Focus On What's Important in the Sklyarov Case

2001-07-20 Thread Steve Schear

Focus On What's Important in the Sklyarov Case

If you want to get Sklyarov out of jail, you need to focus on how the FBI 
has handled the case and not on the merits of the DMCA or what Sklyarov 
allegedly did.

RE: Killing the G8 Anarchists

2001-07-20 Thread Morlock Elloi

--- Duncan Frissell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> defending according to your prior post.  I thought they didn't really 
> believe in property?

You are a ... "journalist" ???

Where, pray tell, did you divine that G8 protesters "don't believe in property"

Or did you feel in your little brain that it's just the right thing to say ?

> In any case, culture is something that exists in the minds of people and in 
> the choices those people make every day.  One can only claim to "own" a

This is nonsense. *All concepts* exist in minds of people, you don't mine for
ethics or culture or modular algebra.
> As for the planet, a bit big to be owned at this point though people will 
> be able to own them later when we're richer and have access to more of 
> them.  Though why one would want to own a gravity well is beyond me.

This is so deep.

Did you ever had anything but wrong generalisations to say ?

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

Re: Ashcroft Targets U.S. Cybercrime

2001-07-20 Thread Petro

At 10:18 PM -0400 7/20/01, Matthew Gaylor wrote:
>Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 22:04:21 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Seth Finkelstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Ashcroft Targets U.S. Cybercrime
>   Remember what I told you: "If you think Clinton was dismal,
>you're going to find out what dismal *is*, during a Bush administration."
>[And Matt's reply is:  They're both dismal.]
>   Friday July 20 5:24 PM ET
>Ashcroft Targets U.S. Cybercrime
>   By BRIAN BERGSTEIN, Associated Press Writer
>   MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) - Calling computer security one of the
>   nation's top problems, Attorney General John Ashcroft said Friday that
>   the government is forming nine special units to prosecute hacking and
>   copyright violations.
>   Ashcroft said the new specialists will bring to 48 the number of
>   prosecutors working on cybercrime in U.S. attorneys' offices.

Gee, imagine that, the Attorney General wanting to enforce crimes. 

What *is* this world coming to? 

We still live in a country that has laws, and we *should* expect the LEAs to 
enforce all laws that are on the books. 

If you have a problem with the laws, it's not the LEAs fault, it's the 
legislature and the Executive branch.  

Cofor enseñanza

2001-07-20 Thread COFOR

Jacarilla 20.7.2001.Publicidad/Enseñanza a Distancia 
  Hola que tal:
  El motivo de la presente carta es informarte de la posibilidad de poder 
realizar algún curso a distancia de tu interés, cursos relacionados con tu 
trabajo inquietudes  y ocio.ect.El conocimiento es el mayor patrimonio de 
que podemos disponer.
  Nos dedicamos desde 1996.a impartir cursos a distancia disponemos 
de una amplia variedad de cursos sencillos  para poder seguirlos 
comodamente desde cualquier parte del mundo y a unos precios muy 
 Cursos ceertificados F.A.D.E
 Diploma (MED)


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Diseño Web

Gestion Comercial y Marketing
Relaciones Publicas
Recursos Humanos
Comercio Exterior
Direccion Comercial
Gestión Medio Ambiental
Dirección de Restaurantes

Dietética y Nutrición
Dieta Mediterránea 
Nutrí terapia y Salud
Monitor Yoga Tai-Chi
Quiromasaje y Reflexoterapia
Cosmética Natural
Hierbas Medicinales

Los cursos  son de 200.horas lectivas el precio standar por curso es de 
35.000.pts.España a plazos.Iberoamerica 150.usa dolar aplazados.
El Diploma:
 "Técnico Especialista"
 El tiempo aproximado por curso dependiendo de los conocimientos en 
areas similares de que se disponga,es entre 2-6.meses.aprox.
Si desean que les ampliemos información pueden enviar un e-mail les 
contestaremos con la mayor brevedad y les indicaremos nuestro espacio 
web que se encuentra en reformas.
Envie e-mail:
Sin otra que rogarte me envies un e-mail si estas interesado/a
Te enviamos un saludo.
 Merce Sanchez 
Gestión Integral 1.S.L
 C/ Virgen de Belén, 30
 03310 Jacarilla  (Alicante)ESPAÑA
Si desea no recibir mas  e-mail.  remove/mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Cofor enseñanza

2001-07-20 Thread COFOR

Jacarilla 20.7.2001.Publicidad/Enseñanza a Distancia 
  Hola que tal:
  El motivo de la presente carta es informarte de la posibilidad de poder 
realizar algún curso a distancia de tu interés, cursos relacionados con tu 
trabajo inquietudes  y ocio.ect.El conocimiento es el mayor patrimonio de 
que podemos disponer.
  Nos dedicamos desde 1996.a impartir cursos a distancia disponemos 
de una amplia variedad de cursos sencillos  para poder seguirlos 
comodamente desde cualquier parte del mundo y a unos precios muy 
 Cursos ceertificados F.A.D.E
 Diploma (MED)


Redes y Sistemas
Sistemas Servers
Diseño Web

Gestion Comercial y Marketing
Relaciones Publicas
Recursos Humanos
Comercio Exterior
Direccion Comercial
Gestión Medio Ambiental
Dirección de Restaurantes

Dietética y Nutrición
Dieta Mediterránea 
Nutrí terapia y Salud
Monitor Yoga Tai-Chi
Quiromasaje y Reflexoterapia
Cosmética Natural
Hierbas Medicinales

Los cursos  son de 200.horas lectivas el precio standar por curso es de 
35.000.pts.España a plazos.Iberoamerica 150.usa dolar aplazados.
El Diploma:
 "Técnico Especialista"
 El tiempo aproximado por curso dependiendo de los conocimientos en 
areas similares de que se disponga,es entre 2-6.meses.aprox.
Si desean que les ampliemos información pueden enviar un e-mail les 
contestaremos con la mayor brevedad y les indicaremos nuestro espacio 
web que se encuentra en reformas.
Envie e-mail:
Sin otra que rogarte me envies un e-mail si estas interesado/a
Te enviamos un saludo.
 Merce Sanchez 
Gestión Integral 1.S.L
 C/ Virgen de Belén, 30
 03310 Jacarilla  (Alicante)ESPAÑA
Si desea no recibir mas  e-mail.  remove/mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Rallies on Monday

2001-07-20 Thread GeEk


I know there are things about the U.S govt that you can't or aren't
willing to understand. And if you really have such a small Brain that you
can't see Condit is part of the murder then I really have nothing more to
say to you.. once day you will learn more about the Media their filters,
politics and Money... untill then continue to flame people for your

I won't respond to any more of you're flames.. I know the truth and if you
really belelive that "me" calling into the D.C police or anyone for that
matter is really going to mean anything you might want to reevaluate
your understanding of how the "System" works... it is't as it seems not
even close..

Unix / Security Online Info


When you die and your life flashes before your eyes does
that include the part where your life flashes before your


On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Reese wrote:

> At 02:23 PM 7/20/01, dumbGeEk wrote:
>  >into blowing open the Gary Condit fuck up... )
>  >
>  >I mean this ass hole fucked some Intern and then killed her...
> Your proof that he killed her?  You've shared it with the D.C. police
> I take it?  Condit is in custody now?  Or should we downgrade this
> fantastically strong assertion to just your wild assed guess, and send
> the nice young men in clean white coats after you, to check you out?
>  >maybe I'm a
>  >little crazy here (which I have been told oftern that I am) but that seems
>  >a hell of a lot more important then some fucking Commie.
> Anyone who cannot distinguish between Russian citizens who were victims
> under communism and Communists deserves to be treated like a Communist.
> You need more than two clue pills.
>  >Just my 2 cents (after about 12 beers...)
> A little crazy?  No.  A lot drunk.  Take two aspirin with the handful of
> clue pills, you'll need them.
> Oh, this is the last time I'm going to leave your To: and Cc: includes
> intact.  If you don't have the style, grace or courtesy to send separate
> emails to different lists, you deserve the hangover you should wake up
> with and 10,000 more all at once too.  Fuckhead.
> Reese
> - G8 leaders in no-win situation - July 20, 2001

2001-07-20 Thread Jim Choate


Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night:
God said, "Let Tesla be", and all was light.

  B.A. Behrend

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Rallies on Monday

2001-07-20 Thread Jim Choate

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, GeEk wrote:
> Just wondering (because maybe you don't live in the US). But why are you
> all gonna protest because some Russian got arrested for breaking the law??

An unconstitutional law. A law which limits freedom in a country which is
ultimately governed by "Congress shall make no law..."

If you can't catch that clue, there is no hope.

> Don't you have anything better to do with you're time???

It isn't 'my time' in the above situation, I've gotta go ask my master
before I can answer your question. It is however a nicely gilded cage.

> (this isn't a flame but if that's how you want to take it be my guest,
> just wondering why we are soo concerned about some russian.. the
> principle?? If you want to protest something why not put you're effort
> into blowing open the Gary Condit fuck up... )

No accounting for taste.

> I mean this ass hole fucked some Intern and then killed her... maybe I'm a
> little crazy here (which I have been told oftern that I am) but that seems
> a hell of a lot more important then some fucking Commie.

If you got proof, run with it...nobody else seems to have any proof.

> Just my 2 cents (after about 12 beers...)



Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night:
God said, "Let Tesla be", and all was light.

  B.A. Behrend

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Slashdot | Dimitry's company sold password crackers to the FBI

2001-07-20 Thread Jim Choate


Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night:
God said, "Let Tesla be", and all was light.

  B.A. Behrend

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Rallies on Monday

2001-07-20 Thread GeEk

Just wondering (because maybe you don't live in the US). But why are you
all gonna protest because some Russian got arrested for breaking the law??

Don't you have anything better to do with you're time???

(this isn't a flame but if that's how you want to take it be my guest,
just wondering why we are soo concerned about some russian.. the
principle?? If you want to protest something why not put you're effort
into blowing open the Gary Condit fuck up... )

I mean this ass hole fucked some Intern and then killed her... maybe I'm a
little crazy here (which I have been told oftern that I am) but that seems
a hell of a lot more important then some fucking Commie.

Just my 2 cents (after about 12 beers...)

Unix / Security Online Info


When you die and your life flashes before your eyes does
that include the part where your life flashes before your


On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Len Sassaman wrote:

> is now the home for the rally announcements. If you're planning on
> attending one, please visit this page for info. If you're holding one,
> please let us know so we can add it to the page.
> Thanks!
> --
> Len Sassaman
> Security Architect|
> Technology Consultant |  "Let be be finale of seem."
>   |
>   |   --Wallace Stevens

Chandra Levy's Hard Disk

2001-07-20 Thread George

The DC police have apparently released the *generic* URLs
of where she visited during a three hour tour of cyberspace.

A three hour tour.

( couldn't help myself ;-)

They apparently said "" etc, without releasing
the search criteria (the rest of the URL).

What gives? How is the base name of a search engine
going to be of use to anyone?

This could be called, "Clue-less."

Ashcroft Targets U.S. Cybercrime

2001-07-20 Thread Matthew Gaylor

Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 22:04:21 -0400 (EDT)
From: Seth Finkelstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Ashcroft Targets U.S. Cybercrime

Remember what I told you: "If you think Clinton was dismal,
you're going to find out what dismal *is*, during a Bush administration."

[And Matt's reply is:  They're both dismal.]

Friday July 20 5:24 PM ET

Ashcroft Targets U.S. Cybercrime

By BRIAN BERGSTEIN, Associated Press Writer

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) - Calling computer security one of the
nation's top problems, Attorney General John Ashcroft said Friday that
the government is forming nine special units to prosecute hacking and
copyright violations.

Ashcroft said the new specialists will bring to 48 the number of
prosecutors working on cybercrime in U.S. attorneys' offices.

``There are many people of poor and evil motivations who are seeking
to disrupt business and government and exploit any vulnerabilities in
the digital universe,'' Ashcroft said after meeting with Silicon
Valley executives and venture capitalists.

When computer crimes go unpunished, he said, ``It impairs the ability
of the United States of America to remain in its position of priority
in leading the world in the digital age.''

The new prosecutors will work in cities with relatively high levels of
cybercrime: Los Angeles, San Diego, Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, Seattle,
New York, Brooklyn, N.Y., and Alexandria, Va. The units will be
modeled on the nation's first Computer Hacking and Intellectual
Property squad, which began working out of the U.S. Attorney's office
in San Francisco several years ago.

That unit was created by U.S. Attorney Robert Mueller, whom President
Bush has nominated for FBI director. Mueller attended Friday's news
conference at the headquarters of VeriSign Inc., but did not comment.

Ashcroft cited a study by PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLC that said
businesses spent $300 billion fighting hackers and computer viruses
last year.

He said the government must be careful to help secure the Internet
without hindering its development.

``There is perhaps nothing quite as distressing as the unintended
consequences of well-intentioned government,'' Ashcroft said.

While cybercrime is an expensive problem for the private sector,
companies are often reluctant to report computer attacks to law
enforcement authorities out of fear of negative publicity and concern
that prosecutors don't have the technical savvy to solve the cases.

Prosecutors in the nine units will try to forge relationships within
the technology community, provide training for state and local
prosecutors and encourage companies to come forward when they are hit
by hackers, Justice Department officials said.

Ashcroft would not comment on the case of Dmitry Sklyarov, a
26-year-old Russian arrested this week in Las Vegas and charged with
writing a program that unlocked encrypted software designed by Adobe
Systems Inc. (NasdaqNM:ADBE - news) to protect electronic books.

The FBI contends that is a violation of the 1998 Digital Millennium
Copyright Act. Critics of the case say Sklyarov works for a legitimate
company in Moscow that merely has a business dispute with Adobe.

``Taxpayer dollars are basically being used to do Adobe's dirty
work,'' said Richard Smith, chief technology officer for the Privacy
Foundation at the University of Denver. ``Frankly, I think they should
be spending their time fixing the security problems he pointed out.''


On the Net:

Justice Department:

Copyright © 2001 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.The 
information contained in the AP News report may not be published,
broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written 
authority of The Associated Press.

Distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

Subscribe to Freematt's Alerts: Pro-Individual Rights Issues
Send a blank message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the words subscribe FA
on the subject line. List is private and moderated (7-30 messages per week)
Matthew Gaylor, (614) 313-5722  ICQ: 106212065   Archived at

Geek Profiling Upheld by Appeals Court

2001-07-20 Thread Eric Cordian

The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals has just upheld the right of schools
to suspend or expel any student who speaks or writes about fictional
violence, dresses differently, has a "disturbing" background, or "fits the
profile" of a "homicidal student."

The 9th circuit is supposed to be the liberal one, right?


SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- A Washington state school district acted
appropriately when it suspended a student for submitting a poem about a
fictitious campus mass murder, a federal appeals court ruled Friday.
The decision from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a lower
court's ruling that the high school was wrong to suspend James LaVine, a
16-year-old junior, for 17 school days in 1998.
LaVine submitted his poem, ''Last Words,'' to be critiqued by his English
instructor at his school about 100 miles north of Seattle. Among the
violent imagery was the phrase, ''I drew my gun and . . . Bang, Bang,
Bang-Bang. When it was all over, 28 were, dead.''
In ordering the suspension, the school district had said LaVine had a
''disturbing'' background, dressed differently and ''fit the profile'' of
a homicidal student.
The student's attorney, Breean Beggs, said the court's decision could
chill students' First Amendment right to free speech and give educators
leverage to punish students for their ideas.
''I was hoping to have it made clear that students cannot be punished for
the content of their work,'' Beggs said.
The appeals panel said while the poem viewed by itself is protected
speech, the school district had a right to suspend LaVine on fears he may
have carried out what he had written.
''Parents and the public expect schools to protect their children and that
is getting more and more difficult in modern times,'' said Tyna Ek, the
lawyer for school district. ''This says that schools can act when there
are danger signals.''
The circuit panel noted that, in hindsight, it may not have been necessary
to expel the student -- given that it was later determined he had no
violent intentions. Still, the court said, schools need to react to the
potential for such violence.
LaVine, who is now 19 and graduated last year, said he didn't know why he
wrote the poem.
''When I write, I just get a feeling. Whatever comes out, comes out,''
LaVine said. ''There's not really any reason behind why I wrote it.''

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

Inferno: Fw: [free-sklyarov] bay area sign-making party on Sunday (fwd)

2001-07-20 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 21:47:37 -0400
From: Any Mouse
Subject: Inferno: Fw: [free-sklyarov] bay area sign-making party on Sunday

- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Fabrikant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 8:36 PM
Subject: [free-sklyarov] bay area sign-making party on Sunday

> Some Berkeley people will be gathering on Sunday at about 4pm to make
> signs, and "miscellaneous props", for the Monday protest in San Jose.
> Anyone in the area is welcome to join us. The location is in the Wozniak
> Lounge of Soda Hall on the UC Berkeley Campus.
> Bring your own materials, tools, and cool ideas (and certainly feel free
> to bring extra stuff). We plan on being there until about 8pm.
> Directions to Soda Hall can be found at
> It's a big ugly
> greenish building at the intersection of Hearst and Le Roy. You'll need to
> approach the building from the Le Roy Ave side, and enter from the back
> (from the patio above the volleyball court).
> Please drop me an email if you're planning on attending, just so I know
> how many people to expect.
> This event is officially under the aegis of the Berkeley CSUA (Computer
> Science Undergraduate Association).
> -- 
> Alex Fabrikant
> alexf at {csua,hkn}
> ___
> free-sklyarov mailing list

The Story of the "8" in Jennifer 8. Lee

2001-07-20 Thread Matthew Gaylor

[Note from Matthew Gaylor:  Several people asked me why New York 
Times reporter Jennifer 8. Lee had an "8" as her middle initial when 
I sent her story on Seth Finkelstein at:  I 
didn't know so I asked Seth and here is the answer.]

Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 21:43:52 -0400 (EDT)
From: Seth Finkelstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The Story of the "8" in Jennifer 8. Lee

Has the NY Times developed a quirky sense of humor? Or is the author
of this article really named Jennifer 8. Lee? The article is about
the demand for phone numbers with lucky digits in China. A man paid
$2,500 for 8889988 at a charity auction. Cell phone stores advertise
their best numbers.  Discounted numbers (ending with unlucky 4s) are
sold below cost. But there are customers who refuse to pay more for
lucky numbers. At any rate, Jennifer 8. Lee is looking for prosperity
in her byline, and it seems The Old Grey Lady is happy to play
along. It's not so grey anymore anyway with the color photos that
still take me by surprise. (Update: Turns out Jennifer just has very
cool parents! They wanted to give her a unique name, Jennifer Lee
being very popular. So 8. it was. I had done a search in the NY Times
archives for "Jennifer Lee" when I wrote the post to see if she
usually used the 8, but the search engine was too smart and didn't
return any "Jennifer 8. Lee"s, just "Jennifer Lee" in a few
places. But I should have searched for "Jennifer 8. Lee" to begin
with. Actually I should have remembered I've read plenty of her
8. bylined articles already. Thanks for the info, Seth Gordon!)  a


Some people have ask what is the deal with the Washinton Post's Metro
reporter Jennifer 8 Lee. Well here it is... Jennifer's parents are
from China, where there about 200 million people have the last name
"Lee." To impart a sense of individuality they gave her the middle
name "8," which has special meaning to the Chinese. It means luck,
good fortune, security and strength.

Subscribe to Freematt's Alerts: Pro-Individual Rights Issues
Send a blank message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the words subscribe FA
on the subject line. List is private and moderated (7-30 messages per week)
Matthew Gaylor, (614) 313-5722  ICQ: 106212065   Archived at


2001-07-20 Thread Roger L. Martin


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To be removed, just type " REMOVE " in the subject, and click REPLY

Rallies on Monday

2001-07-20 Thread Len Sassaman

is now the home for the rally announcements. If you're planning on
attending one, please visit this page for info. If you're holding one,
please let us know so we can add it to the page.



Len Sassaman

Security Architect|
Technology Consultant |  "Let be be finale of seem."
  |   |   --Wallace Stevens

RE: Killing the G8 Anarchists

2001-07-20 Thread Jim Choate

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Duncan Frissell wrote:

> At 04:56 PM 7/20/01 -0500, Jim Choate wrote:
> >Just as much as these protesters object to having their cultures and
> >planet raped and pillaged for the God $ Fascist good (and not their own).
> Presumably "their cultures" and "their planet" are the "property" they are 
> defending according to your prior post.  I thought they didn't really 
> believe in property?

Yes, property they have an interest in. An interest that is not measurable
in economic metrics.

Who didn't believe in property? Which group didn't believe in property. As
a journalist who is supposedly well versed in this area it's surprising
that you would try to attempt to show the many groups involved as having a
single agenda or theme, when you know that isn't so.

Some don't believe in a world government. Some don't believe in
trans-national economics becoming the primary force in government. Some
object to a combining of the two. Some object to the crass commercialism
that has ravaged Afria with AIDS. Some object to the belief that pledging
a $1B to 'fight AIDS' isn't sufficient when what is needed and what is
required (though they don't want to do it) is to 'end AIDS', without
turning the people into chatels of the state in some eco-socialist wet

No, there are many views and you're trying to lump them all into one
category is nothing more than evidence to the strength (really complete
lack thereof) of your case.

> In any case, culture is something that exists in the minds of people and in 
> the choices those people make every day.

Provided they're given the opportunity to even make that choice. This is
another of the bitches.

> One can only claim to "own" a culture if one claims to own the minds and 
> choices of others.

One does not claim to own a culture (demonstrating your lack thereof), one
IS a culture. To have a culture destroyed, especially for nothing more
than profit, is rape.

> A bit totalitarian and impossible for commie thugs to do these days since 
> even governments with nukes are having trouble controlling the minds and 
> choices  of others.

It's not just 'commie', again your single mindset reveals your shallow

The lack of 'control' is exactly why they're so upset. Why they're so
worried. It's exactly why they don't want it to get larger. It's why they
don't want people to know what's going on. These are the same people, who
when they want to search your home, who ask "what have you got to hide?"
What have they got to hide?

> As for the planet, a bit big to be owned at this point though people will 
> be able to own them later when we're richer and have access to more of 
> them.  Though why one would want to own a gravity well is beyond me.

You have a shallow sense of ownership if you believe it must be 1-to-1.


Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night:
God said, "Let Tesla be", and all was light.

  B.A. Behrend

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Rallies on Monday

2001-07-20 Thread Black Unicorn


Adobe- owing to the kidnapping of its big wig some time ago- is very

Please be aware and be cautious as they may be prone to overreact to

(Do not taunt happy-fun-acrobat).

- Original Message -
From: "Len Sassaman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 6:39 PM
Subject: Rallies on Monday

> is now the home for the rally announcements. If you're planning on
> attending one, please visit this page for info. If you're holding one,
> please let us know so we can add it to the page.
> Thanks!
> --
> Len Sassaman
> Security Architect|
> Technology Consultant |  "Let be be finale of seem."
>   |
>   |   --Wallace Stevens

Rallies on Monday

2001-07-20 Thread Len Sassaman

is now the home for the rally announcements. If you're planning on
attending one, please visit this page for info. If you're holding one,
please let us know so we can add it to the page.



Len Sassaman

Security Architect|
Technology Consultant |  "Let be be finale of seem."
  |   |   --Wallace Stevens

RE: Killing the G8 Anarchists

2001-07-20 Thread Duncan Frissell

At 04:56 PM 7/20/01 -0500, Jim Choate wrote:

>Just as much as these protesters object to having their cultures and
>planet raped and pillaged for the God $ Fascist good (and not their own).

Presumably "their cultures" and "their planet" are the "property" they are 
defending according to your prior post.  I thought they didn't really 
believe in property?

In any case, culture is something that exists in the minds of people and in 
the choices those people make every day.  One can only claim to "own" a 
culture if one claims to own the minds and choices of others.  A bit 
totalitarian and impossible for commie thugs to do these days since even 
governments with nukes are having trouble controlling the minds and choices 
of others.

As for the planet, a bit big to be owned at this point though people will 
be able to own them later when we're richer and have access to more of 
them.  Though why one would want to own a gravity well is beyond me.

Statism, gravity, and death -- Mankind's three greatest enemies.

RE: Killing the G8 Anarchists (fwd)

2001-07-20 Thread Jim Choate

I assume from the tone that Msr. Sandfort meant to send it to the list...

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 16:53:52 -0700
From: Sandy Sandfort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jim Choate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Killing the G8 Anarchists

Inchoate sputtered:

> ...The real reason they're not
> sensitive to these particular
> 'anarchist' is that they aren't
> motivated by the alure of money.
> They aspire to a higher calling
> than crass commercialism or
> puritanical ego fulfillment...

Oh boy!  If Jim REALLY believes this crap (where does he get this stuff?), I
have some great seaside property in Florida, I think he should invest in.

"Save the whales."  (We'll eat them later.)

 S a n d y

RE: Killing the G8 Anarchists

2001-07-20 Thread Duncan Frissell

At 04:56 PM 7/20/01 -0500, Jim Choate wrote:

>Just as much as these protesters object to having their cultures and
>planet raped and pillaged for the God $ Fascist good (and not their own).

Presumably "their cultures" and "their planet" are the "property" they are 
defending according to your prior post.  I thought they didn't really 
believe in property?

In any case, culture is something that exists in the minds of people and in 
the choices those people make every day.  One can only claim to "own" a 
culture if one claims to own the minds and choices of others.  A bit 
totalitarian and impossible for commie thugs to do these days since even 
governments with nukes are having trouble controlling the minds and choices 
of others.

As for the planet, a bit big to be owned at this point though people will 
be able to own them later when we're richer and have access to more of 
them.  Though why one would want to own a gravity well is beyond me.

Statism, gravity, and death -- Mankind's three greatest enemies.

Re: Killing the 8 Swiss Anarchists

2001-07-20 Thread George

Ghoat wrote:
#One of the points that Tim is missing is that these demonstraters 
#are only protecting their property, in their view.

In which case Bush just poked them in the eye, with the
response to the demonstrators that they are hurting the
very poor they claim to represent.

He's as anti-green as you get.  I wouldn't be surprised if
there's an assassination attempt sometime.

I'll be it'll happen on August...

Oh, sorry, there are Feds listening with no sense of humor.

>Sandman wrote:
>#The part I like is that the wording suggests that the writer 
>#is surprises that a population can have a lot of guns and "yet 
>#maintains a remarkably low homicide and armed crime rate."  Duh.

>A different society.
>It wouldn't work here.

Bear wrote:
#People are surprising.  Even the most idiotic can show a grain 
#of common sense once they realize that their accustomed prey is 
#carrying.  I'd bet that, after an initial few killings, an 
#amazingly polite and civil society would develop.

No. A heat wave would be like a deadly jiffy-pop affair here.

I'm sure Tim would envision that as a cool thing.

RE: Killing the G8 Anarchists

2001-07-20 Thread Jim Choate

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Faustine wrote:

> Speaking for myself, I'm not "owned" by anyone. I obey state and federal 
> laws though, if that's what you mean.

Even when they're unconstitutional I bet...

Some American.

> You don't need a gun to enforce 
> ownership, what do you think contract and property law is all about. 

Which is worthless without the explicit and well advertised threat of
violence. See G8 demonstrations today for a explicit example.

> Sometimes words or a fist do just as well... What any of this has to do 
> with supporting the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms is totally unclear. 

See G8 today.

> By the way, why don't you think people have a right to defend their own 
> lives and property?

Don't the people demonstrating have a right to defend their lives and
properoty? Their claim is it is being abused and destroyed. Where is
their spokesperson at the G8? Where is there forum?

> When I'm attacked, why shouldn't I fight back?


Freedom for me, not for thee...


Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night:
God said, "Let Tesla be", and all was light.

  B.A. Behrend

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

You Won The First Round! claim# 6235 12747

2001-07-20 Thread illzman1

You Have Won The First Round!
Claim Your Entry Now!
Collect The Prize Of The Week!
Click Here To Collect!
We apologize for any email you may have inadvertently received.
Please CLICK HERE to be removed from future mailings.

RE: Killing the G8 Anarchists

2001-07-20 Thread Faustine

Someone behind a remailer wrote:

>You stupid american fuck,

So it's an insult to be American, is it? Who's being bigoted now. If you 
really have something interesting to contribute, why not bypass the 
namecalling and stick to the issues.  

> ownership is very relative term and enforced by guns, like you are owned 
>by state of california and USG at the same time, and you do complain about 
>that, don't you?


Speaking for myself, I'm not "owned" by anyone. I obey state and federal 
laws though, if that's what you mean. You don't need a gun to enforce 
ownership, what do you think contract and property law is all about. 
Sometimes words or a fist do just as well... What any of this has to do 
with supporting the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms is totally unclear. 

By the way, why don't you think people have a right to defend their own 
lives and property? When I'm attacked, why shouldn't I fight back? A nation 
state that adopted a foreign policy based on "turning the other cheek" 
wouldn't last a month. So why should I as an individual citizen? 

Nobody said you have to relish the idea of mowing people down to believe in 
the principle of defending yourself. In fact, I don't think it's going too 
far to say that if you don't take reasonable measures to provide for your 
own safety, you're a contemptible fool and a coward. 

What would you do in a situation where no one from the state is around to 
help you? Run? Pray? Roll over and die? If you can't or won't defend 
yourself, those are about the only options you'll have.

In my case, I'm lucky enough to be able to decide that "providing for my 
own safety" doesn't involve owning a gun at all. But who am I to make that 
decision for anyone else? Who are you?

>You really whine only because you are not on top - 

Define "on top". 

No matter where you are intellectually or financially, the botttom line is 
that you deserve to defend yourself when people are trying to harm you.

>you do not really have problem with those below you (I understand you live 
>on a farm .. must have some pigs there) suffering because they don't have 

Define "below". 

Let's see, who's "below" me, criminals? I think criminals realize better 
than most the advantages of superior firepower. So why not wake up, take 
the hint, and quit living like a lamb waiting for the slaughter. But go 
ahead, it's entirely your choice. 


Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-20 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found prince and the pauper.doc.pif infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, "CDR: prince and the pauper",
sent from Jeff and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

RE: Killing the G8 Anarchists

2001-07-20 Thread Sandy Sandfort

Inchoate sputtered:

> ...The real reason they're not
> sensitive to these particular
> 'anarchist' is that they aren't
> motivated by the alure of money.
> They aspire to a higher calling
> than crass commercialism or
> puritanical ego fulfillment...

Oh boy!  If Jim REALLY believes this crap (where does he get this stuff?), I
have some great seaside property in Florida, I think he should invest in.

"Save the whales."  (We'll eat them later.)

 S a n d y


2001-07-20 Thread Gabriel Rocha

"Shoot twice" - the caption on a Swiss postcard of 1914, depicting a
Swiss militia man being asked by the Kaiser what the Swiss would do if
he sent an army of half a million Germans against the quarter million
Swiss Army.

I like the attitude though. 
"It's not brave, if you're not scared."

Re: What the Swiss have

2001-07-20 Thread Ray Dillinger

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Sandman wrote:
>#The part I like is that the wording suggests that the writer 
>#is surprises that a population can have a lot of guns and "yet 
>#maintains a remarkably low homicide and armed crime rate."  Duh.
>A different society.
>It wouldn't work here.

People are surprising.  Even the most idiotic can show a grain 
of common sense once they realize that their accustomed prey is 
carrying.  I'd bet that, after an initial few killings, an 
amazingly polite and civil society would develop.


Re: Killing the G8 Anarchists

2001-07-20 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer

>Why are't shop owners spraying the looters with automatic weapons fire?

Your bigotry got some boost this morning (cypherpunk readers may be amused
to know what nazi methods you advocate for homeless).

You stupid american fuck, ownership is very relative term and enforced by guns,
like you are owned by state of california and USG at the same time, and you
do complain about that, don't you ?

You really whine only because you are not on top - you do not really have
problem with those below you (I understand you live on a farm .. must have some
pigs there) suffering because they don't have guns.

RE: Killing the G8 Anarchists

2001-07-20 Thread Jim Choate

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Petro wrote:

> >Just as much as these protesters object to having their cultures and
> >planet raped and pillaged for the God $ Fascist good (and not their own).
>   Most of those protesters are white Europeans. The only thing they are 
> protesting is their own lack of understanding. 

Perhaps, this is a clear demonstration of your own lack however.

It's interesting (and something I've commented on before, check the
archives :) that the 'leaders' of the C-A-C-L viewpoint are always ready
to bitch about how 'terrible' the government is and how it degrades their
profits. And then when somebody actually gets up and acts on it they're
the first ones to bail. The real reason they're not sensitive to these
particular 'anarchist' is that they aren't motivated by the alure of
money. They aspire to a higher calling than crass commercialism or
puritanical ego fulfillment. I've said it before, I'll say it again.

The majority of the C-A-C-L contingent, in particular their 'leaders', are
a bunch of money hungry hypocrites. God $ Fascism. Just more of the same.


Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night:
God said, "Let Tesla be", and all was light.

  B.A. Behrend

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: What the Swiss have

2001-07-20 Thread Petro

At 5:18 PM -0400 7/20/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Sandman wrote:
>#I'm not sure where George's "here" is...
>New York City, Third Planet From the Sun.

Try moving out of a socialist third-world country. 

RE: Killing the G8 Anarchists

2001-07-20 Thread Petro

At 4:56 PM -0500 7/20/01, Jim Choate wrote:
>On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Sandy Sandfort wrote:
>> Tim May wrote:
>> >
>> > Why are't shop owners spraying the
>> > looters with automatic weapons fire?
>> >
>> > Because, of course, Europeans are
>> > disarmed.
>> Not entirely true.  If the G8 folks really wanted to avoid "collateral
>> damage" they'd hold their meetings in Switzerland or maybe Finland.  I'm
>> sure the store and gas station owners would take a VERY dim view of having
>> their livelihoods sacrificed to these so-called "anarchists."
>Just as much as these protesters object to having their cultures and
>planet raped and pillaged for the God $ Fascist good (and not their own).

Most of those protesters are white Europeans. The only thing they are 
protesting is their own lack of understanding. 

Your Membership Community & Commentary, 07-20-01

2001-07-20 Thread Your Membership Newsletter
Title: Your Membership Community & Commentary, 07-20-01



	Your Membership Community & Commentary

	  It's All About Making Money
	July 20, 2001  

			in this issue
			Doin' It, Doin' It, Doin' It... and the only thing worse than a bad ad campaign
			Member Showcase
			Commentary Quick Tips
			Win A FREE Ad In Community & Commentary

		Today's Special Announcement:
This is the success story of one guy working out of his
parent's basement, who went from 0 to $750,000 in sales in
his first year on the internet. No traditional advertising
of any kind was used, not even a business card. He moved
real world products without even so much as a physical
store. Now you'll be able to use the same powerful internet
marketing tactics he used. To find out even more:
Click Here
You are a member in at least one of these programs 
- You should be in them all! 



			Information to provide you with the absolute 
best low and no cost ways of providing traffic 
to your site, helping you to capitalize on the power and potential the web brings to every Net-Preneur. 
--- This Issue Contains Sites Who Will Trade Links With You! --- 
 Doin' It, Doin' It, Doin' It... and the only thing worse than a bad ad campaign  Dumber than a doornail - that's what he was - one of the richest home-based
businessmen I have ever had the opportunity to know personally.
For purposes of anonymity, lets call him Jack. Jack wasn't your typical
sharp-as-a-tack businessman, nor was he what you might term a master marketer.
Actually, he wasn't really even all that bright. He was one of those types
that, though he dressed nicely, when he opened his mouth, you would grit
your teeth hoping he wouldn't say something terribly foolish or offensive.
About seven years ago, Jack approached my husband and me about providing
a certain service for his expansive downline in a network marketing company.
While we were not interested in network marketing, nor did we believe we
would gain a significant number of customers through this business relationship,
Jack convinced us to provide this service for his organization.
What followed blew our minds.
Once we had all things set up and customized to begin taking orders,
Jack made an announcement to his downline. The orders immediately began
to trickle in. Jack sent out reminders for several weeks. The orders came
by the thousands. We had to hire more employees to take Jack's orders.
Every month, orders increased and business was booming.
Through many meetings over the next few months, we got to know Jack.
One of his associates had put together a fairly unattractive executive
summary for all distributors to use. We offered to redo it free of charge.
Jack declined and said he wanted it up right away... as is. Surely, even
not-so-bright Jack could see the importance of reworking this document
that thousands of distributors would be using.
Nevertheless, the executive summary went out "as is." We felt sure it
would backfire. But, do you know that things actually picked up faster
soon after it was distributed?
My husband and I scratched our heads as we wondered what in the world
Jack knew that we didn't. What was so fantastic about Jack that he could
have such influence over so many people. He said, "Jump," and thousands
of people asked, "How high?"
Jack invited us to accompany him to a conference he was putting together.
We were to present our services to his audience. My husband and I went
and took a small sales force with us. During Jack's lectures, we left our
booth to peek in every so often.
Throughout that whole three-day conference, I never heard Jack say anything
of real consequence. Yes, there was a lot of hype, but there wasn't anything
truly solid to the information he presented. In fact, Jack would inevitably
say something, quite frankly, stupid right in the middle of his lectures.
Yet, at Jack's suggestion, people continued to sign up for our services
in droves.
It wasn't until the end of the conference that we figured out what it
was that made Jack so successful.
Do you know what the secret to his success was?
He actually practiced what he preached. You see, Jack understood two
things quite well.
1) He knew that to get a desired outcome, he had to actually DO something
to get there.
2) He understood the exponential power of leveraging. Each person in
that room that he could get to DO something to work toward his goal would
exponentially get him there that much faster.
For purposes of 

RE: Killing the G8 Anarchists

2001-07-20 Thread Jim Choate

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Sandy Sandfort wrote:

> Fortunately for the Swiss, Tim has it pretty much wrong.  Switzerland and
> pretty much universal mandatory military service for males.  The mandatory
> part is offensive,

Just another example of why the C-A-C-L contingent doesn't have a clue, no
concept of 'citizen' and 'responsibility' (outside of personal wealth).


Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night:
God said, "Let Tesla be", and all was light.

  B.A. Behrend

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-


2001-07-20 Thread

Prezados Usuários, 
Se nos últimos 3 dias você abriu arquivo anexado tipo TEXTO ou 
PLANILHA de uma mensagem: 
Hi! How are you?I send you this file in order to have your 
  advice.See you 
  later. Thanks 
Hola como estas ?Te mando este archivo para que me des tu 
  punto de vista.Nos vemos pronto, 
Provavelmente você possa estar contaminado por um vírus de 
rápida disseminação por e-mail, o W32.SirCam.
Descoberto em 17 de julho de 2001, já atingiu milhares de 
computadores, inclusive aqui no Brasil. Além de congestionar o sistema de 
e-mail, ele expõe 
documentos das vítimas que estejam armazenados no diretório 
Meus Documentos, enviando 
por e-mail um desses arquivos a toda a lista de contatos do Outlook. 

O arquivo anexo à mensagem é um executável do vírus com o documento 
roubado, e usa duas extensões: a do documento (DOC, XLS 
ou MPG) 
seguida de BAT, COM, EXE, LNK ou PIF. Se o destinatário clicar no link para o 
anexo, o vírus vai reconstituir as duas partes originais: o documento (texto ou 
planilha) e um programa executável (vírus). 

Com esse artimanha, o vírus revela documentos das vítimas, que 
podem conter informações reservadas, e ao mesmo tempo, desarmando a 
vigilância dos destinatários, pois envia um documento verdadeiro do suposto 
remetente normalmente conhecido da vítima seguinte. Além disso, em muitos casos, 
o texto da mensagem, que é variável, pede ajuda a respeito do documento anexo. 

O vírus chega num e-mail cujo assunto pode variar, mas traz uma breve 
mensagem, em inglês ou em espanhol, que diz ao destinatário algo como o 
seguinte: “Olá, como vai? Envio-lhe este arquivo para obter seu conselho”. Ou, 
então, “Espero que você possa me ajudar com este arquivo”. Ou, ainda, “Este é o 
arquivo com a informação que você pediu”. 
Se executado, isto é, clicado no arquivo anexado (clips do Outlook), ele faz 
uma cópia de si mesmo no diretório de sistema com o nome Scam32.exe e armazena o arquivo original na 
lixeira. Segundo a Trend Micro, empresa fabricante de antivírus, em certas 
situações, ele também cria o arquivo Scd.dll no diretório de sistema. 

Na análise do Sophos, outro fabricante, o Sircam também ocupa o lugar do 
arquivo Rundll32.exe, do Windows, renomeando este para Run32.exe. O vírus contém recursos de SMTP 
próprios, que são usados para enviar e-mails a todos os endereços existentes na 
lista de contatos do Windows. 

A Symantec descreve ainda um comportamento destrutivo do invasor não indicado 
por seus concorrentes. Segundo a empresa, há uma probabilidade de 5% de o vírus 
apagar todo o conteúdo do drive C na data 16 de outubro de qualquer ano. Isso só 
acontece em máquinas cujas datas no Windows estejam configuradas para o padrão 
d/m/a. Em sua descrição do Sircam, a Symantec diz que a praga ainda está sendo 
analisada, indicando que novas características podem ser descobertas.
Portanto, verifique através das instruções a seguir se você está 

  Digite: DIR \SCAM32.EXE 
  Digite: DIR \SCD.DLL 
  Digite: DIR \RUN32.EXE 
  Digite: DIR \SIRCAM.SYS 
Outra forma de verificar a existência do vírus é:

  Digite: REGEDIT 
  Digite: SIRCAM 
  Ainda você poderá verificar a situação da pasta: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\open\command, APENAS DEVE EXISTIR O VALOR PADRÃO 
  "%1" %*, 
O vírus W32.Sircam está também sendo chamado 
por: W32/Sircam-A, W32.Sircam.Worm@mm, W32/SirCam@mm ou Backdoor.SirCam.
Caso você tenha dúvidas a respeito, sinta-se a vontade por nos 
Para solucionar, siga os passos contidos em nossa página:
E por fim, lembre-se:

  Tenha um antivírus instalado em seu computador. 
  Atualize, no mínimo, uma vez por semana seu a lista de novos vírus de seu 
  Se você trabalha com um conexão de Internet tipo cable modem, tenha um 
  firewall instalado. 
  Jamais abra arquivos anexados de mensagens de desconhecidos. 
  Antes de abrir arquivos anexados de pessoas conhecidas, certifique que 
  elas foram realmente enviadas por estes.
Eng. Marcelo Neubauer da Costa

Referências das informações acima:

Re: Killing the G8 Anarchists

2001-07-20 Thread Jim Choate

One of the points that Tim is missing is that these demonstraters are only
protecting their property, in their view.

As usual, Tim confuses 'God $ Fascist' with 'Anarchist'.

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Tim May wrote:

> I've watched this list with bemusement as several of you have cheered 
> on the G8 "Anti-Globalist" black-shirted twentysomethings.
> Watching the street riots in Genoa on CNN, watching the supermarkets 
> and gas stations being torched and vandalized, all I can think is 
> this:
> Why are't shop owners spraying the looters with automatic weapons fire?
> Because, of course, Europeans are disarmed. Not like our Korean and 
> white merchants in L.A., who used shotguns and AR-15s to kill the 
> blacks and Mexicans who tried to burn down their stores.
> The property-destroying "anarchists" are giving anarchy a bad name. 
> Seems to me that killing several dozen of them would send a good 
> message.


Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night:
God said, "Let Tesla be", and all was light.

  B.A. Behrend

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

RE: Killing the G8 Anarchists

2001-07-20 Thread Jim Choate

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Sandy Sandfort wrote:

> Tim May wrote:
> >
> > Why are't shop owners spraying the
> > looters with automatic weapons fire?
> >
> > Because, of course, Europeans are
> > disarmed.
> Not entirely true.  If the G8 folks really wanted to avoid "collateral
> damage" they'd hold their meetings in Switzerland or maybe Finland.  I'm
> sure the store and gas station owners would take a VERY dim view of having
> their livelihoods sacrificed to these so-called "anarchists."

Just as much as these protesters object to having their cultures and
planet raped and pillaged for the God $ Fascist good (and not their own).


Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night:
God said, "Let Tesla be", and all was light.

  B.A. Behrend

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Killing the G8 Anarchists

2001-07-20 Thread Brent

where did you here that they had SMG's I was told they had Sig 551's (an
assault rifle)

- Original Message -
From: "Sandy Sandfort" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 11:41 AM
Subject:  RE: Killing the G8 Anarchists

> Tim May wrote:
> > And even in Switzerland, my
> > understanding is that the rifles
> > issued to each male head of
> > household (maybe single moms, but
> > I doubt it) are kept IN THE HOUSES,
> > not in shops and businesses and
> > factories. Some of them might have
> > carried their rifles to their
> > businesses, though.
> Fortunately for the Swiss, Tim has it pretty much wrong.  Switzerland and
> pretty much universal mandatory military service for males.  The mandatory
> part is offensive, but the result is that military personnel are usually
> issued submachine guns which they keep--along with ammo and the rest of
> their gear--in their home so that they can be called up quickly if
> necessary.
> In addition, the Swiss have a high level of ownership of personal weapons.
> Kids regularly take their .22 rifles to school for approved shooting
> activities and business owners are often armed to the teeth.  (Ask Duncan
> about an eye-opening visit to the back room of a Swiss restaurant.
> Have you ever hear of a bank robbery in Switzerland?  In most Swiss banks,
> tellers are armed.  They consider it their duty to chase down any bank
> robbers that make it out of the bank alive.  Don't fuck with the Swiss.
>  S a n d y

RE: Killing the G8 Anarchists

2001-07-20 Thread Sandy Sandfort

Tim May wrote:

> And even in Switzerland, my
> understanding is that the rifles
> issued to each male head of
> household (maybe single moms, but
> I doubt it) are kept IN THE HOUSES,
> not in shops and businesses and
> factories. Some of them might have
> carried their rifles to their
> businesses, though.

Fortunately for the Swiss, Tim has it pretty much wrong.  Switzerland and
pretty much universal mandatory military service for males.  The mandatory
part is offensive, but the result is that military personnel are usually
issued submachine guns which they keep--along with ammo and the rest of
their gear--in their home so that they can be called up quickly if

In addition, the Swiss have a high level of ownership of personal weapons.
Kids regularly take their .22 rifles to school for approved shooting
activities and business owners are often armed to the teeth.  (Ask Duncan
about an eye-opening visit to the back room of a Swiss restaurant.

Have you ever hear of a bank robbery in Switzerland?  In most Swiss banks,
tellers are armed.  They consider it their duty to chase down any bank
robbers that make it out of the bank alive.  Don't fuck with the Swiss.

 S a n d y


2001-07-20 Thread Tim May

At 11:13 AM -0700 7/20/01, Sandy Sandfort wrote:
>Isn't it interesting that all three of the Condit boys went bad?  One's a
>freelance criminal, one's a cop and one's a congressman.  Bad parenting or
>heredity?  You be the judge.

The cop is also, from news reports, a dirty cop, using his position 
of power in ways that citizen-units would be sent to jail for. 
According to news reports out of Modesto, the big brother (tm) Condit 
was involved in taking handguns out of the Modesto P.D. and selling 
them on the street to the usual suspects.

As for the direction they all took, they all got into the same basic 
line of work. Shakedowns and rent-seeking.

--Tim May

Timothy C. May [EMAIL PROTECTED]Corralitos, California
Political: Co-founder Cypherpunks/crypto anarchy/Cyphernomicon
Technical: physics/soft errors/Smalltalk/Squeak/agents/games/Go
Personal: b.1951/UCSB/Intel '74-'86/retired/investor/motorcycles/guns

RE: Killing the G8 Anarchists

2001-07-20 Thread Tim May

At 11:01 AM -0700 7/20/01, Sandy Sandfort wrote:
>Tim May wrote:
>>  Why are't shop owners spraying the
>>  looters with automatic weapons fire?
>>  Because, of course, Europeans are
>>  disarmed.
>Not entirely true.  If the G8 folks really wanted to avoid "collateral
>damage" they'd hold their meetings in Switzerland or maybe Finland.  I'm
>sure the store and gas station owners would take a VERY dim view of having
>their livelihoods sacrificed to these so-called "anarchists."

True enough, though this in some sense is a quibble. I mean "nearly 
all Europeans." There are a few pockets where gun ownership is still 
permitted, but the trend in most of Europe is to disarmament of the 
citizen-units. (And as Declan pointed out in his message, the cops do 
what cops usually do: they pulled back, abandoned the citizen-units 
to the mobs, and munched on the Italian version of doughnuts 

And even in Switzerland, my understanding is that the rifles issued 
to each male head of household (maybe single moms, but I doubt it) 
are kept IN THE HOUSES, not in shops and businesses and factories. 
Some of them might have carried their rifles to their businesses, 

(This is what the Korean merchants mostly did. They camped out in 
their stores all night and shot from rooftops as looters and 
arsonists approached. Interestingly, though t.v. cameras captured 
footage of rioters being shot by Koreans, even killed, there were no 
attempted prosecutions of these Koreans. Realpolitik meant the dead 
rioters were just part of the "57 killed in the L.A. riots." Which is 
as it should be.)

I assume this will be the last such Public G8 Extravaganza held in a 
major city. Between Seattle, Gothenburg, and now Genoa, the costs are 
too high. The taxpayers of Genoa and Italy are stuck with a $110 
million security bill, according to CNN. Probably higher. And the 
city has been shut down by the preparations. Probably not even much 
restaurant business, certainly nothing to compensate the actual 

Having these meetings in "securable" locations, like Davos, makes a 
lot more sense.

"Twenty thousand blackshirt "Warriors Against Capitalism" caught in 
blizzard on march up to Davos...thousands feared frozen!"

Of course, there is really no need for these kinds of meetings. Putin 
is there to beg for more handouts from the G7, the Gay Lobby is 
simpering about committing a billion dollars to AIDS research and 
needle exchange programs, and the corporate interests are seeking 
ways to reduce competition by upstart companies. The more things 

--Tim May

Timothy C. May [EMAIL PROTECTED]Corralitos, California
Political: Co-founder Cypherpunks/crypto anarchy/Cyphernomicon
Technical: physics/soft errors/Smalltalk/Squeak/agents/games/Go
Personal: b.1951/UCSB/Intel '74-'86/retired/investor/motorcycles/guns

RE: Killing the G8 Anarchists

2001-07-20 Thread Sandy Sandfort

Tim May wrote:

> Why are't shop owners spraying the
> looters with automatic weapons fire?
> Because, of course, Europeans are
> disarmed.

Not entirely true.  If the G8 folks really wanted to avoid "collateral
damage" they'd hold their meetings in Switzerland or maybe Finland.  I'm
sure the store and gas station owners would take a VERY dim view of having
their livelihoods sacrificed to these so-called "anarchists."

 S a n d y


2001-07-20 Thread Sandy Sandfort

Isn't it interesting that all three of the Condit boys went bad?  One's a
freelance criminal, one's a cop and one's a congressman.  Bad parenting or
heredity?  You be the judge.

 S a n d y


2001-07-20 Thread ming

Kind of like Snowcrash...

[This is a sig file]

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, Sandy Sandfort wrote:

> Any Cypherpunks interested in being "spies" for glory and cash prizes?:
>  S a n d y

Protestor dies in G8 Summit clash

2001-07-20 Thread Jim Choate

James Choate
Product Certification - Operating Systems
Staff Engineer

Re: Killing the G8 Anarchists

2001-07-20 Thread Declan McCullagh

On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 09:58:10AM -0700, Tim May wrote:
> Because, of course, Europeans are disarmed. Not like our Korean and 
> white merchants in L.A., who used shotguns and AR-15s to kill the 
> blacks and Mexicans who tried to burn down their stores.

Worse yet, apparently the shopkeepers of Genoa were strongly encouraged
by the government to head out of town. Then the barricades went up
around the "red zone" and shops and businesses not inside it seem to 
be receiving minimal, if any, police protection.

In other words, the Europeans are disarmed, pressured to leave town,
and then they can watch CNN with us as their shops are looted and smashed
and the cops hunker down inside the red zone.


Re: FW: FW:Read this...

2001-07-20 Thread Steve Schear

>- Original Message -
>From: Teja Yalgi
>To: VaniJayanthi ; CSN ; Deepta ; BV Ramakrishna ;
>Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 2:16 PM
>Subject: FW:Read this...
> > This is Jitendra Vaidya today I was visiting the
> > official website of the
> > government of the USA with a good intention of
> > wishing them a happy
> > independence day. While reading the profile of the
> > president Bush, I could
> > read that He has a cat & he has named it INDIA.
> >
> > Visit this URL to see this
> >
> >
> > This is disgusting He must have done it on purpose,

No he did it accidently.

> > because nobody names
> > their dogs or cats in the name of any country even
> > by remote chance.

Don't be so sure.  I know several people who have named their dogs after 
locations.  Wasn't "Indiana Jones" revealed as the name of the dog, by Sean 
Connery's character, in "The Last Crusade"?

> > specially wanted to point it out to show that this
> > does show what George
> > Bush actually thinks of India

What you really want to know is if he kicks the dog.


Killing the G8 Anarchists

2001-07-20 Thread Tim May

I've watched this list with bemusement as several of you have cheered 
on the G8 "Anti-Globalist" black-shirted twentysomethings.

Watching the street riots in Genoa on CNN, watching the supermarkets 
and gas stations being torched and vandalized, all I can think is 


Why are't shop owners spraying the looters with automatic weapons fire?

Because, of course, Europeans are disarmed. Not like our Korean and 
white merchants in L.A., who used shotguns and AR-15s to kill the 
blacks and Mexicans who tried to burn down their stores.

The property-destroying "anarchists" are giving anarchy a bad name. 
Seems to me that killing several dozen of them would send a good 

--Tim May

Timothy C. May [EMAIL PROTECTED]Corralitos, California
Political: Co-founder Cypherpunks/crypto anarchy/Cyphernomicon
Technical: physics/soft errors/Smalltalk/Squeak/agents/games/Go
Personal: b.1951/UCSB/Intel '74-'86/retired/investor/motorcycles/guns

Indian Cats - was: "Read this..."

2001-07-20 Thread Frog2

You stated:

> [President Bush] has a cat & he has named it INDIA.
> This is disgusting He must have done it on purpose,
> because nobody names their dogs or cats in the name
> of any country even by remote chance. I specially
> wanted to point it out to show that this does show
> what George Bush actually thinks of India.
> Over & above this, look at their arrogance that they
> post it on official website of Whitehouse. This is
> really an insult of a country like us which has
> history & civilisation of thousands of years as compared
> to that of a nation born out of criminals like USA.


> Post a protest message... be a True Indian.


I am shocked and amazed! At first I thought Bush had named his cat for 
"India Crude" which is a kind of oil, since he was in the oil business. 
I see now how wrong I was!

You are right of course, about the superiority of India.  I recognize 
India's greatness in the cause of world water conservation as well, 
particularly the sacrifices Indians have made in the area of personal 
hygiene by showering only once every 15 days- all for the cause of 
world thirst! As such I am moved- near tears- to support your efforts.

As a statement of dedication to your cause I have decided to rename my 
own cat, who I used to call "dothead" to "Jitendra" in your honor. 
Since that's pretty hard to say every time I want the cat to stop 
pissing on something I'm going to call him "Jizz" for short!

Thanks for helping to keep this kind of country bashing under control!

Hey, by the way, did you know that the British call bathrooms "the loo" 
? I think Lulu's of the world need to unite and stop this kind of 
intentional slander! I know you Indians, who can't stand the 
colonialist scum who tried to build some kind of modern infrastructure 
in your country at their own expense and spoiled the natural state of 
the population in the process, will want to do anything you can to 
stick it to the Brits.  How can we let this stand?

I know I can count on your support by sending protest letters to the 
British Embassy!


City council splits on Ybor cameras, Greco to have last word

2001-07-20 Thread Jim Choate

James Choate
Product Certification - Operating Systems
Staff Engineer

Genoa Summit: Anti-aircraft guns and 150,000 protestors await worldleaders

2001-07-20 Thread Jim Choate

Product Certification - Operating Systems
Staff Engineer

Crypto waits for the next generation..

2001-07-20 Thread Mr. Falun Gong

As widely discussed here, Joe Sixpack just doesn't use crypto enough.

But as Joe spies on his kids, his kids will learn the value of spending
a little
time to learn the tech.  Private diaries, correspondence, browsing.
non-deliquent teens crave privacy.

And Joe *does* spy on his kids, as this irritating article shows:


July 19, 2001

  Looking For Clues In Junior's Keystrokes


T was in the spring of last year when a divorced
mother of two teenagers in Livingston, N.J.,
  realized that her 14-year-old son's online habits
  called for drastic steps.

  For months he had been glued to the family
  computer at all hours, getting into online quarrels.
  His grades were sinking, and letters from America
  Online were piling up, citing violations of its policy
  against vulgar language in its forums.

  His mother tried parental-control software, but he
  circumvented it within minutes. She tried closing the
  family's America Online account several times;
  feigning her voice, he had it reopened. She installed
  hardware requiring a password to be entered to
  start the computer; he reconfigured the circuitry to
  get back in. One night, in desperation, she slept
  with the power cord under her pillow.

  So the mother — who asked not to be identified for
  this article out of concern that her son's activities
  could affect custody arrangements — took the
  computer away. For seven months she hid the
  computer tower in the trunk of her car, covered
  with blankets.

  In August, she said, "he got it back, with the explicit
  understanding that I have the passwords to all his screen
names." Since then she has
  been vigilant in inspecting the cache of Web sites he has
visited, checking the
  Recycle Bin for signs of trouble.

  "He certainly improved my computer skills," she said.

  Teenagers, the moment you have been dreading has arrived:
Parents are starting to
  get a clue about the Internet, and they are more and more
determined to gain control
  of where you go, what you read, whom you talk to and how
you behave online. The
  Internet age is ushering in a new mode of parental
oversight, one in which Mom and
  Dad draw Web-based boundaries, issue computer curfews and
worry about
  whether their hack-happy youngsters are making trouble.

  Granted, many parents would still not know a motherboard
from Mother Hubbard,
  but that doesn't mean they are not trying.

  In a recent survey by the Pew Internet and American Life
Project, a nonprofit
  research center, more than 60 percent of parents reported
that they checked to see
  which Web sites their teenagers had visited. About 60
percent of the 754 parents
  surveyed also said that they had set time limits for
Internet use. In a survey of 774
  parents conducted for Disney Online, 71 percent said they
had set rules about what
  kinds of content their children could see online, and 88
percent said they had
  forbidden Internet access in the bedroom (a rule that the
mother in Livingston
  swears by).

  In interviews for this article, some parents said they had
no qualms about reading
  their children's e-mail by logging in under their screen
names. Others reported that
  they had learned to distinguish between the pause-laden
typing patterns that signal
  that their children are doing homework and the frenetic
tap-tap-tap of instant
  messaging. It is the modern equivalent of listening
furtively at the bathroom door
  after the teenager drags the phone in there for a private

  Roni Murillo, a mother in Syosset, N.Y., said she has
"sneak-in times" when she
  tries to read the instant messages sent and received by
her 15-year-old son, who
  once received a citation from AOL for posting a note
containing profanity in a
  professional- wrestling forum.

  "I have to do it," she said, though abashedly. "I've seen
other kids answer him with
  all these curses. There is no way to monitor that unless
you are right there."

  The snooping, needless to say, does not sit well with
those snooped upon. Checking
  e- mail In boxes is considered the most flagrant priv

China shuts down 2,000 net cafes

2001-07-20 Thread Jim Choate

James Choate
Product Certification - Operating Systems
Staff Engineer

Tear gas fired in G8 clashes

2001-07-20 Thread Jim Choate

James Choate
Product Certification - Operating Systems
Staff Engineer

Antigen found W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus

2001-07-20 Thread ANTIGEN_BAMBI

Antigen for Exchange found comunicación audiencia.doc.pif infected with
W32/Sircam-A (Sophos) virus.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, "CDR: comunicación audiencia",
sent from Cecilia Gonzalez Ferro and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
located at Cognex/Natick/BAMBI.

FC: China can use Net for control; response from Adam Powell (fwd)

2001-07-20 Thread Eugene Leitl

-- Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBMTO  : N48 10'07'' E011 33'53''
57F9CFD3: ED90 0433 EB74 E4A9 537F CFF5 86E7 629B 57F9 CFD3

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 22:29:58 -0400
From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FC: China can use Net for control; response from Adam Powell


From: "Lokman Tsui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: thesis 'internet control and the chinese government'
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 13:05:49 +0200

hi declan,

i wanted to point you to my thesis about 'internet control and the chinese

The final draft of my thesis is available at
it is in pdf format and about 800kb. The abstract is below.


Initially, the internet was an open medium with certain characteristics that
made it hard to control. According to Western journalists and politicians,
the efforts of the Chinese government to control the internet are doomed to
fail. This study attempts to counter this view and discusses to what degree
the Chinese government can control the internet in China and, more than
that, to what degree the internet can be used as a means for control.
Methodologically, the four modalities of control (the law, architecture,
social norms and the market), set forth by Lessig will be used. As a result,
this study will offer a legal, technical, social and economical perspective
in discussing the degree of internet control in China. Lessig further argues
that the architecture of the internet is undergoing changes that continue to
enable control. A prime example of using architecture as a means of control
is the concept of the Panopticon prison, invented by Bentham and mediated by
Foucault. The concept of the Panopticon will be used to show how the
internet can be used as a means for control. The conclusions are that the
Chinese government are quite capable of controlling the internet in China
and that China has the perfect ingredients for deploying a digital
Panopticon. This digital Panopticon will continue to improve and develop,
driven by the market. These conclusions show that the internet, to contrary
belief, can be controlled and even be used as a means for control.


internet regulation, internet control, social control, political control,
censorship, privacy, surveillance, panopticon, Lessig, internet in China,
Chinese Internet, media.

"The lure of imaginary totality is momentarily frozen before the dialectic
of desire hastens on within symbolic chains."[-silent dreams-]   Because We Have Taste


[Adam is replying to this, and the Subject: line was mine, I admit: --DBM]

From: Adam Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Paul McMasters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Arnold  Zeitlin
Subject: RE: Internet helps brutal governments retain control, paper says
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 15:12:57 -0400

The subject line of this message is not supported by the paper.

The full paper, posted at,
says the Internet is not necessarily "an insurmountable threat to
authoritarian rule." That is different from saying the Internet "helps
brutal governments retain control."

The paper begins by noting recent scholarship that has found a positive
correlation between Net penetration and democratization -- and correctly
noting that does not imply causality, any more than the crowing of a rooster
causes the sun to rise.

But by relying on official government data on computer *ownership* and on
*registered* email accounts, the authors may have encountered a
methodological problem that has skewed data for many countries around the
world -- including the US.

Throughout Asia and Africa and especially in China (I don't have first-hand
knowledge of Cuba), relying on such data means you miss the vast majority of
the online community that uses hotmail accounts, proxy servers and
cybercafes or other non-owned machines for Net access.

For every registered user we met in China, we met several who were not
registered. So instead of the official Beijing number of 26.5 million people
on line (that's the *official* number from China Internet Network
Information Center reported today, up 56.8% from last year - details at most
experts we contacted said the ratio of unregistered to registered users is
4:1, yielding a total of well over 100 million.

That's still a small percentage in a country of billions, but it is
different from the paper's 17 million. Why lower than the official numbers?
The citation in a footnote takes you to, a Web site in

FC: China can use Net for control; response from Adam Powell (fwd)

2001-07-20 Thread Eugene Leitl

-- Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBMTO  : N48 10'07'' E011 33'53''
57F9CFD3: ED90 0433 EB74 E4A9 537F CFF5 86E7 629B 57F9 CFD3

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 22:29:58 -0400
From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FC: China can use Net for control; response from Adam Powell


From: "Lokman Tsui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: thesis 'internet control and the chinese government'
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 13:05:49 +0200

hi declan,

i wanted to point you to my thesis about 'internet control and the chinese

The final draft of my thesis is available at
it is in pdf format and about 800kb. The abstract is below.


Initially, the internet was an open medium with certain characteristics that
made it hard to control. According to Western journalists and politicians,
the efforts of the Chinese government to control the internet are doomed to
fail. This study attempts to counter this view and discusses to what degree
the Chinese government can control the internet in China and, more than
that, to what degree the internet can be used as a means for control.
Methodologically, the four modalities of control (the law, architecture,
social norms and the market), set forth by Lessig will be used. As a result,
this study will offer a legal, technical, social and economical perspective
in discussing the degree of internet control in China. Lessig further argues
that the architecture of the internet is undergoing changes that continue to
enable control. A prime example of using architecture as a means of control
is the concept of the Panopticon prison, invented by Bentham and mediated by
Foucault. The concept of the Panopticon will be used to show how the
internet can be used as a means for control. The conclusions are that the
Chinese government are quite capable of controlling the internet in China
and that China has the perfect ingredients for deploying a digital
Panopticon. This digital Panopticon will continue to improve and develop,
driven by the market. These conclusions show that the internet, to contrary
belief, can be controlled and even be used as a means for control.


internet regulation, internet control, social control, political control,
censorship, privacy, surveillance, panopticon, Lessig, internet in China,
Chinese Internet, media.

"The lure of imaginary totality is momentarily frozen before the dialectic
of desire hastens on within symbolic chains."[-silent dreams-]   Because We Have Taste


[Adam is replying to this, and the Subject: line was mine, I admit: --DBM]

From: Adam Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Paul McMasters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Arnold  Zeitlin
Subject: RE: Internet helps brutal governments retain control, paper says
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 15:12:57 -0400

The subject line of this message is not supported by the paper.

The full paper, posted at,
says the Internet is not necessarily "an insurmountable threat to
authoritarian rule." That is different from saying the Internet "helps
brutal governments retain control."

The paper begins by noting recent scholarship that has found a positive
correlation between Net penetration and democratization -- and correctly
noting that does not imply causality, any more than the crowing of a rooster
causes the sun to rise.

But by relying on official government data on computer *ownership* and on
*registered* email accounts, the authors may have encountered a
methodological problem that has skewed data for many countries around the
world -- including the US.

Throughout Asia and Africa and especially in China (I don't have first-hand
knowledge of Cuba), relying on such data means you miss the vast majority of
the online community that uses hotmail accounts, proxy servers and
cybercafes or other non-owned machines for Net access.

For every registered user we met in China, we met several who were not
registered. So instead of the official Beijing number of 26.5 million people
on line (that's the *official* number from China Internet Network
Information Center reported today, up 56.8% from last year - details at most
experts we contacted said the ratio of unregistered to registered users is
4:1, yielding a total of well over 100 million.

That's still a small percentage in a country of billions, but it is
different from the paper's 17 million. Why lower than the official numbers?
The citation in a footnote takes you to, a Web site in

Fast And Easy Weight Loss!!!! 9850

2001-07-20 Thread sectora950

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2001-07-20 Thread Veselin Vladislavov Vavrek


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Re: FW: FW:Read this...(India)

2001-07-20 Thread George

#While reading the profile of the president Bush, I could
#read that He has a cat & he has named it INDIA.

Where did it say he named the cat?

Are you going to boycott the State of Indiana too?

What do you think of the USA eating billions of cowburgers?

Why do you have a disgusting "temple" for rats?

Friend- July End SPECIAL! $200

2001-07-20 Thread hotbizop

Friend- Howdy! AS we come to the end of yet another
Prosperous month we would love to help you get a check in August
and an even BIGGER check in September!!

Hugedownline has 3 Oppenings!!

We are looking for 3 serious people to take there income to the
next level! 

If you are interested here is what we will do for you:

1. We will place atleast 3 people under you this month! That
means you will get a check for up to $120 in August.

2. We will place Everyone who signs up in AUGUST under YOU
This means your September check will be HUGE!  Most likely

We are offering this to only 3 people!!!

If you want the benefit of RESIDUAL INCOME and are ready to get
your check then act today this is a first come first serve offer
once we have 3 thats it!!

To secure your spot please Pre-Enroll at

Once you Pre Enroll we will email you furhter instruction

box to be elligable!!

See you at the TOP!!

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You Gotta Try These!

2001-07-20 Thread adman

Are you making plans for a wedding, anniversary or other very 
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You really must try the gourmet mints from the Old Schoolhouse 
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These are not your typical cream cheese or press-molded mint.  
They have a buttery-rich cream center and are hand-dipped in
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taste in your mouth.  This is what people say about Old 
Schoolhouse Candy Factory gourmet mints:

 "I've been to a thousand wedding receptions as a DJ.  

These are, without a doubt, the best mints I've ever tasted!" 

 "I don't usually even like mints, but these are awesome!" 

 "These mints not only taste great, but they are beautiful.  
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Would you like a sample?   We're so sure you'll want to order 
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sampler for just $5.   It's gold foil gift boxed and enough 
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Old Schoolhouse Candy Factory Gourmet Mints
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To Opt-in to receive info about how to get your sample,
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To permanently remove yourself from our mailing list, 
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Are you making plans for a wedding, anniversary or other very