Newsflash! Sklyarov Denied Access To Russian Consul

2001-07-19 Thread Bill Scannell

I just got off the telephone with Vladimir Katalov.

Katalov informs me that the Russian embassy has been denied access to Dmitry
Sklyarov, a flagrant violation of international law.  No Russian consular
official has spoken to Sklyarov since his detention earlier this week.

In addition, Sklyarov's wife and two children have not heard from their
husband and father since his arrest.  They are understandably worried sick
for his safety.

It is believed Dmitry Sklyarov is being held in solitary confinement.

As an American who honorably served in the armed forces,  I am ashamed for
the actions of my government.  This cannot stand.

Telephone numbers:

US State Department: 1-202-647-6575
Russian Embassy: 1-202-298-5700
Russian Consul (SF) 1-415928-6878

Call.  Get your friends to call.  Call again.

Please disseminate this information as widely as possible.



Tips and Tricks

2001-07-19 Thread Julie

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I'll pay for YOU! wpmbm

2001-07-19 Thread pgstakgfeewpkxqh

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Re: This Adobe stupidity...

2001-07-19 Thread John Young

Mirror of the ElcomSoft AEBPR trial version:  (746KB)

For cryptographic scientific research allowed under the 
DMCA here is a key from Anonymous to boost the trial 
version to its 100% capability (though not verified):


Bear in mind that Dmitry and ElcomSoft need funds for 
legal defense and purchasing a key for $99 through is recommended, or sending the
fee to ElcomSoft to avoid US forfeiture, or, more
immediately effective, send to EFF which is assembling
a legal defense team.


2001-07-19 Thread Salim Hasham



Neighborhood pooper snooper acquitted...

2001-07-19 Thread Jim Choate,1002,11%257E70942,00.html

James Choate
Product Certification - Operating Systems
Staff Engineer

ADV:Save up to 80% on Dental Services 1050170

2001-07-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-19 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found INFORME 24-X AL 24 MAYO 2001.doc.pif infected
with W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, CDR: INFORME 24-X AL 24 MAYO
2001, was
sent from Ing. Saúl Flaschner and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

Beat Stock Market Returns Safely and Securely 21689

2001-07-19 Thread doelillo

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Russian hacker nabbed by FBI lost in federal prison system

2001-07-19 Thread Declan McCullagh

   Russian Hacker Arrested by FBI Goes Missing
   posted by declan on Thursday July 19, @06:12PM
   from the where-is-dmitry-sklyarov dept.


   Dmitry Sklyarov is missing.
   The 27-year old Russian programmer and hacker who was arrested after
   Defcon was last spotted at 3 pm Monday, when he made a brief court
   appearance in Las Vegas. He's charged with violating the 1998 Digital
   Millennium Copyright Act.
   Now he's adrift inside the federal prison bureaucracy. A managing
   director of ElcomSoft, Sklyarov's employer, says he has no idea where
   his colleague is. Says ElcomSoft's Vladimir Katalov: Of course they
   really worry about him, because FBI/police didn't allow Dmit to talk
   to his family.
   An informed source in the U.S. Attorney's office in San Francisco said
   that after Sklyarov's court visit on Monday he was turned over to the
   U.S. Marshals. The source said Sklyarov is likely out of contact since
   he's in transit to California. Typically prisoners are moved to a
   holding facility in Oklahoma until there's a scheduled transport to
   San Francisco, much as FedEx routes packages through central hubs.
   The government source said prosecutors receive almost no warning from
   the marshals when prisoners will appear -- sometimes they get a phone
   call, and sometimes the marshals simply take the prisoner to the court
   with no notice.
   The U.S. Marshals did not return phone calls. The U.S. Attorney's
   offices in San Francisco and Las Vegas said they did not know where
   Sklyarov was.
   An assistant U.S. Attorney in Las Vegas said that he wasn't familiar
   with the details of the case, but in general meeting with a detainee
   isn't a big deal: Anyone can meet with a prisoner, you just head up
   to the prison and ask to see him. (That supposes that you know where
   he is.)
   Rene Valladares is an assistant federal public defender in Las Vegas
   who represented Sklyarov during the hearing on Monday. He said
   Sklyarov would arrive in California between now and two weeks from now
   (at the latest), at which point a judge will decide if he needs a
   public defender.
   As a side note, the chief of security for the Alexis Park Hotel --
   where the Defcon convention took place and where Sklyarov was arrested
   -- professed to know nothing. When asked about the arrest, he said: I
   have no idea. When pressed about contact with the FBI, he admitted:
   The FBI advises us if they are going to be on our property, but they
   don't tell us why. The FBI did advise us they would be on our property
   Monday morning.
   The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) says in section 1201 that:
   No person shall manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or
   otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device,
   component, or part thereof that has as its primary use (or is
   marketed as) circumventing copy protection. Sklyarov is charged with
   one count of trafficking in illegal circumvention software.
   Section 1203 of the DMCA includes civil remedies, which is what the
   movie studios are using against 2600 magazine. 2600 distributed DeCSS
   via its website at no charge.
   Section 1204 of the DMCA lists the criminal penalties -- up to a
   $500,000 fine and five years in federal prison. Those apply to any
   person who violates section 1201 or 1202 willfully and for purposes of
   commercial advantage or private financial gain. This section took
   effect in October 2000. Because Dmitry's firm sold their software for
   private financial gain, the Feds believe they can prosecute under
   the part of Sec. 1204 that would likely not have applied to 2600.
   A prediction: Because of the DMCA, U.S. conferences with cutting-edge
   technical content in this area likely will begin to move offshore or
   to Canada. If you present your paper at a U.S. conference and get paid
   to speak, you could be the next person nabbed by the FBI. Even if
   there's no financial gain, you or the conference organizers could be
   sued civilly (see the threats against Ed Felten's abandoned
   presentation at the Information Hiding Workshop in April).
   Relevant links:
   Department of Justice press release (7/17/2001)
   free-sklyarov mailing list (7/18/2001) (7/18/2001)
   EFF notice on protests scheduled for July 23 (7/19/2001)
   PlanetEBook report on arrest (7/16/2001)
   Text of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
 _ photographs:
   Photos from of DMCA appeal (5/2001)
   Photos from of DMCA protest on Capitol Hill (4/2000)
   Photos from of DMCA trial (7/2000)
   Photos from of Defcon 


2001-07-19 Thread Steve Schear

July 19, 2001

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Your comments or questions are welcome. Technical questions
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jay w.

Version: PGP 7.0.4

Re: Re: HushMail 2.0 released, supports OpenPGP standard

2001-07-19 Thread Joseph Ashwood

What probably happened is that you didn't see the other windows come up
where it was gathering entropy and needed your mouse input. If you don't see
that window I can see where you wouldn't be able to upgrade.
- Original Message -
From: Steve Schear [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 8:37 PM
Subject: CDR: Re: HushMail 2.0 released, supports OpenPGP standard

 Are any of those on the list with HushMail accounts having trouble?  I've
 gone through the upgrade procedure which leaves you on a page with no exit
 and no login prompt.  If you go back to the home page to login you're sent
 right back to the migration page and round you go.


Welcome new e-gold user!

2001-07-19 Thread NewAccountRobot_donotreply

Your new e-gold account number is:


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passphrase has complete access to your e-gold account; therefore, do not
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Whether you want to obtain some e-gold or part with some,
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 Thank you for using e-gold!

This account created 7/20/01 2:25:43 AM GMT
from IP address

This automatic email sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Do not reply to this email.

Re: violent antitax protest/riot in US

2001-07-19 Thread Nomen Nescio

Declan hypothesized:

This is amazing. If anything like this was even attempted in DC,
we'd have dozens of federal agencies, and perhaps armed troops,
converging on the U.S. Capitol.


Something was attempted like that in DC --   The Bonus Marchers in 1932.
And although there weren't as many federal agencies back then, the armed
troops did show, including Patton, Eisenhower, MacArthur, cavalry, and some

Re: Russian hacker nabbed by FBI lost in federal prison system

2001-07-19 Thread David Honig

At 09:19 PM 7/19/01 -0400, Declan McCullagh wrote:
   As a side note, the chief of security for the Alexis Park Hotel --
   where the Defcon convention took place and where Sklyarov was arrested
   -- professed to know nothing. When asked about the arrest, he said: I
   have no idea. When pressed about contact with the FBI, he admitted:
   The FBI advises us if they are going to be on our property, but they
   don't tell us why. The FBI did advise us they would be on our property
   Monday morning.

FWIW, Tomlinson in _The Big Breach_ asserts that many senior hotel security
sleep with the spooks.



Re: violent antitax protest/riot in US

2001-07-19 Thread Declan McCullagh

Right, I hadn't linked that in. That was a sad day in U.S. history,
though by modern standards the troops were positively restrained and cordial.


On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 04:50:29AM +0200, Nomen Nescio wrote:
 Declan hypothesized:
 This is amazing. If anything like this was even attempted in DC,
 we'd have dozens of federal agencies, and perhaps armed troops,
 converging on the U.S. Capitol.
 Something was attempted like that in DC --   The Bonus Marchers in 1932.
 And although there weren't as many federal agencies back then, the armed
 troops did show, including Patton, Eisenhower, MacArthur, cavalry, and some


2001-07-19 Thread Sandy Sandfort

Any Cypherpunks interested in being spies for glory and cash prizes?:

 S a n d y

Demonstation at Adobe Monday

2001-07-19 Thread Len Sassaman

For those of you who aren't familiar with what's happening here, please
see for details.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 10:39:03 -0700
Subject: [free-sklyarov] San Jose Monday: schedule and directions

This is a summary of the plans for the demonstration at Adobe that
we discussed at the meeting last night.  We agreed to meet at the
park and walk to Adobe together, and the snake is an obvious meeting
place that is close to, but out of line of sight from, Adobe HQ.

Free Dmitry
March on Adobe
Monday, July 23, 2001, 11AM-1PM
Downtown San Jose, California, USA

MEET AT THE SNAKE: We will be meeting in downtown San Jose at the
snake sculpture, Quetzalcoatl, which is at the south end of Cesar
de Chavez Park, at the corner of South Market St. and West San
Carlos St.  Cesar de Chavez Park is across San Carlos from the
Hyatt St. Claire Hotel, near the San Jose Convention Center.

From the snake we will walk to Adobe together.


From VTA light rail: Take the Santa Teresa/Baypointe line to the
Convention Center stop.  Trains run approximately every 10 minutes.
The convention center is on the south side of the street; walk 1/2
block east on W. San Carlos St. to the snake.

From Caltrain: Transfer from Caltrain to the Santa Teresa/Baypointe
light rail line at the Tamien station.

VTA light rail schedules:

Driving: Downtown San Jose is easily accessible
from US 101, Interstate 280, and California 87.
See the URL below for maps and recommended routes:

Parking: An inexpensive pay parking lot is available at the San
Jose Convention Center, across San Carlos from the snake sculpture.
The entrance is from Almaden Blvd., one block west.

Please do not park at Adobe!


Please bring a sign or a U.S. or Russian flag, and a cell phone if
you have one.  Keep signs simple (4 words is ideal) so that they
are easy to read for people passing by.

Adobe: drop the charges and Free Dmitry are examples.

Free event T-shirts to the first 50 attendees.

free-sklyarov mailing list

Re: I'm looking for FSE2001 proceedings

2001-07-19 Thread Pete Chown

dmolnar wrote:

 For what it's worth, this is not my experience. While not every paper is
 online, a large number of people make papers available from their web

I've been trying to get hold of Hans Dobbertin's results on MD4, which
was the original reason for my comment.  Are these available on the
web anywhere?  I can't find them.

I've seen a simplified version of MD4 in use which I think is an
interesting target for cryptanalysis.  One assumes that since MD4 is
not collision free the simplified version is not.  I would like to see
if preimage attacks are possible on the simplified version.
(Collision resistance is not actually important for the application
where the simplified MD4 is in use.)
