Re: Alex Jones Infowars Censored Off Social Media

2018-09-23 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Thu, Aug 09, 2018 at 02:06:27AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> Long time pundit Alex Jones censored off of
> Youtube, Facebook, Apple, Stitcher, Spotify...
> First they came for Assange,
> Then they came for Jones...

The Alex Jones shoah continues - now he's been kicked off PayPal, and
the smell of blood will probably draw the knife from Visa and

Alex Jones Gets Banned from PayPal for Spreading “Hate”

Once this shoah-ing of the Huwaite goy is about done, the question is
will we ever get reparations from the Jews?

Could enough regular white sheep become so woke they claim this
ground (the White shoah) as sufficient to wipe the debt slate and
start again - this time without the Sanhedrin at the top of the

One hopes...

Re: Alex Jones Infowars Censored Off Social Media

2018-08-10 Thread juan
On Sat, 11 Aug 2018 04:23:25 +
CANNON  wrote:

> On 08/10/2018 09:22 PM, juan wrote:
> > 
> > half of americans are right wing fascists and so pro trump, while the 
> > other half are left wing fascists so pro obomba. Which tells you that trump 
> > is a as evil as obomba or any other psycho at the top of the US govt. 
> > 
> In what way are americans whom voted for Trump fascists? What has Trump done 
> that is bad? I really am curious.
> Thank you for your input.

What has trump done to alter the basic fascist nature of american 

Closed down the military industrial complex? Put the wall street 
bankers where they belong (jail for life). Ended all the american nazi wars, 
closed all the american military bases worlwide? Paid restitution to the 
millions of victims of american nazi wars? 

Ended the 'war on drugs'? Freed the millions of people jailed for 
victimless crimes? Paid  restitution to those people?

Ended the countless privileges and regulations that benefit huge 
business, including key mercantilistic garbage like so called 'intelectual 

Closed down all 'public' 'education' (a shinning example of socialism 
by the way)

I could go on for a while but it's pointless if you  don't grasp or 
deny the highly criminal nature of the US government and the fact that the US 
democracy is based on a one party system with two identical factions, one 
painted 'blue' and the other painted 'red'. 

Re: Alex Jones Infowars Censored Off Social Media

2018-08-10 Thread CANNON
On 08/10/2018 09:22 PM, juan wrote:
>   half of americans are right wing fascists and so pro trump, while the 
> other half are left wing fascists so pro obomba. Which tells you that trump 
> is a as evil as obomba or any other psycho at the top of the US govt. 

In what way are americans whom voted for Trump fascists? What has Trump done 
that is bad? I really am curious.
Thank you for your input.

Re: Alex Jones Infowars Censored Off Social Media

2018-08-10 Thread juan
On Fri, 10 Aug 2018 02:15:03 +
CANNON  wrote:

> As for the recent censorship in the USA. It is the same media that
> is waging war against Trump, that is also silencing InfoWars. 

is it? I don't think  facebook google apple twitter and the like waged 
any 'war' against trump - that's why he got elected. And I doubt they are doing 
it now.

More like, facebook google apple and co. are the 'private' arm of the 
NSA so they are trump's number one ally. 

> And
> Trump is really not a bad evil person 

of course he is. 

> like the controlled
> mainstream American media is trying to frame him up as. The
> controlled propaganda machine is trying to falsely make it seem
> that most Americans are anti-Trump (not true),

half of americans are right wing fascists and so pro trump, while the 
other half are left wing fascists so pro obomba. Which tells you that trump is 
a as evil as obomba or any other psycho at the top of the US govt. 

> and that Trump
> is racist

of course he's racist like a vast majority of white americans 

> or a Russian spy, 

not a russian spy, that's the sort of nonsense that 'liberals' believe. 
But trump is more loyal to putin or any other govt than to his own subjects. 
That's how government works. 

> or a horrible person (none of which
> are true either).

of course anybody with any degree of political power is a horrible 

> America is so divided right now, and is split between two groups
> of people at the moment. This terminology that describes these two
> sides might have different definitions in other regions and times,
> but here in 2018 in the USA, the descriptions are as follows.

> Conservative:

conservatives are the defenders of the status quo - historically they 
are advocates of monarchy and theocracy, i. e. totalitarianism. 

> The kind of ideologies that originally built this
> nation as reflected in the constitution.

you mean people like jefferson and washington who carried a coup 
against england to 'found' a slave society. 

> That of individual
> liberties, free-market system, 

that's just empty libertarian rhetoric. In practice conservative are 
the opposite of what they pretend to preach. 

> confined government kept within
> due bounds. Most conservatives seem to also be religious 

yep, that's the only thing you got right. Conservatives are theocratic 

> and
> have a system of moral code 

immoral code. 

> (as in non-secular) not reliant on
> government.

wrong. it's reliant on jew-kristian theocracy - you may need to learn 
that theocracy is a specially toxic form of government.

> Non secular (by choice) societies are often better
> self-governed and self reliant without big government, because
> they strive to live by moral codes. This is another reason why
> alot of the people whom layed the foundation of the USA were also
> reverent people. Hence the motto "In God We Trust".

OK - every word you write is fascist propaganda so the above 
explanations should be enough for now. 

> The other side is the Socialist side:

you don't know what socialism means. 

Hint : anything the governmetn does is socialism. So now go back and 
look at all the governmetn programs you conservatives support. Every one of 
them is a socialistic program. 

> They often refer to themsevles as "liberal" or "the left", 
> but not liberal as in more individual freedom, but more liberal as in secular.

not sure what your problem with secularism is, but yeah you are right 
in that 'liberals' are against individual freedom, exaclty like conservatives 
(aka right wingers).

> Liberal as in liberty from moral code. They place their trust more-so in 
> government
> than in God. 

so they are not theocratic, anti libertarianr lunatic, they are secular 
anti libertarians. Not too much of a meaningful difference. 

> As a result they cannot self govern like religious or
> conservative side.

OK - you should go preach to the fuckin church. By the way, do you know 
what's the basis for your 'religion'? It's wholly based on child abuse. The 
only way for people to become christian scum is by being mentally raped by 
their parents and 'taught' about 'jesus'.

Re: Alex Jones Infowars Censored Off Social Media

2018-08-09 Thread Razer

 Original message From: juan  Date: 8/9/18  
2:47 PM  (GMT-08:00) To: Subject: Re: Alex Jones 
Infowars Censored Off Social Media 
On Thu, 09 Aug 2018 12:14:21 -0700
Razer  wrote:

> presented by marketing scumholes like infowars  freethoughtproject, etc. 

still, what did jones say to get all the american nazis to censor him? 
And even funnier, this happens under the trumpo monarchy? 

I think his main offense is calling the Sandy Hook school 
shootings a staged fiction, which caused his really really vicious midget 
following to harass, dun, and threaten the child victim's families.
He created a situation where peoples lives were actually threatened over his 
callous blather. Inciting bullying and threats. He took no action to call them 
off. He's culpable and I hope he chokes to death on the vitamin supplements he 
Ps. VenezuelaAnalysis page on FB is back online. Here's their statement on 
their site.  it also appears on their FB page.

Re: Alex Jones Infowars Censored Off Social Media

2018-08-09 Thread CANNON
Hash: SHA512

On 08/09/2018 09:47 PM, juan wrote:
> On Thu, 09 Aug 2018 12:14:21 -0700
> Razer  wrote:
>> presented by marketing scumholes like infowars  freethoughtproject, etc.
>   still, what did jones say to get all the american nazis to censor him? 
> And even funnier, this happens under the trumpo monarchy?

There is no monarchy, I understand you are probably trying to be humorous. But 
for those whom do not know, Trump was elected.

As for the recent censorship in the USA. It is the same media that
is waging war against Trump, that is also silencing InfoWars.And
Trump is really not a bad evil person like the controlled
mainstream American media is trying to frame him up as. The
controlled propaganda machine is trying to falsely make it seem
that most Americans are anti-Trump (not true), and that Trump
is racist or a Russian spy, or a horrible person (none of which
are true either). They are trying to use the mainstream media,
and manipulating social media (through suppression of speech by
banning or shadow banning) into turning millenials against Trump and
the people whom voted for him. And this same propaganda machine
wants to silence anyone they also disagree with or dislike.

America is so divided right now, and is split between two groups
of people at the moment. This terminology that describes these two
sides might have different definitions in other regions and times,
but here in 2018 in the USA, the descriptions are as follows.

The kind of ideologies that originally built this
nation as reflected in the constitution. That of individual
liberties, free-market system, confined government kept within
due bounds. Most conservatives seem to also be religious and
have a system of moral code (as in non-secular) not reliant on
government. Non secular (by choice) societies are often better
self-governed and self reliant without big government, because
they strive to live by moral codes. This is another reason why
alot of the people whom layed the foundation of the USA were also
reverent people. Hence the motto "In God We Trust".

The other side is the Socialist side:
They often refer to themsevles as "liberal" or "the left", 
but not liberal as in more individual freedom, but more liberal as in secular.
Liberal as in liberty from moral code. They place their trust more-so in 
than in God. As a result they cannot self govern like religious or
conservative side. The socialist left secular side wants government
to take care of them often at the expense of individual liberty
and at the cost of bigger government. This is also why most people
on this side are also anti 2nd amendment (in the USA this means
the individual right to keep and bear arms for self defense from
criminals both in society and in government), they want less power
for the individual and more power in the government. A socialist
type government can not be successful if it is opt-in, and if the
governed have more power than the government. A socialist type government
seems to also always lead to a larger government with less individual freedoms.
It is this side that is also really angry that their candidate Hillary Clinton
did not win the elections, so they want to delegitimize Trumps
administration (and conservatives) as much as possible.  Its part of
the socialist infiltration of the USA, is the suppression of freedom
of speech and the spreading of misinformation of their opposition.

I am against censorship. Yeah, without censorship you have the risk
of lies. But with censorship, you have the even greater risk of
truth being suppressed, and with lies or misleading information,
or only partial truths, being propagated by the one doing the
censoring. The best solution is to have no censorship and let all
information be tested by the reader or consumer of such media. If
all sides have equal say, the truth shall stand strong in the
midst of challenge. If something be truth, it shall stand. If
something be not truth, it shall fall to truth.


Alot of governments censor information because they fear the truth,
the truth is against such governments.

Even if Alex Jones or Infowars is wrong, or propagates information
that some find disagreeable, censorship is not the way. Censorship
is very dangerous and creates a system that can very very easily
be abused. When something cannot win through challenge, it can
only win by suppression of opposing views and information.

It is really concerning when censorship is becoming a reality in
the USA. Even in the UK with the government mandated information
black out on a certain journalist earlier this year. Or when people
are persecuted by their government for voicing their opinion or saying
the wrong things by calling all and any opposing views as "hate speech"
when it isn't.

End the censorship now. Please recogonzie the dangerous world we are entering
for allowing censorship.

(And lets see

Re: Alex Jones Infowars Censored Off Social Media

2018-08-09 Thread juan
On Thu, 09 Aug 2018 12:14:21 -0700
Razer  wrote:

> presented by marketing scumholes like infowars  freethoughtproject, etc. 

still, what did jones say to get all the american nazis to censor him? 
And even funnier, this happens under the trumpo monarchy? 

Re: Alex Jones Infowars Censored Off Social Media

2018-08-09 Thread Razer
Actually, they came for's FB page today. What DID you 
expect? They need to suppress some information before they can pound the BIG 
LIE narrative into the sheeple's heads for a while, THEN they'll let you speak.
All 'they' really need to do is suppress alternative information until they've 
pounded their narrative into the mainstream society's heads, then they let you 
speak. They dont have to eliminate your voice, just strategically suppress it 
when necessary for their goals. For instance, the company that made Colin 
Powell's "Saddam CWD Lab", as seen by everyone at the UN, called the media and 
the US government the very next morning and explained that they were hydrogen 
generators for WWII vintage "barrage balloons", that were floated over cities 
to dissuade bombing runs. SOME media even reported it. On page E-31, two days 
later, so to speak. Whose story is going to be remembered as fact?
Ps. You have to be, literally, a moron, not to be able to source the 
information being presented by marketing scumholes like infowars  
freethoughtproject, etc. 
 Original message From: grarpamp  Date: 
8/8/18  11:06 PM  (GMT-08:00) To: Subject: Alex Jones 
Infowars Censored Off Social Media

Long time pundit Alex Jones censored off of
Youtube, Facebook, Apple, Stitcher, Spotify...

First they came for Assange,
Then they came for Jones...

The fastest route to Internet freedom (of a sort) - Re: Alex Jones Infowars Censored Off Social Media

2018-08-09 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Thu, Aug 09, 2018 at 05:37:56PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 09, 2018 at 02:06:27AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > Long time pundit Alex Jones censored off of
> > Youtube, Facebook, Apple, Stitcher, Spotify...
> > 
> >
> >
> > 
> > 
> > First they came for Assange,
> > Then they came for Jones...
> Ron Paul's executive director suspended on Twitter:
> Julian Assange Just Showed How Ron Paul is censored for ...
> 28 Aug 2017
> Blocked: How the pro-life movement is being censored on social ...
> 24 Jan 2018
> Facebook, Google & YouTube Censorship At An All Time High ...
> There's an easy solution - torrent your 'tubes, and disperse your
> "social" media to alt platforms - there's no real shortage of such
> either.
> If you're in the ear of a big name/ public personality, encourage
> them to make a very public jump to an alternative platform and
> encourage them to encourage others - hell, even Elon Musk took down
> Tesla's FaceBook page...
>   MIGA - Make Internet Great AGain.
>   #ItsOkToBeWhite

OK, here's the next step - get behind Alex Jones/ InfoWars in the
following way (seriously, this is the most effective/ productive step
to be achieved):

Contact PayPal and domain registry and ask why InfoWars has not been
banned/ removed, and how hateful Alex Jones' speech is.

Contact the App Store and complain about all the hateful, hateful
vids the Alex Jones and IfnoWars have been putting up:

Get involved with the "liberal lefty marxist unthinkers" and in
exasperation, ask them why the hell is PayPal still taking money for
this hateful, hateful man Alex Jones?

Spread the hate, maximise the de-platforming.

Anglin was way to conservative, too focussed (literally) on paleo
dieting and his gym regimen, for people to think anything other than
"SQWARK, NEON-NAZI, SQWARK", whereas Alex Jones on the other hand is
enough of an out there nutcase that the main stream unthinkers
figured he must have been saying something useful - but the relevant
point is, Alex Jones has a large audience, a large following, and the
more he is de-platformed (and Ron Paul and others), the quicker we
will get to a better situation, to a multi-platform world.

The people (not the tech) are the platform.

Re: Alex Jones Infowars Censored Off Social Media

2018-08-09 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Thu, Aug 09, 2018 at 02:06:27AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> Long time pundit Alex Jones censored off of
> Youtube, Facebook, Apple, Stitcher, Spotify...
> First they came for Assange,
> Then they came for Jones...

Ron Paul's executive director suspended on Twitter:

Julian Assange Just Showed How Ron Paul is censored for ...
28 Aug 2017

Blocked: How the pro-life movement is being censored on social ...
24 Jan 2018

Facebook, Google & YouTube Censorship At An All Time High ...

There's an easy solution - torrent your 'tubes, and disperse your
"social" media to alt platforms - there's no real shortage of such

If you're in the ear of a big name/ public personality, encourage
them to make a very public jump to an alternative platform and
encourage them to encourage others - hell, even Elon Musk took down
Tesla's FaceBook page...

  MIGA - Make Internet Great AGain.
