'governments'.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Tor Speculated Broken by FBI Etc - Freedom Hosting, MITTechReview

2020-02-09 Thread Razer

On 2/9/20 3:40 AM, grarpamp wrote:
> Early on August 2 or 3, 2013, some of the users noticed “unknown
> Javascript” hidden in websites running on Freedom Hosting. Hours
> later, as panicked chatter about the new code began to spread, the
> sites all went down simultaneously. The code had attacked a Firefox
> vulnerability that could target and unmask Tor users—even those using
> it for legal purposes such as visiting Tor Mail—if they failed to
> update their software fast enough.

The article answers the question.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Chloroquine is "highly effective" at inhibiting reproduction of Novel Coronavirus nCov in cell culture.

2020-02-08 Thread Razer
They want you to think of MALARIA, when you think of the Flu. Be VERY afraid. 
Die of your own fears. It saves oxygen for the rest of us... Hahahaha!

On February 8, 2020 9:18:29 PM PST, jim bell  wrote:
>[chloroquine is an old-line drug typically used against malaria]
>[partial quote follows]
>ASBMB Today Science Could an old malaria drug help fight the new
>Could an old malaria drug
>help fight the new coronavirus?
>By John Arnst
>February 06, 2020
>Chloroquine might be getting new life as an antiviral treatment for the
>novel coronavirus that emerged in Wuhan, China in late 2019 and has
>infected some 25,000 people in more than 25 countries. For decades, the
>drug was a front-line treatment and prophylactic for malaria.
>In a three-page paper published Tuesday in Cell Research, scientists at
>the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s State Key Laboratory of Virology
>write that both chloroquine and the antiviral remdesivir were,
>individually, “highly effective” at inhibiting replication of the novel
>coronavirus in cell culture. Their drug screen evaluated five other
>drugs that were not effective. The authors could not be reached for
>Though the paper is brief, John Lednicky, a professor at the University
>of Florida’s Emerging Pathogens Institute, found its results
>intriguing. “It’s interesting in that it really lacks a lot of details
>but, nevertheless, if you look at the data as presented, at least in
>vitro, it seems like chloroquine can be used as an early-stage drug,”
>he said. “It would be very good if these types of experiments were
>repeated by more laboratories to see whether the same results occur
>across the board.”
>Chloroquine is a synthetic form of quinine, a compound found in the
>bark of cinchona trees native to Peru and used for centuries to treat
>Chloroquine was an essential element of mass drug administration
>campaigns to combat malaria throughout the second half of the 20th
>century, and remains one of the World Health Organization’s essential
>medicines. However, after the malaria parasites Plasmodium falciparum
>and Plasmodium vivax began exhibiting resistance to the drug in the
>1960s and 1980s, respectively, it was replaced by similar antimalarial
>compounds and combination therapies. Chloroquine is still widely used
>against the three other species of plasmodium and to treat autoimmune
>disorders and some cases of amebiasis, an intestinal infection caused
>by the amoeba Entamoeba histolytica.
>Chloroquine’s antiviral properties were explored in the mid-1990s
>against HIV and in the following decade against severe acute
>respiratory syndrome, or SARS, which is closely related to the novel
>coronavirus. In 2004, researchers in Belgium found that chloroquine
>inhibited replication of SARS in cell culture. The following year,
>however, another team at Utah State University and the Chinese
>University of Hong Kong evaluated a gamut of compounds against SARS
>replication in mice infected with the virus, finding that chloroquine
>was only effective as an anti-inflammatory agent. They recommended that
>it could be used in combination with compounds that prevent
>replication. Nevertheless, in 2009, the Belgian group found that lethal
>infections of human coronavirus OC43, a relative of SARS, could be
>averted in newborn mice by administering chloroquine through the
>mother’s milk.
>[end of partial quote]
>Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged
>novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in vitro
>Manli Wang, Ruiyuan Cao, Leike Zhang, Xinglou Yang, Jia Liu, Mingyue
>Xu, Zhengli Shi, Zhihong Hu, Wu Zhong & Gengfu Xiao 
>Cell Research (2020)Cite this article
>171k Accesses
>1108 Altmetric
>Dear Editor,
>In December 2019, a novel pneumonia caused by a previously unknown
>pathogen emerged in Wuhan, a city of 11 million people in central
>China. The initial cases were linked to exposures in a seafood market
>in Wuhan.1 As of January 27, 2020, the Chinese authorities reported
>2835 confirmed cases in mainland China, including 81 deaths.
>Additionally, 19 confirmed cases were identified in Hong Kong, Macao
>and Taiwan, and 39 imported cases were identified in Thailand, Japan,
>South Korea, United States, Vietnam, Singapore, Nepal, France,
>Australia and Canada. The pathogen was soon identified as a novel
>coronavirus (2019-nCoV), which is closely related to sever acute
>respiratory syndrome CoV (SARS-CoV).2 Currently, there is no specific
>treatment against the new virus. Therefore, identifying effective
>antiviral agents to combat the disease is urgently needed.
>An efficient approach to drug discovery is to test whether the existing
>antiviral drugs are effective in treating related viral infections. The
>2019-nCoV belongs to Betac

Re: Chloroquine is "highly effective" at inhibiting reproduction of Novel Coronavirus nCov in cell culture.

2020-02-08 Thread Razer
Drink Schweppes Quinine Water to cure a cold or flu (That's what the "horrible 
horrible WooHoo Corona virus" is. Its a fucking flu... Big whoop!). Why not? 

On February 8, 2020 9:18:29 PM PST, jim bell  wrote:
>[chloroquine is an old-line drug typically used against malaria]
>[partial quote follows]
>ASBMB Today Science Could an old malaria drug help fight the new
>Could an old malaria drug
>help fight the new coronavirus?
>By John Arnst
>February 06, 2020
>Chloroquine might be getting new life as an antiviral treatment for the
>novel coronavirus that emerged in Wuhan, China in late 2019 and has
>infected some 25,000 people in more than 25 countries. For decades, the
>drug was a front-line treatment and prophylactic for malaria.
>In a three-page paper published Tuesday in Cell Research, scientists at
>the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s State Key Laboratory of Virology
>write that both chloroquine and the antiviral remdesivir were,
>individually, “highly effective” at inhibiting replication of the novel
>coronavirus in cell culture. Their drug screen evaluated five other
>drugs that were not effective. The authors could not be reached for
>Though the paper is brief, John Lednicky, a professor at the University
>of Florida’s Emerging Pathogens Institute, found its results
>intriguing. “It’s interesting in that it really lacks a lot of details
>but, nevertheless, if you look at the data as presented, at least in
>vitro, it seems like chloroquine can be used as an early-stage drug,”
>he said. “It would be very good if these types of experiments were
>repeated by more laboratories to see whether the same results occur
>across the board.”
>Chloroquine is a synthetic form of quinine, a compound found in the
>bark of cinchona trees native to Peru and used for centuries to treat
>Chloroquine was an essential element of mass drug administration
>campaigns to combat malaria throughout the second half of the 20th
>century, and remains one of the World Health Organization’s essential
>medicines. However, after the malaria parasites Plasmodium falciparum
>and Plasmodium vivax began exhibiting resistance to the drug in the
>1960s and 1980s, respectively, it was replaced by similar antimalarial
>compounds and combination therapies. Chloroquine is still widely used
>against the three other species of plasmodium and to treat autoimmune
>disorders and some cases of amebiasis, an intestinal infection caused
>by the amoeba Entamoeba histolytica.
>Chloroquine’s antiviral properties were explored in the mid-1990s
>against HIV and in the following decade against severe acute
>respiratory syndrome, or SARS, which is closely related to the novel
>coronavirus. In 2004, researchers in Belgium found that chloroquine
>inhibited replication of SARS in cell culture. The following year,
>however, another team at Utah State University and the Chinese
>University of Hong Kong evaluated a gamut of compounds against SARS
>replication in mice infected with the virus, finding that chloroquine
>was only effective as an anti-inflammatory agent. They recommended that
>it could be used in combination with compounds that prevent
>replication. Nevertheless, in 2009, the Belgian group found that lethal
>infections of human coronavirus OC43, a relative of SARS, could be
>averted in newborn mice by administering chloroquine through the
>mother’s milk.
>[end of partial quote]
>Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged
>novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in vitro
>Manli Wang, Ruiyuan Cao, Leike Zhang, Xinglou Yang, Jia Liu, Mingyue
>Xu, Zhengli Shi, Zhihong Hu, Wu Zhong & Gengfu Xiao 
>Cell Research (2020)Cite this article
>171k Accesses
>1108 Altmetric
>Dear Editor,
>In December 2019, a novel pneumonia caused by a previously unknown
>pathogen emerged in Wuhan, a city of 11 million people in central
>China. The initial cases were linked to exposures in a seafood market
>in Wuhan.1 As of January 27, 2020, the Chinese authorities reported
>2835 confirmed cases in mainland China, including 81 deaths.
>Additionally, 19 confirmed cases were identified in Hong Kong, Macao
>and Taiwan, and 39 imported cases were identified in Thailand, Japan,
>South Korea, United States, Vietnam, Singapore, Nepal, France,
>Australia and Canada. The pathogen was soon identified as a novel
>coronavirus (2019-nCoV), which is closely related to sever acute
>respiratory syndrome CoV (SARS-CoV).2 Currently, there is no specific
>treatment against the new virus. Therefore, identifying effective
>antiviral agents to combat the disease is urgently needed.
>An efficient approach to drug discovery is to test whether the existing
>antiviral drugs are effective in treating related viral infections. The
>2019-nCoV belongs 

Report: Outbreak Of "Misinformed Fuckwit" Spreading 10K times Faster Than Coronavirus

2020-02-08 Thread Razer

"TORONTO – Public health officials in Toronto have confirmed its first
50,000 cases of being a misinformed fuckwit as xenophobic conspiracy
theories and tales of false cures continue to spread across social media.

“Becoming a complete moron during an infectious disease outbreak is far
more viral than we first thought,” said Dr. Jeanne Smith of Toronto
Public Health. “Fact resistance is abnormally high especially among the
dullard population, and the bottom 5% of your graduating high school class.”

Tens of thousands of people were affected by a novel fake news claim
that the Chinese government was developing coronavirus at Canada’s
National Microbiology Lab leaving at least 10,000 people stupider.

Patients are usually asymptomatic until they open their mouths or start

Aunts spreading rumours about 100% natural cures for the virus on
Facebook have been quarantined while racist uncles at dinner tables were
ball-gagged as a precaution.

“Our epidemiologists are working hard to identify idiot zero, but there
might be more sporadic outbreaks of coronavirus-related imbecility,”
added Dr. Smith.

Meanwhile, health officials are dreading teaching the population a
complicated prevention technique: washing your hands."

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

"The Iowa voting app, by the sounds of it, wasn't even using https"

2020-02-06 Thread Razer
From Eugen (@gargron) the person who leads the development team for
Mastodon (It's his baby...)

"The Iowa voting app, by the sounds of it, wasn't even using https;

The article doesn't state it explicitly but that's exactly what it
sounds like"

Gargron @ Mastodon:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Juan Guaido declared winner of Iowa Caucus

2020-02-04 Thread Razer
> Due to the immense rigging by the far left Democrat regime in control
> of the American government, the official results are illegitimate.
> Juan Guaido is the true winner of the Iowa Caucus. Congratulations to
> Juan Guaido!

(and if you think that's funny, check the domain owner)

Ps. Walker Bragman, Paste magazine

"Not great optics here, folks:

- Dems paid company literally called Shadow to create caucus app
- Buttigieg campaign also paid Shadow, FEC records show
- Caucus app fails
- Buttigieg declares himself Iowa winner with no results
9:59 PM · Feb 3, 2020"

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Did Dzhokhar Tsarnaev use the same gun that killed JFK?

2020-02-03 Thread Razer

On 2/3/20 12:11 PM, coderman wrote:
> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
> On Sunday, February 2, 2020 4:27 AM, Ryan Carboni  wrote:
> ...
>> Although police feared he was heavily armed, the suspect in the Boston
>> Marathon bombing had no firearms...
> this was an early instance of assassination as NatSec policy. you'll remember 
> this is before the drone strikes on americans over seas (read: unlawful).
> they also assassinated a cleric in boston; released dogs on him while he was 
> unarmed, which gave excuse to gun him down (they killed one of their own 
> police dogs taking him out.)
> these documents are still restricted from the public.
> see 
> welcome to amerikkka!
> best regards,

FYI, Tsarnaev's family was in the US because they helped somehow
(details not available, but the following fact is available) with the
CIA's Chechen dirty war/theater hostage-taking/bombing KKKamPain.

The Russians allegedly used the Psycho-mimetic known on the street in
the 60s as "STP" (BZ was the Pentagon's codename I believe) as an
incapacitating agent in one of those hostage taking incidents.

Wikipedia has ENTIRELY scrubbed the US military's use of it or even
mention that the US military investigated using it:,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine but NBC
DOES mention it's development by Edgewood arsenal and some other details

It's worthwhile mentioning at this screed-like juncture that the
Pentagon and CIA have been editing wikipedia entries from their own
domains with the blessing of Wikipedia, and have been doing so for over
a decade (at least)


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Government hacking report shows variety may give Android an advantage | Android Central

2020-01-30 Thread Razer

On January 30, 2020 1:57:22 PM PST, jim bell  wrote:

Because "builds". What works on an s9 won't neccesarily work on a motorola or a 
tab s4 or...

 Like diversity of the gene pool and keeping you sex life interesting, there's 
an advantage to variety.

Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice

Haunted by Cybersects

2020-01-30 Thread Razer
For the record I differ with the author about their statement the
"Children of God" was a "Christian sex cult", or related to the vastly
wealthy Congressional Prayer Breakfast-sponsoring "The Family".

    "Oddly enough, Heaven’s Gate—the cult that became infamous in the
1990s—funded itself through web design, via a front company called
Higher Source. Indeed, the web was an integral part of the cult, leading
cultural theorist Paul Virilio to deem it a “cybersect,” a religious
fringe movement marked by an extensive use of the internet to congregate
or proselytize. The Heaven’s Gate website, like the Space Jam website,
is a primo example of ’90s web-iana. It has the quintessential starry
background—a common feature of Geocities-era websites, but particularly
poignant when used on the page of a UFO death cult. A “RED ALERT” gif
zooms in and out above the proclamation “HALE-BOPP brings closure to:
Heaven’s Gate”—referring to the mass suicide committed by members in
order to (they believed) evacuate the earth and exit their “physical
vehicles” (bodies) by hitching a ride on a spaceship trailing behind the
passing comet Hale-Bopp, which made its closest approach to earth on
March 22, 1997. The Heaven’s Gate website is lovingly maintained
(including, as of 2016, the answering of email inquiries) by two
remaining members of the cult, who believe that those who traveled to
the “Next Level” (another plane of existence reminiscent of heaven) in
1997 will return to earth, offering passage to anyone who wants to join

    Taking a deep dive on the Heaven’s Gate website is difficult. During
the many times throughout the years that I’ve remembered its existence,
I could never muster up the courage to click through the links on the
home page. It was too surreal, too close to death; a more superstitious
person might say the website feels haunted, and probing it would be like
disturbing a graveyard. Part of me was irrationally worried that what I
would find inside there would make sense to me, that I would get sucked
into the world of Do and Ti (the monikers of Heaven’s Gate’s founders)
unironically. One thing, however, causes me, and others, to persevere
deeper into this dark corner of the web: the need to understand why
these people did what they did. Why would they commit mass suicide in
tracksuits and Nike Decades? One page, titled “Our Position Against
Suicide,” is particularly chilling; the last paragraph becomes a tool to
justify mass death: “The true meaning of ‘suicide’ is to turn against
the Next Level when it is being offered.”

    The Heaven’s Gate website led me to wonder about the web presence of
the other notorious cults that captured the public imagination in the
1990s. While some millenarian sects like the Branch Davidians lack a web
presence, two others—the infamous Christian sex cult Children of God
(now called The Family International or TFI) and Aum Shinrikyo, the
Japanese group responsible for the 1995 Tokyo sarin gas attacks—both
continue to exist (unlike Heaven’s Gate), albeit as reformed or
reorganized groups, and both continue to have web presences. All of
these websites are equally displaced in internet-time."


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Psychonauts Tripping to Santa Cruz, Oakland, Denver

2020-01-30 Thread Razer

On 1/29/20 10:45 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> "cultures around the world have long respected entheogenic plants and
> fungi for providing healing, knowledge, creativity and spiritual
> connection with nature"
> "acknowledging the impact that the war on drugs has had on communities
> while at the same time giving people the liberty to choose how to
> address their medical needs, providing a potent tool to address issues
> like PTSD, addiction, and depression"
> Who got dibs on rayz 1968 pink couch...

This is what you get for reading MSM "news". All the 'law' did was
allegedly put 'ethnogenic' buzz material at the bottom of the PD's
priorites list.

Yeah... unhunh... Prop K (now moot) did that for pot, and the oversight
commission, which NEVER met or achieved a quorum, was full of Cops.

Don't believe the bullshit. This is a GODSEND for the already
over-staffed SCPD, who will be able to market every freakout (lots of
them everyday especially at the end of the month when whatever it is
that keeps them calm runs out) to the FEARFUL COMPUTER INDUSTRY
PSEUDO-GENTRY being attracted to this CLIPJOINT for idiots who think
they have money because their credit cards still work, as a threat
(their vacuum-brained 'trophy wives' and high-heeled 'administrative
assistant's fear of anything that doesn't look like a potted plant) that
keeps the Police, Pseudo-pigs, and quasi-cops infesting the public
street downtown shopping mall as a very expensive 'private patrol' in
paychecks because those spun huns need to be patrolled and
controlled along with the massive number of urban Junkies,
Crackhead, and Methheads attracted to ScruzLoose because they can be
ripoff skanks and strong arm panhandle people, including less-vicious
homeless people and the huge number of displaced-to-doorways local
seniors, without the risk of ending up dead in an alley in short
order... Usually. Then they meet me. It goes badly for them.

You should come live at this socio-cultural shithole where 'weird' means
'acting out' for an SSI check housing and benefits, and people who want
to actually work and be part of a (no longer existent) community get run
off as a fern-bar-binge-drinking-party-night threat to all those UCSC
students vying for low-wage no bennies part time jobs, so they can treat
you to an 'It's not my pleasure to serve you' shopping 'experience'.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Many Happy returns! Redux

2020-01-29 Thread Razer
4:35 pm PST Jan 29 2020 bash ping returns
aka aka Godaddy AriFuckingZona.

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Re: WIRED: One Small Fix Would Curb Stingray Surveillance

2020-01-29 Thread Razer

On 1/28/20 11:54 PM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
> On 1/28/20 21:18, Razer wrote:
>> Federal lawz require a cellphone without service to be able to dial 911
>> for some period of time after service is discontinued. After some period
>> of time the battery is dead and no, the Stingray won't turn it on.
> It might be any phone without a working SIM card (or its CDMA
> equivalent); this is one reason that organizations that help domestic
> violence victims ask for old phones. I have had phones which have never
> had a working SIM card in them at all be able to make an emergency call
> (at least according to the display; I haven't tested this).

I forget what the period of time is... Six months or a year after
service ends.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Opinion: Are universities morphing into Orwellian states?

2020-01-28 Thread Razer

On 1/28/20 7:17 PM, jim bell wrote:
> [partial quote follows]
> "Americans are experimenting with methods similar to China’s social credit 
> system. By tracking student movements and regulating faculty to standards of 
> political correctness, they risk socializing young people to the methods of 
> high-tech authoritarian state control.
> Syracuse University, the University of North Carolina and others are 
> installing wi-fi apps and Bluetooth devices to monitor class attendance and 
> visits to libraries, recreation centers, dining halls and potentially every 
> other campus location. These create profiles that faculty and administrators 
> can use to reward good learning habits, flag mental health issues, and impel 
> students to modify personal habits to norms of model student behavior."
> I wonder if anyone criticized Orwell, saying something like, 'That kind of 
> thing couldn't happen here'.   (whereever 'here' happened to be for that 
> person.)   Probably quite frequently.  
>                    Jim Bell

The one thing Orwell NEVER thought of is people would WANT the

All you have to do is go someplace with CCTV surveillance cams. Middle
class people LUV THEM. It makes them feel SAFE from those OTHER people.
Now extrapolate that to middle fucking class narcissistic special
snowflake University students.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: WIRED: One Small Fix Would Curb Stingray Surveillance

2020-01-28 Thread Razer

On 1/28/20 7:10 PM, jim bell wrote:
> A few years ago, I read that a disused, old cell phone (with no active 
> subscription) would activate in the presence of one of these Stingray 
> devices.  I never checked that idea out, mainly due to lack of motivation, 
> and also since I don't know where such an operating stingray might be at any 
> given time.   But if the power consumption of such a phone could be monitored 
> continuously, that might implement a cheap, easy "Stingray detector".  
>              Jim Bell

Federal lawz require a cellphone without service to be able to dial 911
for some period of time after service is discontinued. After some period
of time the battery is dead and no, the Stingray won't turn it on.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Opinion: Are universities morphing into Orwellian states?

2020-01-28 Thread Razer

On 1/28/20 5:00 PM, Douglas Lucas wrote:
> "The Micro Surveillance and Micromanagement of the New College Student"
> by Gerry Bello

Just getting them used to working in the corporatist social panopticon.

They're willing and loyal subjects ... By the time an American is done
with high school they are prepared to take their place as a mindless
peer-reviewed narrowly-focused-on-THEMSELVES automaton in the murder
machine. writing papers about how to turn students into mindless
peer-reviewed narrowly-focused-on-THEMSELVES automatons for a living,
for lots of money, while the guy who picks the food to keep them alive
lives in a box in a field.

I look forward to the time the people in those 'boxes' have a little
'fun' on a "Night of the Long Machetes".

But I suspect the mindless peer-reviewed narrowly-focused-on-THEMSELVES
automatons will simply snuff themselves. When I worked as a clean up guy
for a UC student-manned coffee shop a decade ago every single one of the
Baristas had at least one friend, sometimes more, who killed themselves.

Sick culture... It's NOT education it's INDOCTRINATION that goes against
the grain of survival itself.

As Gurdjieff's mama told him on her death bed, if you can't do anything
unique, just stay in school.

Skool iz 4 LUZERS.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Opinion: Are universities morphing into Orwellian states?

2020-01-28 Thread Razer

On 1/28/20 3:14 PM, jim bell wrote:
> [partial quote follows]
> "Americans are experimenting with methods similar to China’s social credit 
> system. By tracking student movements and regulating faculty to standards of 
> political correctness, they risk socializing young people to the methods of 
> high-tech authoritarian state control.
> Syracuse University, the University of North Carolina and others are 
> installing wi-fi apps and Bluetooth devices to monitor class attendance and 
> visits to libraries, recreation centers, dining halls and potentially every 
> other campus location. These create profiles that faculty and administrators 
> can use to reward good learning habits, flag mental health issues, and impel 
> students to modify personal habits to norms of model student behavior."
> [end of partial quote]

Nah... They teach you how to 'leech' off the welfare state efficiently
(with a California State University ag degree YOU could be a welfare
rancher for a living or...)

See this image from a UC paper
Food Stamps being pushed by the Regents for UC students.

Later, when they find out they'll never get a job with that EXPENSIVE
pig... sheepskin... that pays down that diploma, and they end up order
picking at an Amazon warehouse with a tracking wristband, or
telemarketing the refinancing of student loans ... to other ex-student
suckers like themselves, at least they'll know how to get food stamps.🤣


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: The Daily Beast: Up Against the Coronavirus, China's Surveillance State Has Failed

2020-01-28 Thread Razer

On 1/28/20 10:10 AM, coderman wrote:
> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
> On Tuesday, January 28, 2020 5:58 PM, Razer  wrote:
> ...
>> Here is some context w/ a range of R0s:"
> epidemiology; a science (and technology) well suited to saving human lives!
> (i was wondering when someone would bring R0 into this :)
>> Also see what Theodore Roszak said about the "Rule of 'Experts', aka
>> Technocracy...
> his tirade reads more like a Luddite treatise. what he fails to understand is 
> that technology 

Don't change the topic.


The inculcated belief that that so-called experts and the technology
THEY PROFIT FROM (often at the expense of better technologies not as
PROFITABLE to them and their rich fuck friends who own governments and
armies and pigs with guns) are infallible.




Ps. Sorry Not Sorry Roszak didn't write it in Python3 guy. Learn to read
plain English.

Pps. Know why vaccinations are so popular. Because SOMEONE has to stay
home and take care of the kids when they have the Common Childhood
'Diseases' made uncommon by vaccinations ... because grandma's been
stuffed into a nursing home senile from a life of eating food cooked in
aluminum (for a start) and the family will end up living in a fucking
doorway if either of the wage slaves (assuming an intact family... a
REALLY BAD BET today in most industrial societies) misses time off from

> is a tool: decentralized and in the hands of individuals, they are the 
> empowered ones!
> when concentrated into highly centralized authoritarian structures, often 
> tied to the state like good members of fascist corporatism, technology is 
> every bit the horror described.
> build decentralized systems to empower individuals!

> then, technology and technocrats your ally...
> best regards,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Many happy Returns!

2020-01-28 Thread Razer

January 28 2020 0953 pst, bash ping returns "64 bytes from ("

"Questions? Comments?"

Riad S. Wahby

"I am a Ph.D. candidate in computer science at Stanford, working with
Dan Boneh and Keith Winstein. Broadly speaking, I work on designing and
building secure hardware and software systems, tackling questions like
"how can we build trustworthy chips?" and "how can we build operating
systems that resist subversion by malicious hardware?"

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: The Daily Beast: Up Against the Coronavirus, China's Surveillance State Has Failed

2020-01-28 Thread Razer

On 1/27/20 11:21 PM, jim bell wrote:
> The Daily Beast: Up Against the Coronavirus, China's Surveillance
> State Has Failed.

HAHAHA! "Surveillance State" HAHAHA. One day I'm going to attempt to buy
a candybar at the store with my Retirement bennies 'credit card' and the
cashier is going to tell me the transaction was declined because my
doctor said I can't have that. FUCK YOU AND SHOVE "CHINA SURVEILLANCE"

Bring out your dead! ... Bring out your dead! ... to read a debunking of
media-pandered fear of China intended to replace a JUST-LOST 'trade
war', in an attempt to damage China's economy by other means. DO NOT
BELIEVE one word in the WESTERN MEDIA about this, idiot.

"The claim that "we are now faced with the most virulent virus epidemic
the world has ever seen" and that the new coronavirus is 8x as
infectious as SARS is completely untrue. Even if the R0 were 3.8 that
would be nowhere near a record.

Here is some context w/ a range of R0s:"

Ps... The common cold is a corona virus. Lookitup.

In regard to the western "Media" and the "Douma poison gassing", The
Soleimani Assassination, The WHOOHOO Flu...

"...Kafkaesque events and situations, bizarre or ludicrous, leaving the
individual powerless to understand, let alone to influence what is

Also see what Theodore Roszak said about the "Rule of 'Experts', aka

"In the technocracy, nothing is any longer small or simple or readily
apparent to the non-technical man. Instead, the scale and intricacy of
all human activities—political, economic, cultural—transcends the
competence of the amateurish citizen and inexorably demands the
attention of specially trained experts.

Further, around this central core of experts who deal with large-scale
public necessities, there grows up a circle of subsidiary experts who,
attending on the general social prestige of technical skill in the
technocracy, assume authoritative influence over even the most seemingly
personal aspects of life: sexual behavior, child-rearing, mental health,
recreation, etc.

In the technocracy everything aspires to become purely technical, the
subject of professional attention. The technocracy is therefore the
regime of experts—or of those who can employ the experts.

Among its key institutions we find the "think-tank," in which is housed
a multi-billion-dollar brainstorming industry that seeks to anticipate
and integrate into the social planning quite simply everything on the
scene. Thus, even before the general public has become fully aware of
new developments, the technocracy has doped them out and laid its plans
for adopting or rejecting, promoting or disparaging. 3

Within such a society, the citizen, confronted by bewildering bigness
and complexity, finds it necessary to defer on all matters to those who
know better. Indeed, it would be a violation of reason to do
otherwise..." ~Theodore Roszak, Making of a Counterculture

Stupid, Technocrat-worshipping Fear-Programed Knee-Jerking idiots...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Server infrastructure talk for Extinction Rebellion

2020-01-27 Thread Razer

On 1/26/20 9:05 PM, grarpamp wrote:

I read that he claimed to do it because 'posts from archive'.

That's a nonsense excuse. The archive handles threads just fine.

He's (or "it"... whatever) is doing this to make sure IT'S email gets
seen and isn't buried in a thread. Considering IT'S never had any
content worth opening an email over, I simply consider it MOAR LISTSPAM!


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Server infrastructure talk for Extinction Rebellion

2020-01-27 Thread Razer

On 1/26/20 7:48 PM, Greg Newby wrote:
> I just watched an informative talk from 36C3 by Julian Oliver:
> At around minute 28 he begins talking about the specific server software, 
> datacenter hosting, and other aspects of their operational security 
> implementation. This description goes to around minute 44, and then there is 
> some Q&A that is also quite informative.
> Nobody asked him why they didn't use TOR -- presumably it wasn't even a 
> contender. For sysadmin activity they use VPNs to countries with strict data 
> protection laws (Switzerland and Iceland are mentioned). Data partitions are 
> encrypted, and they have various contingency plans in the event a server is 
> seized. 
> At around minute 34, there is a list of the different software choices they 
> made to support Extinction Rebellion. They chose alternatives to Slack, 
> Google, Mailchimp, Zoom, etc. Some were found to be better than the 
> better-known alternatives, and some were worse, for performance, scalability 
> and usability. He mentioned that modern users are looking for something like 
> a Google-based single sign-on, which is anathema to the anti-surveillance 
> infrastructure they are focusing on.
> The software and configuration choices are today's best-of-breed for making 
> surveillance and seizure more difficult. This naturally includes not 
> utilizing commercial solutions, and also naturally includes self-hosting the 
> infrastructure.
> ER is a global movement that is highly decentralized and, according to the 
> first 28 minutes of the talk, is having an impact. This is primarily through 
> non-violent actions. They mainly seek progress on combating climate change. 
> or for more info.

I wish them rots of ruck. Locally they chalk sidewalks (then a guy with
a diesel powered steamcleaner comes to clean it up) and even though they
do their thing at the downtown open air public street shopping mall,
fail to EVER mention CONSUMERISM as one of the main planet destroyers
emanating from consumer crapitalist industrial societies like toxic to
all life spirochetes, and OF COURSE, ZERO mention of the Pentagon's
environmental ravaging with the added 'bonus' of all those FILTHY
Mil-Ind complex sites. For example, Watkins-Johnson in the 1980s, mil
RF, which dumped hundreds of gallons of TCE into the well on their Scott
Valley Ca site, PERMANENTLY TOXIFYING the local aquifer. Scotts Valley
still gets it's water from Santa Clara.

Listen. To Save the Environment, YOU have to do it!


Telling other people they need to, or beg and plead and cajole your
government, whose rich scumbag friends get filthy rich polluting
everything they touch, it is fucking well worse than useless.

Meanwhile, in Germany, a local town is in revolt about a Tesla
manufacturing shithole


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Re: "Hypothetical" Coronavirus pandemic literally gamed by Johns Hopkins and Bill+Melinda Gates Foundation, 18 Oct 2019 - [PEACE]

2020-01-25 Thread Razer
Maybe there's some way to gene-splice the virus to make DailySturmez
link posters EXTRA susceptible to contraction and death.


On 1/25/20 3:31 PM, Steven Schear wrote:
> Who needs the Army of the 12 Monkeys?
> On Sat, Jan 25, 2020, 11:28 PM Zenaan Harkness  > wrote:
>   Event 201 - Securing the World - 18 Oct 2019
>   John Hopkins Center for Health Security
>   and the World Economic Forum,
>   With the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
>       ...
>       The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million
>       deaths. The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing
>       number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at
>       some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 %
>       of the global population has been exposed. From that point on,
>       it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease.
> Soap, coronavirus pandemic (in October 2019 just a "hypothetical")
> was literally gamed by Johns Hopkins and Bill+Melinda Gates
> Foundation, on 18th October 2019.
> Pure cohencidence muh grits!
>   Who Released the Coronavirus?
>   http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/who-released-the-coronavirus/
>     [mildly funny bat soup meme not attached]
> 'Member the Georgian Guidestones muh grits - 500 million target
> global population / 7 billion currently = ~93% world population
> reduction.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: USA re Assange: "First Amendment Doesn't Apply To Foreigners" - [MINISTRY]

2020-01-24 Thread Razer

On 1/24/20 1:37 PM, John Young wrote:
> US Constitution and Amendments are valid only within the US and its
> territories. Same for other countries' laws in the US. Can be modified
> by treaty or other mutually agreeable means, of which there are quite
> a few. Most of those agreements reserve the right to ignore outsider
> demands and quite a few do so.
> Of course Americans believe they can do what they want anywhere, and
> have the military power to do so. Low-ranking military members die for
> this, a few angries frag their officers, or like JFK's veteran Marine
> sniper take a shot. Or like the OKC ex-Army bomber, waste citizens and
> get offcially murdered for it. Then, there are the Waco and Jim Jones
> option to mass suicide yourselves.
> Assange's supporters (aka shark and journo leeches) seem determined to
> whack or suicide him if legal and promotional shenanigans don't work.
> At 03:53 PM 1/24/2020, you wrote:
>> "Not even" Australians have legal free speech protection of America's
>> first amendment, anywhere in the world.
> Greenwald as lawyer and journo is hardly objective, as adversarially
> trained to do.
> [Clip balance.]

Judge Dundy's decision in Standing Bear v (General) Crook which was
never overturned or even appealed. Judge Dundy stated, paraphrased,
anywhere the US flag flies constitutional rights apply... for instance
Gitmo. Ask the Dod and State department if they give one flying fuck
what any court decision that opposes their requirements is worth to them.


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Re: Glenn Greenwald

2020-01-23 Thread Razer

On 1/23/20 10:10 AM, Ryan Carboni wrote:
> John Schindler was right, Glenn Greenwald was a Russian asset and
> Brazil's prosecution of him is no doubt motivated by some kind of quid
> pro quo between Brazil and the CIA.

There's rooskies in yo mama's panties and you just earned yourself a
spamcanning of any of your future bandwidth-wasting posts cold warrior.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: The Amblin Memer on the Age of Consent - [PEACE]

2020-01-21 Thread Razer
Some faggot dick-sucker said:

>  Women are the collective property of a nation...

Fuck you scumbag.

I hope some woman chops your 1" dick off and shoves it down your
cocksucking NAZI throat.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

USCYBERCOM After Action Assessments of Operation GLOWING SYMPHONY (ISIS social media presence)

2020-01-21 Thread Razer
 National Security Archive:

"Operation to counter ISIS internet and media operations considered
“most complex offensive cyberspace operation USCYBERCOM has conducted to

Operation “imposed time and resource costs” on Islamic State propaganda

New FOIA documents show challenges in operational synchronization,
deconfliction, and inter-agency coordination

 Washington D.C., January 21, 2020 – Today the National Security Archive
is releasing 6 USCYBERCOM documents obtained through FOIA which shed new
light on the campaign to counter ISIS in cyberspace. These documents,
ranging from a discussion of assessment frameworks to the 120-day
assessment of Operation GLOWING SYMPHONY, reveal the unprecedented
complexity of the operation, resulting
in coordination and deconfliction, and assessments of effectiveness."

In full:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Silence is Deadly

2020-01-17 Thread Razer

Hash: SHA256

On 1/17/20 6:25 PM, Ryan Carboni wrote:
> Silence is Deadly
> Too many are harmed by criminal syndicates because people refuse to
speak up.

You're speaking of governments like the US who kill millions of people
indiscriminately, right?


Version: GnuPG v2


Re: The FBI Got Data From A Locked iPhone 11 Pro Max—So Why Is It Demanding Apple Unlock Older Phones?

2020-01-17 Thread Razer

On 1/16/20 9:43 PM, jim bell wrote:

Re: Governor Northan of Virginia plans to violate Constitutional rights.

2020-01-16 Thread Razer

On 1/16/20 4:17 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> On 1/16/20, Razer  wrote:
>>> well regulated militia
>> ...implies it is under the authority of a legally elected state government
> Clearly no such draw is soley possible over even
> slightest historical research, some variety even linked.
> Nor, as history shows, surely best for future... this foolish
> gamble of placing trust consistantly proven wrong bet since
> all of history.
> Pressing that implication, a common tactic among dishonest
> unresearched commie socialist and statist types in general,
> their path oft quicker to malaise than others.
>> Further advocating "authority of a legally elected state government"
> Initiating, over top of humans born free who do no such initiating...
> Such sick subjugatory dreams people seem to have.

I'll bury your welfare ranchers in a shallow grave on publicly-owned BLM
land motherfucker.


>> welfare derogatory
> Socialist self hate.
>> survive
> Perhaps learn to. And advocate educate demonstrate importance on
> creating charity, a free culture of, recognized as one key to actual freedom,
> instead of a world based on same old authority theft force murder.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Stop Breaking Proper Fucking Email Threading

2020-01-16 Thread Razer

On 1/16/20 8:55 AM, \0xDynamite wrote:
> Now that you've (we've?) got all of our pent-up aggressions about each
> other out, I'd like to point out that the Plan is already here.  Yes,
> the Plan.
> The Plan.
> m

Plan 9 From Outer Space?

(originally 'Grave Robbers From Outer Space')

Or maybe this plan posted by a friend (with location identification X-ed)?

"A message to the poor, homeless and workingclass on the verge of
houselessness in XXX California, or anywhere else the non-affluent
citizens of the US are being threatened.

I was just talking to Shitty Council member XXX about Rote Flora. A
longstanding movie theater squat in Hamburg Germany that developed a
whole community, a neighborhood, around it. The police came to evict
them a few years ago, but that's NOT what happened. 😎🏴‍☠️

Here's the 'thing'... Your "nonviolence", singing songs, and sign
waving, will NOT stop militarized SWAT teams with armored cars and M-16s
from evicting poor Oakland mothers with children into the streets in the
winter cold
But fighting back does.

Just mentioning that terrorizes the local allegedly 'progressive
liberal' authorities, as can be seen by their response to yours truly
when I suggested something as simple as destroying their
vehicles-of-mass-destruction as a response to the destruction of [a
local houseless] Camp... They want us to think Resistance is, by it's
very nature, Terrorism. How Orwellian... and if 50 people a day sang
that RESISTANCE "song", they MIGHT think it's a movement... Some hippie
folksinger said that in the 60s. If you can't do it you are wasting your
time and effort and WILL lose.

Ps. They're about to tear down a large chunk of XXX to build Urban
Commuter Housing, without any low-income or workforce housing to match.
What ARE you gonna do about it?

🔥 Hint. In Hamburg, the flower is STILL Red"

> On 1/16/20, Razer  wrote:
>> On 1/16/20 5:29 AM, grarpamp wrote:
>>> Stop fucking top posting, HTML sending, and bulk quoting.
>> *Stop obsessively-compulsively posting reams of links shithead.*
>> Rr

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Stop Breaking Proper Fucking Email Threading

2020-01-16 Thread Razer

On 1/16/20 5:29 AM, grarpamp wrote:
> Stop fucking top posting, HTML sending, and bulk quoting.

*Stop obsessively-compulsively posting reams of links shithead.*


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Governor Northan of Virginia plans to violate Constitutional rights.

2020-01-16 Thread Razer

On 1/16/20 3:28 AM, grarpamp wrote:
> well regulated militia

...implies it is under the authority of a legally elected state
government, not slapped together by some welfare rancher libertard and
his friends who can't survive without tactical bacon and clean socks.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Governor Northan of Virginia plans to violate Constitutional rights.

2020-01-15 Thread Razer
HAHAHAHA! The constitution give you no rights. It delineates trade 
relations between the states and foreign relations, tariffs, etc.

The BILL OF RIGHTS allegedly does, but it, unlike the RICH WHITE 
PROPERTY OWNING CHRISTIAN MEN'S constitution, is continually weakened, 
since the day the constitution was signed, and the RICH WHITE PROPERTY 
OWNING CHRISTIAN MEN'S constitution is continually strengthened.

You have no rights you aren't willing to die for Libertard. Get over it.

"Fuck the constitution

Are we part of the solution or are we part of the pollution?

Sittin' by and wonderin' why,
Things ain't the way we like to find them to be, to be

For you and for me the people over there and the ones in between

You can pass the buck or pass the baton

But you can't pass the police or the pentagon
The I.R.S. or the upper echelon

I think it's time to make a move on the contradiction

Bomb-Bomb, rock the nation
Take over television and radio station

Bomb-Bomb the truth shall come
Give the corporation some complication!"

"Certain Unflattering Truths" about the scumbag-infested "data analytics" industry

2020-01-15 Thread Razer

They suck you up like military recruiters, while you're desperately
fucked by kolleg debt, then suck your mind and one and only soul out
while you sux their cox for cash.

Uncanny Valley: A Memoir by Anna Wiener. MCD, 288 pages.

At the end of October, I left an archetypal tech job at a secretive and
controversial big data analytics start-up, with whom I signed an NDA
more binding than my marriage vows. Sixteen months prior, the company
had divined my profile out of the algorithmic ether of LinkedIn, during
a period in my life when the sight of my student loan repayment date
would send me into days-long cycles of incapacitating self-pity. This
was also, incidentally, a time when I had finally begun to do the kind
of writing I found meaningful and interesting. But the work, like my
debt repayments, felt slow, hard, and uncertain; it required patience
and faith in the long game, two qualities which I’d never needed to
cultivate before. I was growing restless; I was getting bored. I felt
far from the action. I wanted my life—as Anna Wiener writes in her
incisive new memoir Uncanny Valley—to “pick up momentum, go faster.”

When the tech world rang the bell, my subconscious—hungry, ambitious,
curious—answered. It was the equivalent of setting down a long book to
pick up your phone when its screen flashes white, then forgetting about
the book entirely. The salary was transformative: after five years of
Sisyphean payments which had barely covered interest, my student debt
vanished in nine months flat. Every aspect of my life was subsidized by
unseen venture capitalists, whose faith in my employer’s eventual
profitability resulted in a sugar-daddy generosity: my rent, my errands,
my meals, the spin classes I needed when those meals caused me to gain
fifteen pounds. On days when the work felt exhausting or demeaning, I’d
slip into a meeting room, check my bank balance, and feel a sense of
embarrassingly intense relief. On days when I found myself worrying over
“ethical grey areas,” the kitchen staff (always women, almost always
women of color, almost certainly the company’s most diverse team) would
roll through each floor with a three-tier dessert cart, proffering
petits fours or miniature Croques Monsieur or honey-drizzled figs:
parodic emblems of the Antoinette-ish wealth the Valley’s procession of
IPOs seemed to promise.

When I left, I left with conviction, a story for another time. In the
weeks after, I sat waiting for my dopamine levels to rise back to
normal, for my energy to stabilize, for my sense of clarity and purpose
to return. Instead, I found myself lethargic and listless, reaching for
something I couldn’t name. I didn’t miss the perks, and I didn’t really
miss the work itself. I did miss my co-workers, but we still lived in
the same city. I inevitably missed the paycheck, but I’d known what I
was giving up.

What I really missed—what I felt cut off from—was what I thought I had
successfully resisted. The startup, like most tech companies, like most
technology itself, had done an impeccable job of transplanting its
employees’ sense of purpose. Without realizing it, I had outsourced an
entire part of my brain. I thought I’d been detached and observant, an
anthropologist among true believers, but a small, central part of me had
believed too, and that part was now wandering the desert in a torn
startup T-shirt, meekly repeating phrases like “Solve the world’s
hardest problems” and “Execute the mission,” thirsty for purpose.

It was in this frame of mind that I picked up Uncanny Valley. Like many
millennials who’d watched tech transform from “a fun way to flirt with
your crush after school” to “an unregulated behemoth undermining
democracy and perpetuating global inequality,” I had devoured Anna
Wiener’s short story by the same title in n+1 more than three years
prior, feverishly sending the link to everyone I knew at the time.
Later, I’d send it to some of my tech coworkers over the internal
company chatroom, usually receiving a meek :thumbs-up: emoji in return.

    What I really missed—what I felt cut off from—was what I thought I
had successfully resisted.

Having lived in Silicon Valley for four years—as a student at what
Wiener describes, in her arms-length, no-names style as a “private
university in Palo Alto”—and having been tech-adjacent (then
tech-subsumed, then tech-sponsored) ever since, I longed for writing
that could effectively capture the unimaginative hedonism and
fundamental sociopathy of the current tech boom: its insistence on
alienating us from everything worth having, only to sell it back to us
stripped down and restructured according to the values (and, worse,
aesthetics) of ahistorical libertarian vampires, whose kink for giving
billions of dollars to unqualified frat boys with underdog complexes had
resulted in the disruption-beyond-recognition of subtlety and flirtation
and dining and travel and journalism and democracy and one of America’s
great counter-cultural cities, among o

Re: This is the Opportunity-cost of NOT implementing my AP idea

2020-01-14 Thread Razer

On 1/13/20 9:25 AM, John Young wrote:
> Complaints about list processing is a venerable troll of public
> masturbation.

I've never noticed any problems with Cypherpunks mailing operations and
I never in my life expected any listserv, newsgroup, blogging site,
anywhere, to be responsible for the maintenance of my posts over time.
There are cloud services that do that. Anyone who expects anyone except
an operation that claims to do that as a business ... expects someone
else to take care of their shit, is a mentally deficient child-adult. A
spoiled brat mentally-deficient child-adult.


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Re: Only one possible solution

2020-01-13 Thread Razer

Some Stupid Fascist Fuck wrote:
> I represent the interests of a variety of people who are productive, are in 
> favor of continuing to be productive, 

Fuck your pin factory, Smith.

It's obvious from the moronic 'content' of your 'posts' you and your
non-existent friends' "productivity" isn't relevant to anything anyone
should give fux for.


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Re: This is the Opportunity-cost of NOT implementing my AP idea

2020-01-13 Thread Razer

On 1/13/20 1:12 AM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
> On 1/12/20 20:15, Greg Newby wrote:
>> You're not unsubscribed, otherwise you would not have been able to post this 
>> message.
> When was the change made to only allow subscribers to post?

WTF kind of listserv allows posts from non-subscribers? Never heard of
any such thing, and the only reason I can see for that arrangment is to
destroy the usability of a list and clog it's servers with spam instead
of posts on the topic(s) relevant to the list.


Re: This is the Opportunity-cost of NOT implementing my AP idea

2020-01-13 Thread Razer

On 1/12/20 4:42 PM, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
>   Now is my turn, haha. I haven't received any messages for a day or so, 
> but I see that new messages have been posted. Wondering if I've been 
> unsubscribed somehow - or is playing up. 

I've been seeing your messages. Maybe the email relay server thinks the
copies going back to you are spam and shitcans them. Good luck figuring
out which relay, and even better luck figuring out how to contact and
convince the operator to de-list crock.lie from their spam list. The
domain name alone says "Spam that belongs in the the bitbucket".


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Instagram purging posts about assassinated Iranian

2020-01-11 Thread Razer
Washington DC (CNN Business) Instagram and its parent company Facebook
are removing posts that voice support for slain Iranian commander Qassem
Soleimani to comply with US sanctions, a Facebook spokesperson said in a
statement to CNN Business Friday.

The Iranian government has called for nationwide legal action against
Instagram in protest, even creating a portal on a government website for
the app's users to submit examples of posts the company removed, Iranian
state media reported.

Instagram is one of the few western social media platforms that is not
blocked in Iran. Facebook and Twitter are blocked but some Iranians
access those sites using VPNs.

In a tweet, Iran's government spokesperson, Ali Rabiei, called
Instagram's actions "undemocratic."

Instagram shut down Soleimani's own account on the platform last April
after the US government designated the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
(IRGC) a foreign terrorist organization. Soleimani was an IRGC commander.

"We operate under US sanctions laws, including those related to the US
government's designation of the IRGC and its leadership," a Facebook
spokesperson said in a statement.

Iranian soccer player Alireza Jahanbakhsh, who has a verified Instagram
account, posted a photo of Soleimani after his death. Jahanbakhsh said
Instagram had removed that post.

Details of the takedowns were reported earlier by Coda Story.

As part of its compliance with US law, the Facebook spokesperson said
the company removes accounts run by or on behalf of sanctioned people
and organizations.

It also removes posts that commend the actions of sanctioned parties and
individuals and seek to help further their actions, the spokesperson
said, adding that Facebook has an appeals process if users feel their
posts were removed in error.

CNN Business has reached out to Twitter and Google for comment to ask
how they handle content related to people sanctioned by the US government.

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Re: Vermont: Year in prison for anyone under 21 in possession of cell phone - tentative legislation

2020-01-11 Thread Razer

On 1/11/20 12:59 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 11, 2020 at 08:01:41AM -0800, Razer wrote:
>> Not going to happen,
> The crypto back doors on all phones?

Schools have already been busted for doing that over the years

Better the phones are required to be turned off on premises, if you ever
expect the kids to be properly indoctrinated into Merican Fascist thinking.

Ps. The first time I ever saw a calculator allowed in a classroom, no
less a test area, I knew American children would be a global math fail.
You need to learn the mechanics, just like you need to learn Text is
spelled TEXT not TXT, first. Then you can fake it. Which is what I
always told the class A drivers I trained. Learn to do it MY way first,
THEN you can do it your way.


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Re: Vermont: Year in prison for anyone under 21 in possession of cell phone - tentative legislation

2020-01-11 Thread Razer
Not going to happen, Nazi. Only affluent white people live in Vermont
except for a microscopic black community in Burlington and a few
scattered remnants of revolutionary war black families in the rest of
the state. The was ONE such family in the 3th largest city in the state,
Bennington, in  the early-mid 1970s when I lived there, but they may
have moved over the NY and Mass state lines along with all the working
class folks eventually.

NO ONE tells affluent white xtian people what they can do.

I CAN see banning them from school environments though.

Why? Because even when I was driving school bus in Bennnington in the
70s those rich white kids were mental midgets like their parents.
Affluent 'hayseeds' just as surely as affluent city kids mimic ghetto

"We got high-school kids running 'round in Calvin Klein and Guess
who cannot pass a sixth-grade reading test
but if you ask them, they can tell you
the name of every crotch on mTV
and it feels like I am living in the wasteland of the free.

While we sit gloating in our greatness
justice is sinking to the bottom of the sea
Living in the wasteland of the free

75%+ of Americans can't locate Iran on a map and many thought Canada is

Australia too.



Ps. You can all sing along:

We got preachers dealing in politics and diamond mines
and their speech is growing increasingly unkind
They say they are Christ's disciples
but they don't look like Jesus to me
and it feels like I am living in the wasteland of the free

We got politicians running races on corporate cash
Now don't tell me they don't turn around and kiss them peoples' ass
You may call me old-fashioned
but that don't fit my picture of a true democracy
and it feels like I am living in the wasteland of the free

We got CEO's making two hundred times the workers' pay
but they'll fight like hell against raising the minimum wage
and If you don't like it, mister, they'll ship your job
to some third-world country 'cross the sea
and it feels like I am living in the wasteland of the free

Living in the wasteland of the free
where the poor have now become the enemy
Let's blame our troubles on the weak ones
Sounds like some kind of Hitler remedy
Living in the wasteland of the free

We got little kids with guns fighting inner city wars
So what do we do, we put these little kids behind prison doors
and we call ourselves the advanced civilization
that sounds like crap to me
and it feels like I am living in the wasteland of the free

We got high-school kids running 'round in Calvin Klein and Guess
who cannot pass a sixth-grade reading test
but if you ask them, they can tell you
the name of every crotch on mTV
and it feels like I am living in the wasteland of the free

We kill for oil, then we throw a party when we win
Some guy refuses to fight, and we call that the sin
but he's standing up for what he believes in
and that seems pretty damned American to me
and it feels like I am living in the wasteland of the free

Living in the wasteland of the free
where the poor have now become the enemy
Let's blame our troubles on the weak ones
Sounds like some kind of Hitler remedy
Living in the wasteland of the free

While we sit gloating in our greatness
justice is sinking to the bottom of the sea
Living in the wasteland of the free
Living in the wasteland of the free
Living in the wasteland of the free

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FYI Haiku

2020-01-10 Thread Razer
"Haiku is an open-source operating system that specifically targets
personal computing. Inspired by the BeOS..."

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Re: Fw: cypherpunks post acknowledgement

2020-01-09 Thread Razer

On 1/9/20 4:56 PM, \0xDynamite wrote:
>>  These "acknowledgements" sent to me are rather useless, and indeed quite
>> insulting, if they don't actually confirm that the server that runs the list
>> will actually POST my message, rather than merely say it "was successfully
>> received by the cypherpunks mailing list."
>> Because TWICE I recieved such a "acknowledgement" and yet the message didn't
>> post.
> Here's something even more alarming:  I don't get "acknowledgement
> messages" at all, yet my messages show up in my feeds from the server.
> I seen strange, inconsistent behavior on the hackerspaces mailing list
> as well.  It's like they black-ball or moderate messages only from
> certain senders -- and do it invisibly so no one knows such activity
> is happening.
> It's called black-balling.  Who knows if you're a woman and get this 
> treatment?
> marc0s

Go to the list page and log in. There's a switch to turn the acks on or
off. Personally they're redundant for me as I get copies of the emails I
send to the list from the list server so I never use the function.


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